Nuevas Tecnologias Avanc Hematimet
Nuevas Tecnologias Avanc Hematimet
Nuevas Tecnologias Avanc Hematimet
El Dr. R. Hinzmann, seleccionado por Roche Diagnsticos (Sysmex), presenta la utilidad de la medida de la fraccin plaquetaria inmadura (FPI) cuya lectura se realiza en el canal de reticulocitos y plaquetas pticas de sus analizadores. La medida es con luz lser y fluorescencia con polimetino y oxazina. Con un programa propio, el analizador calcula dicha fraccin aunque no existe un estndar o un mtodo de referencia para dicho parmetro. Segn el autor dicho valor es muy reproducible y segn algunos artculos tiene gran utilidad clnica. En plaquetopenias producidas por falta de produccin de plaquetas o por quimioterapia sus valores seran normales (< 7 %) y en patologas como la prpura trombopnica idioptica, la prpura trombopnica trombocitopnica, los embarazos con hipertensin, y la coagulacin intravascular diseminada sus valores estaran muy aumentados. As mismo, este nuevo parmetro puede predecir la recuperacin de las plaquetas en los trasplantes de mdula sea y tras la quimioterapia antes que el recuento. La Dra. T. Molero, seleccionada por ABBOTT Diagnsticos, presenta la incorporacin de mtodos inmunolgicos a los contadores. Los sistemas de la compaa pueden realizar de forma automatizada, con un software especial, la lectura de CD3/CD4 y CD3/CD8 mediante un mtodo rpido, sencillo y exacto. La autora presenta los resultados de una versin semiautomtica de recuentos inmunolgicos con tubo abierto donde pueden realizarse lecturas de poblaciones linfocitarias como T, B, T/NK y NK con resultados muy correctos en comparacin con la citometra de flujo. Con 100 l de sangre y 5 l de monoclonal los autores han conseguido clasificar las distintas linfocitosis leves o moderadas de su laboratorio en su fase inicial y hacer el cribado sobre lo que precisa un estudio posterior o no. Adems, se presentan diversos estudios con CD61 para deteccin de plaquetas que mostraron un exactitud excelente y tambin con marcadores mieloides, monolticos, eritrocitarios y de clulas inmaduras. La autora sugiere la incorporacin de los marcadores monoclonales de forma automatizada, cuando se precisen, a los analizadores automatizados.
El desarrollo de los mtodos inmunolgicos incorporado a los contadores hematolgicos debe suponer un notable avance en el reconocimiento de las clulas sanguneas representadas en el hemograma. Es especialmente relevante para los linfocitos, ya que la linfocitosis moderada es el hallazgo ms frecuente en los hemogramas realizados en un laboratorio hematolgico de rutina. El recuento de linfocitos obtenido en los contadores representa la suma de las principales poblaciones linfocitarias T, B y NK. Una informacin inmunofenotpica sobre estas poblaciones ofrecera una buena aproximacin a la naturaleza de los linfocitos, los distinguira de otras poblaciones celulares y reducira el nmero de frotis para la revisin microscpica, as como las repeticiones de los hemogramas, aumentando de esta manera la eficacia del laboratorio de rutina de hematologa acortando el tiempo de respuesta. Por otro lado evitara la sobrecarga de la unidad de citometra de flujo, quedando reservados estos mtodos a la determinacin de las anomalas celulares especiales y a la resolucin definitiva del inmunofenotipo linfocitario. Hasta la fecha son escasos los autoanalizadores capaces de ofrecer un sistema de deteccin antignica celular y la total automatizacin al respecto es limitada. Sera deseable que la metodologa est en un futuro prximo totalmente automatizada, de manera que la preparacin de las muestras y adquisicin celular sea rpida y sencilla; que un tcnico de laboratorio entrenado pueda procesar las muestras de forma autnoma y que la emisin del resultado final se realice tambin de forma automtica y fiable.
tincin celular (LUC) o atipia linfocitaria (linfocitos variantes)1. Estas clulas pueden ser o no reactivas, o, ni siquiera ser linfocitos, ya que las clulas inmaduras o linfomatosas tienen caractersticas similares de resistencia elctrica y de dispersin de luz. Por otra parte, los datos clnicos incluidos en la peticin del informe aportan a menudo escasa informacin, son poco orientadores y hay adems que tener en cuenta que no todas las desviaciones numricas linfocitarias se asocian con entidades clnicas definidas. En los ltimos aos se han incorporado mtodos inmunolgicos a los autoanalizadores que integran la dispersin de luz con la emisin de fluorescencia (488 nm lser azul) similar a la de los citmetros de flujo convencionales. La combinacin de la tecnologa ptica con la deteccin de fluorescencia mediante el uso de anticuerpos monoclonales (AcMo) marcados con fluorocromos, aplicada a los autoanalizadores hematolgicos, ha supuesto un claro avance en la discriminacin de las distintas clulas hematolgicas. Los contadores hematolgicos Cell-Dyn 4000 y CellDyn Sapphire (Abbott Diagnostic, Santa Clara, CA, USA) disponen de un sistema ptico (dispersin de luz) y de tres canales detectores de fluorescencia FL1, FL2 y FL3. Los datos de adquisicin celular almacenados en modo de lista (List Mode) son capaces de generar mltiples combinaciones de histogramas expresando parmetros de dispersin de luz en ngulo intermedio a 7 Intermediate Angle Scatter (IAS), a 0 Axial Light Loss (ALL), y parmetros de las fluorescencias FL1, FL2 y FL3. La combinacin del doble histograma 0 frente a 7 permite la visualizacin morfolgica de tamao o size frente a complejidad celular o complexity (fig. 1), y, la combinacin de las distintas fluorescencias, muestra la expresin de los distintos
Los contadores hematolgicos realizan el recuento celular y diferencial leucocitario siguiendo distintas tcnicas nicas o combinadas como la citoqumica, la impedancia, la radiofrecuencia o la dispersin de luz (ptica). Estos mtodos son generalmente insuficientes para ofrecer informacin respecto al origen de los linfocitos. Las alarmas sealan nicamente anomalas cuantitativas, y alguna aproximacin cualitativa como la sospecha de activacin; de tamao con ausencia de
0 Size 0 0 7 Complexity 255 Figura 1. Doble histograma de dispersin de luz que define tamao (0 size) frente a complejidad celular (7 complexity). Se observa la clara separacin de los eventos correspondientes a los linfocitos (azul), monocitos (morado) y granulocitos (naranja). haematologica/edicin espaola | 2006;91(Supl 1) | 139 |
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102 101 100 0 FL1 CD3FITC FL2 CD19PE/HLA-DRPE 101 102 FL2 103 104 Figura 2. A) Distribucin morfolgica. B) Expresin de fluorescencia FITC (FL1) de los linfocitos T CD3+/HLA-DR/CD19 (en rojo) frente a los linfocitos marcados con PE (FL2) CD3/HLA-DR+ (en azul).
