Este documento presenta un anexo gramatical sobre los verbos modales en inglés. Explica los verbos modales can, could, must, have to, should y mustn't, y proporciona ejemplos de su uso. También incluye actividades para practicar el uso de estos verbos modales.
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Este documento presenta un anexo gramatical sobre los verbos modales en inglés. Explica los verbos modales can, could, must, have to, should y mustn't, y proporciona ejemplos de su uso. También incluye actividades para practicar el uso de estos verbos modales.
Este documento presenta un anexo gramatical sobre los verbos modales en inglés. Explica los verbos modales can, could, must, have to, should y mustn't, y proporciona ejemplos de su uso. También incluye actividades para practicar el uso de estos verbos modales.
Este documento presenta un anexo gramatical sobre los verbos modales en inglés. Explica los verbos modales can, could, must, have to, should y mustn't, y proporciona ejemplos de su uso. También incluye actividades para practicar el uso de estos verbos modales.
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Direccin Xeral de Educacin, Formacin
Profesional e Innovacin Educativa
Educacin secundaria para personas adultas
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mbito de comunicacin Lengua inglesa Educacin a distancia semipresencial Mdulo 4 Anexo gramatical 15
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ndice 1. Introduccin...............................................................................................................3 1.1 Descripcin del anexo gramatical ................................................................................. 3 2. Secuencia de contenidos y actividades..................................................................4 2.1 Los verbos modales...................................................................................................... 4 2.1.1 Can / cant ..........................................................................................................................................................4 2.1.2 Must / mustnt; have to / dont have to................................................................................................................6 2.1.3 Should / shouldnt ...............................................................................................................................................7 2.1.4 El pasado continuo...........................................................................................................................................11 2.2 Comprensin escrita................................................................................................... 15 2.3 Vocabulario bsico de la unidad ................................................................................. 16 2.3.1 Las horas..........................................................................................................................................................16 2.3.2 Verbos irregulares............................................................................................................................................17 2.4 Autoevaluacin ........................................................................................................... 18 3. Soluciones a las actividades..................................................................................20
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1. Introduccin 1.1 Descripcin del anexo gramatical En este anexo gramatical vamos a abordar los siguientes contenidos: Los verbos modales: can, have to, must, should... El pasado continuo. Vocabulario (verbos irregulares, las horas).
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2. Secuencia de contenidos y activida- des 2.1 Los verbos modales Son verbos modales en ingls can (poder, saber hacer algo), must (deber), have to (te- ner que), should... Pueden emplearse para expresar capacidad, obligacin, prohibicin, etc. Van seguidos de un verbo en forma de infinitivo sin to. Tienen la misma forma para todas las personas (no aaden s en la tercera persona del singular). No emplean el auxiliar do para hacer la forma negativa. La forman aadiendo not. No pueden ir dos verbos modales juntos. Los verbos modales no tienen todas las formas de la conjugacin. Cuando no se puede conjugar un tiempo determinado, se emplean otros verbos con significado semejante. 2.1.1 Can / cant Can Se usa para expresar capacidad fsica e intelectual (se puede traducir por saber). My sister can swim very well. Mi hermana sabe nadar muy bien. Can you play football? Sabes jugar al ftbol? Se usa para expresar capacidad, delante de verbos como hear (or), listen (escuchar), see (ver)... Can you see that house over there? Puedes/puede ver aquella casa de all? When the house is silent, I can hear my neighbours clearly. Cuando la casa est en silencio puedo or claramente a mis vecinos. Se usa para pedir permiso. Can I go to the toilet, please? Puedo ir al servicio, por favor? Se usa para hacer preguntas de modo educado. Can you tell me your name, please? Me puede decir su nombre, por favor? El verbo can solo tiene presente (can) y pasado (could). Cuando se quiere usar un tiem- po verbal que este verbo no posea, se emplea el verbo be able to (ser capaz de / poder). When I am sixteen I will be able to drive (futuro). Cuando tenga diecisis aos podr conducir Can't Se usa para expresar incapacidad o imposibilidad (no saber). I cant drive. No s conducir.
