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-5I vLz

Jo JrBrI !"(E.reueIBJoru Jo lue,r e;o Io ?uu,ld,s1r ur'Eur4eads
f,'purrrr: 'urqc pappour dlaur; e lsuorleuuoJ Jelrrurs ur lensnun Irrlsou Jo qlpBa'rq e
I tq.lt;t qly'r'lnq'1epour.^aarqoHo?BcrlopB Jo osou e !e,t"rnoInlrlnB3q dl8urssud.rns,
hsass.-d e Jo lnq 'pned t[.re,r pue uql ?Bq^\ourossdq luosr.redurocpuodaq snou
iu pE-* -runl pue plnb11'a8le1 e.(e ue iuorxalduroc Jo ssausnorol€pecy 'oIqB{JBur
S pue -or sorur?IIB lE u00q pBq acBl srq Jo ralcBr€qc aql la^ irarlsn {crropou pBq
FIr aql se 'por.redB JsrJq os ur (paleg1e,t1qr;le1 os aloJaq Jaaou peq ueur '.[1alng
l5"-s. U 'xra? aqyJo pua aq? p uau? sasonld pun spJod4aql lo atuos
frxprrur dlaq nJ esn '*topq pamptd oraq aqx lo nrcn.nqc aq? aqrrcs?po7 fi,l1 '6
n's (341(pueq rlsreu. ag? ur raoc
'pasou-qnus 'po111aq-31q 'sa14ue 's1sr.rm.'aau-:1
B s€ alpprur aql q ropuols sB (?srenA. '1sod durel e sB IIel s€ 'lsrJ 's.uoq1a
's1r.r1sou'sapica;r;'ece; 'qlnour 'uorxelduroc 'peddq-4crq?'{cau 'papeeq-p1eq
!,[I;li J']
(rreq f,ssa.rpB (p€oqoJoJ'eqcelsnour'4aaqc (pareppoqs
p:s ieJ (urqc
-peoJq 's,tnolq-ede'acueuolunoc '{Oou 'pJ€oq 'spr1-ade's.re4srq,n-eprs
? {'[EQ (eu . r or llneH I oluBt llB y 1 t ' q p x a {a t 1 n 1 1
f [.a\E€
I sma;p 's1;r8 s,plerJo{ElA ;o 1.red ou
Irl ry-:d; apeur 'rule1 aql Jo Surueeur.redold oqq.q 'uorluur8eurJ'spron. Jo ploq ozros
t 3'{L o1 se crle8loua os ruoplos a.ra,ra.
slq8noql slq !1r ure11eo1 .roErl ou peq ro
'asod.rndou o? popuo ?Eql 's8ursnur
(pn1ca11e1ur-f,2e1pue 3uo1 ur ;1es1rpardncco puru
t|'r srq I os -,(1e,rr1ce
lou ?nq se.^&aH 'ourcu sH ,tq ?I IIEo pue Bopr
unto Jno 1no edeqs o? aarJ oJB aM i plaTJo{BlA se.^d.ueru e Jo ?Jos IBqIA

rrP Tt[R 'uoyaq uanE sasntqd pun sploltl t

ts.ru te aW Jo alaos asn 'padsn 1nnsfi,qdsn1 am?nut ox fi,t? 'tuaut?n$ s1t1tul paqlrcs )
Fo- s,pp(aEnl4 tunocrn oyut Sutqoj '1
-ap aro fi,aq?sn sam1na]1nct7oyot4cfi,sd I
Fg- )
f 1urqt
ssslcusxs $

