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Date 10/10/2020

Vocabulary Builder 1
Unit 3 - Audio 1
» Ejercicio Escribe la traducción de las oraciones de la columna de la izquierda en los
campos en blanco de la columna de la derecha:

1 Canada is a big country. Canada es un gran pais

2 Singapore is a small country. Singapur es un pais pequeño
3 Paris is a beautiful city. Paris es una ciudad Hermosa
4 Paris is not an ugly city. Paris no es una ciudad fea
5 The Sahara is very hot. El Sahara es muy caliente
6 Antarctica is very cold. La Antártida es muy frío
7 The Amazon is a long river. El Amazonas es un río largo
8 The Amazon is not a short river. El Amazonas no es un río corto
9 I am in New York; Philadelphia is near. Estoy en New York, Filadelfia está cerca
10 I am in New York; Beijing is far. Estoy en New York, Beijing está lejos
11 Mr. Archer is a man; he is tall. El señor Archer es un hombre. Él está alto
12 Billy is a boy; he is short. Billy es un chico. Él es bajo
13 Billy’s grandfather is old. Billy es Abuelo, él es viejo
14 Billy is not old; he’s young. Billy no es Viejo, é les joven
Mi profesora es excelente, ella es muy
15 My professor is excellent; she is very good.
16 Your professor is not good; he’s bad. Tu professor no es Bueno, é les malo
17 1+1 is easy! 1 + 1 es fácil

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2020 2

Unit 3: Big or Small? Short or Tall? | Texts based on the Living Language methodology. (1 ST term)
18 2x(3y-4x)=2y/x is hard! 2x(3y-4x)= 2y/x is dificil

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2020 3

Unit 3: Big or Small? Short or Tall? | Texts based on the Living Language methodology. (1 ST term)
Vocabulary Practice 1

» Ejercicio Practiquemos el vocabulario que has aprendido. Completa las oraciones

escribiendo la palabra correspondiente en el campo en blanco:

1 China is not a small country; it’s a Big country.

2 The Amazon is not a short river; it’s a long river.
3 My grandparents are not young; they are old .
4 Antarctica is very cold .
5 Saudi Arabia is not cold; it’s hot .
6 You’re in Philadelphia, so New York is near .
7 You’re in Philadelphia, so Tokyo is far .
8 My professor is not bad; he’s very good .
9 The woman is not short ; she’s tall.
10 San Francisco is not an ugly city; it’s a beautiful city.
11 What’s one plus one? That’s an easy question.
12 But the professor’s question isn’t easy; it’s hard .

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2020 4

Unit 3: Big or Small? Short or Tall? | Texts based on the Living Language methodology. (1 ST term)
Take it further

Unit 3 - Audio 2

» Ejercicio 1 Colours son adjetivos útiles. Traduce las siguientes oraciones:

1 The sky at night is black. El cielo en la noche es negro

2 Snow is white. La nieve es blanca
3 Roses are red. Las rosas son rojas
4 The ocean is blue. El océano es azul
5 Plants are green. Las Plantas son verdes
6 Bananas are yellow. Las bananas son amarillas
7 Tea is brown. El té es café
8 Oranges are orange. Las naranjas son naranjas
9 Grapes are purple. Las uvas son púrpuras
10 Elephants are grey. Los elefantes son grises

» Ejercicio 2 Miremos algunos ejemplos. Traduce las siguientes oraciones:

The American flag is red, white and

1 La bandera America es roja, blanca y azul
2 The Chinese flag is red and yellow. La bandera de China es Roja y amarilla
The Indian flag is orange, green, La bandera de India es Naranja, Verde,
white and blue. blanca y azul
At night, the sky is black, but En la noches el cielo es negro, pero
during the day, the sky is blue. durante el día el cielo es azul

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2020 5

Unit 3: Big or Small? Short or Tall? | Texts based on the Living Language methodology. (1 ST term)
Grammar Builder 1

Unit 3 - Audio 3

» Para realizar una pregunta con am, is, o are, mueve el verbo al frente:

Yes o No?


I am… Am I…?
You are a professor. Are you a professor?
He is Chinese. Is he Chinese?
Martine is French. Is Martine French?
We are at the university. Are we at the university?
The children are young. Are the children young?

» Para responder una pregunta be (ser o estar), usa yes o no + not:

Is New York a beautiful city?