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My mother cant swim. Mi madre no sabe nadar. Para expresar incapacidad delante de verbos como hear (or), listen (escuchar), see (ver)... Silence! I cant hear. Silencio! No oigo. She cant see without her glasses. Ella no ve sin sus gafas. Para expresar prohibicin. You cant smoke in the restaurant. No puedes fumar en el restaurante. Could Se usa como pasado de can, expresa capacidad en el pasado. I could read when I was four. Yo saba leer cuando tena cuatro aos. Para expresar una condicin o hacer una sugerencia. We could go to Galice for holiday. Podramos ir a Galicia de vacaciones. Se usa tambin para hacer preguntas o peticiones de un modo ms educado que con can. Could you tell me the way to Reading, please? Podra decirme cul es el camino a Reading, por favor? Actividades propuestas S1. Complete estas frases con los siguientes verbos: Can, cant, could, couldnt. 1. I am sorry but I .................... help you to move the sofa, I have a backache. 2. My little cousin ................... run very fast, he has got lots of medals at home! 3. Jerry a new car at the moment, he hasnt got the money. 4. The bag is so heavy that Mary ....................... carry it. 5. John .................... dance very well when he was a teenager. 6. Excuse me! ................. you tell me where are the toilets, please? 7. Helen was very busy yesterday, so he ................... go to the party. 8. He .................... swim when he was a child, he learnt when he was twenty. S2. Escriba en ingls las siguientes frases 1. Los nios pueden ir al cine. ............................................................................. 2. Mi padre no sabe conducir. .............................................................................. 3. Mi amiga no sabe nadar. .................................................................................. 4. Yo saba nadar cuando tena cinco aos. ......................................................... 5. Puedes ayudarme con mis tareas? .................................................................. 6. Juan no puede ir a la fiesta esta noche, tiene mucho trabajo. ...............................................................................................................................
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2.1.2 Must / mustnt; have to / dont have to Must Expresa obligacin. You must study for tomorrows exam. Debes estudiar para el examen de maana. They must be back home at ten oclock. Deben estar de vuelta en casa a las diez. Expresa tambin deduccin, casi certeza de algo, debido a indicios. The lights are on, they must be at home. Las luces estn encendidas, deben de estar en la casa. She is very fit, she must do a lot of sport. Est muy en forma, debe de hacer mucho ejercicio. Have to Expresa obligacin (tener que). My sister has to wake up early tomorrow. Mi hermana tiene que levantarse temprano maana. En su forma en pasado se emplea para expresar obligacin en el pasado (cuando no se puede emplear must). I had to wake up at seven in the morning to take an early flight. Tuve que levantarme a las siete de la maana para coger un vuelo temprano. Mustn't Expresa prohibicin. You mustnt smoke here. No debes fumar aqu (est prohibido). You mustnt drive if you are underage. No debes conducir si eres menor de edad. Dont have to Expresa ausencia de obligacin, cuando algo no es necesario. You dont have to go to the party. No tienes que ir a la fiesta (no es necesario). Children dont have to pay to enter the museum. Los nios no tienen que pagar para entrar en el museo. Actividades propuestas S3. Complete las siguientes frases empleando have to en presente, pasado o futuro para expresar obligacin o ausencia de obligacin. 1. Jenny ...................... practice a lot to be a good piano player. 2. I .......................... use your car anymore, I bought one last month. 3. He ........................ do all the work himself, his collegues didnt help him. 4. My mother ..................... take the bus to go to the office, it is near her house. 5. Andrew ........................... go to the doctors, he was feeling very bad. 6. He .................... wake up early yesterday to be at work at eight oclock.
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2.1.3 Should / shouldnt Should / shouldnt = ought to Se usa para dar un consejo o una opinin. You dont look very well, you should go to the doctors. No tienes buen aspecto, deberas ir al mdico. You shouldnt eat eggs everyday. No deberas comer huevos todos los das. Actividades propuestas S4. Diga qu expresan los verbos modales en estas frases.
Obliga- cin Prohibi- cin Capaci- dad Incapaci- dad Ausencia de obli- gacin Probabi- lidad Consejo 1. Jane can miss the train. x 2. My mother cant drive. 3. I dont have to buy bread. 4. Mary can make delicious cakes. 5. She cant come to class today. 6. You mustnt drive too fast. 7. You must go to the doctors. 8. You should go to the doctors. 9. I cant hear very well. 10. John could play tennis when she was a teenager.
S5. Complete las siguientes frases con can, cant o must 1. He the door; he lost his keys. 2. ......................... I have some coffe, please? 3. She ......... speak English very well; she lived in Ireland when she was young. 4. I ....................... go out, I have a lot of work. 5. We .................... wash our hands everyday. 6. ...................... you open the door, please? 7. Children ................... go to bed early. 8. My little sister ................... read very well, she learnt in the school. 9. I ............. go to the office tomorrow, I have an appointment with the dentist.
