Art16 PDF
Art16 PDF
Art16 PDF
Caminos, calles y
subdivisin predial. Dibujo de los autores.
E. 1: 50.000
Santiago 1910 map. Architecture, landscape and city. Roads, streets and lots.
Authors drawing.
E. 1: 50.000
Germn Hidalgo
Jos Rosas
Wren Strabucchi
Profesores, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile
Puede producirse conocimiento a travs de un dibujo? La construccin de un plano que retrata una ciudad ya desaparecida da cuenta de esa posibilidad que se verifica naturalmente
en la prctica arquitectnica.
Palabras clave: Urbanismo Chile, territorio, Santiago, levantamiento, paisaje urbano, planimetra.
i. presentacin
a produccin de nuevos conocimientos en los estudios urbanos y en el entendimiento del fenmeno que acaece en
la ciudad entre muchos instrumentos y herramientas de
anlisis encuentran en la representacin grfica un mtodo de investigacin no solo pertinente y adecuado, ya que permite integrar
diversas dimensiones del objeto de estudio, sino que el producto
cartogrfico posibilita una comprensin de la realidad observada y,
en consecuencia, una cierta operatoria sobre ella.
Cartografiar las relaciones espaciales, procesos o estructuras de
un determinado territorio a partir de la informacin proveniente
de distintas fuentes primarias, secundarias e incluso de descripciones de la ciudad registradas en diversos textos, documentos histricos y geogrficos y producir una visin de conjunto, es una
forma de conocimiento1.
En efecto, en el escenario de los mapas, no solo existe la capacidad de representar la totalidad del espacio en un determinado
perodo de tiempo, sino que observar el espacio de configuraciones
especficas que se registran en ese sistema urbano y territorial.
En esta lnea argumental, los trabajos de documentacin cartogrfica, como lo ha dicho el acadmico Jos Ignacio Gonzlez,
cualesquiera sea su escala o tipo, deben cumplir con diversos procesos de anlisis y sntesis, regulados por una serie de etapas que
se inician con la recopilacin de la informacin, procesamiento
de la misma y elaboracin del producto. Cada una de estas etapas
requiere de la aplicacin de un sinnmero de mtodos y tcnicas
(Gonzlez, 1988). Es por ello que el producto de esta investigacin
es un plano, el cual permite, a su vez, aplicar el discurso terico explicitado en el Estudio territorial de las comarcas catalanas (SolMorales, 1981a) desarrollado por Manuel de Sol-Morales2, entre
otros, y del cual se destacan tres temas; a saber, un problema de
identidad, una cultura de la descripcin y el problema del dibujo.
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El centro de Santiago desde el cerro San Cristbal. En primer plano, el ro Mapocho, el parque Forestal y el Museo
de Bellas Artes. Al fondo, el cerro Santa Luca, la iglesia de San Francisco y la Alameda. Fuente: Centro Nacional del
Patrimonio Fotogrfico, Universidad Diego Portales.
Downtown Santiago from San Cristbal hill. Parque Forestal, Fine Arts Museum and Mapocho river in the foreground.
Santa Luca hill, San Francisco church and Alameda appear in the back. Source: Centro Nacional del Patrimonio
Fotogrfico, Universidad Diego Portales.
la visin sinptica es el soporte que permite una visualizacin simultnea del conjunto que las rene y las partes o capas que la especifican. A cada concepto le corresponde no solo una especfica forma de
conocimiento, sino tambin una representacin cartogrfica.
En este marco, una primera hiptesis que la investigacin ha
formulado, problematizado y elaborado en la restitucin y construccin de un plano de la ciudad de Santiago de 1910 es que los
hechos de la arquitectura, la ciudad y el paisaje coexistan coherentemente. Interesa construir un documento grfico que permita
reconocer la naturaleza tipolgica de sus edificaciones y espacios
pblicos, su disposicin en la trama y en el manzanero, a la vez
que cada parte quede situada e identificada en la ciudad y en el
territorio como un todo. A travs de eso se ha intentado recobrar
aquella posibilidad de visualizar y comprender la ciudad de modo
completo, condicin que en el caso de Santiago se ha perdido en
los aos posteriores al centenario de la Repblica, por la creciente extensin y complejidad que fue adquiriendo la ciudad en su
trnsito a metrpolis, lo que se relaciona con una representacin
urbana de tipo abstracto y esquemtico.
