Delexical verbs son verbos comunes como "have", "take", "make" o "give" que cuando se usan
con sustantivos particulares tienen muy poco significado propio. En estas estructuras la mayor parte
del significado se encuentra en el sustantivo, no en el verbo. En la mayoría de casos, hay un verbo
que tiene un significado similar o igual a la estructura "delexical". En muchos casos, hay verbos y
estructuras equivalentes en español (ver los ejemplos). Estas estructuras son muy comunes en ingles
y una comprensión de ellas enriquecerá la fluidez de la lengua.
El uso de estas estructuras permite añadir información adicional a la acción mediante del uso
deadjetivos, en lugar de un adverbio, que a veces puede sonar torpe.
Echemos un vistazo a algunos ejemplos con estos verbos.
"Have" indica posesión, pero cuando se utiliza en estructuras "delexical", el sentido cambia.
Podemos utilizar "have" cuando hablamos de las comidas, las conversaciones y los desacuerdos,
lavado o descansos.
• Ejemplos:
We have breakfast every morning at 8 o'clock. (Desayunamos cada mañana a las 8.)
Let's have a drink! (¡Tomemos una copa!)
They had an argument last night. (Tuvieron una discusión anoche.)
John had a hot shower after his day out in the cold. (John tuvo una ducha caliente después de un
día en el frío.)
I'm not happy. We need to have a conversation. (No estoy contenta. Necesitamos tener una
Next year I will have a long holiday in France. (El año que viene tendré unas largas vacaciones en
Nota:, En el ejemplo "He had a shower...", también podemos decir "He showered" ("Él se
duchó..."), pero utilizando la estructura "delexical" podemos incluir información adicional con el
uso de un adjetivo ("hot"). También es importante tener en cuenta que la estructura "delexical" tal
vez es más utilizada que el verbo "to shower". Este es el caso no sólo con el ejemplo mencionado,
sino en muchos de los ejemplos que presentamos aquí.
Otros sustantivos con los que podemos utilizar el verbo "have" en las estructuras "delexical"
pueden ser:
lunch, dinner, a snack, coffee, a chat, a discussion, a talk, a bath, a break, a rest, a dispute, a
"Take", como "have", se usa con lavado o descansos, así como varios otros sustantivos.
• Ejemplos:
I need to take a long, hot bath. (Necesito tomar un baño largo y caliente.)
Take a break, you look exhausted. (Toma un descanso, te veo agotado.)
Nancy doesn't like to take risks. (A Nancy no le gusta correr riesgo.)
Can you take care of my dogs while I am on vacation? (¿Puedes cuidar a mis perros mientras estoy
de vacaciones?)
Otros sustantivos con que podemos utilizar el verbo "take" en las estructuras "delexical" pueden ser:
care, a chance, a decision, a photograph, trouble, a turn...
Nota: Tanto "have" como "take" se pueden utilizar con las formas sustantivas de ciertos verbos.
• Ejemplos:
Let's have a swim, it's hot. (Vamos a bañarnos, hace calor.)
Can you take a look at my article before I submit it to the publisher? (¿Puedes echar un vistazo a mi
artículo antes de enviarlo al editor?)
Otros sustantivos con que podemos utilizar el verbo "make" en las estructuras "delexical" pueden
a sound, conversation, a comment, a noise, a promise, a suggestion, a choice, a decision, a plan,
a trip, a tour...
"Give" se utiliza con ruidos, expresiones faciales, cariño o en referencia a golpear y hablar.
• Ejemplos:
Give me a shout when you are ready to go. (Dame un toque cuando estés listo para ir.)
Please give Sally a big hug for me! (Por favor, dale a Sally un gran abrazo de mi parte.)
My dad always gives me good advice. (Mi padre siempre me da buenos consejos.)
Go ahead, give it a kick! (Venga, dale una patada.)
Otros sustantivos con los que podemos utilizar el verbo "give" en las estructuras "delexical" pueden
a cry, a laugh, a scream, a smile, a look, a glance, a punch, a slap, a push, a kiss, an answer,
information, an interview, a lecture, a report, a warning...
Go and Do
"Go" y "do" también se pueden utilizar como verbos "delexical", pero la estructura con estos verbos
es diferente. Utilizamos estos verbos a menudo con sustantivos terminados en "-ing".
"Go" se utiliza en general para las actividades comunes que implican movimiento. Utilizamos la
estructura "go for a" cuando el sustantivo no termina en "-ing".
• Ejemplos:
Beth goes swimming every day. (Beth va a nadar todos los días.)
Nina doesn't like to go shopping. (A Nina no le gusta ir de compras.)
It's a beautiful day, we should go for a walk. (Es un día hermoso, deberíamos dar un paseo.)
Otros sustantivos con los que podemos utilizar el verbo "go" en las estructuras "delexical" pueden
running, walking, jogging, skiing, a jog, a ride, a swim, a run, a stroll...
"Do" se utiliza a menudo con las actividades relacionadas con trabajo. También utilizamos "do"
cuando la acción es evidente.
• Ejemplos:
Can you please do the washing? (¿Puedes hacer el lavado por favor?)
You rest, I'll do the cooking today. (Descansa, haré la comida hoy.
Let me help you do your hair. (Déjame ayudarte a hacer tu cabello.)
Otros sustantivos con los que podemos utilizar el verbo "do" en las estructuras "delexical" pueden
jobs, work, homework, the washing up, the cleaning, the dishes, exercise, research, damage...
Say vs. Tell (Decir)
En español podemos traducir "say"o "tell" como "decir", pero en inglés se usan estos verbos de maneras distintas. Hay unas reglas
que indican el uso de uno u otro en inglés, aunque en general usamos "say" para "decir algo" y "tell" para "decir algo a alguien."
Se usa "say" en el estilo directo y el indirecto. Si queremos usar "say" con un objeto personal, necesitamos usar la preposición "to".
• Ejemplos:
• Estilo directo
"I'm hungry," he said. ("Tengo hambre," él dijo.)
"I need your help," Glen said to Mike. ("Necesito tu ayuda," Glen dijo a Mike.)
• Estilo indirecto
He said he was hungry. (Él dijo que tenía hambre.)
Glen said to Mike that he needed his help. (Glen dijo a Mike que necesitaba su ayuda.)
También se puede usar "tell" con el estilo directo y el indirecto, aunque el uso con el estilo directo no es tan común. Cuando usamos
"tell" necesitamos usar un objeto indirecto que va detrás del verbo.
• Ejemplos:
• Estilo directo
He told me, "I'm hungry." (Me dijo, "Tengo hambre.")
Glen told Mike, "I need your help." (Glen dijo a Mike, "Necesito tu ayuda.")
• Estilo indirecto
Mike told me that he was hungry. (Mike dijo que tenía hambre.)
Glen told Mike that he needed his help. (Glen dijo a Mike que necesitaba su ayuda.)
3. Se usa "tell" con cuentos o bromas. En este caso, se puede traducir "tell" como "contar" en español.
• Ejemplos:
He told us a great story. (Nos contó un cuento maravilloso.)
"Tell me a joke," she said. ("Cuéntame un chiste," dijo ella.)
Whatever I do, it doesn't seem to make a difference. She still doesn't like me. (Haga lo que haga, no parece
haber ninguna diferencia. Sigo sin gustarle.)
Whatever you do, don't keep them waiting. (Sea como sea, pero no les hagas esperar.)
He is so rich, he can buy whatever he wants. (Él es tan rico que puede comprar lo que quiera.)
Whatever classes you choose, you are sure to learn a lot. (Cualquier clase que elijas, seguro que aprenderás mucho.)
Whatever time you finish, don't forget to call us. (Termines cuando termines, no olvides de llamarnos.)
Whatever happened here? (¿Qué ha pasado aquí?)
It's a small town. Whichever way you turn, you always seem to end up in the same place. (Es un pueblo
pequeño. Gires por donde gires, parece que acabes en el mismo sitio.)
Please sit wherever you like. (Por favor, siéntate donde quieras.)
Wherever I go, I always feel like a stranger. (Vaya donde vaya, siempre me siento como un extranjero.)
His dog follows him wherever he goes. (Su perro le sigue vaya donde vaya.)
Wherever did they go? (¿Dónde se fueron?)
The party starts at 9 o'clock, but you can come whenever you want. (La fiesta empieza a las 9, pero puedes venir
cuando quieras.)
Whenever I call, he is always out. (Cada vez que llamo, está fuera.)
We can start the classes whenever is best for you. (Podemos empezar las clases cuando te vaya mejor.)
Whenever did she finally arrive? (¿Cuando llegó al final?)
Whoever eats their vegetables can have dessert. (Quien coma sus verduras tendrá postre.)
I will date whoever I want! (¡Saldré con quien quiera!)
Whoever called last night didn't leave a message. (Quienquiera que llamara anoche no dejó un mensaje.)
Whoever made this mess? (¿Quien hizo este lío?)
You can do it however you want, but I suggest you be careful. (Puedes hacerlo como quieras, pero te sugiero que tengas
However much money he has, it's never enough. (Da igual cuanto dinero tenga, nunca es suficiente.)
However long it takes, it doesn't matter, it just needs to be finished. (Da igual cuanto se tarde, no importa, sólo hay que
Nota: Cuando se usa "however" como conjunción, significa "sin embargo" o "no obstante".
I don't usually drink coffee, however I am very tired this morning and need the caffeine.(Normalmente no
bebo café, no obstante, estoy muy cansado esta mañana y necesito la cafeína.)
She would like to come to the party, however it's better that she stay home and rest as she has been
ill for days now. (Le gustaría venir a la fiesta, sin embargo, es mejor que se quede en casa y descanse porque ya lleva días enferma.)
Possessive Pronouns (Pronombres posesivos)
Pronombres posesivos
(en función de determinante del Ejemplo Traducción ejemplo
El genitivo "-s" no se ha de confundir con los pronombres posesivos. Así podemos decir:
Her dress... (Su vestido...[de ella])
O podemos decir:
Andrea's dress... (El vestido de Andrea...)
En ambos casos expresamos un poseedor y un poseído, en este caso el vestido. En la primera frase,
el pronombre posesivo femenino "her" indica que tanto el hablante como el oyente acaban de hacer
referencia a la misma persona. En cambio en el segundo caso, el hablante quiere dar a conocer el
nombre del poseedor.
Grammatical Rules (Reglas gramaticales)
1.Siempre utilizamos el genitivo para referirnos a personas.
Paul's house...(La casa de Paul...)
Mary's bike... (La bicicleta de Maria...)
3.También podemos utilizar el genitivo al final de la oración que acostumbra a ser la respuesta a una
pregunta anterior. En estos casos no necesitamos el nombre.
•Question (pregunta):
Where is your sister? (¿Dónde está tu hermana?)
•Answer (repuesta):
She is at my parent's. (Está en la casa de mis padres.)
•Question (pregunta):
Whose house is this? (¿De quién es esta casa?)
•Answer (repuesta):
It is Michael's. (Es de Miguel.)
Cuando el nombre de el poseedor termina en una "s", el genitivo se añade al final del poseedor, pero
sólo añadiendo el apostrofe "-‘" y no la "-s" del genitivo.
Luis' house...(La casa de Luis....)
Prepositions of Place (Preposiciones de lugar)
Las preposiciones de lugar se colocan detrás del verbo principal, que suele ser el verbo "to be"
(estar, ser) en cualquiera de los tiempos pasados, presentes o futuros y en sus formas tanto simples
como compuestas.
Ya hemos visto los diferentes usos de las tres preposiciones más comunes ("in", "at", "on") en la
lección anterior. A continuación encontrarás otras preposiciones de lugar.
Significado: al lado de, junto a
Uso: Tanto "next to" como "beside" se pueden utilizar indistintamente. Utilizar una forma u otra
dependerá del hablante y del contexto.
The supermarket is next to (beside) the bank. (El supermercado está junto al banco.)
Sit next to (beside) me. (Siéntate a mi lado.)
Significado: cerca, al lado de, junto a
Uso: Se puede utilizar en los mismos contextos que "next to" pero el significado de "by" es más
como "cerca" en castellano.
I sit by the window. (Me siento a lado de la ventana.)
Our house is by the river. (Nuestra casa está cerca del río.)
Significado: entre
The shop is between the bank and the train station. (La tienda está entre el banco y la estación de
She is standing between Peter and John. (Permanece de pie entre Pedro y Juan.)
Significado: detrás de
The church is behind the school. (La iglesia está detrás de la escuela.)
He is standing behind you. (Está de pie detrás de ti.)
Significado: contrario, en frente de, opuesto, delante de
Usos: La diferencia entre estas preposiciones la notamos cuando estamos hablando de personas, "in
front of" no implica estar delante y cara a cara, en cambio "opposite" significa delante y cara a
The hotel is in front of the station. (El hotel está en frente de la estación.)
The bank is opposite the market. (El banco está delante del mercado.)
Laura is standing in front of you. (Laura está de pie delante de ti.)
She is sitting opposite me. ( Se está sentando en frente mío.)
Significado: debajo de
The ball is under the chair. (La pelota está debajo de la silla.)
The dog is under the tree. (El perro está debajo del árbol.)
Significado: por encima sin tocar
The clock is above the table. (El reloj está por encima de la mesa.)
Nota: La traducción literal puede llevar a confusión cuando la traducimos al castellano, ya que en
castellano diríamos: "el reloj está colgado en la pared." Si quisiéramos especificar diríamos: "y por
debajo en la misma pared está apoyada la mesa."
Significado: por debajo sin tocar
The table is below the clock. (La mesa está por debajo del reloj.)
Nota: Como en el caso anterior, la traducción literal de "below" puede llevar a confusión. En este
caso diríamos que la mesa está apoyada en la misma pared en la que se encuentra el reloj colgado
un poco más arriba.
Prepositions (Las preposiciones)
Las preposiciones son una de las partes del inglés que más cuesta aprender a los hablantes de
lengua española porque la traducción directa a menudo es imposible. Las preposiciones pueden ser
traducidas de manera distinta según la situación o el contexto de su uso. Por ello es recomendable
memorizar las diferentes variaciones y usos dependiendo de si hablamos de preposiciones de lugar,
movimiento o tiempo. Verémos que muchas de las preposiciones se repiten en los diferentes
Nota: Las preposiciones siempre están seguidas por un sustantivo, no un verbo (excepto en la forma
de gerundio).
In / At / On
Son unas de las preposiciones más comunes que se pueden usar para indicar lugar o tiempo: in,at y
Significado: en, dentro, dentro de
Uso (lugar): Se usa para indicar tanto espacios cerrados como espacios abiertos. Lo utilizamos para
indicar que algo está dentro de una cosa, en un lugar cerrado, o en el interior de algo físicamente.
Sin embargo, como vemos en los ejemplos, también se utiliza para indicar que se está en un lugar
• Ejemplos:
I live in Brighton. (Vivo en Brighton.)
The cat is in the box. (El gato está dentro la caja.)
I found your address in the phone book. (He encontrado tu dirección en la guía telefónica.)
My parents arrive in France on Monday. (Mis padres llegan a Francia el lunes.)
Uso (tiempo): Lo utilizamos con meses, años, épocas, partes del día y períodos de tiempo (duración).
• Ejemplos:
We went to Mexico in May. (Fuimos a Méjico en mayo.)
I always run in the mornings. (Siempre corro por las mañanas.)
I will see him in a week. (Le veré en una semana.)
She was born in 1976. (Nació en 1976.)
Significado: en, a, al, cerca de, tocando
Uso (lugar): Se usa delante de edificios como casas, aeropuertos, universidades (para indicar que
estamos dentro), antes de "top" (parte superior), "bottom" (parte inferior), "the end of" (al final de),
para indicar acontecimientos como reuniones, fiestas, conciertos, deportes, etc..., detrás de "arrive"
(llegar) cuando nos referimos a lugares que no sean ciudades o países.
• Ejemplos:
He is at home. (Él está en casa.)
I always visit my sister at work. (Siempre visito a mi hermana en el trabajo.)
We eat at the table. (Comemos en la mesa.)
She will see him at the theatre. (Le verá en el teatro.)
Her name is at the bottom of the page. (Su nombre está en la parte inferior de la página.)
When did you arrive at the airport? (¿Cuándo llegaste al aeropuerto)
Significado: sobre, encima de algo, tocando
Uso (lugar): Se coloca delante de nombres de lugares con base como mesas, suelos, etc…, cuando
nos referimos a lugares de una
habitación como techo o pared y para indicar que alguien está dentro de un transporte público o en
una planta de un edificio.
• Ejemplos:
The pen is on the table. (El bolígrafo está sobre la mesa.)
They have a photograph of Paris on the wall. (Tienen una foto de París en la pared.)
I am on the bus. (Estoy en el autobús.)
Her apartment is on the second floor. (Su piso está en la segunda planta.)
Aptis Candidate Guide 1
There are two tests to choose from. Aptis tests from A1-C on the CEFR and
is suitable for most test-takers. There is also an Aptis Advanced test which
assesses English language ability from B1-C2 and is for higher level
test- takers. If you are taking the Aptis Advanced test, you will find further
details on page 38 and onwards.
It's usually taken on a computer or a tablet, but the core test, the reading
test and the writing test can be taken using pen and paper. In some
countries, it is possible to take the speaking and listening tests over the
The purpose of this guide is to help you prepare for these tests. There is an
overview of the tests and each component is described. There is also
advice on how to prepare for the test and information on how the test is
Aptis Candidate Guide 2
Final checklist..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................50
Aptis Candidate Guide 3
Test structure
Aptis consist of five components: core (grammar and vocabulary), reading, listening, writing and speaking. Clients decide
which components are needed for their situation. You, the test taker, will prepare for the core test (everyone takes the
core test) and the skill components the client has chosen. You may be taking one skill component (for example, listening)
or all four skill components (reading, listening, writing and speaking).
It is a good idea to take a practice test so that you fully understand what
you need to do. You can find a practice test on the Aptis website at:
Aptis Candidate Guide 4
Sentence completion.
Part 2 In this part of the test, you have 25 questions. To help you prepare for this part of the test, the
Vocabulary These are presented in sets of five words LearnEnglish website has games and activities to
(the words we are testing) with ten options from help you improve your vocabulary.
which to choose. http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar
There are a number of question types:
There are also many useful websites, for example:
Word matching: find a word with a meaning www.englishclub.com
similar to the target word. Another useful tip is to take note of interesting
words or word combinations when you read
Word definition: match a definition to the correct English texts.
1. Written grammar
He ______ me that the machine was broken.
2. Spoken grammar
John: She's French, isn't she?
Ahmed: No, _______ she's from Belgium.
Zeynep: I really don't feel like going to see that movie tonight.
Peter: Ok. __________ we can go next week instead.
Aptis Candidate Guide 7
Here is an example:
Select a word from the list that has the most similar meaning to the word on the left.
bare =
obscure = bare =
not real
sore = obscure = solid
artificial = sore = rough
artificial =
not clear
For the next question type you need to match a definition to a word. Click on the arrow and choose the word that
matches the definition.
Here is an example:
To encourage someone is to
To change something is to
To prepare for something is to
To repair something is to
Aptis Candidate Guide 8
The next question type asks you to identify a word from a list that is commonly used with the given word.
Select a word from the list that is most often used with the word on the left.
bare +
obscure + bare +
sore + obscure +
artificial + sore +
artificial +
There is a final question type that asks you to complete a sentence using a word from a list.
Part 2 In this part you will see seven sentences. They Read all of the sentences carefully first. Then,
belong to a single story that has been jumbled up. decide on the order (the first sentence is
Text cohesion There is only one way that the sentences go identified for you).
together to form the story and your task is to click
on the sentences and drag them to the correct Appropriate readers for this level are:
position in the story. Cambridge Bookworms Stage 1 and 2
Cambridge Readers – Level 2
This part assesses your knowledge of the
Penguin Readers – Level 3
cohesion of a text. You are looking for clues in
Macmillan Readers – Elementary.
each sentence that show how it links to other
Part 3 In this part you will need to read a text (about 150 Read over the whole text before attempting the
words). The task is to complete the text by questions.
Short text selecting the appropriate words (from a list) to fill
in the gaps. To complete all of the text you need Appropriate readers for this level are:
to understand more than just a sentence. Cambridge Bookworms Stage 2 and 3
Cambridge Readers – Level 3, 4 and 5
This part tests your ability to read and understand
Penguin Readers – Level 4
short texts.
Macmillan Readers – Pre Intermediate.
Part 4 This part consists of a long text (about 750 words) Read the main text carefully but as quickly as you
with a series of headings. The task is to match the can. Then carefully read the headings. Do all this
Long text headings to paragraphs in the text (there are before starting the task. Look for clues to connect
comprehension seven to be done). There is always an extra the headings to the paragraphs; these might be
heading that does not fit with any paragraph. similar words, ideas or topics.
This part is designed to test your ability to read Appropriate readers for this level are:
and understand a long text. In addition, you need
Cambridge Bookworms Stage 4, 5 and 6
to be able to demonstrate an understanding of
Cambridge Readers – Level 4, 5 and 6
how the headings reflect the paragraphs in
Penguin Readers – Level 5 and 6
different ways (sometimes using similar words,
Macmillan Readers – Intermediate and
sometimes similar ideas, or by sharing a topic).
Upper Intermediate.
Aptis Candidate Guide 10
Reading part 1
In this part, you must select the appropriate word from a drop-down list. You should complete this part in about three
Choose one word from the list for each gap. The first one is done for you.
Dear Morgan,
Thank you for a wonderful weekend. I had a really great time with you and
Reading part 2
In the second part, you must sort the sentences into the correct order to make a story. Do this by clicking on a sentence
and dragging it to its correct position. In the example below, we are moving the sentence at point 6 up to point 2. When
we make the move, the sentence at point 2 swaps position.
Order the sentences below to make a story. The first one (1) is done for you.
2 He was soon one of Hollywood’s top directors and in 1956 he became an American citizen.
3 At the end of his long career he returned to Britain to make a film in London.
5 At the start of his career he made silent films in England and Germany.
6 He got his first job in a film studio when he was a young man.
7 He made a big impact when he directed Blackmail, which was Britain’s first sound film and a
big success.
2 He got his first job in a film studio when he was a young man.
3 At the end of his long career he returned to Britain to make a film in London.
5 At the start of his career he made silent films in England and Germany.
6 He was soon one of Hollywood’s top directors and in 1956 became an American citizen.
7 He made a big impact when he directed Blackmail, which was Britain’s first sound film
and a big success.
Aptis Candidate Guide 12
Reading part 3
In the third part, you must select the word from the group at the bottom of the screen (in the green boxes) and drag a
word into each of the seven empty boxes. There are 10 word options and only seven spaces.
If you change your mind, that's not a problem as you can move the words around until you make you final decision.
Read the text and complete each gap with a word from the list at the bottom of the page.
Warren Buffett
American billionaire Warren Buffett showed a talent for money and business from a very early age.
When he was only six years old he six bottles of Coca Cola from his grandfather’s shop for twenty
five cents each. He then sold them to his friends for thirty cents, which him a total profit of thirty
cents. While other children were the same age were playing games, Warren was making money.
By the he left school at the age of 17 he had already earned $5,000 from a part time job
delivering newspapers. Many years he met the President of Coca Cola and invested in the
company. On this Warren Buffett made a profit of more than a billion dollars. Soon afterwards he
the richest man in America.
Reading part 4
For the final part, it is necessary to scroll the reading text to see all of it. Do this by clicking on the side bar (as shown) and
move the bar up and down.
