Módulo 3
Módulo 3
Módulo 3
Módulo 3: E plo a do el
le guaje 1
3.1. Adjetivos y sustantivos (posesivos)
3.1.1. Possessive adjectives
Al igual que cualquier adjetivo un adjetivo posesivo modifica a un sustantivo.
My car (car=sustantivo)
Her book (su libro)
Pronombres Adjetivos
personales posesivos
I My
He His su de el
She Her
It Its
We Our (nuestro)
They Their
Engineers Customers
Plural: The engineers´ salaries
Engineers´ Customers´
(se puede notar bien la diferencia entre uno y el otro, en el primero ofrezco, en el segundo (presente
simple) simplemente estoy preguntando si le gusta, no estoy ofreciendo).
I would like some information. -> I’d like some information. (quisiera alguna información)
I would like to try this jacket, please. -> l’d like to try this jacket, please. (quisiera probar ésta
chaqueta, por favor).
Actividad Nro. 5
a) Use the correct possessive adjective MY – YOUR – HIS – HER – ITS – OUR – THEIR
1. This is Mary and that is _______house.
2. What is __________ telephone, please?
_________ telephone is 345-8907
3. This is a new calculator and that is __________case.
4. __________ house is over there. They live there.
5. ___________ house is very big. We are a lot in our family.
That is for __________ son, Its ________ birthday
b) Fill in the blanks in the dialogues with the corresponding possessive adjective or noun
1. Is the ____________(president) car?
No, ________ he ca is o e the e. It’s the ____________ “ale Ma age ca . But _____(she) car is
2. Is this ________(you) van?
No, _______(we) van is green.
3. Is it _________(IBM) van?
No, ________(they) van is over there.
c) What’s the diffe e ce
1) I like a glass of wine
2) I’d like a glass of i e
.5 Demostrati os this,these,that,those
this • -
that • -
these • -
those • -
3.6. Prepositions
3.6.1. Place
Go Along Here/there
Drive Up that path
Walk down this corridor
this way/street
Turn Left/right The/this/that corner
It´s This/that way
They are Upstair/downstairs
On the left/right
Over there
The first/second door/building On the left/right
Actividad Nro. 6
e) Write the location of the place below, using the map. Then give directions to each place from the hotel.
animal (animal):
tamaño del campo (farm size):
tamaño del rebaño (herd size):
World Geography
Wet rice growing takes place in Asia: for example in areas of China Japan and India. Wet rice
needs a high temperature in the growing season i.e. at least 200C for 3 or 4 months, and it also
needs a rainfall of about 1.800mm during that season. The rice must be under water about
l5Omm deep for most of the growing period. As a result, it is usually grown near a river in
small level fields which are surrounded by low earth walls. The farms are usually quite small -
about one or two hectares in area. Although rice growing requires a lot of work, very few rice
farmers use machinery. This means that rice growing is labour intensive, that is to say, a lot of
people have to work in the rice fields.
At the beginning of the growing season, the farmers have to repair the low earth walls around
the fields. Then they have to prepare the soil so that it is thick and muddy. After this, they
must sow the seeds in special beds and then, later, plant the seedlings in rows in the soil. It
takes about four months for the rice to become ripe. A few weeks before harvesting, they have
to remove the water from the fields. Finally, the farmers harvest the rice, cutting it with a knife.
World Geography
Dairy Cattle
Keeping cows for milk is common in many parts of the world, except for China. Dairy farms are
usually quite small. In Europe, the average size is 10 hectares, with about 9 cows in a herd. The
cows graze on grass in the summer. In colder climates, the cows are kept indoors in cowsheds
in the winter, and are fed on hay.
The dairy farmer has to milk the cows twice a day, every day of the year. Farmers do this by
hand or with machines. They then have to prepare the milk for selling. In the summer, they
have to repair the sheds and they have to cut the hay for the winter food. In the autumn,
farmers must plough the fields and sow the grass seed. Although dairy farmers use machines
such as tractors, they still have to work hard.
b) Complete estas instrucciones de cómo cultivar arroz. Busque en el texto y utilice el diccionario.
1. repair the walls (reparar las paredes)
2. _____________
3. _____________
4. _____________
5. Wait 4 months
6. _____________
7. harvest the rice (cosechar el arroz)
c) Puede encontrar las palabras en el pasaje que signifique lo mismo que las palabras destacadas de estas
oraciones. (sinónimos)
1. Rice growing needs a lot of work.
2. The farmer has to prepare the earth
3. Low earth walls are around the fields.
4. Rice growers have to mend the ground around the fields at the start of a season.
d) Mire a los verbos debajo. ¿Cuáles pertenecen al cultivo de arroz y cuales a la ganadería? (use un
diccionario y traduzca).