Guia de Aprendizaje 8
Guia de Aprendizaje 8
Guia de Aprendizaje 8
GFPI-F-019 V3
Procedimiento de Desarrollo Curricular
Adicional a ello, el instructor retroalimentará diariamente los aportes que usted y sus
compañeros realicen a través de los foros, con el fin de brindar un acompañamiento
permanente y dinamizar el proceso de aprendizaje.
Nota: este ejercicio tiene el propósito de orientarlo de una forma práctica a la temática
de esta actividad de proyecto, por tanto, no es calificable.
Procedimiento de Desarrollo Curricular
Propiedades técnicas.
Necesidades a satisfacer.
Por ello, para que una empresa pueda cumplir con la visión y los objetivos propuestos,
sin duda alguna necesita diseñar un proceso de planeación que garantice y simplifique
las tareas y actividades que se requieren para cumplir tal fin, dicha planeación debe ser
coherente, sistémica y también debe conectar todos los niveles jerárquicos de la
empresa. Se debe tener en cuenta que el área de producción es una de las más
funcionales, por lo cual requiere un plan preciso que se pueda ejecutar de manera
Para realizar el instructivo tenga en cuenta que debe describir el paso a paso para cada
uno de los siguientes puntos.
La demanda.
Las ventas.
Los pedidos.
6. Selección uno (1) de los siguientes tres (3) programas de mejora y especifique
como lo implementaría:
Procedimiento de Desarrollo Curricular
Calidad total.
Materia prima.
8. Realice una orden de producción para iniciar el plan de producción de acuerdo con
el modelo que eligió.
9. Elabore el Plan Maestro de Producción con cada uno de sus componentes, debe
incluir la capacidad de producción, las restricciones y los tiempos que el producto
se gasta en cada máquina.
10. Explique los elementos que debe llevar una lista de chequeo, para verificar una de
las actividades que se realizan dentro de la planta de producción.
11. Mencione el nombre del software de producción que la empresa podría utilizar y
justifique su respuesta.
El funcionamiento de una empresa depende de cada uno de los procesos que realiza,
los cuales deben estar articulados entre sí para lograr los objetivos propuestos; se debe
también tener en cuenta que las actividades y procedimientos que se ejecutan, estén
alineados con la razón de ser y la visión de la organización para lograr el éxito de esta.
Materia prima.
Lista de chequeo (tenga en cuenta una de las actividades que se realizan dentro
de la planta de producción).
Para las empresas es fundamental determinar los productos y/o servicios que se van a
comercializar y cómo se van a fabricar, con el fin de proyectar el sistema de
producción; para ello se debe tener en cuenta que la capacidad es la máxima velocidad
de producción de una operación en un área de trabajo e incluso de toda la empresa, es
muy importante que esta satisfaga la demanda actual y futura, pues de lo contrario la
organización sufriría grandes pérdidas.
3. Si la empresa fabrica varios productos, elija solo uno para realizar el taller.
Explique qué hace la empresa cuando una de las máquinas presenta fallas.
Explique cuáles son las ventajas y desventajas del uso del software.
Construya un plan de mejoramiento que contenga tres (3) mejoras que usted
implementaría para las fallas que evidenció durante el taller, el plan de
mejoramiento debe contener:
o Objetivo.
o Beneficios.
o Beneficiarios.
o Metodología.
o Conclusiones.
Técnicas e
Evidencias de
Criterios de Evaluación Instrumentos de
Determina el requerimiento de
Evidencia de materiales, según las cantidades a
producto: producir, el producto y las ventas. Lista de
Evidencia 1: Propuesta. Determina de manera acertada en el
Elaborar la planeación plan de producción los subensambles Propuesta.
de un producto. y partes que se necesitan en los
distintos puntos de tiempo.
Considera en la planeación de la
producción los niveles y registros de
Evidencia de
desempeño: Lista de
Estructura adecuadamente una
opinión sobre un tema conocido de su
Evidencia 5: Video.
Presenting your master Video.
Procedimiento de Desarrollo Curricular
A WHILE: a certain period of time. Example: It's a little bit strange driving on the
opposite side of the road in Ireland, but you get used to it after a while.
ADDRESS: to give attention to (something): to deal with (a matter, issue, problem, etc.).
Example: We're all curious about how the president plans to address the issue.
ADVICE: opinion about what could or should be done about a situation or problem;
counsel. Example: Give me some advice, please! I don't know what to do.
AS TIME HAS GONE BY: idiomatic expression to show the progression of time.
