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E Slavonia

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No debe confundirse con Slavinia o Eslovenia .
Para barcos llamados Eslavonia , véase SS Eslavonia .



Región histórica de Croacia 1


Escudo de armas

  Eslavonia 2
 Baranya  croata

País  Croacia

Ciudad más grande Osijek


 • Total 12.556 km 2 (4.848 millas cuadradas)

 (2011) 3
 • Total 806,192
 • Densidad 64/km 2 (170/milla cuadrada)

^ Eslavonia no está designada como una subdivisión oficial deCroacia; es

unaregión histórica. [1] La bandera y las armas a continuación también son no
oficiales/históricas; ninguno está legalmente definido en la actualidad.

^ El mapa representa la percepción moderna: los límites históricos de

Eslavonia variaron a lo largo de los siglos.

↑ Las cifras son una aproximación basada en datos estadísticos de los

cincocondados croatas(Brod-Posavina,Osijek-Baranja,Požega-

Parte de una serie sobre el

Historia de Eslavonia



imperio Otomano
Monarquía de los Habsburgo

siglo 20

Guerra de Independencia de Croacia

 v
 t
 mi

Parte de una serie sobre el

Historia de Croacia

Historia temprana

Edad media


siglo 20

Croacia contemporánea

 Portal de Croacia

 v
 t
 mi

Eslavonia ( / s l ə ˈ v oʊ n i ə / ; croata : Slavonija ) es, con Dalmacia , Croacia propiamente

dicha e Istria , una de las cuatro regiones históricas   de Croacia . Ocupando el este del país,

se corresponde aproximadamente con cinco condados croatas : Brod-Posavina , Osijek-

Baranja , Požega-Slavonia , Virovitica-Podravina y Vukovar-Syrmia., aunque el territorio de los
condados incluye Baranya , y la definición de la extensión occidental de Eslavonia como región
varía. Los condados cubren 12.556 kilómetros cuadrados (4.848 millas cuadradas) o el 22,2%
de Croacia, habitado por 806.192, el 18,8% de la población de Croacia. La ciudad más grande
de la región es Osijek , seguida de Slavonski Brod y Vinkovci .
Eslavonia se encuentra en la cuenca de Panonia , bordeada en gran parte por los ríos
Danubio , Drava y Sava . En el oeste, la región consiste en los valles de Sava y Drava y las
montañas que rodean el valle de Požega , y las llanuras en el este. Eslavonia disfruta de
un clima continental moderado con precipitaciones relativamente bajas.
Después de la caída del Imperio Romano Occidental , que gobernó el área de la actual
Eslavonia hasta el siglo V, los ostrogodos y los lombardos controlaron el área antes de la
llegada de los ávaros y los eslavos , cuando se estableció el Principado de la Baja Panonia en
el siglo VII. Más tarde se incorporó al Reino de Croacia ; después de su declive, el reino fue
gobernado a través de una unión personal con Hungría .
Se convirtió en parte de las Tierras de la Corona húngara en el siglo XII. La
conquista otomana de Eslavonia tuvo lugar entre 1536 y 1552. En 1699, después de la Gran
Guerra Turca de 1683-1699, el Tratado de Karlowitz transfirió Eslavonia a
los Habsburgo . Después del Compromiso Austro-Húngaro de 1867 , Eslavonia pasó a formar
parte de la parte húngara del reino , y un año más tarde pasó a formar parte del Reino de
Croacia-Eslavonia . En 1918, cuando Austria-Hungría se disolvió, Eslavonia pasó a formar
parte del efímero Estado de los eslovenos, croatas y serbios, que a su vez pasó a formar parte
delReino de los serbios, croatas y eslovenos , más tarde rebautizado
como Yugoslavia . Durante la Guerra de Independencia de Croacia de 1991 a 1995, Eslavonia
vio feroces combates, incluida la Batalla de Vukovar de 1991 .
La economía de Eslavonia se basa en gran medida en la industria de procesamiento , el
comercio, el transporte y la ingeniería civil. La agricultura es un componente importante de su
economía: Eslavonia contiene el 45% de las tierras agrícolas de Croacia y representa una
proporción significativa de la ganadería y la producción de cultivos permanentes de Croacia . El
producto interior bruto (PIB) de los cinco condados de Eslavonia asciende a 6.454 millones
de euros o 8.005 euros per cápita, un 27,5 % por debajo de la media nacional. El PIB de los
cinco condados representa el 13,6% del PIB de Croacia.
El patrimonio cultural de Eslavonia representa una mezcla de influencias históricas,
especialmente las de finales del siglo XVII, cuando Eslavonia comenzó a recuperarse de
las guerras otomanas y su cultura tradicional. Eslavonia contribuyó a la cultura de Croacia a
través del arte, escritores, poetas, escultores y mecenazgo artístico . En la música tradicional,
Eslavonia comprende una región distinta de Croacia, y la cultura tradicional se preserva a
través de festivales folclóricos , con prominencia dada a la música tamburica y bećarac , una
forma de canción tradicional, reconocida como patrimonio cultural inmaterial por la
UNESCO .. La cocina de Eslavonia refleja diversas influencias, una mezcla de elementos
tradicionales y extranjeros. Eslavonia es una de las zonas vinícolas de Croacia,
con Ilok y Kutjevo reconocidos como centros de producción de vino.


