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Bases Final Escolar Amco Spelling Bee

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Bases del Concurso Amco Spelling Bee 2016

1) Promover el aprendizaje del ingls de los alumnos a travs de un concurso dinmico y educativo,
orientado hacia:
a) la excelencia ortogrfica
b) la ampliacin de su vocabulario
2) Estimular el trabajo individual y la sana competencia con otros alumnos, tanto de su colegio como
de otros.
3) Desarrollar la autoconfianza y la autoestima y, de ese modo, la inteligencia emocional.

Todos los alumnos Amco de cualquier curso de primaria.

Habr 2 categoras dependiendo del perfil del alumnado y programas Amco cursados en el nivel
presentado al concurso:

- Categora 1: Non Bilingual Schools - alumnos de colegios que cursen cualquiera de los
programas Amco Gear Up, Rocket 3, Rocket 5 sin materias, es decir, sin las reas CLIL (sin
Visual Arts ni Natural Science).

- Categora 2: Bilingual Schools - alumnos de colegios que cursen los programas Amco Gear Up,
Rocket 3 o Rocket 5 con materias en ingls (Visual Arts y/o Natural Science) y/o colegios que
estn acreditados para la enseanza bilinge por su comunidad autonma correspondiente a
dichos niveles.

En cada categora se podr participar de acuerdo con los siguientes grupos:
- Group 1: 1st and 2nd graders
- Group 2: 3rd and 4th graders
- Group 3: 5th and 6th graders

Las palabras usadas durante el concurso sern previamente seleccionadas de las listas de palabras de
uso comn y de la seccin de Pronunciation Lab/Spelling de todos los programas de primaria. En la
categoria 2 (Bilingual Schools) se aadirn las palabras de materias, Visual Arts y/o Natural Science
(ver anexos al final de las bases):

Nmero de palabras de Categora 1:

Nmero de palabras de Categora 2:
o 1st and 2nd graders: 125 palabras
o 1st and 2nd graders: 150 palabras
o 3rd and 4th graders: 150 palabras
o 3rd and 4th graders: 200 palabras
o 5th and 6th graders: 175 palabras
o 5th and 6th graders: 250 palabras

En los anexos con los listados de palabras, se encuentran las definiciones de cada una de las palabras.
De este modo, si un participante tiene duda sobre cmo se deletrea alguna palabra puede pedir:

1. la definicin de la palabra o
2. una frase en la que la palabra se use en contexto.

El concursante solo puede usar una vez la opcin 1 o la 2 en cada palabra.
Bases Concurso Amco Spelling Bee

Una vez que el concursante ha empezado a deletrear la palabra ya no puede pedir ni definicin ni

Para la final nacional, la organizacin, en exclusiva, contar con un listado de palabras extras
numeradas para cada categora y grupo, del que se har uso en caso de que los alumnos no cometan
error en el deletreo de las palabras, se prolonguen en exceso el nmero de rondas de deletreo de
palabras por grupo, o, si por falta de tiempo, as lo estipulara el jurado.

Cada palabra de este listado de palabras extras tambin contar con la definicin de la palabra o una
frase en la que dicha palabra se use en contexto, para que, si el concursante tiene duda sobre cmo se
deletrea, poder pedir la definicin o frase.

Para la final escolar en cada caso, la organizacin no facilitar ningn listado de palabras extras, pero
aconsejamos que, siguiendo el criterio de los profesores del centro, se tengan preparadas algunas de
ellas que permitan la eleccin del ganador en Fase Escolar en caso de multiplicarse las rondas.

Fases del concurso:
El concurso se desarrollar en dos fases:

- Fase escolar. Los alumnos competirn con otros alumnos de su centro pertenecientes al
mismo Grupo de concurso.
Para que el centro participe en la Fase final nacional deber estar finalizada su fase escolar
a fecha de 18 de marzo de 2016.

