Ikasa Tradiciona
Ikasa Tradiciona
Ikasa Tradiciona
1. Ifá dice que prevé la ira de prosperidad y éxito para usted. Ifa le asegura que va a tener
éxito y ser muy feliz en su vida. Ifa le aconseja ofrecer ebo con Maduro cabra, cuatro
gallinas, cuatro ratas, cuatro peces y dinero. También es necesario para alimentar a Ifá con
una cabra y una gallina. En esta, Dice Ifa
Ika sa
Ba Ika
Eyinkule n'Ika wa
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
Ika corrió
Y Ika escondió
2. Ifa le aconseja ofrecer ebo contra los malhechores con el fin de que para lograr la victoria
sobre sus enemigos. Ifá dice que estas personas están librando una guerra silenciosa contra
usted, pero usted seguramente superar. Materiales de Ebo, uno maduran macho cabrío y
dinero. En esta, Dice Ifa:
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni laaruse Ogun
3. Ifá dice que el día que decidiste ir a Ifa inicio fue el día en que su vida se convirtió en un
gran éxito. Todos los aspectos negativos de su vida se vieron desbordados y listo para
cambiar a positivo. Esa es la razón por la cual es necesario ofrecer ebo con Maduro cabra y
dinero con el fin de garantizar que todos los problemas de su vida da paso a las
perspectivas. En esta, Dice Ifa:
O di IGBA ekinni
O di IGBA ekeji
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Y en el segundo período
4. Ifá dice que cada vez que usted quiere lograr algo o quieres tomar algo de otra persona,
no hay necesidad de que usted nunca a ejercer el miedo, ya que será capaz de conseguir lo
que quieras. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es ofrecer ebo con tres gallos, tres gallinas y
dinero. También es necesario para alimentar Ifa según lo prescrito por Ifá.
Ni Morun aiku
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Oni-Waaka ma sa le o
Oni-Waaka ma sa le e
En el cielo de la longevidad
5. Ifá dice que antes de su iniciación, un problema ha ocurrido en su vida y Ifa ya no reside
dentro de su casa. Lo que hay que hacer sobre una base regular es preguntar si el espíritu
de Ifa es todavía dentro de su casa o no. También existe la necesidad de que usted pueda
ofrecer ebo con cuatro palomas, cuatro gallinas de guinea y dinero. Después de esto, usted
necesita para alimentar a Ifa con un gran abrigo de eko, harina de maíz y la sopa de
verduras en la parte trasera de su casa. En esta, Dice Ifa:
Ika sa
Ba Ika
Ika o sa
Ti ko ri Oke-Iporii re bo mo
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Ifa je ng ki ri e bo nigbayi o
Akasa eko
Ika corrió
Y Ika escondió
Ko pe, ko jinna
7. Ifa le aconseja ofrecer ebo contra la crisis y levantamientos. Ifá dice que se puede superar
los emprender una guerra sin cuartel contra usted. Materiales de Ebo, una nueva machete,
una maduraron macho cabrío con barba y dinero. En esta, Dice Ifa:
Ka sa, ka ja
Ka ja, ka ma saa
Dia f'Adaa
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni laruuse Ogun
Awo Ajangaruwa
Wowo Ileke
Ni n pa Areranla lomo je o
Wowo Ileke
Yo maté
El AWO de Ajagaruwa
Las perlas
Un montón de perlas
9. Ifa le asesora para alimentar a Ogun regularmente con el fin de vencer a los enemigos y
con el fin de no experimentar la ira de Ogun. Esto puede venir en forma de accidente o
desastre que pudieran ocurrir a usted o sus seres queridos con los instrumentos de Ogun.