 1Historia
o 1.1Prehistoria y antigüedad
o 1.2Edad media
o 1.3conquista otomana
o 1.4Monarquía de los Habsburgo y Austria-Hungría
o 1.5Reino de Yugoslavia y la Segunda Guerra Mundial
o 1.6Yugoslavia federal y la independencia de Croacia
 2Geografía
o 2.1Geografía política
o 2.2Geografía Física
 2.2.1Topografía
 2.2.2Hidrografía y clima
 3Demografía
 4Economía y transporte
 5Cultura
o 5.1cocina y vinos
 6Ver también
 7Referencias
 8Bibliografía
 9enlaces externos

Historia [ editar ]
Véase también: Historia de Croacia

Paloma Vučedol
El nombre Eslavonia se originó en la Alta Edad Media . El área lleva el nombre de
los eslavos que se asentaron allí y se llamaron a sí mismos *Slověne. La raíz *Slověn- apareció
en varios dialectos de idiomas hablados por personas que habitaban el área al oeste del
río Sutla , así como entre los ríos Sava y Drava : eslavos del sur que vivían en el área del
antiguo Illyricum . El área delimitada por esos ríos se llamaba *Slověnьje en el idioma
protoeslavo . Posteriormente, la palabra evolucionó a sus diversas formas actuales en
las lenguas eslavas., y otros idiomas adoptaron el término.  [2]

Prehistoria y antigüedad [ editar ]
Véase también: Croacia prehistórica , Iliria , Ilírico (provincia romana) y Panonia (provincia
Se encontraron restos de varias culturas neolíticas y calcolíticas en todas las regiones de
Croacia,   pero la mayoría de los sitios se encuentran en los valles de los ríos del norte de

Croacia, incluida Eslavonia. Las culturas más importantes cuya presencia se encontró incluyen
la cultura Starčevo cuyos hallazgos se descubrieron cerca de Slavonski Brod y datan de 6100–
5200  a. C. ,   la cultura Vučedol y la cultura Baden .   La mayoría de los hallazgos atribuidos
[4] [5] [6]

a las culturas de Baden y Vučedol se encuentran en el área cerca de la orilla derecha del
Danubio cerca de Vukovar., Vinkovci y Osijek . Los sitios de la cultura Baden en Eslavonia
datan del 3600 al 3300 a. C.,   y los hallazgos de la cultura Vučedol datan del 3000 al 2500

a.   La Edad del Hierro dejó rastros de la temprana cultura iliria de Hallstatt y la cultura celta de


La Tène .   Mucho más tarde, la región fue colonizada por ilirios y otras tribus, incluidos

los panonianos , que controlaban gran parte de la actual Eslavonia. Aunque los hallazgos

arqueológicos de asentamientos ilirios son mucho más escasos que en áreas más cercanas
al mar Adriático , descubrimientos significativos, por ejemplo en Kaptolcerca de Požega se han
hecho.   Los panonianos entraron en contacto por primera vez con la República romana en el

35 a. C., cuando los romanos conquistaron Segestica, o la actual Sisak . La conquista se

completó en el 11 a. C., cuando se estableció la provincia romana de Ilírico , que abarcaba la
actual Eslavonia, así como un vasto territorio en la margen derecha del Danubio. La provincia
pasó a llamarse Panonia y se dividió en dos décadas.  [11]

Edad Media [ editar ]
Ver también: Eslavos de Panonia § Principado , Reino de Croacia (medieval) y Croacia en
unión personal con Hungría

Požega medieval

Después del colapso del Imperio Romano Occidental , que incluía el territorio ocupado por la
actual Eslavonia, el área se convirtió en parte del Reino Ostrogodo a fines del siglo V. Sin
embargo, el control del área resultó ser una tarea importante, y los lombardos obtuvieron un
control cada vez mayor de Panonia en el siglo VI, que terminó con su retirada en 568 y la
llegada de los ávaros y eslavos de Panonia, quienes establecieron el control de Panonia en el
año 582.   Después de la caída del Avar Khaganate a principios del siglo IX, en la Baja
[ 12]

Panonia había un principado , gobernado por gobernantes eslavos que eran vasallos de
los francos . Elinvasión de las tribus húngaras abrumó este estado. La parte oriental de
Eslavonia en el siglo IX puede haber sido gobernada por búlgaros .   El primer rey de [13]

Croacia , Tomislav , derrotó las invasiones húngaras y búlgaras y extendió la influencia de los
reyes croatas hacia el norte, hasta Eslavonia.   El reino croata medieval alcanzó su apogeo en

el siglo XI durante los reinados de Petar Krešimir IV (1058–1074) y Dmitar Zvonimir (1075–

1089).   Cuando Stjepan II murió en 1091, poniendo fin a la dinastía Trpimirović , Ladislao I de

Hungríareclamó la corona croata. La oposición a la reclamación condujo a una guerra y unión

personal de Croacia y Hungría en 1102, gobernada por Coloman .   En la segunda mitad del

siglo XII, Croacia y el territorio entre el Drava y el Sava estaban gobernados por la prohibición
de toda Eslavonia , designada por el rey. Desde el siglo XIII, una prohibición separada gobernó
partes de la actual Croacia central , el oeste de Eslavonia y el noroeste de Bosnia y
Herzegovina , un área donde surgió una nueva entidad llamada Reino de Eslavonia ( en
latín : regnum Sclavoniae).), mientras que la actual Eslavonia oriental era parte de
Hungría. Croacia y Eslavonia se unieron en 1476 bajo la misma proscripción ( virrey ), pero
mantuvieron parlamentos separados hasta 1558.  [17]

Las conquistas otomanas en Croacia llevaron a la batalla de Krbava en 1493 y a la batalla de

Mohács en 1526 , ambas terminaron en victorias otomanas decisivas. El rey Luis II de
Hungría murió en Mohács, y Fernando I de la Casa de Habsburgo fue elegido en 1527 como
nuevo gobernante de Croacia, con la condición de que brindara protección a Croacia contra el
Imperio Otomano, respetando sus derechos políticos.   El período vio el ascenso a la
[18] [19]

prominencia de una nobleza nativa como Frankopans y Šubićs , y en última instancia a

numerosas prohibiciones .de las dos familias.   El escudo de armas actual de Eslavonia,

utilizado a título oficial como parte del escudo de armas de Croacia ,   data de este período;

fue otorgado a Eslavonia por el rey Vladislaus II Jagiellon el 8 de diciembre de 1496.  [22]

conquista otomana [ editar ]

Luka Ibrišimović lideró una revuelta contra los otomanos en Požega. [23]

Artículos principales: Guerra croata-otomana de los Cien Años , Sanjak de Pojega y Gran

