Basico 2
Basico 2
Basico 2
Estimado alumno,
Mi nombre es Marta Beatriz Roganti y soy tu tutor en Ingls Bsico 2. Es mi rol el de facilitar el
aprendizaje del idioma en este perodo de tu formacin, conocimiento que, seguramente con
el tiempo, cobrar gran importancia en tu vida personal y profesional.
Ser tu tutor durante el bimestre que dura esta materia. Podrs comunicarte diariamente
conmigo para aclarar tus dudas, y resolver todas las inquietudes que surjan en esta etapa del
aprendizaje. Este contacto ser va e-campus, tanto para enviar consultas como para recibir
mis comunicaciones. Para tal fin debes entrar al e-campus y dirigirte a respuestas del tutor.
Es fundamental el compromiso mutuo para lograr nuestros objetivos de formacin trabajando
de manera conjunta con organizacin y sistematizacin. Si quieres lograr una verdadera
adquisicin del idioma ingls debers trabajar a organizadamente y en forma sistemtica
Aprender in idioma implica desarrollar cuatro habilidades fundamentales: oral, escrita,
comprensin escrita y auditiva. La realizacin de actividades, ejercicios y mi acompaamiento
en todo aquello que presente dudas es esencial. Son herramientas obligatorias: el libro de
texto que te brinda las estructuras de la lengua y su vocabulario en contextos temticos
actualizados; el libro de ejercicios (e-workbook) que brinda ms prctica activa sobre lo
desarrollado en el libro (tiene correccin inmediata) y el componente multimedial educativo
de la plataforma MyElt (Grammar Caf) que ofrece explicaciones gramaticales, prctica escrita
y oral sobre los contenidos del programa, tambin te brinda la correccin inmediata de los
ejercicios que har que vayas avanzando y analizando sobre los aciertos y errores que son
parte del proceso de aprendizaje, sobre ellos construimos nuestro conocimiento.
El objetivo de esta gua es presentar los objetivos y mecanismos de estudio y evaluacin de la
materia y dar los lineamientos de los contenidos.
La gua consta de:
1. programa de la materia.
2. cuadro con los objetivos de aprendizaje por unidad, con una breve descripcin
de lo que debes estar capacitado para realizar al final de la materia.
3. breve descripcin de la forma de evaluacin.
4. presentacin
de estrategias para la comprensin lectora y expresin oral.
5. Lineamiento sobre las habilidades de composicin (Writing Skills) con una
descripcin terica y modelos ejemplificativos de los distintos tipos de textos
que debes saber escribir.
6. Puntos
gramaticales ms importantes.
7. cuestiones bsicas sobre el manejo de la plataforma MyElt,
Imaginemos que este aprendizaje es una travesa. Es mi deseo compartirla y llegar con xito al
objetivo final.
Bienvenido a Bsico 2! Comenzamos a trabajar juntos?
Tu tutor
Marta B. Roganti
Objetivos Generales:
Que el alumno logre adquirir las herramientas bsicas de comunicacin en el idioma ingls a
travs del desarrollo de habilidades lingsticas de recepcin y produccin a un nivel
Sern objetivos especficos de la asignatura:
Describir a una persona que uno admira (hroe personal)
Relatar experiencias pasadas
Invitar y ofrecer
Hablar de planes futuros
Hablar de la salud
Comentar sobre una pelcula
UNIT 1 : What do we need? (Unit 3 from the book: Lessons A & B)
4.2 Vocabulary
4.2.1 Vocabulary from unit 4: lessons A and B (book and workbook)
4.3 Reading
4.3.1 Texts from the unit.
4.3.2 Texts related to the unit.
UNIT 5: All about you (Unit 8 from the book: Lessons A & B)
5.1 Use of Language
5.1.1. Verb + noun, verb + infinitive
5.1.2 How often? Frequency expressions
5.2 Vocabulary
5.2.1 Vocabulary from unit 5: lessons A and B (book and workbook)
5.3 Reading
5.3.1 Texts from the unit.
5.3.2 Texts related to the unit.
6.3 Reading
6.3.1 Texts from the unit.
6.3.2 Texts related to the unit.
UNIT 7: Your Health (Unit 10 from the book: Lessons A & B)
7.1 Use of Language
7.1.1 Imperatives
7.1.2 When clauses
7.2 Vocabulary
7.2.1 Vocabulary from unit 7: lessons A and B (book and workbook)
7.3 Reading
7.3.1 Texts from the unit.
7.3.2 Texts related to the unit.
8.3 Reading
8.3.1 Texts from the unit.
8.3.2 Texts related to the unit.
La materia ser abordada desde un enfoque comunicativo orientado al desarrollo de las cuatro
habilidades: lectura, escritura, audicin y produccin oral, teniendo como meta la comunicacin
inteligible, precisa y efectiva del idioma ingls.