Esto puede ser un accidente vehicular, arma, flecha, lanza, jabalina, cuchillo, machete,
hacha, azada, aparejo, garrote, hoja de afeitar, etc. Ifa le aconseja ofrecer ebo con una
madurada macho cabrío y dinero. También es necesario para alimentar a Ogun con un
perro macho adulto y otros materiales de Ogun. En esta, Dice Ifa:
Ka sa, ka ja
Ka ja, ka ma saa
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni laruuse Ogun
El Ejemu de Oluworan
10. Ifá dice que sus hijos están muy cerca de Osun, por extensión, su capacidad para tener
muchos niños están en la mano de Osun. Es por eso que existe la necesidad de que usted y
su cónyuge para alimentar Osun regularmente. Ifa le aconseja ofrecer ebo con tres gallos,
tres gallinas de guinea, tres gallinas, tres palomas blancas y dinero. También es necesario
para alimentar a Osun con un cerdo hembra madura, Sekete, cerveza de maíz y un montón
de Akara gudugbu. En esta, Dice Ifa:
Kasaa-Kasaa ni ganó n ro oko
E lo ba mi sope f'Osun o
Iyaa mi talade
Eporogun demasiado ki o
En el cielo de la longevidad
Hijos del fuerte aguacero que se hizo cargo de la totalidad de la tierra Ido
Cuando ella se reclinó y estaba llorando, lamentándose de su incapacidad para engendrar
sus propios bebés
Ella obedeció
11. Ifá dice que usted es alguien dotado de una fuerte Egbe del cielo. Como consecuencia de
ello, existe la necesidad de que usted toma el buen cuidado de su Egbe regularmente. Usted
Egbe habías prometido que te convertirá en una persona de éxito en la vida. Ifa le aconseja
ofrecer ebo con dos gallos, dos gallinas, dos gallinas de guinea, dos palomas y dinero.
También es necesario para alimentar a su Egbe con un montón de Akara, Ekuru, una
variedad de frutas y alimentos. En esta, Dice Ifa:
Ika saba
Ika o saba
Ko pe, ko jinna
Ella obedeció
12. Ifa dice que hay una mujer estéril aquí que necesita para propiciar Kori y si es posible
para que el icono de Kori para que ella para recibir la bendición del fruto del vientre. Si
usted es la mujer, Ifa le aconseja ofrecer ebo con cuatro gallos, cuatro gallinas, cuatro
palomas, cuatro gallinas de guinea, cuatro ratas, cuatro peces y dinero. Ella también tiene
que alimentar a Kori según lo prescrito por Ifá. En esta, Dice Ifa:
Ka sa ru'mi
Ka sa ru'mi
Kori o, ar'ewe yo
Fun mi lomo kan ng GbE sire
Ka sa ru'mi
Ka sa ru'mi
13. Ifá dice que existe la necesidad de alimentar a Sango regularmente con el fin de que
usted pueda superar enemigos. Ifá dice que cuanto más lo haces, más victoria ganará en su
vida. Ifa le aconseja ofrecer ebo con dos carneros madura y dinero. Uno de los dos carneros
serán utilizados para alimentar a Sango. Va a colocar el icono de Sango en la parte superior
de un mortero durante siete días. En esta, Dice Ifa:
Ka sa, ka ja
Ka ja, ka ma saa
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni laruuse Ogun
14. Ifá dice que va a convertirse en un líder de gran reputación, el calibre y el respeto entre
las personas. Las personas no sólo te respetarán, pero también le dará honor y
reconocimiento. Va a ser tan importante en la comunidad que ninguna decisión nunca se
toma en su ausencia. Ifá dice que Orisa Oko había asegurado que de su apoyo permanente
para que usted pueda convertirse en un gran líder en su vida. Ifa le aconseja ofrecer ebo
con ocho palomas blancas, ocho gallinas de guinea y dinero. También es necesario para
alimentar a Orisa-Oko, ya sea con ocho pintadas o un carnero y ñame machacado. El
conejillo de aves o de carnero se cocinan dentro de la sopa de melón. En esta, Dice Ifa:
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni bayo
E WAA wo're
En el cielo de la longevidad
El mensaje de Ifa de Orisa-Oko
15. Ifá dice que va a tener éxito en sus viajes de negocios y volverá a casa con un beneficio,
satisfacción y logro. Ifa le aconseja ofrecer ebo con cuatro palomas, cuatro gallinas de
guinea, cuatro patos y dinero. También es necesario para alimentar a Ifá con una madurada
macho cabrío. En esta, Dice Ifa:
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E ba ni ni jebutu ire
En filas hacer que el molde Oko Hoe
En el cielo de la longevidad
Está en el medio de toda la ira que las garantías de sus devotos de Ifá
16. Ifá dice que tiene que alimentar a su Ori regularmente con el fin de que Ori para desviar
todas las iras de la vida para usted. Su Ori había comprometido a asegurar que usted tenga
