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Comandos LM

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Comando Función Ejemplo
!help Envía todos los comandos dentro del juego !help
!stats Envía estadísticas de regalos de compra / monstruos que tienes !stats
!stats all Envía un resumen de la compra de tus gremios/monstruos !stats all
!pstats [Player_Name] Envía estadísticas de regalos de compra / monstruo que tiene este j !pstats Simon_Cat
!pos Envía la ubicación del banco del gremio !pos
!stats all Envía las estadísticas de regalo del gremio dentro del juego. !stats all
!shield Comprueba el tiempo de escudo !shield
!shield deploy Despliega un escudo en el banco. !shield deploy
!relocate [X] [Y] Reubica el banco !relocate 243 209
!relocate rand Se traslada a una posición aleatoria en el mapa !relocate rand
!relocatekvk [K] Reubicarse de forma aleatoria en el Reino KVK de destino !relocatekvk 60
!recall Regresa todas las tropas (sin incluir las tropas en marcha) !recall
!migrate [K][X][Y] Migrar a la coordenada K:60 X:200 Y:900 !migrate 60 200 900
!buildspam [amount] [delay] Spams ayuda para Guild fest/Guild monedas !buildspam 120 5
!buildspam [stop] Cancelará el comando buildspam !buildspam stop
!hunt [x] [y] Caza el monstruo especificado !hunt 150 166
!hunt [on/off] Deshabilitar o habilitar la búsqueda de la cuenta !hunt on
!addtitle [player] [title] Si el banco es regente, dará un título !addtitle Shark chief
!deltitle [title] El banco eliminará el título especificado. !deltitle chief

Comando Función Ejemplo

!whitelist [player] [Rank] Acepta a un jugador en el gremio y establece el rango !whitelist Shark R4
!blacklist [player] Rechaza a un jugador que solicita ingreso al gremio. !blacklist Shark
!unlistwhite [player] Elimina a un jugador de la lista blanca !unlistwhite Shark
!unlistblack [player] Elimina a un jugador de la lista negra !unlistblack Shark
!purge Borra el chat del gremio !purge
!abort Cancela todos los envíos de RSS !abort
!yell [msg] Escribe un mensaje en el chat del gremio. !yell hello
!quest Obtiene el estado del festival del gremio de los bancos !quest
!guild [tag] Abandona el gremio actual y se une a uno nuevo !guild 123
!camp / !campleader [x] [y] Envía un campamento a x/y !camp 100 100
!setgather [on/off] Deshabilitar o habilitar la recoleccion para la cuenta !setgather off
!snowbeast Activa la habilidad familiar de la bestia de nieve. !snowbeast
!stop [time] Detiene el banco por "x" segundos !stop 60
!reloadacc Restablecerá la cuenta a la fuerza. !reloadacc

Página 1

!members Recargará a la fuerza la lista de jugadores en el gremio !memebers

Los comandos de búsqueda admitenla capacidad de publicar los resultados en el chat del gremio para facilitar el acceso a las c
escribiendo chat al final del comando (ejemplo: !findtile foo 4 chat)
El radio de búsqueda de todos estos comandos es de unos 70 mosaicos
Comando Función Ejemplo
!findtile [type] [level] el banco encontrará fichas alrededor del banco del castillo !findtile food 4
!findtile [any] [level] el banco encontrará fichas alrededor del banco del castillo !findtile any 4
!findtilelocal [type] [level] El banco encontrará fichas alrededor del castillo que envió el coma !findtilelocal food 4
!findmonster [monstername] [level] el banco encontrará un monstruo alrededor del banco del castillo !findmonster hardrox 2
!findmonster [any] [level] el banco encontrará un monstruo alrededor del banco del castillo !findmonster any 2
!findmonsterlocal [monstername] [leel banco encontrará un monstruo alrededor del castillo que envió e !findmonsterlocal hardrox 2
!finddarknest [level] el banco encontrará un nido más oscuro alrededor del banco !finddarknest 3
!finddarknestlocal [level] El banco encontrará un nido oscuro alrededor del castillo que envi !finddarknestlocal 3