Bibliografa Bsica:
Stempleski, Susan (2011) World Link 1. Second Edition.
(Students book, Workbook and audio CD) Boston: Heinle
Thomson ELT (2008) Grammar Caf for World Link 1.
(opera dentro de la plataforma MyELT: Boston: Heinle.
Bibliografa Ampliatoria:
Stempleski, Susan (2011) World Link 1 Online Video Workbook. Second Edition.
Boston: Heinle
Stempleski, Susan (2005) World Link 1 DVD. Boston: Heinle
(1) E-BOOK
Funciona como
suplementario del
Para ello, consultamos el programa, que nos va a referir a las unidades del libro
que debemos trabajar.
Dentro de cada unidad del libro, tenemos conos especficos de audicin para
escuchar el audio de las actividades de LISTENING. Es muy importante trabajar
estas actividades para desarrollar esta habilidad, y poder reconocer y aprender
la pronunciacin de las palabras.
palabra no es conocida y creemos que es necesario saber su significado.
est en el titulo o subttulos o se repite varias veces.
se puede deducir el significado a partir del contexto.
necesito esa palabra para responder alguna pregunta.
no puedo entender el significado de la oracin sin saber el significado de la
Gua para desarrollar la escritura en ingls
En el Bsico 2 se espera que escriban prrafos de 100 /120 palabras. Los prrafos pueden ser
descriptivos y narrativos dependiendo de los temas.
A continuacin veras los lineamientos generales para escribir en forma organiza y efectiva.
When writing either type of paragraph you need to consider the following important points:
1- Paragraph structure
2- Organization of ideas
3- Use of relevant vocabulary
4- Use of connectors
5- Grammar
What is a paragraph?
A paragraph consists of several sentences that are grouped together. This group of sentences
discuss one main topic.
A- What is a Descriptive paragraph?
In this type of paragraph you describe a particular person, place, or thing such as personal
information, a weekly routine, a family member, your hometown,your favourite place in the
house, etc. You should write in such a way that the reader can visualize the topic.
BWhat is a paragraph
Narrative paragraph?
A narrative
tells a story or part of a story. Narrative writing is used to write
biographies, autobiographies, or personal accounts such as a story about the best celebration
you have ever had,a time when you were nervous, or your first plane ride, etc. In your
paragraph you tell what happened and how you reacted.
A - A good descriptive paragraph is well organized. You can organize your descriptive writing
in the following way:
- Chronological order: it is the order in which the events occurred, from first to last. This is the
easiest pattern to write and to follow. (See sample paragraph below)
- Spacial order: this type of organization takes the reader from one spot to the next, as if the
reader were looking at something. It is very descriptive. (See sample paragraph below).
B - A narrative paragraph relies on a personal experience and it is in the form of a story, so you
have to make sure you include all the conventions of storytelling: plot, character, setting,
climax, and ending. Write the story in a chronological order. (See sample paragraph below)
writing uses
a lot of adjectives. Use specific adjectives and nouns and strong
action verbs to give life to the picture you are painting in the reader's mind.
Narrative writing requires figurative language which is the use of descriptive words that bring
the reader into the story such as simile, and metaphor. The writing should be lively and
interesting. Try to engage the reader's interest by adding details or personal observations.
Sharing personal thoughts and details invites the reader into author's world and makes the
story more personal and more interesting.
2- Connectors of Contrast: use this type of connector if you want to show contrast of
ideas. Example: but, on the other hand, however.
good use of English grammar: use proper verb tenses, word order, and sentence
Mexico City
Mexico City has been described as the "biggest" city in the world. In reality, with over 20
million people and an area covering approximately 600 square miles it is probably one of the
most densely populated. Regardless, Mexico City is truly one of the great capitals of the world.