Example: When I was ten years old, I was very short, but as time went by, I grew taller,
and by the time I was twenty, I was very tall.
BIT: A small portion, degree, or amount. Example: a bit of lint; a bit of luck.
BREAK YOUR COMPANY: to cause the ruin or failure of (an enterprise, for example).
Example: Indiscretion broke both marriage and career.
BUSY: engaged in activity, as work; occupied. Example: Sorry, she can't take your call,
she's busy at the moment.
BY THE WAY: incidentally. Example: By the way, you forgot to cash that check.
CEO: CEO is an abbreviation of “chief executive officer”. The person who has the most
authority in an organization or business. Example: A startup CEO used a very
persuasive speech to raise money.
CHAIN SUPPLY: the sequence of processes involved in the production and distribution
of a commodity. Example: Your business’ supply chain is the system you use to get
your product to end consumers, from obtaining raw materials to delivering the final
CODING: a system of symbols, letters, or words given certain arbitrary meanings, used
for transmitting messages requiring secrecy or brevity. Example: They had a code to
entry the club.
COMPETITORS: someone who is trying to win or do better than all others especially in
business or sports: someone who is competing. Example: We offer better rates than our
COMPLAINS: to say or write that you are unhappy, sick, uncomfortable, etc., or that
you do not like something. Example: If you're unhappy with the service, you should
complain to the manager.
COMPLAINT: a written or spoken statement in which someone says they are not
satisfied with something. Example: We lodged a complaint with the hotel manager. [=we
complained to the hotel manager].
CONCERNED: a feeling of worry usually shared by many people. Example: Her family
was very concerned for/about her decision.
CONSUMER: a person who purchases goods and services for personal use. Example:
Americans are the largest concumers of guns.
Costos Indirectos de Fabricación (CIF): son todos aquellos costos que se acumulan
de los materiales y la mano de obra indirecta, más todos los incurridos en la
producción, pero que, en el momento de obtener el costo del producto terminado, no
son fácilmente identificables de forma directa con el mismo.
CRITIQUED: a careful judgment in which you give your opinion about the good and bad
parts of something (such as a piece of writing or a work of art). Example: She wrote a
radical critique of the philosopher's early essays.
CUSTOMER: a person who buys goods or services from a shop or business. Example:
Mr Harrison was a regular customer at the Golden Lion".
CUSTOMERS: one that buys goods or services, as from a store or business. Example:
She's one of our regular customers.
DEAL WITH: to do something about (a person or thing that causes a problem or difficult
situation). Example: The government dealt harshly with the rebels.
DEATH: the act of dying; termination of life. Example: That was the death of
DEEPLY: in a way that is very complete, extreme, strongly felt, etc. Example: They fell
deeply in love.
DELAY: a situation in which something happens later than it should. Example: The
nurse apologized for the delay [=wait] and said that the doctor would be in shortly.
DEMAND: a forceful statement in which you say that something must be done or given
to you. Example: The workers said they would not end the strike until their demands
were met/satisfied.
DEVOTE: to give or apply (one's time, attention, or self, for example) entirely to a
particular activity, pursuit, cause, or person.
Ensamble: unión y enlace de distintos productos terminados (partes) para generar otro
de mayor valor agregado.
EVEN THOUGH: used as a stronger way to say “though” or “although”. It is used for
introducing a fact that makes the main statement in your sentence very surprising.
Example: Most of us ignore this good advice, even though we know it to be true.
EXPERTISE: special skill or knowledge: the skill or knowledge an expert has. Example:
His expertise on defense will help the team.
Factores de producción: según la definición del Banco Mundial, son los insumos que
se utilizan para producir bienes y servicios; por ejemplo, capital o mano de obra.
Flexible: que se adapta fácilmente a los cambios o las circunstancias que modifiquen
un proceso.
Procedimiento de Desarrollo Curricular
GROW: to expand; gain. Example: The business grew under new owners.
HANDLE: to manage or control (something) with your hands. Example: He knows how
to handle a motorcycle.
HIRE: to give work or a job to (someone) in exchange for wages or a salary. Example:
We hired someone to clean the office once a week.
HOTLINE: a direct telephone line set up for a specific purpose. Example: Our hotline
will help you find the best deals.
INSIDE: an inner side, edge, or surface of something — usually singular. Example: The
door can only be locked from the inside.
INVESTORS: to use money to earn more money: to use your money to purchase stock
in a company, to buy property, etc., in order to make future profit. Example: He made a
fortune by investing in real estate.
ISSUES: problems or concerns. Example: She's having some issues to finish her work.