Complementariamente, una segunda hiptesis es que en el marco del paradigma moderno del conocimiento cientfico, que exigi
una cada vez mayor abstraccin para registrar la observacin de
los hechos, se dio como consecuencia el abandono de una visualizacin simultneamente fisiognmica y tcnica del todo y sus
partes constituyentes.
Es por ello que los medios de representacin grfica de la ciudad
de Santiago en el siglo xx dado el tamao que la ciudad adquiere
en trminos de superficie y poblacin9, los que reflejan el modo de
desarrollo moderno de la ciudad estuvieron acompaados de una
creciente especificacin de sus distintos componentes: redes, sistemas y subsistemas; a la vez que qued marcada por una cada vez
mayor incapacidad de poder representarla de modo integral.
Es ms, la representacin tcnica de las infraestructuras viarias
y redes de servicio introdujo una desagregacin analtica y analgica de estos componentes de la calle, escindiendo el objeto de
estudio en diversos mapas o planos (Larrain, 1909). Estas dos hiptesis de la investigacin definen y precisan de modo terico las
cualidades de un plano que tiene por intencin la coexistencia de
los hechos de la arquitectura, los de la ciudad y aquellos del paisaje, en un solo documento.
En esta bsqueda10 ha resultado clave la revisin de referentes previos o planos paradigmticos, que a lo largo de la historia
de la cartografa urbana constituyen ejemplos de una relacin
articulada y coherente entre los elementos de la arquitectura, la
ciudad y el paisaje. Bajo esta ptica, se ha querido estudiar con
cierta detencin el plano de la ciudad de Imola, realizado por
Leonardo da Vinci en 1502 (Baratta, 1941); el de Roma, realizado
por Giambattista Nolli en 1748 (Borsi, 1993 y Ceen, 1991); y el
plano de Madrid de 1874 (aa.vv., 1979), realizado por el Instituto
Geogrfico y Estadstico de aquella ciudad. Estas tres reconocidas
planimetras, de distintas pocas de la cultura occidental, han servido como referente para observar y discutir los criterios con los
cuales se ha elaborado el principal producto de esta investigacin.
En este sentido, en el mbito nacional destacan especialmente los planos de Mostardi-Fioretti de 1864 y de Ansart de 1875
(Martnez, 2007). Es as como una primera paradoja que reconoce
la investigacin es que, hacia fines del xix, en los documentos
cartogrficos se produce un giro en el modo en que se representa
la ciudad de Santiago de Chile. En efecto, despus de haber contado con una secuencia de planos que representan con sentido de
integralidad y mirada sinptica la organizacin urbana (Martnez,
2007), esta se pierde al inicio del siglo xx y los planos solo logran
ese objetivo de modo superficial y esquemtico.
Una segunda paradoja es que, a pesar de existir a fines del siglo
xix y principios del xx distintos catastros urbanos de la ciudad de
Santiago de Chile que destacan por su precisin, exhaustividad y
enfoque emprico informacin que se reuni en el trabajo cartogrfico de Alejandro Bertrand, donde de modo consciente y explcito se transmiti una visin total y, al mismo tiempo, detallada
de la ciudad a partir del levantamiento de sus calles muy por el
contrario e independiente de su prdida, esta forma especfica de
conocimiento y representacin se extingui.
El problema de investigacin, las preguntas, las hiptesis antes
mencionadas y especficamente estas dos paradojas dotan de sentido y justifican la construccin de un plano de Santiago de 1910 a
escala 1: 5.000. En primer lugar, por la posibilidad de reunir en un
En 1900 Santiago cubra una superficie de 5.085 hectreas y tena 256 mil habitantes
(Martnez, 2007).