éxito donde todos sus colegas habían fracasado. Su Ori también será responsable de todas
las grandes cosas de la vida para venir a tu manera. Ese es el mensaje de Ifá para usted. Ifa
le aconseja ofrecer ebo con cuatro palomas, cuatro gallinas, cuatro gallinas de guinea,
cuatro patos, cuatro gallos, cuatro ratas, cuatro peces y dinero. También es necesario para
alimentar a su Ori con una paloma blanca, una gallina de guinea, un pato, miel y licor. Usted
también necesita asegurarse de que usted alimenta a su Ori con un carnero completamente
blanco gigante con enormes cuernos en una base anual. En esta, Dice Ifa:
Ika sa
Ba Ika
Eyinkule n'Ika wa
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Ki n ma de oku'na
Ko pe, ko jinna
Ika huyó
Y Ika escondió
Aboru Aboye.
2. Ori - para el cumplimiento del destino, alegría, éxito, logro, santuario, la victoria, la
protección y auto-actualización
2. Nunca debe conspirar contra cualquier persona - para evitar la fortuna no consumado, el
fracaso y el desastre
3. Nunca debe permitir que su esposa atar granos redondos de la cintura - para evitar el
problema de tener hijos
4. Nunca debe mostrar miedo o cobardía en la planificación para lograr un objetivo - para
evitar la fortuna no consumado, el fracaso y el dolor
5. Nunca debe utilizar un cocodrilo para cualquier cosa - para evitar la fortuna no
consumado, el fracaso y el arrepentimiento
6. Nunca debe involucrarse en el consumo excesivo de alcohol - para evitar la ira de Ogun
8. Nunca debe vestirse de rojo, negro o vestido pintado a mano - para evitar la fortuna no
consumado, el fracaso y la decepción
Aboru Aboye.
1. Ifa says that it foresees the ire of prosperity and achievement for you. Ifa assures
you that you will succeed and be very happy in your life. Ifa advises you to offer ebo
with one mature she-goat, four hens, four rats, four fish and money. You also need
to feed Ifa with one she-goat and one hen. On this, Ifa says
Ika sa
Ika ba
Eyinkule n’Ika wa
Inu ile laseni ngbe
Dia fun Ika
Ti nsunkun oun o lola
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa bani ni jebutu ire
Ika ran
And Ika hid himself
Ifa was at the backyard of the house
While the mischief maker is inside the house
Ifa’s message for Ika
When lamenting that he has no prosperity
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of Ire
2. Ifa advises you to offer ebo against evil doers in order for you to achieve victory
over your enemies. Ifa says that these people are waging silent war against you but
you will surely overcome. Ebo materials; one mature he-goat and money. On this,
Ifa says:
Ika sarasara awo Abe
Dia fun Abe
Abe nbe laarin ota
O nfojoojumo kominu ajogun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni laaruse ogun
Ika sarasara the awo of Abe the Blade
He cast Ifa for Abe
When Abe was in the midst of enemies
And he was daily contemplating the problem of uprising
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us where we enjoy victory over enemies
3. Ifa says that the day that you decided to go for Ifa initiation was the day that your
life became very successful. All the negative aspects of your life were overwhelmed
and ready to change to positive. That is the reason why you need to offer ebo with
one mature she-goat and money in order to ensure that all problems of your life
gives way to prospects. On this, Ifa says:
O di igba ekinni
Mo gb’agbe okun mo royo ile
Ikaa mi sara isara
O di igba ekeji
Mo gbagbe okun mo royo ile
Ika mo sara isara
Dia fun Ika
Ti nsawo lo sode Oyo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Igba Ika wa d’Oyoo o
Ire ola wa kunle pitipiti
During the first period
I carried my keg of hope to Oyo land
Ikaa mi sara isara
And during the second period
I carried my keg of hope to Oyo land
Ikaa mi sara isara
Ifa’s message for Ika
When going on Ifa’s mission to Oyo
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
When Ika got to Oyo
All the ire of prosperity filled his home completely
4. Ifa says that anytime that you want to achieve something or you want to take
something from another person, there is the need for you never to exercise fear
because you will be able to get whatever you want. All that you need to do are to
offer ebo with three roosters, three hens and money. You also need to feed Ifa as
prescribed by Ifa.
