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Inglés I

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English Ingls

Telesecundaria 1er grado

Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Ingls I. Telesecundaria fue elaborado por la Direccin General de Materiales Educativos (dgme) de la Subsecretara de Educacin Bsica, Secretara de Educacin Pblica.

Autores Jezabel Barrera Fuentes, Claudia Yvette Gmez Martnez Revisin tcnico-pedaggica Yuliemy Carmona Rivas Coordinacin editorial Direccin Editorial dgme/sep Alejandro Portilla de Buen, Olga Correa Inostroza Cuidado editorial Lizbeth Zavala Mondragn Produccin editorial Martn Aguilar Gallegos

Ilustracin A corazn abierto, Richard Zela, Bana Fernndez, Julieta Gutirrez, Beatriz Martnez, Elvia Leticia Gmez Rodrguez, Agustn Azuela de la Cueva Cuidado editorial Chanti Editores, Arlette de Alba, Hugo Ibez Diseo y diagramacin Agustn Azuela de la Cueva

Primera edicin, 2012 (ciclo escolar 2013-2014) D.R. Secretara de Educacin Pblica, 2012 Argentina 28, Centro, 06020, Mxico, D.F. ISBN: 978-607-514-019-3 Impreso en Mxico d istribucin gratuita -p rohibida su venta

Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Coordinacin tcnico-pedaggica Direccin de Desarrollo e Innovacin de Materiales Educativos, dgme/sep Mara Cristina Martnez Mercado, Alexis Gonzlez Dulzaides, Adriana Rojas Lima

Servicios editoriales Chanti Editores


En el marco del Acuerdo 592, por medio del cual se establece la Articulacin de la Educacin Bsica, as como del Acuerdo 593 que seala los programas de estudio de la asignatura de Tecnologa para la educacin secundaria, la Secretara de Educacin Pblica ha consolidado una propuesta de libros de texto, a partir de un nuevo enfoque centrado en la participacin de los alumnos en su proceso de aprendizaje y en el desarrollo de las competencias bsicas para la vida y el trabajo. Especialmente en el contexto de la Telesecundaria, el libro de texto se complementa con las Tecnologas de la Informacin y Comunicacin (TIC), con los objetos digitales de aprendizaje, los materiales y equipos audiovisuales e informticos que, junto con las bibliotecas escolares, representan el soporte pedaggico de los nios mexicanos en su proceso de adquisicin del conocimiento escolarizado. Esta nueva generacin de libros de texto para Telesecundaria responde al principio de mejora continua, por lo que ha puesto atencin en el replanteamiento de las cargas de contenido para centrarse en estrategias innovadoras para el trabajo escolar, incentiva habilidades orientadas al aprovechamiento de distintas fuentes de informacin, busca que los estudiantes adquieran habilidades para aprender de manera autnoma incentivando el uso intensivo de la tecnologa informtica. Asimismo, con la intencin de dar continuidad a la propuesta editorial iniciada en los libros de texto de primaria, en este libro se ha fortalecido la lnea editorial que promueve una lectura integral capaz de interpretar tanto el discurso textual como el visual. Se ha incluido en sus pginas una muestra representativa de gneros y tcnicas plsticas, as como propuestas iconogrficas que no slo complementan el contenido textual, sino lo enriquecen y conforman por s mismos una fuente de informacin para el alumno. En la preparacin de este libro confluyen numerosas acciones de colaboracin de organismos y profesionales, entre los que destacan asociaciones de padres de familia, investigadores del campo de la educacin, instituciones evaluadoras, maestros, editores y expertos en diversas disciplinas. A todos ellos la Secretara de Educacin Pblica les extiende un agradecimiento por el compromiso demostrado con cada nio residente en el territorio nacional y con aquellos mexicanos que se encuentran fuera de l. Secretara de Educacin Pblica

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This is your book

This material was created with the aim to facilitate your learning at a basic level with a communicative approach, with reference on the 2006 Foreign Language English Syllabus. The lessons are designed to aid your personal development and integration to society through interaction and exchange of experiences with others. This is fullled through oral and written texts production and interpretation, with the aim to create, discover and explore the world around us, building up your knowledge. The expected learning aim is that you obtain the necessary knowledge to participate in some social practices of language, that is, through the interpretation of oral and written texts. The applied teaching methodology in this text consists of three stages that correspond to the 2006 Syllabus:

According to the previous points, the book units are developed as follows:
a) Purpose. It briey describes what it is

meant to be learned through the lesson development.

b) Content. The topic, individual and group

exercises, pictures, readings and practice suggestions are developed according to the topic.
c) Self-evaluation. This section is divided in

two parts: Drills that will help you see how much you learned from previous topics. A series of questions to self-evaluate your learning in the English lessons.
d) Support material. They are didactic

Text. The process starts with the exposition of an oral or written text. Reection on language. This segment leads you to reective observation, that is, it helps you deduce how English language works. Use of language. It consists in making you use language through tasks (oral or written production) that show the expected learning.

materials related to the topics of the unit, and that may help to reinforce your learning.
e) Bibliography. It is the list of materials

checked to make this book, which can help as a teaching aid if thorough learning is pursued.

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Conoce tu libro
El presente material fue creado con el n de facilitar la conduccin de tu aprendizaje en un nivel bsico y con nes comunicativos, segn el Plan y Programa de Estudio 2006 de la Lengua Extranjera Inglesa. Las lecciones estn diseadas de forma que permitan tu desarrollo personal e integracin a la sociedad, mediante la interaccin y el intercambio de experiencias con los dems. Esto se logra a travs de la produccin e interpretacin de textos orales y escritos, para crear, descubrir y explorar el mundo que nos rodea, construyendo de esa manera tu aprendizaje. El propsito de estudiar la lengua extranjera es obtener los conocimientos para participar en algunas prcticas sociales del lenguaje, a travs de la interpretacin de textos orales y escritos. La metodologa de enseanza que se aplica en este texto consta de tres etapas que corresponden al Programa de Estudio 2006: 1 2 Texto. El proceso comienza con la exposicin de un texto oral o escrito. Reexin sobre la lengua. Esta parte te conduce a la observacin reexiva, es decir, a que deduzcas cmo funciona la lengua inglesa. Uso de la lengua. Consiste en que uses el lenguaje a travs de tareas (de produccin oral o escrita) que reejen los aprendizajes esperados. De acuerdo con lo anterior, las unidades del libro se desarrollan de la siguiente manera: a) Propsito. Describe brevemente el aprendizaje que se quiere conseguir con el desarrollo de la leccin. b) Contenido. En esta parte se desglosan los temas, ejercicios individuales y de grupo, ilustraciones y lecturas, y sugerencias de prcticas de acuerdo con la temtica abordada. c) Autoevaluacin. Esta seccin se divide en dos partes: Ejercicios que te ayudarn a ver cunto aprendiste de los temas vistos con anterioridad. Una serie de preguntas para poder autoevaluar tu aprendizaje en las lecciones de ingls. d) Material de apoyo. Aqu encontrars materiales didcticos que tienen relacin con los temas de la unidad y que pueden servir para reforzar los aprendizajes. e) Bibliografa. Es la lista del material revisado para la elaboracin de este libro, que puede servir de apoyo a la prctica docente si se desea profundizar en el conocimiento de las temticas.

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Contents Contenido
Introduction Introduccin
Classroom Language Expresiones en el saln de clases Sequence 1 Secuencia 1 7

Unit 4 Unidad 4
Daily Life Vida diaria Sequence 1 Secuencia 1 Sequence 2 Secuencia 2 Sequence 3 Secuencia 3 Sequence 4 Secuencia 4 Sequence 5 Secuencia 5


155 169 179 189

Unit 1 Unidad 1
Personal identication Identicacin personal Sequence 1 Secuencia 1



Unit 5 Unidad 5 Unit 2 Unidad 2

Action in Progress Acciones en progreso Sequence 1 Secuencia 1 Sequence 2 Secuencia 2 Sequence 3 Secuencia 3 55 69 83



Places and buildings Lugares y edicios Sequence 1 Secuencia 1 Sequence 2 Secuencia 2 Sequence 3 Secuencia 3 201 207 231

Answer key Hoja de respuestas Unit 3 Unidad 3

Hobbies, Leisure and Sports Pasatiempos, tiempo libre y deporte Sequence 1 Secuencia 1 Sequence 2 Secuencia 2 Sequence 3 Secuencia 3 101 121 133

239 253


Bibliography Bibliografa

Families Sheet Hoja para las familias 255

Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12


Introduction Introduccin
Classroom Language Expresiones en el saln de clases
Purpose Propsito
The purpose of this unit is to provide students with some basic classroom language expressions that will enable them to communicate in English all the time during their foreign language lessons.
El propsito de esta unidad es proporcionar a los estudiantes algunas expresiones bsicas usadas dentro del saln de clases que les permitirn comunicarse en ingls durante las lecciones del idioma extranjero.

Sequence 1

Secuencia 1

In this sequence you will learn to:

En esta secuencia aprenders a:

Recognize expressions to say hello and goodbye. Reconocer expresiones para saludar y despedirse. Spell words. Deletrear palabras. Express your age. Decir tu edad. Recognize instructions in the classroom. Reconocer instrucciones dentro del saln de clases. Express dates. Expresar fechas. Ask for the meaning or translation of words. Preguntar por el signicado o la traduccin de palabras. Ask for permission. Pedir permiso.

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Lesson 1

Hello! Goodbye!
You will recognize expressions of greetings and farewells.
Reconocern expresiones para saludar y despedirse.

Think and write

Bus driver: Pedro: Bus driver: Pedro:

Good morning, my name is Paul. Welcome aboard! My name is Pedro. Good morning, sir. Pleased to meet you, Pedro. Pleased to meet you, Paul.

Pedro: Okan: Pedro: Okan: Pedro:

Hi, my name is Pedro. Hello, Pedro. I am Okan. How are you? Very well, thank you. What about you? Im ne, thanks. Nice to meet you, Okan.

Bus driver: Pedro: Students: Bus driver:

Have a nice day, guys! Bye, Paul! Goodbye! See you in the afternoon! Take care. Bye-bye.

Write the time of the day that each picture shows.

Escribe el momento del da que muestra cada imagen.

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Look at the pictures. Write the conversation number (1, 2, 3) to the corresponding picture.
Observa las imgenes. Escribe el nmero correspondiente a cada conversacin.

Look at the pictures and complete the dialogues.

Observa las imgenes y completa los dilogos.

Ema: Paco: Ema: Paco: How Im ne, , my name is Ema. , Ema. you? . Paco.

Memo: Mr. Gomez: Memo: Mr. Gomez: Im Good , Mr. Gomez. morning, Memo. are you? , thanks. And you? .

Fill in the blanks whether the dialogue is formal or informal.

Escribe sobre la lnea si el dilogo es formal o informal.

Dialogue 1 is Dialogue 2 is

. .


In pairs create a dialogue similar to the ones in exercise 3. Then present it to the class.
En parejas elaboren un dilogo similar a los del ejercicio 3. Posteriormente presntenlo a la clase.

Complete the chart.

Completa la tabla.
Time Spanish




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Lesson 2

How do you spell it?

You will identify the English alphabet letters in order to spell words correctly.
Identicarn las letras del alfabeto ingls para deletrear correctamente las palabras.

Can you think of some objects you need for class?
Puedes pensar en algunos objetos que necesitas para la clase?



Read the dialogue. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.
Lee el dilogo. Completa los espacios en blanco con las palabras del cuadro.

Look at the words in red in the previous dialogue and use them to complete these sentences.
Lee en el dilogo anterior las palabras en rojo y salas para completar las siguientes oraciones.



You answer when you are in the class. You answer not in the class.


Good morning, class. Im going to take attendance. Number one, Alvarez. Present. Number two, Bonilla. Here. Number Absent Number twelve, Linares. Present. Number Present. Number twenty-three, Mmm! Tes, tech... It is Texcalpa. How do you spell it? T-E-X-C-A-L-P-A. , Suarez. , Huerta.

when somebody is

Alvarez: Teacher: Bonilla: Teacher: Student: Teacher: Linares: Teacher: Suarez: Teacher: Texcalapa: Teacher: Texcalpa:

What is the question used to ask to spell?

Qu pregunta se utiliza para pedir que deletreen?


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Look at the chart below. Repeat the pronunciation of the letters. Observa la siguiente tabla y repite la pronunciacin de las letras.
Letter Sound Letter Sound Letter Sound


Ei Bii Cii Dii I Ef DYi Eich Ai Yei


Kei El Em En Ou Pi Qiu Ar Es Ti Whats your name? Its Alvarado. A-L-V-A-R-A-D-O


Iu Vi Dobl iu Ex Uai Dzi


My name is Juanita. Whats y your last name? How do you spell it?

Create a classroom directory. rectory. Ask three partners for their ir full name, to spell their d name or last name, and take mple. e notes. Follow the example.
Crea un directorio del saln ln de clases. Pregntale a tres s compaeros su nombre completo, pdeles que deletreen su nombre o su apellido, y toma nota. . Sigue el ejemplo.

First name

Middle name

Last name


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Lesson 3

How old are you?

You will identify the English writing of numbers in order to express age.
Identicarn la escritura de los nmeros en ingls para expresar la edad.


1 2 3

One Two Three Four


Eleven Twelve

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Twenty-one Twenty-two

40 50 60

Forty Fifty Sixty Seventy

13 14

Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen

Twenty-four 80 90 Twenty-seven

5 6

Five Six Seven 16 17

Eighty Ninety

Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen

100 One hundred 101 One hundred one 102 One hundred two

Eight Nine 19

Nineteen Twenty

10 Ten


103 One hundred three



Say the numbers from 1 to 100.

Di los nmeros en ingls del 1 al 100.

Answer the questions.

Responde las preguntas.

Go back to the chart. Look at the numbers 21, 23, 101, etc. What do they have in common? How are these numbers formed in English? Write the rule.
Regresa a la tabla. Observa los nmeros 21, 23, 101, etc. Qu tienen en comn? Cmo se forman estos nmeros en ingls? Escribe la regla.


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Complete this table with the missing numbers.

Completa la tabla con los nmeros que faltan.


Answer the following questions about yourself. Write the numbers with letters.
Contesta las siguientes preguntas que se reeren a ti. Escribe los nmeros con letra.

How old are you? How old is your teacher? How old is your best friend? How old is your mother? How old is your father?

I am He/she is He/she is She is He is

years old. years old. years old. years old. years old.

Speak and write

Ask your classmate the questions above and write his/her answers. Write the numbers with letters.
Haz las preguntas del ejercicio anterior a tu compaero o compaera y anota sus respuestas. Escribe los nmeros con letra.


How old is your mother? Shes thirty-ve years old.

Partners name: Age: Teachers age: Best friends age: Mothers age: Fathers age:


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Lesson 4

Sit down!
You will recognize expressions to give instructions inside the classroom.
Reconocern expresiones para dar instrucciones dentro del saln de clases.

Which are the most common instructions you receive in class?
Cules son las instrucciones ms comunes que recibes en clase?


Think and write

1 2

Read the sentences

Lee las oraciones.

Look at the images and match them (1, 2, 3) with the sentences in exercise 1.
Observa las imgenes y escribe sobre las lneas el nmero de oracin del ejercicio 1 que les corresponda.

Im sorry, Im late. May I come in? Yes, Peter. Close the door. Sit down and open your book on page 25. Everybody be quiet, please. If you want to talk, raise your hand.

Think and write

Look at the sentences in exercise 1. Which instructions is the teacher giving to the students?
Observa las oraciones del ejercicio 1. Qu instrucciones est dando la profesora a los estudiantes?

Write the right answer.

Escribe la respuesta correcta.

Commands always start with a

a) verb b) noun


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Fill in the blanks with the letter that matches each picture.
Escribe sobre las lneas la letra que corresponda a cada imagen. responda ca imagen. espo d p cada magen g

Close the door. Please, stand up. Sit down. Be quiet. May I come in? Open the window.


Work in pairs. Student A will command student B according to the images. Then, switch roles. Look at the example.
Trabajen en parejas. El estudiante A le dar rdenes segn las imgenes al estudiante B para que las ejecute. Despus, cambien papeles. Observa el ejemplo.



Student A: Read a book.



Draw. Circle. Listen to it. 15

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Lesson 5

When is your birthday?

You will identify the months of the year and the days of the week in order to express dates. he
Identicarn los meses del ao y los das de la semana para expresar fechas. xpresar fechas. chas. has

When is your birthday?
Cundo es tu cumpleaos?


Look at the calendar. Complete it with the words in the box.

Observa el calendario. Compltalo con las palabras del cuadro.

October April
Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Saturday Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Sunday Friday

May February
Wednesday Thursday Saturday Saturday Monday Tuesday Sunday Friday Friday

July November
Wednesday Thursday Saturday Monday Tuesday Sunday Friday

31 days 28 days (29 every four years) ( (29 every four years) e ur ear

March March a h
31 days days ay 0 days ay y 30 days

June June June

31 days 30 days 0 da days 31 days ay 31 days

A August t
31 days 1 days ay

September mber
30 days 31 days days y 30 days 0 days ay

December December December r

31 days 31 days ay


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Complete the information.

Completa la informacin.


Read the dialogues and complete the chart.

Lee los dilogos y completa el cuadro.

Example: St. Valentines Day is on Labour Day is on Flag Day is on Spring starts on Childrens Day is on Mothers Day is on Columbus Day is on Christmas is on February 14 . . . . . . . .

1 Alessandra: Cesar, when is your birthday?


Its on April 2nd. Its on June 19th. Its on March 21st. Its on November 23rd.

2 Alessandra: Susan, when is your birthday?


3 Alessandra: Pamela, when is your birthday?


4 Alessandra: Joe, when is your birthday?


My Birthday Calendar






1 2

Choose the correct answers.

Elige las respuestas correctas.

We use
a) on b) in

to indicate dates.

We use

to indicate the date.


Put the letters in the right order to form the days of the week. Write them on the lines.
Ordena las letras para formar los nombres de los das de la semana. Escrbelos sobre las lneas.
n/y/S/d/u/a o/n/d/M/a/y s /T / a / u / d / e / y d/e/W/n/a/s/d/y/e d/y/h/T/a/r/u/s y/d/a/r/F/i t/r/a/y/a/S/u/d

a) ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, ) b) cardinal numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, ) 3

Months of the year start with

a) small letter b) capital letter

Mon Tues Wed Thurs

Look at the calendar below. Use the ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, etc.) to complete it.
Observa el calendario. Compltalo con los nmeros ordinales: (1st, 2nd, etc.).
Oct 20___

Fri Sat








Choose your favorite people and write their birthdays on a calendar.

Escribe en un calendario los cumpleaos de tus personas favoritas.

1st 7th 21st 28th 8th 22nd 29th







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Lesson 6

What does sharpener mean?

You will identify expressions to ask for the meaning of words.
Identicarn expresiones para preguntar el signicado de palabras.

Think and speak

How can you learn the meaning of new words?
Cmo puedes aprender el signicado de palabras nuevas?


Read the dialogue.

Lee el siguiente dilogo.

Miss Suarez: Juan:

Good morning, Juan. Good morning, Miss Suarez. This is my mother. She wants to know the list of items for the class. Of course. The students will need a dictionary, a notebook, a sharpener, an eraser, a pen, a pencil, scissors, glue and colors. Juan, please copy the list on the blackboard. Thank you, Miss Suarez. Goodbye. ng e Have you nished copying the information? Yes. Excuse me, what is the meaning of sharpener? It is the object used to make make e pencils pointy.

Lucia: Miss Suarez:

And, what is the meaning of scissors? It is a cutting instrument with two blades whose cutting edges slide past each other.

Miss Suarez:

Juans mother: Miss Suarez: Students: Juan: Miss Suarez:


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2 3
six four

Write on the blackboard the missing words.

Escribe en el pizarrn las palabras que faltan.

Cross out the words that are not classroom objects. oom objects. c
Cruza con una lnea las palabras que no son n objetos del saln de clase.

For example: pen morning chair schoolbag scissors sors s notebook eboo ok house use desk k blackboard pencil case

6 1 2 3 4 5

Look at th picture and writ th numb in the circl k at the picture d write the numbers in the circles h i t ite i h mbers b he i cles l to match the objects with the words.
Observa la imagen y escribe los nmeros en los crculos para relacionar los objetos con las palabras.

board schoolbag

desk pencil

notebook pencil case


Answer the following questions.

Contesta las siguientes preguntas.

Whats the question that Juan and Lucia use to ask for the meaning of a word? What is the meaning of sharpener? What is the meaning of scissors?


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Self Evaluation Autoevaluacin

1 2 3 4 5 6

Answer the following questions and expressions.

Contesta las siguientes preguntas y expresiones.

Write the expressions used for greetings and farewells: How do you spell your last name? How old are you? Can you spell house, please? When is your birthday? Whats the meaning of sharpener?

II. Remember your English lessons and answer the following questions:
Recuerda tus lecciones de ingls y contesta las siguientes preguntas: 1 Qu hice bien en esta unidad de ingls? 2 Cmo puedo mejorar mi desempeo en la asignatura de ingls? 3 Qu voy a mejorar para cuando termine la siguiente unidad de ingls?

Support material Material de apoyo

Topics / Temas Suggested material / Material sugerido
Visit the BBC ofcial website and learn how to use greetings http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/ and farewells. grammar/learnit/learnitv52.shtml Visit the BBC ofcial website and learn how to spell words. http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/ grammar/pron/features/spelling/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/ grammar/pron/sounds/ Visit the BBC ofcial website and learn the language used to communicate in the classroom. http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/ radio/specials/142_requests_offers/page2.shtml


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Unit 1 1 Unidad
Personal identication Identicacin personal
Purpose Propsito
The purpose of this unit is to enable students to introduce themselves and others, and to exchange personal details.
El propsito de esta unidad es capacitar a los estudiantes para presentarse a s mismos y a otros, e intercambiar detalles personales.

Sequence 1

Secuencia 1

In sequence 1 you will learn to:

En la secuencia 1 aprenders a:

Sealar objetos cercanos o lejanos utilizando las palabras this (esto, sta, ste) y that (eso, sa, se).

Use the verb to be (am, is, are) in afrmative, negative or interrogative sentences to give personal information.
Utilizar el verbo to be (am, is, are) en enunciados armativos, negativos o interrogativos para dar informacin personal.

Talk about your family using possessive adjectives, that is: my, your, his, her, its, our, their.

Hablar sobre tu familia usando adjetivos posesivos: my, your, his, her, its, our, their.

Give your/others personal information such as age, address, phone number, e-mail, origin, profession, and so forth.
Dar datos personales tuyos o de otras personas, tales como edad, direccin, telfono, correo electrnico, lugar de procedencia, profesin, etctera.

Describe your hometown using descriptive adjectives.

Describir el lugar donde vives utilizando adjetivos calicativos.

Use cognates to facilitate comprehension of texts.

Usar cognados para facilitar la comprensin de textos.


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Indicate near or far objects using the words this or that.

Lesson 7

At a party
You will identify the use of this/that in order to express the physical proximity or distance in a singular form.
Identicarn el uso de las palabras this/that para expresar cercana o lejana fsica en forma singular.


Read and think

Responde la siguiente pregunta.

What expressions do we use for greetings?

a b

Marcos: Hugo:

Nice to meet you, too. Nice to meet you, too.

Carolina: Look, that is my friend Lucia. Lucia! Come, please. Lucia, this is Hugo and this is Marcos. Lucia: Nice to meet you.

Carolina: Hello! My name is Carolina. What is your name? Marcos: Hugo: Hi! I am Marcos and this is my friend Hugo. Nice to meet you.


Look at the pictures. Write the conversations in exercise 2 in the correct space.
Observa las imgenes. Escribe las conversaciones del ejercicio 2 en el espacio correcto. g conversaciones l ejercicio rsacio e cion jerc c je cicio o


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Answer the following question.

Read the dialogue. Put its parts in the correct order.

Lee el dilogo. Coloca sus partes en el orden correcto.

Look at the pictures. Underline the correct t e. . option or write the right letter in the circle.
Observa las imgenes y subraya la opcin que corresponda o escribe p q p la letra correcta en el crculo. crculo. rc lo.

This That This / That h hat

This / That

Look Maria! Th is my brother k i ! h r Look, Maria! That is brother. This is my friend Jorge.


Write this or that.

Escribe this o that.


Look! Susana, I live in

is my sister. y sister. ister. yellow house. is my schoolbag. 23 23

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Lesson 8

Her name is Azucena

You will identify the use of possessive adjectives in order to talk about your family. ssive
Identicarn el uso de los adjetivos posesivos para hablar acerca de su familia. poses sivos

What words do we use in Spanish to talk about ut our or other peoples possessions?
Qu palabras utilizamos en espaol para hablar sobre las cosas que poseemos o poseen los dems? s? ?

Read and think

Read the text.

Lee el texto.

Good morning. My name is Ruben. I want to talk about my family This is my mother her name is alk bou alk about my family. This is my m ther l mil hi ily is mother, her name ame m Azucena, and this is my father, his name is Fernando. He is a teacher. I have two brothers, their names are Joaquin and Jorge. I have one sister, her name is Soa. My brothers and I play soccer every Sunday in a team called Los Rayos. My father is our coach. He is my favorite soccer player.

Think and write


Write the name of the person the words refer to in the exercise 1.
Escribe el nombre de la persona a quien se reeren las palabras del ejercicio 1.

Look at the red words in exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with the right words.
Observa las palabras en rojo en el ejercicio 1. Llena los espacios con las palabras correctas.
Possessive adjectives

Her (line 1) refers to: His (line 2) refers to: Their (line 2) refers to: Her (line 3) refers to: Our (line 4) refers to: My (line 4) refers to: 24


Personal pronouns

I You His Her It Their Our

Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Write the missing words to complete the sentences.

Escribe las palabras que faltan para completar las oraciones.

