Ingles 2
Ingles 2
Ingles 2
Student’s Book 6th grade
Brendan Dunne - Robin Newton
6 th
Student's Book
Brendan Dunne
B. Mus. University of Wales
PGCE, Roehampton Institute
M.A. in Teaching English to Young Learners, University of York
Robin Newton
B. Sc. in Social Policy, University of Bristol
PGCE, Roehampton Institute
M.A. in Teaching English to Young Learners,
University of York
Editorial team:
Deputy Director: Cristian Gúmera Valenzuela Original Texts References: In Beep 6. Authors:
Brendan Dunne, Robin Newton. Printed in Spain
Editorial Coordinator: Marcela Briceño Villalobos
2010; Target B1. Authors: Michael Downie, David
English Publishing Coordinators: Gray, Juan Manuel Jiménez. Printed in Spain 2011;
Ly-Sen Lam Díaz English In motion. Authors: Robert Campbell, Gill
Manoli Camacho Ángeles Holley, Rob Metcalf. Printed in Spain 2009.
Editor: María Constanza Casacuberta Volpato
Editorial Assistant: Macarena Durán Castro
Proofreading: Mandy Latorre Scalese, Brian Mitchell
Authors: Brendan Dunne, Robin Newton
Documentación: Cristian Bustos Chavarría
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Santillana® es una marca registrada de Grupo Santillana de Ediciones, S. L. Todos los derechos reservados.
2 Two
Unit goals
At the beginning of swamp
Dad knows a bridge but it’s very dangerous. Tenzin falls, but Dad catches him.
Tenzin goes first. Dad helps the children to cross. 15 Choose the title that best fits the news articles.
a. A Long Journey to School c. The Problems of Isolation
Take my hand. b. Horses, Boats, and Plastic Bags d. Rainy Days are Bad for School
Help! 16 Find the sentences in the text and fill in the blanks.
b. On days, it is
forests and mountains .
Now, Nima is really scared. c. After the river, they must for two hours to get to school.
Dont be scared, Nima. 5 She doesn't like the bridge. 6
This section helps Everyone crosses the river safely. Now the
weather is sunnier.
The town is bigger and noisier than the village,
but they love going to school.
d. So now, they
Be careful By building a
going home! tall bridge!
How could
Activity Book 26
Final Review!
team to represent you. ago and buried a city called Pompeii
1 Follow the instructions to create a giant atlas. under the ashes! I go through the
c. Toss a coin to decide which town every day to buy breakfast.
team will start. a. Get into small groups and choose one of the following topics: Yesterday we went to Pompeii that Emily Hughes
is South of Naples. It is smaller and
32 West 70th Street
rivers lakes mountains forests islands quieter than Naples because no one
lives here. I like Pompeii. Apartment 201.
bays cliffs waterfalls swamps caves
you learnt.
a. One thousand, eight hundred and
e. Each team has six minutes to guess!. twenty-one metres high.
each other. b. One thousand, one hundred and
f. The winning teams compete with eighteen metres high.
c. One thousand, two hundred and
eighty-one metres high.
Fifty-five 55
58 Fifty-eight
Topic 2 • Adventure Island!
Unit 2 • Our Planet
56 Fifty-six Unit 2 • Our Planet
This icon shows that you need to This icon shows that you will have
do the activity in your personal
fun and role-play some activities.
This icon shows that you will listen
This icon shows that you need to do
to an audio to complete an activity,
the activity with your classmates. 5
or sing and chant!
Activity Book 5 You will find extra practice in the Activity Book.
Three 3
Hello!................................... 6
What Do I Know?................ 7
1 What’s New?
Page 8
Unit 1 What’s New?
Unit goals
• Identify and talk about
activities using computers.
• Talk about TV programmes.
• Act out small scenes using the
unit’s vocabulary.
8 Eight Nine 9
2 Our PlanetPage 34 Unit 2 Our Planet
34 Thirty-four Thirty-five 35
4 Four
• Mock Test.................................. 86
eat healthy food
62 Sixty-two Sixty-three 63
4 Amazing Lives
Page 88 Unit 4 Amazing Lives
• Mock Test.................................112
Unit goals
• Identify and talk about
famous people in history.
inventor • Learn the past simple using
regular verbs.
• Learn superlative adjectives.
• Describe animals.
88 Eighty-eight Eighty-nine 89
Glossary.......................................... 116
Extra Reading Unit 1...................... 120
Extra Reading Unit 2...................... 122
Extra Reading Unit 3...................... 124
Extra Reading Unit 4...................... 126
Bibliography.................................... 128
Contents Five 5
8 Eight
sports programme
Unit goals
• Identify and talk about
activities using computers.
• Talk about TV programmes.
• Act out small scenes using the
unit’s vocabulary.
Nine 9
watch videos
I sometimes
chat with friends search the internet write emails.
Computers and Me
My favourite computer activity is
playing computer games. I like to
play in the evenings three times
a week. I also like searching the
internet. I look at websites about
music every day and I find the
lyrics. I really like listening to
music on the computer too.
By Jerome.
Activity Book 9
10 Ten Unit 1 • What’s New?
Present continuous
he I’m / I’m not
she He’s / He isn’t listening to music.
What you doing? She’s / She isn’t uploading photos.
are we We’re / We aren’t sending an email.
they They are / They aren’t
It was my birthday
yesterday. I’m uploading
my birthday photos now.
Activity Book 10
Topic 1 • Online! Eleven 11
6 Read and match the pictures with the text. Correct the mistakes in each text.
Pam Shen
She’s from New York, USA. He’s from Beijing, China.
She’s in her IT class and it’s It’s 10 o’clock at night and
10 o’clock in the morning he’s in his bedroom. He’s
there. Her class is doing a listening to music and
project about insects. She’s sending an email to his
searching the internet for cousin. It’s her birthday
information about butterflies. tomorrow.