Select the appropriate heading from the drop-down list on the left-hand side.
Read the passage quickly. Choose a heading for each numbered paragraph (1-7) from
the drop-down box. There is one more heading than you need.
Bone Wars
In the summer of 1868 a train carrying a group of American scientists made its way
through the western frontier state of Wyoming. On board was O.C. Marsh, an expert
in geology and the first person in the country to hold the position of professor of
palaeontology at the University of Yale. Like his fellow passengers, Marsh was
impressed by the enormous landscapes of dry rock, and he knew that the ancient
stones must hold evidence of prehistoric life. It was during this journey that he
made a decision that was to have a lasting impact not only on his own professional
career but on the American scientific community.
1. In 1800 the French naturalist Georges Cuvier identified a fossil [old bone] as the
remains of a small flying reptile. This was first recorded example of a species that
later became known as the dinosaur. Although these creatures no longer existed,
Cuvier showed that they could be studied through an examination of fossil records,
buried and preserved in rock. So the science of palaeontology – the study of
prehistoric life – began.
2. Over the next two decades some spectacular finds were made by English
Aptis Candidate Guide 13
Reading part 1
Dear Morgan,
Thank you for a wonderful weekend. I had a really great time with you and
Becky. Your wife is a good cook and she made a very nice dinner.
I am writing this note in my hotel room and I can see the park from my
window. My plane leaves tomorrow and I will take a taxi to the airport after
breakfast. I hope you and Becky will come and stay with me in Rome next
summer. I am feeling a little tired now and I am going to have a sleep.
Thanks again and see you soon,
Reading part 2
2 He got his first job in a film studio when he was a young man.
3 At the start of his career he made silent films in England and Germany.
4 He made a big impact when he directed Blackmail, which was Britain’s first sound
film and a big success.
6 He was soon one of Hollywood’s top directors and in 1956 became an American
7 At the end of his long career he returned to Britain to make a film in London.
Aptis Candidate Guide 14
Reading part 3
Warren Buffett
American billionaire Warren Buffett showed a talent for money and business from a very early age.
When he was only six years old he bought six bottles of Coca Cola from his grandfather’s shop for twenty
five cents each. He then sold them to his friends for thirty cents, which gave him a total profit of thirty
cents. While other children who were the same age were playing games, Warren was making money.
By the time he left school at the age of 17 he had already earned $5,000 from a part time job
delivering newspapers. Many years later he met the President of Coca Cola and invested in the
company. On this occasion Warren Buffett made a profit of more than a billion dollars. Soon afterwards he
showed moment
Reading part 4
2 Early developments in palaeontology
3 Ideal conditions for finding fossils
4 The risks of fossil hunting
5 Unscientific methods
6 The dishonest methods of Marsh and Cope
7 The achievements of Marsh and Cope
Aptis Candidate Guide 15
Part 2 In these questions you listen to short There are quite a few useful practice videos and
conversations with two speakers or to a podcasts on the LearnEnglish website, so that's a
Identifying monologue and you need to identify specific very good starting point. In addition, it may be
specific, information. For example, where do they want to useful to try to listen to as much English as
factual go? What do they want to buy? possible (e.g. films, television or radio). If you have
information access to the internet, you can easily find
materials, for example the BBC World Service radio
Part 3 In these questions you again listen to short There are a number of higher-level podcasts on
conversations with two speakers or to a the LearnEnglish website. Also try the BBC World
Inference monologue. The focus here is not on Service radio station.
understanding the meaning of what the speakers
are saying, but on identifying clues in their The strategies you need include paying specific
language or tone to help identify the attitude of attention to intonation and stress when somebody
the speaker, their intention or opinion. is speaking. Listening to authentic speech such as
television soap operas or films is a good way to
Aptis Candidate Guide 16
The system will not allow you to listen more than twice.
Listening part 1
B 8440 3868
C 8440 3660
D 8440 3668
Listening part 2
Listen to the message. Why does Heather call Steve?
A To say thank you
B To say goodbye
C To say hello
D To say sorry
Listening part 3
Listen to a man talking about somebody. Who is he talking about?
A Someone at work
B A friend
D A stranger
Aptis Candidate Guide 17
Make sure you fully understand the questions. Plan what you are going to write and then edit your writing before clicking
to the next question. The most common mistakes are the following:
Not answering the questions (going off-topic). Read the question and understand what you need to do.
Writing too much but with poor grammar, spelling and punctuation. Keep to the word count and focus on accuracy.
Not using a variety of sentence structures.
Not writing in sentences or paragraphs.
Not capitalising months, cities, countries and names.
Using SMS spelling.
The total time allowed for the writing test is 50 minutes. The timings for each section below are recommendations only.
You should spend no more than three minutes on Common errors are to write in all capital letters and
this part. to write the month as a number instead of a word.
Part 2 This part is again about form filling – but this time You are asked to write 20-30 words. The focus is
you need to write in sentences. on writing sentences that are on-topic and have
Short text accurate grammar, punctuation and spelling.
writing You should spend no more than seven minutes
on this part. A common error is to write more than 30 words
and make too many mistakes. Keep to the word
limit and focus on accuracy. Another common
error is to write in all capital letters.
Part 3 In this part you will have a social network-type Make sure you correctly answer all three questions
interaction. You will receive three questions and and don't go off-topic.
Three written need to respond.
parts of text, all Focus on accurate spelling and punctuation and
of which require You should spend no more than ten minutes on write text that is cohesive and coherent.
responses this part.
Keep to the word count of 30-40 words per answer.
Part 4 This part requires that you write an informal email For this part, make sure you keep to the word
to a friend and a more formal email to an count of 40-50 words for the first email and
Formal and unknown person. Both emails are in reaction to 120-150 words for the second email.
informal writing information about a change.
Make sure your answers are different. The first
You should spend no more than 20 minutes on email should clearly be an informal email to a
this part. friend or close family member, while the second
should clearly be a formal email to a company.
Writing part 1
You need to write five pieces of information. This part is not worth many marks so don't spend too much time on it.
Uses capital letters for name, month, city and first language.
No spelling errors.
Answers the five questions accurately.
Aptis Candidate Guide 19
You need to write five pieces of information. This part is not worth many marks so don't spend too much time on it.
Writing part 2
There may be one or two questions. The areas assessed are task fulfilment / topic relevance, grammatical range and
accuracy, punctuation, vocabulary range and accuracy, and cohesion. Here is the marking scale:
4 On-topic.
A2.2 Uses simple grammatical structures to produce writing at the sentence level. Errors with
basic structures common. Errors do not impede understanding of the response.
Mostly accurate punctuation and spelling.
Vocabulary is sufficient to respond to the question(s).
Some attempts at using simple connectors and cohesive devices to link sentences.
3 On-topic.
A2.1 Uses simple grammatical structures to produce writing at the sentence level. Errors with
basic structures common. Errors impede understanding in parts of the response.
Punctuation and spelling mistakes are noticeable.
Vocabulary is mostly sufficient to respond to the question(s) but inappropriate lexical choices
are noticeable.
Response is a list of sentences with no use of connectors or cohesive devices to link sentences.
0 No meaningful language or all responses are completely off-topic (e.g. memorised script,
A0 guessing).
Aptis Candidate Guide 21
You are doing a language course. Fill in the form.
Write in sentences. Use 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.
Writing part 3
In part 3, you will answer social media-type questions which will look like the following:
When you
nish your
answer, click
on this button
Then a new
question will
When you
nish your
answer, click
on this button
The areas assessed are task fulfilment / topic relevance, punctuation, grammatical range and accuracy, vocabulary range
and accuracy and cohesion. Here is the marking scale:
4 Responses to all three questions are on-topic and show the following features:
B1.2 Control of simple grammatical structures. Errors occur when attempting complex structures.
Punctuation and spelling mostly accurate. Errors do not impede understanding.
Vocabulary is sufficient to respond to the questions.
Uses simple cohesive devices to organise responses as a linear sequence of sentences.
3 Responses to two questions are on-topic and show the following features:
B1.1 Control of simple grammatical structures. Errors occur when attempting complex structures.
Punctuation and spelling mostly accurate. Errors do not impede understanding.
Vocabulary is sufficient to respond to the questions.
Uses simple cohesive devices to organise responses as a linear sequence of sentences.
2 Responses to at least two questions are on-topic and show the following features:
A2.2 Uses simple grammatical structures to produce writing at the sentence level. Errors with
simple structures common and sometimes impede understanding.
Punctuation and spelling mistakes are noticeable.
Vocabulary is not sufficient to respond to the question(s). Inappropriate lexical choices are
noticeable and sometimes impede understanding.
Responses are lists of sentences and not organised as cohesive texts.
0 Performance below A2, or no meaningful language or the responses are completely off-topic (e.g.
memorised script, guessing).
Aptis Candidate Guide 24
You are a member of a gardening club. You are talking to some other members in the
gardening club chat room. Talk to them using sentences.
Michelle: What is your favourite season, and why do you like it?
My favourite season is spring. It’s warm, the sun is shining and the conditions for gardening are
good. It’s the time when we can plant new flowers and trees. I really like spring!
Writing part 4
The areas assessed are task fulfilment and register, grammatical range and accuracy, vocabulary range and accuracy,
4 Response on-topic and task fulfilled in terms of appropriateness of register: appropriate register
B2.2 used consistently in both responses. Response shows the following features:
Some complex grammar constructions used accurately. Errors do not lead to
Minor errors in punctuation and spelling occur but do not impede understanding.
Sufficient range of vocabulary to discuss the topics required by the task. Inappropriate
lexical choices do not lead to misunderstanding.
A limited number of cohesive devices are used to indicate the links between ideas.
3 Response partially on-topic and task partially fulfilled in terms of appropriateness of register:
B2.1 appropriate register used consistently in one response. Response shows the following features:
Some complex grammar constructions used accurately. Errors do not lead to
Minor errors in punctuation and spelling occur but do not impede understanding.
Sufficient range of vocabulary to discuss the topics required by the task. Inappropriate
lexical choices do not lead to misunderstanding.
A limited number of cohesive devices are used to indicate the links between ideas.
2 Response partially on-topic and task not fulfilled in terms of appropriateness of register:
B1.2 appropriate register not used consistently in either response. Response shows the following
Control of simple grammatical structures. Errors occur when attempting complex structures.
Punctuation and spelling is mostly accurate. Errors do not impede understanding.
Limitations in vocabulary make it difficult to deal fully with the task. Errors impede
understanding in parts of the text.
Uses only simple cohesive devices. Links between ideas are not always clearly indicated.
1 Response not on-topic and task not fulfilled in terms of appropriateness of register. No evidence
B1.1 of awareness of register. Response shows the following features:
Control of simple grammatical structures. Errors occur when attempting complex structures.
Punctuation and spelling is mostly accurate. Errors do not impede understanding.
Limitations in vocabulary make it difficult to deal fully with the task. Errors impede
understanding in most of the text.
Uses only simple cohesive devices. Links between ideas are not always clearly indicated.
0 Performance below B1, or no meaningful language or the responses are completely off-topic
A1/A2 (e.g. memorised script, guessing).
Aptis Candidate Guide 26
'Register' means adapting your language to different situations. For example, your language should be different when you
are writing professionally and when you are writing to a friend. The first part is an intimate or casual register used among
family members and close friends. The second part is a formal register used between strangers. You need to show that
you understand the difference. In the second part you should write formally.
You are a member of a sports club. On your last visit to the club you saw the notice below.
Dear Members,
We are sorry to tell you that from next month membership fees will go up by a minimum of 15%. Also, due to
maintenance the club will close from 4pm on Wednesdays for the next four weeks.
Please feel free to email us at kjmn@goodhealth.com
Write an email to a friend. Write your feelings about the notice and suggest possible alternatives. Write 50
words. You have 10 minutes.
Hey Olga, what do you think about the fee increase at the sports club? I can’t believe they are increasing the
fees and closing early. If you ask me the gym should offer a discount if they plan to close early. I just signed up
and already a fee increase! Not happy!! Maria.
Also write an email to the Customer Service Team, explaining your feelings about the notice and suggesting
possible alternatives. Write 120-150 words. You have 20 minutes.
I am writing to complain about the fee increase to take effect from next month and your plan to close early on
I have been a member for only three months and feel it is unacceptable to increase the fee so soon after
signing up while also closing early on Wednesdays, which is one of the days when I like to go to the sports
club and meet my personal trainer.
I think you should rethink the fee increase if you are withdrawing services. One alternative is to implement the
fee increase after you have completed the maintenance. Another alternative is to complete the maintenance
after the gym is closed at 10pm.
I look forward to hearing back from you if my recommendations are acceptable. If not, I will look to another
sports club for my membership.
Understands the difference in writing to a friend as opposed to writing to an authority. The first text is
casual and the second text is formal.
Answers the input in a coherent manner. The text makes sense.
Writing is clear, assured and precise using a range of cohesive devices to make the writing flow.
Grammar and vocabulary is broad and accurate.
Aptis Candidate Guide 27
Part 2 In this part you are asked to describe a You should try to be fluent and spontaneous,
photograph and then answer two questions showing little sign of effort. Make sure you
Describe, express related to the topic illustrated in the photo. The answer all three questions.
opinion and three questions increase in complexity (from
provide reasons description to opinion). You are expected to talk
and explanations for 45 seconds per question.
Part 3 In this part you are asked to compare two To prepare for this task, it is a good idea to
pictures and then answer two questions related practise comparing two different things (e.g. two
Describe, to the topic. The three questions increase in cities or two houses). Focus on describing their
compare and complexity (from description to speculation). You advantages and disadvantages.
provide reasons are expected to talk for 45 seconds for each
question. With speculation, it is important to make sure you
and explanations
are using the correct grammatical structures.
Part 4 In the final part you will see a picture and be A common error is to describe the photo. You will
asked three questions about an abstract topic. not receive a high score if you describe the
Discuss You are given one minute to prepare an answer photo. The questions are more abstract (e.g. how
personal and can take notes. You are expected to talk for do you feel about something).
experience and two minutes.
Another common error is to go off-topic. Focus
opinion on an
on answering each question in a clear, smoothly
abstract topic
flowing, well-structured speech.
When this is finished you hear (and see) the first question (box B). When the time to record comes, the recording box
appears immediately below the question box. This tells you the amount of time you have been recording for (in this case
just over four seconds) and the total time for the task (in this case 30 seconds).
Before you start, we need to make sure your microphone and speakers/earphones
are working correctly.
Step 1: Click the Record button and speak into the microphone.
When you select the Record button you may see a security message. You must
select the Allow button to use your microphone.
Click to record Before you start, we need to make sure your microphone and speakers/earphones
are working correctly.
Step 1: Click the Record button and speak into the microphone.
When you select the Record button you may see a security message. You must
select the Allow button to use your microphone.
Click to replay Step 2: Click the Play button to listen back to the recording.
instructions here
Aptis Candidate Guide 29
As each new question appears, the same procedure is followed (boxes C and D)
Part 1. In this part I’m going to ask you three short questions about yourself and your interests. You will
have 30 seconds to reply to each question. Begin speaking when you hear this sound.
Please tell me about your family.
What do you like doing in your free time?
What’s the weather like today?
When your response to the final question has been recorded, the test automatically moves to the next part. You do not
need to click on any button to make this happen.
Note: All Aptis speaking questions follow this procedure. In the following screenshots we have not included the recording
boxes, but they will appear in each task.
Aptis Candidate Guide 30
The areas assessed are task fulfilment / topic relevance, grammatical range and accuracy, vocabulary range and
accuracy, pronunciation and fluency. Here is the marking scale.
4 Responses to all three questions are on-topic and show the following features:
A2.2 Some simple grammatical structures used correctly but basic mistakes systematically occur.
Vocabulary is sufficient to respond to the questions, although inappropriate lexical
choices are noticeable.
Mispronunciations are noticeable and frequently place a strain on the listener.
Frequent pausing, false starts and reformulations but meaning is still clear.
3 Responses to two questions are on-topic and show the following features:
A2.1 Some simple grammatical structures used correctly but basic mistakes systematically occur.
Vocabulary is sufficient to respond to the questions, although inappropriate lexical
choices are noticeable.
Mispronunciations are noticeable and frequently place a strain on the listener.
Frequent pausing, false starts and reformulations but meaning is still clear.
2 Responses to at least two questions are on-topic and show the following features:
A1.1 Grammatical structure is limited to words and phrases. Errors in basic patterns and simple
grammar structures impede understanding.
Vocabulary is limited to very basic words related to personal information.
Pronunciation is mostly unintelligible except for isolated words.
Frequent pausing, false starts and reformulations impede understanding.
0 No meaningful language or all responses are completely off-topic (e.g. memorised script,
A0 guessing).
Aptis Candidate Guide 31
Speaking part 2
In this part you will see a photo and answer three questions. You have 45 seconds to respond to each question.
Part 2. In this part I’m going to ask you to describe a picture. Then I will ask you two questions
about it. You will have 45 seconds for each response. Begin speaking when you hear this sound.
The areas assessed are task fulfilment / topic relevance, grammatical range and accuracy, vocabulary range and accuracy,
pronunciation, fluency and cohesion. Here is the marking scale.
4 Responses to all three questions are on-topic and show the following features:
B1.2 Control of simple grammatical structures. Errors occur when attempting complex structures.
Sufficient range and control of vocabulary for the task. Errors occur when expressing
complex thoughts.
Pronunciation is intelligible but inappropriate mispronunciations put an occasional strain
on the listener.
Some pausing, false starts and reformulations.
Uses only simple cohesive devices. Links between ideas are not always clearly indicated.
3 Responses to two questions are on-topic and show the following features:
B1.1 Control of simple grammatical structures. Errors occur when attempting complex structures.
Sufficient range and control of vocabulary for the task. Errors occur when expressing
complex thoughts.
Pronunciation is intelligible but inappropriate mispronunciations put an occasional strain
on the listener.
Some pausing, false starts and reformulations.
Uses only simple cohesive devices. Links between ideas are not always clearly indicated.
2 Responses to at least two questions are on-topic and show the following features:
A2.2 Uses some simple grammatical structures correctly but systematically makes basic mistakes.
Vocabulary will be limited to concrete topics and descriptions. Inappropriate lexical
choices for the task are noticeable.
Mispronunciations are noticeable and put a strain on the listener.
Noticeable pausing, false starts and reformulations.
Cohesion between ideas is limited. Responses tend to be a list of points.
0 Performance below A2, or no meaningful language or the responses are completely off-topic
(e.g. memorised script, guessing).
Aptis Candidate Guide 33
Speaking part 3
In this part you will see two photos and again answer three questions.
Part 3. In this part I’m going to ask you to compare two pictures, and I will then ask you two
questions about them. You will have 45 seconds for each response. Begin speaking when you
hear this sound.
4 Responses to all three questions are on-topic and show the following features:
B1.2 Control of simple grammatical structures. Errors occur when attempting complex structures.
Sufficient range and control of vocabulary for the task. Errors occur when expressing
complex thoughts.
Pronunciation is intelligible but inappropriate mispronunciations put an occasional strain
on the listener.
Some pausing, false starts and reformulations.
Uses only simple cohesive devices. Links between ideas are not always clearly indicated.
3 Responses to two questions are on-topic and show the following features:
B1.1 Control of simple grammatical structures. Errors occur when attempting complex structures.
Sufficient range and control of vocabulary for the task. Errors occur when expressing
complex thoughts.
Pronunciation is intelligible but inappropriate mispronunciations put an occasional strain
on the listener.
Some pausing, false starts and reformulations.
Uses only simple cohesive devices. Links between ideas are not always clearly indicated.
2 Responses to at least two questions are on-topic and show the following features:
A2.2 Uses some simple grammatical structures correctly but systematically makes basic mistakes.
Vocabulary will be limited to concrete topics and descriptions. Inappropriate lexical
choices for the task are noticeable.
Mispronunciations are noticeable and put a strain on the listener.
Noticeable pausing, false starts and reformulations.
Cohesion between ideas is limited. Responses tend to be a list of points.
0 Performance below A2, or no meaningful language or the responses are completely off-topic (e.g.
memorised script, guessing).
Aptis Candidate Guide 35
Speaking part 4
In this part, you again need to answer three questions but this time you answer them all in one response. You have one
minute to prepare a structured response. A progress bar on the screen will indicate how long you have left. When
preparation time is over, the message at the bottom ('You now have two minutes to talk') appears and you may speak until
the recording automatically stops after 2 minutes.
Part 4. In this part I’m going to show you a picture and ask you three questions. You will have one
minute to think about your answers before you start speaking. You will have two minutes to answer
all three questions. Begin speaking when you hear this sound. Look at the photograph.
During the preparation time, it is important to take notes, as it will help you organise and remember your response. Rather
than writing out exactly what you want to say, make brief notes and use these to structure your speech. Here are some
examples of note taking:
Areas assessed are task fulfilment / topic relevance, grammatical range and accuracy, vocabulary range and accuracy,
pronunciation, fluency and cohesion. Here is the marking scale:
4 Responses to all three questions are on-topic and show the following features:
B2.2 Some complex grammar constructions used accurately. Errors do not lead to
Sufficient range of vocabulary to discuss the topics required by the task. Inappropriate
lexical choices do not lead to misunderstanding.
Pronunciation is intelligible. Mispronunciations do not put a strain on the listener or lead to
Some pausing while searching for vocabulary but this does not put a strain on the listener.
A limited number of cohesive devices are used to indicate the links between ideas.
3 Responses to two questions are on-topic and show the following features:
B2.1 Some complex grammar constructions used accurately. Errors do not lead to
Sufficient range of vocabulary to discuss the topics required by the task. Inappropriate
lexical choices do not lead to misunderstanding.
Pronunciation is intelligible. Mispronunciations do not put a strain on the listener or lead to
Some pausing while searching for vocabulary but this does not put a strain on the listener.
A limited number of cohesive devices are used to indicate the links between ideas.
2 Responses to at least two questions are on-topic and show the following features:
B1.2 Control of simple grammatical structures. Errors occur when attempting complex structures.
Limitations in vocabulary make it difficult to deal fully with the task.
Pronunciation is intelligible but occasional mispronunciations put an occasional strain on the
Noticeable pausing, false starts, reformulations and repetition.
Uses only simple cohesive devices. Links between ideas are not always clearly indicated.
0 Performance not sufficient for B1, or no meaningful language, or the responses are completely
A1/A2 off-topic (memorised or guessing).
Aptis Candidate Guide 38
Part 3 This is a short text of around 300 words with Make sure you read the whole text before trying
missing gaps. You must choose the right word or to answer. This isn't a grammar test so all the
phrase from the drop-down to complete the gap. options can fit grammatically into the sentence,
you need to understand the whole text to choose
the right one.
Part 4 Here you have two short texts on the same topic. You definitely need to read both texts before
You need to fill in the blank with the appropriate answering as again all the options are
phrase. grammatically possible so you can only choose
the right one if you have read both texts.
Aptis Candidate Guide 39
Part 2 In this part, you will listen to three recordings of Use the fact that you can listen twice to your
monologues or dialogues and you will have to advantage here. Read through the questions
answer two questions for each recording. before you listen and predict what someone
might say about these things. Then, on your first
listen, select your answers and listen a second
time to confirm.
Part 3 In this part, you will hear a discussion between a Use your time wisely. Read the options and make
man and a woman. On the screen you will see a notes on what you think you should listen for (e.g.
number of opinions. You will need to identify who numbers, synonyms.)
expresses which opinion: the man, the woman, or
both the man and the woman. You will only hear
this once and you have 20 seconds to read
through the options.
