Arquitectura y Humanismo
Arquitectura y Humanismo
Arquitectura y Humanismo
Arquitectura y Humanismo
Architecture and Humanism
Helena Garca Hermida
ISBN: 978-84-944528-3-3
Depsito Legal: M-33222-2015
Artia Comunicacin
Alejandro Garca Hermida
Las Estaciones se marcaban con El monasterio de San Agustn Tambin habra que derribar un edificio
edculas arquitectnicas muy sencillas extramuros con su portada de Hernn situado a lo largo de la Calzada tras
al borde de la Calzada, parecidas a Ruiz, hoy desmontada, y su gran el cual la urbanstica reciente dej
los de la Calzada de los Misterios claustro y escalera, ruinosos, han sido un espacio libre de gran tamao,
de Guadalupe, en Mxico, y tenan objeto de otro estudio especfico que suficiente para la construccin de un
azulejos que se han renovado hoy no traemos aqu. edificio de correcta arquitectura capaz
recientemente y colocado sobre los de dar vivienda a los de los edificios a
edificios colindantes. En la calzada se proponen tratamientos derribar. El coste total de la operacin
Hace unos aos plateamos un programa vegetales y arquitectnicos sobre los no es ninguna locura. Se proyecta,
grfico de reordenacin del espacio tramos del acueducto subsistentes y a lo por supuesto un nuevo espacio
definido por el Va Crucis de la largo de todo el eje urbano. Se incluye ambiental ajardinado para el bellsimo
Calzada, para poner en valor este eje la reconstruccin de tres modelos de Humilladero, que se puede ver en
urbano de Sevilla lamentablemente edculas para las estaciones al borde del planos y dibujos que se adjuntan.
degradado. acerado, con copias a mayor escala del
Va Crucis del siglo XVIII del Museo Se acompaan propuestas de
Inicibamos con la reposicin de de Artes y Costumbres Populares. Por reconstruccin posible de otras puertas
la fuente desmontada y sustituida la cara hacia el acerado se colocaran demolidas de la Ciudad.
por una estatua, no muy feliz, del los del siglo XX repuestos por las
pintor Francisco de Zurbarn que Hermandades Sevillanas y la Duquesa
trasladbamos a la plaza de San de Medinaceli en las fachadas.
Agustn. Se planteaba la reconstruccin,
totalmente viable por el abundante La actuacin ms trascendente consiste
material fotogrfico existente, de Puerta en liberar el edificio colindante con la
de Carmona y se inclua tambin la Cruz del Campo y dar un tratamiento
excavacin y reconstruccin de los arcos a la medianera resultante y en cuyo
del acueducto que intestaban en la ngulo se alojara una reconstruccin
muralla. levemente simplificada de la destruida
Ermita de la Soledad.
Fachada lateral de la casa de Pilatos, con galera del s. XVII para escenificar la Primera Estacin: Jess ante Pilatos- Ecce Homo
La llamada Puerta de Triana en la actualidad Fotomontaje de la Puerta de Triana para una posible reconstruccin
La Puerta Real de Sevilla en la actualidad Puerta Real antes de su derribo con Propuesta de reconstruccin de la Puerta
vista desde la ciudad capillas adosadas Real y de la Capilla de la Merced
Restitucin de la antigua fuente de la plaza de Pilatos hoy desmontada
Monumento a Zurbarn trasladado a la inmediata Plaza de San Agustn, y propuesta de ajardinamiento
La Puerta de Carmona en la actualidad
La Puerta de Carmona con la restitucin de su portada renacentista de Asensio de Maeda y el arranque del acueducto
Litografa romntica de Prez Villaamil de la Puerta de Carmona Montaje fotogrfico de la puerta
Propuesta de reconstruccin de algunos arcos hacia la ciudad y de Restauracin reciente en la que se han ensaado introduciendo en el
tratamiento vegetal para dar un fondo digno al Acueducto specus una innecesaria estructura metlica
Dibujo que recoge el edificio en cuyo acerado se reconstruye una de las catorce estaciones del Viacrucis
que se proponen reponer al filo de la calzada a lo largo de la misma
Una antigua pintura en la que se ve a los penitentes y flagelantes en la Calzada
camino de la Cruz del Campo haciendo las estaciones del Viacrucis
Edificio que se propone derribar Reconstruccin de la Ermita de la Soledad y tratamiento de la medianera
tras el derribo del edificio actual. A la derecha un contrafuerte de esquina
de la Cruz del Campo
La Cruz del Campo con los edificios que la rodean Litografa romntica de la Cruz del Campo
Fotografa area del conjunto urbano entorno a la Cruz del Campo. ( Dentro del crculo)
Obsrvese el espacio no construido salvado por el urbanista y que no beneficia bajo ningn concepto al monumento
Propuesta de nueva ordenacin que derriba el edificio a ocupar por la Ermita de la Soledad y
construccin de dos bloques de arquitectura digna ocupando las zonas vacas y creando un jardn y un
eje peatonal que ponga el valor el humilladero de la Cruz del Campo
El nuevo paseo de la Cruz del Campo El rea de la Cruz del Campo desde el eje de la Calzada con la Giralda al fondo
Vista romntica de la Cruz del Campo por Joaqun Domnguez Bcquer
La experiencia de la Madrid Traditional Architecture and Urbanism Summerschool 2015
The Madrid Traditional Architecture and Urbanism Summerschool 2015 experience
Alejandro Garca Hermida, Frank Martnez y Lucien Steil
El trabajo se desarroll
fundamentalmente en los espacios
cedidos con gran generosidad por la
Biblioteca Pblica Municipal Eugenio
Tras, en la Casa de Fieras de El Retiro de
Madrid. Su directora, Estela Gonzalo, y
todo el personal de la biblioteca fueron
un integrante ms del equipo. Sin ellos
y sin su amable ayuda este trabajo no
habra alcanzado tan buenos resultados
en un tiempo tan breve.
The Madrid Traditional Architecture urban repair and embellishment projects
and Urbanism 2015 Summer School for five spaces of Madrids historic
took place between the 15th and 21st of center: the Plaza del Carmen, the Plaza
June 2015. It was organized by Rafael de las Descalzas-San Martn, the Plaza
Manzano Martos Prize, the School of de Jacinto Benavente, the Plaza de los
Architecture at the University of Notre Mostenses and the Plaza Santo Domingo.