1 Yes, New York is a beautiful city.
No, New York is not a beautiful city.
Is he a good professor?
2 Yes, he is a good professor.
No, he is not a good professor.
Is Chicago far?
3 Yes, Chicago is far.
No, Chicago is not far.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2020 6

Unit 3: Big or Small? Short or Tall? | Texts based on the Living Language methodology. (1 ST term)
» Para realizar una pregunta con have, utiliza do… have…?:


I have… Do I have…?
You have a sister. Do you have a sister?
They have children. Do they have children?

» Para realizar una pregunta con has, utiliza does… have…? :


He has… Does he have…?

She has… Does she have…?
Jenny has a brother. Does Jenny have a brother?
Billy has a sister. Does Billy have a sister?

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2020 7

Unit 3: Big or Small? Short or Tall? | Texts based on the Living Language methodology. (1 ST term)
» Para responder una pregunta have, utiliza yes o no + do not have:

Do they have children?

1 Yes, they have children.
No, they do not have children.
Do we have a good professor?
2 Yes, we have a good professor.
No, we do not have a good professor.

» Para responder una pregunta has, utiliza yes o no + does not have:

Does Bob have a wife?

1 Yes, he has a wife.
No, he does not have a wife.
Does Mrs. Archer have children?
2 Yes, she has children.
No, she does not have children.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2020 8

Unit 3: Big or Small? Short or Tall? | Texts based on the Living Language methodology. (1 ST term)
Take it further

Unit 3 - Audio 4

» En Unit 1 aprendiste las formas largas del verbo to be (I am, you are, he is, we are,
they are) y las formas cortas (I’m, you’re, he’s, she’s, we’re, they’re). Las formas cortas
son contracciones. También hay contracciones con not. Miremos primero las del
verbo to be:


Am I a professor? No, I’m not a professor.

No, you’re not a student.
Are you a student?
No, you aren’t a student.
No, he’s not a student.
Is he a student?
No, he isn’t a student.
No, we’re not in Boston.
Are we in Boston?
No, we aren’t in Boston.
No, They’re not near.
Are they near?
No, they aren’t near.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2020 9

Unit 3: Big or Small? Short or Tall? | Texts based on the Living Language methodology. (1 ST term)
» Con I, hay una contracción (I’m not). Pero con you, he, she, it, we, y they, hay dos:
pronombre + be (I’m, you’re, etc.) y be + not (aren’t, isn’t, etc.):


I’m not -----

You’re not You aren’t
He’s not He isn’t
She’s not She isn’t
It’s not It isn’t
We’re not We aren’t
They’re not They aren’t

» Con have, solo están las contracciones do/does + not:


Do I have children? No, I don’t have children.

Do you have a son? No, You don’t have a son.
Does he have a good professor? No, he doesn’t have a good professor.
Does she have a brother? No, she doesn’t have a brother.
Do we have cousins? No, we don’t have cousins.
Do they have a daughter? No, they don’t have a daughter.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2020 10

Unit 3: Big or Small? Short or Tall? | Texts based on the Living Language methodology. (1 ST term)
Vocabulary Builder 2

Unit 3 - Audio 5

» Ejercicio Escribe la traducción de las oraciones de la izquierda en los cuadros en los

campos en blanco de la derecha:

There is a good university in the

1 Hay una buena Universidad en la ciudad
There are two good universities in
2 Hay dos buenas universidades en la ciudad
the city.
There is an excellent professor at Hay un excelente professor en la
the university. Universidad
There are excellent professors at Hay excelentes profesores en la
the university. universidades
5 There is a young girl in the family. Hay una chica joven en la familia
There are three young girls in the
6 Hay tres chicas jóvenes en la familia
There are tall buildings in New
7 Hay edificios altos en New York
There are long rivers in South
8 Hay rios largos en America del Sur
There is excellent wine from
9 Hay un vino excelente de Francia
There are beautiful cities in
10 Hay ciudades hermosas en Europa.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2020 11

Unit 3: Big or Small? Short or Tall? | Texts based on the Living Language methodology. (1 ST term)
Vocabulary Practice 2

Unit 3 - Audio 6

» Ejercicio Escucha nuevamente y escribe las palabras que oigas:

1 there is a good university in the city.