0 0
antgenos celulares y su localizacin morfolgica (figs. 2A y 2B). Los resultados se expresan como porcentaje de la poblacin celular en estudio y se transforman en cifras absolutas en referencia al recuento total y diferencial leucocitario suministrados por el mismo autoanalizador. Habitualmente el marcaje con AcMo se realiza con dos fluorocromos FL1 (isotiocianato de fluorescena FITC) y FL2 (ficoeritrina PE). La tercera fluorescencia (FL3) detecta la viabilidad celular (tincin vital con yoduro de propidio), aunque existe una opcin en el Cell-Dyn Sapphire (SRP-CD4) que no incorpora esta tincin dejando as libre el canal FL3, posibilitando el marcaje simultneo con las tres fluorescencias, aunque se perdera la seal de clulas no viables y las caractersticas antignicas podran verse alteradas 2.
Adems de las tcnicas de citometra de flujo convencional, estas poblaciones se han definido tambin por otros mtodos como los realizados por capilaridad de un volumen conocido (IMAGN 2000; Biometric Imaging, Mountain View, CA) 4 o en microplaca (TRAxCD4, T cell Diagnostics, Cambridge, MA; and Zymmune, Zynaxis, Malvern, PA) 5, o, de manera similar, en distintos equipos como en el analizador Coulter STKS 6. En los ltimos aos los avances en la determinacin del inmunofenotipo linfocitario en los autoanalizadores Cell-Dyn 4000 y Cell-Dyn Sapphire han ido dirigidos hacia la realizacin de estas tcnicas en tubo abierto. De esta manera se pueden combinar distintos AcMo, detectando la expresin antignica celular, y permitiendo adems una visualizacin de la localizacin morfolgica de las poblaciones, subpoblaciones y de los linfocitos activados (figs. 3A y 3B) 2,7. La tcnica en tubo abierto utiliza una adaptacin del sistema automtico CD3/CD4/CD8 y consiste, brevemente, en sustituir los tubos marcados CD3/CD4 y CD3/CD8 por dos tubos Vacutainer limpios donde se incuba 100 l de sangre total anticoagulada con EDTA con el volumen adecuado de los AcMo a estudio durante 2-10 min a temperatura ambiente. Para la lectura automtica se utilizan los mismos cdigos de barras del sistema CD3/4/8. La adquisicin en el autoanalizador es inmediata y la lisis de los hemates automtica, no precisa lavado y puede ser realizada por un tcnico de laboratorio mnimamente especializado. El tiempo empleado en la adquisicin celular es aproximadamente 10 min por tubo. A continuacin se descargan los datos almacenados en modo de lista en un diskette despus de la transformacin de los datos en formato fcs 2.0 (Cell-Dyn 4000). Estos datos se transfieren a un PC para ser analizados en el programa WinList 4.0 (Becton Dickinson), en el programa WinMDI (software de citometra de flujo) o en el programa FCS Express v3 (De Novo Software, Thornhill, Ontario, Canad)2,7. Los datos del archivo pueden tambin descargarse directamente en un DVD, sin necesidad de transformacin en fcs (Cell-Dyn Sapphire). Utilizando el Cell-Dyn 4000 se analizaron 68 muestras de pacientes procedentes de nuestro laboratorio de rutina con un rango de recuento absoluto de linfocitos amplio: linfopnico (pacientes sometidos a qui00
104 103 Figura 3. A) Imagen de fluorescencias CD3 FITC versus CD19PE/ HLA-DR PE. En rojo los linfocitos T CD3+ DR-CD19; en rosa los linfocitos T activados CD3+ DR+; en azul la poblacin CD3/HLA-DR+. B) Localizacin morfolgica de los linfocitos T activados en el doble histograma morfolgico tamao (ALL) versus complejidad (IAS). FL1 102 101 100 0 All FL1 CD3FITC FL2 CD19PE/HLA-DRPE 101 102 FL2 103 104
32768 24576 16384 8192 0 0
30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Figura 4. Correlacin entre el recuento inmunolgico de los linfocitos T en el Cell-Dyn 4000 con el obtenido por citometra de flujo. Test de Passing-Bablock.