Dame and the School of Architecture
at the University of Miami, thanks to The analytical fieldwork was
the support of the Richard H. Driehaus accompanied from the first day with a
Charitable Lead Trust. It had also the series of short lectures on urban history
privileged collaboration of the Madrid of the project areas, and of Madrid
City Hall, the Universidad Alfonso X architectural and constructive traditions.
el Sabio, the Universidad Politcnica The participants were also thoroughly
de Madrid, the Universidad de Alcal, briefed on the municipal policies for the
INTBAU Spain and the Centro de conservation of the center of Madrid,
Investigacin de Arquitectura Tradicional particularly as concerns the identity of
(CIAT). urban landscapes. The lecturers were
prominent representatives of the many
This international summer school of institutions that collaborated in the
drawing and architectural and urban activity: Jaime de Hoz (Universidad
design was primarily aimed to introduce Alfonso X el Sabio), Jos Francisco Garca
participants to the use of local traditions (Director General of Cultural Heritage
of architecture and urbanism as a tool for and Quality of Urban Landscape of the
the contemporary practice of architecture City of Madrid) Emilio Martnez Vidal
and urbanism. The participants came (Manager of Planning of the City of
from diverse schools, had different ages, Madrid), Rosa Cervera (Universidad
various backgrounds and nationalities, de Alcal), Fernando Vela (Universidad
and contributed enthusiastically to Politcnica de Madrid) and Jean-Franois
different revitalization proposals and Lejeune (University of Miami).
Imagen de la Madrid Traditional Architecture and Urbanism Summerschool 2015
The Madrid Summerschool workshop The studio activities were located in
was coordinated and taught by Lucien the spaces generously donated by the
Steil (University of Notre Dame), Frank Biblioteca Pblica Municipal Eugenio
Martnez (University of Miami) and Tras, in the Casa de Fieras de El Retiro
Alejandro Garca Hermida (Universidad de Madrid. The director, Estela Gonzalo,
Alfonso X el Sabio) and assisted by and all the library staff were efficiently
Javier de Mingo. The participants supporting the Summerschool with
worked in small project teams on the sympathy and professionalism. Without
various projects interacting with all three them and their kind assistance, this
professors: Mamen Muela Amorrich, work would not have achieved such
Irene Muoz Fernndez, ngel Snchez outstanding results in such a short time.
Jimnez and Molly Visk were the
authors of the Project for the Plaza del On the last day of the Madrid
Carmen. Maureen Brown, Elena Gallego Summerschool the final proposals
de Velasco, Joseph Jutras and Mara were presented during a final review
OConnor Nebot, of the proposal for the to the representatives of the various
Plaza de Jacinto Benavente. Jorge Alonso participating institutions and the
Albendea, David Cobos Prez, scar Jos interested public. This public
Garca Martnez, Aleksandrina Ivaylova presentation was also attended by
Marinova and Ismael Pizarro Muoz prominent members of the Rafael
worked on the Plaza and Mercado de Manzano Martos Prize 2015 jury,
los Mostenses. Alberto Cubillo Romero, Michael Lykoudis, Leon Krier, Melissa
Andrea Gezmes Alonso, ilvinas DelVecchio, Leopoldo Gil and Rafael
Klivickas and Ins Mendoza Gutirrez, Manzano himself, who reviewed each of
in the Plaza de Santo Domingo. And the proposals, applauded the excellence
Marina Rivero Prez, Alvaro Rodriguez of the work and made suggestions and
de Azevedo, Gonzalo Snchez Candenas recommendations to improve various
and Jaime Segovia, on the Plaza las aspects of the exhibited projects.
Descalzas and on San Martn.
Propuesta para la Plaza del Carmen. Configuracin histrica.
Mamen Muela Amorrich, Irene Muoz Fernndez, ngel Snchez Jimnez y Molly Visk
Propuesta para la Plaza del Carmen. Estado actual.
Mamen Muela Amorrich, Irene Muoz Fernndez, ngel Snchez Jimnez y Molly Visk
Propuesta para la Plaza del Carmen. Estado reformado.
Mamen Muela Amorrich, Irene Muoz Fernndez, ngel Snchez Jimnez y Molly Visk
Propuesta para la Plaza del Carmen. Estado actual. Propuesta para la Plaza del Carmen. Estado reformado.
Mamen Muela Amorrich, Irene Muoz Fernndez, ngel Snchez Mamen Muela Amorrich, Irene Muoz Fernndez, ngel Snchez
Jimnez y Molly Visk Jimnez y Molly Visk
Propuesta para la Plaza del Carmen. Vista de la propuesta. Propuesta para la Plaza del Carmen. Vista de la propuesta.
Mamen Muela Amorrich, Irene Muoz Fernndez, ngel Snchez Mamen Muela Amorrich, Irene Muoz Fernndez, ngel Snchez
Jimnez y Molly Visk Jimnez y Molly Visk
Propuesta para la Plaza de Santo Domingo. Vista de su configuracin histrica.
Alberto Cubillo Romero, Andrea Gezmes Alonso, ilvinas Klivickas e Ins Mendoza Gutirrez
Propuesta para la Plaza de Santo Domingo. Estado actual.
Alberto Cubillo Romero, Andrea Gezmes Alonso, ilvinas Klivickas e Ins Mendoza Gutirrez
Propuesta para la Plaza de Santo Domingo. Estado reformado.
Alberto Cubillo Romero, Andrea Gezmes Alonso, ilvinas Klivickas e Ins Mendoza Gutirrez
Propuesta para la Plaza de Santo Domingo. Vista del estado actual. Propuesta para la Plaza de Santo Domingo. Vista de la propuesta.
Alberto Cubillo Romero, Andrea Gezmes Alonso, ilvinas Klivickas Alberto Cubillo Romero, Andrea Gezmes Alonso, ilvinas Klivickas e Ins
e Ins Mendoza Gutirrez Mendoza Gutirrez
Propuesta para la Plaza de Santo Domingo. Vista del estado actual. Propuesta para la Plaza de Santo Domingo. Vista de la propuesta.
Alberto Cubillo Romero, Andrea Gezmes Alonso, ilvinas Klivickas Alberto Cubillo Romero, Andrea Gezmes Alonso, ilvinas Klivickas
e Ins Mendoza Gutirrez e Ins Mendoza Gutirrez
Propuesta para la Plaza de Santo Domingo. Detalles de la Propuesta para la Plaza de Santo Domingo. Vista nocturna de la propuesta.
propuesta. Alberto Cubillo Romero, Andrea Gezmes Alonso, Alberto Cubillo Romero, Andrea Gezmes Alonso, ilvinas Klivickas e Ins
ilvinas Klivickas e Ins Mendoza Gutirrez Mendoza Gutirrez
Propuesta para la Plaza de Jacinto Benavente. Configuracin histrica.
Maureen Brown, Elena Gallego de Velasco, Joseph Jutras y Mara OConnor Nebot
Propuesta para la Plaza de Jacinto Benavente. Estado actual.
Maureen Brown, Elena Gallego de Velasco, Joseph Jutras y Mara OConnor Nebot
Propuesta para la Plaza de Jacinto Benavente. Estado reformado.