- Fase nacional. Los alumnos ganadores de cada colegio competirn con los alumnos finalistas
de los diferentes colegios de toda Espaa.

La final nacional tendr lugar durante el fin de semana del 17 de abril de 2016 en
Madrid en fecha y direccin exacta a determinar por cuestiones de aforo y centros
participantes que ser comunicada a los colegios.

Eleccin de las palabras

Para asegurar que la eleccin de las palabras sea totalmente imparcial, se realizar del modo siguiente:

Habr una bolsa por cada categora y grupo, es decir, habr hasta 6 bolsas. En ella habr tantas tarjetas
cmo nmero de palabras hay en la lista correspondiente; las tarjetas estarn numeradas del 1 al 125,
al 150, al 175, al 200 o al 250, dependiendo de la categora y del grupo. Por ejemplo, la Categora 1
Grupo 3 tendr 175 tarjetas, numeradas del 1 al 175.

En la fase individual, los participantes sacarn 5 tarjetas y las entregarn a la persona que lee las
palabras; esta persona leer al participante las palabras del listado correspondientes a los nmeros
extrados de la bolsa.

En la fase grupal, los participantes elegirn cada uno una tarjeta que determinar el orden de
participacin. El nmero ms pequeo empezar primero y el ms alto ser el ltimo.

Una mano inocente elegida de manera imparcial extraer para cada alumno participante la tarjeta
numerada que corresponde a la palabra que tendr que deletrear.

Bajo ningn concepto, los participantes pueden ver las palabras escritas mientras dura el concurso.
Slo la persona que lee las palabras dispondr del listado correspondiente a la categora y grupo del
que se est realizado el concurso.

Bases Concurso Amco Spelling Bee

Desarrollo del concurso en Fase Escolar

El concurso consta de dos niveles.

Nivel individual (clasificacin del alumno)

En este nivel, el concursante elegir 5 tarjetas numeradas. Cada tarjeta tiene asignado un nmero
correspondiente a una palabra del listado anexo, y las entregar a la persona que las leer del listado
de palabras.

Cada participante tendr que deletrear correctamente 5 palabras y tendr un mximo de un minuto
para deletrear cada palabra. El participante, tras or la palabra, tendr que pronunciar la palabra,
deletrearla y volver a pronunciarla; ningn participante ser eliminado por pronunciar mal la palabra.
El tiempo comenzar a contar desde el momento en que la persona encargada diga por primera vez la
palabra y acabar cuando el participante diga la palabra, tras haberla deletreado.

Recordarles que, antes de proceder al deletreo, si un participante tiene duda sobre cmo se deletrea
alguna palabra puede pedir:

1. la definicin de la palabra o
2. una frase en la que la palabra se use en contexto.

El concursante solo puede usar una vez la opcin 1 o la 2 en cada palabra.

Al comenzar a deletrear, el concursante podr parar y comenzar de nuevo, deletreando la palabra
desde el comienzo; no obstante, al volver a deletrearla, no podr haber cambio de letras o de su
secuencia con respecto a lo que deletre la primera vez. Para reiniciar su deletreo, el participante debe
indicar que lo har, repitiendo de nuevo la palabra completa antes de deletrearla.

Si el participante est deletreando un trmino compuesto de dos o ms palabras, deber indicar en
ingls los espacios entre las mismas (space o hyphen).

En el caso de que la palabra a deletrear incluyera una apstrofe el concursante deber indicar en
ingls apostrophy.

Las palabras con dos consonantes o dos vocales puede deletrearse como double letter o letter letter.

Si el concursante deletrea correctamente estas cinco palabras pasar al nivel grupal.

Nivel grupal

En este nivel, en primer lugar, cada participante elegir una tarjeta que determinar el orden de
participacin entre los concursantes que hayan pasado a la fase grupal. El concursante que seleccione
la tarjeta con el nmero 1 ser el primero en deletrear, siendo el de mayor nmero el ltimo en

Una mano inocente elegida de manera imparcial extraer para cada alumno participante la tarjeta
numerada que corresponde a la palabra que tendr que deletrear. Las tarjetas numeradas deben
colocarse todas en una bolsa y removerlas previamente.