2 There are two good universities in the city.
3 There is an excellent professor at the university.
4 There are excellent professors at the university.
5 There is a young girl in the family.
6 There are three young girls in the family.
7 There are tall buildings in New York.
8 There are long rivers in South America.
9 There is excellent wine from France.
10 There are beautiful cities in Europe.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2020 12

Unit 3: Big or Small? Short or Tall? | Texts based on the Living Language methodology. (1 ST term)
Grammar Builder 2

Unit 3 - Audio 7

Numbers and plurals

» Revisemos los números en inglés:


One, two, three 1, 2, 3

Four, five, six 4, 5, 6
Seven, eight 7, 8
Nine, ten 9, 10

» La mayoría de los números desde el 13 hasta el 19 finalizan en -teen:


Eleven, twelve, thirteen 11, 12, 13

Fourteen, fifteen, sixteen 14, 15, 16
Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen 17, 18, 19

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2020 13

Unit 3: Big or Small? Short or Tall? | Texts based on the Living Language methodology. (1 ST term)
» Los múltiplos de 10 desde el 20 hasta el 90 finalizan en -ty:


Twenty, thirty, forty 20, 30, 40

Fifty, sixty, seventy 50, 60, 70
Eighty, ninty, one hundred 80, 90, 100

» Para decir 21, 32, 43, y demás, solo pon los dos números juntos separados por un guion


Twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three 21, 22, 23

Thirty-four, thirty-five-thirty-six 34, 35, 36
Forty-seven, fifty-eight, ninety-nine 47, 58, 99

» Para indicar la edad, usa una forma del to be y un número, o to be + years old. La
pregunta es How old is/are…?


How old is Billy? He’s ten years old.

How old is Jenny? She’s fourteen.
How old is Billy and Jenny’s
She’s sixty-three.
They are ten and fourteen
How old are Billy and Jenny?
years old.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2020 14

Unit 3: Big or Small? Short or Tall? | Texts based on the Living Language methodology. (1 ST term)
» Con one, usa el singular. Con dos o más, usa el plural. La mayoría de sustantivos
adicionan –s en el plural:


One boy Two boys, three boys

One student Ten students, fifteen students
Five professors, twenty
One professor

» Si un sustantivo termina en –y, el plural finaliza en -ies:


One university Two universities

One country Three countries
One city Four cities

» Algunos sustantivos tienen plurales irregulares:


One man Two men

One woman Three women
One child Four children
One person Ten people

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2020 15

Unit 3: Big or Small? Short or Tall? | Texts based on the Living Language methodology. (1 ST term)
» Con el singular, emplea there is (there’s). Con el plural, emplea there are:


There is… There are…

There are three good
There is a good university in the city.
universities in the city.
There is a very good student in the There are very good students in
class. the class.
There are three boys in the
There is one boy in the family.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2020 16

Unit 3: Big or Small? Short or Tall? | Texts based on the Living Language methodology. (1 ST term)
Work Out 1

Unit 3 - Audio 8

» Ejercicio Escucha y escribe las palabras que oigas:

1 Billy is a young boy. He is ten years old.

a big family, he
2 He Doesn´t small family.
has a
3 They´re four people in his family.
4 Billy’s father’s name is Paul.
5 his mother's name is Laura.
have a brother, but
6 Billy Doesn´t has a sister.
7 His sister name is Jenny.
8 Jenny is fourteen .
9 Billy and Jenny have a cousin.
His name is Max, and he is Nine years old .

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Unit 3: Big or Small? Short or Tall? | Texts based on the Living Language methodology. (1 ST term)
Bring It All Together

Unit 3 - Audio 9

» Ejercicio Con el apoyo de otro compañero de clase van a realizar la escucha del
siguiente diálogo. Una vez finalicen, procederán a generar una grabación del mismo
diálogo, pero ahora con sus voces.

El audio deberán iniciarlo presentándose, indicando sus nombres, edad y lugares de



Person 1: Good morning, my name is Florentino Ariza, I’m 27 years old, I’m from Ituango,
Person 2: Hello, my name is Fermina Daza, I’m 18 years old, I’m from Yarumal, Antioquia.

Cuando esté el audio grabarlo, enviarlo como evidencia de trabajo por el apartado
correspondiente de plataforma acompañado del resto de ejercicios de esta actividad.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2020 18

Unit 3: Big or Small? Short or Tall? | Texts based on the Living Language methodology. (1 ST term)
» Conociste a John en Unit 1. John es un estudiante de universidad. Él tiene una clase
llamada American Literature of the Twentieth Century. Pero John NO es un muy buen
estudiante. Escucha lo que él habla con su amiga Diane:

1 Diane Are you in Professor Wheaton’s class?

2 John Yes, I am. It’s American Literature of the Twentieth Century.
3 Diane Is it a good class?
4 John Yes, it’s very good, but it’s hard!
5 Diane Is Professor Wheaton a good professor?
6 John Yes, she’s very smart, but her questions are hard! And the books are hard!
7 Diane How many students are there in the class?
8 John There are twenty-three students in the class.
9 Diane Are there good students in the class?
10 John Yes, there are three or four excellent students in the class.
11 Diane Are you an excellent student?
12 John No, I’m not an excellent student.
13 Diane Well, are you a good student?
14 John No, I’m not a good student. I’m an okay student.
15 Diane An okay student? Do you have homework tonight?
16 John Yes, I have homework, but there’s a party tonight, and…
17 Diane John! You have homework tonight!
18 John Yes, I do. But there’s a party, and…
19 Diane And you’re not an excellent student.