Example: She is my sister. Her name is Mariana. Luis is my brother. My mother is a nurse. My father is thirty-ve years old. Luis and Too are my cousins. I am Jorge Luis. room is clean. name is Victoria. name is Fernando. classroom is in the rst oor.

favorite sport is soccer.

Complete the family tree with the names of your family members and illustrate it.
Completa el rbol genealgico con los miembros de tu familia e ilstralo.




Mother Uncle Aunt





Write a short text about your family and draw it.

Escribe un pequeo texto para describir a tu familia. Usa el espacio para dibujarla.


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Lesson 9

My father is a mechanic
You will recognize the personal pronoun contractions to describe a member of your family.
Reconocern las contracciones de los pronombres personales para describir a un miembro de su familia.

Which are the personal pronouns in English?
Cules son los pronombres personales en ingls?



Read the following text.

Lee el siguiente texto

Answer the questions.

Responde las preguntas.

Laura is describing her father to her classmates. My father is a mechanic. His name is Alonso Hernandez. Hes 40 years old. He has his own business and he knows everything about mechanics. He has a lot of experience, almost 20 years. His job is to repair all kinds of motor vehicles like trucks, double deck buses, cars and motorcycles. He is the best mechanic in town. Im the youngest child. I have two brothers. Theyre alw always helping my father with his job. l elpi g p father t always helping my fath with his

What does her father do?

Whats the name of her father?

Whats his last name?

How old is he?

Think and write

Write the contractions. Follow the example.

Escribe las contracciones. Sigue el ejemplo.
+ Verb to be = Contraction


I He She It You We

+ + + + + + +

am is is is are are are

= = = = = = =

Im Hes





Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12


Answer the questions using the words from the box.

Contesta las preguntas usando las palabras del cuadro.

grandfather uncle
Example: Who is this? Who is this? Who is this? Who is this? Who is this? Who are these? Who is this? Who is this? Who is this?

sister aunt

father grandmother

mother cousins
Hes my brother. Shes my niece.

brother niece

Who is this? (He is the son of my mother.) (She is the daughter of my sister.) (He is the father of my father.) (She is the wife of my father.) (She is the daughter of my mother and father.) (He is the brother of my father.) (They are the sons of my uncle.) (She is the mother of my mother.) (She is the sister of my mother.) (He is the son of my grandmother.)

Think and write


The question Who is this? is used to ask for:

La pregunta: Who is this? se utiliza para preguntar:

Write a small paragraph, like that in exercise 1, to describe a member of your family.
Escribe un pequeo prrafo como el del ejercicio 1 para describir a un miembro de tu familia.


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Lesson 10

Im a student
You will write personal data in order to write an autobiography.
Escribirn datos personales para redactar una autobiografa.

What information do you need in order to write an autobiography? on
Qu informacin necesitas para escribir una autobiografa?


Read the text. xt.

Lee el texto.

My name is Robert Smith Im a British writer Im 22 years old ert Smith. m er t Smi Im British writer. Im 22 year old ith it r i ish riter m years old. i l My birthday is on June 21st. I live in 312 Rivolli Street, Paris, France. My telephone number is 34 56 89. My e-mail address is robsm@lovepoems.com. I have one brother. His name is Tom. He is a photographer.

An interesting fact Un dato interesante

The British writer J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter saga, was a primary teacher and now shes the second richest woman in the United Kingdom, only after Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II.
La escritora britnica J.K. Rowling, autora de la saga de Harry Potter, fue maestra de primaria y hoy es la segunda mujer ms rica del Reino Unido, slo despus de la reina Isabel II.


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Complete with the information from exercise 1.

Completa con la informacin del ejercicio 1.

First name: Last name: Occupation: Address: E-mail: Nationality: Telephone number: Date of birth:

Draw yourself.


Write a text, similar to excercise 1, using your personal information.

Escribe un texto con tus datos personales tomando como ejemplo el ejercicio 1.



Present your personal information to the classroom.

Presenta tus datos personales a la clase.


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Lesson 11

What do you do?

You will identify the use of a/an in order to talk about professions or occupations.
Identicarn el uso de los artculos indenidos a/an para hablar acerca de profesiones u ocupaciones.

Which are the indenite articles in Spanish?
Cules son los artculos indenidos en espaol?


Karla : Robert: Karla: Robert: Karla: Robert:

Hi. My name is Karla. Im Robert. What do you do? Are you a model? No, Im a journalist, and you? Im a photographer. I work here. Cool! Im looking for a job. Good luck!



Fill in the blank with the correct article for the sentence.
Escribe sobre la lnea el artculo que corresponde a la oracin.

How do we ask about someones occupation?

Cmo preguntamos por la ocupacin de alguien?

Article a vowel sound.

is used with words starting with

is used with words starting Article with a consonant sound. 30

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Read the dialogue with a classmate.

Lee el dilogo con un compaero o compaera.


1 2 3 4 5

Match the occupations with the drawings.

Relaciona las ocupaciones con los dibujos.

A mechanic A soccer player An architect A plumber An actress

Write a or an in the blanks.

Escribe a o an sobre la lnea.



Speak eak k
hotel manager journalist

Interview one of your classmates and tes nd write down the information you collect from him/her. Use your key questions.
Entrevista a tu compaero o compaera y escribe la informacin que obtengas. Usa las preguntas clave.





For example: What does your father do? Hes a carpenter. Shes a nurse.

plumber What does your mother do? 1) 2) 31

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Lesson 12

Are you a student?

You will identify negative and afrmative expressions to give answers about personal information.
Identicarn expresiones armativas y negativas para dar respuestas sobre informacin personal.

What questions do we make in order to get personal information?
Qu preguntas usamos para pedir informacin personal?


For example: Are Emma and Luis students? Is Frank fteen years old? No, they arent. Yes, he is.


Is Ema a housewife? Is Luis a journalist? Is Emas grandmother 79 years old?

Read the dialogue with a classmate.

Lee el dilogo con un compaero o compaera.


Ema and Luis are looking at Emas photo album. Luis: Ema: Luis: Ema: Luis: Emma: Luis: Who is this, Ema? He is my brother Frank! How old is he? He is 15 years old. Is he a student? Yes, he is. And you? No, Im a middle school teacher. Who is she? She is my grandmother! How old is she? Shes 79 years old. What does she do? Shes a housewife.

Complete the information.

Completa la informacin.


Complete the dialogue.

Completa el dilogo.

1 Are you a student?

Tomas: Hi, are you a student? . . . . . . Yes, I am. My name is Liu Huang.

Yes, No,
2 Is she a teacher?

Yes, No,
3 Is it hard to be an architect?

Tomas: I sorry. Please say that again. Lou Huang your rst name? Liu: No, it Lou. L-I-U.

Yes, No,

Tomas: OK! today your rst day here? Liu: Yes, it . Tomas: Nice to meet you!

Emma: Luis: Emma: Luis: Emma:


Practice the dialogue in excersise 4 with your classmates, using your own names.
Practica el dilogo del ejercicio 4 con tus compaeros, usando sus propios nombres.


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Answer the next questions according to the previous dialogue.

Responde las siguientes preguntas de acuerdo con el dilogo.

Lesson 13

My school ID card
You will answer questions about personal information in order to complete the data for a school ID.
Respondern a preguntas sobre informacin personal para completar los datos de una credencial escolar.

What are the questions to ask for personal information?
Cules son las preguntas necesarias para pedir informacin personal?


Complete the questions.

Complete las preguntas.

How do we ask about personal information?

Cmo preguntamos por informacin personal? a) b) c) d)


Read the dialogue with a classmate.

Lee el dilogo con una compaera o un compaero.

name? last name? address? telephone number?

How do we ask someones age?

Cmo preguntamos la edad de alguien?

Teacher: Juan: Teacher: Juan: Teacher:

Good morning! Hello, Miss. Hi. Show me your ID card, students. Where is your ID card, Juan? I lost it, Miss. You need a new ID. Remember we will visit the zoo tomorrow.


Student: Good morning, teacher.

Interview a classmate and complete the data for the ID card.

Entrevista a un compaero o compaera y completa la informacin para una credencial.

a) Whats your name? b) Whats your last name? c) How old are you? d) Whats your mothers name? e) Whats your fathers name?

Circle the option that corresponds.

Encierra la opcin que corresponda.

Juan needs the school ID card to visit: a) a museum b) a supermarket c) a zoo An identication card contains: a) name, last name, age : b) a conversation Fir st name : Last name c) a favorite TV program
Age: Address:

Complete the ID card with your information and paste your photograph or drawing on it.
Escribe tus datos en la credencial y pega tu foto o dibjate en ella.

nd Teleseco




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Lesson 14

Where do you live?

You will recognize questions to ask about the place where you live.
Reconocern expresiones para preguntar por el lugar donde viven.

What is the meaning of the question where do you live?


Read the text.

Lee el texto.

Encierra T si el enunciado es verdadero o F si es falso. Usa el del ejercicio 1.

a) David is an engineer. b) He is thirty-ve years old. c)

Tom lives in Dallas.

d) Sally is an astronaut.

David is an American astronaut. He lives in New York. Hes thirty-ve years old. He has a brother, his name is Tom and he lives in Dallas. He also has a sister, her name is Sally and she is a teacher. She lives in Houston. Their parents live in Houston, too.

An interesting fact Un dato interesante

The rst Mexican astronaut was PhD Rodolfo Neri Vela, who traveled in the Discovery spaceship in 1986. The rst woman to travel to space was the Russian Valentina Tereshkova in 1963.
El primer astronauta mexicano fue el Dr. Rodolfo Neri Vela, quien vol en la nave Discovery en 1986. La primera mujer que sali al espacio exterior fue la rusa Valentina Tereshkova en 1963.


Match the columns.

Relaciona las columnas.

Name Address Last name Age 34

a b c d

How old are you? What is your name? Where do you live? What is your last name?

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Circle T if the sentence is true, or F if it is false. Use excercise 1.


What is the question used to ask about the place where someone lives?
Qu pregunta se utiliza para preguntar por el lugar donde alguien vive?

Write e

Complete the dialogu with the words from th invitation card plete h dialogue ith the words from the invitation card. ialogue he ord rom ds i ard
Completa el dilogo con las palabras de la invitacin.

Mariana: Jorge: Mariana: Marcos: Mariana: Lucia: Mariana: Claudia: Marcos: Mariana:

Hello, boys and girls! I want to invite you to my birthday party. When is your It is on July 6 , next Saturday. Where do you I live downtown. What is your It is 5 Miguel Hidalgo Street, near the school. Will you go? Yes, of course. Sure. Ok, see you on at ve oclock. ? ?

Complete the invitation card with the information from the dialogue.
Completa la invitacin con la informacin del dilogo.


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Lesson 15

I live in a small town

You will identify adjectives to describe the place where you live.
Identicarn adjetivos para describir el lugar donde viven.

What words do you need in order to describe the place where you live?
Qu palabras necesitas para describir el lugar en donde vives?



Elige la palabra que describa las imgenes como en el ejemplo.

Read the dialogue with a classmate.

Lee el dilogo con un compaero o compaera.

Hot / Cold

Teacher: Students: Jorge: Armando: Mariana: Armando: Lucia: Armando: Susana: Armando: Lucia: Armando: Lucia:

Good morning, boys and girls. This is Armando. Welcome, Armando. Whats your last name? Ortega. How old are you? Im twelve years old. Where did you use to live? In Queretaro. Who do you live with? I live with my grandmother and grandfather. Armando, could you tell us about Queretaro? Well, it is a small, historic, clean and hot city. People are very kind. Wow! Sounds interesting!

Big / Small

Modern / Historic

Clean / Dirty


Describe the place where you live, draw it and share it with your class.
Describe cmo es el lugar donde vives, dibjalo y comprtelo con tus compaeros.


Interview a classmate about the place where she or he lives.

Realiza una entrevista a tu compaero o compaera sobre el lugar donde vive.

You: Classmate: You: Classmate: 36

Where do you live? I live in Tell me about it. . .

Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Choose the word that describes the images as in the example.

Lesson 16

David is a soccer player

You will identify personal data to talk about others.
Identicarn datos personales para hablar acerca de otras personas.

Who is your favorite soccer player? What information can you share about him?
Cul es tu jugador de soccer favorito? Qu informacin puedes compartir sobre l?



Read Davids biography.

Lee la biografa de David.

Match the columns.

Relaciona las columnas.

David Roberts was born in Leytonstone, London, on April 2nd, 1974. He is a soccer player and the most famous sports personality in the world. He lives in Los Angeles.

Which is his favorite sport? a) He lives in Los Angeles. What is his last name? What does he do? How old is he (2012)? Where does he live? When is his birthday?
b) It is on April 2nd. c) He is a soccer player. d) Soccer. e) Roberts. f) He is thirty-eight years old.


An interesting fact Un dato interesante
The American Womens Soccer Team has more fans than the American Males Soccer Team.
La seleccin femenil de soccer de Estados Unidos cuenta con ms seguidores que la seleccin masculina. 1 2 3

Go back to exercise 2. Review the questions. Underline the right answer.

Regresa al ejercicio 2. Revisa las preguntas y subraya la respuesta que corresponde.

This word refers to a place.

a) What a) When a) When b) Where b) Which b) Where c) When c)

This word refers to a date. How This word means cul.

c) Which


Imagine you can meet your favorite star. What would you ask him/her?
Imagina que conoces a tu estrella favorita. Qu le preguntaras?

Imagine you are your classmates favorite star. Answer to his/her questions.
Imagina que eres la estrella favorita de tu compaero/compaera. Contesta a sus preguntas.


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Lesson 17

At the archaeological site

You will identify the expression used to know someones place of origin.
Identicarn la expresin usada para saber el lugar de origen de la gente. en g ge gente.


Lee los dilogos. Escribe el nmero junto a la bandera del pas del que es originario el turista. a.

Juan: Scott: Juan: Scott: Juan: Scott:

Good morning. Whats your name? e? Im Scott Johnson. And you? Im Juan. Nice to meet you. Where are you from? Im from Germany, Im German. Do you like Teotihuacan? Yes, it is wonderful. Hello. Whats your name? Hi. Im Nicole. And you? Im Susana. Where are you from? Im from France, Im French. Whats your opinion about Teotihuacan? It is a beautiful place.

Susana: Nicole: Susana: Nicole: Susana: Nicole:

Mariana: Hi. Whats your name? Liu: Liu: Liu: Hi. Im Liu Woo. Whats your name? Nice to meet you. Im from China. Im Chinese. Mariana: My name is Mariana. Mariana: Where are you from?

An interesting fact Un dato interesante

English is the ofcial language in 56 countries around the world including South Africa, India, Jamaica, Ireland and New Zealand, among others.
El ingls es la lengua ocial en 56 pases del mundo incluidos Sudfrica, India, Jamaica, Irlanda y Nueva Zelanda, entre otros.


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Read the dialogues. Write the number next to the o the h om m. ag according to the country the tourist is from. from.


Complete the information.

Completa la informacin.

Locate on the map the countries from the box.

Localiza en el mapa los pases de la tabla:

Where are you from? means:

Write the three nationalities mentioned in the dialogue.

a b c d e

Japan England Russia Greece Chile

f g h i j

Brazil Mexico France China Italy

Think and write

Match the columns.

Relaciona las columnas.

Complete the sentences.

Completa los enunciados.


a) Nicole is from France. b) Rommy is from Chile. c) Ivan is from

Japan England Russia Greece Chile Brazil Mexico France China Italy

Brazilian French Italian

Shes French. Hes . Hes Russian. Hes Hes . Shes . . . .

Chinese Russian English Chilean Greek Japanese Mexican

d) Greco is from Greece. e) Taoshi is from Japan. f) Juanita is from


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Write the three countries mentioned in the dialogue.

Lesson 18

Where are you from?

You will notice the nationalities of some countries in order to talk about other people.
Identicarn las nacionalidades de algunos pases para hablar de otras personas.



M My name is Jennifer Robins. Im from Toronto, Ca Canada. Im Canadian. Im 12 years old. My b birthday is on November 20th. My father is an actor. He is now working on Broadway. ac H His name is Pierre Toulouse. Hes from France. H Hes French. Hes 13 years old. His birthday is on September 1st. His sister is 3 years old. Her name is Lisa. na na Sh She is Nora Stevens. She is from Texas. Shes Am American. Shes 11 years old. Her birthday is on Ju Ju July 25th. Her mothers from Guatemala. Shes Guatemalan. Gu

We use of origin.
a) from

to say the country or the place

b) for


Complete the chart using the words from the box.

Completa la tabla con las palabras del cuadro.
Irish Swedish German Canadian Swiss Turkish Peruvian Spanish South African Australian Portuguese Polish


Complete the information with the stories in the previous exercise.

Completa la informacin con las historias del ejercicio anterior.

Country Germany Canada Ireland Portugal Sweden South Africa Switzerland Turkey Poland Australia Peru Spain


Pierres a Hes from years old. Hes His birthday is on

. . . . . . . Canadian. years old. November 20th.

b Noras from c

Shes years old. Shes Her mothers from Jennifers from Shes

Write a paragraph using the information in the previous chart.

Escribe un prrafo usando la informacin del cuadro anterior.


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Read the texts.

L Le Lee los textos.

Choose the answer that corresponds.

Elige la respuesta que corresponda.

Lesson 19

Are you from Brazil?

You will recognize the expressions used to give information about their home country and nationality.
Reconocern las expresiones usadas para proporcionar informacin sobre su pas de origen y nacionalidad.

Where are you from? Where is your favorite star from?
De dnde eres? De dnde es tu persona famosa favorita?


Read the next dialogue with a classmate.

Lee el siguiente dilogo con un compaero o compaera.

Paulo: Carlos: Paulo: Carlos: Paulo:

Hi. Are you a new student? Yes, I am. My name is Carlos Gomez. What is your name? My name is Paulo Da Silva. Your accent is different. Are you from Portugal? No, Im from Brazil. Im Brazilian. I speak Portuguese. Are you Mexican?

Carlos: Paulo: Carlos:

Yes, Im Mexican. Are you from Rio de Janeiro? No, Im from Brasilia, the capital city. Paulo, nice to meet you.



Answer the next questions.

Contesta las siguientes preguntas.

. . .

Answer the questions according to your answers in exercise 2.

Contesta las preguntas de acuerdo con las respuestas del ejercicio 2.

Is Carlos a new student? Is Paulos last name Correia? Is Paulo from Brasilia?

Whats the structure of these questions? How do you give an afrmative answer? How do you give a negative answer? 41

Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12


Read the text.

Lee el texto.

Roger Walters is 14 years old. Hes from Manchester, England. His parents are from Belgium, they all live in Warsaw, Poland. He is a student at middle school in Poland. His birthday is on February 14th.

An interesting fact Un dato interesante

England conquered territories all around the world under the rule of two amazing queens: Queen Elizabeth I in the XVI century and Queen Victoria in the XIX century. Both made their country grow more than any other monarch in their history.
Inglaterra conquist territorios en todo el mundo bajo el mando de dos asombrosas reinas: Isabel I en el siglo XVI y la reina Victoria en el siglo XIX. Ambas hicieron prosperar a su nacin ms que ningn otro monarca en su historia.


Write the questions according to the information.

Escribe las preguntas de acuerdo con la informacin.

? Roger. ? No, his last name is Walters. ? From Manchester, England. ? In Warsaw, Poland. ? Yes, he is. ? No, his birthday is on February 14th.


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Lesson 20

A creature from space

You will write a biography.
Redactarn una biografa.

Can you mention ve countries and their nationalities?
Puedes mencionar cinco pases y sus respectivas nacionalidades?


An interesting fact Un dato interesante

The word alien is used to refer to foreigners in general. So, it can be used to refer to either extraterrestrials or simply people from other countries.
La palabra alien se utiliza para hacer referencia a los extranjeros en general. Entonces puede usarse para hablar de un extraterrestre o simplemente de gente de otros pases.

She is Zyanya. She is a nurse e in her country. She is from Zyanyaland. She is 165 years old. Her nationality is age Zyanyashian and her language is Zyanyish. Her address is 39 Blue Star in the Milky Way. Her phone number is 2873-28892-000.


2 3

Use the information in the text to complete the chart.

Usa la informacin del texto para completar el cuadro.
Name Age Country Nationality Language Address

Draw an extraterrestrial creature in your notebook. Use the questions as a guide to create a text.
Dibuja un extraterrestre en tu cuaderno. Usa las preguntas como gua para crear un texto.


What is the name of the creature? Where is it from? How old is the creature? What are its nationality and language? What is its address?

Share the information about the extraterrestrial youve just created.

Comparte la informacin sobre el extraterrestre que creaste.


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Read the biography of Zyanya the alien. nya

Lee la siguiente biografa sobre re Zyanya la extraterrestre.

Lesson 21

Nationality means nacionalidad

You will notice the function of cognates to help the reading comprehension.
Reconocern la funcin de los cognados para facilitar la comprensin de la lectura.

Do you know any words that are similar in English and in Spanish? Which ones?
Conoces palabras que se parezcan en ingls y en espaol? Cules?


Read the text and underline the words you understand (do not use the dictionary).
Lee el texto y subraya las palabras que puedes entender (no uses el diccionario). uses diccionario). e icci ccion


A cognate is a word that is in English and Spanish and you can easily understand it.
a) different b) similar


T hi Okito is from J Taoshi Oki i f Japan, h i J he is Japanese. H i thirty-ve years He is h old. He is a doctor and works at the most important hospital in his country. He practices basketball and tennis. He is in Mexico City on vacation. He visited Chapultepec park, the Zocalo, the Palacio de Bellas Artes and the National Anthropology Museum. I think Taoshi is a very intelligent and interesting person.

Write the words you underlined in the text.

Escribe las palabras que subrayaste en el texto.

Example: Nationality


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Write the meaning in Spanish of the following words.

Escribe en espaol el signicado de las siguientes palabras.


a) Nationality b) Doctor c) Important d) Hospital e) Vacation f) Museum g) Intelligent

The words you wrote are cognates. What do you think a cognate is?

Las palabras que escribiste se llaman cognados. Qu crees que signique cognado?


Read the text and answer the questions.

Lee el texto y responde a las preguntas.

Mongo is a gorilla. Hes from South Africa and he lives in a zoo located in Australia. His best friends are the elephants, the hippopotamus, the chimpanzees and the crocodiles. Mongo loves to eat bananas and apples. You can visit him at the safari. He will be happy to see you. He is very intelligent.

a) Where is Mongo from? b) Where does he live? c) Who are his friends? d) Write the cognates. e) Write in Spanish what you understand from the text.


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Lesson 22

What about your brother or sister?

You will use personal pronouns in order to replace a persons name.
Emplearn los pronombres personales para sustituir el nombre de una persona.

Which are the personal pronouns in Spanish? What do we use them for?
Cules son los pronombres pe sonales en espaol? ombres perso ale e personales e ers p Para q los usamos? qu



Read the text.

Lee el texto.

Answer the questions about the text.

Responde las preguntas acerca del texto.

Is Mario a student? W What does he play? nth d uni High. ior io lays Mario is a student in seventh grade at Junior High. He plays in sevent grade at Junior High He plays seventh grade soccer with his brothers. They play on Sundays in the park. His mother brings the lunch. She prepares some sandwiches and brings sodas to drink. His father goes with them too. He is the coach of the team. W When do they play? Who is the coach?



Look at the words in red. Choose the correct option.

Observa las palabras en rojo. Elige la opcin que corresponda.

1 In the rst line, he refers to: a) Mario b) The father c) The mother

In the second line, they refers to:

a) Mario and his father b) Mother and father c) Mario and his brothers

In the third line, she refers to:

a) The mother b) Mario c) The sister

In the fourth line, he refers to:

a) The father b) The teacher c) The mother


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Underline the option that corresponds.

Subraya la opcin que corresponda.

These are personal pronouns:

a) I, you, he, she, it, they, we b) In, on, under, next to

2 These are possessive adjectives: a) One, two, three, four, ve, six 3 b) My, your, his, her, its, their, our

When do we use personal pronouns?

Find eight pronouns in the alphabet soup.

Encuentra los ocho pronombres escondidos en la sopa de letras.









Interview a classmate using the questions below and write his/her answers.
Entrevista a uno de tus compaeros o compaeras y escribe sus respuestas.

What is your name? What is your last name? Where are you from? When is your birthday? What is your favorite sport? 47

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Lesson 23

Send me an e-mail
You will give personal data to answer a letter or an e-mail.
Proporcionarn datos personales para responder una carta o correo electrnico.

What is the meaning of personal information? Which are some common questions?
Qu signica informacin personal? Cules son algunas preguntas comunes?


Ordena las preguntas y contstalas de acuerdo con la informacin de Yoko.


Read the e-mail.

Lee el correo electrnico.

Example: old / Yoko/ How / is/? How old is Yoko? She is fourteen years old. is / Yokos / last / name / What/?

From: Yoko Tamaguchi To: Stephen Morrissey Subject: Hi, Stephen! Dear Stephen: Hi! My name is Yoko Tamaguchi. Im from Japan, Im fourteen years old, Im a student. I live in Kyoto. My father is a doctor, his name is Kato Tamaguchi, and hes very intelligent. My mother is a nurse, her name is Akane Tendo, she is from Tokyo, and shes very careful with her patients. They work together at the same hospital. I have a little brother named Daero, hes seven years old. I will be very glad if you call me, my telephone number is 26 26 11 44, or send me an e-mail to yokot@makefriends.com. Sincerely, Yoko Tamaguchi

she / does /do / What /?

her / Whats / occupation / fathers / ?

are / Where / from / they / ?

Kato / Who / Tamaguchi / is / ?


What questions do you need to ask for personal information?

Qu preguntas necesitas para pedir informacin personal?


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Put the questions in order and answer them according to Yokos information.

Speak and write

a b

Interview two of your classmates using these questions and complete the information.
Entrevista a dos de tus compaeros o compaeras utilizando estas preguntas y completa la informacin.

Whats your name? How Where are you from? Whats your Whats How old are you? Where are you from? Whats your telephone number? your name? ? ? ?

