Guia Speaking B1
Guia Speaking B1
Guia Speaking B1
Menciona el uso del objeto, con la estructura it is used/we use it for + ing
It is normally used for writing and reading (se usa para escribir y leer)
Profundidad (depth)
In the foreground (en primer plano)
In the middleground (en segundo plano, a media distancia)
In the background (en el fondo)
Anchura (width)
On the left / to the left of the picture (a la izquierda)
On the right / to the right of the picture (a la derecha)
Altura (height)
At the top (en la parte de arriba)
At the bottom (en la parte de abajo)
Deporte: do you do sport? What sports do you practise? Are you an active person or do you prefer to
do other kinds of things?
Relax: how do you relax when you are stressed? Where do you go or what activities do you usually do?
Vacaciones: Where do you like to go when youre on holidays? Whats your ideal destination for a
holiday? Who would you go with?
Manualidades: what things do you make? Why do you make them, or what do you like about making
them? What is the process?
Idiomas: Do you think learning languages is important nowadays? What other languages do you study,
apart from English? Would you like to study a new language?
Trabajo: What would be your ideal job? Do you think its important to like your job? What kind of jobs
would you prefer?
Msica: What music genres do you like? Do you listen to music very often? Have you ever been to
Amistades: What do you usually do when you are with your friends? What are they like? Do you get
along well with them?
Familia: Do you get on well with your family? Do you spend a lot of time with your family or do you
prefer to be alone? What kind of activities do you do together?
El tiempo: What kind of weather do you prefer? Whats your favourite season? What do you normally
do in each part of the year?
Fotografa: do you like taking photos? What do you usually take photos of? Do you take photos with
your mobile or do you use a camera?