Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
the lead dog of the team. white fang was stronger than all the dogs. One day,
a group of young Indians attacked Mit-Sah in the forest. they started beauting
up Mit-Sah and white fang saw that his masters son was trouble. White Fang
was so angry that the rushed to save Mit-Sah and the boys ran away in fear.
When the returned to camp, everyone saw that White Fang was Mit-Sahs
MIT-SAH, GRIS CASTORES HIJO, estuvo a cargo de el trineo y Lip-Lip perro fue
el lder del equipo. Colmillo blanco era ms fuerte que todos los perros. Un da,
un grupo de jvenes indios atacaron Mit-Sah en el bosque. Empezaron a
apalear a Mit-Sah y Colmillo Blanco vio que su hijo era la principal dificultad.
Colmillo Blanco estaba tan enojado que se apresuraron a salvar Mit-Sah y los
nios huyeron de miedo. Cuando volvieron al campo, todo el mundo vio que
Colmillo Blanco era el favorito de Mit-Sah.
After some time, the Indians were no longer able to hunt because there very
few animals. There was a great hunger and some of the dogs, including Lip-Lip,
died. White Fang left the camp to search for food. In the forest, the found little
animals that he killed and ate. When the time of hunger passed, white fang
returned to camp because he missed the Indians. Summer arrived, and Grey
Beaver took white fang with him to town. This was the first time that white
fang saw white men and he thought they were strange.
Despus de algn tiempo, los indios ya no eran capaces de cazar porque haba
muy pocos animales. Haba un gran hambre y algunos de los perros,
incluyendo Lip-Lip, murieron. Colmillo blanco sali del campamento para
buscar comida. En el bosque, encontraron los pequeos animales que mat y
comi. Cuando pas el tiempo del hambre, el colmillo blanco volvi al
campamento porque perdi a los indios. Lleg el verano, y Castor Gris llev
colmillo blanco con l a la ciudad. ste era el primer momento que el colmillo
blanco vio a hombres blancos y l pens que eran extraos.
There were many gold hunters that had a lot of money in the town and Grey
Beaver wanted to sell his furs. While grey beaver was looking for men to buy
his furs, white fang enjoyed himself by play fighting with the town dogs. They
were not as fierce as white fang and he won all the fights.
Haba muchos cazadores de oro que tenan mucho dinero en la ciudad y Grey
Beaver quera vender sus pieles. Mientras que el castor gris buscaba a
hombres para comprar sus pieles, el colmillo blanco goz de s mismo jugando
el luchar con los perros de la ciudad. No eran tan feroz como el colmillo blanco
y gan todas las peleas.
White fang started acting more like a wolf when he fought, and all the dogs
were afraid of him. Some of the men in the town had dogs that fought each
other and they used to bet on the winner.
El colmillo blanco comenz a actuar ms como un lobo cuando luch, y todos
los perros le tenan miedo. Algunos de los hombres de la ciudad tenan perros
que peleaban entre s y solan apostar por el ganador.
There was a man who wanted to own a strong fighting dog so that he could
make a lot of money. His name was "Beauty" Smith. But he was not at all
beautiful. In fact, he was very ugly. He was a small man with a tiny head. He
had big eyes that popped out and broken yellow teeth in a large jaw.
Haba un hombre que quera poseer un fuerte perro de pelea para que pudiera
ganar mucho dinero. Su nombre era "Belleza" Smith. Pero no era nada
hermoso. De hecho, era muy feo. Era un hombre pequeo con una cabeza
pequea. Tena grandes ojos que salan y dientes rotos y rotos en una
mandbula grande.
besides all that, he was very cruel. The day he saw White Fang fighting, he
knew that he had to own him and make a lot of money. He tried to make friend
with white fang, but the wolf dog knew that "Beauty" was a very bad man.
Adems de todo eso, era muy cruel. El da en que vio a White Fang luchando,
saba que tena que ser dueo de l y ganar mucho dinero. Trat de hacer un
amigo con colmillo blanco, pero el perro lobo saba que "Belleza" era un
hombre muy malo.
Every time "Beauty" came near him, white fang would growl and show his
teeth. This made "Beauty" want him even more. He knew that grey Beaver was
his master and so he decided to visit him.
Cada vez que "Belleza" se acercaba a l, el colmillo blanco grua y mostraba
sus dientes. Esto hizo que "Belleza" lo quisiera an ms. Saba que el castor
gris era su amo y por eso decidi visitarlo.