Guerra Turca
Después de la batalla de Mohács, los otomanos expandieron sus posesiones en Eslavonia y se
apoderaron de Đakovo en 1536 y Požega en 1537, derrotando a un ejército de los Habsburgo
dirigido por Johann Katzianer , que intentaba recuperar Eslavonia, en Gorjani en septiembre de
1537. Para 1540, Osijek también estaba bajo el firme control de los otomanos, y se introdujo
una administración regular en Eslavonia mediante el establecimiento del Sanjak de Pojega . El
control otomano en Eslavonia se expandió cuando Novska se rindió el mismo año. La conquista
turca continuó : Našice fue capturada en 1541, Orahovica y Slatina en 1542, y en
1543, Voćin , Siračy, después de un asedio de 40 días, Valpovo . En 1544, las fuerzas
otomanas conquistaron Pakrac . La disminución de las hostilidades provocadas una tregua de
cinco años en 1547 y la estabilización temporal de la frontera entre los Habsburgo y otomano,
con Virovitica convertirse en la fortaleza más importante de defensa de los Habsburgo y
Požega el centro otomana más significativo en Eslavonia, a medida que avanza otomanos a
Sisak y Čazma eran hecho, incluyendo una breve ocupación de las ciudades. Más esfuerzos
hacia el oeste de las fuerzas turcas presentan una amenaza significativa para Zagreb y el resto
de Croacia y el reino de Hungría, lo que provocó un mayor compromiso de defensa por la
monarquía de los Habsburgo. Un año después de la tregua de 1547 terminó,Ivan Lenković ideó
un sistema de fortificaciones y tropas en las zonas fronterizas, precursor de la Frontera Militar
Croata . No obstante, en 1552, la conquista otomana de Eslavonia se completó cuando se
capturó Virovitica.   Los avances otomanos en el territorio croata continuaron hasta la Batalla

de Sisak de 1593 , la primera derrota otomana decisiva y una estabilización más duradera de la
frontera. Durante la Gran Guerra Turca (1683-1698), Eslavonia se recuperó entre 1684 y 1691
cuando los otomanos abandonaron la región, a diferencia de Bosnia occidental , que había sido
parte de Croacia antes de la conquista otomana .  La actual frontera sur de Eslavonia y la

frontera entre Croacia y Bosnia y Herzegovina es un remanente de este resultado.  [25] [26]

The Ottoman wars instigated great demographic changes. Croats migrated towards Austria and

the present-day Burgenland Croats are direct descendants of these settlers.  The Muslim

population in Slavonia at the end of Turkish rule accounted for almost half of Slavonia's
population who was indigenous, primarily Croats, less immigrants from Bosnia and Serbia and
rarely genuine Turks or Arabs.  In the second half of the 16th century Vlachs from Slavonia

were no longer an exclusive part of population because the Vlach privileges were attractive for
many non-Vlachs who mixed with the Vlachs in order to get their status.  To replace the fleeing

Croats, the Habsburgs called on the Orthodox populations of Bosnia and Serbia to provide

military service in the Croatian Military Frontier. Serb migration into this region peaked during
the Great Serb Migrations of 1690 and 1737–39.  The greatest Serb concentrations were in the

eastern Slavonia, and Sremski Karlovci became the see of Serbian Orthodox metropolitans.

 Part of the colonists came to Slavonia from area south of the Sava, especially from

the Soli and Usora areas, continuing the process which already started after 1521. At beginning
of the 17th century it seems that there was a new wave of colonization, about 10,000 families
which are assumed to come from Sanjak of Klis or with less possibility from area of Sanjak of
Bosnia. [32]

Habsburg Monarchy and Austria-Hungary[edit]

Main articles: Kingdom of Slavonia, Triune Kingdom of Croatia, Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia,
and Austria-Hungary

Pejačević manor in Našice
The areas acquired through the Treaty of Karlowitz were assigned to Croatia, itself in the union
with Hungary and the union ruled by the Habsburgs. The border area along the Una, Sava and
Danube rivers became the Slavonian Military Frontier. At this time, Osijek took over the role of
the administrative and military centre of the newly formed Kingdom of Slavonia from Požega.
 The 1830s and 1840s saw romantic nationalism inspire the Croatian National Revival, a

political and cultural campaign advocating unity of all South Slavs in the empire. Its primary
focus was the establishment of a standard language as a counterweight to Hungarian, along
with the promotion of Croatian literature and culture.  During the Hungarian Revolution of

1848 Croatia sided with the Austrians, Ban Josip Jelačić helping to defeat the Hungarian forces
in 1849, and ushering in a period of Germanization policy.  By the 1860s, failure of the policy

became apparent, leading to the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867 and creation of

a personal union between the crowns of the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary. The
treaty left the issue of Croatia's status to Hungary as a part of Transleithania—and the status
was resolved by the Croatian–Hungarian Settlement of 1868, when the kingdoms of Croatia and
Slavonia were united as the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia.  After Austria- [35]

Hungary occupied Bosnia and Herzegovina following the 1878 Treaty of Berlin, the Military

Frontiers were abolished and the Croatian and Slavonian Military Frontier territory returned to
Croatia-Slavonia in 1881,  pursuant to provisions of the Croatian-Hungarian Settlement.  At
[19] [36][37]

that time, the easternmost point of Croatia-Slavonia became Zemun, as all of Syrmia was

encompassed by the kingdom. [26]

Kingdom of Yugoslavia and World War II[edit]

Cathedral of St. Peter in Đakovo, a distinctive symbol of Slavonia [38]

See also: Creation of Yugoslavia, Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Banovina of Croatia, World War II in

Yugoslavia, and Independent State of Croatia
On 29 October 1918, the Croatian Sabor declared independence and decided to join the newly
formed State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs,  which in turn entered into union with

the Kingdom of Serbia on 4 December 1918 to form the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and

Slovenes.  The Treaty of Trianon was signed in 1920, at the end of World War I, between

the Allies of World War I and Hungary as one of the successor states to Austria-Hungary.  The [40]

treaty established the southern border of Hungary along the Drava and Mura rivers, except
in Baranya, where only the northern part of the county was kept by Hungary.  The territorial

acquisition in Baranya was not made a part of Slavonia, even though adjacent to Osijek,
because pre-1918 administrative divisions were disestablished by the new kingdom.  The [43]

political situation in the new kingdom deteriorated, leading to the dictatorship of

