(Writing phase)
Laptop: ordenador porttil Interactive white board: pizarra digital Desktop: ordenador fijo Network: red de trabajo Wide range: amplio rango Skills: Habilidades, destrezas Headings: ttulos, encabezamientos Worldwide: mundial, universal Delivery: suministro, entrega Improves motivation: mejora la motivacin Abilities: habilidades Educational attainment/achievement: resultados/logros educativos Assessment: evaluacin Facilitator: facilitador Authority: autora Reliable: creble, fiable Employees: empleados, trabajadores Coach: entrenador Board: pizarra, tabln Headmaster/headmistress: director/a de escuela Screen: pantalla Co-educational: coeducativo Private/state school: colegio privado/pblico Religious/non-religious (secular) school: Colegio religioso/laico Improvement: evolucin Draft: borrador Drawer: cajn Shelf/shelves: estantera/estanteras Devices: herramienta, aparato (=tool) Essay: ensayo (en escritura) Competencies: competencias Contents: Contenidos Teamwork: trabajo en equipo Pupil: alumno Accuracy: exactitud, precisin Didactic resource: recurso didctico Challenge: reto Classroom: clase Knowledge: conocimiento To Appeal: llamar la atencin, atraer To abandon= to give up: abandonar, dejar To cross out: tachar To evolve: evolucionar (is better to use improve in education) To qualify: calificar, cualificar, capacitar To Ease: facilitar To assess: evaluar To suit: adaptar, ajustarse To Borrow: pedir prestad
(Writing phase)
Carnival: carnaval Thanksgiving: accin de gracias New Years Eve: Cena ao Nuevo Custom: costumbre, tradicin Mealtime: hora de la comida Abroad: fuera, en el extranjero Flamenco: flamenco Dried: deshidratado, seco Excerpt: fragment, pasaje, extracto Steep: empinado, inclinado Risk of injury: riesgo de dao, lesin Overripe tomato: Tomate madurito, pachucho Cannon: can Lent: cuaresma Radishes: rbanos Rather than: mas que, en vez de Former: antiguo, primero Thrower: Lanzador To look forward: desear, ansiar To behead: decapitar To rot: pudrirse To waste: malgastar
PAUELO ROJO: Red kerchief TORO: Bull CARRERA: Running PROFUNDAMENTE ARRAIGADA: Deeply rooted ENCIERRO: Running of the bulls ACTOS FOLCLRICOS: Folkloric events CHUPINAZO: Pyrotechnic rocket GIGANTES Y CABEZUDOS: giants and big-heads PROCESIN: Parade CORRIDA DE TOROS: Bullfight 200-300 HERIDOS/AO: 200-300 injured/year JOTA: ancient traditional dance LEVANTAMIENTO DE PIEDRAS: stone lifting CORTE DE TRONCOS: Wood cutting JULIO: July FUEGOS ARTIFICIALES: Firework
SEMANA SANTA. SEMANA SANTA: Holy week PROCESIN: Procession NAZARENO: Penitent TNICA: Robe PASO: wooden sculptures VIRGEN MARA: Virgin Mary CRISTO: Christ HERMANDAD: religious brotherhoods PENITENTE: Penitent BANDAS MSICA: Brass band PROCESIN: Parade CATLICOS: Catholics PENITENCIA: Penance MULTITUD: Crowd COSTALERO: Bearers of religious images PASIN: Passion
(Writing phase)
CITY LIVING. Countryside: Campo, campia, rea rural ADVANTAGES: Lots to do, Publics transport, Surroundings: alrededores Shopping, entertainment, medical cares Peaceful: pacifico, tranquilo DISADVANTAGES: Noisy, pollution, human Housing: vivienda, alojamiento activities, crime, cars everywhere, traffic, lots Village: pueblo of consumption, lots of buildings Town: ciudad Outskirts: afueras, suburbios Beside: junto a, cerca de Break free: escape (mental) Sozzled: borrachuzo, mamado (coloquial) Plot: argumento Mankind: humanidad (= humand kind) Such: (nfasis en el adjetivo) Bars: rejas Fine: multa Sheet: sbana Blanket: manta Blind: persiana (de laminas) Lane: carril Mortgage: hipoteca Bus lane/taxi lane/cycle lane: carril bus/carril taxi/carril bici Plug/socket: enchufe macho/enchufe hembra To Charter: alquilar, fletar To leap for: saltar hacia delante To starve: pasar hambre To commute: viajar diariamente al trabajo To queue: hacer cola To sell: vender To buy: comprar
(Writing phase)
Maple syrup: sirope de Arce Tulips: tulipanes Balsamic vinegar: vinagre balsmico Amber: ambar Olive oil: aceite de oliva Iberian ham: Jamn ibrico Beer: cerveza Beef: Carne de Ternera Broccoli: brcoli Carrots: zanahorias Lamb: cordero Nosh, Grup: comida, papeo (informal) Lettuce: lechuga Jam: mermelada Groceries: comestibles Bakery: panadera Recipe: receta Butchery: carnicera Greengrocers: frutera, verdulera Delicatessen: charcutera Fish market: pescadera Candy shop: kiosco de chuches Main producer: principal productor Healthcare: cuidado de la salud Tonnes: toneladas Farm shop: tienda de granjero (productos locales) Seasonal foods: comida estacional Famine: Hambruna The older the fruit or vegetables, the fewer vitamins remain in them Cheap/costly: barato/caro Slim/chubby: Delgado/regordete, rollizo Sharp/blunt: afilado/room, desafilado Boiling-hot-warm-mild-fresh-cool-chilly-freezing (hirviendo--congelado) Scheme: Esquema To lick: chupar To consume: consumir To import: importar
People who enjoy a Mediterranean lifestyle are known to be slim, and have less health problems than their European neighbours. Scientists believe their diet is the key. This is a non-structured diet that allows you to eat sensible foods such as fruit, vegies, whole grain, beans and nuts as well as seafood and poultry a few times a week. Eggs, cheese and yoghurt can also be enjoyed in moderation. You're also allowed the odd treat, like a glass of red wine, and are encouraged to stay physically active.
