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Diapirismo España

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Mud volcanoes from the Alboran Sea:

materials and vulcano-sedimentary and diagenetic

processes involved.
Los volcanes de lodo del mar de Alborán: materiales y procesos
vulcano-sedimentarios y diagenéticos involucrados.

Tesis Doctoral
Carmina López-Rodríguez
Editor: Universidad de Granada. Tesis Doctorales
Autora: Carmen Fátima López Rodríguez
ISBN: 978-84-9125-421-8
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10481/41550
Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas-
Universidad de Granada (CSIC - UGR)

Tesis Doctoral

Mud volcanoes from the Alboran Basin: materials and

volcano - sedimentary and diagenetic processes involved
Los volcanes de lodo del Mar de Alborán: materiales y procesos
vulcano - sedimentarios y diagenéticos involucrados

Programa de doctorado Ciencias de la Tierra (UGR)


Carmen Fátima López Rodríguez

Granada, Noviembre 2015 La Doctoranda

Carmen Fátima López Rodríguez

Vº Bº de las directoras

Francisca Martínez Ruiz Menchu Comas Minondo

Para el desarrollo de esta Tesis Doctoral se ha contado con una beca-contrato (2+2) del Programa
JAE-Predoc del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) y cuatro ayudas complementa-
rias para la realización de Estancias Breves en el Extranjero tres de ellas concedidas por el Programa
JAE-Predoc (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas -CSIC) y una de ellas por el Programa de
Movilidad Internacional de Posgrado Universidad de Granada y CEI BioTic. El trabajo de investigación
se ha desarrollado mayormente en el Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra (IACT) del Consejo de
Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). Parte del trabajo también fue realizado durante las estancias en el
extranjero en “Departament of Marine Geosciences” (Octubre-Diciembre 2009; Universidad de Avei-
ro, Portugal); “Marine Biochemie-Marine Geosysteme” (Septiembre-Noviembre 2010; IFM-GEOMAR,
Kiel, Alemania); “Department of Marine Organic Biogeochemistry, NIOZ, Holanda” (Febrero-Agosto
2011) y en “Department of Earth Sciences – Department of Earth Sciences and Geochemistry, Universi-
dad de Utrecht, Holanda) (Enero-Abril y Agosto-Noviembre 2013). Este trabajo ha sido financiado den-
tro de los proyectos del Plan Nacional CGL2008-03474-E/BTE, CTM2009-07715 y CGL2011-14141-E
financiados por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) del Gobierno de España. También se
agradece la financiación de los Fondos Europeos de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) de la Comunidad
Económica Europea, a la acción especial CGL2011-14141-E financiada por el Ministerio de Ciencia
e Innovación (MICINN) del Gobierno de España, los proyectos RNM-3713 y Grupo de Investigación
RNM215 de la Junta de Andalucía y a los programas Topomed CGL2008-03474 y Consolider Ingenio
2010- CSD2006-00041 del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación del Gobierno de España. Igualmente es
de agradecer la colaboración del Training Through Research Program UNESCO-IOC/MSU así como a los
jefes científcos de la campaña Ristretto & Lungo M83/3 G.J. De Lange y A. Stadnitskaia por la obten-
ción de los testigos de sedimento marino y materiales volcánicos estudiados en esta Tesis Doctoral. Al
Departamento de Mineralogía y Petrología de la Universidad de Granada (UGR) donde se ha realizado
parte del trabajo de laboratorio así como al Centro de Instrumentación Científica (CIC) de Granada.
“El científico no estudia la naturaleza por la utili-
dad que le pueda reportar, la estudia por el gozo
que le proporciona, y este gozo se debe a la belle-
za que hay en ella. La belleza intelectual se basta
en sí misma, y es por ella más quizá que por el
bien futuro de la humanidad, por lo que el cientí-
fico consagra su vida a un trabajo largo y difícil”

Henri Poincaré . Filósofo y matemático francés

“Iré a cualquier parte, siempre que sea hacia adelante”

David Livingstone. Médico y misionero británico

A Juan y Carmen, mis padres

A todos los que valoran y reconocen el esfuerzo

Table of contents

Table of contents
Abstract 5

Resumen 9

Chapter 1. Introduc on and background 13

1.1. Mud volcanoes: an overview 15
1.2. Digene c processes associated with mud volcanism 18
1.3. Environmental hazards and socio-economic importance of mud volcanism 20
1.4. Regional se ng 22
1.5. Mo va on 24
1.6. Objec ves 25
1.7. Thesis outline 25

Chapter 2. Data and Methodology 27

2.1. Geophysical survey and data 29
2.1.1. Oceanographic cruises and core loca ons 29
2.1.2. Seismic images 29
2.1.3. Morphology of the seafloor 31
2.2. Sedimentological and mineralogical analyses 34
2.3. Geochemical analyses 36
2.3.1. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) 36
2.3.2. Induc vely coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) 38
2.3.3. Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Total Inorganic Carbon (TIC)
and Total Nitrogen (TN) 38
2.3.4. Induc vely coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) 38
2.3.5. Gas Chromatography (GC), gas chromatography mass spectrometry
(GC-MS) and high performance liquid chromatographymass
spectrometry (HPLC-MS) 38
2.3.6. Stable carbon (δ13C), oxygen (δ18O) and hydrogen (δD)
isotopes of pore waters 38
2.3.7. Stable carbon (δ13C) and hydrogen (δD) isotopes of methane 39
2.4. Radiocarbon da ng 39

Chapter 3. Sedimentology and mineral composi on of mud volcano products and related sediments 41
Abstract 43
3.1. Introduc on 44
3.2. Regional Se ng 45
3.3. Sediment Recovery and Sampling 46
3.3.1. Sediment Recovery 46
3.3.2. Sampling 47

Table of contents

Hand-sized pieces 47
Hemipelagic sediments and mud breccia matrices 47
Methane derived authigenic (MDAC) concre on & chimney 47
3.4. Methods 47
3.5. Results 52
3.5.1. Hemipelagic sediments and mud breccias 52
3.5.2. Core lithologies 53
Kalinin MV 53
Perejil MV 53
Granada MV 53
Marrakech MV 53
Dhaka MV 53
Carmen MV 53
Mulhacen MV 54
Maya MV 54
3.5.3. Mineral composi on 54
Hemipelagic drapes 54
Mud breccia 54
MDAC concre on & chimney 59
3.5.4. Da ng 60
3.6. Discussion 60
3.6.1. On the ac vity of mud volcano from core recovering 60
3.6.2. On the nature and source of mud breccias 63
3.6.3. Role of clay dehydrata on on fluid flow 68
3.7. Conclusions 70

Chapter 4. Major and trace elements in mud-volcano solid phases and involved
sediments from the West Alboran Basin 71
Abstract 73
4.1. Introduc on 74
4.2. Geological background 74
4.3. Core sediment and sampling 75
4.4. Methods 76
4.5. Elemental ra os 77
4.6. Results 78
4.6.1. Geochemical composi on 78
Hemipelagic drapes 78
Mud breccia 78
Methane derived authigenic carbonates (MDAC). 85
4.7. Discussion 85
4.7.1. Control of fluid ven ng in hemipelagic drapes 85
4.7.2. Geochemical constrains on the nature of mud breccias
from the Alboran mud volcanoes 86

Table of contents

4.7.3. Influence of fluid ven ng on sediment geochemistry 87

Paleo-tracer of SMZT and AOM occurrence 87
Current discharge and sources of MDAC related fluids 89
4.8. Conclusions 90

Chapter 5. Fluid ven ng and methane seep in ac ve mud volcanoes from

the Alboran Sea 93
Abstract 95
5.1. Introduc on 96
5.2. Geological background and site descrip on 96
5.2.1. Mud volcanism in the West Alboran Basin 97
Carmen mud volcano 98
5.3. Sampling and analy cal procedures 99
5.3.1. Sediment sampling and core lithology 99
5.3.2. Pore waters and hydrocarbon gases 101
Gas extrac on and analysis 101
Pore water extrac on 101
Pore water analyses 102
Geo-thermometer calcula ons 103
5.4. Results 103
5.4.1. Fluid composi on 103
Dissolved major and trace elements 103
Stable and radiogenic isotopes (δ13C, δD, δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr) 103
5.4.2. Methane isotopic composi on 104
5.5. Discussion 105
5.5.1. Geochemical evidences of seawater intrusion 105
5.5.2. Rela ve rates of fluid ven ng ac vity 107
5.5.3. Poten al associated processes 109
5.5.4. Deep-source signature for deep sediments 110
5.6. Conclusions 111

Chapter 6. Origin of lipid biomarkers in mud volcanoes from the Alboran Sea,
western Mediterranean 113
Abstract 115
6.1. Introduc on 116
6.2. Geological background 117
6.3. Materials and methods 118
6.3.1. Samples 118
6.3.2. Extrac on and separa on 118
6.3.3. Analysis and iden fica on of lipid biomarkers 119
6.3.4. Methane and sulfate analyses 120
6.4. Results 121
6.4.1. Core lithologies 121

Table of contents

Perejil MV 121
Kalinin and Schneider´s Heart MVs 121
6.4.2. Lipid biomarker distribu ons 121
6.4.3. Methane and sulphate 128
6.5. Discussion 128
6.5.1. Source of organic ma er in mud breccia and hemipelagic sediments 128
6.5.2. Maturity of the organic ma er 130
6.5.3. Probable source strata 130
6.5.4. Recent microbial ac vity 132
6.5.5. MV dynamics 132
6.6. Conclusions 135

Chapter 7. Conclusions/Conclusiones 137

References 143

Appendix 165

Acknowledgments/Agradecimientos 191

Curriculum Vitae 201


In the westernmost Mediterranean, a broad field of mud volcanoes (MVs) and pockmarks occurs in
the West Alboran Basin (WAB). These typical sea-floor structures can be found in the inner part of
the Gibraltar Arc and occur above a major sedimentary depocenter encompassing early Miocene to
Holocene sedimentary sequences, up to 7 km thick. In this region the development of mud volcanism
is related to the presence of a large shale-diapiric province in the WAB. The shale-diapiric province
underlying the MV fields is derived from deep overpressured units (undercompacted Miocene shales
and olistostromes), which in turn overlie a metamorphic basement. MV occurrences are related to tec-
tonic features (faults): they rise under Holocene tectonics, and grow atop diverse diapiric structures.
Various studies have focused on the tectonic context and morphology of these mud volcanic edifices.
Still, however, little is known about the nature and components of the extruded materials (solid and
fluids phases).

This PhD thesis involves mineralogical, geochemical and biogeochemical investigations of mud-vol-
canic products and related sediments from some MVs and pockmarks of the Alboran Sea, named
Perejil, Kalinin, Schneider´s Heart, Carmen, Maya Dhaka, Marrakesh, Granada and Mulhacen, and also
Crow´s foot pockmark. The research is performed on gravity cores that comprised extruded materials’
from the MVs (mud breccias) and associated hemipelagic sediment samples. A entailed multi-proxy
approach including organic (lipid biomarkers) and inorganic (mineralogy, sedimentology and pore
water geochemistry) determinations have been performed both on fluids and solid phases. This study
provides important insights about the composition and provenance of the volcanic extruded material
(mud breccia) and hemipelagic sediments involved also including biogeochemical results closely rela-
ted with the discharge of hydrocarbon-rich fluids to the seafloor through MVs. It also pursues a better
understanding of the origin of the extruded muds as well as of the mud volcanism in the WAB.

Hemipelagic facies draping mud volcanic structures exemplify mud volcanic activity. The existence of
several interbedded intervals of hemipelagic sediments between mud breccias indicates the recurren-
ce of volcanic pulses (episodes of mud extrusions), which result in discrete and successive emission
of volcanic fluxes in the form of mud breccia intervals. Presence or absence of hemipelagic facies
drapping mud edifices inform about the age of the mud volcanic events. Active edifices present a lack
of hemipelagic drapes covering the last (uppermost) mud breccia interval. Only craters of Carmen and
Perejil MVs lack hemipelagic drapes which indicate current or very recent mud flow and fluid eruptions
as well as their current activity. This is supported by further evidence of most recent activity at these
two MVs, such as gas bubbling or living chemosynthetic fauna. Thus, the occurrence of hemipelagic
intervals intercalated with mud breccias points to successive episodes of volcanic activity resulting in
mud flows that were draped by normal marine sediments.

Inactive MVs present well developed hemipelagic drapes that lay covering the MV deposits. The ab-
sence of detectable methane discharge and nonexistence of living chemosynthetic fauna at these MVs
support their inactivity. These features are found at Kalinin, Maya, Dhaka, Marrakech, Granada and
Mulhacen which are considered inactive.


The relative homogeneity in mineralogy and geochemistry of these sediment drapes, covering or in-
terbedded with mud breccia intervals, indicates that they are generally not affected by the seepage
venting. Radiocarbon dating of Globigerina Bulloides in hemipelagic intervals reveals the age of the
older eruption occurred 10.8 Ka BP at Carmen whereas the most recent eruption happened 0.7 ka BP
at Marrakech.

All extruded materials (mud breccia) from all studied MVs have similar bulk/clay mineral and geoche-
mical composition (major and detrital element content; Al, Si, Mg, Rb, Th and REE ratios, Al2O3+TiO2
– SiO2 – Fe2O3, MgO+CaO – SiO2 – Al2O3+Fe2O3 and PAAS-normalized REE patterns). These similarities
indicate that mud breccia preserves the composition of the parental beds despite the eruptive proces-
ses during their ascent. Such widespread similarities, even among MVs located at distant sites along
the WAB, reveal a common source-rock for the extruded mud breccias.

Materials expelled by MVs are rich in clay minerals, particularly in smectite and illite. The existence of
illite-smectite-mixed layers (IS) extremely rich in illite (up to 95%) at all MVs shows that dehydration
of clay minerals plays an essential role in the release of water, and confirms smectite to illite transfor-
mation at depth. The isotopic δ18O and δD compositions of some pore waters likewise confirm that
smectite dehydration is a fluid source mechanism that contributes to mud volcanic water freshening
at the Alboran MVs. Water formation temperatures calculated through the application of empirical
geo-thermometers (K-Na, K-Mg and K-Ca) reveal that fluids generate at temperatures up to 200 ºC.
This temperature is reached at 8 km depth, where the volcanic source is located (Unit VI and Unit Va),
that form shale diapirs overlain MVs and endorses that these strata are within the oil window (i.e.
under favorable diagenetic conditions for transformation of smectite to illite as well as hydrocarbon

Pore waters signatures indicate that mud-volcanic waters derive from a deep source, and radiogenic
isotopic ratio values (87Sr/86Sr) suggest the influence of cortical crust and sediments. This assumption
is further supported by the n-alkane distribution and n-alkane-derived indices (CPI and ACL), in com-
bination with the epimerization degree of hopanes [22S/(22S+22R)] found in several mud breccias.
Particularly, the seawater-like composition of the pore fluids in the upper part of some mud breccia,
together with the constant stable carbon isotopes of methane throughout this interval, would suggest
that certain zones of the MVs may undergo downward advection of seawater after each episode of
gas expulsion.

Most of the organic matter indicates it is mostly thermally immature and has an admixture of petro-
leum-derived compounds. Pore water composition of Carmen MV confirms a distinct SO42--CH4 tran-
sition zone (SMT) coinciding with enhancement of HS- concentrations, which suggests the methane
oxidation is mediated under anaerobic conditions, with sulfate as the electron acceptor. Active anae-
robic oxidation of methane (AOM) also occurs at Perejil MV, as supported by the presence of specific
lipid biomarkers related to anaerobic methanotrophic (ANME) archaeas (irregular isoprenoids and
DGDs), the low amounts of GDGTs, and the depleted carbon isotopic composition (δ13C) of crocetane/
phytane. In this particular case, the presence of these lipid biomarkers specific for ANME- archaea
furthermore reveals the dominance of anaerobic methanotrophs of the ANME-2 group over ANME-1.

Evidences of fossil AOM is corroborated at Crow´s foot pockmark by the stable carbon isotopic compo-
sition of the methane-derived authigenic carbonate (MDAC) chimney and concretion encountered at
this site. The enhancements of redox sensitive elements (Mo, S) as well as disseminated MDAC- enri-
ched fronts (Sr/Ca, Ma/Ca) within mud breccias at dormant MVs also demonstrate that ancient pulses
of methane occurred at these edifices, and served to constrain the mud volcanic activity in past times.
Regarding the origin of the mud volcanic material expelled by the Alboran MVs, data conclude that the
source-rocks feeding these structures is thought to be overpressured shales and megabreccias (rich in
fluid) that constitute the lowermost and the second deepest units of the WAB infill (Unit VI and Unit
Va; Early to Middle Miocene in age) which at same time generate de shale diapirism within the Mud
Dipir Province (MDP) in the Alboran Sea.


En el Mar de Alboran (Mediterráneo Occidental) existe un amplio campo de volcanes de lodo y
pockmarks. Estas estructuras de escape de fluidos profundos al fondo marino se localizan en la Cuen-
ca Oeste de Alboran (COA) que corresponde al mayor depocentro existente en la Cuenca del Mar de
Alboran. En la COA la cobertera sedimentaria, alcanza potencias de hasta 7 km de espesor y contiene
depósitos con edades comprendidas entre el Mioceno inferior y el Holoceno. La ubicación y el desa-
rrollo del vulcanismo de lodo y pockmarks en la COA está relacionado con la presencia en profundidad
de una extensa Provincia Diapirica de Lodo bajo el campo de volcanes, y con la actividad tectónica re-
ciente o actual en la cuenca. Datos geofísicos y geológicos previos indican que los diapiros comportan
facies sobrepresurizadas (arcillas verdes y olistostromas o megabrechas) pertenecientes a las unidades
sísmo-estratigraficas Va y VI, de edad Mioceno inferior y medio, y que la posición de los volcanes de
lodo está condicionada por estructuras tectónicas recientes.

Esta Tesis Doctoral aborda el estudio mineralógico, geoquímico y biogeoquímico de los productos vol-
cánicos, y sedimentos relacionados con diversos volcanes de lodo existentes en el Mar de Alboran
llamados Perejil, Kalinin, Schneider´s Heart, Carmen, Maya, Dhaka, Marrakech, Granada y Mulhacen,
y además del Crow´s foot pockmark. Las investigaciones se han realizado en testigos de gravedad de
esas estructuras volcánicas que recuperaron materiales extruidos por los volcanes (brechas de lodo)
y sedimentos hemipelágicos asociados. Se han determinado e integrado diversos indicadores orgá-
nicos (biomarcadores) e inorgánicos (mineralogía, sedimentología y geoquímica) en las fases sólidas
extruidas (brechas de lodo), y la composición de sus fluidos intersticiales; asimismo, se han analizado
(mineralogía, geoquímica y dataciones) los sedimentos pelágicos involucrados en los edificios volcá-
nicos. Este trabajo aporta resultados importantes sobre la naturaleza del material extruido (brechas
y fluidos) por los volcanes, incluyendo resultados biogeoquímicos estrechamente relacionados con la
descarga volcánica al fondo marino de fluidos ricos en hidrocarburos. Además, se precisan el origen
del material volcánico y los procesos determinables en los flujos extruidos, y se contribuye a conocer
mejor la dinámica del vulcanismo de lodo en la COA.

Las facies pelágicas en los edificios volcánicos ilustran sobre la actividad volcánica. La existencia de
varios intervalos de sedimentos hemipelágicos intercalados entre los de brechas de lodo indica que los
eventos de actividad volcánica en la COA son múltiples, resultando en discretas y sucesivas efusiones
de flujos volcánicos expresadas por los intervalos de brecha. La presencia o ausencia de facies hemipe-
lágicas cubriendo las estructuras volcánicas determina la antigüedad de los episodios de extrusión del
volcán. Los volcanes actualmente activos carecen de cobertera hemipelágica y las brechas volcánicas
se exponen al fondo marino en sus cráteres. Únicamente los cráteres de los volcanes Carmen y Perejil
carecen de cobertera hemipelágica, indicando así que estos dos volcanes son activos hoy día. Eviden-
cias, tales como la presencia de fauna quimiosintética viva y el burbujeo de gases visible encontrados
en los cráteres de esos dos volcanes corroboran su actividad volcánica actual. Los volcanes inactivos
presentan sedimentos hemipelágicos bien desarrollados cubriendo los cráteres y diversas intercalacio-
nes de sedimentos pelágicos entre intervalos de brecha. La ausencia de descargas de metano visible
o de fauna quimiosintética viva confirma que esos volcanes son inactivos. Estas características las


presentan los volcanes Kalinin, Maya, Dhaka, Marrakesh, Granada y Mulhacen por lo que se consideran
actualmente inactivos.

La relativa homogeneidad mineralógica y geoquímica que presentan las facies hemipelágicas, tanto si
aparecen tapizando o intercaladas entre intervalos de brechas de lodo, indica que estos sedimentos
se han visto poco afectados por la descarga de fluidos. Las dataciones de radiocarbono sobre forami-
níferos planktónicos Globigerina Bulloides de los intervalos hemipelágicos han permitido saber que
la erupción más antigua determinada en los testigos de gravedad estudiados tuvo lugar hace aproxi-
madamente 10.8 Ka BP en el volcán Carmen y que la más reciente ocurrió hace unos 0.7 ka BP en el
volcán Marrakech.

Los materiales extruidos (brechas de lodo) por todos los volcanes estudiados tienen composición mi-
neralógica total, similar asociación de los minerales de la arcillas, y similar composición geoquími-
ca (elementos mayores y detríticos; relaciones Al, Si, Mg, Rb, Th y REE, Al2O3+TiO2 – SiO2 – Fe2O3,
MgO+CaO – SiO2 – Al2O3+Fe2O3 y patrones de REE normalizados al PAAS). Estas similitudes sugieren,
que en las brechas se preserva la composición de los materiales fuente del volcanismo de lodo, a pe-
sar de los diferentes procesos que los flujos volcánicos pudieron sufrir en su ascenso. La similitud del
material extruido por los distintos volcanes estudiados indica que los flujos extruidos tienen el mismo
origen, a pesar de la lejanía entre los edificios volcánicos.

Los materiales que expulsaron los volcanes contienen una alta proporción de minerales arcillosos,
particularmente esmectitas e illitas. Interestratificados de smectita/illita (IS), extremadamente ricos
en capas de illita (hasta un 95%), se han identificado en todos los volcanes, revelando que la deshi-
dratación de los minerales de la arcilla juega un papel fundamental en los procesos de generación de
fluidos, a la vez que confirman las transformaciones esmectita-illita en profundidad. La composición
isotópica δ18O y δD de ciertos fluidos intersticiales indica que la deshidratación de las esmectitas afecta
a la signatura geoquímica de los fluidos intersticiales de las brechas. La aplicación de geo-termómetros
empíricos (K-Na, K-Mg y K-Ca) permite calcular las temperaturas de formación de esos fluidos e indica
que se generaron en un rango de temperaturas que llega a los 200 ºC. En la COA, esta temperatura se
puede alcanzar a unos 8 km de profundidad. A esta profundidad se localizan los diapiros de lodo de la
COA que consecuentemente se consideran la principal fuente del material volcánico estudiado. Este
dato geotérmico sugiere que las Unidades sismo-estratigráficas VI y Va que conforman los diapiros
de lodo infrayacentes a los volcanes se encuentran sometidos a procesos diagenéticos que favorecen
tanto la transformación de esmecitas en illitas, como la generación de hidrocarburos.

La signatura geoquímica de los fluidos intersticiales en brechas también indica que los flujos volcá-
nicos derivan de una fuente profunda, y los valores de isotopos radiogénicos (87Sr/86Sr) sugieren la
influencia de una corteza continental subyacente. Esta hipótesis se confirma por la existencia de bio-
marcadores tales como los n-alkanos y los índices relacionados con n-alkanos (CPI y ACL), junto con
los grados de epidermización de los hopanos [22S/(22S+22R)] en ciertos intervalos de brechas. Los
fluidos intersticiales a techo de los intervalos de brecha tienen una signatura geoquímica parecida a
la del agua marina, con valores constantes de isotopos estables de carbono, lo que indica que el agua
marina percoló en los materiales extruidos tras cada episodio de actividad volcánica.


Resultados del estudio de biomarcadores indican que la materia orgánica presente en las brechas de
lodo tiene unas características fundamentalmente inmaduras, y que presenta mezcla con compuestos
derivados del petróleo. Los fluidos intersticiales del volcán Carmen determinan una zona de transición
SO42--CH4 que coincide con un incremento en la concentración de HS-, lo que sugiere que la oxidación
del metano ocurrió en condiciones anaeróbicas, con el sulfato como aceptor de electrones. El volcán
Perejil presenta oxidación anaeróbica del metano (OAM), determinada por la presencia de ciertos
biomarcadores lipídicos relacionados con arqueas anaeróbicas metanotróficas (ANME) (isoprenoides
irregulares y DGDs, baja cantidad de GDGTs, e isotopos estables de carbono empobrecidos (δ13C)
del compuesto crocetano/phytano). Además, la presencia de estos biomarcadores relacionados con
arqueas-ANME revela que predominan los metanótrofos anaeróbicos del grupo ANME-2 sobre los del
grupo ANME-1.

Evidencias de una OAM fósil se encuentran en el Crow´s foot pockmark, y quedan reflejadas por la
composición isotópica δ13C de los carbonatos autigénicos derivados del metano (MDAC) analizados.
En las brechas de los volcanes inactivos, el incremento de elementos sensibles a procesos de oxida-
ción-reducción (Mo, S) así como la presencia de frentes ligeramente enriquecidos en MDAC (Sr/Ca,
Ma/Ca) demuestra que en esos volcanes inactivos ocurrieron pulsos de metano en el pasado. Las con-
centraciones en metano y sulfato de los fluidos intersticiales en las brechas de los volcanes activos
constatan que actualmente se están produciendo descargas de metano en el Mar de Alboran.

Respecto al origen del material volcánico extruido, se concluye que la fuente que nutre los volcanes
de lodo de la COA corresponde a las arcillas y megabrechas sobrepresurizadas (subcompactadas) que
forman las unidades basales del relleno sedimentario de la cuenca (Unidad VI y Unidad Va; de edad
Mioceno inferior y medio), que a su vez generan el diapirismo de lodo de la Provincia Diapirica de Lodo
del Mar de Alboran.

& background
Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Their occurrence is known to be linked to hydro-

carbon-rich fluids and seepage fields (Whelan et
al., 2005; Mazzini et al., 2009a; Martinelli et al.,
Introduction and Background 2012; Oppo et al., 2014, among others), and they
located on land, where more than 900 terrestrial
1.1 Mud volcanoes: an overview
MVs are supposed to exist, or offshore, where
Mud volcanoes (MVs) constitute geological featu-
the amount of mud edifices may significantly ex-
res through which overpressured clayed material
ceed the quantified number of these structures
and fluids are transported from deep sedimen-
on land (Fig.1.1) (Milkov, 2000; Dimitrov, 2002;
tary strata and expelled to the Earth´s surface
Mazurenko and Soloviev, 2003; Tinivella and
(Milkov, 2000; Dimitrov, 2002; Kopf, 2002a).
Giustiniani, 2013).

a d

b e

c f

Figure 1.1. Examples of the main seeping features of MVs on land and off shore: a) MV field showing different mud-cones, b)
mud-flows with desiccation cracks, c) active vent vigorously erupting water and gas-rich mud, d-f) submarine seepages showing
the typical cone-shape and crater of a MV. Active venting is evidenced by gas bubbling to the water column. Source GFDL via
Wikimedia Commons

Chapter 1

In marine realms, MVs occur at different depths, ascension, piercing the sediments and giving rise
from shallow to deep waters (from 500 to 5000 to MV edifices at surface (Milkov, 2000; Dimitrov,
m deep). Exceptional examples have been descri- 2002). The occurrence of MVs moreover depends
bed in areas such as the Black Sea, the Mediterra- on the regional setting.
nean Ridge, the Nankai Trough or the Barbados To this regard, the mechanisms that may pro-
(Dimitrov, 2002). Since the 1970´s, a large num- mote high pore-fluid overpressure are 1) recent
ber of MVs has been discovered at seafloor due tectonic activity, in particular compressional
to the exploration of active fluid venting regions, activity; 2) high sedimentation rates; 3) intense
supported by the rapid development in recent development of salt/shale diapirism; 4) the occu-
decades of underwater research technologies. rrence of diagenetic reactions such as clay mine-
Still, the total number of MVs remains uncertain ral dehydration or destabilization of gas hydrates;
and future research will no doubt engross the 5) post-depositional transformation of organic
number of known MVs (Mazurenko and Soloviev, matter leading to hydrocarbon generation; and
2003; Martinelli and Panahi, 2005). 6) hydrothermal pressuring (Milkov, 2000; Brown
MVs are geological structures that expel large et al., 2001; Dimitrov, 2002; Kopf, 2002a; Planke
volumes of detrital material (rock and clast frag- et al., 2003).
ments), together with hydrocarbon-rich fluids According to Milkov (2000), MVs most likely de-
(e.g. methane), subsequently representing “na- velop on top of seafloor-piercing shale diapirs
tural windows to the deep geosphere” (Fig. 1.1). (Fig. 1.2a), although in some cases diapirs are
This eruptive behavior provides key geological completely unrelated to MV generation (Fig.
and geochemical information on the nature of 1.2b). At times the diapir does not completely
deep sources feeding the MVs, and offers insights pierce the sediment cover and rises only to a le-
into the diagenetic processes operating at depth, vel beneath the surface (Fig. 1.2b and c). Yet du-
such as the formation/dissociation of gas hydra- ring diapir emplacement the fluidized mud can
tes, mineral transformations, the degradation of migrate further upward and reach the surface.
organic matter and high pressure/temperature- Thus, the ascent of the semi-liquid and plastic
reactions (Martin et al., 1996; Hensen et al., material along faults and fractures is described
2007; Liu et al., 2009; Li et al., 2014). In certain as the most common mechanism for MV forma-
cases this information would be economically tion (Fig. 1.2d and e) and the expulsion of mud
and technically more difficult to obtain by means breccia with high fluid contents. The expelled
of standard drilling operations. material can be extremely rich in fluids (brine,
The expelled materials are typically known as gas, water), which may be the main phase of mud
“mud breccia” (Cita et al., 1981). The solid pha- breccia or even the only material that migrates.
se of mud breccia is composed of a sedimentary In such situations, pockmarks and seepage re-
mixture or mélange mainly deriving from the lated-structures are formed on the seafloor ins-
over-pressurized source strata, with a secondary tead of mud volcanic edifices (Fig. 1.2f). MVs can
incorporation of clastic material through the tri- be also connected to petroleum reservoirs where
ggering of the overlying stratigraphic units as a fluids are discharged to the seafloor through un-
consequence of the upward migration of mud- derwater cold-venting (Fig. 1.3). The worldwide
rich fluids (Akhmanov, 1996; Akhmanov and Wo- distribution of hydrocarbon fluid venting, both
odside, 1998). on active and passive continental margins, is ge-
The existence of source strata having low densi- nerally associated to gas hydrate accumulations
ty and pore-fluid overpressure favors mud fluid (Fig. 1.4) (Milkov, 2000).

Chapter 1

a b c d e f

Overpressured shales

Figure 1.2. Scheme showing submarine MVs formed by a) MV formed on top of a seafloor-piercing shale diaper; b) buried mud
diapir; c) seafloor-piercing shale diaper without MV; d-e) MVs formed by the rising of fluidized sediments along faults; f) seafloor
seepage. Arrows show the migration paths of fluids. Modified after Milkov, 2000

In light of the tectonic context, MVs can be linked Comas et al., 2010; Somoza et al., 2012); or pas-
to convergent plate settings and accretionary sive continental margins, e.g. Niger Delta (Graue,
complexes, e.g. Barbados (Olu et al., 1997; De- 2000), the Black Sea (Ivanov et al., 1998; Mazzini,
ville et al., 2006), the Nankai Trough (Kuramoto 2009b), the Caspian Sea (Ginsburg and Soloviev,
et al., 2001), Makran accretionary prism (von Rad 1994), the Barent Sea (Pape et al., 2011), the Nile
et al., 2000), Eastern Mediterranean (Cita et al., deep-sea fan (Mascle et al., 2001), the Norwe-
1994; Ivanov et al., 1996; Lykousis et al., 2004), gian Sea (Vogt et al., 1999; Perez-Garcia et al.,
the Gulf of Cadiz (Kenyon et al., 2000; Mascle et 2009) and the Gulf of Mexico (Sager et al., 2003).
al., 2014) the Alboran Sea (Talukder et al., 2003;

Figure 1.3. Topographic and bathymetric map showing the worldwide occurrence of MVs and natural gas hydrate deposits de-
duced from recovered gas hydrate samples and inferred gas hydrate occurrences, based on seismic evidence (bottom simulating
reflector; BSR) and well logs. Yellow dots correspond with MVs, red dots mark places where the presence of gas hydrates is
inferred from seismic or well logs, and white dots indicate recovered gas hydrate samples. Modified after Kholodov, 2002, Kopf,
2002 and Judd and Hovland, 2007.
Chapter 1

Methane Methane Gas

Oil slick on Oil slick on

sea surface sea surface

lved e Mud, oil

sso than

e l in
Oi & gas erupts
Bubbles bursts
Oil coated
and dissolves Macro
bubbles Bacterial mat

Oil & gas

Reservoir Gas Gas Mud Volcano

hydrate Reservoir
Cracks, Salt Gas from
faults Rock methanogenic
& fractures microorganisms

oil & gas

Figure 1.4. Scheme summarizing all processed related with gas seepage at marine seafloor. They include the generation of
thermogenic oil and gas, and biogenic methane. Either source of gas can migrate upward rapidly through faults and fractures,
or more slowly by diffusion within sediments to overlying oil and gas reservoirs. In either case, most of the gas transfer from
the reservoir and migrates upward reaching the sediment-water interface where hydrocarbons can be deposited or vented to
the water column. If methane concentration does not reach the saturation level, the gas is dissolved and largely biodegraded
in the water column. In marine sediments where sufficient methane concentration is present, gas bubbles may formed; if the
methane flux is vigorous enough, they can reach the atmosphere. The bubbles are sometimes coated with oil. Chemosynthetic
macro and micro-communities tend to develop on the surface of gas hydrates and within bacterial mats as they are fueled by
these gas seeps. Modified after Whelan et al., 2005

1.2 Digenetic processes associated with mud vol- (Boetius et al., 2000; Orphan et al., 2001a; Knittel
canism. et al., 2005; Niemann et al., 2006b; Lösekann et
In marine sediments, methane decomposition is al., 2007; Pernthaler et al., 2008; Knittel and Boe-
mediated by the biological process of anaerobic tius, 2009; Boetius and Wenzhöfer, 2013). During
oxidation of methane (AOM) and is considered AOM (eq.1) more than 90% of methane is anae-
an important sink of methane in the Earth (Knit- robically consumed by microbes in the presence
tel and Boetius, 2009; Holler et al., 2011; Milucka of sulfate (SO42-) as the electron acceptor (Mar-
et al., 2012; and references therein). AOM mainly tens and Berner, 1974; Reeburgh, 1976; Barnes
takes place in oxygen-free sediments, within the and Goldberg, 1976; Treude et al., 2003; Cui et
topmost layers affected by sulfate penetration al., 2015).
(Knittel et al., 2005; Knittel and Boetius, 2009; CH4 +SO42-YHS- + H2O + HCO3-
Reeburgh, 2007), and is regulated by a consortia In marine sediments, the interval where AOM
of anaerobic methane oxidizer archaeas (ANMEs) takes place is known as the sulfate-methane tran-
together with sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) sition zone (SMTZ), where sulfate is nearly deple-

Chapter 1

ted and methane concentration starts to drama- (Ca2+), and generate calcium carbonate (CaCO3)
tically increase. Hence, a distinctive concave-up precipitates. At the same time hydrogen sulphide
shape of the methane concentration distribution (H2S) is produced, serving as a source of energy
and a reverse profile of sulfate concentration for chemosynthetic communities, including sym-
in depth are recognized, giving a typical inter- biotic clams and tubeworms (Fig. 1.5).
section indicative of AOM occurrence (Fig. 1.5) In this sense, hydrocarbon seep venting also su-
(e.g., Reeburgh 1976, 1980; Boetius et al., 2000; pports specific methane-dependent microbial
Knittel and Boetius, 2009; Milucka et al., 2012). communities. AOM is mediated by a putative
Such zones have a variable thickness, from a few consortium of methanotrophic archaea with
centimeters to a few meters below the seafloor. sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB). This leads to an
Moreover, during active cold seeps the thickness accumulation of biomass in methane seeps (Nie-
of this zone can vary significantly. In some cases mann, 2005; Elvert et al., 2000; Michaelis et al.,
it extremely thin and pulled up to the seafloor or 2002) while controlling, to some extent, the mo-
even appears very close to it. dern network of methane flux emissions to the
Likewise, during AOM processes the consump- atmosphere (Hinrichs and Boetius, 2002; Ree-
tion of dissolved sulfate in the pore waters affects burgh, 2007; Cui et al., 2015).
the carbonate system (Fig 1.5; eq.1) and metha- The current classification of both methanotrophic
ne reactions produce bicarbonate (HCO3–), which archaea and sulfate-reducing bacteria involved
acan further react with dissolved calcium ions in AOM processes was established through the


Methane Sulfate CH4


profile profile CH4

CH + 2O CO + 2H O Aerobic zone
4 2 2 2
reduction zone
2+ - +
Ca + HCO CaCO + H
3 3


consortia 2- - -
CH + SO HCO + HS + H O
4 4 3 2
2- -
2CH O + SO 2HCO + H S
2 4 3 2


CO + 4H 2H O + CH

2 2 2 4
3 2 4

Figure 1.5. Scheme of the marine methane cycle showing depth distribution profiles of methane and sulfate concentrations in
interstitial waters. The sulphate-methane transition zone (SMTZ) corresponds with the break of methane and sulfate profiles
and represents the zone of maximum anaerobic oxidation of methane. Red and green balls signal methanotrophic archaeas
and sulfate-reducing bacterias, respectively. Gridded zone denotes precipitation of methane-derived authigenic carbonates.
Modified after Stadnitskaia, 2007a

Chapter 1

phylogenetic analysis of 16S rDNA gene sequen- 1.3 Environmental hazards and socio-economic
ces (Hinrichs et al., 1999; Boetius et al., 2000; importance of mud volcanism
Orphan et al., 2001a, 2001b; Cui et al., 2015, and Research into MVs holds great geological interest
references therein). They revealed three distinct because these particular structures facilitate the
clusters of Euryarchaeota capable of mediating outcropping of materials placed several kilome-
AOM, and namely ANaerobic MEthanotrophs ters in depth. Mud volcanism is also of relevance
(ANME-1, -2 and -3). for economic issues and geo-hazard assessments,
Whereas members of ANME-2 and ANME-3 ar- owing to their associations with hydrocarbon-oil,
chaeal clusters are respectively related to the gas, and gas-hydrate fields (i.e. Azerbaijan, Gulf
cultured members of the methanogenic Metha- of Mexico, deep water Nigeria). Not to be under-
nosarcinales (Orphan et al., 2002b; Knittel et estimated are the effects that mud eruptions (i.e.
al., 2005; Niemann et al., 2006; Lösekann et al., submarine landscapes) may entail for human risk
2007; Lazar et al., 2011) and to the cultivated and environmental safeguarding.
genera Methanococcoides spp., members of the In MVs, the upward migration of hydrocarbon-
ANME-1 cluster do not contain any culture relati- rich fluids can be linked to destabilization of gas
ves (Michaelis et al., 2002; Orphan et al., 2001a; hydrates. These are ice-like crystalline forms
Knittel et al., 2005). Specific lipid biomarkers and composed of water and low molecular weight gas
their stable carbon isotope signatures are widely (e.g. methane), trapped and hosted inside the
used for the identification of ANME populations, “iced cage” (Ginsburg and Soloviev, 1997; Ivanov
as they serve as fingerprints and relative indica- et al., 1998). They are stable under very specific
tors of ANME biomasses (Schouten et al., 2012 ranges of pressure and temperature (Liu et al.,
and references therein) and consequently as re- 2013, and references therein), and any alteration
liable proxies for past-or-recent MV activity re- of these conditions may lead to the destabiliza-
constructions. tion of the methane hydrates. Thus, massive and
MVs are also tied to particular marine ecosys- episodic eruptions of MVs may contribute to a
tems as a consequence of the upward migration gas hydrate dissociation and discharge of mud
of hydrocarbon rich-fluids (mainly methane). fluids which, ultimately, might destabilize the
Once these fluids reach the seafloor, they indu- seafloor. Gas hosted inside gas hydrates escapes
ce the development of specific biological activity within sediments, and volumes occupied by gas
or chemosynthetic fauna (Sibuet and Olu, 1998; hydrates are replaced by water and sediment
Boetius et al., 2000; Orphan et al., 2001a, 2001b; particles, which can generate an excess of pore
Vanreusel et al., 2009; Fischer et al., 2012), being pressure.
rich in inorganic and organic compounds, hence Mud volcanism may therefore play a noteworthy
sources of carbon, energy and nutrients for the role in the degassing and dewatering processes
methane-dependent macro-organisms. The pro- of buried sediments (Dimitrov, 2002; Kopf et
duction of benthic organisms such as mollusks, al., 2002a). The discharge of hydrocarbon-rich
siboglinid tubeworms, microbial mats or even fluids during mud volcanic eruptions changes
microbial chemosynthetic communities (i.e. ar- the landscape of the MV, as a consequence of
chaeas and bacteria, as addressed above) would the rapid expansion of trapped gasses followed
constitute direct bio-indicators of a recent relea- by their gradual release, leading to significant
se of methane-rich fluids to the subsurface, as disturbances of seafloor morphology (Feseker et
well as the activity of MVs. al., 2014). This would also favor the generation of
giant landslides and instabilities on the sediment

Chapter 1

surface near the mud edifices. Accordingly, the a massive release of carbon altered the carbon
hazardous implications of MVs are not limited to cycle, climate, ocean chemistry, and marine and
seafloor operations and infrastructures, as they continental ecosystems. The resulting emission
represent a possible risk for humans and the en- of free methane by gas hydrate destabilization
vironment. to the oceans and atmosphere is considered as
Because MVs are particularly sensitive to exter- a potential source of carbon, and may contribute
nal perturbations, they constitute ideal natural to global warming (McInerney and Wing, 2011).
laboratories to test the effects of dynamic stress Methane does not only occur in the form of
generated by remote seismic events. Systems of gas hydrate, but also as free gas trapped in the
MVs are most often directly associated with acti- deep-frozen permafrost. Methane deposits in
ve tectonic settings and aligned trending bands permafrost and hydrates are particularly sensi-
(i.e., Thyrrenian Sea; South Caspian Sea; the Gulf tive in expansive shallow-shelf regions, because
of Cadiz, among others) (Dimitrov, 2002; Husey- under relatively low pressures a release of large
nov and Guliyev, 2004; Manga and Brodsky, 2006; amounts of methane is more likely to be promo-
Gutscher et al., 2012; Lupi et al., 2014; Oppo et ted by minor temperature changes (Collett et al.,
al., 2014; Rovere et al., 2014). Under instable con- 2011, and references therein).
ditions, a sudden tremor may provoke irregular In these regions the occurrence of MVs and other
and unexpected events of mud eruptions, reacti- cold-seep venting features constitute direct indi-
vating dormant MVs. This could entail the shake- cators of the hydrocarbon content of the deeper
up of sediments, inducing instabilities of the sediments, hence of the petroleum potential of
ground floor or even the generation of landslides the area (e.g. Guliev and Feizullayev, 1996; Iva-
and faulting, which could affect the composition nov, et al., 1998; Kholodov, 2002; Stadnitskaia et
of deep fluids promoting a significant increase in al., 2008). This fact has generated extraordinary
gas release and gas hydrate dissociation. The ca- interest in the study of MVs, especially to unders-
tastrophic release of methane into the Earth´s at- tand their connection with petroliferous accumu-
mosphere may have noteworthy implications for lations. The existence of hydrocarbon reservoirs
global warming and climatic change. Methane beneath MVs— containing methane as well as
is a significant greenhouse gas (Etiope and Klus- other more complex organic compounds (e.g.
man, 2002; Etiope, 2012) due to its availability wet gas, petroleum)— is primarily traced to their
to absorb and emit infrared radiation; its global eruptive behavior and the discharge of hydrocar-
warming potential is 20 times greater than that bon-rich mud flows and sediments to the sur-
of carbon dioxide over a 100-year period. This face. Still, the importance of the understanding
signals MVs as natural sources of hydrocarbons, of hydrocarbon gases (either thermogenic or of
with a key role in the geochemical carbon cycle a microbial/biogenic nature) is primarily tied to
(Kopf and Deyhle, 2002) and, in turn, in the world their economic implications. There is a need for
greenhouse gas budget and its impact on the pre- more accurate estimations of petroliferous po-
sent and past global climate (Dickens et al., 1995; tential in areas where cold seep and fluid venting
Dimitrov, 2002). discharge occurs. MVs understood as “natural
Such is the case of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal free holes to the deep geosphere” heighten the
Maximum (PETM; Dickens, 2001; Thomas et al., interest of the scientific research community and
2002; Zachos et al., 2008; McInerney and Wing, of oil companies looking for reliable petrolife-
2011, among others): an abrupt global warming rous insights to identify new natural reservoirs of
along with oceanographic changes triggered by hydrocarbons.

Chapter 1

1.4 Regional Setting basin, which resulted in prominent north-south

The Alboran Sea is a marginal basin located in the shortening of the marine realm and uplifting
westernmost Mediterranean Sea. Differences in and emersions of the surrounding Betics and Riff
structural architecture, sedimentary infill and se- chains. The recent and actual active tectonics
afloor morphology allow for discerning the wes- conditioned the present coastline as well as the
tern, eastern and southern Alboran Basins. The current seafloor morphology (Comas et al., 1999,
Alboran Sea Basin is a remnant of the Miocene and references therein).
back-arc basin from the Gibraltar Arc System (Fig. Basement and sedimentary cover beneath the
1.6). This System comprises the Betics (Spain) Alboran Sea are known from commercial wells
and Rif (Morocco) orogenic arc, the Alboran and and ODP Leg 161 drilling. The thicker sedimen-
Algerian back-arc basins, and the forearc accre- tary depocenter is located in the West Alboran
tionary prism on the Atlantic side. Within the Basin, where more than 7 km of sediments lie
Gibraltar Arc System, the Alboran Basin evolved atop the metamorphic basement (Fig. 1.7) (Jura-
since the Late Oligocene in a geodynamic setting do and Comas, 1992; Comas et al., 1996; Soto, et
characterized by a pervasive north-south conver- al., 1996).
gence between the Eurasian and African plates The West Alboran Basin is characterized by the
(Dewey et al., 1989). presence of extensive shale diapirism and shale
Geological and geophysical data demonstrate tectonics determined by the existence of over-
that the Alboran Sea originated in the Early Mio- pressured units at depth (Comas et al., 1999,
cene, and evolved first through extensional tec- 2012; Soto et al., 2010). The overpressure is cli-
tonics (from Middle to Upper Miocene), later un- mited to the basal units of the West Alboran Ba-
dergoing significant contractive tectonics (from sin (Unit VI and Unit Va; Jurado and Comas, 1992;
Late Miocene onwards). Post-Miocene contracti- Fig. 1.7), as reported by logging data (sonic veloci-
ve tectonics caused a major reorganization of the ty, density and resistivity) from Andalucia-G1 and

Figure 1.6. The Gibraltar Arc System (GAS). From Iribarren et al., 2009

Chapter 1

Alboran-A1 boreholes drilled in the West Alboran

Age Epoch Seismic Mud dispirism basin. Furthermore, borehole sampling indicates
Ma Age Units and volcanism
that Unit VI (Burdigalian in age) is made up of
Quat. under-compacted (pressurized) olistostromic or

2.588 brecciated materials containing heterogeneous

rock fragments (blocks, boulders and clasts) of

Contractive Tectonics

? different ages embedded in a shale matrix inter-
calated with clay, marly and sandy intervals, whi-

mud diapirism
le Unit Va (Langhian in age) also contains under-

5.332 compacted green clays (Jurado and Comas, 1992;

Díaz-Merino et al., 2003) (Fig. 1.7).