Maureen Brown, Elena Gallego de Velasco, Joseph Jutras y Mara OConnor Nebot
Propuesta para la Plaza de Jacinto Benavente. Estado actual. Propuesta para la Plaza de Jacinto Benavente. Estado reformado.
Maureen Brown, Elena Gallego de Velasco, Joseph Jutras y Mara Maureen Brown, Elena Gallego de Velasco, Joseph Jutras y Mara
OConnor Nebot OConnor Nebot
Propuesta para la Plaza de Jacinto Benavente. Vista de la propuesta.
Maureen Brown, Elena Gallego de Velasco, Joseph Jutras y Mara OConnor Nebot
Propuesta para la Plaza de Jacinto Benavente. Vista de la propuesta.
Maureen Brown, Elena Gallego de Velasco, Joseph Jutras y Mara OConnor Nebot
Propuesta para la Plaza de Jacinto Benavente. Vista de la propuesta.
Maureen Brown, Elena Gallego de Velasco, Joseph Jutras y Mara OConnor Nebot
Propuesta para la Plaza de los Mostenses. Estado actual.
Jorge Alonso Albendea, David Cobos Prez, scar Jos Garca Martnez, Aleksandrina Ivaylova
Marinova e Ismael Pizarro Muoz
Propuesta para la Plaza de los Mostenses. Estado reformado.
Jorge Alonso Albendea, David Cobos Prez, scar Jos Garca Martnez, Aleksandrina Ivaylova
Marinova e Ismael Pizarro Muoz
Propuesta para la Plaza de los Mostenses. Seccin actual por el mercado.
Jorge Alonso Albendea, David Cobos Prez, scar Jos Garca Martnez, Aleksandrina Ivaylova Marinova e Ismael Pizarro Muoz
Propuesta para la Plaza de los Mostenses. Seccin propuesta por el mercado.
Jorge Alonso Albendea, David Cobos Prez, scar Jos Garca Martnez, Aleksandrina Ivaylova Marinova e Ismael Pizarro Muoz
Propuesta para la Plaza de los Mostenses. Estado actual. Propuesta para la Plaza de los Mostenses. Estado reformado.
Jorge Alonso Albendea, David Cobos Prez, scar Jos Garca Jorge Alonso Albendea, David Cobos Prez, scar Jos Garca
Martnez, Aleksandrina Ivaylova Marinova e Ismael Pizarro Muoz Martnez, Aleksandrina Ivaylova Marinova e Ismael Pizarro Muoz
Propuesta para la Plaza de los Mostenses. Vista del estado actual. Propuesta para la Plaza de los Mostenses. Vista de la propuesta.
Jorge Alonso Albendea, David Cobos Prez, scar Jos Garca Jorge Alonso Albendea, David Cobos Prez, scar Jos Garca
Martnez, Aleksandrina Ivaylova Marinova e Ismael Pizarro Muoz Martnez, Aleksandrina Ivaylova Marinova e Ismael Pizarro Muoz
Propuesta para la Plaza de los Mostenses. Vista del estado actual. Propuesta para la Plaza de los Mostenses. Vista de la propuesta.
Jorge Alonso Albendea, David Cobos Prez, scar Jos Garca Jorge Alonso Albendea, David Cobos Prez, scar Jos Garca
Martnez, Aleksandrina Ivaylova Marinova e Ismael Pizarro Muoz Martnez, Aleksandrina Ivaylova Marinova e Ismael Pizarro Muoz
Propuesta para la Plaza de los Mostenses. Vista de la propuesta.
Jorge Alonso Albendea, David Cobos Prez, scar Jos Garca Martnez, Aleksandrina Ivaylova Marinova e Ismael Pizarro Muoz
Propuesta para las Plazas de las Descalzas y San Martn. Estado actual.
Marina Rivero Prez, Alvaro Rodriguez de Azevedo, Gonzalo Snchez Candenas y Jaime Segovia
Propuesta para las Plazas de las Descalzas y San Martn. Estado reformado.
Marina Rivero Prez, Alvaro Rodriguez de Azevedo, Gonzalo Snchez Candenas y Jaime Segovia
Propuesta para las Plazas de las Descalzas y San Martn. Estado Propuesta para las Plazas de las Descalzas y San Martn. Estado
actual. Marina Rivero Prez, Alvaro Rodriguez de Azevedo, reformado. Marina Rivero Prez, Alvaro Rodriguez de Azevedo,
Gonzalo Snchez Candenas y Jaime Segovia Gonzalo Snchez Candenas y Jaime Segovia
Propuesta para las Plazas de las Descalzas y San Martn. Vista de la propuesta.
Marina Rivero Prez, Alvaro Rodriguez de Azevedo, Gonzalo Snchez Candenas y Jaime Segovia
Propuesta para las Plazas de las Descalzas y San Martn. Vista de la propuesta.
Marina Rivero Prez, Alvaro Rodriguez de Azevedo, Gonzalo Snchez Candenas y Jaime Segovia
Premio Rafael Manzano Martos de Arquitectura Clsica y Restauracin de Monumentos
Rafael Manzano Martos Prize of Classical Architecture and Restoration of Monuments
Casa Halawa, Agamy (Egipto), Abdel-Wahed El-Wakil, El Premio Driehaus ha sido concedido
Premio Richard H. Driehaus 2009 anualmente desde 2003 a arquitectos
representativos de las diversas Hasta el momento, los ganadores del Los premiados dan conferencias en ella
tradiciones clsicas del mundo cuyo Premio han sido: Lon Krier, Demetri y celebran encuentros informales con los
impacto artstico refleje su compromiso Porphyrios, Quinlan Terry, Allan alumnos en el campus.
con la conservacin de la cultura y el Greenberg, Jaquelin T. Robertson,
medio ambiente. Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk y Andrs Junto con el Premio Richard H.
