Student’s Book
We are
How are you?
Brendan Dunne
B. Mus. University of Wales;
PGCE, Roehampton Institute;
M.A. in Teaching English to Young Learners, University of York
Robin Newton
B. Sc. in Social Policy, University of Bristol;
PGCE, Roehampton Institute;
M.A. in Teaching English to Young Learners, University of York
Student's Book English 5th Grade has been adapted from the course Go! by Richmond Publishing
Department of Education under the direction of RODOLFO HIDALGO CAPRILE
Editorial team:
Quedan rigurosamente prohibidas, sin la autorización escrita de los titulares del Copyright y bajo las sanciones
establecidas en la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual N.º 17336, la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra por cualquier medio
o procedimiento, comprendidos la reprografía y el tratamiento informático; y la distribución en ejemplares de ella mediante
alquiler o préstamo público.
©2021 by Santillana del Pacífico S. A. de Ediciones. Andrés Bello 2299 Piso 10, oficinas 1001 y 1002, Providencia, Santiago
(Chile). Impreso en Chile por Sistemas Gráficos Quilicura S.A. ISBN: 978-956-15-3675-3. Inscripción nº: 2020-A-9816
Se terminó de imprimir esta 2ª edición de 40.001 ejemplares en el mes de agosto del año 2021.
2 Two
Student’s Materials
School Is Cool!
Presentation and
b. Is this school similar
to yours? Why?
c. What’s your favourite
thing about school? Why?
Unit Objectives
You will find some pictures here!
Unit objectives:
Identify and describe school
objects and places.
Spell my name and other words.
Talk about my favourite days and
school subjects.
Show respect for others
10 Ten Eleven 11
Stop and Think! E A man is following the bus. F 7 Listen and say. 13
What Do
Look, there's Star and her mum. sound
Check point
Star goes to school by car.
Rita paints a rainbow and a red rocket.
G H The man has got Fred's lunch box.
She’s got a ruler in her pocket.
Look, there's Wayne.
Oh, thank you!
Hi, Wayne!
In these sections,
8 Listen and identify the r sound. 14
Editorial Creation.
you know.
12 Read and discuss.
Glossary, page 118
a. How do you go to school? d f
b. How can your journey be more eco-friendly? Give two examples. e
This icon shows that you need to This icon shows that you will listen to an audio
do the activity with your classmates. to complete an activity or sing and chant!
This icon shows that you need to do Activity Book, page 00 This icon shows that you will
the activity in your personal notebook. find extra practice in the Activity Book.
IMPORTANT: Do not write in this book. Do the activities in your personal notebook.
Three 3
Welcome!.................................. 6
What Do I Know?..........................9
School is Cool!
Lesson 1:
At School................................ 12
Lesson 2:
A Busy Day..............................22
Final Lap.................................. 34
10 Ten Eleven 11
Family Life
Lesson 1:
Happy Families.................... 38
Lesson 2: mum granny grandad
My House............................... 48
Project...................................... 58
Final Lap.................................. 60
36 Thirty-six Thirty-seven 37
4 Four
A Healthy Body
3 64-65
Lesson 1:
That’s Delicious!.................. 66
Lesson 2:
Let’s Dance!...........................76
Project...................................... 86
Final Lap.................................. 88
64 Sixty-four Sixty-five 65
Lesson 2: jeans
The Weather........................102
Project..................................... 1 12 gloves
Final Lap................................. 1 14
jumper shorts
90 Ninety Ninety-one 91
Glossary............................................ 1 18
Unit 1 Extra Reading...................... 120
Unit 2 Extra Reading..................... 122
Unit 3 Extra Reading..................... 124
Unit 4 Extra Reading..................... 126
References...................................... 128
Five 5
Welcome to the English World!
1 Can you speak English?
Do you know these words?
6 Six
3 Now, role-play with your classmates.
5 Look at the picture and answer: Do you like going to the park?
Welcome! Seven 7
6 Listen, repeat, and say the missing numbers. 5
1 2 ? 4 ? 6 7 ? 9 10
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
a vegetables b animals
c balls d flowers
8 Eight
What Do I Know?
a b c
Activity Book,
Book, page
page 5
Stop and Think Activity 9
Welcome! Nine 9
School Is Cool!
10 Ten
Unit objectives:
Identify and describe school
objects and places.
Spell my name and other words.
