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Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina

Inglés – Cuadernillo I

Inglaterra, un país con tradición gastronómica

La gastronomía inglesa es una de las menos conocidas a nivel internacional,
por lo que en ocasiones no recibe la importancia que se merece.

La cocina inglesa está basada en platos propios tradicionales, y aunque

no tiene la fama de las reconocidas cocinas europeas como la francesa o
la italiana, la gastronomía de Inglaterra posee numerosos platos y postres
típicos, y además es una de las cocinas más abiertas a la hora de
incorporar platos de otras culturas.

Horarios muy particulares

Cuando uno llega a Inglaterra, tiene que asimilar que los horarios de
comidas poco tienen que ver con los de buen número de países europeos.
Es típico desayunar temprano un gran plato combinado compuesto por
diferentes alimentos como huevos, salchichas, bacon y tostadas, todo ello
acompañado por un bol de cereales y terminando con un tazón de café o
té bien cargado. El hecho de que el desayuno sea la toma más fuerte del
día, convierte a la comida del mediodía en un simple almuerzo, que los
lugareños realizan sobre las 12 ó 12:30, y que por lo general consta de
un sandwich, o bien de un típico “Shepherd’s Pie” , pastel a base de carne
picada, cebolla, verduras y cubierto de puré de patatas, o de un “steak
and Kidney Pie”, pastel elaborado con distintos tipos de carne de vaca y
riñones, Y si uno va con prisa, en las esquinas de cualquier calle se
tropieza con un típico puesto de “perritos calientes”, y puede optar por un
bocadillo a base de salchicha tipo Frankfurt, cebolla frita y salsas diversas.
Al tener lugar un almuerzo tan temprano, es probable que se sienta
hambre a media tarde, y es habitual tomar un tentempié antes de la hora
de la cena, lo que se conoce con el nombre de “tea break” , la conocida
hora del té, una tradición inglesa que no se pierde. Con los años, la taza
de té se ha ido sustituyendo por una taza de café o chocolate, aunque
existen salones de té que se llenan a esta hora y en los que se sirve el
tradicional té acompañado de diferentes bollitos y pastas.

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

Si se quiere encontrar un lugar tradicional para cenar, uno no

se puede descuidar con la hora, pues allí, se cena sobre siete o siete y
media de la tarde. Es fácil encontrar en las cartas de los menús, platos
combinados en los que se incluyen gran variedad de alimentos, siendo
muy típica la guarnición de brócoli, y las cantidades suelen ser generosas,
por lo que uno queda satisfecho y no pasa hambre aunque transcurran
varias horas antes de acostarse.
Los platos más típicos
En un viaje a Inglaterra es inevitable dar un paseo y no cruzarse por la
calle con algún viandante comiendo pescado y patatas fritas dentro de un
cucurucho de papel. Este es el típico “fish and chips” uno de los platos
ingleses más tradicionales y muy demandado por los turistas. Si bien, la
cocina tradicional inglesa va mucho más lejos de este básico pescado frito
con patatas. Por ejemplo, en Cornualles es muy típico un plato llamado
“pasty”, una empanada elaborada con carne, verduras y patatas, mientras
que en Yorkshire no se puede dejar de probar el roast beef y el pudin,
considerado el plato nacional. Son también muy típicos los platos de carne
con salsa, como el lomo de cerdo asado con salsa de manzanas o el
cordero tradicional inglesa son las carnes de calidad asadas y servidas de
este país.
Los postres también tienen una extensa tradición. Existen recetas
tradicionales de repostería tan apetecibles como los pancakes, los
pasteles de fruta, chocolate y queso o la torta Bakewell, cubierta con
mermelada, almendras y helado y acompañada de múltiples tipos de
A pesar de la diversidad de platos propios, la gastronomía típica inglesa
se ha visto en cierto modo arrinconada, como en muchos otros países, por
la aparición de forma masificada de restaurantes de comida rápida
(hamburguesas, pizzas, pollo frito, etc), así como de numerosos puestos
de kebabs, típicos bocadillos turcos. Y es este tipo de comida rápida la
que muchos turistas asocian, de manera equivocada, con la comida típica

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

Cerveza de calidad
Inglaterra es uno de los países en los que podemos degustar las más
exquisitas cervezas. Son famosas sus cervezas “Guiness”, un tipo de
cerveza negra de un sabor amargo intenso y muy refrescante, si bien las
cervezas rubias, aunque menos originales, son igualmente sabrosas.
Además Inglaterra, nos ofrece la posibilidad de disfrutar de cualquiera de
sus excelentes cervezas tanto en un pub del estilo más minimalista, como
en la más tradicional y ruda tasca, o incluso en el bar de la mítica serie de
televisión “Cheers” en Picadilly, donde seguro que la cerveza tiene un
sabor especial.