Mexico City is full of hustle and bustle. The underground Metro covers over 200 miles of
routes within the city. Restaurants, museums, art galleries, fashion shops, tree lined
boulevards, boutiques, taco stands, and the haute and demi mondes are present in Mexico
City. Culturally, Mexico City has something to offer the most jaded visitor. The Museum of
Anthropology, built in the early 60's, rivals museums around the world. Visitors can spend
hours, even days, viewing the extensive collection of pre-Columbian artifacts collected from
sites around Mexico. Testimonials and remnants of the works of Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo,
Siqueiros, Tamayo and other notable painters are found throughout the city. Taking in a
performance of the world-renowned Ballet Folklorico is a must for first time visitors and highly
considered by repeat travelers. The dawn to dusk effects on the Tiffany curtain image of the
Popocatepetl and Iztacchuatl at the Palace of Fine Arts are an impressive start to a whirlwind
performance of flying colors in regional costumes, traditions and beautiful music.
It seemed like an ordinary day when she got up that morning, but Lynda was about to embark
on the worst day of her life. First, she fell in the bathtub because her mother forgot to rinse
out the bath oil. Then she spilled orange juice on the outfit she had spent hours putting
together for school pictures. When she changed, she messed up the French braid her mother
had put in her hair. As she walked out the door, she dropped all of her school books and her
Math homework flew away. Once she made it to the car she thought everything would be all
right. She was wrong; her father didn't look before he backed out of the driveway and ran into
the neighbors truck. Lyndas side of the car was damaged the most, and she ended up with a
broken arm. That night, she cried herself to sleep.
New situations always make me a bit nervous, and my first swimming lesson was no
exception. After I changed into my bathing suit in the locker room, I stood timidly by the side
of the pool waiting for the teacher and other students to show up. After a couple of minutes
the teacher came over. We got into the pool, and the teacher had us put on brightly colored
water wings to help us stay afloat. Things were not quite that easy for me, but the teacher was
very patient. After a few more weeks, when I seemed to have caught on with my legs, she
taught me the arm strokes. Now I had two things to concentrate on, my arms and my legs. I
felt hopelessly uncoordinated. Sooner than I imagined, however, things began to feel "right"
and I was able to swim! It was a wonderful free feeling - like flying, maybe - to be able to shoot
across the water. Learning to swim was not easy for me, but in the end my persistence paid
off. Not only did I learn how to swim and to conquer my fear of the water. Now when I am
faced with a new situation I am not so nervous. I may feel uncomfortable to begin with, but I
know that as I practice being in that situation and as my skills get better, I will feel more and
more comfortable. It is a wonderful, free feeling when you achieve a goal you have set for
de puedes
las audiciones)
que en(Textos
el Ebook
encontrar la transcripcin de los audios que provee el libro
de textos. Es un recurso muy til para que estudies las estructuras del programa, incorpores
vocabulario y analices los textos que se presentan como modelos a tener en cuenta en el
momento de realizar tus producciones escritas y orales.
En esta seccin de la gua encontrars las explicaciones gramaticales ms representativas de
Ingls Bsico 2. Los nmeros que aparecen debajo de cada unidad corresponden a los puntos
correspondientes al programa de la materia.
1.1.1 y 1.1.2
Ambos adjetivos se traducen por "algo de", "algunos".
Regla general:
"Some": se utiliza en oraciones afirmativas.
"Any": se utiliza en oraciones negativas o interrogativas.
"Some": se utiliza a veces en preguntas:
a) Que suponen ofrecimiento.
Do you want some wine?
Can I give you some advice?
b) Cuando se espera casi con toda seguridad una
respuesta afirmativa.
Can I have some biscuits?
"Any" se utiliza a veces:
En oraciones afirmativas con el significado de
Any kid would have behaved like that
You can pick any of these books
You can go anywhere you want
"much" / "many" / "a lot of" se traducen "mucho".
Las reglas que se aplican son las siguientes, si bien cabe cierta
a) En oraciones afirmativas: "a lot of"
b) En oraciones negativas e interrogativas:
b.1) Con sustantivos contables: "many"
many books, many coins, many girls...
b.2) Con sustantivos incontables: "much"
much time, much effort, much energy
De igual forma que los adjetivos, los pronombres posesivos son invariables y nunca van
precedidos del artculo.
