Caso Clínico Preeclampsia PDF
Caso Clínico Preeclampsia PDF
Caso Clínico Preeclampsia PDF
The following report presents the case of a 26-year-old primigravida, with a 35.3 SG
pregnancy by first trimester ultrasound, who presented signs and symptoms compatible with
preeclampsia with alarm signs, for which it was decided to hospitalize her and treat her, on
the 3rd On the day of hospitalization, due to the good clinical evolution, it was decided to
discharge the doctor and schedule the induction of labor. Induction of labor was started
during a 36.6SG pregnancy and prior to obstetric ultrasound and laboratory tests. After 24
hours of induction conduction, it is indicated to terminate the pregnancy by discharge by
emergency cesarean section due to failed conduction. A bibliographic review is carried out
on preeclampsia, classification, risk factors and treatment, and on the induction of labor.
Preeclampsia, induction of labor.