L E C T U R AS | R E AD I N G S 67
aa.vv. Cartografa bsica de la ciudad de Madrid, planos histricos, topogrficos y parcelarios de
los siglos xvii, xviii, xix y xx. Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos, Madrid, 1979.
agamben, Giorgio. Signatura rerum. Sobre el mtodo. Editorial Anagrama - Coleccin
Argumentos, Barcelona, 2010.
baratta, Mario. I Manoscritti e i disegni di Leonardo da Vinci: disegni geografici conservati nel
castello di Windsor. La libreria dello stato, Reale Commissioni Vinciana, Ministro dell Educazione
Nazionale, Roma, 1941.
berger, John. Modos de ver. Editorial Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 2007.
borsi, Stefano. Roma di Benedetto XIV: La pianta de Giovanni Battista Nolli, 1748. Officina
Edizioni, Roma, 1993.
corvaln, Ignacio. La ilustre representacin del encargo municipal. saavedra, Miguel (ed.).
El catastro urbano de Santiago. Orgenes, desarrollo y aplicaciones. Direccin de Obras
Municipales de la Ilustre Municipalidad de Santiago, Santiago, 2008, p. 74-89.
de sol-Morales, Ignas. Presente y futuro de las ciudades. Territorios. Editorial Gustavo Gili,
Barcelona, 2002, p. 82.
de sol-morales, Manuel. La forma de un pas. Revista Quaderns darquitectura i urbanisme
Extra N 1. Col-legi dArquitectes de Catalunya, Barcelona, 1981(a), p. 4.
de sol-Morales, Manuel. La identidad del territorio. Revista Quaderns darquitectura i urbanisme
Extra N 1. Col-legi dArquitectes de Catalunya, Barcelona, 1981(b), p. 3.
de sol- morales, Manuel. De cosas urbanas. Editorial Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 2008.
garcs, Eugenio. Las ciudades del salitre. Un estudio comparativo de los modelos de asentamiento salitreros en la Regin de Antofagasta (Chile). El caso de las oficinas Mara Elena y Pedro
de Valdivia. Tesis doctoral etsab (sin publicar), Barcelona, 1987.
gonzlez, Jos Ignacio et l. La cartografa temtica. Ediciones Universidad Catlica de Chile,
primera edicin, Santiago, 1988, p. 68 y 69.
hidalgo, Germn. Vistas panormicas de Santiago 1790-1910. Su desarrollo urbano bajo la mirada
de dibujantes, pintores y fotgrafos. Ediciones Universidad Catlica y Ediciones Origo, Santiago, 2010.
ibelings, Hans. Urbanidad. de sol-Morales, Manuel. De cosas urbanas. Editorial Gustavo Gili,
Barcelona, 2008, p. 10.
iturriaga, Sandra. El paisaje del ro. De memoria en memoria. Revista CA N 147. Colegio de
Arquitectos de Chile a.g., Santiago, 2011, p. 86-91.
larran bravo, Ricardo. La higiene aplicada en las construcciones: alcantarillado, agua potable,
saneamiento, calefaccin, ventilacin. Editorial Cervantes, Santiago, 1909.
marshall, Stephen (ed.). Urban Coding and Planning. Routledge, Londres, 2011.
martnez, Ren. Santiago de Chile. Los planos de su historia. Siglos xvi-xx. De aldea a metrpolis.
Municipalidad de Santiago y Centro de Investigaciones Diego Barros Arana, Santiago, 2007, p.
11; 32-69; 72-73; 92-93.
nolli, Giambattista. The Nolli Plan of Rome 1748: Facsimile. J.H. Aronson, Highmount, 1984.
prez de arce, Rodrigo, torrent, Horacio y Sebastin bianchi. Los mrgenes posibles del valle
del Aconcagua. El valor propositivo de la representacin arquitectnica. Revista ARQ N 34.
Ediciones ARQ, Santiago, 1996.
prez, Fernando. Cuatro observaciones sobre la planta. Revista ARQ N 58. Ediciones ARQ,
Santiago, 2004, p. 25.
prez, Fernando y Jos rosas. Portraying and planning a city. Santiago de Chile by Teofilo
Mostardi-Fioretti (1864) and Ernesto Ansart (1875). dym, Jordana y Karl offen. Mapping Latin
America. A cartographic reader. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2011.
piglia, Ricardo. Plata quemada. Editorial Anagrama, Barcelona, 1997.
rosas, Jos. La manzana y tipo edificatorio en transformacin: el centro de Santiago y las constantes de la ciudad hispanoamericana. Tesis doctoral etsab (sin publicar), Barcelona, 1986.
rosas, Jos y Elvira prez. La manzana de la catedral en el desarrollo de la ciudad de Santiago:
dialctica entre norma formal y episodio notable. Revista 180 N 26. Facultad de Arquitectura,
Arte y Diseo de la Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, 2010, p. 16-21.
rosas, Jos; strabucchi, Wren; hidalgo, Germn e Italo cordano. Santiago 1910. Tramas del
ocio. Revista ARQ N 74. Ediciones ARQ, Santiago, 2010, p. 68-71.
rosas, Jos; vicua, Magdalena y Lorena faras. Santiago 1910-2010: un siglo de persistencias y
transformaciones. rosas, Jos; greene, Margarita y Luis valenzuela. Santiago proyecto urbano.