Duany, Abdel-Wahed El-Wakil, Rafael Driehaus cada ao se entrega el Premio
La arquitectura y el urbanismo Manzano Martos, Robert A.M. Stern, Henry Hope Reed, dirigido a individuos
clsicos y tradicionales representan las Michael Graves, Thomas H. Beeby, Pier ajenos a la prctica arquitectnica que
mximas aspiraciones de una cultura. Carlo Bontempi y David M. Schwarz. hayan contribuido de forma significativa
La proteccin y promocin de los Estos arquitectos son viva muestra de la al apoyo de la preservacin y el desarrollo
ideales intemporales que han pervivido viabilidad y vitalidad de la arquitectura de la ciudad tradicional. El ganador
durante siglos se est convirtiendo en tradicional contempornea, as como de del galardn en el ao 2015 ha sido
algo cada vez ms esencial no slo para la amplia variedad de posturas existentes el doctor Richard J. Jackson, por sus
la conservacin de nuestro Patrimonio a la hora de entender sta. Su obra investigaciones sobre la relacin entre la
Cultural y de nuestros recursos abarca distintas culturas y continentes, forma urbana y la salud.
econmicos y medioambientales, sino convirtiendo al Premio Driehaus en un
tambin del sentido de continuidad y foro para el dilogo sobre la diversidad Como seala Michael Lykoudis,
las diversas identidades locales que ste de las tradiciones arquitectnicas, Presidente del jurado del Premio
define, siendo ambos esenciales para entendidas stas, sin embargo, como Driehaus y Francis and Kathleen Rooney
el mantenimiento y el bienestar de parte de un continuo que conecta Dean de la Escuela de Arquitectura de
las comunidades. La arquitectura y el comunidades, sin renunciar cada una a la Universidad de Notre Dame: Dentro
urbanismo tradicionales son sostenibles su propia identidad; sostiene el tejido del cuerpo de obras ganadoras del
por definicin y, adems, favorecen social y nos une a todos en esa misma Premio Driehaus estas ideas conforman
la creacin de entornos apropiados diversidad. una realidad incluso mayor y ms
para que la gente pueda reunirse para importante sobre la experiencia humana:
desarrollar su vida, su trabajo o sus El programa del Premio Driehaus est que el desarrollo de una cultura o una
ritos. concebido para constituir una parte comunidad no tiene por qu tener lugar
integral de la vida acadmica de la a expensas de su historia y de los valores
Escuela de Arquitectura de Notre Dame. que le son propios.
Programa del Seminario
Seminar Program
October 29th First Session: Heritage and Identity Second Session: Building
10.50-11.10 Heritage and Identity
9.30-10.00 Arrival of participants Javier Cenicacelaya 12.50-13.10 Building Communities:
Expanding Yales Residential College System
10.00-10.30 Welcome 11.10-11.30 La falsificacin de la historia Melissa DelVecchio
Fernando Vela Cosso, Michael Leopoldo Gil Cornet
Lykoudis y Alejandro Garca Hermida 13.10-13.30 Hacer algo diferente y los
falsos historicismos
11.30-11.50 Wood, Light and
10.30-10.50 Classicism and modernity Donald Gray
Architecture in Finland
Michael Lykoudis Taisto H. Mkla 13.30-13.50 Debate
11.50-12.10 Debate
Third Session: Theory and Didactics October 30th Fifth Session: Theory and Didactics
Clasicismo y Modernidad
Classicism and Modernity
Michael Lykoudis
Esta conferencia inaugural trata sobre hecho en el pasado. Y no es menos congreso internacional The Art of
la necesidad de reconciliar ideologas cierto que el conocimiento contenido Building Cities, tuvo lugar en 1995
en el urbanismo y en la arquitectura. en la tradicin ser clave para desarrollar en el Art Institute of Chicago y fue el
Las mismas fuerzas que produjeron el soluciones para el futuro. En lugar de primer evento en los Estados Unidos
ascenso del estilo moderno y que lo presentar la tradicin y la modernidad que especficamente puso en relacin
convirtieron en el principal marco de como polos opuestos irreconciliables, el clasicismo contemporneo con
referencia durante unos 50 aos estn esta presentacin se dirige a analizar el nuevo urbanismo tradicional. Es
ahora dando lugar a nuevas formas de cmo el clasicismo contemporneo coeditor de dos publicaciones: Building
pensar que incluyen la mirada hacia el surgi al mismo tiempo como una Cities, publicada en 1999 por Artmedia
pasado. Con el propsito de esbozar reaccin a la modernidad y como algo Press, y el catlogo de la exposicin
esta reconciliacin esta exposicin propio de ella. The Other Modern publicado en 2000
ilustra las contribuciones del estilo por Dogma Press. Actualmente se
moderno a la arquitectura y el Michael Lykoudis es el Director encuentra organizando un congreso y
urbanismo clsicos y tradicionales. (Francis and Kathleen Rooney Dean) una exposicin titulados Modernity &
de la School of Architecture de la Tradition que se celebrar en Atenas
El clasicismo no es un estilo, sino una University of Notre Dame, donde ha (Grecia) en septiembre de 2014. En
aproximacin integradora e integral a trabajado como profesor de arquitectura Notre Dame ha desempeado muy
la cultura y a todo cuanto est frente desde 1991. Ha dedicado su carrera a la diversas labores, siendo primero
a nosotros. A travs de la historia el construccin , el estudio y la promocin Director of Undergraduate Studies,
clasicismo no se ha convertido nunca de la arquitectura y el urbanismo ms tarde Associate Chair y Chair y
en una mera copia del pasado, sino tradicionales. Sus actividades incluyen finalmente Dean. Como Director of
que siempre se ha renovado, ilustrando la organizacin de diversos congresos Undergraduate Studies durante ms de
su inagotable capacidad como recurso de primer orden en colaboracin con 10 aos fue el principal organizador
creativo. Es tambin una afirmacin de otras organizaciones que incluyen del actual programa clsico y urbano
que no podemos continuar viviendo y la Classical Architecture League , el de la escuela y el impulsor de diversas
construyendo como lo hicimos antes. Institute of Classical Architecture & iniciativas que redirigieron su modelo
El incremento de poblacin de la Tierra Classical America, A Vision of Europe de enseanza. Desde 2003 preside
est dificultando el construir y el vivir y el Congress for New Urbanism. El el jurado del Premio Richard H.
del mismo modo en que lo hemos Driehaus, que honra, promueve e
The Effects of Good Stewardship in the City and Country. Painting by Jason Montgomery
impulsa la calidad arquitectnica en primary frame of reference for fifty or Michael Lykoudis is the Francis and
la aplicacin de los principios de la so years are now bringing forth renewed Kathleen Rooney Dean of the School
arquitectura y el urbanismo clsicos, ways of thinking that include the past. In of Architecture at the University of
tradicionales y sostenibles en el the course of outlining this reconciliation Notre Dame, where he has served as
contexto contemporneo. Graduado the paper illustrates the contributions of professor of architecture since 1991. He
en la Cornell University, Michael modernism to classical and traditional has devoted his career to the building,
Lykoudis es Mster en el programa architecture and urbanism. study and promotion of traditional
mixto de administracin de empresas architecture and urbanism.