My name is Im Im from My telephone number is His name is Hes Hes from His Her name is Shes Shes from Her telephone is years . is years old. . years old.

. .

. . . . .

How old you from? telephone number?


From: To: Subject:

Reply to Yokos e-mail, including all your personal information.

Contesta el correo electrnico de Yoko incluyendo tus datos personales.


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Lesson 24

You will solve exercises about the unit topics.
Resolvern ejercicios acerca de los temas tratados en la unidad.

( ) ( ) ( ) (1)

Order the dialogue and write the corresponding numbers (1, 2, 3 or 4)

Ordena el dilogo y escribe el nmero que corresponda.

Find the 12 months of the year in the alphabet soup.

Encuentra los 12 meses del ao en la sopa de letras.

Nice to meet you, too. Hello, Mario. I am Lucy. Nice to meet you. Hi. My name is Mario.












Listen to the ve different names given by the teacher, and spell them to the class, then write the names in the blanks.
Escucha los cinco nombres que dar el docente y deletralos para la clase, posteriormente escrbelos en las lneas.



Example: Pedro Xtabay P-E-D-R-O-X-T-A-B-A-Y Pedro Xtabay


Match the columns.
Relaciona las columnas.



May I go to the bathroom?

Answer in English. 53 Respondethe puzzle el crucigrama. Open your en ingls books. Across / Horizontales


Sit down!

Close the window.

Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

1 2 3 4

Answer the puzzle in English.

Responde en ingls el crucigrama.

Across / Horizontales Name of the day formed by seven letters that begins with T and ends with y . Day that the family gathers. Last day of school. This is the rst day of the working week. Its name is similar to the planet with rings. This day begins with W and ends with y . This day has eight letters; in Spanish it begins with j .
5 7 6 1

Find on an English-Spanish dictionary the meaning in Spanish of the following words and write it on the line.
Busca en un diccionario ingls-espaol el signicado en espaol de las siguientes palabras y escrbelo sobre la lnea.

Reply: Topic: Journalist: Classmate:

Down / Verticales
5 6 7

Answer the questions about yourself.

Contesta las preguntas sobre ti.

a) What is your name? b) What is your last name? c) How old are you? 3

2 4

d) What is your address?

e) Where are you from? f) Where do you live?

9 6
Match the ordinal and cardinal numbers. Follow the example.
Relaciona los nmeros ordinales y cardinales. Fjate en el ejemplo.

Complete the sentences. Use the pronouns.

Completa los enunciados. Usa los pronombres.

her Laura: Laura: Laura:

she This is my friend Mariana. from? s from Brazil. name is Rosario. from Spain. last name? last name is Castillo. s

twenty-four one fty two sixty-nine thirty-three thirteen

thirty-third second thirteenth sixty-ninth ftieth twenty-fourth rst

Mariana: Where is

Mariana: And whos in this picture?

Mariana: Whats Laura:


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Choose the under the 10 Selecciona la correct answer. 11 Write the occupationbox. Followpicture. Use a or an and the words in the the example.
respuesta correcta.

Hi. I (m/s) Dave. Hello. We (s/re) Mary and Helen. She (re/s) a nurse. Diannas (from/on) Argentina. Johns birthday is (on/an) November 11th.

Escribe la ocupacin debajo de cada dibujo. Usa a o an y las palabras del cuadro. Fjate en el ejemplo.
lawyer mec nic mechanic chanic nurse plumber r teacher teacher e ar architect rchitect ct astronaut a

An An astronaut

the sentences and 12 Readthe pictures. Followmatch them with the example.
Lee las oraciones y relacinalas con los dibujos. Fjate en el ejemplo. jos. Fjate n eje p j e ejemplo. plo. pl

a) Mr. Fernando Garcia is Mexican. He is a

plumber and he is thirty-three years old.

b) Mr. Lawrence is an English teacher. He is from

England. Hes thirty years old.

c) Mrs. Sumiko Tokana is a Japanese actress. Shes

fourty years old.

d) Mr. Paul Dupont is a lawyer. Hes from France.

Hes fourty-four years old.

e) Mr. Mario Correia is a mechanic. Hes from 1. (b) 1. (b) ) 2. ( 2. ) 3. ( 3. ) 4. ( 4. ) 5. ( 5. )

Brazil. Hes twenty-eight years old. and 14 Write the country the ag. nationality under
Escribe el pas y la nacionalidad debajo de cada bandera. j

the correct 13 Chooseon the line. word and write it

Elige la respuesta correcta y escrbela sobre la lnea. 1 2 3 4 5

Mario is from Brazil. He is

a) Brazilian b) French

. . . . .

Ivan is from Russia. He is a) Rustic b) Russian Nicole is from France. She is a) French b) Francois Robert is from England. He is a) English b) Peruvian Yoko is from Japan. She is a) Chinese b) Japanese


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Self Evaluation Autoevaluacin


Remember your English lessons and answer the questions.

Recuerda tus clases de ingls y contesta las preguntas.

Mucho Por qu?




Cmo puedo aprender ms en la clase de ingls?

Qu puedo mejorar para cuando termine la siguiente unidad?

Answer following questions about the grammatical points II. Contesta the siguientes preguntas sobre los temas gramaticales queyou studiedeninlaunit 1: 1: las aprendiste unidad
1 2 3

Write the meaning of the words this and that. Write the possessive adjectives. Write three questions to ask for personal information.

Write the conjugation of the verb to be in afrmative, negative and interrogative form.

5 6 7

How do you form contractions? What is a cognate? What is the difference between the articles a/an?


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Cunto siento que aprend en la clase de ingls?

Support material Material de apoyo

Topics / Temas Suggested material / Material sugerido

Use of this-that or these-those

http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/english-grammar/ pronouns/that-these-and-those http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/english-grammar/ possessives/possessives-adjectives http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/english-grammar/ pronouns/questions http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/english-grammar/ adjectives http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/english-grammar/ determiners-and-quantiers/indenite-article-and

Wh- questions

Use of adjectives

Use of a/an

Parents sheet Hoja para padres

Con el propsito de ayudar al alumno a mejorar su aprendizaje, solicitamos atentamente a los padres de familia que colaboren con el maestro para conseguir este objetivo. Por lo que en esta seccin debern mencionar los rezagos, dicultades o deciencias que presenta el estudiante durante el transcurso de cada uno de los bloques, as como las acciones que ustedes consideren que debern emprender para superarlos. Presenta los siguientes rezagos, dicultades o deciencias, que se han detectado en:

Para solventarlos deber:

Observaciones o comentarios del padre de familia o tutor:


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Possessive adjectives

Unit 2 2 Unidad
Actions in Progress Acciones en progreso
Purpose Propsito
The purpose of this unit is to enable students to give and obtain information about possessions and to describe actions that are in progress at the moment of speaking.
El propsito de esta unidad es capacitar a los estudiantes para que den y obtengan informacin sobre posesiones y describan acciones que estn en progreso en el momento en que se est hablando.

Sequence 1

Secuencia 1

In unit 2 sequence 1, you will learn to:

En la unidad 2 secuencia 1 aprenders a:

Ask and answer questions about personal possessions.

Preguntar y responder sobre posesiones personales.

Indicate one or several, close or far objects, using the words this, that, these, those.
Sealar uno o varios objetos, cercanos o lejanos, utilizando las palabras this, that, these, those.


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Lesson 25

Sending an e-mail
You will use possessive adjectives in order to express possession.
Usarn los adjetivos posesivos para expresar pertenencia.



1 Whats Mauricio describing?

From: mauricio@cooltown.com To: nigel@meetme.com Subject: Greetings from Mexico

a) An e-mail

b) A Picture

2 Whats Mauricios favorite color?

Dear Robert, Im sending you a photograph of me with my family. Here Im dressed all in red. Red is my favorite color. The boy next to me is my little brother. His name is Arturo. In the picture, he is wearing his charro suit, because the photo is on the Mexican Independence Day. Behind me and my brother are my parents. They only wear their typical clothes to celebrate Independence Day, my mother has a nice outt. Her dress is full of bright colors. Send me an e-mail soon. Regards, Mauricio

a) Blue

b) Red


Look at the red words. Underline the correct answer.

Observa las palabras en rojo. Subraya la respuesta que corresponda.

1 In the fourth line, his refers to: a) The charro suit b) Arturo 2 In the last paragraph their refers to: a) The parents outt b) Independence Day 3 The words my, his, their are possessive

adjectives, and they are used to show:

a) Possession


Answer the question.

Responde la pregunta.

b) Description

What kind of text is this?

a) A letter b) A dialogue c) An e-mail

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Look at the picture and read the text.

Observa la imagen y lee el texto.

Answer the questions according to the e-mail.

Responde las preguntas de acuerdo con el correo electrnico.


Complete the chart with the words from the box.

Completa la tabla con las palabras del cuadro.
I You He She It We You They Their

Look at the pictures. Complete the information. Use possessive adjectives (my, your, her) and colors (blue, black, white).
Observa las imgenes. Completa la informacin. Usa los adjetivos posesivos (my, your, her ) y los colores (blue, black, white).



skirt is blue.

her your

my our

his their

your its

Fill in the blanks using the names of the colors from the box.
Escribe sobre las lneas el nombre de cada color utilizando las palabras del cuadro. green blue brown orange purple pink black white

book is

red yellow

schoolbag is

house is

uniforms are

. 57 7

Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Lesson 26

This is Samuels sweater

You will identify the use of the apostrophe s to indicate possession.
Identicarn el uso del apstrofo s para indicar pertenencia.



1 Why are Laura and Mauricio arguing?

2 What color is Lauras sweater?

3 Who owns the sweater?

Mauricio: Mom: Laura: Mauricio: Mom: Mauricio: Mom: Mauricio: Mom:

Mom, tell her this is not her sweater. Hey Laura, Mauricio is right. No, mom. Its mine. Lauras sweater is blue and this is green. This is my friends sweater. What friend? Samuel. Why do you have Samuels sweater? Because he left it on the bus. Ok.


Go back to the dialogue. Look at the red words. Choose the correct answer.
Regresa al dilogo. Observa las palabras en rojo. Elige la respuesta correcta.

1 What does s mean? a) Plural b) Possession c) Contraction of is 2 In the dialogue the mom says: Samuels.

Write on the line what the s are refering to:


Its refers to Answer the question about the text.

Responde a la pregunta respecto al texto.

. .

Samuels refers to

What is this text?

a) A chart b) An e-mail c) A dialogue

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Read the text with a classmate.

Lee el texto con una compaera o compaero.

Answer the questions about the dialogue.

Contesta las preguntas acerca del dilogo.


Complete the information according to the images.

Completa la informacin de acuerdo con las imgenes.

Example: Whose sweater is this? Its Lauras sweater.

1 Whose jacket is this?



2 Whose t-shirt is this?


3 Whose shoes are these?

They are


4 Whose dress is this?

This is


5 Whose sweat suit is this?




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Lesson 27

Whose shorts are these?

You will identify the plural form of nouns in order to refer to clothes.
Identicarn la forma plural de los sustantivos para hablar de prendas de vestir.



Mauricios family is on vacation, they are leaving soon and they are packing to go.

Encierra en un crculo T si el enunciado es verdadero o F si es falso.

1 The shorts are Monicas.

Laura: Monica: Laura: Monica: Laura: Monica: Laura: Monica:

Whose shorts are these, Monica? Theyre Mauricios. Really? Arent Mauricios shorts white? horts white? h hite t Yes, they are white, but they look black black ey c because they are very dirty. y. Wow!, thats a color change! e! e And whose sunglasses are those? those? ho h se? Theyre mine. Look, they are broken. Oops! I need to get new ones. nes n s. s.
2 The shirts arent clean.

3 Lauras sunglasses are broken.


Answer the question.

Responde la pregunta.

Wheres Mauricios family?

a) On vacation b) In the forest c) At school


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Read the dialogue.

Lee el dilogo.

Circle T if the sentence is true or F if it is false.



Answer the following questions.

Responde las siguientes preguntas.

Match the columns.

Relaciona las columnas. mnas.

1 Is there a plural form for shorts? a) Yes b) No Gloves

2 Is there a plural form for sunglasses? a) Yes b) No Tennis shoes

3 How do you form plural nouns? Jeans 4 Words like

are plural because they


are always together.

a) Cap, coat, skirt, dress, etc. b) Jeans, shorts, pants, socks, etc. Shorts 5 Complete the chart.
Singular Plural


dresses pants


coat jackets cap shorts


Work in pairs. Circle the pieces of clothing that your classmate is wearing.
Trabajen en parejas. Encierra en un crculo las prendas que tu compaera comp ompae p o compaero lleva puestas.

An interesting fact Un dato interesante

The famous French fashion designer Coco Chanel was the rst woman in history who wore trousers and made them part of a womans wardrobe.
La famosa diseadora francesa Coco Chanel fue la primera mujer en la historia que us pantalones y los convirti en una prenda ms del guardarropa de la mujer.

61 61

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Lesson 28

That is my favorite jacket

You will identify the use of this/that to express proximity or distance of items in the singular form.
Identicarn el uso de las palabras this/that para expresar proximidad o distancia de objetos en forma singular.


Read the dialogue.

Lee el dilogo.

Erika: Laura: Erika: Laura:

Wow! That jacket is so cool! Oh, thanks. This is my favorite one. My father bought it for me. And that t-shirt that you are wearing is fabulous! Thank you. This is not my favorite one, its not really comfortable.

62 2

Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Put the letters in the right order to form a word. Write them on the line.
Ordena las letras para formar una palabra. Escrbelas sobre la lnea.



Answer the questions about the dialogue.

Responde las preguntas acerca del dilogo.

Answer the questions.

Responde las preguntas

1 What is Lauras favorite item of clothing?

In line 1, that refers to.

a) the jacket b) Erika

2 Who bought the jacket for her?

In line 6, this refers to .

a) the jacket b) the t-shirt

3 Why doesnt Laura like her skirt?

This/that are used with..

a) singular nouns b) plural nouns

This is used to show.

a) proximity b) distance


___________ is her

Complete the information. Use this/that.

Completa la informacin. Usa this/that.

sweater. sweater

I like ___________ jacket.

___________ is my watch. Look at ___________ skirt.


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Lesson 29

These blue jeans are comfortable

You will identify these/those to express proximity or distance of items in the plural form.
Identicarn these/those para expresar cercana o lejana en forma plural.

What is Monica doing?

Read the dialogue with a classmate.

Lee el dilogo con una compaera o compaero.


Hurry up, Monica! It is getting late for the movie. These tickets for Mystic Romance are for the 6 p.m. show and it is 5:40 now. I know, I know. Please, can I have those jeans? Which ones? The blue ones. Here you are. Thanks, dear. I love these jeans.

Monica: Laura: Monica: Laura: Monica:



Answer the questions about the text.

Responde las preguntas acerca del texto.

Choose the answer that corresponds.

Elige la respuesta que corresponda.

Where are Laura and Monica going to? What time is the movie starting? Does Monica hate to wear her jeans?

Those is used to show.

a) proximity b) distance

These is used to show.

a) proximity b) distance

Those/These is used with

a) plural nouns b) singular nouns


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Write on the line these/those.

Escribe sobre la lnea these/those.

Look at Gregs picture. Write on the lines these/those.

Observa la foto de Greg. Escribe sobre la lnea these/those.

are your shorts.

are Gregs family photos. Look are Julios tennis shoes. at this one. jeans and t-shirts are my sisters. Their names are Susan and Jenny, they are twins. The one next to them is Memo, he is Susans boyfriend. are my grandparents. are the teachers glasses. cousins Paco and Tino. are my girls wearing

Speak and write

are his pants e his pants. is nts.

Write a description of a picture. Share it with your classmates

H Haz Haz la descripcin escrita de una foto. Comparte tu texto co con tus con tu compaeros.


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

are Alejandras jeans. s

Lesson 30

Are these your sunglasses?

You will distinguish this/that/these/those usage to express possession.
Distinguirn entre el uso de this/that/these/those para expresar pertenencia.





Lee los dilogos. Ordena las imgenes de acuerdo con los dilogos. Escribe en el crculo la letra que corresponda.

Roger: Paul:

Hey! Those glasses belong to the teacher. Really? Im not sure. I think they are Mauricios glasses. Well, lets ask the teacher. Teacher, are these Mauricios or yours? No, they arent mine. Im sure they are Mauricios, I saw him wearing them. Ok, we will ask Mauricio. Mauricio, are these your glasses?

Proximity Distance

This Those


Paul: Teacher: Roger:


Mauricio: Oh, yes, they are mine. This is my lucky day. Thanks a lot.


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Complete the chart.

Completa la tabla.

Read the dialogues. Order the pictures according to the dialogues. Write on the circle the letter that corresponds.



Answer the questions.

Responde las preguntas.

Read the dialogue. Answer the questions.

Lee el dilogo. Responde las preguntas.

1 What are Paul and Roger talking about?

To ask questions about someones possessions we say:

a) Is this your jacket?

2 Are they the teachers glasses? b) This is your jacket? 3 Are they Mauricios glasses?

In plural we say:
a) Are these your shoes? b) These are your shoes?


Write on the lines this/that/these/those.

Escribe sobre las lneas this/that/these/those. Are _________ your jeans?

Order the words to form questions and answer them.

Ordena las palabras para formar preguntas y contstalas.

Is ________ a nice sweater?

Example: those / your / Are / gloves /? Are those your gloves? Yes, they are.
1. bag / Is / this / your/ ?

2. your / these / ? / books / Are Is _______ cap on sale? Are _______ people celebrating Halloween? 3. my / ? / Is / coat / that

4. those / his / Are/ shoes?


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Lesson 31

Mini Check
You will answer some drills related to the topics of the unit.
Resolvern ejercicios relacionados con los temas de la unidad.


What kind of text is it?

From: mauricio@cooltown.com To: nigel@meetme.com Subject: Greetings from Mexico

a) A letter

b) A postcard

c) An e-mail


Dear Nigel: Im sending you a picture of my last weekend. In this picture Im wearing my white shorts. Believe me, these shorts are white, but look black because they are very dirty. My sisters are in the picture too. Monica is wearing her sunglasses. Lauras glasses are broken, so she isnt wearing them. She is wearing her red bathing suit. Those people at the back are my parents. They are das. Write as. s soon. o n buying sodas. Write me soon. Regards, Mauricio

Answer the questions about the e-mail.

Responde las preguntas acerca del correo electrnico.

1 Where are the people in the picture?

2 Why are Mauricios shorts black?

Why is Laura not wearing her sunglasses?

What are Mauricios parents doing?


Find the information in text 1 and complete the chart.

Encuentra la informacin en el texto 1 y completa la tabla.
Possessive Adjectives My Demonstrative Pronouns Colors white bathing suit sunglasses Clothes s to show possession Plural nouns


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Read the text.

Lee el texto.

Choose the answer that corresponds.

Elige la respuesta que corresponda.



Unit 2

Find the words in the box and circle them in the wordsearch.
Encuentra y encierra las palabras del cuadro en la sopa de letras.

Unidad 2

red pink

black cap

white scarf

brown jeans

yellow skirt

Sequence 2

Secuencia 2

In unit 2 sequence 2 you will learn to:

En la unidad 2 secuencia 2 aprenders a:

Describe what a person is wearing.

Describir lo que alguien trae puesto.

Reply to Mauricios e-mail.

Responde al correo electrnico de Mauricio.

Express what is happening at the moment you speak.

Expresar lo que est ocurriendo al momento de hablar.

From: ______________________ To: mauricio@cooltown.com Subject: ________________________

Use the comma or the conjunction and to describe activities.

Utilizar la coma o la conjuncin and para describir actividades.

Express where objects or people are located within a specic place.

Expresar dnde estn especcamente ubicados los objetos o las personas.


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Lesson 32

Looking for Arturo

You will describe what a classmate is wearing.
Describirn la vestimenta de algn compaero.



At the amusement park

1 Who is looking for the boy?

2 Where are they?

3 What do you have to do if you see the boy?

4 Why are they describing peoples clothes?

May I have your attention, please? We are looking for a boy. He is six years old, his name is Arturo. He is Fionas brother. He is wearing yellow shorts, a white T-shirt and a red cap. If somebody sees him, please look for security. Security personnel are wearing navy blue pants, green shirts, white gloves and beige hats. Thanks for your attention.


Choose the right answer.

Elige la respuesta correcta.

To describe what somebody is wearing, we use:

a) am / is / are wearing. b) am / is / are wears.

What are they doing?

a) Looking for someone. b) Watching TV.



Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Read the text. Then answer the question.

Lee el texto. Despus responde la pregunta.

Answer the questions acording to the text.

Responde las preguntas de acuerdo al texto.

Look at the images. Describe on the lines the clothes that the people are wearing.
Observa las imgenes y describe sobre la lnea las prendas que estn usando las personas.

Place the chairs in a circle around the classroom. All the classmates will occupy a place except for one standing up.
Coloquen las sillas formando un crculo en el saln. Todos los alumnos ocuparn un lugar excepto un integrante que permanecer de pie.

She is wearing...

The one standing up will have to say: Im a new neighbor, and I love the neighbors that are wearing... and will complete the phrase saying , . He is wearing... a clothing, specifying the color, or an object they have or are wearing at the moment, for example: Im a new neighbor, and I love the neighbors that are wearing green sweaters.
El que est de pie dir la siguiente instruccin: Im

a new neighbor, and I Iove the neighbors that are wearing... y completar la frase mencionando alguna
prenda de un color especco o algn objeto que

Draw yourself

traigan en ese momento, dando caractersticas de color. Por ejemplo: Im a new neighbor, and I love

the neighbors that are wearing green sweaters.

I am wearing... The people wearing those clothes will have to change places, and the one that is standing up will take a place on one of the chairs that are free, . leaving someone standing up, who will repeat the instructions with other characteristics.

Las personas que estn utilizando la ropa descrita debern cambiar de lugar, mientras que el que est de pie ocupar una de las sillas que queden libres, dejando a un integrante de pie, quien repetir la instruccin con otras caractersticas.


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Lesson 33

Speaking on the phone

You will express the actions that are happening at the moment of speaking.
Expresarn las acciones que estn ocurriendo en el momento de hablar.


Lee los dilogo. Relacinalos con las imgenes.

Dad: Fiona: Dad: Fiona: Hello? Hi, dad. Whats up? How are you doing? Fine, dad, everything is ok. ok. s ok Are you at work?

Dad: Fiona: Yes, I am. What is Arturo doing? Hes watching TV.

Dad: Fiona: And your mom? What is she doing? She is baking a cake and I am studying.



Choose the answer that corresponds.

Elige la respuesta que corresponda.

What is Fiona doing?

a) Writing a letter. b) Talking on the phone.

Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Read the dialogues. Match them with the images.



Answer the questions.

Responde las preguntas.

Look at the image. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
Observa la imagen. Completa los enunciados con las palabras del cuadro.

1 What is Arturo doing?

2 What is Fionas father doing?




3 What is Fionas mother doing?


Look at the words in red. Choose the option that corresponds.

Observa las palabras en rojo. Elige la opcin que corresponda.

1 We use present continuous to express

actions that
a) are happening now

. My father is his red car. breakfast.


b) happened yesterday 2 How do you form present continuous?

My mother is Im .

because Im sick!

a) am/is/are + -ing b) am/is/are + -ed


The teacher will previously make cards of verbs ending in -ing: jumping, sleeping, watching, shouting, dancing, sitting and standing. Then he/she will give them to ve students. They will have to act the verb and the other students will have to imitate what they are doing, and every time they mention the verb, everybody will have to act it and say: Hes/shes (jumping).
El profesor previamente elaborar tarjetas de verbos con terminacin en -ing: jumping, sleeping, watching, shouting, dancing, sitting, y standing. Despus repartir los verbos al azar a cinco alumnos, quienes los actuarn. El grupo adivinar la accin que estn realizando y cada vez que mencionen el verbo todos lo actuarn y dirn: Hes/shes (jumping).


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Lesson 34

Getting ready for the party

You will ask and answer what is happening at the moment.
Preguntarn y respondern acerca de lo que est ocurriendo en ese momento.


+ + +

= = =






Read the conversation with a partner.

Lee la conversacin con una compaera o compaero.

Answer the questions about the conversation between Maria and Fiona.
Contesta las preguntas sobre la conversacin entre Mara y Fiona.

Whats Maria wearing? Maria: Hi. This is Maria speaking. Fiona: Oh. Hi, whats up, Maria? Whats Fiona wearing? Maria: Im just getting ready for the party. Are you ready? Fiona: Fiona: Almost. Are you wearing pants? Maria: Im wearing yellow clothes. Maria: No. Im wearing a dress. What about you? What are you wearing? Are you wearing your green skirt? I love it! Fiona: No, Im not. Im wearing jeans this time.

74 4

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Remember the previous lessons and complete the chart.

Recuerda las lecciones anteriores y completa la tabla.




Find the questions in the conversation to complete the chart.

Encuentra las preguntas en la conversacin y completa la tabla.

Choose the right answer.

Elige la respuesta correcta.

We use short answers (yes/no, I am...) with .

a) inverted questions b) Wh- questions

What + is/are/am + verb-ing +?

What are you wearing?

Match the columns.

Relaciona las columnas.

Is/Are/Am + verb-ing + ?

a) What is she wearing?

They are playing soccer. Yes, I am having dinner. No, she is sleeping. Shes wearing a black skirt.

b) Is she watching TV?

c) Are you having dinner?

d) What are they doing?

Order the words of the question stion sentences an answer them.

Ordena las palabras para formar las ar las r preguntas y contstalas.

? Example: wearing/ Is/ he/ pants? Is he wearing pants? No, he isnt.

1 is/ doing/ ?/ he/ What

playing/ football/ ?/ Is/ he/

3 she/ wearing/ Is/ jeans/ ?


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Lesson 35

Enjoying the party

You will identify the present continuous tense structure.
Identicarn cmo se estructuran enunciados en tiempo presente continuo.