Anton Rosa
He’s in the living room in his She’s at the Science
home in Moscow, Russia. museum in Valencia, Spain.
It’s 5 o’clock in the afternoon It’s 3 o’clock in the afternoon
there. He likes cooking and there. She’s watching a
he wants to find a recipe for video about dinosaurs. It’s
chocolate cake on the internet. fascinating!
Letter B is Pam!
Activity Book 11
Richard reads a hippy article on the internet.
Oh no! Paddy,
look at this.
Jess has got an idea. After school, they visit I’m uploading
Paddy’s dad. He works for a big computer your game on our
company. He likes Jess’s idea. website now.
5 6
I understand some
I don’t understand the story I understand the story.
parts of the story, but
because… I can help my classmates.
I need help with...
Activity Book 12
Samuel creates
an account.
• How do you stay safe online?
• What do you think the image means?
“Design is a really loaded word. I don’t experiences that meet their wants and
know what it means. So, we don’t talk a needs. So, thinking ahead is fundamental.
lot about design around here, we just talk Design thinking encourages employees
about how things work. Most people think to think differently, to be creative and be
it’s about how they look, but it’s about curious about how things work in order to
how they work” – Steve Jobs. solve customers’ problems.
Steve Jobs was an innovator and a Design thinking and innovation
visionary. He transformed consumerism have modified thousands
and accessibility into information. Jobs’s of products: the broom for
accomplishments have a large effect on example avoided crouching,
the world today. so people now can clean
As technology evolves, consumers standing up, protecting
expect intuitive products, services, and their backs!
Adapted from How Steve Jobs Changed the World. (2020).
Name: ____________________
________ Date:_______
Design Thinking!
hurt my fingers,
a. Which item did you choose?___
b. What is the problem _______________
needs innovation.
with this item? __________
____________________ __
I will redesign
c. Create your model.
them to have
b. Think of a problem and try to find a solution. soft edges!
a. What were the innovations made to the product? Why is this innovative?
b. Were you able to model or draw your ideas?
• What innovations have changed lives?
• How is technology changing today?
Activity Book 13
18 Eighteen Unit 1 • What’s New?
Universally Connected
What are they
What is he
What’s this? doing?
What is she
How many
Say three
words with time zones
the r sound! does the Earth
My favourite TV
What’s your favourite programme is
TV programme? Saving the Planet!
I really like
Activity Book 14
20 Twenty Unit 1 • What’s New?
don’t wear
a mask
He wears
She doesn’t wear My favourite
character is
Wonder Woman.
5 Read again and answer.
6 Read, then fill the extra material chart with your friend’s information.
Tara Jacob
Quiz shows Mel
? ?
? ?
The news
? ?
? ?
programmes ? ? ?
programmes ? ? ?
? ? ?
Activity Book 16
dental disk deer dog desk dress
Activity Book 17
Topic 2 • What’s on TV? Twenty-three 23
Terry has got an idea. Terry has got her video camera. She wants to
make a video of Frank but a rude man bumps
OK Frank, let’s go into her.
to the park!
Come on Fr- Oof!
Get out of my way!
Frank is excited. He loves 3 4
going to the park.
I understand some
I don’t understand the story I understand the story.
parts of the story, but
because… I can help my classmates.
I need help with...
Activity Book 18
Topic 2 • What’s on TV? Twenty-five 25
? programme. ? programme.
? programme.
Hi! I’m Paula! My favourite but I think it’s boring! Oh, and I almost
programme is Music Machine. It’s forgot documentaries. I love the
on every Saturday at eight o’clock. documentary Dinosaur Planet. It’s on
Lots of famous singers are on the every Wednesday at six o’clock. You
programme.I think it’s brilliant! Another learn about dinosaurs and there are
show I like is Film on Friday. It’s on interviews with dinosaur experts. I
every Friday at half past eight. They think it’s an interesting topic!
show different films like Harry Potter My mom says that I shouldn’t watch
or Toy Story. Sometimes, the films too much TV or spend too much time
are funny and sometimes they’re on the internet, and I think she is right.
scary, the plots vary a lot. But, there She says that many programmes on
are also programmes I don’t like. TV and many videos on the internet
I don’t like the sports programme are not good at all. Programmes and
Tennis Today. It’s on every Tuesday videos should make us think and help
at half past seven. My brother plays us to improve ourselves by teaching
tennis and he always watches this us new things or by telling us the
programme. He thinks it’s amazing, things that are wrong in the world.
Editorial creation.
a. There are various ways to improve the way we eat, for example…
Improve: make or become better.
I want to improve my football skills
16 Read the about the parts of a paragraph and then write a paragraph about your
favourite movie.
a. Topic sentence: Here, you present yourself and the main idea of what you are going to
talk about.
• Watching too much TV is not good for you.
Do you agree or disagree?
• Write three reasons to support your argument.
17 Write a script of one scene and act it out with your classmates!
A script, or screenplay, is
the text that describes the
setting and the actions and
words the characters of the
film or TV programme have
to do and say.
First, you need to start with the place, or setting, and the time of the day.
Secondly, you need to think about your characters and about what happens to them.
Amanda is a shy girl from the sixth grade. She looks very worried.
Amanda enters the scene.
“Help! I cannot find my pencil case.”
• What could happen if there was no script for movies?
• Why is planning important?
Activity Book 19
28 Twenty-eight Unit 1 • What’s New?
a. Make groups of four.
b. Write the words from the box on a post it note.
c. Mix the notes in a pencil case and pick one without reading it.
d. Stick it on your forehead and ask questions to guess what program you are!
sh ow
sport film
Ah! Yes!
1 Gather into groups and decide which programme you will do.
d. rehearse
• What was most difficult about the project?
• Do you prefer planning or acting? Why?
Activity Book 20
This is my friend . She likes taking photos with camera and then
the computer today because it’s Saturday. They’re watching a on TV with me!