Figura 5. Correlacin entre el recuento de linfocitos B en el CD4000 con el obtenido por citometra de flujo. Test de PassingBablock.
mioterapia), normal o alto, y con procesos reactivos o malignos. Para la determinacin de los linfocitos T, B, T/NK y NK se utilizaron las combinaciones de marcadores CD19FITC/HLA-DRPE y CD3FITC/CD56PE. Los resultados mostraron una excelente correlacin entre la determinacin de poblaciones T (fig. 4) y B linfocitarias (fig. 5) con las determinadas por citometra de flujo. La correlacin fue inferior en la determinacin de las poblaciones NK y T-NK 7. Nuestro grupo ha realizado recientemente un estudio de poblaciones y subpoblaciones linfocitarias utilizando el Cell-Dyn Sapphire, en 128 muestras de pacientes infantiles y adultos, procedentes del laboratorio hematolgico de rutina y con linfocitosis leve o moderada (rango 6-20 10 9/l). Los datos preliminares han mostrado la posibilidad de una clasificacin inicial de distintas patologas linfocitarias. La tcnica consisti en la incubacin, en un tubo abierto y durante 5 min, de 100 l de sangre total anticoagulada con EDTA con 5 l de los AcMo CD3FITC/ CD19PE/HLA-DRPE y posterior adquisicin en el autoanalizador. Para el anlisis se utiliz el programa FCS Express v3 aplicando algoritmos para facilitar y agilizar el estudio. Con este sistema se ha logrado dis00
cernir entre linfocitosis T reactiva con expresin de CD3+/HLA-DR+ y no reactiva CD3+/HLA-DR, as como reconocer las posibles expansiones de linfocitos B CD19+/HLA-DR+. En 16 de las muestras se encontr un aumento de linfocitos B superior a 1,5 10 9/l. De ellas, las 8 muestras estudiadas mostraron clonalidad por mtodos citofluoromricos ulteriores. En un segundo tiempo se incluyeron AcMo dirigidos contra clulas NK (CD16FITC/CD56PE) y subpoblaciones T colaboradoras y supresoras (CD4FITC/CD8PE). En 10 muestras se logr objetivar una posible patologa compatible con expansin de clulas NK, de las que dos presentaban un patrn aberrante CD4/CD8. Aplicando rangos de normalidad segn la edad de los pacientes, el anlisis permiti la categorizacin de seis grupos de diagnstico: normal, reactiva, B clonal, linfocitosis NK, linfocitosis de significado incierto y linfocitosis NK persistente 8-10. Estos resultados apuntan hacia la posibilidad de realizar un cribado inicial de las linfocitosis en el autoanalizador, mejorando as la eficiencia del laboratorio de rutina y estableciendo una relacin lgica con el envo de muestras a la unidad de citometra de flujo (datos preliminares no publicados).
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focitarias en procesos con linfopenia o linfocitosis, reservando el papel de la citometra de flujo para el diagnstico de la patologa linfocitaria compleja. Estas tcnicas son de especial utilidad en los laboratorios donde el acceso a la citometra de flujo se ve limitada por la distancia fsica o por la sobrecarga de trabajo. El anlisis del inmunofenotipo linfocitario en los mencionados autoanalizadores, exceptuando el modo automtico para las subpoblaciones CD3/CD4/CD8, se realiza parcialmente de forma manual. Por ello es recomendable para facilitar y agilizar el estudio, crear algoritmos en el programa de anlisis. Por ltimo, cabe resaltar el inters en el logro de la total automatizacin de estos procesos en los contadores hematolgicos y la posibilidad de su realizacin de forma sistemtica por un tcnico de laboratorio especializado.
La incorporacin de la metodologa inmunolgica al laboratorio de rutina hematolgico es ya un hecho real que permite tipificar las distintas poblaciones lin| 142 | haematologica/edicin espaola | 2006;91(Supl 1)
13. Van der Meer W, Van Dun L, Gunnewiek JK, Roemer B, Scott CS. Simultaneous determination of membrane CD64 and HLA-DR expression by blood neutrophils and monocytes using the monoclonal antibody fluorescence capability of a routine haematology analyser. J Immunol Methods. 2006 (en prensa). 14. Johannessen B, Haugen T, Scott CS. Standardisation of platelet counting accuracy in blood banks by reference to an automated immunoplatelet procedure: comparative evaluation of Cell-Dyn CD4000 impedance and optical platelet counts. Transfus Apher Sci. 2001;25:93-106. 15. Hervig T, Haugen T, Liseth K, Kjeldsen J, Scott CS, Johannessen B. The platelet count accuracy of platelet concentrates obtained by using automated analysis is influenced by instrument bias and activated platelet components. Vox Sang. 2004;87:196-203. 16. Little BH, Robson R, Roemer B, Scott CS. Immunocytometric quantitation of foeto-maternal haemorrhage with the Abbott Cell-Dyn4000 haematology analyser. Clin Lab Haematol. 2005;27:21-31.
Laboratoire dHmatologie, Hpital Haut-Lvque, CHU Bordeaux, Pessac, France. 2Socit Horiba-ABX, Montpellier, France.