7.246 Mud volcanism and pockmarks occurring in the West

Alboran Basin overlie the huge Mud Diapir Province

that extends from the Iberian to the Moroccan mar-

R3 gins (Fig. 1.8). As evidenced by previous work, the
? mud volcanism is linked to recent stages of shale
diapirism taking place during compressive tecto-
mud diapirism


nics (Plio-Quaternary, from 4-5 Ma onwards), which

conditioned pierced diapirs and led subsequently to

mud volcanism at the seafloor (Comas et al., 2010,
R4 Soto et al., 2012 and references therein). Seismic
13.82 profiles show that volcano-feeding channels are con-

Exensional Tectonics

15.97 R5 diapirism
UNIT-VI strated
sedimentary klippen
Olistostromes and

Pockmark Malaga Basin


Carmen Tarifa
23.03 Metamorphic Ceuta
Crow´s foot



Figure 1.7. Tectonic evolution and main processes in the

Alboran Sea basin related to seismo‐stratigraphy infill ages. Figure 1.8. The Mud Diapir Province of the Alboran Sea
Note the position of Unit VI –comprising overpressured clay showing position of the recorded MVs. WAB: West Alboran
and olistostromes— and pulses and ages of mud diapirism in Basin; SAB. South Alboran Basin. Dark green: Mud Diapiric
the framework of tectonic evolution. Modified from Comas Province. Light green: Area occupied by Unit VI in the Malaga
et al., 1999 Basin

Chapter 1

nected to deeper shale-diapir structures, evidencing diagenetic processes in marine sediments invol-
that volcanic processes bring up to the seafloor over- ving methane production and emissions are cru-
pressured shales and olistostromes from Unit VI (Fig. cial for our understanding of the carbon cycle.
1.7) lying at a depth of over 6 km (Talukder et al., At the present time, innovative technologies for
2003; Comas et al., 2012). data acquisition as well as heightened scientific
The extruded mud breccias contain exotic rocks interest in this topic have led to a vast literature
from different sedimentary units embedded in on methane emission into the atmosphere from
minor-sized mud breccias (matrices) (Fig.1.9). marine sediments and on gas hydrates as a po-
Micropaleontological data from core sampling tential source of atmospheric methane. Special
indicates that MVs can bring up to the seafloor attention has been paid to estimations of the
sedimentary rocks ranging from the Late Creta- rates of microbial processes (sulfate reduction,
ceous to the Late Miocene (Sautkin et al., 2003; methanogenesis, and methane oxidation) as well
Gennari et al., 2013). A deep thermogenic source as the fluxes of biogenic methane from marine
of fluids expelled by the Alboran MVs has been sediments to the water column and to the at-
suggested on the basis of δ13C isotope determina- mosphere. Seepage areas and MVs in particular
tions in authigenic carbonates, pore-water analy- are held to be hot spots for biogeochemical pro-
ses, gas composition and lipid biomarkers (Blino- cesses related to methane cycling. MVs also hold
va et al., 2011; López-Rodríguez et al., 2014). The great interest because they represent unique
abundance of chemosynthetic habitats (bivalves, geological structures. The widespread interest in
tube worms) above some MVs indicates current MV investigation is further justified in that they
methane/hydrocarbon seeping (Hilário et al., are key settings for the study of Geosphere-Bios-
2011). However, most of the Alboran MVs appear phere coupling processes and an exceptional na-
to be inactive, or dormant (Comas et al., 2010). tural laboratory to explore the interplay between
tectonics, detrital sediments, authigenic mineral
precipitation, deep fluids and the deep biosphe-
re. Increasing site surveying and coring in seepa-
ge areas provides for a global picture of MV dis-
tribution, though the total number of submarine
MVs is still uncertain and further investigations
are clearly required.
The recent discovery, in the late nineties, of an
MV province in the Western Alboran has added a
new hotspot to the picture, with numerous MVs,
pockmarks, authigenic carbonates and chemos-
ynthetic fauna reportedly linked to fluids expe-
Figure 1.9. Fragments of exotic rocks and clasts from mega-
breccias from Units VI. lled from a overpressurized shale deep source.
Although seepage and MV activity have been
1.5 Motivation well documented in the nearby regions of Gulf
of Cadiz and the Eastern Mediterranean, much
Biogeochemical processes related to methane
less is known about MV dynamics in the Alboran
production are subjected to intensive research,
sea basin. The UNESCO/IOC Training Through
since methane is an important greenhouse gas
Research Program (e.g., Comas et al., 1999; Ken-
that plays a major role in the global carbon cy-
yon et al., 2000; Kenyon et al., 2006; Ivanov et
cle. Hence, investigations of microbiological and

Chapter 1

al., 2010) has significantly contributed to MV (mud breccia matrices and fluids) as well as their
exploration in this region. Distribution of MVs, origin and source. This entails evaluation of the
source rocks and tectonic processes have been organic matter of mud breccias and hemipelagic
previously addressed, whereas the nature of MV marine sediments.
derived materials and processes related to deep - To understand the role of sediment-fluid inte-
fluid circulation are poorly understood (e.g., Co- ractions during diagenetic processes, and their
mas et al., 1999; Talukder, 2003; Somoza et al., association with hydrocarbon generation (i.e. me-
2012). thane, gas hydrates), clay mineral transformations
Within this context, the present Thesis is inten- (smectite-to-illite) or authigenic mineral precipi-
ded to provide new insights into the reconstruc- tation (methane-derived authigenic carbonates;
tion of MV dynamics (source and provenance of MDACs).
extruded mud breccia) and fluid venting in this - To determine the current activity of the Alboran
tectonically active region by using a multiproxy MVs, in order to distinguish the most active struc-
approach that embraces two types of investiga- tures as well as the dormant ones, and document
tion of the fluid and solid phases: organic (lipid the occurrence of mud volcanic eruptions in past
biomarkers) and inorganic (mineralogy, sediment times.
and pore water geochemistry). All investigations
were performed on finer part of mud breccias
1.7 Thesis Outline
Chapter 1 offers a general overview about mud
This will contribute substantial information to the
volcanoes and their relationship with cold seepa-
body of knowledge surrounding biogeochemical
ges and active methane seep venting worldwide.
processes related to hydrocarbon-rich fluid ven-
It presents an introduction as to the nature and
ting in this basin. It will likewise shed light on the
scope of this research, describing the scientific
significance of the West Alboran MV province in
problem and main objectives of the Thesis.
the context of the West Mediterranean Sea.
Chapter 2 provides a detailed data set and a spe-
cific description of the methodology used during
1.6 Objectives
the development of this research.
The general aim of this Thesis is to improve the
Chapter 3 relays a study of sedimentology and
scientific understanding of mud volcanism occu-
mineralogical composition, involving both the
rring in the Alboran Sea basin. To achieve this, a
bulk and clay mineral assemblages of mud brec-
general overview of the Alboran MVs is presen-
cia matrices and hemipelagic sediments from the
ted, based on the study of their expelled pro-
Alboran mud volcanoes. Mud volcanism timing is
ducts (mud breccia and fluids) and hemipelagic
based on radiocarbon dating on the sedimentary
marine sediments, leading to a characterization
covers overlying inactive volcanoes. A characte-
of the MV-related materials. This helps to eluci-
rization of the solid materials and explanation
date the MV dynamics as well as to identify the
about the source of the expelled mud breccias
diagenetic processes operating at these edifices.
are provided, along with discussion of certain mi-
Within this context, the specific objectives of the neral transformations as the source of fluids.
Thesis are:
Chapter 4 presents inorganic geochemical results
- To characterize and compare the volcano rela- of mud breccia matrices and hemipelagic sedi-
ted materials of the Alboran MVs. ments. The data reveal complementary informa-
- To describe the nature of the expelled materials tion about the source of extruded materials. This

Chapter 1

chapter provides new insights into diagenetic

processes operating at the studied volcanoes,
and into authigenic mineral formation; it also
addresses the occurrence of anaerobic oxidation
processes at present and in the past.
Chapter 5 focuses on the geochemical compo-
sition of the expelled fluids from Alboran mud
volcanoes. In view of methane-related proces-
ses (e.g. anaerobic oxidation of methane) and
volcano dynamics, the nature and origin of the
expelled fluids are discussed, and the occurren-
ce of secondary processes possibly affecting the
geochemical signature of fluids is debated.
Chapter 6 describes the study of lipid biomarkers
performed on mud breccia matrices and hemipe-
lagic sediments upholstering the mud volcanoes.
In addition to new insights about source strata
feeding the Alboran MVs, the nature of the or-
ganic matter and the hydrocarbon contents, this
Chapter offers tentative interpretations about
the ANME communities operating in these MVs.
Chapter 7 gives summarized conclusions regar-
ding the dynamics of Alboran mud volcanism, ex-
pounding the nature and provenance of the ex-
pelled mud breccias as well as the occurrence of
biogeochemical and diagenetic processes closely
related to hydrocarbon discharge to the Alboran

& Methodology
Chapter 2

Chapter 2 be used by the mul beam systems and sampling

opera ons (Kenyon et al., 2003).
During the GASALB cruise posi oning was deter-
Data and Methodology mined by a differen al GPS system, and the data
2.1 Geophysical survey and data from the GPS receiver and gyro compass were
recorded by an underway data logging system.
2.1.1 Oceanographic cruises and core loca ons
An addi onal Sea path dual antenna GPS recei-
The data and materials used for this study were
ver determined the direc on. The speed above
collected during several oceanographic cruises
ground and course over ground were determined
(Fig. 2.1):
from the GPS posi ons for successive one minute
- UNESCO/IOC Training Through Research (TTR) periods. A er removal of occasional spikes, the
cruises, on board RV Professor Logachev (St. Pe- data were smoothed with a 5 min running mean
tersburg, Russia): TTR-9 BASACALB Cruise in 1999 and sub-samples every 5 minutes.
(Kenyon et al., 2000), TTR-12 Leg 3, MARSIBAL-1
The selected core materials analyzed came from
Cruise in 2002 (Kenyon et al., 2003) and TTR-17
twenty-one different sites, at nine mud volcanoes
Leg 1 cruise SAGAS-08 in 2008 (Ivanov et al.,
(Perejil, Kalinin, Schneider´s Heart, Carmen, Gra-
nada, Marrakech, Maya, Dhaka, Mulhacen) and
-Ristre o & Lungo M83-3 cruise on board RV Me- the “Crow`s foot” pockmark (Fig. 2.2). Among
teor (Hamburg, Germany) in 2010/2011. them, fi een are gravity cores, three are piston
- GASALB-Pelagia cruise on board RV Pelagia cores and three are box-cores (Fig. 2.3; Table 2.1).
(NIOZ, Texel, The Netherlands) in 2011. Sediment cores were retrieved at the top or flank
Geophysical data considered in this work come of the MV edifices. More cores were taken from
from the UNESCO/IOC Training Through Research the most ac ve structures; from dormant or in-
(TTR) program cruises, in par cular from TTR-12 ac ve edifices only one single core was selected.
(MARSIBAL-1 Cruise 2002; Kenyon et al., 2003) Moreover, one core was recovered from the mud
and TTR-17 (SAGAS-08 Cruise 2008; Ivanov et al., volcanic province as a reference site. This provi-
2010). Addi onally, geophysical data were acqui- ded a con nuous sedimentary archive to compa-
red from the GASALB-Pelagia cruise (2011). re MV materials and dis nguish “normal” pelagic
sediments within the basin.
During the TTR-Cruises the posi oning was
acquired by the combina on of GPS and GLO-
NASS satellite configura ons, achieving up to 2.1.2 Seismic images
60% greater satellite availability. Posi oning had High-resolu on seismic profiles, acous c profiles
an accuracy of +/- 35 cm (75 cm at 95% confi- and side scan sonar images used in this study en-
dence limits), whereas realis c posi oning ac- compass the purpose of illustra ng the loca on
curacy under normal satellite configura on for where the studied sediment and fluids were re-
European waters is assumed as ca. 5 m. Precise covered.
back naviga on was ensured by the loca on of
The acquisi on system for the high-resolu on
the GPS+GLONASS receiver on the central part of
seismic profiles consisted of a long streamer with
the vessel, with accurate leveling of sampling and
one single air-gun of 3 l as the energy source at a
equipment deployment posi ons. The combina-
pressure of 12 MPa. The air-guns were towed at a
on of the two systems permi ed us to acquire
depth of 2-2.5 m and fired every 10 seconds. The
the desirable precision in posi on determina-
streamer consisted of one ac ve sec on 30 m
on, as well as the necessary yaw correc ons to
Chapter 2

a d

b e

c f

Figure 2.1. Oceanographic cruise research vessels: a) RV Professor Logachev (St. Petersburg, Russia), b) RV Meteor (Hamburg,
Germany), c) RV Pelagia (NIOZ, Texel, The Netherlands); and bo om sampling techniques: d) gravity corer, e) box-corer, f) piston

Chapter 2


! MS280G 3º



0 3 6 12
36º X

) GP03PC
Ceuta MS386G " (
) GP09PC

)) MS390G
^ MS262G

* #
( !
* P
! MS258G

35º Melilla 35º

5º 4º
* (

( P MS285G

MS414G 0 5 10 20 Km

Figure 2.2. Loca on of the Alboran Sea showing the posi on of MVs and pockmark fields. Bathymetry contours are in meters,
contour interval is 200 m. Red triangles represent mud edifices (mud volcano or pockmark). Green starts correspond to TTR-9
cruise cores, white-black filled dots to TTR-12 cruise cores, yellow dots to TTR-17 cruise cores, blue diamonds to Ristreto &
Lungo cruise cores, and white squares to GASALB-Pelagia cruise cores

long, with 50 hydrophones, towed at a depth of 2.1.3. Morphology of the seafloor

approximately 2.5-3 m. The offset between the Along the West Alboran Basin several structures
seismic source and the center of the live hydro- associated with mud fluid discharge have been
phone array was 135 m. High resolu on seismic documented in a wide area known as the Mud
data were preliminary processed with RadExPro Volcanic Province (Kenyon et al., 2000, 2003; Co-
so ware, then filtered analogically to 250 Hz. mas et al., 2010; Ivanov et al., 2010). MVs occur
High-resolu on side scan sonar images of MVs at rela vely shallow depths, between 350 and
were acquired using the MAK-1 deep-towed 1100 m water depth (Table 2.1). Variable sha-
hydroacous c system (30-100 kHz); concurring pes have been recognized, mainly being circular
acous c profiles were also recorded by a sub- (e.g. Carmen) or ellip cal (e.g. Marrakech) (Fig.
bo om penetra ng echosounder (5 kHz) and 2.5). They also build up as dome-like edifices or
reported variable resolu on of approximately 7 even as collapsed structures (e.g. Perejil and Ka-
to 1 (Fig. 2.4). Swath bathymetry images were linin; Fig. 2.6). MVs usually appear as isolated
acquired from mul beam SIMRAD systems. mounds (e.g. Carmen) or grouped in small
clusters (e.g. Mulhacen). They range between
120 and 1630 m in diameter and reach heights

Chapter 2

Table 2.1. Site iden fica on, loca on, water depth, recovery and sec on lengths of the core used for this study

Water Section
CoreCode Cruise Structure Latitude Longitude SamplingSite Recovery
Depth(m) Length(cm)

MS258G TTRͲ9 GranadaMV 35º33.719'N 04º37.398'W Crater 583.0 144.0 60

MS262G TTRͲ9 MarrakechMV 35º37.509'N 04º29.663'W Crater 1086.0 210.0 60

MS280G TTRͲ12 KalininMV 36º02.828'N 04º55.973'W Crater 908.0 334.0 60

MS283G TTRͲ12 PerejilMV 36º06.018'N 04º53.158'W Crater 841.0 233.0 60

MS285G TTRͲ12 DhakaMV 35º25.398'N 04º31.853'W Crater 360.0 244.0 60

MS385G TTRͲ17 CarmenMV 35º43.306'N 04º44.060'W Flank 806.0 258.0 60

MS386G TTRͲ17 CarmenMV 35º43.309'N 04º44.008'W Crater 809.0 259.0 60

MS390G TTRͲ17 CarmenMV 35º43.306'N 04º44.017'W Crater 806.0 480.0 60

MS414G TTRͲ17 MulhacenMV 35º24.426'N 04º34.126'W Crater 365.0 96.0 60

MS419G TTRͲ17 MayaMV 35º27.114'N 04º37.138'W Flank 410.0 167.0 60

MS422G TTRͲ17 Crow`sfoot 35º34.120'N 04º42.667'W Flank 572.0 60.0 60
RL07BC R&L PerejilMV 36°6.110'N 04º53.080'W Flank 818.9 40.0 40

RL08GC R&L PerejilMV 36°6.110'N 04°53.080'W Flank 822.4 262.5 30

RL30BC R&L PerejilMV 36°6.070'N 04°53.110'W Crater 807.8 30.0 40

RL31GC R&L PerejilMV 36°6.070'N 04°53.110'W Crater 807.8 270.5 30

RL12GC R&L KalininMV 36°3.000'N 04°55.900'W Flank 872.6 280.0 30

RL25GC R&L Schneider´s 36°0.280'N 04°57.570'W Flank 924.0 310.0 30

GP03PC G.P. ReferenceSite 35°47.261'N 04°32.089'W Hemipelagic 1306.0 950.0 50

GP05PC G.P. CarmenMV 35°43.333'N 04°44.046'W Crater 795.0 820.0 30

GP07BC G.P. CarmenMV 35°43.319'N 04°44.050'W Crater 795.0 35.0 40

GP09PC G.P. CarmenMV 35°43.332'N 04°43.975'W Crater 795.0 260.0 30

of 35 to 185 m (Table 2.2). Flanks can vary from extend up to 2000 m length.
steep (~ 12º, e.g. Mulhacen) to smooth slopes Within the MV province, some semi-circular de-
(~ 2º, e.g. base of Perejil). MV cones appear pressions or pockmarks were observed. They
bounded by concentric echelons that look like appeared either as individual features or cluste-
narrow rings or moats and reach depths of 15 m red in systems of pockmarks, e.g. the Crow`s foot
(e.g. Mulhacen). Elongated mud flows have also pockmark field (Blinova et al., 2011; Ivanov et al.,
been documented flanking the mud volcanoes, 2010).
most o en covered by hemipelagic sediments.
Another interes ng feature of the seafloor that
Their longitude is variable and they occasionally
appears closely related to MVs is the occurrence
Chapter 2

a b

c d

Figure 2.3. a) Half-split sec ons showing sediments recovered by gravity and piston corers, b) liner tubes inserted on sediments
recovered by box-corer, c) box-core drilled liner for high-resolu on pore-water extrac ons with rhizons, and d) tops of gravity
core sec ons showing pore water extrac on with rhizons

of cold water corals (CWC). They grow in the to- sedimentary structures. Part of the core sec ons
pmost part of MVs, leading to the development were packed and stored at 2-4ºC in the cold ca-
of a CWC fragment-rich unit underneath a hemi- mera at the Andalusian Earth Sciences Ins tute
pelagic sediment cover, as is the case of Dhaka (CSIC-University of Granada, Spain). In the case
and Maya MVs (Margreth et al., 2011). of materials used for organic determina ons, the
Sediments and materials cored at the Alboran core sec ons were sub-sampled on board in a +
MVs belonged to two main lithofacies: hemipela- 4ºC container as soon as possible a er recovery.
gic marine sediments and mud breccias (Fig. 2.7). A erwards, these cores and samples were stored
Differences in sediment texture (mostly in mud and transported at – 20ºC to the Royal Nether-
breccias) were recorded between sites. land Ins tute for Sea Research (NIOZ, The Ne-
The gravity cores were cut into 30 or 60 cm sec-
ons, whereas the piston cores were cut into 30 Once on land, the working halves were carefully
or 50 cm sec ons before opening (Table 2.1). All cleaned and photographed. The strategy of sub-
of them were split longitudinally into two halves, sampling was determined ad hoc, in view of the
one used as the working half and one for the ar- type of analysis involved. The sampling interval
chive. The working halves were described with was established depending on the type of sedi-
par cular detail to changes in lithology, color and ment (hemipelagic marls or mud breccia) and

Chapter 2

Table 2.2. Morphological parameters and shapes of the studied MVs

BaseDiameter Maximum
MudVolcano Shape Slopes(º)
(m) Elevation(m)
Granada circulardome 1630 185 10

Marrakech elongateddome 650x470 40 7Ͳ9

Kalinin circularcollpase 820 36 4Ͳ25

Perejil circulardome 1200 82 2Ͳ7

Dhaka asymetricaldome 700 63 7Ͳ8

Carmen circulardome 1130 70 7Ͳ12

Mulhacen asymetricaldome 700x500 50 8Ͳ12

Maya elongatedome 120x70 Ͳ Ͳ

Schneider´s asymetrical Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ
Heart collapse

the analysis to be carried out. High-resolu on eight thin sec ons were prepared from these air-
sampling was done every 2 cm from hemipelagic dried pieces, performing standard petrographic
layers and from their limits with breccias (abo- descrip on and photography.
ve and below the sedimentary boundary). Mud Mineral composi on was determined in 135 sam-
breccias were sampled every 2, 5, or 10 cm, ac- ples of hemipelagic sediments and 361 samples
cording to the textural features. of mud breccias. Bulk and clay mineral content
Box-cores were sub-sampled using pvc tubes c.a. were obtained by X- ray diffrac on (XRD). This se-
50 cm long, pushed ver cally into the sediment. mi-quan ta ve analysis aims to show changes or
The sampling tubes were split lengthwise and li- gradients in mineral abundances rather than ab-
thologically described as well as sampled every solute values. For bulk mineralogy, samples were
2 and 5 cm, taking into considera on lithological air-dried and ground in a mechanical mortar. Se-
varia ons. para on of the clay frac on and prepara on of
Pore water extrac on was performed directly af- the samples for XRD were performed following
ter core recovery, at ±14°C, using either cut-off the interna onal recommenda ons compiled by
syringes with subsequent centrifuga on and/or Kirsch (1991). X-ray diffractograms were obtai-
Rhizons (for details see Chapter 5). ned using a Panaly cal diffractometer with Cu-
Kα radia on and an automa c slit. Scans were
run from 4-70º 2θ for bulk-sample diffractograms
2.2 Sedimentological and mineralogical analyses
and untreated clay prepara ons, and from 3-30º
A total of 35 hand-sized pieces of mud breccia 2θ for glycolated clay-frac on samples. Resul ng
matrices were air-dried over a flat surface. The diffractograms were interpreted using XPowder12
pieces were then carefully polished in a Struers so ware (Mar n, 2004 .www.xpowder.com). Peak
Planopol to obtain a shiny side. To obtain a visual areas were measured in order to es mate semi-
es ma on of mud breccia matrices and clasts, quan ta ve mineral content. The clay mineral

Chapter 2

propor ons were es mated from the glycola- persive X-Ray microanalysis system (EDAX) was used
ted diffractograms (es mated semi-quan ta ve to check the mineralogical composi on of selected
analysis error of 5% for bulk mineral content and mineral grains (e.g. clays, pyrite and barite). Determi-
5-10% for clay minerals). Morphological data on na ons of the structural formula of smec tes on 23
two hemipelagic sediment samples and 27 mud samples of mud breccia were obtained by Transmis-
breccia matrix samples were obtained by Field sion and Analy cal Electron Microscopy (TEM-AEM).
Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) TEM-AEM analyses were performed on diverse sam-
analyses conducted with a LEO (Carl Zeiss) GEMI- ples deposited on a Cu grid. Individual mineral par-
NI-1530 at the Analy cal Facili es of the Univer- cles were chemically analyzed in situ by means of
sity of Granada (CIC, Centro de Instrumentacion Energy Dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDX).
Cien fica, Universidad de Granada). An Energy Dis-

5º 4º

S A K63 S

98MPerejil 199M


! PS S

Kalinin M
K64 MS

MA 196

S !
36º M S 0 M P S
9 4 0 H.B.
PS1 PS2S.H.!! 36º



22 M
PS 159

0M S
AK K16 M
8 MS176 S
37MS ! Carmen
23 K 1M S
PS MA K16 26M
73 M A 2
Tarifa PS-1 M PS
! Marrakesch
Ceuta ! ! Granada

S !






K1 17 4


171 S-1

Maya ! PS- P
M Dhaka

Mulhacen ! ! MAK
M 168
7 170M S
A K1 S

5º 4º
Figure 2.4. Loca on of high-resolu on seismic profiles (orange lines) and side scan sonar profiles (green lines) acquired by
MAK-1 from the BASACALB, MARSIBAL-1 and SAGAS-08 cruises. Bathymetry contours are in meters, contour interval 200 m.
Black dots represent mud volcanoes

Chapter 2

Figure 2.5. a) Carmen MV (1) Swath bathymetry and (2) MAK160MS line and Marrakech MV (1) swath bathymetry and (2)
MAK161MS showing typical edifice shapes these MVs. Line posi on are shown in Fig.2.4

2.3 Geochemical analyses

2.3.1 X-ray fluorescence (XRF) 1200 1100 1000
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) was performed, respec- WSW-ENE
vely, on 135 and 361 discrete samples of he-
mipelagic sediments and mud breccias so as to 1.0 Perejil MV 1.0

determine their major elements. Samples were Kalinin MV

twtt (seg)

prepared as pressed pellets using 5 g of ground

twtt (seg)

bulk sediment, pretreated and homogenized,
then pressed. A commercial wavelength disper- Q2
sive X-Ray fluorescence device (Bruker AXS S4 1.5 1.5
Pioneer) with an error of 2% and equipped with
an Rh anode X-ray tube (60 Kv and 150 mA) was
used for analysis.
750 m

2.3.2. Induc vely coupled plasma-mass spectrome- 2.0 2.0

try (ICP-MS) 3 Km

Induc vely Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry Figure 2.6. Seismic profile line PS200MS across the Kalinin
and Perejil MVs showing dome-like and collapsed structures.
(ICP-MS) was performed on the same number of Line posi on are expressed in Fig.2.4

Chapter 2

cm Kalinin MV Maya MV Marrakech MV

b.s.f. RL12GC MS419G MS262G
0 0 0

50 50 50

100 100 100

150 150 150

T otal
Lenght: 167 cm

200 200 200

T otal
Lenght: 210 cm

250 250

Lenght: 272 cm

Hemipelagic Mud
sediments breccia

Oxidized Reduced

Foraminifera Burrows Corals

Shells Semilithified Lithoclasts


Figure 2.7. Core logs from Kalinin, Maya and Marrakech MVs showing the main lithofacies found at the studied cores.

Chapter 2

samples as XRF for trace element and rare earth x 0.32 mm, df = 0.12 μm), having a flame ioniza-
element (REE) determina ons. Measurements were on detector and helium as a carrier gas.
done by spectrometry via a Perkin Elmer Scienx-Elan All frac ons were further analyzed by gas chro-
5000 spectrometer at the University of Granada (CIC, matography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) for com-
Centro de Instrumentacion Cien fica, Universidad de pound iden fica on. The GC-MS was coupled to
Granada). The instrumental error was ±2% for ele- a Thermo Finnigan TRACE DSQ quadrupole mass
mental concentra ons of 50 ppm and ±5% for con- spectrometer with an ioniza on energy of 70 eV,
centra ons of 5 ppm (Bea, 1996). and a mass range of m/z 50-800. GC condi ons of
GC-MS were the same as those described for GC.
2.3.3. Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Total Inorganic A total of 48 aliquot samples from sediments and
Carbon (TIC) and Total Nitrogen (TN) mud volcanic materials were measured by means
A total of 36 samples of hemipelagic sediments, of high performance liquid chromatography-mass
113 mud breccia matrices and 25 clasts were spectrometry (HPLC-MS) (Hopmans et al., 2000)
analyzed for Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Total In- using an Agilent 1100 series/1100 MSD series ins-
organic Carbon (TIC) and Total Nitrogen (TN). TOC, trument, with an auto-injec on system and HP
TIC and TN were measured in the CHN elemental Chemsta on so ware. MS analysis and quan fica-
analyzer using a LECO CNS-TruSpec and a CM5240 on of both isoprenoidal and branched GDGTs fo-
UIC inorganic carbon analyzer in the laboratories llowed methods reported by Weijers et al. (2006).
of the Andalusian Center for Environmental Re-
search (CEAMA, University of Granada). 2.3.6. Stable carbon (δ13C), oxygen (δ18O) and
hydrogen (δD) isotopes of pore waters
2.3.4. Induc vely coupled plasma atomic emis- The stable carbon (δ13C-DIC) isotope from four
sion spectrometry (ICP-AES) pore water samples was obtained by elemen-
Dissolved anion and ca on concentra ons in the tal analyzer-con nuous flow isotope ra o-mass
pore water of 79 samples were measured using spectrometry using a Fisons 1500 NCS elemen-
an induc vely coupled plasma atomic emission tal analyzer coupled to a Finnigan Mat Delta Plus
spectrometer (ICP-AES, Perkin Elmer Op ma mass spectrometer. The accuracy of the internal
3000) at the shore-based laboratory of the De- standards was ±0.06‰. The δ13C was reported in
partment of Earth Sciences (Utrecht University, standard delta nota on (‰) rela ve to the VPDB
The Netherlands). Replicate analyses indicated standard. Average analy cal precision based on
that the rela ve error for the pore water analy- rou ne analysis of internal laboratory reference
ses was <5%. material demonstrated a standard devia on of
0.15 ‰.
Stable hydrogen (δD) isotopes from 16 pore
2.3.5. Gas Chromatography (GC), gas chroma-
water samples and stable oxygen (δ18O) isotopes
tography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and high
from 13 pore water samples were measured in
performance liquid chromatography-mass spec-
triplicate and determined by the H2O-CO2 equi-
trometry (HPLC-MS)
libra on method using a con nuous flow tech-
A total of 13 and 36 aliquot samples of hemipe-
nology with helium carrier gas performed in a
lagic sediments and mud breccias were analyzed
GasBench II interfaced with a Finnigan Mat-253
by Gas Chromatography (GC), performed using
and a Kiel-device mass spectrometer. The accura-
a Thermo Finnigan TRACE instrument equipped
cy of the internal standards was ± 0.1‰ for δ18O
with a fused silica capillary column (CP Sil-5, 25m
and ± 1‰ for δD. The δ18O and δD of pore water dar years (calyr BP, the present being AD 1950)
were reported in light of the standard delta nota- using CALIB 7.1 so ware and the Marine09 cali-
on (‰) rela ve to the SMOW standard. Average bra on curve (Stuiver and Reimer, 1993), with a
analy cal precision based on rou ne analysis of correc on of 400 yr for ocean surface reservoir
internal laboratory reference material demons- effects (Reimer et al., 2009).
trated respec ve standard devia ons of 1.2 and
3‰ (Nelson, 2000).

2.3.7. Stable carbon (δ13C) isotopes of methane

Only five samples for isotopic signatures of me-
thane were measured with con nuous flow
isotope ra o mass spectrometry systems at the
Royal Holloway University of London (RHUL) for
Subsamples were extracted from the headspace
present in the sealed flasks and injected to the
sample loop of each system to be mixed with
a carrier gas (Helium). High precision measu-
rements of δ13C were obtained by sample pre-
concentra on and subsequent pyrolysis to H2 or
combus on to CO2 for measurement of either
stable isotope, before entering the mass spectro-
meters a Trace Gas and Isoprimemass spectro-
meter (Isoprime Ltd) for δ13C. Isotope data are gi-
ven in δ-nota on rela ve to the Vienna Pee Dee
Belemnite (VPDB) for carbon isotopic signatures
(Sapart et al., 2011).

2.4 Radiocarbon da ng
Absolute age determina ons were performed on
nine samples of hemipelagic sediments overlying
the mud volcanic deposits, using Accelerator
Mass Spectrometry (AMS). All samples were
sieved and oven dried at c.a. 40ºC. Although all
samples contained mul -species, AMS radiocar-
bon focused on just specimens of planktonic fo-
raminifera. Consequently, 10-15 mg of clean and
well preserved Globigerina Bulloides were hand-
picked from the size > 125 μm. The samples were
treated and measured at the “Poznan Radiocar-
bon Laboratory” in Poznan, Poland.
All ages were calibrated and converted to calen-

and mineral composition of
mud volcano productos and
related sediments
Chapter 3

Chapter 3
Sedimentology and mineral composiƟon of mud volcano products
and related sediments

Undercompacted shales and olithostromes proceeding from the deepest sedimentary units feed dia-
pir structures and mud volcanoes in the West Alboran Basin. They are also associated with the gene-
ra on and upward migra on of hydrocarbon-rich fluids. Material ascending through layers of diverse
ages assimilates further material from the feeder channels, and this complex mixture is transported
to the seafloor. Thes mud breccia deposits usually feature a clay or silty-clay matrix with diverse rock
clasts of heterogeneous composi on, shape and size. The mineral makeup this complex mixture of
clasts, mud and fluids provided relevant informa on regarding the nature of source rocks and diage-
ne c processes associated with fluid flow at depth. Sedimentological and mineralogical analyses were
performed on core sediment material from diverse mud volcanoes, including mud breccia, drapes and
intercalated pelagic sediments, and on authigenic carbonates from chimneys related to hydrocarbon-
rich fluid seepage. Although fluid discharge did not significantly affect the mineral composi on of
pelagic sediments, intense mixing is recognized between mud breccia and pelagic material at the tran-
si on intervals. Similar bulk and clay mineral composi ons of the mud breccias from different mud
volcanoes further support a common source for the extruded muds. Predominant clay minerals in
the mud breccias are smec te and illite, while mixed-layers of illlite/smec te are also observed. They
span an ample range of ordering, from 10% up to 95% of illite layers. This finding is par cularly rele-
vant for constraining digene c condi ons, since clay dehydra on cons tutes an essen al mechanism
that generates fluids and causes subsequent overpressure at depth. Hence, smec te dehydra on may
have been an important contribu on to deep fluid genera on within this basin, and would support the
thermal maturity of certain MV-derived materials. At the surface, fluid discharge led to the precipita-
on of authigenic carbonates forming crusts and chimneys, whose predominant aragonite contents
also evidence hydrocarbon-rich fluid ven ng.

Chapter 3

3.1 IntroducƟon they are transformed into illite at burial when

Mud volcanoes (MV) are the surface expression temperatures increase over≈ 80 ºC in a sequence
of deeply rooted structures that extrude slurries from randomly interstra fied (R0) illite-smec te
of gas, liquids and poorly sorted solids that mi- (I-S) to more ordered I-S (R1-R3). The nature of
grate upwards from zones of overpressure (Kopf, these clays may therefore cons tute a reliable
2002, 2015). Yet the mud and the embedded indica on of thermal maturity. An increase in illi-
clasts may derive from different sources than te layers may be linked to greater water release
the fluids (Kopf, 2002; Dupré et al., 2014). Hen- contribu ng to the deep fluid flow. The nature
ce, the composi on of the diverse phases sheds of clays is also essen al in these se ngs owing
light onto the source materials and the ample to the swelling capacity of smec tes and their
range of processes involved in MV origin. Given interac on with methane hydrate complexes. It
the significance of seepage ac vity and metha- has been demonstrated that clays can incorpora-
ne emissions, as well as the contribu on of MV te significant amounts of methane that may be
to fluid reflux from the geosphere to the hydros- adsorbed on clay surfaces or stored in pores of
phere, the fluid phase has been a major research clay-rich rocks (e.g., Martos-Villa et al., 2014 and
focus in this field (i.e. Dählmann and de Lange, references therein). Indeed, the methane adsor-
2003; Niemann et al., 2006a; Hensen et al., 2007; bed on clay surfaces can be a major component
Mastalerz et al., 2007; Scholz et al., 2010; Magal- of shale gas (e.g., Ross and Marc Bus n, 2009;
hães et al., 2012; Pierre et al., 2014a; Hensen et Heller and Zoback, 2014).
al., 2015; Lash, 2015, among others). Notwiths- Fluid migra on and methane cycling may also
tanding, the solid phase also contributes key in- cause the precipita on of authigenic minerals
forma on on MV processes. The extruded mate- that subsequently serve as proxies for seepage
rials serve as a tectonic window of deeper units, ac vity. In fact, authigenic carbonates have been
while both clasts and matrix provide provenance the focus of intensive research because they re-
informa on regarding the composi on of source sult from the anaerobic oxida on of methane in
rocks (e.g., Robertson and Kopf, 1998; Ovsyan- seeping fluid areas and thus play an important
nikov, 2003; Pinheiro et al., 2003; Giresse et al., role in the global carbon cycle (e.g., Milkov, 2003;
2010). Furthermore, because authigenic solid Judd and Hovland, 2007; Reeburgh, 2007; Knit-
phases are closely related to fluid genera on and tel and Boe us, 2009; Boe us and Wenzhöfer,
fluid flow, their composi on may provide insights 2013).
into the origin of deep fluids (i.e. clay dehydra- The Gulf of Cadiz has been extensively studied in
on at depth) and products of fluid flow ac vity recent decades, and numerous MVs and gas-rela-
and discharge (i.e. authigenic carbonates). ted fluid escape structures have been described
Overpressured sediments are usually involved in there (Kenyon et al., 2000, 2003; Pinheiro et al.,
volcanic processes (Dimitrov, 2002; Kopf, 2002, 2003). Previous work has helped constrain the
2003; Planke et al., 2003; Deville et al., 2003). mineralogical characteris c of these structures
Among the numerous causes for sediment over- as well as the digene c processes resul ng in clay
pressure, mineral dehydra on reac ons at dep- dehydra on and authigenic mineral precipita on
th can be of major significance and responsible linked to the anaerobic oxida on of methane
for deep fluid genera on. In general, smec tes (AOM) (e.g., Mar n-Puertas et al., 2007; Gonzá-
are abundant clays in MV se ngs (e.g., Jurado- lez et al., 2009; Magalhães et al., 2012; Martos-
Rodriguez and Mar nez-Ruiz, 1998; Robertson Villa et al., 2014). MV sediments from the Gulf of
and Kopf, 1998; Mar n-Puertas et al., 2007), and Cadiz show a smec te content similar to that of

Chapter 3

the underlying clay-rich unit, and they present a of several MVs, the aim being to provide new in-
weak thermal maturity sugges ng a depth sour- sights into the origin of mud breccia, the nature
ce of just a few km. The abundance of smec te, of the parent units, and the poten al diagene c
clast lithologies and micropaleontological data processes leading to clay dehydra on and the
come to support a substan al contribu on from genera on of fluids. New data are provided from
Miocene forma ons to the mud breccia in this authigenic carbonates to further evidence see-
region (e.g., Ovsyannikov, 2003; Pinheiro et al., page ac vity and AOM-related processes within
2003, Mar n-Puertas et al., 2007). In the eas- this basin.
tern Mediterranean, abundant smec te in the
breccia matrix of the Napoli and Milano MVs and
3.2 Regional Seƫng
its composi on —typical detrital beidellite— su-
The Alboran Sea is a marginal basin located in the
pport Messinian forma ons as a major sediment
westernmost Mediterranean Sea. On the basis
source feeding these MVs (Jurado-Rodriguez and
on its intricate seafloor morphology, with diffe-
Mar nez-Ruiz, 1998). The systema c increase of
rences in the structural architecture and sedi-
smec te that formed in soils under temperate
mentary infill, it can be divided into the Western,
and sub-arid climate condi ons is a representa-
Southern and Eastern Alboran Basin (Fig. 1.8).
ve characteris c of Mediterranean Messinian
sediments (Chamley et al., 1980). Geological and geophysical data have suggested
that the Alboran Sea evolved first through exten-
In the Gulf of Cadiz, meanwhile, authigenic mi-
sional tectonics (from Middle to Late Miocene)
nerals resul ng from the AOM in discharge areas
and then under significant contrac ve tectonics
have been extensively described. Methane-
(from Late Miocene onwards) (Fig. 1.7). Post-
derived authigenic carbonates are indica ve of
Miocene contrac ve tectonics caused a major
ac ve fluid seepage in this area, and they o en
reorganiza on, which resulted in prominent
reach excep onal length and thickness, allowing
north-south shortening and subsidence of the
them to be geophysically mapped (e.g., León et
marine realm and upli ing and emersions of the
al., 2006; Magalhães et al., 2012 and references
surrounding Be cs and Rif chains. Such ac ve
neo-tectonics condi oned the actual coastline
Within the MVs of the West Alboran Basin, an
as well as the seafloor morphology (Comas et al.,
ac ve MV (Carmen) and several pockmarks have
1999 and references therein).
also shown evidence of significant seepage ac vi-
The lithology and ages of the basement and se-
ty, and authigenic carbonate crusts and chimneys
dimentary drape beneath the Alboran Sea are
associated with living chemosynthe c fauna have
known from commercial wells and ODP Leg 161
been described; they moreover present a light
drilling (Fig.1.7). The thicker sedimentary depo-
carbon isotope signature evidencing their metha-
center is located in the West Alboran Basin (Fig.
ne-derived origin (Blinova et al., 2011). However,
1.6), where more than 7-8 km of sediments ac-
a compara ve mineralogical analysis of MV sedi-
cumulated from the Early Miocene to Present on
ments at different loca ons in the Alboran Sea
top of the metamorphic basement (Fig. 1.8; Jura-
has not yet been performed, nor have the clasts
do and Comas, 1992; Comas et al., 1996; Soto et
and matrix from mud breccia been thoroughly
al., 1996)
inves gated. The present work addresses bulk
mineral composi on and clay mineral assembla- The West Alboran Basin is characterized by the
ges from MV breccia, along with the associated presence of extensive shale (mud rock) diapirism
hemipelagic and sedimentological characteris cs and the existence of overpressured units at dep-

Chapter 3

th (Comas et al., 1999, Soto et al., 2010, 2012). Micropaleontological data from core sampling in-
Overpressure is condi oned by significant gas dicate that the sedimentary rocks brought up to
and fluid contents in the basal units of the West the seafloor by MVs range from Late Cretaceous
Alboran Basin (Unit VI and Unit V from Jurado to Late Miocene in age (Sautkin et al., 2003; Gen-
and Comas, 1992; Fig. 1.8), as has been reported nari et al., 2013). A deep thermogenic source of
by logging data (sonic velocity, density and resis- fluids expelled by the Alboran MVs has been su-
vity) from Andalucia-G1 and Alboran-A1 bore- ggested on the basis of δ13C isotope determina-
holes drilled in the West Alboran Basin (Comas ons in authigenic carbonates, pore-water analy-
et al., 1996). ses and gas composi on (Blinova et al., 2011;
Furthermore, borehole sampling indicates that López-Rodríguez et al., 2014). The abundance
Unit VI (Burdigalian in age) is formed of under- of chemosynthe c fauna (bivalves, tube worms)
compacted (overpressured) olistostromic or atop some MVs, together with direct indicators
brecciated materials made of heterogeneous of ac vity such as gas bubbling, would suggest
rock fragments (blocks, boulders and clasts) of current hydrocarbon seeping (most likely metha-
different ages embedded in a shale matrix inter- ne) (Hilário et al., 2011; Ivanov et al., 2010). Most
calated with clayey, marly and sandy intervals; of the Alboran MVs appear, however, be inac -
and that Unit Va (Langhian in age) also contains ve or dormant (Comas et al., 2010; Ivanov et al.,
under-compacted green clays (Jurado and Co- 2010).
mas, 1992; Diaz-Merino et al., 2003) (Fig. 1.7).
Mud volcanism and pockmarks occurring in the 3.3 Sediment Recovery and Sampling
West Alboran Basin lie on top of the huge Mud 3.3.1. Sediment Recovery
Diapir Province (MDP) that extends from the
The sediment cores selected for sedimentologi-
Iberian to the Moroccan margins (Fig. 1.6). As
cal and mineral determina ons were obtained
evidenced by previous works, the mud volca-
during four oceanographic cruises. The first three
nism is linked to recent stages of shale diapirism
expedi ons were performed throughout the fra-
during compressive tectonics (Plio-Quaternary,
mework of the UNESCO/IOC Training Through Re-
from 4-5Ma onwards), which gave rise to pierced
search Programme (TTR), during the TTR-9 BASA-
diapirs and subsequently to mud volcanism at
CALB Cruise (Cruise Report Kenyon et al., 2000),
the seafloor (Comas et al., 2010; Somoza et al.,
TTR-12 Leg 3, MARSIBAL-1 Cruise (Cruise Report
2012; and references therein). Reac va ons of
Kenyon et al., 2003) and TTR-17 Leg 1 cruise SA-
the mud volcanism have been explained by the
GAS-08 (Cruise Report in Ivanov et al., 2010) in
triggering due to erosional episodes related to
1999, 2002, and 2008, respec vely, aboard the
major sea-level falls, affec ng the neutral buo-
RV Professor Logachev. The fourth oceanographic
yancy condi ons of the overburden above the
survey, the GASALB-Pelagia cruise, was accom-
shale units and causing mud extrusion (Somoza
plished on board RV Pelagia in 2011 (Fig. 2.1). In
et al., 2012). Seismic profiles show that volcano
order to obtain a wide net of sedimentary record
feeder-channels connect to deeper shale-diapir
for sediment and mineral characteriza on, a total
structures, thus proving that volcanic processes
of ten cores were selected from seven MVs (Pe-
bring up to the seafloor over-pressured shales
rejil, Kalinin, Marrakech, Granada, Maya, Dhaka,
and olistostromes from Unit VI, over 5 km deep
and Mulhacen MVs; Table 2.1; Fig. 3.1). One gra-
(Talukder et al., 2003; Comas et al., 2012).
vity core was inves gated at each volcano except
The extruded mud breccias contain exo c rocks at Carmen MV, where four gravity cores were se-
from Cretaceous to Miocene sedimentary units. lected because of its current ac vity. Addi ona-
Chapter 3

lly, one gravity core from the “Crow’s foot” poc- 3.1 and Fig. 3.2). These pieces were air-dried over
kmark field was studied, and within this core a a flat surface in order to avoid textural altera on;
piece of a chimney and a concre on of methane- once dried and consolidated, the obtained pieces
derived authigenic carbonate (MDAC) (Table 2.1; were polished for further textural characteriza-
Fig. 3.1). on and hand-sized photography. Thin sec ons
During the TTR-cruises, coring opera ons were from the consolidated mud breccias were also
performed following the standard TTR-procedu- obtained for petrographic descrip on (Fig. 3.3).
res (Ivanov et al., 1992 a, b; Kenyon et al., 2002) Hemipelagic sediments and mud breccia matrices
using a 6 m long gravity corer (ca. 1500 kg) with The hemipelagic sedimentary drapes and the first
an internal diameter of 14.7 cm. A er recovery cen meters of the mud breccia intervals were
of the plas c inserts, the cores were cut into 60 sampled to obtain discrete samples, at a con -
cm sec ons, split open lengthwise, and descri- nuous interval every 2 cm. The rest of the mud
bed lithologically onboard. During the GASALB breccia matrices were sampled every 5 cm or
cruise, coring opera ons were performed using 10 cm at 2 cm thick intervals avoiding rock frag-
a 24 m long piston corer (ca. 1200 kg) with an ments. Samples were dried in an oven at 40 ºC,
internal diameter of 11 cm. The recovered piston then ground and homogenized in an agate mor-
core was cut into 30 cm sec ons, split open leng- tar. They were subsequently processed for mine-
thwise and lithologically described. ralogical analyses.
During the TTR-17 cruise, a TV-assisted grab was Methane derived authigenic (MDAC) concreƟon
used for underwater observa ons and collec on & chimney
of large samples. The TV grab consisted of a 1500
A concre on and a chimney formed by metha-
kg system able to sample dense clayey and sandy
ne-derived authigenic carbonates (MDAC) were
sediments as well as deep water crusts and boul-
also selected for mineralogical determina ons.
ders at water depths up to 6000 m. Sediment and
Diverse samples were strategically selected.
boulder collec on (Fig. 1.9) was performed using
MDAC concre on was first sub-sampled at the
a system that closed by the difference in hydros-
most superficial part of the piece (422Gr-cost).
ta c pressure. The triggering mechanism was set
A erwards, the concre on was cleaned in an ul-
off once the seabed was touched.
trasonic bath in dis lled water. Once dried and
Sediment cores were immediately packed and free of fine sediments, the concre on was again
stored at +4 ºC for subsequent laboratory sam- sub-sampled (422Gr-carb). The MDAC chimney
pling. was likewise cleaned in an ultrasonic bath in dis-
lled water, air dried, and sub-sampled for mine-
3.3.2. Sampling ralogical determina ons.
The two main lithologies generally present at the
inves gated MVs were hemipelagic drapes and 3.4. Methods
mud breccia intervals (Fig. 3.1). Sampling proce- Bulk and clay mineral composi on were deter-
dures and resolu on were determined according mined by X-ray diffrac on (XRD). Mud breccia
to lithological varia ons. samples were carefully sampled, removing clasts
Hand-sized pieces and rock fragments over ~0.5 cm in order to have
The lowermost part of mud breccia intervals was rela ve homogeneous por ons of mud breccia
sampled at 3-5 cm intervals, depending on the matrices. For bulk mineralogy determina ons,
availability of material, for hand-sized pieces (Fig. all samples (mud breccia, MV-related sediments

0 0 0 0 RL08GC 0 RL31GC RL07BC
MAK64MS 250 m MAK63MS 250 m

50 m
50 m

50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100

150 150 150 150 150

RL25GC Kalinin MV Perejil MV
200 200 200 200 200 NW-SE GP05PC GP07BC/ MS386G
50 MS385GC GP09PC
500 m
250 250 250 250 250
50 m

Maya MVs. Line posiƟons in figure 2.4

300 300 300 300 GP05PC GP09PC MS386G MS390G GP07BC
0 0 0 0 0 0
150 37º
SPAIN Malaga
50 50 50 50
200 Carmen MV
200 100
100 100 100 MS258GC
250 MAK66MS
SW-NE 500 m
400 200 50
50 m

150 150 150

300 2 RL30BC
3 4

0 GP03PC 36º
600 200 200 200 300
Ceuta 50
5 14
67 9 250 250 250
8 10 800 400 Granada MV
400 MS258G 12
0 300 300 300
13 MAK168MS
NW-SE 250 m
600 MS419GC
50 1000 500
50 m

800 5º 4.5º MS262G
100 0

MS419G 0 MS414G 0
1000 0 50

50 50 Mud Diapir Pockmark

Maya MV
0 MS422G 50 100 Province fields
0 2cm
100 100 Sedimentary Hemipelagic Mud MAK172MS
50 100 150 breccia 500 m
depocentres sediments WSW-ENE MS285GC
50 m

150 Foraminifera Burrows Corals

100 150 200
Shells Semilithified Lithoclasts
200 patches
200 250
Carbonate crusts
250 Mulhacen MV Dhaka MV
Chapter 3

and total lengths. MAK sub-boƩom profilers indicate the posiƟon of recovery at Kalinin, Perejil, Carmen, Granada, Dhaka and
Figure 3.1. Map locaƟon of all core sediments used for this study. Core logs show main lithologies found at the invesƟgated MVs
Chapter 3






0 0.5 1cm

Figure 3.2. Polished hand samples showing clast content of mud breccias from a) Perejil, b) Kalinin, c) Carmen flank d-e) Carmen
crater, f) Marrakech, g) Granada, h) Maya, i) Dhaka and j) Mulhacen MVs.

Chapter 3






Figure 3.3. Thin sec ons of air-dried and polished mud breccias from a) Perejil, b) Kalinin, c) Carmen flank d-e) Carmen crater,
f) Marrakech, g) Granada, h) Maya, i) Dhaka and j) Mulhacen MVs. Note micro-clasts of different lithologies embedded in mud
breccias matrices.