Los participantes oirn la primera palabra; el concursante, al que le toc participar en primer lugar
pronunciar la palabra, la deletrear y la volver a pronunciar. El segundo participante oir la segunda
palabra, la pronunciar, la deletrear y la volver a pronunciar y as hasta que todos los participantes
hayan deletreado una palabra.

Bases Concurso Amco Spelling Bee

Recordarles que, antes de proceder al deletreo, si un participante tiene duda sobre cmo se deletrea
alguna palabra puede pedir:

1. la definicin de la palabra o
2. una frase en la que la palabra se use en contexto.

El concursante solo puede usar una vez la opcin 1 o la 2 en cada palabra.

Al comenzar a deletrear, el concursante podr parar y comenzar de nuevo, deletreando la palabra
desde el comienzo; no obstante, al volver a deletrearla, no podr haber cambio de letras o de su
secuencia con respecto a lo que deletre la primera vez. Para reiniciar su deletreo, el participante debe
indicar que lo har, repitiendo de nuevo la palabra completa antes de deletrearla.

Si el participante est deletreando un trmino compuesto de dos o ms palabras, deber indicar en
ingls los espacios entre las mismas (space o hyphen).

En el caso de que la palabra a deletrear incluyera una apstrofe el concursante deber indicar en
ingls apostrophy.

Las palabras con dos consonantes o dos vocales puede deletrearse como double letter o letter letter.

El deletreo incorrecto de una palabra eliminar al concursante del certamen; una vez eliminado, el
concursante bajar del escenario. En estos casos, el siguiente alumno por orden de participacin
deletrear la misma palabra que el anterior concursante fall.

Si se acabaran las palabras de las listas de palabras anexas segn cada categora y ciclo, la mano
inocente volver a meter todas las tarjetas numeradas en la bolsa, pudiendo entonces repetirse las
palabras a deletrear.

El proceso se repetir hasta que slo quede un concursante que ser el GANADOR en su categora y
grupo (group 1, group 2, group 3).

En la final nacional, pasadas tres rondas de deletreo entre los alumnos de cada categora y grupo, por
falta de tiempo o ausencia de errores en el deletreo de las palabras, la organizacin, previo aviso a los
concursantes, hara uso de un listado de palabras extras, numerada para cada categora y grupo. Todas
estas palabras seran extradas de los materiales correspondientes a cada categora y grupo. Estas
palabras se elegirn siguiendo las mismas normas que para la eleccin de las palabras de los listados
anexos. Para la final escolar en cada caso, la organizacin no facilitar ningn listado de palabras
extras, pero aconsejamos que, siguiendo el criterio de los profesores del centro, se tengan preparadas
algunas de ellas que permitan la eleccin del ganador en Fase Escolar en caso de multiplicarse las

- A nivel escolar:
Trofeo al 1er clasificado de cada grupo de la categora (Grupo 1, Grupo 2 y Grupo 3)
Diploma de reconocimiento al 1er, 2 y 3er clasificado de cada Grupo de la categora (Grupo 1,
Grupo 2 y Grupo 3).

- A nivel nacional:
iPad Mini para el 1er clasificado de cada categora y grupo.
e-Book Kindle para el 2 clasificado de cada categora y grupo.
Diploma de reconocimiento a todos los participantes.
Obsequio para el centro al que pertenezca el ganador de cada categora y grupo.

Bases Concurso Amco Spelling Bee

Anexo 2. Listado palabras Categora 2 Bilingual Schools:

1st and 2nd graders (group 1).