We’re eating !
but I (not do). Last Saturday I wanted to watch the a film at 4 o’clock but he wanted
Instructions What is a
a. Spin a pencil in the screenshot?
centre of the wheel. What is
What are
b. The first who answers quiz shows? cyberbullying?
the question gets a
point. There are 8
points in total. Something you Mention a
can do on the benefit of
internet with the social media.
r sound.
Who used programme
design with the d
thinking? sound.
Where can
you upload
Activity Book 21
Puerto Varas, Chile
34 Thirty-four
Shkot, Russia
Unit goals
mountain • Describe and
compare landscapes.
• Say long numbers.
• Follow directions
using prepositions.
• Express preferences and opinions.
• Learn about other places
path and countries.
Activity Book 22
Altiplanic lagoon, Bolivia
Thirty-five 35
Picture E,
Hes wearing a the forest!
white t-shirt. Hes
reading a map.
The Amazon is a river in South America. The Sahara Desert in Africa is 5,600
It is 6 , 400 kilometres long. A lot of kilometres wide. Its about the size
animals live in the river. There are river of the USA. Its very hot and dry.
dolphins, crabs, and 2,100 different Sometimes, there is only one millimetre
species of fish. of rain in a year.
Editorial creation.
Activity Book 23
36 Thirty-six Unit 2 • Our Planet
Mont Blanc is higher than Teide. Remember
The River Nile is longer than the River Amazon. big bigger
The Pacific Ocean bigger is than the Indian Ocean.
4 Predict if the statements are True or False, then go online and check.
Activity Book 24
Topic 1 • Wonderful World! Thirty-seven 37
sunny big hot windy quiet noisy clean cold
sunny sunnier
noisy noisier
Hakodate, Japan
Hakodate is
sunnier than Biei.
Biei, Japan
Activity Book 25
38 Thirty-eight Unit 2 • Our Planet
Tenzin and Nima are from Tibet. They live in a In the spring, Dad takes them to school in the
small village high in the mountains. It’s windy in town. It’s a long journey. They live in the town
the village and they like flying kites. In the winter until summer.
it’s cold and snowy and they can’t go to school.
Put your
gloves on,
Goodbye, Mum!
1 2
The village is 4,845 metres high. It’s a lot higher The weather is hotter this year and the
than the town. The journey is dangerous. ice has melted earlier than usual.
Oh no! We can't
Put your foot here! cross the river.
What can
Be careful, we do now?
3 4
Take my hand.
Its OK, I ve got you!
Everyone crosses the river safely. Now the The town is bigger and noisier than the village,
weather is sunnier. but they love going to school.
See you in
the summer!
Bye, Dad!
Be careful
going home!
7 8
I understand some
I don’t understand the story I understand the story.
parts of the story, but
because… I can help my classmates.
I need help with...
Activity Book 26
13 Look at the pictures and predict what each news article is about.
c. After the river, they must for two hours to get to school.
17 Plan and discuss possible solutions for the problems in the news articles.
By building a
tall bridge!
How could
they cross
the river
• Are people well connected where you live?
• Based on the stories, what can you tell about
people’s views of education?
The Chilean north is desertic, it hardly ever
rains. The temperatures are high during
the day and drop at night. There is little
vegetation, although when it rains the
desert is covered in flowers.
In central Chile, the climate is Mediterranean.
It is cold and rainy in winter, and hot and dry
in the summer. Vegetation has adapted to the
diverse weather conditions.
Southern Chile has cool damp weather.
It is rainy all year so storms and winds are
frequent. There are glaciers, forests, and
fjords. Vegetation is abundant.
Adapted from The Climate of Chile (2011).
• Have you noticed any changes in
the Chilean weather lately?
• How has climate change affected
the environment?
Activity Book 27
44 Forty-four Unit 2 • Our Planet
I Say a
with the
z sound!
ii ii
Anita, Mark, Kim and Ben, Theres a path out of the town,
Are on an island, once again. But theres danger all around!
They want to go to Black Beards Bay, The Cliffs of Death, a waterfall,
But nobody can find the way. A scary bridge, look out! Dont fall! (Chorus)
Adventure island, lost at sea, Around the swamp and through the caves,
Is such a brilliant place to be. Then we hear the ocean waves.
Is there a treasure buried there? If theres treasure buried there,
Can we find it if we dare? We can find it! But beware! (Chorus)
Activity Book 28
46 Forty-six Unit 2 • Our Planet
Activity Book 29
Topic 2 • Adventure Island! Forty-seven 47
• First, choose a place where the treasure is hidden.
• Then, tell your friend where to start.
• Using the squares, give him/her instructions find it.
15 August, 2021
Write the date! Margarita Island, Venezuela Place a
Hi Mike, stamp here!
I’m on holiday with my
family. I go cycling to the
Write a message.
north part of the island
You can include Michael Wilson
where there is a waterfall.
your favourite Av. La Estrella 1277,
Then I go over a bridge
day, something Pudahuel
to get to the town. Name
personal, the See you soon! Address
weather, a great Santiago, Chile
Bianca. City, Country
meal, etc.
Activity Book 30
48 Forty-eight Unit 2 • Our Planet
9 Look at the pictures and identify which of these contain the w or v sounds.
Exam le A
That is a shovel;
it has the v sound!
Glossary, page 117
Activity Book 31
Topic 1 • Wonderful World! Forty-nine 49
Hellooo! H – e – l – l – o – o o o...
Look at the stalagmites
and stalactites.
1 Theyre beautiful. 2
The children follow the map and arrive at The children are digging a big hole. Anita's
Blackbeard’s Bay, but where is the treasure? got the map now.
Theres no treasure
here. Lets try next to
that rock.
3 4
We cant escape!
There is Lets wait!
something buried
here but its not When it gets dark,
pirates treasure! we can see.