Chapter 3

and MDAC sub-samples) were air-dried and ho- Reynolds, 1997). IS ordering was determined by
mogenized first using an agate mortar, and then deconvolu on of XRD peaks on < 2 μm glycolated
ground in a mechanical mortar to finer size. Se- frac ons allowing the determina on of the per-
para on of the clay frac on and prepara on of centage of illite (%) and giving the stacking order
the samples for XRD were performed following (Reichweite; R) values used for inter-layering illi-
the interna onal recommenda ons compiled by te-smec te and smec te (Moore and Reynolds,
Kirsch (1991). Thus, for clay mineral analyses, the 1997).
carbonate frac on was removed using ace c acid Addi onally, morphological and textural analy-
and successive washing to deflocculate clays. The ses from selected mud breccia samples were
< 2 μm frac on was separated by centrifuga on obtained by Field Emission Scanning Electron
at 900 rpm for 1.3 minutes, at least four mes, Microscopy (Auriga FIB-FESEM; Carl Zeiss-SMT),
and was smeared onto glass slides in order to equipped with an EDAX microanalysis system
allow orienta on of clay minerals (with crystallo- (CIC, University of Granada). The analyses were
graphic axis perpendicular to the glass slide). performed on dried samples deposited onto an
X-ray diffractograms were obtained using a aluminum base and metallized with a thin carbon
PANaly calX´Pert PRO diffractometer with Cu-Kα layer. For MDAC concre on samples, electron mi-
radia on and an automa c slit (CSIC-University of croscopy analyses (SEM) were performed at the
Granada). Scans were run from 4-70º 2θ for bulk- facili es of Aveiro University (Portugal). SEM ob-
sample diffractograms and untreated clay pre- serva ons were carried out coupled with energy
para ons, and from 3-30º 2θ for glycolated clay- dispersive spectrometer X-ray elemental analysis
frac on samples. Resul ng diffractograms were (EDS), in fresh fractured surfaces and in samples
interpreted using XPowder12 so ware (Mar n, etched with HCl 1% during 1-4 minutes before
2004 .www.xpowder.com). Peak areas were mea- the SEM observa ons.
sured in order to es mate semi-quan ta ve mi- Transmission and Analy cal Electron Microscopy
neral content. The clay mineral propor ons were (TEM-AEM) was used to obtain the composi on
es mated from the glycolated diffractograms. of selected clay par cles. TEM-AEM analyses
The 10 Å peak was used for detrital mica and the allowed the determina on of the chemical com-
17 Å peak for smec te, and in turn the 7 Å peak posi on of clay minerals. These were performed
for the total amount of chlorite + kaolinite, using on dispersed samples deposited onto a Cu-grid.
the respec ve peak ra os at 3.54 Å and 3.58 Å to Individual mineral par cles were chemically
differen ate the two minerals. The es mated se- analyzed in situ with a Philips CM20 scanning
mi-quan ta ve analysis error for bulk mineralo- transmission electron microscope (STEM) device
gy values is 5%, whereas error ranges from 5% to with a BaLa filament, providing a maximum reso-
10% for clay mineral propor ons. Nevertheless, lu on of 2 Å under STEM mode. An a ached EDX
semi-quan ta ve analysis aimed to show chan- (Energy Dispersive X-ray fluorescence) detector
ges or gradients in mineral abundances rather was used for microanalyses and a CCD camera for
than absolute values. image capturing. Atomic propor ons calculated
The Illite-smec te (IS) mixed-layers clays were from peak intensity were transformed into ato-
analyzed using specific so ware MacDiff 4.2.5. mic concentra ons using natural standards (Cliff
The 14 Å peak was used to differen ate expanda- and Lorimer, 1975). In order to avoid alkali loss, a
ble mixed-layer minerals, which expands to 15- short coun ng me (30 s) was selected, thus pro-
17 Å a er ethylene glycol satura on, as well as viding be er reproducibility for alkali contents
the second-order 5 Å to 6.5 Å peak (Moore and (Nieto et al., 1996).

Chapter 3

Seven 14C-AMS radiocarbon ages (Accelerator matrix was dark gray. Polarized microscope ob-
Mass Spectrometry, AMS) were selected to date serva ons of thin sec ons revealed evidence of 1)
hemipelagic drapes. Approximately 15 mg of mo- unresolvable fine-grained clay and mud; 2) weakly
nospecific planktonic foraminifera Globigerina consolidated clay and mud composi onally similar
bulloides from the size frac on >125 μm were to poorly consolidated clay-stone and mudstone
measured in the Poznan Radiocarbon Labora- clasts; and 3) well-lithified micro-lithoclasts that
tory (Poland). In order to compare our data with could be correlated with the composi ons of coar-
other marine records, all 14C-AMS ages were ca- ser clasts (Fig. 3.3).
librated to calendar years using the specific so - The clasts in the mud breccias were very hetero-
ware Calib 7.0 (Stuiver and Reimer, 1993) and the geneous, with highly variable size at least up to 0.5
Marine13 calibra on curve, with a correc on for cm, as demonstrated by grab sampling (Kenyon et
ocean surface reservoir effects of 400 yr (Reimer al., 2003; Ivanov et al., 2010). The clasts had an
et al., 2009). The obtained dates are given in re- average size of < 2 mm, randomly distributed, and
ference to calibrated years before present (yr cal. accoun ng for 25%-30% of total volume. The lar-
BP), BP being equivalent to AD 1950. gest clasts were up to some cen meters. Clasts
were mostly angular in shape, and presented di-
3.5. Results fferent degrees of roundness according to the
hardness of their lithology. Hard rocks showed
3.5.1. Hemipelagic sediments and mud breccias
higher angularity (Fig. 3.2 and Fig. 3.3) and pre-
Hemipelagic drapes and alterna ons of hemipe-
sented different types of sandstone fragments,
lagic sediments between mud breccia intervals
mainly subfeldspathic lithic wackes and lithic
generally lacked sedimentary structures and were
sandstones. Laminated silstones and schistose
mostly oxidized at the uppermost intervals. These
silstone and marlstone were less frequent, being
sediments showed similar characteris cs, texture
encountered only in the Carmen MV core. Hand
and fabric at all the studied sites (Fig. 3.1).
samples showed massive matrices in all cores ex-
Mud breccias were always poorly sorted and cept those from Maya and Marrakech MVs, where
had clast-rich to clast-poor matrix-supported fa- the matrix was mixed with unconsolidated clasts,
brics, somewhat comparable to those shown by tracing a slight lamina on (Fig. 3.2 and Fig. 3.3).
debris flow deposits. Generally, the matrices of So and friable lithoclasts were dominant in core
mud breccias were structureless and dark grey in breccias. Among them, pieces of dark-gray, dark-
color; and only cores from Maya and Marrakech green, and dark-red claystone to calcareous muds-
MVs (respec vely MS262G and MS419G) presen- tones (marls) were dominant. Incipient schistosity,
ted some lamina ons in the fine-gained matrix lamina ons, organic-ma er spots and burrows
(Fig. 3.2 and Fig. 3.3). No significant down core were observed at these so lithoclasts. Light marly
varia on in clast contents or clast lithology was limestones and marlstone existed in minor quan -
recognized (Kenyon et al., 2000, 2003; Ivanov et es, represented by dark clasts that were mostly
al., 2010). observed in Carmen MV and Dhaka MV, but it was
Mud breccia matrices were similar in all cores, in Maya mud breccia where the major quan es
consis ng of matrix-supported fabrics with lar- were found. Hard rock lithoclasts also showed ori-
gely to finely comminute rock fragments (grain- ginal sedimentary structures (parallel- and cross-
sized sand, silt, and clay), represen ng finer gra- lamina on, graded bedding, so -hard alterna ng
ined equivalents of clast lithologies, embedded lamina ons, burrows) deno ng an origin from ol-
in a clayed material. The common color of the der and very different stra graphic sequences.

Chapter 3

3.5.2. Core lithologies. with abundant foraminifera and numerous clasts

Kalinin MV of semi-lithified claystones varying from 0.05 to
1 mm in size, its lowermost part (up to 150 cm)
Gravity core MS280G was taken from the top
consisted of reworked and intensively deformed
of the crater of Kalinin MV (Fig. 3.1; Kenyon et
fine mud breccia.
al., 2003). It recovered 334 cm of sediments,
containing both hemipelagic sediments and Dhaka MV
mud breccia. Hemipelagic sediments consisted Gravity core MS285G was taken from the crater
of up to 150 cm thick brownish marls, mode- of Dhaka MV (Fig. 3.1; Kenyon et al., 2003). It
rately bioturbated and featuring the presence cored 244 cm of s ff dark grey mud breccia over-
of Pogonophora tubeworms (Siboglinidae, Fre- lain by 70 cm of olive brown hemipelagic marls.
nulata) in the uppermost part. The lower inter- The first 3 cm consisted of siliciclas c-rich water
val consisted of 184 cm of stiff dark grey mud saturated marls, followed by a unit (down to 75
breccia. cm) containing shell fragments and abundant
Perejil MV pieces of cold-water corals (Lopheliapertusa).
Above this interval, a coarse mud breccia interval
Gravity core MS283G was retrieved from the
containing clasts of semi-lithified rocks was ob-
crater of Perejil MV (Fig. 3.1; Kenyon et al.,
2003). The core comprised 233 cm of stiff dark
grey mud breccia overlain by a thin layer ( 2 Carmen MV
cm) of brownish and water-saturated hemi- Three gravity cores and one piston core from the
pelagic marls. At this site, no chemosynthetic Carmen MV were inves gated. Cores GP05PC,
fauna was recognized, though the core had a MS386G and MS390G were recovered from the
distinct and intensive smell of H2S. crater of this structure and core MS385G was
Granada MV taken from the flank (Fig. 3.1; Ivanov et al., 2010).
The “flank” core MS385G recovered 258 cm of
Gravity core MS258G was taken from the crater
s ff dark grey mud breccia containing clasts of di-
of Granada MV (Fig. 3.1; Kenyon et al., 2000). It
fferent lithologies and sizes (-3 cm in diameter).
recovered 144 cm of sediments, containing both
The mud breccia interval was covered by 5 cm of
hemipelagic sediments and mud breccia. The
hemipelagic sediments. This core contained thin
hemipelagic sediments consisted of 20 cm of
alterna ons of hemipelagic sediments and mud
light olive brown pelagic marls very enriched in
breccia (Fig. 3.1), extending from 245 to 250 cm
planktonic foraminifera content. The mud brec-
depth. Thus, two mud breccia layers could be
cia interval contained coarse clast fragments of
dis nguished, the upper boundary being irre-
different lithologies, with a prevalence of marls-
gular and not fully dis nc ve, while the lower
tones and claystones. The upper part of the mud
boundaries were sharp and very dis nc ve.
breccia interval was oxidized and bioturbated.
At this core, an intensive smell of H2S was also
Marrakech MV
clearly detected in the lower part of the mud
Gravity core MS262G was taken from the flank of breccia interval.
the Marrakech MV (Fig. 3.1; Kenyon et al., 2000).
In contrast to the sediment from the flank, the
The uppermost 30 cm were represented by struc-
259 cm of crater sediments in core MS386G
tureless, olive grey hemipelagic marls rich in fora-
and the 480 cm of sediments in core MS390G
minifera. The lower boundary of the interval was
were both characterized by a typical structure-
very transi onal. Whereas the lower interval was
less and porous greenish grey mousse-like mud
composed of fine grey mud breccia clayed matrix

Chapter 3

breccia. Moreover, Pogonophora tubeworms Sea off the MV provinces (e.g., Jimenez-Espejo et

were observed in the upper cen metres of core al., 2007; Rodrigo-Gámiz et al., 2011). The bulk
MS386G. No hemipelagic marls were recovered mineral composi on comprises clay minerals,
at this site, and a strong smell of H2S was detec- quartz and calcite as main minerals, ranging from
ted. Piston core GP05PC contained 855 cm of ty- 55%-85%, <10%-20% and <5%-25%, respec vely.
pical structureless and dark greyish mousse-like Low quan es of dolomite and feldspar were
mud breccia, with millimeter-to cen meter-si- also present in very low propor ons (<5%) (Table
zed rock clasts of claystones and mudstones. At 3.2). Smec te and illite were the more abundant
this site, no hemipelagic drape was present and clays, with variable propor ons ranging from
a no ceable smell of H2S was detected along the 20% to of 70%. Addi onally, kaolinite and chlori-
whole core. te were found in propor ons ranging from 5% to
Mulhacen MV 30% (Table 3.2).
Gravity core MS414G was taken from the crater Mud breccia
of Mulhacen MV (Fig. 3.1) and was composed of Mud breccia sediments had a comparable bulk
97 cm of s ff dark grey mud breccia, oxidized at mineral composi on, with substan al clay mi-
the upper part (Ivanov et al., 2010). Abundant nerals (60%-90%), quartz (<5%-25%) and calcite
rock clasts of diverse lithologies and of variable (<5%-25%), along with lower propor ons of dolo-
sizes (up to 10 cm) were found within the mud mite and feldspar (<5%) (Table 3.2). Clay mineral
breccia interval. At this site no hemipelagic dra- assemblages were dominated by smec te and
pe was observed (Fig. 3.1). illite in variable propor ons, respec vely ranging
Maya MV from 10% to 80% and from <5% to 65% Kaolinite
and chlorite were also present, varying from <5%
Gravity core MS419G was taken from Maya MV
to 35% (Table 3.2).
(Fig. 3.1; Ivanov et al., 2010). This core presented a
thick hemipelagic sediment drape of up to 100 cm of The down-core mineral distribu on showed
brown marls rich in foraminifera and containing shell some differences in the abundance of mineral
fragments. The lower boundary was moderately phases at the different MVs (Fig. 3.4). Regar-
bioturbated. At 105 to 115 cm depth a coral-debris ding bulk mineral composi on, studied sedi-
interval was observed containing cold-water corals ments from Granada MV (MS258G), Mulhacen
(CWC; Lopheliapertusa, Madrepora Oculata and soli- MV (MS414G), Perejil MV (MS283G), Kalinin MV
tary species) (Margreth et al., 2011), shell fragments (MS280G), and Carmen MV (MS385G, MS386G
and abundant foraminifera contents (Gennari et al., and MS390G) showed rela vely constant and
2013). The mud breccia unit extended from 115 con nuous mineral distribu on down core (Fig.
to 169 cm depth. It consisted of a very s ff mud 3.3 a and b). In contrast, records from Maya
breccia containing striking lamina on of semi- (MS419G), Dhaka (MS285G) and Marrakech
lithified and friable rock clasts resul ng in a laye- (MS262G) MVs showed some bulk mineral varia-
red light-grey and grey to brownish-grey matrix. on down core. Clay mineral content increased
down core at Maya (MS419G) and Dhaka MVs
(MS285G) whereas it decreased at Marrakech
3.5.3. Mineral composiƟon
MV (MS262G) (Fig. 3.4 a and b). All cores showed
Hemipelagic drapes same calcite content. Nevertheless, some varia-
The mineral composi on of hemipelagic intervals ons were seen for Dhaka MV (MS285G) and Ma-
associated with mud breccias is similar to the re- rrakech MV (MS262G), respec vely decreasing
gular marine sediments described in the Alboran and increasing down core (Fig. 3.4a and b).

Chapter 3

Table 3.2. Bulk and clay mineral range abundances in a) hemipelagic sediments and b) mud breccia matrices from the studied
MVs. Dash numeric entry (-) denotes no available data.

Core Mud Quartz ClayMinerals Illite
Calcite(%) Smectite(%) Kaolinite+Chlorite(%)
Code Volcano (%) (%) (%)

MS258G Granada 10Ͳ15 <10 70Ͳ80 40Ͳ70 20Ͳ50 5Ͳ10

MS262G Marrakech <10Ͳ15 <10 70Ͳ80 30Ͳ60 30Ͳ50 15Ͳ20

MS280G Kalinin 10Ͳ15 <10Ͳ20 60Ͳ75 25Ͳ40 45Ͳ60 <5Ͳ20

MS283G Perejil 10 5 85 >60 >25 >10
MS285G Dhaka 10Ͳ20 15Ͳ25 55Ͳ70 20Ͳ40 50Ͳ70 5Ͳ20
MS385G Carmen 10Ͳ15 <10 70Ͳ75 30Ͳ35 50Ͳ55 10Ͳ15
MS386G Carmen Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ
MS390G Carmen Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ
MS414G Mulhacen 10Ͳ15 <5 80 35 40 25
MS419G Maya 10Ͳ15 <10Ͳ15 65Ͳ75 20Ͳ40 40Ͳ70 <5Ͳ30
GP05PC Carmen Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ

Core Mud Quartz ClayMinerals Illite
Calcite(%) Smectite(%) Kaolinite+Chlorite(%)
Code Volcano (%) (%) (%)

MS258G Granada 10 5Ͳ10 80Ͳ85 60Ͳ80 <5Ͳ30 <5Ͳ10

MS262G Marrakech <5Ͳ10 <5Ͳ20 65Ͳ90 40Ͳ65 10Ͳ30 10Ͳ25
MS280G Kalinin 10Ͳ25 5Ͳ15 60Ͳ75 30Ͳ60 25Ͳ55 10Ͳ20
MS283G Perejil 5Ͳ15 <5 80Ͳ90 50Ͳ70 20Ͳ35 10Ͳ15

MS285G Dhaka 10Ͳ15 <5Ͳ15 70Ͳ80 10Ͳ40 20Ͳ50 10Ͳ25

MS385G Carmen 10Ͳ20 10Ͳ15 60Ͳ75 30Ͳ40 40Ͳ55 5Ͳ15
MS386G Carmen 10Ͳ20 10Ͳ15 60Ͳ75 25Ͳ40 35Ͳ45 20Ͳ30
MS390G Carmen 10Ͳ15 10Ͳ15 65Ͳ70 20Ͳ50 20Ͳ50 10Ͳ35
MS414G Mulhacen <5Ͳ15 <5 75Ͳ90 25Ͳ50 30Ͳ50 20Ͳ30
MS419G Maya <5Ͳ10 <5Ͳ10 70Ͳ90 45Ͳ70 10Ͳ40 10Ͳ20
GP05PC Carmen 10Ͳ15 5Ͳ10 65Ͳ75 20Ͳ45 35Ͳ65 <5Ͳ10

Clay mineral content showed a regular down- Figure 3.5 shows bulk and clay mineral assem-
core trend. Some minor fluctua ons of smec- blage distribu ons in ternary diagrams. The bulk
te were observed at the bo om of Maya MV ternary plot (quartz – calcite (%) + dolomite (%)
(MS419G), Kalinin MV (MS280G), Marrakech MV – clay minerals (%)) (Fig. 3.5a) showed very si-
(MS262G) and Carmen MV (MS390G) cores (Fig. milar mineralogy for all mud breccia matrices.
3.4c and d). In general, the data set plo ed in a well-defined

Chapter 3

MS283G MS280G MS385G
0 50 100 0 50 100 0 50 100





250 Total
Length: 233 cm
Length: 258 cm

350 Total
Length: 334 cm

MS386G MS390G MS262G

0 50 100 0 50 100 0 50 100


Length: 210 cm
300 Length: 259 cm


500 Total
Length: 480 cm

Quartz Calcite Clay Minerals Dolomite + Feldspars

Figure 3.4. Depth distribu on of a-b) bulk minerals and lithology column Perejil (MS283G), Kalinin (MS280G), Carmen flank
(MS385G) and crater (MS386 and MS390G) and Marrakech (MS262G), Granada (MS258G), Maya (MS419G), Dhaka (MS285G)
and Mulhacen (MS414G) MVs

Chapter 3

b) kaolinite varia on (<5%-15%) and variable smec-

MS258G MS419G
0 50 100 0 50 100
te (25%-70%) and illite + chlorite (15%-70%)
0 contents. Samples from Dhaka MV and Carmen
MV flank (MS385G) and crater (MS386G) showed
variable propor ons of clay minerals. Thus,
in the case of Dhaka MV (MS285G) smec te -
illite+chlorite - kaolinite respec vely varied from
25%-40%, 50%-60% and 10%-20% (Fig. 3.5b). At
150 Total
Length: 144 cm the core flank of Carmen MV (MS385G) smec -
Length: 167 cm te, illite+chlorite and kaolinite reported values of
25%-40%, 50%-60% and 5%-15% (Fig. 3.5b), co-
MS285G MS414G
rrespondingly. In contrast, samples from the cra-
0 50 100 0 50 100
0 ter of Carmen MV (MS386G) showed smec te,
illite+chlorite and kaolinite values of 10%-20%,
50 70%-75% and 10%-15%, respec vely (Fig. 3.5b).
Meanwhile, the distribu on of the samples from the
100 craters of Mulhacen (MS414G), Granada (MS258G)
Length: 96 cm
and Carmen (MS390G) are more dispersed, giving
values ranging from 25% to 60% for smec te, from
Quartz 30% to 60% for illite + chlorite content and from
200 Calcite 15% to 25% for kaolinite contents (Fig. 3.5b).
Clay Minerals Figure 3.6 shows the smec te and illite propor-
250 Total
Length: 244 cm Dolomite + ons from different MV structures (Fig. 3.6).
Feldspar Although all samples displayed over the line 1:1,
Figure 3.4. (cont.) some differences were noted when comparing
the MVs: illite exceeded smec te at samples from
cluster characterized by low quartz (10%-20%) Dhaka MV (MS285G) and Carmen MV flank and
and calcite + dolomite content (5%-20%) with crater (MS385G and MS386G); smec te excee-
high contents of clay minerals, varying between ded illite at Granada MV (MS258G); and variable
65% and 90% (Fig. 3.5a). The ternary diagram of propor ons of smec te-illite were detected at
the clay mineral assemblage- (Fig. 3.5b) showed Marrakech MV (MS262G), Kalinin MV (MS280G),
data plo ed in a well defined elongated cluster Perejil MV (MS283G), Maya MV (MS419G), Car-
characterized by high propor ons of smec te men crater (MS390G) and Mulhacen (MS414G)
(25%-80%) as well as illite + chlorite (10%-70%) MVs (Table 3.1; Fig. 3.6).
and low kaolinite content (<5%-25%) (Fig. 3.5b). SEM observa ons revealed an abundance of
According to Figure 3.5b, smec te and illite + smec te of a webby flake-like shape as well as
chlorite contents differed slightly among structu- carbonate derived from bioclasts (e.g. cocoliths)
res, allowing three main groups to be discerned. (Fig. 3.7a and b). Authigenic minerals were also
The first group comprised the samples from MV observed, pyrite being very abundant as fram-
cores Perejil, Kalinin, Marrakech, Carmen and boid aggregates, and in some cases filling fora-
Maya (MS283G, MS280G, MS262G, GP05PC and minifera chambers (Fig. 3.7c). Minor amounts of
MS419G, respec vely). The distribu on smec - gypsum and rhomboidal dolomite were also ob-
te - illite + chlorite - kaolinite revealed very low served (Fig. 3.7d and e).

Chapter 3

MS283G MS280G MS385G
0 50 100 0 50 100 0 50 100





250 Total
Length: 233 cm
Length: 258 cm

350 Total
Length: 334 cm

MS386G MS390G MS262G

0 50 100 0 50 100 0 50 100


Length: 210 cm
300 Length: 259 cm


500 Total
Length: 480 cm

Smectite Illite Kaolinite Chlorite

Figure 3.4. (cont.)

Chapter 3

d) 3.9).
MS258G MS419G
Regarding the illite percentage in IS and the stac-
0 50 100 0 50 100
0 king order R, XRD pa erns of the glycolated sam-
ples showed the occurrence of the ordered R0-
50 R3 IS mixed layers in all the studied mud breccias,
the percentage of illite ranging between 10% and
100 95% (Table 3.4 and 3.5; Fig. 3.10)
MDAC concreƟon & chimney
150 Total
Length: 144 cm Total
The selected MDAC concre on was characteri-
Length: 167 cm zed to have variable color, from grey to light ye-
llowish, presen ng an irregular shape (Fig. 3.11).
MS285G MS414G
MDAC concre on contained important propor-
0 50 100 0 50 100
0 ons of semi-consolidated sediments filling holes
and cavi es. Occasionally, sessile organisms, es-
50 pecially cold-water corals (e.g. Lophelia Pertusa)
were also found a ached to the hard surface of
Total the concre on (Fig. 3.11a).
Length: 96 cm
The bulk mineral composi on of the MDAC con-
cre on sub-samples consisted of clay minerals,
quartz, calcite, Mg-calcite, feldspar and aragonite
200 Illite
as major minerals (Table 3.3).
250 Total In sample 422Gr-cost, clay minerals, quartz, calci-
Length: 244 cm Chlorite te, Mg-calcite and aragonite were present in res-
Figure 3.4. (cont.)
pec ve propor ons of 45%, 10%, 15%, 10% and
15%, along with minor feldspars and dolomite
Similarly, TEM-AES showed abundant smec te (<5%). At sample 422Gr-carb, the propor ons of
aggregates with irregular flaky shapes (Fig. 3.8). clay minerals, quartz, calcite, feldspars and arago-
In most of the samples, K+ was the dominant nite were 25%, 15%, 15%, 15% and 20%, respec -
interlayer ca on, varying from to 0.07 and 0.54 vely, together with minor Mg-calcite and dolomite
(Table 3.3). Minor amounts of Na+, Ca2+ and Mg2+, (<5%).
with average values of 0.04, 0.10 and 0.04, res- Bulk mineral composi on of the MDAC-chimney
pec vely, were also detected (Table 3.2). showed strong similari es to the concre on. X-ray
We consider the structural formula for the stu- diffrac on revealed predominant aragonite (35%)
died smec te par cles as follows: clay minerals (20%), feldspars (20%), quartz (10%),
and calcite (10%). Dolomite and Mg-calcite were
(Si4-xAlx) O10 (Al, Mg, Fe2+, Fe3+)2-3 (K, Mg, Na, Ca)0.3 (OH)2 nH2O
present in minor propor ons (<5%).
Although preliminary XRD data showed that all
SEM images from MDAC concre on showed abun-
samples were mainly composed by smec te and
dant clay minerals of flake-like shape encompas-
illite, the deconvolu on (using MacDiff 4.2.6) of
sing aragonite. Aragonite was present as needle
selected mud breccia samples obtained from the
crystals, or aggregates of twinning crystals (Fig.
oriented frac on a er glycola on revealed that
3.11b). Biogenic components such as shell frag-
detrital smec te and mixed-layer IS phases were
ments, coccoliths and planktonic foraminifera
also present within the extruded materials (Fig.
Chapter 3

were also observed in SEM images. materials, as well as about diagene c processes
related to mud volcanism.
3.5.4. DaƟng
The mud breccia intervals from the studied co- 3.6.1. On the acƟvity of mud volcano from pelagic
res are associated with hemipelagic sediments drapes
which allow daƟng period of mud volcanic quies- The variable thickness of the hemipelagic se-
cence by 14C-AMS on planktonic foraminifera. diments encountered within the studied cores
Marrakech MV show the most recent extrusion strongly depends on their posi on within the
of mud breccias occurring at 718 ± 98 cal. yr BP, volcano structure, according to the variability of
followed by Granada MV (1321 ± 67 cal. yr BP), the volcanic or sedimentological processes. Vol-
Kalinin MV (2330 ± 145 cal. yr. BP), Dhaka MV cano flanks, especially those with gentle slopes,
(5368 ± 88 cal. yr. BP), Maya MV (5601 ± 84 cal. and tops of inac ve volcanoes present a be er
yr. BP) and Carmen MV, where the older mud flow preserva on of “normal” marine deposi on (i.e.,
occured later than 10890 ± 172 cal. yr.BP Maya or Kalinin MVs (Fig. 3.1). Nevertheless, sig-

Table 3.1. Results of AMS 14C carbon da ng of single planktonic foraminifera G. bulloides (>125 μm) taken at hemipelagic dra-
pes from Granada, Marrakech, Kalinin, Dhaka, Carmen and Maya MVs. Calibra on was done using Calib 7.0 so ware. We used
Marine13 calibra on curve with standard marine correc on of 400 years (data from two sigma probability interval)

Core 14 Calibratedage(yr
Laboratory CAMSage
MudVolcano Samplecode depth cal.BP)(range
code (BP)
(cm) 2ʍ)

Granada MS258G018Ͳ10 9 PozͲ47278 1080±30 1321±67

Marrakech MS262G010Ͳ2 1 PozͲ47279 2180±35 173±97

Marrakech MS262G0122Ͳ24 23 PozͲ47280 2910±35 718±98

Kalinin MS280G0236Ͳ38 97 PozͲ47281 4200±50 2330±145

Dhaka MS285G0127Ͳ29 28 PozͲ30692 6780±40 5368±88

Carmen MS385G0524Ͳ26 247 PozͲ47284 11370±70 10890±172

Maya MS419G0218Ͳ20 79 PozͲ30694 7070±40 5601±84

3.6. Discussion nificant differences in the thickness of the hemi-

pelagic sediments draping mud breccias beneath
Obtained data regarding the mineral composi on
the seafloor were encountered at the studied
of MV sediments have provided new insights as
sites (Fig. 3.1). Such differences in the thickness
to the ac vity of the Alboran MVs and the nature,
of hemipelagic drapes provide informa on about
source areas and provenance of the mud breccia
the mes of mud volcanic ac vity: the thicker the

Chapter 3

Clay Minerals (%)

a) 0.00 1.00

0.25 0.75

0.50 0.50


Calcite +
Dolomite (%) 0.00 Quartz (%)
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00

Illite + Chlorite (%)

b) 0.00 1.00

0.25 0.75

0.50 0.50


Kaolinite (%) 0.00 Smectite (%)
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00

MS258G MS280G MS285G MS386G MS414G GP05PC

MS262G MS283G MS385G MS390G MS419G

Figure 3.5. Ternary plots of a) quartz (%) – calcite + dolomite (%) – clay minerals (%) and b) smec te (%) – kaolinite (%) - illite
+ chlorite (%) distribu on in mud breccias from Granada (MS258G), Marrakech (MS262G), Kalinin (MS280G), Perejil (MS283G),
Dhaka (MS285G), Carmen (MS385G, MS386G, MS390G and GP05PC), Mulhacen (MS414G) and Maya (MS419G) MVs.

Chapter 3

Table 3.3. TEM-AES analyses of smecƟtes found in mud breccias from Perejil, Dhaka and Carmen MVs. Data express averaged

Depth Tetrahedral
Octahedralcations Interlayercations

cm ɇoct. ɇInt.

Si Al(VI) Al(IV) Mg Fe Ti K Na Ca Mg
b.s.f. cat. cat.


7 3.62 0.38 1.52 0.29 0.28 0.00 2.09 0.20 0.02 0.10 0.04 0.36
41 3.65 0.35 1.43 0.29 0.35 0.00 2.07 0.13 0.01 0.16 0.05 0.35
68 3.60 0.40 1.45 0.28 0.33 0.00 2.06 0.26 0.02 0.16 0.02 0.46
131 3.59 0.41 1.42 0.28 0.38 0.00 2.08 0.22 0.08 0.00 0.04 0.33
161 3.59 0.41 1.52 0.25 0.29 0.01 2.06 0.25 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.35
181 3.58 0.42 1.50 0.28 0.28 0.00 2.06 0.17 0.05 0.19 0.04 0.44
211 3.51 0.49 1.38 0.32 0.40 0.00 2.10 0.26 0.02 0.16 0.03 0.47


3 3.38 0.62 1.71 0.12 0.2 0.00 2.04 0.28 0.05 0.04 0.10 0.46
41 3.46 0.54 1.46 0.30 0.33 0.00 2.09 0.34 0.05 0.10 0.02 0.51
67 3.41 0.59 1.46 0.32 0.3 0.00 2.10 0.31 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.49
112 3.51 0.49 1.49 0.30 0.30 0.00 2.09 0.32 0.02 0.12 0.02 0.49
138 3.55 0.45 1.60 0.20 0.25 0.00 2.05 0.22 0.04 0.06 0.07 0.39
168 3.51 0.49 1.47 0.31 0.32 0.00 2.10 0.19 0.01 0.10 0.09 0.40
204 3.50 0.50 1.53 0.23 0.31 0.00 2.06 0.19 0.04 0.11 0.08 0.42


35 3.88 0.12 1.47 0.28 0.20 0.00 1.95 0.25 0.08 0.14 0.00 0.47
65 3.60 0.40 1.49 0.32 0.25 0.00 2.06 0.26 0.04 0.16 0.03 0.48
95 3.85 0.15 1.44 0.35 0.22 0.00 2.00 0.21 0.04 0.19 0.00 0.45
140 3.46 0.54 1.44 0.32 0.33 0.00 2.09 0.25 0.02 0.16 0.06 0.50
178 3.70 0.30 1.56 0.22 0.26 0.00 2.05 0.14 0.06 0.00 0.06 0.26
208 3.71 0.29 1.49 0.31 0.30 0.00 2.10 0.16 0.04 0.00 0.03 0.23
240 3.52 0.48 1.36 0.35 0.40 0.00 2.11 0.30 0.04 0.00 0.06 0.40

hemipelagic drape interval, the older the acƟvity these sites were dominated by a normal marine
was. Thus, the general conƟnuity and homogenei- sedimentaƟon covering the volcanic edifices. For
ty of the hemipelagic drapes and lack of interrup- cores retrieved at volcano rims or upper slopes,
Ɵons (e.g. absence of mud breccia interlayering) the possibility that hemipelagic drapes could be
also suggest that once mud volcanism stopped, formed by slumps of hemipelagic layers must be

Chapter 3

100 less, this assump on has to be taken with cau on
since significant sediment reworking is known to
75 occur between hemipelagic sediments and mud
line 1:1
breccia intervals (Gennari et al., 2013; López-Ro-
Illite (%)

50 dríguez et al., 2014), thereby obscuring the true
loca on of the boundary and consequently impe-
25 ding accurate ming of the ac vity.
( )
Compared to normal marine deposits, hemipe-
000 25
25 50
50 75
75 100
100 lagic sediments covering MVs show similar clay
Smectite (%) mineral propor ons. S ll, subtle differences were
MS258G MS280G MS285G MS386G MS414G encountered at boundaries between drapes and
MS262G MS283G MS385G MS390G MS419G mud breccia intervals. This fact may suggest
Figure 3.6. Smec te vs illite propor on quan fied at the that the mineralogy of “hemipelagic” drapes,
studied MVs. Yellow dashed-line corresponds to propor ons at least toward their lower part, can be traced
1:1 from Granada (MS258G), Marrakech (MS262G), Kali-
nin (MS280G), Perejil (MS283G), Dhaka (MS285G), Carmen
to a different origin than off-volcano cores from
(MS385G, MS386G, and MS390G), Mulhacen (MS414G) and other areas in the Alboran Sea (Mar nez-Ruiz, et
Maya (MS419G) MVs
al., 2003; Jimenez-Espejo et al., 2008; Rodrigo-
Gámiz et al., 2011). This would indicate that the
checked, and the underlying mud breccia dated
sediment mineralogy reflects blends, suppor ng
(if possible), to ensure accurate ac vity ming.
the above hypothesis of sedimentary reworking
The recent ac vity of the studied MV from the Al- at boundaries between hemipelagic drapes and
boran Sea, where the sedimentary rate seems re- mud breccia intervals.
la vely constant during the Late Pleistocene and
Cases of ac ve MVs have also been documented
the Holocene (e.g. Masqué et al., 2003), must be
in the Alboran Sea. Such is the case of Carmen
assessed taking into account the posi on of each
MV, proved to be ac ve nowadays, as methane
specific core. For instance, the Perejil MV core,
emission to the seafloor and chemosynthe c li-
recovered from the top of the crater, contained
ving fauna (Pogonophora tube worms) were en-
3 cm thick of hemipelagic drape, sugges ng very
countered in the volcano crater during TTR-17
recent volcanic ac vity (Fig. 3.1). Thicker hemi-
cruise (Comas et al., 2010; Ivanov et al., 2010;
pelagic drapes at Kalinin, Marrakech, Granada,
Hilário et al., 2011). Moreover, cases of mud
Maya and Dhaka MVs cores (150, 30, 20, 100 and
breccias interbedded with layers of hemipelagic
70 cm, respec vely) suggest compara vely older
sediments (e.g. flank of Carmen MV or at the
volcanic ac vity (Fig. 3.1). Radiocarbon da ng
flank of Kalinin MV, cores MS385G and RL08CG,
supports this assessment, indica ng that the du-
respec vely, Fig. 3.1) indicate that pelagic se-
ra on of the MV ac vity in the Alboran is highly
dimenta on processes can also alternate with
variable from site to site (Table 3.1). According to
episodes of mud breccia or mud flow accumula-
our core data, the older erup on started earlier
on (Gennari et al., 2013; López-Rodríguez et al.,
than 10.8 ka BP at Carmen MV, whereas the most
2014; Fig. 3.1).
recent episode of mud extrusion occurred before
0.7 ka BP at Marrakech MV. This finding is in line
with specific micropaleontological studies in the 3.6.2. On the nature and source of mud breccias
area by Margreth et al. (2011) and Gennari et al. Mud breccia matrices cons tute the most relia-
(2013), which reported a difference of thousands ble frac on that can provide informa on about
of years between extrusive episodes. Neverthe-
Chapter 3


ȝP ȝP

C1 C2 D


ȝP ȝP


ȝPȝP ȝP

Figure 3.7. SEM images of mud breccia matrices showing a) smec te from Granada MV, b) accumula on of coccoliths found
in Carmen MV, c) 1-Pyrites found in Kalinin MV; 2-detail of pyrite inside coccolithophorids observed at mud breccia from Ma-
rrakech MV and 3-framboids aggregates of pyrite from Kalinin MV, d) gypsum found at Kalinin MV, e) rhomboidal dolomite and
f) barite found at Marrakech MV.

the nature and provenance from parental la- important role in the fluid transport competen-
yers of the extruded material. Some authors ce, since gas-rich mud breccias are less able to
who address the abundance or absence of rock maintain clasts and rock fragments in suspension
clasts in extruded breccias evoke differences in as compared with gas-poor mud breccias. Large
the transport competence of the expelled fluids, sedimentary rock clasts are found in most MVs
induced by physical factors such as density, vis- from the Alboran Sea. For instance, the presence
cosity, plas city, or fric on coefficient (Flecker of rela vely big polymic c blocks boulders at the
and Kopf, 1996). Gas content plays a par cularly crater of Granada MV, in some cases larger than

Chapter 3

1-2 meters (Fig.1.9; Sautkin et al., 2003), suggests of clasts in mud breccias from the cores reco-
that violent erup ons of s ff muds may have me- vered at the summit of Perejil and Carmen MVs
chanically forced the triggering of the sedimen- (Fig. 3.3) and the occurrence of mousse-like mud
tary sequence during their ascent, giving rise to breccia at these sites may, in turn, reveal that the
the presence of such huge blocks embedded in extruded materials in those MVs contain greater
the mud breccias. The low amount and small size concentra ons of gases, at least at the sampled
Table 3.4. Posi ons (CuKα) of detected reflec ons and es ma ng percent of illite layer in illite/EG-smec te from selected mud
breccia samples. R denotes the Reichweite number

001/002 002/003
% illite R d(Å) 2ș d(Å) 2ș ¨2ș
Granada MV MS258G
20 0 - - 5.57 15.90 -
50 0 - - 5.46 16.19 -
60 1 - - 5.36 16.52 -
85 1 9.77 9.03 - - -
95 3 9.90 8.91 - - -
Marrakech MV MS262G
10 0 - - 5.62 15.73 -
40 0 - - 5.50 16.09 -
60 1 - - 5.36 16.52 -
75 1 - - 5.24 16.88 -
85 1 9.73 9.06 - - -
95 3 9.89 8.93 - - -
Perejil MV MS283G
25 0 8.74 10.0 5.55 15.92
50 0 - - 5.44 16.25 -
55 0 9.16 9.59 - - -
60 1 - - 5.33 16.62 -
75 1 9.33 9.46 - - -
85 1 9.73 9.06 - - -
Dhaka MV MS285G
25 0 - - 5.55 15.92 -
65 1 9.31 9.49 - - -
75 1 9.57 9.23 5.32 16.65 7.42
85 1 9.76 9.03 5.13 17.24 8.21
Carmen MV MS385G
10 0 - - 5.61 15.76 -
55 0 - - 5.39 16.42 -
75 1 9.46 9.33 5.24 16.88 7.55
85 1 9.75 9.07 5.12 17.28 -
95 3 9.92 8.90 - - -

Chapter 3

001/002 002/003
% illite R d(Å) 2ș d(Å) 2ș ¨2ș
Carmen MV MS386G
20 0 - - 5.58 15.88 -
60 1 - - 5.34 16.60 -
80 1 9.64 9.17 - - -
85 1 - - 5.17 17.13 -
90 3 9.83 8.98 - - -
Carmen MV MS390G
20 0 - - 5.59 15.83 -
45 0 8.98 9.83 - - -
55 0 - - 5.41 16.36 -
70 1 - - 5.29 16.72 -
75 1 9.58 9.20 - - -
85 1 9.69 9.11 5.15 17.19 -
Carmen MV GP05PC
20 0 - - 5.57 15.90 -
60 1 - - 5.35 16.56 -
80 1 9.64 9.17 - - -
85 1 9.77 9.04 5.18 17.09 8.05
Mulhacen MV MS414G
75 1 9.43 9.36 - - -
85 1 9.75 9.07 - - -
90 3 9.80 9.00 - - -
Maya MV MS419G
30 0 - - 5.53 15.99 -
60 1 - - 5.34 16.60 -
85 1 9.71 9.10 - - -
90 3 9.83 8.98 - - -

loca ons (on their craters). In the Gulf of Cadiz region, abundant smec tes in
Moreover, specific studies performed on mud MVs materials have also been described at Tasyo
breccia matrices from the Gulf of Cadiz (i.e., field (Mar n-Puertas et al., 2007), and similarly
Ginsburg and Meknes MVs; Mar n-Puertas et cited in several MVs from the eastern Mediterra-
al., 2007; Mhammedi et al., 2008; Mhammedi nean (e.g., Jurado-Rodriguez and Mar nez-Ruiz,
et al., 2010) have revealed that significant diffe- 1998). Analysis of fluid geochemistry of different
rences in clay mineral assemblages as well as in MVs suggests that the MV fluids derive, at least
clay abundances —especially in smec te and illi- par ally, from dehydra on due to the transfor-
te content— are indica ve of differences in the ma on of smec te to illite at several km depth
source of mud breccias. (e.g., Dählmann and de Lange, 2003; Hensen et

Chapter 3


2000 Å 5000 Å 2000 Å

Figure 3.8. TEM images from a) Mulhacen, b) Carmen crater and c) Marrakech mud breccia matrices showing smec tes

al., 2007). However, differences in smec te abun- Nonetheless, materials extruded by MVs may su-
dance in source feeding materials must also be ffer enormous tritura on during the mud ascents,
taken into account in order to explain clay mi- triggering clasts and sediments from other sedi-
neral abundances in the mud breccia. Indeed, mentary horizons throughout the stra graphic
smec tes are especially abundant in Mediterra- sequence that are also eventually incorporated
nean Messinian sediments, as also reported in into the matrix (Cita et al., 1981; Dimitrov, 2002;
marine cores from the Alboran Sea (e.g., ODP Site Kopf, 2002) must also be taken into considera on
976, Mar nez-ruíz et al., 1999). Such differences as an influence on the mineralogy content of mud
in smec tes/illite abundances of mud breccias breccias.
may therefore be the result of differences 1) in
the nature of the source of mud breccias, 2) in 12000 6PHFWLWH(* 06*$2
the depth of the source of such materials, or 3) a
combina on of both.
The similari es in mineral contents that we encoun-

tered in all mud breccia matrices come to indicate 6000

that all the material expelled by the Alboran MVs

shares a common or nearby source area. This as-
sump on is in good agreement with previously
reported data derived from mud breccia matrices 0
5 10 15 20 25 
(Gennari et al., 2013) and demonstrated by seismic E
reflec on data (i.e. Talukder et al., 2003; Comas et 14000

al., 2012; Soto et al., 2010), which iden fied the pa- 12000

rental beds of the extruded muds at the basal Unit 10000

VI (including overpressured olistostrome or mega-

breccia strata, dated as late Early to Middle Mioce- OD\HUV$2
ne (Burdigalian) and lower overpressured Unit Va
(Langhian in age) (Jurado and Comas, 1992; Diaz-
Merino et al., 2003). Specific organic geochemistry
studies performed on selected rock fragments (Po- 5 10 15 20 25 
ludetkina and Kozlova, 2003; Sautkin et al., 2003)
Figure 3.9. X-Ray diffractograms of untreated clays (AO) and
and mud breccia matrices (López-Rodríguez et al., glycolated clay-frac ons (EG) at selected mud breccia from
2014) confirm this hypothesis and have corrobora- a) Granada showing occurrence of smec te and b) Carmen
crater showing presence of illite/smec te mixed-layers (IS)
ted a deep source for the upward mud fluids.

Chapter 3

06*AO Table 3.5. Example of posi ons (CuKα) of detected reflec-

a) 06*(*
on peaks and es ma ng percent of illite layer in illite/EG-
5000 smec te from mud breccia from Carmen MV. R denotes the
7 Reichweite number. Nº peaks correspond with arrows from
4000 Figure 3.10


3000 5
a) 001/002
4 3
21 NºPeak %illite R d(Å) 2ɽ
1 5 0 8.56 10.33
0 2 40 0 8.90 9.94
8 9 10 11
b) 3 55 0 9.19 9.63
2400 4 70 1 9.41 9.38
2000 5 80 1 9.65 9.17

1600 6 95 3 9.85 8.98
3 4 5 6
2 7 >95 3 9.99 8.85
1200 1

b) 002/003
NºPeak %illite R d(Å) 2ɽ
15 16 17 18 19 CarmenMVMS390G0440Ͳ42

ș&X.Į 1 5 0 5.63 15.74

2 35 0 5.51 16.09
Figure 3.10. Diffrac on pa ern of selected mud breccia sam-
ples from Carmen crater mud breccia. Arrows denote reflec- 3 55 0 5.40 16.43
on peaks for a) 001/002 d(Å) 8.58 – 9.83 and b) 002/003 d(Å)
5.62-5.10. Navy-blue line corresponds with calculated peaks
4 70 1 5.29 16.74
obtained by deconvolu on. Light blue line shows background 5 80 1 5.21 17.00
6 95 3 5.12 17.32
3.6.3. Role of clay dehydrataƟon on fluid flow
7 >95 3 4.98 17.79
Clay mineral composi on from sedimentary
rocks can be used to understand the role that at all MVs sites (Fig. 3.6; Table 3.2) signals the
burial diagenesis plays in mineral transforma- progressive increase in illite content compared
ons over me, their implica on in fluid genera- to smec te, and furthermore indicates the occu-
on, and the thermal evolu on of a sedimentary rrence of diagene c processes affec ng clay mi-
succession. Several authors have described the neral transforma on at depth.
smec te-to-illite transforma on as a progressive During smec te illi za on, a steady increase of
process that requires burial, heat and me (Me- the illite content in mixed-layer IS occurs simul-
unier and Velde, 2004; Vaughan and Wogeluis, taneously with the enhancement of the grade of
2013); this is a poten al source of fluids since stacking order. This entails the progressive varia-
smec tes can host significant water and hydro- on from randomly interstrafied (R0) illite-smec-
carbon-rich fluid mineral structures that can be te minerals (IS) to more illi c ordered ones (R1-
released when transformed into illites (Martos- R3) (Reynolds, 1980; Drits and Tchoubar, 1990;
Villa et al., 2014). Moore and Reynolds, 1997; Lanson et al., 2009).
In the mud breccias from the Alboran volcanoes, Similar situa ons have been described in mud
the 1:1 ra o between smec te (S) and illite (I) breccias from the Gulf of Cadiz, where specific

Chapter 3

0 2 cm
0 2 cm

0 0.5 cm

6 μm 23 μm

20 μm 2 μm
Figure 3.11. a) a sediment concre on of methane-derived authigenic carbonates (MDACs) sample recovered at the Crow´s
foot pockmark and b) SEM images of the MDAC concre on showing smec tes, aragonite crystals, and biogenic content
(i.e.,foraminifera and coccoliths). Close up from (a) showing coral a ached to crusts.

mineralogical studies on MV samples underline diagene c grades (IS with R3), reaching, under
the coexistence of both low- and high-illite-layer these severe condi ons, maximum temperatures
IS (up to 75%) and subsequently low (R0) and ranging from 120ºC to 160ºC.
high stacking illite order (R3), implying diagene c Our results are in line with seismic and tectonic
changes at depth that gave rise to a progressive data. In view of the regional thermal gradient of
illi za on of smec te (Martos-Villa et al., 2014; about 25 ºC/km for the West Alboran Basin (Torne
Mata et al., 2012). and Fernández, 2000) we might expect that the
According to our mineralogical characteriza on, source of the mud breccias is located at a maxi-
the wide range of illite percentage in IS mixed la- mum depth of 4-6 km beneath the MVs. Conside-
yers would evidence the complex nature and bu- ring a prograding burial sequence at this depth,
rial evolu on of mud breccias (Fig. 3.6; Table 3.4). the mud breccia matrices from the Alboran MVs
Transforma on of smec te to illite is supported may have suffered severe diagene c condi ons,
by the presence of ordered interstra fied ex- or at least moderate to late stages of diagenesis
pandable layers R0 to R3 in the studied samples. (Bethke et al., 1986; Lanson et al., 2009, among
Hence, mud breccia may involve an admixture of others) affec ng the mineralogy and leading to
sediments from shallow strata formed at lower the release of fluids. This assump on is compa-
diagene c grades (IS with R0) together with se- ble with the close rela onship previously de-
diments from deeper sources affected by high monstrated between MVs and mud diapirs in the

Chapter 3

WAB (i.e., Talukder et al., 2003; Soto et al., 2010; corroborates that Units Va and VI, Early to Middle
Comas et al., 2012). The proposed origin for the Miocene in age, fed mud diapirs and volcanoes in
extruded mud breccias from a deep source (in the WAB. Clay mineral assemblages from mud brec-
the lowermost strata of the basin infill; Talukder cia are par cularly rich in smec te and illite, while
et al., 2003; Soto et al., 2010; Comas et al., 2012), illite-smec te mixed layers are also recognized, and
together with the sedimentary lithology of these show a wide range of ordering (from 10% to 95% illi-
lowermost units (pressurized olistostromic depo- te layers). Regular mixed-layers evidencing smec te
sits embedded in an under-compacted shale-rich dehydra on suggest that it played a major role in the
matrix; Talukder, 2003; Comas et al., 2010, 2012; genera on of deep fluids within this basin.
Soto et al., 2012), cons tute favorable condi ons
for the processes of clay mineral dehydra on and
the subsequent genera on of fluids (Dählmann
and de Lange, 2003) under a rela vely well de-
fined range of temperatures (~ 80º to ~ 150º C)
close to oil genera on (Kastner et al., 1991).
Consequently, our findings cons tute mineralogi-
cal evidence of a progressive smec te illi za on
process that takes place at depth within the sour-
ce strata feeding MVs. The data corroborate the
occurrence of important mineral transforma on
under severe condi ons of late diagenesis, and
demonstrate the presence of IS mixed layers ha-
ving high illite content.

3.7 Conclusions
Though most of the MVs described to date in the
WAB are dormant, one ac ve volcano (Carmen, crui-
se TTR-17) and several pockmarks have been recog-
nized. There is diverse evidence their recent ac vity,
including the absence of hemipelagic drapes and gas
bubbling. At the same me, the presence of inter-
bedded hemipelagic sediments between mud brec-
cia indicate periods of quiescence between events
of mud expulsion. Thus, hemipelagic sediments and
drapes allowed us to date erup ons from 0.7 to 10.8
ka BP, at Marrakech at Carmen MVs, respec vely).
Past and presently ac ve hydrocarbon-rich fluid ven-
ng is further evidenced by the precipita on of au-
thigenic carbonates as crust and chimneys.
The rela ve homogeneity and similar mineralogical
composi on of mud breccia at different MVs suggest
a common source feeding these structures, which

Major and trace elements in
mud-volcano solid phases and
involved sediments from the
West Alboran Basin
Chapter 4

Chapter 4
Major and trace elements in mud – volcano solid phases and involved
sediments from the West Alboran Basin

The inorganic geochemical composi on of mud breccias and other volcanic-related sediments pro-
vides relevant informa on about the nature of source units feeding and about fluids discharged to
the seafloor. In the mud volcano province of the West Alboran Sea, major the distribu on of trace
elements and rare earth elements in mud breccia show considerable homogeneity, which suggests a
common source and comparable material feeding the diverse volcanoes within this province. Volcanic
ac vity does not significantly impact the composi on of hemipelagic sediments covering or intercala-
ted in mud breccia except for sediment mixing at the boundaries between hemipelagic and extruded
sediments. Redox sensi ve elements (i.e, Mo, S) and those associated with authigenic carbonates (i.e.
Sr and Mg) serve as proxies elucida ng past ac vity so as to reconstruct ancient pulses of methane
seepage and paleo-sulfate-methane transi on zones. Extremely δ13C-depleted values (-38.21‰ VPDB)
of authigenic carbonates from a chimney encountered at one core in the Crow pockmark field confirm
microbial sulfate reduc on and anaerobic oxida on of methane. The correla ons between Ceanomaly
and LaN/SmN, Ceanomaly and DyN/ SmN, Ceanomaly and ∑REE moreover reveal that the REE signatures are
preserved, while those from authigenic carbonates reflect the original signature of fluids.