y arquitectura de la University of Classicism is not a style but an
Illinois. Antes de su llegada a Notre integrative and comprehensive His activities feature the organization
Dame trabaj como arquitecto y intellectual approach to culture and all of several major conferences that
proyectista en estudios de Florida, that is before us. Throughout history have been collaborations between
Grecia, Connecticut y Nueva York. classicism has never returned merely Notre Dame and other organizations
Dirigi su propio estudio desde 1983 as a copy of the past but always with a including the Classical Architecture
en Athens, Stamford, Connecticut y renewal that illustrates its inexhaustible League and the Institute of Classical
ahora en South Bend, Indiana. Su obra capacity as a resource for inventiveness. Architecture & Classical America, A
ha sido publicada en revistas nacionales It is also an affirmation that we can no Vision of Europe and the Congress
e internacionales, as como en la prensa longer continue to live and build as we for New Urbanism. The international
generalista. Ha sido conferenciante did before. Earths increasing population conference and exhibition entitled
invitado en numerosas universidades is making it difficult to build and live The Art of Building Cities, took
tanto estadounidenses como extranjeras, in the same manner as in the past. It is place in 1995 at the Art Institute of
as como en mltiples organizaciones also true that the embodied knowledge Chicago and was the first event in
profesionales y cvicas. in tradition will be critical to developing this country to specifically link the
solutions for the future. Rather than practice of contemporary classicism
This introductory talk addresses the posit tradition and modernity as with the new traditional urbanism.
necessity for the reconciliation of irreconcilable polar opposites, the talk Dean Lykoudis is the co-editor of two
ideologies in urbanism and architecture. looks at how contemporary classicism publications, Building Cities, published
The same forces that brought modernism emerged both as a reaction to and in 1999 by Artmedia Press, and The
to the forefront and established it as the through modernity. Other Modern exhibition catalogue
published in 2000 by Dogma Press. Dame faculty, he worked as a project
He is currently organizing a conference designer and architect for firms in
and exhibition entitled Modernity & Florida, Greece, Connecticut and New
Tradition that will be held in Athens, York. He has directed his own practice
Greece in September 2014. At Notre since 1983 in Athens, Stamford, CT.
Dame, Dean Lykoudis has served and now in South Bend, IN. His work
the School in a number of capacities, has been published in the national and
first as the Director of Undergraduate international architectural journals
Studies, then as Associate Chair and as well as in the popular press. He
Chair prior to becoming Dean. As has lectured at universities around
Director of Undergraduate Studies the country and abroad as well as to
for over 10 years he was the principal professional and civic organizations.
organizer of the new classical and
urban curriculum, and Dean Lykoudis
established several new initiatives
within the School of Architecture.
Since 2003, he has served as chair of
the Richard H. Driehaus Prize jury. The
Driehaus Prize honors, promotes and
encourages architectural excellence that
applies the principles of traditional,
classical and sustainable architecture
and urbanism in contemporary society
and environments. A graduate of
Cornell University, Dean Lykoudis
earned his Masters degree from the
University of Illinois joint business
administration and architecture
program. Prior to joining the Notre
Patrimonio e Identidad
Heritage and Identity
Javier Cenicacelaya
La falsificacin de la historia
The falsification of history
Leopoldo Gil Cornet
University of Oregon. He continued Contemporary Architecture: 1960-
his studies at the Architectural 2010, (Ashgate, 2014) and an article
Association in London and then titled Why the Classical? Two
Princeton University where he received decades of Teaching at the University
his M.A. and Ph.D. in Architectural of Colorado Denver, in The Classicist
History, Theory, and Criticism. Taistos No. 10 (2013. He was the Chairman of
dissertation advisors were Anthony the Department of Architecture from
Vidler and Alan Colquhoun. Taisto 2009 -2013. After stepping down as the
has taught architectural history, theory, Chairman, he was appointed Director
and design courses in undergraduate, of Finnish Initiatives.
graduate, and doctoral programs at
the University of Colorado Denver
since 1989. From 1990 to 2014,
he discretely taught the principles
of classical architecture in honor of
Dr. Hugh Plommer, his teacher of
Greek and Roman Architecture at the
Architectural Association. His research
interests include aesthetic theory, the
modern movement, privileged spaces
of cultural institutions, vernacular
traditions, and global urbanism. Taisto
lectures on these topics internationally.
He has also served as a visiting faculty
member in Helsinki, Bucharest,
and Bangkok. Recent publications
include a book chapter titled Finnish
Architecture: A Critical Introduction,
1960-2010 in A Critical History of
Construyendo Comunidades: Ampliando el Sistema de Colleges Residenciales de Yale
Building Communities: Expanding Yales Residential College System
Melissa DelVecchio
materials and detail. Our design reflects a broad range of residential projects.
our ambition to capture in physical She has served on design juries at Yale
form the essential spirit of residential University and the University of Notre
life at Yale, reifying that which is good Dame, among others, and has lectured
from the past, while at the same time at the University of Notre Dame and
responding to the campuss evolving various professional conferences in
community. The U.S. and China. Ms. DelVecchio
received her Master of Architecture
Melissa DelVecchio joined Robert degree from Yale University and her
A.M. Stern Architects in 1998 and has Bachelor of Architecture degree from
been a Partner since 2008. Her recent the University of Notre Dame.
design work includes Schwarzman
College at Tsinghua University in
Beijing; two new residential colleges
at Yale University; two buildings for
Harvard Business School and one
for Harvard Law School; the Stayer
Center for Executive Education at the
University of Notre Dame, Heavener
Hall at the University of Florida,
and the new business school at the
University of Nebraska. Earlier in
her career Ms. DelVecchio worked
with Scott Merrill on residential and
commercial projects at the Duany
Plater-Zyberk designed towns of Seaside
and Windsor in Florida, and for Mark
P. Finlay Architects in Connecticut on
Hacer algo diferente y los falsos historicismos
To make something different and false historicisms
Donald Gray
La Herradura, with a little hotel, La local building traditions. He worked in
Tartana. In 1967 he started working a project for a hotel in Tenerife from
in the town of Pueblo Lpez, around 1997 to 2006, conceived as a traditional
50 houses located by then between Canary town. In 2005 he made a new
Fuengirola and Mijas, which would be town hall for Pitres, in La Alpujarra,
considered soon the historic district of and currently he continues working
an area in urgent need of one of them. in several projects in the same region.