Part 4 In this part, you will hear two separate Make sure you use the time to read through all
monologues. You will need to select the correct the options. Use this time to predict what kind of
answers from a table. You will only hear each words you expect them to mention around these
monologue once. You have 20 seconds to read opinions so you can listen out for hints.
the options in the table.
Aptis Candidate Guide 40
Part 2 In this part you will read an email from an Make sure you are on-topic and that you use the
authority. You need to respond to the email in appropriate register for the situation (see the
Email response 120 -150 words, using the notes provided, Aptis writing test for information about correct
expressing how you feel about the situation. use of register).
Part 3 In this part you will write an article for a website Try to make your article informative and
that is both informative and interesting. Notes interesting and use original text (i.e. don't just
Article for about the topic are provided and you need to use copy the notes).
website the information to help write the article. The
publication article needs to be between 180 and 220 words.
Aptis Candidate Guide 41
1 Response not on-topic and/or task not fulfilled in terms of appropriateness of register.
B1.1 Response shows the following features:
Control of simple grammatical structures. Errors occur when attempting complex structures.
Limitations in vocabulary make it difficult to deal fully with the task. Errors impede
understanding in parts of the text.
Punctuation and spelling errors do not impede understanding.
Uses only simple cohesive devices. Links between ideas are not always clearly indicated.
0 Performance below B1, or no meaningful language or the response is completely off-topic (e.g.
A1/A2 memorised script, guessing).
Aptis Candidate Guide 42
6 Response is informative and interesting. Clever use of the input with mostly original text.
C2 Response shows the following features:
Range of complex grammar constructions used accurately. Minor errors occur.
Range of vocabulary used accurately. No awkward or inappropriate lexical choices.
Minor errors in punctuation and spelling occur.
Range of cohesive devices used to clearly indicate the links between ideas.
5 Response is not interesting. Correct use of the input with mostly original text.
C1 Response shows the following features:
Range of complex grammar constructions used accurately. Minor errors occur.
Range of vocabulary used. Some awkward or slightly inappropriate lexical choices.
Minor errors in punctuation and spelling occur.
Range of cohesive devices used to clearly indicate the links between ideas.
4 Response is not interesting. Correct use of the input with mostly original text.
B2.2 Response shows the following features:
Some complex grammar constructions used accurately. Errors do not impede understanding.
Sufficient range of vocabulary to discuss the topic required by the task. Inappropriate
lexical choices do not impede understanding.
Punctuation and spelling errors do not impede understanding.
Limited number of cohesive devices are used to indicate the links between ideas.
3 Response is not interesting or informative. Key parts of the input are missing with mostly original
B2.1 text.
Response shows the following features:
Some complex grammar constructions used accurately. Errors do not impede understanding.
Sufficient range of vocabulary to discuss the topics required by the task. Inappropriate
lexical choices do not impede understanding.
Punctuation and spelling errors do not impede understanding.
Limited number of cohesive devices are used to indicate the links between ideas.
2 Response is not interesting or informative. Key parts of the input are missing with mostly original
B1.2 text.
Response shows the following features:
Control of simple grammatical structures. Errors occur when attempting complex structures.
Limitations in vocabulary make it difficult to deal fully with the task. Errors impede
understanding in parts of the text.
Punctuation and spelling errors do not impede understanding.
Uses only simple cohesive devices. Links between ideas are not always clearly indicated.
1 Response is not interesting or informative. Input is not used correctly or text is mostly copied from
B1.1 the input.
Response shows the following features:
Control of simple grammatical structures. Errors occur when attempting complex structures.
Limitations in vocabulary make it difficult to deal fully with the task. Errors impede
understanding in most of the text.
Punctuation and spelling errors do not impede understanding.
Uses only simple cohesive devices. Links between ideas are not always clearly indicated.
0 Performance below B1, or no meaningful language or the responses are completely off-topic
A1/A2 (e.g. memorised script, guessing).
Aptis Candidate Guide 43
Part 2 In the part you will be asked three questions about A common error is to go off-topic. Focus on
an abstract topic. You are given one minute to answering each question in a clear, smoothly
Discuss prepare an answer and can take notes. You are flowing, well-structured speech.
personal expected to talk for two minutes. This is the same
as the Aptis speaking test part 4 but there is no To prepare for this part it is a good idea to
experience and
picture. practise speaking for two minutes on an abstract
opinion in
topic (e.g. How do you feel about ___?).
relation to an
abstract topic Make sure you practise using your planning time
wisely to structure what you are going to say.
Part 3 In this part you need to speak on a topic for one Structure your presentation and make sure you
and a half minutes. You will have one minute to provide both sides of the argument. Try and
Presentation prepare. After your presentation, you will be asked speak like you are speaking to an audience or a
an additional question about the topic and asked group so make it interesting.
to speak for 45 seconds. There is no preparation
time for this additional question.
Aptis Advanced speaking part 1 is the same as the Aptis speaking test part 3. Aptis Advanced speaking part 2 is the same
as the Aptis speaking test part 4.
Aptis Candidate Guide 44
G... 2
A: She’s French, isn’t she?
B: No,____________, she’s from Belgium.
V... exactly
5 6 7 8
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The best approach to preparing for the test is to practise using the full practice test available on the
Aptis website, which will provide you with a percentage score at the end of each component to give
you an idea of how you are performing.
Aptis Candidate Guide 47
Sound recording
Make sure your test is taken in a quiet room.
When you click to start the speaking test, screen A appears. This allows you to check the sound recording system on your
computer. When you have recorded a sample of speech, screen B opens. Replay the sound. If you can hear it properly
click on Yes (take me to the exam), if not click on No (let me try recording again).
During the microphone check, make sure you say a whole sentence and not just one or two words. Assessing the quality
of the microphone needs more than a few words.
Step 1: Click the Record button and speak into the microphone.
When you select the Record button you may see a security message. You must
select the Allow button to use your microphone.
Step 1: Click the Record button and speak into the microphone.
When you select the Record button you may see a security message. You must
select the Allow button to use your microphone.
Click to replay Step 2: Click the Play button to listen back to the recording.
instructions here
Aptis Candidate Guide 48
If the line takes up all the space, then there is a loud noise (usually a technical issue) and we are not able to hear the
recording. You should alert the invigilator if the recording bar looks like this:
If the recording is a flat line then the recording is not loud enough. The microphone may be too far from the mouth. A
complete flat line means there is no recording, which is usually a technical issue. You should alert the invigilator if the
recording looks like this:
If you require a modified version of a test (e.g. braille or pen and paper tests) or modifications of the testing environment
(e.g. extra time), or any other accommodation, contact us at least four weeks before your test so that we can discuss your
needs and make suitable arrangements.
Aptis Candidate Guide 50
Final checklist
We hope that these notes have helped you prepare for your Aptis or Aptis Advanced test. Here is a checklist to make sure
you are fully prepared:
Because (porque)
• Both the Spanish team and the English one play football quite well
Either ... or
If (si -condicional-)
Not only ... but also
So (por lo tanto)
That (que)
Diferencia entre When / as
• When you finish your homework you will play with your friends
"As" también se emplea cuando una acción ocurre antes que finalice la otra
While (mientras)
and - y
• He played the guitar and sang wonderful songs.
El tocó la guitarra y cantó maravillosas canciones.
• It is hard for a student to work and study at the same time.
Es difícil para un estudiante trabajar y estudiar al mismo tiempo
not only...but also... - no solo...sino también...
• Mary plays not only the guitar but also the violin.
Mary no solo toca la guitarra sino también el violín.
• Not only is Sally disappointed at her brother but also angry at his remarks.
Sally no solo está decepcionada por su hermano sino también enfadada por su comentarios.
not only...but...as well - no solo...sino...también
• She is not only beautiful but very intelligent as well.
Ella no solo es hermosa sino que es muy inteligente también.
• Mary and Bill not only argued, but shouted at each other as well.
Mary y Bill no solo discutían sino que se gritaban también.
both...and... - tanto...como... / ambas cosas
• Many politicians desire both money and power.
Muchos políticos desean tanto dinero como poder.
• Bill wants both to earn more money and to work less.
Bill quiere ambas cosas, ganar más dinero y trabajar menos.
no sooner...than... - apenas...cuando...
• The baker had no sooner turned off the oven than
the last customers arrived.
El panadero apenas había apagado el horno cuando llegaron los últimos clientes.
• I had no sooner gotten into the bathtub than the telephone rang.
Apenas me había metido en la bañera cuando sonó el teléfono.
or - o
• We'd better leave right now or we'll miss our bus.
Es mejor que nos vayamos ahora o perderemos el autobús.
• Can you do that by yourself, or you need my help?
¿Puedes hace eso solo, o necesitas mi ayuda?
either...or... - o...o...
• Either you shut your mouth and listen or you leave the class.
O te callas la boca y escuchas, o te vas de la clase.
• That clerk is either incompetent or too lazy to be efficient.
Ese oficinista es incompetente o demasiado perezoso para ser eficiente.
neither...nor... - no...ni...
• The musician neither played the piano well nor sang good songs.
El músico no tocó bien el piano ni cantó buenas canciones.
• Jack neither wrote nor telephoned.
Jack no escribió ni llamó por teléfono.
whether...or... - si...o...
• We must decide whether to go there today or tomorrow.
Debemos decidir si ir allí hoy o mañana.
• Mary wondered whether to travel or to stay and save the money.
Mary se preguntaba si viajar o quedarse y ahorrar el dinero.
or else... - o sino...
• We have to hurry up, or else we'll miss our bus.
Tenemos que apurarnos o de lo contrario perderemos el autobús.
• You have to pay the rent of the house, or else you will be evicted.
Usted tiene que pagar el alquiler de la casa, o sino será desalojado.
otherwise - de otro modo
• You'll have to hurry up, otherwise you'll be late.
Tendrás que darte prisa, o de otro modo llegarás tarde.
• Leave right now, otherwise you'll be caught.
Vete ahora, de otro modo te atraparán.
if - si
• If I see him, I'll give him the message.
Si lo veo, le daré el mensaje.
• What shall we do, if they don't accept the offer?
¿Qué haremos si ellos no aceptan la oferta?
whether - si
• I don't know whether they will agree on that subject.
No sé si ellos estarán de acuerdo en ese tema.
• I wonder whether she really wants to do that.
Me pregunto si ella realmente quiere hacer eso.
unless - a menos que
• You won't pass the exam unless you study harder.
No pasarás el exámen a menos que estudies más duro.
• Don't go there unless they call you.
No vayas allá a menos que ellos te llamen.
provided / providing - siempre que, mientras
• We'll go fishing this afternoon, provided it doesn't rain.
Iremos a pescar esta tarde, siempre que no llueva.
• You can borrow my car providing you return it today.
Puedes tomar prestado mi coche siempre que lo regreses hoy.
as long as - siempre que, mientras
• You can stay here as long as you work hard.
Te puedes quedar aquí mientras trabajes duro.
• Nobody will know this secret as long as you keep mum.
Nadie sabrá este secreto siempre que mantengas la boca cerrada.
in case - en caso de que
• Call this phone number in case you get lost.
Llama a este número de teléfono en caso de que te pierdas.
• We will take our umbrellas in case it rains.
Llevaremos nuestros paraguas en caso de que llueva.
although / though / even though - aunque
• Although Jack is not very tall, he is excellent at basketball.
Aunque Jack no es muy alto, es excelente en el baloncesto.
• She decided to go to work, though she was not feeling well.
Ella decidió ir al trabajo, aunque no se estaba sintiendo bien.
even if - incluso si
• Even if he’s right, that doesn’t give him the right to be arrogant.
Incluso si él tiene razón, eso no le da el derecho de ser arrogante.
• I will finish the project by tomorrow, even if I have to work all night.
Terminaré el proyecto para mañana, aun si tengo que trabajar toda la noche.
not even if - ni siquiera si
• He will not do that work, even if he is paid for it.
El no hará ese trabajo, ni siquiera si se le paga por ello.
• They will not finish on time, even if they hurry up.
Ellos no terminarán a tiempo, ni siquiera si se dan prisa.
despite / in spite of - a pesar de
• Despite his bad reputation, the politician won the elections.
A pesar de su mala reputación, el político ganó las elecciones.
• It was a great match in spite of the bad the weather.
Fue un gran juego, a pesar del mal tiempo.
regardless of - sin importar, sin que importe
• They decided to finish the project, regardless of the cost.
Decidieron terminar el proyecto, sin que importe el costo.
• A patriot will defend his nation, regardless of the consequences.
Un patriota defenderá a su nación, sin importar las consecuencias
therefore - por lo tanto
• I don't know her phone number, therefore I can't call her.
No sé su número de teléfono, por lo tanto no puedo llamarla.
• She didn't study, therefore she coudn't pass the exam.
Ella no estudió, por lo tanto no pudo aprobar el examen.
hence - de ahí
• English is not her mother tongue, hence her mistakes.
El inglés no es su lengua materna; de ahí sus errores.
• Frank was raised in a farm, hence his ability to ride horses.
Frank fue criado en una granja, de ahí su capacidad de montar a caballo.
thus - por lo tanto
• He overslept and thus, arrived late for the appointment.
Se quedó dormido, por lo tanto llegó tarde para la cita.
• She hadn't eaten for days and thus felt very weak.
Ella no había comido por días y por lo tanto se sentía muy débil.
so - entonces
• His car broke down, so he took it to a garage.
Su coche se descompuso, entonces lo llevó a un taller mecánico.
• She was a little fat, so she decided to go on a diet.
Ella estaba un poco gorda, entonces decidió comenzar una dieta
consequently - por lo tanto, en consecuencia
• They were found guilty and consequently sent to prison.
Se los encontró culpables y por lo tanto fueron enviados a prisión.
• They argued all the time, consequently they eventually got divorced.
Ellos discutían todo el tiempo, por lo tanto, finalmente se divorciaron.
then - entonces
• If it is not here, then it's lost.
Si no está aquí, entonces está perdido.
• If you like those shoes, then why don't you buy them?
Si te gustan esos zapatos, entonces ¿porqué no los compras?
moreover - además
• Soccer is a good sport; moreover, it is very easy to learn.
El fútbol es un buen deporte; además es muy fácil aprenderlo.
• They work very hard; moreover, they do a very good job.
Ellos trabajan muy duro; además hacen un buen trabajo.
furthermore - además
• He is perfect for the job; furthermore, he is the only applicant.
El es perfecto para el puesto; además, es el único postulante.
• I dont want stay here; furthermore, I have things to do.
No quiero quedarme aquí; además, tengo cosas que hacer.
besides - además
• I don't like that house; besides, it's too expensive for me.
No me gusta esa casa; además es demasiado cara para mí.
• I don't want to sell my car; besides, I need it for my job.
No quiero vender mi auto; además lo necesito pra mi trabajo.
in addition to - además de
• In addition to being a great person, the physician was an excellent professional.
Además de ser una gran persona, el médico era un excelente profesional.
• Mrs. Baker had a great interest in literature, in addition to her interest in music.
La Sra. Baker tenía un gran interés por la literatura, además de su interés por la música.
but - pero
• He spoke clearly, but I didn't understand him.
Habló claramente pero no lo entendí
• She saw me, but she didn't recognize me.
Ella me vió pero no me reconoció.
however - sin embargo
• They were not having fun; however they stayed until the party was over.
Ellos no se estaban divirtiendo; sin embargo se quedaron hasta que la fiesta terminó.
• He doesn't study much; however he gets good grades at school.
El no estudia mucho; sin embargo obtiene buenas notas en la escuela.
nonetheless / nevertheless - sin embargo
• It was very stormy; nevertheless we went fishing.
Estaba muy tormentoso; sin embargo fuimos de pesca.
• She had no experience; nonetheless she got the job.
Ella no tenía experiencia; sin embargo consiguió el trabajo.
yet / even so - sin embargo, aun así
• He was a very good swimmer; even so, he drowned.
El era un muy buen nadador; aún así, se ahogó.
• He wanted to reply to that accusation, yet he didn't.
El quer ía contestar a esa acusación; sin embargo no lo hizo.
still - sin embargo
• Jack didn't study for the test; still he managed to pass it.
Jack no estudió para la prueba, no obstante, logró aprobarlo.
• He can not speak very well; still he understands everything.
No puede hablar muy bien, sin embargo, entiende todo.
instead - en su lugar, en lugar de ello
• I was invited to a party on Saturday, but went to bed instead.
Fui invitado a una fiesta el sábado, pero me fui a dormir en lugar de ello.
• I am not going out tonight. Instead, I will stay home and cook something.
No saldré esta noche. En cambio, me quedaré en casa y cocinaré algo.
on the contrary - por el contrario
• The boy is not dumb; on the contrary, he's very smart for his age.
El muchacho no es tonto; al contrario él es muy inteligente para su edad.
• Condors are solitary birds. On the contrary, seagulls live in flocks.
Los cóndores son aves solitarias. Por el contrario, las gaviotas viven en bandadas.
because - porque
• The baby is crying because he is hungry.
El bebé está llorando porque tiene hambre.
• They want to come because they want to see me.
Ellos quieren venir porque quieren verme.
for - porque
• We'll have to stay home, for it is raining outside.
Tendremos que quedarnos en casa porque est á lloviendo afuera.
• She turned on the lights, for she was afraid of the dark.
Encendió las luces porque tenía miedo a la oscuridad.
because of - debido a
• They stayed in because of the bad weather.
Ellos se quedaron en casa debido al mal tiempo.
• She can not play sports because of her illness.
Ella no puede hacer deportes debido a su enfermedad.
since - puesto que, ya que
• He won't understand, since he doesn't speak English.
No entender á, puesto que no habla inglés.
• They decided to go to sleep, since it was very late.
Decidieron irse a dormir, puesto que era muy tarde.
as - puesto que, ya que
• She failed to pass the exam, as she made many mistakes.
No pudo pasar el examen, puesto que cometi ó muchos errores.
• They couldn't find us, as they didn't have our address.
No pudieron encontrarnos, ya que no tenían nuestra dirección.
due to / owing to - debido a
• The unemployment was high due to the economic crisis.
El desempleo era alto debido a la crisis económica.
• They had a delay owing to the traffic jam.
Tuvieron una demora debido al embotellamiento de tráfico.
so - entonces
• So, tell me what you think about my new dress!
Entonces, dime que piensas acerca de mi nuevo vestido!
• George knew he had to wake up early so he went to bed at 8pm.
George sabía que tenía que levantarse temprano, entonces se fue a la cama a las 8pm .
so that - para que
• He gave her a present so that she would feel better.
El le dió un regalo para que ella se sintiera mejor.
• You should study more so that you can pass the exam.
Deberías estudiar más duro para que puedas aprobar el exámen.
so as to - para que, de manera que
• We moved the table so as to have more space for dancing.
Mudamos la mesa para tener más espacio para bailar.
• Jack opened the window so as to let in the sunlight.
Jack abrió la ventana para dejar entrar la luz del sol.
so as not to - para no
• He took a nap so as not to be too tired for the party.
Tomó una siesta para no estar demasiado cansado para la fiesta.
• She wrote down his address so as not to forget it.
Ella anotó su dirección para no olvidarla.
in order to - para
• They left early in order to arrive in time for the movie.
Ellos salieron temprano para llegar a tiempo para la película
• We are working harder in order to earn more money.
Estamos trabajando más duro para ganar más dinero
Exam speaking: Describe a photo or picture – tips
In some speaking exams you have to talk about photos or pictures. Watch
the video of two students doing this task on our website. The tips below
will help you to do really well in this type of speaking exam.
Look at your picture carefully and take a few moments to think before you start talking.
Talk for all the time you are given. If you have one minute to do the task, use every second.
Practise the useful language below so you can explain which part of the picture you are talking
Panic if you don’t know the words for all the things in the picture. You don’t need to know all the
words for everything in the picture if you know what to say when you don’t know an exact word.
Get distracted and start talking about something else. Focus on the photo or picture.
Panic if your mind goes blank. Take a deep breath, look at the picture and start again.
If you are asked to describe a photo or a picture in the exam, here is some language you can use:
15. New year año nuevo / Christmas EveNoche Buena / New Year’s Evenoche vieja
Grammar Adjectives: common and demonstrative Adjectives – comparative, – use of Adverbs Adjectives and adverbs Futures (revision) Teaching not testing
Adverbs of frequency than and definite article Broader range of intensifiers such Future continuous Inversion with negative adverbials The core inventory has been created
Comparatives and superlatives Adjectives – superlative – use of as too, enough Future perfect Mixed conditionals in past, present with teachers and learners in mind. Each
Going to definite article Comparatives and superlatives Future perfect continuous and future language point appears at the level(s) at
How much/how many and very Adverbial phrases of time, place Complex question tags Mixed conditionals Modals in the past
common uncountable nouns and frequency – including word order Conditionals, 2nd and 3rd Modals – can’t have, needn’t have Narrative tenses for experience, which it is considered of most relevance
I’d like Adverbs of frequency Connecting words expressing Modals of deduction and speculation incl. passive to the learner in the classroom.
Imperatives (+/-) Articles – with countable and cause and effect, contrast etc. Narrative tenses Passive forms, all Language testers should note that
Intensifiers - very basic uncountable nouns Future continuous Passives Phrasal verbs, especially splitting learners are not expected to have
Modals: can/can’t/could/couldn’t Countables and Uncountables: Modals - must/can’t deduction Past perfect Wish/if only regrets
Past simple of “to be” much/many Modals – might, may, will, probably Past perfect continuous
mastery of the language points at that
Past Simple Future Time (will and going to) Modals – should have/might have/etc Phrasal verbs, extended stage. What we teach, what learners can
Possessive adjectives Gerunds Modals: must/have to Relative clauses do with the language, and what we test
Possessive s Going to Past continuous Reported speech in examinations are not always identical.
Prepositions, common Imperatives Past perfect Will and going to, for prediction
Prepositions of place Modals – can/could Past simple Wish
Prepositions of time, including in/on/at Modals – have to Past tense responses Would expressing habits, in the past Development methodology
Present continuous Modals – should Phrasal verbs, extended A number of sources were drawn on,
Present simple Past continuous Present perfect continuous including:
Pronouns: simple, personal Past simple Present perfect/past simple n an analysis of the language implied
Questions Phrasal verbs – common Reported speech (range of tenses)
There is/are Possessives – use of ‘s, s’ Simple passive by CEFR descriptors
To be, including question+negatives Prepositional phrases (place, time Wh- questions in the past n an analysis of content common to
Verb + ing: like/hate/love and movement) Will and going to, for prediction various CEFR-based language school
Prepositions of time: on/in/at syllabuses and popular coursebooks
Present continuous
Present continuous for future
for English, and
Present perfect n a teacher survey.
Verb + ing/infinitive: like/ Status
want-would like
The Inventory documents current best
Wh-questions in past
Zero and 1st conditional practice, and can be used in conjunction
with databases of learner language like
the forthcoming English Profile.
