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2 Guia de Inglés

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El propsito de esta publicacin es ofrecerle informacin bsica sobre la prueba de admisin de ingls en la Escuela Politcnica. Podr familiarizarse con el diseo y el contenido de la prueba, en especial, con los diferentes tipos de ejercicios que miden las destrezas adquiridas en el dominio de ingls. Esperamos que esta informacin le sea til para prepararse anticipadamente cuando vaya a presentar el examen. II. Qu es el Examen de Admisin de ingls de la Escuela Politcnica?

El examen de admisin de ingls de la Escuela Politcnica, es un nuevo sistema integrado para evaluar el ingls, y de acuerdo a ste, ubicarlo en el nivel que le corresponda. Est diseado especialmente para los aspirantes a damas y caballeros cadetes, y para ello, se tom en cuenta la preparacin previa de nivel medio que reciben las diversas instituciones educativas, tanto pblicas como privadas. El examen de admisin es un sistema compuesto por dos partes: parte uno: Grammar, Functions, Reading y parte dos: Listening. La prueba contiene 100 ejercicios de seleccin mltiple en total que se responden dentro de un tiempo lmite de una hora. El grado de dificultad de los ejercicios vara entre las partes, desde bsico hasta intermedio. III. Qu Formato tiene el Examen de Admisin de Ingls?

El examen de admisin se compone en tres partes, cada una diseada especialmente para evaluar un rea en el desarrollo de ingls: PARTE 1 2 DESTREZAS Grammar, Functions, Reading Listening Total # DE EJERCICIOS 40 60 100 TIEMPO 35 minutos 25 minutos 60 minutos

IV. Cmo prepararse para el Examen de Admisin de ingls de la Escuela Politcnica? A continuacin ofrecemos algunas recomendaciones que le sern de gran ayuda cuando vaya a presentar el examen de admisin de ingls.

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Antes de la prueba: Antes de presentar el examen de admisin de ingls, es recomendable que se familiarice con cada una de las partes y que conozca los distintos tipos de ejercicios incluidos en la prueba. Lea detenidamente esta gua. Contiene informacin relacionada con los aspectos ms importantes del examen de admisin de ingls. Estudie las instrucciones para contestar los ejercicios en esta gua. Estas son similares a las del examen de admisin de ingls. Estdielas cuidadosamente para que las comprenda y no tenga dudas cuando conteste el examen. Mientras menos tiempo invierta leyendo las instrucciones en el da del examen, ms tiempo tendr para contestar los ejercicios. Estudie los ejemplos de los ejercicios, ya que le ofrecen una idea de los tipos de ejercicios del examen de admisin de ingls de la Escuela Politcnica. Lleve suficientes lpices con punta y goma de borrar el examen. No podr usar bolgrafo. Durante la Prueba Cada una de las tres partes del examen de admisin de ingls tiene un tiempo determinado que ser medido estrictamente por los maestros examinadores. Durante el tiempo asignado a una parte, no podr contestar ejercicios de partes anteriores o subsiguientes. Sin embargo, si le sobra tiempo al terminar una parte, podr repasar los ejercicios de esa parte solamente. Los ejercicios en cada parte de la prueba se organizan en orden del nivel de dificultad, esto es, de fcil a difcil, con excepcin los ejercicios de lectura. No puede usar el folleto de examen para hacer anotaciones, pero recuerde marcar todas las respuestas en la hoja de respuestas. No se cuenta lo que responda o escriba en el folleto de examen. Todos los ejercicios tienen una sola respuesta correcta. Evale bien todas las opciones presentadas antes de decidir cul selecciona como la respuesta correcta.


Qu tipo de ejercicios contiene en examen de admisin de ingls?