In rows do they mould Oko the Hoe
And in patterns do they fashion Ada the Cutlass
In twos do they fashion brass gongs
In the heaven of longevity
Ifa’s message for Oni-waaka the Giant Crocodile
When going to snatch Peere the wife of Arira the Thunder
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Oni-waaka don’t come out yet
Oni-waaka don’t show up yet
Arira gagaga is coming with war outside
Oni-waaka don’t appear yet
Before long not too far
Join us in the midst of victory over enemies
5. Ifa says that prior to your initiation, a problem had occurred in your life and Ifa is no
longer residing inside your house. What you need to do on a regular basis is to ask if
the spirit of Ifa is still inside your house or not. There is also the need for you to
offer ebo with four pigeons, four guinea-fowls and money. After this, you need to
feed Ifa with a big wrap of eko, corn meal and vegetable soup at the back of your
house. On this, Ifa says:
Ika sa
Ika ba
Ika o sa
Eyinkule Ika n’Ika wa
Dia fun Orunmila
Ti ko ri Oke-Iporii re bo mo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ifa je ki ng ri e bo nigbayi o
Akasa eko
Kasai ri Ikin mi bo nigbeyin
Ika ran
And Ika hid himself
Ifa was at the backyard of the house
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When he could no longer find the spirit of his Ifa to propitiate again
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Ifa please let me find you to propitiate this time around
Akasu eko, the big wrap of corn meal
I cannot but find my Ikin to propitiate in the end
6. Ifa says that it foresees the ire of financial success and prosperity for you. Ifa
advises you to offer ebo with three pigeons, three guinea-fowls, three hens, one he-
goat and money. You also need to feed your Ifa with one mature pig. On this, Ifa
Ikaa sarasara under the bamboo tree
He cast Ifa for the inhabitants of Egun Tatala
When weeping in lamentation of their inability to have financial success
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of abundant financial success
7. Ifa advises you to offer ebo against crises and uprisings. Ifa says that those waging
relentless war against you shall be overcome. Ebo materials; one new cutlass, one
matured he-goat with beard and money. On this, Ifa says:
Ka sa, ka ja
Ka ja, ka ma saa
Dia f’Adaa
Ti ngbogun lo silee Liki
Dia fun won nile Liki
Ti won gbe nfojoojumo kominu ogun
Ebo ni won ni ki won waa se
Won gb’ebo, won ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni laruuse ogun
Let us run away, and fight
Let us fight, do not let us run away
Ifa’s message for Ada the Cutlass
When going on military expedition to Liki land
Where they contemplate uprising on a daily basis
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of victory over enemies
8. Ifa says that there is a woman very close to you who needs to offer ebo in order to
receive the blessing of the fruit of the womb. Ifa says that this woman must never
use Ileke, beads round her waist again for the rest of her life. Ifa she had been using
the bead before, she must removed the beads and offer them as part of ebo
materials. The other ebo materials includes; two roosters, two hens and money. she
also needs to feed Ifa with a matured she-goat. If you are the woman that Ifa speaks
of, it is a taboo for you to use beads round your waist for any reason whatsoever. On
this, Ifa says:
I killed it
And I almost died too the awo of Ominipetu
The walking style of Igongo the maggot makes it to contrast
The awo of Irada land
It is the avaricious person that dissect the intestine of Ago rat for consumption
The awo of Ajagaruwa
It is the desire for different dresses that leads to their death in Hausa land
It is also the desire for more beads that kills them in Yesinu land
Ifa’s message for Areranla
Who was the offspring of Oyinbo in the high seas
When she reclined and was weeping in lamentation of her inability to receive the
blessing of fruit of the womb
She was advised to offer ebo
What was it that was killing Areranla’s babies
The beads
Those are the things killing Areranla’s babies
Plenty of beads
9. Ifa advises you to feed Ogun regularly in order to overcome enemies and in order