Where are they?

a) At school b) At a party

Benjamin: Hello Mike. This is Benjamin calling. Mike: Mike: Mike: Hi, Ben! Are you coming to the party? Oh. Here is Fiona, Maria, Fred, Charly... Everybody is here. Charly and Fiona are getting some drinks, Maria is dancing with Fred, and Im talking to you. Hurry up! Benjamin: Yes, Im on my way, but tell me, who is there? Benjamin: What are you doing?

Benjamin: Ooh! Ok. See you in some minutes. Mike:



Look at the words in red. Complete the chart.

Observa las palabras en rojo. Completa la tabla.
Verb + -ing

Innitive verb


Answer the questions about the text.

Responde las preguntas acerca del texto.

come dance do talk


Who is calling? Are Charly and Fiona dancing? Where is Mike? Do you like parties?

getting calling

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Read the conversation with a classmate.

Lee la conversacin con una compaera o compaero.

Choose the correct answer.

Elige la respuesta correcta.

Choose the right answer.

Elige la respuesta correcta.


To form present continuous with verbs that end with -e we:

a) take out -e and add -ing b) add -s

Write two sentences about what people are doing. Use the verbs in parentheses.
Escribe dos enunciados sobre las acciones que las personas estn realizando. Usa los verbos que estn entre parntesis.

Example: (run / sleep) The woman is running. She is sleeping. We form present continuous with:
a) am, is, are + verb + -ed b) am, is, are + verb + -ing

1 (read / write)

Verbs that end in vowel + consonant (get, run, sit) to form present continuous need:
a) Double consonant in the

2 (stand / sit)

end + -ing
b) adding -er. 3 (play / swim)

4 (drink / eat)

Match the column with the pictures.

Relaciona los enunciados de la columna con las imgenes.

1 He is watching T.V . 2 He is taking a shower. 3 He is cooking chicken. 4 She is writing a letter. 5 It is snowing.


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Lesson 36

Whats happening at the party?

You will use prepositions to indicate where people are.
Utilizarn las preposiciones para indicar la ubicacin de las personas.

What words d you use in Spanish to locate do d people around you?
Qu palabras usas en espaol para localizar a las personas que estn a tu alrededor? e


Read the dialogue. dialogue. gue. u

Lee el dilogo. logo.


Finally you a here! F are

Benjamin: Y I know. Wow! Everybody is Yes, having ha i g lot f fun! My h ving a lot of f un! My car is in t i ront f r front of your neighbors house. s it ok? Is it ok? Mike: Mike: No problem. N Which one? Which one? h h hich ne? Benjamin: Great. Hey, whos that girl? whos Great. Hey, who that girl? irl? Benjamin: The one that is sitting next to Maria, between the door and the table Mike: Ah! Her names Angelica. Shes very nice. Ah! He is Ed, her boyfriend.


Circle T if the sentence is true and F is the sentence is false.

Encierra T en un crculo si el enunciado es verdadero y F si es falso.

Benjamin: And whos standing behind Angelica? Mike: Benjamin: Ouch!

Benjamin has arrived to the party. Everybody is having fun. Angelica is standing next to Maria. Ed is dancing with Angelica.


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Complete the chart.

Completa la tabla. Example Translation

Preposition between


al lado

in front of


Look at the image. Complete the sentences using the prepositions behind, next to, in front of, between.
Observa la imagen. Completa los enunciados usando las preposiciones behind, next to, in front of, between. 1 Sandra is sitting 2 Alex is sitting 3 Miriam is

Luis and Andrea. Luis. Luis. Andrea. Alex.

Alex Andrea

4 Sandra is 5 Sandra is





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Lesson 37

A day in Acapulco
You will identify the comma (,) and the conjunction and to describe activities.
Identicarn el uso de la coma (,) y la conjuncin and para describir actividades.

What words or punctuation marks do we use to link ideas?
Qu palabras o signos de puntuacin usamos para unir ideas?


Read the letter. Complete the missing information.

Lee la carta. Completa la informacin.

Date: Dear Mike, Im writing you from Huatulco. We are enjoying the beach. We are having a lot of fun. Its very warm, humid and beautiful. We are staying at a very big and comfortable hotel. There is a tenniscourt, a swimming pool, a big fountain and a discotheque. Arturo is sleeping and Im taking a suntan. My parents are playing tennis. Ill be back on Saturday. Take care, Fiona



Circle T if the sentence is true and F if the sentence is false.

Encierra T en un crculo si el enunciado es verdadero y F si es falso.

Read the letter. Choose the correct answer.

Lee la carta. Escoge la respuesta correcta.

We use (,) to:

a) end a sentence or idea b) separate parts of the sentences

Fiona is in Huatulco. Acapulco is cold and its raining.

We use and to: The hotel is big and comfortable.

a) join two similar elements b) pause the idea


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Complete the gapped text. Write ( , ) or and on the lines.

Completa el texto que falta. Escribe sobre las lneas ( , ) o and.

Dear Mara, Im writing you from Mazatlan. Im here with my parents _____ my brother _____ my sister _____ my grandmother. There are many restaurants _____ hotels. I love eating sh _____ crabs _____ shrimps _____ squids. My father likes swimming _____ playing soccer on the beach. My mother is shopping with my sister. My grandmother is very happy. She is having a very good time. Love, Carlos

Write a letter similar to the one in exercise 1.

Escribe una carta similar a la del ejercicio 1.


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Lesson 38

Mini Check
You will solve a number of drills related to the topics of the unit.
Resolvern ejercicios relacionados con los temas de la unidad.



Monday, June 20_____ Dear Brenda, How are you doing? Im missing you a lot. Im sending you a picture of a party with friends from my new school. Look! Im wearing the blue sweater and the scarf you gave me for Christmas. You know, all the guys are very nice. Here Fred and Maria are dancing. Benjamin is holding a soda and Fiona is standing next to him. Charly is wearing a purple jacket and is sitting between the stereo and the speaker. Im in exams now. So, I have to go, but I will write ams now. So have to go bu will write ms ow So, have go, but will rite ow. ave ill rite you soon. n. Regards, Mike

Completa la informacin de acuerdo con las imgenes. Usa los verbos del cuadro en la forma que corresponde. Agrega (,) y and.
run study read wear ride play

1 Tomas

Paula .

2 Victor

John .


2 3

Choose the cor rect answer. hoose the correct answer. o he orre nswe rect wer
Elige la respuesta correcta. 3 Bob

What kind of text is it?

a) An e-mail B)

A letter

the piano.

Circle T if the sentence is true and F if the sentence is false.
Encierra T en un crculo si el enunciado es verdadero y F si es falso. 4 Karla

Fred is dancing with Maria. Mike is wearing a pink sweater. Benjamin is drinking water. 82

Amanda skirts. s.

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Read the text.

Lee el texto.

Complete the information according to the images. Use the verbs in the box in the correct form. Add ( , ) and and.

Write on the line the question according to the answer.

Escribe sobre la lnea la pregunta que corresponda a la respuesta.

Unit 2

Unidad 2

Shes wearing a pink dress. ? No, he is watching TV. ? Yes, they are playing basketball. ? He is listening to music. ? No, she is not studying.

Sequence 3

Secuencia 3

Write on the line where the people in the picture are. Use next to, in front of, behind, between.
Escribe sobre la lnea dnde se ubica la gente en la foto. Usa next to, in front of, behind, between.

In unit 2 sequence 3 you will learn to:

En la unidad 2 secuencia 3 aprenders a:

Work in a team to develop a magazine.

Su Sue Peter Pe r Peter Ma Ma o Mario

Dylan Dy Dy

Trabajar en equipo para desarrollar una revista.

Ro Ros Rose

Sue is Peter is Dylan and Rose are Rose is

Mario. Sue and Rose. Peter. Dylan.

Reply to Mikes letter (excercise 1) in your notebook. Draw a picture to illustrate it.
Responde la carta (ejercicio 1) de Mike en tu cuaderno. Dibuja una imagen para ilustrarla.


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Lesson 39 Part one

A class magazine
You will choose the content in order to create a magazine.
Elegirn el contenido para desarrollar una revista.

Para rearmar los conocimientos adquiridos a lo largo de la unidad elaborars una revista utilizando lo que has aprendido y tu creatividad.

Choose different contents to create something unique, something that communicates what you want to say to other people.
Elijan diferentes contenidos para crear algo nico, algo que comunique lo que ustedes quieren decir a otras personas.

Find a magazine, look at it and analyze it.

Encuentra una revista, obsrvala y analzala.

Each team must choose different contents. Share what you have chosen with your classmates so that contents are not repeated.
Cada equipo debe tener diferentes tipos de contenidos. Comparte con tus compaeros los que elegiste para evitar que se repitan.

Look at the list of contents the magazines often have.

Observa la lista de contenidos que por lo general traen las revistas. Interviews /Entrevistas Descriptions / Descripciones Horoscopes / Horscopos Pictures / Imgenes Advertisements / Anuncios Letters / Cartas Recipes / Recetas Questionnaires /Cuestionarios Articles / Artculos Puzzles / Crucigramas


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To reafrm the knowledge acquired during this unit you will make a class magazine, using what you have learned and your creativity.

Work in teams.
Trabajen en equipos.

Lesson 40 Part two

A class magazine
You will write down a decription of someone or something that you will include in the magazine.
Redactarn la descripcin de alguien o algo que incluirn en la revista.

Begin your class magazine by organizing it into sections. Then decide what contents to put in each section.
Comienza organizando la revista en secciones. Despus decide qu contenido vas a incluir en cada seccin.

How to write a description of someone or something.

Cmo describir a alguien o algo.

Information Articles Recipes


Entertainment Puzzles Horoscopes Advertisements

To describe something use details that tell exactly what you are seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling or touching. A description of a person captures something special about its subject.
Para describir algo, utiliza detalles que expresen exactamente lo que ves, oyes, saboreas, hueles o tocas. La descripcin de una persona capta algo especial acerca de ese sujeto.

Decide in which section of the magazine each of these contents should go and complete the chart with the sections that you decided to use.
Decide en qu seccin de la revista debern ir los contenidos y completa la tabla con las secciones que has decidido usar.

Think of someone or something you would like to describe.

Piensa en algo o alguien que te gustara describir.




Find a picture of your subject. Study it closely. Use specic details. Choose someone you know well. Find a photo of your subject.

Antes de empezar a escribir.

Study your subject and note details.


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Make a draft.
Elabora un borrador.

Correct and edit: Did I capitalize the rst letter of the proper nouns? Did I begin titles and initials with capital letters? Did I misspell some words? Look for the correct spelling in a dictionary. Are the apostrophes in the correct position?

Use your prewriting notes and the picture.

Sandra lopez is a girl who is studying high school in guanajuato. Sandra has brown eyes, blond hair, she is slim and tall. She is very beautiful, she is always smiling. Sandra is writing a tale about animals. She is a very good writter. Sandras family loves her because she is very sweet and lovely. She is always helping poor people with their studies to prepare themselves at school.

Sandra Lopez is a girl who is studying high school in Guanajuato. Sandra has brown eyes, blond hair, she is slim and tall. She is very beautiful, she is always smiling. Sandra is writing a tale about animals. She is a very good writer. Sandras family loves her because she is very sweet and lovely.


Read your draft. Mark the areas that need correction. Read the draft to your partners and notice this out: Does the description bring a picture to your mind? What details interested you? Should details be added? Does each paragraph stick to the main idea? Should some details be taken out or moved around? Make changes. Use your partners comments to improve your paper. 86

She is always helping poor people with their studies to prepare themselves at school.

8 9

Make a nal copy.

Elabora la copia nal.

Include all the revisions you have made. Publishing


Get two pieces of construction paper and glue. Glue your description on one sheet of construction paper. Glue the photo or drawing of your subject on the other sheet.

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Lesson 41 Part three

A class magazine
You will write an interview that will be part of the magazine.
Redactarn una entrevista para incluirla en la revista.

Preparing an interview
Preparacin de una entrevista

Example: Laura is interviewing a nurse named Janice. Laura: Janice: Laura: Janice: Good morning, Janice. Good morning, Laura. In what hospital are you working? Now Im working at the General Hospital. Laura: Is being a nurse a big responsibility? Janice: Yes, it is a big responsibility. Notes: The nurse is very polite but serious. She likes a lot being a nurse.

Example: Is writing poems your passion? What are you doing to improve your score?

La entrevista

Have a pencil and paper for taking notes. Ask the questions to the person you have chosen. Write the answers down on a sheet of paper exactly like he/she is saying them. You have to be very careful with the information you will gather. Listen carefully as the person talks. If you write the persons exact words put them in quotation marks (). Wait until he/she stops talking to ask another question. Be polite and friendly all the time. Finish the interview and write down your impressions about him/her.

Transcription of the interview

Transcripcin de la entrevista

Distinguish between the interviewing and the interviewed person. Example: Maria: What are you doing to improve your dance technique? Lia: Im training eight hours per day. (Maria is interviewing Lia) You have to rewrite the texts you get exactly like they were told. Use quotation marks (). Example: She told me, Im looking for help . Do not repeat information.


Get one piece of construction paper and glue. Glue your interview on the sheet of construction paper.


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Choose someone in your classroom that you would like to interview. Plan and write a list of questions to ask.

Lesson 42 Part four

A class magazine
You will write a letter to the editor that will be included in the magazine.
Escribirn una carta al editor para incluirla en la revista.

1 2


Writing a letter
Redaccin de una carta

It is a way to share or get information or news. Prewriting

Antes de empezar a escribir

Date Dear ,

Choose a topic (you can ask for information, you can talk about sports, music, movies, etc.). List some details and write them in order.


Make a draft; include the parts of the letter. Begin the letter introducing yourself. Continue telling what is happening.



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5 6

Make corrections and do a nal copy.

Realiza correcciones y haz una copia nal.

Read your letter. Discuss with your partner these questions: Does your letter include the parts of a letter? Does each paragraph have a main idea? Do they keep the main idea? Make changes. Use your partners comments to improve your paper. Correct and edit: Did I capitalize the rst letter of the proper nouns? Did I begin titles and initials with capital letters? k Did I misspell some words? Look for ry. the correct spelling in a dictionary. Did I use commas... g after the greeting and closing of the letter? nd between the city, the street and the state in a document? onth to separate the day of the month g)? from the year (in the heading)? to separate words and word groups e? with a series of three or more? to separate two adjectives?



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Get one piece of construction paper and glue. Glue your letter on the sheet of construction paper.

Lesson 43 Part five

A class magazine
You will write a manual to be included in the magazine.
Disearn un manual para incluirlo en la revista.




Making an manual
Elaboracin de un manual

Begin choosing a topic: Make a list of topics and choose the one you like the best and that would be the most interesting thing to do. For example: making a sock puppet, making a robot with a box of milk, making a paper airplane, etc. Discuss with your classmates and tell each other how to do it well.

Example: Making a sock puppet

Materials aterials ials Soc Sock ck Sock Pieces Pi 1 Steps We are making a sock puppet. How are we going to make it? Thread the needle. Buttons Butt ns Buttons Button Buttons utton tton 2 sew the buttons up as if they were eyes. Paste with glue the yarn like hair. Place your hand inside the sock and start plaing with your puppet.

Make an observation chart.

Elabora una tabla de observaciones.
Yarn Yarn Yarn as as required re req

List the materials and steps.



Steps Needle Needle eedl dle 1

Thread Thread he d

as required re re

Glue Gl Glue

as a required r re


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Make a draft. Make an introduction about the item you are going to make. List the materials you need. Describe the making process step by step. Describe the way you are going to use the nished item.


Read your draft. Share the article with your partner and ask him/ her to explain the steps without looking at your article. Discuss with your partner Did I put all the steps in the right order? Make changes. Use your partners comments to improve your paper. Correct and edit. Did I capitalize the rst letter of the proper nouns? Did I start titles and initials with capital letters? Did I misspell any words? Look for the correct spelling in a dictionary.
Glue Gl Glue Needle Needle eedle 1 Buttons Button Buttons tto to 2 Materials eria Soc Sock ock Sock Pieces 1 Steps We are making a sock puppet. How are we going to make it? Thread the needle. Sew the buttons up as if they were eyes. Paste with glue the yarn like hair. Place your hand inside the sock and start playing with your g puppet. puppet. ppet.

Yarn Yarn Yarn

as as required re req

Thread Thread h d

as required re re

as a required r re


Get two pieces of construction paper and glue. Glue your article on one sheet of construction paper. Glue photos or drawings of your article on the other sheet. You can illustrate the steps.


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Lesson 44 Part six

A class magazine
You will design a crossword that will be included in the entertainment section of the magazine.
Disearn un crucigrama que ser incluido en la seccin de entretenimiento de la revista.

Making a crossword

Example: Down 1. Across 2. When you are reviewing your notes, you are


The action of walking fast.

Elaboracin de un crucigrama

Start writing a list of ten words and verbs. Write sentences about the words or verbs you listed. The sentences must contain the meaning or a reference that describes the word or verb.


Make a layout.
Elabora un diseo.



Make sure the words are spelled correctly. Make sure you are leaving the exact number of spaces for the words. Decide which of the words and verbs are going to be across and which ones are going to be down. Write letter by letter the words in the layout. Mark the spaces with black lines and make squares for each letter. Be sure the words are complete and spelled correctly. Number the sentences and place the numbers in the layout. 92


Get one piece of construction paper and glue. Glue your puzzle on the sheet of construction paper.

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Lesson 45 Part seven

A class magazine
You will gather the designed information in previous lessons to obtain a nal product: the magazine.
Integrarn la informacin diseada en las lecciones anteriores para formar su revista.


1 2

Collect all the contents you have made.

Rene todos los contenidos que ya elaboraste.

4 5

Bind them together using string or yarn.

nelos usando hilo o estambre.

Organize the information according to the chart in lesson 40.

Organiza la informacin de acuerdo con la tabla de la leccin 40.

Give a title to your magazine.

Dale un ttulo a tu revista.

Be creative; remember you have to give it a name according to the contents.

Place the information in the corresponding section.

Coloca los contenidos en las secciones que correspondan.

Illustrate your magazine.

Ilustra tu revista.

Each section has to be distinguished by a title. Each section must have a special drawing.

Be creative; remember you have to draw things according to the contents.

Present your project to your classmates.

Presenta el proyecto a tus compaeros.

Discuss about your contents.


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Lesson 46 Part one

You will solve drills about the topics of the unit.
Resolvern ejercicios relacionados con los temas de la unidad.

Complete the sentences. Use my/ our/ his/ her/ their/ its.
Completa los enunciados. Usa my/ our/ his/ her/ their/ its.

favorite one.

Write on the line the possessive form of the nouns. Use (s).
Escribe sobre la lnea la forma posesiva de los sustantivos. Usa (s).

1 I like red color. Its 2 Put on

Example: Susan is wearing a yellow skirt. Susans skirt is yellow.

1 Ana is wearing a black jacket.

coat when you go out.

Its very cold outside.

3 My friends are playing basketball,

jacket is black.
2 Randy is wearing a blue scarf.

score is 10-2.
4 5

scarf is blue.
3 Harry is wearing a green t-shirt.

We are going to buy


t-shirt is green.
4 Nora is wearing pink shorts.

pants are very cool! Adrian is always in fashion.

shorts are pink.

5 Mike is wearing white underwear.

Poor dog! old, its full of holes.

sweater is very

underwear is white.

Write on the line the name of the colors.

Escribe sobre la lnea el nombre de los colores. a) b) c) yellow d) white e) black

Write on the line this/these.

Escribe sobre la lnea this/these.

+ yellow + blue + red + +

= green = purple = = pink = gray

dress jeans shoes pants skirt glasses

Write on the line that/those.

Escribe sobre la lnea that/those.

jacket blouse cap sneakers gloves socks 94

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Lesson 47 Part two

You will solve drills in order to evaluate your progress.
Resolvern ejercicios para evaluar su progreso.

Complete the crossword.

Completa el crucigrama.

Complete the gapped text.

Completa el texto.

4 2

1 3 3 4

Dear Sam, Im writing you to say hello. Im sending you a picture of ________ new house. Here it is ______ grandmother sitting in the yard. Look! I have a new dog. _______ name is Fofo. ______ on the back with the ______ t-shirt is Gina, Tom___ girlfriend. _______ parents are playing basketball. Here we have a pool, a big yard and a house for Fofo. Take care. Write soon. Regards, Linda

5 2 1

Across 1.

Down 1.










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Reply to Lindas letter.

Responde la carta a Linda.



Complete the chart. Answer the questions.

Completa la tabla. Responde las preguntas.
What is your partner wearing? What color is it?

What are you wearing?

Order the words to form a sentence.

Ordena las palabras para formar un enunciado.

1 wearing/ You/ a/ T-shirt/ are

2 is/ She/ jeans/ and/ a jacket/ wearing/ a

3 They/ wearing/ are/ shorts

4 wearing/ are/ pants/ We


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Lesson 48 Part three

You will solve drills to reassure what has been learned throughout the unit.
Resolvern ejercicios para rearmar lo aprendido a lo largo de la unidad.

Whats happening right now? Write true sentences.

Qu est pasando en este momento? Escribe enunciados verdaderos.

Complete the chart with your information.

Completa la tabla con tu informacin.

Example: (I/ sit/ on a chair)

1 (I/ wash/ my car) 2 (It/rain) 3

Who is behind you?

Im sitting on a chair. . . .

Are you between and ?

Who is in front of you?

(I / run / in the park) .

Complete the text. Use the words in the box.

Completa el texto. Usa las palabras del cuadro. sitting studying in front of wearing next to behind standing

4 (I/ do/ this excercise)

Order the questions and put them in present continuous.

Ordena las preguntas y escrbelas en presente continuo:


Example: (you/ watch/ TV?)

1 (the children/ ?/ play) 2 (what/ ?/ you/ do) 3 (you/ write/ a letter/ ?) 4 (you/ ?/ eat/ a banana)

Are you watching TV? . . . . Dear Mark, y friends. Al of them ar riends All ds. hem he are These are my friends. All of them are Junior High. Look at the picture. We are Look at the picture. We are ook oo he icture re our uniforms. Mike is our uniforms. Mike is ur niforms. k me. That pretty girl etty girl tt girl irl Mike Mike k is Fiona. Benjamin is the guy njamin is th gu jamin the guy amin that is . He is me. me. e. He is my best friend. Greetings, Jessica

Answer the questions.

Responde las preguntas.

Are you wearing a hat? . What are you doing? . Is the sun shining? . What are you writing? . Are your parents working? .


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Self Evaluation Autoevaluacin

Remember your English lessons and answer.
Recuerda tus lecciones de ingls y responde.

1 Mejor lo que me propuse al terminar la unidad anterior?

Por qu?
2 Qu puedo hacer para mejorar mi desempeo en la asignatura de ingls?

3 Cunto siento que aprend en la materia de ingls en esta unidad?

Mucho Por qu?



4 Qu puedo mejorar en la materia de ingls para cuando termine el siguiente bloque?

Answer II. Respondethe following questions. las siguientes preguntas.

1 Write down the possessive adjectives. 2 Write down the translation of the following words: this

, that

, these

, those
3 Write an afrmative idea, a negative idea and a question talking about whats happening now in

your classroom

4 Write the description of the place where you are taking this class.

5 Tell what your classmates are doing using commas and the conjunction and.


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Support material Material de apoyo

Topics / Temas Suggested material / Material sugerido

Visit the BBC ofcial website and review how to ask and answer questions about personal possessions.

http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/english-grammar/ verbs/present-tense/present-continuous

Visit the BBC ofcial website and review how to describe what people are wearing or doing at the moment of speaking.


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Parents sheet Hoja para padres

Con el propsito de ayudar al alumno a mejorar su aprendizaje, solicitamos atentamente a los padres de familia que colaboren con el maestro para conseguir este objetivo, por lo que en esta seccin debern mencionar los rezagos, dicultades o deciencias que presenta el estudiante durante el transcurso de cada uno de los bloques, as como las acciones que ustedes consideren que debern emprender para superarlos.

Presenta los siguientes rezagos, dicultades o deciencias, que se han detectado en:

Para solventarlos deber:

Observaciones o comentarios del padre de familia o tutor:


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Unit 3 3 Unidad
Hobbies, Leisure and Sports Pasatiempos, tiempo libre y deporte
Purpose Propsito
The purpose of this unit is to enable students to express their personal interests around the topic of hobbies, leisure and sports, and to make and respond to invitations to events or places related to the topic.
El propsito de esta unidad es que los alumnos sean capaces de expresar sus intereses personales sobre pasatiempos, tiempo libre y deporte, as como hacer y responder invitaciones a eventos o lugares relacionados con el tema.

Sequence 1

Secuencia 1

In unit 3 sequence 1 you will learn to:

En la unidad 3 secuencia 1 aprenders a:

Talk about things, food or actions that you like and the ones you do not like.
Hablar de las cosas, comida o acciones que te gustan y de las que no te gustan.

Express anyones routine.

Expresar la rutina diaria de cualquier persona.


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Lesson 49

I like playing video gamesLesson 49


You will identify that when we talk about actions that we like or dont like, we may use the verb like followed by another verb ending with -ing.

Identicarn que cuando hablamos de acciones que nos gustan o disgustan, podemos usar el verbo like seguido de otro verbo con terminacin -ing.


Which are the verbs that follow the verb to be, that is, am, is, are to form the present continous?
a) Verbs in simple form b) Verbs in gerund form (verb + -ing)

Marca las actividades que le gusta realizar a Mario.

Playing basketball

Read the e-mail.

Lee el correo electrnico. Playing soccer

From: mario123@e-mail.com To: davidsmith@yuupi.com Subject: Greetings from Mexico

Riding a bike

Dear David: Im very excited because Im looking forward to going to study to the United States. I hope we can do things together. I like playing video games and playing basketball. I also like riding my bike and going to the movies. What about you? What do you like to do in your free time? Regards, Mario. Watching TV


Going to the movies


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Choose the correct answer.