King Alexander in January 1929.  The dictatorship formally ended in 1931 when the king
imposed a more unitarian constitution transferring executive power to the king, and changed the
name of the country to Yugoslavia.  The Cvetković–Maček Agreement of August 1939 created

the autonomous Banovina of Croatia incorporating Slavonia. Pursuant to the agreement, the

Yugoslav government retained control of defence, internal security, foreign affairs, trade, and
transport while other matters were left to the Croatian Sabor and a crown-appointed 'Ban'. [46]

In April 1941, Yugoslavia was occupied by Germany and Italy. Following the invasion the

territory of Slavonia was incorporated into the Independent State of Croatia, a Nazi-
backed puppet state and assigned as a zone under German occupation for the duration
of World War II. The regime introduced anti-semitic laws and conducted a campaign of ethnic
cleansing and genocide against Serb and Roma populations,  exemplified by [47]

the Jasenovac and Stara Gradiška concentration camps,  but to a much lesser extent in


Slavonia than in other regions, due to strategic interests of the Axis in keeping peace in the
area.  The largest massacre occurred in 1942 in Voćin.
[49] [50][page needed]

Armed resistance soon developed in the region, and by 1942, the Yugoslav Partisans controlled
substantial territories, especially in mountainous parts of Slavonia.  The Serbian [51]

royalist Chetniks, who carried out genocide against Croat civilian population,  struggled to [52]

establish a significant presence in Slavonia throughout the war.  Partisans led by Josip Broz

Tito took full control of Slavonia in April 1945.  After the war, the new Yugoslav government

interned local Germans in camps in Slavonia, the largest of which were in Valpovo and Krndija,
where many died of hunger and diseases. [54]

Federal Yugoslavia and the independence of Croatia[edit]

See also: Socialist Republic of Croatia and Croatian War of Independence

Castle Mailáth, Donji Miholjac.

After World War II, Croatia—including Slavonia—became a single-party Socialist federal unit of

the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, ruled by the Communists, but enjoying a degree of
autonomy within the federation. The autonomy effectively increased after the 1974 Yugoslav
Constitution, basically fulfilling a goal of the Croatian Spring movement, and providing a legal
basis for independence of the federative constituents.  In 1947, when all borders of the former

Yugoslav constituent republics had been defined by demarcation commissions, pursuant to

decisions of the AVNOJ of 1943 and 1945, the federal organization of Yugoslav Baranya was
defined as Croatian territory allowing its integration with Slavonia. The commissions also set up
the present-day 317.6-kilometre (197.3 mi) border between Serbia and Croatia in Syrmia, and
along the Danube River between Ilok and mouth of the Drava and further north to the Hungarian
border, the section south of confluence of the Drava matching the border between the Kingdom
of Croatia-Slavonia and the Bács-Bodrog County that existed until 1918 and the end of World
War I. [56]
In the 1980s the political situation in Yugoslavia deteriorated with national tension fanned by the
1986 Serbian SANU Memorandum and the 1989 coups in Vojvodina, Kosovo and Montenegro.
 In January 1990, the Communist Party fragmented along national lines, with the

Croatian faction demanding a looser federation.  In the same year, the first multi-party


elections were held in Croatia, with Franjo Tuđman's win raising nationalist tensions further.
 The Serbs in Croatia, intent on achieving independence from Croatia, left the Sabor and

declared the autonomy of areas that would soon become the unrecognized self-
declared Republic of Serbian Krajina (RSK).  As tensions rose, Croatia declared

independence in June 1991; however the declaration came into effect on 8 October 1991. [63]

 Tensions escalated into the Croatian War of Independence when the Yugoslav National


Army and various Serb paramilitaries attacked Croatia.  By the end of 1991, a high intensity

war fought along a wide front reduced Croatia to controlling about two-thirds of its territory. [66][67]

Vukovar memorial cemetery

In Slavonia, the first armed conflicts were clashes in Pakrac,  and Borovo Selo near Vukovar. [68][69]

 Western Slavonia was occupied in August 1991, following an advance by the Yugoslav


forces north from Banja Luka across the Sava River.  This was partially pushed back by

the Croatian Army in operations named Otkos 10,  and Orkan 91, which established a front line

around Okučani and south of Pakrac that would hold virtually unchanged for more than three
years until Operation Flash in May 1995.  Armed conflict in the eastern Slavonia, culminating in

the Battle of Vukovar and a subsequent massacre,  also included heavy fighting and the


successful defence of Osijek and Vinkovci. The front line stabilized and a ceasefire was agreed
to on 2 January 1992, coming into force the next day.  After the ceasefire, United Nations

Protection Force was deployed to the occupied areas,  but intermittent artillery and rocket

attacks, launched from Serb-held areas of Bosnia, continued in several areas of Slavonia,

especially in Slavonski Brod and Županja.  The war effectively ended in 1995 with Croatia

achieving a decisive victory over the RSK in August 1995.  The remaining occupied areas— [80]

eastern Slavonia—were restored to Croatia pursuant to the Erdut Agreement of November

1995, with the process concluded in mid-January 1998. [81]

After the war, a number of towns and municipalities in the region were designated Areas of
Special State Concern.

Political geography[edit]
See also: Counties of Croatia
Five counties of Slavonia:
  Brod-Posavina County
  Osijek-Baranja County
  Požega-Slavonia County
  Virovitica-Podravina County
  Vukovar-Syrmia County

Papuk, the second highest mountain in Slavonia

The Croatian counties were re-established in 1992, but their borders changed in some

instances, with the latest revision taking place in 2006.  Slavonia consists of five counties—

Brod-Posavina, Osijek-Baranja, Požega-Slavonia, Virovitica-Podravina and Vukovar-Syrmia cou
nties—which largely cover the territory historically associated with Slavonia. The western
borders of the five-county territory lie in the area where the western boundary of Slavonia
generally has been located since the Ottoman conquest, with the remaining borders being at the
international borders of Croatia.  This places the Croatian part of Baranya into the Slavonian

counties, constituting the Eastern Croatia macroregion.  Terms Eastern


Croatia and Slavonia are increasingly used as synonyms.  The Brod-Posavina County


comprises two cities—Slavonski Brod and Nova Gradiška—and 26 Municipalities of Croatia.

