Práctica Adicional Inglés 4
Práctica Adicional Inglés 4
Práctica Adicional Inglés 4
BODY LANGUAGE (lenguaje corporal) Clasifiquemos algunos expresiones de lenguaje corporal de acuerdo a la actitud que representan, veamos cuatro actitudes AGRESIVIDAD, CONFIANZA, A LA DEFENSIVA O NERVIOSISMO, probablemente alguna expresion corporal encaje en mas de una actitud, la siguiente clasificacin es a mi criterio. Aggressiveness hands on hips holding gaze evasive disapproving frown snarling Confidence brisk erect walk legs crossed hands behind head firm handshake Defensiveness arms crossed hands behind back Nervousness fidgeting tapping fingers eyes from side to side breathing clearing throat rigid body twisting feet
hands on hips.............manos en la cintura holding gaze...............mirada fija evasive........................evasivo disapproving fruncido snarling......................gruido brisk...........................animado erect walk..................caminar erguido legs crossed...............piernas cruzadas hands behind head.....manos detras de la cabeza firm handshake..........saludo de mano firme arms crossed..............brazos cruzados hands behind back.....manos detras de la espalda fidgeting.....................tic nervioso (golpecitos, jalarse el cabello, morderse las uas) tapping fingers...........golpecitos con los dedos eyes from side to side..ojos de lado a lado breathing....................respiracion agitada clearing throat...........aclarar la garganta rigid body.................cuerpo rigido, tenso twisting feet..............torcer los pies EXERCISE. What do these body language expressions mean? Choose the appropiate answer. 1. Snarling a) confidence
b) nervousness
2. Firm handshake a) confidence b) nervousness 3. Fidgeting a) confidence 4. Rigid body a) confidence b) nervousness
b) nervousness
c) defensiveness
d) aggressiveness
b) nervousness
c) defensiveness c) defensiveness
d) aggressiveness d) aggressiveness
2. ALTHOUGH/ EVEN THOUGH (aunque) Although e Even Though significan exactamente lo mismo (AUNQUE), solo podriamos elegir entre una de ellas si queremos utilizarlos al inicio de una oracin, en estos casos utilizariamos even though. En los siguientes ejercicios puedes ver el uso de estas estructuras, se utiliza para unir un par de ideas que son opuestas, ejemplo. Ir a la fiesta aunque estoy enfermoSi ests enfermo no vas a las fiestas, la funcin de la expresion aunque es unir estas ideas opuestas. EXERCISE. Choose the appropiate answer. 1. ___________ the weather was bad, we enjoyed our trip. a) although b) even though c) b and c are correct 2. John rarely sees Paul ___________ they live in the same town. a) although b) even though c) b and c are correct 3. ____________ it was cold, she didn't put on her coat. a) although b) even though c) b and c are correct 4. Anna never learned English ___________ she lived in USA for two years. a) although b) even though c) b and c are correct 5. I couldn't eat _____________ I was very hungry. a) although b) even though 6. I am a model ____________ I am fat a) although b) even though RESPUESTAS. 1-B, 2-C, 3-B, 4-C, 5-C c) b and c are correct c) b and c are correct
3. FUTURE CONTINUOUS/ FUTURE PERFECT Future Continuous Se usa: Para hablar de una actividad en progreso en un punto del futuro. Se forma: Ejemplo: I will be cooking dinner at 7 0'clock......................................Yo estar cocinando la cena a las 7. Tomorrow I will be working at 11.00am...............Maana estar trabajando a las 11am sujeto + will + be + verbo con ing
Future Perfect Se usa: Para hablar de algo que imaginas que ha terminado en un tiempo futuro (aunque en realidad todavia no ha pasado). Se forma: Ejemplo: By tomorrow I will have finished the book...............................para maana habr terminado este libro. The movie will have finished by 9.30pm...La pelicula habra terminado para las 9.30pm El truco si tienes que diferenciar entre futuro perfecto y futuro continuo es buscar la expresion BY (para). Si esta expresion esta presente, estamos hablando del futuro perfecto, de lo contrario hablamos del futuro continuo. EXERCISE . Choose the appropiate answer (future perfect or future continuous), check the time expressions. 1. By 9 o'clock we __________ (have) dinner. a) will have had b) will had c) will have d) will be having 2. At midnight we __________ (sleep) . a) will be sleeping b) will slept c) will sleep 3. They __________ (eat) by then. a) will eat b) will be eating c) will eaten d) will have slept sujeto + will + have + participio pasado
4. This time next week we __________ (sit) at the beach. a) will have sat b) will sat c) will sit d) will be sitting
5. In one week he __________ (cross) the Atlantic by boat. a) will be crossing b) will crossed c) will cross d) will have crossed 6. At nine I __________ (watch) the news. a) will watched b) will be watching c) will watch 7. She __________ (go) home by Christmas. a) will have gone b) will gone c) will go d) will have watced
d) will be going
8. Tonight we __________ (study) for our English test. a) will be studying b) will studied c) will study d) will have studied 9. Jane __________ (do) her work by tomorrow. a) will do b) will be doing c) will done d) will have done 10 They __________ (dance) next weekend. a) will have danced b) will danced c) will dance d) will be dancing
11. Fred __________ (return) from his holiday by Monday. a) will be returning b) will returned c) will return d) will have returned 12. He __________ (play) this afternoon. a) will played b) will be playing c) will play d) will have played
RESPUESTAS. 1-A, 2-A, 3-D, 4-D, 5-A, 6-B, 7-A, 8-A, 9-D, 10-D, 11-D, 12-B
4. CONDITIONALS Second Conditional El segundo condicional se compone de dos clausulas, yo las llamo CLAUSULA IF y CLAUSULA PRINCIPAL, mira el ejemplo. Clausula IF Clausula PRINCIPAL
If I had a million dollars........................I would buy a big house If + subject + simple past verb........Subject + would + verb in simple present Para esta estructura lo mas complicado seria utilizar los verbos en pasado simple, asi que estudia la tabla de verbos irregulares. Recuerda que el verbo BE en pasado se representa con Was/Were, pero en este caso y para cualquiera que sea el sujeto usaremos WERE EXERCISE. Complete the Conditional Sentences. 1. If he were a young man, he ________ able to walk faster. a) is b) was c) will be d) would be 2. We would be on the beach if we ________ in Mexico! a) are b) were c) will be d) would be 3. If smoking were allowed, I ________ a cigarette. a) have b) had c) will have d) would have 4 . If there ________ no mosquitos, there would be no malaria. a) is b) are c) was d) were 5. If her hair were black, she ________ completely different. a) look b) looks c) will look d) would look 6. If I ________ a penny for every can of soda I've drunk in my life, I would be rich! a) had b) will have c) would have 7. He's so stupid! If he ________ an animal, he would be a sheep. a) is b) are c) was d) were 8. We don't mind camping, but if we ________ enough money, we ________ in a hotel. a) would have...stayed b) have... stayed c)had... would stay d) had... stayed 9. We would learn a lot from dolphins if they ________. a) could talk b) can talk c) talk d) will talk 10. If the weather ________ better, we ________ to the park.