Comando Función Ejemplo
!bal Consulta tu saldo !bal
!adminbal [player] Consultar el saldo del jugador !bal Shark
!adminbal Consultar el saldo RSS del Banco !adminbal
!adminbag Consulta el Saldo RSS de la Bolsa de Bancos !adminbag
!setbal [player] [type] [amount] Establece manualmente el saldo de RSS en una cuenta !setbal Shark food 100M
!setacc [player] Establece todo el Saldo para ser acreditado a otra cuenta !setacc Shark
!transfer [player] [type] [amount] Transfiere el Saldo a otro jugador !transfer Shark
!setrsslimit [type] [amount] Establece un límite para RSS que el banco no bajará !setrsslimit gold 100M

Comando Función Ejemplo
![type] [amount] Envía un RSS específico !food 5M
!rss [F] [S] [W] [O] [G] Envía todo tipo de RSS !rss 5M 5M 5M 5M 0
!donate[type] [player] [amount] Envía RSS a un jugador específico !donatefood Shark 5M
!admin[type] [player] [amount] Envía RSS a un jugador específico !adminfood Shar 5M
!adminrss [F] [S] [W] [O] [G] [player]
Envía todo tipo de RSS !admin rss 0 5M 5M 5M 5M Shar

Si el nombre del jugador tiene un espacio, debes hacer

Página 2

Use un guión bajo dentro del comando. Ejemplo: el jugador 1 se convertiría en jugador_1 (!setacc juga
Use comillas alrededor del nombre. Ejemplo El jugador 1 se convertiría en "jugador 1" (!setacc "jugad

Los saldos de los usuarios autorizados no son deducibles (saldoilimitado), un usuarioautorizadoes esencialmente un administrador del ba

El banco no responderá durante tareas de ejecución prolongada, como etapas de héroes

The bank will not respond during long running tasks, such as hero stages.

Página 3


Envía una lista de comandos.
Informe de todos los regalos del gremio para ti desde el último restablecimiento de estadísticas
Envía un resumen de la compra de tus gremios/monstruos
Envía un informe de las estadísticas de regalo del gremio que "Simon Cat" tiene desde el último reinicio
Informa la ubicación exacta del Banco
Informe de todos los obsequios del gremio recolectados desde el reinicio
Informe de cuando cae el escudo del Banco
El escudo se activa en el banco.
Reubica el banco en las coordenadas X:243 Y:209
Reubica el banco en una posición aleatoria en el mapa
Se reubica aleatoriamente en el reino objetivo.
llama a todas las tropas a tu castilo
Migrar a la coordenada K:60 X:200 Y:900
El banco enviará spam a la ayuda 120 veces, con un retraso de 5 segundos entre cada compilación.
El banco detendrá la ayuda de spam/cancelará la compilación en curso
El banco cazará un monstruo ubicado en X:150 Y:166
Habilita la caza
El banco le dará a Shark el título de "Jefe"
El banco eliminará el título principal del jugador que lo tiene actualmente.

Shark será aceptado en Guild y se le otorgará el rango 4
Tiburón no podrá entrar en el gremio (ni será expulsado)
Shark será eliminado de la lista blanca
Shark será eliminado de la lista negra
El chat del gremio se borrará.
Todos los RSS que estén en cola serán cancelados
Escribe hola en el chat del gremio.
el jugador recibe un correo con el estado del FDG del banco
Deja el gremio e intenta unirse a '123'
Envía un campamento de 1 tropa a x:100 y:100
Desactiva la recoleccion
La habilidad Snowbeast Familiars está activada.
La cuenta se desconectará durante 60 segundos
Restablece la cuenta

Página 4

La información del miembro en el banco se actualiza

t del gremio para facilitar el acceso a las coordenadas. Puede hacer esto
jemplo: !findtile foo 4 chat)
ndos es de unos 70 mosaicos
El banco buscará el mosaico del nivel de alimentos 4 y enviará el resultado por correo
El banco buscará cualquier tipo de mosaico de nivel 4 y enviará el resultado por correo
El banco buscará el mosaico del nivel de alimentos 4 y enviará el resultado por correo
El banco buscará el nivel 2 de hardrox y enviará el resultado por correo
El banco buscará cualquier monstruo de nivel 2 y enviará el resultado por correo.
El banco buscará el nivel 2 de hardrox y enviará el resultado por correo
El banco buscará un nivel 3 más oscuro alrededor del banco y enviará el resultado por correo.
El banco buscará un nivel 3 más oscuro alrededor del jugador que envió el comando y enviará el resultado por correo.