 The Osijek-Baranja County consists of seven cities—Beli Manastir, Belišće, Donji Miholjac,

Đakovo, Našice, Osijek and Valpovo—and 35 municipalities.  The Požega-Slavonia County


comprises five cities—Kutjevo, Lipik, Pakrac, Pleternica and Požega—and five municipalities.

 The Virovitica-Podravina County covers three cities—Orahovica, Slatina and Virovitica—and

13 municipalities.  The Vukovar-Srijem County encompasses five cities—Ilok, Otok, Vinkovci,


Vukovar and Županja—and 26 municipalities.  The whole of Slavonia is the eastern half of

Central and Eastern (Pannonian) Croatia NUTS-2 statistical unit of Croatia, together with further
areas of Central Croatia. Other statistical units correspond to the counties, cities and
municipalities.  The five counties combined cover area size of 12,556 square kilometres (4,848

square miles), representing 22.2% of territory of Croatia. [91]

County Seat Area (km2) Population

Brod-Posavina Slavonski Brod 2,043 158,559

Osijek-Baranja Osijek 4,152 304,899

Požega-Slavonia Požega 1,845 78,031

Virovitica 2,068 84,586

Vukovar-Syrmia Vukovar 2,448 180,117

TOTAL: 12,556 806,192

Source: Croatian Bureau of Statistics[91][92]

Physical geography[edit]
See also: Geography of Croatia
The boundaries of Slavonia, as a geographical region, do not necessarily coincide with the
borders of the five counties, except in the south and east where the Sava and Danube rivers
define them. The international borders of Croatia are boundaries common to both definitions of
the region. In the north, the boundaries largely coincide because the Drava River is considered
to be the northern border of Slavonia as a geographic region,  but this excludes Baranya from [56]

the geographic region's definition even though this territory is part of a county otherwise
associated with Slavonia.  The western boundary of the geographic region is not specifically

defined and it was variously defined through history depending on the political divisions of
Croatia.  The eastern Croatia, as a geographic term, largely overlaps most definitions of

Slavonia. It is defined as the territory of the Brod-Posavina, Osijek-Baranja, Požega-Slavonia,

Virovitica-Podravina and Vukovar-Syrmia counties, including Baranya. [96]

See also: Pannonian Basin

Mountains of Slavonia[91]

Mountain Peak Elevation Coordinates

Psunj Brezovo Polje 984 m 45°24′N 17°19′E

(3,228 ft)

953 m
Papuk Papuk 45°32′N 17°39′E
(3,127 ft)

792 m
Krndija Kapovac 45°27′N 17°55′E
(2,598 ft)

618 m
Požeška Gora Kapavac 45°17′N 17°35′E
(2,028 ft)

Orahovac Lake

Slavonia is entirely located in the Pannonian Basin, one of three major geomorphological parts

of Croatia.  The Pannonian Basin took shape through Miocenian thinning and subsidence of

crust structures formed during Late Paleozoic Variscan orogeny. The Paleozoic

and Mesozoic structures are visible in Papuk, Psunj and other Slavonian mountains. The
processes also led to the formation of a stratovolcanic chain in the basin 17 – 12 Mya (million
years ago) and intensified subsidence observed until 5 Mya as well as flood basalts about
7.5 Mya. Contemporary uplift of the Carpathian Mountains prevented water flowing to the Black
Sea, and the Pannonian Sea formed in the basin. Sediments were transported to the basin from
uplifting Carpathian and Dinaric mountains, with particularly deep fluvial sediments being
deposited in the Pleistocene during the uplift of the Transdanubian Mountains.  Ultimately, up

to 3,000 metres (9,800 feet) of the sediment was deposited in the basin, and the Pannonian sea
eventually drained through the Iron Gate gorge.  In the southern Pannonian Basin,

the Neogene to Quaternary sediment depth is normally lower, averaging 500 to 1,500 metres

(1,600 to 4,900 feet), except in central parts of depressions formed by subduction—around
4,000 metres (13,000 feet) in the Slavonia-Syrmia depression, 5,500 metres (18,000 feet) in the
Sava depression and nearly 7,000 metres (23,000 feet) in the Drava depression, with the
deepest sediment found between Virovitica and Slatina. [100]

The results of those processes are large plains in eastern Slavonia, Baranya and Syrmia, as
well as in river valleys, especially along the Sava, Drava and Kupa. The plains are interspersed
by the horst and graben structures, believed to have broken the Pannonian Sea surface
as islands.  The tallest among such landforms in Slavonia are 984-metre (3,228 ft) Psunj,
[citation needed]

and 953-metre (3,127 ft) Papuk—flanking the Požega Valley from the west and the north.
 These two and Krndija, adjacent to Papuk, consist mostly of Paleozoic rocks which are 350 –
300 million years old. Požeška Gora and Dilj, to the east of Psunj and enveloping the valley
from the south, consist of much more recent Neogene rocks, but Požeška Gora also contains
Upper Cretaceous sediments and igneous rocks forming the main, 30-kilometre (19 mi) ridge of
the hill and representing the largest igneous landform in Croatia. A smaller igneous landform is
also present on Papuk, near Voćin.  The two mountains, as well as Moslavačka gora, west of

Pakrac, are possible remnants of a volcanic arc related to Alpine orogeny—uplifting of the

Dinaric Alps.  The Đakovo – Vukovar loess plain, extending eastward from Dilj and

representing the watershed between the Vuka and Bosut rivers, gradually rises to the Fruška

Gora south of Ilok. [103]

Plain near Đakovo after harvest

Hydrography and climate[edit]