(Writing phase)
Speech: discurso, charla Long-term/short-term memory: memoria a largo/corto plazo Vividly: vvidamente Clearly: claramente Vaguely: vagamente In bold: en negrita (referido a las letras) Pier: espign, muelle Pin: chincheta Issue: asunto Topic/subject: tema Fond: afectuoso, carioso Roof: tejado Task in hand: la tarea que ests haciendo en ese instante Deal: acuerdo, trato Prompt=statement entrada de un texto, titular Hat: sombrero Sore throat: dolor de garganta Scarf: bufanda Balcony: balcn Uncertainty: incertidumbre, duda Issues: asunto, tema Gratifying: gratificante Pavement: acera, pavimento (=side walk) This/these: esto/estos That/those: eso/esos Current/Currently: actual/actualmente To Rise: subir To Fall: caer To Deepen: intensificar, aumentar To stuck: atascar To rehearse: ensayar, practicar To take back: devolver (tienda) To get up to: hacer (es sinnimo de do) To store: almacenar, guardar To Came off: separar To last: durar To Scratch: rascar, araar To deal: negociar, tratar To memorise: memorizar
(Writing phase)
Light bulb: bombilla Bleach: leja Unbleached: sin leja, sin blanquear Recycled plastic: plastic reciclado Renewable resources: Recursos renovables Challenge: reto, desafo Eco-friendly=environmentally-friendly: respetuoso con el medio ambiente Sales and discounts: rebajas y descuentos Aware: consciente Neighbourhood: vecindario Child breathing problems: dificultades respiratorias en los nios Recycling bin: papelera de reciclaje Bin: papelera Save energy: ahorrar energa Refillable containers: Recipientes rellenables Amount: cantidad, suma, importe Available: disponible Pedestrians: peatones Exempt from: exento de Due to: debido a Shortage: escasez, falta Warehouse: almacn To annoy: molestar, incordiar Rubbish: basura Stains: manchas Bio-degradable: biodegradable To Worth: valer, merecer la pena To sort: ordenar, clasificar To melt: derretir To mould: moldear To swap: Intercambiar, permutar To crush: aplastar To Underline: subrayar To launch: lanzar (una campaa poltica, publicitaria) To encourage: animar, fomentar, estimular To lead: encabezar, liderar, ir al frente
Funds: fondos (inversin) Criterion/criteria: criterio/criterios Survey: estudio, encuesta Measure: medida On the rise: arriba, en los primeros puestos Waste removal: recogida de basura Sewage systems: sistemas de aguas residuales Index: ndice Desirable: deseable Livability: habitabilidad Low personal risk: bajo riesgo personal Widespread: extendido, amplo, extenso To complain: quejarse To discuss: hablar, conversar To warn: advertir To brush: cepillar To apply: aplicar To sunbathe: tomar el sol To tan: broncear To wrap: envolver, empaquetar To pack: empaquetar To unpack: desempaquetar
TO TALK ABOUT: Education Environmental issues Housing Political & Economic stability Public transport Architecture Safety/crime Tolerance Traffic congestion Water availability & drinkability Business conditions Climate/sunshine Hygiene Recreation Air pollution Infrastructure
Hoax: chiste, broma, inocentada Play a joke: gastar una broma Principles: principios Ethical consumption: consumo tico Plastic carrier bags: bolsas de plstico Values: valores Beliefs: creencias Company: empresa, compaa Household: domstico, de casa Campaigns: campaas (concienciacin...) Poverty: pobreza In need: en necesidad (pobre) Wealth: riqueza Bringing up children morally: criando a los nios con moral Fair: equitativo, justo, honrado Background: entorno, ambiente Charity: caridad Packaging: envoltorio, embalaje Plot: trama, argumento To behave: comportarse To harm: daar To Tackle: Abordar, atacar, atajar To achieve shared goals: lograr objetivos comunes To persuade/discourage: persuadir, convencer/disuadir, desanimar To reward: recompensar To offer: ofrecer, brindar To involve: involucrar To turn down a job: rechazar, decir que no a un trabajo To ask for: pedir To beg: mendigar To refuse: rechazar, denegar, rehusar To support: apoyar, respaldar