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I



A a ei, -z N n en, -z
B b bi:, -z O o ou, -z
C c si:, -z P p pi:, -z
D d di:, -z Q q kju:, -z
E e i:, -z R r a:*, -z
F f ef, -s S s es, -iz
G g dzi:, -z T t ti:, -z
H h eit§, -iz U u ju:, -z
I i ai, -z V v vi:, -z
J j dzei, -z W w ‘dϖblju:, -z
K k kei, -z X x eks, -iz
L l el, -z Y y wai, -z
M m em, -z Z z zed, -z1

(U.S.A.) zi:, -z

Pure vowel sounds

In English there are twelve pure vowels:
1 2 3 4 5 6
/ i: / /I/ /e/ /æ/ /a:/

7 8 9 10 11 12
/ :/ / u: / /ϖ/ / 3: /

The twelve pure vowel sounds can be distinguished in the following words:
1 / i: / 2 /I/ 3 /e/

tea; see, seat; street; lips; tip; sit; women; men; said; pen; then;
please chick friend

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

5 / a:/ 4 /æ/ 10 /ϖ/

park; aunt; star; march; man; sad; mad; jacket; blood; much; come;
father glad country; doesn’ t

7 / :/ 6 12

port; more; saw; store; pot; top; got; box; cotton mother; taller; about;
bought canada; famous

8 9 / u: / 11 / 3: /
put; full; could; woman; do; cool; flu; luke; blue bird; word; hurt; learn;
book journey

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

Place of articulation
Bilabial Alveolar Velar Palato- Post- Labio- Dental Alveolar Palato- Glottal
without vibration

alveolar alveolar dental alveolar


Group A

p t k f υ s
b d g dz v ð z z

Group B

Plosive Plosive Plosive Affricate Fricative Fricative Fricative Fricative Fricative

m n
Group C

Nasal Nasal Nasal

w l j r

Semivowel Lateral Semivowel Approximant

Manner of articulation 24 consonants

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

Diphthongs are combinations of two single vowel sounds, which means that
while the lip and tangle are in a fixed position to produce monophthongs, for
diphthongs they migrate from one position to another in order to incorporate the
two sounds being produced.
There are three groups of diphthongs, and there is a dominant monophthongs
in each combination.

(i) Combination with / I /

/ eI / /aI/ / /
(ii) Combinations with

(iii)Combinations with

These sounds can be distinguished in the followings words:

/ eI / they, May, cake, tail, say
/aI/ my, sky, die, five, try
boy, toy, coin, soil, point
house, mouse, now, cow
no, phone, so, home, those
dear, near, tear, clear
there, care, stairs, hair, chair
tour, pure, cure, sure, mutual

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

Unidad I: El alumno aprenderá a establecer los primeros contactos: saludar,

despedirse, días de la semana, secuencias del tiempo: ayer, hoy, mañana.

Greetings and goodbyes

Formal Informal
Good morning Hello/Hi!
Good afternoon Morning!
Good evening Afternoon!
Goodnight Night!
Goodbye Bye! / So long!
How do you do? How are you?

Example: Mr. (mister)

1. Good morning Mrs. (missis)

M. (miss)

- How do you do?

- Very well, thanks, and you?
- Not to well

- Hello, Jan. How are you?
- Fine, thanks, and you?
- I’m O.K.
(or so-so / bad – bad)

The days of the week

Sunday Thursday
Monday Friday
Tuesday Saturday

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

Note: The days of the week begin with a capital letter

Line of time
Past Present Future
Yesterday Today Tomorrow
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Otras formas de despedirse:

- See you on Monday
- See you

- See you soon!

- O.K.

- See you later!

- All right

- See you tomorrow

- See you

- Have a good weekend

- Thanks, the same to you

- Have a nice evening!

- Thanks, see you tomorrow

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

To practice
Haga corresponder los diálogos con los dibujos correspondientes:

- I am Karen Tower. How do you do?

