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‘Most immediate PRASAR BHARATI (BROADCASTING ‘CORPORATION OF INDIA) PRASAR BHARATI SECRETARIAT TI ‘2ND Floor, PTI Building, i No, A-10/66/2010-PPC : Dated 11.03.11 Subject: Minutes of Meeting of the Committee held under the Chairmanship BF CE(D) on 19.04.2010 to suggest action proposed to be taken Shout merger of cadres of Engineering Assistant with Senior Engineoring Assistant and promotion to the post of Assistant Engineers-reg- Reference: DG: AIR letter No. 1/7/2010-S-V (@) dated- 255.2010 on the above subject 2, The matter has been examined in the Prosar Bharati Secretariat and the proposal for merger of Engineering “Resistant with Senior Engineering Assistant PoP een approved by the Nominated Meret of Prasar Bharati Secretariat. A Copy enclosed of the approval is sent herewith to DG: AIR may taking further necessary action in matter. a ys aaa Ww / \w a) pusnc cer oor \ iN Tel. No.23351347 Grn RK. Dhall wv DDA(E). Q DG: AIR, ‘ New Delhi 74 s Copy to Shri Anil Kumar S, General Secretary ARTE. \y Contempt Petition PRASAR BHARATI (BROADCASTING CORPORATION OF INDIA) DIRECTORATE GENERAL: ALL INDIA RADIO AKASHVANI BHAVAN: New Delhi Subject: Minutes of Meeting of the Committee held under the Chaigmanship of CE(D) on 15.04.2010 to suggest action proposed to be taken about merase of cadres of Engineering Assistant with Senior Engineering Assistant and promotion of Senior Engineering Assistant to the post of Assistant Engineers-reB- Secretariat's letter No.A-10/662010-PPC dated 11.03.2011 ‘the nominated Member (CEO) of Prasar Bharati on the Jd under the Chairmanship of CE(D) on 19.04.2010 to | of Engineering Assistant with office memorandum dated | j Reference Prasar Bharati forwarding therewith the approval of recommendations of the Committee hel suggest action proposed to be taken ‘about merger of cadres Senior Engineering Assistant in view of Ministry of Finanee’ 13.11.2009(copy enclosed). a view of the contempt petition filed by Shri Parveen Kumar Vs UOI in CAT.PB, New the proposal may kindly be approved and if necessary, the approval of I The next date of hearing in the mater is 08.04.2011, “2 Director of Admn. shattacharva, Under Secretary, BACE 'No.1/7/201 SIV) dated 14.03.2011 to Shri §.N. Nautiyal, Manager(Personnel), Prasar Bharati.Sectt,,2 Floor, PTI Building, w Delhi-1 10001 for information. | PRASAR BHARATI BROADCASTING CORPORATION OF INDIA DIRECTORATE GENERAL : ALL INDIA RADIO NO. innoro-sivey[ wo DATE: 25.05.2010 Sub. Minutes of Meeting of the Committee held under the Chairmanship of CE (D) on 19.4.2010 to suggest action proposed to be taken about merger of cadres of Engineering Assistant with Senior Engineering Assistant and promotion of Senior Engineering Agsistant to the post of Assistant Engineers- reg. The Committee constituted under the Bree CY in the meeting held on 194.2010 recommended sugar of Cares of Engnering Asset with Senior Engineering Assistant in view of Minisiry of Finance's O.M. dated 13.11.2009. The recommendations of Committee are enclosed herewith for approval of Prasar Bharati Secretariat before the same arc forwarded to M/o 1&B for amendment in Recruitment Rules. wer This issues with the approval of DG, AIR. ng Sansad Marg, New Dethi-1 sie \We Ba - ae in.) (xo) | Dy. Prete’ mates - (RK.Dhall) : — - er ‘of Ademn(E) i | Shri Leleh Raj, < i Prasar Bharati Sect k 2 Floor, PTL j ee aie 188 aa ewe yy | wad

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