5 6
It’s night time, but the moon is shining. The next day at the café...
Oh, theyre
7 8
I understand some
I don’t understand the story I understand the story.
parts of the story, but
because… I can help my classmates.
I need help with...
Activity Book 32
Topic 2 • Adventure Island! Fifty-one 51
13 Look at the pictures and find the corresponding word in the text.
a. think I so.
I think so.
• What would be the problems and
benefits of living without adults?
Every item of plastic that has ever been created is still with us on the planet today. 80% of
ocean waste originates from land, where waste travels to the centre of the ocean currents
and stays there. Then, these plastics mix with plankton, they are eaten by fish and become
part of the food chain.
Plastic pollution also accumulates becoming landfill, polluting water reserves, and
obstructing wildlife.
Adapted from A Plastic Ocean: Educational Support (2018).
19 Choose one of the potential solutions to plastic pollution, investigate the benefits
and drawbacks. Present it to the class.
• How does plastic affect our biosphere?
• What do we need to do as a society to help reduce
our plastic pollution?
Activity Book 33
54 Fifty-four Unit 2 • Our Planet
Vocabulary Competition!
d. Choose a word from the word cloud and explain it to the classmate representing
your team without saying the word. If your classmate guesses the word, explain
another! For every correct word he/she guesses, the team will get 1 point. If the
player does not know the word, change players!
Word cloud!
a. Get into small groups and choose one of the following topics:
rivers lakes mountains forests islands
bays cliffs waterfalls swamps caves
oceans deserts volcanoes
An island is smaller
than a continent.
c. On a big drawing block write and draw the information you gathered.
You can use An island is
smaller than a
comparative continent.
A group of
islands is
e. Bind together all the class’ drawing blocks to create a giant atlas!
• How did this project help you fully understand the unit?
• What did you learn while doing this project?
Activity Book 34
Project • Our Giant Atlas! Fifty-seven 57
Read and write the correct alternative in your notebook or on a sheet of paper.
Dear Emily,
I am on holidays with my family in
Naples, Italy. It is beautiful here,
but dirty. There is a Volcano called
Vesuvius that is 1,281 metres high.
Vesuvius erupted thousands of years
ago and buried a city called Pompeii
under the ashes! I go through the
town every day to buy breakfast.
Emily Hughes
Yesterday we went to Pompeii that
is South of Naples. It is smaller and 32 West 70th Street
quieter than Naples because no one Apartment 201.
lives here. I like Pompeii.
See you soon,
New York, United States.
1. Naples is…
2. Bianca is…
3. Pompeii is…
4. Vesuvius is…
Read the text and answer the question in your answer sheet.
Editorial creation.
Look at the map. Listen, follow the directions, and answer the questions. 35
Adventure Island
b. At the volcano.
c. The bay.
b. By the castle.
c. On the cliff.
Look at the options and tell a friend the journey you will take.
5 According to the pictures, what place would you like to visit? Why?
Activity Book 35
Mock Test Sixty-one 61
watch a lot of TV
62 Sixty-two
drink water
do exercise
Unit goals
• Learn about sustainability
and the importance of caring
for our environment.
• Learn vocabulary related to
keeping healthy.
• Use adverbs of frequency to
describe activities.
• Say tongue twisters and poems to
practise sounds.
Activity Book 36
compost Page
Sixty-three 63
2 Look and say what the elements are made of. Write if these can be refused,
replaced, or recycled.
We should refuse
A cup is made of it and replace it for
cardboard and plastic. a reusable cup!
It cannot be recycled.
bag can
Activity Book 37
64 Sixty-four Unit 3 • Changing Habits
Activity Book 38
Topic 1 • Think Green! Sixty-five 65
This is Martina. She is from the USA. It’s Green Week at Martina’s school.
She wants to be green this week and hopefully, in the future.
6 Read My Green Resolutions and then, write your own. What habits are you going to
change this year?
My Green Resolutions
At school, I’m going to refuse single-use plastic
and change disposable materials like plastic
cutlery and plastic bottles for reusable ones.
At home, I’m going to separate cans, plastic
bottles, milk carton, carboard, and newspapers.
Then I will clean them and take them to a
recycling facility.
Activity Book 39
66 Sixty-six Unit 3 • Changing Habits
a. c.
glass class good could
b. d.
green clean gardens cartons
Make a
Planting big trees,
poem with 4
will work good for me. Rhyming is important:
Reforestation, Look at the words
highlighted. Note that
and making donations. they have the same
This poem We love to go green, ending.
has 6 verses to reduce Earth’s degrees.
Asad and his granny are from Somalia. Some Asad walks to school everyday. He goes past
years it doesn’t rain and there are terrible droughts. the waste ground and sees the rubbish from the
Now, they live in Europe. Granny wants to have a supermarket.
garden, but they live in a small flat.
This is terrible. People
Goodbye, just don’t care!
1 2
Asad is in assembly with his friend Daniel. It’s After school that day, Asad and Daniel go to the
Green Week in school. The Head Teacher tells waste ground and collect plastic bags. Their
everyone about an idea to help the environment. teacher sees them.
Asad’s granny teaches the children about Now Granny has got a garden and she is very
gardening. They plant grass seeds and flowers. happy! And Asad’s teachers are very happy
with him!
Well done Asad! It’s
Let’s put those plants over a beautiful garden!
there next to the fence.
7 8
I understand some
I don’t understand the story I understand the story.
parts of the story, but
because… I can help my classmates.
I need help with...
Activity Book 40
She has also inspired the Fridays For Future movement where students across
the globe take part in student strikes.
She adopted several lifestyle habits to reduce her carbon footprint, including
giving up air travel, stopping eating meat and dairy products.
• Make a list of five reasons why you want to take care
of our planet.
• How can you get more information about the climate
crisis and possible solutions?