- I am Mr. Pearsen. How do you do?

- Morning, Sam. How are you?

- Bad, bad

-Good morning, everyone

-Good morning Mrs. Jackson

-Goodbye! Have a good weekend

-Bye! See you on Monday

-Hello Jan. How are you?

-Hi! I am fine. And you?

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

Salude con good morning, good afternoon o good evening, de acuerdo a

la hora indicada

10:35 14:50 18:30

1 2 3

20:00 06:45 16:35 19:15

4 5 6 7

11:30 08:15 18:25

8 9 10

Conteste las siguientes preguntas

What day is it today?
What day is it tomorrow?
What day was it yesterday?
What day is “the weekend”?
On what days are your English classes?

Diga goodbye en diferentes días de la semana

A: Bye! See you on ………day
B: Yes, O.K. Bye

A: Bye! Have a nice day / evening / weekend

B: Thanks. And the same to you. See you on …………day

¿Qué diría Ud. Para saludar a:

1. Adam, un buen amigo.
2. Una señora que no conoce.
3. Su director.
4. El hijo de su vecino, llamado Steve.

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

Unidad II: el alumno aprenderá a presentarse, llenar una ficha, redactar

preguntas y respuestas sobre nacionalidad, profesión, domicilio, edad, hobbies
y gustos
Gramática: pronombres personales, adjetivos posesivos, palabras
interrogativas, verbo To BE, el caso Genitivo (posesivo)

Personal information
Para saber la identidad:
1. Who are you?
I am Laura
2. What is your name?
My name is Laura / I am Laura
3. What is your / first name / surname / short name / full name

Para saber la nacionalidad:

1. Where are you from?
I am from Argentina
2. Are you from France?
No, I am not. / Yes, I am.
3. What is your nationality?
I am Argentinean.

Para comprobar la nacionalidad o la identidad:

1. Are you English?
No, I am not. I am Argentinean.
2. Are you Christine?
No, I am not. I am Laura. / Yes, I am.

Para conocer la profesión:

1. What profession have you?
I am a teacher
2. What do you do?
I am a student

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

3. What is your job?

I am a cook.
4. Are you a cook?
Yes, I am. / No, I am not.

Para conocer el domicilio:

1. What is your address?
It is 12 Rivadavia street (st) *
My address is 52 Colón Avenue (Av) *
* El número de la calle se antepone al nombre

2. - What is your zip code?

- What is your Post-code?
- It is 5000 (five thousand)

3. - What is your telephone number?

- My telephone number is 4721750 *
- It is 4721750 *
- I don’t have a telephone number.
* Los números de teléfono se dicen de a uno

4. - Where do you live?

- I live in Córdoba

Para conocer la edad

- How old are you?
- I am 20
- I am 20 years old

Para conocer el estado civil

- Are you single or married? / single / divorced / widow (er)
- I am single
- What is you marital status?

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

- I am married.

Para conocer los gustos y hobbies

1. - What is your hobby?
- My hobby is to cook.
- I like cooking very much.

2. - What do you like?

- I like dancing

Personal pronouns Possessive adjectives
I my
You your
He/She/It his / her / its
We our
You your
They their

Verb to be (ser o estar)

Present simple
Affirmative Question
I am Am I?
You are Are you?
He is / she is / It is Is he / is she / is it?
We are Are we?
You are Are you?
They are Are they?

I am not We are not
You are not You are not
He is not/she is not/it is not They are not

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I



La palabra interrogativa que introduce la pregunta puede ser un pronombre

(who, whom, what, wich, whose), un adjetivo (what, which, whose) o un
adverbio (where, when, how, why, etcétera)


a- la identidad de una persona: WHO…?

b- la naturaleza de una cosa: WHAT…? ¿Qué…? ¿Cuál..? ¿Cuáles…?

c- la elección entre varios: WHICH…? ¿Cuál..? ¿Cuáles…?

d- la pertenencia: WHOSE…? ¿De quién…? ¿A quién…?

e- el lugar: WHERE…? ¿Dónde…?
f- el tiempo, el momento: WHEN…? ¿Cuándo…?
g- la manera, el estado, el grado: HOW…? ¿Cómo…?
h- la razón, la causa: WHY…? ¿Por qué…?