39. Energy

77. Mirror

115. Secretary



40. Eyebrows

78. Monday

116. Shade



41. Fabric

79. Moods

117. Brown



42. Family

80. White

118. Shine



43. Fence

81. Mop

119. Shorts



44. Finger

82. Mountain

120. Skirt



45. Fire

83. Movement

121. Sky



46. Fly

84. Museum

122. Sleep



47. Forest

85. Nature

123. Smell

10. Alphabet

48. Friday

86. Neighbor

124. Teapot

11. Birds

49. Fruits

87. Noisy

125. Spring

12. Fifty

50. Glass

88. Nurse

126. Stars

13. Bookcase

51. Glue

89. October

127. Story

14. Brave

52. Grow

90. On

128. Subway

15. Seventy

53. Grandchildren

91. Palace

129. Suitcases

16. Brush

54. Hard

92. Pancakes

130. Work

17. Bush

55. Fireplace

93. Paper

131. Talk

18. Cafeteria

56. Heart

94. Park

132. Teacher

19. Cake

57. Herself

95. Pen

133. Teeth

20. Car

58. Sixty

96. Pepper

134. Tent

21. Ninety

59. Intestine

97. Period

135. Thin

22. Chicken

60. January

98. Picked

136. Tongue

23. Choose

61. Juice

99. Place

137. Town

24. Circle

62. June

100. Plants

138. Trash

25. Classroom

63. Kiss

101. Plastic

139. Tree

26. Eighty

64. Kite

102. Played

140. Umbrella

27. Corn

65. Lake

103. Portrait

141. Vacation

28. Costume

66. Laptop

104. Pretty

142. Walked

29. Cotton

67. Leaves

105. Profile

143. Warm

30. Delicious

68. Lemon

106. Pull

144. Watch

31. Dinner

69. Living

107. Pupil

145. Water

32. Distance

70. Forty

108. Ready

146. Write

33. Dont

71. Lunch

109. Rented

147. Win

34. Dress

72. Movie

110. Restrooms

148. Winter

35. Drink

73. Mammals

111. Roll

149. Wood

36. Dryer

74. May

112. Twenty

150. Young

37. Ears

75. Metal

113. Sand

38. Everyone

76. Thirty

114. Saturday

Bases Concurso Amco Spelling Bee




Airplane: Noun: a machine that is heavier

than air and that can fly.
All. Adjective: the whole, entire, total
amount, quantity, or extent of
August. Noun: the eighth month of the year
Baby. Noun: a very young girl or boy
Balance. Noun: a state in which opposite
forces are equal.
Banner. Noun: a large strip of cloth with a
design, picture, or writing on it
Bath. Noun: the act of sitting in water and
cleaning yourself
Bedroom. Noun: a room used for sleeping
Between. Preposition: in the space that
separates (two things or people)
Alphabet. Noun: the letters of a language
arranged in their usual order
Birds. Noun: flying animals with two wings,
two feet, and feathers
Fifty. Noun: ten times five.
Bookcase. Noun: a piece of furniture with
shelves to hold books
Brave. Adjective: feeling or showing no
fear, not afraid
Seventy. Noun: ten times seven.
Brush. Noun: an implement with a handle
and a block of bristles, hair, or wire, used
especially for cleaning, applying a liquid or
powder to a surface, or arranging the hair
Bush. Noun: a low plant like a small tree.
Cafeteria. Noun: a restaurant where people
choose their own food and then carry it to
a table
Cake. Noun: a sweet baked food made from
a mixture of flour, sugar, and other
Car. Noun: a vehicle with four wheels and a
Ninety. Noun: ten times nine.
Chicken. Noun: a common bird that people
raise on farms for its meat and eggs
Choose. Verb: to pick one or more things or
people from a group
Circle. Noun: a perfectly round shape
Classroom. Noun: a room in a school or
college where classes are held
Eighty. Noun: ten times eight.
Corn. Noun: the grain of a cereal grass that
is the primary crop of a region
Costume. Noun: clothing worn to make one
look like some other person, animal, or
Cotton. Noun: a soft white fiber from a
plant that grows in warm parts of the
Delicious. Adjective: having a pleasing taste
or smell

