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Guia Speaking B1

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Speaking Part 1 (individual)

*EJERCICIO: Preguntas generales sobre ti

Whats your name? Whats your surname, can you spell it?
Where do you live?
What do you do? Are you a student or do you work?
What subjects do you study?
What do you like to do in your free time?
Do you enjoy studying English?
Do you think English will be useful in the future?
Tell me what you did yesterday night./ What did you do last night?
What would you like to do in the future?
Razones (justifica tu respuesta)
Ejemplos (personales, de tu pasado, etc)
Sentimientos (cmo te sientes respecto a algo, por qu te gusta, un poco de vida)
Informacin extra (cualquier detalle, por simple que sea, vale)

Speaking Part 2 (pareja)

*EJERCICIO: Comentar cada opcin y elegir una comn
Pasos a seguir:
1) AL EMPEZAR: Do you want to speak first? (quires empezar t?) or Shall I start? (empiezo yo?)
-What about you?
-And you, what do you think?
-Whats your opinion?
-Do you agree?
You agree
-Thats true! (es verdad)

-Youre right (llevas razn)

-Youve got a point there (ah llevas razn, s)
-I agree with you (estoy de acuerdo)
-- EJEMPLO: (oh so you like the camera, yes thats a brilliant idea, I like it too, because)
You disagree
-Perhaps, but (puede ser, pero)
-Well, Im not sure about that (no estoy seguro/a, no termino de verlo)
-You might be right, but (quiz lleves razn, pero)
-I dont really agree, because (no estoy de acuerdo, porque)
-I see your point, but (entiendo lo que quieres decir, pero)
-Poor you! (pobrecillo/a)
-Oh dear (vaya)
-Sowhat about this option? (valey esta qu te parece?)
Sowhat do you think about this one? (qu piensas sobre esta/o?)
-Solets talk about another option (vale, vamos a hablar de otra opcin)

Speaking Part 3 (Individual)

EJERCICIO: Describir una fotografa
Consejos iniciales
1) Empieza tu descripcin con una frase del tipo In this picture I can see.this picture shows
2) Imagina que ests describiendo la foto a alguien que no puede verla, cntrate en todo lo que veas:
tipo de lugar, personas en l, actividad que estn realizando, objetos y su posicin, tiempo, hora del
da, ropa que lleve la gente, etc. (no se debe sealar objetos con el dedo!)
3) Si no conoces la palabra para un elemento especfico, intenta describirlo
4) Empezar por lo general (big picture) y continuar hablando de los detalles
Compara el objeto con algo similar
It is like a table (es como una mesa)
It is a kind of table (es una especie de mesa)
It is similar to a table (se parece a una mesa)

Describe la forma, material, etc

It is made of wood, it is rectangular and long, with four legs (est hecho de madera, es rectangular y largo, con cuatro
Otros materiales seran metal, plastic, paper, steel, stone, cloth, etc.

Menciona el uso del objeto, con la estructura it is used/we use it for + ing

It is normally used for writing and reading (se usa para escribir y leer)

Profundidad (depth)
In the foreground (en primer plano)
In the middleground (en segundo plano, a media distancia)
In the background (en el fondo)
Anchura (width)
On the left / to the left of the picture (a la izquierda)
On the right / to the right of the picture (a la derecha)
Altura (height)
At the top (en la parte de arriba)
At the bottom (en la parte de abajo)

Speaking Part 4 (parejas)

EJERCICIO: Conversacin natural sobre un tema dado
1) Would you like to speak first? - Do you prefer to start?/ Shall I start?
2) Dialogo normal
-Let me think (djame pensar)
-Let me see (vamos a ver, djame ver)
-Well, (bueno, a ver)
-Where was I? (por dnde iba?)
-What I mean is (lo que quiero decir es)
-So (entonces)
-- EJEMPLO : WellI dont like.what I mean is, yeah, dogs are not my favourite pet.
Tiempo libre: what do you usually do in your spare time? What are your hobbies? Do you prefer to be
indoors or outdoors?

Deporte: do you do sport? What sports do you practise? Are you an active person or do you prefer to
do other kinds of things?
Relax: how do you relax when you are stressed? Where do you go or what activities do you usually do?
Vacaciones: Where do you like to go when youre on holidays? Whats your ideal destination for a
holiday? Who would you go with?
Manualidades: what things do you make? Why do you make them, or what do you like about making
them? What is the process?
Idiomas: Do you think learning languages is important nowadays? What other languages do you study,
apart from English? Would you like to study a new language?
Trabajo: What would be your ideal job? Do you think its important to like your job? What kind of jobs
would you prefer?
Msica: What music genres do you like? Do you listen to music very often? Have you ever been to
Amistades: What do you usually do when you are with your friends? What are they like? Do you get
along well with them?
Familia: Do you get on well with your family? Do you spend a lot of time with your family or do you
prefer to be alone? What kind of activities do you do together?
El tiempo: What kind of weather do you prefer? Whats your favourite season? What do you normally
do in each part of the year?
Fotografa: do you like taking photos? What do you usually take photos of? Do you take photos with
your mobile or do you use a camera?

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