Para formular preguntas suelen usarse estas palabras interrogativas, tenga en

cuenta que todas empiezan con WH.
Who are you?
What is your name?
Where do you live?
Why do you study gastronomy?


Argentina Argentina Argentinean
Francia France French
Alemania Germany German
Italia Italy Italian
Estados Unidos USA American

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

Inglaterra Britain British

España Spain Spanish
Perú Peru Peruvian
Brasil Brazil Brazilian
Chile Chile Chilean
China China Chinese

Masculino / femenino Femenino
Abogado lawer
Periodista journalist
Doctor doctor
Hombre / Mujer de negocio business-man bussiness-woman
Comerciante merchand
Vendedor seller
Empleado employee
Estudiante student
Cocinero cook
Camarero waiter waitress
Maestro teacher
Maître maitre

The possesive case (indica posesión)

1. Genitives: cuando el poseedor es una persona o un animal, se añade una
‘s al nombre del poseedor, o solamente ‘ seguido inmediatamente por el
a. Si el poseedor no termina en s:
The boy’s toys (los juguetes del niño)
The teacher’s car (el auto de la maestra)
The children’s house (la casa de los niños)
b. Si el poseedor ya termina en s:
The boys’ toys (los juguetes de los niños)

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

The teachers’ cars (los autos de los maestros)

Dr. Peels’ house (la casa del Dr. Peels)

2. Genitive of: si el poseedor o dueño es una cosa o planta se utiliza of

The name of my school (el nombre de mi escuela)

Complete the information on you personal card
TITLE (Please tick) Mr. Mrs. Miss Ms
Widow (er)
Telephone number:
Favourite hobby:
Favourite sport:

Listen and complete the information on the personal card

My full name is Adam Yermaine Birch. I am nineteen years old. I am British. My
address is Flat 2, 16 George Street, York. I am not married. I like cooking. I play
TITLE (Please tick) Mr. Mrs. Miss Ms

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

Widow (er)
Telephone number:
Favourite hobby:
Favourite sport:

Write the questions about Adam Birch

1. …………………………………?
My name is Adam.
2. …………………………………?
I am nineteen years old.
3. …………………………………?
I am British.
4. …………………………………?
My address is Flat 2, 16 George St., York.
5. …………………………………?
I am not married.
6. …………………………………?
I like cooking.
7. …………………………………?
I play tennis.

Write the nationality adjectives

Countries Adjectives

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I


Choose the correct answer

1. What ….. your name?
a) is b) are c) am
2. Are you English?
Yes, I ………
a) is b)am c) are
3. Is your name Adam?
Yes, ……is
a) she b) he c) it
4. Is he from London?
No, he ………
a) is not b) not c) is
5. What nationality is she?
She is …………………..
a) Germany b) German c) Deutschland
6. What nationality are Paolo and Bruno?
………… from Italy
a) We are b) They are c) He is

Ask eight (8) questions and answer them

the waiter at school?
the boys in the classroom?
the pupils in class?
the girl at home?
the teachers at hospital?
the man in the cafeteria?

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

the student at university?

the doctors in a factory?

Write five (5) sentences using the possessive case: ‘s and of


Write the dialogues about these people using : greetings, names, nationality,
profession, address, age, marital status, hobby and likes.




Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I


Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

Unidad III: Gramática: el artículo definido, plural de sustantivos, los números,

el artículo indefinido.
The definitive article

article articles
pencil pencils
school schools
the classroom the classroom
home homes
boy boys
girl girls

Note: the singular and plural definitive article it is invariable.

- before a consonant sound
- before a vowel sound

Plural of nouns

Pupil pupils
Teacher teachers
Name names
Note: nouns generally take an s in the plural

Box boxes
Class classes
Watch watches
Tomato tomatoes
Note: some nouns take es in the plural

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

Man men
Woman women
Child children
Note: these are irregular plurals

The numbers
Listen and say the numbers
0 (au) zero
1 one 11 eleven 21 twenty - one
2 two 12 twelve 22 twenty - two
3 three 13 thirteen 30 thirty
4 four 14 fourteen 40 forty
5 five 15 fifteen 50 fifty
6 six 16 sixteen 60 sixty
7 seven 17 seventeen 70 seventy
8 eight 18 eighteen 80 eighty
9 nine 19 nineteen 90 ninety
10 ten 20 twenty 100 a hundred

The indefinitive article

a boy an English book

a pencil an orange
a: singular indefinite an: singular indefinite
Article used before a consonant sound Article used before a vowel sound

a boy - boys an English book – English books

a pencil – pencils an orange – oranges
Note: there is no indefinite article in the plural

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

Listen and what are the meaning of?
friends people
classmate children
partners parents
neighbor grandfather
mother brother
couple husband
daughters son
father aunt
uncles wife

Write in the singular

They are men.
You are uncles.
We are wifes.
The women are at home.
The doctors are at University.
They are children.