Chapter 4

4.1 IntroducƟon sediments and associated authigenic carbonates

The geochemical composi on of extruded mud recovered from the mud volcano province of the
breccias from mud volcanoes (MVs) results from West Alboran Basin (WAB). Geochemical inves-
complex interac ons of sediments, rocks and ga ons complement previous studies based
fluids. Ascending muds can also incorporate sedi- on sedimentological and mineralogical studies
ments and rock fragments from feeder channels to shed new light on mud/fluid ejec on ac vity
(e.g., Akhmanov and Woodside, 1998), thereby and the biogeochemical processes underlying
masking the original geochemical signature of authigenic carbonate forma on. In addi on to
source units. Diverse geochemical proxies can be discerning the nature and origin of mud breccias,
used, however, to infer source and provenance, this informa on will help to constrain recent and
and detect the contribu on of sediment succes- ancient pulses of mud ac vity.
sions pierced by ascending muds (Akhmanov,
1996; Kopf et al., 2000; Akhmanov et al., 2003; 4.2 Geological Background
Sautkin et al., 2003; Lykousis et al., 2009).
The Alboran Sea is a marginal basin placed in the
At the seafloor, the discharge of fluids also in- westernmost Mediterranean Sea, in the inner
volves significant reac ons that determine the part of the Gibraltar Arc. Several ridges and sea-
geochemical signature of MV-related sediments. mounts on the Alboran seafloor contribute to the
When hydrocarbon-rich fluids reach the seafloor complex configura on of the seabed morpholo-
and encounter seawater sulfate, authigenic mi- gy, dividing Alboran in three sub-basins: Western
nerals precipitate (Hinrichs et al., 1999; Boe us (WAB), Southern (SAB) and Eastern Alboran Basin
et al., 2000; Michaelis et al., 2002), forming (EAB) (Fig. 4.1).
crusts, chimneys or concre ons (i.e., Magalhães
Geological and geophysical data have constrai-
et al., 2012 and references therein), and even
ned the complex geodynamic evolu on of the Al-
mineral fronts (i.e., Aloisi et al., 2000; Dickens,
boran Basin, and the ming and tectonic regime
2001; Peckmann and Thiel, 2004; Riedinger et
of Basin evolu on (Fig. 1.6) (Comas et al., 1992,
al., 2006; Peke et al., 2012; Pierre et al., 2014;
1999; Soto et al., 1996; Rodriguez-Fernandez et
among others).
al., 1999). Mul channel seismic profiles from
In the western Mediterranean, studies based on well-logging indicate an irregular sedimentary
the organic content of clasts and rock fragments infill in Alboran Basin; the thickest sedimentary
approach the origin of mud flows in the Alboran depocentre is in the WAB, where more than 7-8
MVs (Poludetkina and Kozlova, 2003; Poludetki- km of sediments from the Early Miocene to Pre-
na et al., 2008). The provenance of mud breccia sent accumulated on top of the metamorphic ba-
matrices is addressed by specific micropalaeon- sement (Fig.1.6 and Fig.1.8; Jurado and Comas,
tological studies (Gennari et al., 2013) and orga- 1992; Comas et al., 1996,1999; De la Linde et al.,
nic geochemical determina ons based on lipid 1996; Soto et al., 1996; and references therein).
biomarkers (López-Rodríguez et al., 2014). Yet
Comprehensive lithology, biostra graphy and lo-
there is less documenta on regarding MV se-
gging data from the basement and sedimentary
diments in the Alboran Sea, whose geochemis-
sequence beneath the Alboran Sea are known
try is also essen al for an understanding of the
from commercial wells Andalucia-G1 and Albo-
complex interac ons of fluid and solid phases in
ran-A1, and ODP Leg 161 drilling (Fig.1.7; Comas
volcano se ngs. This research therefore focuses
et al., 1996, 1999 and refernces therein). These
on the inorganic geochemistry (major and trace
data allow one to dis nguish six major seismo-
elements, rare earth elements, isotopes) of core

Chapter 4

5º 4º 3º 2º

37º EAB
in #
36º #
##Schneider` Heart 36º
Ceuta field
WAB #Carmen
Tarifa #Marrakesch
# Granada
Maya # #Dhaka

Al Hoseima
35º 35º
5º 4º 3º 2º
Figure 4.1. The Alboran Sea Basin showing the loca on of the Mud Diapir Province, the West, South and Eastern Alboran Basins.
White triangles correspond with MVs; green areas refer to pockmark fields. Modified a er Comas et al., (1999)

stra graphic units within the WAB sedimentary Seismic profiles show that volcano feeder-chan-
infill (Fig. 1.7; Comas et al., 1992; Jurado and nels connected to deeper shale-diapirs bring up
Comas, 1992). Borehole sampling indicates that to the seafloor over-pressured shales and olistos-
the basal units (Unit VI and lowermost Unit V) tromes/megabreccias from Unit VI and/or over-
overlie a metamorphic basement. Unit VI (Bur- pressured green clays from Unit Va, at a depth of
digalian in age) mainly consists of undercom- over 5 km (Fig. 4.2; Talukder et al., 2003; Comas
pacted (pressurized) shales and olistostromic/ et al., 2012).
brecciated lithologies containing heterogeneous Episodes of mud volcanism in the WAB are asso-
rock fragments (blocks, boulders and clasts) of ciated with recent stages of shale mobiliza on
different ages, whereas Unit Va (Langhian in age) from the underlying diapiric structures; com-
contains under-compacted green clays. Sonic lo- pressive tectonics condi oned pierced diapirs
gging demonstrated that both units encompass and subsequent mud volcanism at the seafloor
significant gas and fluid content, implying major (Comas et al., 2010; and references therein). Fur-
overpressure at depth (Jurado and Comas, 1992; thermore, Somoza et al. (2012) associate some
Diaz-Merino et al., 2003). mud volcanism stages to erosional episodes du-
In the WAB, significant shale diapirism affects ring major sea-level falls (Plio-Quaternary, from
the undercompacted materials from Unit VI and 4-5 Ma onwards).
Unit Va. It extends from the Iberian peninsula to
the Moroccan margins as a huge Mud Diapir Pro-
4.3. Core sediment and sampling
vince (MDP; Fig.1.8), where mud volcanoes and
The sediment cores selected for geochemical
pockmarks develop (i.e. Comas et al., 1999, 2012;
determina ons were collected during three
Soto et al., 2010).
oceanographic cruises performed within the fra-
mework of the UNESCO/IOC Training Through Re-
Chapter 4

Figure 4.2. Single-channel seismic profile across Carmen, Granada and Dhaka MVs showing seismic stra graphic units, major
regional reflectors and main sedimentary sequence documented in the Be c Neogene basins (modified a er Jurado and Comas,
1992; Rodríguez-Fernández et al., 1999); M-Messinian unconformity. Reflectors correspond to major unconformi es within
sediments; Purple shadow corresponds with overpressure shales and megabreccia. From Comas et al., 2012.

search Programme (TTR). The expedi ons TTR-9 breccia matrices determina ons was accomplis-
BASACALB Cruise (Kenyon et al., 2000), TTR-12 hed in the same way for specific geochemical and
Leg 3, MARSIBAL-1 Cruise (Kenyon et al., 2003) for mineralogical and sedimentological analyses.
and TTR-17 Leg 1 cruise SAGAS-08 (Ivanov et al., Specific details are provided in Chapter 3.3, sec-
2010) respec vely in 1999, 2002, and 2008, were Ɵon 3.4.
on board RV Professor Logachev (Fig. 2.1). A to- Geochemical determina ons and isotopic com-
tal of ten cores were selected, and at least one posi on of MDACs were also determined. Sam-
at each volcano structure. One gravity core was ples were obtained from a seepage chimney and
studied at Perejil, Kalinin, Marrakech, Granada, from a carbonate concre on.
Maya, Dhaka, and Mulhacen MVs, whereas three
gravity cores were analyzed at Carmen MV, given
4.4. Methods
its current ac vity (Table 2.1; Fig. 3.1). Addi o-
nally, methane-derived authigenic carbonates Major element measurements (Al, Si, Ca, Mg, Fe,
(MDAC) recovered from “Crow’s foot” pockmark K) were obtained by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF).
were also analyzed (Fig. 3.1). For further details Powdered sediment samples were prepared as
about technical specifica ons and sampling ope- pressed pellets using 5 gr of ground bulk sedi-
ra ons during TTR-cruises see Chapter 3, secƟon ment in a brique e with boric acid backing and
3.3 (Ivanov et al., 1992a, b; Kenyon et al., 2003). homogenized in an agate mortar. The pellets
were pressed at 130 bars in a Nanne hydrau-
Geochemical determina ons were performed on
lic press for 30 s. Samples were analyzed using a
the same sediment samples as mineralogical and
commercial wavelength dispersive X-ray fluores-
sedimentological analyses. Thus, the sampling
cence instrument (Bruker AXS S4 Pionner) with
procedure for hemipelagic sediments and mud
an analy cal error of 2% and equipped with a Rh

Chapter 4

anode X-ray tube (60 Kv and 150 mA). using a LECO CNS-Tru Spec analyzer. Total Organic
Trace and rare earth elements (REEs) were analy- Carbon (TOC) was calculated by subtrac ng the
zed using Induc vely Coupled Plasma-Mass Spec- amount of inorganic carbon from the total car-
trometry (ICP-MS). Samples were prepared by se- bon content.
quen al acid diges on with HNO3 and HF. First, Isotopic carbon and oxygen composi on of
100 mg of the powder sample was dissolved in MDAC samples were analyzed at the stable isoto-
2 ml of HNO3, and a er reac on, 3 ml of HF. The pe laboratory of the Marine Geology group (Ma-
resultant dilu on was heated un l total evapo- rum, Bremen University) and also at the Leibniz-
ra on and then re-dissolved in 1 ml of HNO3 two Laboratory for Radiometric Da ng and Isotope
mes. The final residue was dissolved in 4 ml of Research (Kiel University). Samples for stable
HNO3+ 96 ml of ultrapure water; 1 ml of this dis- isotopic analyses were prepared by reac ng at
solu on was mixed with 0.5 ml of a 200 ppb Rh 90°C with 100% phosphoric acid on an automa-
dilu on (internal standard) and 8.5 ml of ultrapu- ted carbonate device connected to a VG-PRISM
re water. Measurements were taken in triplicates mass spectrometer calibrated with NBS19, NBS
via Perkin-Elmer Sciex Elan 5000 spectrometry at 18 and NBS 20. The results are reported in the
the Analy cal Facili es of the University of Gra- conven onal δ ‰-nota on with reference to
nada (CIC-UGR). A blank standard prepared with VPDB (Vienna Peedee Belemnite). Analy cal re-
the same sample procedure was intercalated to producibility of the method, based on repeated
monitor analy cal quality. The instrumental error standards, is be er than ±0.1‰ for both carbon
is ± 2% and ± 5% for elemental concentra ons of and oxygen.
50 ppm and 5 ppm, respec vely (Bea, 1996).
Addi onally, selected core sediments from Car- 4.5. Elemental raƟos
men MV were analyzed using the ITRAX Core
In this work major and trace element concentra-
Scanner. The analy cal procedure was based on
ons were normalized to Al. As bulk elemental
the standard guidelines for ITRAX studies defined
concentra ons may be subjected to large fluctua-
by Rodríguez-Germade et al., (2015) for typi-
ons caused by variable propor ons of biogenic
cal mud volcanic deposits; thus, 2 cm diameter
versus detrital minerals, instead normalized con-
U-channel cores were extracted from each core
centra ons are normally considered in geoche-
and analyzed at the University of Vigo. For XFR
mical inves ga ons of marine sediments. Diverse
determina ons, u-channel cores were covered
refractory elements were used for normaliza on
with protec ve film transparent in order to avoid
(e.g., Calvert and Pedersen, 2007), though this
desicca on during X-ray analysis. The analyses
calls for cau on when the detrital frac on con-
were performed with Mo-tubes using an exposu-
tent is very low (e.g., van der Weijden, 2002; Tri-
re me of 20 s, voltage 45 kv, and current of 55
bovillard et al., 2006). Yet when the detrital con-
mA. Preliminary results were evaluated applying
tribu on is high, as in the Mediterranean, Al may
the criteria of Cuven et al. (2007), which consider
be considered as a good indicator of the terri-
the percentage of XRF values as equal to zero,
genous aluminosilicate sediment frac on and it
and fi ng a normal distribu on of XRF values
generally behaves conserva vely. Al-normalized
(Rodríguez-Germade et al., 2015).
concentra ons are therefore considered here as
On selected samples, Total Carbon (TC), Total a useful tool to illustrate geochemical varia ons
Inorganic Carbon (TIC) and Total Nitrogen (TN) in element concentra ons.
were measured by means of a CHN analyzer in
The amount of CaCO3 (%) was calculated from
separate por ons of air-dried sediment samples

Chapter 4

the total Ca concentra on (Catot) with a correc- characterized by high amounts of SiO2 varying
on for the Ca inventory supported by the detri- between 39% as the average value at Marrakech
tal component: (MS262G) to 47% at Mulhacen MV (MS414G)
CaCO3 (%) = 2.5 [Ca tot – (Al tot * Ca / Al average shale)] (Table 4.1). Sediments showed moderate car-
bonate content: from 10% to 31% on average,
Where Ca / Al average shale values is 0.276.
respec vely at drapes from Mulhacen (MS414G)
REEs were also normalized to the Post Archean
and Dhaka (MS285G) MVs. Similar mean values
Australian Shales (PAAS) as reference standards
for selected detrital/Al ra os (Mg/Al, K/Al, Rb/Al,
(Taylor and McLennan, 1985). This eliminates the
Ti/Al and Zr/Al) were observed at all sites (Table
abundance varia on between lanthanides of odd
and even atomic numbers, producing curves or
Mud breccia
REE pa erns where subtle REE enrichments or
deple ons are readily apparent. The method is As a general es mate of mud breccia matrix
also useful because Post Archean Australian Sha- composi on and possible differences, Al, Si and
les are thought to be composi onally similar to Ti contents are represented in ternary diagrams.
the upper con nental crust (Taylor and McLen- The detrital ternary plot (Al2O3+TiO2 – SiO2 –
nan, 1985).Diverse REE-ra os were addi ona- Fe2O3) revealed very similar composi ons for all
lly considered in order to assess environmental the extruded samples (Fig.4.3a). Data are plo ed
redox condi ons during carbonate precipita on in a well-defined cluster, characterized by mode-
(Feng et al., 2009, 2013; Himmler et al., 2010; Hu rate values of Al2O3+TiO2 (30%), high SiO2 values
et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2014; among others). (65%), and very low Fe2O3 content (5%).
The Ce anomalies were derived from calcula on The MgO+CaO – SiO2 – Al2O3+Fe2O3 ternary plot
of the logarithm of the ra o of shale-normalized (Fig. 4.3b) showed high SiO2 content (55%), and
Ce contents with respect to the value obtained moderate MgO+CaO (15%) and Al2O3+Fe2O3(25%)
by interpola on between shale-normalized La values, correspondingly. Nevertheless, slight va-
and Pr, as follows: ria ons in MgO+CaO content point to two diffe-
rent tendencies. The mud breccia matrices from
Ce/Ce* = Cen / (Lan1/2 x Prn1/2) (1)
Carmen (MS385G, MS386G and MS390G), Pere-
Eu anomalies were calculated using the equa on
jil (MS283G), Granada (MS258G) and Mulhacen
suggested by Taylor and McLennan (1985), calcu-
(MS414G) MVs showed constant values, descri-
la ng the logarithm of the ra o of shale-norma-
bing a well-defined cluster data. In turn, the car-
lized Eu content with respect to the value obtai-
bonate content of the mud breccia samples from
ned by interpola on between shale-normalized
Marrakech (MS262G), Kalinin (MS280G), Dhaka
Sm and Gd.
(MS285G) and Maya (MS419G) MVs displays sig-
Eu/Eu* = Eun / (Smn x Gdn) 1/2 (2) nificant MgO+CaO varia ons, the mud breccias
The subscript “n” represents shale-normalized from Marrakech MV (MS262G) showing the hig-
REEs hest MgO+CaO content (15% on average), whe-
reas those from Mulhacen MV (MS414G) gave
the lowest content (6% on average).
4.6. Results
Regarding depth profiles (Fig.4.4a), mud breccia
4.6.1. Geochemical composiƟon
intervals from Maya, Carmen and Marrakech MVs
Hemipelagic drapes
show fluctua ons in the Ca distribu on —it decrea-
Major and trace element ra os from hemipelagic ses in Maya MV, is rela vely constant in Carmen
sediments are listed in Table 4.1. Sediments were MV, and increases at Marrakesh MV (Fig. 4.4a).
PerejilMV(MS283G) KalininMV(MS280G) CarmenMV(MS385G) CarmenMV(MS386G) CarmenMV(MS390G)
Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min
Al2O3(%) 16.3 17.3 13.2 15.7 16.5 14.5 14.2 15.3 13.5 14.6 15.0 14.2 14.8 15.1 14.5
SiO2(%) 44.0 47.0 34.8 43.4 45.4 39.5 42.0 43.5 38.2 44.1 45.0 43.0 44.4 45.2 43.7
CaO(%) 5.3 6.7 4.1 10.3 13.5 8.1 12.3 15.1 10.6 12.0 12.7 11.5 12.2 12.7 11.7
TOC 0.50 0.58 0.43 0.57 0.77 0.38 0.67 0.90 0.38 0.57 0.73 0.44 0.53 0.71 0.35
et al., (2011). Hemipelagic sediments

TN 0.06 0.09 0.04 0.08 0.13 0.04 0.09 0.12 0.06 0.09 0.11 0.08 0.09 0.12 0.06
C/N 8.7 12.2 6.1 7.8 10.9 4.2 7.8 11.9 5.2 6.7 9.6 4.9 5.8 8.0 3.1
Si/Al 2.38 2.42 2.32 2.43 2.47 2.38 2.62 2.76 2.41 2.67 2.70 2.64 2.66 2.70 2.62
Ti/Al 0.053 0.058 0.050 0.053 0.056 0.050 0.053 0.055 0.051 0.053 0.054 0.051 0.054 0.056 0.052
Zr/Al 16.6 19.2 15.0 17.2 18.5 16.1 19.3 22.2 18.3 17.2 18.0 16.6 18.1 19.7 17.2
Mg/Al 0.16 0.16 0.14 0.18 0.19 0.17 0.18 0.20 0.17 0.16 0.20 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.15
K/Al 0.24 0.26 0.22 0.24 0.27 0.22 0.26 0.29 0.25 0.24 0.25 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.23
Fe/Al 0.51 0.56 0.47 0.49 0.54 0.47 0.48 0.52 0.46 0.48 0.49 0.46 0.48 0.51 0.47

Ba/Alx10eͲ3 27.33 36.97 23.37 24.87 30.04 17.91 34.95 64.25 26.20 33.69 45.62 22.37 31.94 37.73 27.36
Mn/Alx10eͲ3 98.05 230.90 66.54 63.73 101.63 49.51 57.82 89.92 36.27 91.24 113.02 80.64 87.00 108.20 75.16
Mo/Alx10eͲ4 0.26 0.51 0.12 0.24 0.43 0.08 0.73 2.27 0.11 0.39 1.57 0.24 0.32 0.44 0.27
U/Alx10eͲ4 0.26 0.34 0.21 0.26 0.30 0.22 0.48 0.73 0.30 0.30 0.63 0.21 0.26 0.31 0.24
V/Alx10eͲ4 18.1 22.0 16.5 15.4 17.0 14.2 13.0 15.7 10.9 15.1 17.6 11.8 14.7 16.3 13.6
Ni/V 0.28 0.82 0.10 0.40 0.58 0.32 0.41 0.57 0.36 0.35 0.37 0.32 0.35 0.44 0.31
Ce/Ce* 1.03 1.06 1.00 1.00 1.02 0.97 0.98 1.01 0.96 0.99 1.05 0.97 0.99 1.01 0.96
Ceanomaly Ͳ0.13 Ͳ0.16 Ͳ0.10 Ͳ0.16 Ͳ0.19 Ͳ0.14 Ͳ0.18 Ͳ0.20 Ͳ0.15 Ͳ0.17 Ͳ0.19 Ͳ0.11 Ͳ0.17 Ͳ0.20 Ͳ0.15
Rb/Alx10eͲ4 11 15 10 10 13 9 11 13 10 10 11 8 10 12 10
ɇREE/Alx10eͲ4 18.8 22.9 17.4 16.5 17.7 15.7 19.8 21.7 18.0 17.8 20.1 13.6 17.4 19.7 16.5
Eu/Eu* 0.72 0.77 0.63 0.70 0.74 0.65 0.72 0.81 0.66 0.71 0.79 0.67 0.71 0.77 0.67
La/Sc 3.3 10.2 2.1 2.0 2.2 1.7 3.1 4.1 2.4 2.0 2.4 1.3 2.3 2.9 1.9
Th/Sc 0.91 2.90 0.57 0.58 0.64 0.49 0.92 1.23 0.66 0.59 0.72 0.39 0.66 0.81 0.54
LaN/YbN 9.8 10.8 8.1 10.1 11.0 9.1 9.6 10.7 8.0 9.7 11.4 8.4 10.3 11.1 9.1
LaN/SmN 3.6 3.9 3.3 3.4 3.8 3.2 3.3 3.5 3.1 3.4 3.7 3.2 3.5 3.7 3.2
Chapter 4

Table 4.1. Mean values and varia on range of geochemical proxies for hemipelagic and mud breccia samples at the studied co-
res. Major elements are given in wt% and trace elements are given in mg kg-1. Reference Site MS293G data from Rodrigo-Gámiz
MarrakechMV(MS262G) GranadaMV(MS258G) MayaMV(MS419G) DhakaMV(MS285G) MulhacenMV(MS414G)
Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min
Al2O3(%) 15.4 18.5 11.7 16.0 16.4 15.7 16.9 18.5 15.1 16.4 17.6 11.9 18.0 19.1 16.8
SiO2(%) 39.1 44.3 34.7 44.5 45.8 43.7 41.6 44.9 39.3 45.9 48.8 35.9 48.5 51.2 45.9
CaO(%) 12.6 19.2 6.5 8.3 9.0 7.6 5.5 9.5 2.0 7.7 17.7 5.1 4.8 5.9 3.4
TOC 0.63 0.70 0.56 0.45 0.50 0.41 0.60 0.64 0.54 0.50 0.67 0.41 0.49 0.55 0.41
TN 0.07 0.10 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.04 0.07 0.10 0.06 0.08 0.09 0.07
C/N 9.0 10.7 6.9 7.7 11.1 6.6 12.2 14.4 8.3 7.4 10.4 3.9 6.1 7.3 4.7
Table 4.1. Hemipelagic sediments (cont.)

Si/Al 2.26 2.61 2.05 2.45 2.49 2.41 2.25 2.52 2.04 2.47 2.66 2.42 2.39 2.47 2.34
Ti/Al 0.051 0.054 0.048 0.058 0.060 0.055 0.055 0.059 0.048 0.055 0.057 0.053 0.055 0.056 0.054
Zr/Al 15.3 18.9 13.8 15.4 16.3 14.5 15.2 17.2 12.9 16.2 21.5 14.9 14.2 15.2 13.7
Mg/Al 0.19 0.26 0.14 0.17 0.18 0.17 0.14 0.18 0.10 0.16 0.23 0.15 0.14 0.15 0.13
K/Al 0.22 0.26 0.18 0.20 0.22 0.19 0.19 0.21 0.18 0.21 0.26 0.20 0.19 0.21 0.19
Fe/Al 0.50 0.55 0.48 0.53 0.56 0.51 0.52 0.64 0.46 0.50 0.61 0.45 0.50 0.54 0.47

Ba/Alx10eͲ3 16.93 27.32 11.87 20.45 24.60 16.88 48.19 81.03 33.88 29.44 107.36 15.04 17.14 29.94 13.13
Mn/Alx10eͲ3 63.65 135.52 40.59 61.85 81.08 46.64 58.10 83.75 40.35 49.84 60.37 44.69 57.51 89.70 49.11
Mo/Alx10eͲ4 2.61 6.14 0.22 1.06 1.35 0.46 0.65 2.11 0.20 0.38 1.56 0.16 0.81 1.09 0.38
U/Alx10eͲ4 0.77 1.52 0.30 0.44 0.57 0.32 0.34 0.53 0.25 0.25 0.45 0.16 0.35 0.50 0.23
V/Alx10eͲ4 17.2 19.5 15.4 19.1 20.8 18.1 16.0 17.0 14.7 18.7 20.0 17.0 17.2 18.3 16.2
Ni/V 0.30 0.37 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.25 0.30 0.39 0.25 0.29 0.54 0.24 0.26 0.42 0.24
Ce/Ce* 1.00 1.02 0.98 0.99 1.00 0.97 1.00 1.01 0.99 1.00 1.02 0.98 1.01 1.02 1.00
Ceanomaly Ͳ0.16 Ͳ0.18 Ͳ0.14 Ͳ0.17 Ͳ0.19 Ͳ0.16 Ͳ0.16 Ͳ0.17 Ͳ0.15 Ͳ0.16 Ͳ0.18 Ͳ0.14 Ͳ0.15 Ͳ0.16 Ͳ0.14
Rb/Alx10eͲ4 9 12 8 8 9 8 9 10 7 9 11 8 8 9 8
ɇREE/Alx10eͲ4 17.2 20.6 15.3 17.0 17.6 16.5 19.2 21.3 17.0 16.3 17.2 14.5 16.8 18.2 15.7
Eu/Eu* 0.72 0.76 0.68 0.74 0.77 0.69 0.76 0.80 0.70 0.70 0.78 0.63 0.75 0.78 0.71
La/Sc 2.1 2.3 1.8 2.3 2.4 2.2 2.6 2.8 2.3 1.8 2.0 1.6 2.2 2.5 2.1
Th/Sc 0.60 0.69 0.54 0.58 0.61 0.54 0.80 0.86 0.70 0.50 0.54 0.41 0.60 0.66 0.56
LaN/YbN 10.5 11.1 9.8 11.1 11.6 10.5 10.5 11.2 10.3 11.6 12.9 9.7 11.4 13.0 9.5
LaN/SmN 3.4 3.6 3.3 3.6 3.8 3.3 3.2 3.3 3.1 3.6 3.7 3.4 3.5 3.7 3.2
Chapter 4
ReferenceSite(MS293G) PerejilMV(MS283G) KalininMV(MS280G) CarmenMV(MS385G)
Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min
Al2O3(%) 12.5 13.7 10.7 16.6 16.6 16.6 15.7 17.0 13.9 14.3 15.2 13.1
SiO2(%) 34.1 36.8 30.6 44.1 44.1 44.1 41.0 43.6 37.4 40.9 41.8 39.8
CaO(%) 16.6 20.5 13.1 6.3 6.3 6.3 11.2 15.0 8.3 11.3 12.8 10.1
Table 4.1. Mud breccia (cont.)

TOC Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ 0.75 0.91 0.48 0.56 0.66 0.48

TN Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ 0.10 0.13 0.08 0.10 0.11 0.09
C/N Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ 7.2 9.4 5.2 5.9 6.0 5.6
Si/Al 2.42 2.53 2.31 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.32 2.40 2.25 2.53 2.72 2.40
Ti/Al 0.046 0.048 0.044 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.050 0.052 0.049 0.053 0.054 0.051
Zr/Al 19.8 19.8 19.8 16.5 17.8 15.6 18.9 19.4 18.4
Mg/Al 0.24 0.27 0.22 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.17 0.19 0.15 0.18 0.19 0.17
K/Al 0.31 0.32 0.29 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.26 0.27 0.27 0.26
Fe/Al 0.50 0.57 0.47 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.48 0.51 0.47 0.49 0.50 0.48
Ba/Alx10eͲ3 39.88 41.90 37.91 29.03 29.03 29.03 30.46 32.26 28.26 32.51 36.11 26.52
Mn/Alx10eͲ3 136.19 1192.28 55.43 89.93 89.93 89.93 49.32 199.50 36.40 58.13 75.56 42.01

Mo/Alx10eͲ4 0.13 1.08 0.06 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.09 0.20 0.06 0.22 0.39 0.12
U/Alx10eͲ4 0.34 0.49 0.22 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.25 0.35 0.20 0.30 0.32 0.28
V/Alx10eͲ4 15.0 15.7 14.2 17.3 17.3 17.3 14.7 16.1 13.4 13.5 15.9 11.4
Ni/V 0.56 0.81 0.48 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.51 0.64 0.44 0.39 0.40 0.36
Ce/Ce* 0.97 1.00 0.94 1.01 1.01 1.01 0.98 1.02 0.96 0.99 0.99 0.98
Ceanomaly Ͳ0.19 Ͳ0.22 Ͳ0.16 Ͳ0.15 Ͳ0.15 0.15 Ͳ0.18 Ͳ0.20 Ͳ0.14 Ͳ0.17 Ͳ0.18 Ͳ0.17
Rb/Alx10eͲ4 15 16 14 12 12 12 12 13 10 11 12 11
ɇREE/Alx10eͲ4 18.5 19.2 17.3 18.2 18.2 18.2 15.8 17.1 14.1 19.8 20.5 19.2
Eu/Eu* 0.68 0.72 0.61 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.71 0.76 0.66 0.70 0.72 0.68
La/Sc 2.3 2.5 2.2 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.0 2.2 1.8 3.0 3.3 2.5
Th/Sc 0.75 0.82 0.71 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.58 0.64 0.52 0.87 1.02 0.68
LaN/YbN 11.2 12.1 9.3 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.5 11.6 9.3 9.6 10.2 9.4
LaN/SmN 3.4 3.6 3.2 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.8 3.4 3.3 3.4 3.2
Chapter 4
MarrakechMV(MS262G) GranadaMV(MS258G) MayaMV(MS419G) DhakaMV(MS285G) MulhacenMV(MS414G)
Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min
Al2O3(%) 15.5 15.8 15.0 16.0 16.4 15.7 14.6 16.3 11.6 12.2 13.5 10.9 17.3 17.3 17.3
SiO2(%) 39.0 40.0 38.0 42.3 42.5 41.9 40.6 42.7 38.2 34.8 36.7 32.6 47.3 47.3 47.3
CaO(%) 11.9 12.9 10.6 10.1 10.4 9.7 12.2 15.0 8.9 17.8 21.0 15.1 5.8 5.8 5.8
TOC 0.68 0.80 0.54 0.50 0.63 0.34 0.80 0.90 0.62 0.60 0.79 0.31 Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ
Table 4.1. Mud breccia (cont.)

TN 0.09 0.11 0.06 0.08 0.11 0.05 0.10 0.13 0.06 0.09 0.13 0.05 Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ
C/N 7.7 8.3 6.6 6.2 6.7 5.7 8.4 10.6 5.8 6.6 9.9 4.9 Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ
Si/Al 2.23 2.24 2.21 2.33 2.38 2.26 2.46 2.99 2.29 2.53 2.69 2.32 2.41 2.41 2.41
Ti/Al 0.050 0.051 0.049 0.055 0.058 0.053 0.053 0.059 0.049 0.053 0.056 0.050 0.056 0.056 0.056
Zr/Al 15.2 16.1 14.7 15.8 16.7 15.3 17.9 22.5 16.0 21.2 24.0 16.5 15.2 15.2 15.2
Mg/Al 0.18 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.17 0.16 0.19 0.24 0.16 0.22 0.25 0.17 0.15 0.15 0.15
K/Al 0.25 0.27 0.23 0.24 0.26 0.23 0.28 0.30 0.26 0.28 0.29 0.26 0.21 0.21 0.21
Fe/Al 0.48 0.50 0.44 0.55 0.60 0.52 0.54 0.82 0.49 0.54 0.68 0.47 0.53 0.53 0.53
Ba/Alx10eͲ3 23.27 33.21 15.87 23.83 28.14 20.58 35.30 52.12 31.04 43.54 234.88 28.93 18.42 18.42 18.42

Mn/Alx10eͲ3 47.96 64.75 37.84 48.38 55.46 33.14 44.79 73.55 34.85 38.43 63.77 29.11 60.05 60.05 60.05
Mo/Alx10eͲ4 0.85 2.20 0.19 0.16 0.20 0.12 0.21 1.74 0.09 0.09 0.16 0.06 0.59 0.59 0.59
U/Alx10eͲ4 0.50 0.72 0.30 0.22 0.27 0.19 0.34 0.52 0.24 0.35 0.47 0.24 0.33 0.33 0.33
V/Alx10eͲ4 17.4 19.5 15.7 17.4 18.6 15.7 13.3 14.4 10.5 14.8 17.0 13.4 17.3 17.3 17.3
Ni/V 0.33 0.37 0.28 0.29 0.34 0.27 0.55 0.69 0.48 0.65 0.80 0.47 0.26 0.26 0.26
Ce/Ce* 0.99 1.01 0.95 0.99 1.01 0.97 0.98 1.00 0.96 0.97 1.00 0.96 1.00 1.00 1.00
Ceanomaly Ͳ0.17 Ͳ0.21 Ͳ0.15 Ͳ0.17 Ͳ0.19 Ͳ0.15 Ͳ0.18 Ͳ0.20 Ͳ0.16 Ͳ0.19 Ͳ0.20 Ͳ0.16 Ͳ0.16 Ͳ0.16 Ͳ0.16
Rb/Alx10eͲ4 11 13 9 10 11 9 12 13 10 12 13 10 9 9 9
ɇREE/Alx10eͲ4 17.4 20.5 16.3 16.3 16.9 15.7 16.9 18.2 13.9 16.2 17.5 15.3 16.9 16.9 16.9
Eu/Eu* 0.71 0.73 0.68 0.74 0.78 0.69 0.72 0.77 0.67 0.71 0.87 0.66 0.72 0.72 0.72
La/Sc 2.0 2.4 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.0 2.3 2.4 2.0 2.0 2.2 1.7 2.1 2.1 2.1
Th/Sc 0.59 0.67 0.55 0.58 0.60 0.54 0.70 0.74 0.59 0.54 0.63 0.45 0.58 0.58 0.58
LaN/YbN 10.9 11.9 10.1 11.2 12.1 9.8 10.9 11.6 10.0 10.7 11.6 9.5 11.1 11.1 11.1
LaN/SmN 3.5 3.7 3.3 3.5 3.6 3.4 3.3 3.5 3.1 3.5 3.7 3.3 3.5 3.5 3.5
Chapter 4
Chapter 4

0.0 Maya, Dhaka; MS283G, MS414G, MS419G and

A 1.00
MS285G) (Table 4.2).
0.2 Ancient pulses of methane fluxes can lead to au-
0.75 thigenic carbonate precipita on within the se-
diments during AOM processes (e.g., Boe us et



0 al., 2000). To trace the presence of disseminated



authigenic carbonate phases within mud breccias

5 we applied the rela onship between Mg/Ca vs.
Sr/Ca since they are used to dis nguish aragoni-
te, high-Mg carbonates, low-Mg calcite and terri-
0.00 genous frac ons in cold seep sediments (Bayon





et al., 2007).
Al2O3 + TiO2 (%)
Mg/Ca vs. Sr/Ca diagram defined by Bayon et al.,
B 0 (2007) revealed a mixing model between four
end-members (aragonite, high Mg-calcite, bioge-
0.2 nic calcite and the detrital frac on). In general,
Alboran mud breccia samples had comparable

Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca values to the high-Mg calci-



0.50 te end-member, with low Sr/Ca and high Mg/

Ca ra o values (Table 4.2; Fig. 4.4b). A different


5 trend was described by mud breccia from Maya
MV (MS419G), which followed the mixing line
between high-Mg calcite and the detrital end-
member (Table 4.2; Fig. 4.4b).






MgO + CaO (%) Total organic carbon content (TOC) showed rela-
vely similar values at all the analyzed mud brec-
Granada MV_MS258G Carmen MV_MS385G
Marrakech MV_MS262G Carmen MV_MS386G cia samples, varying from 0.45 wt % at Granada
Kalinin MV_MS280G Carmen MV_MS390G MV (MS285G) to 0.67 wt % at Carmen MV flank
Perejil MV_MS283G Mulhacen MV_MS414G
Dhaka MV_MS285G Maya MV_MS419G
(MS385G; Table 4.1).
Diagene c barite (BaSO4) typically forms at the
Figure 4.3. Ternary plots showing (a) major element compo-
si on SiO2 - Al2O3 + Fe2O3 – MgO and (b) detrital composi on sulfate-methane transi on (SMT; Dickens, 2001),
SiO2 – Fe2O3 – Al2O3 + TiO2 in mud breccias from the studied where upward diffusing Barium (Ba2+) from the
methane zone meets downward diffusing sulfate.
When situated above the present SMT, a barite
Considering the es ma on of calcium carbona-
front from the past will be preserved under the
te content calculated from the CaO (%) content,
high sulfate concentra on. Below the SMT, de-
three main groups are dis nguished. Mud brec-
ple on of sulfate by microbial ac vity leads to an
cias with up to 20% in average CaCO3 (Marrakech
undersatura on of the pore water with respect
and Carmen MVs MS262G, MS385G, MS386G
to barite, thereby driving its dissolu on and re-
and MS390G); between 15% and 20% avera-
mobiliza on (Torres et al., 1996; Dickens, 2001;
ge CaCO3 content (Granada and Kalinin MVs;
Contreras et al., 2013).
MS258G and MS280G); and mud breccias with
less than 15% CaCO3 content (Perejil, Mulhacen, Ba/Al enrichment peaks inform about barite

Chapter 4

A Maya MV Carmen MV Marrakech MV

cm b.s.f 0 MS419G 0 15 30 MS386G 0 15 30 MS262G 0 15 30



200 Lenght:167 cm
250 Lenght: 210 cm

Lenght: 259 cm

0.1 0.01



High-Mg calcite
Biogenic calcite
High-Mg calcite
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 0.1 1
Mg/Ca Mg/Ca

Hemipelagic Sediments Shell fragments Granada MV Carmen MV_MS385G

Marrakech MV Carmen MV_MS386G
Mud Breccia Bioturbations
Kalinin MV Carmen MV_MS390G
Foraminifera Slumps Perejil MV Mulhacen MV
Cold water Theorical
Dhaka MV Maya MV
coral end-members (20%)

Figure 4.4. (A) Downcore profiles of CaCO3 at Maya, Carmen and Marrakech MVs, as example of the typical carbonate varia ons.
CaCO3 is expressed in wt%. (B) End-member carbonate diagram adopted from Bayon et al., (2007) showing the rela onship bet-
ween Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca (wt ra o) at mud breccias. Dashed lines correspond to mixing lines between hypothe cal end-members
(aragonite, high-Mg calcite, biogenic calcite and detrital)

precipita on within sediments, and are used Maya MV (MS419G), and only mud breccia from
as paleo-tracers for ancient methane seepage Dhaka MV (MS285G) showed an increase in Ba/
events (Dickens, 2001; Peke et al., 2012). Our Al of almost one order of magnitude (>100; Fig.
results show that the Ba/Al ra o ranged bet- 4.5). Moreover, Mo enrichments in sediments
ween 16.9 at Marrakech MV (MS262G) to 48.2 at evidence seepage of hydrogen sulphide directly
Chapter 4

Table 4.2. Mean values and varia on range of CaCO3 content methane-related authigenic carbonates, at 50-60
(wt%) and Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca (wt%) ra os at hemipelagic sedi-
ments and mud breccias from the studied MVs cm depth. Moreover, significant sulfur enhance-
HEMIPELAGICSEDIMENTS ment has been detected down core, at 225 and
CaCO3(%) 235 cm depth (Fig. 4.6).
Core Mud Mg/Ca Sr/Ca
Mean Max Min
Code Volcano In terms of REE composi on, all the analyzed
MS258G Granada 18.0 18.7 17.2 0.19 0.0034 mud breccias samples displaye shale-normalized
MS262G Marrakech 21.2 23.0 18.9 0.29 0.0039 REE pa erns describing typical REE distribu on
MS280G Kalinin 11.2 15.0 8.3 0.18 0.0044
with a nega ve Eu anomaly (Fig. 4.7).
MS283G Perejil 11.3 11.3 11.3 0.30 0.0039
MS285G Dhaka 31.7 37.5 26.9 0.11 0.0064 Methane-derived authigenic carbonates (MDAC).
MS385G Carmen 20.2 22.8 18.0 0.17 0.0041
MS386G Carmen Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ
The diverse carbonate facies from the studied
MS390G Carmen Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ concre on and chimney samples showed diffe-
MS414G Mulhacen 10.3 10.3 10.3 0.33 0.0045 rent major element composi on, as revealed
MS419G Maya 22.0 26.9 16.0 0.17 0.0044
by bulk major and detrital element ra os (Table
4.3). Chimney MDAC samples were depleted in
MUD BRECCIA Al2O3 (0.69) and enriched in CaO (61.47) compa-
red to concrec on MDAC sample, which revealed
Core Mud
Mean Max Min Mean Mean close values to mud breccia matrices (Table 4.3).
Code Volcano
MS258G Granada 14.8 16.1 13.6 0.24 0.0031 No large nega ve Ce anomalies were detected
MS262G Marrakech 22.6 34.2 11.6 0.30 0.0036 (0.94< Ce/Ce* < 0.95) (Table 4.3)
MS280G Kalinin 10.3 13.5 8.1 0.21 0.0036
MS283G Perejil 9.4 12.0 7.3 0.36 0.0040
There were depleted δ13C values varying from
MS285G Dhaka 13.7 31.6 9.2 0.29 0.0045 -33.20 to -38.21 ‰ VPDB and δ18O ranged from
MS385G Carmen 22.0 26.9 19,0 0.16 0.0039 2.51 to 3.98 ‰ VPDB (Table 4.4).
MS386G Carmen 21.5 22.8 20.6 0.15 0.0045
MS390G Carmen 21.7 22.7 20.9 0.14 0.0045
MS414G Mulhacen 8.5 10.5 6.0 0.40 0.0050 4.7. Discussion
MS419G Maya 13.2 21.1 3.6 0.31 0.0060
4.7.1. Control of fluid venƟng in hemipelagic dra-
linked to the discharge of methane fluxes (Pe- pes
ke et al., 2012). Our data indicate several Mo
Dormant MVs are characterized by drapes of he-
enhancements in mud breccia intervals from
mipelagic sediments covering the mud breccias.
Carmen flank (MS385G) and crater (MS386G),
In the WAB the composi on of this pelagic cover
Dhaka (MS285G), Granada (MS258G), Marrakech
is not significantly affected by fluid diffusion, and
(MS262G), Mulhacen (MS414G) and Maya
geochemical composi ons are generally similar
(MS419G) (Table 4.1; Fig.4.5).
to those reported from marine pelagic cores re-
XFR data from ITRAX Core Scanner correspond to covered in the Alboran Sea (e.g., Mar ́nez-Ruiz
elemental composi on based on the integra on et al., 2003; Jimenez-Espejo et al., 2007; Rodrigo-
of the peak areas expressed in count per second Gámiz et al., 2011). Moreover, the Pb enrichment
rather than in absolute concentra ons. Ongoing recognized in all the analyzed drapes (Table 4.1)
work focuses on data re-evalua on using the indicates that they correspond to very similar
Cox proprietary so ware Q-Spec 6.5.2. for op - sediment deposi on. Some mixing is evidenced
mal data quality. In this regard, preliminary data at the transi ons between hemipelagic and mud
from ITRAX Core Scanner performed at Carmen breccia facies. Detrital and redox sensi ve ele-
MV flank (MS385G) revealed significant increa- ment concentra ons at these boundaries have
ses in Ba/Ti and Sr/Ca ra os, which are related to slightly different concentra ons from those of

Chapter 4

cm Ba/Al (x10-4 ) Ba/Al (x10-4 ) Ba/Al (x10-4 ) Ba/Al (x10-4 ) Ba/Al (x10-4 )
0 50 100 0 50 100 0 50 100 0 150 300 0 50 100
Ba/Al Ba/Al Ba/Al Ba/Al Ba/Al




400 Mo (ppm)
MS385G MS386G MS390G MS285G MS258G Mo (ppm)
Carmen MV Mo (ppm) Carmen MV Mo (ppm) Carmen MV Dhaka MV Mo (ppm) Granada MV

0 4 8 12 16 20 0 4 8 12 16 20 0 4 8 12 16 20 0 4 8 12 16 20 0 4 8 12 16 20
Mo (ppm) Mo (ppm) Mo (ppm) Mo (ppm) Mo (ppm)

cm Ba/Al (x10-4 ) Ba/Al (x10-4 ) Ba/Al (x10-4 ) Ba/Al (x10-4 ) Ba/Al (x10-4 )
0 50 100 0 50 100 0 50 100 0 50 100 0 50 100
Ba/Al Ba/Al Ba/Al Ba/Al Ba/Al




MS283G MS280G MS262G Mo (ppm) MS414G Mo (ppm) MS419G
Perejil MV Mo (ppm) Kalinin MV Mo (ppm) Marrakech MV Mulhacen MV Maya MV Mo (ppm)

0 4 8 12 16 20 0 4 8 12 16 20 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 4 8 12 16 20 0 4 8 12 16 20
Mo (ppm) Mo (ppm) Mo (ppm) Mo (ppm) Mo (ppm)

Figure 4.5. Ver cal profiles showing the Mo concentra ons and Ba/Al ra o at the studied cores.

the typical pelagic sediments. Such differences Al, Mg/Al, Rb/Al, and REE/Al) of on mud breccias
most likely derive from sediment reworking in- generally show the element distribu on of the
volving the top of mud breccia intervals. Previous source rocks (e.g., McLennan et al., 1993). Pre-
studies based on micropalaeontological data and vious research on the inorganic geochemistry of
specific organic compounds report the admixture mud breccias from the Gulf of Cadiz (Mata and
of microfauna (Gennari et al., 2013) and signifi- López-González, 2012) and Malta Plateau (Can-
cant varia ons of some lipid biomarkers (López- gemi et al., 2010) supports this assump on, re-
Rodríguez et al., 2014) at the mud breccia drape vealing that the expulsion of mud-rich fluids from
transi ons. This further suggests bioturba on depth does not necessarily mean a change in the
processes affec ng the top of MVs structures, gi- sediment geochemistry. Our findings are in line
ving rise to varia ons of the original geochemical with this hypothesis, revealing similar major (Fig
signatures of the sedimentary drapes. 4.3) and detrital-element contents (Table 4.1) wi-
thin the studied mud breccia intervals. This fin-
ding further supports that all MVs are fed by the
4.7.2. Geochemical constrains on the nature of
same source strata, which may have lateral con-
mud breccias from the Alboran mud volcanoes
nuity proceeding from a similar depth within
The geochemical signature of MVs provided new
the MDP. Shale-normalized REE pa erns and REE
insights into the poten al source strata that feed
element ra os similarly point to similari es bet-
mud volcanism in the WAB, as well as into fluid
ween mud breccia matrices. Comparable studies
flow and diagene c processes.
performed in MVs from the Gulf of Cadiz allowed
The typical detrital element ra os (i.e., Si/Al, K/ for the iden fica on and characteriza on of sha-

Chapter 4

llow biogenic vs. deep detrital sources (Mata and mical composi on of the mobilized original sour-
López-González, 2012); the similar shale-norma- ce layer feeding the MVs, or at least the average
lized REE trends encountered for all the Alboran geochemical composi on of the finer grain-size
mud breccias (Fig.4.6) indicate that all expelled solid phase from the upward migrated source
muds proceed from the same source-layer. materials. It is important to stress that the feeder
At Maya MV, however, slight differences in the channels of the volcano are rooted in the mixed
geochemical signature as compared with the overpressured layer formed of undercompacted
mud breccias from the other studied MVs are re- clays and heterogeneous olistostrome/mega-
cognized (Fig. 4.4). breccia breccias corresponding to Units Va and VI
of the Mud Diapir Province in the WAB (Comas
Hence, we conclude that, in general, the matri-
et al., 2010; Somoza et al., 2012 and references
ces of mud breccias from all the studied Albo-
therein). Some dissimilarity in the geochemical
ran MVs contain similar geochemical signatures.
composi on —as encountered in the Maya MV—
The geochemical composi on of these matrices
are a ributed to par cular differen a on of the
would therefore represent the average geoche-
upward migrated fluxes within the plumbing sys-
tems feeding the MVs.
Table 4.3. Major and trace element composi on of selec-
ted samples from authigenic methane-derived carbonates
(MDAC) concre on and chimney from the “Crow´s foot pock-
mark” field. Major elements are expressed in wt 4.7.3. Influence of fluid venƟng on sediment
Concretion Chimney
Paleo-tracer of SMZT and AOM occurrence
422GrͲTot rͲ2 The occurrence of ac ve fluid ven ng at MVs is
Al2O3(%) 14.03 0.69 generally associated with the occurrence of a sul-
SiO2(%) 5.09 nd fate methane transi on zone (SMTZ). The SMTZ
CaO(%) 39.08 61.47 represents the redox interface within anoxic se-
Si/Al 0.32 nd diments where sulfate and methane interact as
Mg/Ca 0.0253 0.011 a consequence of the anaerobic oxida on of me-
Sr/Ca 0.0173 15.39 thane (AOM) leading to the precipita on of au-
Ti/Al 0.02 nd thigenic carbonates (e.g., Reeburgh, 2007; Kni el
Zr/Alx10eͲ4 33.27 36.32 and Boe us, 2009; and references therein). Thus,
Mg/Al 0.10 1.09 MDAC fronts within sediments are used as paleo-
K/Al 0.10 4.44 tracers to discern manifesta ons of ancient seep
Fe/Al 0.22 2.09 vents and the occurrence of ancient AOM (e.g.,
Ba/Alx10eͲ4 11.71 24.31 Cangemi et al., 2010; Peke et al., 2012; Pierre
Mn/Alx10eͲ4 14.60 0.02 et al., 2014).
Mo/Alx10eͲ4 1.65 1.12 Redox-sensi ve element ra os (i.e., Mo/Al U/
U/Alx10eͲ4 0.90 1.90 Al, V/Al, Cr/Al, Ni/Al, Pb/Al) are poten ally more
V/Alx10eͲ4 8.87 23.89 influenced by fluids and diagene c processes
Ni/V 0.46 0.69 (Table 4.1; Fig. 4.5). For instance, enrichments
Ce/Ce* 0.95 0.94 in Mo in marine sediments cons tute a proxy to
Ceanomaly Ͳ0.02 Ͳ0.03 determine the occurrence of redox transforma-
Rb/Alx10eͲ4 5.06 7.34 ons. Mo behaves conserva vely in oxic waters
ɇREE/Alx10eͲ4 6.55 10.09 and exists as molybdate (Mo(VI)O42-); but under