Discourse Connecting words, and, but, because Linkers: sequential – past time Connecting words expressing Connecting words expressing cause Linking devices, logical markers
Markers cause and effect, contrast etc and effect, contrast etc. Markers to structure and signpost
Linkers: sequential past time Discourse markers to structure formal and informal speech
fromal speech and writing
Linkers: although, in spite of, despite
Linkers: sequential – past time –
Vocabulary Food and drink Adjectives: personality, description, Collocation Collocation Approximating (vague language)
Nationalities and countries feelings Colloquial language Colloquial language Collocation
Personal information Food and drink Things in the town, shops and Colloquial language
Things in the town, shops and shopping Things in the town, shops and shopping shopping Differentiated use of vocabulary
Verbs – basic Travel and services Travel and services Eliminating false friends
Formal and informal registers
Idiomatic expressions
52 53
55 Verb forms n They had already paid by the time 89 Conditionals 106 Modals: Possibility
66 Past I asked for the bill. 90 Zero and first conditional 109 Might, may, will, probably
67 Simple past n Ahmed had just arrived. ■■ If you heat water, it boils. n I might be half an hour late.
n When he fell, he cut his leg ■■ If you press this button, it switches off. n Petra will probably be late too.
73 Future
■■ If we don’t tell him, he’ll be angry. She’s usually late.
n I went to London on Sunday and 76 Future time (will & going to)
someone stole my camera. (Prediction) ■■ What will he do if he doesn’t find a job? n We may go to Egypt this year.
n They had so much fun that they forgot n If they continue to play this badly, ■■ We’ll go swimming if the water is n Are you going to have a party in your
to check what the time was. Liverpool are going to lose the cup. warm enough. new flat? I don’t know. I may, I may not.
n Spurs will probably win the league 110 Must/can’t (deduction)
68 Past continuous 91 Second and third conditional
this season. n Mohamed can’t be at home yet, I saw
n It happened while I was watching n If I won the lottery I’d buy a big house
television yesterday. n Look at those clouds. It’s going to rain. in the countryside. him leave just a few minutes ago.
n I was coming home from work when n He will pass his driving test eventually. n What would you do if they asked you n I don’t believe it. It can’t be true.
the car in front of me suddenly stopped. to work in America? n That must be Brigitte’s father. She told
77 Future continuous
n Car “A” was coming from a side street. n I’ll be working late tomorrow. n I would have told Jim, if I had seen him. me he was coming.
The driver wanted to turn left. The other n You’ve just walked all the way from
n He’ll be arriving on the last train n If we hadn’t gone out last night, we
car was coming along the road. It was Oxford Street. You must be tired.
from Manchester. wouldn’t have missed them.
moving really fast. The driver of car “A”
didn’t see it. They hit each other. n My girlfriend would have killed me 111 Modals: Obligation & Necessity
80 Present Perfect
if I’d forgotten her birthday. 114 Must/have to
69 Used to 81Present perfect
94 Phrasal Verbs n I really must lose some weight before
■■ They used to live in Portugal. n She’s just gone to the shop.
the holiday.
■■ I used to have a really nice wallet, n I’ve started but I haven’t finished it yet. 96 Extended phrasal verbs
but I lost it. n He turned the jobs down. n Passengers must not put their feet
n He still hasn’t arrived. on the seats.
■■ When I went to primary school I used n They made the story up.
to walk to school with a friend, but my 82 Present perfect, past simple n I can’t come tonight because I have
n She switched the light on.
mother used to collect me in the n I’ve been to Thailand twice. I went to meet my cousin.
afternoons. there in 2003 and 2007. Have you 97 Passives n I have to make an appointment this
■■ I never used /didn’t use to like olives, been there? 98 Simple passive week. It hurts!
but now I love them. n He’s won every match so far. n The lock was broken.
116 Ought to
70 Would expressing habit in the past n He won every tournament last year. n The trees were damaged by the storm. ■■ I really ought to spend less money.
■■ Every night I would tell my little brother
n I’ve had about 9 cars. n Rome wasn’t built in a day. ■■ You ought to inform the police.
a story and he would fall asleep in
the middle. n We went out together for six months. ■■ My parents will be worried. I ought
100 Other verb forms
■■ During the summer holiday we would n When I was at school I studied French
to phone.
101 Reported speech (range of tenses)
get up early and go to the beach. for about 5 years. 117 Need to
n She said she liked brown bread.
n I have studied French since I was ■■ I need to get back to work.
71 Past perfect n He asked if she wanted to go home.
n The train had left when I got to the
14 years old. ■■ Do you really need to wear such
n John told them the machine
station. old jeans?
83 Present perfect continuous was working.
n When I got home, Joan had already n How long have you been playing tennis? ■■ Do we need to buy tickets before we
n She explained that she’d lost my
cooked supper. get on the train?
n It’s been raining non-stop for two telephone number.
days now.
n He’s been working on the report
all morning.
54 55
118 Modals: Past 155 (Adjectives and) adverbs ■■ The maths test was unbelievably easy. 189 Topics
119 Should have, might have/etc. n She’s a good singer. She sings really well. ■■ That’s much too difficult for a B1 test. 195 Leisure activities
n We had a great time in Crete. You should n The instructions were not very clear. 196 Education
166 Lexis
have come with us.
n My mother has been working too 197 Film
170 Things in the town, shops
n The letter should have come yesterday. hard recently. and shopping 198 Books and literature
n They might have arrived already. n This cheese is a bit hard. n It fits really well but do you think 199 News, lifestyles and current affairs
n She might have gone home. it suits me?
156 Adverbial phrases of degree/extent, 200 Media
probability n I need to get some toothpaste from
134 Articles
■■ The water was extremely cold. the chemist’s in the shopping mall.
138 With countable and uncountable
nouns ■■ He speaks very quickly. n Can you hold on while I get a magazine
■■ He speaks too quickly. from this newsagent?
n Don’t go in the water. It’s freezing.
n I would like milk in my tea. ■■ There will probably be some speeches 171 Travel and services vocabulary
after the meal. n I’m sorry, we don’t accept cheques.
n He was wearing black jeans.
■■ He’ll definitely win. Do you have a debit or credit card?
140 Determiners n You need to check in at least two hours
157 Comparative and superlative form
143 Broad range (e.g. all the, most, both) of adverbs before departure.
■■ All the seats are taken.
■■ Paula got ready more quickly than n The gate number will be announced
■■ We haven’t got enough paper the others. on the monitor in the departure lounge.
for everyone. ■■ Jenson Button was faster in practice.
179 Contrasting opinions
■■ Several people are waiting. ■■ I’m afraid he’s getting worse. (on the one hand…)
144 Adjectives ■■ The person who most frequently got ■■ On the one hand, he is good with people.
ill was Angela. On the other hand he does not think
148 Collocation of adjective before he speaks.
n I didn’t want to wake him from his ■■ Stig worked the hardest.
■■ Even though he earns very little
deep sleep. ■■ Marie did the worst in the exam. he is always very generous.
n The student produced some really ■■ Paulo did the best at maths. ■■ Mind you, he is still very fit.
high quality work.
160 Intensifiers 181 Collocation
n We couldn’t get to work because
of the heavy snow. 163 Broader range of intensifiers n I’m going to take a quick shower.
(such as too, so enough)
n There was a strong smell of coffee n Its midnight but I still feel wide awake.
■■ He’s a really good driver.
in the room. n There’s a good chance he’ll be late.
■■ Do we have enough cake to go round?
151 Adverbs ■■ He came back so suddenly. 182 Colloquial language
154 Adverbial phrases of time, place ■■ She’s so intelligent it’s scary. n That’s a really cool top you’re wearing.
and frequency including word order n My boss is nice but he talks really posh.
■■ The ball was just too fast.
n We usually go abroad in summer. n The kids had a brilliant time at the zoo.
■■ He’s quite good at science.
n I have never been abroad.
56 57
B2 27 Synthesizing, evaluating, glossing
n Fantastic idea!
n Brilliant!
n To sum up, the government will need
2 Functions/ notions ■■ He was born in a little village in the
to cut spending for the next five years. n Great!
North East of Estonia on the 22nd
20 Describing experiences n Whatever.
of October, 1928. n All in all, it was a miserable performance.
n I was walking the dog in the park when
■■ My degree was in economics, n To be fair, it was his own fault for parking n That’s ridiculous!
I heard a loud crash. I looked in the
direction of the noise and saw that specialising in finance. where he shouldn’t have. n How’s that possible?
a huge tree had fallen down. There were ■■ You need to place the pizza dough in n In short, they were better than us n Really?
some people screaming and calling a warm bowl, cover it with a cloth or at promoting their ideas
place it somewhere warm, leave it to rise n No way! I don’t believe it.
for help and some children were trapped
under one of the fallen branches. for 30 minutes or until it doubles in size. 28 Speculating
33 Critiquing and reviewing
n I wonder if John will be going to the
21 Describing feelings and emotions 24 Expressing abstract ideas n I think that ‘Treasure Island’ is still popular
n Corruption is widespread in that part with children even though the language
n He was furious when he saw that his new
of the world. n If she got the nomination, she could is rather dated.
bicycle had been damaged.
probably win if she gathered enough
n There is little respect for human rights n In spite of its popularity I feel that ‘The
n She screamed in anger at how stupid support from the community.
during war time. Beach’ is a very overrated book which
her brother had been.
n What do you think would happen if they appeals mainly to gap-year students.
n Heather was delighted with her shot n Education is the way out of poverty did discover oil there?
for many young people. n The film was a bit disappointing, really.
and her face glowed with pride.
n What if Teresa hadn’t turned up?
n The best part was when …..
n Why should we suffer just because 25 Expressing certainty, probability, doubt
our neighbours like loud parties? 29 Expressing opinions n It was really good when ….
■■ I’m absolutely certain it’s going to rain.
n If I were you, I’d just say no.
n I don’t think it’s right for passengers ■■ It’s impossible to get him out of bed 34 Developing an argument
to put their feet on the seats. before 10 o’clock. n From her point of view, we have to do
n To begin with it’s a bigger problem
this as soon as possible
■■ He’s probably gone to the library. than you think.
22 Describing hopes and plans
n The way I see it is that you’ll have to
n I am having a meeting with my boss ■■ We’re definitely not going to Spain n As far as I am concerned this has
this year. study very hard.
on Friday. nothing to do with the issue.
■■ Are you sure we will arrive in time? n I feel we should do it.
n How are you going to get to France? n The way I see it, the family is more
n I really don’t think it’s a good idea. important.
n How long are you going to Jamaica for? 26 Generalising and qualifying
I’d love to see the photos when you ■■ On the whole I think it is a good idea. 31 Expressing agreement/ disagreement n That’s the reason I don’t want to work
get back. ■■ Generally speaking, the teachers are n That’s just what I was thinking. there anymore.
n I’ll call you soon. very helpful n You know, that’s exactly what I think. In academic discourse style:
n I am going to go around the world ■■ More often than not he shops in the n One reason why…
n I totally agree.
when I’ve saved enough money High Street. n Another argument for/against . . . is . . .
n That’s a good point.
■■ Taking into consideration the cost of
n I hope to get a job in Australia next year. n X maintains that . . .
travel, you might not want to buy a flat n No I’m afraid I can’t agree with you there.
n I’ve always wanted to visit the Taj Mahal. so far away. n Y states that . . .
n You can’t be serious!
23 Giving precise information ■■ We’ll stay for a week or two, depending n It could be argued/asserted that . . .
n Don’t be silly!
■■ I’ll meet you at 2pm in the children’s on the cost. n In conclusion . . .
section of Waterstones in Oxford Street. ■■ Provided that there is no rain, the n That’s ridiculous.
39 Discourse Functions
■■ In my job I mainly have to deal concert will go ahead as planned. 32 Expressing reaction, e.g. indifference
41 Checking understanding
with clients, particularly arranging n Why ask me?
and following up on orders. From speaker’s point of view
n Thank gooodness ■■ Are you following me?
58 59
■■ Let me know if you have any questions? n Pilar, would you like to kick off? Invitation in one-to-one interaction n Consequently, he moved to London
■■ Does that make sense? n Shall we begin? n Don’t you agree?
to be closer to his family.
From listener’s point of view During the meeting n Is that okay with you? 50 Linkers: although, in spite of, despite
■■ If I understood/understand you correctly, n In spite of her illness during the course,
n Jenny, can tell us how the n How about you?
there are no planes at all on Saturday. Human Resources reorganisation she managed to qualify successfully.
n What do you reckon/think?
■■ Do you mean I can’t talk to the boss is coming along? n Despite the rain we all had a great time.
right now? Invitation in group interaction
n How does that affect your n Although I was very young at the time,
■■ Are you trying to say you don’t want department, Rosa? n What do you think, Mario? I remember what happened quite clearly.
to go out with me anymore? n Let’s hear what Gabriella has to say.
n Let’s move on, shall we? 53 Discourse markers to structure formal
■■ Let me see whether I’ve understood
Keeping interaction participants on topic n James might have something to say speech
you correctly.
n We don’t have time to go into that matter
on this. n To begin, I would like to introduce
■■ So what you‘re really saying is . . . my colleagues.
right now. n Fiona knows a lot about this.
■■ Am I right in assuming . . . n Furthermore, I believe that the best way
n Let’s get back to the issue under n Hey, you did something like that,
42 Managing interaction (interrupting, discussion, shall we? didn’t you? forward is to provide more training.
changing topic, resuming or continuing) n hat’s another topic, really. n Moreover, the idea that depression can
45 Interacting informally, reacting,
Interrupting only be cured by medication is now
n Can we keep to the point, please. expressing interest, sympathy, surprise
■■ Actually, . . . being challenged.
n Wow, that’s fantastic.
n Let’s not get distracted.
■■ I’m sorry but . . . n Consequently, we have to be prepared
n Really? Tell me more.
n Taking initiative in non-control situation for a fall in profits next year.
■■ Just a minute!
n Tell me all about it.
■■ Yes, I know, but . . . ! n I’d like to say a few words here. n Regarding our position on nuclear
n I don’t believe it! power, that has not changed.
■■ Hang on! n Yes, I think I can contribute to this point.
n Oh wow! n Additionally, we will also provide support
■■ Hold on! n My expertise in this area might help
to clarify the situation. n Oh you poor thing. throughout the process.
■■ Changing the topic
n That’s awful. What a shame! n In conclusion, we have agreed to give
n Perhaps, I could say something here.
■■ Oh, by the way . . . £3,000 to the charity.
■■ That reminds me . . . 44 Encouraging and inviting another 46 Discourse Markers
speaker to continue, come in. 55 Verb forms
■■ This has nothing to do with what we are 48 Linkers: sequential – past time
talking about but . . . To continue (subsequently) 67 Simple past (narrative)
n Carry on. n Subsequently, he went on to be one n To help pay for his keep and to help
■■ On another subject..
of our best salesmen. his family, Andrew, who was still only
■■ Talking about holidays, did you know that n Go on.
15 years old, began working ten-hour
I’m off to Florida next week? n Following this he decided to leave
n Really? days at a Kensington hotel washing
the country.
■■ Before I forget . . . dishes and cleaning the kitchen.
n Mmm…mmm….
49 Connecting words expressing cause He earned just 6 pounds per week.
Resuming n Don’t stop. and effect, contrast etc. The harsh working conditions and the
■■ Anyway, I was telling you about John’s cruelty of the kitchen staff had a strong
n Tell me more… n I know it would be good fun to watch
party . . . influence on his later political outlook,
n What makes you say that?
the late-night film. Nevertheless, I think
■■ To get back to what I was saying . . . we should all get an early night before and informed his work when he began
n What makes you think that? the big event tomorrow. his literary career, particularly the novel
43 Taking the initiative in interaction that made him famous, ‘Working Boy’.
n I’m all ears. n I would like to tell you more. However,
Control and delegation at start
n I’m listening. that is as much as I am allowed to reveal 68 Past continuous (narrative)
n Andre, would you like begin?
at this time. n Antonio was walking away from the
crowd when the trouble started. He was
60 61
trying to get home but the buses were n Will you be using the car tomorrow? tomorrow. to be compulsory, has now been
not running. He was just crossing the n She wished she hadn’t hurt his feelings.
dropped from the syllabus.
78 Future perfect
bridge to safety when he heard the n She told us all about her new boyfriend,
sound of breaking glass. He was telling n I’d better go and collect the girls. 94 Phrasal Verbs
They’ll have finished school by now. whom none of us knew anything about.
himself not to get involved when 96 Extended phrasal verb
a bottle smashed right beside him. n I’ll call you at six. Will you have arrived n They ran quickly through the streets,
n Let’s splash out on a bottle of
by then? all of which were covered in a thick
69 Used to (narrative) champagne. blanket of snow.
n We used to play at the park at the edge n She won’t have left by then. n Watching that programme has put me
of the town. 118 Modals
79 Future perfect continuous off chicken.
119 Modals of Deduction and Speculation
70 Would expressing habit in the past n Julia will have been studying Economics n I’ll take you up on that offer.
n You shouldn’t have read her journal.
n Every autumn we would steal apples for 5 years when she graduates next
97 Passives It should be private.
from their garden. We would eat year.
the sour fruit and come home holding 99 All passive forms n You should have asked her earlier.
n You’ll have been travelling for 4 days
our stomachs. when you get to Bangkok. You’d better n I’m being eaten alive by these It’s too late now.
book a hotel and have a couple of mosquitoes. n He shouldn’t have any problem doing
71 Past perfect
days rest. n I wasn’t told about the new rules. such a simple task. (Assumption)
n When I’d climbed to the top of the hill,
I looked back down and saw something 80 Present Perfect n I thought that I was being followed. n The plane should have arrived by
I hadn’t seen before. n Did you think that you were being
now. (Assumption)
83 Present perfect continuous
n He had broken the vase when he n You’ve been spending a lot of time criticised? n I knew we might have to pay to get in.
had come in through the window. on the Internet recently. n The new treatment for malaria has been n You shouldn’t have shouted at him.
n He had had a terrible day up until that n They’ve been working very hard to get found to be very effective. He might have hit you.
point. building completed on time. n The weather could have been better
100 Other verb forms
n Honestly, we haven’t been wasting but we still had a good time.
72 Past perfect continuous 101 Reported speech (range of tenses)
n I was tired. I’d been working for our time. n She said she’d been waiting for ages. n You could have told me!
sixteen hours. n Have you been seeing Julie behind
n I knew we’d be late. 120 Modals: can’t have, needn’t have
n They had been driving so fast that the my back?
n She thought she could do it all herself. n It can’t have been John you saw,
police had difficulty stopping them. 89 Conditionals because he was with me.
n They reported that the volcano might
n Had they been waiting long? 92 Mixed conditionals n What can he have done with the keys?
erupt at any time.
n If I had studied harder, I’d be at He can’t have lost them again.
73 Future n They said it should be fun.
university now. n You needn’t have bothered getting
76 Future time (will & going to) n I told her I had to go.
(Prediction) n If I’d got that job I applied for I’d be here on time. He’s always late.
n You will succeed where I have failed. working in Istanbul. 102 Relative clauses
134 Articles
n I’ve lost the books that I borrowed from
n Here comes the bus now. We aren’t n I would have driven you to the match
the library. 139 With abstract nouns
going to be late after all. if I didn’t have so much work. ■■ History tended to be uninteresting
n Where is the man that sells second-hand when I was at school.
n Don’t worry. He’ll be here on time. n If I wasn’t working in July, I would have
suggested we go camping in France. records?
■■ The early history of Scotland is full
77 Future continuous (Prediction) n The children he played with thought of betrayal.
n This time next year, I’ll be working 93 Wish
he was much younger.
n I wish I was rich. ■■ Happiness in marriage is something
in Japan and earning good money.
n This is my cousin Verena , who teaches you have to work at.
n I’ll be visiting my mum on Thursday. n I wish today wasn’t Monday. music. ■■ Education is not compulsory in many
Can you come another time? n I wish I wasn’t going into hospital developing countries.
n Shelly and Byron’s poetry, which used
62 63
■■ The education I received was first-rate.
64 65
30 Expressing shades of opinion n What are you trying to say? n There are several reasons for this: one . . n He’s not Roger Federer but he is a very
and certainty . , two . . . , and finally . . . good tennis player.
n Absolutely!
n There’s no doubt about the fact that
n The main reason for this . . . is/may be . . . 37 Defending a point of view persuasively
there is going to be inflation. n I don’t believe it.
n Some people might argue that . . . n I know this may not be a popular
n No, I’m absolutely sure. I mean look n That’s amazing!
However . . . conclusion, but it seems to me we have
at the figure for X. n Oh, you poor thing. to face (facts/ the fact that . . . )
n Opponents of this idea try to suggest
n I may be wrong, but I think higher n You can say that again! n I do appreciate that what I proposed
that . . . However . . .
inflation is almost certain. may be expensive/painful/a surprise to
33 Critiquing and reviewing n It’s clear that . . .
n I have a feeling there may be some people, but I really am convinced
n The (report) highlights some important n No one would dispute that . . .
a problem here. the evidence shows we need to . . .
issues but it does not, to my mind,
n I suppose that could be an option. get to the bottom of the problem. n It is generally accepted that . . . n I recognise that this may . . . , but . . .
n I rather doubt that he’ll come. n It’s an excellent summary, but I think n All the evidence/data indicates/suggests n But one should not lose sight of the fact
it would be improved by a deeper that . . . that . . .
n It’s not something I feel strongly about
consideration of X. n Thus to conclude, the central issues are . n But surely one still needs to take X into
n Well one option/possibility might be
n The (report) sets out to do X, and it does . . /the key point is . . . account
to go earlier.
parts of this well, but it seems to me n In conclusion, before we . . . we need
n I really think that the people who produce 38 Responding to counterarguments
to lack . . . to . . .
our food should not be exploited. But the n What you say may be true in some
n The good/best thing about (the report) is 35 Conceding a point contexts, however in this case….
problem is that sometimes fair trade
goods are more than double the price. that it is so concise. It really hits the nail n I see what you mean, but . . . n You may be right, but I still think
When this is the case I tend to buy the o n the head.
n I take your point. I agree we need . . . / that . . ..
cheaper product. I am not proud of this, n Well, it starts well, but then after x pages/
It’s certainly true that . . . n Whilst it may indeed be true that . . . ,
but I am sure there are many other in the section on X, I had the impression
n I have to admit that . . . I still think . . .
people exactly like me. that it . . .
n It is true that . . . n There is no evidence to show that ….
n I thought the meeting was a missed n The plot involves the disappearance
opportunity to actually do something of a sacred sword and introduces us n Though I hate to say it, I think you are n On the contrary, . . .
good for a change. But I know that when to various levels of castle intrigue. right that . . . n I think you have misunderstood the point
it comes to environmental issues, Stephenson weaves his usual magic by I was making . . .
n That may be true, but . . .
governments tend to talk a lot and make giving us snippets of information here
grand promises, and then go back and and there, now from the royal chambers, n I can see where you are coming from
36 Emphasizing a point, feeling, issue
carry on just the same as before. If they now from the castle kitchens. The master but there are problems with your
n The main point I’d like to emphasize here
really wanted to make a difference they of gothic science fiction has provided analysis of the situation.
is the fact that parents have an important
wouldn’t just set so-called ‘green us with a real page-turner. The only role to play in a child’s education n In some circumstances, I would agree
objectives’ but would pass laws which criticism that might be levelled here is with you entirely, but in this case . . .
n 75% of those interviewed said that
would have an immediate impact on that the author assumes that the reader
public transport was not as safe. Yes, n Even so, he still has a long way to go
the environment.. is already familiar with characters and
75% think public transport is now more before he is suitable management
the world they inhabit. To get the most
32 Expressing reaction, e.g. indifference dangerous. material.
out of this book one needs to have
n To be honest, I simply don’t care. n After turning the whole house upside- n No matter how you look at it, he made
read the previous books in the series.
n Why bother? down, the police found nothing. a mistake.