Ediciones ARQ, Santiago, 2011.
schlgel, Karl. En el espacio leemos el tiempo. Sobre historia de la civilizacin y geopoltica.
Original de 2003. Ediciones Siruela, Madrid, 2007, p. 99, 101, 104, 299.
sennett, Richard. El artesano. Original de 2008. Editorial Anagrama, Barcelona, 2009.
squella, Germn. Lecturas urbanas: la otra forma de la ciudad Santiago de Chile. Lectura de las
claves estructurales de la morfologa de los tejidos de la ciudad. Tesis doctoral etsab (sin publicar), Barcelona, 2006.
Germn Hidalgo | Arquitecto, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile, 1991 y Doctor en Teora
e Historia de la Arquitectura, Escola Tcnica Superior dArquitectura de Barcelona, 2000. Desde
1993 realiza docencia e investigacin en la Escuela de Arquitectura de la UC, donde actualmente
es profesor asociado.
Jos Rosas | Arquitecto, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile, 1976; Magster en Desarrollo
Urbano, UC, 1984 y Doctor en Arquitectura, Escola Tcnica Superior dArquitectura de Barcelona,
1986. Entre 1997 y 2000 fue director de la Escuela de Arquitectura de la UC. Entre 2000 y 2003
fue director de la Escuela de Arquitectura Carlos Ral Villanueva y coordinador de Maestra de
Diseo Arquitectnico de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad Central de
Venezuela; actualmente es decano de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseo y Estudios Urbanos de
la Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile.
Wren Strabucci | Arquitecto, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile, 1984, y Ph.D. en
Arquitectura, University of Cambridge, 2001. Desde 1989 es profesor de la Escuela de
Arquitectura de la UC. Actualmente es profesor de Taller de proyectos de II semestre y de los
programas de Magster en Arquitectura y Doctorado en Arquitectura y Estudios Urbanos de la UC.
L E C T U R AS | R E AD I N G S 69
Germn Hidalgo
Jos Rosas
Wren Strabucchi
Professors, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile
Can a mere drawing produce knowledge? The elaboration of a map that portraits an old city
one that doesnt exist anymore tells about that natural condition of architectural practice.
Keywords: Urbanism Chile, territory, Santiago, survey, urban landscape, plans.
With regards to the knowledge and interests introduced by maps, it is important to note that they are neither timeless nor supratemporal, but are rather
created as history unfurls. This does not decrease the value of their truths, but
rather offers us the key to employ the entire range of interpretative and analytic tools. Every map has its time and its place, its point of view, its perspective,
and, when read correctly, they offer us the key to understanding not only the
world as it was configured but also the orientation and purposes of those who
constructed that vision of the world. Hence, a history of spatial representation,
of cartography, is always one of a creative process as well.
Karl Schlgel. In Space, we Read the Time.
i. presentation
he production of new knowledge in urban studies and in
the understanding of the phenomenon that is taking place
in the city find in graphic representation among many instruments and tools of analysis an investigation method that is
not only pertinent and adequate (seeing as it allows for the integration of a variety of dimensions of the object of study), but
that also makes possible a true understanding of the reality observed and, consequently, a certain ability to operate upon it.
A type of knowledge emerges from mapping spatial relationships, processes and structures of a determined territory; from
information offered by a variety of primary and secondary sources, and even descriptions of the city from different texts, historic
papers and geographical documents; and from producing a complete vision of the whole.1
In fact, in the realm of maps, it is not only possible to represent an entire area over a specific time span, but also to observe
in that space specific configurations that are registered in that
urban and territorial system.