Editors adaptation: Seymour J. (2009) Self-sufficient Life and How to Live it. p.234
• Why do you think it is important to have a count of our discards?
• Think how you can have a zero-waste lunch to avoid a landfill.
Activity Book 41
72 Seventy-two Unit 3 • Changing Habits
What is this
Say and answer:
made of?
What can you Are you
Name the do with it? going to…
7 R’s!
Say and answer:
Are you
What is this Say two
going to… words with
made of?
What can you the g sound!
do with it?
Say and answer: H I What is this
made of?
Are you What can you
going to… do with it?
Say two
words with
the c sound!
1 Listen and sing. 45
watch a lot of TV
A Healthy Song
Eat healthy food every day,
Let’s be healthy, let’s be strong,
drink lots of water. That’s OK!
Let’s all sing a healthy song.
Don’t eat junk food, don’t eat sweets,
Do exercise, run, and play,
eat fruits and vegetables, fish and meat. (Chorus)
And always sleep eight hours a day.
Do exercise, run, and play.
Don’t be lazy, listen to me!
And always sleep eight hours a day.
Please don’t watch too much TV. (Chorus)
Have a shower, keep clean and bright,
and brush your teeth, day and night. (Chorus)
Activity Book 42
74 Seventy-four Unit 3 • Changing Habits
Kim and Ben are reading a magazine. There’s a questionnaire about health.
Activity Book 43
Topic 2 • Keep Healthy! Seventy-five 75
Activity Book 44
76 Seventy-six Unit 3 • Changing Habits
Activity Book 45
Topic 2 • Keep Healthy! Seventy-seven 77
1 2
...but she can’t.
Kay has got very strong arms and she can swim Kay always has healthy snacks
very fast! She’s on the school swimming team. after swimming practice.
Thanks, Dave!
Look, the
is on Friday.
I hope we win
a trophy!
Kay’s race is starting soon. Dave
5 6
Dave is on the swimming team too. hopes she wins.
I understand some
I don’t understand the story I understand the story.
parts of the story, but
because… I can help my classmates.
I need help with...
Activity Book 46
Topic 2 • Keep Healthy! Seventy-nine 79
15 Read the guide about sustainable eating and answer: Glossary, page 118
What are the things the author mentions that help preserve our planet?
I suspect most of you already do many “We simply cannot eat the amounts of
things to help preserve the planet we all beef that we’re now consuming and still
call home. Perhaps you recycle glass, have a future for our grandchildren” said
plastic, and paper and compost organic Dr. Walter C. Willett. However, the report
waste; shop with reusable bags; use public does not insist that everyone become a
transpor tation or bicycles. Would you vegan but does set a goal that people in
change the way you eat not only to protect
wealthy countries limit the consumption of
the terra firma and the sorrounding waters,
red meat. It’s best for your health and the
but also your health?
planet to adopt a diet that derives most of
In January 2019, The New York Times its protein from plants — including legumes
described a report from the EAT-Lancet and nuts. The fact is, we don’t need as
Commission on Food, Planet and Health.
much protein as we now consume. Studies
37 scientists and 16 experts established
in both animals and people have shown
a global food economy that could combat
chronic diseases in wealthy nations and that high-protein diets limit longevity. Foods
provide better nutrition for poor ones, all that comes from animals, especially red
without destroying the planet. The scientists’ meat, have higher environmental footprints
goal was guide a healthy sustainable diet compared to other food groups. But even
that could feed the nearly 10 billion people if environmental issues are not high on your
expected to inhabit the world by 2050. list of concerns, health should be.
Broady, J. (2019) The New York Times: A Guide to Sustainable Eating.
Retrieved from
Preserve: conserve, defend, protect.
a. ... you already do many things to help protect the planet.
c. We simply cannot eat the amounts of beef that we’re now consuming…
d. Studies in both animals and people have shown that high-protein diets limit longevity.
17 Choose which group corresponds to the paragraphs in the body of the article.
group A
group B group C
• How many times during the week do you eat animal protein?
How can you reduce your consumption?
19 Choose one of the benefits from above and make an explanatory poster.
• What drawbacks can having an inactive lifestyle bring?
• How many times do you exercise each week?
• Make a sports schedule for your week.
Activity Book 47
82 Eighty-two Unit 3 • Changing Habits
a. Choose any word or b. Draw a human and the c. For each incorrect
phrase from the topic. dashes corresponding to answer, one part of the
the word chosen. UFO gets built, until the
UFO abducts the human.
/ / EE
Does it have an E?
With the help of micro-organisms and insects, we can take our organic materials and turn
them into a rich, dark soil amendment called compost. In this way, valuable nutrients are
returned to nature rather than shipped away to a landfill.
Composting is an excellent way to demonstrate the cycle of life: life, death,
decomposition, and re-birth. “Browns” are dry and woody plant trimmings,
such as wood chips, dried leaves, and straw. Browns are rich in carbon.
“Greens” are moist vegetable and fruit scraps, green leaves, and
fresh manure. Greens are rich in nitrogen. In a compost pile,
you want approximately half brown materials and half green
materials by volume. Decomposer organisms need air and
water to break down organic matter.
2 Materials needed:
Shovel Five pallets
a. Chop materials into pieces.
Stack the pallets
b. Mix bedding material with food
creating a box. scraps (half of each by volume).
c. Maintain moisture by keeping
the pile humid.
• Describe possible reasons for composting.
• What habits are you changing by making your own compost?
Activity Book 48
Project • Our Compost Pile! Eighty-five 85
The Paralympic Games are the Olympic games for athletes with a physical disability.
They are elite sports events. About four thousand athletes from over one hundred
countries compete. They are held in the same host cities as the Olympic Games:
London, Sochi, and Rio for example. The emphasis is on achievement, not on the
athlete’s disabilities.
Editorial creation.
c. Are you going to turn the TV off when you aren’t watching it?
f. Are you going to spread the word, so more people change their habits?