Reporte de cuantos RSS enviaste al Banco
Informe de cuánto RSS Shark envió al Banco
Reporte de cuantas RSS tiene el Banco
Reporte de cuanto RSS tiene el Banco en bolsas
Establece el balance de alimentos de Shark en 100 millones (lo que le permite solicitar 100 millones de alimentos del banco)
Todo el saldo que envíes al Banco será acreditado a la cuenta Shark
Enviaste 50 millones de oro al banco, después del comando esos 50 millones se acreditan a Shark
Si el banco tiene menos de 100 millones de oro, ya no enviará oro.

El banco envía 5M de Alimentos
El banco envía 5M de todos los RSS (excepto Gold)
El banco envía 5 millones de alimentos al jugador llamado "Shark".
El banco envía 5 millones de alimentos al jugador llamado "Shark".
El banco enviara 5m de todos los rss, excepto trigo, al jugador llamado Shark

espacio, debes hacer

Página 5

1 se convertiría en jugador_1 (!setacc jugador_1)

convertiría en "jugador 1" (!setacc "jugador 1")

es esencialmente un administrador del banco. No pueden usar el comando DONAR

n prolongada, como etapas de héroes

ing tasks, such as hero stages.

Página 6


!help Sends all commands ingame !help
!stats Sends stats of gifts from purchase / monsters you have got !stats
!stats all Sends a summary of your guilds purchase / monsters !stats all
!pstats [Player_Name] Sends stats of gifts from purchase / monster this player has got !pstats Simon_Cat
!pos Sends the Guild Bank location !pos
!stats all Sends the Guild Gift stats ingame !stats all
!shield Checks the shield time !shield
!shield deploy Deploys a shield on the bank !shield deploy
!relocate [X] [Y] Relocates the bank !relocate 243 209
!relocate rand Relocates to a random position on the map !relocate rand
!relocatekvk [K] Radnomly relocate into target KVK Kingdom !relocatekvk 60
!recall Recall all troops (not include marching troops) !recall
!migrate [K][X][Y] Migrate into target Kingdom !migrate 60 200 900
!buildspam [amount] [delay] Spams helps for Guild fest/Guild coins !buildspam 120 5
!buildspam [stop] Will cancel command buildspam !buildspam stop
!hunt [x] [y] Hunts the specified monster !hunt 150 166
!hunt [on/off] Disable or enable hunting for the account !hunt on
!addtitle [player] [title] If the bank is regent, it will give a title !addtitle Shark chief
!deltitle [title] The bank will remove the the specified title !deltitle chief


!whitelist [player] [Rank] Acceps a player into Guild and sets Rank !whitelist Shark R4
!blacklist [player] Rejects a player applying to the guild !blacklist Shark
!unlistwhite [player] Removes a player from the whitelist !unlistwhite Shark
!unlistblack [player] Removes a player from the blacklist !unlistblack Shark
!purge Clears the Guild Chat !purge
!abort Aborts all RSS shipments !abort
!yell [msg] Writes a message to the guild chat !yell hello
!quest Gets banks guild fest status !quest
!guild [tag] Leaves the current guild and joins a new one !guild 123
!camp / !campleader [x] [y] Sends a camp to x/y !camp 100 100
!setgather [on/off] Disable or enable gathering for the account !setgather off
!snowbeast Activates the snowbeast familiar ability !snowbeast
!stop [time] Stops the bank for "x" Seconds !stop 60