Talk about my favourite days and
school subjects.
Show respect for others
Eleven 11
At School
glue pen
sharpener pencil
a b c d
I’ve got scissors, a
rubber, five pencils,
and a sharpener.
a b c
Alternative c.
It's a rubber!
That's right!
a b c d e
a c
d f
Check point
9 Get in pairs and answer.
a. Use I’ve got to describe the objects that you have in your school bag.
b. Spell your name.
c. Say 3 words beginning with the r sound.
Activity Book, page 8
Me too!
Hi, Fred!
We've got a new teacher this year.
C Gus and Emily go to school by bus too.
Hi, Fred! Look! There's Jay.
Hi Rosie, you can sit here.
Thanks, Emily!
We do exercise here.
We wash our hands here.
We eat meals here.
We have classes here.
b. library e. gym
We play with friends here.
c. cafeteria f. classroom
In my school there is
a playground!
library toilet
mples b. There are
seven pencils.
d. three chairs.
a. There are three toilets. c. There are nine classrooms.
False: There are two toilets. d. There is a playground.
b. There are two libraries.
Check point
18 Conduct a survey and show the results in a creative way.
How do you go to school?
Editorial Creation.
Pre Reading
Respect for Others What do the words
in red mean?
Respect and equality of rights are
fundamental in our society.
However, many times we ignore this,
and we discriminate against others.
Discrimination means treating people
differently for some reason, for example:
Disability Religion
Nationality Gender
Editorial Creation.
It is important to protect the rights of people.
Inclusion means accepting and respecting diversity.
3 Create. Write a
catchy Include
phrase. pictures or
a. Get in groups. drawings.
b. Create a poster to promote respect
for others.
A Busy Day
1 Listen and sing. 18
Owen parrot
5 Ask in pairs.
c d
Get up!
seven sock
Everybody go and
choose a book!
Friday ¡Hola!
Check point
19 Now, write your own dialogue and role-play.
a. Look at your own schedule to answer.
b. Use Have you got…? Yes, I have. / No, I haven't got…
c. Use vocabulary from the lesson.
Activity Book, page 17
Editorial Creation.
Go Online!
3 Discuss with your classmates. What's a bivouac
a. Do you like Keira’s school? Why? shelter?
b. Compare Keira’s school to yours. What activities would you like to do?
Interesting Instruments
String Instruments
Look! This is a double bass.
It’s one metre, eighty
centimetres tall.
A double bass and a guitar
are string instruments.
A double bass has four
strings and a guitar has six
strings. Listen to the double
bass. Do you like it?
Percussion Instruments
This is a xylophone.
Wind Instruments The musician hits it with
Recorders and flutes are
sticks. Xylophones and
wind instruments. drums are percussion
The musician blows air instruments.
into the flute to make music. Listen to the xylophone.
Listen to the flute. Do you like it? Do you like it?
Editorial Creation.
Editorial Creation.
a. Get in groups.
d. Choose your favourite idea and make a list of the materials you need.
Flower pots
Project Thirty-three 33
Final Lap
U ni t
1 Read and say True or False. Then, correct the false ones.
a. I’m José. I’ve got Maths today. b. I’m Bruno. I haven’t got Art today.
False. I haven’t got Maths today.
c. I’m Debora. I’ve got IT today.
English Today
English Emma
Today Today
Maths PE
Spanish Science
IT Art
No, I haven't.
You're Debora!
Team A Team
Say the alp Say the
in order.
Team B the wee ays of
k in ord
Say the numbers
in order.
Things you find
in the classroom: chair,
pen, glue,
Category: Days of the week
Family Life
36 Thirty-six
granny grandad
Unit objectives:
Identify and describe family
members and parts of the house.
Ask and give information about
my family.
Determine the location of objects.
Show interest for my own and
other lifestyles.
Thirty-seven 37
Happy Families
1 Look and read. Then, follow the example and talk about your family.
jonathandoe Joaquín
Sponsored CHILE
Hi! My name's Camilo. I live in Putre with my father Diego.
My a dad is great! I also live with his mum, my b Carmen.
My grandad is old.
My brother is young.
a b My mum is short. d
My dad is tall.
My cousin is sad.
My aunt is happy.
c e f
I love my d ,
especially my e .
But my favourite person
is always my f .
This is Sara, my aunt.
She’s happy with her new plant.