hu- I
ar-[q le
teqs l_tvuruod
&qpu ;r
ln,:' lt
luouoerJ eql ill rq
j r"itr'ii
( lu
[- :' !rI
hc' tlau ' ''sBn. Oqsleq? pars rtd
l Ef]{,XJiI -^ocsrp I luaruozeure dur 01 pu€ ' ' ' lerll.passaJuoc,tpe1 aq1 ?sBIlV . . .ra aq
tu;j-m -q?oue t{8no"rq ro+re^. a'-{}+nq "' pue ,(p.r8ueosor I " ' paropro pue " 'aru .Bq
pa{se or{s uoq; ',(1da"rou punoJ I r{clq^\ }B '' 'B se,\auorlsanb 1s.rrg.reg q])
'a1qe1,(ru ?€ ''' pue '''dpe1 p1o,t11e.rd e I uaq^\ ''' oJourroJ )isBo+
^&Bs lIB
ipea.r s€,^.J 'atu aroJoq ' ' '8iq B .las ra?re.rs,
oq? u€q? 'sEEapalquieJcs aql 'xg
LaJII€U " 'I pTp rauoos ou ?nq "' qlr't ;1es,turpedlaq pue " ' pslr? 1 'uo doqc
Fedxa quel e8nq € q?I^\ ''' lqFno.rqro?re.{^. aq? uar{a,''' }EOo1 un8aq lsnf peq 1 qsI
B oI ,ui :qdn.t?nnd 3u7uo71o] aqt u1 squo?qaq? m II?,t .01 iwp
'aph: rnt re than u'eb-like softnessancl tenuity, t.hesefeatures,wilh an inordinate
L sht . . . wi th a huge lar nb expansion above the regions of the temple rnacle up altogether a counte-
. . but n o 'so o nei did I . . . rance not easily to be forgotten.
. . before rile. tr lvas ready
(From The Fsll of tlze lIouse of Usher i:y E. A' P o e )
5 . .. and ... at r r ny t able.
no reply. Then iihe asked
the waiter hrought anoth- iil-tempered,in high spirit's,absent-minded,to tahe to heart, gloom, restless,
ni-; arnazement I discov- J:roken heart, self-ish.-silent, unknown, haunted, frighteneci, superstitious,
nervous. as braye as a lion, talkatir.'e.to feel blue.

3. Describethe nzoral undphysical aslteet.af tlrc choraetersin the fragnzerzt

There \yas one large drink left in the u,hisky bottlb. John \r"erneypoured
it out and srvallowedit. Elisabeth brought in the supper and they sat dorln-
At last he said: "Elisabeth, u-hv ctrid5'ou teil the doctor I had been
-,r'alkingin my sleep?"
She quietly;put dou'n tlie plate she had heen holding ancl looked curiously
at him.
"Why?" she said gently. "Because I vras rvorried' of course. I didn't
think you kneu' about it."
"But hal'e I been?"
it matters
rd! features as they are de-
'rq.Iospect. {Jsesome of the -but several times - in Lonclon and here. I didn't, thinlc
"On yes,
at first, the night before last I found You on the balcon5r,quite near
that dreadful hole in the rails. I was really frightened."
i F r o m ? a c r i c a l 'E w c i s e b y E v e n y n Wa u gh
free to shape out olrr own
ii. but not actively so; his 4. Wlurt kind af il ehara,ctercon,dwell in the roonr describedbelow?
that ended to no purpose,
seldorn so energetic as to The windows were long. narron' ancl pointed and at so rast a disl,ance
neaningof the term, rnade from tire black oaken floor as to be altogether inaccessiblefrom rvithin. Feeble
gleams of encrimsonecllight, made theii nay through tJie trellised panes,and
i*erved to render sufficiently distinct the more prominent objects around-
i ; . t hani e l II awt h or ne) Dark clraperies hung upon the walls. The general furniture- rvas profuse,
comfortless, antique and tattered. hlan5r books and rnusical instruments
l€nance, eye-brows, broad- lay scattered about, hut failed to give any vitalitj' to the scene.An air
::ilo'.r-, hair, curling, crisp, of stern deep and irretleemablegloom hung over and pen'aded all.
rth. face, freckles, ncstrils,
sleniier in the middle as a {From T/ae Fall of the Housc of Uslter by E' A. P o e}
is. big-bellied, snub-nosed.
5. What ce,txyow say about th.e keroircethat contenzplatesth.e followittg
ti,:iitred,below. Use for help ?
? th.e tert.
trt was three o'clrck; the church bell tolletl as I passed under the belfr;r:
d. in so brief a period, as the charm of the hour lay in its approaching dimness,in the low-gliding
e had been at all times re- and pale-beaming sun. I was a mile from 'fhornfield, in a lane noted for
.ivild roses in summer, for nut,s and blaskberries in autumn, and even norv
ry: large, liquid and lumi-
a-nd very pallid, but of a possessinga few coral treasures in hips and hau's, but whose best winter
e Hebrew model, but wilh delight liy in its utter solitude and lea{}ess repose. If a breath of air
i!.s: a finely moulded chin, stirred. it made no sound here.. ."
t r:i rnoral en.ergy; hair of {F r o r r r . , t r n e "Er ge r e b y C }i a r l o t t e Br o n tE) ,