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S6. Escriba las siguientes frases en ingls. 1. Ella tiene que ir al colegio muy temprano. ............................................................................................................................... 2. Ella va corriendo, debe de llegar tarde. ............................................................................................................................... 3. Mi ta no sabe nadar. ............................................................................................................................... 4. Tom debera hacer ms ejercicio. ............................................................................................................................... 5. John saba jugar al tenis cuando era pequeo. ............................................................................................................................... 6. Ella est llorando, debe de estar triste. ............................................................................................................................... S7. Elija el verbo modal correcto. 1. Where is your sister? Can / should you see her? 2. You dont have to / mustnt smoke in a hospital. 3. I cant do this exercise. Could / must you help me? 4. You are not fit, you should / can do more exercise. 5. You havent got a sweater, you can / must be cold. 6. My friend could / can write when he was three. 7. The museum is free, we dont have to / mustnt pay. S8. Subraye la opcin de la derecha que tenga el mismo significado que la frase de la izquierda. 1. I cant go to school. I am not able to go / I dont want to go. 2. My mother couldnt swim. She didnt know how to swim / She mustnt swim. 3. You should see the doctor. If you dont see the doctor Ill punish you / I advise you to see the doctor. 4. You cant play the piano. You dont know how to play the piano / You dont need to play the piano. 5. You dont have to pay for. You mustnt pay for the tickets / You dont need to pay the tickets. S9. Elija el verbo modal correcto para cada una de estas frases. 1. All workers ............... wear protective shoes when working in the factory. mustnt. have must
2. The secretary ................... finish all this work before going home.
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must has had 3. Jenny doesnt do anything in her house, she more. mustnt hasnt has to 4. When I was a teenager, we .................. do a lot of homework. must had to has to 5. Excuse me, you .................. smoke on the bus, its not allowed. havent to mustnt dont have to 6. You will ......... save a lot of money if you want to go on holiday next summer. must have to can 7. We ............. hurry if we want to be at the cinema on time. had have must 8. You ............... open the door oven before the fish is cooked. didnt have to dont have to mustnt 9. The president of Spain ................. be president for more than four years. have to must can S10. Complete los espacios con el verbo modal que corresponda a cada una de las frases. 1. You ..................... be a good actor to be famous nowadays. 2. You ...................tell him that I told you his secret or he will be very angry.
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3. I can carry the bags myself, you .......................... help me. 4. You .................... buy milk, weve got enough. 5. You ..................... use that knife, it is dangerous. S11. Escriba en los espacios en blanco los verbos modales correspondientes de entre los siguientes: must, mustnt, should, shouldnt, ought to, have to. Read carefully the instructions before entering the swimming pool. 1. Children under thirteen accompanied by their parents. 2. People .................. run around the swimming-pool. 3. It is not an obligation, but swimmers ..................... wear caps in the water. 4. All the users ........ read these instructios before entering the swimming-pool. 5. The changing room ................... be left clean and tidy. 6. Swimmers .................. have a shower before entering the swimming-pool. 7. For the safety of users, swimmers ................... eat before going into the pool.
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2.1.4 El pasado continuo Today is cleaning day for Andy. Hoy es da de limpieza para Andy.
At 10:30 am
Now its 5:00 pm At half past ten in the morning he was hanging the clothes. A las diez y media de la maana l estaba tendiendo la ro- pa. Now its five oclock and he is washing the floor. Ahora son las cinco y l est fregando el suelo. El pasado continuo se usa para hablar de lo que se estaba haciendo en un momento con- creto del pasado. What were you doing yesterday at four? I was sleeping. Qu estabas haciendo ayer a las cuatro? Estaba durmiendo. It was raining, so we took an umbrella. Estaba lloviendo, as que cogimos un paraguas. Now she is studying, in the morning she was playing tennis. Ahora ella est estudiando, por la maana estaba jugando al tenis. Forma afirmativa I He She It was doing Yo estaba haciendo. dancing l estaba bailando. driving Ella estaba conduciendo. raining Estaba lloviendo. You We they were sleeping T estabas / vosotros estabais durmiendo. reading - Nosotros estbamos leyendo. singing- Ellos estaban cantando. Forma negativa I He She It wasn't (was + not) doing - Yo no estaba haciendo. dancing l no estaba bailando. driving Ella no estaba conduciendo. raining No estaba lloviendo. You We they weren't (were + not) sleeping T/vosotros no estabas /estabais durmiendo. reading Nosotros no estbamos leyendo. singing- Ellos no estaban cantando.