Elige la respuesta correcta.

Check the activities Mario likes to do.


Go back to the text. Write on the line the verb that corresponds.
Regresa al texto. Escribe sobre la lnea el verbo que corresponda.

1 Mario likes

video games.

2 Mario likes

his bike.

Write a next to the activities that you like doing.

Escribe una junto a las actividades que te gusta hacer.

Write an e-mail to a friend in which you describe the activities that you like doing.
Escrbele un correo electrnico a un amigo en el que describas las actividades que te gusta hacer.

From: To: Subject:


Riding a horse

Watching TV

Playing soccer

Writing stories


Reading books

Dancing 103

Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12


Lesson 50

I like to ride my bike

You will notice that verbs that express likes or dislikes can also be followed by other verb in innitive form.
Identicarn que los verbos que expresan gustos o disgustos tambin pueden ser seguidos por otro verbo en innitivo.


Closing line Recipient

Opening line Date


1 2 3

August 29th, 2011 Dear Mario: Thanks for your letter! Im happy you are coming to my country to study. I promise you will have a great time in my house. Im making plans for you and me. We have similar likes. I like to play video games and I love to ride my bike. I dont like to go to the movie theater but my mom really likes to see movies. Dont worry, we will have fun anyway. Regards, David.

1 2 3 Opening line 4 5

4 5
Circle T if the sentence is true or F if it is false.
Circula T si el enunciado es verdadero o F si es falso.


Look at the example and order the sentences.

Observa el ejemplo y ordena las oraciones.

a) David likes to go to the

movie theater.

Example: my grandmother/I/to/like/visit I like to visit my grandmother.

a) video games / I / to / like / play

b) David likes to ride his


b) mother/ go / movies / to / My/ to / likes / the c) ride / I / like / to / my bike d) the/ movie/ theater / dont/ go / to / I / to / like

c) Davids mother likes to go

to the movies.


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Identify the parts of the letter.

Identica las partes de la carta.

Read the letter.

Lee la carta.


Write three activities you like and three you dont like.
Escribe tres actividades que te gusten y tres que no te gusten.

I like
to watch TV

I dont like
to eat cheetos

1 2 3

Write a letter to a friend. Tell him/her about your hobbies.

Escrbele una carta a un amigo o amiga. Platcale acerca de tus pasatiempos.

4 5



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Lesson 51

I like movies
You will identify that the verbs that express likes and dislikes require a complement.
Identicarn que los verbos para expresar gustos y disgustos requieren de un complemento.


Observa los dibujos y relacinalos con las palabras del cuadro segn corresponda. Escrbelas sobre las lneas. Romantic movies Action movies Comedies

Mrs. Smith: Hello, Mario. Welcome to our house! Mario: Thank you, Mrs. Smith. Im so happy to be here! Yes, I love movies. I like comedy and action movies. And you?

Horror movies

Mrs. M Smith: So, do you like watching movies? Mario: M Mario: M Mrs. Smith: What kind of movies do you like? M

Mrs. M Smith: I love action movies, but I also like romantic ones.


An interesting fact Un dato interesante
The person with most Oscar Award nominations is Meryl Streep, with 17 nominations for best actress category.
La persona con ms nominaciones a los premios Oscar de la Academia de las Artes Cinematogrcas de los Estados Unidos es Meryl Streep, con 17 nominaciones para mejor actriz.

Use a or a according to the dialogue. Then, complete the sentences.

Marca una o una de acuerdo con el dilogo. Completa los enunciados.
Watching movies Comedy movies Romantic movies Action movies

Mrs. Smith Mario

a) Mrs. Smith likes

b) Mario likes


106 06

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Look at the pictures and match them with the words from the box. Write them on the lines.

Read the dialogue.

Lee el dilogo.


Go back to lessons 49 and 50. Look carefully at the verbs and complete the chart with some possible complements of the verb like.
Regresa a las lecciones 49 y 50. Observa con cuidado los verbos y completa el cuadro con algunos posibles complementos del verbo like.

Gerunds ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Innitives


____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Nouns ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Look at the images and choose a word to complete each sentence.

Observa las imgenes y elige una palabra para completar las oraciones.

a) I like


b) My mother doesnt like


c) I love

d) Mrs. Smith likes

e) I like


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Lesson 52

I love soccer
You will express preferences about a number of topics.
Expresarn preferencias sobre temas diversos. s diversos di ersos. iv os.


Mary: M

What about you, Mr. Smith? Do you like romantic movies?

M Mr. Brown: No, thats not for me. I hate them. I like horror movies, but you know, what I really enjoy is watching soccer games. I love soccer. Mary:


Oh! Please, dont start talking about soccer. I dont like soccer.

Circle T (true) or F (false)

Encierra en un crculo T (verdadero) o F (falso).

a) Mr. Brown likes horror movies. b) Mr. Brown doesnt like soccer. c) Mr. Brown loves soccer. d) Mr. Brown hates romantic movies.


Complete the sentences about the kind of movies you prefer.

Completa los enunciados acerca de las pelculas que preeres.

a) I like

and .


Look at the images and write I like, I love, I dont like, I hate.
Observa las imgenes y escribe I like, I love, I dont like, I hate segun corresponda.

b) I dont like

and .

c) I love

and .

d) I hate

and .


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Reproduce the expressions.

Imita cada una de las expresiones.

Read the dialogue with a classmate.

Lee el dilogo con una compaera o compaero.

Lesson 53

My mother likes going to the movies

You will identify that an ending s is placed at the end of a verb to indicate the third person form (he, she it) in the simple present tense.
Reconocern que una s se coloca al nal de un verbo para conjugarlo en tercera persona del singular (he, she, it) en tiempo presente simple.



Completa la carta. Usa las palabras de la tabla. Mario September 5th, 2011

Escribe los verbos en la categora que corresponda.

loves eats eat hate swim hates play sleeps
I, you, they, we Love

Dear mom:

plays sleep love

Read the letter.

Lee la carta.

She, he, it Loves

I think a lot about you, although the family Im staying with is very nice. The fathers name is Robert. He likes watching soccer games on Sundays and sometimes I join him. The mothers name is Sally. She likes going to the movies and cooking. Their son, David, likes playing basketball the same as I. He has a dog and it also likes playing with a ball. We play basketball everyday. Kisses,


Draw , , etc., according to your own information.

Dibuja , , etc., de acuerdo con tu propia informacin.
Watching TV Soccer Movies Swimming

My mother My father


My brother My sister

Correct the sentences. Use the information from the letter.

Corrige las oraciones. Usa la informacin de la carta.

Complete the letter with your information.

Completa la carta con tu informacin.

a) The fathers name is Philip. b) Robert doesnt like watching soccer. c) Sally likes going to the supermarket.

Dear , How are you? Im OK. You asked about my family. Well, my mothers name is . She likes . She and she hates . doesnt like My fathers name is and he likes . My father hates and loves . What do your mother and father like? Please tell me about. Regards,


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Complete the letter. Use the words from the chart.

Write the verbs in the category that corresponds.

Lesson 54

Mini Check
You will solve drills to reafrm what you have learned in previous lessons.
Resolvern ejercicios para rearmar lo que aprendieron en las lecciones anteriores. n en las lecciones anteriores ecciones ant riores es ter ores.

Read and write

Lee el texto. Mario est presentndose ante sus nuevos compaeros.

Teacher: Mario:

Good morning. We have a new student. Hello, Im Mario. Im from Mexico. Now Im living at Davids house. I have a small family, we ster r are four members: my mother, my father, my sister s and myself. My mothers name is Rosalia. She is a ther, her, secretary. She likes her job and cooking. My father, l Francisco, is a teacher. He loves to teach and to play soccer with his students. My sisters name is Sandra. She is a student in junior high, she doesnt like mathematics. And about me, I like to study English and play video games. About sports, I dont like boxing because I think it is aggressive, I prefer basketball. We love to have dinner together.

Classmates: Nice to meet you, Mario.


Write the names on the lines. Use Marios information.

Escribe los nombres sobre las lneas. Usa la informacin de Mario.

Circle T if the sentence is true or F if it is false.

Encierra en un crculo T si el enunciado es verdadero o F si es falso.

Marios family Mario Son Daughter

a) Mario has a big family. b) Rosalia likes her job. c) Francisco loves teaching. d) Sandra loves mathematics.



e) Mario prefers playing

basketball. 110

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Read the text. Mario is introducing himself at his new classmates.


He It

Complete the information with the red words in the text.

Completa la informacin con las palabras que estan en rojo en el texto. Innitive likes

a b

Match the columns.

Relaciona las columnas.
Likes He likes to win gold medals at the Olympic Games. She loves writing stories with the correct punctuation marks. He likes to play modern music. He hates to hurt himself at a contest. She loves to heal people at the hospital. He hates it when he doesnt get the right tone. He loves doing exercise. She loves medicine magazines. She hates it when people forget to take their pills. She doesnt like mathematics, she prefers Spanish. He loves to play guitar. He likes playing the piano. She likes reading. She likes to help people. He doesnt like jeans and boots, he prefers pants and tennis shoes. She gets mad at students who dont do their homework. A musician A Spanish teacher Occupations

A doctor


d e

love Noun You They

f g h i j

Underline the correct option.

Subraya la opcin correcta.

An athlete

k l a) Sandra m n o

1 She likes her job and cooking.

b) Rosalia c) Francisco a) Mario

He loves playing soccer.

b) Sandra c) Francisco p

a) Rosalia 3 She doesnt like mathematics. b) Mario c) Sandra

Write about your family.

Escribe acerca de tu familia.

a) Mario 4 He doesnt like boxing. b) Francisco c) Sandra

Hello, Im (big/small). We are

. My family is

members. 111

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Lesson 55

Do you like tennis?

You will identify the use of do as an auxiliary verb to make questions about preferences.
Identicarn el uso de do como verbo auxiliar para hacer preguntas sobre todo tipo de preferencias.


David: Mario: David: Mario: David:

Let me show you my room.


Look. I like sports and movies. Do you like tennis? No, I dont. Thats my fathers er er s racquet. I like soccer. quet. like soccer et. ik soccer. ike cer

Mario: Well, I like listening to music and g g to the movies. going

Fill the blanks with the underlined ed words that are in the dialogue.
Escribe sobre las lneas las palabras s subrayadas del dilogo.



Answer the questions with your information.

Contesta las preguntas con tu informacin.


Complete the sentences.

Completa los enunciados.

a) Do you like swimming? b) Do you like basketball? c) Do you like English? d) Do you like reading stories? e) Do you like horseback riding?

you like basketball? Yes, I .

No, I



Interview some classmates and complete the chart with or . Ask questions beginning with Do you like?
Entrevista a algunos compaeros y completa el cuadro con o . Haz preguntas que empiecen con Do you like?
Name Basketball Soccer Watching TV Dancing

Write about one classmate. Use the information from the chart.
Escribe sobre uno de tus compaeros. Usa la informacin del cuadro.

Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Read the dialogue with a classmate.

Lee el dilogo con un compaero o compaera.

Mario: Do you like comics? David: Yes, I do. I love them. Theyre interesting and funny. What about you, what else do you like?

Lesson 56

Does your father like soccer?

You will notice the use of does for the third person singular form (she, he, it) in the present simple hird t tense to make questions about preferences. eren nces.
Reconocern el uso de does en la tercera pe sona del singular (she, he, it) en tiempo presente a perso del singula she, he, t en tiempo pr sente persona e singular sh erson g gu m o present simple para realizar preguntas sobre preferencias. efere cias. f encias. encia


Read the dialogue with a partner.

Lee el dilogo con una compaera o compaero. ero. o.

David: This is your room. I hope you like it. Mario: Sure, thanks. Its great. Im going to hang a picture of my family Look, these are my . mother, my sister, my father and I. David: Does your father love soccer as mine?

Mario: Yes he does He plays with his students. Mario: Yes, he does. He l s with his students. i s s. h is tud s dent David: Does he like to see movies? i ? Mario: No, he prefers to watch TV, especially soccer games. David: Our fathers have similar likes.



Answer the questions.

Contesta las preguntas.

Underline the sentences that are written correctly.

Subraya los enunciados que estn escritos correctamente.
Do he like soccer? Does he like soccer?

a) Does Marios father love soccer? b) Does Marios father play soccer

with his students?

c) Does Marios father like to see

Yes, he does. No, he doesnt.

Yes, he do. No, he dont.

d) Does Marios father prefer to

watch movies than soccer games?


Prepare an interview for a classmate.

Prepara una entrevista para un compaero o compaera de tu clase.

? ? ?

Interview your classmate, write the answers, and then a text.

Entrevista a tu compaero, escribe las respuestas, y despus un texto.

a) Whats your mothers name? b) Do you like cooking? c) d) e)

name is She/He likes


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Identify Marios and Davids bedroom.

Identica la recmara de Mario y la de David.

Lesson 57

Does she like cooking?

You will answer questions about different preferences.
Respondern preguntas acerca de diversas preferencias.



Good morning, Mrs. Smith. What are you ou u doing?

Mrs. Smith: Good morning, Mario. Im cooking ke breakfast. I love it. Does your mother like cooking? Mario: Yes, she does. And she does it very well. Mrs. Smith: Really? Tell me about her. What does she e like cooking? Mario: Mario: She likes cooking vegetables and chicken. No, she doesnt. She goes to the market. There she also buys fruit. Mrs. Smith: Does she go to the supermarket?

Mrs. Smith: I love Mexican markets. Theyre so pretty!

Identify the place where Mrs. Smith and Mario are. Write a
Identica el lugar donde estn la seora Smith y Mario. Escribe una


bathroom 114


living room

Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Read the dialogue with a classmate.

Lee el dilogo con una compaera o compaero.



Circle the correct option.

Encierra en un crculo la opcin correcta.

Complete the chart.

Completa la tabla.
Do / Dont Does / Doesnt

1 Mrs. Smith is cooking: a) dinner b) pizza c) breakfast 2 Marios mother likes: a) cooking b) sleeping c) swimming 3 Does Mrs. Smith like

They We



Look at the pictures and classify the the them.

Observa Observa los d bserv serv dib dibujos y clasifcalos.

a) No, she doesnt. b) Yes, she does. c) No, she dont.

Apples pp

A Avocados d

Chili p ppers Chili peppers Chili peppe li pe pe pep e

Pineapple Pi l

Lettuce Lettuce Lettu e tt

Onions 4 Where does Marios mother

Grapes Fruits

Pears ears

Tomatoes Vegetables

Oranges O anges

buy fruits and vegetables?

a) at the supermarket b) at the grocery store c) at the market 5 Does Mrs. Smith hate

Mexican markets?
a) No, she doesnt. b) Yes, she does. c) No, she dont.

Match the columns.

Relaciona las columnas. Does your mother like onions? Do you like apples? Does your father love pears? Does your dog like grapes? Do your friends like oranges?

a b c d e

No, it doesnt. Yes, he does. Yes, they do. Yes, I do. No, she doesnt.


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Lesson 58

I like fruits and vegetables

You will identify addition and contrast conjunctions to express preferences.
Identicarn conjunciones que indican adicin o contraste para expresar preferencias.


Ordena las letras de las palabras y completa la lista del supermercado.

David: Mario: David: Mario: David:

Okay, we have to buy carrots, tomatoes and lettuce. Dont forget the cucumbers. Youre right. Do you like vegetables, Mario? Yes, but I dont like broccoli. And you? I like some vegetables, but I hate onions. I think it is sad, it always makes you cry.

a) d a v o c a o b) p n e i p a l e p c) o n i n o d) n g e r o a

List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. carrots cucumbers

Mr. Smith: Ha, ha, ha! And, what about fruits, Mario? Mario: Well, I like oranges, apples and strawberries, but I hate bananas and papaya.


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Unscramble the letters of the words and complete the supermarket list.

Read the dialogue.

Lee el dilogo.


Speak and write

Match the columns. Use the text.

Relaciona las columnas con la informacin del texto.

Write a list of fruits and vegetables. Ask a classmate if he likes or not the vegetable or fruit. Then write a or a next to each word on the list.

Likes some vegetables, but hates onions.

Escribe una lista de frutas y verduras. Pregunta a un compaero o compaera si le gusta

Hates papaya and bananas.

o no esa verdura o fruta. Despus marca con una o un sus respuestas.

Likes vegetables, but doesnt like broccoli.

Likes oranges, apples and strawberries.

Write on the lines the information you have about your classmate.
Escribe sobre las lneas la informacin de tu compaero o compaera.


Complete the sentences.

Completa los enunciados.

1 You use this word to link ideas.

I like oranges, apples I love vegetables

strawberries. fruits.

2 You use this word to contrast ideas.

I like vegetables, I like fruit,

I dont like onions. I hate bananas.


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Lesson 59

David loves comics

You will notice the difference between the usage of the ending s for afrmative verbs in the third person singular form of the simple present and the ending s added to nouns to indicate plural.
Distinguirn entre el uso de la s agregada a los verbos armativos en tercera persona del singular en presente simple y la s agregada a sustantivos para indicar plural.



In the letter, whos Sandra?

Dear Sandra,

a) Sandra is Marios mother. b) Sandra is Marios sister. c) Sandra is Marios girlfriend.

g you are gettin u a lot. I hope I miss yo ant to tell s at school. I w good grade ol: friends at scho bout my new you a vid nd Roxane. Da Sandy, Philip a David, s fashion ics, Sandy love likes com e water and ilip doesnt lik shows, Ph We have s soccer games. Roxane hate all are good nt likes but we differe d with me and They are so kin friends. glish. Please, learn more En help me to n e-mail. I ck a letter or a send me ba love you. Kisses, Mario

Match the columns. Use the information in exercise 1.

Relaciona las columnas. Usa la informacin del ejercicio 1.

He doesnt like water. She hates soccer games. She loves fashion shows. He writes the letter. She is Marios sister.

a) Roxane b) Sandra c) Philip d) Sandy e) Mario

An interesting fact Un dato interesante

Sports are the best hobbies you can ever have. When you practice them your heart works better, your skin, hair and nails look shiny, you avoid diseases and produce endorphins, the hormones that make you feel happy.
El deporte es el mejor pasatiempo que puedes tener. Cuando lo practicas, tu corazn trabaja mejor, tu piel, cabello y uas se ven brillantes, evitas enfermedades, y produces las hormonas que te hacen sentir feliz.


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Read the letter.

Lee la carta.

Underline the option that corresponds.

Subraya la opcin que corresponda.


Answer the questions.

Contesta las preguntas. 2 What do you notice in the next words? Why

1 What do you notice in the following words?

Why do they have an s?

a) She hates soccer games. b) She loves fashion shows. c) He writes the letter.

do they have an s?
a) Monica likes to watch soccer games. b) Frank loves epic movies. c) We enjoy eating apples.

Write the rule:

Write the rule:


Complete the sentences.

Completa los enunciados.

a) She

. (love) (grape in plural) . (like) (movie in plural) . (hate) (soccer game in plural) . (prefer) (sport in plural) delicious (cook) (potato in plural) . (like) (strawberry in plural) .

b) He c) He d) My father e) My mother

f) My sister

Write a letter to someone in your family. Talk her/him about your friends favorite things.
Escribe una carta para tu familia. Platcale a alguien sobre las cosas favoritas de tus amigos.



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Lesson 60

Mini Check
You will solve exercises in order to verify what you learned in previous lessons.
Resolvern ejercicios para vericar lo aprendido en lecciones anteriores.




Do you like soccer, Mario?

Mario: No, not really, I like basketball. And you, Steve? Do you like playing soccer? Steve: Yes, I like it, but I hate basketball. What about you, David? What sports do you like?

Usa la informacin del dilogo y marca con

Po O, (like/dont like), o PP, o OO (love/hate) para completar la tabla.

una Sport

David: I like swimming and basketball, and I love playing soccer. Steve: Yes, we know. And what about you, Philip?





Philip: I hate swimming, because I dont like water, it is always cold. David: We think you dont like to take a shower! Ha, ha, ha, ha!



Match the images with the words from the box.

Relaciona las imgenes con las palabras del cuadro.
cycling tennis baseball basketball soccer volleyball


swimming jogging

Answer the question.

Responde la pregunta.

D Does the dialogue mention any sports you s to play? Yes W Which one? No


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Read the dialogue with a classmate.

Lee el dilogo con una compaera o compaero.

Use the information from the dialogue and


P, or O (like / dont like), or PP, or OO (love/hate) to complete the chart.

Read and write

Unit 3

Read and answer the questions about you and your family.
Lee y contesta las preguntas acerca de ti y tu familia.

Unidad 3

a) What sports do you like? b) Does your father like baseball? c) Does your mother like cooking? d) Do you like basketball? e) Does your sister like mathematics? f) Does your brother like movies?

Sequence 2

Secuencia 2

Use the questions to interview a classmate and complete the text.

Usa las preguntas para entrevistar a un compaero y completa el texto.

In unit 3 sequence 2 you will learn to:

En la unidad 3 secuencia 2 aprenders a:

a) What sports do you like?

Make, accept or reject invitations to different events.

Hacer, aceptar o rechazar invitaciones a diversos eventos.

b) Do you like baseball? c) Do you like swimming? d) Do you like volleyball? e) Do you like basketball?

(name) and but (he/she) nor


doesnt like .


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Lesson 61

Would you like to go to a party?

You will notice the most common expressions to make invitations.
Identicarn las expresiones ms comunes para hacer invitaciones.


Lee el dilogo con una compaera o compaero.

Whats the dialogue about?

a) A baseball game b) A party c) A concert

David: Do you like parties? Mario: Yes, I love them. David: Would you like to go to a party? Mario: That sounds great, but I have to nish my chores. When is it? David: Its today at ve in the afternoon. You have enough time to do them. Mario: OK. Where is it? David: Its at Sandys. Its her birthday. Mario: Do you have a gift for her? David: Yes, of course. 122


Use the dialogue to complete the sentences.

Usa el dilogo para completar los enunciados.

a) Do you like parties? b) c)

? That sounds great. the party? It is at Sandys house.

d) Do you have a gift for her? Yes,

Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Read the dialogue with a classmate.

Answer the question.

Responde la pregunta.


4 5

Go back to the dialogue. Identify the question used to make an invitation.

Regresa al dilogo. Identica la pregunta para hacer una invitacin.

You use

to make an invitation.

Escribe Escribe ib b


in the charts according to your preferences.

en los cuadros de acuerdo con tus preferencias. Would you like to go to?

A soccer game

A picnic in the forest i i i th f t

An expedition to the mountain

An exhibition at the museum

bi thd t A birthday party

A rock concert

Interview two classmates and register their answers in the chart.

Entrevista a dos compaeros y registra sus respuestas en la tabla. Would you like to go to? A soccer game Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Student 1 No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Student 2 No No No No No No


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Lesson 62

Why dont we go to the movies?

You will make, accept or reject invitations.
Realizarn y aceptarn o rechazarn invitaciones.


Would you like to come with us to the movies?

Mom, can we invite my friend to come with us?

Mrs. Smith: David:

Thats a good idea. There is a romantic movie, a horror movie and an action movie. What would you like to watch? Id prefer to watch an action movie. What do you think? That sounds great.

Mario: Mrs. and Mr. Smith:

Order the days of the week and answer the question.

Ordena los das de la semana y contesta la pregunta. Tuesday Saturday Friday Sunday Thursday

a) Monday b) c) d) e) f) g)

Wednesday Monday

On what day does the dialogue take place? 124

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Read the dialogue.

Lee el dilogo.


Relax. Today is Sunday. Would you like to go to the movies?


Circle T if the sentence is true or F if it is false.

Encierra T en un crculo si el enunciado es verdadero o F si es falso.

a) It is Monday. b) David suggests to go to the movies. c) They decide to watch a romantic movie. d) Mrs. Smith agrees with David to go to the movies.


Write the missing expression.

Escribe la expresin que falta.


Optional invitation

I dont like romantic movies.

watch an action movie.

Make teams of four students to complete the dialogue.

Forma un equipo de cuatro estudiantes para completar el dilogo.

Student A: What are we going to do next weekend? Student B: Would you like to . ? . ?

Student C: No, Student D: So, why dont we Student A: Yes, What do you think? Student B: .


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Lesson 63

Lets eat Mexican food

You will express preferences about food.
Expresarn preferencias sobre comida.


Mexican food Chinese food Fast food

Combo 2 Chicken Combo 1 Hamburger Fries Baked potato Bacon Ice cream Hamburger Juice Soda Pie

Tacos Enchiladas Drinks Sopes Fruit water Mole Sodas Fajitas Juice

Chop Suey Noodles Rice with pork Fried rice Drinks Sodas Water Green tea

Read the dialogue with a partner.

Lee el dilogo con una compaera o compaero.

David: Mario: Mr. Smith:

The movie was exciting, wasnt it? Yes, youre right; but now Im hungry. Me too. Lets eat Chinese food.

Mrs. Smith: No, Id prefer Mexican food. What do you think, Mario? Mario: David: Mr. Smith: Wow! Its a great idea. I miss Mexican food a lot. I would like to try tacos. OK. You win! Lets eat Mexican food.


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Write the letter on the corresponding line.

Escribe la letra de la opcin que corresponda.



Put the events in order according to the information in the dialogue.

Ordena los eventos de acuerdo con la informacin del dilogo.

Complete the sentences.

Completa los enunciados.

is another way to talk about your preferences. For example: I would like to try Mexican food.

Mrs. Smith doesnt want Chinese food, she prefers Mexican food. At the end of the movie Mario is hungry. Finally, they decide to eat Mexican food. Mr. Smith suggests to eat Chinese food. David would like to try tacos.

eat Chinese food.


watch a soccer game.


Work in pairs. Ask your partner about the menus. Write next to the food or drink that he or she prefers.

P or O

Trabajen en parejas. Pregunta a tu compaera o compaero sobre el men.

P o O junto a la comida o bebida de su preferencia.

Tacos Fried rice Chop suey Pie Soda Green tea

Do you like? Hamburgers Soda


Answer the questions.