34 Developing an argument Absolutely nothing.
n It’s not such a big issue. systematically n All the same, she deserves another
n I don’t really mind/have an opinion, n It is frequently argued that . . . , however
one way or the other. n X is clearly a topic of concern to many
people nowadays
66 67
46 Discourse Markers 55 Verb forms n In the summer we went to Devon for ■■ This time next year I’ll be sun bathing
54a Markers to structure and signpost 66 Narrative tenses for experiences, years. My Dad would ask us to navigate. on my yacht in Antibes. I’ll be mixing with
informal speech and writing including passive It was a way of keeping us quiet. We celebrities from all over the world. I’ll be
n We’ve a bit more money coming in than
would watch out for named pubs and driving a look-at-me car and going to
67 Simple past (narrative)
we had last year. Mind you, we’ll still read the road signs. Usually we counted fancy restaurants.
n I went home that evening in a very cars too. I would count VWs; my more
need to be careful with the heating bills. sombre mood. I tried to relax. I made ■■ At the speed things are moving, the case
sophisticated brother counted Jags. will have expired before it is brought
n He’d spent all his money without myself a cup of coffee and turned on I would usually win.
realising. So, he couldn’t afford a taxi the television. But I just could not get the to court.
and had to walk home. incident out of my mind. The more 71 Past perfect (narrative) ■■ At the end of next year, I’ll have been
I thought about things, the more certain n When he returned to the UK things were working here for 5 years!
n Then guess what happened?
I was that something just didn’t make very different. Maria had given up her
n On top of that his girlfriend was really sense. I decided to go back over job in the library and gone back to 89 Conditionals
angry with him. everything the next day. university. Reza had finally left home and 92 Mixed conditionals in the past, present
had moved in with a rather odd group and future
54b Markers to structure and signpost 68 Past continuous (narrative)
formal speech and writing – especially of postgrads who had very strict house ■■ If she had taken her studies more
n They were late as usual, hoping the rules about everything from the storage seriously last year, she’d have more job
logical markers
guests would be a little late. Miriam was of food to when guests were allowed to opportunities now.
n The pound is not as strong as it was two still in the kitchen preparing enormous
years ago. Moreover, the cost of flights visit. Brigitte seemed to have completely ■■ If Lola had given me the information
bowls of salad. Her father was tidying disappeared. Just six months before they
has gone up . . . away all his papers which were usually earlier, she’d be coming with us on
had been inseparable. Although he had holiday.
n Profits are likely to fall this year. scattered over every available space known that it couldn’t last, it surprised
Consequently, we need to prepare our in the dining room. John was keeping him just how quickly things had changed. ■■ If I were rich, I would have bought that
shareholders for some bad news. a lookout at the front gate, kicking painting we saw yesterday.
pebbles along the path. 72 Past perfect continuous (narrative)
n He was warned many times about the ■■ If Nareene didn’t come with us
n Whoever it had been must have had
dangers of mountain climbing in winter. 69 Used to (narrative) to Glastonbury, everyone would
Nevertheless, he continued to tackle a key. So if his parents had been visiting be disappointed.
n That bit of the coastline used to be much
some of the toughest peaks. their friends in Lyon, and his sister had
less busy than it is these days. Lisa and 93 Wish/if only & regrets
been out celebrating the end of term
n Despite the clear danger that was her brothers loved exploring the coves
with her boyfriend, then there was only ■■ I wish I’d studied a bit harder.
pointed out to him, he insisted on and beaches for miles in both directions.
one person who would have been able
continuing so he is at least partly They used to get up really early, run ■■ You wish you’d kept your mouth shut,
to get into the house that night.
responsible for what happened. down the rocky path that led to Shell Bay don’t you?
and go for a swim before breakfast. 76 Futures (revision) ■■ If only he’d take more care of his health.
n The cost of fuel has gone up. Therefore
Yes, those days were fun. ■■ My brother and his girlfriend are getting
it is hardly surprising that there has been ■■ If only I had behaved a bit better,
n I had a proper tricycle when I was married in August. They’re not going
an increase in the use of public she might have given me a chance.
a small child. It had a boot and I used to go on honeymoon. They’re going
to do up the flat they bought with the ■■ If only the sun would come out!
to keep all sorts of toys in it. We used
n Whereas that is the case in Brazil, in money they’ll save. They’ll probably have
to go all over the place, using the trike 94 Phrasal Verbs
Columbia it is more a question of . . . some kind of reception or party for the
as a mobile base.
wedding but I don’t think it will be a very 96 Extended phrasal verbs (splitting)
n Certainly the car is here to stay, but the
n 70 Would expressing habit in the past grand affair. ■■ The policeman broke the fight up
question is to what extent it will be the
(narrative) very quickly.
same concept of car. ■■ Oh no. Another goal for United! Barça
n My grandmother used to live by the is going to lose. ■■ She talked me into going to her parents’
n The policy was correct is so far as it was
seaside and we would go there every place for the weekend.
applied; the problem is that it wasn’t ■■ I just got a phone call from Raoul. He’s
Easter. My Dad would drive, my mother
applied systematically. in a taxi. He’s going to get here in about ■■ I can’t make anything out; it’s really dark.
would navigate and we would sit in the
back fighting. five minutes. ■■ She knew that her mother had put John
up to it.
68 69
97 Passives 166 Lexis 186 Eliminating false friends, e.g.
99 Passive forms, all 181 Collocations, e.g. ■■ In the chemistry class they performed
■■ He’ll be given a warning. ■■ It’s there in black and white. an interesting experiment (as opposed
to experience which is French for
■■ You’ll be being transferred to your new ■■ He was in excruciating pain. experiment)
job tomorrow.
■■ The suspense is palpable. ■■ Different languages = different false
■■ The seats will all have been taken by friends
■■ I did physics at university.
the time we get there!
■■ The situation is untenable. 187 Formal and informal registers, e.g.
■■ He’s going to be given an award.
■■ It’s a no go area. ■■ Mr. John Wilson passed away peacefully
■■ He ought to be sacked for behaviour at his home in Nottingham last week.
like that. 182 Colloquial language, e.g.
■■ John Wilson died in his sleep last week
■■ Having been beaten so many times, ■■ I am absolutely knackered.
■■ John kicked the bucket a few days back.
he decided to fight back. ■■ She was gobsmacked when he turned
■■ He might have been hurt. up at the party. 188 Idiomatic expressions, e.g.
■■ The whole thing was a cock-up from ■■ I wish I could remember her name.
118 Modals in the past It’s on the tip of my tongue.
beginning to end.
■■ You shouldn’t have told her.
■■ He tried to flog me an old banger. ■■ Everybody wants work with Marion.
She’ll be very upset.
She really is the flavour of the month.
■■ I should have warned him about the 183 Approximating (vague language), e.g.
■■ If you want a shoulder to cry on,
traffic, but I forgot. ■■ There will be about 30 odd people –
I’ll always be here for you.
■■ You might have told me it was her well 30 to 40.
birthday. I felt embarrassed I didn’t take ■■ I think he an accountant or something 189 Topics
a present. like that. 198 Books and literature
■■ He can’t have got my message. ■■ The book is sort of similar to his first one. 199 News, lifestyles and current affairs
He would never be this late.
■■ Can you pass me the thingummyjig for 200 Media
■■ You needn’t have bought any potatoes. taking nails out? 201 Arts
We had some.
■■ All the painting stuff is in the garage. 202 Scientific development
■■ I don’t think anyone could have done
184 Differentiated use of vocabulary, e.g. 203 Technical and legal language
anything. He had decided.
■■ She was really upset when she failed her
■■ Things might have turned out differently,
exams. I think she is still in shock.
if she had asked first.
■■ It’s not that I don’t like her; I detest her.
151 Adverbs
■■ It’s really good. It’s concise, focused,
159 Inversion (negative adverbials) readable.
■■ Little did I know that he had already left
■■ I wouldn’t say she’s antisocial, just
the company.
a bit shy.
■■ It wasn’t bad, just a bit disappointing.
70 71
Aptis: Guía del candidato - versión online
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› practique sus aptitudes en inglés siempre que tenga la oportunidad. Escuche la
radio en inglés (por ejemplo, BBC World Service), vea la televisión y películas en
inglés y lea libros clasificados por niveles (por ejemplo, Cambridge, Penguin,
Macmillan y Headway).
› lea los consejos de esta guía acerca de cómo prepararse para cada prueba.
Comentarios y opiniones
Blow up – explotar
Go on – continuar
Grow up – crecer
Keep on – continuar
Work out – hacer ejercicio, calcular, resolver,salir (resultar) algo bien, tener éxito algo.
Тесты на проверку
знаний основ
английского языка
(с ответами)
Составитель: С. Шиманский
Choose the correct response for each of the sentences: a) quietly b) quiet 10. far — ___
7. My grandfather is very ___. 5. healthy — ___ a) duller b) more dull c) BOTH ARE OK
a) clever b) cleverly 6. tall — ___ 4. Mary wears her white skirt ___ than (she wears) her
blue one.
8. He speaks very ___. 7. heavy — ___
a) oftener b) more often c) BOTH ARE OK
a) quiet b) quietly 8.fat — ___
5. This test is ___ than the last one.
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 2
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
6. Which one is ___ ? 3. Her cousin has ___ very good job. 1) a 2) an 3) a 4) an 5) an 6) a 7) an 8) a 9) a 10) an
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 3
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
8. She wants ___ puppy for her birthday. 5. ___ meal that we ate yesterday was wonderful. 1. John is ___ best teacher in our school.
1) a 2) an a) The b) A a) a b) the
9. I waited for ___ hour. 6. I have ___ test tomorrow morning. 2. She has ___ very nice cat.
1) a 2) an a) the b) a a) a b) the
10. The doctor had ___ friendly smile. 7. Which shirt do you like? ___ blue one? 3. My wife is ___ only person I love.
1) a 2) an a) The b) A a) a b) the
Answers 8. I have three shirts — a yellow one, an orange one, 4. My cousin is ___ police officer.
and ___ black one.
1) a 2) an 3) an 4) a 5) a 6) an 7) an 8) a 9) an 10) a a) a b) the
a) the b) a
5. Betty is ___ prettiest girl in our class.
Articles: a or the? 9. You must always tell ___ truth!
a) a b) the
Choose the correct article: a) the b) a
6. There is ___ party at Bill’s house tonight.
1. Did you see ___ man that I told you about? 10. I cannot understand how ___ person like him can
become president. a) a b) the
a) the b) a
a) the b) a 7. What time are we going to ___ party?
2. Did you get ___ birthday card that I sent you?
Answers a) a b) the
a) the b) a
1) the 2) the 3) a 4) a 5) The 6) a 7) The 8) a 9) the 10) 8. Yesterday I saw ___ really good movie.
3. He is ___ very good friend. a
a) a b) the
a) the b) a
Articles: a or the? part 2 9. Hurry up! ___ movie starts in 15 minutes!
4. We ate ___ wonderful meal yesterday.
Choose the correct article: a) a b) the
a) the b) a
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 4
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
10. I need to buy ___ new car. a) NO ARTICLE b) a 3. My teacher ___ the exercise to me.
a) a b) the 7. What does he do? He sells ___ cars. a) were explaining b) was explaining
1) the 2) a 3) the 4) a 5) the 6) a 7) the 8) a 9) The 10) 8. I live on ___ Washington Street. a) were listening b) was listening
a) NO ARTICLE b) the 5. Those people ___ towards the library.
Article of no article? part 3 9. I drank ___ glass of milk. a) were walking b) was walking
Choose the correct article: a) NO ARTICLE b) a 6. The cook ___ a tasty meal.
1. How much money do you want? Give me ___ 10 10. Two of my classmates come from ___ Vietnam. a) were preparing b) was preparing
a) NO ARTICLE b) the 7. I ___ to fix my computer.
a) NO ARTICLE b) the
Answers a) were trying b) was trying
2. I gave him ___ money that I found.
1) NO ARTICLE 2) the 3) the 4) NO ARTICLE 5) NO 8. My friend and I ___ basketball.
a) NO ARTICLE b) the ARTICLE 6) a 7) NO ARTICLE 8) NO ARTICLE 9) a 10)
NO ARTICLE a) were playing b) was playing
3. She is ___ only person here that speaks Japanese.
9. The police officers ___ the thief.
a) NO ARTICLE b) the Past continuous tense
a) were chasing b) was chasing
4. I live in ___ London. Choose the correct form of the past continuous tense:
10. My sister and my brother ___.
a) NO ARTICLE b) the 1. The children ___ outside.
a) were singing b) was singing
5. This kind of ___ weather makes me happy. a) were playing b) was playing
a) NO ARTICLE b) a 2. The dog ___ at us.
1) a 2) b 3) b 4) b 5) a 6) b 7) b 8) a 9) a 10) a
6. He bought ___ new car. a) were barking b) was barking
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Стр. 5
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
7. My boss planned a meeting. My boss was ___ a 5. Many people work ___ this building. 2. The dog is ___ the doghouse.
a) at b) in c) on a) at b) in c) on
8. We had a party. We were ___ a party.
6. I will meet you ___ 7:00 PM. 3. I eat breakfast ___ the morning.
9. The band played a beautiful song. The band was ___
a beautiful song. a) at b) in c) on a) at b) in c) on
10. I tried to explain. I was ___ to explain. 7. Let’s meet ___ Wednesday. 4. We arrived ___ the airport in the evening.
Answers a) at b) in c) on a) at b) in c) on
1) speaking 2) listening 3) laughing 4) being 5) singing 8. am going to Japan ___ seven days. 5. I was ___ work all day.
6) doing 7) planning 8) having 9) playing 10) trying
a) at b) in c) on a) at b) in c) on
9. I met John ___ my friend’s party. 6. Put the book ___ the table.
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 6
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
a) at b) in c) on 3. We had our party ___ 8:00 PM until 10:00 PM. Present continuous or simple present
7. He is currently ___ vacation. a) since b) for c) from tense? part 2
a) at b) in c) on 4. I have been sick ___ Sunday. Choose whether the verb should be in the present
continuous or the simple present tense:
8. I’ll call you ___ half an hour. a) since b) for c) from
1. I always ___ before I go to sleep.
a) at b) in c) on 5. They have been sick ___ three days.
a) am reading b) read
9. We had a good time ___ the basketball game. a) since b) for c) from
2. She ___ French, but she doesn’t speak Italian.
a) at b) in c) on 6. I will be ready ___ 30 minutes.
a) speaks b) is speaking
10. There are many good restaurants ___ this city. a) since b) for c) in
3. She ___ right now.
a) at b) in c) on 7. Kelly has not seen him ___ two weeks.
a) speaks b) is speaking
Answers a) since b) for c) in
4. Next week we ___ to the theater.
1) c 2) b 3) b 4) a 5) a 6) c 7) c 8) b 9) a 10) b 8. She slept ___ one hour.
a) go b) are going
a) since b) for c) in
Prepositions of time (since, for, in, 5. (Generally) I ___ Mexican food.
9. My sister will be here ___ two hours.
from) a) love b) am loving
a) since b) for c) in
Choose the correct preposition for each of the sentences: 6. How do you feel? I ___ great!
10. I have not eaten ___ this morning.
1. I have not seen him ___ the summer. a) am feeling b) feel
a) since b) for c) in
a) since b) for c) from 7. Listen — I ___ to explain this to you.
2. I am going there ___ three weeks. a) am trying b) try
1) a 2) b 3) c 4) a 5) b 6) c 7) c 8) b 9) c 10) a
a) since b) for c) from 8. Tomorrow I ___ to see my friend.
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 7
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
9. Where is she now? She ___ home. 5. He normally ___ very fast. 2. That man is driving a car. That man has ___ a car.
10. How does she usually get to work? She ___. 6. I never ___ what to expect. 4. She is in Prague. She has ___ in Prague.
a) is walking b) walks a) am knowing b) know 5. They are arguing about money. They have ___ money.
Answers 7. I’m sorry, Angela can’t come to the phone — she ___ a 6. They are taking a test. They have ___ a test.
1) b 2) a 3) b 4) b 5) a 6) b 7) a 8) a 9) b 10) b 7. She is eating. She has ___.
a) is taking b) takes
8. I am listening to music. I have ___ to music.
Present continuous or simple present 8. I ___ home right now.
9. The musician is playing a song. The musician has ___
tense? part 3 a) go b) am going a song.
Choose whether the verb should be in the present 9. Those girls ___ out every Friday. 10. She is flying to Berlin. She has ___ to Berlin.
continuous or the simple present tense:
a) are going b) go Answers
1. I usually ___ to rock music.
10. (Generally) I ___ classical music. 1) spoken 2) driven 3) slept 4) been 5) argued 6) taken
a) listen b) am listening 7) eaten 8) listened 9) played 10) flown
a) like b) am liking
2. What is she doing? She ___ to music. Present perfect verb tense (part 2)
a) listens b) is listening Change each sentence into the present perfect tense. ‘I
1) a 2) b 3) b 4) a 5) a 6) b 7) a 8) b 9) b 10) a played baseball — I have played baseball’
3. My professor always ___ very slowly.
1. I ate vegetables. I have ___ vegetables.
a) is speaking b) speaks Present perfect verb tense
2. I came. I have ___.
4. What are you doing tonight? We ___ to see a movie. Change each sentence into the present perfect tense. ‘I
am playing baseball — I have played baseball’ 3. My cousins sold their car. They have ___ their car.
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 8
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
4. I told a story. I have ___ a story. a) him b) himself Reflexive pronoun or object pronoun 2
5. They saw my friend. They have ___ my friend. 4. You really have to respect ___. Choose the correct pronoun:
6. We cleaned our room. We have ___ our room. a) you b) yourself 1. They wanted to do it ___.
7. I flew to Mexico City. I have ___ to Mexico City. 5. They talk about us, but they don’t really know ___. a) them b) themselves
8. I thought about going on vacation. I have ___ about a) us b) ourselves 2. He broke his leg so he cannot dress ___.
going on vacation.
6. Some actors love ___ too much. a) himself b) him
9. I spoke to Mary about you. I have ___ to Mary about
you. a) them b) themselves 3. I hurt ___ playing hockey.
10. She chose the blue pants. She has ___ the blue 7. Are you going to invite ___ to the concert? a) me b) myself
a) herself b) her 4. My father cut ___ shaving.
8. Goodbye! Take care of ___ ! a) himself b) him
1) eaten 2) come 3) sold 4) told 5) seen 6) cleaned 7)
flown 8) thought 9) spoken 10) chosen a) you b) yourself 5. I love spending time with ___.
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 9
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
9. I don’t know anything about ___. a) her b) to her 3. These are his photos. These photo’s are ___.
a) them b) themselves 6. I phoned ___ three times. 4. Those are our bags. Those bags are ___.
10. I blame ___ for the accident. a) him b) to him 5. These are their essays. These essays are ___.
a) me b) myself 7. Are you talking ___ ? 6. That is your wallet. That wallet is ___.
1) themselves 2) himself 3) myself 4) himself 5) her 6) 8. I spoke ___ about the trip. 8. I own that boat. That boat is ___.
yourself 7) herself 8) me 9) them 10) myself
a) you b) to you 9. Those jackets belong to them. Those jackets are ___.
Object pronouns — with or without ‘to’? 9. I didn’t see ___ at the supermarket. 10. These cds belong to us. These cds are ___.
1. He gave ___ the money. 10. She did not tell ___ her name. 1) mine 2) hers 3) his 4) ours 5) theirs 6) yours 7) hers
8) mine 9) theirs 10) ours
a) him b) to him a) me b) to me
a) her b) to her 1. This is my book. This book is ___. 2. I can’t understand him. He doesn’t speak very ___.
5. You should give ___ that shirt. 2. That is her car. That car is ___. a) clearly b) clear
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 10
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
3. We had a ___ time in Mexico City. Answers 1) quickly 2) well 3) honest 4) gently 5) quick 6) easily
7) quickly 8) expensive 9) completely 10) bright
a) greatly b) great 1) quietly 2) clearly 3) great 4) quickly 5) hard 6) late 7)
happy 8) loud 9) gentle 10) badly
4. I understood the question, but I couldn’t answer very Adverbs
Adverb or adjective? (part 2) For each sentence, change the adjective in parentheses
a) quickly b) quick into an adverb.
For each sentence, fill in the blank with either the adverb
5. I don’t have a ___ time making friends. or the adjective. 1. The ballerina moved around very ___ (graceful).
a) hardly b) hard 1. My car broke down yesterday. I hope the mechanic 2. David ___ (easy) won the first race.
can fix it ___ (quick/quickly).
6. John arrived at the airport ___, and ended up missing 3. I don’t know ___ (exact) how much money he makes.
his flight. 2. She dances very ___ (good/well).
4. I ___ (honest) don’t know what John told his sister.
a) late b) lately 3. He’s an ___ (honestly/honest) man. He never lies.
5. The singer of the band sang very ___ (ba d) during
7. Ever since he met Sara, he has looked very ___. 4. He broke the news to her ___ (gentle/gently). the concert.
a) happily b) happy 5. My cat is very ___ (quickly/quick). 6. My friend Tom always speaks very ___ (lou d).
8. I can hear the ___ rain falling on the roof. 6. I make new friends very ___ (easily/easy). 7. You speak English very ___ (goo d).
a) loudly b) loud 7. Why do you drive so ___ (quickly/quick) ? 8. These days I am so busy at work that I ___ (rare) have
time to go out.
9. She is a very kind and ___ person. 8. In the United States, food is not as ___ (expensively/
expensive) as in Europe. 9. Sometimes I like to spend the day just lying in bed
a) gentle b) gently ___ (lazy).
9. I was ___ (complete/completely) confused by his
10. That child behaves very ___. question. 10. The police officer made sure that she got home ___
a) badly b) bad 10. She always wears ___ (brightly/bright) clothes.
1) gracefully 2) easily 3) exactly 4) honestly 5) badly 6)
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Стр. 11
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
loudly 7) well 8) rarely 9) lazily 10) safely Soon after he quit his job, Jim met 9) ___ beautiful either «a», «an», «the», or «noarticle».
surfer named Jenny. After they went out for 10) ___
couple of months, they decided to get married. 1. ___ Chinese is a difficult language to learn. 2. ___
Which article? general’s army attacked the city at night. 3. I like
Answers to play ___ basketball. 4. My parents gave me ___
Fill in the blanks with either «a», «an», or «the». basketball for my birthday. 5. She is___ prettiest girl
1) an 2) a 3) the 4) the 5) an 6) a 7) the 8) an 9) a 10) a in the school. 6. I have ___ idea! Let’s go bowling. 7. I
I went to 1) ___ airport at 6:00 AM yesterday. I had to have borrowed ___ money from her before. 8. My first
catch 2) ___ flight to Paris. The lines at 3) ___ airport apartment was on ___ OrangeStreet. 9. ___ dress she is
were very long, so I had to wait 4) ___ long time. Once Which article? (part 3) wearing is blue. 10. He is ___ real gentleman.
5) ___ plane took off, Itried to get some sleep but I
couldn’t. Then I ate 6) ___ pretty good meal, 7) ___ Fill in the blanks with either «a», «an», or «the». Answers
rareoccurrence on airplanes! Later, I spoke to one of
8) ___ flight attendants for 9) ___ while. Shewas pretty. At 1) ___ beginning of 2) ___ twentieth century, East Los 1) no article 2) the 3) no article 4) a 5) the 6) an 7) no
She told me that 10) ___ pilot of 1 1) ___ airplane was Angeles became 3) ___ popularimmigrant destination. article 8) no article 9) the 10) a
French. I managed to fallasleep for about 1 2) ___ hour. In 4) ___ early 1900s, Russians, Jews, Japanese, and
After I woke up, I felt refreshed. I ordered 1 3) ___ drink, Mexicans all had 5) ___ significant presence in 6) ___
thenanother. Generally, it was 1 4) ___ pretty smooth area. Living east of 7) ___ river and working in nearby Article or no article? (part 2)
flight. factories, or traveling by electric rail into downtown
Los Angeles, immigrants and their children helped For each of the following sentences, fill in the blank with
Answers fuel 8) ___ prosperity of 9) ___ growing metropolis. By either «a», «an», «the», or «no article».