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Forma interrogativa Was I He She It doing? Estaba yo haciendo...? dancing? Estaba l bailando? driving? Estaba ella conduciendo? raining? Estaba lloviendo? Were You We they sleeping? Estabas t/ estabais vosotros durmiendo? reading? Estbamos nosotros leyendo? singing? Estaban ellos cantando? I wasnt sleeping yesterday at ten. Ayer a las diez no estaba durmiendo. Where were you at nine? I was having dinner with my friends. Dnde estabas a las nueve? Estaba cenando con mis amigos. Actividades propuestas S12. Escriba was / were + ing para completar las preguntas. (you / live) Where were you living in 1989? In Santiago. 1. What (you / do) ................................................ at four oclock? I was sleeping. 2. (it / rain) ......................................................when you went out? Yes, it was. 3. Why (you / drive) slowly? Because the road was very dangerous. 4. What (your mother / cook) ........................................for dinner? She was cooking fish. 5. What (you / read) .......................................................? I was reading the newspaper. S13. Complete las frases con la informacin de las imgenes. Fjese en el ejemplo.
JOHN (play tennis)
JENNY (play)
CAROL (drive)
MARY AND JO (have dinner)
THE DOGS (sleep)
Yesterday at three oclock John was playing tennis Yesterday at .................................... Jenny .......................................................... Yesterday at .................................... Carol .......................................................... Yesterday at .................................... Mary and Jo ............................................... Yesterady at .................................... the dogs ......................................................
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S14. Qu estaban haciendo estas personas ayer por la tarde? Elija el verbo correcto y selo en pasado continuo: study sleep read wash the dog sing.
The baby was sleeping
1. She .....................................................................................................................
2. The children .......................................................................................................
4. My sister ............................................................................................................ El pasado continuo se emplea a menudo junto al pasado simple. El pasado conti- nuo expresa una accin que estaba sucediendo cuando fue interrumpida por otra (pasado simple). I was reading (pasado continuo) a book when my mother arrived (pasado sim- ple). Yo estaba leyendo un libro cuando mi madre lleg. She fell down (pasado simple) when she was painting (pasado continuo) her bedroom. Ella se cay cuando estaba pintando su habitacin. Actividades propuestas S15. Complete las frases con los verbos que faltan; uno es pasado continuo y el otro es pasado simple. Example: Jim burned his fingers when he was making toast. 1. I .............. at books in a second-hand bookshop when I ............ a rare edition (look, find). 2. Janet .............. her exercise when she .............. a mistake (check, find).
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3. Peter .............. on the lake when the ice .............. (skate, break). 4. Sarah .............. her leg when she .............. hockey (twist, play). 5. John .............. at 200kph when the police .............. him (drive, stop). 6. I .............. a museum when I .............. an old friend (visit, meet). 7. I .............. when a beach ball .............. me on the face (sunbathe, hit). 8. The minister .............. a speech when someone in the crowd .............. an egg (make, throw). 9. Nick .............. his finger when he .............. potatoes. (cut, peel). 10. A thief .............. Mrs Browns handbag when she .............. the statue. (ste- al, watch).
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2.2 Comprensin escrita My name is Jordan, I am fifteen years old and Im not a very good student. My parents always tell me that I have to study more if I want to pass all the exams. I know I should work harder, because this course I got very bad marks. I didnt pass all the subjects, so I will have to study in the summer to repeat my exams in september. This is the reason why I cant go on holiday, I must stay home and study all day. Yesterday I was studying all morning and in the afternoon I was reading the book that I have to read for my literature exam. When I was reading the book, my mother phoned me from the beach to tell me that I could stop studying for the moment. I went to the beach and relaxed for a while. Actividades propuestas S16. Lea el texto anterior y diga si las frases son verdaderas (T) o falsas (F). Jordan is a good student. F 1. Jordan thinks he doesnt have to study. ......... 2. His parents tell him that he has to study. ......... 3. He cant go on holiday because he has to study. ......... 4. He was watching TV when his mother phoned him. ......... 5. He will have to repeat his exams in september. .........