Todos los ejercicios del examen de admisin de ingls de la Escuela Politcnica son de seleccin mltiple. En este tipo de ejercicio, se evala un problema presentado en la premisa y se responde mediante la seleccin de la respuesta correcta de entre varias opciones. A continuacin se presenta una serie de ejercicios similares a los de la prueba, que ilustran los tipos de ejercicios que encontrar en el examen de admisin. stos no representan la totalidad de los ejercicios de la prueba, ni tampoco
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muestran todos los niveles de dificultad. Practique con ellos y luego verifique sus respuestas con la ayuda de la lista de respuestas correcta que aparece al final de la gua. PARTE UNO Grammar, Functions, Reading GRAMMAR (gramtica) Los ejercicios de la parte de estructuras gramaticales miden el conocimiento de la persona de la gramtica del idioma ingls. Los ejercicios de esta seccin comprenden preguntas de respuesta mltiple en donde slo hay una respuesta correcta. Recuerde que en estos ejercicios aparece la pregunta con las posibles respuestas, pero deber rellenar los espacios en la hoja de respuesta. Ejemplos: 1. What are you doing? a. I work c. I am working 2. I enjoy ______ pizza. a. Eat c. Ate A B C D

b. I working d. I am work A B C D

b. To eat d. Eating B C D

3. My friends have ______ to Antigua four times. A a. Be c. To be b. Been d. Being

Las respuestas debern rellenarse en la hoja de respuestas, siendo stas: 1. b. I am working 2. d Eating 3. b. Been

FUNCTIONS (Habilidades Conversacionales) En esta seccin la persona deber responder a preguntas hechas en base a expresiones comunes del idioma ingls. Cada pregunta cuenta con una respuesta, la cual deber ser rellenada en la hoja de respuestas proporcionada.

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Ejemplos: 1. How are you today? a. Fine, thanks. c. No, thank you. A B C

b. Yes, I am d. Thank you very much D

2. What should we do? a. No, thank you. c. Lets go to the movies.

b. Yes, please. d. I want pizza.

3. Would you like some coffee? a. I want any coffee. c. I want any tea.

b. Yes, please. d. No, please

Las respuestas debern rellenarse en la hoja de respuestas, siendo stas: 1. a. Fine, Thanks. 2. c. Lets go to the movies 3. b. Yes, please. READING (Comprensin de Lectura) Las siguientes lecturas estn seguidas por ejercicios basados en su contenido. Despus de leerlas, seleccione la mejor respuesta para cada ejercicio y rellene el espacio de la letra correspondiente en la hoja de respuestas. Responda a todos los ejercicios basndose en lo que las lecturas afirman o implican. Ejemplo: It was my misfortune to become intimately acquainted with the Parasol Ant during my expedition to the Mosquito Shore in Honduras. I planted a small garden in the jungle, a laborious affair that meant felling the trees and the tearing up of jungle creepers; but I was rewarded by uncovering a wide expanse of rich black loam which augured well for a rapidly growing garden My Indian servants, dusky, Miskito men, lamented all this work. It was useless, quothed an elder, to plant anything but bananas or manioc, as the Wiwis were sure to cut off the leaves. Without the slightest encouragement, the Miskito Indians would launch forth on the tales of the ravages of the Wiwi Laca. Unswayed,
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however, by their illustrations, I could only remark that all this was very well but let us cultivate our garden. In two weeks the carrots, the cabbages the turnips were doing well. The carrots had unfurled their fernlike tips, the cabbages grew as if by magic. Our mind called forth dishes of steaming vegetables to replace dehydrated greens and the inevitable beans and yucca. Even the Miskito elder came by and admitted that white mans energy had made possible such and abundant crop. Then the catastrophe fell upon us. We arose one morning and found our garden defoliated; every cabbage leaf was stripped, the naked stem was the only thing above the ground. Of the carrot nothing was seen. In the center of the garden rising a foot in height, was a conical peak or earth, freshly excavated. Into a hole in the mound, ants, moving in quickened step, were carrying bits of our cabbage, tops of the carrots, the beans in fact, our entire garden was going down that hole. I could see the grinning face of the Miskito Indian. The Wiwis had come. As it was too near the rainy season to being another garden, I made no attempt to rid myself of the ants, and we turned perforce to out dehydrated vegetable beans and yucca for the duration of our collecting trip on the Mosquito Coast. 1. According to the selection, Wiwis is the name given to the a. Indians b. Explorers c. Ants d. Vegetables

2. The Indians were unwilling to clear away the tree because a. They did not like to work b. They knew about the ants c. They wanted a lot of money d. It was too near the rainy season

3. It can be inferred that the old Indian smiled when he saw the leafless plants because he a. Had known what would happen b. Did not like fresh vegetables c. Was glad the ants stripped the plants d. Knew the jungle had to be cleared