Bases Concurso AMCO Spelling Bee

31. Dinner. Noun: the main meal of the day

32. Distance. Noun: the measure of space
between things or places.
33. Dont. Contraction of does not. 3rd person
negative contraction of auxiliary verb do.
34. Dress. Noun: a piece of clothing for girls or
35. Drink. Verb: to take liquid into your body
through your mouth
36. Dryer. Noun: something that extracts or
absorbs moisture
37. Ears. Noun: organs of the body used for
38. Everyone. Noun: every person, everybody.
39. Energy. Noun: the ability to have force or
power or to do work
40. Eyebrows. Noun: the lines of short hairs
growing above the eyes
41. Fabric. Noun: cloth that is woven or
knitted; material
42. Family. Noun: a group of people who are
related to each other
43. Fence. Noun: a structure used to mark off
an area or to keep animals or people in or
44. Finger. Noun: One of the five long parts at
the end of the hand
45. Fire. Noun: the heat, light, and flames made
when something burns
46. Fly. Verb: to move through the air by
means of wings
47. Forest. Noun: a large area of land covered
with many trees and other plants.
48. Friday. Noun: the day of the week between
Thursday and Saturday
49. Fruits. Noun: parts of a plant that have
seeds and flesh
50. Glass. Noun: a hard, clear material that
breaks easily
51. Glue. Noun: a thick, sticky liquid used to
join things together
52. Grow. Verb: to become larger; increase
53. Grandchildren. Noun: the children of your
son or daughter.
54. Hard. Adjective: not soft; solid; firm; tough.
55. Fireplace. Noun: any open structure for
keeping a fire.
56. Heart. Noun: the organ in your chest that
pumps blood through your veins and
57. Herself. Pronoun: that same woman, girl,
or female animal
58. Sixty. Noun: ten times six.
59. Intestine. Noun: the lower part of the
digestive system, below the stomach.
60. January. Noun: the first month of the year
61. Juice. Noun: the natural liquid from plants
or meats

62. June. Noun: the sixth month of the year
63. Kiss. Verb: to touch with the lips especially
as a mark of affection or greeting
64. Kite. Noun: a toy that you fly in the air at
the end of a long string
65. Lake. Noun: a large body of fresh or salt
water that has land all around it
66. Laptop. Noun: a portable computer
67. Leaves. Noun: plural of leaf. a flat part of a
plant or tree that grows from the branch
68. Lemon. Noun: a yellow citrus fruit that has
a sour taste
69. Living. Adjective: having life
70. Forty. Noun: ten times four.
71. Lunch. Noun: a light meal eaten in the
middle of the day
72. Movie. Noun: a recording of moving images
that tells a story and that people watch on
a screen or televisin
73. Mammals. Noun: animals that have hair
and feed their babies with milk from the
74. May. The fifth month of the year
75. Metal. Noun: a material used for many
tools, car parts, and pieces of jewelry
76. Thirty. Noun: ten times three.
77. Mirror. Noun: a smooth surface that shows
an image of whatever is in front of it
78. Monday. Noun: the day of the week
between Sunday and Tuesday
79. Moods. Noun: peoples general feelings of
emotion at a certain time
80. White. Adjective: of the color of pure snow
or milk.
81. Mop. Noun: a tool for cleaning floors that
has a bundle of cloth or yarn or a sponge
attached to a long handle
82. Mountain. Noun: a land mass with great
height and steep sides
83. Movement. Noun: a motion or way of
84. Museum. Noun: a building where objects
that are important to history, art, or
science are kept and shown to the public
85. Nature. Noun: the physical world and
living things in their natural state
86. Neighbor. Noun: a person who lives next to
or near another person
87. Noisy. Adjective: making a lot of loud or
unpleasant noise
88. Nurse. Noun: a person whose job is to care
for sick and injured people
89. October. Noun: the 10th month of the year
90. On. Preposition: touching and being
supported by the top surface of
91. Palace. Noun: the official home of a king or
queen or other person of high rank
92. Pancakes. Noun: a flat, round cake made
from flour, eggs, and milk
Bases Concurso AMCO Spelling Bee