Along this line of argument, works of cartographic documentation, as the academic Jose Ignacio Gonzalez has said, whatever
their scale or type should comply with a variety of analysis and
synthesis processes, regulated by a series of stages that begin with
the compilation and processing of information and the elaboration of the product. Each of these stages requires the application
of an infinite number of methods and techniques (Gonzlez,
1988). For this reason, the product of this research is a map
which also allows the theoretical discourse to be applied which
is explained in the Land Study of the Catalonian regions (Sol-Morales,
1981a) developed by Manuel de Sol-Morales2, among others, and
in which three issues are identified: the identity problem, the
1 This article is intimately related to the attachment that accompanies this magazine and
includes the map of Santiago in 1910, scale 1: 5,000, the main product of this investigation.
2 The influences of the Laboratorio de Urbanismo de Barcelona as an institution, a national
medium and Manuel de Sol-Moraless role as architect, both in his theoretical focus and his
methodology, are noteworthy.
A list of papers works derived from this position are included in the present bibliography.
3 fondecyt project N 1085253, previously cited.
4 The team at Municipality of Santiagos Works Department: Miguel Saavedra, Gustavo
Carrasco, Ignacio Corvaln and Claudio Contreras.
5 Assistants included Francisca Carter, Carmen Verdugo, Carlos Silva and Felipe Lanuza; and
thesis students Christian Saavedra, Mara Jos Besoain and Gabriel Allende.
6 Santiago map. Imprenta y Litografa Amrica, 1910 (Martnez, 2007).
7 Regarding this matter several papers have been produced by students at Universidad
Catlica School of Architecture: Silva, Carlos. Informe Metodologa de Dibujo Ao 3, March
2011; Lanuza, Felipe. Restitucin planimtrica. Trazados e infraestructuras ferroviarias de
Santiago 1910, March 2011; Carter, Francisca y Carmen Verdugo. Construccin del Plano
de Santiago de 1910. Metodologa y estado de avance, capas ciudad y arquitectura, March
2010; Saavedra, Christian. Construccin plano de Santiago 1910. Mtodo y avance capa
paisaje: espacio pblico y ruralidad, March 2010; Saavedra, Christian y Lanuza, Felipe. Los
planos de rectificacin de la calles de Santiago, 1890 de Alejandro Bertrand, March 2010.
L E C T U R AS | R E AD I N G S 71
spect. An attempt is made to recognize in one single cartographical document the typological nature of the elements or parts,
without losing sight of the identification of the city as a whole.
In a certain sense and now in the role of scrutinizing the urban
phenomenon of Santiago in 1910, we find ourselves in a situation
where representing the reality of the past requires conjecture since
makes current something that was concealed and offered little historical information. With this idea, one must recognize a type of
circularity between the discovery and resolution of this conjecture
and the graphic document in terms of synthesis and identification
of a storyline. This is because in order to correctly interpret what
has been discovered, the careful creation of its representation is
fundamental. Therefore, the role of the detective has to yield to, as
Sennett says, the role of the goldsmith (Sennett, 2008).
This route, in the case of the drawing and the representation
of the urban phenomenon, is directly associated with the choice
of a scale for the work and measures the tangible reality of the
map in question. The construction of the map is not only the representation on paper of the buildings (the representation of the
milestones once the enigmas and conjectures have been resolved),
but also has to be the best expression possible for interpreting the
relationships between space and place.
In fact, a large scale introduces the aspect of materiality not
only in representing it, since this type of drawing allows for the
registration of details from the urban fabric, but also in the reality of the drawing itself which demands precision. A certain connection and concordance between the phenomenon observed and
its transcription must be resolved.
The map from the goldsmiths point of view offers both a
visual representation of the city and a kind of tactility, given the
textures and layers it reveals. In this way, both its scale (maintaining consistency in what it wishes to represent) and its construction (a more detailed and meticulous way of looking at the
city) must deliver proof of the maps weight and substance as a
product, providing as evidence the materialization of the architecture, landscape and city.
The work meets this goal with visual images (drawings, paintings and photographs) that offer new clues about these milestones. In fact, they create a link that allows the phenomenon
of the physical city as-is and the city as-represented to unite in
a new dimension (Hidalgo, 2010). In addition, as Schlgel indicates, the texts and images on the maps are representations
of reality. They speak the language of their authors and dont
speak of that which their cartographer doesnt want to or doesnt
know how to say. A map says more than a thousand words, but it
also refrains from saying more than could be said in a thousand
words (Schlgel, 2003).