Nucleic acids of cells can be labeled by Thiazole orange (TO) which is a fluorescent intercalative dye largely used for labeling reticulocytes, reticulated platelets and red cell parasites in flow cytometry. We report here the use of TO for quantifying the intracellular content in nucleic acids of cell lines and peripheral blood leukocytes. Using DNAse and RNAse treatment, we were able to monitor the DNA and RNA intracellular content of K562 cell line by image analysis and flow cytometry. The same study, performed on peripheral whole blood after erythrocyte lysis, showed that leukocyte subpopulations could be discriminated on the basis of their RNA content and Side Scatter (SSC) intensity. Monocytes were the most fluorescent population, lymphocytes the medium fluorescent one and polymorphonuclears (PMN) the less fluorescent. Cell sorting experiments confirmed that CD13, CD3 and CD14 sorted positive cells contained respectively 99 % of dully, 94 % of medium and 97 % of brightly fluorescent cells after TO staining. In other experiments, we proved that the leukocyte discrimination by TO was essentially due to their RNA content and not their DNA content. Using FRET experiments performed with 7-amino-actinomycin D (7-AAD) and TO simultaneous incubation, we measured the green fluorescence of each leukocyte popula00
tion in the presence or not of 7-AAD. We found that the obvious decrease in fluorescence was exactly the same in the three leukocyte subpopulations but the remaining fluorescence was higher in monocytes than in lymphocytes, PMN being the less fluorescent cells. Furthermore, we tested the ability of TO for monitoring the in vitro activation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNC). After in vitro activation of PBMNC by phytohemaglutinin (PHA), 44 + /1 % of PHA treated cells had a relative increase of their fluorescence in comparison to the untreated cells. Using this method, we proved that PHA responding lymphocytes could be easily identified from non responding lymphocytes. Since Thiazole orange staining was shown an easy and reliable method to discriminate peripheral blood leukocyte subpopulations, we applied it to leukocyte differential in peripheral blood samples for the determination of normal subpopulations (i.e. white blood cells (WBC), nucleated red blood cells (NRBC)) and abnormal subpopulations (i.e. immature granulocytes (IG), blast cells and atypical lymphocytes). In a first part, we validated the TO staining method by flow cytometry (FCM). The study was performed for two years and the recruitment was as follow: 154 normal blood samples, 100 samples with NRBC, 150 samples with IG in hematological disease, 100 samples with IG in inflammation and/or infectious disease, 175 samples with blast or undifferentiated cells, 135 samples with lymphoproliferative disease. Basophil differential was tested on additional 100 samples. All the samples were analyzed using a manual counting on 200 cells and if discrepancies between manual and automated counts were detected, a new verification was performed on additional 200 cells. All the samples were also analyzed by FCM on an XL flow cytometer (Beckman Coulter) using a combination of TO and CD45-Pe-Cy5 labeling and analyzed using Expo32 analysis software. All the results were compared using the coefficient of correlation of Spearman and the intraclass coefficient of correlation. Excellent results were obtained for normal samples. The correlations between manual and XL counts were very good. From this first study, it was possible to claim that TO is a reliable marker to perform 4-part differential (including basophils). Other parameters were needed for discriminating eosinophils. NRBC were perfectly distinguished on TO/Side Scatter (SS) histograms and correlations between manual and XL counts were good. IG in both hematological disease and inflammatory/infectious disease were well separated from other WBC subpopulations and the TO/SS histogram could be proposed as a new reference method for detecting them. The main remaining problem was the detection and count of blast cells and abnormal lymphocytes. In a second run, the TO staining method was applied to a 5-part differential prototype based on a simultaneous recording of 4 parameters: TO fluorescence intensity, SSC, FSC, and resistivity measurement. The recruitment was as follow: 165 normal blood samples, 95 samples with NRBC, 175 samples with IG in
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hematological or inflammatory and/or infectious disease, 130 samples with blast or undifferentiated cells, 55 samples with lymphoproliferative disease. 50 bone marrow samples were also analyzed. Morphological analysis was performed as previously described and a flow cytometry differential was systematically carried out using a 4 colour staining: CD14-FIT/CD9-PE/ CD45-ECD/CD16-PC5. Data were analysed as previously described. Excellent quantification of peripheral blood normal leukocyte subpopulations, IG and NRBC were obtained. Nevertheless, even if flags could be easily built for detecting blast cells and abnormal lymphocytes, additional markers currently under investigation in our laboratory will be needed for precisely counting these abnormal subpopulations. In bone marrow samples, a good discrimination of cell subpopulation was obtained too. Cell TO staining seems a very promising method for quantification of normal and abnormal leukocyte subpopulations and our evaluation of a prototype based on this method and multiparametric analysis of data confirms that.
The ADVIA 120/2120 Hematology System is a benchtop analyzer for medium- to large-volume laboratories. A detailed description of this system has recently been published by Harris et al1. Essentially a flow cytometer, the ADVIA 120/2120 uses light scatter, differential white cell lysis, and myeloperoxidase and nucleic acid staining to analyze whole blood samples. In the red cell/platelet channel, red cells are converted to spheres. Using Mie theory, low-angle (2-3) and high-angle (5-15) light scatter analysis allows determination of the size and hemoglobin concentration of individual red cells 2. (Total hemoglobin concentration in a sample is additionally measured in the hemoglobin channel with a cyanide-free method measuring light absorption at 564 nm.) Similarly to the red cell analysis, the size and granularity of individual platelets is determined. White cells are enumerated and counted in two channels, in the peroxidase channel and in the lobularity/nuclear density channel. The peroxidase channel reagents form a dark precipitate with the peroxidase containing granules of white blood cells to distinguish peroxidase positive cells (neutrophils, eosinophils, and monocytes) from peroxidase-negative cells (lymphocytes, basophils, and large unstained cells). In the lobularity/nuclear density channel (also known as the basophil channel), leukocyte nuclei (and basophils) are analyzed according to size, lobularity, and nuclear density. In the separate reticuloctye channel, red cells are stained with oxazine 750, a nucleic acid dye. In addition to the enumeration of the reticulocytes, this method allows the reporting of novel parameters, like the CHr (corpuscular hemoglobin of reticulocytes) at no additional cost. The enumeration of nucleated red cells (NRBC) on the ADVIA 120/2120 system is based on data collected in the two white cell channels already described. No additional hardware or reagents are necessary. A recent international multicenter clinical trial has shown that the method correlates well with microscopy and has very high sensitivity and specificity 3. White cell counts and differentials are corrected automatically if NRBCs are present.
Introduction Background
The modern clinical hematology laboratory is facing strong pressures to provide complete blood counts (CBCs), white cell differentials, and reticulocyte enumerations with short turnaround times, high accuracy and reliability, and at the lowest possible cost. These goals can only be achieved with automated cell counters, which allow the rapid analysis of large numbers of patient samples with a minimal amount of labor. This report summarizes the experience of the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in Boston, Massachusetts, in achieving these goals with the Bayer ADVIA 120/2120 system. We are a tertiary care academic teaching hospital with 868 beds, over 42,000 admissions and 1.2 million outpatient visits annually. We have been using the ADVIA 120/2120 system for over 7 years, and are presently using 7 instruments.
