Guía 2 Ingles Conectores
Guía 2 Ingles Conectores
Guía 2 Ingles Conectores
1.1. A
nd es la conjunción copulativa “y” en español. Puede unir varias palabras o
frases, ejemplos:
- He played the guitar and sang wonderful songs: El tocó la guitarra y cantó
maravillosas canciones.
- It is hard for a student to work and study at the same time: Es difícil para un
estudiante trabajar y estudiar al mismo tiempo
- I have a book, a pen and a pencil in my bag ...
- Paul and Sarah are at home...
- I work in a school. And I also work in a hospital...
- She comes here every day and we´re friends...
1.4. So es una conjunción resultativa que une oraciones (en español, por tanto, por
eso....) ejemplos:
- It was raining, so we didn´t go out...
- I don´t have money, so I can´t go shopping...
- Mary insulted him, so he was very angry...
- We use lots of paper every day. So, we must recycle...
1.4.2. B
ecause es una conjunción causal, “porque” en español ejemplos:
- Mary plays not only the guitar but also the violin = Mary no solo toca la guitarra
sino también el violín.
- Not only is Sally disappointed at her brother but also angry at his remarks = Sally no
solo está decepcionada por su hermano sino también enfadada por su comentarios.
- She is not only beautiful but very intelligent as well = Ella no solo es hermosa sino
que es muy inteligente también.
- Mary and Bill not only argued, but shouted at each other as well = Mary y Bill no
solo discutían sino que se gritaban también.
- Many politicians desire both money and power = Muchos políticos desean tanto
dinero como poder.
- Bill wants both to earn more money and to work less = Bill quiere ambas cosas,
ganar más dinero y trabajar menos.
as - como - tan...como
not - no tan..como
not - no tan...como
as if / as though - como si
than - que
1.9.1. as – como:
- His second book was not so good as the first one = Su segundo libro no fue tan
bueno como el primero.
- She was not so beautiful as her mother = Ella no era tan bonita como su madre.
Casa House Salón Living room
Puerta Door Recibidor Foyer
Ventana Window Comedor Dinning room
Pared Wall Dormitorio Bedroom
Suelo Floor Cuarto de baño Bathroom
Techo Ceiling Despacho Study
Tejado Roof Escaleras Staircase
Chimenea Chimney Garaje Garage
Balcón Balcony Buhardilla Studio Apartment
Pasillo hall Cocina Kitchen
I get up at half past eight in the morning. I´m hungry ...... there isn´t any food in the
kitchen. I want milk, cereals ...... orange juice. Then, I go to the shop ...... when I get
there it´s still closed. I go back home and into the kitchen. There´s some grapefruit juice
and brown bread. ...... I don´t like grapefruit juice ...... brown bread! This is not a good
morning, so I go back to bed until the shop opens.
3. Correct the underlined word using and, but, or, so, because.
Answers – Respuestas:
Exercise 1:
but / and / but / but / or
Exercise 2:
1. because
2. so
3. or
4. and
5. but
6. but
7. so
8. because
Exercise 3:
1. because
2. or
3. but
4. so
Exercise 4:
1. She´s in hospital because she had an accident.
2. They work many hours, but they don´t have much money.
3. Paul asked me a question, so I replied.
4. I buy tomatoes, peppers and potatoes.