Activity Book 49
88 Eighty-eight
Unit goals
• Identify and talk about
famous people in history.
• Learn the past simple using
regular verbs.
• Learn superlative adjectives.
• Describe animals.
Eighty-nine 89
He’s between the scientist She’s over the explorer and next
and the artist. Who is he? to the inventor. Who is she?
Activity Book 51
90 Ninety Unit 4 • Amazing Lives
Ben and Kim are learning about important people from history.
If one man can destroy everything, why can’t one girl change it?
Malala Yousafzai was on the school bus. She had a blog that spoke about being
a woman under the Taliban regime, when a man shot her in the head.
She recovered after four months.
Born in Pakistan, she wanted to study, but the Taliban didn’t allow girls in schools.
After the attack, she became an activist. She created the Malala Fund, to promote
young girls’ education. In 2015 she built her own school for girls. She fights because
many women in the world still don’t get an education.
Adapted from Malala Yousafzai Biography (2020)
Virginia Woolf was a writer from England, considered one of the most important
modernists from the 20th century. Woolf began writing professionally in 1900, and
wrote short stories, books, and essays. One of her most important work are Mrs
Dalloway and A Room of One’s Own.
Adapted from Virginia Woolf biography (2020).
Hypatia She was the first female mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher from
Greece. She lived in 370 AC. She taught Christians, Jews, and foreigners about her
knowledge. But women weren’t supposed to get an education, so she was murdered.
7 Do the quiz with a friend, answer True or False. Glossary, page 119
a. Nikola Tesla lived in Austria. c. Antonin Gaudi finished the Sagrada Familia.
b. Hypatia only taught Christians. d. Virginia Woolf was a successful writer.
8 Research your favourite person from history and present it to the class.
Activity Book 53
92 Ninety-two Unit 4 • Amazing Lives
This tank
is for the
sh sound
Example Theatre
In 1907 Pablo Picasso lived in Paris. He was Pablo painted every day. He didn’t stop until it
very poor, but he was happy. Every day, after he was dark. He wanted to invent a new style of
finished working, he visited a local café and talked painting.
about painting with his friend, Henri Matisse.
Hey, Jacques! Catch!
Argh! Those
1 noisy boys! 2
Pablo hated people making noise when he Pablo showed his painting to some rich people
was working. but they didn’t like it.
Pablo looked at the mirror and... Picasso invented a new style of painting called
Cubism. The rich people loved it!
Eureka! That’s it!
7 8
I understand some
I don’t understand the story I understand the story.
parts of the story, but
because… I can help my classmates.
I need help with...
Activity Book 54
a. anthropologist c. conservationist
b. hominids d. poaching
The Trimates
The Trimates, sometimes called Leakey’s Dian Fossey was a primatologist and
Angels, is the name of three women conservationist known for studying the
that the anthropologist Louis Leakey mountain gorilla from 1966 until 1985.
sent to study hominids in their natural She studied them in the mountain
environments: Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, forests of Virunga, between Rwanda
and Biruté Galdikas studied chimpanzees, and the Congo. She actively supported
gorillas, and orangutans respectively that conservation efforts, and opposed
correspond to the biggest primates in poaching and tourism in wildlife habitats.
the world. They have no tail and are the
closest relatives to humans. Biruté Galdikas pioneered the study
of the orangutan, a great ape native
In 1958 Jane Goodall arrived in Tanzania to Indonesia. In 1971, she and her
to study wild chimpanzees. Alone with husband arrived in Borneo. Before her
her mother and a cook, in the middle of research, the orangutan was the least
Gombe’s jungle, she began a research understood of the biggest primates. She
project that would last her entire life. became a conservationist, because
The results of her investigation shed palm oil plantations, gold miners, and
light on a chimpanzee’s behaviour and poachers are devastating these animals’
social structure, which fascinated the environment.
entire world. Adapted from How the Trimates
Revolutionized Primatology. (2016)
Jane, Dian and Birute are the Trimates . This is because they are three women
studying . Louis Leaky, an sent them to large
apes in the wilderness.
Dian and Biruté stood against illegal . The three are , and
their about has fascinated the entire world.
17 Read the sentences from the text and remove the extra words.
Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, and Biruté Galdikas studied chimpanzees, bonobos,
gorillas, and orangutans.
B Alone with her mother, an explorer, and a cook, in the middle of Gombe’s jungle.
palm oil plantations, gold miners, and poachers are devastating these big
animals’ environment.
Watch the video and answer the questions.
• Why is it important to learn and understand animals?
• Why is it important to protect animals?
Paint it!
• Do you know other artists who changed
the way of doing art?
• How is the style of art related to history?
Activity Book 55
98 Ninety-eight Unit 4 • Amazing Lives
What’s Describe What were
their jobs?
What do the past her job!
you want simple Pablo Picasso
Dian Fossey
to be? of… Edmund Hillary
Animal Experts
Amazing animals everywhere, The fastest and the smallest,
we’re studying them in school. hummingbirds, and cheetahs too.
So many fascinating facts, The oldest and the tallest,
Animals are cool! tortoises and kangaroos. (Chorus)
The biggest and the longest, Albatrosses and big blue whales,
ostriches and pythons too. in the sea and in the air.
The loudest and the strongest, Antelopes and tall giraffes,
What do they eat? What can they do? (Chorus) amazing animals everywhere! (Chorus)
Activity Book 56
100 One hundred Unit 4 • Amazing Lives
Blue whales
Habitat Blue whales live in oceans.
Food They eat millions of small animals called krills.
Body They are usually 25 to 30 metres long, they have got the
biggest mouth of all animals. They swim at 20km per hour.
Amazing fact Blue whales are the biggest animal in the world!
Habitat Hummingbirds live in forests in North and South America.
Food They eat insects and drink nectar from plants with their long beaks.