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Unit 3: Big or Small? Short or Tall? | Texts based on the Living Language methodology. (1 ST term)
Take it further

Unit 3 - Audio 10

» Aprendiste sobre preguntas tipo yes/no en esta unidad. Otras preguntas tienen question
words (palabras interrogativas). En unidades 1, 2 y 3 has visto:


» What’s your name?

» My name is John.

» Who is this man?

» He’s my father.

» How are you?

» I’m fine, thanks.
» How old is Billy?
» He’s ten years old.

» How many students are

there in the class?
How many?
» There are twenty-three
students in the class.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2020 20

Unit 3: Big or Small? Short or Tall? | Texts based on the Living Language methodology. (1 ST term)
Work Out 2

» Ejercicio 1 Elige there is o there are:

1 There is very good wine from France.

2 There are fifty states in the United States.
3 There are tall buildings in New York
4 There is an excellent student in the class.
5 There are twenty-three students in the class.
6 There are two girls in the family.
7 There is a very long river in Brazil.
8 There are three children in the family.

» Ejercicio 2 Elige la palabra correcta:

1 You have three sisters.

2 Does she have a brother?
3 Yes, she has a brother.
4 No, she doesn't have a brother.
5 The man have a wife.
6 The man doesn’t have a wife.
7 I don't have a sister.
8 We don’t have a big family.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2020 21

Unit 3: Big or Small? Short or Tall? | Texts based on the Living Language methodology. (1 ST term)
» Ejercicio 3 Ahora, forma algunas preguntas. Por ejemplo, tendrás:
She has a sister. Y deberás escribir: Does she have a sister?:

He is tall.
Is he tall?
The girls have a brother.
Do girls have a brother?
The family is big.
Is the family big?
The professors are very good.
Are the professors very good?
The students have an easy class.
Do the students have an easy class?
The boy has a sister.
Does the boy has a sister?
The river is long.
Is long the river?
Canada and China are big countries.
Are Canada and China big countries?

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2020 22

Unit 3: Big or Small? Short or Tall? | Texts based on the Living Language methodology. (1 ST term)
Drive It Home

» Ejercicio 1 Practiquemos preguntas y respuestas. Primero, con be. Crea oraciones de

respuestas afirmativas y negativas siguiendo el ejemplo:


Question Is New York a beautiful city?

0 YES Yes, New York is a beautiful city.
NO No, New York is not a beautiful city.

Question Is it a big country?

1 YES Yes, it is a big country
NO No, it is a not big country

Question Is the professor good?

2 YES Yes, she is professor good
NO No, she is not professor good

Question Are the questions easy?

3 YES Yes, they are the question easy
NO No, they are not the question easy

Question Are the children very young?

4 YES Yes, they are children very young
NO No, they are not children very young

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2020 23

Unit 3: Big or Small? Short or Tall? | Texts based on the Living Language methodology. (1 ST term)
» Ejercicio 2 Ahora practiquemos preguntas y respuestas con have. Crea oraciones de
respuestas afirmativas y negativas siguiendo el ejemplo:


Question Do we have a good professor?

0 YES Yes, we have a good professor.
NO No, we don’t have a good professor.

Question Does she have a brother?

1 YES Yes, she has a brother
NO No, she does has not a brother

Question Do they have children?

2 YES Yes, they have children
NO No, they do have not children

Question Does she have a husband?

3 YES Yes, she has a husband
NO No, she does has not

Question Do the boys have a sister?

4 YES Yes, they have a sister
NO No, they do have not a sister

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Unit 3: Big or Small? Short or Tall? | Texts based on the Living Language methodology. (1 ST term)
Online exercises


» Ejercicio Haz clic sobre el enlace, juega con palabras y frases relacionadas con
Unit 3 | Big or Small? Tall or Short? y, finalmente, agrega algunas capturas de pantalla:


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Unit 3: Big or Small? Short or Tall? | Texts based on the Living Language methodology. (1 ST term)
Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2020 26
Unit 3: Big or Small? Short or Tall? | Texts based on the Living Language methodology. (1 ST term)
Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA CTGI 2020 27
Unit 3: Big or Small? Short or Tall? | Texts based on the Living Language methodology. (1 ST term)

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