Chapter 4

Ba/Ti Sr/Ca S
cm 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 100 200 300 400







Figure 4.6. Geochemical profiles of Ba/Ti, Sr/Ca ra os and S obtained with Mo-tube with ITRAX Core Scanner at core MS385G
from Carmen MV flank. The intensity of the signal is expressed as a peak area for each element and ra o

sulfidic condi ons Mo is eventually scavenged as 2006; Peke et al., 2012; Contreras et al., 2013).
tetrathiomolubdate (Mo(IV)S42-) from seawater Overall, the rather constant values of most of
by FeS (Helz et al., 2004). Accordingly, the co- the redox-sensi ve element ra os as well as the
precipita on of Mo(IV)S42- and FeS usually occurs regular Ba/Al ra o we found at the mud breccia
when H2S exceeds 10 μM (Erickson and Helz, matrices (Table 4.1; Fig. 4.5) may indicate that
2000). Under such condi ons Mo enhancements barite fronts are not preserved within these se-
can be used to assess subsequent paleo-sulfidic diments. Nevertheless, the enrichment peaks
condi ons (e.g., Crusius et al., 1996; Helz et al., of Mo (Fig. 4.5) we encountered in most of the
2004; Peke et al., 2012). sediment cores —i.e., Carmen MV crater and
Barium enrichments can also be used as paleo- flank (MS386G and MS385G), Dhaka (MS285G),
tracers of SMTZ. Dissolved Ba2+ reacts with sul- Granada (MS258G), Marrakech (MS262G), Mul-
fate just above this zone and barite (BaSO4) pre- hacen (MS414G) and Maya (MS419G)— appear
cipitates, genera ng Ba-enriched fronts within to reflect H2S pulses at these intervals, revealing
the sediments (Dickens, 2001; Riedinger et al., that ancient AOM may have occurred at these in-
tervals (Peke et al., 2012). Geochemical results
Table 4.4. C and O stable isotopic composi on of selec-
ted samples from authigenic methane-derived carbonates of pore waters carried out on ac ve seep vents
(MDAC) concre on and chimney from the “Crow´s foot pock- at Carmen MV (Chapter 4) are in line with this
mark” field. δ13C and δ18O are expressed in ‰ VPDB.
assump on and demonstrate that intense and
į13C (VPDB) į18O (VPDB) current pulses of methane develop as addressed
MDAC Concretion
422Gr-cost -33.20 2.51
events of HS- up to 10 mM at SMTZ. Regarding
422Gr-carb -36.57 2.72 the solid phases, some peaks (e.g., Sr/Ca or Mg/
MDAC Chimney
Ca ra os and S) were reported within the mud
r-2 -38.21 3.98 breccia from Maya MV (MS419G; Rodríguez-

Chapter 4

Germade et al., 2015) as well as in mud breccia MDAC concre on and chimneys, only recovered
from Carmen MV flank (MS385G, Fig. 4.6). This at “Crow´s foot” pockmark, can be interpreted as
most likely reveals intervals of high-Mg calcite differences in the rates of hydrocarbon emission
and aragonite enriched fronts, confirming that and seepage ac vity among structures (Blinova
ancient methane seepages together with sulfate et al., 2011). Accordingly, the presence of MDAC
reduc on must have occurred in these mud brec- pieces at “Crow´s foot” pockmark matches the
cia (e.g., Calvert and Fontugne, 2001; Rodríguez- occurrence of moderate seepage ac vity at this
Germade et al., 2015). site (Blinova et al., 2011). The scarce accumula-
Current discharge and sources of MDAC-related ons of authigenic carbonates (i.e., disseminate
fluids MDAC fronts, barite, Mo enrichments) at the
crater of Carmen MV (core MS390G) would be
In the Alboran Sea no extensive areas of MDAC
in line with the extremely high methane con-
deposits have been documented; in this sense,
centra ons measured here (Blinova et al., 2011;
it is significantly different from the Gulf of Cadiz
López-Rodríguez et al., in prepara on, Chapter
MV region (Díaz-del-Río, 2003; Pinheiro et al.,
5). This fact strongly supports that Carmen MV
2003; Magalhães, 2007; González et al., 2009;
is characterized by very high rates of hydrocar-
Magalhães et al., 2012). Several authors demons-
bon emissions as well as strong and current mud
trated that when hydrocarbon-rich fluids dischar-
volcanic ac vity, which may impede any geoche-
ge into the seafloor, massive MDAC pieces can
mical indicator of paleo-SMTZ within the mud
be generated along with finely dispersed fronts
breccias. Moreover, the lack of enhanced fronts
100 of paleo-SMTZ proxies at Perejil MV is compa -
ble the occurrence of medium hydrocarbon rates



(~230 μM/wet sediment) and the rela ve ac vi-

10 385

ty of this MV (López-Rodríguez et al., 2014). This

contrasts with the rest of the studied MVs, where


extremely low concentra ons of hydrocarbons —
La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er TmYb Lu together with the occurrence of well-developed
Figure 4.7. Shale-normalized REE pa erns of representa ve hemipelagic cover at most, i.e., Kalinin or Maya
samples of mud breccias from the studied MVs. MVs; Fig.3.1 — indicate these structures are inac-
ve and dormant at present (Blinova et al., 2011;
López-Rodriguez et al., 2014).
of authigenic carbonates, which may precipitate
during AOM within the sediments (e.g., Luff and MDAC usually preserve the original REE signatu-
Wallmann, 2003; Bayon et al., 2007; Nöthen and res and are indica ve of the chemical environ-
Kasten, 2011; Pierre et al., 2012, among others). ment during carbonate precipita on (Feng et al.,
2013). At the Alboran Sea, REEs pa erns of MDAC
In ac ve seepages, a limited occurrence of authi-
reveal that trace elements have not suffered al-
genic carbonate fronts can be explained by par-
tera on and preserve the original geochemical
cular factors or a combina on of them: 1) Low
signatures (Table 4.3). Par cularly, Ceanomaly
ac vity or lack of methane ven ng; 2) Fluids de-
cons tutes a redox-sensi ve proxy for carbona-
pleted in dissolved methane; 3) Very high rates of
te precipita on condi ons in marine sediments
fluid flow; 4) Severe bioturba on; and/or 5) High
(German and Elderfield, 1990), and according to
sedimenta on rates (Bayon et al., 2007). In the
Wright et al. (1987) its values inform about oxi-
Alboran Sea, scarce discrete MDAC pieces at the
dizing or anoxic condi ons (Ceanomaly < -0.1 or
studied MV cores and the limited occurrence of

Chapter 4

Ceanomaly > -0.1, respec vely). Nevertheless, 1.5

this proxy can suffer altera on during late dia-

genesis and has to be used with cau on (Shields
and S lle, 2001; Feng et al., 2013). Specific 0.8

REE ra os are used to discern the applicability of
Ceanomaly. Thus, if LaN/SmN exceeds 0.35 and 0.0
if no correla on occurs between LaN/SmN and 2.0 3.0 4.0

Ceanomaly, late diagenesis does not affect REE. LaN/SmN

According to Shields and S lle (2001), late diage-
nesis also causes a nega ve correla on between
Ceanomaly and DyN/SmN and a posi ve correla-

Ce anomaly
on between Ceanomaly and REE contents. Such 0.8
correla ons are not obvious in the studied car-
bonates (Fig. 4.8). Further inves ga on of MDAC 0.0
would be needed to confirm whether the REE 0 0.5 1.0
content of these samples preserves the original DyN/SmN
redox condi ons during precipita on, and there-
fore no later diagenesis affected the REE content
of MDACs. anomaly
The carbon isotopic composi on of the MDAC

can reveal the origin of carbon incorporated

during carbonate precipita on or the source of 0.0
0 50 100
fluids. Thus, biogenic methane is characterized
by strongly depleted δ13C (-40 to -110‰ VPDB); REE (ppm)
thermogenic methane (-20 and -60‰ VPDB); pe-
troleum (-25 to -35‰ VPDB), sedimentary orga- r-2 422G costra
nic carbon (-20‰ VPDB), and marine carbonate
Figure 4.8. Diagene c influence on Ce anomaly within the stu-
δ13C (~0‰ VPDB) (Whi car, 1999). The carbon died MDAC samples; a) Ce anomaly vs. LaN/SmN; b) Ce anomaly vs.
isotopic determina ons performed on MDACs DyN/SmN; and c) Ce anomaly vs. ΣREE. Color squares correspond
with sub-samples of the MDAC chimney
from “Crow´s foot” pockmark (Table. 4.4) show
typical values of carbonates formed at methane
seep environments (e.g., Wiedicke and Weiss, al., 2011); and also supported by carbon isotopic
2006; Magãlhaes et al., 2012; Pierre et al., 2014). values of methane (-59‰; Chapter 5), revealing
that the source of the carbonate carbon is hydro-
Extremely 13C-depleted values (up to -38.21‰;
carbon-rich fluids thermogenic in origin.
Table 4.4) show that an important part of the car-
bon frac on of MDAC comes from the oxida on
of isotopically light methane, which is in good 4.8. Conclusions
agreement with the data reported by Blinova et Major and trace element composi on of MV ex-
al. (2011), who indicated this carbonate signatu- pelled materials and related sediments from the
re generated during AOM processes. This result Alboran Sea show considerable homogeneity.
is also in line with the presence of hydrocarbons Mud breccia would therefore derive from a single
(mainly methane) together with all sets of homo- source: geophysical data show feeder channels of
logues up to pentanes at Carmen MV (Blinova et the volcano rooted in the mixed overpressured

Chapter 4

layer formed of undercompacted clays and he-

terogeneous olistostrome/megabreccias corres-
ponding to the Units Va and VI described in the
Mud Diapir Province of the WAB. Composi on of
the matrices of mud breccia mostly represents
the average geochemical composi on of the
mobilized original source-layer feeding the MVs,
although sediments from ascending conduits
could also become assimilated. The composi-
on of hemipelagic sediments is not significantly
affected by discharging fluids. Nonetheless, con-
siderable sediment mixing is recognized at the
boundaries between these sediments and mud
breccia. At dormant MVs, paleo-AOM and ancient
pulses of methane fluid ven ng can be assessed
through enhanced intervals of redox-sensi ve
elements (i.e., Mo, S), and the precipita on of
authigenic carbonates, high-Mg calcite and ara-
gonite. The extremely δ13C-depleted (-38.21‰
VPDB) isotopic values of methane-derived au-
thigenic carbonates at “Crow´s foot” pockmark
confirm fossil AOM and suggest the fluid source
is thermogenic methane.

Fluid venting and methane seep
in active mud volcanoes
from the Alboran Sea
Chapter 5

Chapter 5
Fluid venƟng and methane seep in acƟve mud volcanoes from the
Alboran Sea*.

The occurrence of recent ac ve mud volcanism is documented in the West Alboran Basin. Though
most of the recognized mmud volcanoes to date in this region are dormant, a few structures evidence
hydrocarbon-rich fluid ven ng. This is the case of the Carmen mud volcano, which is a cone-shaped
structure 89 m high and 1.3 km in basal diameter. Vigorous ac ve methane-rich seepage occurring at
its crater is evidenced by intense gas bubbling and presence of living chemosynthe c fauna. The en-
hanced methane concentra on in mud breccias (~1.5 mmol/wet sediment) and the observed CH4 and
SO42- concentra ons in pore waters from recovered cores also support current methane seepage. This
is also reinforced by the deple on of major elements (i.e., Ca2+ and Mg2+) and enrichment of trace spe-
cies (i.e., Li+ and B) at depth. Geochemical composi on of pore waters indicates a deep thermogenic
source and pore fluid freshening at depth. Isotopic δ18O and δD composi ons of pore waters support
smec te dehydra on as main pore water freshening mechanism at the Alboran MVs. Calculated water
forma on temperatures throughout the applica on of the empirical geo-thermometers (K-Na, K-Mg
and K-Ca) reveal that fluids generate at temperature up to 200 ºC. This temperature suggests a fluid
source from deep zones (about 8 Km depth) associated with underlying sedimentary units Early to
Middle Miocene in age. Stable carbon isotopic composi on of methane (δ13Cmethane ~ -59.42‰ VPDB)
confirms its thermogenic origin. The anomalous seawater-like composi on of the pore fluids in the
upper part of mud breccia intervals from cores suggests that certain zones of the MV are also affected
by gas outburst, which leads to the downward advec on of seawater a er each episode of fluid ex-
pulsion. Dis nc ve concave-shape pore water SO42--CH4 profiles confirms a sulfate-methane transi on
zone (SMT) coinciding with the enhancement of HS- concentra ons, sugges ng the occurrence of ac-
ve anaerobic oxida on of methane.

* To be submitted to Chemical Geology

Chapter 5

5.1 Introduc on with a major sedimentary depocentre and un-

Mud volcanoes (MVs) have been the target for der a compressive tectonic regime (Jurado and
intensive geochemical studies worldwide, aiming Comas, 1992; Comas et al., 1996). Geophysical
and understanding provenance and pathways of and geochemical studies performed in the area
their expelled pore fluids. MVs are usually asso- have revealed that most of the Alboran MVs are
ciated to ac ve seepage fields, o en dominated dormant at present, nonetheless detectable ven-
by methane ven ng (Hovland et al., 1997; Hen- ng of methane/hydrocarbon occurs at a few vol-
sen et al., 2003; Haese et al., 2006; Mastalerz canoes. The most ac ve structure is the Carmen
et al., 2007; Blinova et al., 2011). They generally MV (Blinova et al., 2011; Somoza et al., 2012). In
develop in basins with thick sedimentary infill. this study, we inves gate the geochemical and
The upward migra on of hydrocarbon-rich fluids isotopic composi on of pore water fluids from
is condi oned by over-pressurized material from three different sites located in the crater of Car-
deeper sedimentary layers. The ven ng ac vity men MV, to be er understand fluid origin at this
in a seepage field is not always homogeneous in cold seep. We also evaluate the main diagene c
me, space, and intensity, and can vary from site processes that may have affected the fluid com-
to site (Haese et al., 2006). In the same field of posi on through its ascending transport by using
MVs, individual and neighboring structures can integrated data of pore water analyses, in combi-
have different scales and intensi es of fluid dis- na on with sediment data from the mud breccia
charge, which not only controls the level of see-
page ac vity but also affects the composi on of 5.2.Geological background and site descrip on
the expelled fluids. In some cases, such differen-
The Alboran Sea Basin is located in the western-
ces can also be no ced between individual seep
most part of the Mediterranean Sea, within the
vents inside the crater of a single MV (Mazzini,
inner part of the Gibraltar Arc (Fig. 1.6). The ac-
tual Alboran Sea Basin represent the back-arc ba-
Consequently, the geochemical signature of dis- sin of the Gibraltar Arc System (GAS), which has
charged fluid is firstly related to the geological evolved under a prevalent north to south conver-
and structural se ng of the MV field, as well as gence between the Eurasian and African plates
to the composi on and maturity of the organic since the Late Oligocene (Dewey et al., 1989).
ma er of the source rocks. In addi on, it is also Geological and geophysical data have demons-
the result of a complex geochemical history that trated that the Alboran Sea has suffered variable
usually includes a number of diagene c proces- tectonic condi ons, from extensional (Middle to
ses which take place simultaneously beneath the Upper Miocene) to contrac ve tectonics (Late
MVs (Hensen et al., 2007; Scholz-bö cher et al., Miocene to onwards). The major tectonic reor-
2009; Hensen et al., 2015). Thus, the understan- ganiza on in the basin was during Pliocene to
ding of the geochemical and isotopic composi- Quaternary mes under contrac ve tectonics,
ons of the expelled fluids contributes to eluci- which resulted in the north to south shortening
date their origin and provide useful informa on of the marine realm and coetaneous upli and
about diagene c processes that can occur in the emersion of the surrounding Be c and Riff chains
MV system. (Comas et al., 1999, and reference therein). This
In the western Mediterranean, the presently tectonic reorganiza on condi oned the basin ar-
known occurrence of fluid discharge from MVs chitecture and the actual seafloor morphology
and seepages is confined to the West Alboran (Fig. 1.6) (Comas et al., 1992; Ballesteros et al.,
Basin where a MV field developed associated 2008; Muñoz et al., 2008).

Chapter 5

4º 44´00´´ 4º 43´40´´
35º 43´40´´
37º Malaga

2 3 35º 43´20´´

36º Gibraltar
35º 43´00´´


MOROCCO Al Hoseima
5º 4º 3
Mud Diapir Sedimentary Faults
Province depocentres

Figure 5.1. The West Alboran basin showing the loca on of the Mud Diapir Province. White dots correspond with non-studied
MVs whereas red dot and square corresponds to Carmen MV and the reference site, respec vely. Close up show mul beam
image of the crater of Carmen MV. Black squares show posi on of the studied cores 1) GP05PC, 2) GP07BC and 3) GP09PC from
GASALB-Pelagia cruise.

ODP Leg 161 scien fic drilling got significant in- cial well (Andalucia-G1 and Alboran-A1) logging
forma on on the basement and sedimentary in- data have revealed that this under-compac on
fill underneath the Alboran Sea. Geophysical data is due to important fluid pressure present at the
indicate that the West Alboran Basin (WAB) con- basal sedimentary units of the WAB (Units VI and
tains the major sedimentary depocentre in the Unit Va from Jurado and Comas, 1992, Fig. 1.7).
basin (Fig. 1.7), containing Miocene to Quater-
nary sedimentary sequences (up to 8 km in thic-
5.2.1.Mud volcanism in the West Alboran Basin
kness) on top of a metamorphic basement (Fig.
Shale (mud-rocks) diapirism extends N-S in the
1.7; Comas et al., 1996). The WAB is characteri-
WAB from the Iberian to the Moroccan margins,
zed by widespread shale diapirism condi oned by
forming the Mud Diapir Province (MDP; Fig. 5.1).
the existence of under-compacted units at depth
Above the MDP MV fields occur associated to the
affected by the tectonic processes (Comas et al.,
shale diapirism, and constrained by the diapiric
1999, 2012; Soto et al., 2010). Offshore commer-
province. Seismic profiles indicate that deep-fee-
Chapter 5

der channels of Alboran MVs connect with the Carmen mud volcano
oldest and deepest sediments of the basin (Unit Carmen MV is located in the center of the MDP
VI - Unit Va- Early Miocene and Middle Miocene), (Fig. 5.1). TTR-17 Cruise Leg 1 (2008) recognized
bringing up to the surface material from over- this MV by sediment coring (Comas et al., 2010).
pressured shales and olistostromes (Fig. 5.2; Ta- Morphologically, it corresponds with a single
lukder et al., 2003, Comas et al., 2012). Previous edifice with a sub-circular coned shape of 89 m
geochemical data on pore waters and mud brec- height, 1130 m of diameter at the base and 70
cia (Blinova et al., 2011; López-Rodríguez et al., m at the summit. The volcano had gentle slopes
2014) as well as specific studies on chemosynthe- of 7º on average, although somewhat steeper
c fauna (Hilário et al., 2011) all have indicated slopes were observed on the eastern flank with
that recent ac ve methane/hydrocarbon cold maximum values of 12º (Fig. 5.3). Seismic images
seeps occur at some Alboran MVs. have revealed that the summit of this volcano
contains seismic features related to recent ex-

Age Epoch Seismic
km My Age Units MD and MV Activity
0 b)

2.588 Onset cm Reference

Site Carmen MV
MV b.s.f
Tortonian Messin. Early Late


? 0
Length:35 cm
5.332 M Resumed
1 MD

Length: 270 cm
Continued ? 400
1 1.608
Lang. Serravallian

R4 600


15.97 Start MD
R5 c) 800

sedimentary klippen
Olistostromes and


Length: 855 cm
Overpressured shale
1000 Total
and Length: 950 cm
20.43 hemipelagic

Basement mud breccia

Figure 5.2. a) Seismic stra graphic units, major regional reflectors and main sedimentary sequence documented in the Be c
Neogene basins (modified a er Comas et al., 1999); M-Messinian unconformity. R1-5-reflectors correspond to major unconfor-
mi es within sediments; MD refers to mud diapirism; MV corresponds to mud volcanism; b) schema c core logs showing the
main sediment facies from the studied cores.

Chapter 5

Carmen MV b.s.f.
a) b)

N 21
3 250


N 21



Figure 5.3. a) MAK160MS sonograph uninterpreted (up) and interpretd (above) showing the morphology of Carmen MV. Colo-
ured arrows and numbers refer to the studied cores 1) GP05PC, 2) GP07BC and 3) GP09PC. Note concentric mud breccia flows
forming the volcano edifice; b) Mul channel seismic line GPS01 across Carmen MV.

pulsion of mud-rich fluids (Somoza et al., 2012). 5.3.Sampling and analy cal procedures
Several semi-circular depressions were also de- 5.3.1. Sediment sampling and core lithology
tected in the southwestern sector (Fig. 5.3), re-
The sediment cores for this study were recovered
vealing rela vely recent seepage ac vity (Comas
during the GASALB-Pelagia cruise with RV Pela-
et al., 2010; Somoza et al., 2012).
gia in November 2011. Two piston cores (GP05PC
During sample retrievals evidences for actual see- and GP09PC) and one box core (GP07BC) were
page ac vity was found surface of a box –core, taken from the crater of Carmen MV and one
(hydrocarbon smell, frenulate tubeworms and piston core was retrieved from a reference site
gas bubbling) indica ng the occurrence of cu- for comparison (GP03PC) (Fig. 5.1, Table 5.1). The
rrent methane seepage. Underwater TV-survey sampling opera ons accomplished on board RV
from cruise TTR-17 also revealed free gas bub- Pelagia were performed using a 1200 kg piston
bling from the seafloor at the central part of the corer with maximum tubing of 24 m long and
crater (Comas et al., 2010; Blinova et al., 2011). with an internal diameter of 11 cm. The round-

Chapter 5

Table 5.1. General informa on about sampling and posi oning of the studied cores

Water Recovery
CoreCode Site Cruise Location SamplingSite
depth(m) (cm)
GP03PC ReferenceSite GasalbͲPelagia 35°47.261'N Hemipelagic 1306 950
GP05PC CarmenMV GasalbͲPelagia 35°43.333'N Crater 795 820
GP07BC CarmenMV GasalbͲPelagia 35°43.319'N Crater 795 35
GP09PC CarmenMV GasalbͲPelagia 35°43.332'N Crater 795 260
MS386G CarmenMV TTRͲ17 35°43.309'N Crater 809 259
MS390G CarmenMV TTRͲ17 35°43.306'N Crater 809 250

shaped box corer (ca. 1350 kg) had an internal dia- ons of hemipelagic sediments and mud breccia.
meter of 50 cm and a height of 55 cm. Immedia- At this site, two dis nct mud breccia intervals were
tely a er recovery the piston cores were cut into dis nguished. The uppermost mud breccia inter-
sediment segments of 30 or 50 cm. Upon cu ng val consisted of so dark-grey mousse-like mud
on deck, each sec on was sampled immediately breccia, highly porous due to degassing processes.
for gas and pore water. Sediments from the box A strong smell of H2S was no ced along the whole
core were sampled from sub-cores using pvc tu- upper interval as well as presence of Pogonopho-
bes of ca. 50 cm length and 9 cm inner diameter ra tube worms. Addi onally, a small fragment of
which were pushed ver cally into the sediments. carbonate cen metric size and white in color was
A erwards, all sediment sec ons were stored at + found at c.a. 10 cm depth. From 121-131 cm inter-
4 ºC for further analysis on land. layered hemipelagic sediments consis ng of black
The box core GP07BC recovered 35 cm of typical marls with some foraminifera appeared separa ng
structureless dark-gray mousse-like mud breccia the two mud breccia intervals. This layer reported
with clear degassing texture, where the topmost a sharp upper boundary whereas the lower limit
part (<1 cm) was oxidized (Fig. 5.2; Table 5.1). At was irregular and no well-expressed. The lower
this site, some methane bubbling was discernible mud breccia interval extended from 132 to 270 cm
across the oxidized sediments as well as the pre- depth. It consisted in mud breccia with its upper
sence of Pogonophora tube worms. The existence part intensively bioturbated and oxidized. Down
of chemosynthe c fauna such as living Acharax core, rela vely s ff and laminated dark-grey mud
shells and white crabs were also detected at 7 and breccia occurred with lack of H2S odor from 132 to
13 cm depth, respec vely. the bo om.
Piston core GP05PC contained 855 cm of typical Reference piston core GP03PC recovered hemi-
structureless and dark-greyish mousse-like mud pelagic sediments and was used for comparison
breccia, with millimetre-to cen metre- sized rock with the MV sediments recovered at Carmen MV.
clasts of claystones and mudstones. At this site, no It consisted of 950 cm of olive-gray marl, homoge-
hemipelagic cover was present and a no ceable neous and structureless with some foraminifera.
smell of H2S was detected along the whole core. Within the whole core black spots were iden fied
throughout the sediments.
Piston core GP09PC contained 270 cm of alterna-

Chapter 5

5.3.2. Pore waters and hydrocarbon gases versity of London (RHUL) for δ13C.
Samples for the extrac on of gas and pore water Subsamples were extracted from the headspace
of piston cores were taken directly from the cut- present in the sealed flasks and injected to the
sides of the 30 or 50 cm sec ons. For gas sam- sample loop of each system to be mixed with a
ples, decapped 10 ml syringes were used whe- carrier gas (Helium). High precision measure-
reas for pore water two 60 ml decapped syringes ments of δ13C were obtained by sample precon-
were used on deck. Subsequently in the onboard centra on and subsequent pyrolysis to H2 or
laboratory maintained at in-situ temperature, combus on to CO2 for measurement of either
addi onal pore water samples were extracted stable isotope, before entering the mass spectro-
using rhizons (Seeberg-Elverfeldt et al., 2005) meters: a Trace Gas and Isoprime mass spectro-
Samples for the extrac on of gas and pore water meter (Isoprime Ltd) for δ13C (Fisher et al., 2006;
of the box core were taken from the dedicated Brass and Röckmann, 2010; Sapart et al., 2011).
predrilled sub-cores. For gases, a er cu ng the Pore water extrac on
tape a decapped syringe was gently pushed in The two cut-off 60 ml-syringes were pushed into
to recover 10 ml of sediment whereas rhizons the bo om of each 30 or 50 cm sec on of the
or cut-off slices were used for pore water extrac- piston cores, and the recovered sediment was
ons (for more detail see sec on below). transferred into 50 ml plas c centrifuge tubes
Gas extrac on and analysis with screw caps. These were centrifuged for 15-
For gas analysis, the 10 ml of fresh sediment sam- 60 min at 2800-3500 rpm in a cooled laboratory
ple recovered with the decapped syringe was im- at in situ temperature of + 14 ºC (De Lange et al.,
mediately transferred into a 65 ml glass vial pre- 1992). Furthermore, addi onal pore water ex-
filled with a saturated NaCl solu on. The vials trac ons were done on these sec ons while be-
were immediately closed with a thick gas- ght ing stored at + 14 ºC. This was done using rhizons
rubber stopper while excluding air, and subse- (Seeberg-elverfeldt et al., 2005) pushed into the
quently well-mixed. A er approximate 1 hour, 5 top of each 30 or 50 cm piston core sec on. For
ml headspace was made with nitrogen gas (purity water-saturated sediment samples, rhizons were
5.0) while 5 ml of saltwater was simultaneously le with nega ve pressure for at least 30 min,
removed using a second needle. A erwards, the whereas for rela vely dry samples, rhizons re-
bo les were shaken a mixed again to make a ho- mained opera onal overnight. For the box core,
mogeneous suspension and were equilibrated pore water extrac ons were done at high reso-
upside down for at least 24 h at room temperatu- lu on pushing rhizons into the sediment every 2
re prior to gas analysis (following procedures by cm throughout pre-drilled holes in the pvc tube.
Mastalerz et al., 2007). The methane concentra- Addi onal pore waters from box core were ex-
on in the headspace was rou nely determined tracted by sediment sampling into an anoxic
on board, injec ng 1 ml gas sample into a Shi- glove-box, pushing the sediment up with a core
madzu Gas Chromatograph GC-14B with a flame pusher. Samples were taken every 2 cm, being
ioniza on detector and equipped with a packed transferred into 50 ml plas c centrifuge tubes
stainless steel Porapack Q (6 , 2mm i.d., 80/100 with screw caps and centrifuged for 15-60 min at
mesh, Alltech). 2800-3500 rpm in a cooled laboratory at in situ
temperature of + 14 ºC (De Lange et al., 1992).
The isotopic signatures of methane were mea-
A er centrifuga on, all aliquots were filtered and
sured with con nuous flow isotope ra o mass
subsampled for onboard analyses and/or stored
spectrometry systems at the Royal Holloway Uni-
at + 4 °C.

Chapter 5

For piston core GP05PC most of the mud brec- <5%.

cia sediment was dry and li le pore water was The stable carbon (δ13C) isotope values of dissol-
recovered using centrifuga on. Addi onal pore ved inorganic carbon (DIC) in pore waters were
water was then extracted from these centrifu- performed by elemental analyzer-con nuous
ged sediments, pushing the rhizons into the se- flow isotope ra o-mass spectrometry using a Fi-
diment within the centrifuge tubes. A er cen- sons 1500 NCS elemental analyzer coupled to a
trifuga on or rhizon extrac on, the pore waters Finnigan Mat Delta Plus mass spectrometer. The
were transferred into an anoxic glove-box under accuracy of the internal standards was ± 0.06 ‰.
N2-atmosphere where it was filtered through 0.2 The δ13C-DIC was reported in standard delta no-
μm cellulose-acetate membrane filters. Subse- ta on (‰) rela ve to VPDB standard. Average
quently, samples were split into sub-samples for analy cal precision based on rou ne analysis of
shipboard analyses or stored at + 4 ºC prior to internal laboratory reference material demons-
shore-based pore water analyses. trated a standard devia on of 0.15 ‰.
Pore water analyses Stable oxygen (δ18O) and hydrogen (δD) isotope
A er pore water extrac on and filtra on, the values were determined by the H2O–CO2 equili-
most-sensi ve parameters were immediately bra on method using a con nuous flow tech-
measured on board. Thus, total alkalinity (TA) nology with helium carrier gas performed in a
was determined by tra on with HCl following GasBench II interfaced with a Finnigan Mat-253
the procedure of Grasshoff et al. (1983). Dissol- with a Kiel-device coupled online to a Finnigan
ved inorganic carbon (DIC) was analyzed spec- MAT-253 mass spectrometer. The accuracy of
trophotometrically by a con nuous flow set-up the internal standards was ± 0.1‰ for δ18O and ±
(Stoll et al., 2001). Concentra ons of sulfide were 1‰ for δD. The δ18O and δD of pore water were
also determined immediately, using standard reported using the standard delta nota on (‰)
photometric procedures adapted for pore waters rela ve to the SMOW standard. Average analy -
with rela vely high concentra ons (~ mM) of dis- cal precision based on rou ne analysis of internal
solved sulfide (a er Grasshoff et al., 1969). For laboratory reference material demonstrated a
ammonia and phosphates, all analyses were ca- standard devia on of 0.08 and 2.3 ‰, respec -
rried out on board with con nuous flow analy- vely (Nelson, 2000).
zer, applying auto-analyzer colorimetric methods Radiogenic stron um isotope analyses were
(Grasshoff et al., 1983). measured by MC-ICP-MS (Thermo Scien fic Nep-
Total dissolved anions (Cl- , SO42- and Br-), ca- tune Plus mul -collector ICP-MS) a er chromato-
ons (Na+ , Ca2+ , Mg2+ , K+ , Ba2+, Li+, Sr2+) and graphic stron um separa on using Sr-Spec resin
H3BO3 (boric acid) concentra ons in the pore (©Eichrom) at the Ins tute for Chemistry and
water samples were measured by induc vely Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM), Uni-
coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer versity of Oldenburg (Germany).
(ICP-AES, Perkin Elmer Op ma 3000) and induc - Chemical separa on of Sr and analyses of
vely coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS, 87
Sr/86Sr isotope ra os were examined by repea-
ThermoFisher Scien fic Element2-XR) in the sho- ted analyses of the Stron um Carbonate isotopic
re-based laboratory at the department of Earth standard SRM 987 from the NIST (Na onal Ins-
Sciences, Geochemistry (Utrecht University). The tute of Standards and Technology) and IAPSO
ICP-MS sample triplicate measurements had a re- seawater standard; the average of the external
la ve error < 1.5 %. Replicate analyses indicated reproducibility of the NIST SRM 987 is ±4.5E-06
that the rela ve error for ICP-OES analyses were (2σ, n=16). Sr-isotope ra os were normalized to
Chapter 5

NIST SRM 987 standard (0.710248; Howarth and pore waters at the different cores from Carmen
McArthur, 1997) MV reported different geochemical pa erns. At
Geo-thermometer calcula ons all sites the pore water are SO42- depleted wi-
thin the interval from 20 to 240 cm below the
The empirical geo-thermometer based on the
sediment surface (Fig. 5.4). From this depth
temperature-dependant equilibrium between
downward, an increase in the concentra on of
fluids composi on and major minerals (K+, Na+,
CH4 to maximum values of 1526 μM was detec-
Ca2+ and Mg2+) use diagnos c ra os based on
ted, especially in core GP05PC (Fig. 5.4). Total
pore water elements to es mate such poten al
alkalinity (TA) and dissolved inorganic carbon
temperature (Kharaka and Mariner, 1989). In
(DIC) run parallel, increasing with depth to 41.8
cold seeps and MVs at compressive margins this
mM and 39.8 mM values, respec vely. Strong
calcula on can be applied in order to assess the
enrichment in ammonium (NH4+) and phosphate
reservoir temperature of the fluids expelled to
(PO43-) concentra ons were detected at all sites
the surface (Giggenbach, 1988). The concentra-
at depth. In GP05PC, sulfide (HS-) increased sig-
on of K+, Na+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ from the pore water
nificantly between 75 to 225 cm b.s.f. (below sea
samples from gravity and box cores were used to
floor) reaching maximum values of 917 μM (Fig.
calculate the equilibrium temperature according
to the following formulae (Giggenbach, 1988;
Haese et al., 2006) All the inves gated pore waters from Carmen
MV were strongly depleted in Cl- and Na+, varying
from typical seawater values at the most superfi-
T ºC = (1390 / (1.75 - log (K+/ Na+)) - 273.15 (1)
cial sediments to minimum concentra ons of 143
T ºC = (4410 / (14.0 - log ((K+)2/ Mg2+)) - 273.15(2) mM and 168 mM, respec vely. At the surface,
T ºC = (log ((K+)2/ Ca2+) + 0.78) / 0.0168 (3) the Na/Cl ra o was similar to that in the bo om
water (0.86). However, in the deepest sediments
Where, T is temperature (ºC) and K+, Na+, Ca2+ and this ra o increased to values up to 1.15 (Fig. 5.5).
Mg2+ concentra ons given in mg/l. Similarly to dissolved salts, salinity significantly
decreased in depth with more than 70 % compa-
red with the most superficial pore water salinity
5.4. Results
reported (Table 5.2). Deep fluids were strongly
5.4.1. Fluid composi on depleted in Ca/Cl, Mg/Cl and K/Cl ra os and con-
Dissolved major and trace elements siderably enriched in Sr/Cl, B/Cl, Li/Cl, Ba/Cl, and
Pore waters from the reference core showed SO4 2- Br/Cl ra os (Fig. 5.5).
concentra ons decreasing gradually from typical Stable and radiogenic isotopes (δ13C, δD, δ18O and
bo om water value of 31 to 7.4 mM at 945 cm Sr/86Sr)
depth in the sediment. The concentra on of TA, Pore waters from core GP05PC showed δD values
DIC, NH4+ and PO43- increased with depth (Fig. that are lower than those reported in seawater,
5.4). Salinity and related dissolved salts (Cl- and varying from -10.1 ‰ to 12.4 ‰ values, with a
Na/Cl ra o) showed constant values with depth. general decreasing trend with depth. In contrast,
The same was observed for B/Cl, Li/Cl, Ba/Cl and the δ18O values increase down core, ranging from
Br/Cl ra os (Fig. 5.5). In contrast, Ca/Cl, Sr/Cl, K/ 0.99 ‰ to 5.72 ‰ (Fig. 5.6); accordingly, a pro-
Cl and Mg/Cl ra os decreased with depth (Fig. nounced nega ve correla on is observed bet-
5.5). ween δ18O and δD (Fig. 5.6). The carbon isotopic
In contrast to the reference core, the analyzed signature (δ13C) from the inves gated pore fluids

Chapter 5

2- + -
TA (mM) SO4 (mM) NH4 (mM) HS (ȝ0
cm 0 20 40 0 20 40 0 1.5 3.0 0 50 100
b.s.f. 0 0 0 0
200 200 200 200

400 400 400 400

600 600 600 600

800 800 800 800

1000 1000 1000 1000
0 30 60 0 1000 2000 0 50 100 -80 -60 -40
3- 13
DIC (mM) &+ ȝ0
4 32 ȝ0
4 į&&+ Å

2- + -
TA (mM) SO4 (mM) NH4 (mM) HS (ȝ0
cm 0 20 40 0 20 40 0 1.5 3.0 0 1000 2000
b.s.f. 0
0 GP05PC
0 GP05PC
0 GP05PC
25 25 25 25
CH x50
50 50 50 50
50 GP05PC 50 50
250 250 250 250
450 450 4 450 450

650 650 650 650

850 850 850 850
0 30 60 0 1500 3000 0 2.5 5.0 -80 -60 -40
3- 13
DIC (mM) &+ ȝ0
32 ȝ0
4 į&&+ Å

Figure 5.4. Pore water profiles showing the most sensi ve parameters (TA, DIC, SO42-, NH4+, PO43- and HS-) and methane (CH4)
concentra ons measured at the studied sites Values expressed in mM kg-1 and μM kg-1. For a be er understanding, an interrup-
on on the ver cal scale at GP05PC was done at 50 cm depth. Ver cal green lines mark the level of methane satura on for
seawater. Methane concentra on values from GP07BC were increased using a factor of X50. Horizontal blue and yellow lines
show the SMZ at cores GP07BC and GP05PC, respec vely. At GP03PC sulfide values were below detec on limit. Ver cal arrows
posi on the sea water values. Devia ng samples were denoted into brackets

revealed depleted values that tend to be more 5.4.2 Methane isotopic composi on
nega ve at depth, varying from -8.40 ‰ in the The stable carbon composi on (δ13C) of methane
uppermost sediments to -21.13 ‰ at 165 cm was only analyzed at core GP0PC5 and GP09PC.
b.s.f. (Fig. 5.6). Results showed very similar values between si-
Two down core samples GP05PC were analyzed tes, varying from -59.42 to -59.01‰ VPDB at
for radiogenic stron um isotopes. The isotopic GP05PC and from -58.75 to -58.06‰ VPDB at
values showed similar 87Sr/86Sr ra os at both GP09PC (Fig. 5.4).
samples, with a ra o value of 0.70899 for the
shallowest sample at 595 cm below seafloor and
0.70902 for the deepest one at 755 cm below se-

Chapter 5

Table 5.2. Element-based ra os calculated at the selected co- sultant from sulfate decline in depth, are well
res at Carmen MV
known and most likely inform about geochemical
Depth(cm) pH Salinity(‰) N/P
condi ons of the system and interac ons among
ReferenceSiteGP03PC dissolved species, mainly between sulfate and
methane, which are strongly reac ve. Neverthe-
20 Ͳ 37 18.31
less, the occurrence of anomalous seawater-like
70 7.90 37 28.17
120 Ͳ 37 33.27 composi on of pore waters recently encountered
170 8.07 37 20.51 at craters and ac ve parts of MVs have suggested
220 7.99 37 24.72 that sedimentary events or volcanic episodes of
270 8.14 37 29.49 mud expulsion may affect to the geochemistry of
320 8.06 37 28.79 pore fluids (Zabel and Schulz, 2001; Hensen et al.,
370 7.90 37 64.58 2007; Mastalerz et al., 2007; Feseker et al., 2010;
420 7.99 37 39.54
Reitz et al., 2011).
470 7.99 37 35.59
520 8.22 37 30.06 Our data have revealed that the processes affec-
570 8.12 37 39.84 ng pore water composi ons at reference core
620 8.28 37 30.72 GP03PC and flank core GP09PC from Carmen
670 8.22 37 33.37 MV are different from those encountered at
720 8.35 37 29.46 the crater cores GP07BC and GP05PC from the
770 8.29 37 29.31 same structure (Fig. 5.4). More details about the
820 8.26 37 28.35
biogeochemical processes opera ng at referen-
870 Ͳ 37 35.61
ce site GP03PC and flank-core GP09PC will be
addressed in sec on 5.5.3.
15 6.99 Ͳ 8.30
In the case of the crater cores (GP07BC and
45 7.51 35 10.22
75 7.59 35 19.68 GP05PC), deep fluids show tendencies that
105 7.75 36 31.02 are fully in line with the typical pore water pat-
135 7.91 35 81.30 terns found in anoxic MVs sediments (Haese et
165 8.13 34 159.15 al., 2006; Hensen et al., 2007; Reitz et al., 2011;
195 8.34 26 345.074 Scholz, 2009). Nevertheless, the unusual and
225 8.54 26 355.92 rather constant pore water profiles reported at
255 8.59 18 559.79
these both summit cores (GP07BC and GP05PC,
285 Ͳ 17 972.71
Fig. 5.2b) differ significa vely from the observed
315 Ͳ 14 Ͳ
355 8.86 14 722.06 at the reference core GP03PC sugges ng a lack
385 Ͳ 12 Ͳ of sulfate consump on. This fact clearly point to
the absence of both microbial mediated proces-
5.5. Discussion ses (i.e. AOM) and degrada on of organic ma er
5.5.1. Geochemical evidences of seawater intru- at these sites, which may lead to characteris c
sion SO42- profiles of kink-type or linearly decreasing
Ac ve zones of MVs usually report characteris c with depth, respec vely (Borowski et al., 1996;
pore water concentra on profiles (i.e. SO42- , CH4) Hensen et al., 2003). This assump on is especia-
which reflect upward fluid advec on of metha- lly evident at core GP05PC where the consistent
ne and/or the occurrence of sulfate reduc on seawater-like concentra ons and elemental ra-
processes (Reeburgh, 1982; Hensen et al., 2003). os comparable to marine seawater values abo-
Shapes of pore water profiles, especially the re- ve the sulfate-reduc on zone (Fig. 5.2b) strongly

Chapter 5

-3 -3
Cl (mM) Ca/Cl K/Cl Ba/Cl x 10 B/Cl x 10
cm 0 400 800 0.000 0.015 0.030 0.000 0.015 0.030 0.00 0.08 0.15 0 10 20
b.s.f. 0 0 0 0 0
200 200 200 200 200

400 400 400 400 400

600 600 600 600 600

800 800 800 800 800

GP09PC1000 GP09PC GP09PC 1000 GP09PC 1000 GP09PC
1000 1000
0.5 1.0 1.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.06 0.12 0 4 8 0.0 0.5 1.0
-3 -3 -3
Na/Cl Sr/Cl x 10 Mg/Cl Br/Cl x 10 Li/Cl x 10

-3 -3
Cl (mM) Ca/Cl K/Cl Ba/Cl x 10 B/Cl x 10
cm 0 400 800 0.000 0.015 0.030 0.000 0.015 0.030 0.00 0.08 0.15 0 60 120
b.s.f. 0 0 0
25 25 25 25 25

50 50 50 50 50
50 50 50 50 50
250 250 250 250 ( )
250 ( )
( )

450 450 450 450 450

650 650 650 650 650

( ) ( )
( ) ( )
850 ( ) ( ) 850 ( ) ( )
850 ( ) ( )
0.5 1.0 1.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.06 0.12 0 4 8 0.0 0.5 1.0
-3 -3 -3
Na/Cl Sr/Cl x 10 Mg/Cl Br/Cl x 10 Li/Cl x 10

Figure 5.5. Pore water profiles showing the major and trace dissolved elements at all the inves gated cores. Ver cal arrows
indicate seawater values. Concentra ons of Cl, Na/Cl, Ca/Cl, Sr/Cl, K/Cl, Mg/Cl, Br/Cl, B/Cl and Li/Cl were obtained by ICP-OES
whereas Fe/Cl, Mn/Cl, Ba/Cl values were acquired by ICP-MS and expressed in mM kg-1. For GP05PC major and trace element
concentra ons correspond to averaged-values of pore waters taken by rhizons directly on sediments and addi onal pore waters
extracted by rhizons on sediment remainders a er-centrifuga on (for more details see sec on 3.2.2). Horizontal blue and ye-
llow lines show the SMZ at cores GP07BC and GP05PC, respec vely. Ver cal arrows posi on the sea water values. Devia ng
samples were denoted into brackets

suggest the downward intrusion and mixing with mann et al., 1997; Fossing et al., 2000), in Carmen
bo om seawater. MV this process may only affect to the uppermost
Similar geochemical pa erns have been pre- sediments, since specific chemosynthe c epifau-
viously described in others MVs from the Eastern na have been only encountered above 10 cm dep-
Mediterranean (Mastalerz et al., 2007; Feseker th (Fig. 5.3). Mastalerz et al., (2007) described at
et al., 2010) or the Black Sea (Reitz et al., 2011) the center of Isis MV (eastern Mediterranean) si-
where hydrocarbon gas ebulli on or bioirriga on milar tendencies for pore waters concentra ons.
by tube dwelling organisms have been addressed In such case, they suggested these conspicuous
as poten al factors for such constant seawater- seawater-like composi ons due to recent mud
like composi ons (Emerson et al., 1984; Wall- flows or by downward advec on followed by a
mann et al., 1997; Fossing et al., 2000; Haeckel recent gas expulsion. In this case, the occurrence
et al., 2007). of mud flows is very likely. All summit cores are
suscep ble to be affected by abrupt mud erup-
Although bio-ven la on of deep sediments cau-
on events due to their loca ons at the crater of
sed by the ac vity of tubeworms can contribute
Carmen MV, and consequently at the most ac -
to the exchange between deep pore fluids with
ve part of the structure (Fig. 5.1). A er sediment
underlying seawater-like fluids and can extend
deposi on the pore water composi ons would
several meters into the sediments (Weaver and
lead to kink-type profiles since a steady-state in-
Schultheiss, 1983; Emerson et al., 1984; Wall-

Chapter 5

duced by diffusive stabiliza on is expected to be profiles once the pore water concentra on re-equi-
reached. However, this hypothesis does not ex- librate and a new steady state is reached (Hensen et
plain the abrupt change to deep-fluid signatures al., 2003). Compared to other inves gated seep si-
that occur at 200 cm depth at core GP05PC (Fig. tes and MVs such at the Black Sea (Reitz et al., 2011)
5.4 and Fig. 5.5) and neither the typical and con - or the Gulf of Cadiz (Haese et al., 2003; Hensen et
nuous marine stable isotopic δD and δ18O values al., 2007; Niemann et al., 2006), the summit cores
reported along this interval (Fig. 5.6). of Carmen MV (GP07BC and GP05PC, Fig. 5.2) have
These observa ons are comparable with the pre- shown similar rapid transi on to underlying pore
viously reported by Mastalerz et al., (2007) which water signatures typical for ac ve MVs (Haese et
explained the sea-like composi ons of pore waters al., 2006; Hensen et al., 2007; Scholz et al., 2009;
by the entrance of seawater caused by recent gas Reitz et al., 2011). Furthermore, the concave-down
expulsion. At Carmen MV such constant seawater- concentra on depth profiles of e.g. SO42- and CH4,
like pore water composi on within the mud brec- encountered at Carmen pore water profiles and the
cia interval is unlikely reached under a stable si- sharp boundary reported at these crater cores (e.g.
tua on and most likely indicate the occurrence below 200 cm depth at GP05PC; Fig. 5.4) not have
of a very recent injec on of bo om seawater and only revealed changes in the methane flux from
mixing a er bubble release by recent hydrocar- below and also have suggested that current pulses
bon gas ebulli on. This assump on is strongly su- of methane are recently occurring at this structure.
pported by the typical concave-down pore water Moreover, the rapid deple on of methane and sul-
profiles (SO42-, CH4, TA, DIC, NH4+, PO43-) that cores fate at Carmen MV is comparable to the reported
GP07BC and GP05PC report at depth (Fig. 5.4), at the Captain Arutyunov MV at the Gulf of Cadiz
and is fully in line with the recent vent ac vity (Niemann et al., 2006). This trend clearly point out
documented at this structure (Ivanov et al., 2010; to high rates of AOM and SR occurring within the
Blinova et al., 2011). Moreover, the rela ve light SMT zone at Carmen MV. This assump on is also in
δ13C for methane reported by us (Fig 5.4) as well good agreement with both geological and geoche-
as the rather constant values throughout the mud mical data reported by Blinova et al., (2011) desig-
breccia interval match well with previous δ13C for na ng Carmen MV as the most ac ve structure at
methane measured at core MS390G (Blinova et the Alboran Sea Basin.
al., 2011). These data imply that the methane of Despite of these similari es, we would expect to
these sediments are not-in situ generated and de- find parallel tendencies for SO42- and CH4 occurring
rive from deep and thermogenic sources. In con- in a 1:1 ra o similarly to the reported at MVs from
sequence, we strongly suggest that the injec on the Gulf of Cadiz (e.g. Haese et al., 2003; Hensen et
of seawater a er episodes of gas outburst and the al., 2007; Niemann et al., 2006). However, our pore
release of rich-gas fluids are the most likely me- water data, par cularly those from core GP05PC,
chanism affec ng to the uppermost part of cores have shown significant differences in at least one
GP05PC and GP07BC at Carmen MV. order of magnitude between these gradients (e.g.
SO42-/CH4) but also with DIC and TA (Fig. 5.4). In
addi on, with the observed SO42--tendency, a 10-
5.5.2. Rela ve rates of fluid ven ng ac vity
me large peak in HS- is expected that is not rea-
Pore water composi on and resultant profile sha-
ched at core GP05PC (Fig. 5.4). Thus overall, our
pe is largely controlled by changes in deposi onal
data suggest that there is an apparent total mis-
condi ons and strongly dependant on the con-
match/disequilibrium between fluxes of oxidants
centra on of the methane fluxes, varying from
and those of products at Carmen MV.
concave profiles during transient stages to linear
Chapter 5

a) 30



įD (‰)
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10



- 30

į18O (‰)