Check point
12 Show and tell.
a. Make a family tree with pictures of your family members.
b. Present it in front of the class.
c. Use This is my… , This is his/her…, He’s tall/short/happy/etc.
Activity Book, page 22
Hi, Fred!
Let's do that!
Grandad's here!
Editorial Creation.
15 Answer with your classmates.
a. What can you do on the internet? c. Why is it important to spend time with
your family?
b. What activities do you enjoy doing
with your family?
Editorial Creation.
Lisa is intelligent.
The Simpsons is Her brother
a cartoon family. is Bart.
Step 2
Correct and edit your text • Add details and polish your work.
• In pairs, swap and check each
other's work.
Step 3
Publish or post your text • Write the final version.
20 Imagine this is your family. Choose a picture and write a social media post.
a b c
Check point
21 Investigate and describe a family.
a. Learn about a family you like. It can The leader of the family is…
be real or fictional. because…
b. Describe them using: I like this family because ...
This family is similar to mine
They are tall / short / young /
old / happy etc.
Some people don't want to live a common life. They want While Reading
to travel, to see other places, and to live around nature. What type of education
Because of this, many families choose to live their do the children receive?
adventure in vans, cars, and even in school buses!
c. Homes on Wheels.
Chilean Homes
A census is a survey of the population of a country. It gives information about
how many people live in the country and it gives details about people’s lives.
The 2017 Chilean census indicates that the population and number of homes
grow with time. But, the number of people living in each home is less
than before. Why do you think this happens?
4,4 4,5
5 4,0 4,0
3,6 3,5
3,1 3,0
3 2,5
2 1,5
1 1,0
0 0
1982 1992 2002 2017
My House
armchair plant
on behind in under
a. The TV is on the cabinet.
a. Where is the family? What are they b. Where do your family buy things for
doing there? the house?
Where are
they? Look! There they are!
Well… Dad wants a frying pan.
That's on the 2nd floor.
G The security guard is helping Thank you! Dad, can we have a snack?
Jake and Alice.
Mr and Mrs Smith please
come to the 5th floor.
I'm hungry!
Er… Let's do the
shopping first!
Go Online!
What is buying Editorial Creation.
in bulk?
14 Read and discuss.
a. Where did they find Mum and Dad? c. What ways of shopping do you know?
b. What can you do if you get lost? d. How can you shop eco-friendly?
a bedroom b bathroom
16 Put the sentences in order. Then, look at the picture and answer.
a. the / ball / Where’s / ? c. Where’s / ? / the / skateboard
a. Where’s the ball? It’s in the bedroom.
Where is she?
Name two
objects from the
living room
Where’s the dog?
the pen?
What’s this?
Check point
The Collage House is from India. This house is made of
different materials like wood and concrete. The builders mixed
old Indian construction styles with new ones. You can identify
it because it has many different doors at the front!
The Summer House in Norway is on a mountain with a forest
around it. It is very big and it is special because it adapts to
nature and not nature to the house. The house is part of the
mountain. In fact, there is a big rock in the middle of the
living room!
Go Online!
2 Watch the video and discuss. watch?v=34owRGGHp18
We can use the internet for different purposes, like connecting with
people on social media, listening to music, and learning new things.
The internet can be a great tool to learn new skills because
it is accessible and most of the content is free. For example,
on Youtube there are many tutorials on different topics.
A tutorial is a video that shows a process, shares
knowledge, explains an idea, or teaches how to do
something. You can learn how to cook vegan recipes,
how to play a popular song on the piano, or how to
solve a mathematical problem.
e. Write a script.
• In this script we teach you how to
b. Think of something you want to make a recycled rug for your
teach. bathroom.
c. Brainstorm creative ideas and • You only need some old T-shirts,
decide your topic. scissors, and a rug pad.
• First, cut the T-shirts into strips.
• Then, knit the strips onto the pad.
• Finally, use your new rug!
Organise the bedroom.
Decorate the living room.
Recycle in the kitchen.
f. Present it to the class.
Project Fifty-nine 59
Final Lap
U ni t
Read and mark the correct alternative on your answer sheet.
a. I need to sleep.
A. Go to the bedroom. B. Go to the garden. C. Go to the bathroom.
He is old and he is the father of my mother. grandad
Listen and mark the correct alternative on your answer sheet. 46
b. Samantha is…
3 A Healthy Body
64 Sixty-four
Unit objectives:
Express likes and preferences.
