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Apreciacion Pastoral

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No aprecien a su pastor.

Publicado el 21 de Octubre, 2013 por Shane Ash

Octubre es conocido por algunos como el mes de apreciacin pastoral. Siempre he peleado con ese tema. Permtame tratar de explicarme. La mayora de pastores no quieren ser apreciados No me malinterpreten, agradezco mucho las palabras amables y pequeas muestras de gratitud (especialmente cosas como la jalea casera que apareci en mi oficina la semana pasada). Creo que es importante en todas nuestras relaciones el honrarnos los unos a los otros con tal gratitud de vez en cuando. Mi esposa es un gran ejemplo de dar agradecimientos. A menudo ella regala su reconocimiento por otros con comida o algn menester. Es un gran regalo y una manera de edificar a otros. Yo siempre estoy muy agradecido de que esos regalos se crucen en mi camino! Esas muestras de aprecio son bonitas pero solo por un tiempo. Hay otra manera para verdaderamente honrar a su pastor. No solo le muestre aprecio nasele. Nunca he conocido a un pastor que no exprese un pensamiento similar. El honor ms grande es tener personas que se abrazan en oracin y ministerio, que se ven a s mismos como compaeros activos al dar, servir, testificar y amar a la comunidad. El regalo mas grande que usted puede darle a su pastor es su completa participacin en el cuerpo y vida de la iglesia. Y eso SERA apreciado. Su pastor sabe y ve su participacin en la vida y en el cuerpo.

Most pastors live everyday with a recognition that they can not do/be enough. We carry the burden of not only our own lives, but the lives of our people. Our priestly role requires that we too bear the sins of our people. We often look into a life and can see how rejection of Gods ways is bringing judgement in their life, and it hurts. We see when a family is grieving, and it hurts. And when someone is rejecting the love or discipline of being in community, it is the pastor who experiences rejection, and it hurts. We seek to stand in the gap of these lives and soak up the judgement, grief, and rejection. We seek to take in the hurts, and in return, offer back grace. But we dont want to simply be appreciated for this work. We want to be joined. Paul says it best in his letter to the Corinthians, Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ. (11:1)

We see an image of true pastoral leadership in Pauls words to the Corinthian church. Do as I doas I do as Christ does. Follow my following. Service-minded leadership. Perhaps even leadership is the wrong word. Followship. Servanthood. By the time Paul boldly offers this invitation, he has already offered to the Corinthians a description of what it means for him to faithfully follow Christ. For it seems to me that God has put us apostles on display at the end of the procession, like men condemned to die in the arena. We have been made a spectacle to the whole universe, to angels as well as to men. We are fools for Christto this very hour we go hungry and thirsty, we are in rags, we are brutally treated, we are homeless. We work hard with our own hands. When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it; when we are slandered, we answer kindly. Up to this moment we have become the scum of the earth, the refuse of the world. (4:9-10a, 11-13) Theres your pastoral leadership. Follow me as I endure. Follow me as I am persecuted. Follow me as I refuse to follow the powers of the world. Follow me as I follow Jesus. Suddenly the invitation to imitate me and to follow me isnt a glamorous leadership role anymore. It isnt just something that we can simply appreciate or admire. We must join. If you want to appreciate your pastor this month (and every month), then do this: Join your pastor in the work of ministry. Ask who needs a phone call of encouragement? Who needs a gift of jam delivered to their doorstep? Who needs prayer for healing? Who needs a visit in the hospital? Ask yourself if you are participating in the life of the church. Are you tithing? Are you faithful in worship participation? Are you discipling someone? Are you inviting others into your worshiping community? Join your pastor. Its the greatest gift you can give.

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