for you not to experience the wrath of Ogun. This may come in form of accident or
other disaster that may be inflicted on you or your loved ones with the instruments
of Ogun. This may be vehicular accident, gun, arrow, spear, javelin, knife, cutlass,
axe, hoe, jigger, cudgel, razor blade and so on. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with one
matured he-goat and money. You also need to feed Ogun with one mature male dog
and other materials of Ogun. On this, Ifa says:
Ka sa, ka ja
Ka ja, ka ma saa
Dia fun Ogun Onija Oole
Ejemu Oluwonran
Otele girigiri rebi ija
Igbati n gbogun-un lo Ejigbomekun Eseji
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni laruuse ogun
Let us run away, and fight
Let us fight, do not let us run away
Ifa’s message for Ogun Onija Oole
The Ejemu of Oluworan
He who matches forcefully to the venue of confrontation
When he was going to military campaign to Ejigbomekun Eseji land
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of victory over enemies
10. Ifa says that your children are very close to Osun by extension your ability to have
many children are in the hand of Osun. That is why there is the need for you and
your spouse to feed Osun regularly. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with three roosters,
three guinea-fowls, three hens, three white pigeons and money. You also need to
feed Osun with one mature female pig, Sekete, maize beer and plenty of Akara
gudugbu. On this, Ifa says:
In rows do they mould Oko the Hoe
And in patterns do they fashion Ada the Cutlass
In twos do they fashion brass gongs
In the heaven of longevity
Ifa’s message for My Mother the Otooro of Efon land
Offspring of the heavy downpour that took over the whole of Ido land
When she reclined and was weeping in lamentation of her inability to beget
her own babies
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Please help me plead with Osun
Alakole who never used broad sword to cut Okra
Please help me plead with Osun
Is My mother worthy of salutation or not
The moro of Efon land
My mother is worthy of salutation
Is My Mother worthy of a crown or not
My mother is worth of a crown
Omukemuke, she who suck like Itale insect
Eporogun is worthy of salutation
11. Ifa says that you are someone endowed with a strong Egbe from heaven.
Consequent upon this, there is the need for you to take good care of your Egbe
regularly. You Egbe had promised to turn you into a successful person in life. Ifa
advises you to offer ebo with two roosters, two hens, two guinea-fowls, two pigeons
and money. You also need to feed your Egbe with plenty of Akara, Ekuru, assorted
fruits and food. On this, Ifa says:
Ika saba
Ika o saba
Dia fun Iyabonbata
Tii seya egbe ode Orun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ba jebutu aje gbuurugbu
Ika ran away and hid himself
Ika neither ran nor hid himself
Ifa’s message for Iyabonbata
Who was the head of Egbe in heaven
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of financial success
12. Ifa says that there is a barren woman here who needs to propitiate Kori and if
possible to have the icon of Kori in order for her to receive the blessing of the fruit of
the womb. If you are the woman, Ifa advises you to offer ebo with four roosters,
four hens, four pigeons, four guinea-fowls, four rats, four fish and money. She also
needs to feed Kori as prescribed by Ifa. On this, Ifa says:
Ka sa ru’mi
Ka sa ru’mi
Dia fun Kori
Tii seya Ewe
Kori o, ar’ewe yo
Fun mi lomo kan ng gbe sire
Kiwo gbe sire
Kemi gbe sire
Ka sa ru’mi
Ka sa ru’mi
They cast Ifa for Kori
Who was acting as the mother of the youth
He was advised to offer ebo
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Kori who rejoices in the midst of youth
Please bless me with a child for me to play with
Bless us with children for you to play with
And for me to play with
13. Ifa says that there is the need for you to feed Sango regularly in order for you to
overcome enemies. Ifa says that the more you do this, the more victory you will gain
in your life. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with two mature rams and money. One of