Put in the corresponding article

My partner is in …………… classroom.
He is ……… boy.
Mrs. White is ………. woman.
…….. dog is at home.
This is …….. English book.
……….. waiter is in ……. cafeteria.

Write un the plural.

He is a child.
It is an English book.
He is a man.
She is a woman.

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

It is an orange.
You are a friend.

Answer these questions.

1. Who is in front of the class?
2. Where is your mother?
3. Who is at hospital?
4. Is your husband in a factory?
5. Where are the children?
6. What is your brother’ s name?
7. What is the name of your favourite shopping?
8. Where is from your friend?
9. Who are you?
10. What is my mother’s name?
11. Where are our English books?

Look at the code, and find the letters. Then complete the four proverbs:
A Eight N Eighty
B Eleven O Fourteen
C Twenty P Forty
D Nineteen Q Seventeen
E Twenty-six R Fifty
F Three S Thirteen
G Thirty T Ninety-six
H Fifteen U Fifty-six
I Seventy V Eighty-seven
J Five W Twelve
K Forty-four X Ninety
L Sixty Y Ten
M Seventy-eight Z One

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

11 26 96 96 26 50 60 8 96 26 96 15 8 80 80 26 87 26 50

60 70 26 13 15 8 87 26 13 15 14 50 96 60 26 30 13

20 15 8 50 70 96 10 11 26 30 70 80 13 8 96 15 14 78 26

Find the days of the week

Look at the code and find the beginning of words.

Horizontal – Vertical
19 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
17 3 11 E V O L C G W E S N
13 9 12 R S Y Y A D I R F A
20 7 13 A D A Y T O Y K T N
13 5 14 U I D T H U A D U D
12 9 15 B U N F U F D I E O
12 2 16 E D O P R R S O S Y
17 P E M Z S A D F D N
18 C L H X D P N A A S
19 S U N D A Y E G Y V
20 T L E W Y A W H B O

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

Unidad IV: el alumno aprenderá a presentar a otras personas, uso de la 3a

persona singular y plural (she – he – it- they). Ubicar lugares, preposiciones de
lugar, adjetivos demostrativos.

Let me introduce you to……..

This is Brenda Churchill.
She is from Houston, Texas.
She is divorced and she lives with her mother.
She is 30 years old.
She is an air-hostess.

Complete de sentences using the information.

Gérard Lemercier.
30 years old.
Musician, married.
Address: 17, Pasteur St, Paris.

Elisabeth Smith.
22 years old. British.
Single, Student at University.
She lives on a farm.
Hobby: to play the guitar.

Hans Müller.
50 years old.
German. Doctor.
Address: 25 Helmut Av, Berlín.
Hobby: watching war film.

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

My friends
Argentineans. Students. Hobby: to dance rock
Address: 48 Rivadavia St. Córdoba, in a hotel.

Questions and answer about Brenda Churchill.

- Who is she?
- She is Brenda Churchill
- What is her surname? What is Brenda’s surname?
- It is Churchill
- What is her name?
- It is Brenda
- Where is she from?
- She is from Houston, Texas.
- Is she British?
- No, she is not. She is American.
- What is her nationality?
- She is American.
- What is her marital status?
- She is divorced.
- She is married or divorced?
- She is divorced.
- Who does she live?
- She lives with her mother.
- How old is she?
- She is 30 years old.
- What is her job? / What does she do?
- She is an air-hostess.

In pairs:
Write the questions and the answer about Gérard Lemercier, Elisabeth Smith,
Hans Müller and your friends.