Therefore, it can be deduced that the investigator, as the detective, has a mission to represent the facts of what really happened as faithfully as possible; and, as goldsmith, must carefully
construct and register those facts on the map. Together, they are
the two sides of one coin in this work whose product is the resolution of conjecture by way of cartographic representation of an
urban phenomenon. The discovery is the value of this graphic
document to make accessible the system for which clarification is
being sought.
conceptual keys. the problem, the questions,
hypotheses and paradoxes
According to Sol-Morales, it becomes necessary to establish
continuity due to great differences in size, work in simultane-
this practice has been lost since the Republics centennial due to
the increasing extension and complexity that the city acquired
along its path to metropolis, related to an urban representation of
the abstract and schematic type.
A second, complementary hypothesis is that due to the framework of the modern paradigm of scientific knowledge, which
every day requires better abstraction to record the observation of
milestones, a simultaneously physiognomic and technical visualization of the whole and its parts was abandoned.
For this reason, the graphic representation mediums of the city
of Santiago in the 20th century that reflected its modern development given its size in terms of surface area and population8 were
accompanied by increasing specification of its different parts: networks, systems and subsystems, etc. At the same time, an increasing inability to represent it in an integrated way is observed.
Additionally, the technical representation of the road network
infrastructure and the service networks introduced an analytical
and analog breakdown of these components of the street, dividing the object of study up into a variety of maps or street plans
(Larrain, 1909). These two investigational hypotheses define and
specify, in a theoretical way, the qualities of the plan whose goal
is the coexistence of architectural, city and landscape milestones
in one single document.
In this search9, it has been key to review existing references
and paradigmatic maps that, over the course of urban cartography
history, have been examples of an articulated and coherent relationship among the elements of architecture, city and landscape.
With this in mind, we carefully studied the map of the city of
Imola created by Leonardo da Vinci in 1502 (Baratta, 1941); that
of Rome created by Giambattista Nolli in 1748 (Borsi, 1993 and
Ceen, 1991) and the 1874 map of Madrid (aa.vv., 1979), by the
Instituto Geogrfico y Estadstico (Geographic and Statistical
Institute) of Madrid. These three renowned maps from a variety
of periods of western culture, have served as references to observe
and discuss the criterion under which the main product of this
investigation has been undertaken.
In this sense, in the national realm, the maps of MostardiFioretti of 1864 and Ansart of 1875 (Martnez, 2007) are especially exceptional. The first paradox that the investigation happened upon was that towards the end of the nineteenth century,
a change takes place in the way the city of Santiago, Chile is represented in cartographic documents. In fact, after a series of maps
that represent the urban organization in an integrated and synoptic way (Martnez, 2007), this tendency stops at the beginning of
the 20th century and subsequent maps only obtain it in superficial
and schematic ways.
Urban registers of Santiago, Chile from the end of the 19th
and beginning of the 20th century were exceptionally precise, exhaustive and focused. One example is that of Alejandro Bertrand
who brought together information in a conscious and explicit
way, transmitting by way of street surveys a vision of the city
that was comprehensive and at the same time precise. A second
paradox lies in the fact that despite this, and for reasons other
than physical loss, this particular form of knowledge and representation ended.
The problem of investigation, the questions and the hypotheses
previously mentioned and, in particular, these two paradoxes
make sense of and justify the construction of a map of Santiago
in 1910 at a scale of 1: 5,000. In the first place, it brings together
in one single document detailed information as never before
available. And secondly, this cartographic construction poignantly
reveals and represents Santiagos state of transition from premodern to modern city.
construction of the map: architecture,
city and landscape
The main product of this investigation is a map that attempts to
represent the coherent coexistence of the elements of architecture,
city and landscape on a scale that allows for this. Representation
of each unit is important, but the breakdown of the urban form
in architecture, city and landscape has the goal of focusing our
attention to better understand the complete fabric.
Independent of any definition, we have selected these three
categories to represent urban organization, once again coinciding with Schlgel, who says: A map which represents everything
doesnt represent anything and is senseless. It produces either
chaos or confusion. Maps only manage to accomplish something by enhancing one thing and getting rid of everything else
(Schlgel, 2003).