GP05PC MS390G Meteoric Water Seawater

MS386G Seawater Clay mineral
dehydration Gas Hydrates

b) į' Å 18
į2 Å 13
į& Å
cm -20 0 20 0 4 8 -25 -10 5
b.s.f. 0 0 0
100 100 100
200 200 200
300 300 300
400 400 400
500 500 500
600 600 600
700 700 700
800 800 800
900 900 900

GP05PC Sulfate-Methane Zone


y = -0.8227x + 28.915 y = 9.4882x + 0.6227 y = 5.7844x + 1.7029 y = 851.88x + 0.0907
40 10 2 10 10
R2 = 0.89
2 2
R = 0.89 R = 0.82 R = 0.86
8 8 8
SO4 (mM)

į18O( ‰)

į18O (‰)

į18O (‰)

6 6 6
20 4 4

10 2 2 2
0 0 0 0
0 20 40 60 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.000 0.005 0.010
DIC (mM) 1/K 1/Mg 1/Cl

Figure 5.6. a) δD vs δ18O values from GP05PC at Carmen MV. Addi onal δD vs δ18O values from Blinova et al., (2011) as well as
from a Mediterranean seawater sample from a CTD sta on taken above Carmen MV are also included for comparison. Main
sourced-fields affec ng the δD vs δ18O composi on of pore waters are presented as colored circles and adapted from Dáhlmann
and De Lange (2003); b) δD and δ18O of pore waters δ13C-DIC along the core depth at GP05PC from Carmen MV. Addi onal δD
and δ18O composi on are also included for comparison. Grey and blue dashed horizontal lines correspond to AOM depths detec-
ted at cores MS390G and MS386G (data from Blinova et al., 2011), respec vely; c) SO42- vs DIC showing nega ve correla on and
δ18O vs 1/K, 1/Mg and 1/Cl showing posi ve correla ons. Green dashed lines correspond to lineal regression lines

Chapter 5

5.5.3 Poten al associated processes curs, as well as the sharply increase of methane
In marine sediments, the distribu on of sulfa- concentra ons below the SMTZ to values above
te can be regulated by physical factors, such as the sea level satura on concentra on at up to
seawater diffusion, advec on, sediment per- 300 cm (up to 900 μM; Fig. 5.4), are fully in line
meability (Jørgensen and Kasten, 2006) and/or with this assump on. In the case of GP07BC, the
biological factors such as bioturba on or bio- SO42-, CH4 and HS- profiles also indicate that AOM
irriga on (Fossing et al., 2000; Jørgensen and also occurs at this site.
Parkes, 2010). The decline of sulfate in marine Consequently, pore water profiles may suggest
sediments is usually controlled by one of the two the consump on of dissolved sulfate through
dominant processes of 1) organoclas c sulfate anaerobic methane oxida on at ~ 135 cm for
reduc on (OSR) fueled by degrada on of organic GP05PC and at 25 cm depth for GP07BC (Fig.
ma er (OM) or 2) by anaerobic oxida on of me- 5.4).
thane (AOM) (Malinverno and Pohlman, 2011, AOM processes can also induce authigenic car-
and references therein), giving as a result linear bonate forma on, consuming simultaneously
SO42- profiles and SO42- kink-type, respec vely. calcium and bicarbonate in a ra o of 1:2, and
The reference core GP03PC cons tutes a non- reducing the pore water Ca2+ and DIC content in
seepage affected site, where no evidence of AOM a 1:2 ra o (Luff and Wallmann, 2003; Hensen et
is expected. At this site the decline of sulfate and al., 2007; Reitz et al., 2011). The deepest pore
the linear DIC trend (Fig. 5.4), together with the fluids from piston GP05PC are strongly depleted
N/P ra o values (Table 5.2 and Fig. 5.4) indicate in dissolved Ca2+ and Mg2+, as indicated by Ca/Cl
that the degrada on of OM via OSR cons tutes and Mg/Cl ra os below the SMTZ (Fig. 5.5) and
the main process consuming sulfate at this site. leading to the occurrence of authigenic carbona-
This finding is in accordance with the results pre- tes precipita on at this site. Nevertheless, during
viously reported by Bernasconi et al., (1994) and this process, not only dissolved Ca2+ and Mg2+
Bö cher et al., (1998) at hemipelagic sites in the are consumed but also bicarbonates, producing
Alboran Sea, where they stated OSR process as a sink of DIC in pore waters. Our results showed
main sink of sulfate. that deep pore fluids from core GP05PC had high
Above the sharp boundary generated by the en- DIC values sugges ng likely the occurrence of an
trance of marine seawater, pore fluids from the addi onal source of DIC, such as methanogenesis
ac ve cores GP05PC and GP07BC showed a rapid resul ng from anaerobic organic ma er degrada-
deple on of sulfate (Fig. 5.4). Although occurring on rather than authigenic carbonate precipita-
at different depth levels, it indicates that impor- on via AOM.
tant sulfate-reduc on processes take place at This hypothesis is also supported by our results
these sites. in NH4+ and PO43- encountered at GP05PC. Com-
At GP05PC the transi on boundary between pared to the reference core GP03PC and to the
seawater composi on and deep fluid signatures uppermost part of the mud breccia interval, deep
is located below 200 cm depth. It clearly indicates fluids from core GP05PC show extremely high
that sulfate is being consumed above this depth N/P values (N/P ~ 1000; Table 5.2). Desorp on of
and that most, if not all, the sulfate reduc on is clay minerals could explain a strong increase in
driven by AOM processes (Fig. 5.4). The enhan- ammonium in the surrounding fluids (Williams et
ced concentra on of HS- between 105 and 165 al., 1991) without affec ng phosphate concentra-
cm depth (Fig. 5.4), i.e. the depth interval where on in pore waters and explaining the rela ons-
the sulfate-methane transi on zone (SMTZ) oc- hip between these two species in our expelled

Chapter 5

fluids. However, this ion exchange cons tutes content as well as an increase of the illite layers
a minor process at Carmen MV and discarded as in mixed illite/smec te layers and the enhance of
source of NH4+. Consequently, we consider the large stacking order at the selected mud breccias (Rey-
increase in the ammonium concentra on in depth nolds, 1980; Drits and Tchoubar, 1990; Mooreand
as consequence of thermal matura on of organic Reynolds, 1997; Lanson et al., 2009). This finding
ma er (Mar n et al., 1996) rather than by clay mi- is consistent with the clay mineral transforma on
neral transforma ons that have not been observed. which vary to randomly insterstrafied (R0) illite-
Our δ13CDIC results (~ -21 ‰; Fig. 5.6) are in line with smec te minerals (IS) to more illi c ordered (R1-
this assump on, together with previously reported R3) (Hower et al., 1976; Velde and Vasseur, 1992)
data on gas composi on (Blinova et a., 2011) and li- and suggested to occur at greater depth under a
pid biomarkers (López-Rodríguez et al., 2014) which range of temperature of about ~ 50 (Freed and
have revealed a deep source for the expelled fluids Peacor, 1989; Kastner et al., 1991; Mar n et al.,
from Carmen MV and consequently an important 1996; Chan and Kastner, 2000; Haese et al., 2006)
influence of thermal degrada on of organic ma er to ~ 160 ºC (Kastner et al., 1991; Dählmann and
in deep rather than in-situ produc on via OSR pro- de Lange, 2003). Moreover, indicators for enhan-
cesses. ced temperatures for fluid-rock interac on can be
derived from the pore water composi on of the
deep-fluids. Using the equa ons based on empi-
5.5.4. Deep-source signature for deep sediments
rical K-Na, K-Mg and K-Ca geo-thermometer (Gi-
The pore water profiles reveal the presence of
ggenbach, 1988; Hease et al., 2006) and applying
deep fluids strongly depleted in Cl- values at
these to the derived elemental values for the dee-
GP05PC and GP07BC (Fig. 5.5). Such decrease can
pest samples we have es mated that deep fluids
be due by methane clathrates dissocia on, meteo-
for Carmen MV has an average geo-temperature
ric water input, clay membrane ion exchange, clay
of ~130, ~100 and ~215 ºC, respec vely.
mineral dehydra on processes (De Lange, 1983;
Other indicators for such enhanced temperature
Dählmann and de Lange, 2003). The determina-
are the significantly enriched concentra ons of B
on on stable isotopes δ18O and δD of pore waters
and Li+ compared to seawater (Kopf and Deyhle,
cons tutes a useful tool to constrain the mecha-
2002; Haese et al., 2003; You et al., 2004; Mar n
nism that affect the freshening of fluids (Dählmann
et al., 2006; Hensen et al., 2007; Scholz et al., 2009;
and de Lange, 2003). Thus, the deepest pore fluid
Vanneste et al., 2011). Both elements are present in
samples from GP05PC showed strong deple on
clay minerals that form at low temperature, whe-
in δD and enrichment in δ18O (Fig. 5.6a and b) re-
re B and Li+ act as exchangeable elements that can
vealing a clear nega ve correla on between them
enter into the interlayer and replace ca ons (Berga-
(Fig 5.6a). It suggests the occurrence of deep-fluid
ya et al., 2006). Under specific condi ons, such as
freshening processes, which not only may alter the
hydrothermal altera on of marine sediments at re-
salinity but also affect its isotopic signature (Dähl-
la vely low temperature (~ 50 ºC; Chan et al., 1994;
mann and de Lange 2003) e.g., clay mineral trans-
You et al., 1996b; James et al., 2003) or mineral
forma ons of smec te to illite. Our δD and δ18O
dehydra on reac ons during burial (Brumsack and
isotopic composi on points to the occurrence of
Zuleger, 1992; James and Palmer, 2000; Aloisi et al.,
smec te to illite transforma on releasing water
2004a; Hensen et al., 2007; Scholz et al., 2010), clay-
of this signature (e.g., Dählmann and de Lange,
rich sediments may release significant volumes of
2003). Clay mineral assemblages from three diffe-
fluids, which in cases have high concentra ons of
rent cores recovered from the Carmen MV sum-
dissolved B and Li+.
mit (see Chapter 3) show similar smec te and illite

Chapter 5

Several studies based on hydrothermal altera on curred at this MV as well as into the mechanisms of
of sediments have demonstrated that, under ex- fluid discharge to the subsurface.
perimental condi ons, clay-rich sediments expel - Ac ve gas ven ng at the crater of Carmen MV is
fluids enriched preferen ally in Li+ over B when confirmed by gas bubbling and presence of living
temperatures arise 150 ºC (You et al., 1995; Chan et chemosynthe c fauna (i.e., frenulate tubeworms) as
al., 1999; You and Geiskes, 2001). Fluids from core well as by current pulses of methane discharge.
GP05PC show enrichment of B (~ 9.6 mM) and Li
- Occurrence of downward advec on and mixing
(~ 135 μM), rela vely to non-seepage affected sedi-
with bo om seawater at this volcano is supported by
ments (Fig. 5.5). Also, the B/Li ra o in Carmen MV is
the typical marine water signature of pore waters as
rela vely high, repor ng steady values of ~ 60 (Ta-
well as by the constant stable carbon isotopic values
ble 5.2). In comparison with the reported values in
of methane we have found in the uppermost brec-
the Gulf of Cadiz (Hensen et al., 2007; Scholz et al.,
cias of GP05PC suppor ng the intrusion of seawater
2009; Vanneste et al., 2011), deep fluids from Car-
a er episodes of gas outburst.
men MV show strong similari es (high B/Li value;
- Pore water composi on, in par cular SO42--CH4 dep-
> 50 and low concentra on of Li; < 200 μM), which
th profiles and enhancement of HS- concentra ons
likely suggest the altera on of sediments at rela -
suggest that methane oxida on is mediated under
vely low temperatures rather than the hypothesis
anaerobic condi ons with sulfate as the electron ac-
of a source strata affected by hydrothermal proces-
ceptor as well as high rates of anaerobic oxida on of
ses as origin for the fluids in Alboran.
methane (AOM) and sulfate reduc on.
Radiogenic stron um isotope ra os measured
- Isotopic δ18O and δD composi ons of pore waters
at deepest pore fluids from GP05PC have shown
evidence that smec te dehydra on cons tute a fluid
that the 87Sr/86Sr ra o values dis nctly differ from
origin mechanism that contribute to the pore water
that present day Mediterranean seawater values
freshening at this MV.
(~ 0.709165; De Lange et al., 1990b), sugges ng
that these mud fluids may proceed from a diffe- - Empirical geo-thermometers (K-Na, K-Mg and K-Ca)
rent ambient rather than from sea water as well reveal that fluids generate at temperature up to 200
as from a carbonated-source. In comparison with ºC. This temperature reaches at depth where locates
the averaged Messinian 87Sr/86Sr ra os our stron- the source Unit VI and Unit Va (Early to Middle Mio-
um isotope ra os have rela vely similar values, cene in age), and endorses that this strata are under
which apparently can suggest an evapori c source severe diagene c condi ons favorable for transfor-
for the expelled fluids. Nevertheless, no Messinian ma on of smec te to illite as well as hydrocarbon
salts have been iden fied in the West Alboran, genera on.
neither by sediment drilling nor by seismic profiles - Stable carbon isotopic composi ons δ13C reveal
(Comas et al., 1999). Accordingly, the occurrence that methane at Carmen MV proceeds from a deep
of leaching processes of cor cal material seems thermogenic source.
more likely, sugges ng the existence of a deep - Radiogenic stron um isotopes (87Sr/86Sr) of Car-
source that may influence the deep fluids in Car- men MV fluids most likely suggest the occurren-
men MV. ce of leaching processes of crustal rocks and se-
diments, suppor ng the existence of secondary
5.6. Conclusions processes that affect to the geochemical signatu-
re of pore waters.
Geochemical and isotopic composi on of pore
waters and methane from Carmen MV has provided
new insights into the biogeochemical processes oc-
Origin of lipid biomarkers
in mud volcanos from the
Alboran Sea, western
Chapter 6

Chapter 6
Origin of lipid biomarkers in mud volcanoes from the Alboran Sea,
western Mediterranean

C. López-Rodríguez 1 , A. Stadnitskaia 2 , G.J. De Lange 3 , F. Martínez-Ruíz 1 , M. Comas 1 and

J.S. Sinninghe Damsté 2,3

[1] {Ins tuto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra (CSIC-Granada University), Armilla, Spain}
[2] {NIOZ Royal Netherland Ins tute for Sea Research, Department of Marine Organic Biogeochemistry, Texel, the
[3] {Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands}
Correspondence to: C. López-Rodríguez (carmina@ugr.es)

*Published in Biogeosciences 11, 3187-3204. DOI: 10.5194/bg-11-3187-2014

Mud volcanoes (MVs) are the most prominent indicators of ac ve methane/hydrocarbon ven ng at
the seafloor on both passive and ac ve con nental margins. Their occurrence in the Western Me-
diterranean is patent at the West Alboran Basin, where numerous MVs develop overlaying a major
sedimentary depocenter containing overpressured shales. Although some of these MVs have been
studied, the detailed biogeochemistry of expelled mud so far has not been examined in detail. This
work provides the first results on the composi on and origin of organic ma er, Anaerobic Oxida on
of Methane (AOM) processes and general characteris cs on MV dynamics using lipid biomarkers as
the main tool. Lipid biomarker analysis was performed on MV expelled material (mud breccias) and
interbedded hemipelagic sediments from Perejil, Kalinin and Schneider´s Heart MVs located in the
northwest margin of the Alboran Sea. The n-alkane –distribu ons and n-alkane-derived indices (CPI
and ACL), in combina on with the epimeriza on degree of hopanes (22S/(22S+22R)) indicate that all
studied mud breccia have a similar biomarker composi on consis ng of mainly thermally immature
organic ma er with an admixture of petroleum-derived compounds. This concordant composi on
indicates that common source strata must feed all three studied MVs.
The past or present AOM ac vity was established using lipid biomarkers specific for anaerobic me-
thanotropic archaea (irregular isoprenoids and DGDs) and the depleted carbon isotope composi on
(δ13C) of crocetane/phytane. The presence of these lipid biomarkers, together with the low amounts
of detected GDGTs, is consistent with the dominance of anaerobic methanotrophs of the ANME-2 over
ANME-1, at least in mud breccia from Perejil MVs. In contrast, the scarce presence or lack of these
AOM-related lipid biomarkers in sediments from Kalinin and Schneider’s Heart MVs, suggest no recent
ac ve methane seepage has occurred at these sites. Moreover, the observed methane concentra ons
support the current ac vity of Perejil MV, and the very low methane seepage ac vity in Kalinin and
Schneider’s Heart MVs.
Chapter 6

6.1 IntroducƟon thesis (e.g. Olu et al., 1996; Corselli and Basso,
Mud volcanoes (MVs) are mainly formed due 1996; Vanreusel et al., 2009). Microbial anaero-
to an extensive discharge of hydrocarbon-rich bic oxida on of methane (AOM) is performed
fluids from deeper sedimentary units. This phe- by a consor um of anaerobic methane-oxidizing
nomenon, commonly occurring in petroliferous archaea (ANME) and sulfate reducing bacteria
regions, results from upward transport of deep- (SRB) (Reeburgh 1976, 1996; Boe us et al., 2000,
generated water and hydrocarbons to the sub- Kni el and Boe us, 2009) and is considered to
surface (e.g. Guliyev and Feizullaev, 1997). The be one of the main processes occurring at MVs
emi ed fluids consist of a mixture of mud, water, and methane seepage environments. The me-
and gases, mainly methane, together with an ad- thanotrophic archaea (falling in the ANME-1, -2
mixture of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, and -3 phylogene c clusters; Kni el et al., 2005)
heavier methane homologues and other petro- that mediate this process contain a variety of
leum components (Dimitrov, 2002; Milkov et al., C-depleted diagnos c lipid biomarkers such
2003). The origin of hydrocarbon gases at MVs as glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs),
can be either thermogenic (formed by matura- isoprenoidal dialkyl glycerol diethers (DGDs) or
on of buried organic ma er in the subsurface irregular isoprenoids (Niemann and Elvert, 2008
as a consequence of increasing temperature and and references therein). Thus, their presence in
pressure) or biogenic (produced by anaerobic mi- sediments provides informa on on the presence
croorganisms from organic ma er at low tempe- of AOM processes, and therefore the availability
ratures), or a mixture of both (Milkov et al., 2003; of methane.
Stadnitskaia et al., 2007, 2008; Mastalerz et al., Here we report the lipid biomarker composi-
2007; 2009; E ope et al., 2009). on of Alboran MVs, i.e. Perejil, Kalinin and
In addi on to hydrocarbon-rich fluids, MVs ex- Schneider’s Heart (Fig. 6.1). We use these data
pel large volumes of clas c volcanic material ca- to assess the source-strata for the expelled mate-
lled “mud breccia” (Cita et al., 1981; Akhmanov, rials and to determine the thermal maturity level
1996). It is a complex mixture of matrix and rock of the organic ma er present in the mud brec-
fragments, mechanically incorporated into the cia matrices. We use lipid biomarkers related
erup on deposit by the powerful upward trans- to methanotrophic archaea, and the measured
port of fluids (Akhmanov, 1996; Akhmanov and methane content to evaluate the recent ac vity
Woodside, 1998). Mud breccias, rock clasts and of these MVs. In addi on, we apply the rela ve
matrix contain important informa on regarding contribu on of methanotrophic Euryarchaeota
the composi on and genesis of sediments in the vs. planktonic Thaumarcheaota, to determine
subsurface, their maturity and hydrocarbon po- the AOM ac ve zone. Furthermore, on the basis
ten al of the area (Akhmanov, 1996; Ovsyannikov of lipid biomarker distribu on and compound-
et al., 2003; Wheeler and Stadnitskaia, 2011 and specific stable carbon isotope composi on, we
references therein). also discuss the AOM microbial community.
Ascending fluids radically affect sedimentary
environments at and below the sea floor. Due 6.2 Geological background
to the supply of organic and inorganic compo- The Alboran Sea is a marginal basin located in the
nents (methane, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxi- westernmost Mediterranean Sea. Differences in
de), MVs and cold seeps in general support a structural architecture, sedimentary infill and se-
unique niche of microbes and other organisms, afloor morphology within allow to differen ate
establishing their survival through chemosyn- the Western, Eastern and Southern Alboran Ba-
sins (Fig. 1). The Alboran Sea Basin is a remnant
of the Miocene back-arc basin from the Gibraltar
Arc System. The Gibraltar Arc System comprises
the Be cs (Spain) and Rif (Morocco) orogenic Granada

arc, the Alboran and Algerian back-arc basins, 37º

SPAIN Malaga
and the forearc accre onary prism in the Atlan c
side. Within the Gibraltar Arc System, the Albo-
ran Basin evolved since the Late Oligocene in a
geodynamic se ng characterized by a pervasive Gibraltar 3
36º NF
N-S convergence between the Eurasian and Afri- Ceuta
can plates (Dewey et al., 1989).
Geological and geophysical data demonstrate SF
that the Alboran Sea originated in the Early Mio- MOROCCO Al Hoseima
cene, and evolved first by extensional tectonics 5º 4º 3º

(from Middle to Upper Miocene) and later has

Mud Diapir Faults Sedimentary
undergone significant contrac ve tectonics (from Province depocenters

Late Miocene onwards). Post-Miocene contrac -

ve tectonics caused a major reorganiza on of the Figure 6.1. The Alboran Sea showing the loca on of the Mud
Diapir Province and the Northern (NF) and Southern (SF) MV
basin, which resulted in prominent N-S shorte- fields. Black dots correspond to the studied 1) Perejil, 2) Ka-
ning of the marine realm and upli ing and emer- linin and 3) Schneider’s Heart MVs; white dots refer to other
MVs. Modified a er Comas et al., 1999.
sions on the surrounding Be cs and Riff chains.
The recent and actual ac ve tectonics condi o- Andalucia-G1 and Alboran-A1 boreholes drilled
ned the present coastal line posi on, as well as in the West Alboran basin. Furthermore, boreho-
the current seafloor morphology (Comas et al., le sampling indicate that Unit VI (Burdigalian in
1999, and references therein). age) is formed of under-compacted (pressurized)
Basement and sedimentary cover beneath the Al- olistostromic or brecciated materials made of
boran Sea are known from commercial wells and heterogeneous rock-fragments (blocks, boulders
ODP Leg 161 drilling. The thicker sedimentary and clasts) of different ages embedded in a sha-
depocenter is located in the West Alboran basin le matrix intercalated to clayed, marly and san-
(Fig. 6.1) where more than 7 km of sediments dy intervals, and that Unit Va (Langhian in age)
exist on top of the metamorphic basement (Fig. also contains under-compacted green clays (Ju-
6.2) (Jurado and Comas, 1992; Soto et al., 1996; rado and Comas, 1992, Diaz-Merino et al, 2003)
Comas et al.,1996) (Fig.6.2).
The West Alboran basin is characterized by the Mud volcanism and pockmarks occurring in the
presence of extensive shale (mud-rocks) diapi- West Alboran basin lie on top of the huge Mud
rism and shale tectonics condi oned by the exis- Diapir Province that extends from the Iberian to
tence of overpressured units at depth (Comas et the Moroccan margins (Fig. 6.1). As evidenced by
al., 1999, 2012; Soto et al., 2010). Overpressure previous works, the mud volcanism is linked to
is condi oned by significant gas and fluids con- recent stages of shale diapirism happened during
tents in the basal units of the West Alboran Ba- compressive tectonics (Plio-Quaternary, from 4-5
sin (Unit VI and Unit V from Jurado and Comas, Ma onwards), which condi oned pierced diapirs
1992; Fig. 6.2), as it has been reported by logging and lend subsequently to mud volcanism at the
(sonic velocity, density and resis vity) data from seafloor (Comas et al, 2010, and references the-
Chapter 6

rein). Seismic profiles show that volcano feeder- pvc tubes of 50 cm length and 9 cm inner diame-
channels connect to deeper shale-diapir structu- ter which were pushed ver cally in the sediment.
res proving that volcanic processes bring up to Subsequently, these sampling tubes were split
the seafloor over-pressured shales and olistos- open lengthwise and lithologically described.
tromes from Unit VI (Fig. 6.2) laying at more than The sub-sampling for lipid biomarkers was done
5 km deep (Talukder et al., 2003; Comas et al., on board in a + º4C container as soon as possible
2012). a er recovery. The sediment was sampled every
The extruded mud breccias contain exo c rocks 2 to 5 cm taking into considera on lithological va-
from different sedimentary units. Micropalen- ria ons. Samples were stored and transported at
tological data from core sampling indicate that -20 ºC for on-land laboratory studies.
MVs bring up to the seafloor sedimentary rocks
of different ages but ranging from the Late Creta- 6.3.2. ExtracƟon and separaƟon
ceous to the Late Miocene (Sautkin et al., 2003;
A total of 20-50 g of freeze-dried sediments were
Gennari et al., 2013). A deep thermogenic source
crushed to a fine powder, and extracted with an
of fluids expelled by the Alboran MVs has been
automa c Accelerated Solvent Extractor (ASE
suggested on the basis of 13C isotope determina-
200/DIONEX) using a solvent mixture of dichlo-
ons in authigenic carbonates, pore-water analy-
romethane: methanol (9:1, v/v) at 1000 psi and
ses and gas composi on (Blinova et al., 2011;
100°C. The obtained total lipid extracts were
López-Rodríguez et al., 2014). Abundance of
rotary evaporated to near dryness and ele-
chemosynthe c habitats (bivalves, tubeworms)
mental sulfur was removed by adding ca. 10
on the top of some MVs concludes current me-
mg of activated copper and stirring the sample
thane/hydrocarbon seeping in some of them (Hi-
overnight. An aliquot of the total lipid extract
lário et al, 2011). However, the majority of the
was used for analysis of total lipid distribu-
Alboran MVs seem to be inac ve, or maybe just
tion. To this end, fatty acids were methyla-
dormant (Comas et al., 2010).
ted by adding CH2N2 and alcohol groups were
silylated by adding 25 μl pyridine and 25 μl of
6.3 Materials and methods N, O-bis(trimethylsilyl)-trifluoroacetamid (BS-
6.3.1 Samples TFA) and heating at 60°C for 20 min. Another
part of the total lipid extract was chromato-
The studied sediment cores were collected during
graphically separated into apolar and polar
the first leg of Ristre o e Lungo expedi on in De-
fractions using a column with Al 2O 3 (activated
cember 2010 on board R/V Meteor. In total, sedi-
for 2 h at 150°C) as stationary phase. Apolar
ments from four gravity cores and two box-cores
compounds were eluted using hexane: dichlo-
(Fig. 6.2, Table 6.1) were chosen for this study on
romethane (9:1, v/v), and polar compounds,
the basis of changes in lithology, gas manifesta-
including glycerol diethers and glycerol dialkyl
on and gas satura on. The sampling opera ons
glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) core membrane
were performed using a 1200 kg gravity corer
lipids, were obtained with methanol: dichlo-
with a 6 m barrel and 11 cm inner diameter tu-
romethane (1:1, v/v) as eluent. To calculate
bings. The 900 kg box-corer had a round box with
absolute concentration of biomarkers in mud
an internal diameter of 30 cm and a height of 55
breccia matrixes, a known amount of anteiso-
cm. The recovered gravity cores were cut in 1 m
C22 hydrocarbon was added to each fraction
sec ons, split open lengthwise and lithologically
as internal standard (Stadnitskaia et al., 2007;
described. Box-cores were sub-sampled using

Chapter 6

a) Age Epoch Seismic mud dispirism 1300 1200 1100 1000 1300 1200 1100 1000
Ma Age Units and volcanism b)
Perejil MV 1.0

2.588 1.0 1.0

Kalinin MV

Contractive Tectonics


twtt (seg)
twtt (seg)

mud diapirism


M 1.5 1.5
Q3+Pl 1.5


750 m

3 Km
2.0 2.0 2.0
mud diapirism


UNIT-IV c) m b.s.f.
-810 36º 7`
Perejil MV

-825 RL07BC RL08GC

13.82 36º 5`

Exensional Tectonics

15.97 R5 diapirism
UNIT-VI strated
-875 36º 3`
Kalinin MV
sedimentary klippen

Olistostromes and


36º 1`

20.43 Schneider´s
-925 RL25GC Heart MV


23.03 36º 0`

5 Km
5º 00` 4º 58` 4º 56` 4º 54` 4º 52` 4º 50`

Figure 6.2. a) Seismic stra graphic units, major regional reflectors and main sedimentary sequence documented in the Be c
Neogene basins (modified a er Jurado and Comas, 1992; Rodríguez-Fernández et al., 1999); M-Messinian unconformity. R-
reflectors correspond to major unconformi es within sediments. b) High-resolu on seismic line PS200MS across Perejil and
Kalinin MVs (Talukder, 2003); Blue and red lines refer to seismic reflectors within the Plio-Quaternary sequence (Unit I) (Jurado
and Comas, 1992; Comas et al., 1999) c) Mul beam swath bathymetry of the Northern MV field showing Perejil, Kalinin and
Schneider´s Heart MVs. Numbers referred to studied sites (gravity and box-cores).

6.3.3 Analysis and idenƟficaƟon of lipid biomar- All frac ons were analyzed by gas chromatography-
kers mass spectrometry (GC-MS) for compound iden -
Gas Chromatography (GC) was performed with fica on. The gas chromatograph was coupled to
a Thermo Finnigan TRACE instrument equipped a Thermo Finnigan TRACE DSQ quadrupole mass
with a fused silica capillary column (CP Sil-5, 25m spectrometer with ioniza on energy of 70 eV, with
x 0.32 mm, df = 0.12 μm), with a flame ioniza on a mass range of m/z 50-800. GC condi ons of GC-
detector and helium as a carrier gas. Samples MS were the same as those described for GC.
were injected at 70°C. The GC oven temperature To determine the distribu on of intact glycerol
was subsequently raised to 130°C at a rate of 20°C dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs), the polar
min-1, and then to 320°C at 4°C min-1. The tempe- frac ons of the sediment extracts were analyzed
rature was then held constant for 15 min. using high performance liquid chromatography-

Chapter 6

Table 6.1. General sampling informa on on the studied sites: loca on, water depth and length of the studied cores.

Sampling Depth Recovery

CoreCode Structure Location
Site (m) (cm)

RL07BC PerejilMudVolcano 36°6.11'N;04º53.08'W Flank 818.9 40.0

RL08GC PerejilMudVolcano 36°6.11'N;04°53.08'W Flank 822.4 262.5

RL30BC PerejilMudVolcano 36°6.07'N;04°53.11'W Crater 807.8 30.0

RL31GC PerejilMudVolcano 36°6.07'N;04°53.11'W Crater 807.8 270.5

RL12GC KalininMudVolcano 36°3.00'N;04°55.90'W Flank 872.6 280.0

RL25GC 36°0.28'N;04°57.57'W Flank 924.0 310.0

mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) (Hopmans et al., values were reported in per mil rela ve to the
2000) using an Agilent 1100 series/1100 MSD VPDB standard. In order to monitor the accuracy
series instrument, with auto-injec on system of the measurements, the analyses were carried
and HP Chemsta on so ware. An Alltech Prevail out with co-injec on of two standards, C20 and
Cyano column (150 mm x 2.1 mm, 3 μm) was C24 n-alkanes, with a known stable carbon isoto-
used with hexane: propanol (99:1, 13v) as mo- pe composi on.
bile phase (0.2 ml min-1). A er 5 min, a linear
gradient to 1.8% propanol was used (45 min). MS
6.3.4 Methane and sulfate analyses
analysis and quan fica on of both isoprenoidal
Methane concentra ons in hemipelagic sedi-
and branched GDGTs followed methods reported
ments and mud breccia from Perejil, Kalinin and
by Weijers et al. (2006). The GDGT-based ra os
Schneider´s Heart MVs were rou nely measured
(Methane Index, MI; GDGT-0/Crenarchaeol and
on board. Decapped 10 ml syringes were used to
GDGT-2/Crenarchaeol) were applied to express
sample the fresh sediment immediately upon re-
the rela ve distribu on of methanotrophic Eur-
covery. The volume of sediment was rapidly put
yarchaeota (presumably represented by GDGT-
into a 65 ml glass vial prefilled with a saturated
1, -2 and -3) vs. planktonic and possibly benthic
NaCl solu on. The vial was immediately closed
Thaumarchaeota (represented by crenarchaeol
and mixed. Subsequently, a 5 ml headspace was
and its regioisomer) (Sinninghe Damsté et al.,
made (for full procedure, see Mastalerz et al.,
2002; Zhang et al., 2011; Weijers et al., 2011;
2007). The methane concentra on in the heads-
Schouten et al., 2012).
pace was determined on- board with a Shimadzu
Isotope-ra o-monitoring gas chromatography-
gas chromatograph with a Flame Ioniza on De-
mass spectrometry (IRM-GC-MS) was performed
on a Finningan MAT DELTA plus XL instrument
For sulphate analyses, the pore water was extrac-
used for determining compound-specific δ13C va-
ted on board using rhizons, acidified, and analy-
lues. The GC used was a Hewle Packard 6890 A
zed on-land using ICP-AES (for details see Masta-
series, and the same analy cal condi ons were
lerz et al., 2007).
used as described for GC and GC-MS. For carbon
isotopic correc on of the added trimethylsilyl
groups, the stable carbon isotope composi on
of the used BSTFA was determined. Obtained

Chapter 6

6.4 Results that contained 30 cm of oxidized mud breccia for

6.4.1 Core lithologies which the top 10 cm were clearly bioturbated. Au-
thigenic pyrite in the form of spherules of cen -
Perejil MV
metric size and concre ons were observed in the
Two gravity-cores and two box-cores were taken
mud breccia matrix and rock clasts from this site.
at Perejil MV. Cores RL08GC and RL07BC were
Kalinin and Schneider´s Heart MVs
taken from the flank, RL31GC and RL30BC from
the crater of the structure (Fig. 6.2). The “flank” Gravity-cores taken from Kalinin and Schneider’s
box-core RL07BC contained 40 cm of typical Heart MVs (RL12GC and RL25GC; Fig. 6.2) recove-
structureless dark gray mud breccia, for which red 272 cm and 300 cm, respec vely, containing
the top 10 cm were oxidized (Fig. 6.3a). At this both hemipelagic sediments and mud breccia. The
site, methane bubbles were present as well as lowermost part of the hemipelagic sediments at
abundant Pogonophora tube worms at the top. Schneider’s Heart MVs was moderately bioturba-
Addi onally, chemosynthe c fauna such as living ted (Fig. 6.3b), and at this site and at Kalinin MV
Acharax bivalves were found at ~10 cm depth in the boundary with the mud breccia interval were
the mud breccia. Core RL08GC, also taken at the irregular and not well expressed. In both structures
flank, contained 263 cm of alterna ons of he- the mud breccia intervals were covered with hemi-
mipelagic sediments and mud breccia (Fig. 3a). pelagic sediments: 78 cm and 217 cm at Kalinin and
Although two mud breccia layers could be dis- Schneider’s Heart MVs, respec vely. MV deposits
nguished, the boundaries were not always fully in both loca ons were represented by mousse-like
dis nct. The upper layer, from 65 to 79 cm, con- mud breccia with a few millimeter sized rock clasts
sisted of so mousse-like mud breccia with oc- of sandstone and mudstone. At both MVs, the upper
casional rock clasts, intensively bioturbated. The part of the mud breccia interval was moderately bio-
lower interval from 135 to 209 cm consisted of turbated.
s ff mud breccia moderately bioturbated in the
uppermost part. In both mud breccia intervals a 6.4.2 Lipid biomarker distribuƟons
few fragments of mudstone were found, and the-
The total lipid frac ons of different sediment ho-
re was a dis nct, moderate smell of H2S. Hemipe-
rizons from the MVs sedimentary cores showed
lagic sediments consisted of grayish brown marls
similar lipid biomarker distribu on pa erns;
with some foraminifera. The two sedimentary
apolar compounds significantly dominated over
loca ons within the crater of Perejil MV showed
the polar. Hydrocarbons (within the analy -
different lithologies at their topmost sediments
cal window of gas chromatography; i.e. up to a
(hemipelagic and mud breccia, respec vely) (Fig.
molecular weight of ca. 800 Da) were mainly re-
presented by a series of C17-C37 n-alkanes with
In contrast to the sediments on the flank of the dominance of n-C23- n-C33, with a maximum at
MV, the 271 cm of crater sediments in core RL31GC n-C29 or n-C31, and a moderate odd-over-even
were composed of a typical structureless dark gray carbon number predominance (Fig. 6.3). The
mud breccia, with millimeter to cen meter-sized Carbon Preference Index (CPI) (19-36) (Bray and
rock clasts of claystone, mudstone and carbona- Evans, 1961) as well as the Average Chain Length
tes (Fig. 6.3a). At this site, no hemipelagic cover (ACL) (Poynter, 1989) indices showed some va-
was present and a strong scent of H2S was no - ria on along the sedimentary sec ons, mainly at
ced along the whole mud breccia sec on. The top the boundary between hemipelagic sediments
8 cm were visibly bioturbated. This is consistent and mud breccia intervals. In mud breccia inter-
with observa ons in the nearby box-core RL30BC
Chapter 6

vals the CPI values varied between 2.0 and 2.9 using the examina on of mass chromatograms
and ACL values ranged from 27.4 to 29.4 (Fig. 6.3; for m/z 183 and m/z 169 - diagnos c fragment
Table 6.2). Compared to mud breccia, hemipela- ions for phytane and crocetane, respec vely (cf.
gic sediments showed higher CPI (19-36) values, Bian et al., 2001). This resulted in an es mated
from 3.0 to 3.4, as well as higher ACL values, from frac onal abundance of crocetane of 0.4 to 0.8
28.8 to 29.1 (Fig. 6.3; Table 6.2). As noted above, at 80-110 cm (Fig. 6.5). Compound-specific sta-
the boundaries between hemipelagic sediments ble carbon isotope measurements of the peak
and mud breccia were not always dis nct. This comprised of crocetane and phytane revealed a
seems also apparent for the CPI index, most no- varia on from -65 ‰ to -37 ‰, with the lowest
tably for the lowermost mud interval at Perejil values in the 80-110 cm interval (Fig. 6.5).
flank (RL08GC, Fig. 6.3a) Archaea-derived isoprenoid dialkyl glycerol die-
Pentacyclic triterpanes were iden fied at all stu- thers (DGDs), such as archaeol (III) and hydrox-
died MVs (Fig. 6.4, Table 3). For the apolar frac- yarchaeol (IV), were found at two MVs. Archaeol
ons the 17α, 21β (H)-hopane (C30) was the most was detected in the mud breccia from Perejil,
dominant compound followed by 22R 17α, 21β(H)- both at the crater and flank sites, and Kalinin
homohopane (C31) and 17α,21β (H)-30-norhopa- MVs. Hydroxyarchaeol was only iden fied in the
ne (Fig. 6.4; Table 6.3). Hopanes with the 17α, 21β mud breccia from Perejil MV crater as well as in
(H)-configura on in the range of C30–C32 were the uppermost sediments at the flank site (Ta-
the main epimers. In this range, βα-epimeric se- ble 6.4). Non-isoprenoidal DGDs (Pancost et al.,
ries were not detected and the only hopane with 2001) were only iden fied at the mud breccia
17β, 21β (H)-configura on found was homohopa- interval from Schneider’s Heart MV (Table 6.4).
ne. Unsaturated hopanoids were represented by Specific glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraethers
neohop-13(18)-ene, and hop-22(29)-ene (diplop- (GDGTs; Appendix) (Schouten et al., 2012 and re-
tene; V see appendix A for structures) (Fig. 6.4; ference therein) were detected in all cores. The
Tables 6.4). C32 benzohopane was only found in GDGT distribu ons showed a clear dominance of
the mud breccia of Perejil and Kalinin MVs (Fig. isoprenoidal over branched GDGTs (Fig. 6.6). The
6.4; Table 6.3). Func onalized triterpenoids were isoprenoidal GDGTs were dominated by GDGT-0
represented by diplopterol (17β, 21β (H)-hopan- (VII) and crenarchaeol (XI), with maximum abun-
22-ol; VI), which was detected only in Perejil and dances in average of 46 % and 51 %, respec vely,
Kalinin MVs (Fig.6.4; Tables 6.3-6.4). in mud breccias and 35 % and 52 % in hemipela-
Irregular isoprenoids diagnos c for methanotro- gic sediments. The average abundances of GDGT-
phic archaea associated with AOM (e.g. Elvert 1 (VIII) and GDGT-2 (IX) were much lower, i.e. 7.3
et al, 2000; Pancost et al., 2000; Hinrichs et al., % and 7.6 % for hemipelagic sediments, and 8.1
2000) such as crocetane (2, 6, 11, 15-tetrame- % and 9.5 % for mud breccia.
thylhexadecane; I) and PMI (2, 6, 10, 15, 19-pen- At every site GDGT- based ra os (GDGT-0/crenar-
tamethylicosane; II), were iden fied at all studied chaeol and GDGT-2/crenarchaeol) revealed subs-
sites (Table 6.4). Crocetane was present in all the tan al varia ons with depth, mainly matching with
studied sites, whereas PMI was found only at few the boundary between hemipelagic sediments
depths intervals at Perejil, Kalinin and Schneider´s and mud breccia intervals (Table 6.2). In mud
Heart MVs (Table 6.4). Sediments from the crater breccia from Perejil (crater and flank) and Kali-
of Perejil MV were examined for the presence of nin MV, both GDGT-0/crenarchaeol and GDGT-2/
crocetane rela ve to the more common and co- crenarchaeol ra os were enhanced. In contrast,
elu ng acyclic isoprenoid phytane. This was done these ra os were different for mud breccia from

Chapter 6

Perejil Mud Volcano

Flank RL08GC Crater RL31GC
CPI (19-36) CPI (19-36)
0 3 6 0 3 6
30 1-4 cm
% 30 5-8 cm
0 % %
30 25-30 cm 0
30 12-16 cm
0 %

30 55-58 cm %
% 0
0 %
30 22-25 cm
30 64-68 cm %
% 0
30 32-36 cm
30 86-88.5 cm %
% %
0 0
30 91-94 cm 30 83-86 cm
% % %
30 137.5-140 cm 30 111-114 cm
% %
0 %
30 0
151-154 cm
% % 30 155-159 cm
0 %
30 185.5-190 cm
% %
30 188-193 cm
30 221-231 cm
% % 0
0 30 234- 239 cm
30 246-250 cm %
% %
30 266-271 cm
30 257-261 cm
Total %
Lenght: 263 cm Total
0 Lenght: 271 cm 0











Flank RL07BC Crater RL30BC

CPI (19-36) CPI (19-36)
0 3 6 0 3 6
30 0-3 cm 30 0-5 cm
% %
0 0
30 3-4 cm 30 5-7 cm
% %
0 0
30 4-5 cm 30 12-15 cm
% %
0 0
30 8-11 cm 30 18-22 cm
% %
0 Total 0
30 16.5-19.5 cm 30 26-29 cm
Lenght: 30 cm
% %
0 0


30 25-28 cm
Lenght: 40 cm
30 33-36 cm





Figure 6.3. Distribu on of n-alkanes and Carbon Preference Index (CPI) profiles along the sedimentary sec ons for a) Perejil
MV flank and crater and b) Kalinin and Schneider’s Heart MVs. Striped area correspond to hemipelagic sediments with lipid
characteris cs of mud breccia. Rela ve concentra ons were calculated by normaliza on of peak areas obtained by gas chro-

Chapter 6

B) Kalinin Mud Volcano RL12GC Schneider´s Heart Mud Volcano RL25GC

cm CPI (19-36) CPI (19-36)
b.s.f 0 3 6 0 3 6
0 30 2-4 cm
30 0-5 cm
30 25-29 cm %
% 0

30 72-76 cm
30 105-110 cm
0 %
100 30 81-83.5 cm
30 205-210 cm
30 89.5-91.5 cm
150 0

30 96.5-199.5 cm
% 30 220-225 cm
0 %
30 172-176 cm 0
30 260-265 cm
30 230-233.5 cm
% 0
250 0

30 268.5-272 cm 30 290-295 cm

Total % %
Lenght: 272 cm 0 0










Lenght: 300 cm

Mud Breccia Bioturbation

Odd n-Alkane Even n-Alkane

CPI (19-36)
outline outline

Figure 6.3. (cont.)

n ͲAlkanes Hopanoids GDGTs GDGTͲ2/ GDGTͲ0/
CPI CPI ACL C31 C32 MethaneIndex Crenarch. Crenarch.
Lithology intervals(cmb.s.f.)
(C19ͲC36) (C29ͲC32) (C19ͲC35) 22S/(22S+22R) 22S/(22S+22R)

MudBreccia 0Ͳ3 2.6 4.6 28.8 Ͳ Ͳ 0.22 0.14 0.61
3Ͳ4 3.0 5.5 29.4 Ͳ Ͳ 0.20 0.13 0.56
4Ͳ5 2.3 3.7 29.5 Ͳ Ͳ 0.20 0.12 0.56
8Ͳ11 3.2 5.6 30.1 Ͳ Ͳ 0.23 0.15 0.68
16.5Ͳ19.5 2.3 4.1 28.4 Ͳ Ͳ 0.21 0.13 0.60
25Ͳ28.5 3.7 5.9 30.0 Ͳ Ͳ 0.21 0.13 0.58
33Ͳ36 3.0 4.7 29.6 Ͳ Ͳ 0.20 0.12 0.56
Hem.Sed.Av. Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ
M.B.Average 2.9 2.9 29.4 Ͳ Ͳ 0.21 0.13 0.59
and GDGTs-based ra os for the studied sites.

MainAverage 2.9 2.9 29.4 Ͳ Ͳ 0.21 0.13 0.59

Hem.Sed. 1Ͳ4 2.7 4.4 29.7 Ͳ Ͳ 0.20 0.12 0.59
25Ͳ30 3.0 6.4 28.5 Ͳ 0.53 0.21 0.13 0.60
55Ͳ58 3.0 5.8 28.5 0.51 0.39 0.20 0.13 0.55
MudBreccia 64Ͳ68 2.2 3.6 28.1 0.31 0.57 0.21 0.13 0.58

86Ͳ88.5 1.7 2.1 27.5 0.38 0.36 0.25 0.17 0.61
91Ͳ94 5.0 14.7 29.4 0.43 0.31 0.22 0.14 0.60
137.5Ͳ140 3.8 6.7 29.6 0.57 0.45 0.20 0.13 0.53
MudBreccia 151Ͳ154 3.1 5.5 29.1 Ͳ 0.41 0.23 0.15 0.56
185.5Ͳ190 1.2 2.5 27.8 0.45 0.50 0.34 0.27 1.00
221Ͳ231 2.0 2.7 28.1 0.40 Ͳ 0.38 0.33 1.08
Hemi.Sed. 246Ͳ250 3.6 6.1 29.8 0.38 0.31 0.21 0.13 0.56
257Ͳ261 3.1 5.6 29.2 0.56 0.38 0.21 0.13 0.58
Hem.Sed.Av. 3.0 3.1 28.8 0.44 0.38 0.31 0.21 0.86
M.B.Average 2.8 2.9 28.7 0.44 0.48 0.24 0.17 0.67
MainAverage 3.0 3.1 28.8 0.44 0.42 0.29 0.20 0.78
MudBreccia 0Ͳ5 2.3 3.2 28.3 Ͳ Ͳ 0.22 0.14 0.59
5Ͳ7 2.1 2.6 28.2 Ͳ Ͳ 0.19 0.12 0.54
12Ͳ15 1.9 2.2 27.7 Ͳ Ͳ 0.25 0.17 0.72
18Ͳ22 2.2 2.6 27.5 Ͳ Ͳ 0.26 0.18 0.75
26Ͳ29 2.1 2.7 27.6 Ͳ Ͳ 0.31 0.24 0.86
Hem.Sed.Av. Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ
M.B.Average 2.1 2.1 27.9 Ͳ Ͳ 0.25 0.17 0.69
MainAverage 2.1 2.1 27.9 Ͳ Ͳ 0.25 0.17 0.69
Chapter 6

Table 6.2. Compound indexes related with n-alkanes (Carbon Preference Index, CPI and Average Chain Length, ACL), hopane
n ͲAlkanes Hopanoids GDGTs GDGTͲ2/ GDGTͲ0/
Lithology intervals(cmb.s.f.) CPI CPI ACL C31 C32 MethaneIndex Crenarch. Crenarch.
(C19ͲC36) (C29ͲC32) (C19ͲC35) 22S/(22S+22R) 22S/(22S+22R)
MudBreccia 5Ͳ8 2.3 3.3 28.2 Ͳ 0.46 0.23 0.15 0.61
12Ͳ16 2.3 3.9 27.2 0.38 Ͳ 0.21 0.13 0.62
22Ͳ25 1.6 1.8 26.8 0.30 0.55 0.21 0.13 0.59
32Ͳ36 1.7 2.6 27.4 0.50 0.47 0.22 0.13 0.61
83Ͳ86 2.0 2.6 27.2 0.41 0.52 0.30 0.22 0.79
111Ͳ114 2.1 2.8 27.8 Ͳ Ͳ 0.29 0.22 0.84
155Ͳ159 1.8 2.9 26.9 Ͳ Ͳ 0.38 0.33 1.02
188Ͳ193 2.1 2.9 28.0 0.46 0.52 0.33 0.26 0.94
234Ͳ239 2.1 2.9 27.1 0.60 0.33 0.26 0.97
266Ͳ271 1.7 1.7 26.9 0.35 0.51 0.45 0.48 1.28
Hem.Sed.Av. Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ
M.B.Average 2.0 2.0 27.4 0.43 0.50 0.49 0.38 1.38
MainAverage 2.0 2.0 27.4 0.43 0.50 0.49 0.38 1.38
Hemipelagic 2Ͳ4 2.9 5.8 29.0 0.52 0.50 0.21 0.12 0.54
Sediments 25Ͳ29 3.8 10.0 29.3 0.39 Ͳ 0.22 0.12 0.55

72Ͳ76 3.4 6.7 29.1 0.43 0.42 0.23 0.13 0.56
MudBreccia 81Ͳ83.5 2.9 5.6 29.0 0.32 0.43 0.23 0,13 0.54
89.5Ͳ91.5 2.2 4.1 28.2 0.45 0.53 0.26 0.15 0.66
96.5Ͳ100.5 2.0 3.6 27.8 0.44 0.43 0.28 0.16 0.72
172Ͳ176 1.7 2.9 27.5 0.55 0.47 0.35 0.22 0.86
230Ͳ233.5 1.8 3.0 27.6 0.44 0.49 0.31 0.19 0.74
268.5Ͳ272 1.7 3.0 27.1 0.42 0.45 0.35 0.22 0.85
Hem.Sed.Av. 3.4 3.5 29.1 0.44 0.46 0.33 0.19 0.82
M.B.Average 2.1 2.1 27.9 0.43 0.47 0.30 0.18 0.73
MainAverage 2.5 2.5 28.3 0.44 0.47 0.31 0.18 0.75
Hemipelagic 0Ͳ5 3.7 6.7 29.6 0.43 0.57 0.19 0.11 0.55
Sediments 105Ͳ110 3.9 7.1 29.2 0.35 0.42 0.26 0.17 0,69
205Ͳ210 2.4 4.5 28.2 0.44 0.48 0.19 0.10 0.66
MudBreccia 220Ͳ225 2.4 5.0 28.4 0.48 0.49 0.12 0.04 1.01
260Ͳ265 2.8 5.9 29.1 0.57 0.50 0.10 0.03 1.02
290Ͳ295 2.3 5.0 28.1 0.61 0.54 0.12 0.04 1.00
Hem.Sed.Av. 3.3 3.4 29,0 0.41 0.49 0.22 0.13 0.63
M.B.Average 2.5 2.6 28.5 0.55 0.51 0.11 0.04 1.01
MainAverage 3.0 3.1 28.7 0.48 0.50 0.16 0.08 0.82
Chapter 6
Chapter 6

6 12 Perejil MV crater
RL31GC 22-25 cm

4 m/z 191

1 7 11
3 10 15
2 17
9 13 14

Kalinin MV
RL12GC 172-176 cm
Relative Abundance

4 m/z 191

3 8 10 11
5 7 15
12 17
2 13 14
9 16

Schneider`s Heart MV
12 RL25GC 205-210 cm

1 m/z 191
5 7 10
2 8 13 14

Retention Time (min)

Figure 6.4. Typical m/z 191 mass chromatograms showing distribu ons of pentacyclic triterpenoids present in selected mud
breccia samples of Perejil, Kalinin and Schneider’s Heart MVs. Numbers refer to compounds listed in Table 3.