Body They have got small wings. They beat their wings 50-70 times a second.
Amazing fact Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards!
Red Panda
Habitat They live in the Himalayas and in southwestern China.
Food They eat bamboo, flowers, berries, and small insects.
Body They have long reddish-brown fur, a long bushy tail.
Amazing fact Red Pandas aren’t pandas! They have their own family.
Editorial creation.
c. What is the biggest animal in the world? e. What do blue whales eat?
8 Read the questions and answer in pairs. Then, listen and check. 61
Activity Book 58
102 One hundred and two Unit 4 • Amazing Lives
Activity Book 59
Topic 2 • Animal Experts! One hundred and three 103
We went to
Grandad, what’s the That’s a good the Himalayas
rarest animal in the question... How old were you? to study red
world? 1 pandas. 2
Mike was twenty. He was the youngest member The Himalayas are the highest mountains in the
of the team. world. There are lots of snow storms.
3 4
Wh-wh-at...? Where
Mike was lost and he was very cold.
5 am I? What are you? 6
He went to sleep in the snow.
It was a Yeti!
7 Now Aileen knows what to write about!
I understand some
I don’t understand the story I understand the story.
parts of the story, but
because… I can help my classmates.
I need help with...
Activity Book 60
Topic 2 • Animal Experts! One hundred and five 105
While Reading
Glossary, page 119
What animals live in the Lion’s kingdom?
In Congoland, every animal, big or small, lived attacked me as soon as he saw me– the
in peace. The hippo slept in the sun. The cheetah started crying.
bears danced, and the giraffe ran fast with the
The King was very angry, but as he was
cheetah’s cubs on her back. The Lion was the
the oldest, he couldn’t go and fight the tiger
oldest animal in Congoland, that’s why he was
himself. Then, gazelle spoke: maybe I can
the King.
make him go away. All the animals laughed.
But one day, tranquility ended. From far away, –You are the weakest! you have no claws,
a tiger arrived in Congoland. The tiger ate nor poison, nor any weapon to defend
every zebra, every antelope, every rabbit, yourself! Are you going to eat him after you
and left all the other carnivores in the jungle kill him? asked the monkey. But the gazelle
with no food. The cubs couldn’t go out to replied: I am a vegetarian. The gazelle
play because they were afraid to be hunted. walked away to find that fierce tiger, and
The animals in Congoland were living in fear. every animal in the jungle worried for her. The
To solve the problem, King Lion called for a animals followed her to make sure she was
meeting: –My beloved animals. We cannot safe. The gazelle reached the tiger, but the
stand the presence of this tiger that is eating tiger wasn’t scared of a weak gazelle. She got
our food and scaring our children. Our closer, and said. – You are upsetting the entire
dignity obliges us to have no fear, we have jungle! You shouldn’t wander around biting
always loved peace. But as peace has been everything that moves. The animals are really
interrupted, we have to expel the tiger. –Long scared! – The tiger didn’t eat her. Instead, he
live the king! – The animals cheered. –Now, replied –I don’t like doing it! They attacked
who volunteers to do this? – asked the King. me. I feel lonely because I escaped poachers
There was a long silence. No animal wanted to and hunters–. The gazelle was amazed and
talk with the tiger. The elephant, the python, asked –if I invited you to live with us, would
and the cheetah volunteered. They you behave? –. The tiger was thoughtful. She
went to look for the whispered something in his ear, and he said
tiger while the rest –ok–. They walked back, and all the animals
wondered if they that were spying had to run faster so the
would succeed. gazelle didn’t notice they had followed her.
But they did not: When she arrived, she told the animals what
they returned had happened, but they had seen everything
silently and looking and asked –That’s the ONLY thing you said to
scared. The cheetah the tiger? – The gazelle looked at them and
said: Your majesty, replied – well… I said please–.
that tiger is the fiercest Carmen Vázquez–Vigo (1986)
animal I’ve ever met. He The Strength of the Gazelle. Editorial Translation
a. What was the main problem and how did they solve it?
b. What was the story’s lesson?
c. Why did the other animals fail the mission?
d. What was the gazelle’s strength? They solved it by
talking with the tiger.
e. Do you think they will live in peace now?
18 Look at the image and describe the situation using the model.
• What would you have done in King Lion’s place?
• How could you relate this story to real life?
Emperor Penguins
Antarctica is the coldest continent. Sometimes, the temperature is minus 40o Celsius.
Emperor penguins live in Antarctica. They live in colonies on the ice. They cannot fly, but
they can swim. They swim in the ocean and catch fish to eat. Emperor penguins are the
biggest penguins. They are 1.10 metres tall and they weigh 30 kilograms. Under their
feathers, they have got 3 centimetres of fat. The fat keeps penguins warm.
In May, the female penguin lays In June and July,
an egg. The male penguin puts the male penguins
the egg in a pouch. live in a big group.
The egg is warm in the pouch. They look after the
The female penguin goes to eggs. They do not
the ocean to hunt. eat for two months.
In August, the chick hatches. The female penguin returns and
looks after the chick. The male penguin goes to the ocean to eat.
In December, the chick goes to the ocean to swim and eat fish. In September,
October, and November, the male and female penguins look after the chicks.
Editorial creation.
Narwhal is a
whale that lives a. Look up information about the animal.
in the arctic. b. Look up a picture or draw the animal on a
drawing block.
c. Write information on the block and share it!
• Are there any penguins where you live?
• What other types of penguins do you know?
Activity Book 61
a. Gather in groups!
Step 1: Investigate!
Step 2: Create!
Step 3: Present!
• Put your group’s work together with the others in a big file.
• Arrange it in alphabetical order.
• What did you learn by doing this project?
• What person from history or animal caught your attention?
Read and write the correct alternative in your notebook or on a sheet of paper.
Everywhere you look there are objects that make your life easier: phones, cars,
even this book you are reading now! All these things were invented by people
called inventors.