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Las respuestas debern rellenarse en la hoja de respuestas, siendo stas: 1. c. Ants. 2. b. They knew about the ants. 3. a. Had known what would happen. Todos los ejemplos de ejercicios son nicamente ejemplos. Esto quiere decir que en el examen de admisin verdadero, las preguntas sern similares, pero no igual a los contenidos dentro de esta gua. PARTE DOS LISTENING (audicin) La parte de listening del examen de admisin de ingls comprende el 60% de los ejercicios, los cuales estn destinados a medir la comprensin de la persona. Dichos ejercicios consisten en una pregunta de seleccin mltiple, en donde la cinta que se tocar presentar oraciones o pequeas conversaciones. El formato del ejercicio es igual a los anteriores, y se deber rellenar los espacios de igual forma. Ejemplo: (usted escuchar) The soldiers dont like the food at the mess hall. After lunch, they stopped at the cafeteria. Pregunta: What is the problem with the soldiers? a. b. c. d. The mess hall is bad. The soldiers went to the cafeteria. The soldiers dont like the food. The cafeteria stopped. A La respuesta es: c. The soldiers dont like the food CONTENIDO DEL EXAMEN
El listado de temas que se presentan a continuacin tiene como objetivo orientar a la persona interesada en ingresar a la Escuela Politcnica, y brindar una gua de los contenidos que deber estudiar para cubrir el contenido programtico que se encuentra dentro de la prueba de admisin Este contenido programtico comprende las tres secciones mencionadas anteriormente donde se presentaron ejercicios de ejemplo.

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Estos son los temas gramaticales que sern objeto de prueba dentro del examen de admisin de ingls. 1. Question words (What, When, Where, Who, etc) Whats your name? 2. Definite articles (a, an, the,) This is an apple. That is a chair. The boy is sick. 3. Gerunds and infinitives (running, to run) He likes running in the mornings. She likes to swim all day. 4. There is, there are, there was, there were, there will be There is a book on the desk. There are five kids inside. There was a big storm yesterday. There will be food at the party. 5. Verb to be (affirmative, negative and question form) in present, past and future. I am a student. I was angry at you. He is not a teacher. Are you a doctor? 6. Pronouns Personal We are friends. Object We gave them a surprise. Possessive adjective That is my book. Possessive pronouns That house is hers. Reflexive I saw myself in the mirror. Demonstrative Those animals are wild. 7. Different tenses Present She eats an ice cream. Past She ate an ice cream. Future She will eat an ice cream. Progressive She is eating an ice cream. Perfect She has eaten that before. 8. Count nouns pencils, pens, dogs, houses 9. Non-count nouns water, love, sugar, money 10. Quantifiers Few I have few friends. Little There is little water left. Any I dont like any onions. Some I would like some coffee please Much I dont have much money. Many I have many flowers. 11. Auxiliary verbs Be He is going to play soccer. Do Do you have a plan? Have They have visited me before. 12. Modals Can Can you swim? May You may go to the party. Will You will eat this food. Could I could be in Cancun right now. might He might be in his office.
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13. Use of Would like What would you like to eat? 14. Objects a. Direct b. Indirect 15. Use of also and too.

I would like some bread.

Peter gives flowers to his mom Peter gives his mom a kiss. I would also buy bread. I will go too.

16. Conjunctions And But Or 17. Degrees of comparison a. Positive b. Comparative c. Superlative 18. Reported speech John: I like chocolate 19. Be able to

Jack and Jill went up the hill. I like to dance but hedoesnt. Do you want coffee or tea? Robert is tall. Robert is taller than Jason. Robert is the tallest in his class.

John said that he liked chocolate I was able to go to the movies I am able to repair radios. He will be able to speak soon. I am supposed to study very hard. He was supposed to come here.

20. Be supposed to

II FUNCIONES Los aspirantes a damas y caballeros cadetes debern ser capaces de identificar y utilizar los siguientes aspectos en una conversacin. 1. Greetings Hello!

How are you?

2. Appointments Ill wait for you at 7.

Where should wee meet?

3. Offers This is for you. Thank you very much. 4. Feelings I am hungry.

I love you.

5. Restaurants May I help you? Id like some 6. Post office Can I buy some stamps? 7. Going shopping Lets go shopping.

Please sign here.

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8. Giving instructions Stand up!

Be quiet!

Go straight ahead.