Learn parts of the body and
Give and follow instructions.
Show a positive attitude towards
learning a new language.
Sixty-five 65
That’s Delicious!
chicken cake
fish salad
juice soda
tea coffee
Go Online!
Practise your vocabulary:
org/vocabulary/beginner-vocabulary/drinks Activity Book, page 34
Yes, I do
a b c
Hi! My grandad and My mum and I like fruits We like cakes and tea,
I like meat and soup, and vegetables, but we but I don't like salad
but we don't like salad. don't like cakes. or soup.
Check point
I like
10 Create a comic to promote healthy food vegetables!
a. Use food and drinks vocabulary.
b. Use I like / I don’t like.
c. Draw it, paint it, and correct any mistakes.
d. Show it to your classmates.
11 Look at the pictures and answer. What food and drinks can you see?
D That afternoon…
C It’s lunchtime.
The Summer Fete is fantastic!
This is delicious! Look! There's a cake
making competition.
It's carrot cake, Fred!
Editorial Creation.
13 Look at the comic and retell the story to a classmate.
Go Online!
Read and answer the questions:
Activity Book, page 38
Then, I have meat, vegetables, and an apple for lunch. But I don't like meat very much.
Sometimes I eat a snack after breakfast, too. I have a yogurt or a fruit. My favourite
fruit is strawberry!
What do you have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Tell me about your routine. Bye!
Well, here in Chile we usually eat 4 times a day. In the morning, I have two eggs, bread,
and orange juice for breakfast. I love oranges!
Check point
19 Complete a healthy challenge and write a journal.
a. Think and answer in your notebook: b. Make a small change each day.
What do you have for breakfast/ Example Drink one bottle of
Food in Canada
Hello! I'm Stella from Canada. On Sunday, my
family has pancakes for breakfast. My mum likes
pancakes with strawberries. My dad likes pancakes
with eggs, but I like pancakes with maple syrup.
Maple syrup comes from the maple tree.
Editorial Creation.
Let’s Dance!
arms hands
toes feet
Go Online!
Play a game:
Go Online!
Activity Book, page 40
a b c
d e f
skip d
walk c
I can hop!
I can run!
What smells
great at dinner?
Your nose!
Check point
11 Prepare and give a dance lesson.
a. Get in groups and choose a song you like.
b. Create a choreography and learn your moves.
c. Give a 5-minute lesson to your classmates.
d. Use the vocabulary from the unit.
Activity Book, page 42
While Reading
What is Adam's
The School Dance problem?
A The children practise a dance for Sports and Health B Adam looks worried, but Elisa,
week at school. The teacher explains the movements. his friend, offers him help.
Jump and skip, then move your
arms and clap your hands. * I can give you a hand.
Thank you!
Let's practise
You can do it Adam. today after school.
Just keep trying!
Oh no!
*I understand now!
G Adam is sad and disappointed, but Elisa H Adam’s classmates are waiting for him. Elisa
wants to show him something. shows him a new version of the dance.
The fall's got
more style!
Editorial Creation.
15 Think about Adam's problem. How would you help a friend in a similar situation?
a. Ten kids jump. b. kids raise their arms. c. kids stand up.
a c
b d
Exercise is all the physical activities you do during the day. For
example, walking, cleaning the house, riding your bicycle, and
dancing are different ways to exercise and they all keep your
bones and muscles healthy. Spend less time watching TV or using
a computer and spend more time playing outdoors with friends.
Editorial Creation.
a. What kind of activity do pictures a, c, and d represent?
b. Do all these activities keep your body healthy?
c. Do you do exercise in your free time? Give examples.
d. Why is doing exercise important?
Doing Exercise
Check point Is
is Great!
It kee ps you hea lthy.
21 Create a leaflet to promote doing exercise. It mak es you hap py.
Adapted from Emily Prior Announced at Disability Sports Australia's Youth Ambassador.
Editorial Creation.
2 Ask in pairs.
a. Do you do exercise every day? c. Do you eat fruit and vegetables
every day?
b. Do you brush your teeth before
you go to bed? d. Do you sleep nine to ten hours
every night?
3 Play Mimics Relay Race.
a. Get in two teams. Both teams choose three representatives.
b. Representative 1: pick a piece of paper. Then, mimic the action.
c. The team guesses the action and the representative goes back.
d. Repeat with representatives 2 and 3.