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

Where is it?
Ask and answer:

(1) Statue of Liberty (2) Coliseum (3) The Statue of Christ

(4) Big Ben

Note:cuando se mencionan lugares específicos se debe colocar el artículo THE

1. Where is the Statue of Liberty?
It is in New York. It is in U.S.A.



Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

Prepositions of place

(1) Behind (2) Near (3) On (4) In

(5) In front of (6) Under (7) Into (8)On the corner

Ask and answer these questions:

1. Where is the ball?
It is ……. the box.







Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

Preposition of place

1. Look at this office. Make sentences using these words:

• Calendar • Dustbin • Clipboard
• Desk • Bottle • The calendar is on the wall
• Two telephones • Glasses

2. Look at these pictures. Where is the elephant? Fill in the crossword.

(1) (2) (3)

(4) (5)

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

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Demonstrative Formas de empleo En español

Antes de un sustantivo singular, Este, esta, esto
para señalar algo que está cerca
Antes de un sustantivo plural, para Estos, estas
señalar algo que está cerca
Antes de un sustantivo singular Ese, esa, eso
para señalar algo que está lejos
Antes de un sustantivo plural, para Esos, esas
señalar algo que está lejos

Look the picture and write the answers

1. What is this? This is a man
2. What is that? ………………..
3. What are these? ………………..
4. What are those? ………………..

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

(1) (2) (3)


Look the pictures and write the questions and answers

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

Unidad V: el alumno aprenderá a emplear correctamente el Simple Present,

haciendo preguntas y dando respuestas en forma oral y escrita.
Aprenderá el uso de algunas preposiciones: at, in, for, on, with.

Verb to read (leer) – Simple present Tense
Affirmative Interrogative
We use:
DO or DOES + Pronoun – Infinitive + ?

I read Do I read ?
You read Do you read ?
He reads Does he read ?
She reads Does she read ?
It reads Does it read ?
We read Do we read ?
You read Do you read ?
They read Do they read ?

Affirmative Negative
We use:
Pronoun + DO NOT or DOES NOT + Infinitive

I read I do not read

You read You do not read

He reads He does not read

She reads She does not read

It reads It does not read

We read We do not read

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

You read You do not read

They read They do not read

Informal writing
I don’t read
You don’t read
He doesn’t read
She doesn’t read
It doesn’t read
We don’t read
You don’t read
They don’t read

El “simple present” se utiliza para las acciones que tienen lugar en el

presente inmediato, así como para acciones rutinarias.

Some infinitive verbs

To include: incluir To light: encender
To invent: inventar To need: necesitar
To answer: responder To open: abrir
To ask: preguntar To offer: ofrecer
To add: agregar To play: jugar
To break: romper To pour: verter
To beat: batir To peel: pelar
To broil: asar a la parrilla To read: leer
To bake: cocer al horno To remember: recordar
To boil: hervir To stay: quedarse
To burn: quemar To study: estudiar
To close: cerrar To salt: salar

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

To carve: trinchar To season: sazonar

To cut: cortar To stir: revolver
To cover: cubrir To slice: rebanar, tajar
To caramelize: acaramelar To steam: cocer al vapor
To chop: picar To talk: hablar
To dance: bailar To travel: viajar
To fry: freir To use: usar
To flavor: aromatizar To visit: visitar
To grate: rallar To walk: caminar
To join: unir To watch: mirar
To jump: saltar To wash: lavar
To live: vivir To work: trabajar
To like: gustar To cook: cocinar
To listen: escuchar To do: hacer
To look: mirar To love: amar
To move: moverse

Complete the sentences with the correct verb
Darren …….. basketball (play)
Mike ……… the car (wash)
Darren ….. Mike and ……. T.V.(visit – no watch)
I ……. With Sue
Mike and Sue ……. For the answers (ask)
Sheila ……. The window (close)

Write short answers

1. Do you live here? (NO)

2. Do you like your job? (YES)

3. Does your brother live here (NO)

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

4. Do your parents like your friends? (YES)

5. Does your sister live at home? (YES)

6. Do you speak English? (NO)

7. Does Betty go to home? (YES)

8. Do they eat some eggs? (NO)

9. Does Peter cook some potatoes? (YES)

10. Do you study at school? (YES)

Read the text and answer the questions

ALEX SABELLA is a footballer. He is Argentinean
but he plays football for Sheffield United in
England. He is married and lives in Sheffield with
his wife, Concepción, and baby daughter. His wife
teaches Spanish at an English school in Sheffield.
His family live near Buenos Aires. His father is a

1. What does Alex do?

He’s a footballer
2. What nationality is he?
3. What team does he play for?
4. What does his wife do?