Página 7

!reloadacc Will forcefully reset the account !reloadacc

!members Will forcefully reload the list of players in the guild !memebers

Search commands support the ability to post the results in guild chat for easy coordinates acces. You can do this by writi
Example: !findtile food 4 chat
The search of all these commands are about 70 tiles
!findtile [type] [level] bank will find tiles around castle bank !findtile food 4
!findtile [any] [level] bank will find tiles around castle bank !findtile any 4
!findtilelocal [type] [level] bank will find tiles around around the castle who sent the command !findtilelocal food 4
!findmonster [monstername] [level] bank will find monster around castle bank !findmonster hardrox 2
!findmonster [any] [level] bank will find monster around castle bank !findmonster any 2
!findmonsterlocal [monstername] [lebank will find monster around castle who sent command !findmonsterlocal hardrox 2
!finddarknest [level] bank will find a darknest around the bank !finddarknest 3
!finddarknestlocal [level] bank will find a darknest around the castle who sent the command !finddarknestlocal 3

!bal Checks your balance !bal
!adminbal [player] Check the balance of the player !adminbal Shark
!adminbal Check the RSS balance of the Bank !adminbal
!adminbag Checks the RSS Balance of the Banks Bag !adminbag
!setbal [player] [type] [amount] Manually sets RSS balance to an account !setbal Shark food 100M
!setacc [player] Sets all Balance to be acredited to another acc !setacc Shark
!transfer [player] [type] [amount] Transfers the Balance to another player !transfer Shark
!setrsslimit [type] [amount] Sets a limit for RSS which bank won't go below !setrsslimit gold 100M

![type] [amount] Sends one specific RSS !food 5M
!rss [F] [S] [W] [O] [G] Sends all types of RSS !rss 5M 5M 5M 5M 0
!donate[type] [player] [amount] Sends RSS to a specific player !donatefood Shark 5M
!admin[type] [player] [amount] Sends RSS to a specific player !adminfood Shar 5M
!adminrss [F] [S] [W] [O] [G] [player]
Sends all types of RSS !admin rss 0 5M 5M 5M 5M Shar


Página 8

If the players name has a space you must either;

Use an underscore within the command. Example: Player 1 would become Player_1 (!setacc P
Use quotes around the name. Example Player 1 would become "Player 1" (!setacc "Playe

Authorized users balances are non-deductible (Unlimited balance), an Authorized user is essentially an administrator of the ba

The bank will not respond during long running tasks, such as hero stages.

Página 9


Sends a list of commands
Report of all Guild Gifts for yourself since last stat reset
Sends a summary of your guilds purchase / monsters
Sends a report of the Guild Gift stats "Simon Cat" has since last reset
Reports the exact location of the Bank
Report of all Guild Gifts collected since reset
Report of when the Bank shield drops
Shield is activated on the bank
Relocates the bank to coords X:243 Y:209
Relocate the bank to a random position on the map
Randomly relocates into the target kingdom
Recall all troops to your castle
Migrate to coordinate K:60 X:200 Y:900
The bank will spam help 120 times, with a 5 second delay between each build
The bank will stop spam help/cancel build in progress
The bank will hunt a monster located on X:150 Y:166
Enables hunting
The bank will give Shark the title "Chief"
The bank will delete the chief title from the player currently having it

Shark will be accepted into Guild and given Rank 4
Shark will not be allowed into the Guild (or kicked)
Shark will be removed from the Whitelist
Shark will be removed from the Blacklist
The Guild Chat will be cleared
All RSS that is queued will be canceled
Writes hello in the guild chat
Mails requesting player the guild fest status of thebank
Leaves the guild and tries to join '123'
Sends a 1 troop camp to x:100 y:100
Disables gathering
Snowbeast familiars skill is activated
Account will go offline for 60 seconds

Página 10

Resets the account

The member information on the bank is refreshed

nates acces. You can do this by writing chat at the end of the command
od 4 chat
ds are about 70 tiles
Bank will search tile of food level 4 and send result on mail
Bank will search any type of tile level 4 and send result on mail
Bank will search tile of food level 4 and send result on mail
Bank will search hardrox level 2 and send result on mail
Bank will search any monster level 2 and send result on mail
Bank will search hardrox level 2 and send result on mail
Bank will search for a level 3 darknest around the bank and send the result on mail
Bank will search for a level 3 darknest around the player who sent the command and send the result on mail