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pronounced microcytosis and less hypochromasia. The presence of more than one red cell population, for example in transfused patients or patients with correcting iron deficiency, can easily be determined by simple review of the red cell cytogram (fig. 1).
The ADVIA 120/2120 System can determine the size as well as hemoglobin- and RNA-content of individual red cells. This allows the reporting of reticulocyte parameters like the CHr (the corpuscular hemoglobin content of reticulocytes) and the comparison of these parameters to their equivalents in all red cells or in mature red cells alone. The CHr is used in many medical centers for the guidance of iron and erythropoietin therapy of patients on hemodialysis 4,5. It can also be used to distinguish between iron deficiency and anemia of chronic disease6. Most recently, Ullrich and colleagues have published in JAMA the results of a prospective study on the use of the CHr for the diagnosis of iron deficiency 7. Their findings show that a CHr of less than 27.5 pg is a more accurate hematological indicator of iron deficiency than hemoglobin measurement. The authors raise the possibility that the CHr, and not hemoglobin determination, should be used as the screening test for iron deficiency in infants.
of platelets from other events (microcytes, cell fragments) and therefore a more accurate platelet count. The determination of platelet granularity allows the reporting of a unique parameter, the mean platelet component (MPC). The MPC, a parameter which is available as a part of every CBC obtained with the ADVIA 120/2120 at no additional cost, is inversely correlated to platelet activation 8. A number of groups have published studies on the use of the MPC for the monitoring of the activational status of platelets, for example in patients with coronary artery disease, in diabetics, and in athletes 9-11.
White cells
Simple review of the myeloperoxidase staining patterns provided by the ADVIA 120/2120 system allows the diagnosis or exclusion of myeloperoxidase deficiency. Combinations of the myeloperoxidase staining patterns and nuclear density of white cells is utilized in the PANDA (Peroxidase Activity Nuclear Density Analysis) Classification, which can be used as a tool in the initial workup of cases of leukemia12,13.
Effects of the use of the ADVIA 120/2120 system on productivity at the Massachusetts General Hospital
At the Massachusetts General Hospital, all blood samples on which a complete blood count and/or a white cell differential is ordered are first analyzed by the
The two-dimensional platelet analysis performed by the ADVIA 120/2120 system allows better distinction
Figure 1. Red cell cytograms. A) Normal cytogram. B) Patient with iron deficiency: Red cells are hypochromic and microcytic C) Patient with beta thalassemia trait: Red cells are microcytic, but less severely hypochromic than in iron deficiency. D) Patient with iron deficiency who has received a blood transfusion: The patients own red cells are hypochromic and microcytic; the transfused red cells are normocytic and normochromic.
Review rate (%) Before ADVIA 120 After ADVIA 120 1st adjustment of flagging criteria 2nd adjustment of flagging criteria Upgrade to ADVIA 2120 64 47 37 28 23
under way to use a neural network-based software program to analyze the results obtained with the ADVIA 120/2120. This program will allow the preclassification of the cause of a patients anemia. As shown in table 2, the system already has high accuracy for a number of common diseases.
1. Harris N, Kunicka J, Kratz A. The ADVIA 2120 Hematology System: Flow cytometry-based analysis of blood and body fluids in the routine hematology laboratory. Lab Hematol. 2005;11:47-61. 2. Mohandas N, Kim YR, Tycko DH, Orlik J, Wyatt J, Groner W. Accurate and independent measurement of volume and hemoglobin concentration of individual red cells by laser light scattering. Blood. 1986;68:506-13. 3. Kratz A, Maloum K, OMalley C, Zini G, Rocco V, Zelmanovic D, et al. Enumeration of Nucleated Red Blood Cells with the ADVIA 2120 Hematology System: An International Multicenter Clinical Trial. Lab Hematol. 2006;12:63-70. 4. Fishbane S, Galgano C, Langley RC Jr, Canfield W, Maesaka JK. Reticulocyte hemoglobin content in the evaluation of iron status of hemodialysis patients. Kidney Int. 1997;52:217-22. 5. Tessitore N, Solero GP, Lippi G, Bassi A, Faccini GB, Bedogna V, et al. The role of iron status markers in predicting response to intravenous iron in haemodialysis patients on maintenance erythropoietin. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2001;16:1416-23. 6. Thomas C, Thomas L. Biochemical markers and hematologic indices in the diagnosis of functional iron deficiency. Clin Chem. 2002;48:1066-76. 7. Ullrich C, Wu A, Armsby C, Rieber S, Wingerter S, Brugnara C, et al. Screening healthy infants for iron deficiency using reticulocyte hemoglobin content. Jama. 2005;294:924-30. 8. Macey MG, Carty E, Webb L, Chapman ES, Zelmanovic D, Okrongly D, et al. Use of mean platelet component to measure platelet activation on the ADVIA 120 haematology system. Clin Cytometry. 1999;38:250-5. 9. Kennon S, Price CP, Mills PG, Macey M, Cooper J, Clarke H, et al. The central role of platelet activation in determining the severity of acute coronary syndromes. Heart. 2003;89:1253-4. 10. Bae SH, Lee J, Roh KH, Kim J. Platelet activation in patients with diabetic retinopathy. Korean J Ophthalmol. 2003;17:140-4. 11. Kratz A, Wood MJ, Siegel AJ, Hiers JR, Van Cott EM. Effects of marathon running on platelet activation markers: direct evidence for in vivo platelet activation. Am J Clin Pathol. 2005; 125:296-300. 12. Dix CJ, Hassall DG, Bruckdorfer KR. The increased sensitivity of platelets to prostacyclin in marathon runners. Thromb Haemost. 1984;51:385-7. 13. Zini G, dOnofrio G. Neural network in hematopoietic malignancies. Clin Chim Acta. 2003;333:195-201.