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2.3 Vocabulario bsico de la unidad 2.3.1 Las horas Oclock En punto Half past Y media Quarter past Y cuarto
Quarter to Menos cuarto Whats the time? Qu hora es? Its five oclock Son las cinco en punto. Its half past five Son las cinco y media. Its quarter past five Son las cinco y cuarto. Its quarter to five Son las cinco menos cuarto. Its ten minutes past four Son las cuatro y diez. Its twenty minutes to five Son las cinco menos veinte. Actividades propuestas S17. Diga qu hora es en los siguientes relojes.
EXAMPLE: Its five minutes past five
1. Its .............................
2. Its ....................................
3. Its ............................
4. Its .....................................
5. Its ............................
6. Its ...................................
7. Its ............................
8. Its ...................................
9. Its ..........................
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2.3.2 Verbos irregulares Present Past Traduccin know knew saber, conocer lead led liderar, dirigir learn learnt aprender leave left ir, marcharse, dejar lend lent dejar, prestar let let dejar, permitir lose lost perder make made hacer, fabricar mean meant significar meet met conocer (a alguien), juntarse pay paid pagar put put poner read /ri:d/ read /red/ leer
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2.4 Autoevaluacin 1. You ...................... use the seatbelt in the car. should must have 2. My mother ...................... sleep at nights, she ................... take some pills. should / can must / have to cant / has to 3. In my opinion, you ..................... go to the party, they didnt invite you. mustnt shouldnt cant 4. ................... you play the guitar? No, I .................... play any musical instrument. can / cant cant / can ought to / must 5. She doesnt look very well, she .................... go to the doctor. should must can 6. You ......................... take the car to go to the market, its very near. mustnt shouldnt dont have to 7. I ...................... study a lot, tomorrow I have a very important exam. have to mustnt cant
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8. What .................. you ................... yesterday morning? I was sleeping. were / doing was / having were / having 9. She ........................ when the telephone ......................... were reading / rang read / was ringing was reading / rang 10. What time is it? Its ............................. quarter nine quarter to nine quarter nine past
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3. Soluciones a las actividades S1. cant can cant cant could can / could couldnt could S2. 1. The children can go to the cinema. 2. My father cant drive. 3. My friend cant swim. 4. I could swim when I was five. 5. Can you help me with my homework? 6. Xon cant go to the party tonight, hes got ... S3. 1. has to 2. dont have to 3. had to 4. doesnt have to 5. had to 6. had to S4. 2. Incapacidad. 3. Ausencia de obligacin. 4. Capacidad. 5. Incapacidad. 6. Prohibicin. 7. Obligacin. 8. Consejo. 9. Incapacidad. 10. Capacidad.
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S5. 1. cant 2. can 3. can 4. cant 5. must 6. can 7. must 8. can 9. cant S6. 1. She has to / must go to school very early. 2. Shes running, she must be late. 3. My aunt cant drive. 4. Tom should do more exercise. 5. John could play tennis when she was little. 6. Shes crying, she must be sad. S7. 1. can 2. mustnt 3. could 4. should 5. must 6. could 7. dont have to S8. 1. I am not able. 2. She didnt know. 3. I advise you to see the doctor. 4. You dont know how to play. 5. You dont need to pay. S9. 1. must 2. has to
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3. has to 4. had to 5. mustnt 6. have to 7. must 8. mustnt 9. can S10. 1. dont have to be 2. mustnt 3. dont have to 4. dont have to 5. mustnt / shouldnt use S11. 1. must / have to 2. cant / mustnt 3. should 4. have to / must 5. must / has to 6. should / ought to 7. shouldnt S12. 1. What were you doing 2. Was it raining 3. Were you driving 4. Was your mother cooking 5. Were you reading S13. 1. at ten past ten / was playing 2. five minutes to one / was driving 3. twenty-five past ten / were having dinner 4. ten past nine / were sleeping
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S14. 1. was washing the dog 2. were studying 3. was singing 4. was reading S15. 1. was looking / found 2. was checking / found 3. was skating / broke 4. twisted / was playing 5. was driving / stopped 6. was visiting /met 7. was sunbathing/ hit 8. was making / threw 9. cut / was peeling 10. stole / was watching S16. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T S17. 1. eighteen minutes past six 2. ten minutes to twelve 3. twenty-five minutes to one 4. twelve oclock 5. half past two 6. five minutes to seven 7. quarter past twelve 8. five minutes to twelve 9. five minutes past nine
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Autoavaliacin 1. b 2.c 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. c 7. a 8. a 9. c 10. b