10) ___ onset of World War II, East Los Angeles had
1) the 2) a 3) the 4) a 5) the 6) a 7) a 8) the 9) a 10) the almost become 1 1) ___ exclusively Latino community, 1. ___ Seoul is the capital of South Korea.
1 1) the 1 2) an 1 3) a 1 4) a soon reinforced by 1 2) ___ influx of Mexican workers
whoarrived to man the machines in 1 3) ___ area’s 2. Most people who live in ___ small town are happy.
Which article? (part 2) burgeoning war industries.
3. I have been playing ___ tennis for three years.
Fill in the blanks with either «a», «an», or «the». Answers
4. We had ___ really good time at the park.
Jim, 1) ___ old friend of mine, used to work in 1) the 2) the 3) a 4) the 5) a 6) the 7) the 8) the 9) the
downtown Los Angeles. He had 2) ___ good jobin one 10) the 1 1) an 1 2) an 1 3) the 5. I am ___ only person here who speaks German.
of 3) ___ biggest law firms in 4) ___ city. He was 5) ___
honest, hard-working lawyer, but he hated his job. So 6. Look at ___ time! We’re going to be late!
he decided to quit, and to become 6) ___ surfer instead. Article or no article?
Now Jim spends his days surfing 7) ___ waves of 7. I have borrowed ___ money from her before.
Malibu. It isn’t 8) ___ easy life, but it makes him happy. For each of the following sentences, fill in the blank with
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Стр. 12
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
8. Most people who live in ___ Italy are Catholic. 6. ___ you seen that movie several times already? 3. ___ you upset?
10. I’ve never been to ___ mountains. 7. ___ he leaving tomorrow? 4. ___ you told her yet?
1) no article 2) a 3) no article 4) a 5) the 6) the 7) no 8. ___ she been to Greece before? 5. ___ they ever been here before?
article 8) no article 9) a 10) the
a) Has b) Does c) Is a) Are b) Do c) Have
Auxiliary verbs (to be, to do, to have) 1 9. ___ they coming at 7? 6. ___ that a good movie?
Fill in each blank space with the correct auxiliary verb: a) Do b) Are c) Have a) Is b) Does c) Has
1. ___ he changed much over the years? 10. ___ they always cheat? 7. ___ she in love with Marco?
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Стр. 13
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
Causative structures 1 a) to pack b) packing c) pack 3. Are you going to ___ like this?
There are two basic causative structures — an active 8. Why don’t you ___ with my friends? a) let him to suffer b) allow him suffer c) let him suffer
one (ex: ‘I had Mike fix my computer’, ‘I let him go there’),
and a passive one (ex: ‘I had my computer fixed’). The a) let me to go out b) let me go out c) let mego to 4. Jimmy is dead. The mafia boss ___.
causative is often used with the following verbs: to have,
to let, to make, to get. 9. I had my wallet ___ yesterday. a) had killed b) had him killed c) had him to be killed
1. The sunshine made me ___ of our trip to Mexico. a) stolen b) stole c) to steal 5. Julie will not let her daughter ___ the boy from
across the street.
a) think b) to think c) thinking 10. I had Juan ___ yesterday.
a) marry b) to marry c) married
2. I had my hair ___ last night. a) to fix my door b) fix my door c) fixed my door
6. I had the wall ___ when I was renovating my
a) trim b) trimmed c) trimming Answers apartment.
3. I’m going to ___ after the concert. 1) a 2) b 3) c 4) b 5) a 6) b 7) c 8) b 9) a 10) b a) to be knocked down b) knocked down c) knock down
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 14
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
a) done b) to be done c) have done a) let him say b) let him to say c) let him said 2. If I run into her, I ___ her that you’re looking for her.
(to tell) a) would tell b) tell c) will tell
Answers 6. The movie ___ sad.
3. If you ___ that again, I will call the police. (to do) a)
1) a 2) b 3) c 4) b 5) a 6) b 7) c 8) b 9) a 10) a a) made to feel b) made him feel c) made him to feel to do b) do c) will do
7. I get my ___ from my other address. 4. He would never have asked her out on a date if she
Causative structures 3 ___ him first. (to kiss) a) hadn’t kissed b) didn’t kiss c)
a) mail forward b) mail to forward c) mail forwarded will not kiss
There are two basic causative structures — an active
one (ex: ‘I had Mike fix my computer’, ‘I let him go there’), 8. Have your assistant ___ these letters immediately! 5. If you were her, what ___ ? (to do) a) would you do b)
and a passive one (ex: ‘I had my computer fixed’). The did you do c) do you do
causative is often used with the following verbs: to have, a) to send b) to be sent c) send
to let, to make, to get. 6. If she hadn’t gone to England, she ___ Orlando
9. He ___ yesterday. Bloom. (to meet) a) would not meet b) did not meet c)
1. She ___ that he wouldn’t tell anyone. would not have met
a) had his hair cut b) had his hair to be cut c) had hair
a) made him promised b) made him promise c) to be cut 7. If it doesn’t start snowing, we ___ this evening. (to go
promised to make skiing) a) won’t go skiing b) wouldn’t go skiing c) don’t
10. The professor ___ early. go skiing
2. Does your tooth still hurt? Yes, I have to get a
dentist ___ soon. a) to let the students leave b) let the student leave c) 8. If you had saved some money earlier, you ___ broke
let the student to leave right now. (to be) a) would not have been b) will not be
a) look at it b) to get it looked at c) to look at it c) are not
3. I ___ a couple of days ago. 9. If I ___ at the airport so late, I would not have missed
1) b 2) c 3) c 4) b 5) a 6) b 7) c 8) c 9) a 10) b my flight. (to arrive) a) didn’t arrive b) hadn’t arrived c)
a) had my bike to be fixed b) had my bike fix c) had my would not arrive
bike fixed
Conditional tenses 10. If you buy one t-shirt, you ___ the second one free
4. I will not ___ with this! (to get).
For each sentence, choose the correct tense of the verb.
a) allow you get away b) let you get away c) to let you a) will have gotten b) would get c) get
get away 1. If I ___ you, I would apologize to her right away. (to
be) a) was b) were c) have been
5. Don’t ___ these things about you!
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 15
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
Answers 9. If I ___ you were coming, I would have prepared 6. ___ it was really hot outside, I wore shorts.
lunch. (to know) a) knew b) had known c) will know
1) b 2) c 3) b 4) a 5) a 6) c 7) a 8) a 9) b 10) c a) Although b) Since c) Unless
10. If I were you, I ___ to the beach instead of going to
work. (to go) a) will have gone b) will go c) would go 7. He has always done well on exams. This time, ___, he
Conditional tenses (part 2) failed.
For each sentence, choose the correct tense of the a) however b) accordingly c) moreover
verb. 1) a 2) b 3) c 4) a 5) a 6) b 7) a 8) b 9) b 10) c
8. I won’t be able to borrow any more money ___ I pay
1. If I lose my job, I ___ for a new one. (to look) a) will off some of my previous debts.
look b) would look c) look Conjunctions
a) but b) until c) although
2. If she hadn’t told me to stay, I ___. (to go) a) will go b) Choose the conjunction which fits best.
would have gone c) would go 9. ___ he wasn’t a good player, he had a great game.
1. I haven’t really studied for this exam, ___ I feel a
3. She ___ to come to the party if she had known that little nervous. a) Since b) Because c) Although
her exboyfriend would be there. (toagree) a) would not
agree b) did not agree c) would not have agreed a) so b) unless c) but 10. The little girl slept ___ her father played the guitar.
4. If you come tonight, I ___ enchiladas. (to make) a) 2. I told him not to come, ___ he came anyway. a) while b) therefore c) until
will make b) would make c) will have made
a) since b) unless c) but Answers
5. If I were him, I ___ that job. (to take) a) would take b)
did take c) will take 3. Do not do anything ___ you hear from him first. 1) a 2) c 3) a 4) b 5) a 6) b 7) a 8) b 9) c 10) a
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 16
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
3. ___ she calls me, I feel very happy. 1) a 2) b 3) b 4) b 5) a 6) b 7) b 8) b 9) a 10) a 8. I would like ___ time to think about this.
5. I will not talk to him ___ he apologizes for what he 1. I went to the tourist office to get ___ information. 10. I have to buy ___ furniture for my new apartment.
a) a few b) a little a) some b) a
a) until b) because
2. Kids today spend so ___ time on the internet! Answers
6. I’ll find you, ___ you are.
a) much b) many 1) a little 2) much 3) amount 4) much 5) a few 6) many
a) where b) wherever 7) so many 8) a little 9) a 10) some
3. He has a good job and makes a large ___ of money.
7. She spoke ___ she knew what she was talking about,
but she didn’t. a) amount b) number Count or non-count nouns? (part 2)
a) although b) as if 4. OK, let’s do it! But hurry up I don’t have ___ time! For each sentence, fill in the blank with the correct
8. ___ the police arrived, we had to end the party. a) much b) many
1. I have to buy a lot of ___ for my new apartment.
a) Until b) Once 5. I only know ___ people in this city.
a) furniture b) furnitures
9. I couldn’t figure out ___ he said what he said. a) a little b) a few
2. He brought up a lot of interesting ___ during the
a) why b) once 6. Mary always tells me that she wants to have ___ lecture.
10. I bought you a birthday card ___ I like you. a) point b) points
a) much b) many
a) because b) why 3. After the party there was a lot of ___.
7. There are ___ things that I want to say to you.
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 17
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
a) garbage b) garbages Count or non-count nouns? (part 3) 9. I have to buy some apples and some ___.
4. Thank you so much for all the ___ ! For each sentence, fill in the blank with the correct a) rice b) rices
a) applause b) applauses 10. I left my ___ at the airport.
1. What kind of ___ do you want to talk about?
5. Your ___ are due on September 15th. a) luggage b) luggages
a) thing b) things
a) essay b) essays Answers
2. What kind of ___ would you like me to buy?
6. I went to the market and bought a lot of ___. 1) things 2) milk 3) cheese 4) information 5)
a) milk b) milks experiences 6) capitals 7) anger 8) oranges 9) rice 10)
a) fruit b) fruits luggage
3. I ate many kinds of ___ yesterday.
7. There are so many different type of ___ in the world.
a) cheese b) cheeses Count or non-count nouns? (part 4)
a) people b) peoples
4. Do you have some ___ for me? For each sentence, fill in the blank with the correct
8. He has one of the most expensive ___ on the market. response.
a) information b) informations
a) computer b) computers 1. I have ___ courage than you.
5. I had many horrifying ___ during my travels in Haiti.
9. I have to cut my ___ today. a) less b) fewer
a) experience b) experiences
a) hair b) hairs 2. ___ of my courage comes from my upbringing.
6. Do you know all the ___ of the world?
10. I can’t stand the ___ in this city. a) Much b) Many
a) capital b) capitals
a) traffic b) traffics 3. ___ of the new immigrants to Los Angeles come from
7. He had a lot of ___ in him. Mexico.
a) anger b) angers a) Many b) Much
1) furniture 2) points 3) garbage 4) applause 5) essays
6) fruit 7) people 8) computers 9) hair 10) traffic 8. What did you buy? I bought some ___. 4. There is ___ immigration to Canada now than there
used to be.
a) orange b) oranges
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 18
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
a) less b) fewer is countable (by writing c) or noncountable (by writing n Did or made?
c). ex: The boy has a lot of clothing __nc__.
5. I only know ___ people in this city. Fill in each blank space with the correct response.
1. This restaurant has the worst food ___ I’ve ever
a) a little b) a few eaten. 1. James ___ his homework yesterday.
6. Hey! I asked for ___ donut and you gave me a muffin! 2. We have to buy furniture ___ for our new house. a) did b) made
a) a b) some 3. Many hospitals in this city ___ don’t have modern 2. Mary ___ the dishes after breakfast today.
7. In the past month, we have noticed ___ progress in a) did b) made
your ability to speak. 4. I generally don’t like to give advice ___ about
matters of love. 3. My brother ___ the beds this morning.
a) many b) much
5. Most women ___ in my family wear lots of jewelry. a) did b) made
8. He left ___ his clothing at his girlfriend’s house.
6. The grace ___ with which she danced made me cry. 4. I called the doctor and ___ an appointment for
a) some b) a couple of Tuesday evening.
7. It takes a lot of patience to deal with prisoners ___.
9. Wow, there’s so ___ grass in your yard! a) did b) made
8. I asked him to send me information ___ about
a) much b) many California wines. 5. I ___ a cake for your birthday!
10. ___ of the students come from abroad. 9. The truth ___ is that I no longer want to live with a) did b) made
that man.
a) much b) many 6. I ___ the exercises you gave me — would you like to
10. It took great courage for the boy to admit to check them?
Answers stealing money ___ from his brother.
a) did b) made
1) less 2) Much 3) Many 4) less 5) a few 6) a 7) much 8) Answers
some 9) much 10) many 7. Fiona ___ a good job helping us clean up.
1) nc 2) nc 3) c 4) nc 5) c 6) nc 7) c 8) nc 9) nc 10) nc
a) did b) made
Count or non-count nouns? (part 5)
8. I felt really bad when I ___ that mistake in class
For each blank space, write whether the preceding noun today.
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 19
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
a) did b) made a) will talk b) will be talking 1. Tomorrow I ___ (paint) all day.
9. The babysitter ___ the phone call around 5 PM. 5. This time tomorrow I ___ (swim) in the ocean. a) will be painting b) will paint
a) did b) made a) will swim b) will be swimming 2. By the time we get there, the store ___ (close).
10. She washed the clothes but her husband ___ the 6. I ___ (see) you at 7. a) will close b) will have closed
a) will have seen b) will see 3. I ___ (see) you tomorrow at 3:00 PM.
a) did b) made
7. By the time the guests arrive, I ___ (clean) the room. a) will see b) see
a) will have cleaned b) will clean 4. After we finish this video, I ___ (see) all of this
1) did 2) did 3) made 4) made 5) made 6) did 7) did 8) director’s movies.
made 9) made 10) did 8. I decided that I ___ (become) a doctor.
a) will see b) will have seen
a) will be becoming b) will become
Future tenses (part 1) 5. Can I come over in an hour? No, I ___ (clean) the
9. I ___ (travel) for the next month. house.
Choose the correct verb tense for each sentence:
a) will travel b) will be traveling a) will clean b) will be cleaning
1. By the time I’m 60, I ___ (lose) all my hair.
10. I’m really tired today — I ___ (do) my exercises 6. This time next week, I ___ (drink) wine in Argentina.
a) will have lost b) will lose tomorrow.
a) will be drinking b) will drink
2. I won’t be able to talk to you in 15 minutes because a) will do b) will be doing
I ___ (do) my homework. 7. She doesn’t realize what kind of person he is, but she
Answers ___ (find out).
a) will do b) will be doing
1) a 2) b 3) a 4) a 5) b 6) b 7) a 8) b 9) b 10) a a) will be finding out b) will find out
3. By the time I get home, my wife ___ (eat) the whole
cake. 8. She insulted me. I ___ (speak) to her again!
Future tenses (part 2)
a) will have eaten b) will be eating a) will never speak b) will have never spoken
Choose the correct verb tense for each sentence:
4. I ___ (talk) to my son about his poor test results. 9. If he continues drinking so fast, he ___ (drink) the
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 20
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
a) will have drunk b) will be drinking Fill in each space with either the gerund (‘-ing’) or the 3. Bill enjoys ___ mystery novels.
infinitive (to...) form of the verb. Example: «I love walking
10. She ___ (tell) me when her birthday is. in the park (walk)» a) to read b) reading
a) will not be telling b) won’t tell 1. Sometimes ___ the truth can be difficult. (tell) 2. I 4. I plan ___ to college in the fall.
don’t understand why you have ___ so much. (swear) 3.
Answers Don’t forget ___ the lights when you leave the room. a) to go b) going
(to turn off) 4. You need ___ your hair. It’s getting very
1) a 2) b 3) a 4) b 5) b 6) a 7) b 8) a 9) a 10) b long. (cut) 5. Stop ___ him and let him finish saying 5. I plan on ___ to college in the fall.
what he wants to say. (interrupt) 6. Hey, do you want
___ to the movies tonight? (go) 7. Hey, how about ___ to a) to go b) going
Gerund or infinitive? see a movie tonight? (go ) 8. I’m not interested in ___
an expensive car. (buy) 9. It’s true that ___ English can 6. I suggested ___ to a restaurant after the movie.
Fill in each space with either the gerund (‘-ing’) or the be fun. (learn) 10. I suggest ___ a vacation. (take)
infinitive (to...) form of the verb. Example: «I love walking a) to go b) going
in the park (walk)» Answers
7. The doctor wants ___ with you.
1. You are not allowed ___ on the airplane. (smoke) 2. 1) telling 2) to swear 3) to turn off 4) to cut 5)
I couldn’t help ___ when he tripped! (laugh) 3. I enjoy interrupting 6) to go 7) going 8) buying 9) learning 10) a) to speak b) speaking
___ to clubs. (go) 4. She expects people ___ her, but she taking
never helps anyone! (help) 5. My doctor advised me 8. I really miss ___ as a flight attendant.
___ smoking. (quit) 6. Please stop ___. I can hear you
fine! (shout) 7. I don’t feel like ___. Let’s go out to a Gerund or Infinitive? (part 3) a) to work b) working
restaurant. (cook) 8. Would you mind ___ the window?
It’s very hot in here. (open) 9. My remote control Fill in each space with either the gerund (‘-ing’) OR the 9. The little boy’s teacher asked ___ with his mother.
doesn’t work. Try ___ the batteries. (change) 10. In Los infinitive (to...) form of the verb:
Angeles, ___ is not allowed in any building. (smoke) a) to talk b) talking
1. When I mentioned ___ married, she didn’t say
Answers anything. 10. I don’t mind ___ with your cat. I love cats.
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 21
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
Answers 7. I learned ___ French while I was living in 5. He told me that he had ___ all the work himself. (to
Switzerland. do) a) done b) did
1) b 2) b 3) b 4) a 5) b 6) b 7) a 8) b 9) a 10) a
a) to speak b) speaking 6. Have you ___ yet today? (to eat) a) ate b) eaten
Gerund or infinitive? 4 8. I remember ___ her at the beach last week. 7. My father has ___ me to talk to you. (to forbi d) a)
forbidden b) forbade
Fill in each space with either the gerund (‘-ing’) OR the a) to see b) seeing
infinitive (to...) form of the verb. Example: ‘Reading in the 8. I ___ him stealing that woman’s purse. (to catch) a)
dark is difficult.’ OR ‘Don’t forget to brush your teeth.’ 9. Don’t forget ___ your mother! caught b) catched
1. ___ is bad for your health. a) to call b) calling 9. He must have ___ 8 beers last night. (to drink) a)
drank b) drunk
a) To smoke b) Smoking 10. She promised ___ to the theater with me.
10. I ___ down and broke my arm.
2. What do you want ___ tonight? a) to go b) going
a) fallen b) fell
a) to do b) doing Answers
3. Her daughter decided ___ a veterinarian. 1) b 2) a 3) a 4) b 5) a 6) a 7) a 8) b 9) a 10) a
1) b 2) b 3) a 4) a 5) a 6) b 7) a 8) a 9) b 10) b
a) to become b) becoming
Irregular verbs (part 1)
4. I have decided on ___ a veterinarian. Irregular verbs (part 2)
Choose the correct verb tense for each sentence:
a) to become b) becoming Choose the correct verb tense for each sentence:
1. He ___ to get very angry. (to begin) a) begun b) began
5. I hope ___ to Brazil this summer. 1. I ___ a tire on the way to work. (to blow) a) blew b)
2. I ___ my glasses when I fell. (to break) a) broken b) blown
a) to travel b) traveling broke
2. We have ___ to the seaside resort many times. (to
6. The man from Venezuela appears ___ the best dancer 3. Those kids have ___ five windows playing baseball. drive) a) drove b) driven
in the group. (to break) a) broken b) broke
3. I haven’t ___ a bike in three years. (to ride) a) rode b)
a. to be b) being 4. I have ___ studying French. (to begin) a) begun b) ridden
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 22
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
4. Someone has ___ 10 books from the library. (to steal) than girls. Answers
a) stolen b) stole
a) a b) the c) no article 1) c 2) c 3) c 4) b 5) b 6) a 7) a 8) c 9) c 10) a
5. Godzilla ___ up and began attacking the city. (to rise)
a) rose b) rised 3. Bill enjoys reading ___ mystery novels.
Articles: mixed articles exercise 2
6. The song that she ___ was very pretty. (to sing) a) a) a b) the c) no article
sung b) sang For each blank space, choose the proper article (a, an, the,
4. ___ girl that I told you about is standing over there. or no article):
7. I have ___ her many emails, but I’ve never received a
response. (to write) a) written b) wrote a) A b) The c) no article 1. He eats a lot of ___ meat.
8. I ___ out those shoes long ago. (to wear) a) worn b) 5. Where did you go last night? We went to ___ a) a b) the c) no article
wore restaurant that you recommended.
2. ___ food that you cooked was very good!
9. He said that he ___ two aspirins last night. (to take) a) a b) the c) no article
a) taken b) took a) A b) The c) no article
6. He is ___ really good person.
10. My father used to ___ across the lake regularly. (to 3. ___ Cell phones do not cause cancer.
swim) a) swim b) swam a) a b) the c) no article
a) A b) The c) no article
Answers 7. My brother is ___ expert at fixing cars.
4. He has always been ___ very good boy.
1) a 2) b 3) b 4) a 5) a 6) b 7) a 8) b 9) b 10) a a) an b) the c) no article
a) a b) the c) no article
8. ___ Paris is a beautiful city.
Articles: mixed articles exercise 1 5. Let’s go to ___ beach.
a) a b) the c) no article
For each blank space, choose the proper article (a, an, the, a) a b) the c) no article
or no article): 9. My ___ teacher’s name is William.
6. Let’s play ___ volleyball.
1. I love living in this ___ city. a) a b) the c) no article
a) a b) the c) no article
a) a b) the c) no article 10.We got our son ___ dog for Christmas.
7. What would you like for ___ breakfast?
2. Generally speaking, ___ boys are physically stronger a) a b) the c) no article
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 23
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
8. He knows how to treat ___ lady. a) a b) the c) no article 1. Denver is located at the foot of ___ Rocky Mountains.
9. I’ve been waiting for ___ long time. a) a b) the c) no article 2. Toronto is located on ___ Lake Ontario.
10. ___ only jazz musician I like is Miles Davis. a) a b) the c) no article 3. San Diego is located near ___ Mexican border.
1) c 2) b 3) c 4) a 5) b 6) c 7) c 8) a 9) a 10) b 8. I don’t like ___ dogs, but I like my brother’s dog. a) a b) the c) no article
1. They usually spend their holidays in ___ mountains. 10. Kobe Bryant is ___ basketball player. a) A b) The c) no article
a) a b) the c) no article a) a b) the c) no article 7. I spoke with ___ Chinese film director that I told you
2. Los Angeles has ___ ideal climate. Answers
a) a b) the c) no article
a) an b) the c) no article 1) b 2) a 3) b 4) c 5) a 6) b 7) a 8) c 9) c 10) a
8. Do you speak ___ Chinese?
3. This is ___ best Mexican restaurant in the country.
Articles: mixed articles exercise 4 a) a b) the c) no article
a) a b) the c) no article
For each blank space, choose the proper article (a, an, the, 9. I need ___ bottle of water.