Brush your teet
e. The team that finishes first wins!
4 Prepare and present a dish for your school’s Healthy Food Fair.
a. Get in groups.
b. Look for easy recipes and organise your ideas.
c. Choose your favourite idea and make a list of the ingredients you need.
Flour tortillas
Cooked black
5 Present.
a. Offer a sample of your dish to your classmates.
b. Say its ingredients.
c. Explain why it is healthy.
6 Reflect!
a. Why is eating healthy important?
b. Do you like cooking? Why?
Project Eighty-seven 87
Final Lap
U ni t
c. YO EN
d. SO AD
Fruits and
Vegetables Parts of
the body
Seasons Come
and Go
1. Listen, point, and say. 65
2. Look and discuss.
a. What are the children
b. What colour are their clothes?
c. Do you wear different clothes
on different occasions? Why?
90 Ninety
Unit objectives:
Describe clothes.
Ask and answer What are you
wearing? I’m wearing…
T-shirt Present a weather forecast.
Understand the value of
traditional clothes from different
Ninety-one 91
My Clothes
a. The shorts are blue . b. The hat is . c. The is .
boots sandals
a b c
This is me!
I'm wearing a white
hat and a blue and
orange jacket.
I'm wearing a scarf
and a jumper, too.
a b c
a. What are the key words to find b. What’s the purpose of a note?
the correct picture?
Check point
10 Write a paragraph about your clothes.
a. Choose a picture of a special occasion.
Example your birthday, a family dinner,
a day at the park, etc.
b. Explain what is happening and use I’m wearing…
c. Use vocabulary from the unit.
d. Swap texts with a classmate to correct any mistakes.
e. Post your text on the wall.
a. What are the children wearing? b. Where can you see that kind of clothing?
A Today is the International Clothes Fair. Joaquín B Lucía’s wearing a red lliclla from
walks to school with his friend Lucía. Peru. They meet their friend Alice.
G Suddenly, Joaquín’s mum appears H Now, Joaquín is ready for the fair and welcomes
in the classroom with his hat. everybody.
Oh thanks mum!
Good morning everyone!
And welcome to our
International Clothes Fair!
Editorial Creation.
She's Valentina Campos and she's 10 years old.
She's at the park with her friends. They like
hanging out and playing football on weekends,
but right now she's sad because she can't find…
Check point
18 Show and tell.
a. Bring some of your favourite clothes to class.
b. Swap your clothes with a classmate and describe them using: This is his/her
purple hat.
Activity Book, page 53
4 Reflect!
a. What do you prefer? Dancing or b. What do dancers wear in Chile
acting? Why? or South America?
Adapted from
El arte del tejido:
La tradición textil
The Weather
d e
Mike! Mike!
What’s the weather like?
Look out of the window and say.
spring summer
autumn winter
a b c d
a b c
d e
Go Online!
9 Present a weather forecast.
Listen to the weather forecast:
a. Prepare your script and keep it simple. https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.
b. Record a short video on a smartphone. listening/weather-forecast
16th December
San Pedro de Atacama
Hi Rosa,
How are you? I'm on holidays with my family. We're at San Pedro de Atacama.
The weather is great here! It's hot and sunny during the day, so we can visit the
artisan's fair or the church. At night it´s cold, so we stay at the hotel.
I hope to hear from you soon!
a. What kind of text is it? d. What’s the weather like in the day?
b. Where is Gabriel? e. What’s the weather like at night?
c. Who is he with?
Check point
12 Imagine you’re in a different city and write a postcard to a friend.
a. Answer these questions to organise your ideas:
Where are you? Who are you with?
Why are you there? What’s the weather?
B Cooper and Bethan are at Caernarfor C Today they’re on the Menai Strait. Bethan is
Castle. Bethan shows him the most popular an expert sailor. It’s very windy. That’s great
castle in Wales. It’s beautiful! for sailing!
Editorial Creation.
16 Imagine a friend from another country visits your city and answer.
a. What places would you go to?
b. What’s the weather like in your city?
c. What’s your favourite thing about your city?
18 Ask your classmates and make a birthday calendar for your class.
My birthday's in
January. When's yours? It's in October.
a. Draw 12 cupcakes on cardboard and cut them out.
b. Stick on coloured paper and decorate them.
c. Write the months of the year on the calendar.
d. Add your classmates’ names.
e. Hang them on the string using clothes pegs.