Table 2. Accuracy of a neural network used to pre-classify the causes of anemia based on the results of the ADVIA 120/2120 System
# Correct Normal Iron Deficiency Anemia -Thalassemia Heterozygote -Thalassemia Homozygote Hb S Homozygote Hb SC Hereditary Spherocytosis Total 229 69 1580 37 23 12 33 5610
ADVIA 120/2120 System. Only if the instrument flags the specimen, is a slide prepared and a microscopic review performed. Before the use of the ADVIA 120 at our institution, our review rate (the percentage of samples which required the preparation of a slide) was 64 % (table 1). After we started to use the ADVIA 120, our review rate dropped to 47 %. Subsequent adjustment of the flagging criteria resulted in a further reduction of the review rate to 37 %. A further refinement of the flagging criteria allowed us to achieve a review rate of 28 % on the ADVIA 120. In 2005, we upgraded to the ADVIA 2120. This resulted in an additional reduction of the review rate to 23 %. This reduction in our review rate by 41 % has led to very significant savings in labor cost and allowed us to provide clinicians with a short turnaround time of blood counts and differentials.
Future directions: using neural networks for the analysis of the multitude of parameters provided by the ADVIA 120/2120 System
It is clear that in addition to providing the traditional CBC and white cell differential parameters, modern automated cell counters can provide many novel parameters. The large number of parameters which thus become available as the result of a routine laboratory test like a CBC are best analyzed by sophisticated computer systems. A research project is presently
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Jean Bernard, de la Academia Francesa, describa en su prologo al fascculo de Luis Hernndez Nieto La sangre y sus enfermedades en el Quijote cmo el hombre
ha tomado conciencia por primera vez de la importancia vital de la sangre: En la pared de una gruta en Altamira, un auriacense de los tiempos paleolticos represent un animal, probablemente un mamut que muere de hemorragia, figurando la sangre derramada una gran mancha roja. Afortunadamente la humanidad ha dado pasos de gigante en el progreso cientfico, pasando de la mera observacin ocular a la utilizacin de tecnologas sofisticadas de anlisis de sangre y de lquidos biolgicos en general.
Figura 4. Contador de partculas Coulter Modelo A.
Parmetros de investigacin
en el estudio de las leucemias linfticas crnicas (LLC), evaluando el inters del volumen medio de los linfocitos y su conductividad en esta enfermedad. Estos resultados han sido corroboradas por el trabajo de Arroyo et al2, por otro estudio multicntrico3,12-14 y por Silva et al 4. La propuesta, a nuestro juicio, ms innovadora proviene del trabajo de Brtolo et al 5 relativo a la evaluacin de la utilidad de estos parmetros en las LLC tpicas y atpicas. En cuanto a la serie mieloide conviene destacar la investigacin de la utilidad de los PI en el screening de pacientes con sepsis. Chaves et al 6 hallaron una sensibilidad y especificidad de los PI mayores que las de la reaccin en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR), el recuento de leucocitos, el de neutrfilos o el de cayados, en este grupo de pacientes. Las otras evaluaciones son relativas a los sndromes mielodisplsicos (SMD) 7,8 y revelan unas perspectivas interesantes por la alteracin caracterstica de los PI, reflejo de la disgranulopoyesis que acompaa este tipo de sndromes. Gallart et al 9 demuestran, en un estudio prospectivo, la correlacin entre el grado de anisocroma en los SMD y la alteracin de los PI de los reticulocitos. Finalmente en el estudio de los PI de la serie monoctica Fourcade et al 10 y Machin et al [en proceso de publicacin] han determinado un discriminante D = (DE Vol. Lin. DE Vol. Mon.)/100 para la deteccin y screening de pacientes con malaria. La sensibilidad y especificidad de este discriminante han resultado ser similares a las del inmunoensayo. Otra va de investigacin prometedora, ha sido iniciada por Wagner et al11, para evaluar la utilidad de los PI en la deteccin del riesgo de inmunoparlisis en pacientes ingresados en la unidad de cuidados intensivos. Estos autores han encontrado una correlacin significativa entre la disminucin de la expresin HLA-DR de los monocitos de estos pacientes, evidenciada por
acontecen en las distintas patologas deberan traducirse por alteraciones morfomtricas de las clulas en el analizador hematolgico. En lo relativo a la serie linfoide, Mora et al 1 han sido pioneros en investigar la utilidad de estos parmetros
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citometra de flujo, y las alteraciones del volumen medio y de la DE (ancho de distribucin) de los monocitos analizados por el LH750.
1. Mora A, Gonzlez FA, Alarcn C, Lpez I, Polo M, Villegas A, et al. Estudio del volumen, conductividad y dispersin (VCS) en los linfocitos de la LLC. Haematologica. 1998;83 Supl 2:172 2. Arroyo JL, Simn R, Garca MA, Bentahar A, San Miguel JF. Utilidad de la pantalla de investigacin del instrumento Coulter Gens, en el estudio etiolgico de linfocitosis y en el diagnstico diferencial de sndromes linfoproliferativos crnicos. Haematologica. 2000;85 Supl 3:49. 3. Lima M, Navarro T, Arroyo JL, Piqueras J, Mill F, San Miguel JF, et al. Multicenter study of the Beckman Coulter Gens investigation screen parameters in the lymphocyte population. Blood. 2000;96(Pt 2):11. 4. Silva M, Fourcade C, Fartoukh C, Lenormand B, Vasse M, et al. Lymphocyte volume and conductivity indices of the haematology analyser Coulter GEN.S in lymphoproliferative disorders and viral diseases. Clin Lab Haem. 2006;28:1-8.