Contesta las preguntas.

An interesting fact Un dato interesante

The third best place to eat in the world is Mexico City, just surpassed by Paris and Tokyo according to the famous American newspaper The New York Times.

What kind of food does your classmate like? What kind of food do you like? What food dont you like? What food doesnt your classmate like?

El tercer mejor lugar en el mundo para comer es la Ciudad de Mxico, slo superada por Pars y Tokio, segn el famoso peridico norteamericano The New York Times.


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Lesson 64

Shall we go to a rock concert?

You will identify the expressions to make invitations and answer to them.
Identicarn las expresiones para hacer y responder a invitaciones.

Think and speak


Qu eventos divertidos se acercan (baile, concierto, esta, etc.)? Invitaras a alguien de tus compaeros de clase? A quin?

David: Mario: David: David: Mr. Smith: Mario:

There will be a concert next weekend. Shall we go? Sure, Id love to. Lets ask my father. Can we go to the concert, dad? Mmmmm! What time does it start? Its at eight in the evening, Mr. Smith. And it nishes at eleven oclock. Its too late. Please, please, please.
OK. But

Mr. Smith: Mario and David: Mr. Smith:

your mother and I will be waiting for you at the end of the concert.

An interesting fact Un dato interesante

Missy Elliot is considered the most inuential woman in hip-hop music in the last decade and one of the most creative women in the worlds music industry.
Missy Elliot es considerada la mujer ms inuyente en la msica hip-hop de la ltima dcada y una de las mujeres ms creativas en la industria discogrca mundial.


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What fun events are coming (dancing, concerts, party, etc.)? Would you invite someone in the class? Who?

Read the dialogue with a classmate.

Lee el dilogo con una compaera o compaero.



Circle the option that corresponds.

Encierra la opcin que corresponda.

Complete the chart with information from previous lessons.

Completa el cuadro con informacin de las lecciones anteriores. Expressions to make an invitation Expressions to accept an invitation

1 Mario and David are going to a a) party b) concert c) soccer game 2 The concert is at a) eight in the evening b) eight in the morning c) nine in the evening 3 What time does the concert nish? a) at eight oclock b) at one oclock c) at eleven oclock 4 Who do Mario and David ask for permission


Complete the dialogue with the phrase from the box.

Completa el dilogo con la frase del cuadro. Shall we go?

Sandy: Look David, there is a fashion show next Saturday. David: No, thats not for me. Look, there is a car show on Sunday. Shall we go? Sandy: I dont think so. I dont like cars. David: Well, there is a basketball game at the school gymnasium on Sunday. Sandy: Yes, we shall go to the game, I really like basketball.

to go?
a) Mrs. Smith b) Mr. Smith c) Marios mother


Practice the dialogue with a classmate, using your own information, and share it with the class.
Practica el dilogo con un compaero o compaera con tu propia informacin, y presntalo a la clase.


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Lesson 65

Would you like to see a movie today?

You will use a number of expressions to make invitations and respond to them.
Realizarn y respondern a invitaciones con diferentes expresiones.


Relaciona la actividad con la imagen. Escribe sobre la lnea la opcin que corresponda.

a) They are chatting. b) They are talking by phone.

Read the dialogue with a partner.

Lee el dilogo con un compaero o compaera.

David: Hi, Sandy, its David. Would you like to see a movie today? Sandy: No, thanks. Today Im going to visit my grandmother. David:

understand. What about tomorrow? you tomorrow at three oclock at your place.

Sandy: Yes, Id love to. David:

OK. See

Sandy: Sure. See you tomorrow.


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Match the activity with the picture. Write on the line the option that corresponds.



Correct the sentences according to the dialogue.

Corrige los enunciados de acuerdo con el dilogo.

Complete with the expressions in red in the dialogue.

Completa con las expresiones que aparecen en rojo en el dilogo.

a) Sandy has to visit her grandfather.

b) David invites Sandy to a soccer game.

c) David is going to see Sandy at school.


d) David is going to see Sandy at ve oclock.


Read the expressions from the chart.

Lee las expresiones de la tabla.

Would you like to go to the park?

Would you like to go to the museum?

Lets go to see a movie at your place.

Yes, Id love to.

Yes, of course.

Thats a good idea.


Write a dialogue with the expressions from the box.

Escribe un dilogo con las expresiones del cuadro.


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Lesson 66

No, thanks. I hate horror movies

You will accept or refuse invitations.
Aceptarn o rechazarn invitaciones.



Lee el dilogo con un compaero o una compaera.

Encierra T en un crculo si el enunciado es verdadero o F si es falso.

a) Mrs. Smith is watching TV. b) Mrs. Smith hates

horror movies. Mr. Smith: What are you doing?

c) Mr. Smith invites

Mrs. Smith: Im writing an e-mail to Marios mother. Mr. Smith: Good! Shall we go to the stadium when you nish?

Mrs. Smith to the movies.

d) Mrs. Smith and Mr. Smith

are going to visit the zoo.

e) Mrs. Smith has an

Mrs. Smith: Thanks, but I dont like soccer, as you know. Mr. Smith: Well, why dont we go to the movies? Today is the premier of Killerman. So, would you like to visit the zoo?

appointment with the dentist.

Mrs. Smith: No, thanks. I hate horror movies. Mr. Smith: Mrs. Smith: No, I cant. I have to go to the dentist at ve oclock. Why dont you come with me? Mr. Smith:
OK. Lets


go to the dentist.

Complete the questions in order to make invitations for places you like.
Completa las preguntas para hacer invitaciones a lugares que te gusten.

a) Why dont we

? ? ? .

Find ve cognates in the dialogue.

Encuentra cinco cognados en el dilogo.

b) Shall we c) Would you like to d) Lets


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Read the dialogue with a classmate.

Circle T if the sentence is true or F if it is false.

Complete the chart.

Completa la tabla. Yes No

Unit 3

Unidad 3

Yes, Id love to. Yes, Id like. That sounds great. Its _________________ idea. No, ____________________. No, I prefer to stay at home. No, thank you. Im very busy. Thanks, I prefer to watch TV.

Sequence 3

Secuencia 3

Work in pairs to make a dialogue.

Trabaja en parejas y elabora un dilogo.

In unit 3 sequence 3 you will learn to:

En la unidad 3 secuencia 3 aprenders a:


Why dont we

Classmate: No, You: Classmate: No, You: Classmate: Yes,

Write an invitation to a Valentines Day party.

Escribir una invitacin para celebrar el da de San Valentn.

An interesting fact Un dato interesante

In 2010, for the rst time ever, a woman was awarded the best directors award by the Academy of Arts and Cinematography. Her name is Kathryn Bigelow, and as an interesting fact, she beat her former husband, James Cameron, director of Avatar.
En el ao 2010, por primera vez en la historia, una mujer fue premiada como mejor directora por los premios Oscar. Su nombre es Kathryn Bigelow y, como dato curioso, le gan a su ex esposo James Cameron, director de la pelcula Avatar.


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Lesson 67 Part one

Project We invite you

to our St. Valentines celebration

You will plan a party to boost friendship and comradery at school.
Planearn un convivio para fomentar la amistad y el compaerismo en la escuela.

The rst grade group celebrate

would like to day.


Para enriquecer la amistad y el compaerismo entre tus compaeros y todos los alumnos en tu escuela, puedes organizar el festejo del da de San Valentn. Primero, escribe una carta para pedir permiso al director de tu escuela. Usa el formato de la siguiente carta. Acuerda con tus compaeros y maestro la fecha, el lugar y la hora para la celebracin del da de San Valentn. Contesta las preguntas.

Discuss the food and drinks for the party. Make a list.
Hablen acerca de la comida y las bebidas para la esta. Hagan una lista.



Copy the letter on a sheet of paper and send it to the Principal. Wait for the answer.
Copia la carta en una hoja de papel y envala al director. Espera la respuesta. a) Where is the celebration?

b) When is the celebration?

How are you going to invite the students from your school to your party?
Cmo van a invitar a los alumnos de la escuela a su esta?

c) At what time is the celebration?

d) Who are going to attend the party?

a) a letter b) an invitation card c) an email


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In order to enrich friendship and comradery between your classmates and all the students from your school, you can organize a celebration for St. Valentines Day. First, write a letter to ask for permission from the Principal at school. You can use the letter format below. Discuss with your classmates and teacher the date, place and time of celebration of St. Valentines. Answer the questions.

Dear Principal:

Lesson 68 Part two

Project We invite you

to our St. Valentines celebration

You will design an invitation for the party in order to let the community know about the date and time of it.
Disearn una invitacin para su convivencia donde se informe la fecha y la hora del mismo.

Design an invitation card for the St. Valentines party. Look at the example.
Disea una tarjeta de invitacin para la esta del da de San Valentn. Observa el ejemplo.

Give an invitation to each student at your school.

Da una invitacin a cada uno de los alumnos de tu escuela.

Next class you are going to do your party. After that, exchange opinions about what happened.
En la prxima clase realizarn su esta. Despus intercambien opiniones acerca de lo que pas.


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Lesson 69

You will solve drills to review the developed topics along the unit.
Resolvern ejercicios para revisar los temas desarrollados a lo largo de la unidad.

Read and write

Unscramble the letters of the words according to the images.

Reacomoda las letras de las palabras e Reacomoda las letras de las palabras de acuerdo con las imgenes. eac moda la letra d let tras palab s lab a







Look at the chart and complete the text.

Observa el cuadro y completa el texto.
Soccer Mario David Mrs. Smith Mr. Smith Basketball Boxing

, but he doesnt like , but he doesnt like . She doesnt like . He likes .


. . , but she likes basketball. , but he doesnt like

Mario likes David likes soccer and Mrs. Smith hates Mr. Smith loves


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Locate the words.

Ubic Ubica las palabras. bic i apples pineapple watermelon wa oranges mangoes g


Answer the questions with your information.

Contesta las preguntas con tu informacin. a) Do you like vegetables?

Read the dialogue.

Lee el dilogo.

b) Does your mother like apples?

c) Does your father like fruit?

d) Whats your favorite fruit?

e) Do you like oranges?

Roxane: Hi! What are you doing? David: We are planning a party at Philips house. Roxane: That sounds great. Sandy: We are talking about food. Shall we prepare some sandwiches? Philip: No, its better to order some pizzas. Mario: Yes, thats a good idea. I love pizzas. Why dont we buy some sodas too? David: Sure. I will buy the sodas. Roxane: Would you like a chocolate cake? Philip: Yes, of course. Its my birthday. Mario: So, lets invite some clowns.


Order the dialogue.
Ordena el dilogo.

Complete the chart with information from the dialogue.

Completa el cuadro con informacin del dilogo. Invitations Answers

Mario: Sandy, what kind of movies do you like? Sandy: Yes, Id love to. When is it? Sandy: I like comedy movies and horror movies. Mario: Its next Friday at four oclock. Mario: Would you like to go to the premier of Killerman?


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Self evaluation Autoevaluacin

Remember your English lessons and answer the questions.
Recuerda tus clases de ingls y contesta las preguntas.

Mucho Por qu?



2 Logr mejorar lo que me propuse al nal de la unidad anterior? Por qu?

3 Qu puedo hacer para aprender ms en la clase de ingls?

Answer II. Respondethe following questions. las siguientes preguntas.

1 What expressions do you use in order to express the things that you like? 2 What expressions do you use to express the things that you dont like? 3 What are the expressions we use to describe the location of objects or people in a room? 4 Whats the conjunction we need to mention similar elements?


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

1 Cunto siento que aprend en la clase de ingls en esta unidad?

Support material Material de apoyo

Topics / Temas Suggested material / Material sugerido

Visit the BBC ofcial website an review how to express preferences, likes and dislikes.

http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/englishgrammar/verbs/innitive http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/englishgrammar/verbs/verbs-ing-forms http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/englishgrammar/verbs/verbs-followed-ing-clauses

Visit the BBC ofcial website and review how to invite and respond to invitations.

http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/englishgrammar/verbs/modal-verbs/ability-permissionrequest-and-advice http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/how/howto-turn-down-invitation http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/english-grammar/ verbs/question-forms


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Parents sheet Hoja para padres

Con el propsito de ayudar al alumno a mejorar su aprendizaje, solicitamos atentamente a los padres de familia que colaboren con el maestro para conseguir este objetivo, por lo que en esta seccin debern mencionar los rezagos, dicultades o deciencias que presenta el estudiante durante el transcurso de cada uno de los bloques, as como las acciones que ustedes consideren que debern emprender para superarlos.

Presenta los siguientes rezagos, dicultades o deciencias, que se han detectado en:

Para solventarlos deber:

Observaciones o comentarios del padre de familia o tutor:


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Unit 4 4 Unidad
Daily Life Vida diaria
Purpose Propsito
The purpose of this unit is to enable students to describe actions that happen daily or periodically in their lives or in the lives of people and animals they are interested in.
El propsito de esta unidad es capacitar a los estudiantes para describir acciones que pasan diaria o peridicamente en sus vidas o en la vida de otras personas y animales en los que estn interesados.

Sequence 1

Secuencia 1

In unit 4 sequence 1 you will learn to:

En la unidad 4 secuencia 1 aprenders a:

Ask for and give the time.

Preguntar y dar la hora.

Use the preposition at to talk about a specic hour or schedule.

Utilizar la preposicin at para hablar de una hora precisa o un horario.

Use the preposition on to mention specic days of the week.

Utilizar la preposicin on para sealar das de la semana especcos.

Use the preposition in to talk about the morning, the afternoon and the evening.
Utilizar la preposicin in para hablar de la maana, la tarde o la noche.


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Lesson 70

Long distance call

You will notice expressions to ask for and give the time.
Reconocern expresiones para preguntar y dar la hora.


What is this text?

a) A letter b) An article c) A dialogue

Jessica: Hello! Nikki? This is Jessica speaking from Mexico. Nikki: Hello, Jessica! How are you? Jessica: Im ne. Im almost going to bed, here its midnight. Nikki: Well. Im getting ready to go to school. Here in London its eight oclock in the morning.

Circle T if the sentence is true or F if it is false.

Encierra la letra T en un crculo si el enunciado es verdadero o la F si es falso.

Jessica: Its great to hear you! At what time do you start school? Nikki: At eight fteen a.m. Im late! Ill call you later! Bye.

Nikki is in Mexico. Jessica is in Mexico. Jessica is going to bed. Nikki is going to school. Nikki starts school at ten fteen.

Jessica: OK. Have a nice day! Goodbye. Nikki:


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Look at the pictures and read the text.

Observa las imgenes y lee el texto.

Answer the question about the text.

Responde la pregunta sobre el texto.


Go back to the dialogue. Complete the sentence and the chart.

Regresa al dilogo. Completa la oracin y la tabla.

Answer the questions and draw the hands of the clocks.

Responde las preguntas y dibuja las manecillas en los relojes.

We use

to tell the time.

Example: What time is it in France? Its ten sixteen.

a) its b) its




What time is it now? Its

Ten oclock

10:00 8:15 Ocho y cuarto


Match the columns.

Relaciona las columnas. Ten fteen Five oclock Three twenty 3:20 11:13 2:00 9:54 5:00 5:20 10:15 7:42

What time is your English class? .

Seven forty two Eleven thirteen Two oclock Five twenty Nine fty four

What time is it in New York? .


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Lesson 71

Its quarter past eight

You will use quarter to and quarter past to talk about minutes before and after a certain hour.
Emplearn quarter to y quarter past para hablar de minutos antes y despus de cierta hora.


Mom: Mom: Mom:

Jessica, its getting late! Its quarter to seven. You are going to miss the bus! The bus has left me! Its quarter past seven!

Jessica: What time is it? Jessica: Im almost done! Jessica: Mom, Im in trouble!


You are right! You are in trouble, young lady!


Answer the question.

Responde la pregunta.

Where is Jessica?
a) At home b) At school

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Read the dialogue.

Lee el dilogo.

Circle T if the sentence is true or F if it is false.
Encierra la T en un crculo si el enunciado es verdadero o F si es falso.

Choose the answer that corresponds.

Elige la respuesta que corresponda.

Jessica is getting ready to go to school. Jessica is on her way to school. Jessica missed the bus. Jessicas mom is happy because Jessica missed the bus. Jessica is in trouble.

We say when there are remaining 15 minutes to the hour.

a) quarter to b) quarter past

a) quarter to

b) quarter past


Complete the chart.

Completa la tabla. Ten Twenty-ve Quarter Half Five to past one two

12:50 2:25 1:15 11:30 1:05

Complete the information.

Completa la informacin.

Example: Its two fteen. Its quarter past two.


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We say there are 15 minutes after the hour.


Lesson 72

What time is it?

You will identify the time differences in other countries.
Identicarn la diferencia de horarios en otros pases.


Find friends and chat with people all over the world in www.worldfriend.com Jessica says: Good morning! Rachid says: Good afternoon! Jessica says: Afternoon? What time is it there? Rachid says: Here in Morocco its quarter past SEVEN p.m. Whats the time in Mexico now? Jessica says: Its quarter past eleven a.m. Rachid says: So, Morocco is 9 hours ahead of Mexico. Jessica says: Yes, we arent living at the same time!

Answer the question.

Responde a la pregunta.

What is this?
a) A chat screen b) An e-mail c) An article

Circle T if the sentence is true or F if it is false.

Encierra T en un crculo si el enunciado es verdadero o F si es falso.

Jessica is chatting with a friend in Morocco. Its 11:45 a.m. in Mexico. Rachid is in Morocco. Morocco is ve hours ahead of Mexico. Its 7:15 p.m. in Morocco. 146

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Read the dialogue on the chat screen.

Lee el dilogo en la pantalla del chat.


4 5

Go back to the dialogue. Write the questions.

Regresa al dilogo. Escribe las preguntas.

Two different ways in English to ask for the time:



Look at the map. Order the words to form a question and answer it.
Observa el mapa. Ordena las palabras para formar una pregunta y contstala.


Chile/ What/ the/ s/ time/ in/ ?

Whats the time in Chile?

Its twenty past four p.m. / Its four twenty p.m.

time/ is/ in/ What/ it/ Russia? Its

? . ? . ? . ? . ? .

in/ China/ What/ the/ s/ time/ ? Its

is/ in/ time/ England/ What/ it/ ? Its

Sydney/ What/ the/ s/ time/ in/ ? Its

time/ is/ in/ What/ the/ Dakar? Its


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Lesson 73 Lesson 73

What time does the next bus leave?

You will identify the use of at/in in order to explain a bus schedule.
Identicarn el uso de at/in para explicar un horario de autobs.

What time is it now? At what time does the English lesson end?


Jessica: Mom:

Mom, what time do you want to go to the bus station? I would like to go at 6 oclock in the morning. (Jessica is sleeping on her bed.)

Mom: Jessica: Mom: Jessica:

Jessica, its ve-thirty, get ready to go. What time does the bus leave? I dont have the tickets yet. Im going to buy them when we get there.
OK, we have to hurry.

(At the bus station) Mom: I want two tickets to Puebla, please. What time does the next bus leave? And what time does it arrive? How much do they cost? Give me two, please.

Assistant: The next bus leaves at 7:30 in the morning. Mom: Mom: Mom: Assistant: At 10:30 in the morning. It takes three hours to get there. Assistant: Each ticket costs $250.


148 148

Find in the dialogue the expressions in English to ask the time of different activities and underline them.
Encuentra en el dilogo las expresiones en ingls para preguntar la hora de diferentes actividades y subryalas.

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Read the dialogue with a classmate.

Lee el dilogo con un compaero o compaera.


Match the columns

Relaciona las columnas. She does exercise at seven oclock in the morning. He goes to church at six thirty in the afternoon. I do homework at 5:00 in the afternoon. I start at school at 7:30 a.m. I have breakfast at 9 oclock.

What time do you have breakfast? What time does she do exercise? What time do you start at school? What time do you do homework? What time does he go to church?

Speak and write

Work in pairs. Make the questions with your information. Ask them to your classmate and write the answers.
Trabajen en parejas. Haz las preguntas con tu informacin y la de tu compaero o compaera. Escribe las respuestas.

Question 1

You Your partner

Question 2

You Your partner


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Lesson 74

I start at 8 oclock in the morning

You will identify the use of at/in so as to express the time of the day.
Identicarn el uso de at/in para expresar la hora.


Escribe sobre cada a lnea la hora que aparece en el reloj.

Read with a classmate the interview to a rock star.

Lee con un compaero o compaera la entrevista a una estrella de rock.

Interviewer: Interviewer:

Hi! Im reporting for Star Magazine. What time do you start playing? What time do you stop playing? Interviewer: Interviewer: What do you do at night? Are you going to give a concert soon?

Jack Jackson: I start at 8 oclock in the morning. Jack Jackson: I stop playing at 6 oclock in the afternoon. At that time I go home and have dinner. Jack Jackson: I use to write my lyrics and spend time with my family. Jack Jackson: Yes, Ill be playing in the summer in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In Argentina, summer is in December.


Answer the questions.

Responde las preguntas.

Whats the name of the magazine? What time does he go home? What does he do in the morning? 15 150 150

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Write on the line below e the time shown on the clock.


Go back to the interview. Look at the words in red. Complete the information.
Regresa a la entrevista. Observa las palabras en rojo. Completa la informacin.

8 oclock At that time midnight the afternoon In December the summer


Complete the gapped text. Use in/at.

Completa los espacios del texto. Usa in/at.

the morning Bertha takes a shower. r. rs Then she gets ready to go to school. She enters seven thirty to school the morning. She goes back to her house half past one. the afternoon she does homework.

Speak and write

Work in small groups of two or three classmates. Complete ssmates. n. the chart with your partners information.
Trabajen en grupos pequeos de dos o tres compaeros. Completa la tabla con la informacin de tu compaero o compaera.

Example: What time do you get up, Leticia? At six oclock in the morning.

Name Leticia

In the morning get up

At (hour) 6:00 a.m.

In the afternoon do homework

At (hour) 4:00 p.m.

At night go to sleep


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Lesson 75

I wake up at 11:30 a.m. on Saturdays

You will identify the use of at/on to talk about the time and days of the week. out o
Reconocern el uso de at/on para hablar de la hora y los das de la semana a hora los das de la semana. a em na. emana


From: jessica@happypeople.com To: nikki@londongirls.com Subject: Hello, Nikki! Dear Nikki, Hello, Im Jessica. Today is Saturday. On Saturdays I wak up at h lf past eleven because half ast l wake up t hal past eleven b lf I dont go to school on Saturdays. On Sundays I go downtown with my parents, we get back home approximately at three and have a meal. I go to bed early at night. On weekdays I go to school, I start school at seven thirty a.m. I go swimming after school on Mondays and Wednesdays. Write soon. Regards, Jessica

What kind of text is it?

a) An article b) An interview c) An e-mail


Circle T if the sentence is true or F if it is false.

Encierra la letra T si el enunciado es verdadero o la F si es falso.

Jessica is writing an e-mail to Nikki. Jessica doesnt go to school on Saturdays. Jessica and her family go to church on Sundays. On Sundays Jessica goes to bed late. Jessica goes swimming on Mondays and Wednesdays.


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Read the text and answer the question.

Lee el texto y responde la pregunta.


Go back to the text. Look at the words in red. Complete the information.
Regresa al texto. Observa las palabras en rojo. Completa la informacin.

7:30 At





Complete the gapped text. Use on/at.

Completa los espacios del texto. Usa on/at.

From: peter@worldpeople.com To: george@americanteenagers.com Subject: Hello, George!

Dear George: Hello, George. Today is Friday. weekdays I go to school from Monday to Friday. Fridays I usually visit my grandmother and night I watch scary movies. Saturdays I like to go biking. I wake up early in the morning, 8 oclock. I go back home to have breakfast ten thirty a.m. I like when my parents take me to visit museums Sundays. Please send me an e-mail and keep in touch. Write soon. Regards, Peter


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Lesson 76

Mini Check
You will solve drills in order to review what has been learned throughout the previous lessons.
Resolvern ejercicios para rearmar lo aprendido a lo largo de las lecciones anteriores. argo las lecciones anteriores. lecc on s anterio c ones nteri nteriore i


Quarter past ten Half past two Four fty-six

Lee el dilogo con un compaero o compaera. ae era.

Jessica: What time do you o you ol? start at school? Nikki: I start at eight o ht oclock ng. ng. in the morning. I have lunch at three or three-thirty. In the afternoon. After that, I go and play basketball. Here its half past eight p.m. On Saturdays I go to visit my grandparents.

Jessica: What time do you have lunch? ou h ve lunch? ch? h Nikki: Nikki: Nikki: Nikki: Jessica: What time do you do homework? Jessica: What time is it now? Jessica: Where do you go on Saturdays? Jessica: Me too.

Circle T if the sentence is true or F if it is false.

Encierra en un crculo la letra T si el enunciado es verdadero o la F si es falso.

Nikki has lunch at three or three thirty in the afternoon. Nikki starts school at nine oclock in the evening. On Saturdays Nikki goes to visit her grandparents.



Go back to the dialogue. Complete the chart.

Regresa al dilogo. Completa la siguiente tabla. at on in

8 oclock

Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Write the time on the line.

Escribe la hora sobre la lnea.

Read the dialogue e with a classmate.


Unit 4

Look at the clocks and underline the answer that corresponds.

Observa los relojes y subraya la respuesta que corresponde.

Unidad 4

What time is it?

Its ve past two. Its ve to two.

What time is it?

Sequence 2

Secuencia 2

Its ve past seven. Its ve to seven. In unit 4 sequence 2 you will learn to: Whats the time?
En la unidad 4 secuencia 2 aprenders a:

Express your daily activities.

Expresar tus actividades diarias.

Its four twenty. Its twenty to four.

What time is it?

Use the simple present tense with rst, second and third person form in afrmative, negative and interrogative form.
Utilizar el presente simple con primera, segunda y tercera persona en enunciados armativos, negativos e interrogativos.

Its half past eight. Its seven thirty.