Activity Book, page 58
Check point
21 Show and tell.
a. Choose a festivity from another
country or a national holiday.
b. Investigate and create a poster
or slide presentation.
c. Answer:
When is it? Where is it?
Who celebrates it? Why do they celebrate it? Activity Book, page 59
The coldest place on Earth is on a Yakutsk is a Russian city and it’s the
frozen ice ridge of the East Antarctic second coldest city in the world after
Plateau. The temperatures can reach Norilsk. Winters are so severe that
minus 100 degrees Celsius, which is even the frozen river is used as a road.
the lowest temperature recorded on
the planet.
Spring Summer
The farmer plants seeds It’s hot and sunny.
for vegetables and wheat. On the farm, the vegetables
It’s rainy and warm. The rain and wheat grow. The farmer
helps the vegetables grow. picks strawberries and
The sheep have lambs. cherries. The lambs are big.
The lambs drink their Now, they don’t drink milk,
mother’s milk. they eat grass.
Autumn Winter
The farmer picks apples, It’s cold and snowy. The farmer
pears, and vegetables. gives food to the sheep.
When it’s sunny, the farmer The farmer picks cauliflower
cuts the wheat. and broccoli.
Editorial Creation.
Buy more new clothes. Make a tote bag with an old pair of jeans.
Ideas Materials
Jeans tote bag.
Old blue jeans.
Recycled hat.
Old T-shirts.
Refashioned T-shirt.
Pieces of fabric.
Read and mark the correct alternative on your answer sheet.
f. It’s cold!
A. I’m wearing a jumper.
B. I’m wearing a T-shirt.
C. I’m wearing sandals.
a. The first month of the year is . d. Happy Halloween! What month is it?
Listen and mark the correct alternative on your answer sheet. 78
Unit 1 Unit 2
become aware (verbal expression): to boring (adj): not interesting or exciting.
discover the existence of a situation commoner (noun): in the UK, a person
or fact. that doesn’t have a high social position.
blow (verb): to force the air to come out craft (noun): an activity that involves
of your mouth. making objects and the use of
coexistence (noun): living or existing special skills.
with other people at the same time and draft (noun): the first version of a text
in the same place. or drawing that contains the main ideas,
disability (noun): an illness or condition but it’s not the final form of it.
that makes it difficult for someone to do frying pan (noun): a flat and round
similar things that other people can do. metal container with a long handle,
eco-friendly (adj): something that has used for cooking food.
little or no damaging effect on the furniture (noun): things like chairs,
environment. tables, beds, cupboards, etc. that you
follow (verb): to move behind someone put into a house to make your home
or something and go in the same comfortable for living in.
direction. hungry (adj): wanting or needing food.
hear (verb): to perceive a sound using lifestyle (noun): it’s the way people live,
your ears. or what a person or a group of people
journey (noun): travelling from one normally do.
place to another. marry (verb): when two people marry,
lighthouse (noun): a tall building with they become legal partners in a special
a powerful light that gives a signal to ceremony.
navigators. pillow (noun): a cloth bag filled with soft
missing (adj): something that it’s material, used for resting your head on
not there. in bed.
small (adj): little in size or amount. polish (verb): to make changes to
understand (verb): to know the meaning something to make it better or improve it.
of something that someone says. population (noun): all the people that
walk (verb): to move along by putting live in a country, area, or specific place.
one foot in front of the other. puppet (noun): a toy that represents
want (verb): to wish for a specific thing. a person or animal that moves with
strings or by putting your hand inside.
wave (verb): to raise and move your
hand from side to side. rug (noun): a piece of thick material,
like a small carpet, that you use to
cover or decorate the floor.