After this experience he designed, to He has been awarded the 2015 Rafael
the west from Marbella, La Virginia Manzano Martos Prize.
in 1969 and Las Lomas del Marbella
Club, the largest of them all, including
90 houses, started in 1973 to be
continued till 1984. Nowadays it has
become a listed neighborhood. During
those same years he also designed Los
Naranjos, with ten houses, in Nueva
Andaluca, and Nuevo Pueblo Mijas,
where he tried to recover Mijas own
character. From 1986 to 1989 he
established and worked as director of
the Crafts School of Lebrija, trying to
recover and diffuse building crafts such
as masonry, carpentry, forging, pottery,
garden design, etc., where the students
built the very school and undertook
the restoration of several historic
buildings. At the same time he designed
the country hotel Prado Toro in La
Alpujarra region, in Granada, following
Las facetas de la modernidad: Arquitectura y expresin comunitaria en la primera mitad del siglo XX
The facets of modernity: Architecture and communitarian expression in the first half of the 20th century
David Rivera
Propuestas de mejora para cinco plazas pblicas del centro de Madrid
Upgrade proposals for five public squares in the Madrid city center
Alejandro Garca Hermida, Frank Martnez y Lucien Steil
unattractiveness and their poor urban traffic lanes, underground parking School of the Universidad Alfonso
design condition. garages, and existing buildings, etc. X el Sabio (Villanueva de la Caada,
and changing, and transforming only Madrid), where he teaches History of
The methodology for the development when it was supporting the vision of a Architecture and Urbanism, History and
of the projects encompassed the coherent and emulated, corrected and Theory of Restoration, Building Pathology
study of the history of place and its perfected public space. and Repairing Techniques and Esthetics
constructive and tectonic traditions. and Composition. He has been invited
It involved analyzing the composition Aspects of urban and architectural lecturer at the Politecnico di Milano
of the most attractive public spaces context, memory and identity, as well (Italia), the School of Architecture
in the city center, research in great as of urban geography were taken of the University of Notre Dame
detail the history of each of those in account thoroughly in order to (Indiana, USA), the Universidad de
spaces to intervene, their successive preserve local identity and architectural Alcal, the Universidad Politcnica
configurations, the elements that heritage, to achieve the most de Madrid and at many national and
make up the present, and their actual comprehensive, meaningful and correct international courses, workshops and
performance. The result of these spatial definition, and to strengthen conferences. His professional practice
preliminary studies were a series of site social activity and empower the local has been focused on the restoration and
sketches and analytical drawings lead inhabitants. historical-constructive study of diverse
in a way that they could become the historic buildings and archeological
main tools for further elaboration of Alejandro Garca Hermida is Architect, sites of multiple types and chronologies
each proposal. The designs aimed at Master in Conservation and Restoration in Spain, Morocco and South
reactivating and requalifying the project of Architectural Heritage and Specialist America. He is part of the scientific
areas, always operating on the principle in Archeology of Architecture from board of the architectural magazine
of the most strategic, economic and Universidad Politcnica de Madrid. Teatro Marittimo, where he regularly
efficient interventions, often a series He is currently working in his Ph publishes articles and interviews. He
of little coordinated micro-urbanistic D dissertation in the Research Area is the Activities Coordinator in Spain
design actions. Therefore, it respected as of Conservation and Restoration of of Rafael Manzano Martos Prize,
far as possible the present functions and Architectural Heritage. He is Associate founding member and Vice Chair
the location of accesses to underground Professor since 2009 at the Polytechnic of INTBAU Spain, professor at the
parking, ramps, pedestrian stairs, Centro de Investigacin de Arquitectura
Tradicional (CIAT) of the UPM and and Health Research Group, an
member of the board of the Terrachidia interdisciplinary research team, and Lucien Steil was born in Joao
NGO, which work in Sothern Morocco is co-author of numerous articles on Monlevade (Brazil), and lived and
received in 2015 the INTBAU the impact of the built environment studied in Luxembourg. He studied
Excellence Award in Community on health. The team, investigates the architecture and urbanism in Paris
Engagement. impact of the built environment on and Vincennes and graduated as an
Hispanic elders health (funded by the Architecte DPLG. He collaborated at
Frank Martinez is Associate Professor National Institute on Aging, National the Archives dArchitecture Moderne
at the University of Miami, School Institutes of Health), childrens conduct in Brussels with Maurice Culot and
of Architecture, with a secondary and Hispanic immigrants risk for Leon Krier on a Berlin Competition
appointment in the Department of metabolic syndrome, The first results and various designs for New Towns
Epidemiology and Public Health, of this work were published in the in France. A Visiting Critic at Oregon
Miller School of Medicine. He holds September 2006 issue of the American School of Design in Portland (USA)
an undergraduate degree from the Journal of Community Psychology with from 1986 to 1988 he returned set up
University of Miami and a graduate subsequent publications in journals a practice in Luxembourg until 1997
degree from Princeton University. He in public health and architecture, with Irish architect Colum Mulhern.
teaches design, drawing and theory most recently, the 2009 Journal of The practice produced a wide range of
in the core of both undergraduate Gerontology: Social Sciences. Professor projects in traditional urbanism and
and graduate programs in the School Martinez is also is a founder and traditional architecture and won various
of Architecture. In the past five years design partner in Martinez & Alvarez awards in national and international
he has lectured and led tours in the Architecture, Inc. in which he works urban competitions. From 1997 to 2012
Graduate Rome program on Roman collaboratively with his partner and Lucien Steil has collaborated with and
Villas and Gardens, with primary wife, Ana Alvarez. The work has focused taught at Prince of Waless Urban Design
interest in Renaissance & Baroque primarily on architectural and urban Task Force in Potsdam and Berlin, and
Architecture and Urban Design, as projects that contribute to the art of with universities in the US: Oregon
well as the summer traveling course: making cities. Underlying the teaching School of Design, Portland/ Oregon,
The Grand Tour. Professor Martinez and research is an exploration of University of Miami, Coral Gables,
is a member of the Built Environment drawing as a method for acquiring and Politechnical University of Puerto Rico;
developing architectural knowledge.
and in Europe: University of Bologna,
Universidade Catolica Portuguesa, The
Princes Foundation (London), the
Istituto Nazionale di Bioarchitettura
(Italy), etc. He is an Associate Professor
at the University of Notre Dame,
Indiana (USA) since 2012. He has
been actively involved in traditional
urbanism and architecture for which he
has both argued in newspapers, essays
and lectures, and which has become
very central to his teaching and design
practice. Since 2001 he has developed
several websites (Katarxis) and weblogs,
and has created an international
non-profit organization to teach,
implement and promote Traditional
Architecture and Urbanism (Katarxis
Urban Workshops ASBL). Together
with Alireza Sagharchi, Lucien Steil has
co-edited New Palladians, Sustainability
and Modernity in Architecture of the
21st Century published in March 2010
at Artmedia, London, and Traditional
Architecture, Timeless Building in the
21st Century to be published by Rizzoli
International in October 2013. He
also edited the upcoming book The
Architectural Capriccio, Memory, Fantasy
Guatemaya: Un nuevo centro urbano para la ciudad de Guatemala
Guatemaya: A New Urban Heart for Guatemala City
Leon Krier
La impresin en la ciudad de
Guatemala, incluso despus de
haberla visitado durante diez aos,
es de persistente desorientacin. Es
como si generaciones de urbanistas y
constructores hubieran rechazado tratar
con sus extraordinariamente atractivas
condiciones climticas, topogrficas, de
suelo y de vegetacin, imponiendo mal
adaptadas tramas urbanas que no slo
no respetan la naturaleza del terreno,
sino que positivamente la ignoran.
