; PROGRAMA : X-ProbeLCD3310.asm
; Funcion : Control LCD grafico NOKIA 3310
; Revision : 2.00 Fecha: 8/10/2005 Programa para : PIC16F876
; CPU Clock : 4 MHz Tiempo instruccion : 1uS
; WDT : OFF Tipo de reloj : XT
; Code Prot : OFF cfg USART rs232 ; none
; Autor : Daniel C. Martin " ionitron@x-robotics.com "
;************************************************* www.x-robotics.com
processor 16F876
mensaje2 dt
;-----------------retardo 1 segundo---------------------------
del1seg movlw .14 ; 1 set number of repetitions (C)
movwf PDel0 ; 1 |
PLoop0 movlw .72 ; 1 set number of repetitions (B)
movwf PDel1 ; 1 |
PLoop1 movlw .247 ; 1 set number of repetitions (A)
movwf PDel2 ; 1 |
PLoop2 nop ; 1 clear watchdog
decfsz PDel2, 1 ; 1 + (1) is the time over? (A)
goto PLoop2 ; 2 no, loop
decfsz PDel1, 1 ; 1 + (1) is the time over? (B)
goto PLoop1 ; 2 no, loop
decfsz PDel0, 1 ; 1 + (1) is the time over? (C)
goto PLoop0 ; 2 no, loop
PDelL1 goto PDelL2 ; 2 cycles delay
PDelL2 nop ; 1 cycle delay
return ; 2+2 Done