The Drava in Osijek

The largest rivers in Slavonia are found along or near its borders—the Danube, Sava and
Drava. The length of the Danube, flowing along the eastern border of Slavonia and through the
cities of Vukovar and Ilok, is 188 kilometres (117 miles), and its main tributaries are the Drava
112-kilometre (70 mi) and the Vuka. The Drava discharges into the Danube near Aljmaš, east of
Osijek, while mouth of the Vuka is located in Vukovar. Major tributaries of the Sava, flowing
along the southern border of Slavonia and through cities of Slavonski Brod and Županja are 89-
kilometre (55 mi) the Orljava flowing through Požega, and the Bosut—whose 151-kilometre
(94 mi) course in Slavonia takes it through Vinkovci. There are no large lakes in Slavonia. The
largest ones are Lake Kopačevo whose surface area varies between 1.5 and 3.5 square
kilometres (0.58 and 1.35 square miles), and Borovik Reservoir covering 2.5 square kilometres
(0.97 square miles).  The Lake Kopačevo is connected to the Danube via Hulovski canal,

situated within the Kopački Rit wetland,  while the Lake Borovik is an artificial lake created in

1978 in the upper course of the Vuka River. [105]

The entire Slavonia belongs to the Danube basin and the Black Sea catchment area, but it is
divided in two sub-basins. One of those drains into the Sava—itself a Danube tributary—and the
other into the Drava or directly into the Danube. The drainage divide between the two sub-
basins runs along Papuk and Krndija mountains, in effect tracing the southern boundary of the
Virovitica-Podravina County and the northern boundary of Požega-Slavonia County, cuts
through the Osijek-Podravina County north of Đakovo and finally bisects the Vukovar-Syrmia
County running between Vukovar and Vinkovci to reach Fruška Gora southwest of Ilok. The
Entire Brod-Posavina County is located in the Sava sub-basin. [106]

Most of Croatia, including Slavonia, has a moderately warm and rainy continental climate as
defined by the Köppen climate classification. Mean annual temperature averages 10 to
12 °C (50 to 54 °F), with the warmest month, July, averaging just below 22 °C (72 °F).
Temperature peaks are more pronounced in the continental areas—the lowest temperature of
−27.8 °C (−18.0 °F) was recorded on 24 January 1963 in Slavonski Brod,  and the highest

temperature of 40.5 °C (104.9 °F) was recorded on 5 July 1950 in Đakovo.  The least


precipitation is recorded in the eastern parts of Slavonia at less than 700 millimetres (28 inches)
per year, however in the latter case, it mostly occurs during the growing season. The western
parts of Slavonia receive 900 to 1,000 millimetres (35 to 39 inches) precipitation. Low winter
temperatures and the distribution of precipitation throughout the year normally result in snow
cover, and freezing rivers—requiring use of icebreakers, and in extreme cases explosives,  to[109]

maintain the flow of water and navigation.  Slavonia receives more than 2,000 hours of

sunshine per year on average. Prevailing winds are light to moderate, northeasterly and
southwesterly. [91]

See also: Demographics of Croatia

Geographic map of Slavonia

Non-Croats in 5 Slavonian counties (2011).

According to the 2011 census, the total population of the five counties of Slavonia was 806,192,
accounting for 19% of population of Croatia. The largest portion of the total population of
Slavonia lives in Osijek-Baranja county, followed by Vukovar-Syrmia county. Požega-Slavonia
county is the least populous county of Slavonia. Overall the population density stands at
64.2 persons per square kilometre. The population density ranges from 77.6 to 40.9 persons per
square kilometre, with the highest density recorded in Brod-Posavina county and the lowest in
Virovitica-Podravina county. Osijek is the largest city in Slavonia, followed by Slavonski Brod,
Vinkovci and Vukovar. Other cities in Slavonia have populations below 20,000.  According to [92]

the 2001 census, Croats account for 85.6 percent of population of Slavonia, and the most
significant ethnic minorities are Serbs and Hungarians, comprising 8.8 percent and 1.4 percent
of the population respectively. The largest portion of the Serb minority was recorded in Vukovar-
Syrmia county (15 percent), while the largest Hungarian minority, in both relative and absolute
terms, was observed in Osijek-Baranja county. The census recorded 85.4% of the population
declaring themselves as Catholic, with further 4.4% belonging to Serbian Orthodox Church and
0.7% Muslims. 3.1% declared themselves as non-religious, agnostics or declined to declare
their religion. The most widely used language in the region is Croatian, declared as the first
language by 93.6% of the total population, followed by Serbian (2.6%) and Hungarian (1.0%). [111]

The demographic history of Slavonia is characterised by significant migrations, as is that of

Croatia as a whole, starting with the arrival of the Croats, between the 6th and 9th centuries.
 Following the establishment of the personal union of Croatia and Hungary in 1102,  and the
[112] [16]

joining of the Habsburg Monarchy in 1527,  the Hungarian and German speaking population of

Croatia began gradually increasing in number. The processes of Magyarization and

Germanization varied in intensity but persisted until the beginning of the 20th century.  The [34][113]

Ottoman conquests initiated a westward migration of parts of the Croatian population;  the [114]

Burgenland Croats are direct descendants of some of those settlers.  To replace the fleeing

Croats the Habsburgs called on the Orthodox populations of Bosnia and Serbia to provide
military service in the Croatian Military Frontier. Serb migration into this region peaked during
the Great Serb Migrations of 1690 and 1737–39.  Following the collapse of Austria-Hungary in

1918, the Hungarian population declined, due to emigration and ethnic bias. The changes were
especially significant in the areas north of the Drava river, and Baranja County where they
represented the majority before World War I. [115]

The most populous urban areas in Slavonia

Rank City County Urban population

1 Osijek Osijek-Baranja 83,496

2 Slavonski Brod Brod-Posavina 53,473

3 Vinkovci Vukovar-Syrmia 31,961

4 Vukovar Vukovar-Syrmia 26,716

5 Požega Požega-Slavonia 19,565

6 Đakovo Osijek-Baranja 19,508

7 Virovitica Virovitica-Podravina 14,663

8 Županja Vukovar-Syrmia 12,115

9 Nova Gradiška Brod-Posavina 11,767

10 Slatina Virovitica-Podravina 10,152

County seats are indicated with bold font. Sources: Croatian Bureau of Statistics, 2011 Census[92]