a) were... will go
b) were... would go
c) is... would go
RESPUESTAS 1-D, 2-B, 3-D, 4-D, 5-D, 6-A, 7-D, 8-C, 9-A, 10-B
Third Conditional El tercer condicional tambien se compone de dos clausulas, yo las llamo tambien Clausula IF y clausula PRINCIPAL. Clausula IF.Clausula PRINCIPAL If I had studied harderI would have passed the exam. If + subject + HAD + past participle.....Subject + would + have + past participle Para esta otra estructura lo mas complicado es conocer el pasado participio de los verbos, estudia tambien los verbos irregulares en pasado participio, como ves en esta estructura se utilizarn verbos en participio en par de ocasiones. EXERCISE. Complete the Conditional Sentences 1. If you __________ (study) for the test, you __________ (pass) it. a) have studied/ will passed b) has studied/would passed c) had studied/would have passed 2. If you __________ (ask) me, I __________ (help) you. a) had asked/would have helped b) have asked/will help c) has asked/would help
3. If we __________ (go) to the cinema, we __________ (see) my friend Jacob. a) have go/ will see b) has went/would saw c) had gone/would have seen 4. If you __________ (speak) English, she __________ (understand) . a) had spoken/would have understood b) have speak/will understood c) has spoke/would understand
5. If they __________ (listen) to me, we __________ (be) home earlier. a) have listen/ will be b) has listened/would been c) had listened/would have been 6. I __________ (write) you a postcard if I __________ (have) your address. a) would have written/had had b) will write/have have c) would wrote/have had 7. If I __________ (not / break) my leg, I __________ (take part) in the contest. a) hadnt broken/would have took b) has break/would take c) had broke/would have take 8. If it __________ (not/ start) to rain, we __________ (walk) to the museum. a) hadnt started/would have walked b) have start/will walk c) has asked/would walk 9. We __________ (swim) in the sea if there __________ (not / be) closed. a) will swim/havent be b) would have swum/hadt been
10. If she __________ (take) the bus, she ___________ (not / arrive) on time. a) had taken/wouldnt have arrived b) have take/wont arrive RESPUESTAS 1-C, 2-A, 3-C, 4-A, 5-C, 6-A, 7-A, 8-A, 9-B, 10-A
5. PASIVE VOICE El secreto de la voz pasiva es conocer los verbos en pasado participio, recuerda que el verbo BE es el que siempre aparece conjugado en voz pasiva y el verbo principal aparece siempre en pasado participio, asi que seria bueno que una vez mas estudiaras las formas del pasado participio para los verbos irregulares. 1. The food _____(negative) . a) was not ate b) was not eaten 2. This airplane _____ a robot. a) are driven from b) is drive by c) was not eating c) is driven by d) were not eaten d) is driven with d) has been drinking d) can be drown d) is being cut down d) has been choosed d)has been caught
3. All the wine _____. a) have been drunk b) has been drunked 4. A house _____ easily. a) be drawn b) can be drawn
5. The tall trees in our street _____. a) are being cut down b) are being cutted down 6. This one _____. a) have been chosen b) have been choosed
7. The bank robbers _____ by the police. a) have been caught b) have been catched 8. All the ingredients _____. a) have been buying b) have been buyed 9. Their house _____. a) were being built b) were being build 10. The window _____. a) have been broken b) has been broken 11. She _____ a dog yesterday. a) was bitten with b) was bitten to 12. This house _____. a) are being paint b) being paint 13. This play _____ by Shakespeare. a) were written b) was written
c) have been being caught c) have been bought c) was being built c) has been broked c) was bitten from c) being painted c) is written
d) was being build d) has been braked d ) was bitten by d) is being painted d) is being written
RESPUESTAS 1-B, 2-C, 3-C, 4-B, 5-A, 6-C, 7-A, 8-C, 9-C, 10-B, 11-D, 12-D, 13-B