Schneider’s Heart MV, the la er being similar to mud breccia interval from Perejil MV crater (Ta-
that at Perejil whereas the former was even lower ble 6.2). On average, MI ranged from 0.22 to 0.33
than that for hemipelagic sediments, respec vely at the hemipelagic sedimentary drapes, while
(Table 6.2). The Methane Index (MI) defined by at mud breccia intervals the MI varied between
Zhang et al. (2011) was used to trace the presence 0.11 and 0.49, in average (Table 6.2).
of methanotrophic archaea. The MI ranged from Low amounts of branched GDGTs (i.e. <5% of
0.10, as the minimum value reported at Schneider’s total GDGTs) are present at all studied sites. In
Heart mud breccia to a maximum of 0.45 at the comparison with hemipelagic sediments, mud

Chapter 6

Table 6.3. Pentacyclic triterpenoids iden fied in Perejil MV poten al source strata that feed mud volcanism, on
crater and flank, Kalinin and Schneider’s Heart MVs.
the sedimentary sequence pierced by mud/fluids
Peak Carbon during erup ve episodes, and on the origin of the
number number
gas frac on within the extruded material.
1 17ɲ(H)Ͳtrisnorhopane C27
2 17ɴ(H)Ͳtrisnorhopane C28
6.5.1 Source of organic maƩer in mud breccia
3 17ɲͲbisnormoretane C28
4 17ɲ21ɴ(H)Ͳ30Ͳnorhopane C29 and hemipelagic sediments
5 17ɴ21ɲ(H)Ͳ30Ͳnorhopane C29 Lipid biomarkers have been demonstrated to be
6 17ɲ21ɴ(H)Ͳhopane C30 useful geochemical proxies to characterize the
7 IsohopͲ13(18)Ͳene C30
organic geochemical signature of sediments from
8 17ɴ21ɲ(H)Ͳhopane(moretane) C30
different facies e.g. mud volcanic deposits and
9 Diplopterol(17ɴ21ɴ(H)ͲhopanͲ22Ͳol) C30
10 17ɲ21ɴ(H)Ͳhomohopane22S C31
hemipelagic sediments. In addi on, this capaci-
11 17ɲ21ɴ(H)Ͳhomohopane22R C31 ty permits also to record the source of organic
12 Diploptene(hopͲ22(29)Ͳene) C30 ma er in mud breccia (Stadnitskaia et al., 2007,
13 17ɲ21ɴ(H)Ͳbishomohopane22R C32 2008).
14 17ɲ21ɴ(H)Ͳbishomohopane22R C32
Eglinton and Hamilton (1967) determined that
15 17ɴ21ɴ(H)Ͳhomohopane C31
16 17ɲ21ɴ(H)Ͳtrishomohopane C33
terrestrial organic ma er is typically characteri-
20,32ͲcycloͲ17ɲͲbishomohopaneͲ20,22,32Ͳ zed by rela vely high CPI values (4 to 10) of the
17 C32
long-chain n-alkanes, derived of higher plant
waxes. Meanwhile, the short-chain n-alkane dis-
breccia intervals showed slightly higher amount of
tribu ons and low CPI values (close to 1) were
branched GDGTs (Fig. 6.6).
reported to be typical for petroleum-derived
compounds (Bray and Evans, 1961; Eglinton and
6.4.3 Methane and sulphate Hamilton 1963; Peters et al., 2005). We assume
Methane concentrations for gravity cores these two cases to be end-members with diffe-
taken at the centre of Kalinin and Schneider’s rent lipid biomarker signatures that may be use-
Heart MVs were low, 0.21 and 0.17 μM wet sed, ful to determine different sources for the organic
respec vely. The methane concentra on for the ma er present in sediments and mud breccias.
gravity core taken at Perejil crater increased in We applied this interpreta on of n-alkane distri-
the lower part; the highest concentra on being bu on pa erns to the mud breccia matrices from
231 μM wet sed (Fig. 6.5). The concentra on of Perejil, Kalinin and Schneider´s Heart MVs. Inter-
pore-water sulfate remained at seawater level for mediate CPI (2.0-2.9) and ACL (27.4-29.4) values
Kalinin and Schneider’s Heart MVs (unpublished (Fig. 3, Table 2) suggest a mixed origin of the or-
results), whereas it had a significant decrease in ganic ma er contained in the mud breccia.
the lower part of the sediments recovered for Pe- For all MVs, the CPI and ACL values in the he-
rejil crater (Fig.6.5). mipelagic sediments are slightly higher than in
the mud breccia intervals. This indicates that
the contribu on from higher plants rela ve to
6.5 Discussion
petroleum-derived compounds is more predomi-
Within MV deposits, mud breccia rock clasts, matrix,
nant in hemipelagic sediments that it is in mud
fluid, and gas may not all be co-gene c (e.g., Stad-
breccia. However, mixed signatures with more
nitskaia et al., 2008). In this regard, lipid biomarker
petroleum-derived content have been also found
distribu ons may provide key informa on on the

Chapter 6

Table 6.4. Depth distribu ons of concentra on of acyclic archaeal isoprenoids diagnos c for methanotrophic archaea and spe-
cific methanogen biomarkers such as diploptene and diplopterol for Perejil crater and flank, Kalinin, and Schneider’s Heart MVs.

Lithology intervals Cr/(Cr+Ph) PMI Archaeol Hydroxyarchaeol Diplopterol Diploptene NonͲisopren.DGD

(cmb.s.f.) (μg/g) (μg/g) (μg/g) (μg/g) (μg/g) (μg/g)

Mud 0Ͳ3 0.71 nd 0.72 nd 2.67 nd nd
Breccia 3Ͳ4 0.56 nd nd nd 1.13 nd nd
4Ͳ5 0.29 nd 0.71 nd 0.85 nd nd
8Ͳ11 0.65 nd 4.44 43.08 15.68 nd nd
16.5Ͳ19.5 0.56 2.37 nd nd 1.48 nd nd
25Ͳ28.5 0.51 0.44 0.34 3.13 0.69 nd nd
33Ͳ36 0.49 0.70 2.54 20.02 2.34 nd nd
Hem.Sed. 1Ͳ4 0.52 nd nd nd 3.89 0.56 nd
25Ͳ30 0.30 nd nd nd nd 0.40 nd
55Ͳ58 0.35 nd nd nd nd 0.14 nd
M.B. 64Ͳ68 0.4 nd nd nd 0.90 1.11 nd
Hem.Sed. 86Ͳ88.5 0.48 nd nd nd nd 1.53 nd
91Ͳ94 nd nd nd nd nd 0.21 nd
Mud 137.5Ͳ140 0.36 nd nd nd nd 0.23 nd
Breccia 151Ͳ154 0.19 nd nd nd 2.26 0.71 nd
185.5Ͳ190 0.36 nd nd nd nd 1.34 nd
Hem.Sed. 221Ͳ231 0.39 nd nd nd 0.07 0.90 nd
246Ͳ250 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
257Ͳ261 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
Mud 0Ͳ5 0.40 nd 0.32 9.25 2.02 nd nd
Breccia 5Ͳ7 0.43 nd 0.24 6.16 0.71 nd nd
12Ͳ15 0.61 0,06 0.16 nd 0.25 nd nd
18Ͳ22 0.59 nd nd 17.29 1.02 nd nd
26Ͳ29 0.47 nd 1.26 nd 3.60 nd nd
Mud 5Ͳ8 0.55 nd nd 2.62 2.91 1.02 nd
Breccia 12Ͳ16 0.70 nd nd nd 1.24 0.63 nd
22Ͳ25 0.63 nd nd 5.50 2.09 0.44 nd
32Ͳ36 0.52 nd nd 0.53 0.29 0.98 nd
83Ͳ86 0.81 nd nd 1.29 0.16 1.11 nd
111Ͳ114 0.76 nd 0.04 0.68 0.07 1.04 nd
155Ͳ159 0.40 nd nd nd 0.26 1.31 nd
188Ͳ193 0.45 nd nd nd 0.08 1.02 nd
234Ͳ239 0.43 nd nd nd 0.08 1.34 nd
266Ͳ271 0.41 nd 0.12 2.66 0.22 1.32 nd
Hem.Sed. 2Ͳ4 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
25Ͳ29 nd nd nd nd 11.31 nd nd
72Ͳ76 0.41 nd nd nd 2.45 nd nd
Mud 81Ͳ83.5 0.40 nd nd nd 4.73 0.71 nd
89.5Ͳ91.5 0.48 0.24 1.41 nd 4.31 1.09 nd
96.5Ͳ100.5 0.46 0.67 nd nd 12.49 0.85 nd
172Ͳ176 0.38 nd 2.48 nd 5.93 1.58 nd
230Ͳ233.5 0.44 nd 0.56 nd 2.16 1.50 nd
268.5Ͳ272 0.36 nd 3.40 nd 4.89 1.49 nd
Hem.Sed. 0Ͳ5 0.30 0.15 nd nd nd nd nd
105Ͳ110 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
205Ͳ210 0.30 nd nd nd nd 0.58 nd
Mud 220Ͳ225 0.33 nd nd nd nd 0.41 0.63
260Ͳ265 0.42 nd nd nd nd 0.23 0.36
290Ͳ295 0.24 nd nd nd nd 0.55 0.93

Chapter 6

in the hemipelagic sediments, especially near the ter also. The coincidence of these two groups of
boundary between hemipelagic and mud breccia rather different thermal maturity must indicate
intervals. This par cular finding is interpreted the presence of two different sources of orga-
as a result from significant sediment reworking nic ma er. The CPI values for n-alkanes confirm
at these boundaries, which may be due to local this hypothesis, having values that imply mode-
blends caused by physical (i.e., sediment mobili- rately mature organic ma er or a contribu on
za on) and/or biological processes (i.e., intensi- of petroleum-derived compounds (Fig. 6.3, Ta-
ve bioturba on). These processes may not only ble 6.2). However, the abundance of n-alkanes
lead to the geochemical exchange between con- in the range of C29-C31 indicates also the pre-
guous sedimentary facies but also favour the sence of immature organic ma er (Fig.6.3, Table
mixture of microfaunas encountered in these fa- 6.2) (Bray and Evans, 1961; Eglinton and Hamil-
cies (Gennari et al., 2013). Consequently, we con- ton 1963; Peters et al., 2005). The thermal ma-
clude that such processes may obscure the true tura on degree that we found for hemipelagic
loca on of the boundary between hemipelagic sediment (22S/(22S+22R) ra os for C31 and for
sediments and mud breccia in our studied cores. C32 homohopanes) ranges between 0.41-0.44
This is par cularly evident in the lowermost mud and 0.38-0.49, respec vely. This ra o is also
flow of the Perejil flank core (RL08GC) where all much higher than commonly found for pelagic
biomarker data suggest that the actual lower sediments, and suggests that part of the hopa-
boundary is at ~230 cm rather than at the visually nes present in these sediments must come from
detected boundary at 209 cm depth (Figs. 3a). In a deeper source. This is in accordance with the
the following discussions we will, therefore, ten- interpreta on that substan al mixing has occu-
ta vely adopt this lower mud breccia boundary rred between hemipelagic and mud breccia se-
to be at 230 cm (Fig. 3a). diments.

6.5.2 Maturity of the organic maƩer 6.5.3 Probable source strata

The suite of lipid biomarkers, and in par cu- The rela vely high maturity degree that we re-
lar hopanes, found in sediments can be used port in mud breccia matrices from Perejil, Kali-
to assess the degree of thermal matura on of nin and Schneider´s Heart MVs (Table 6.2) are in
the organic ma er. The suite of hopanes found good agreement with the level of maturity found
in the mud breccia matrices and especially the in other studies (Poludetkina and Kozlova, 2003;
22S/(22S+22R) ra os for C31 and for C32 homo- Kozlova et al., 2004; Poludetkina et al., 2008). In
hopane have a comparable distribu on for all the same line, our maturity es ma on for the
studied cores (Table 6.2). The average values for mud breccia matrices from the three studied
these two ra os are 0.49 ± 0.06 and 0.49 ± 0.02, MVs are also in accordance with the previously
respec vely. These values are rela vely close to reported data by Blinova et al. (2011), who found
the thermodynamic equilibrium value (ca. 0.6; in Carmen MV a mixture of thermogenic and
Seifert and Moldovan, 1980; van Duin et al., biogenic gases containing geochemical signa-
1997), indica ng that at least part of the orga- tures typical of hydrocarbon generated during
nic ma er present in the mud breccia matrices early stages of catagenesis. Therefore, all these
has moderate to high degree of thermal matura- supposi ons support our hypothesis that part of
on. However, the occurrence of small amounts the lipid biomarkers hosted in the mud breccia
of 17β,21β(H)-homohopane (Fig.6.4, Table 6.3) matrices of Perejil, Kalinin and Schneider´s Heart
indicate the presence of immature organic mat- MVs must originate from thermally matured or-

Chapter 6

Perejil MV Cr/(Cr+Ph) SO4 /Cl

cm Crater
b.s.f RL31GC 0.35 0.60 0.85 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Cr/(Cr+Ph) SO4 /Cl






į& Å CH4 (μ M/wet sed)
-70 -50 -30 0 150 300
į& Å CH 4 ( μM/wet sed)
Figure 6.5. Frac onal abundance of crocetane (Cr/(Cr+Ph)) and the stable carbon isotope composi on of the phytane/crocetane
peak vs. depth in mud breccia of the Perejil MV crater. Concentra ons of methane and SO42-/Cl ra o from gases and pore fluids
showing the zone of Anaerobic Oxida on of Methane (AOM).

ganic ma er at depth, i.e. in the lowermost Unit ming the mud diapirs and subsequently lending
VI of the infill basin (Early to Middle Miocene in to the mud volcanism correspond to the basal
age), indica ng the poten al occurrence of pri- Unit VI and Unit V, Early to Middle Miocene (Fig.
mary cracking processes able to generate some 2) (i.e., Comas et al., 1999, 2012; Talukder et al.,
thermogenic hydrocarbons (including methane). 2003; Soto et al., 2003, 2010). Tectonic processes
This assump on is supported by the presence of occurred since the Middle Miocene to nowadays
thick overpressured sedimentary units forming have been reported to cause both the mud-
the Mud Diapir Province that extend beneath the diapirism and the subsequent mud volcanism
MVs edifices (Fig. 6.1, Comas et al., 2010 and re- that reaches the actual sea floor (see Geological
ferences therein). As demonstrated by reflexion Background above). Hence, they all iden fy the
seismic data, feeding conducts from mud volca- overpressured deeper strata laid down in the
no edifices are frequently rooted on pierced mud West Alboran Basin (Unit VI and the lower part of
diapirs (i.e., Talukder et al., 2003; Comas et al., Unit V- Early to Middle Miocene in age, Fig. 6.2)
2012; Soto et al., 2010). Overpressured units for- as the most probable source strata of the mud-

Chapter 6

volcanism products. GDGT-2/Crenarchaeol and GDGT-0/Crenarchaeol

For the West Alboran Basin, temperatures of ra os; Table 6.2), document the occurrence of
~100-150 ºC were suggested to be reached at AOM performed by anaerobic methanotrophics
4-6 km sedimentary depths, under a geothermal archaea (ANME). However, some differences in
gradient of 25 ºC/Km, (Torné et al., 2000). Accor- GDGTs-based ra os and also in archaeal lipid bio-
ding to these data and regarding the sedimen- markers (mainly in crocetane contents; Table 6.2)
tary lithology of the lowermost unit of the basin indicate lower rate of anaerobic oxida on of me-
(under-compacted olistostromes embedded in thane (AOM) at Kalinin MV compared with Perejil
a shale-rich matrix) (Fig. 6.2), the beginning of MV (Table 6.2). In Perejil MV crater, the finding
the “oil window” may be located at this depth, of authigenic pyrite in the mud breccia suggests
matching with the lower-to middle Miocene stra- that recent methane fluxes and concordant sul-
ta (Unit VI). This is in good agreement with our fate reducing processes occur at this site. This
lipid biomarkers data, and is supported by the concurs with the observed profiles for methane
loca on at depth and sedimentary lithologies of and sulfate for Perejil MV crater (Fig. 6.5). Fur-
units VI and Va (Fig. 6.2) as indicated by seismic thermore, microbial communi es that are invol-
data (i.e., Comas et al., 2012, Soto et al., 2010). ved in AOM biosynthesize specific lipid biomar-
Furthermore, this assump on is consistent with kers that are strongly depleted in δ13C (Hinrichs et
geochemical studies carried out on pore water al., 1999; Pancost et al., 2000). Indeed, in Perejil
and gases for other Alboran MVs, which reveal a MV crater, at ~100 cm depth there is evidence for
thermogenic origin for the volcanic fluids (Blino- strongly depleted crocetane (Fig. 6.5), confirming
va et al., 2011). the consump on of hydrocarbons, mainly me-
thane, by archaea of ANME-2 cluster for this MV
(Niemann and Elvert, 2008). Moreover, at Perejil
6.5.4 Recent microbial acƟvity
MV, the distribu on of GDGTs also suggests that
At the Alboran MVs, GDGTs in hemipelagic sedi- archaea belonging to the ANME -1 group also
ments reflect the predominant marine pelagic perform AOM in these mud breccia (Fig. 6.6, Ta-
thaumarchaeotal signature (Fig. 6.6; Schouten ble 6.4) (Blumenberg et al., 2004, Stadnitskaia et
et al., 2012 and references therein). In contrast, al., 2005).
mud breccia intervals show differences in GDGT
distribu on between individual MVs. Schneider´s
6.5.5 MV dynamics
Heart MV has a predominance of GDGT-0 and
crenarchaeol, clearly revealing the influence of The lipid biomarker composi on provides infor-
marine pelagic thaumarchaeotal and, conse- ma on about the dynamic processes at the MVs,
quently, inac ve anaerobic oxida on of methane such as discrete events of mud- flow expulsion.
(AOM) at this site. This is also confirmed by the Furthermore, the presence or absence of he-
absence of irregular isoprenoids (crocetane and mipelagic intervals intercalated or draping mud
PMI) and isoprenoidal dialkyl glycerol diethers breccia episodes help to determine volcanic pul-
(archaeol and hydroxyarchaeol) (Table 6.4). This ses.
is in line with the observed methane content at At the Perejil MV crater, the absence of hemipe-
Schneider’s Heart rela ve to Perejil MV, being lagic sediments and the observed gas bubbling
respec vely < 0.18 μM, rela ve to ~ 230 μM wet no ced during the core recovery, indicate that
sediment. At Kalinin MV and more especially at our sampled site correspond to a rela vely very
Perejil MV, the GDGTs distribu on and in par - recent mud flow erup on. Where no clear litho-
cular the GDGTs-based ra os (MI > 0.4; elevated logical boundaries can be seen, some changes in
Chapter 6

Perejil Mud Volcano Flank Perejil Mud Volcano Crater

cm cm 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
RL08GC 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% RL31GC
b.s.f 0 b.s.f 0

50 50

100 100

150 150

200 200

250 250

300 300

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

10 10

20 20

30 30

40 40

Kalinin Mud Volcano Schneider´s Heart Mud Volcano

cm cm
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% b.s.f RL25GC 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
b.s.f RL12GC
0 0

50 50

100 100

150 150

200 200

250 250

300 300

Lithology Isoprenoidal Branched
sediments VII IX XI (Cren.) XII XIII XIV
Mud Breccia Bioturbation VIII X XI´ (Cren. Iso)

Figure 6.6. Frac onal abundance (%) of isoprenoidal and branched GDGTs for Perejil MV crater and flank and Kalinin and
Schneider’s Heart MVs. For GDGTs structures see Appendix A.

the distribu ons of lipid biomarkers (Fig. 6.3, 6, discriminate between sedimentary and mud-vol-
Table 6.2) can be used to make a more precise cano derived facies within mud volcano edifices.
lithology dis nc on between “real” hemipelagic The presence of AOM-related biomarkers, although
and mud breccia intervals. at rela vely low levels, is evident at the three stu-
In accordance with our biomarker results, cases of died MVs of the Alboran Sea (Table 6.4). This indica-
boundary transi ons between the two lithologies tes that at least brief periods of methane emission
occur in Kalinin MV (core RL12GC) at ~ 80 cm and must have occurred but that con nuous fluxes of
in Schneider´s Heart MVs (core RL25GC) at ~ 220 hydrocarbon-rich fluids at these MVs are unlikely.
cm depth (Figs. 6.3b). At Perejil MV crater (core This interpreta on is consistent with hydrocarbon
RL31GC), the more subtle but evident decrease in gas data (Fig. 6.5) determined here and those re-
branched GDGTs, together with the varia on on ported by Blinova et al. (2011). Although our me-
other lipid biomarkers such as CPI values and n- thane content for Perejil MV is much higher than
alkane distribu ons (Fig. 6.3a), are noted at ~110 those reported by Blinova et al. 2011 (230 μM.sed
and ~190 cm, which may represent (brief) inte- vs. ~ 2 μM.sed), compared to ac vely seeping MVs:
rrup ons of mud expulsion, whereas the change the methane concentra ons observed at Perejil are
above 40 cm may reflect the ongoing bioturba on rather low (230 μM/L.sed), compared to > 1000
since the last erup ve event. In Accordance with μM.sed for known ac ve MV seepages, e.g. Masta-
this interpreta on, three consecu ve mud expul- lerz et al., 2007).
sion events are detected at Perejil MV crater, i.e. Differences exist in the methane concentra ons
below 190 cm, 110-190 cm, and above 110 cm. at Perejil MV that are reported here and those re-
Compared to Perejil MV, Kalinin and Schneider’s ported by Blinova et al. (2011) from neighboring
Heart MVs are characterized by rela vely thick he- sampling sites, which can be explained due to the
mipelagic draping, indica ve of rela vely old mud dissimilar hydrocarbon contents of seeps via con-
breccia flows (Fig. 6.3b). This fact, together with guous conduits within the volcano. Alterna vely,
the absence of chemosynthe c macrofauna sug- such differences may result from changes in the
gests that both MVs are currently inac ve, at least composi on and ac vity of seepages through me.
at our sampling loca ons. However, further analyses and in situ MV-monito-
The observed reduced rela ve abundance of ring are needed to clearly discriminate between
branched GDGTs and the interpreta ons given are both op ons.
consistent with the occurrence of some oxida ve Furthermore, the presence of AOM-related bio-
mixing between pelagic and mud breccia facies. markers confirms that AOM-ac vity at Perejil MV
As indicated above, mud fluid ejec on and biolo- is rela vely recent (Fig. 6.5, Table 6.4). Also the
gical processes such as bioturba on may have in- absence of a hemipelagic drape supports that core
fluenced such mixing (Fig. 6.3, Table 6.2) at some RL31CG, recovered from the crater of the Perejil
boundaries between hemipelagic/ mud breccia MV, sampled a recent mud-flow event that may
intervals. Studies on the microfauna contained occurred only some years ago. On the basis of all
in mud breccia from some other Alboran MVs re- these findings we consider Perejil MV the currently
vealed significant mixture of foraminifera species most ac ve MV at the northern margin of the West
from diverse ages, thus proving that mixing bet- Alboran Basin.
ween hemipelagic sediments and mud breccia
facies exists (Gennari et al., 2013). Consequently,
and according with our findings, we propose that
lipid biomarkers, can be used as reliable proxy to

Chapter 6

6.6 Conclusions
Mud breccias sampled in three studied MVs from
the northern West Alboran Basin present similar
suites of lipid biomarker composi ons and ma-
turity proper es of organic ma er indica ng a
common source for the extruded mud breccia at
the studied volcanic structures.
Our lipid biomarker results, in agreement with
previous geophysical and stra graphic data, con-
firm that the source strata of the organic ma er
in mud breccia belong to overpressured deep
units occurring at depth in the West Alboran
Basin (Unit VI and Unit Va, Early to Middle Mio-
cene in age). The moderate mature-immature
characteris cs of the organic ma er present in
mud breccias corroborate a deep source for the
upward fluids, at least at Perejil and Kalinin MVs.
Significant mixing may occur between hemipela-
gic sediment and mud-breccia facies at the inter-
val´ boundaries, resul ng in the significant varia-
on of some lipid biomarkers, such as n-alkanes.
Using this variability found in the lipid biomarker
distribu ons, we suggest the occurrence of a
very recent mud-flow erup on at Perejil MV and
at least another two previous volcanic events.
The presence of specific AOM-related biomarkers
together with direct evidence of recent ac vity
(e.g. chemosynthe c fauna, gas bubbling, enhan-
ced levels of methane and reduced level of sul-
fate), proves the occurrence of actual methane
seepage at Perejil MV.
At Perejil MV, the presence of these AOM-related
biomarkers indicates that ac ve AOM is occurring
at this structure. Addi onally, the specific AOM-
related biomarkers found at this MV have pro-
ved the co-occurrence of ANME-2 over ANME-1
group. To the contrary, the low occurrence or ab-
sence of specific lipid biomarkers related to me-
thanotrophic archaea in the mud breccia at Kali-
nin and Schneider´s Heart MVs suggests that very
low or no AOM occurs at these sites, respec vely.

Chapter 7 gic and mud breccia intervals due to processes of
syn-sedimentary remobiliza on.
- The rela ve similitude of mineralogical, geoche-
Conclusions mical and lipid biomarker composi on from all
Several mud volcanoes (MVs) from the Mud studied mud breccias indicate that, despite of the
Volcano Province in the West Alboran Basin erup ve upward migra on of the volcanic fluxes,
(WAB) (westernmost Mediterranean) were stu- mud breccias matrices preserve the composi on
died through a mineralogical, sedimentological, of the parent source strata.
geochemical and biogeochemical mul proxy - The materials that feed the mud breccia were
approach. Such inves ga ons were accomplis- affected by diagene c processes resul ng in smec-
hed on gravity core samples from several crui- te to illite transforma on, as demonstrate by the
ses. The analyses were performed on both fluids presence of illite-smec te mixed layers with low-
and solid phases from extruded volcanic material to high- illite-layer propor on (from 10% up to
(mud breccia matrix) and hemipelagic sediments 95%) reveals.
encountered within volcanic edifices. This study - Smec te dehydra on cons tutes a fluid source
provide important insights about the nature and mechanism that contributes to the pore water
provenance of the volcanic extruded material freshening being consist the consistent with the
and about the biogeochemical processes closely isotopic δ18O and δD composi ons of pore waters.
related with the discharge of hydrocarbon-rich
- Diagene c condi ons suffered by materials fee-
fluids to the seafloor through the MVs. Further-
ding mud breccia matrices might have been su-
more, it also contributes to a be er understan-
ffered favorable condi ons for transforma on of
ding of mud volcanism dynamics in the WAB and
smec te to illite as well as for hydrocarbon gene-
provides relevant informa on about recent and
ra on at the deep, as empirical geo-thermometers
past mud volcano ac vity. Main conclusions of
reveal (K-Na, K-Mg y K-Ca).
this PhD are listed below referred to the propo-
sed objec ves: - Organic ma er is mostly thermally immature
with an admixture of petroleum-derived com-
pounds and corroborates a deep source for the
1. Mineralogical and geochemical characteriza- upward fluids at the studied MVs.
Ɵon of hemipelagic sediments and extruded ma-
- Methane proceeds from a deep thermogenic
terials. Inferred diageneƟc processes
source formed within the oil window range, as evi-
- MVs contain Holocene hemipelagic sediments, denced its stable carbon isotope composi on and
both covering or interbedding intervals of extru- inorganic geochemical signatures of pore waters.
ded materials (mud breccia). These sediments
- Ac ve AOM occurs at ac ve MVs, Carmen and
correspond with “normal” marine sedimenta on
Perejil, and is corroborated by pore waters com-
and have similar composi on compared to con-
posi ons and presence of specific AOM-related
temporary marine records from other areas in
the Alboran Basin.
- At ac ve MVs existence of anaerobic methano-
- Events of mud extrusion that build up the mud
trophic archaeas (ANME), and more specifically
edifices have not significantly affected the com-
the co-occurrence of ANME-2 over ANME-1 group,
posi on of the hemipelagic sediments covering
is confirmed by the presence of specific AOM-rela-
the MVs. Nevertheless, some varia ons just oc-
ted biomarkers.
cur at the mixed boundaries between hemipela-

Chapter 7

- At dormant MVs there is very low or no AOM, - Extruded materials by MVs derive from com-
as support the low occurrence or absence of mon source strata, probably coming from a si-
specific lipid biomarkers related to methanotro- milar depth and from source strata with lateral
phic archaeas. The presence of methane-derived con nuity, as suggest the similar nature and
authigenic carbonates (MDACs) with extremely composi ons of extruded muds at studied MVs.
C-depleted values confirms fossil AOM. Pa- - Geochemical signature of certain pore fluids su-
leo- AOM reported in mud breccias from these ggests existence of con nental crust beneath the
inac ve structures are assessed from enhanced MV field.
intervals of redox-sensi ve elements (Mo, S) and
- Ac ve MVs, Carmen and Perejil corroborate the
high-Mg calcite and aragonite enriched-fronts.
current discharge of methane rich fluids in the
Alboran Sea.
2. Dynamics of the mud volcanism in the area - Concerning the origin of the extruded materials,
- Hemipelagic deposits post-date periods of vol- the source strata that feed MVs correspond with
canic ac vity. This allows analyzing the mud vol- the overpressured (undercompacted )clays and
cano dynamic as well as determining the ming megabreccias that form the basal units from the
of volcanic events. sedimentary infill of the West Alboran Basin (Unit
- The existence of hemipelagic covers overlaying VI and Unit Va, Early to Middle Miocene in age).
craters of MVs indicates these are inac ve. Mo- These units generate shale diapirism within the
reover, interbedded hemipelagic intervals marks Mud Diapir Province (MDP) in the Alboran Sea,
quiescence periods between events of mud ex- as previous geophysical, paleontological and
pulsion. geochemical studies have suggested.
- Hemipelagic drapes and intervals have allowed
the da ng of some volcanic erup ons at the stu-
died cores: the older occurred at Marrakech MV
whereas the most recent erup on happened
10.8 ka BP at Carmen and at 0.7 Ka BP at Ma-
rrakech MV.
- Only two MVs, Carmen and Perejil are ac ve
at present. This assump on is supported by me-
thane and sulfate concentra ons in pore waters
as well as by direct evidence of volcanic ac vi-
ty, such as gas bubbling or living chemosynthe c
- Episodes of thermogenic gas outburst in MVs
promote the mixture between extruded breccias
and sea water. Some tops of breccia intervals pre-
sent pore waters with sea-like water composi on
and constant stable carbon isotopes of methane.
- Maya MV has a par cular flux dynamic. Diffe-
rences in carbonate content and the finer grain
sized breccias suggest segregated fluxes within
the plumbing system that nourished this volcano.

Chapter 7

Conclusiones de lodo y hemipelagitas presentan ciertas varia-

ciones en la composición mineralógica de estos
Varios volcanes de la Provincia Volcánica de Lodo
sedimentos, atribuidas a mezclas entre ambas
de la Cuenca Oeste presente en el Mar de Albo-
litologías por procesos de re-movilización sin-
ran se han estudiado mediante la integración
de datos y resultados mineralógicos, sedimen-
tológicos, geoquímicos y biogeoquímicos. Los - La rela va homogeneidad mineralógica, geoquí-
análisis per nentes se han realizado sobre sub- mica y de biomarcadores, que presentan los in-
muestreos efectuados en los tes gos de sondeos tervalos de brechas de lodo de todos los volcanes
recuperados en diversas campañas oceanográfi- indican que la composición de la fuente origina-
cas. Estos análisis atañen tanto a la fases solidas ria del material volcánico se preserva en los ma-
(brechas de lodo) como fluidas (líquidos y gases teriales extruidos (matrices de brechas de barro)
inters ciales) de los materiales extruidos por a pesar de la migración ascendente de los flujos
esos volcanes. Adicionalmente se han inves ga- volcánicos.
do los sedimentos hemipelágicos involucrados en - Los materiales que nutren las brechas de lodo
los edificios volcánicos. Este estudio aporta una han sufrido procesos diagené cos resultantes en
valiosa información sobre la naturaleza y pro- transformaciones de esmec ta a illita, demostra-
cedencia de los materiales extruidos, así como do por la existencia de interestra ficados illita-
los procesos biogeoquímicos relacionados con esmec ta con un rango muy variable de capas de
la descarga de fluidos ricos en hidrocarburos a illita (desde 10% hasta 95%).
través de las estructuras volcánicas. Asimismo, - La deshidratación de las esmec tas cons tuye
contribuye a comprender mejor la dinámica del un mecanismo de generación de fluidos incluidos
vulcanismo de lodo en la cuenca y la singularidad en los flujos volcánicos, tal como indica la com-
de la ac vidad volcánica actual y pasada. A con- posición isotópica de oxigeno (δ18O) e hidrogeno
nuación se detallan las conclusiones principales (δD) de los fluidos inters ciales.
de esta Tesis, de acuerdo con los obje vos cien-
- Los materiales que nutren las brechas de lodo
ficos planteados:
estuvieron some dos a procesos diagené cos
que promovieron la generación de hidrocarburos
1. Caracterización mineralógica y geoquímica de en profundidad. Esto se deduce de la aplicación
los sedimentos hemipelágicos y materiales ex- de fórmulas empíricas geo-termométricas (K-Na,
truidos. Procesos diagenéƟcos inferidos K-Mg y K-Ca).
- Los edificios volcánicos con enen sedimentos - La materia orgánica de las brechas de lodo es
hemipelágicos holocenos, que tapizan o se in- fundamentalmente inmadura y presenta mezcla
tercalan en los materiales extruidos (brechas de con compuestos derivados del petróleo. Esto co-
lodo). Dichos sedimentos representan la sedi- rrobora que los fluidos que ascienden en los volca-
mentación “normal” en la cuenca y son similares nes estudiados proceden de una fuente profunda.
en composición a los sedimentos hemipelágicos - El metano procede de una fuente termogénica
coetáneos que aparecen en otros ámbitos de la profunda y se originó bajo condiciones favorables
cuenca de Alborán. para la generación de petróleo (oil window), según
- Las extrusiones de brechas de lodo que constru- demuestra la composición de isotopos estables de
yen los edificios volcánicos no afectan a la com- carbono y la composición geoquímica de los flui-
posición de los sedimentos hemipelágicos. No dos inters ciales.
obstante, los límites entre intervalos de brechas - En los volcanes ac vos, Carmen y Perejil, se ha

Chapter 7

detectado la presencia de una zona de oxidación ciales, así como las observaciones de ac vidad
anaeróbica del metano (OAM) ac va según indi- volcánica actual: burbujeo de gas emi do al fondo
ca la composición de los fluidos inters ciales y la marino y presencia de fauna quimiosinté ca viva.
presencia de determinados biomarcadores lipídi- - La expulsión de gas de origen termogénico en los
cos relacionados con arqueas anaeróbicas meta- volcanes promueve la mezcla entre brechas extrui-
notróficas (ANME). das y agua marina. Algunos intervalos de brechas
- En volcanes ac vos predominan los metanó- enen a techo fluidos con una composición geoquí-
trofos anaeróbicos del grupo ANME-2 sobre los del mica similar a la del agua marina y valores constan-
grupo ANME-1, tal y como han revelado la presen- tes de los isotopos de metano.
cia determinados biomarcadores lipídicos relacio- - El volcán Maya presenta una par cular dinámica
nados con arqueas. de flujo. Las diferencias encontradas en el conteni-
- En volcanes inac vos la OAM es muy débil o no do en carbonato, y el menor tamaño de grano de
existe, como sugiere la poca can dad o ausencia de las brechas, así como la ausencia de grandes clastos
determinados biomarcadores relacionados con ar- extruidos sugieren cierta segregación en los flujos
queas metanotróficas. La presencia de carbonatos volcánicos en este volcán (mayor fluidificación) res-
au génicos derivados del metano con una compo- pecto a los flujos (mayor competencia de transpor-
sición isotópica de carbono muy empobrecida indi- te) de los materiales fuente que nutrieron el resto
ca una zona de oxidación anaeróbica del metano de los volcanes estudiados.
fósil. Paleo-OAM en las brechas de estos volcanes - Los materiales extruidos por los volcanes derivan
quedan también registrados como frentes enrique- de una misma formación fuente que es con nua la-
cidos en elementos sensibles a condiciones redox teralmente en la Cuenca Oeste de Alborán, según
(Mo, S) y frentes ricos en calcita magnésica y ara- demuestra la similitud entre la naturaleza y compo-
gonito. sición de los materiales extruidos por los dis ntos
2. Dinámica del vulcanismo de lodo en el área - La signatura geoquímica de ciertos fluidos inters -
- Los depósitos hemipelágicos post-datan los perio- ciales sugiere la existencia de una corteza con nen-
dos de ac vidad volcánica, lo que permite analizar tal bajo el campo de volcanes.
la dinámica del vulcanismo de lodo y determinar la - Los volcanes ac vos Carmen y Perejil constatan
edad de las extrusiones volcánicas. que actualmente se están produciendo descargas
- La existencia de coberteras hemipelágicas sobre de metano en el Mar de Alboran.
los cráteres volcánicos indica que volcanes son in- - Respecto al origen del material volcánico extrui-
ac vos. Asimismo, las intercalaciones de hemipela- do, se asevera que la fuente que nutre los volcanes
gitas entre intervalos de brechas marcan periodos de lodo corresponde a las arcillas y megabrechas
de inac vidad entre eventos de expulsión de lodo. sobrepresurizadas (subcompactadas) que forman
- Los intervalos y coberteras hemipelágicas de vol- las unidades basales del relleno sedimentario de la
canes inac vos han permi do datar algunas erup- cuenca (Unidad VI y Unidad Va; de edad Mioceno
ciónes en los tes gos estudiados: la más an gua a inferior y medio), que a su vez generan el diapirismo
10.8 ka BP en el volcán Carmen y la más reciente a de lodo de la Provincia Diapirica de Lodo del Mar
0.7 ka BP en el volcán Marrakech. de Alboran, tal como ha sido propuesto por estu-
dios geo sicos, paleontológicos y geoquímicos
- Únicamente dos volcanes, Carmen y Perejil, son
actualmente ac vos tal y como indican las concen-
traciones de metano y sulfato en los fluidos inters-


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Appendix I

Hemipelagic Mud
sediments breccia
Oxidized Reduced

Foraminifera Burrows Corals

Shells Semilithified Lithoclasts


Sediment Analysis (X-ray difraction, XRD)

Sediment Analysis (Transmission electron microscopy, TEM)

Sediment Analysis (Scanning electron microscopy, SEM)

Sediment Analysis (X-ray fluorescence, XRF and Inductively

coupled plasma mass spectometrer, ICP-MS)
Sediment Analysis (TC, TOC and TN)

Sediment Analysis (Radiocarbon dating)

Sediment Analysis (Polished hand-samples and thin sections)

Pore waters (Inductively coupled plasma mass spectometrer, ICP-MS;

Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectometrer, ICP-OES;
stable and radiogenic isotopes)
Lipid biomarkers (Gas cromatogrphy, GC; Gas chromatography mass
spectometry, GC-MS and High-performance liquid chromatography,


Oceanographic cruise: TTR-9 BASACALB Core: MS258G

Location: Granada mud volcano, the Alboran Sea Date: 19/07/99
Latitude: 35º 33.72`N Longitude: 04º 37.40`W
Recovery: 144 cm Water Depth: 583 m

b.s.f. Sampling Sediment Description
2.5Y 0-2 cm: Light olive brown marls, water satura-
Section 01

5/4 ted, rich in foraminifera, structureless, with ad-

mixture of coarse sandy sized angular particles
5Y of consolidated clays.
4/3 2-18 cm: Olive marls, the same as above layer
50 5Y but more consolidated.
5/1 18-144 cm: Grey mud breccia, poorly sorted
silty/sandy clay with coarser clasts of different
Section 02

lithologies (mainly mudstones and marlstones),

structureless. Clasts are up tp 3cm in diameter,
100 randomly distributed along the interval. Silty/
sandy admixture in clayed matrix decreases
downwards. Uppermost 18 cm is brownish
S. 03

and oxidized.

Lenght:144 cm

0 1 2 3cm


Oceanographic cruise: TTR-9 BASACALB Core: MS262G

Location: Marrakech mud volcano, the Alboran Sea Date: 19/07/99
Latitude: 35º 37.51`N Longitude: 04º 29.66`W
Recovery: 210 cm Water Depth: 1086 m

b.s.f. Sampling Sediment Description
0-23cm: Olive grey clays, solft, homogeneous
Section 01

5Y with abundant foraminifera.

5/2 23-150 cm: Grey clays, very stiff, whitout terri-
genous admixture, rich in foraminifera. Nume-
rous clasts of semiconsolidated rocks (mud
breccias?). Lower boundary is irregular.
150-165 cm: light grey clays, carbonate, inten-
sively bioturbated. Burrows filled with darker
Section 02

sediments from above layer.

5Y 165-180 cm: Light grey marls, stiff, rich in fora-
100 6/1 minifera. The whole interval is characterized by
“patchy-cloudy” structure with patches of denser
grey carbonate clays rich in foraminifera.
Lower boundary is sharp and irregular.
Section 03

180-190 cm: Olive grey marls with the same sedi-

150 ment structure as the layer above.
5Y 190-195 cm: Light grey marls, stiff, rich in fora-
7/1 minifera. The interval is characterized by
5Y “patchy-cloudy” structure with patches of denser
5/2 grey carbonate clay rich in foraminifera. Lower
Sec. 04

5Y boundary is sharp and irregular.

7/1 195-210 cm: Light grey clays, stiff, with silty
sized admixture of dark grains, structureless,
Lenght: 210 cm rich in foraminifera. Few fragments of soft marl-
stones and mudstones.

0 1 2 3cm


Oceanographic cruise: TTR-12 Leg 3, MARSIBAL Core: MS280G

Location: Kalinin mud volcano, the Alboran Sea Date: 21/07/02
Latitude: 36º 02.828`N Longitude: 04º 55.973`W
Recovery: 334 cm Water Depth: 908 m

b.s.f. Sampling Sediment Description
0 2.5Y
S. 06 Section 05 Section 04 Section 03 Section 02 Section 01

5/3 0-100 cm: Brownish grey marls, structure-

less, with foraminifera and bioturbated.
5/2 Pogonophora tube worms. The lower boun-
50 dary is gradual and non-well expressed.

100- 334 cm:Dark grey mud breccia, struc-

100 tureless, with clay matrix and randomly
5Y distributed clasts of semi-lithified sediments
5/1 and rocks.



350 Lenght: 334 cm

0 1 2 3cm


Oceanographic cruise: TTR-12 Leg 3, MARSIBAL Core: MS283G

Location: Perejil mud volcano, the Alboran Sea Date: 21/07/02
Latitude: 36º 06.018`N Longitude: 04º 53.158`W
Recovery: 233 cm Water Depth: 841 m

b.s.f. Sampling Sediment Description
2.5Y 0-1 cm: Brown marls, structureless, with
Section 01

foraminifera, lower boundaryis irregular

and sharp.

1-233 cm: Dark grey mud breccia, struc-
tureless, with smell of H2S, with randomly
Section 02

distributed clats of different size and litho-

100 2.5Y
Section 03

Section 04


250 Lenght: 233 cm

0 1 2cm


Oceanographic cruise: TTR-12 Leg 3, MARSIBAL Core: MS285G

Location: Dhaka mud volcano, the Alboran Sea Date: 22/07/02
Latitude: 36º 25.398`N Longitude: 04º 31.853`W
Recovery: 244 cm Water Depth: 360 m

b.s.f. Sampling Sediment Description
2.5Y 0-70 cm: Olive grey silty clays. Structure-
Section 01

less, with abundant fragments of corals.

The upper 6 cm are oxidized and water
saturated. The lower boundary is irregular
50 and sharp.

70-244 cm: Grey mud breccia. Structure-

Section 02

less, with clasts of lithified and semi-

100 lithified rocks.
Section 03

Section 04


250 Total
Lenght: 244 cm

0 0.5 1cm


Oceanographic cruise: TTR-17 Leg 1, SAGAS-08 Core: MS385G

Location: Carmen mud volcano, the Alboran Sea Date: 13/06/08
Latitude: 35º 43.306`N Longitude: 04º 44.060`W
Recovery: 258 cm Water Depth: 806 m

b.s.f. Sampling Sediment Description
0-5 cm: Brown clays, water-saturated with
Section 01

4/3 B
50 4/1 G
5-246 cm: Grey mud breccia. Structureless,
with clayed matrix and randomly distri-
Section 02

5Y buted clasts. Clasts are represented by rock

5/1 G fragments of different lithologies (clay-
100 stones, marlstones, siltstones, sandstones,
tectonic breccia, and conglomerates).
Section 03

2.5Y They vary from 1 mm to 10 cm. The matrix

4/1 get to be more stiffer towards the bottom.
150 DG
There is strong smell of H2S at the bottom
of the sequence.
Section 04

200 246-255 cm: Brownish marls, upper boun-

5/1 G dary is irregular and the lower boundary is
sharp and well-expressed.

5Y 248-258 cm: Grey mud breccia. Structu-

250 5/1 G
Total reless, with clayed matrix and randomly
Lenght: 258 cm distributed clasts.


0 1 2cm


Oceanographic cruise: TTR-17 Leg 1, SAGAS-08 Core: MS386G

Location: Carmen mud volcano, the Alboran Sea Date: 13/06/08
Latitude: 35º 43.309`N Longitude: 04º 44.008`W
Recovery: 259 cm Water Depth: 809 m

b.s.f. Sampling Sediment Description
0-13 cm: Grey mud breccia, water satura-
Section 01

ted, structureless, with small amount of
foraminifera. A the top of the layer poli-
50 chaeta is found (6 cm lenght, 0.5 cm width).
Pogonophora are observed throughout the
Section 05 Section 04 Section 03 S. 02

layer. Lower bundary is irregular.

13-259 cm: Grey mud breccia, extremely
5Y disturbed due to degassing (gas-hydrates?).
5/1 Matrix is represened by water saturated clay.
150 G
Clasts are composed of semilithified clays
and rocks fragments are up to 0.5 cm in size.
Pogonophora are observed from the top of
200 the layer to 48 cm depth. Large rock clasts
of sandstones and mudstones are detected
at 60 and 98 cm depth (3 cm in size).

Lenght: 259 cm

0 1 2cm


Oceanographic cruise: TTR-17 Leg 1, SAGAS-08 Core: MS390G

Location: Carmen mud volcano, the Alboran Sea Date: 13/06/08
Latitude: 35º 43.306`N Longitude: 04º 44.017`W
Recovery: 480 cm Water Depth: 806 m

b.s.f. Sampling Sediment Description
S. 03 S. 02 S. 01

0-480 cm: Dark grey mousse-like mud breccia

structureless. Matrix is represented by grey
water saturated clays. There are clasts from
0.1 to 3 cm in size throughout the layer.
100 Sediments are intensively porous and extre-
mely disturbed due to degassing (gas hydrates?)
Intense smell to H2S at the lower part of the
interval is detected.
S. 04

200 5Y
S. 05
S. 07 S. 06


S. 08

500 Total
Lenght: 480 cm

0 1 2cm


Oceanographic cruise: TTR-17 Leg 1, SAGAS-08 Core: MS414G

Location: Mulhacen mud volcano, the Alboran Sea Date: 19/06/08
Latitude: 35º 24.426`N Longitude: 04º 34.126`W
Recovery: 96 cm Water Depth: 365 m

b.s.f. Sampling Sediment Description
5Y 0-2 cm: Light grey marls, water saturated with
5/1 foraminifera.
Section 01

2-96 cm: Grey and structureless mud breccia.
Clasts are represented by semilithified clays and
claystones (up to 14 cm in size). The biggest one
was detected in interval 10-18 cm (14x8 cm in
50 size).
Section 02


100 Total

0 0 1 1 2 3cm


Oceanographic cruise: TTR-17 Leg 1, SAGAS-08 Core: MS419G

Location: Maya mud volcano, the Alboran Sea Date: 20/06/08
Latitude: 35º 27.114`N Longitude: 04º 37.138`W
Recovery: 167 cm Water Depth: 410 m

b.s.f. Sampling Sediment Description
2.5Y 0-105 cm: Grey clays, water saturated in the
Section 01

GB upper part. There are burrows filled with
soupy clays rich in formaminifera. Shell
fragments are detected throughout the layer.
50 5Y
5/2 105 -115 cm: Grey mud breccia with fora-
Section 02

OG minifera, cold water coral debris and shell

115-167 cm: Grey mud breccia with semi-
5Y lithified clasts, light grey in color and up to
3 cm in size. Several interlayers with
Section 03

different color are detected in the interval
150 5Y from 130 to 150 cm.