Since the end of the 19th century there was substantial economic emigration abroad from
Croatia in general.  After World War I, the Yugoslav regime confiscated up to 50 percent of

properties and encouraged settlement of the land by Serb volunteers and war veterans in
Slavonia,  only to have them evicted and replaced by up to 70,000 new settlers by the regime

during World War II.  During World War II and in the period immediately following the war,

there were further significant demographic changes, as the German-speaking population,

the Danube Swabians, were either forced or otherwise compelled to leave—reducing their
number from the prewar German population of Yugoslavia of 500,000, living in Slavonia and
other parts of present-day Croatia and Serbia, to the figure of 62,000 recorded in the 1953
census.  The 1940s and the 1950s in Yugoslavia were marked by colonisation of settlements

where the displaced Germans used to live, by people from the mountainous parts of Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, and migrations to larger cities spurred on by the
development of industry.  In the 1960s and 1970s, another wave of economic migrants
[120][failed verification]

left—largely moving to Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Western Europe. [121][122][123]

The most recent changes to the ethnic composition of Slavonian counties occurred between
censuses conducted in 1991 and 2001. The 1991 census recorded a heterogenous population
consisting mostly of Croats and Serbs—at 72 percent and 17 percent of the total population
respectively. The Croatian War of Independence, and the ethnic fracturing of Yugoslavia that
preceded it, caused an exodus of the Croat population followed by an exodus of Serbs. The
return of refugees since the end of hostilities is not complete—a majority of Croat refugees
returned, while fewer Serbs did. In addition, ethnic Croats moved to Slavonia from Bosnia and
Herzegovina and from Serbia. [83]

Economy and transport[edit]

See also: Economy of Croatia and Transport in Croatia
The port of Vukovar, Danube River

Osijek Airport

The economy of Slavonia is largely based on wholesale and retail trade and processing

industry. Food processing is one of the most significant types of the processing industries in the
region, supporting agricultural production in the area and encompassing meat packing, fruit and
vegetable processing, sugar refining, confectionery and dairy industry. In addition, there
are wineries in the region that are significant to economy of Croatia. Other types of the
processing industry significant to Slavonia are wood processing, including production
of furniture, cellulose, paper and cardboard; metalworking, textile industry and glass
production. Transport and civil engineering are two further significant economic activities in
Slavonia.  The largest industrial centre of Slavonia is Osijek, followed by other county seats—

Slavonski Brod, Virovitica, Požega and Vukovar, as well as several other cities, especially
Vinkovci. [125][126][127][128][129]

The gross domestic product (GDP) of the five counties in Slavonia combined (in year 2008)
amounted to 6,454 million euro, or 8,005 euro per capita—27.5% below Croatia's national
average. The GDP of the five counties represented 13.6% of Croatia's GDP.  Several Pan-

European transport corridors run through Slavonia: corridor Vc as the A5 motorway, corridor X

as the A3 motorway and a double-track railway spanning Slavonia from west to east, and
corridor VII—the Danube River waterway.  The waterway is accessed through the Port of

Vukovar, the largest Croatian river port, situated on the Danube itself, and the Port of Osijek on
the Drava River, 14.5 kilometres (9.0 miles) away from confluence of the rivers. [132]

Another major sector of the economy of Slavonia is agriculture, which also provides part of the
raw materials for the processing industry. Out of 1,077,403 hectares (2,662,320 acres) of
utilized agricultural land in Croatia, 493,878 hectares (1,220,400 acres), or more than 45%, are
found in Slavonia, with the largest portion of the land situated in the Osijek-Baranja and
Vukovar-Syrmia counties. The largest areas are used for production of cereals and oilseeds,
covering 574,916 hectares (1,420,650 acres) and 89,348 hectares (220,780 acres) respectively.
Slavonia's share in Croatia's agriculturally productive land is greatest in the production of
cereals (53.5%), legumes (46.8%), oilseeds (88.8%), sugar beet (90%), tobacco (97.9%), plants
used in pharmaceutical or perfume industry (80.9%), flowers, seedlings and seeds (80.3%) and
plants used in the textile industry (69%). Slavonia also contributes 25.7% of cattle, 42.7% of
pigs and 20% of the poultry stock of Croatia. There are 5,138 hectares (12,700 acres) of
vineyards in Slavonia, representing 18.6% of total vineyards area in Croatia. Production of fruit
and nuts also takes up a significant agricultural area. Apple orchards cover 1,261 hectares
(3,120 acres), representing 42.3% of Croatia's apple plantations, plums are produced in
orchards encompassing 450 hectares (1,100 acres) or 59.7% of Croatia's plum plantations and
hazelnut orchards cover 319 hectares (790 acres), which account for 72.4% of hazelnut
plantations in Croatia. Other significant permanent crops are cherries, pears, peaches and
walnuts. [133]

Counties of Slavonia by GDP, in

million Euro

Counties of Slavonia by GDP per capita,

in Euro

In 2010, only two companies headquartered in Slavonia ranked among top 100 Croatian
companies—Belje, agricultural industry owned by Agrokor,  and Belišće, paper mill and

paper packaging material factory,  headquartered in Darda and Belišće respectively, both in


Osijek-Baranja County. Belje ranks as the 44th and Belišće as the 99th largest Croatian
company by income. Other significant businesses in the county include civil engineering
company Osijek-Koteks (rank 103),  Saponia detergent and personal care product factory

(rank 138),  Biljemerkant retail business (rank 145),  and Našicecement cement plant (rank

[141] [142]

165), a part of Nexe Grupa construction product manufacturing company.  Sugar refining


company Viro,  ranked the 101st and headquartered in Virovitica, is the largest company in

Virovitica-Podravina County. Đuro Đaković Montaža d.d., a part of metal processing

industry Đuro Đaković Holding of Slavonski Brod,  ranks the 171st among the Croatian

companies and it is the largest business in Brod-Posavina County. Another agricultural industry
company, Kutjevo d.d., headquartered in Kutjevo, is the largest company in Požega-Slavonia
County,  ranks the 194th in Croatia by business income. Finally, the largest company by

income in Vukovar-Syrmia county is another Agrokor owned agricultural production company—