Whats the time?

Its ten thirty-ve. Its ten twenty-ve.


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Lesson 77

Jessica gets up at 6 oclock

You will express the time of your daily routines.
Expresarn a qu hora realizan cada una de sus actividades cotidianas.


Wednesday night the afternoon n ten oclock the evening the weekend weekend e d

My name is Jessica. I get up at 6:00 in the morni rn morning and make my bed. Then I take a shower at 6:05 and get ready to go to school, after that 60 6:05 I he p my mother make breakfast and then I have help help b breakf breakfast. Then I go to school, and when I come back h ck n the afternoon, fternoon ernoon, ; late ter later back home in the afternoon, I have lunch; later I ex exe nd er that n hat mewo k do exercise and after tha I do my homework. homework. usually nish night. usually nish at nigh ll ght. I usually nish at night

Write Write ite i


Circle T if the sentence is true or F if it is false.

Encierra T en un crculo si el enunciado es verdadero o F si es falso

Jessica gets up at 6:30 in the afternoon. She makes her bed before taking a shower. Jessica does exercise in the afternoon.

Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Write on, in, at on the line.

Escribe on, in, at, sobre la lnea

Read the text.

Lee el texto.


Go back to the text. Look at the underlined and red words. Complete the information.
Regresa al texto. Observa las palabras subrayadas y en rojo. Completa la informacin en la siguiente tabla.
do make have take go


Write on the lines the activities that correspond to the images. Use the words from the box.
Escribe sobre las lneas las actividades que correspondan a cada imagen. Usa las palabras del cuadro. take a shower go to parties make coffee do shopping have lunch watch tv do homework

watch TV

Speak and write

Work in pairs. Complete the sentences with your information. Share and compare with your partner.
Trabajen en parejas. Completa las oraciones con tu informacin. Comprtelas y compralas con tu compaero o compaera.

I get up I have breakfast I have lunch I do homework I watch TV I have dinner

at 7:30 A.M.


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12


Lesson 78

Jessica loves basketball

You will identify that the verbs in simple present tense for the singular third person form end in an s, an es or an ies.
Identicarn que los verbos en presente simple para la tercera persona del singular terminan en s, es o ies.


Recuerda tus lecciones de geografa. Responde las preguntas.

Where is Guanajuato located? o located? ocated? Name the states which ch have borders with Guanajuato.

Jessica Flores is a junior high student. She lives in Guanajuato. She is a very smart girl. She studies very . w very hard. She walks to the bus stop early in the mo g t takes morning and tak the bus to school. play She likes to play basketball. She thinks sports p ay are a very interesti are very interesting. She watches professional teres es basketba l k tball a T basketball on TV with her father.

An interesting fact Un dato i t esting fact Un d t interesante t

Enriqueta Basilio was the rst woman to ligh the torch st woman t light the torch woma woman man ight h orch in an Olympic Stadium in modern history. Those games were el brated n Mexico in 1968. wer celebrated in M were celebra eleb
Enriqu Enriqueta Basilio fue la primera mujer q que encendi el pebetero en un estadio olmpico en la historia moderna. Tal evento ocurri en Mxico, en los juegos olmpicos celebrados en 1968.


Answer the questions about the text and about you.

Responde las preguntas acerca del texto y sobre ti.

Where does Jessica live? What does Jessica like to do? Do you like sports? Which sport do you practice?


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Remember your Geography lessons. Answer the questions.

Read the text.

Lee el texto.



Look at the words in red in the text. Complete the chart.

Observa las palabras en rojo del texto. Completa la tabla con la informacin.
I/ we/ you/ they he/ she/ it

Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Write them in the right form.
Completa los enunciados con los verbos del cuadro. Escrbelos en la forma que corresponde. sing hate drink buy speak listen read

Example: Laura speaks four languages. nguages. guage g

love takes likes play
My father George vegetables. He always eats junk food.


ve cups of coffee a day.

Choose the answers that correspond.

Elige las respuestas que correspondan.

Lupita when she is taking a shower.

To form simple present in 3 person singular, to verbs ending with -e vowel we add (like, love, raise, etc.).

a) -es

b) -s

classical music.

To form simple present in 3rd person singular, to verbs ending in a consonant we add (wear, walk, sing, etc.).
a) -ies b) -s

Mark poems.

To form simple present in 3rd person singular, to verbs ending in vowel we add + y (play, say, pay, etc.).
a) -s b) -es

Cathy fruits in the market.


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12


Lesson 79

He studies at Queens University

You will identify the change in the third person of the singular form of the simple present.
Reconocern el cambio en la terminacin de los verbos para tercera persona del singular.


Carol Pavlov is from Poland. He is 26 years old. He lives in Canada. He works part time at the Chateau Meilleur Hotel in the restaurant Antiques. He is a professional chef. He loves to t cook. On a typical day he gets up at 6 oclock, Then hen takes a shower and has breakfast. Then he goes ni iversity. to school. He studies at Queens University. He e, thats why h tries to get good grades all the time, th why es work. In r he does his homework after he goes to work. In st the afternoon he goes to work. First he washes g. He gets home ets his hands before he starts cooking. H gets home g and e around eight oclock in the evening and he does s watches TV. V homework, studies and sometimes w sh his tee h before going to bed. hes e e ed. He brushes his teeth before going to bed. teeth efore going

Segn el texto, elige la respuesta que corresponda.

Whats his occupation?

a) A biologist g b) A doctor c) A chef

Write ite te


Answer the questions about the text. e

Responde las preguntas acerca del texto.

Where is Carol Pavlov from? Where does he work? When does he do his homework? What does he do when he goes home?

Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Read the text.

Lee el texto.

According to the text, choose the answer that corresponds.



Look at the words in red. Choose the answer that correspond and complete the chart.
Observa las palabras en rojo. Elige la respuesta que corresponda y completa la tabla.

Write on the line the words in the box in the right form. Look at the images.
Observa las imgenes y escribe sobre la lnea las palabras del cuadro en la forma que corresponde. teach cry go catch kiss y have

To form simple present in 3rd person singular, we to verbs ending in consonant + -y (study, try, cry, etc.).
a) eliminate -y and add -ies b) eliminate -y and add -s


Joe is a teacher. Joe teaches math at high school.

To form simple present in 3rd person singular, we to verbs that end in -ch,-s,-sh, add -z, -x or -o (wash, watch, pass, etc.).
a) -es b) -ies

He is a very good receiver. He all the passes.

I/ we/ you/ they

he/ she/ it

An insect

six legs.

x nish brushes watches catch pass goes Lisa her boyfriend because she loves him. Alan likes art. He museum frequently. to the e

Be/ are and have/has are two verb forms.

a) regular b) irregular

A condor is a kind of bird. It very high.

That baby is hungry.

because she e

16 161 161

Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Lesson 80

Does he wake up at half past ve?

You will use the auxiliary verb does in the singular third person form in order to learn how to make questions.
Usarn el verbo auxliar does para hacer preguntas sobre la rutina de una tercera persona del singular (he/she).


Ordena las letras para formar una palabra y encierra en un crculo la que est relacionada con el dilogo.


This is my father. His name is Sandro, hes a primary teacher. He is 45 years old.

Romina: What does he do? Jessica: He teaches Spanish. No, he doesnt. He teaches in a rural community in Oaxaca. He gets up very early to get there. He wakes up at half past ve. Yes, he does. Its because it takes one hour and a half to get to the school where he teaches. Romina: Do you feel proud of him? Jessica: Yes, I do. I love him. Romina: Does he work in the city?


Romina: Does he get up at ve thirty? Jessica:


Answer th questions about the dia ogue and about yo . the he bout he ialogue n about bout the dialogue and abo you. bou
Responde las siguientes preguntas acerca del dilogo y sobre ti la preg preguntas acerca egu erca sobre ti. b

Does Sandro tea Spanish? t teach Does it take him a long time to get to his work? h Do you feel pr proud of someone in your family? Why? rou

Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Order the letters to form a word. Then circle the word related to the dialogue.

Read the dialogue.

Lee el dilogo.


Choose the answer that corresponds.

Elige la respuesta que corresponde. a) you, we, they a) you, we, they a) doesnt change b) he, she, it b) he, she, it b) changes

We use do with these pronouns: We use does with these pronouns: Discover the rule. When we use does the verb in present simple


Order the words to form a question and answer it according to the images. Follow the example.
Ordena las palabras para formar una pregunta y respndela de acuerdo con las imgenes agregando una idea completa, sigue el ejemplo.

Example: he/ basketball/ Does/ play/? Does he play basketball? No, he doesnt. He plays soccer.

1) parties/ like/ she/ Does/?

2) school/ to/ Saturday/ he/ go/ Does/ on/?

3) exercise/ she/ Does/ do/?

4) music/ listen/ she/ Does/ to/?

5) bake/ a/ cake/ she/ Does/?


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Lesson 81

Romina doesnt have a sister

You will use dont/doesnt as an auxiliary verb to express negative sentences in simple present tense.
Utilizarn dont/doesnt como verbo auxiliar para expresar enunciados negativos en presente sim bo auxiliar para expresar enunciados negativos en presente sim auxili para xpresa n auxili r par expresar enu ciados negativos ili iliar a ar p sa nu presente simple. imp

Answer the following questions.
Responde las siguientes preguntas.

Do you have any brothers or sisters? Does your ou ur best friend have any brothers or sisters?


Read the dialogue with a classmate.

Lee el dilogo con un compaero o compaera. e e a era.

Ci l if the sent n is true or Circle T i f the sentence is tr o F h sentence if it is false.

Encierra la letra T en un crculo si el enunciado es verdadero o la F si es falso.


Tell me now about your family. Does your mother work?

Romina: No, she doesnt. She doesnt work right now. Jessica: Dou you have any brothers or sisters? Romina: I dont have any sisters, but I have two brothers. Jessica: How old are they? Romina: Jeff is ve years old and Brandon is eight. Does your brother play soccer? Jessica: No, he doesnt play soccer, he plays basketball.

Rominas mother works. Jessicas brother plays soccer. Jessicas brother plays basketball.

An interesting fact Un dato interesante

A can of soda contains 40 grams of sugar when in a healthy diet you should not take more than 15 grams of sugar per day. Besides, you must do exercise for 30 minutes every day.
Una lata de refresco contiene 40 gramos de azcar, cuando en una dieta sana no se deben ingerir ms de 15 gramos de azcar al da. Adems, debes hacer 30 minutos de ejercicio al da.


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12


Choose the answer that corresponds.

Elige la respuesta que corresponde. p

We use
a) shouldnt shouldnt h ldnt t b) dont/doesnt don d n doesnt nt nt/d t

for for activities that d not occur. t do not o

Complete the chart accord ng to the red words in the dialogue. l h h according to rd n din di dialogue. a ogue gu
Completa la tabla de acuerdo con las palabras en rojo del dilogo. do dilogo Pronouns Dont/doesnt Verb Predicate

I/ you/ they/ we He/ she/ it

play have

soccer sisters


Write on the line dont/doesnt accordingly.

Escribe sobre la lnea dont/doesnt segn corresponda.

Write the negative statements.

Escribe la forma negativa.

Example: I play soccer with my friends. I dont play soccer with my friends.


eat eggs for breakfast. She

1 I take a shower in the afternoon.

prefers to eat cereal and fruit. She drink orange juice or grape juice. Mauricio is very clean but he clean his room every day. He never cleans his room. I go to parties on Mondays. I go read

2 She takes the bus to go to school.

3 We have lunch at 5:30 p.m.

to school on Mondays. I magazines. I read the newspaper.

4 They watch TV in the evening.

5 I brush my teeth after breakfast.


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Lesson 82

I visit the dentist twice a year

You will express the frequency in which you perform different activities.
Expresarn la frecuencia con que realizan diferentes actividades.

Think and speak

Answer the following questions.
Responde las siguientes preguntas.


Do you brush your teeth three times a day? Do you visit the dentist once a year?

Observa las palabras en rojo del texto y completa las tablas.

_______ (x 1)


twice (x 2) _______ times (x 3) four times (x 4) many times week weekend every 3 years year a

week weekend month

Read the text.

Lee el texto.

I visit the dentist twice a year. Every six months I visit the dentist. He checks my teeth. I dont have cavities because I brush my teeth three times a day and whenever I eat something. I try not to eat candy or bubble gum. I use dental oss also to take care of my teeth. My dentist says that its very important to visit him regularly to prevent cavities and to keep the mouth healthy. He recommends visiting the dentist once a year as a minimum.


4 2
Answer the questions about the text.
Responde las preguntas de acuerdo con el texto.

Use the expressions from the chart to write some sentences about you.
Usa las expresiones de la tabla para escribir enunciados acerca de ti. every day twice a week every year once a year

four times a month a) b) c) d) e)

. . . . . .

How often does he brush his teeth? Does he have any cavities? Whats the dentists recommendation?



Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Go back to the text. Look at the words in red. Complete the charts.

Lesson 83

Mini Check
You will solve drills to reassure what has been learned throughout the previous lessons.
Resolvern ejercicios para rearmar lo aprendido a lo largo de las lecciones anteriores.


Dear Charly, e computer. really enjoy writing letters. ompute . eal enjoy wr tin lett rs. mputer. pute all jo riting ett I know that you dont have a computer. I really enjoy writing letters. Thanks for your letter. Now, let me tell you about my daily life. I tell ou bout w, et w, let me tell you about my daily life. ell daily li e ail l wake up at 6:20 a.m. and take a shower, then I have breakfast. I take shower then have breakfast. shower, k show then av breakfast. fa dont have juice or eggs for breakfast, I have some milk and sweet r breakfast, have some mi k and sweet rea re fast, have om milk nd e t t bread, and then I go to school. ool. ol. My father takes me to school in his car every morning and ool in hi ca ever mornin an ol his car every morning and then he goes to work. He works at Morelos works at Morelo orks Morelos University. He teaches physics. sics. sics. s I get home at about 2:00 p.m. and p.m. and m an have lunch with my mother. In the er. In th r. the afternoons I go swimming twice a twice wice wice week, and three times a week I week eek play basketball. Do you practice any sports? Do you have ? Do you have ou ave v any brothers or sisters? Regards, Linda Perry

Answer the following questions.

Responde las siguientes preguntas.

Answer the questions about the letter.

Responde las preguntas acerca de la carta.

a) Whos the writer?

1 Whats the letter about? 2 What does she have for breakfast? 3 Who does she have lunch with? 4 How often does she play basketball?

Charly / Linda Perry

b) Whos the recipient?

Charly / Linda Perry


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Read the letter.

Lee la carta.


Complete the chart with the information of the letter.

Completa la tabla con la informacin de la carta. Verbs in simple present 3rd person



Negative statements


Use the words in the chart to complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.
Usa las palabras de la tabla para completar los enunciados usando la forma correcta del verbo.

watch do

bake listen listen en e

go play

have take ta

1 He 2 He

breakfast breakfast. akfast. to school.

3 She 4 He

th piano the i h


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Unit 4

Unidad 4

5 He 6 She

his homework. to music.

Sequence 3
7 She 8 He

Secuencia 3

the bus. a cake. In unit 4 sequence 3, you will learn to:

En la unidad 4 secuencia 3, aprenders a:

Speak and write

Express how often you do different activities.

Expresar con qu frecuencia realizas actividades diversas.

Work in groups of three. Ask your partners the questions. Write your answers on the chart.
Formen grupos de tres. Haz las preguntas a tus compaeros. Escribe las respuestas en la tabla.
You Person 2 Person 3

Describe your class schedule.

Describir tu horario de clases.

Express how often you do daily routines.

Expresar con qu frecuencia realizas actividades rutinarias.

Do you go to school every day? Do you have physical education class twice a week? Do you clean your bedroom on Saturdays? Do you go swimming in winter? Do you brush your teeth three times a day? Do you take a shower once a week?

Express how often you eat fruits and vegetables.

Expresar con qu frecuencia comes frutas y verduras.

Describe your routine in chronological order.

Describir tu rutina en orden cronolgico.


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Lesson 84

How often do you have English class?

You will use frequency adverbs to talk about your class schedule.
Usarn los adverbios de frecuencia para hablar de su horario de clases.

Think and speak

What classes do you take? How many days do you take them per week?
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


8:20 9:10 9:10 10:00 10:00 10:50 10:50 11:10 11:10 12:00 12:00 12:50 12:50 13:40

Technology History Social Studies Recess English Math Technology

Math History Geography Recess Physics Physical Education Art

Social Studies Technology Math Recess English Physics Technology

Social Studies Math Technology Recess Physics Geography Art

History Math Geography Recess English Physical Education Technology

Look at Bens schedule.

Observa el horario de Ben.



Answer the questions with the information of Bens schedule.

Responde las preguntas con la informacin del horario de Ben.

Choose the answer that corresponds.

Elige la respuesta que corresponda.

How often does Ben have English lessons? How often does he have Spanish lessons?

We use to ask the number of times an activity occurs in a period of time.

a) How often do you? b) What time is it?

How often does Ben have Physical Education? How often does Ben have Art?

to ask We use rd in 3 person the number of times an activity occurs in a period of time.
a) How often do you? b) How often does he/she?


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

7:30 8:20








Investigation Report

Look at the chart. Complete and answer the questions.

Observa la tabla. Completa y responde las preguntas.

Play a sport Never Once a week Twice a week Three times a week Four times a week Five times a week

Go to the movies

Read a book

Watch TV

Listen to music

Go to parties

1 1 4

2 7 1

1 4

2 1 1 1 1 7 7

3 7

Total of interviewed students:

2 2

2 3

Example: How often do students play a sport? One of the students never plays a sport; one of the students plays a sport once a week; four of the students play a sport twice a week; two of the students play a sport ve times a week and two of them play a sport everyday. How often do students ?

Every day

Speak and write

Do your own research report about free time activities. Interview your classmates. Answer the questionnaire with your classmates information. Mark on the table your results.
Elabora tu propio reporte de investigacin acerca del tiempo libre. Entrevista a tus compaeros. Llena el cuestionario con sus respuestas. Marca en la tabla las respuestas.
Investigation Report
Play a sport Go to the movies Read a book Watch TV Listen to music

Go to parties


How often do students ?

Once a week Twice a week Three times a week Four times a week

How often do students ?

Five times a week Every day

Questions: How often do students ? How often do you play a sport? How often do you go to the movies? How often do you read a book? How often do students ? How often do you watch TV? How often do you listen to music? How often do you go to parties?


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Lesson 85

Today is my birthday
You will use frequency adverbs in order to talk about your routine.
Usarn adverbios de frecuencia para expresar rutinas.


Lee el texto y despus encierra en un crculo la letra a T si el enunciado es verdadero o la F si es falso.

From: nikki@londongirls.com To: jessica@happypeople.com Subject: Hello, Jess! Dear Jessica, Today is my birthday. I always celebrate it with my friends. We usually go to the usually to the nds nds We usually d uall h cinema and then we come to my house. My mother makes a chocolate cake every year, and she often makes pizzas for dinner. Sometimes my mother invites my grandparents to celebrate my birthday. They never forget this important day for me. I am sometimes sad because I miss you. Write me soon. Regards, Nikki

Today is Nikkis birthday. Nikki always celebrates with her friends. They usually go to the theatre.

Choose the correct option.

Elige la opcin correcta.

Who is the e-mail for?

a) Nikki b) Jessica


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Read the text and then circle T if the sentence is s true or F if it is false.


Complete the chart.

Completa la tabla.

100% 90% 70% 50%

Choose the answer that corresponds.

Elige la respuesta que corresponde.

Always Usually

We use frequency adverbs .

a) before the verb b) after the verb

With verb to be (am, is, are, etc.) frequency adverbs go .

a) before the verb b) after the verb

Occasionally Seldom Never

20% 10% 0%


Order the words to form a sentence.

Ordena las palabras para formar una oracin.


Saturdays/ to/ go/ I/ church/ never/ on I never go to church on Saturdays.

eat/ I/ vegetables/ always/. I/ never/ am/ class/ for/ late/. We/ respect/ always/ other/ each/. programs/ You/ watch/ usually/ TV/. get/ I/ sick/ occasionally/.

Complete the chart with your information. Mark your answers with a check ().
Completa la tabla con tu informacin. Marca tus respuestas con una palomita (). Always Usually Often Sometimes Never

Do homework Go to school Get up early Play soccer Eat tamales Wash clothes 173

Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Lesson 86

Does she usually have breakfast at 8 oclock?

You will answer questions about the frequency of your activities.
Respondern preguntas sobre la frecuencia con que realizan sus actividades.











Look at Elenas timetable.

Observa la agenda de Elena.
Sunday Monday Breakfast Breakfast French Social Studies Break Math Physics Dance Family lunch Lunch Guitar lessons Homework Homework Tuesday Breakfast Biology English Break Math Laboratory Theatre Lunch Wednesday Breakfast French Social Studies Break Math Physics Dance Lunch Guitar lessons Homework Homework Thursday Breakfast Biology English Break Math Laboratory Theatre Lunch Lunch Lunch Go to the movies Friday Breakfast French Social Studies Break Math Physics Breakfast Saturday

8:00 a.m 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Find the days of the week.

Encuentra los das de la semana.












Answer the questions with the charts information.

Responde las preguntas con la informacin de la tabla.

Choose the answers that correspond.

Elige las respuestas que correspondan.

For questions beginning with do you? we answer

a) Yes, I do/No, I dont b) Yes, she/he does/No, she/he doesnt

Does Elena usually have breakfast at 8 oclock? Does she usually have breakfast after school? Does she usually go to the movies on Saturdays? Does she always have French lessons at 9 oclock? Does she always have lunch at 2 oclock?

For questions beginning with does he/she? we answer

a) Yes, I do/No, I dont b) Yes, she/he does/No, she/he doesnt

Speak and write

Ask your partner the next questions to complete the chart. Mark the answers with an .
Haz a tu compaero o compaera las siguientes preguntas y completa la tabla. Marca con una las respuestas.

How often do you watch TV in the afternoons? How often do you listen to classical music? How often do you chat on the internet? How often do you eat eggs for breakfast? How often do you go to bed late? How often do you play soccer?
Activity Watch TV Listen to rock music Chat on the internet Eat eggs for breakfast Go to bed late Play soccer Never Sometimes Usually Always


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Lesson 87

Are you healthy?

You will use frequency adverbs to express how often you eat fruits and vegetables.
Emplearn los adverbios de frecuencia para expresar qu tan seguido comen frutas y verduras.


Escribe sobre la lnea los verbos en presente simple para la tercera persona del singular.

eat sleep do drink walk

Read and write

Read the text and answer the test.

Lee el texto y contesta el test.

Are you healthy?

Answer the questionnaire.
a) always b) usually c) never ver

How often do you eat vegetables?

How often do you eat fruits?

How often do you eat sh?

How often do you eat meat?


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Write on the line the verbs in present simple tense for the 3th person singular.

Do you drink more than 2 liters of water a day?

Do you sleep 8 hours a day?

How often do you exercise for more than an hour?

Do you eat fast food?

Do you watch TV for more than 2 hours?

Do you use the stairs instead of the elevator?

How often do you go on a diet?

Now check your answers and say if you have a healthy diet or not.

Are you healthy?

Get your score. Mostly as: You are always taking care of your health. But do not exaggerate. Take a breath and relax. Take care with the diet you follow, remember that you are growing up. You are a healthy person. You know theres a time for everything and you also control your nutrition. Keep going that way and be healthy now and in the future. You are not very healthy. You enjoy doing nothing and eating junk food. You never worry about your health. Try to do more physical activities and control your eating habits. You really need to do something.

Mostly bs:

Mostly cs:


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Lesson 88

Sending an e-mail
You will use sequencing adverbs to express your daily routine.
Usarn los adverbios secuenciales para expresar su rutina diaria.

What are your daily activities? Name them all.



We use later, then, after that and next to make:

a) time references b) habits and routines

Read the e-mail.

Lee el correo electrnico.

From: noel_gm@happypeople.com To: eliz-a-beth@londongirls.com Subject: Hello Dear Elizabeth, Thanks for your last e-mail. Let me tell you more about my lifestyle here in Mexico. I wake up at 6:30 a.m. and take a shower, then I get dressed and have breakfast. After that I take the bus at 7:20 a.m. to get to school at about quarter to eight. I have classes from 8 to 10:30. Next I have a break. After that I go back to classes until 2 oclock. When I get back home I have lunch with my mother and then I do my homework. After that I watch TV and later I get ready to go to bed at about 9 oclock. Write soon. Regards, Noel

Order the sentences in the next page. Write on the line the number that corresponds.
Ordena los enunciados de la siguiente pgina. Escribe sobre la lnea el nmero que corresponde de acuerdo con las imgenes. on las im n a

1 2 3


4 5 6 7 8

Answer the questions about the e-mail.

Responde las preguntas acerca del correo electrnico.

Whats the e-mail about? At what time does Noel get up? Does Noel watch TV after doing his homework? At what time does Noel go to bed?


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Choose the answer that corresponds.

Elige la respuesta que corresponda.

Wake up (8:30 a.m.) Have lunch (2:30 3:00 p.m.) Have breakfast (9:30 10:00 a.m.) Get up (9:00 a.m.) Take a shower (11:30 11:50 a.m.) Watch TV (6:00 7:00 p.m.) Play soccer (10:30 11:30 a.m.) Go to bed (10:00 p.m.)

Unit 4

Unidad 4

Answer the e-mail. Use the sentences in exercise four and the sequencers then, next, after that and later.
Responde el correo electrnico. Usa los enunciados del ejercicio cuatro y usa then, next, after that y later.

Sequence 4

Secuencia 4

In unit 4 sequence 4 you will learn to:

En la unidad 4 secuencia 4 aprenders a:

Identify cognates to help you understand texts about some animals.

From: To: noel_gm@happypeople.com Subject: Dear Noel,

Identicar cognados para ayudarte a comprender textos sobre algunos animales.

Make questions about a number of animals.

Hacer preguntas sobre diversos animales.