En lugar de permitir emerger a largo
plazo un orden metropolitano a travs
de nuevos desarrollos, el nuevo Plan
de Ordenamiento Territorial (POT)
va camino de empeorar la situacin.
Plantea el desarrollo de una franja de
rascacielos de unos 30 km de largo
abrindose paso a travs del tejido
urbano existente. En la actualidad un
milln de personas viaja cada da desde
reas residenciales al centro urbano por
trabajo. El POT slo agravar este ya
Master Plan, Neil Stephen Flanagan insoportable problema de congestin.
in Rome, Italy (2010 onwards). His
work was exhibited in M.O.M.A.,
New York, in 1985: Bofill-Krier; and
in American Architectural Foundation
Octagon Museum, Washington DC,
in 1987: Leon Krier and the Plan of
Washington. He has been awarded the
Silver Medal of the Acadmie Franaise,
1997. He was Richard Driehaus Prize
inaugural recipient, 2003; and Athena
Award, Congress of New Urbanism,
2006. His publications include:
Rational Architecture Rationelle, 1978;
Albert Speer: Architecture 1932-42,
1985 and 2013; The Completion of
Washington DC, 1986; Atlantis, 1987;
The Architecture of Community, 2009
(new Spanish translation in 2013); and
Drawing for Architecture, 2009.
Diseando el sentimiento de pertenencia
Designing the sense of belonging
Ettore Maria Mazzola
galardonado con los siguientes premios: inhabitants? Is it possible to find any something has to be changed! Instead
International Urban Design Award relationship between the reactionary of encouraging the students to emulate
en la International Making Cities behaviour of inhabitants of the so-called star-architects disrespectfully of places
Livable Conference de 2012, INTBAU French banlieues and the lack of sense and humans , we need to put aside
Excellence Urban Design Award of place? ideology and bring the students to the
Honorable Mention (2015) y Award y real world of practice and of the real
Honorable Mention for Excellence in It is undeniable that the irreverence problems of cities and buildings.
Designing for Green, Healthy Cities en and vandalism of the suburbs
la International Making Cities Livable forgotten and ignored by centres of As practical examples of what respect
Conference de 2015. Ha colaborado power are the natural answer of those of local identities means for me, I
tambin en varios documentales de who find themselves as invisible. The am proud to show here three different
televisin. vandalistic acts against other peoples projects, for three different places, made
or public property are the expression by my students of the UND. Indeed,
Starting from France in 2005, many of suppressed bitterness of individuals, the difference among languages and
other countries have experienced vented against something they do not characters of these projects, and the
violent phenomena against common feel as their own, but identified as a consensus they locally received, is the
goods that, moving from the suburbia, symbol of that power forcing them to demonstration that it is not the style
also involved the centres. Different live in that way! of the architect that is important for the
interpretations of those phenomena inhabitants, but the respect of sense of
have been reported by different experts, Differently from what happens in place and local identity i.e. the sense of
nevertheless architects and professors depersonalized places, if cities, buildings belonging!
of architecture seem to be blind and and houses stimulate the sense of
deaf and persist in promoting the worse belonging, inhabitants are proud and Ettore Mazzola is Visiting Associate
examples of experimentations, in search respectful of them! Professor of Traditional Urbanism,
of a futuristic built environment, Architecture and Building Techniques
expression of contemporary society. Having been involved for more than 20 at The University of Notre Dame
years in the didactics of many different School of Architecture Rome Studies.
Do the spirit and the sense of place schools of architecture, both Italian and He is a traditional urbanist, architect,
influence the quality of life of foreign, I can honestly recognize that
theorist, and educator. He is author of for other American University Programs
several books and essays on architecture, in Italy (Miami, Pratt, Minnesota,
urbanism, urban sociology and CAL, Washington, Maryland, New
sustainability: The Sustainable City is Mexico). Member of the Prince of
Possible (2010), A Counter History of Waless Foundation, INTBAU, the
Modern Architecture, Rome 1900-1940 Committee for Urbanism of Italia
(2004), Architecture and Town Planning, Nostra and Making Cities Livable.
Operating Instructions (2006), Toward His work has received prizes such
Sustainable Architecture (2007), The as: the International Urban Design
Importance of Local Spirit and Sense of Award at the International Making
Place: Side Effects of the Underestimation Cities Livable Conference 2012, the
in Modernist Town Planning (2009). INTBAU Excellence Urban Design
Hes also co-author, with Maciej Award Honorable Mention in 2015
Giertych of Architettura e Genetica - and the Award and Honorable Mention
Cosa Insegnare. Gli equivoci e i pregiudizi for Excellence in Designing for Green,
ancorati al concetto di modernit Healthy Cities at the International
(2012). Graduate in Architecture at Making Cities Livable Conference
The Universit di Roma La Sapienza, 2015. He has also collaborated in
Ettore Maria Mazzola is an architect several TV documentaries.
expert of restoration and urban-
architectural design, and co-editor of
Il Covile, a journal devoted to many
disciplines including history, theory
and criticism of architectural and
urban design. He taught for 12 years as
assistant professor at the University La
Sapienza and since 2001 he teaches at
the Rome Program of the University of
Notre Dame. Hes often giving lectures
La recuperacin del oficio tradicional y su adecuacin y actualizacin
The recovery of traditional crafts and their adaptation and update
Jaime de Hoz Onrubia
Artesonado de la Capilla de la Virgen del Castillo, en la Iglesia de San Facundo y San Primitivo,
en Cisneros (Palencia)
Aprender haciendo, el taller de construccin gtica de Madrid
To learn doing, the Gothic building workshop of Madrid
Jos Carlos Palacios Gonzalo
1987. He is a professor of the Building
Techniques Department at the same
School since 1988. He is director of the
Mster Universitario en Construccin
y Tecnologa de Edificios Histricos
(MUCTEH) and belongs to the
research group Tcnicas Innovadoras
y Sostenibles en la Edificacin at the
UPM. He is author of numerous books,
papers and lectures at national and
international conferences. His most
important books are: Trazas y cortes
de cantera del renacimiento espaol,
published in 1990 and reedited 2003,
La cantera medieval. La construccin de
la bveda gtica espaola, published in
2009 and Taller de Construccin Gtica,
published in 2015. He is the author of
the website: bovedasgoticasdecruceria.
com and of many videos on dome
building available on YouTube.