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

5. Where do his family live?

6. What does his father do?

GRAMMAR: prepositions
Complete the sentences with in, on, for, at, or with
My mother teaches French in Paris.
My husband is a journalist ………. the Evening News.
My brother works ……. a farm ………. the country.
Jose plays football …. Bayern Munich.
Michael lives ….. home …… his family.

Some prepositions

The zoo
The University
Work at Manuel Belgrano School
Se usa la preposición at Cba. Shopping Center
cuando el lugar es más Hospital
definido Home
An airport
An English School

A factory
Work in
A T.V. program
Se usa la preposición in
A flat
cuando el lugar es indefinido y
A hostel
no se conoce el nombre del
The centre
The country

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

Live in Bs. As.

Live with you parents
my husband

The government
Work for My father
Sheffield Club

Work or live on a farm

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

Unidad VI: El alumno aprenderá a expresar la hora, vocabulario específico

sobre la hora y preposiciones de tiempo. Números a partir del 100.

1. Listen and repeat the times:

It’s one o’clock It’s ten past one It’s a quarter past one

It’s half past one It’s twenty to two It’s quarter to two

2. In pairs, ask and say the times

A: What time is it?

B: It’s seven o’ clock

(1) (2) (3)

(4) (5) (6)

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

• you can also use numbers to say the time. E.g. 9.15=nine fifteen.
• In Britain, the twenty-four-hour clock, e.g. 23.30, is only used for
programs, timetables and notices.
• 10 a.m. = ten o’clock in the morning.
• 3 p.m. = three o’clock in the afternoon
• 6 p.m. = six o’clock in the evening.
• 11 p.m. = eleven o’clock at night.
• Noon, midday = 12.00 hours
• Midnight = 24.00 hours

Numbers the words below from the shortest time to the longest time. Use a
day hour fortnight year second month
minute week century 1 second

Ask and answer questions about each of the time words.

A: How many seconds in a minute?
B: Sixty.
A: How many ……… in a ……..?

Prepositions of time
At eleven o’clock
At night/midnight
From 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.
On Sunday
In the morning
Which preposition?
1 ……….. noon
2 ……….. the afternoon

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

3 from 10 a.m. ……….. 5 p.m.

4 ……….. 1.30 p.m.
5 ………….Tuesday

Write the time of day

1. 10 a.m. It’s ten o’clock in the morning
2. 6.30 p.m. .................................................
3. 11 a.m. .................................................
4. 3.15 p.m. .................................................
5. 7.45 a.m. .................................................

GRAMMAR: present simple/prepositions

Complete the sentences with do or does

1. What time does the train leave?
2. What time ……… the bank open?
3. What time ……... they close?
4. What time ………. the plane arrive?
5. What time ……….. the classes start?

Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

1. It starts at half past six in the evening.
2. The train arrives …….. half past ten ……. night.
3. The class is from five thirty ……. seven ………… the evening.
4. What time does it close ……….. Saturdays?
5. Lunch is ……….. one o’clock.
6. Is it twenty ………….. or twenty past ten?

Read the information below and answer the questions.
1. What time do banks open and close in Britain?
2. Do they open on Sunday?
3. What time do shops close?

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I


Post offices open at 09.00 and close at 17.30 from Monday to Friday. They
close on Saturday at 12.30.
Banks open at 9.30 and close at 15.30 from Monday to Friday. A few banks
open on Saturday morning. In big cities, Bureau de change office open every
day until quite late in the evening.
Shops usually open at 09.00 or 10.00 and close at 17.30 or 18.00. They do not
usually close for lunch except is small towns. Most shops are closed on Sunday
and national holidays.

Answer questions about your school, college, office or factory.

What time:
does it open in the morning?
do you arrive?
do you leave?
does it close in the evening?
do your English classes start?
do they finish?

100: one hundred
110: one hundred and ten
120: one hundred and twenty
200: two hundred
300: three hundred
400: four hundred
1.000: one thousand
50.000: fifty thousand
1.000.000: one million
2.765: two thousand, seven hundred and sixty five
45.802: forty – five thousand, eight hundred and two

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

Unidad VII: el alumno aprenderá a conocer las costumbres del pueblo británico
referidas a las comidas, horarios, ingredientes.
Vocabulario, conectores (preposiciones y adverbios) some, any, no

We have three main meals a day:
• Breakfast – between 7.00 and 9.00
• Lunch – between 12.00 and 1.30 p.m.
• Dinner – anywhere from 6.30 at night to 8.00 p.m.