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 24
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
a) a b) the c) no article 6. I don’t know at all = I don’t have ___ clue. a) should b) can
10. Spain is one of ___ largest European countries. a) a b) the c) no article 2. You’ve been driving all day — You ___ be exhausted!
Answers a) an b) the c) no article 3. You ___ smoke so much. It’s bad for your health.
3. He is ___ most famous actor I know. 7. That looks very expensive. It ___ have cost a fortune!
Basic modals exercise 1
a) a b) the c) no article a) should b) must
For each sentence, choose the modal (should, can, must)
4. Hurry up. We don’t have ___ lot of time. that is most appropriate. NB: In American English, «must» 8. I ___ believe that you failed your test!
often sounds old-fashioned and/or bossy — it’s more
a) a b) the c) no article natural inmost cases to say «have to» as in «You have to a) can’t b) shouldn’t
be at the airport at 9» not «You must be at the airport at
5. I live around here = I live in ___ neighborhood. 9». 9. I’m on my way. I ___ be there in about 10 minutes.
a) a b) the c) no article 1. She looks pretty sick — I think she ___ go to a doctor. a) should b) can
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 25
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
10. I’m sorry — I ___ afford that. a) shouldn’t b) can’t Mixed verb tenses
a) can’t b) shouldn’t 5. Isn’t that Charlie’s umbrella? Yes, he ___ have left it For each sentence, choose the correct tense of the verb.
Answers 1. John ___ in San Diego for the past 3 years (and he
yesterday. still lives there).
1) a 2) b 3) b 4) a 5) a 6) b 7) b 8) a 9) a 10) a
a) should b) must a) lived b) was lived c) has lived
Basic modals exercise 2 6. ___ I borrow your pen for a minute? 2. My brother ___ in San Diego up until last year.
For each sentence, choose the modal (should, can, must) a) Can b) Should a) was lived b) was living c) has lived
that is most appropriate. NB: InAmerican English, «must»
often sounds old-fashioned and/or bossy — it’s more 7. ___ you speak Japanese? No, I can’t. 3. I worked as a graphic designer before I ___ to
natural in most cases to say «have to» as in «You have to England.
be at the airport at 9» not «You must be at the airport at a) Can b) Must
9». a) came b) have come c) did come
8. It’s late. I ___ get going.
1. This ___ be dangerous if you don’t have the right 4. ___ reading the paper yet?
equipment. a) can b) should
a) Were you finished b) Have you finished c) Are you
a) should b) can 9. I saw that pen this morning… it ___ be around here finishing
2. You ___ yell at your parents. It’s not nice. 5. I ___ in love three times in my life.
a) must b) can
a) shouldn’t b) can’t a) was being b) was c) have been
10. I ___ understand what he’s saying.
3. I ___ have seen that movie eight times. 6. I ___ in love with Mary, but she left me for another
a) shouldn’t b) can’t man.
a) must b) can
Answers a) have been b) was being c) was
4. I can’t allow you to hang around here = I ___ have
you hanging 1) b 2) a 3) a 4) b 5) b 6) a 7) a 8) b 9) a 10) b 7. Frank ___ tennis for three years when he was at
around here.
a) played b) has played c) was play
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 26
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
8. ___ me last night? a) has called b) call c) was calling Mixed verb tenses (part 3)
a) Have you called b) Did you call c) Were you called 5. I ___ (want) to go swimming but the water was too For each sentence, choose the correct tense of the verb.
9. I was at the club yesterday, but I ___ you. 1. I ___ for seven hours last night.
a) have wanted b) wanted c) am want
a) haven’t seen b) did not saw c) did not see a) was slept b) slept c) has slept
6. I ___ (be) able to sleep well for a week now.
10. I ___ this upset in many years! 2. I ___ that you were here.
a) didn’t was b) was not c) haven’t been
a) haven’t been b) was not c) was not being a) wasn’t knowing b) didn’t knew c) didn’t know
7. When I first saw her, she ___ (stan d) on the balcony.
Answers 3. When I came to this city, I ___ anyone.
a) was standing b) has stood c) has been standing
1) c 2) b 3) a 4) b 5) c 6) c 7) a 8) b 9) c 10) a a) haven’t known b) didn’t know c) wasn’t knowing
8. Really? You moved to a new apartment? How long
___ (live) there? 4. You know where I live — I ___ in the same place for
Mixed verb tenses (part 2) the past three years.
a) have you been living b) did you live c) did you living
For each sentence, choose the correct tense of the verb. a) have been living b) had lived c) was living
9. Every time I see that movie, it ___ (make) me cry.
1. I ___ (take) a shower when you called. 5. You ___ my brother, have you?
a) has made b) made c) makes
a) was taking b) took c) was taken a) haven’t seen b) didn’t see c) didn’t saw
10. I ___ (stop) smoking three years ago.
2. My brother ___ (have) never been to Europe until he 6. Where ___ last night?
went there last year. a) have stopped b) have been stopping c) stopped
a) have you gone b) did you went c) did you go
a) has b) had c) hadn’t Answers
7. I ___ in bed when I heard the accident outside.
3. Diane ___ (feel) very sick but she decided to go out 1) a 2) b 3) a 4) c 5) b 6) c 7) a 8) a 9) c 10) c
anyway. a) was lying b) lay c) have lain
a) was feeling b) has been feeling c) has felt 8. Did you just ___ me a liar?
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 27
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
9. She is a mean person. I don’t like ___ to her. 7. The movie that we ___ last Monday was really awful. sitting c) did sit
(to see) a) have seen b) saw c) were seeing
a) talk b) talking c) have talk 6. He claimed that he had never seen that man, but I
8. He ___ his granddaughter daily. (to call) a) calling b) know that ___.
10. I don’t know how ___. calls c) is calling
a) he did b) hehad c) he was
a) dance b) dancing c) to dance 9. I read the book that you gave me — could you ___ me
another one? (to len d) a) to lend b) will lend c) lend 7. What ___ to her about last night? (to speak) a) have
Answers you spoken b) you spoke c) did you speak
10. He ___ her if she hadn’t waved to him. (to see) a)
1) b 2) c 3) b 4) a 5) a 6) c 7) a 8) a 9) b 10) c didn’t see b) would not have seen c) will not have seen 8. What have you been doing all day? ___ TV? (to
watch) a) watch b) watching c) have watched
Mixed verb tenses (part 4) 9. She ___ lunch when someone rang the doorbell.
1) a 2) b 3) a 4) c 5) c 6) a 7) b 8) b 9) c 10) b (to prepare) a) was preparing b) prepared c) has been
For each sentence, choose the correct form of the verb. preparing
1. By the time I got to the hotel, ___ any rooms left. (to Mixed verb tenses (part 5) 10. She never ___ when someone leaves her a message.
be) a) there weren’t b) there hadn’t been c) there isn’t (to call back) a) has called back b) calls back c) will call
For each sentence, choose the correct form of the verb. back
2. I was afraid to ask her out because she ___ me
before. (to reject) a) was rejecting b) had rejected c) 1. I never ___ you that I loved her, I only said that I Answers
rejected liked her. (to tell) a) told b) have told c) was telling
1) a 2) b 3) c 4) b 5) a 6) b 7) c 8) b 9) a 10) b
3. I ___ to music when she came in. (to listen) a) was 2. I ___ to Greece until Sally and I went there last
listening b) listened c) have been listening summer. (to be) a) have never been b) had never been
c) was never being Phrasal verbs («to get…»)
4. What have you been doing? I ___ a lot. (to work) a)
have worked b) worked c) have been working 3. By the time I’m 50, I ___ a million dollars. (to make) For each sentence, choose which phrasal verb fits best.
a) will make b) would make c) will have made
5. Last night I ___ that I was living in China. (to dream) 1. The river’s current is very strong. It will be hard to
a) dreamed b) have dreamed c) dreamt 4. I want ___ the exercises for advanced students. (to ___.
try) a) try b) to try c) to have tried
6. I don’t know why you insist on ___ to Cambodia. (to a) get across b) get in c) get around
go) a) going b) to go c) to be going 5. Hey, you ___ at the computer all day. You should
really take a break. (to sit) a) have been sitting b) were 2. You really need a car in this city to ___.
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 28
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
a) get by b) get around c) get on Answers 8. I though the movie was going to end, but it just ___.
3. She had a hard time after the break-up, but then she 1) a 2) b 3) c 4) a 5) c 6) b 7) a 8) a 9) b 10) c a) dragged in b) dragged on c) dragged into
decided to ___ with her life.
9. I’m really tired because I ___ at 5 AM this morning.
a) get along b) get in c) get on Phrasal verbs (part 2)
a) got up b) got around c) got on
4. My girlfriend’s mother and I don’t ___ at all. For each sentence, choose which phrasal verb fits best.
10. Friends can help you to ___ a difficult time in your
a) get along b) get on c) get in 1. My car ___ on the freeway. life.
5. It’s OK. Don’t worry. You’ll ___ this. a) broke through b) broke up c) broke down a) get around b) get by c) get through
a) get along b) get on c) get through 2. The thief managed to ___ the police barricade. Answers
6. The museum? You should ___ at the third stop. a) break through b) break in c) break on 1) c 2) a 3) c 4) a 5) c 6) b 7) a 8) b 9) a 10) c
a) get through b) get off c) get on 3. My girlfriend and I ___ last month.
Phrasal verbs (part 3)
7. As soon as he ___ the horse, I knew that he had never a) broke through b) broke in c) broke up
been on one before. For each sentence, choose which phrasal verb fits best.
4. Hey, ___ the girl with the red hair. She’s very pretty.
a) got on b) got around c) got in 1. How do you ___ the rise in crime this year?
a) check out b) check in c) check at
8. I ___ my old couch and need to buy a new one. a) account for b) account in c) account to
5. ___ ! Things will get better.
a) got rid b) got rid of c) got off 2. Do you feel like playing soccer? = Are you ___ some
a) Cheer on b) Cheer at c) Cheer up soccer?
9. I’m really tired because I ___ at 5 AM this morning.
6. The police are trying to ___ on drunk drivers. a) up for b) up to c) up with
a) got around b) got up c) got on
a) crack up b) crack down c) crack through 3. My girlfriend and I ___ last month.
10. Friends can help you to ___ a difficult time in your
life. 7. He is so funny! He really cracks me ___. a) broke through b) broke in c) broke up
a) get around b) get by c) get through a) up b) around c) on 4. If you’re telling someone to ___, you’re telling them
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 29
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
6. My girlfriend and I had a big fight yesterday, but we 3. Have you been in contact with Sarah? = Have you 3. Please write ___ your email address.
___ almost immediately. heard ___ Sarah?
4. You can count ___ me.
a) made up b) made in c) made on 4. I’ve been spending time with her = I’ve been
hanging ___ with her. 5. I look ___ to seeing you soon.
7. When I ___ on my life, I don’t regret a single thing.
5. Please take care of my little sister = Please look ___ 6. Don’t hang ___ the phone.
a) look back b) look down c) look through my little sister.
7.I woke___ at 7.
8. ___ the grass! Can’t you see the sign? 6. He disappointed me = He let me ___.
8. We have to get ___ at the next stop.
a) Keep out b) Keep on c) Keep off 7. You can trust me = You can count ___ me.
9. The frog turned ___ (= became) a prince.
9. The other runners had a hard time ___ with him 8. We often eat in restaurants = We often eat ___.
during the race. 10. I’m sorry it didn’t work ___. (= it wasn’t successful)
9. I can’t understand why you would say that = I can’t
a) keeping out b) keeping on c) keeping up figure ___ why you would say that. Answers
10. He will ___ doing it until you tell him to stop. 10. He is planning something = He is up ___ something. 1) in 2) up 3) down 4) on 5) forward 6) up 7) up 8) off
9) into 10) out
a) keep on b) keep in c) keep to Answers
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 30
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
1. fish — PLURAL: ___ 4. uncle — PLURAL: ___ 4. My friend ___ work is from Japan.
3. toothbrush — PLURAL: ___ 6. house — PLURAL: ___ 5. I wake up ___ 6 AM every morning.
5. man — PLURAL: ___ 8. life — PLURAL: ___ 6. Thank you ___ telling me about this.
7. exercise — PLURAL: ___ 10. sheep — PLURAL: ___ 7. Who did you buy this ___ ?
9. foot — PLURAL: ___ 1) agencies 2) mothers 3) libraries 4) uncles 5) mice 6) 8. The factory workers have been ___ strike since
houses 7) teeth 8) lives 9) tomatoes 10) sheep January.
10. furniture — PLURAL: ___
a) on b) in c) about
Answers Prepositions
9. ___ you and me, I don’t think he’s a very good teacher.
1) fish 2) children 3) toothbrushes 4) women 5) men 6) Choose the correct preposition for each sentence.
toys 7) exercises 8) flies 9) feet 10) furniture a) Through b) Between c) Among
1. I’m off for two weeks ___ August.
10. Did you do it ___ purpose? No, it was an accident!
Plural form of nouns (part 2) a) on b) in c) at
a) by b) in c) on
Fill in each blank space with the correct plural form of 2. The dog is asleep ___ the tree.
the noun. (ex. tree — trees): Answers
a) over b) against c) under
1. agency — PLURAL: ___ 1) b 2) c 3) b 4) a 5) a 6) c 7) a 8) a 9) b 10) c
3. I have lived in this apartment ___ 2001.
2. mother — PLURAL: ___
a) in b) since c) at
3. library — PLURAL: ___
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Стр. 31
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
Prepositions (part 2) a) about b) on c) in 7. The most expensive stores are located ___ Fifth
Choose the correct preposition for each sentence. 8. She is, ___ a doubt, the best student in the class
8. If someone is always busily moving around, you can
1. It’s ___ time you told him the truth! a) outside b) without c) about say they’re « ___ the go».
a) on b) in c) about 9. ___ our visit to Japan, we saw a lot of interesting 9. I didn’t like her ___ first, but we ended up becoming
places. friends.
2. The soccer player was ejected because he had done
something that was ___ the rules. a) While b) During c) Through 10. I hate standing ___ line. I’m very impatient.
a) against b) without c) outside 10. ___ the year, I’ve spoken to her five times. Answers
7. She’s the kind of girl who knows everything ___ 5. Hey didn’t I see you ___ the Killers concert? 6. I usually don’t work ___ weekends.
6. Children! Don’t play ___ the street! It’s dangerous! 7. I know you’re my friend, but ___ times you behave
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Стр. 32
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
like you weren’t. a) NO PREPOSITION b) on c) in 5. commands (ex. come!) become infinitive (ex. to come)
Choose the best response:
8. She has everything under control = She is ___ top of 6. I saw her ___ the fourth of July.
things. 1. ‘He will come tomorrow.’ She told me that he ___
a) NO PREPOSITION b) on c) in tomorrow.
9. There was a fire ___ one of the empty apartments.
7. I saw her ___ last week. a) is coming b) will come c) would come
10. I have very bad vision, especially ___ night.
a) NO PREPOSITION b) on c) in 2. ‘I see the clouds.’ He told me that she ___ the clouds.
8. I saw her ___ the mall in Glendale. a) sees b) is seeing c) saw
1) in 2) at 3) on 4) in 5) at 6) on 7) at 8) on 9) in 10) at
a) NO PREPOSITION b) at c) to 3. ‘My mother is taking the bus to work tomorrow.’ He
told me that his mother ___ the bus to
Preposition or no preposition? 9. We are planning to go ___ Santa Monica beach this
afternoon. work tomorrow.
For each sentence, fill in the blank with the correct
response. a) NO PREPOSITION b) at c) to a) is taking b) was taking c) will take
1. I am going ___ home in about half an hour. 10. We are planning to go ___ swimming this afternoon. 4. ‘I will call you.’ I told her that I ___ her.
2. I’ve been ___ work for the past two hours. Answers 5. ‘I have been there.’ She told me that she ___ there.
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 33
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
8.’I am happy.’ She told me that she ___ happy. a) would visit us b) will visit us c) visits us 9. ‘I have been to that bar.’ He told me that he ___ to
that bar.
a) has been b) is c) was 2. ‘I talk to my brother every day.’ He told me that he ___
to his brother. a) had been b) will have been c) is being
9. ‘I have seen that movie.’ He told me that he ___ that
movie. a) was talking b) talked c) is talking 10. ‘I am writing an email to my girlfriend.’ He told me
that he ___ an email to his girlfriend.
a) had seen b) will have seen c) has seen 3. ‘My friend will help me study.’ She told me that her
friend ___ her study. a) is writing b) was writing c) writes
10. ‘I am flying to India tomorrow.’ He told me that he
___ tomorrow. a) will help b) helps c) would help Answers
a) is flying b) was flying c) will fly 4. ‘Mary is living in Miami.» My friend told me that 1) a 2) b 3) c 4) b 5) a 6) b 7) c 8) b 9) a 10) b
Mary ___ in Miami.
a) lives b) was living c) is living Simple past or past continuous?
1) c 2) c 3) b 4) b 5) a 6) b 7) a 8) c 9) a 10) b
5. ‘I have seen that movie.» She told me that she ___ Choose which verb tense (simple past or past continuous)
that movie. fits better.
Reported speech 2
a) had seen b) has seen c) saw 1. I ___ and I didn’t hear you come in.
With reported speech, the pattern is the following:
6. ‘I will be in Paris next week.’ I told him that I ___ in a) was sleeping b) slept
1. simple present becomes simple past Paris next week.
2. I ___ to see her twice, but she wasn’t home.
2. future tenses becomes conditional a) will be b) would be c) am
a) was coming b) came
3. present continuous becomes past continuous 7. ‘Turn off the light!’ He asked me ___ the light.
3. What ___ ? I was watching TV.
4. present perfect becomes past perfect a) to turned off b) turn off c) to turn off
a) did you do b) were you doing
5. commands (ex. come!) become infinitive (ex. to 8.’I am a good dancer.’ She told me that she ___ a good
come) Choose the best response: dancer. 4. Robin Hood was a character who ___ from the rich
and gave to the poor.
1. ‘She will visit us next week.» She told me that she a) is b) was c) will be
___ next week. a) stole b) was stealing
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Стр. 34
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
5. Hey, did you talk to her? Yes, I ___ to her 1. I ___ volleyball in several months. a) have gone out b) went out
a) was talking b) talked a) haven’t played b) didn’t play 10. I ___ to work every day this week.
6. I ___ home very late last night. 2. I ___ you at the party last night. a) have walked b) walked
7. How long ___ the flu? 3. Jack’s sister ___ her friend in London last year. 1) haven’t played 2) didn’t see 3) visited 4) haven’t told
5) didn’t tell 6) have lived 7) havelived 8) lived 9) went
a) did you have b) were you having a) has visited b) visited out 10) have walked
8. ___ a good time in Brazil? Yes, I had a blast! 4. I ___ in a small town in Italy.
Simple past
a) Were you having b) Did you have a) have been born b) was born
Fill in each blank space with the simple past tense of the
9. We ___ breakfast when she walked into the room. 5. You ___ her, have you? verb in parentheses.
a) had b) were having a) haven’t told b) didn’t tell Yesterday I (to have) ___ a really bad day. I (to wake) ___
up at 9 o’clock because I (to forget) ___ to set my alarm
10. Last month I decided to buy a new car, and today I 6. You ___ her, did you? clock the night before. I (get) ___ up as fast as I (can)
finally ___ it. ___ and I (to put) ___ on some clothes. I ran into the
a) haven’t told b) didn’t tell kitchen and (to make) ___ myself a cup of coffee. Then
a) bought b) was buying I ___ (to drink) the coffee very fast and I (to run) ___ to
7. I ___ in Los Angeles for five years (and I still live my car. It (to be) ___ a terrible morning!
Answers there).
1) was sleeping 2) came 3) were you doing 4) stole 5) a) have lived b) lived
talked 6) came 7) did you have 8) Didyou have 9) were 1) had 2) woke 3) forgot 4) got 5) could 6) put 7) made
having 10) bought 8. I ___ in Los Angeles for five years (but I no longer 8) drank 9) ran 10) was
live there).
Simple past or present perfect? a) have lived b) lived Simple present or present continuous?
Choose which verb tense (simple past or present perfect) 9. My girlfriend and I ___ three times last week. Choose which verb tense (simple present or present
fits better. continuous) fits better.
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Стр. 35
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
1. I always ___ my best. 10. Don’t talk so loudly — Brian ___ to sleep. 6. Is there ___ evidence that he’s guilty?
2. I’m sorry, ___ to me? Answers 7. I haven’t seen her for ___ time now.
a) are you talking b) did you talk 1) try 2) are you talking 3) am going 4) do you normally a) some b) any
eat 5) leaves 6) we’re eating 7) didyou have 8) Are you
3. I ___ to the mountains this weekend. having 9) were having 10) is trying 8. Our order is due to arrive ___ day now.
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 36
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
4. I wonder if ___ will show up at the meeting. There, they’re, their a) whole b) all
a) someone b) anyone Fill in each blank space with there, they’re or their. 2. ___ my life I’ve been waiting for you.
5. I met her ___ time last summer. 1. I really don’t want to go ___ again. a) Whole b) All
a) some b) any 2. I’m always wrong and ___ always right. 3. The storm destroyed ___ neighborhoods of the city.
6. ___ reason why you’re so upset? 3. I really think that ___ the ones who are responsible a) all b) whole
for this.
a) Some b) Any 4. She spent ___ day with her new boyfriend.
4. I fixed ___ car.
7. I don’t feel like going ___. a) the whole b) all the
5. I didn’t know ___ would be so many people here.
a) somewhere b) anywhere 5. The ___ time she was in France, she never bought a
6. You mean ___ not coming tonight? baguette.
8. It’s difficult to live without ___ money whatsoever.
7. Robert was ___ only friend. a) whole b) all
a) some b) any
8. In Los Angeles, people really love ___ cars. 6. He thinks that ___ the people in this city are poor.
9. I ran into ___ that I didn’t want to see.
9. Were ___ many people at the game? a) whole b) all
a) someone b) anyone
10. He didn’t approve of ___ way of life. 7. ___ town was destroyed by the tornado.
10. This test is so easy that ___ can pass it.
Answers a) All b) The whole
a) someone b) anyone
1) there 2) they’re 3) they’re 4) their 5) there 6) they’re 8. I can’t believe I ate ___ salad.
7) their 8) their 9) there 10) their
a) the all b) the whole
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 37
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
9. I can’t believe that I ate ___ strawberries. 9. These are some of the people ___ have helped me in 8. The information was quite ___ (damaged/damaging)
the past. to his reputation.
a) all the b) the whole
10. I have no idea ___ left the lights on all night. 9. I was ___ (amusing/amuse d) by the way she acted.
10. I’ve traveled across ___ Germany.
Answers 10. Do you find this type of humor ___ (amusing/amuse
a) all of b) whole of d) ?