Describe animals and their routine.

Describir animales y su rutina.



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Lesson 89

Crocodiles are an endangered species

You will identify cognates in a text to look for specic information about some animals features.
Identicarn cognados en un texto para buscar informacin especca sobre caractersticas de algunos animales.


G (a/r/f/i) fe

Read the text.

Lee el texto.

E (e/n/l/h/a)

Crocodiles are reptiles

K (o/a/a) ( /a/a) (o/a/a)

Crocodiles are reptiles. Their habitat is the fresh salty water of rivers and lagoons. They feed mostly on sh, reptiles and mammals, mollusks and crustaceans.They have a body that helps them swim fast and easily. They can be as small as 1 meter long up to 4.85 meters and weigh about a ton. Most of them are found in southern Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and northern South America. They are considered an endangered species in all parts of North, Central and South American range.


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Order the letters to form a word.

Ordena las letras para formar una palabra.



Complete the table with the information about the crocodiles.

Completa la tabla con la informacin acerca de los cocodrilos.

Circle the cognates in the text. Write them on the lines.

Encierra en un crculo los cognados del texto. Escrbelos sobre las lneas.

Type Habitat Physical characteristics Diet Size


Complete the information about different animals.

Completa la informacin acerca de diferentes animales. Type Diet Habitat Origin









Tropical rain forest



Insects, animals 181

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Lesson 90

Elephants live in Africa

You will identify the pronoun it to refer to animals or objects in singular form.
Reconocern el pronombre it para hacer referencia a animales u objetos en forma singular.


Lions are hunters. Whales live in the ocean. Parrots can swim. Cows eat grass. Mice love cats.

Read the text.

Lee el texto.

Elephant, a heavy animal!

The elephant is considered a mammal. It is an endangered species. It is found in the African Savannah. The elephant is usually grey and is a very big animal. It has a long trunk. It uses its trunk to take showers, to carry things and to eat. It is an extension of its lips and nose. It is used to drink water, dry its body, lift and hold things. The most important function of its trunk is to gather food and bring it to its mouth. It is a very heavy animal. It weighs 12 000 kilograms. It lives 60 years approximately. It drinks between 100 and 200 liters of water a day. The elephant eats grass, leaves, fruits and seeds.

Answer the questions about the text.

Responde las preguntas acerca del texto.

Where does the elephant live?

Whats its main feature?

Does it eat meat?


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Show what you know about animals. Write true or false.

Muestra lo que sabes acerca de los animales. Escribe true (verdadero) o false (falso).


Look at the words in red. Answer the questions.

Observa las palabras en rojo. Responde las preguntas.

In line 2 the word it refers to:

a) Africa b) elephant c) the text

In line 5 the word it refers to:

a) elephant b) Africa c) the text

In line 7 the word it refers to:

a) trunk b) elephant c) Africa

We use
a) he

to refer to animals and objects.

b) she c) it


Complete the sentences with the words in the chart. Words can be used more than once.
Completa los enunciados con las palabras de la tabla. Las palabras pueden utilizarse ms de una vez.




They lives in central Africa.

The chimpanzee is an ape.

Mauricio loves spiders.

have ten legs.

The seahorse lives in the ocean.

is a type of sh ype f sh. h

The octopus has eight tentacles.

eats small animals. mals.

Chami is a panda.

lives in China and eats bamboo;

is its principal food.

The forest is the house of bears.

is full of vegeta n. vegetation vegetation vegetation. g

Rose has a cat.

takes care of it. . 183

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Lesson 91

Do Bengal tigers live in the forest?

You will use the auxiliary verb do/does to make questions about animal features.
Emplearn do/does para hacer preguntas acerca de las caractersticas de un animal.


Where is India located?


Read the text.

Lee l texto. Lee el texto. ext

Ind India, the house of n the the Bengal tiger

Ro Rober Robert Greenhouse, Bombay, India.

A swe h Answer the question. Answer the question. stio i

Responde la pregunta.

What are the boys reading?

Tiger Tigers live in the tropical fori est of s est o India. They are orangebo brow brown with black stripes. Beng eng Bengal tigers are usually solitar tar y, tary, they occasionally travel in gr groups. They live around 1 10 to 12 years. Bengal tigers i in captivity can live up to 30 years. They are carnivores and hunters. Bengal tigers prefer to hunt mostly at night, but they are awake in the daytime. Their color gives them an excellent camouage. Tigers kill their prey by a suffocat-

ing bite on the neck, and then they usually drag their prey to a safe place to eat. Bengal tigers can climb trees effectively. They are also strong and frequent swimmers. The Bengal tiger consumes up to about 30 kilograms of meat at a time and then go without eating for days. These tigers normally hunt deer or anything above 45 kilograms, but when they are very hungry they eat frogs, crocodiles, and sometimes humans.


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Remember your Geography lessons.

Recuerda tus lecciones de Geografa.



Answer the questions about the text.

Contesta las preguntas sobre el texto.

Write on the line do or does as necessary.

Escribe sobre la lnea do o does segn corresponda.

a) Do Bengal tigers travel alone? b) Do Bengal tigers prefer to hunt at night? c) Does their color give them an excellent

Bengala tigers hunt? Yes, they do. a tiger like cheese? No, it doesnt. Bengala tigers live in hot weather? No, they dont. a tiger climb trees? Yes, it does.
d) Does a tiger consume up to 30 kilograms

of meat at a time?

a tiger eat up to 45 kg of meat at a time? No, it doesnt.


Review the questions you have just answered. Choose the answer that corresponds.
Revisa las preguntas que acabas de contestar. Elige la respuesta que corresponda.

When we ask questions about tigers (in plural):

a) the verb ending doesnt change and we use the auxiliary do. c) the verb ending changes and we use the auxiliary do.

When we ask questions about one tiger (in singular):

a) the verb ending doesnt change and we use the auxiliary does. b) the verb ending changes and we use the auxiliary does.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Work in pairs. Write ve different questions using does about your favorite animal. Then, ask them to your partner and write his/her answers.
Trabajen en parejas. Escribe cinco preguntas diferentes acerca de tu animal favorito usando does. Hazle a tu compaero o compaera las preguntas y escribe sus respuestas. Questions Answers


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Lesson 92 Lesson 92

Where do grey whales travel in winter?

You will express animals characteristics in plural form.
Expresarn caractersticas de animales en forma plural.


The vampire bat dont live in Central America. It is blind and lives in humid and dark caves.


Read the text.

Lee el texto.

Long Trip
Grey whales migrate from the cold waters of the Arctic to the warm bays of Baja California. They migrate in winter. They start their trip in October. It takes them between ve and eight weeks to get to Magdalena Bay and San Ignacio Lagoons. They use this space to procreate and take care of their babies. The females suckle the babies until they are ready to leave. They remain there from December to April. Because of the hunt chase grey whales became an endangered species in 1946, and Mexican authorities prohibited the hunting in the lagoons. Nowadays the gray whale is not considered an endangered species anymore.


Circle T if the sentence is true or F if it is false.

Circula la letra T si el enunciado es verdadero o la F si es falso.

Grey whales live in the Tropic. They travel in winter. They start their trip in September. They stay in Baja California Bays. Nowadays they are an endangered species. 186

Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Circle the incorrect word from the underlined words.

De las palabras subrayadas, marca con un crculo la palabra incorrecta.


Go back to the text. Choose the answer that corresponds.

Regresa al texto. Elige la respuesta que corresponde.

In line 4 the word they refers to:

a) the Arctic b) grey whales c) lagoons

In line 9 the word they refers to:

a) grey whales b) ocean c) lagoons

We use animals and objects.

a) it

to refer to plurals for women, men,

b) they c) she


Work in pairs. Read each sentence about an animal. Form a question for each statement. Guess which animal is being described.
Trabajen en parejas. Lee cada enunciado y formula preguntas acerca de un animal. Adivina qu animal se est describiendo. Questions Answers What is it?

Where do they live?

They live in the ocean. They are a type of sh. They are the only species in which the male gets pregnant. They are found in tropical and warm waters.



What is it?

They are marsupials. They are fat and hairy, most of them are grey. They are found in Australia. They do not drink much water. They sleep 18 hours every day. What do they eat? Where do they live? They eat and live in eucalyptus trees.


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Lesson 93

Mini Check
You will solve exercises in order to review what you have learned t d throughout the previous lessons.
Resolvern ejercicios para rearmar lo aprendido a lo largo de las lecciones anteriores. ciones anteriores. n anteriore e



50 %

75 %

85 %


often sometimes


Answer the questions about the text.

Responde las preguntas acerca del texto.

How often does he wake up at 5 oclock? What time does he get to the restaurant? What does he do at the restaurant? How often does he take a walk with Penny? Is Penny a dog?

I always wake up at 5 oclock. I take a shower, p l k k h then I have breakfast and after that I get ready to go to work. Then I go to the restaurant at 7 oclock. I often go to the market and buy vegetables, fruits, meat and everything I need to cook. When I come back to the restaurant I set the day menu and give instructions to the cooks. I change the menu everyday. After that, we start cooking. At 2 oclock people usually arrive for lunch. When we nish serving approximately at 5 oclock the cooks start cleaning the area and I get ready to leave. Then when I get home I usually take a walk with Penny, thats my dog. It is a aiting a L French poodle. It is always waiting for me Later I waiting r me. Later get ready to go to bed.


Read the text again. Complete the table.

Lee el texto otra vez. Completa la tabla.
Frequency adverbs Pronouns Verbs in present simple Sequencers


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Write on the line the missing words.

Escribe en la lnea las palabras que faltan.

Read the text t

Lee el texto.


Unit 4

Order the words to form questions. Answer them with true information.
Ordena las palabras para formar preguntas. Respndelas con informacin verdadera.

Unidad 4

1 eat/ What/ your/ pet/does/?

2 often/ to/ you/ parties/ go/ How/ do/ ?

3 you/ usually/ Do/ celebrate/ birthday/ your/ ?

Sequence 5

Secuencia 5

4 your/ Where/ do/ grandparents/ live/ ?

In unit 4 sequence 5 you will learn to:

En la unidad 4 secuencia 5 aprenders a: 5 vegetables/ eat/ you/ Do/ regularly/ ?

Develop an exposition about animals that you like with posters and brochures.
Desarrollar una exposicin sobre animales que te gusten con folletos y anuncios.


Write true sentences about yourself. Use frequency adverbs.

Escribe enunciados verdaderos acerca de ti. Usa adverbios de frecuencia.

get up early every weekend. take a shower at night. read the newspaper. watch romantic movies. listen to rock music. play with my friends.


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Lesson 94 Part one

Come and visit our school zoo

You will choose and organize information about an interesting animal to develop a school zoo.
Elegirn y organizarn la informacin sobre un animal que les guste para montar un zoolgico escolar.

El propsito de este proyecto es ayudar a los estudiantes a construir su vocabulario en ingls. Deben recopilar tantas palabras como sea posible fuera del saln de clases.


The animals that live in your zoo

This project involves a description of activities carried out in the classroom. The students are expected to use their general knowledge and information they have researched to complete the project. Students have to present their work to the class.
Este proyecto involucra una descripcin de actividades hechas dentro del saln de clases. Se espera que los estudiantes usen su conocimiento e informacin para realizar su proyecto. Deben presentarlo a la clase.

Information about the animals

Layout with the relevant information about an animal


Why dont you come to our school zoo?


Exhibition of the zoo

Discuss with your classmates which animals they would like to present in the school zoo.
Platica con tus compaeros qu animales les gustara presentar en el zoolgico escolar.

Work in pairs. Choose an animal you like.

Trabajen en parejas. Elijan un animal que les guste.

Gather information about the animals you choose. If you use the internet, it must include the name of the author, the name of the website and the date when the information was uploaded; try to search in pages with an academic lter.
Recopila informacin acerca de los animales que elegiste. Si usas internet, debes incluir el nombre del autor, el nombre del sitio y la fecha cuando se subi la informacin; trata de buscar en pginas del ltro escolar.


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The aim of this project is to help students build their English vocabulary. They should collect as many words as possible outside the classroom.

Look at the chart.

Observa la tabla.

Lesson 95 Part two

Come and visit our school zoo

You will make a brochure about the chosen animal will be written down.
Redactarn un folleto sobre el animal que hayan elegido.

Make a brochure or advertisement

Elabora un folleto o anuncio

Antes de escribir

Read your draft to your partner. Let your partner read the draft to verify the details are important. Correct and edit: Did I capitalize the rst letter of the proper nouns? Did I begin titles and initials with capital letters? Did I misspell some words? Look for the correct spelling in a dictionary.

Choose a topic. Gather specic details.

1. 2. 3. 4.


Get a sheet of paper. Divide the sheet in three parts of the same size. Fold the sheet. Write specic details (example: gorilla- is an animal similar to human, it is a mammal, etc.). Mark with bold, underlined, etc., the important words. Illustrate your brochure.


Glue or draw the images of your subject on the folded sheet. Share your brochure with your classmate (you can photocopy your brochure and distribute it in your school). Place the brochure on the windows or in the bulletin board.

5. 6.

It liv e the o s in It ea cean. shr i ts smal mp l


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Lesson 96 Part three

Come and visit our school zoo

You will create a poster about the animal you chose.
Crearn un pster sobre el animal que hayan elegido.

Make a layout
Elabora un formato

Antes de escribir

Read your draft to your classmate. Let your classmate read the draft to verify that the information you include is important. Correct and edit: Did I capitalize the rst letter of the proper nouns? Did I begin titles and initials with capital letters? Did I misspell some words? Look for the correct spelling in a dictionary.

Gather specic details about the animal you have chosen.


Get a sheet of paper or construction paper. Draw a layout. Complete the layout with the information you gathered.


Work at the playground.

Type Origin Habitat Physical characteristics Diet Size Endangered species

Get chalks or pencils of different colors and construction paper. Make a picture of the animal you chose. The picture of the animal must be big size. Be creative when you make your picture. Use different materials, for example, recycled ones.

Write the information of the animal.

Write the most important information. Try to be short and specic. Think about an illustration and make a layout of it. 192

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Lesson 97 Part four

Come and visit our school zoo

You will design an invitation to the zoo formed by the posters already created in the previous class.
Disearn una invitacin para el zoolgico que ser montado con los posters creados en la clase anterior.

Design an invitation to the zoo

Disea una invitacin para ir al zoolgico

1 2

Before writing
Antes de escribir

Read your draft to your partner. Let your partner read the draft to verify that the information you include is important. Correct and edit: Did I capitalize the rst letter of the proper nouns? Did I begin titles and initials with capital letters? Did I misspell some words? Look for the correct spelling in a dictionary.

Gather specic details. Writing


Write a draft. Write the most important information, try to be short and specic. Think about an illustration and make a layout of it. For example:


Make enough copies so that everyone can have one. Publish your invitation. Make enough copies for the people that are coming to the zoo. Organize the visit to the zoo. Receive the people in your zoo.

Come to visit our


Just for TODAY

nimals Know the a imagine! youd never arn Come and le everything als about anim


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12


Lesson 98

You will solve drills in order to verify what you have learned throughout the previous lessons.
Resolvern ejercicios para rearmar lo aprendido a lo largo de las lecciones anteriores.


Choose the letter that corresponds to each clock.

Elige la letra que corresponde a cada reloj.

Circle the option that corresponds to the image.

Encierra en un crculo la opcin que corresponde a la imagen.

What time is it?

1 What does she do?

a) She washes her hands. 2 What does he do?

b) She cooks. Sh cooks. he ook

a) He takes a shower. 3 What does he do?

b) He goes to wo He goe to work. goes es

Its a quarter to eight. Its seven forty ve.

b d f

Its three oclock. a) He reads a newspaper. Its half past eight. Its eight thirty. 4 What does she do? b) He eats breakfast. b) He eats breakfast. eats reakfast eakfas k

c e

Its six past six. Its six six. Its ve to eleven. Its ten fty ve.

Its a quarter past six. Its six fteen.

me. a) She comes back home.

5 What does he do?

b) She reads a book ) Sh reads book. Sh ead he ads ook.

a) He watches TV.

b) He go to bed He goes bed.


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Complete the chart. Use the words in the chart.

Completa la tabla. Usa las palabras de la tabla. Hello Im Juan. I up at six ix x oclock in the n morning from ng from g r m Monday y to Friday. ay y. I soccer in n the recess. ess. I a sho r sh shower at six fteen. at s een.

have (3) cook

Then, I T Th b breakfast at seven st o oclock.

get help

take play y

do go (2)

watch come

I t to school at ol h half past seven. st

I back h e home at half past two. t

I a meal at m t thr three r ree oclock. oclock. k. .

I hom homework mew k at twenty t twen pas four. past fou st

I TV at half past six. half pas a ast

my mother to dinner a half past at f s seven. .

My family and I y y and dinner at eight oclock. di inner

I to bed at nine d thirty. rty r y.

Write on the line the missing words.

Escribe sobre la lnea las palabras faltantes.


the afternoon


Complete the chart. Use the words in the chart.

Completa la tabla. Usa las palabras de la tabla.

Go Get Have

my teeth breakfast to school

up a shower dressed

dinner to the park to bed

to church my mothers car English lessons

Walk Wash Take


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Lesson 99

You will solve drills in order to review what has been learned throughout the previous lessons.
Resolvern ejercicios para rearmar lo aprendido a lo largo de las lecciones anteriores.


Complete the text with the verbs in the chart. Write the verbs in the tense that corresponds.
Completa el texto con los verbos de la tabla. Escribe los verbos en el tiempo que corresponda.

take eat

get up have

do take

start get

have go be

at 7:30 a.m. then she Jennifer Gomez has a very busy day. She dressed, then she breakfast. At 8:30 a shower. After that, she to work. She a secretary. She a.m. she calling her boss to remind him about an appointment at 9:30 a.m. with a transnational company. She lunch at 2:00 oclock. Later she goes back home. At 7:00 p.m. she a bath and then goes to bed. aerobics. Then she

Look at the chart. Complete the information with the correct form of the verb.
Observa la tabla. Completa la informacin con la forma correcta del verbo. Monday Tuesday Get up early Read a book Wednesday Get up early Thursday Get up early Go to the movies Friday Get up early Saturday Clean her room Sunday Go to visit her grandparents Clean the house


Get up early Watch TV


Listen to music

Visit friends Watch TV

Susan Peter Susan Peter Susan

from Monday to Friday. on Mondays. on Saturdays. on Tuesdays. on Sundays.

Peter Susan doesnt Peter Peter doesnt

on Wednesdays. on Saturdays. on Thursdays. on Saturdays.


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Complete the sentences with do or does.

Completa los enunciados con do o does.

Write the questions to the following answers.

Escribe las preguntas para las siguientes respuestas.

Yes, I Luis Mary I dancing.

you like classical music? . not like vegetables. not speak French. not go to parties. I you do exercise? Yes, I not like .

? I always brush my teeth. ? They live in the ocean. ? I usually eat eggs for breakfast. ? No, I dont. Im afraid of water.

Laura love English lessons? Yes, she .

Complete the sentences with the prepositions in, on or at.

Completa los enunciados con las preposiciones in, on o at.

? Lucy likes to eat vegetables and fruits. ? Mario never eats sh. ? The Bengal tiger lives in India.

I often do exercise

the morning.

I usually have an apple for breakfast 7:00 oclock. I never go to parties I like to watch TV She goes to school Tuesday. night. Saturdays.

Write a paragraph about someone you know describing his/her daily activities.
Escribe un prrafo acerca de una persona que conozcas, describiendo sus actividades diarias.

Complete the sentences with your information.

Completa los enunciados con tu informacin.

I always I usually I often I sometimes I never

. . . . .


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Self Evaluation Autoevaluacin


Think about the English lessons and answer the following questions:
Reexiona sobre las lecciones de ingls y contesta las siguientes preguntas:

Mucho Por qu?



2 Logr mejorar lo que me propuse al principio de la unidad?

3 Cmo puedo aprender ms en la materia de ingls?

4 Qu puedo mejorar para cuando termine la siguiente unidad?

Answer II. Respondethe following questions. las siguientes preguntas.


What are the common expressions to give the time? Mention three.

Which is the preposition we use to talk about a specic time?

Which is the preposition we use to talk about a specic day?

Which is the expression we use to refer to the period of time from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.?

Mention three daily activities you do.

Mention all of the frequency adverbs that you studied in this unit.


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Cunto siento que aprend en esta unidad?

Support material Material de apoyo

Topics / Temas Suggested material / Material sugerido

Visit the BBC ofcial website and review how to ask and tell the time.

http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/englishgrammar/verbs/present-tense/present-simple http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/englishgrammar/verbs/verbs-ing-forms http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/englishgrammar/adverbials/adverbials-time

Visit the BBC ofcial website and review how to give information about everyday activities.

http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/english-grammar/ verbs/question-forms


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Parents sheet Hoja para padres

Con el propsito de ayudar al alumno a mejorar su aprendizaje, solicitamos atentamente a los padres de familia que colaboren con el maestro para conseguir este objetivo. Por lo que en esta seccin debern mencionar los rezagos, dicultades o deciencias que presenta el estudiante durante el transcurso de cada uno de los bloques, as como las acciones que ustedes consideren que debern emprender para superarlos. Presenta los siguientes rezagos, dicultades o deciencias, que se han detectado en:

Para solventarlos deber:

Observaciones o comentarios del padre de familia o tutor:


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Iconografa Ilustraciones Bloque 1 A corazn abierto, todas excepto: Agustn Azuela de la Cueva, p. 1, 16, 21, 29, 34, 38, 41, 42, 43 y 53. Elvia Leticia Gmez Rodrguez, p. 35 y 39. Bloque 2 Richard Zela, todas excepto: Agustn Azuela, p. 55, 57, 61, 69, 83, 84 y 93. Bloque 3 Bana Fernndez, todas excepto: Agustn Azuela de la Cueva, p. 101, 106, 118, 121, 128 y 133. Elvia Leticia Gmez Rodrguez, p. 135. Bloque 4 Julieta Gutirrez, todas excepto: Elvia Leticia Gmez Rodrguez, p. 147 y 193. Agustn Azuela de la Cueva, p. 141, 155, 158, 164, 166, 169, 179, 180, 184 y 189. Beatriz Martnez, p. 191 y 193. Bloque 5 Beatriz Martnez, todas excepto: Elvia Leticia Gmez Rodrguez, p. 230 y 233. Agustn Azuela de la Cueva, p. 201, 203, 207, 210, 215, 217, 220, 221, 222, 224, 227, 228, 234, 231, 235 y 236. Ilustraciones base para entrada de bloques y secuencias Can Stock Photo/ borodaev, csp4289388.


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

Families Sheet Hoja para las familias

Seguimiento de los avances de los nios en la escuela
Estimada familia y tutores Con el propsito de fortalecer su participacin en la escuela para impulsar las actividades escolares y extraescolares que sus nios y nias realizan, les presentamos el siguiente cuestionario en el cual pueden registrar sus avances y tomar decisiones junto con los docentes para mejorar el aprovechamiento escolar. Algunas recomendaciones: Si a usted se le diculta el llenado del cuestionario, solicite ayuda a un familiar o amigo para responderlo e

interpretar el resultado. Recuerde que es muy importante dar seguimiento a los avances y logros de su nia o nio. Cuando su desempeo no sea ptimo, usted puede acudir a la escuela para recibir asesora sobre cmo

apoyar al nio en su formacin acadmica. Si al revisar las tareas y ejercicios del nio no estn registradas las calicaciones o algn dato que le permita

responder cuestionario, pida ayuda al maestro para determinar con l cmo puede dar seguimiento a los resultados del nio. Recuerde que este cuestionario no es una evaluacin o examen, es un registro que sirve para reconocer y

ayudar a las nias y los nios a nuestro cargo de una manera oportuna y ecaz. Para dar seguimiento a los avances de los nios es importante que: Revise con atencin las tareas, los ejercicios y las actividades del libro de texto y del cuaderno de trabajo al

menos cada dos meses (duracin aproximada de un bloque). Observe su conducta al realizar las actividades extraescolares y ponga atencin en lo que platica de sus

actividades en la escuela.

Con base en sus observaciones sobre el trabajo del nio, marque la respuesta que corresponde a cada pregunta.

A. Excelente
Desempeo del nio

B. Bueno o bien

C. Mal o malo

D. No lo he observado

1 2 3

Las calicaciones obtenidas en las tareas del libro de texto reejan que su trabajo fue Las calicaciones obtenidas en los ejercicios realizados en su cuaderno reejan que su trabajo fue Al realizar actividades fuera de la escuela su desempeo fue



Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

4 5 6

He observado que trabaja en equipo y lo hace Las actividades de estudio extras las hace Su actitud para sistir a la escuela generalmente es


Mi desempeo

1 2 3

Su asistencia a la escuela es Su puntualidad en la escuela es Su aseo personal y de sus tiles para asistir a la escuela es


Recomendaciones para contribuir a mejorar el desempeo de su nio

Si obtuvo de 7 a 10 respuestas A. Excelente Si obtuvo de 5 a 7 respuestas B. Bien, aunque necesita apoyo Se recomienda poner atencin en aquellas actividades en las que se obtuvo esta valoracin y acompaar a los nios para repasar las tareas y/o ejercicios en los cuales no obtuvo un buen desempeo. Si tiene dudas al respecto, es recomendable que se acerque con el maestro de grupo. Si obtuvo en ms de 4 preguntas C. Mal. Requiere apoyo urgente
Se recomienda consultar con el maestro de su hijo o hija sobre cmo puede ayudarlo a mejorar el desempeo educativo.

Si en 2 o ms preguntas respondi D. No lo he observado

Se recomienda felicitar a su nio o nia y preguntarle sobre el tipo de apoyo que requiere para seguir con ese avance y mantener los buenos resultados.

Recuerde que en el buen desempeo de sus hijos en la escuela tambin inuye la familia. Le recomendamos contribuir con la escuela estando al pendiente de sus avances.


Versin de evaluacin 23/04/12

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