118 One hundred and eighteen
Unit 3 Unit 4
bean (noun): a seed of various plants clothes peg (noun): a wooden or
that is cooked and eaten. There are plastic clip for securing clothes.
many different types of beans, for exchange student (noun): a high
example kidney beans, soya beans, school person who travels to a new
and green beans. country to study there.
clap (verb): to hit your hands together
garment (noun): a piece of clothing.
many times to show that you liked
something or admire someone. jewellery (noun): decorative objects
crutch (noun): a stick that fits under made from valuable metals such as
your arm so that you can lean on it and gold or silver.
walk when your leg or foot is injured. loose (adj): not firmly attached.
healthy (adj): physically strong and not ill. polluter (noun): a person or
joke (noun): something you say or do organization that contaminates.
that is intended to make people laugh. purpose (noun): the objective;
journal (noun): a written record of your why you do something.
experiences in which you write about sailor (noun): a person who works
what happens every day. on a boat or ship.
nod (verb): to move your head first stripe (noun): a long, narrow band
downwards and upwards, to answer differing in colour from the surface
‘Yes’ to a question. where it is on.
outdoors (adverb): not in a building. value (noun): the importance of
peas (noun): a very small round something for someone.
green vegetable that grows in a long
waste (noun): not needed or wanted
narrow pod.
matter or material of any type that is
promote (noun): to support or discarded.
encourage something.
wear (verb): to have clothing, jewellery,
spend (verb): to stay somewhere or to etc., on your body.
do something for a period of time.
weave (verb): to make cloth by
stamp (verb): to put your foot down repeatedly crossing a single thread
hard and noisily on someone or through two long threads.
tired (adj): needing to rest or sleep.
unstoppable: (adj): if someone is
unstoppable, you are unable to stop
them from doing something.
T oday is a big day. It’s Hannah’s first day at a new school. Hannah’s mum walks
to the bus stop with her. Hannah is very nervous. She goes on her own for the
first time, so Mum’s nervous too. Today is also Jeff’s first day at school. Hannah is
blind and Jeff is her new guide dog.
O ne day, a country mouse decides to invite his cousin from the city to his
house for dinner. The city mouse is happy to see him, but when he looks
at the food on the table, he feels disappointed. There’s nothing more than a few
corncobs, some berries, and nuts.
“My poor cousin,” says the city mouse, “you don’t have that much to eat! Please
come to the city to visit me. There is plenty of food to feast from!”
The country mouse agrees, and they go to the city. When they get there, the
country mouse could not believe his eyes! There’s cheese, fruit, chicken and
biscuits everywhere. But before they can take a seat and eat their dinner, a cat
appears in front of them!
After running away from the cat for the second time, the country mouse looks at
his cousin and says, “Goodbye, cousin. You live in a very beautiful city, with lots of
delicious food. But I think I prefer to go home, where I can eat and enjoy my dinner
in peace.”
Legend of
C alafate is a young, pretty Tehuelche girl and she has the most beautiful
golden eyes. Her father is the chief of her tribe. Calafate and her father are
loved and respected by everyone.
One day, a young Selk’nam boy arrives at the tribe. Tehuelche and Selk’nam
people don’t like each other very much. What a problem! But the kind chief permits
the boy to stay and do his initiation rite.
When Calafate sees the Selk’nam boy for the first time, they both fall in love
immediately. It’s love at first sight. But they can’t be together because they are
from rival tribes. So, they decide to keep their love secret.
The chief is so angry that he accepts. So, the old lady turns Calafate into a small
bush with flowers the colour of her golden eyes. The bush is covered in thorns,
so the boy cannot touch Calafate ever again.
The young Selk’nam boy looks for Calafate all across Patagonia but he can’t
find her anywhere. Heartbroken, he asks the spirits for help. They feel so sad for
him that they turn him into a small bird. The bird flies and flies all over Patagonia
looking for Calafate.
One day, he sees a bush with beautiful golden flowers, like Calafate’s eyes.
Curiously, he eats some of its purple berries and immediately remembers the
sweetness of his beloved Calafate. ‘It’s Calafate!’ he says. The bird and the bush
stay together until the last of their days.
That’s why every person who eats berries from this bush is destined to go back to
Patagonia, because it’s impossible to break the power of Calafate’s love.
The Climate of
F rom arid deserts to icy fields, Chile is a country with many different
types of weather.
On the coast you can find La Serena, a nice city with a beautiful beach. Here the
temperature is warm most days and it almost never rains. You just need a T-shirt and
a pair of shorts. Never forget your sunblock!
Central Valley
This is the central part of Chile and it has
Mediterranean weather. This means warm
summer days and cold nights. The days here
are mostly sunny. The mornings are usually
misty and cloudy, but the day clears up around
midday. On the coast, in cities like Valparaiso
or Viña del Mar, the average temperature is
20°C. Perfect for swimming and spending time
building sandcastles!