Procedimiento de Desarrollo Curricular
LATELY: not long ago; recently. Example: Have you talked to Marianne lately?
LOOK UP: to search for and find, as in a reference book. Example: I need to look up
this word in the dictionary.
MACHINE: a piece of equipment with moving parts that does work when it is given
power from electricity, gasoline, etc. Example: Do you know how to operate/use/run this
Materiales: son directos e indirectos y son todos los elementos necesarios para
cumplir con la producción.
MATTER: used with what, how, when, etc., to say that something does not, will not, or
should not affect something else. Example: I'm going to do it, no matter what you say. =
No matter what you say, I'm going to do it. [=nothing you say will stop me from doing it].
MAY: used to indicate that something is possible or probable. Example: They may still
MEDIA: the radio stations, television stations, and newspapers through which
information is communicated to the public: mass media. Example: The event attracted a
lot of attention from the media. = The event attracted a lot of media attention.
MUST: used as an auxiliary to express obligation or compulsion: you must pay your
dues. In this sense, must does not form a negative. If used with a negative infinitive it
indicates obligatory prohibition. Example: Citizens must register in order to vote.
NOTICE: the act of noting or observing; perception or attention. Example: That detail
escaped my notice.
Procedimiento de Desarrollo Curricular
ONE-ON-ONE: denoting or referring to a situation in which two parties come into direct
contact, opposition, or correspondence. Example: you can be treated by a therapist on
a one-to-one basis.
OWN: of or belonging to oneself or itself. Example: She makes her own clothes.
PARTNERS: one of two or more people, businesses, etc., that work together or do
business together. Example: They are partners in the real estate business.
PEPPERS: A perennial climbing vine (Piper nigrum) native to India, widely cultivated for
its long slender spikes of small fruit. Example: I prefer eating red peppers rather than
the green or yellow ones.
PERFORMANCE: the act of doing a job, an activity, etc. Example: a student's academic
PICK: to gather or select the harvest from. Example: They picked the field in one day.
PITY: something that causes sadness or disappointment. Example: It's a pity [=shame]
you can't go. = Pity (that) you can't go. [=I'm sorry that you can't go].
PODCAST: an audio file similar to a radio broadcast, which can be downloaded and
listened to on a computer, mp3 player, mobile phone, etc. Example: I've been listening
to the BBC podcasts to improve my English.
PRAGMATIC: dealing with the problems that exist in a specific situation in a reasonable
and logical way instead of depending on ideas and theories. Example: His pragmatic
view of public education comes from years of working in city schools.
Producción: proceso por medio del cual se crean los bienes económicos, haciéndolos
susceptibles de satisfacer necesidades humanas; es decir, incorporándoles utilidad.
RAW MATERIAL: the basic material from which a product is made. Example: Raw
materials are materials or substances used in the primary production or manufacturing
of goods. Raw materials are often referred to as commodities.
REFUND: pay back (money), typically to a customer who is not satisfied with goods or
services bought. Example: if you're not delighted with your purchase, we guarantee to
refund your money in full.
REQUESTS: an act of politely or formally asking for something. Example: They made a
request to begin work immediately.
RETAIL STORE: a place of business usually owned and operated by a retailer but
sometimes owned and operated by a manufacturer or by someone other than a retailer
in which merchandise is sold primarily to ultimate consumers. Example: Apple officially
opens new Singapore retail store to the public.
RETAILER: a person or business that sells goods to the public in relatively small
quantities for use or consumption rather than for resale. Example: "the big supermarkets
have forced many independent retailers out of business".
SEASHELLS: (Zoology) the empty shell of a marine mollusc. Example: You can hear
the sea through a seashell.
SEASHORE: Land by the sea. Example: You can get tanned by lying on the seashore.
STARTUPS: a new business. Example: They were looking for money to fund/launch a
STEPS: one of a series of actions that are done to achieve something. Example: We
are taking steps to correct the situation.
Procedimiento de Desarrollo Curricular
STILL: continuing now or in the future as in the past. Example: do you still love me?
SUIT: an outfit worn for a special activity. Example: a diving suit; a running suit.
TAKE A LOOK INTO: to investigate or to try to discover the facts about something such
as a problem or a crime. Example: I wrote a letter of complaint and the airline has
promised to look into the matter.
TEAM: a group of people who work together. Example: The company hired a team of
lawyers to advise them.
VENDORS: a person or company offering something for sale, especially a trader in the
street. Example: "an Italian ice-cream vendor".
WITHIN: in or into the inner part; inside. Example: the streets within the city are quite
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