18* 273
+8 I

Fm^lI 'pa.r.rr1s
lyc n'nrn o* r1,i
fo J J Bq 1 f3 .re u a IB J o Iu Jo1uB ^eE Io/acuarrnnanrl T
g?'^\ tnq .lapour",," ::{,,"*;ft
,rq r^el tqE{ap
; u Surssessod +lr.qrF alecryap'eytifi::qi?*#,
J,of&,#; T
t ur sasb.rpJur,r.
feaq-a1ed pue i{:rlri". i,H;#I"::t:{,n::
;3,,__;..;*,.,{i- q*;' dl'urssedins

ro ureqc aq? se
ecey ,rq;ilil:"1*_T,qr
-ur ''pa"ralp'qqr*1
'por'rod B Jarrq oi ,;i;fi1;'ry,r;?1ffi""7
, Arql ser$, -a.rogjq'"'il;
?J os pBq u*o, ,r[Ja.rng
,-adocspuo1 \..d,aq,,2 .*o7o:,1*,;,:l\l;
, IDq!*l 'g f::r'!;,i,"::;n7il,!f,W,j{#*",,T,j,
:::: :ifiH"1t",i''
il j"fu ;' qrurnd
lr^, oa

Irap ura?s Jo "

qlnour, m
'osrrc.bur'nc ,.rreq,,.no11dj oor"rtd'uro,
fll' lJ-,T.
l, I
;ane1leasdeJ rssarp; ;i[:::::i,"qri1inJ,i,
' ,acu.bublunor',{rrto ^?:_ihr.d*rt,,i"#, r:Tir:ff,[,;
' 'ssaluolruoc -peorq 's.uo,rq-a.{a ,p"reeq,spr1_ada durq, .poropFogs
-;*rr,4*rq^_aprs I
mde.rp 4.req ,urqc t
ar ol paalos (e u.r o qt,!r E ?
H Io I u E rJI e X f,cfppil"an1,1 rnotg)
ra 1o smeal8 I
:[q aql r{rorJ
fnrrr aq; :i".y;ff#3,1]'#i;iT"._'T"#!i$,".11i,#"#rft
,.;{Jjf F