Lenght: 167 cm


0 1 2 3cm


Oceanographic cruise: M83/3, Ristretto & Lungo Core: RL07BC

Location: Perejil mud volcano, the Alboran Sea Date: 29/12/10
Latitude: 36º 6.11`N Longitude: 04º 53.08`W
Recovery: 40 cm Water Depth: 819 m
b.s.f. Sampling Sediment Description
0-7 cm: Olive grey mousse-like mud breccia.
5Y Structureless, watersaturated containing terri-
4/2 genous admixture. The lower boundary is
irregular and non-well expressed.
7-40 cm: Very dark grey mousse-like mud
Section 01

3/1 breccia. Along the core some patches of
same lithology appear down core.

Lenght: 40 cm
Oceanographic cruise: M83/3, Ristretto & Lungo Core: RL30BC
Location: Perejil mud volcano, the Alboran Sea Date: 30/12/10
Latitude: 36º 6.07`N Longitude: 04º 53.11`W
Recovery: 30 cm Water Depth: 809 m
b.s.f. Sampling Sediment Description
0-29 cm: Olive grey mousse-like mud breccia.
5Y Structureless, watersaturated. Some brown
4/2 patches were detected
Section 01


Lenght: 30 cm



Oceanographic cruise: M83/3, Ristretto & Lungo Core: RL08GC

Location: Perejil mud volcano, the Alboran Sea Date: 29/12/10
Latitude: 36º 6.11`N Longitude: 04º 53.08`W
Recovery: 263 cm Water Depth: 822 m

b.s.f. Sampling Sediment Description
HUE 0-5 cm: Dark grayish brown silty clays.
Sec. 01 Sec. 02 Sec. 03 Sec. 04 Sec. 05 Sec. 06 Sec. 07 Sec. 08 Sec. 09

5Y 4/2
Homogeneous and structureless, water-
saturated with few foraminifera content.
5-62 cm: Dark grayish brown silty clays
with terrigenous admixture. Homogeneous
and structureless with few foraminifera
HUE content and some shell fragments.
100 5Y 4/1
HUE 62-79 cm: Dark grey soft mousse-like mud
5Y 4/2 breccia, with milimeters-sized clasts and
inclusions of olive grey silty clays, probably
150 HUE marking bioturbations. Lower boundary is
5Y 4/2 irregular and non-well expressed.

79-135 cm: Olive grey silty clays. Homo-

geneousand structureless, containing few
200 5Y 3/1
foraminifera. Lower boundary is non-well
defined and bioturbated.

135-209 cm: Very dark stiff mud breccia.
250 5Y 4/2 The uppermost part is moderately biotur-
bated. Few fragments of centimetric and
milimetric mudstones have been observed.
At this interval strong odor of H2S was
300 Lenght: 263 cm detected.

209- 263 cm: Olive grey silty clays, struc-

tureless andhomogeneous, with few forami-
nifera. Some dark patches were observed at
the lowermost part.


Oceanographic cruise: M83/3, Ristretto & Lungo Core: RL12GC

Location: Kalinin mud volcano, the Alboran Sea Date: 29/12/10
Latitude: 36º 3.00`N Longitude: 04º 55.90`W
Recovery: 280 cm Water Depth: 873 m

b.s.f. Sampling Sediment Description
Sec. 01 Sec. 02 Sec. 03 Sec. 04 Sec. 05 Sec. 06 Sec. 07 Sec. 08 Sec. 09

5Y 4/2 0-80 cm: Olive grey silty clays. Homogeneous,

watersaturated in the uppermost part and
structureless. This interval has foraminifera.
50 The lowermost part of the interval contains
milimetric dark layers.
5Y 4/1 80- 270 cm: Dark grey mousse-like mud
100 breccia.Structureless. Upper boundary is irre-
gular and intensively bioturbated. Within the
interval some milimetric- to centimetric rock
clasts are observed.
5Y 3/1



Lenght: 272 cm


Oceanographic cruise: M83/3, Ristretto & Lungo Core: RL25GC

Location: Schneider´s Heart mud volcano, the Alboran Sea Date: 30/12/10
Latitude: 36º 0.28`N Longitude: 04º 57.57`W
Recovery: 310 cm Water Depth: 924 m

b.s.f. Sampling Sediment Description
Sec. 01 Sec. 02 Sec. 03 Sec. 04 Sec. 05 Sec. 06 Sec. 07 Sec. 08 Sec. 09 Sec. 10

0-217 cm: Olive grey silty clays. Structureless
4/2 and homogeneous. The uppermost sediments
are watersaturated, containing some few fora-
50 minifera. Throughout the ocasional spots of
oxidized sediments are observed, as well as
few fragments of shells. At 20 cm an admixture
of terrestrial material (silty clays) have been
100 HUE identified.
197- 204 cm: The interval is saturated with
black, milimetric-sized layers and patches
150 (changing in reduction gradient ?)

211- 300 cm: Relatively stiff, homogeneous,

HUE structureless interval with random black reduced
200 5Y inclusions. Grey in color. Mousse-like mud
breccia?. The upper boundary is irregular and
HUE well expressed. At 295 cm a discrete lense of
sandstones and claystones greyish olive in color
250 (HUE 10Y 5/2) have been observed embedded
in the mud breccia.
Lenght: 300 cm


Oceanographic cruise: M83/3, Ristretto & Lungo Core: RL31GC

Location: Perejil mud volcano, the Alboran Sea Date: 30/12/10
Latitude: 36º 6.07`N Longitude: 04º 53.11`W
Recovery: 271 cm Water Depth: 808 m

b.s.f. Sampling Sediment Description
Sec. 01 Sec. 02 Sec. 03 Sec. 04 Sec. 05 Sec. 06 Sec. 07 Sec. 08 Sec. 09

5Y 0-270 cm: Dark grey structureless mud

4/2 breccia, containing milimetre- to centimetre
sized rock clasts of claystones, mudstones
50 and carbonates.
The top 8 cm are removed and intensively
HUE bioturbated. A strong scent of H2S is noticed
100 5Y
along the whole interval.




Lenght: 271 cm


Oceanographic cruise: GASALB Core: GP03PC

Location: Hemipelagic site, the Alboran Sea Date: 12/11/11
Latitude: 35º 47.261`N Longitude: 04º 32.089`W
Recovery: 950 cm Water Depth: 1306 m

b.s.f. Sampling Sediment Description
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

0-4 cm: dark grayish brown marls. Water
4/2 saturated and structureless, containing
few foraminifera.

200 5Y 4- 950 cm: olive-grey stiff marls, homo-
geneous and structureless with low fora-
minifera content. Black spots are observed
within the whole interval.




1000 Lenght: 950 cm


Oceanographic cruise:
Location: Carmen mud volcano,Alboran
the Sea Date: 14/11/11
Latitude: 35º 43.333`N Longitude: 04º 44.046`W
Recovery: 820 cm Water Depth: 795 m

b.s.f. Sampling Sediment Description
0 29
0-2 cm: Olive marls, watersaturated and
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

4/1 structureless. No foraminifera content is

2- 820 cm: Dark greenish gray mousse-

200 like mud breccia. Homogeneous and struc-
tureless. Water content decreases down-
core. Cery porous mud breccia due to gas
hydrates? degassing. Within the whole
interval milimetre clasts and grains are
observed. Centimetric (mudstones) clasts
up to 19 cm are observed at 225 cm, 405
400 cm and 735 cm depth.

7 8
34 5 6

1 2


Lenght: 820 cm



Oceanographic cruise: GASALB cruise Core: GP07BC

Location: Carmen mud volcano, the Alboran Sea Date: 15/11/11
Latitude: 35º 43.319`N Longitude: 04º 44.050`W
Recovery: 35 cm Water Depth: 795 m
b.s.f. Sampling Sediment Description
0-35 cm: Grey grey mousse-like mud breccia.
Very porous due to gas hydrate destabiliza-
tion (?). Presence of chemosynthetic fauna
and milimetric- sized rock clasts (< 0.5mm).
Section 01


Total Lenght: 35 cm

Oceanographic cruise: GASALB Core: GP09PC

Date: 16/11/11
Location: Carmen mud volcano,Alboran
the Sea
Latitude: 35º 43.332`N Longitude: 04º 43.975`
cm Recovery: 270 cm Water Depth: 975 m
b.s.f. Sampling Sediment Description
0-121 cm: Dark grey mousse-like mud
S. 08 S. 09

breccia highly porous due to degassing

processes. Strong smell of H2S is noticed
50 along the whole interval. Pogonophora tube
wormsare observed at uppermost part.
S. 07

A piece of authigenic carbonate crust of

centimetric size appears at 10 cm depth.
S. 06

121-131 cm: Black marls hemipelagic sedi-

ments with some foraminifera. Upper
S. 04 S. 05

boundary is sharp upper boundary whereas

the lower limit is irregular and no well-
S. 03

131-270 cm: Stiff mud breccia. Upper

boundary intensively bioturbated and oxi-
dized. Down core dark-grey laminations
S. 01 S. 02

are observed within the interval. Lack of

250 H2S odor.

Lenght: 270 cm


Structural formulae based on 11 oxygens

Depth Sample Tetrahedral cations Octahedral cations Interlayer cations

Al Ȉoct. ȈInt.
b.s.f. Si Al (VI) Mg Fe Ti K Na Ca Mg
(IV) cat. cat.

MS283G Perejil Mud Volcano

7cm 1 3.52 0.48 1.53 0.33 0.24 0.00 2.11 0.24 0.02 0.21 0.00 0.47
2 3.62 0.38 1.43 0.29 0.38 0.00 2.10 0.15 0.02 0.10 0.04 0.32
3 3.84 0.16 1.37 0.41 0.36 0.00 2.13 0.10 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.17
4 3.67 0.33 1.48 0.40 0.19 0.00 2.07 0.34 0.02 0.14 0.00 0.49
5 3.49 0.51 1.66 0.20 0.21 0.00 2.07 0.24 0.03 0.07 0.06 0.41
6 3.55 0.45 1.66 0.10 0.28 0.00 2.03 0.14 0.02 0.00 0.14 0.29
41cm 1 3.71 0.29 1.44 0.19 0.43 0.00 2.06 0.19 0.02 0.00 0.03 0.24
2 3.86 0.14 1.43 0.34 0.29 0.00 2.06 0.08 0.02 0.17 0.00 0.27
3 3.32 0.68 1.45 0.34 0.33 0.00 2.11 0.10 0.02 0.24 0.15 0.51
4 3.52 0.48 1.25 0.36 0.51 0.00 2.12 0.21 0.02 0.12 0.06 0.40
5 3.86 0.14 1.58 0.24 0.19 0.00 2.01 0.09 0.00 0.26 0.00 0.34
68cm 1 3.40 0.60 1.55 0.19 0.33 0.00 2.06 0.16 0.03 0.16 0.11 0.45
2 3 88
3.88 0 12
0.12 1 52
1.52 0 29
0.29 0 22
0.22 0 00
0.00 2 04
2.04 0 20
0.20 0 01
0.01 0 08
0.08 0 00
0.00 0 29
3 3.37 0.63 1.38 0.25 0.40 0.00 2.03 0.65 0.02 0.09 0.00 0.76
4 3.63 0.37 1.25 0.43 0.42 0.00 2.09 0.21 0.02 0.28 0.00 0.50
5 3.72 0.28 1.48 0.26 0.31 0.00 2.05 0.21 0.02 0.16 0.00 0.38
6 3.60 0.40 1.51 0.29 0.30 0.00 2.10 0.12 0.02 0.21 0.02 0.37
131cm 1 3.67 0.33 1.29 0.40 0.43 0.00 2.12 0.29 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.33
2 3 55
3.55 0 45
0.45 1 30
1.30 0 37
0.37 0 39
0.39 0 00
0.00 2 06
2.06 0 27
0.27 0 19
0.19 0 00
0.00 0 00
0.00 0 46
3 3.65 0.35 1.42 0.28 0.39 0.00 2.09 0.19 0.05 0.00 0.03 0.27
4 3.71 0.29 1.33 0.31 0.46 0.00 2.10 0.17 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.23
5 3.35 0.65 1.76 0.02 0.22 0.00 2.01 0.10 0.07 0.00 0.21 0.38
6 3.60 0.40 1.42 0.32 0.36 0.00 2.11 0.28 0.05 0.00 0.01 0.34
161cm 1 3.46 0.54 1.44 0.35 0.33 0.00 2.12 0.43 0.03 0.00 0.02 0.49
2 3.65 0.35 1.47 0.28 0.34 0.00 2.09 0.17 0.03 0.00 0.05 0.26
3 3.56 0.44 1.62 0.09 0.33 0.00 2.03 0.10 0.02 0.00 0.15 0.27
4 3.64 0.36 1.42 0.30 0.28 0.07 1.99 0.17 0.02 0.21 0.00 0.40
5 3.62 0.38 1.61 0.23 0.24 0.00 2.07 0.31 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.35
6 3.60 0.40 1.58 0.27 0.24 0.00 2.09 0.28 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.34
181cm 1 3.62 0.38 1.33 0.38 0.28 0.00 1.99 0.21 0.12 0.33 0.00 0.66
2 3.57 0.43 1.52 0.25 0.31 0.00 2.08 0.12 0.02 0.21 0.03 0.38
3 3.42 0.58 1.77 0.07 0.19 0.00 2.02 0.12 0.02 0.14 0.14 0.42
4 3.70 0.30 1.48 0.26 0.31 0.00 2.05 0.22 0.05 0.09 0.00 0.36
5 3.60 0.40 1.23 0.54 0.39 0.00 2.17 0.19 0.03 0.17 0.00 0.40
6 3.53 0.47 1.65 0.20 0.22 0.00 2.07 0.16 0.03 0.15 0.05 0.39
211cm 1 3.44 0.56 1.32 0.29 0.49 0.00 2.10 0.24 0.03 0.10 0.07 0.45
2 3.62 0.38 1.46 0.26 0.33 0.00 2.05 0.29 0.02 0.16 0.00 0.47
3 3.40
3 40 00.60
60 1.53
1 53 0.29
0 29 0.28
0 28 0.00
0 00 2.10
2 10 0.25
0 25 0.02
0 02 0.23
0 23 0.04
0 04 00.54
4 3.53 0.47 1.27 0.34 0.50 0.00 2.11 0.28 0.02 0.10 0.03 0.43
5 3.54 0.46 1.42 0.31 0.38 0.00 2.10 0.23 0.00 0.19 0.02 0.44
6 3.52 0.48 1.27 0.41 0.45 0.00 2.12 0.30 0.02 0.17 0.00 0.49


Structural formulae based on 11 oxygens

Depth Sample Tetrahedral cations Octahedral cations Interlayer cations

Al Ȉoct. ȈInt.
b.s.f. Si Al (VI) Mg Fe Ti K Na Ca Mg
(IV) cat. cat.

MS285G Dhaka Mud Volcano

3cm 1 3.23 0.77 1.91 0.00 0.17 0.00 2.08 0.22 0.02 0.00 0.14 0.38
2 3.12 0.88 1.63 0.29 0.14 0.00 2.06 0.61 0.07 0.25 0.00 0.93
3 3.34 0.66 1.80 0.04 0.17 0.00 2.01 0.28 0.03 0.00 0.15 0.47
4 3.22 0.78 1.50 0.15 0.41 0.00 2.05 0.33 0.14 0.00 0.08 0.56
5 3.53 0.47 1.39 0.21 0.47 0.00 2.07 0.27 0.02 0.00 0.08 0.37
6 3.54 0.46 1.82 0.08 0.12 0.00 2.03 0.14 0.03 0.00 0.12 0.30
7 3 65
3.65 0 35
0.35 1 91
1.91 0 04
0.04 0 07
0.07 0 00
0.00 2 01
2.01 0 09
0.09 0 03
0.03 0 00
0.00 0 10
0.10 0 22
41cm 1 3.43 0.57 1.40 0.35 0.32 0.00 2.08 0.39 0.04 0.23 0.00 0.66
2 3.26 0.74 1.43 0.32 0.35 0.00 2.10 0.44 0.07 0.16 0.00 0.67
3 3.42 0.58 1.60 0.26 0.21 0.00 2.07 0.44 0.04 0.12 0.00 0.60
4 3.57 0.43 1.55 0.18 0.33 0.00 2.06 0.14 0.03 0.00 0.11 0.28
5 3.64 0.36 1.30 0.41 0.42 0.00 2.13 0.27 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.33
67cm 1 3.52 0.48 1.40 0.36 0.31 0.00 2.08 0.16 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.38
2 3.41 0.59 1.50 0.33 0.28 0.00 2.11 0.19 0.10 0.16 0.02 0.47
3 3.53 0.47 1.33 0.37 0.42 0.00 2.11 0.32 0.05 0.09 0.00 0.46
4 3.47 0.53 1.34 0.35 0.43 0.00 2.12 0.39 0.05 0.00 0.02 0.46
5 3.34 0.66 1.41 0.32 0.38 0.00 2.11 0.23 0.05 0.00 0.16 0.45
6 3.28 0.72 1.53 0.32 0.26 0.00 2.11 0.42 0.05 0.12 0.03 0.63
7 3.31 0.69 1.68 0.22 0.17 0.00 2.07 0.45 0.00 0.07 0.09 0.60
112cm 1 3.42 0.58 1.54 0.27 0.28 0.00 2.09 0.39 0.07 0.00 0.03 0.49
2 3.42 0.58 1.44 0.32 0.35 0.00 2.11 0.36 0.02 0.03 0.08 0.49
3 3.52 0.48 1.58 0.23 0.26 0.00 2.08 0.34 0.00 0.09 0.02 0.45
4 3.59 0.41 1.40 0.32 0.36 0.00 2.08 0.34 0.02 0.10 0.00 0.46
5 3.56 0.44 1.45 0.33 0.29 0.00 2.08 0.23 0.02 0.28 0.00 0.52
6 3.56 0.44 1.51 0.32 0.26 0.00 2.08 0.26 0.02 0.22 0.00 0.50
138cm 1 3.90 0.10 1.51 0.19 0.28 0.00 1.97 0.22 0.05 0.03 0.00 0.31
2 3 59
3.59 0 41
0.41 1 53
1.53 0 33
0.33 0 21
0.21 0 00
0.00 2 07
2.07 0 29
0.29 0 05
0.05 0 14
0.14 0 00
0.00 0 48
3 3.67 0.33 1.49 0.28 0.27 0.00 2.04 0.28 0.02 0.17 0.00 0.47
4 3.25 0.75 1.67 0.03 0.31 0.00 2.01 0.19 0.05 0.00 0.23 0.47
5 3.31 0.69 1.91 0.00 0.17 0.00 2.08 0.09 0.05 0.00 0.14 0.27
6 3.58 0.42 1.48 0.35 0.28 0.00 2.12 0.26 0.03 0.00 0.04 0.34
168cm 1 3.54 0.46 1.48 0.42 0.24 0.00 2.14 0.25 0.00 0.19 0.01 0.45
2 3.34 0.66 1.36 0.30 0.44 0.00 2.10 0.22 0.00 0.10 0.17 0.49
3 3.59 0.41 1.55 0.34 0.19 0.00 2.08 0.26 0.04 0.18 0.00 0.47
4 3.50 0.50 1.41 0.28 0.40 0.00 2.09 0.10 0.00 0.12 0.14 0.36
5 3.50 0.50 1.44 0.20 0.43 0.00 2.07 0.10 0.02 0.00 0.18 0.30
6 3.57 0.43 1.56 0.30 0.24 0.00 2.10 0.20 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.33
204cm 1 3.70 0.30 1.62 0.16 0.28 0.00 2.05 0.08 0.02 0.03 0.07 0.21
2 3.53 0.47 1.61 0.27 0.21 0.00 2.09 0.24 0.02 0.17 0.01 0.44
3 3.20 0.80 1.34 0.14 0.57 0.00 2.05 0.19 0.00 0.14 0.24 0.57
4 3.52 0.48 1.49 0.30 0.24 0.00 2.03 0.25 0.12 0.19 0.00 0.56
5 3.56 0.44 1.58 0.26 0.24 0.00 2.09 0.21 0.03 0.00 0.08 0.32


Structural formulae based on 11 oxygens

Depth Sample Tetrahedral cations Octahedral cations Interlayer cations

Al Ȉoct. ȈInt.
b.s.f. Si Al (VI) Mg Fe Ti K Na Ca Mg
(IV) cat. cat.
MS385G Carmen Mud Volcano
35 cm 1 3.63 0.37 1.70 0.23 0.10 0.00 2.03 0.35 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.51
2 3.98 0.02 1.33 0.36 0.23 0.00 1.92 0.27 0.10 0.15 0.00 0.51
3 3.90 0.10 1.43 0.26 0.23 0.00 1.93 0.25 0.10 0.13 0.00 0.48
4 3.97 0.03 1.33 0.23 0.26 0.00 1.81 0.21 0.24 0.12 0.00 0.57
5 3.98 0.02 1.53 0.28 0.21 0.00 2.02 0.11 0.02 0.10 0.00 0.22
6 3.80 0.20 1.52 0.30 0.17 0.00 1.99 0.32 0.02 0.17 0.00 0.51
60 cm 1 3.99 0.01 1.42 0.26 0.23 0.00 1.90 0.23 0.05 0.23 0.00 0.50
2 4.10 -0.10 1.41 0.31 0.22 0.00 1.95 0.21 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.36
3 3 98
3.98 0 02
0.02 1 46
1.46 0 24
0.24 0 19
0.19 0 00
0.00 1 89
1.89 0 38
0.38 0 02
0.02 0 17
0.17 0 00
0.00 0 57
4 4.03 -0.03 1.44 0.29 0.21 0.00 1.94 0.19 0.02 0.21 0.00 0.41
5 4.00 0.00 1.63 0.19 0.16 0.00 1.97 0.09 0.02 0.16 0.00 0.26
6 3.91 0.09 1.51 0.26 0.19 0.00 1.97 0.28 0.02 0.14 0.00 0.43
65 cm 1 3.71 0.29 1.57 0.31 0.23 0.00 2.10 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.26
2 4.03 -0.03 1.37 0.42 0.21 0.00 1.99 0.19 0.02 0.19 0.00 0.40
3 3.31 0.69 1.69 0.10 0.24 0.00 2.03 0.17 0.03 0.16 0.15 0.51
4 3.42 0.58 1.48 0.28 0.28 0.00 2.04 0.26 0.10 0.26 0.00 0.63
5 3.63 0.37 1.43 0.42 0.26 0.00 2.11 0.30 0.02 0.12 0.00 0.44
6 3.52 0.48 1.42 0.37 0.26 0.00 2.06 0.37 0.05 0.21 0.00 0.63
95 cm 1 3.76 0.24 1.51 0.36 0.19 0.00 2.05 0.15 0.02 0.24 0.00 0.41
2 3.78 0.22 1.49 0.36 0.22 0.00 2.06 0.20 0.02 0.15 0.00 0.36
3 3.89 0.11 1.27 0.35 0.28 0.00 1.90 0.17 0.17 0.23 0.00 0.58
4 3.86 0.14 1.21 0.57 0.33 0.00 2.11 0.20 0.02 0.15 0.00 0.36
5 3.86 0.14 1.69 0.14 0.08 0.00 1.92 0.31 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.53
6 3.96 0.04 1.44 0.31 0.21 0.00 1.97 0.26 0.02 0.16 0.00 0.44
140 cm 1 3.52 0.48 1.45 0.36 0.30 0.00 2.11 0.32 0.02 0.16 0.00 0.50
2 3.52 0.48 1.50 0.33 0.28 0.00 2.11 0.17 0.02 0.19 0.04 0.42
3 3.71 0.29 1.44 0.31 0.28 0.00 2.03 0.35 0.02 0.12 0.00 0.49
4 3.56 0.44 1.59 0.30 0.21 0.00 2.10 0.21 0.05 0.14 0.00 0.40
5 3.19 0.81 1.47 0.26 0.35 0.00 2.09 0.16 0.04 0.14 0.22 0.56
6 3.28 0.72 1.19 0.38 0.56 0.00 2.13 0.28 0.00 0.21 0.12 0.61
178 cm 1 3.51 0.49 1.37 0.27 0.45 0.00 2.09 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.29
2 3 83
3.83 0 17
0.17 1 67
1.67 0 20
0.20 0 17
0.17 0 00
0.00 2 04
2.04 0 14
0.14 0 05
0.05 0 00
0.00 0 00
0.00 0 19
3 3.67 0.33 1.70 0.20 0.17 0.00 2.07 0.08 0.07 0.00 0.06 0.21
4 3.71 0.29 1.66 0.21 0.20 0.00 2.07 0.09 0.07 0.00 0.03 0.19
5 3.75 0.25 1.49 0.26 0.27 0.00 2.02 0.21 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.33
6 3.98 0.02 1.46 0.21 0.31 0.00 1.97 0.22 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.27
7 3.46 0.54 1.60 0.21 0.27 0.00 2.07 0.17 0.08 0.00 0.10 0.35
208 cm 1 3.73 0.27 1.47 0.33 0.31 0.00 2.11 0.19 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.23
2 3.46 0.54 1.21 0.30 0.59 0.00 2.10 0.14 0.05 0.00 0.15 0.34
3 3.77
3 77 0.23
0 23 1.52
1 52 0.31
0 31 0.26
0 26 0.00
0 00 2.09
2 09 0.17
0 17 0.05
0 05 0.00
0 00 0.00
0 00 0.22
0 22
4 3.68 0.32 1.47 0.36 0.29 0.00 2.12 0.16 0.07 0.00 0.01 0.24
5 3.59 0.41 1.68 0.20 0.19 0.00 2.07 0.19 0.02 0.00 0.09 0.30
6 3.77 0.23 1.39 0.45 0.31 0.00 2.15 0.17 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.21
7 3.88 0.12 1.67 0.20 0.20 0.00 2.07 0.07 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.09
8 3.79 0.21 1.53 0.33 0.24 0.00 2.09 0.16 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.21
240 cm 1 3.50 0.50 1.14 0.46 0.55 0.00 2.15 0.43 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.46
2 3.06 0.94 1.04 0.25 0.80 0.00 2.08 0.21 0.05 0.00 0.31 0.57
3 3.66 0.34 1.61 0.33 0.17 0.00 2.11 0.22 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.28
4 3.70 0.30 1.36 0.49 0.27 0.00 2.13 0.33 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.37
5 3.52 0.48 1.62 0.18 0.26 0.00 2.06 0.26 0.03 0.00 0.08 0.37
6 3.53 0.47 1.51 0.26 0.31 0.00 2.09 0.37 0.03 0.00 0.02 0.42
7 3.70 0.30 1.25 0.45 0.43 0.00 2.13 0.29 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.33


Structural formulae based on 11 oxygens

Depth Sample Tetrahedral cations Octahedral cations Interlayer cations

Al Ȉoct. ȈInt.
b.s.f. Si Al (VI) Mg Fe Ti K Na Ca Mg
(IV) cat. cat.

MS262G Marrakech Mud Volcano

175 cm 1 3.70 0.30 1.43 0.42 0.26 0.00 2.11 0.26 0.02 0.10 0.00 0.38
2 3.51 0.49 1.22 0.47 0.42 0.04 2.11 0.29 0.05 0.09 0.00 0.43
3 3.75 0.25 1.45 0.34 0.24 0.00 2.04 0.29 0.02 0.16 0.00 0.46
5 3.59 0.41 1.45 0.20 0.40 0.02 2.04 0.26 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.36
6 3.65 0.35 1.45 0.33 0.29 0.00 2.08 0.24 0.05 0.10 0.00 0.40
7 3.45 0.55 1.52 0.26 0.31 0.00 2.09 0.20 0.03 0.19 0.04 0.47
MS414G Mulhacen Mud Volcano
56 cm 1 3.47 0.53 1.67 0.16 0.16 0.04 1.98 0.32 0.05 0.18 0.00 0.55
2 - - - - - - - - - -
3 3.75 0.25 1.57 0.26 0.21 0.02 2.03 0.24 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.29
4 3.54 0.46 1.50 0.13 0.30 0.02 1.94 0.54 0.02 0.14 0.00 0.70
5 3.52 0.48 1.45 0.28 0.31 0.03 2.05 0.31 0.03 0.09 0.01 0.44
6 3.58 0.42 1.13 0.40 0.45 0.02 1.99 0.68 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.74
7 3.63 0.37 1.40 0.23 0.41 0.00 2.03 0.30 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.50
MS386G Carmen Mud Volcano
104 cm 1 3.69 0.31 1.50 0.28 0.30 0.00 2.08 0.18 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.36
2 3.68 0.32 1.37 0.29 0.42 0.00 2.08 0.20 0.02 0.12 0.00 0.34
3 3.48 0.52 1.29 0.30 0.51 0.00 2.10 0.42 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.50
4 3.46 0.54 1.43 0.24 0.39 0.02 2.06 0.29 0.04 0.12 0.03 0.47
5 3.17 0.83 0.97 0.28 0.84 0.00 2.09 0.26 0.04 0.00 0.25 0.54
6 3.67 0.33 1.23 0.24 0.59 0.00 2.06 0.36 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.38
7 3.60 0.40 1.35 0.33 0.37 0.02 2.05 0.28 0.04 0.16 0.00 0.48
MS280G Kalinin Mud Volcano
150 cm 1 3.46 0.54 1.34 0.31 0.45 0.00 2.10 0.08 0.10 0.19 0.02 0.41
2 3 40
3.40 0 60
0.60 1 27
1.27 0 30
0.30 0 52
0.52 0 00
0.00 2 09
2.09 0 30
0.30 0 07
0.07 0 19
0.19 0 00
0.00 0.56
0 56
3 3.52 0.48 1.38 0.27 0.32 0.00 1.97 0.54 0.05 0.18 0.00 0.78
4 3.56 0.44 1.33 0.41 0.38 0.00 2.11 0.41 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.46
5 3.43 0.57 1.65 0.14 0.26 0.00 2.05 0.24 0.03 0.00 0.13 0.40
7 3.51 0.49 1.58 0.17 0.31 0.00 2.06 0.22 0.05 0.00 0.08 0.35
8 3.57 0.43 1.03 0.16 0.86 0.00 2.05 0.23 0.09 0.00 0.02 0.33
9 3.48 0.52 1.34 0.16 0.56 0.00 2.05 0.22 0.03 0.10 0.06 0.42
MS258G Granada Mud Volcano
65cm 1 3.28 0.72 1.30 0.25 0.53 0.00 2.08 0.37 0.05 0.12 0.06 0.60
2 3.41 0.59 1.69 0.15 0.18 0.00 2.02 0.50 0.07 0.05 0.00 0.62
3 3.33 0.67 1.76 0.04 0.21 0.00 2.01 0.18 0.05 0.11 0.14 0.48
4 3.62 0.38 1.37 0.35 0.35 0.00 2.07 0.23 0.05 0.18 0.00 0.46
5 3.69 0.31 1.42 0.27 0.35 0.00 2.03 0.24 0.05 0.14 0.00 0.43
6 3.78 0.22 1.63 0.14 0.25 0.00 2.02 0.21 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.26
8 3.56 0.44 1.58 0.19 0.30 0.00 2.06 0.25 0.03 0.12 0.00 0.41
9 3.49 0.51 1.30 0.27 0.17 0.25 1.74 0.39 0.03 0.12 0.00 0.54
10 3.58 0.42 1.50 0.15 0.37 0.00 2.03 0.34 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.50


Irregular Isoprenoids

Crocetane (I) PMI (II)

Isoprenoidal Dialkyl Glycerol Diethers

Archaeol (III) Hydroxyarchaeol (IV)

o o
o o OH


Cyclic Triterpanes
Diploptene (V) Diplopterol (VI)


Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers

Basic Structure a No X Y
VII a a
O X O c IX b b
OH d X b c
XI (+XI`)
HO OH Crenarchaeol c d
O X O e (+ regioisomer)

O Y O f XII e f
XIII g f
XIV g g


We tend to think that every story and every ac vity has an end goal, and what really ma ers is
achieving that ul mate goal. Un l recently this is the way I saw it, but one day I suddenly realized
that the most important thing is how you move along and the people and stories you encounter on
your travels. From them we learn, their advice and their support allow us to progress; with them we
share laughter and tears.

Many people have been present during the development of this PhD and I would like to dedicate a few
words of gra tude to them.
Firstly, I would like to thank my PhD supervisors Menchu Comas and Paqui Mar nez-Ruiz for entrus ng
me the study of the Alboran mud volcanoes. Your encouragement, affec on and reless supervision
over these years are very dearly appreciated.

I would also like to express my most sincere gra tude to Professor Gert J. de Lange, my supervisor
during stays at Utrecht University, who I personally think of another director of this Thesis (or at least
of a substan al part of it). Gert, thanks (danke je wel) for your endless scien fic mo va on at delicate
mes when I felt unable to go on. Not only are you considered a scien fic father, but also a true second
father, so generously hos ng me in your home and your family, which I also like to think of as mine.

I wish to express further gra tude to numerous researchers who have welcomed me during various
short stays abroad: Luis Pinheiro and Vitor Magalhães for welcoming me and trea ng me so kindly
during my stay at the University of Aveiro (Portugal); Chris an Hensen, who generously and quickly
welcomed me at the Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel-GEOMAR (Kiel, Germany); and Alina
Stadnitskaia, for invi ng me to be part of the Department of Biogeosciences (BGC) at the Royal Ne-
therlands Ins tute for Sea Research NIOZ-(Texel, Netherlands). I learned tremendously from Alina and
all her instruc ons, and her extraordinary supervision during my short stay at NIOZ and onboard the
METEOR squeezed the most produc ve part out of me, ini a ng me in biomarker research.
I would like to express my sincere thankfulness to Professor Jaap S. Sinninghe Damsté for harboring me
in the BGC-Department at NIOZ and showing con nuous kindness and availability.
My thanks as well the external reviewers Vitor Magãlhaes and Crisogono Vasconcelos, who so kindly
accepted the revision and validity of this PhD. My thanks to all the members of the Thesis commi ee:
Fernando Nieto, Conchilla Jiménez de Cisneros Vencelá, Jose Manuel Castro, Belén Rubio and Michael
Bö cher, for their comments and advice. I also appreciate the careful review of my wri en English by
Jean Louise Sanders.

Regarding the scien fic paper that cons tutes Chapter 6, I would like to thank all the co-authors, as
well as editor Dr. Silvio Pantoja, Dr. Jincai Tuo and the anonymous reviewer for sugges ons that greatly
improved the quality of this publica on.

I would like to extend my gra tude to all those researchers who, at some point, provided council
on scien fic issues; Steffan Schouten and Ellen Hopmans for their help and kindness in biomarker-

related issues; Luis Pinheiro and Maria do Rosario Azevedo for their availability and scien fic advice
on geochemistry; Fernando Nieto for generously offering me the facili es of the Mineralogy and
Petrology Department of the University of Granada and providing advice about mineralogical issues;
and Michael Bö cher for such helpful collabora on in the study of pore waters and fluids. As well
I would like to extend my gra tud to the Marine Geoscience group of the University of Vigo (Belén
Rubio, Daniel Rey, Federico Vilas and Isabel Rodriguez-Germade) for their collabora on and support
during treatment and measurements of mud volcano samples in ITRAX-Core Scanner.
Thank you also: captains, crew, scien fic and technical staff behind the oceanographic cruises: BA-
SACALB; MARSIBAL-1; SAGAS-08; Ristre o & Lungo and GASALB. To all hardworking par cipants in-
volved in these cruises, thank you for your effort and dedica on during sampling and data recording.

My thanks to all the technical staff who helped me to process the samples and perform various
analyses, at the Ins tuto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra: Elisa Cabrera, Diana, Juan Santamarina,
Miguel Mar n, Carmen Niembro, Elvira Mar n, Le cia. Technical staff of the Centro de Servicios Téc-
nicos de Granada: Olga, Maria del Mar, Shell, Juande, Alicia, Bendi. All technicians who helped me
during the different short stays abroad: Sara Ribeiro, Arnold van Dijk, Tom Zalm, Michiel Kienhuis,
Anchelique Mets, Georges Ossebaar, Sharyn Ossebaar, Karel Bakker, Yvo Wi e, Marcel Bakker, Leon
Wuis, Lorendz Boom, Ruud Groenewegen, and Dirk Jan Visser.

I would also like to express special thanks to my teachers Federico Olóriz and Agus n Mar n Algarra,
who transmi ed their love and passion for geology and the earth sciences to me. Aside from great
researchers, they are great human beings.

Thank you to my scien fic family of friends at the IACT (Rita, Claudia, Luis, Mari, Eli, Amel), my older
siblings (David, Francis, Vanessa, Alpi) and all my colleagues, both at the Faculty of Sciences (Noel,
Rute, Pili, Javier) and at the IACT (Ari, Enric, Marga, Nicole, Claudio, Meri, Laura, Lozano), for so
much support and encouragement over the years. In par cular, I would like to thank Nieves Torres
and Marta Rodrigo-Gámiz for their very close friendship, uncondi onal support and love. With you
two I have laughed un l I cried, and you gave me comfort at some of the hardest mes. I carry you
in my heart as more than friends and almost sisters.
Thanks to a wide variety of wonderful people I met on different stays and oceanographic cruises:
Isabel Rodriguez-Germade, Elena Piñero, Loubna, Conny Lenz, Ruud Groenewegen, Marie-Louise
Godeau, Elena Grimoldi, Kiara Tessarolo, Claudia Cassalino, Agos no Rizzi, Claudio Stalder, Helge
Niemann, Valen na Darakchieva, Monika Vladimirova, Marlene, Rick Hennekam, Denitsa Aposto-
lova, Laura Villanueva, Yvonne, Elisabeth Svensson, Darci Rush, Nicole Bale, Sabine Lengger, Clau-
dia Zell, Jonh Cluderay, Alejandra Morera, Itzel Ruvalcaba, Mathilde Hagens, Fa ma SuluGambari,
Alwina Hoving, Ma hias Egger, Nikki; Jiawang, Tom Jilbert… and many others who offered me their
friendship and assistance.

I would like to express my gra tude to friends from the HADES Cruise (RV Sarmiento de Gamboa) for
crucial affec on and encouragement in the final stretch. Especially to Hector Perea, Laura Becerril
and Jaume Llopart for fun shared and lots of useful advice. Those moments gave me the courage
needed to face this final hurdle. You are great.

Despite having so li le me for other true friends during these years with the Thesis, I would like to
dedicate due acknowledgement and affec on to them now, just as they have always conveyed the
affec on and support that allowed me to con nue: Eva Maestre, Alejandro Mochón, Jorge Mar n,
Ana Sánchez, Mari Luz López, David Fernández, Angie, Alberto… and many others!. Special thanks
to Julia Ordoñez, who has always shown me an amount of love and admira on I do not deserve.
“Cubs” Claudia and David are dearly appreciated for their innocence and affec on, as it their father,
my good friend Jose Antonio Mar nez (Gato), who was not supposed to go so soon and who unfor-
tunately could not witness the end of thesis.

Finally, I want to thank my family, especially my parents and siblings, who joined me on this adventu-
re. Thanks for always believing in me, understanding that science is my passion, and so o en le ng
me know that you are proud of me. I hope someday to give back all that you have done for me and
recover the me I had to sacrifice being away from you. Coco and Luna, you have been so pa ent!
Your jumps, kisses of joy and energy every me I came home were the key to keeping cheerful all
these years.

And of course thanks to David, who more than anyone has experienced the daily life of this thesis.
Thank you for your uncondi onal support and good cheer at all mes. Thanks for refloa ng me
when I was in danger of sinking, for taking care of me and sharing your love at all mes.


Siempre pensamos que toda historia, todo obje vo ene un final y que lo realmente importante es
alcanzar la meta. Hasta hace poco esto es lo que pensaba, hasta que de repente me dí cuenta de que
lo más importante es el camino que recorres, el rumbo de esa historia y de las personas que has ido
encontrado en ella. De ellas se aprende, de sus consejos, de sus ánimos, con ellas compartes risas
y también llantos.

Son muchas las personas que han formado parte y que han estado presentes durante el desarrollo
de esta Tesis Doctoral y me gustaría dedicarles unas palabras de agradecimiento.
En primer lugar me gustaría agradecer a mis directoras de Tesis, Menchu Comas y Paqui Mar nez-
Ruiz por animarme y darme la oportunidad de realizar este trabajo. Os agradezco enormemente
haberme confiado el estudio de los volcanes de Alborán, la incansable supervisión durante estos
años de doctorado y todo el cariño que, cada una a vuestra manera, siempre me habéis mostrado.
También me gustaría expresar mi más sincera gra tud al Profesor Gert J. de Lange, quien ha sido mi
supervisor durante mis estancias en la Universidad de Utrecht y al que considero un supervisor más
de esta Tesis Doctoral (o al menos de una parte importante de ella). Gracias Gert por tu incansable
mo vación cien fica, por los ánimos que siempre has dado cuando me sen incapaz de con nuar
y por tu mediación en los momentos más delicados de esta Tesis. No solo te considero un padre
cien fico, sino también un verdadero segundo padre, siendo generoso acogiéndome en tu hogar y
a toda tu familia, a la que también considero un poquito propia.

También me gustaría agradecer a los diferentes inves gadores que me han acogido durante las
dis ntas estancias en el extranjero. A Vitor Magãlhaes y Luis Pinheiro por acogerme y tratarme
tan cariñosamente durante mi estancia en la Universidad de Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal), a Chris an
Hensen quien tan generosa y rápidamente me acogió en el Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research
Kiel- GEOMAR (Kiel, Alemania), y finalmente a Alina Stadnitskaia por invitarme a formar parte del
Departamento de Biogeosciencias (BGC) en el Royal Netherlands Ins tute for Sea Research-NIOZ
(Texel, Paises Bajos). En par cular quisiera agradecer a Alina por todas sus instrucciones de las que
he aprendido enormemente. Por su supervisión durante mi estancia en NIOZ y durante la campaña
oceanográfica a bordo del METEOR, por sacar mi parte más produc va e iniciarme en el mundo de
los biomarcadores.

Quiero expresar mi más sincera gra tud al Professor Jaap S. Sinninghe Damsté, por recibirme y ha-
cerme par cipe del BGC-department en NIOZ, así como por su amabilidad y disponibilidad con nua.
A los expertos revisores Vitor Magãlhaes y Crisogono Vasconcelos que tan amablemente se han
encargado de revisar y reconocer la validez de esta Tesis Doctoral. A los miembros del tribunal de
esta Tesis; Fernando Nieto, Conchilla Jiménez de Cisneros Vencelá, José Manuel Castro, Belén Rubio
y Michael Bö cher, por sus comentarios y consejos. Así como a la revisora de inglés Jean Louis San-
ders por revisar tan cuidadosa y detalladamente este manuscrito.

En relación a la publicación cien fica que cons tuye el Capitulo 6, me gustaría agradecer a todos los
co-autores, así como al editor Dr. Silvio Pantoja, Dr. Jincai Tuo así como al revisor anónimo por todas
las sugerencias que han aportado. Sin duda han contribuido enormemente a mejorar la calidad de
dicha publicación.

Me gustaría extender mi gra tud a todos aquellos inves gadores que en algún momento me han
asesorado en cues ones cien ficas; a los profesores Steffan Schouten y Ellen Hopmans por su ayuda
y amabilidad en cues ones relacionadas con biomarcadores; a Luis Pinheiro y María do Rosario Aze-
vedo por su disponibilidad y asesoramiento cien fico en cues ones geoquímicas; a Fernando Nieto
por ofrecerme generosamente el uso de equipos del Departamento de Mineralogía y Petrología de
la Universidad de Granada, por su disponibilidad y asesoramiento en cues ones mineralógicas; Al
profesor Michael Bö cher por su ayuda y colaboración en el estudio de fluidos inters ciales, así
como al grupo de Geociencias Marinas de la Universidad de Vigo (Belén Rubio, Daniel Rey, Federico
Vilas, Isabel Rodríguez-Germade) por su colaboración y asesoramiento durante el tratamiento y
medidas de muestras en ITRAX- Core Scanner.

A los capitanes, tripulación, personal técnico y cien fico que han colaborado en las campañas ocea-
nográficas BASACALB; MARSIBAL-1; SAGAS-08; Ristre o & Lungo y GASALB. A todos los par cipan-
tes, gracias por vuestro esfuerzo y trabajo tanto en la toma de muestras como en su registro.
A todo el personal técnico que me han ayudado a procesar las muestras y realizar las dis ntas
analí cas, del Ins tuto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra: Elisa Cabrera, Manuel Carmona, Alejandro-
Juan Santamarina, Miguel Mar n, Carmen Niembro, Elvira Mar n, Le cia, Diana, Bárbara y todo el
personal de administración que siempre me trataron con tanta amabilidad y cariño. Al personal del
Centro de Servicios Técnicos de Granada: Olga, Maria del Mar, Concha, Juande, Alicia, Bendi. A todos
los técnicos que me ayudaron en las dis ntas estancias: Sara Ribeiro, Arnold van Dijk, Tom Zalm,
Michiel Kienhuis, Anchelique Mets, Jort Ossebaar, Sharyn Ossebaar, Karel Bakker, Yvo Wi e, Marcel
Bakker, Leon Wuis, Lorendz Boom; Ruud Groenewegen, Jan Dirk de Visser.

A mis profesores Federico Oloriz y Agus n Mar n Algarra, que me contagiaron el amor y pasión por
la geología y las ciencias de la erra, a los que no solo tengo como ejemplo por ser grandes inves -
gadores, sino también por ser grandísimas personas.

A mis hermanos cien ficos y amigos del IACT (Rita, Claudia, Luis, Mari, Eli, Amel), a mis hermanos
mayores (David, Francis, Vanessa, Alpi) y a todos mis compañeros, tanto de la Facultad de Ciencias
(Noel, Rute, Pili, Javier) y del IACT (Ari, Enric, Marga, Nicole, Claudio, Meri, Laura), por todo el apoyo
y los ánimos que siempre me han dado. Y en especial a Nieves y Marta, que tanto me han compren-
dido, y que tanto cariño me ha regalado estos años. Con vosotras he reído hasta llorar, he encontra-
do el consuelo en algunos de los momentos más duros y por eso os llevo en el corazón. Habéis sido
las mejores amigas y casi como mis hermanas.

Gracias a todas las personas que pude conocer en las dis ntas estancias y campañas oceanográficas:
Isabel Rodriguez-Germade, Elena Piñero, Giordana Gennari Loubna, Conny Lenz, Ruud Groenewe-
gen, Marie-Louise Godeau, Elena Grimoldi, Kiara Tessarolo, Claudia Cassalino, Agos no Rizzi, Clau-


dio Stalder, Helge Niemann, Valen na Darakchieva, Monika Vladimirova, Marlene, Rick Hennekam,
Denitsa Apostolova, Laura Villanueva, Yvonne, Elisabeth Svensson, Darci Rush, Nicole Bale, Sabine
Lengger, Claudia Zell, Jonh Cluderay, Alejandra Morera, Itzel Ruvalcaba, Mathilde Hagens, Fa ma
Sulu-Gambari, Alwina Hoving, Ma hias Egger, Nikki; Jiawang, Tom Jilbert y tantos otros que me re-
galaron su amistad o en algún momento me ayudaron enormemente y me dieron su cariño.
Sin duda a mis amigos de la campaña HADES (BO Sarmiento de Gamboa) también les quiero agra-
decer todo el cariño y los ánimos que me han regalado en la recta final. En especial a Héctor Perea,
Laura Becerril y Jaume Llopart, por todos los momentos diver dos y las risas que hemos compar -
do, y por todos vuestros consejos. Esos momentos me han dado la vida y me han llenado de fuerza
y coraje necesarios para afrontar esta recta final. Sois geniales y os llevo como hermanos también.

Me gustaría también agradecer a todos los amigos que, a pesar de haberles dedicado muy poco
empo durante esta Tesis, siempre me han mostrado su cariño y me han transmi do toda la fuerza
para con nuar: Eva Maestre, Alejandro Mochón, Jorge Mar n, Ana Sánchez, Mari Luz López, David
Fernández. En especial a Julia Ordoñez que siempre me ha demostrado su cariño y una admiración
que no merezco. A los cachorros Claudia y David por su inocencia y cariño y a su padre, mi amigo
José Antonio Mar nez (Gato) a quien que no le tocaba irse aún y que desgraciadamente no pudo
ver esta Tesis finalizada.

Finalmente quiero agradecer a toda mi familia, en especial a mis padres y hermanos por toda su
comprensión y acompañarme en esta aventura. Gracias por creer siempre en mi, entender que la
ciencia es mi pasión y hacerme saber siempre que estáis orgullosos de mi. Espero poder devolveros
algún día todo lo que habéis hecho por mí y recuperar todo el empo que he tenido que sacrificar
y estar lejos de vosotros. Mis Coco y Luna, ¡vosotros sí que habéis tenido paciencia! vuestros saltos,
chupeteos de alegría y energía cada vez que he llegado a casa han sido un factor fundamental para
mantenerme alegre todos estos años.

Y por supuesto a David, quien mejor que nadie ha vivido el día a día de esta Tesis. Gracias por dar-
me tu apoyo incondicional y animarme en todo momento. Gracias por volver a ponerme a flote
cuando pensaba que no podría ser capaz de llegar al final, por cuidarme y darme tu cariño en todo

Curriculum Vitae
Carmina López-Rodríguez was born on the 28th of February, 1983 in
Antequera, Málaga (Spain). There, Carmina graduated from secon-
dary school at the “Colegio Maria Inmaculada” in 2000. Subsequently,
she started studying “Geology” at University of Granada. In 2007 she
started her master in “Geology” at the same insƟtuƟon. In 2008 she
got a Fellowship from the Program “JAE-Predoc” (The Spanish NaƟo-
nal Research Council –CSIC) for master studies at University of Grana-
da and for Ph.D. at the Andalusian Earth Science InsƟtute (IACT, CSIC-
UGR), in Granada, Spain. During her master she studied materials and
sediments from mud volcanoes from the western Mediterranean (Al-
boran Sea), under supervision of Francisca Marơnez-Ruiz and Menchu
Comas Minondo (The Spanish NaƟonal Research Council –CSIC & Uni-
versity of Granada - UGR). In 2009 she obtained her master degree. At
the same Ɵme she started her Ph.D also under supervision of Francisca Marơnez-Ruiz and Menchu
Comas Minondo at same insƟtuƟon (IACT, CSIC-UGR). During her Ph.D she worked sixteen months
at internaƟonal research centers abroad: Aveiro University, (Portugal); 2009); IFM-GEOMAR, (Ger-
many); BGC-Department the Royal Netherland InsƟtute for Sea Research (NIOZ) (The Netherlands);
Utrecht University, (The Netherlands), doing complementary work which resulted in this thesis.


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