93. Paper. Noun: a thin material often used to

write on
94. Park. Noun: an area of public land that
anyone can use for rest and enjoyment
95. Pen. Noun: an implement for writing or
drawing with ink or a similar fluid
96. Pepper. Noun: a vegetable that varies in
size, shape, and color
97. Period. Noun: a length of time during
which a series of events or an action takes
place or is completed
98. Picked. Past and past participle of pick: to
pierce, penetrate, or break up with a
pointed instrument, choose, select
99. Place. Noun: a specific area or region of the
world: a particular city, country, etc.
100. Plants. Noun: living things that have leaves,
make their own food, and have roots that
usually grow in the earth.
101. Plastic. Noun: an artificial substance made
from certain kinds of chemicals that can be
shaped when soft
102. Played. Past an past participle of paly: to
engage in sport or recreation
103. Portrait. Noun: a painting, drawing,
photograph or sculpture of a person
104. Pretty. Adjective: attractive to look at
usually in a simple or delicate way
105. Profile. Noun: an outline or view of
something from the side
106. Pull. Verb: to bring closer by using force
107. Pupil. Noun: the small, dark opening in the
center of the eye
108. Ready. Adjective: prepared to do
109. Rented. Past participle of rent: to pay
money in return for being able to use
something that belongs to someone else
110. Restrooms. Noun: a room in a public place
with a toilet and a sink
111. Roll. Noun: a solid tube made by winding
material around itself many times
112. Twenty. Noun: ten times two.
113. Sand. Noun: tiny, loose grains of ground
rock that you can see on beaches and in
114. Saturday. Noun: the day of the week
between Friday and Sunday
115. Secretary. Noun: a person whose job is to
write letters, keep records, and manage
mail and do other things in an office
116. Shade. Noun: an area of slight darkness
that is produced when something blocks
the light of the sun
117. Brown. Adjective: having a color like coffe
or chocolate
118. Shine. Verb: to give off light.
119. Shorts. Noun: pants that stop above or near
the knees
120. Skirt. Noun: a piece of clothing worn by

women and girls that hangs from the waist
121. Sky. Noun: the air or space above the earth
122. Sleep. Verb: to be in a state of rest for the
body and mind
123. Smell. Verb: to sense something by means
of the nose
124. Teapot. Noun: a container that is used for
making and serving tea and that has a spout
and handle.
125. Spring. Noun: the season of the year
between winter and summer
126. Stars. Noun: things that we usually see as
points of light in the night sky
127. Story. Noun: a report of events that really
happened or are imaginary
128. Subway. Noun: a train in a city that carries
passengers and travels under the ground
129. Suitcases. Noun: a piece of luggage that you
use to carry your clothing and belongings
when you are traveling.
130. Work. Verb: to have a job
131. Talk. Verb: to say words in order to
express your thoughts, feelings, opinions,
etc., to someone
132. Teacher. Noun: a person whose job is
133. Teeth. Noun: plural of tooth. Hard, white
objects in the mouth
134. Tent. Noun: a portable shelter that is used
outdoors, is made of cloth (such as canvas
or nylon), and is held up with poles and
135. Thin. Adjective: small when measured
from one side to the other or when
measured around the outside
136. Tongue. Noun: the organ in the mouth used
for tasting and swallowing and also in
human speech
137. Town. Noun: an area with streets, houses,
and buildings that is similar to a city, but
138. Trash. Noun: anything that is thrown away
because it is not wanted
139. Tree. Noun: a plant that has a long main
trunk and many branches
140. Umbrella. Noun: a thing that protects you
from the rain
141. Vacation. Noun: a period of rest from
142. Walked. Past and past participle of walk: to
move with your legs at a speed that is
slower than running
143. Warm. Adjective: having some heat
144. Watch. Verb: to follow a moving image
with your eyes and give it your attention
145. Water: Noun: the clear liquid that is in rain
146. Write. Verb: to form letters or numbers on
a surface with a pen, pencil, etc.
147. Win. Verb: to achieve victory in a fight,
contest, game, etc.
Bases Concurso AMCO Spelling Bee