9. Daily routines I take a bath at . every morning I get up late. 10. Spare time activities I like to read books, watch TV, and go dancing. 11. Likes and dislikes I like honest people and dislike dishonest people. 12. Vacations I spend my vacations at home. 13. Stating opinions I think we should study instead of wasting our time I believe you should always tell the truth. 14. Giving and accepting apologies Im sorry. No problem. 15. Polite requests Could you please come for me?

Can you please help me?

III. COMPRENSION Y LECTURA Poder leer y comprender textos escritos en ingls, de 10-100 palabras.

MINI TEST El examen de admisin es un Test que incluye los temas mencionados en el contenido programtico utilizando solamente el sistema de seleccin mltiple. Consta de 50 preguntas con un grado de dificultad bsico y elemental. Las preguntas son ejemplares tambin, e incluyen preguntas de las secciones de gramtica y funciones. Adems, se agrega un pequeo ejercicio de lectura. EJEMPLO: 1. a. b. c. d. Do you brush your teeth after every meal? ______ Yes, I do. I always brushing my teeth. I twice a day brush my teeth. No, I doesnt. I brush my teeth once a day.

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2. a. b. c. d. 3. a. b. c. d.

Are you the president of this company? No, ______ I are a secretary. I am my employee. I'm the secretary. I've the vice-president. Aren't they coming with us to the party? ______ No, they're not coming. Yes, they is coming with us. Yes, there coming. No, they are coming in the party later.

4. a. b. c. d. 5. a. b. c. d. 6. a. b. c. d. 7. a. b. c. d. 8. a. b. c. d. 9. a. b. c. d.

Where were you yesterday? ______ I was with he and she. I wasn't in town. I was at home. I were with your sister at the movies. Which books are yours: these or those? ______ Mine books are these. They are mine. Those are my books, and these are yours. These books are mine; those are of John. ______ your new job? Do you like Are you liked by Like you You like ______? I'm going to work. Why are you going? What are you going? Where are you going? Were are you going? How was the movie last night? ______ Was fantastic. It was better then his first movie. The movie was very long and very boring. The movie was science fiction kind. ______ the answer? Yes, the answer is twenty-eight. Know you Do you know Are you knowing You know

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10. Can you run 26 miles? ______ a. No, I cannot; it is far enough. b. No, I can. c. Yes, I can't. d. No, I cannot. I am not so strong. 11. Sumiko hates chocolate, ______ she loves sugar. a. But b. Or c. Although d. And 12. What are you doing? ______ a. I'm going at school. b. I am smoking some cigarettes. c. I am listening to she. d. I am doing anything. Lectura: (1) Hi Marge. Id like you to drop by my house later tonight. Were having a surprise party for Henry (2) Everything is almost ready. I just need to take care of a few more odds and ends. By the way, would you (3) Please do me a favor and get in touch with Kenya. Remind her, though, not to spill the beans. You know (4) That she tends to get carried away. 1. Who is the surprise party for? a. Kenya b. Marge c. Henry d. Joe 2. Is everything ready for the party tonight? a. Yes, everything is ready. b. No, everything isnt ready c. Maybe everything will be ready. d. Everything is almost ready. 3. What is the problem with Kenya? a. She always spills the beans b. She is crazy. c. She doesnt know about the party. d. She will be there late.

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RESPUESTAS A LOS EJERCICIOS DEL MINI TEST 1. a 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. c 6. a 7. c 8. c 9. b 10. d 11. b 12. b Reading 1. c 2. d 3. a

REFERENCE BOOKS American Language Course Nonintensive Defense Language Institute English Language Center Lackland Air Force Base, Texas Libros del 1 al 4 American Language Course Intensive Defense Language Institute English Language Center Lackland Air Force Base, Texas Libros del 1 al 35 In Contact series Beginning Scott Foresman English In Contact 1 and 2 Spectrum series Books 1 and 2 Regents Prentice Hall New Interchange Jack C. Richards Cambridge University Press
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Sitios Web de Referencia www.webster.commnet.edu/grammar/ www.owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/grammar www.grammarbook.com www.ompersonal.com.ar www.englishforums.com www.esl.about.com/od/englishgrammar www.grammarnow.com www.a4esl.org www.englishgrammarconnection.com www.rong-chang.com/grammar.htm wwww.nonstopenglish.com www.handyarchive.com/free/grammar

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