5. Brtolo R, Ferreira L, Ferreira D, Jorge L, Tavares C, Palmeiro A. Parmetros posicionales del Beckman-Coulter LH750 en las leucemias linfocticas crnicas (LLC) tpica y atpica. Haematologica. 2005;90 Supl 2:84. 6. Chaves F, Tierno B, Xu D. Quantitative determination of neutrophil VCS parameters by the Coulter automated haematology analyzer. Am J Clin Pathol. 2005;124:440-4. 7. Orero M, Miguel A, Marco J, Hueso J, Mora C, Carbonell F, et al. Utilidad de la pantalla de investigacin del Coulter Gens en la valoracin de los signos de disgranulopoyesis en sangre perifrica. Haematologica. 2001;86 Supl 2:108. 8. Caldern M, Dez JL. White blood cell research population data in myelodysplastic sndromes. Abstract 201. ISLH meeting in Amsterdam. 2006. 9. Gallart MA, Gmez-Arbons X, Teixid M, Farr J. Estudio comparativo de los ndices eritrocitarios y reticulocitarios en pacientes con sndrome mielodisplsico y un grupo control mediante tecnologa VCS. Haematologica. 2001;86 Supl 2:108. 10. Fourcade C, Casbas MJC, Belaouni H, Gonzlez JJD, Garca PJJ, Pepio MAE. Automated detection of malaria by means of the haematology analyser Coulter GEN.S. Clin Lab Haem. 2004;26:367-72. 11. Wagner T, Weitzner B, Siegmund R. Detection of immunoparalysed patients using Coulter LH 750 differentials reflexed to the flow cytometric HLA-DR analysis for confirmative analysis. Abstract 55. ISLH meeting in Barcelona. 2004. 12. Calle M, Atalaya J, Andrade A, Carvalho C, Bentahar A, Pereira I, et al. Utilidad de los parmetros posicionales del analizador hematolgico Beckman Coulter LH 750 en el estudio etiolgico de las linfocitosis. Haematologica. 2005;90 Supl 2:84. 13. Piccinini C, et al. Efficacy and diagnostic usefulness of the coulter LH series positional parameters. Abstract 40. ISLH meeting in Barcelona. 2004. 14. Vega R, Redn E, Gallego R, Bentahar A. Estudio paramtrico de linfocitos en el equipo Coulter Gens como discriminante de virasis y otras linfocitosis de origen extrahospitalario. Haematologica. 2003;88 Supl 7:68.
Immature platelets are a marker of the thrombopoietic activity of the bone marrow megakaryocytes.
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They can be measured by flow cytometry, however, standardisation of this test has not been very successful so far. On the Sysmex XE-2100 automated haematology system an immature platelet fraction (IPF) can be measured with high reproducibility between instruments. IPF is a useful tool to assess thrombocytopenia: If thrombocytopenia is caused by destruction or consumption of platelets, like e.g. in immune thrombocytopenia or thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, IPF is elevated as a compensatory reaction of the bone marrow. In thrombocytopenia due to bone marrow suppression, e.g. after chemotherapy or stem cell transplantation, IPF is low or normal. IPF can also be used to monitor the above mentioned diseases and can potentially help to save platelet transfusions.
RNA and in analogy to the red blood cell reticulocytes were termed reticulated platelets. The RNA inside the reticulated platelets can be measured using flow cytometry and a fluorescent dye binding to RNA, like thiazole orange. In the early 90s it was demonstrated by Kienast and Schmitz 4 that in the clinical condition of thrombocytopenia due to increased consumption or destruction of platelets (with normal or elevated numbers of megakaryocytes in the bone marrow) the percentage of platelets stained with thiazole orange was significantly higher than in cases of thrombocytopenia due to impaired platelet production (with reduced bone marrow megakaryocytes). This observation suggested that the measurement of immature platelets could be very helpful to facilitate the differential diagnosis of thrombocytopenia and to monitor thrombocytopenic conditions, e.g. after cytotoxic chemotherapy 5,6. Additional interest arose in the clinical utility of measuring immature platelets with flow cytometry in thrombotic conditions like stroke 7,8 or in acute coronary syndrome 9.
So far, standardisation of the flow cytometric measurement of immature platelets has not been successful
As a consequence of these potential clinical applications, attempts were made to standardise the flow cytometric measurement of immature platelets. In 2002, the International Society for Haematology (ISLH) Reticulated Platelet Taskforce tried to achieve standardisation by using a well-defined consensus protocol on sets of 50 normal samples in 8 different laboratories 10. The immature platelets were identified by staining with thiazole orange and by using the platelet-specific antibodies anti-CD41 and anti-CD61, both labelled with a fluorescent dye. All raw data were analysed at a central location to avoid differences in the gating procedure. However, despite all these efforts, the means of the investigated patient samples varied strongly between the different laboratories. So, unfortunately, there is still no satisfying flow cytometric procedure that would allow to reproducibly measure immature platelets in different laboratories around the world.
Earlier studies rose interest in measuring immature platelets to investigate thrombocytopenic conditions
In the late 60s Ingram and Coppersmith 3 described that beagle dogs, after an induced acute blood loss, produced platelets that were larger in size than normal platelets and showed a coarse pattern of punctiform dots when stained with methylene blue and looked at under the microscope. The cells contained
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Immature platelets can now be measured as a routine test on the Sysmex XE-2100 haematological analyser
On the Sysmex XE-2100 haematological analyser (Sysmex Corporation, Kobe, Japan) platelets can be measured in the optical (fluorescence) reticulocyte/ platelet channel. The RNA in the cells is stained using a proprietary fluorescent dye containing polymethine and oxazine. The cells pass through a laser beam and the forward scattered light and fluorescence of the cells are measured. In the scattergram
(fig. 1) the fluorescence is plotted on the abscissa while the forward scattered light is plotted on the ordinate. A computer algorithm identifies the cluster of platelets in the scattergram. Upgrading the XE-2100 with SYSMEXs recently released so-called IPF Master software allows to distinguish the immature from the mature platelets by applying a special gating algorithm. This opens the possibility to easily, quickly and reproducibly measure immature platelets as part of the routine blood count, making this test now available 24 hours a day. The test is called IPF (standing for immature platelet fraction) and results are expressed either in percent of the total platelet concentration (IPF %) or as an absolute concentration (IPF#). In this review IPF is generally expressed in the format of IPF %. Currently, the routine measurement of IPF on a haematological analyser is unique to the Sysmex XE-2100. The availability of a commercial routine test for immature platelets has reignited the interest in the clinical use of immature platelets and, until today, three scientific publications on IPF on the XE-2100 have appeared11-13 and a forth one is in press14. Briggs et al 11 have determined the reference interval for immature platelets by measuring IPF in 50 healthy adults. The reference interval was 1.1-6.1 % (mean 3.4 %). These data were confirmed by Kickler et al 12 who derived a reference interval ranging from 0-6 % (mean 3.1 %) from 80 healthy adults. Zucker et al14 investigated 43 healthy adults and found a reference interval of 1.1-7.1 %. These findings suggest that, contrary to flow cytometric determination of immature platelets, IPF measurement on the XE-2100 is indeed a procedure delivering comparable results on different analysers.