148. Winter. Noun: the coldest season of the year

that is after autumn and before spring
149. Wood. Noun: the hard material that makes up
the trunk and branches of a tree
Young. Adjective: in an early part of life or

1. Airplane: The airplane lands at 3.30.

All: I like all kinds of fruits.


August: My birth day is in August the 22nd .


Baby: The baby is crying.

Balance: The dancer kept her balance while
standing on her toes.
Banner: The new banner is very colorful.


Bath: Can I take a bath before lunch?

Bedroom: My dad comes into my bedroom to
say good night to me every night.
9. Between: You can see a book between the
pencil and the bag.
10. Alphabet: A is the first letter of the alphabet.
11. Birds: Birds can fly.
12. Fifty: My mother is fifty years old.
13. Bookcase: My bookcase is very big; it holds
more than 500 books.
14. Brave: A shark is a very brave animal.
15. Seventy: My grandmother is seventy years old.
16. Brush: You must brush your teeth everyday
17. Bush: There is a row of bushes in front of that
18. Cafeteria: There is a very healthy menu poster
at the cafeteria.
19. Cake: This chocolate cake is delicious.
20. Car: Bill just bought a new car.
21. Ninety: There are ninety kids at the school.
22. Chicken: A chicken egg is very yummy.
23. Choose: I choose you for my team.
24. Circle: I draw a blue circle.
25. Classroom: The kids in my classroom are great.
26. Eighty: There are eighty people in this
27. Corn: Chickens eat corn.
28. Costume: Dylan wore a pirate costume on
29. Cotton: My shirt is made of cotton.
30. Delicious: This apple pie is delicious.
31. Dinner: Dinner will be served at 8.
32. Distance: The distance to the palace is 2 km.
33. Dont: I dont want to go to school today.
34. Dress: She is wearing a pink dress.
35. Drink: They drink orange juice everyday.
36. Dryer: My jeans are in the dryer.
37. Ears: Your ears are reddish.

38. Everyone: Everyone wants to go to the beach.
39. Energy: His construction job requires that he
have a lot of energy.
40. Eyebrows: The punch caught him on the
41. Fabric: The shirt is made of a very soft fabric.

80. White: Snow is usually white.

81. Mop: I usually sweep the floor before I use the
82. Mountain: She likes to hike and climb in the
83. Movement: You made a great movement.
84. Museum: They enjoyed seeing the paintings
and statues in the art museum.
85. Nature: A camping trip is a good way to
experience nature.
86. Neighbor: A new neighbor just moved into the
house across the street.
87. Noisy: The neighbor is very noisy.

42. Family: My family lives in San Diego.

43. Fence: We built a fence around our house.
44. Finger: He wound his finger.
45. Fire: Fire destroyed their home.
46. Fly: Birds can fly.
47. Forest: Many animals live in the forest
48. Friday: Maria is very happy because its Friday.
49. Fruits: Oranges are healthy fruits.

88. Nurse: The nurse took care of me.

89. October: In October, the building will be closed.

50. Glass: The jar is made of glass.

51. Glue: The children used glue to stick the pieces
of paper together.
52. Grow: My father can grow tomatoes.
53. Grandchildren: Grandparents are lucky to see
their grandchildren once a week.
54. Hard: The exam was hard.