'€PU41 ',

u.^do L##iilT,'t;-!*"*:l:iiibir,,,g,.,copL
rno 1noadeqso1aa"rj -*r^"#_#"ttr*-l"J_""r"-oTf,
"r*'b,ii,;pprl"rr"rr,r {r
llPeadp leql
lq-']sJrJ ?B art Jo a?aosasn .tcadsp,Tnnsfiqd
Fr EO,, nq aut1nuttfrr;l,Ti#f,;:t;'od pun sp.toa tq
rI ln€[,, -apan n'aqt
si sam,naJ'iiiia"iiqin{d"{,pp1$qi'A;";";;;#";ii,ta#}lfirei!?r" .9
; no-{ 1urq1
;trq.lt,, strsr3usxtr {n
-'u!r{ ?B rt
,lI d-urIlBr\r. l.tvutuod lHl. .v rsI
rBI lY rfi
I PUBlno ?r
I araql F5I
: *topq
lr,Iou6e4 sql fft TT
wQ'g qfl
I 'snoaJau s.q
II _ua{orq
.. . t,ts
ii#ir _Jrili,ISll,Ti *y":t f:" r*qlpossaruoc
i;#d#":::#;' ro*T"#."XJ.ll,Tr.fii:
;:i,",T"lT'13;1 ",1T*
o_qs uaqJ ?,T:*i^: r'. lu
' , t 1da. r ou ' r *" r l r '[ q u u . d s u 'r
...e'.** ;j,?
'p a J a p J o
p u e '. . o r u
T; ru,;tlr,r.;i'kf ::':::*:ff$.J'ji
drrr n' ... ;,,- .. -.qynoi I-rJcIrI_^\
selt r 'olu;;;;'q .:Y;ioul";TTJ e '&Bsl uas^\" "'r:y
onrr_"""i";",,, ,^-_ pqrl
pu acueu
lorsuBdxa '"Jg:i
'"'I' 'I pry .ratoosou
PIp Jauoos o" 1"q
.'^': . q?1.l\
... ;,i,.^ :;;:]:
eira\ ,".r"llXto*: :::?.
";i :{.;nqi
d; D'ilG
r.rrl?r c,enrr
qtuBI yr^,..
a 8 n q be ,{ t;a 6 .1 .
Pql aJ )ur
r-:,ff1w ;;;:,;,,;:s"qr* fp*ili
I .f,us
]13,J Jo leq laarl^\tr€r B uo peq aH .>l€olr
.IOJ e ur 1"^*11_!nJltleaq
paddeJ^a ueruollua8 e ,oru se,Lt . ."alrsoddo 1qEr.r paleas oJaql pu€
Fs 'o :punoJ aq fr4qtssod unc oraq Eutaa1lot aqt qrryu
rrp ut acn1iI aq? autEntal .V
l|Ir 'a
ru! (0 II r ^J ol, ll u B rur a H .{q qu6 fr.qotryutotg)
gB L uBc I sB uoos 8B.
n[:]'9 ees o1 1eE ol ourl? q81q.fl ?unocc€ I uoq? f,_ur ur .requrdaog dJzzr.rp
.1t 1n^os
durep e sr ?l rolouoqn\ .qluour oql ?noqe urr,r8Euro8 llasiur purl 1 iirra,iaqrll
NC 'E :ra?lorn?.ps??t?lo efncspuq aynom! aq? aqlrcsa7 .t
wJ' ,
'(q 'p;ert 'p.reqclo ,Jaau ,qaeeq ,do.rp,rous,qc.riq ,ard8eru,ua,r.u"
(aue1^'.ronro1luns Jo {ueq
(e '.{e11e,r 'addals iurd ,.,tsued ,ureirls ,jp* ;i11"rde,tq,s4"reqs
Fc 'e 'eas 'a1eq.trl
'fgl-"e1e^ ',reep,a4eus-"ttf*j ,ag.4e.rd
. JO '.u,o11pr.Surdeeoo '1sa.ro; q"B,i '.re1dod 'ar.b,rE dldeiu ,sltio..' ,j4ei ,a6un'r
pl :
rAile (1 1o. r . r e3 s r ^t o1 t q s s n1p- B u t t l o oaTq t q i l n o , t q a a c t g y u t o t g ) t
nl l
! a 't f,eq1J!,,,prcs1eu5 aq1,,,sorueu
-uB l.uonA,' ,,1*rqr o? ranA.s I
I Eu-rleq.rreq1yo'r*r, aq4s(leq6,, T
}3 ',(1ssa1e.rec
po{r*ruor i{
; ?Bucaq?..isaur*u
rr'il T :3^H#t^ffir"1-ii33"rdll I

arnosJo saureueq1nbf flar u€c I_?ng .spup{aa*J01 ]

E?p sR aq1rs.ol ?€ _"H3Tl i3. e
Jagler ru(I osn€caq,,,peure1dxa
FTeJJB ac11y.,r1p?urilcasurur'acrofo.r rt
'puiux l,oop i,.
rl '10q I
aq o] leuc eql ((iruorJaurocno.foroqx\,uracrofo.l
no.(op s?aasur
r",#irfiil: d
.prcs ,,{I€r tHXl tdi,"ttfl :a
'1pq .ra,rao,or{?
Jo ouoN,, ocriy '#f
uec .{eq1 Itr
'uo lua,4alBuC oql ,,dslcasw
Et aql_ IIB o{111,uop nod T
rq pEq ";qj;;
rfilrr?w. Joawos
o ,rnr'l.,Tr'!iiLf#r'J'fff,frli"rfii,'li'!r'r, }I
F AqlL {r
q aq? al
q aq?- iI
r?I l.=::T
r-1-_{ ;,X'fii"3ill""';'iJ'llJofly-'"";
;rr*q" 'Furri"o'u
B p111" I:1*-."f;qp *oplr-paq
'aqoJpJ€,r'durEJburpEa.r's1a4ce;q'uaoJcs,p.reoqdnci1001s,ireqeru.re.req1ea1 ou
(apttrlt recso t{.q au4.t3 s,afdDs nqu7 p.to7 wotg} FI

;:-q..:yi*:,*:i-ir,_"1,.-g;d:HJ,1fr.r#"&","r.0#-oJ3}1i"f tff"l*.;""xfil {d
'ue{u ?no?saI}?{ e sr ag .Fur4ool cr}u€ruo.rao-snor;els,(,rr*
1bu sr aq ,gq14,, .Bq
awosd'aqrcJ ass .m adqot aqllplno*,rr,la D Jo IJB
DoI 01: ,r;:#:"\r%;t nYilhaqt rfl
I qlI1.L
q SIF* r3vld 3HI 'S TTTP

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