The distinction among the architecture, city and landscape
milestones is not as important as the reflection that each of these
categories, or layers of representation, allows for the understanding of the material of the space. Most certainly, one is interested
in representing the urban material, as Sol-Morales says.
This is all the more true in the production of a retrospective
map, of a city one hundred years ago, whose transience depends
upon more than its background and historic sources, than the
precise surveys that show the concrete nature of its streets, avenues, private homes, buildings and public spaces. In the strictest sense, it is the creation of a map with inverted meaning; not
meant to abstract or simplify the phenomenon of the present
reality, nor to move in close to understand the details of the phenomenon of an absent reality.
Because of this, trying to transcribe the complex and rich reality of this organization requires a process that reproduces in a
very exact way the information obtained, articulates the primary
sources, their assembly, the different ways of transcribing and the
assembly of the whole to end up with the succinct description
provided by the main map and its three readings.
Because of this, trying to transcribe the complex and rich reality of this organization requires a process that reproduces in a
very exact way the information obtained, articulates the primary
sources, their assembly, the different ways of transcribing and the
assembly of the whole to end up with the succinct description
provided by the main map and its three readings (Prez, 2004).
In the creation of the map, the following stages were defined:
one of standardization, which consisted of the digitalization and
vectorization of the primary sources; the construction, which con8 In 1900 Santiago covered a surface of 5,085 hectares and had 256,000 inhabitants
(Martnez, 2007).
9 Whenever possible, we have worked with facsimile-sized maps, in order that their readings
be as similar as possible to that of the originals. This recognizes the importance of careful
treatment of the studys sources. We have attempted to make clear their importance to this
analysis. Because of this, an informational insert has been included that aims to be as exhaustive as possible and reveal the details and circumstances of the creation of each document.
10 This material was compiled by the architect and co-investigator of this project, Italo Cordano,
over the course of 20 years.
11 Another main source of the planimetry referred to were photographs. Photographic archives
were created for each case. Co-investigator German Hidalgo was in charge of this task which
gave birth to the book Vistas panormicas de Santiago 1790-1910. Su desarrollo urbano
bajo la mirada de dibujantes, pintores y fotgrafos.
12 The charts which capture the geographic framework of Santiago in 1910 are 4: Northern
Santiago from the northeast; Southern Santiago from the southeast; Renca from the
northwest; and Maip from the southwest.l
L E C T U R AS | R E AD I N G S 73
13 This project was awarded as the second stage of the Project fondecyt N 1085253 Santiago
1910: Construccin planimtrica de la ciudad premoderna. Transcripciones entre el
fenmeno de la ciudad fsica dada y la ciudad representada. 2008-2011 to be executed
between 2011 and 2014.
14 A precise and recognizable scale has been opted for, conventionally used by members
of this discipline. A fine adjustment according to other criteria could cause proportional
reductions, which are not as clear and specific. While it is true that they could approach an
optimal reading of the representation, they could also distort the map as an observation tool,
comparable and mutable in relation to other representations.
Germn Hidalgo | Architect, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile, 1991 and Doctor in
Theory and History of Architecture, Escola Tcnica Superior dArquitectura de Barcelona, 2000.
Since 1993 he teaches and researches at the UC School of Architecture, where he currently is
Associated professor.
Jos Rosas | Architect, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile, 1976; Master in Urban
Development, UC, 1984 and Doctor in Architecture, Escola Tcnica Superior dArquitectura de
Barcelona, 1986. Between 1997 and 2000 he was director at the UC School of Architecture.
Between 2000 and 2003 he was director at the Carlos Ral Villanueva School of Architecture
and coordinator at the Master in Architectural Design at Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo
from Universidad Central de Venezuela. He is the current dean at Pontificia Universidad Catlica
de Chile Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseo y Estudios Urbanos.
Wren Strabucci | Architect, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile, 1984 and Ph.D. in
Architecture, University of Cambridge, 2001. Since 1989 he teaches at the UC School of
Architecture. He is currently teaching a II semester Design Studio; he also teaches at the UC
Master in Architecture and Doctorate in Architecture and Urban Studies programs.
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