90. On: I went to the beach on Saturday.

55. Fireplace: In winter I like to be by the fireplace.

96. Pepper: I found a yellow pepper.

97. Period: The current period in art is very
98. Picked: I picked the red ball.

56. Heart: My heart beats very quickly.

57. Herself: Lucy tried to wash herself.
58. Sixty: One hour is divided into sixty minutes.
59. Intestine: The intestine is a part of the
digestive system.
60. January: It usually snows in January.

94. Park: Jim is riding his bike in the park.

95. Pen: I prefer the blue pen.

99. Place: The scissors are in the right place.

Plants: I have many plants growing in my
Plastic: Plastic bottles are very polluting.

61. Juice: I drink orange juice with my breakfast.

62. June: We go to the beach in June.
63. Kiss: Dad gave Alex a kiss.
64. Kite: Its windy: lets play with the kite.
65. Lake: Let's go swimming in the lake.
66. Laptop: Most of the students bring their laptop
when they study at the library
67. Leaves: Many leaves fell from the tree during
the windstorm.
68. Lemon: Dad always puts some lemon in the
cup of tea.
69. Living: All living things need water.
70. Forty: I paid forty euros for this sweater.
71. Lunch: I eat my lunch at 12 oclock.
72. Movie: Ill go to the cinema to see the movie.
73. Mammals: Cows are mammals.
74. May: May is a colorful month.
75. Metal: The teapot is made of metal.
76. Thirty: Thirty minutes make half an hour.
77. Mirror: Many bathrooms have a mirror above
the sink.
78. Monday: The birthday is on Monday.
79. Moods: Too much work has put him in a bad
Bases Concurso AMCO Spelling Bee

91. Palace: The queen lives in the palace.

92. Pancakes: Americans usually eat pancakes for
93. Paper: Give me a piece of paper, please.

Played: The kids played soccer yesterday.
Portrait: We have a portrait of our family
in the living room.
Pretty: Mary is very pretty.

Profile: Her face has a delicate profile.


Pull: To open the door, you have to pull.


Pupil: Jim is a very good pupil.


Ready: Im ready to go.

Rented: I rented this car for the weekend.
Restrooms: You can find the restrooms at
the end of the corridor.
Roll: Toilet paper comes in rolls.
Twenty: When I was twenty I was at the
Sand: The sand on the beach felt soft under
my feet.
Saturday: This Saturday well go the
Secretary: Her private secretary printed
the documents.
Shade: The tree gives shade.
Brown: Normally trees have a brown
Shine: Did the sun shine yesterday?

Shorts: He put on his shorts to play tennis.


Skirt: Julia is wearing a blue skirt.
Sky: There are many clouds in the sky
Sleep: I try to sleep eight hours a night.
Smell: I can smell a cake.
Teapot: Pass me the teapot, please. Ill have
another cup.
Spring: Flowers blossom in spring.
Stars: We can see many stars today.
Story: I read the story about the accident in
the newspaper.
Subway: I take the subway to work every
Suitcases: I packed my suitcases before I
Work: They work too hard to support their
Talk: I want to talk to an astronaut about
the space.
Teacher: My English Teacher is the best
Teeth: Before I go to bed, I brush my teeth.

Tent: Everybody slept in a tent.

Thin: I am very thin; I think I will eat more.
Tongue: The kitten lapped up the milk with
her tongue.
Town: My Town is called Birmingham.
Trash: Dont forget to take the trash
Tree: The bird is resting in the tree.
Umbrella: I took my umbrella to school
because it was supposed to rain.
Vacation: We went on vacation to Hawaii.
Walked: I walked to the office.
Warm: Yesterday was cold, but today is
nice and warm.
Watch: I would like to watch a movie.
Water: You must drink water everyday.
Write: Please, write your name at the top
of the exam.
Win: I will win the championship.

Winter: Its very cold in winter.


Wood: Wood can be found of trees.


Young: My sister is a young girl.

Bases Concurso AMCO Spelling Bee


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