Report of how much RSS you sent to the Bank
Report of how much RSS Shark sent to the Bank
Report of how much RSS the Bank has
Report of how much RSS the Bank has in bags
Sets Food Balance of Shark to 100M (Letting him request 100M food from the bank)
All the balance you send to the Bank will be acredited to the account Shark
You sent 50M gold to the bank, after the command those 50M are credited to Shark
If the Bank has less than 100M Gold it won't send gold anymore

The bank sends 5M of Food
The bank sends 5M of all RSS (except Gold)
The bank sends 5M Food to the player named "Shark"
The bank sends 5M Food to the player named "Shark"
The bank sends 5M of all RSS (except Food) to the player named "Shark"

Página 11

e you must either;

1 would become Player_1 (!setacc Player_1).
d become "Player 1" (!setacc "Player 1")

sentially an administrator of the bank. They cannot use the Donate command

ing tasks, such as hero stages.

Página 12


!help Sends all commands ingame !help
!stats Sends stats of gifts from purchase / monsters you have got !stats
!stats all Sends a summary of your guilds purchase / monsters !stats all
!pstats [Player_Name] Sends stats of gifts from purchase / monster this player has got !pstats Simon_Cat
!pos Sends the Guild Bank location !pos
!stats all Sends the Guild Gift stats ingame !stats all
!shield Checks the shield time !shield
!shield deploy Deploys a shield on the bank !shield deploy
!relocate [X] [Y] Relocates the bank !relocate 243 209
!relocate rand Relocates to a random position on the map !relocate rand
!relocatekvk [K] Radnomly relocate into target KVK Kingdom !relocatekvk 60
!recall Recall all troops (not include marching troops) !recall
!migrate [K][X][Y] Migrate into target Kingdom !migrate 60 200 900
!buildspam [amount] [delay] Spams helps for Guild fest/Guild coins !buildspam 120 5
!buildspam [stop] Will cancel command buildspam !buildspam stop
!hunt [x] [y] Hunts the specified monster !hunt 150 166
!hunt [on/off] Disable or enable hunting for the account !hunt on
!addtitle [player] [title] If the bank is regent, it will give a title !addtitle Shark chief
!deltitle [title] The bank will remove the the specified title !deltitle chief


!whitelist [player] [Rank] Acceps a player into Guild and sets Rank !whitelist Shark R4
!blacklist [player] Rejects a player applying to the guild !blacklist Shark
!unlistwhite [player] Removes a player from the whitelist !unlistwhite Shark
!unlistblack [player] Removes a player from the blacklist !unlistblack Shark
!purge Clears the Guild Chat !purge
!abort Aborts all RSS shipments !abort
!yell [msg] Writes a message to the guild chat !yell hello
!quest Gets banks guild fest status !quest
!guild [tag] Leaves the current guild and joins a new one !guild 123
!camp / !campleader [x] [y] Sends a camp to x/y !camp 100 100
!setgather [on/off] Disable or enable gathering for the account !setgather off
!snowbeast Activates the snowbeast familiar ability !snowbeast
!stop [time] Stops the bank for "x" Seconds !stop 60

Página 13

!reloadacc Will forcefully reset the account !reloadacc

!members Will forcefully reload the list of players in the guild !memebers

Search commands support the ability to post the results in guild chat for easy coordinates acces. You can do this by writing ch
Example: !findtile food 4 chat
The search of all these commands are about 70 tiles
!findtile [type] [level] bank will find tiles around castle bank !findtile food 4
!findtile [any] [level] bank will find tiles around castle bank !findtile any 4
!findtilelocal [type] [level] bank will find tiles around around the castle who sent the command!findtilelocal food 4
!findmonster [monstername] [level] bank will find monster around castle bank !findmonster hardrox 2
!findmonster [any] [level] bank will find monster around castle bank !findmonster any 2
!findmonsterlocal [monstername] [lebank will find monster around castle who sent command !findmonsterlocal hardrox 2
!finddarknest [level] bank will find a darknest around the bank !finddarknest 3
!finddarknestlocal [level] bank will find a darknest around the castle who sent the command !finddarknestlocal 3