the two rams will be used to feed Sango. You will place the Sango icon on top of a
mortar for seven days. On this, Ifa says:
Ka sa, ka ja
Ka ja, ka ma saa
Dia fun Olukoso lalu
Jenrola omo arigba ota segun
Igbati nbe laarin edidi
Ti nbe laarin ota
Ti nfi ojojojumo kominu ogun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni laruuse ogun
Talo nperi Oba
Too emi o perii re Alado
Let us run away, and fight
Let us fight, do not let us run away
Ifa’s message for Olukoso lalu
Jenrola who has 200 pebbles to overcome enemies
When he was in the midst of tribulation
And he was in the midst of enemies
And he contemplating the problem of crises on a daily
14. Ifa says that you are going to become a leader of high reputation, calibre and respect
among the people. The people will not only respect you but they will also give
honour and recognition. You will become so important in the community that no
decision will ever be taken in your absence. Ifa says that Orisa Oko had assured you
of his perpetual support for you to become a great leader in your life. Ifa advises
you to offer ebo with eight white pigeons, eight guinea-fowls and money. You also
need to feed Orisa-Oko with either eight guinea-fowl or one ram and pounded yam.
The guinea-fowls or ram will be cooked inside melon soup. On this, Ifa says:
In rows do they mould Oko the Hoe
And in patterns do they fashion Ada the Cutlass
In twos do they fashion brass gongs
In the heaven of longevity
Ifa’s message for Orisa-Oko
The Elder in Irawo land
When going to the world of perpetual leadership
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of joy
Come and perceive all ire of life
15. Ifa says that you will succeed in your travels on business and you will return home
with profit, contentment and accomplishment. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with four
pigeons, four guinea-fowls, four ducks and money. You also need to feed Ifa with
one matured he-goat. On this, Ifa says:
In rows do they mould Oko the Hoe
And in patterns do they fashion Ada the Cutlass
In twos do they fashion brass gongs
In the heaven of longevity
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When going on Ifa mission to a long distant journey
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of all ire of life
It is in the midst of all ire that Ifa guarantees for its devotees
16. Ifa says that you need to feed your Ori regularly in order for you Ori to divert all ire
of life to you. Your Ori had vowed to ensure that you succeed where all your
colleagues had failed. Your Ori will also be responsible for all the great things of life
to come your way. That is the message of Ifa for you. Ifa advises you to offer ebo
with four pigeons, four hens, four guinea-fowls, four ducks, four roosters, four rats,
four fish and money. You also need to feed your Ori with one white pigeon, one
guinea-fowl, one duck, honey and liquor. You also need to ensure that you feed your
Ori with one giant completely white ram with huge horns on an annual basis. On
this, Ifa says:
Ika sa
Ika ba
Eyinkule n’Ika wa
Inu ile laseni ngbe
Dia fun Ori
Ori ntorun bo wale Aye
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ori ni alabaawaye eni
Ori ni alafeyinti eni
Ori ni bani regbe to soro
Ori mi gbe mi
Ori mi lana kan mi
Ki n ma to oku’na
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa bani ni jebutu ire gbogbo
Ika ran away
And Ika hid himself
Ifa was at the backyard of the house
While the mischief maker is inside the house
Ifa’s message for Ori
When coming from heaven to earth
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Ori is one’s companion to the world
My Ori please make me prosperous
My Ori please support me
My Ori please open the path of success for me
Do not let me walk in impassable path
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of all Ire
Aboru Aboye.
1. Ifa/Orisa Priestess
2. Civil engineering, mechanical engineering, automobile engineer
3. Transport management, estate management, estate design and town planning
4. Administration, management, consultancy, welfare officer
5. Business management, merchandise, trading, sales management, marketing, and