El Lugar Importa: Tradicin en el Oeste Americano
Place Matters: Tradition in the American West
Christine Franck
Considero la arquitectura clsica un tambin investidos de una dimensin recibi en 2005 el Palladio Award de
lenguaje, con un vocabulario, una potica. En la docencia enfatizo un la revista Traditional Building. David
gramtica y una sintaxis. Pero sus proceso que comienza con el anlisis y ha ganado numerosas becas, premios
caractersticas formales son slo los que debera producir lo que denomino y concursos, incluyendo el premio
medios. Los fines en un uso ideal del un proyecto inevitable, una solucin de investigacin francs Gabriel, la
lenguaje son la retrica y la poesa, el que parezca la natural e ineludible Steedman Competition Fellowship
uso artstico del lenguaje para decir para el problema. Todo ello depende de la Academia Americana en Roma
cosas sobre la condicin humana. As de la cultura humanista, arraigada en y el Concurso Internacional para los
pues, para que la construccin sea el Renacimiento, que contemplaba Minnesota State Capitol Grounds (con
arquitectura y, por tanto, un arte, debe las disciplinas humansticas como su entonces socio Thomas Rajkovich).
recurrir a la retrica o a la poesa. Debe formas de conocimiento integradas e Ese proyecto gan tambin uno de
tener algo que decir, y no meramente interrelacionadas sobre la condicin los Arthur Ross Awards de Classical
sobre s misma. La arquitectura no humana, nuestras relaciones recprocas, America. En 1995 su nombre fue
puede hablar slo sobre arquitectura, con la Naturaleza, y con lo divino. incluido en la lista de los mejores 40
al igual que las personas no deberan Por esta va la arquitectura retorna arquitectos de los Estados Unidos
hablar slo sobre s mismas. He a su papel como parte integral de la menores de 40 aos. Sus diseos
desarrollado un proceso de diseo, que cultura, convirtindose en algo ms fueron incluidos en la Tercera Bienal
es tambin la base de mi pedagoga, que en edificios, en algo diferente a un de Arquitectura de Mosc en 2012.
basado en el anlisis formal y potico producto. Ha pintado frescos para la Academia
de diversos aspectos del proyecto: el Americana en Roma, la iglesia de S.
sitio, el programa, el tipo y el lenguaje. David Mayernik ha sido el arquitecto Cresci en Valcava (Toscana), la iglesia
Este proceso ha sido destilado de mi del campus de TASIS (The American de S. Tommaso en Agra (Suiza) y en
estudio de la arquitectura renacentista School in Switzerland) desde 1996. varios edificios del campus de TASIS.
y barroca. En la prctica supone que Tambin ha sido asesor de diseo para Gan el concurso para pintar el
integre arte figurativo, con frecuencia el campus de TASIS en Thorpe (Surrey, emblema del palio de Lucca (Italia) en
el mo propio, para convertir mis Reino Unido). El campus suizo de 2013. David es autor de The Challenge
edificios en obras articuladas de TASIS ha sido ampliamente publicado of Emulation in Art and Architecture
arquitectura. Aspectos ms amplios y su Biblioteca M. Crist Fleming (Ashgate, Reino Unido) y de Timeless
del lugar o del diseo urbano son Cities: An Architects Reflections on
Campus de TASIS (The American School in Switzerland)
Renaissance Italy (Westview Press, Icon process is distilled from my study of
Editions). Es actualmente Associate Renaissance and Baroque architecture.
Professor en la Escuela de Arquitectura In practice this means I integrate
de la University of Notre Dame, figurative art, often my own, in order
miembro de la Academia Americana to render my buildings articulate works
en Roma (FAAR), de la Society for the of architecture; larger site or urban
Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures design aspects are also invested with a
and Commerce (FRSA) y del College of poetic dimension. In teaching I stress a
Traditional Practitioners de INTBAU. design process that begins with analysis
and should produce what I call an
I consider classical architecture a inevitable project, one that seems to
language, with a vocabulary, grammar, be the natural and inevitable solution
and syntax. But its formal characteristics to the problem. All of this depends
are only a means. The ends to which on humanist culture, rooted in the
language are ideally put are rhetoric Renaissance, which saw the humanist
and poetics, the artful use of language disciplines as integrated and related
to say things about the human forms of knowledge about the human
condition. Therefore, for building to conditionabout our relationships
be architecture, and therefore an art, it to each other, Nature, and the divine.
must involve a rhetoric or poeticsit In these ways architecture returns to
must have something to say, and not its role as an integral part of culture,
merely about itself; architecture cannot more than building and other than a
speak just about architecture, just as product.
people should not speak only about
themselves. I have developed a design David Mayernik has been the campus Fresco en el Performing Arts Center del
process, which is also the foundation architect for TASIS (The American campus de TASIS
of my pedagogy, based on a formal and School in Switzerland) since 1996. He
poetic analysis of the site, program, type has also been a design consultant for
and language aspects of a project. This
the TASIS campus in Thorpe (Surrey, of Emulation in Art and Architecture
England). The TASIS Switzerland (Ashgate, UK) and Timeless Cities: An
campus has been published widely, Architects Reflections on Renaissance
and its M. Crist Fleming Library Italy (Westview Press, Icon Editions).
won a 2005 Palladio Award from He is currently an Associate Professor
Traditional Building magazine. David with the University of Notre Dames
has won numerous grants, awards and School of Architecture. He is a Fellow
competitions, including the Gabriel of the American Academy in Rome
Prize for research in France, the (FAAR) and the Royal Society for the
Steedman Competition Fellowship to Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures
the American Academy in Rome, and and Commerce (FRSA), and a Member
the International Competition for the of INTBAUs College of Traditional
Minnesota State Capitol Grounds (with Practitioners.
then partner Thomas Rajkovich). That
project also won an Arthur Ross Award
from Classical America. In 1995 he
was named to the decennial list of the
top 40 architects in the U.S. under 40
years old. His design work was included
in the Third Biennale of Architecture
in Moscow in 2012. He has painted
frescoes for the American Academy
in Rome, the church of S. Cresci in
Valcava (Tuscany), the church of S.
Tommaso in Agra (Switzerland), and
various buildings on the TASIS campus.
He won the competition to paint the
Palio banner for Lucca (Italy) in 2013.
David is the author of The Challenge
Pueblo Lpez (Fuengirola), Donald Gray
Pueblo Lpez (Fuengirola), Donald Gray
Pueblo Lpez (Fuengirola), Donald Gray
Jardn en Las Alpujarras, Donald Gray
El Seminario Internacional Arquitectura
y Humanismo se celebr en la Escuela
Tcnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid
(ETSAM) los das 29 y 30 de Octubre
de 2015. Fue organizado, gracias a la
generosidad de la Richard H. Driehaus
Charitable Lead Trust, por el Premio Rafael
Manzano Martos de Arquitectura Clsica y
Restauracin de Monumentos y la School
of Architecture of the University of Notre
Dame, con la participacin de la Universidad
Politcnica de Madrid y la colaboracin del
Centro de Investigacin de Arquitectura
Tradicional (CIAT) y de INTBAU Espaa