!bal Checks your balance !bal
!adminbal [player] Check the balance of the player !adminbal Shark
!adminbal Check the RSS balance of the Bank !adminbal
!adminbag Checks the RSS Balance of the Banks Bag !adminbag
!setbal [player] [type] [amount] Manually sets RSS balance to an account !setbal Shark food 100M
!setacc [player] Sets all Balance to be acredited to another acc !setacc Shark
!transfer [player] [type] [amount] Transfers the Balance to another player !transfer Shark
!setrsslimit [type] [amount] Sets a limit for RSS which bank won't go below !setrsslimit gold 100M

![type] [amount] Sends one specific RSS !food 5M
!rss [F] [S] [W] [O] [G] Sends all types of RSS !rss 5M 5M 5M 5M 0
!donate[type] [player] [amount] Sends RSS to a specific player !donatefood Shark 5M
!admin[type] [player] [amount] Sends RSS to a specific player !adminfood Shar 5M
!adminrss [F] [S] [W] [O] [G] [player]
Sends all types of RSS !admin rss 0 5M 5M 5M 5M Shar


Página 14

If the players name has a space you must either;

Use an underscore within the command. Example: Player 1 would become Player_1 (!setacc Player
Use quotes around the name. Example Player 1 would become "Player 1" (!setacc "Player 1")

Authorized users balances are non-deductible (Unlimited balance), an Authorized user is essentially an administrator of the bank. Th

The bank will not respond during long running tasks, such as hero stages.

Página 15


Sends a list of commands
Report of all Guild Gifts for yourself since last stat reset
Sends a summary of your guilds purchase / monsters
Sends a report of the Guild Gift stats "Simon Cat" has since last reset
Reports the exact location of the Bank
Report of all Guild Gifts collected since reset
Report of when the Bank shield drops
Shield is activated on the bank
Relocates the bank to coords X:243 Y:209
Relocate the bank to a random position on the map
Randomly relocates into the target kingdom
Recall all troops to your castle
Migrate to coordinate K:60 X:200 Y:900
The bank will spam help 120 times, with a 5 second delay between each build
The bank will stop spam help/cancel build in progress
The bank will hunt a monster located on X:150 Y:166
Enables hunting
The bank will give Shark the title "Chief"
The bank will delete the chief title from the player currently having it

Shark will be accepted into Guild and given Rank 4
Shark will not be allowed into the Guild (or kicked)
Shark will be removed from the Whitelist
Shark will be removed from the Blacklist
The Guild Chat will be cleared
All RSS that is queued will be canceled
Writes hello in the guild chat
Mails requesting player the guild fest status of thebank
Leaves the guild and tries to join '123'
Sends a 1 troop camp to x:100 y:100
Disables gathering
Snowbeast familiars skill is activated
Account will go offline for 60 seconds

Página 16

Resets the account

The member information on the bank is refreshed

nates acces. You can do this by writing chat at the end of the command
od 4 chat
ds are about 70 tiles
Bank will search tile of food level 4 and send result on mail
Bank will search any type of tile level 4 and send result on mail
Bank will search tile of food level 4 and send result on mail
Bank will search hardrox level 2 and send result on mail
Bank will search any monster level 2 and send result on mail
Bank will search hardrox level 2 and send result on mail
Bank will search for a level 3 darknest around the bank and send the result on mail
Bank will search for a level 3 darknest around the player who sent the command and send the result on mail

Report of how much RSS you sent to the Bank
Report of how much RSS Shark sent to the Bank
Report of how much RSS the Bank has
Report of how much RSS the Bank has in bags
Sets Food Balance of Shark to 100M (Letting him request 100M food from the bank)
All the balance you send to the Bank will be acredited to the account Shark
You sent 50M gold to the bank, after the command those 50M are credited to Shark
If the Bank has less than 100M Gold it won't send gold anymore

The bank sends 5M of Food
The bank sends 5M of all RSS (except Gold)
The bank sends 5M Food to the player named "Shark"
The bank sends 5M Food to the player named "Shark"
The bank sends 5M of all RSS (except Food) to the player named "Shark"

Página 17

e you must either;

1 would become Player_1 (!setacc Player_1).
d become "Player 1" (!setacc "Player 1")

ssentially an administrator of the bank. They cannot use the Donate command

ing tasks, such as hero stages.

Página 18

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