1) who 2) whom 3) whose 4) who 5) whom 6) whose 7)
Answers who 8) whose 9) who 10) who Answers
1) whole 2) All 3) whole 4) the whole 5) whole 6) all 7) 1) interesting 2) interested 3) boring 4) bored 5)
The whole 8) the whole 9) all the 10) all of Participles used as adjectives 1 annoying 6) annoyed 7) damaged 8) damaging 9)
amused 10) amusing
Past participles ‘-ed’ are used to describe how people
Who, whom, whose feel, while present participles ‘-ing’ are used to describe
something that causes the feelings. Choose the correct Participles used as adjectives 2
Fill in each blank space with who, whom or whose. word:
Past participles ‘-ed’ are used to describe how people
1. Could you please tell me ___ that was? 1. The movie was really ___ (interested/interesting) ! feel, while present participles ‘-ing’ are used to describe
something that causes the feelings. Choose the correct
2. The men, two of ___ were drunk, walked very slowly. 2. I thought it was a good lecture, but I wasn’t very ___ word:
(interested/interesting) in the topic.
3. The guy ___ computer I was using moved to Spain. 1. This treatment is really great. It makes me feel so ___
3. Our town is so ___ (bored/boring) ! There is nothing (relaxed/relaxing).
4. I know ___ did it. to do here.
2. I didn’t like that movie. I thought it was too ___
5. She didn’t know when the book was written, or by 4. Are you ___ (bored/boring) with that game already? (depressed/depressing).
5. Have you heard her laugh? It’s so ___ (annoyed/ 3. He wasn’t ___ (satisfied/satisfying) with my response.
6. I didn’t know ___ book that was. annoying).
4. What an ___ (embarrassed/embarrassing) situation!
7. I don’t know ___ gave you that information, but it’s 6. I’m really ___ (annoyed/annoying) with one of my
inaccurate. coworkers. 5. I can’t talk anymore because I’m really ___ (tired/
8. The police expert was able to determine ___ 7. The city was ___ (damaged/damaging) during the
fingerprints were on the knife. storm. 6. My grandmother’s ankles were ___ (swelled/swollen)
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 38
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
from walking so much. going on a trip. 6. The tree is going to fall. ___ is going to fall.
7. Most of the fans were ___ (disappointing/disappointe 6. Am I a good student. Yes, ___ are a good student. 7. John and his girlfriend had an argument. ___ had an
d) with the concert. argument.
7. My cats are hungry. ___ are hungry.
8. This is ___ (excited/exciting) news! 8. Jim and I are the same age. ___ are the same age.
8. Mr. Jones is a good teacher. ___ is a good teacher.
9. His explanation wasn’t very ___ (convinced/ 9. My passport is in my bag. ___ is in my bag.
convincing). 9. Is Chinese a difficult language. Yes, ___ is a difficult
language. 10. My cousin George just graduated from high school.
10. The woman worked for 15 hours straight. She was ___ just graduated from high school.
___ (exhausting/exhauste d). 10. My brother and I live together. ___ live together.
Answers Answers
1) He 2) They 3) She 4) We 5) I 6) It 7) They 8) We 9) It
1) relaxed 2) depressing 3) satisfied 4) embarrassing 1) They 2) He 3) she 4) It 5) We 6) you 7) They 8) He 9) 10) He
5) tired 6) swollen 7) disappointed 8) exciting 9) it 10) We
convincing 10) exhausted
Prepositions after adjectives 1
Personal prounouns 2
Personal prounouns 1 Choose the best preposition to use in each of the
Replace the bold word(s) with the correct pronoun (I, you, sentences:
Replace the bold word(s) with the correct pronoun (I, you, we, they, it, she, or he):
we, they, it, she, or he): 1. I’m not capable ___ that type of behavior.
1. My uncle lives in Mexico City. ___ lives in Mexico City.
1. My cousin and her friend were at the mall. ___ were a) of b) in c) at
at the mall. 2. My friends aren’t coming. ___ aren’t coming.
2. Smoking is bad ___ you.
2. Peter is a little sick. ___ is a little sick. 3. Mrs. Wong is studying English. ___ is studying
English. a) at b) for c) on
3. Does your aunt know what happened? Does ___
know what happened? 4. You and I have to talk about the test. ___ have to talk 3. I’m so angry ___ this!
about the test.
4. The door is locked. ___ is locked. a) about b) with c) to
5. Can you help me? Yes, ___ can help you.
5. My friend Linda and I are going on a trip. ___ are 4. I’m so angry ___ you!
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Стр. 39
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
a) about b) to c) with 1. Don’t be cruel ___ him. 10. Her test was full ___ mistakes.
a) with b) in c) on 2. I’m not being cruel! I’m always nice ___ him. Answers
a) in b) with c) for 3. I’m furious (= very angry) with him ___ doing this!
Reflexive prounouns 1
7. George is married ___ a German woman. a) for b) around c) at
Fill in each blank with the correct reflexive pronoun:
a) to b) with c) by 4. She’s not worried ___ her test.
1. You can’t do this for me — I have to do it ___.
8. Are you afraid ___ him? a) for b) with c) about
2. Why doesn’t she do it ___ ?
a) of b) to c) on 5. Your brother is really good ___ tennis.
3. He saw ___ in the mirror.
9. I’m so proud ___ you! a) with b) on c) at
4. We can’t do this ___.
a) with b) of c) to 6. Who is responsible ___ this mess?
5. They don’t like ___.
10. We’re not associated ___ that company. a) for b) about c) in
6. Are you going to the mall by ___ ?
a) along b) in c) with 7. Rome is beautiful, but it’s always crowded ___
tourists. 7. She likes to think of ___ as a good person.
a) among b) with c) by 8. I can’t see ___ doing that.
1) a 2) b 3) a 4) c 5) b 6) c 7) a 8) a 9) b 10) c
8. I’m ashamed ___ what I did. 9. They talk about ___ all the time.
Choose the best preposition to use in each of the 9. I’m not really interested ___ this kind of music. Answers
a) on b) of c) in 1) myself 2) herself 3) himself 4) ourselves 5)
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Стр. 40
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
themselves 6) yourself 7) herself 8) myself 9) Common problems in esl — this, these, Common problems in esl — this, these,
themselves 10) yourself
there 1 there 2
Reflexive prounouns 2 Fill in the blanks with this, these, or there: Fill in the blanks with this, these, or there:
Fill in each blank with the correct reflexive pronoun: 1. Q: Who are these people? A: ___ are our best 1. Why are you talking with ___ people?
1. Why can’t you guys do it ___ ? 2. I can’t see why ___ is so important.
2. ___ are many good students in our school.
2. My brother likes to talk about ___. 3. He told me that ___ were many students here.
3. Q: Who is this? A: ___ is my mother.
3. My sister bought a present for ___. 4. ___ isn’t much we can do right now.
4. ___ is a good restaurant nearby.
4. I hurt ___ while I was skiing. 5. ___ isn’t the right answer.
5. ___ book is pretty interesting.
5. He never took any classes. He taught ___. 6. I don’t know why ___ children are laughing.
6. ___ are not my shoes.
6. We made this card ___. 7. Is ___ anything I can do to help?
7. ___ aren’t any good books in the library.
7. Did they write that essay ___ ? 8. Is ___ your husband?
8. ___ books are really old.
8. The man fixed the car ___. 9. Are ___ many types of animals in this forest?
9. ___ time I’m going to win the race!
9. Let’s do it ___. 10. ___ things happen.
10. ___ isn’t what I expected.
10.I liveby ___. Answers
Answers 1) these 2) this 3) there 4) There 5) This 6) these 7)
1) these 2) there 3) this 4) there 5) this 6) these 7) there 8) this 9) there 10) These
1) yourselves 2) himself 3) herself 4) myself 5) himself there 8) these 9) this 10) this
6) ourselves 7) themselves 8) himself 9) ourselves 10)
myself Auxiliary verbs (to be, to do, to have) 3
Fill in each blank space with the correct auxiliary verb:
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Стр. 41
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
1. ___ the teacher explain this properly? 10. ___ your sister living in Paris for a while? 10) We could not come last night. = We ___ come last
a) Did b) Was c) Had a) Hadn’t b) Wasn’t c) Didn’t
2. ___ the professor angry? Answers
1) She’s 2) haven’t 3) doesn’t 4) We’ve 5) won’t 6) aren’t
a) Did b) Was c) Had 1) a 2) b 3) a 4) c 5) c 6) a 7) b 8) b 9) c 10) b 7) can’t 8) You’re 9) I’ve 10) couldn’t
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Стр. 42
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
a) won’t tell b) don’t tell were ___ by the students. (make) 10. The meeting was up
___ in the conference room. (hold)
7. If I bake a cake, ___ have some? 5. The professor told him not to talk in class. He ___ by
Answers the professor not to talk in class.
a) will you b) do you
1) told 2) disappointed 3) convinced 4) given 5) caught a) has been told b) was told c) was being told
8. If he ___ you, will you answer the phone? 6) read 7) written 8) built 9) made 10) held
6. They say that women are smarter than men. Women
a) will call b) calls ___ to be smarter than men.
The passive voice 2
9. If you don’t go to the party I ___ very upset. a) were being said b) were said c) are said
The first sentence is in the ACTIVE VOICE. Choose the
a) am b) will be most correct way of saying the same thing in the PASSIVE 7. The fire has destroyed the house. The house ___ by
VOICE: the fire.
10. If you get a haircut you ___ much better.
1. They were interviewing her for the job. She ___ for a) has been destroyed b) was being destroyed c) is
a) will look b) look the job. destroyed
Answers a) was being interviewed b) was interviewed c) has 8. She would have told you. You ___ by her.
been interviewed
1) a 2) b 3) b 4) a 5) a 6) b 7) a 8) b 9) b 10) a a) would have been told b) would be told c) were
2. Tom is writing the letter. The letter ___ by Tom. being told
The passive voice 1 a) was written b) is being written c) has been written 9. She would reject the offer. The offer ___ by her.
Each of the sentences below is in the PASSIVE VOICE. 3. Everyone understands English. English ___ by a) will have been rejected b) would be rejected c) will
Write the correct form of each verb in brackets: everyone. be rejected
1. Tom was ___ many times to stop talking in class. a) is understood b) has been understood c) was 10. This surprises me. I ___ by this.
(tell) 2. He was ___ by the movie. (disappoint) 3. He was understood
___ by his brother to go to the beach. (convince) 4. The a) would have been surprised b) will be surprised c)
present was ___ to her by her co-worker. (give) 5. The 4. The employees brought up this issue during the am surprised
thief was ___ by the police. (catch) 6. This book is being meeting. This issue ___ by the employeesduring the
___ by all the students. (rea d) 7. ‘Jitterbug Perfume’ was meeting. Answers
___ by Tom Robbins. (write) 8. A new shopping mall is
going to be ___ in Pasadena. (build) 9. Many mistakes a) has been brought up b) is brought up c) was brought 1) a 2) b 3) a 4) c 5) b 6) c 7) a 8) a 9) b 10) c
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Стр. 43
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
The passive voice 3 by Juan. book. — That book was written by Henry Miller.
The first sentence is in the ACTIVE VOICE. Choose the a) are being prepared b) were being prepared c) are 1. The president gave John an award. — John ___ an
most correct way of saying the samething in the PASSIVE prepared award by the president.
7. His brother was telling him to calm down. He ___ to 2. Everyone saw them. — They ___ by everyone.
1. They passed me up for that position. I ___ for that calm down by his brother.
position. 3. The police brought him here. — He ___ here by the
a) is being told b) was being told c) is told police.
a) was passed up b) was being passed up c) am passed
up 8.Adogbitme. I___byadog. 4. The firefighters saved the women. — The women ___
by the firefighters.
2. By tomorrow, I will have bought the car. By tomorrow, a) was being bitten b) was bitten c) have been bitten
the car ___ by me. 5. All the students understood the explanation. — The
9. The movers have delivered the furniture. The explanation ___ by all the students.
a) was being bought b) will have been bought c) was furniture ___ by the movers.
bought 6. Mrs. Richardson filed two complaints. — Two
a) will have been delivered b) would be delivered c) complaints ___ by Mrs. Richardson.
3. John bought the Picasso painting. The Picasso has been delivered
painting ___ by John. 7. That man stole my wallet. — My wallet ___ by that
10. This city will surprise you. You ___ by this city. man.
a) was bought b) will have been bought c) is bought
a) are surprised b) will be surprised c) will have been 8. Everyone knew them. — They ___ by everyone.
4. Most students misunderstand this story. This story surprised
___ by most students. 9. A snake bit him. — He ___ by a snake.
a) was misunderstood b) has been misunderstood c) is 10. Thomas and his brother built that house. — That
misunderstood 1) a 2) b 3) a 4) c 5) c 6) a 7) b 8) b 9) c 10) b house ___ by Thomas and his brother.
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Стр. 44
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
The passive voice: passive voice are paid 6) are trimmed 7) is set 8) are watered 9) is Past participles 2
done 10) are driven
sentences in thesimple present 1 Fill in each blank space with the correct past participle
for each verb. write — written
Everyone in the house has a task that he or she normally Past participles 1
does. Describe what everyone does, changing each active 1. bring: ___
voice sentence into a passive voice sentence: John buys Fill in each blank space with the correct past participle
the food. — The food is bought by John. for each verb. write — written 2. say: ___
1. Thomas washes the dishes. — The dishes ___ by 1. sing: ___ 3. tell: ___
2. know: ___ 4. drive: ___
2. Frank feeds the dogs. — The dogs ___ by Frank.
3. try: ___ 5. take: ___
3. Maria prepares the food. — The food ___ by Maria.
4. believe: ___ 6. walk: ___
4. David cleans the kitchen. — The kitchen ___ by David.
5. study: ___ 7. come: ___
5. My father pays the bills. — The bills ___ by my father.
6. see: ___ 8. paint: ___
6. The gardener trims the bushes. — The bushes ___ by
the gardener. 7. fall: ___ 9. go: ___
7. Helen sets the table. — The table ___ by Helen. 8. laugh: ___ 10. finish: ___
8. My mother waters the plants. — The plants ___ by my 9. cry: ___ Answers
10. understand: ___ 1) brought 2) said 3) told 4) driven 5) taken 6) walked
9. Arthur does the laundry. — The laundry ___ by Arthur. 7) come 8) painted 9) gone 10) finished
10. My uncle drives us to school. — We ___ to school by
my uncle. 1) sung 2) known 3) tried 4) believed 5) studied 6) Reported speech in english: commands
seen 7) fallen 8) laughed 9) cried 10) understood
Answers 1
1) are washed 2) are fed 3) is prepared 4) is cleaned 5) Complete each sentence pair by ‘reporting’ what was said
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Стр. 45
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
in the first sentence. Fill in any words that are missing: Reported speech in english: mixed 6. ‘Tell me your name.’ She asked me ___ her my name.
JOHN: ‘Go away!’ John told us to go away.
tenses 3 a) tell b) to tell c) told
1. MRS. SMITH: ‘Don’t play in front of my window!’ Mrs.
Smith told us ___ Choose the best (most grammatically correct) response 7. ‘I run a successful design studio.’ Victor told the man
to complete each sentence. Remember — all of these that he ___ a successful designstudio.
2. YOUR MOTHER: ‘Come back in one hour.’ Your mother examples have the reporting verb (said, told, etc.) in the
told me ___. PAST: a) running b) was running c) ran
3. TOM: ‘Call me in the evening.’ Tom told us ___. 1. ‘My grandfather is going to cook dinner for us.’ She 8. ‘I am a good dancer.’ She told me that she ___ a good
told me that her grandfather ___ dancer.
4. YOU: ‘Come with us!’ They told Mary ___.
dinner for us. a) is b) was c) will be
5. HEATHER: ‘Don’t say that!’ HEATHER told you ___.
a) would cook b) was cooking c) cooks 9. ‘I have been to that bar.’ He told me that he ___ to
6. GEORGE: ‘Feed the cat!’ GEORGE asked his girlfriend that bar.
___. 2. ‘I loved him very much.’ My sister told me that she ___
him very much. a) had been b) will have been c) is being
7. MR. STEPHENS: ‘Buy me some milk!’ Mr. Stephens
told me ___ some milk. a) was loving b) loved c) would love 10. ‘I am writing an email to my girlfriend.’ He told me
that he ___ an email to his girlfriend.
8. VICTORIA: ‘Leave me alone!’ Victoria told her friend 3. ‘Marta is learning Vietnamese.’ He told me that Marta
___ alone. ___ Vietnamese. a) is writing b) was writing c) writes
1) not to play in front of her window 2) to come back 4. ‘I’ve been to Greece.’ My friend told me that he ___ to 1) a 2) b 3) c 4) b 5) a 6) b 7) c 8) b 9) a 10) b
in one hour 3) to call him in the evening 4) to come Greece.
with them 5) not to say that 6) to feed the cat 7) to buy
some milk 8) to leave heralone a) been b) had been c) was Conditionals: the second conditional
5. ‘I’ll talk to the general about this.’ The colonel said structure 1
that he ___ to the general about this.
The second conditional is used to talk about unreal
a) would talk b) will talk c) talked situations in the present (things that are impossible, that
won’t happen, etc.). Choose the correct response for each
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Стр. 46
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
of the sentences: a) would go b) will go 5. If she ___ me, she would have told me.
1. If my grandfather were younger, He ___ so many 10. You wouldn’t feel so tired if you ___ more. a) didn’t believe b) wouldn’t believe
a) will sleep b) slept 6. He wouldn’t say that if he ___ it.
a) wouldn’t forget b) didn’t forget
Answers a) wouldn’t mean b) didn’t mean
2. If I ___ more money, I would buy a new car.
1) a 2) b 3) a 4) b 5) a 6) b 7) b 8) b 9) a 10) b 7. I ___ on a trip around the world if I won the lottery.
a) would have b) had
a) would go b) will go
3. If she had an umbrella, she ___ wet. Conditionals: the second conditional
8. I ___ that if I were you.
a) wouldn’t get b) didn’t get structure 2
a) will not do b) would not do
4. If we ___ a car, we would get there in 30 minutes. The second conditional is used to talk about unreal
situations in the present (things that are impossible, that 9. If these walls ___ thicker, we wouldn’t hear the
a) would have b) had won’t happen, etc.). Choose the correct response for each neighbors.
of the sentences:
5. I ___ more careful if I were you. a) would be b) were
1. If his nose were smaller, he ___ very handsome.
a) would be b) were 10. If I were a millionaire, ___ a mansion.
a) would be b) was
6. If animals could talk, I wonder what they ___ ? a) I’d buy b) I’m going to buy
2. I would come if I ___ a car.
a) said b) would say Answers
a) would have b) had
7. If she ___ harder, she would make more money. 1) a 2) b 3) b 4) a 5) a 6) b 7) a 8) b 9) b 10) a
3. If she ___, she would tell him.
a) will work b) worked
a) knows b) knew Conditionals: the third conditional
8. If he changed jobs, He ___ much happier.
4. If his parents didn’t give him money, he ___ so much. structure
a) will be b) would be
a) wouldn’t go out b) didn’t go out The third conditional is used to talk about unreal
9. If it wasn’t raining, we ___ to the beach. situations in the past (things that wereimpossible, that
Содержимое данной публикации доступно по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Copyright © 2006–2012 Сергей Шиманский «Английский без регистрации»
Стр. 47
Тесты на проверку знаний основ грамматики английского языка (с ответами)
didn’t happen, etc.). Choose the correct response for each a) hadn’t been b) wouldn’t be 5. My parents are not rich, but my aunt ___.
of the sentences:
9. If you ___ me, I wouldn’t have known about the party. a) is b) are
1. If she hadn’t told him, he ___.
a) haven’t called b) hadn’t called 6. I ___ older than my brother.
a) will never find out b) would have never found out
10. Tina would have called you if you ___ her your a) is b) am
2. I ___ this is you hadn’t asked me. number.
7. My sister and I ___ twins.
a) would never have done b) didn’t do a) would give b) had given
a) are b) am
3. If I ___ about this, I would have told you. Answers
8. That ___ a really good movie!
a) know b) had known 1) b 2) a 3) b 4) b 5) a 6) b 7) a 8) a 9) b 10) b
a) are b) is
4. If they ___ to rest they would not have been so tired.
Verbs: to be (present tense) 9. These ___ not my socks.
a) have stopped b) had stopped
Choose the correct present tense form of the verb «to be» a) is b) are
5. I ___ that he’s 38 years old if he hadn’t told me. for each sentence:
10. ___ you happy?
a) wouldn’t have guessed b) didn’t guess 1. These ___ my friends.
a) Are b) Is
6. If I hadn’t seen that movie last week, I ___ to see it a) are b) is
with you yesterday. Answers
2. Robert ___ sick.
a) would go b) would have gone 1) a 2) b 3) b 4) a 5) a 6) b 7) a 8) b 9) b 10) a
a) are b) is
7. If you ___ the money that you owe me, I would have
been able to go out last night. 3. ___ he Mexican?
8. Thomas wouldn’t have bought the jacket if it ___ on 4. His tests ___ very difficult.
a) aren’t b) isn’t
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Стр. 48
Present Simple They have a house They don’t have a house Do they have a house
(Ellos) tienen una casa
Present Continuous He’s studying now He isn’t studying now Is he studying now?
(Él) está estudiando ahora
Past Simple They watched a film They didn’t watch a film Did they watch a film?
(Ellos) vieron una película
Past Continuous It was raining It wasn’t raining Was it raining?
Estaba lloviendo
Present Perfect You have read this book You haven’t read this book Have you read this
Has leído este libro book?
Present Perfect Continuous He has been working hard He hasn’t been working Has he been working
(Él) ha estado trabajando duro hard hard?
Past Perfect She had eaten sushi She hadn’t eaten sushi Had she eaten sushi?
(Ella) había comido sushi
Past Perfect Continuous She had been waiting for him She hadn’t been waiting for Had she been waiting
(Ella) había estado esperándolo him for him?
Future Simple He will go to the office He won’t go to the office Will he go to the office?
(Él) irá a la oficina
Future Continuous We will be travelling We won’t be travelling Will we be travelling?
Estaremos viajando
Future Perfect He will have arrived He won’t have arrived Will he have arrived?
(Él) habrá llegado
Future Perfect Continuous You will have been working You won’t have been Will you have been
Habrás estado trabajando working working?
Future “be going to” They are going to be married They aren’t going to be Are they going to be
Se van a casar married married?
Collocations con TO DO y con TO MAKE
To do a favour tə də ə ˈfeɪvə Hacer un favor
To do a job ə dʒɒb Hacer un trabajo
To do a number ə ˈnʌmbə Hacer un numerito
To do a talk ə ˈtɔːk Hacer una
presentación oral o dar
una conferencia
To do an exercise ən ˈeksəsaɪz Hacer un ejercicio
To do an experiment ən ɪkˈsperɪmənt Hacer un experimento
To do evil ˈː Hacer (el) mal
To do good ɡʊd Hacer (el) bien
To do harm hɑːm Lastimar
To do homework ˈhəʊmwɜːk Hacer los deberes
To do housework ˈhaʊswɜːk Hacer las tareas del
To do justice ˈdʒʌstɪs Hacer justicia
To do little ˈlɪt Hacer poco
To do much ˈmʌtʃ Hacer mucho
To do one’s best wʌnz best Hacer lo mejor posible
To do some exercise səm ˈeksəsaɪz Hacer ejercicio (físico)
To do some work səm ˈwɜːk Trabajar
To do something ˈsʌmθɪŋ Hacer algo
To do the shopping ðə ˈʃɒpɪŋ Hacer la compra
To do the washing-up o ðə ˌwɒʃɪŋ ˈʌp - ðə ˈdɪʃɪz Lavar los platos
to do the dishes
To do well wel Hacerlo bien