Figure 1. Scattergram of the reticulocyte/platelet channel on the Sysmex XE-2100 haematological analyser. The gate indicating the immature platelet fraction (IPF) is shown only schematically. The patient sample depicted has a high IPF.
from 2.3-52.1 % (mean 16.8 %). The correlation between platelet concentration and IPF was indirect: The lower the platelet concentration the higher was IPF. Kickler et al13, when looking at all of their ITP patients, found IPF values between 3.6-35.4 % (mean 15.0 %). Despite different national guidelines 16,17, the investigation of the bone marrow to diagnose ITP remains controversial. Although it is not generally required by the guidelines, some authors perform bone marrow examination also for certain patients under 60 year of age 15. In these cases the measurement of IPF could demonstrate a proper thrombopoietic function of the bone marrow and avoid some of these invasive procedures. On the contrary, it has been suggested that all patients with suspected ITP without significantly elevated IPF should undergo bone marrow examination11. Given the fact that immature platelets are larger than mature platelets it has been suggested to use the mean platelet volume (MPV) or other platelet indices to identify ITP 18. However, besides the lower sensitivity and specificity of these parameters as compared to IPF, a major obstacle is that in cases of severe thrombocytopenia haematological analysers often fail to derive the respective platelet parameters from the platelet histogram. Therefore, IPF is clearly superior to MPV and other platelet indices.
tion of platelets, thrombocytopenia, and mechanical injury to erythrocytes 19. The principal pathological mechanisms underlying the disease have been elucidated recently 19,20: In many cases the activity of the enzyme ADAMTS 13 (a disintegrin and metalloprotease with thrombospondin-1-like domains) is reduced below 5 % of its regular activity. The physiological role of ADAMTS 13 is the cleavage of large von Willebrand factor (vWf) multimeres that are synthesised by the endothelium. In TTP the vWf multimeres accumulate, bind to the platelets and the platelet aggregates are clogging up smaller blood vessels and cause a thrombotic microangiopathy, comprising some of the following symptoms: thrombocytopenia, haemolytic anaemia, neurologic abnormalities, renal failure, and fever. This pathological mechanism for TTP can develop as a drug-induced side-effect of ticlopidine or clopidogrel. TTP, usually without ADAMTS 13 deficiency, is seen after administration of immunosuppressive or chemotherapeutic drugs, total body irradiation, or after organ transplantation. Closely related to TTP with regard to the clinical picture, although with focus on the kidneys, is haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS), caused by Shiga toxin in certain E. coli infections (strain O157:H7). Although the incidence of TTP is pretty low with 4 cases per million per annum, a quick diagnosis is required since the disease can be fatal within a very short time-frame. The combination of thrombocytopenia, elevated lactate dehydrogenase concentration and the presence of fragmented erythrocytes (fragmentocytes) points towards the diagnosis of TTP. The measurement of IPF is very helpful if TTP is suspected, since a highly elevated IPF is typical of the disease. All 5 patients with untreated TTP had IPF values above the reference interval:11.2-30.9 % (mean 22.3 %)11. The regular therapy for TTP is daily plasma exchange. To avoid an exacerbation of the microvascular thrombosis platelet transfusions must be strictly avoided, except in cases of life-threatening haemorrhage. IPF can be used to monitor the course of the treatment: As long as IPF is high, the platelet concentration will not rise. The requirement for treatment might persist for months. During this period patients usually suffer episodes of low and normal platelet concentrations which are mirrored by normal and high IPF values, respectively. 6 patients with TTP in remission had normal or only slightly elevated IPF values.
The use of IPF in patients receiving cytotoxic chemotherapy, peripheral blood stem cell transplantation or bone marrow transplantation
As a consequence of chemotherapy, the platelet concentration falls. As soon as the bone marrow recovers, IPF will rise. In 30 patients, while their platelet concentrations were falling, IPF was low, ranging from 0.8-3.5 % (mean 3.5 %). 13 of these patients were followed serially. In 8 patients with uncomplicated bone marrow recovery the rise in IPF preceded the rise of the platelet concentration by 1-2 days. At this point IPF ranged from 7.3-18.4 % (mean 12.1 %). For those 5 patients suffering from infections, receiving antibiotic treatment or frequent platelet transfusions, no consistent trend of IPF could be observed13. In another study 79 patients after cytotoxic chemotherapy had IPF values ranging from 1.2-10.9 (mean 4.1)12. In 15 patients receiving autologous and allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation the rise in IPF occurred after 5-11 days (mean 8 days) and preceded the rise of the platelet concentration by 1-3 days whereas in bone marrow transplantation the bone marrow took considerably longer to recover and IPF rose after 9-27 days (mean 15 days), preceding the rise of the platelet concentration by 2-7 days (mean 4.5 days)13.
tion when IPF is already elevated and they are neither septic nor bleeding, platelet transfusions should be deferred even at platelet concentrations below 10,000/ L13.
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