Inventions can be very simple, like the zip on your coat or very big and important,
like the printing press.
Gideon Sundback invented the zip in Canada, in 1913. They used first zips for
boots. By 1930 they were put onto clothes too. Imagine your life without zips!
Johannes Gutenberg, from Mainz, in Germany invented the printing press in
1436. This invention changed the world. Before the printing press all books
were copied by hand. Gutenberg produced the world’s first printed book: the
Gutenberg Bible, in 1454. After this invention, people could find out more about
the world.
70 km/h
40 km/h
93 km/h
(fast) The cheetah is the fastest animal.
1. (heavy)
2. (old) 3. (small)
100 years
1.2 metres
4. (long) 5. (tall)
10 centimetres
1 2
3 4
Activity Book 63
14 Vegan (noun): A person who does not eat or use any animal
Natural disasters
One of technology’s most meaningful benefits lies in the humanitarian sector, which reaches
large numbers of people in remote and dangerous locations to provide critical resources fast
and efficiently. In times of disaster, basic connectivity is a form of aid, allowing organizations
to deliver life-saving information and resources.
• Big data analytics is useful to get crucial information on which to act. It helps
build a real time picture of what is happening on the ground. Analysing water levels,
shelter locations, availability of beds, road closures, among others allow humanitarian
organisations to act. For example, the Red Cross responded in less than two months to
more disasters than they had covered in the last four years thanks to data
analytics platforms.
• Aerial robotics like drones help
tremendously in times of crisis.
Using this technology, organisations
can assess damage in real time,
increase situational awareness
and deliver items faster, cheaper,
and more effectively. In the case of
earthquakes, aerial robotics allows
for effective response.
Activities to do
I’m very excited for this trip with my family
because there are a lot of activities and
things to see at the Giant’s Causeway.
Of course, there is the walk along the
causeway and the cliff. There is a hike
which you can take from Dunseverick
Castle, along the coastline and up to the
Giant’s Causeway. The part I’m most
excited to see is the Giant’s boot. It is
in Port Noffer in a small path that leads
to the sea. The legend says that Finn,
the giant, lost the boot in his flee from
Bennandoner. The boot is approximately
a size 93.5!
Also, there is a visitor centre which has interactive spaces and you can watch the story of Finn
McCool on a big screen, and of course, there is a lot of information for tourists.
I can’t wait to show my cousins the Giant’s Causeway!
What about you? Would you like to come? Let me know in the comments below!
Adapted from “Scientists solve mystery of how Giant’s Causeway
was formed” (2018) and “The Giant Story” (2020)
Part One: Landing on Planet Earth
By the year 2815, a lovely and curious robot and his loyal friend,
a tiny cockroach named Hal, are the only inhabitants on Planet
Earth. His name is WALL-E and he collects and compacts
garbage to clean the planet for people’s return. Humans
instead live in luxurious spacecrafts since the year
2115, after they failed to save Planet Earth from
excessive pollution and desolation covered it all.
One day, WALL-E finds a seedling plant growing
up inside an old boot in the middle of
the trash. He picks it up and carries the plant
to his refuge. Upon their return, a landing
ship appears, and an amazing elegant white
figure emerges. WALL-E observes from a
distance. What’s she doing? What is she
looking for? As WALL-E continues to watch,
Hal approaches her. Hal, no! She fires her arm cannon at anything that moves! But she
doesn’t harm Hal at all, instead they both play together. After a while, the white figure, Eve, is
interrupted by WALL-E’s laugh and she doesn’t hesitate to point her gun at him demanding
to know his identity, but Hal defends him by crawling into his hand. She scans WALL-E and
finds no harm, so she ignores him.
WALL-E immediately falls in love with her and he is determined to get her
attention. He approaches her and introduces himself, “WALL-E”, he says,
“Eve”, she answers back. Suddenly a dust storm interrupts
them and WALL-E carries Eve to his refuge. “Hurry! The
storm is coming!” They both get safe inside just in time.
What are those? Those are WALL-E’s most important
treasures, pieces he has collected on his journey on
Planet Earth. Among those treasures is the plant and
WALL-E shows it to Eve. Eve scans the plant, stores
it in her torso and suddenly shuts down. What
is happening? Why is Eve inactive? WALL-E
doesn’t understand…anyway, he protects her
motionless body from every natural event: rain,
dust storms, and thunderstorms…until one
day the ship returns to take Eve away…Where
are they going? WALL-E doesn’t hesitate
and chases her.
Animal Peace
Oliva the goat and Pam, Dieguito, and Alelí the sheep
live peacefully here. They are very sociable and they
immediately come to greet when you go in the special
yard. Special yard? Yes! They all have special needs
and live in this special yard that lets them play and
move freely. Some of them were born with medical
problems in their bones and some others had
accidents when they were little. However, everyone
has their special wheel chair and lives normally.
Susie is a little pig and she arrived at the shelter
when she was only three months old. She was
Clear objectives
The shelter has been open for four years
now and they have 800,000 followers on Facebook, 150,000 on
Instagram, and their videos have been shared in different media
across the world. “We want this project to be like a seed. We know
that there are animals that we cannot protect, but if we protect the
ones around us, at least we are doing something,” said Marisol. All
the animals in the shelter are grown adults and strong now. They
got here very little. It has been a huge challenge because most of
them get here very weak.
“We believe that we are a big family of different species. Goats,
sheep, cats, dogs, cows, pigs, and even a bull play around freely
here” said Ariel. Also, there are volunteers and “Padrinos” or
sponsors who work day after day to give a better life to these
animals. The volunteers work directly with the animals while the
sponsors support the shelter and the animals economically. In this
way, they can have the food and the implements they need to take
good care of every animal.
Adapted from “Santuario Igualdad: El Lugar donde los animales de granja
pueden iniciar una nueva vida” (2019), El País.