TO TALK ABOUT: Education Family Friends Love Money Politics Home Ethical work Support of human rights Respect for animals Environmental concerns
Unemployed: parado (=jobless) Easter: semana santa (0 holy week, American) Off the work: de baja (laboral) Entrepreneur: emprendedor (persona) Entrepreneurial: emprendedor (adjetivo) Entrepreneurship: emprendimiento Strike: huelga Banner: pancarta, cartel Two out of three/two in three: dos de cada tres Researcher: investigador Downside: la cara oscura, la parte mala Lawyer: abogado Architect: arquitecto/a Engineer: ingeniero Challenging: desafiante, retador Stressful: estresante Deadlines to meet: plazos que cumplir Rewarding: recompensante, provechoso, gratificante Worth: valor Childhood: niez, infancia Outcome: resultado Cure: cura (enfermedades) Accuracy: precisin, exactitud Suitable: apto, adecuado To mould: moldear To get caught: pillar (in fraganti) To type: mecanografiar, escribir a mquina To perfect: perfeccionar To be worth: ser valorado/a (econmicamente) To give up: abandonar, dejar de hacer algo To pay raise: subir el sueldo To use up: agotar, consumer To stock: proveer, abastecer
Nuts=crazy: chalado, loco Twilight: crepsculo Clairvoyance: clarividencia Telepathy: telepata Haunted house: casa encantada Crop: cultivo Abduction: abduccin Apparently: aparentemente Ghost: fantasma Theories: teoras Religious: religioso Speculation: especulacin Outlandish: extravegante, estrambtico, hard to believe Strip: tira (long piece) World Heritage site: Lugar patrimonio de la humanidad Suntan: bronceado Wallet: cartera, billetera In the shape of: con la forma de Hummingbird: colibr Above: arriba de From above: desde arriba Beneath=under: debajo de Beside: al lado de, junto a Palm: Palma de la mano To highlight: resaltar, destacar To worship: adorar To sunk: hundir To reply: contestar, responder
Oilspill: derrame de petrleo Oil slick: marea negra Landfill=dump: vertedero Avoidable: inevitable Wasteful: despilfarro Jars: bote Bottle bank: contenedor de cristales Cardboard box: caja de cartn Lizard: lagarto Low genetic diversity: baja diversidad gentica Weeds: malas hierbas Seaweeds: Algas marinas Pose: plantea Threat: amenaza Mussel: mejilln Struggle to survive: luchar para vivir Unsuitable: no vlido, no apto Animal grazing: pasto para animales Hazardous: peligroso Great Barrier Reef: Gran Barrera coralina Coal: carbn, hulla Scar: cicatriz Plague: plaga Cargo: cargamento, carga Weak: dbil, flojo Survival: supervivencia Mood: humor, talante Concern: preocupacin Lagoon: laguna Renewable energy: Energa removable Human activity: actividad humana Native species: especies autctonas Dirt: suciedad, lodo, porquera Nuclear test: pruebas nucleares Costly clean up operations: costosas operaciones de limpieza Catastrophe: catastrophe Scar on the reef: cicatriz en el arrecife Prevention: prevencin To fill: llenar To spill: derramar To raise: criar, cultivar, levantar To Remain: permanecer To Ran Aground: encallar To recover: recuperarse To fall over: caerse, tropezar To Extinct: extinguir To invest: invertir (dinero)
Wealthy/hard up: rico, pudiente/sin un duro, a dos velas Poorly: malo (=ill) Script: guin (texto) Quote: Cita, frase celebre Jew: judo Jacket=cover: carpetilla del cd Stripe: raya Religious leader: lder religioso Sport person: deportista Press: prensa Pope: papa (religioso) Tips: consejos To argue: discutir To bring up: sacar un tema To land: aterrizar To recover: recuperar (algo perdido) To remove: quitar, sacar, eliminar To perform: interpretar To appoint: nombrar, designar To erect: levantar, erigir, erguir To put forward: presentar, exponer To engage: enganchar, meter,