On Sundays the main meal of the day es often eaten at midday instead of in the
evening. This meal usually is Roast Dinner consisting of roast beef, Yorkshire
pudding and two kinds of vegetables.
Traditionally, and for some people still, the meals are called:
• Breakfast – between 7.00 and 9.00
• Dinner (the main meal)– between 12.00 at night and 1.30 p.m.
• Tea – anywhere from 5.30 at night to 6.30 p.m.

Most people around the world seem to thinks the typical English breakfast
consists of eggs, bacon, sausages, fried bread, mushrooms and baked beans
all washed down with a cup of coffee. Nowadays, however, a typical English
breakfast is more likely to be a bowl of cereals, a slice of toast, orange juice and
a cup of coffee.

Many children at school and adults at work will have “packed lunch”. This
typically consists of a sandwich, packet of crisps, a piece of fruit and a drink.
The “packed lunch” is kept in a plastic container.

A typical British meal for dinner is meat and “two veg.”. A gravy covers the meat
and one of the vegetables is almost always potatoes. However, this meal is rare

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

eaten nowadays, a recent survey found that most people in Britain are eating
Rice or pasta are now favored as the “British Dinner”.
It became popular in the 1860’s when railways began to bring fresh fish straight
from the east coast to the our cities over night.
The fish (cod, haddock, huss, plaice) is deep fried in flour batter and is eaten
with salt and malt vinegar and, using your fingers, eaten straight out of the
newspaper which they were wrapped in. Nowadays small wooden forks are
provided and the fish and chips are wrapped in more hygienic paper.
In the north of England, fish and chips is often served with “mushy peas”
(mashed processed peas).
Fish and Chips is traditionally England’s national food.

Read the text and answer the questions

1. How many meals have the British people a day?

2. What is the main meal on Saturday?

3. What time is the breakfast?

4. What is your main meal of the day?

5. What do you think is a “typical British breakfast”?

6. What do they usually have for lunch?

7. What is a typical British meal for dinner?

8. When and where do you have the dinner?

Algunas preposiciones y adverbios usados como conectores

Between: entre
Anywhere from: entre
Often: a menudo

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

Still: todavía, aún

Some: algún, algunos
Nowadys: hoy en día
However: de cualquier modo
Almost: casi, por poco
Always: siempre
Overnight: durante/ por la noche
Instead of: en vez de

Read and what are the meaning of?
Roast dinner Cup of coffee
Roast beef Cereals
Yorkshire pudding Slice of toast
Vegetables Orange juice
Eggs Flour
Bacon Batter
Sausages Malt
Fried bread Crisp
Mushrooms Chips
Baked beans Mushy peas

The fish
Cod: bacalao
Haddock: abadejo
Anchovy: anchoa
Hake: merluza
Salmon: salmón
Herring: arenque
Mackerel: caballa
Shark: tiburón
Sardine: sardina
Sole/flounder: lenguado

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

Tuna/G.B. tunny: atún

Trout: trucha
Dolphin: delfín
Swordfish: pez espada
Grouper: mero del Mediterráneo
Halibut: mero del Atlántico

GRAMMAR FOCUS: some- any – no


affirmative negative



Affirmative: we need some eggs / bread / milk

Question: have we got any eggs / breads / milk
Negative: we haven’t got any eggs/bread/milk
we have got no eggs/bread/milk


GRAMMAR: have got/some and any

1. Look at the food then ask and answer questions about Mr. and Mrs. Gibson.

Especialista en Gastronomía y Alta Cocina
Inglés – Cuadernillo I

1. - Have they got any bananas?

- Yes, they have

2. …………………………………… oranges?
- No, ……………………………………

3. …………………………………… eggs?
- ……………………………………

4. …………………………………… bread?
- ……………………………………

5. …………………………………… coffee?
- ……………………………………

2.Say what the Gibsons have and haven’t got

1. bananas/oranges
- They’ve got some bananas but they haven’t got any oranges.

2. eggs/cheese
- ……………………………………
3. lager/wine
- ……………………………………
4. salt/sugar
- ……………………………………
5. biscuit/bread
- ……………………………………
6. tea/coffee
- ……………………………………


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