Here's your book. Where's mine?
Is that car yours?
of his
is similar to ours.
Se utiliza la palabra interrogativa WHOSE cuando queremos averiguar acerca del poseedor
del o de los objetos mencionados.
Por ejemplo:
UNIT S 3 and 4: Heroes and the Mind (Unit 5 and 6 from the book: Lessons A & B)
3.1.1 y 4.1.1 Pasado Simple (Simple Past)
El pasado simple funciona de manera similar al Presente simple, salvo que empleamos el
auxiliar 'did' para todas las personas (incluida la tercera persona singular 'he/she/it'). En la
forma afirmativa, el auxiliar 'did' no aparece, empleando en su lugar la terminacin 'ed'. Esta
es la forma de pasado para todos los 'Verbos Regulares'
Existe un amplio conjunto de verbos que no cumplen esta condicin, es decir, para la forma
afirmativa no emplean la terminacin 'ed' sino que su forma es irregular. No siguen ninguna
regla, por lo que la nica manera de conocer su forma de pasado es aprenderla. Se denominan
'Verbos Irregulares'.
They played soccer yesterday.
We saw a beautiful cardigan in that store yesterday.
You did not come to the party last year.
He didnt come to the party, didnt he?
Did you know about the accident two hours ago?
Where did they stay when they went to New York?
When did you first meet your boyfriend?
Uso del Pasado Simple
a.) Para acciones pasadas. Indican el perodo de tiempo durante el que se desarroll y
complet una accin ya finalizada. Es habitual que vaya acompaado de un adverbio de
I bought this car last year.
b.) Para expresar una accin indeterminada en el pasado:
They used pencils and paper.
c.) Para expresar una accin habitual en el pasado
They never drank alcohol
UNIT 6: Change (Unit 9 from the book: Lessons A & B)
6.1.2 El futuro con 'going to'
Es una forma muy habitual para referirse a una accin relativa a una intencin o una decisin
que se haba tomado con anterioridad en relacin al futuro . Al igual que el Presente
Progresivo se puede utilizar para expresar planes, citas, etc.
We are going to meet to make a decision.
He isnt going to go on holiday next summer
Are you going to take the car tonight?
When are you going to stop smoking?
UNIT 7: Your Health (Unit 10 from the book: Lessons A & B)
7.1.1 Imperativo
El imperativo tiene una sola persona para singular y plural, que se denomina 'segunda persona
de imperativo'
Para la forma negativa, utilizamos 'do not' (don't) antes del verbo.
Don't stop!
- El sujeto cuando se incluye normalmente figura al final de la frase
Come here, John!
- Podemos utilizar 'do' precediendo al imperativo. Es una forma enftica de expresin (la
construccin de imperativo con 'do' le da una mayor firmeza).
Do enjoy yourselves!
Do be quiet!
UNIT 8: At the movies (Unit 12 from the book: Lessons A & B)
8.1.1 ing and ed adjectives.
Las palabras con el sufijo ING y ED pueden funcionar de la siguiente manera:
I am interested in Marketing.
He isnt excited about the promotion.
Are they satisfied with the project?
That was an interesting movie!!
is a are
exciting film.
8.1.2 The Present Continuous as future
En algunos casos se utiliza el Presente Continuo con la idea de futuro cuando nos referimos a
una accin que ha sido planeada y organizada con referencia de tiempo es
Im seeing the dentist tomorrow at 5 pm.
a new
next month.
meeting the
this afternoon at 4 pm.
he meeting
Are youis staying
at your
house in London?
My ELT es una plataforma virtual sobre la cual est montado el material de estudio que
acompaa tu proceso de aprendizaje. Dichos materiales son: e-book (libro electrnico), eworkbook (libro de ejercitacin electrnico), ms Grammar Caf. Este ltimo componente te
brinda explicaciones gramaticales y su consecutiva prctica apuntando a distintas aspectos de la
lengua como: precisin gramatical y lingstica, actividades de lectura comprensiva y
auditiva. Segn el nivel de idiomas que cursas ser el Grammar Caf que acompaa al libro