Vupik, headquartered in Vukovar,  and ranking the 161st among the companies headquartered

in Croatia. [148]

See also: Culture of Croatia

Miroslav Kraljević, self-portrait

The cultural heritage of Slavonia represents a blend of social influences through its history,
especially since the end of the 17th century, and the traditional culture. A particular impact was
made by Baroque art and architecture of the 18th century, when the cities of Slavonia started
developing after the Ottoman wars ended and stability was restored to the area. The period saw
great prominence of the nobility, who were awarded estates in Slavonia by the imperial court in
return for their service during the wars. They included Prince Eugene of Savoy, the House of
Esterházy, the House of Odescalchi, Philipp Karl von Eltz-Kempenich, the House of Prandau-
Normann, the House of Pejačević and the House of Janković. That in turn encouraged an influx
of contemporary European culture to the region. Subsequent development of the cities and
society saw the influence of Neoclassicism, Historicism and especially of Art Nouveau. [93]

The heritage of the region includes numerous landmarks, especially manor houses built by the

nobility in largely in the 18th and the 19th centuries. Those include Prandau-
Normann and Prandau-Mailath manor houses in Valpovo and Donji Miholjac respectively, [149]

 manor houses in Baranja—in Bilje,  at a former Esterházy estate in Darda,  in Tikveš,

[150] [151] [152]

 and in Kneževo.  Pejačevićs built several residences, the most representative ones among
[153] [154]

them being manor house in Virovitica and the Pejačević manor house in Našice.  Further east, [155]

along the Danube, there are Odescalchi manor house in Ilok,  and Eltz manor house in [156]

Vukovar—the latter sustained extensive damage during the Battle of Vukovar in 1991,  but it [157]

was reconstructed by 2011.  In the southeast of the region, the most prominent are Kutjevo

Jesuit manor house,  and Cernik manor house, located in Kutjevo and Cernik respectively.


 The period also saw construction of Tvrđa and Brod fortifications in Osijek and Slavonski


Brod.  Older, medieval fortifications are preserved only as ruins—the largest among those

being Ružica Castle near Orahovica.  Another landmark dating to the 19th century is


the Đakovo Cathedral—hailed by the Pope John XXIII as the most beautiful church situated
between Venice and Istanbul. [164][165]

Erdut Castle, 15th-century fortification near Erdut[166]

Slavonia significantly contributed to the culture of Croatia as a whole, both through works of
artists and through patrons of the arts—most notable among them being Josip Juraj
Strossmayer.  Strossmayer was instrumental in the establishment of the Yugoslav Academy of

Sciences and Arts, later renamed the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts,  and the [168]

reestablishment of the University of Zagreb.  A number of Slavonia's artists, especially writers,


made considerable contributions to Croatian culture. Nineteenth-century writers who are most
significant in Croatian literature include Josip Eugen Tomić, Josip Kozarac, and Miroslav
Kraljević—author of the first Croatian novel.  Significant twentieth-century poets and writers in

Slavonia were Dobriša Cesarić, Dragutin Tadijanović, Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić and Antun Gustav

Matoš.  Painters associated with Slavonia, who contributed greatly to Croatian art,

were Miroslav Kraljević and Bela Čikoš Sesija. [171]

Slavonia is a distinct region of Croatia in terms of ethnological factors in traditional music. It is a

region where traditional culture is preserved through folklore festivals. Typical traditional music
instruments belong to the tamburica and bagpipe family.  The tamburica is the most [172]

representative musical instrument associated with Slavonia's traditional culture. It developed

from music instruments brought by the Ottomans during their rule of Slavonia, becoming an
integral part of the traditional music, its use surpassing or even replacing the use of bagpipes
and gusle.  A distinct form of traditional song, originating in Slavonia, the bećarac, is

recognized as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO. [174][175]

Out of 122 Croatia's universities and other institutions of higher education,  Slavonia is home [176]

to one university—Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek—  as well as [177]

three polytechnics in Požega, Slavonski Brod and Vukovar, as well as a college in Virovitica—all

set up and run by the government.  The University of Osijek, has been established in 1975,

 but the first institution of higher education in the city was Studium Philosophicum

Essekini founded in 1707, and active until 1780.  Another historical institution of higher

education was Academia Posegana operating in Požega between 1761 and 1776,  as an [182]

extension of a gymnasium operating in the city continuously,  since it opened in 1699 as the


first secondary education school in Slavonia. [184]

Cuisine and wines[edit]

See also: Cuisine of Croatia and Croatian wine
The cuisine of Slavonia reflects cultural influences on the region through the diversity of its
culinary influences. The most significant among those were from Hungarian, Viennese, Central
European, as well as Turkish and Arab cuisines brought by series of conquests and
accompanying social influences. The ingredients of traditional dishes are pickled vegetables,
dairy products and smoked meats.  The most famous traditional preserved meat product

is kulen, one of a handful Croatian products protected by the EU as indigenous products. [186]

Slavonia is one of Croatia's winemaking sub-regions, a part of its continental winegrowing

region. The best known winegrowing areas of Slavonia are centered
on Đakovo, Ilok and Kutjevo, where Graševina grapes are predominant, but other cultivars are
increasingly present.  In past decades, an increasing quantity of wine production in Slavonia

was accompanied by increasing quality and growing recognition at home and abroad.  Grape [188]

vines were first grown in the region of Ilok, as early as the 3rd century AD. The oldest Slavonian
wine cellar still in continuous use for winemaking is located in Kutjevo—built in 1232
by Cistercians.[189]

Slavonian oak is used to make botti, large barrels traditionally used in the Piedmont

region of Italy to make nebbiolo wines. [190]

See also[edit]
 Croatia portal

 Regions of Croatia

1. ^ a b Frucht, Richard C. (2004). Eastern Europe: An Introduction to the People,
Lands, and Culture. Vol. 1 (illustrated ed.). ABC-CLIO.
p. 413. ISBN 1576078000. Retrieved 15 August 2012.
2. ^ Alemko Gluhak (March 2003). "Ime Slavonije" [Name of
Slavonia]. Migracijske I Etničke Teme (in Croatian). Institute for Migration and
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