Pia Procali
Pia Procali
Pia Procali
Licenciado en Administración
Semestre: 7° Grupo: GW
Actitud de servicio: Como equipo se realizó de manera grupal el trabajo, para así
cada uno aportar su parte en dicho trabajo.
Contexto de “Grupo LALA” (Historia, productos y/o servicios queofrece y
mercado meta)
Esa fue una de las primeras plantas de América Latina que procesó la leche. Eran
tiempos en los que se consumía leche ‘bronca’ -es decir, sin pasteurizar- sin
pasteurizar) y existían problemas sanitarios entre la población con casos de
brucelosis a causa de bacterias. Sin embargo, la suma de esfuerzos hizo posible la
apertura de la planta que permitió, entre otras cosas, solucionar los temas de salud
en la región relacionados con el consumo de ese producto.
El nacimiento de esa primera planta dio origen a una nueva manera de vivir pues
no solamente fue posible beber leche saludable, sino que los consumidores la
comenzaron a comprar en envases limpios y confiables, pues antes el líquido se
servía en garrafas o contenedores que las amas de casa llevaban de madrugada a
los carritos que distribuían leche.
“Ser la empresa preferida de lácteos en América”
“Alimentar tu vida es nuestra pasión”
Productos LALA:
LALA cuenta con una cartera muy grande de productos, más, sin embargo,
solomencionaremos algunos de sus principales:
Mercado meta
Diagrama de la cadena de suministro de LALA
Energía limpia
Datos de consumo de combustible a lo largo de 3 años
Centros de producción
Centros de producción
194,279 164,355 164,081.00
194,279 164,355 164,081.00
Analizar los resultados obtenidos
3. Fomentar el uso de tecnología con el fin de mejorar la eficiencia de los equipos
de proceso, como la inclusión de válvulas micro-gap y motores eléctricos
altamente eficientes, lo que contribuye a optimizar el consumo de energía
Evaluar si la organización estudiada esta preparada para una Certificación
de calidad o para un Modelo de competitividad
Certificación de calidad:
• Lala es una empresa líder en el sector de productos lácteos y ofrece una amplia
selección de artículos de alta calidad.
Modelo de competitividad:
Gestión de calidad
La empresa tiene un fuerte compromiso con la calidad y la mejora continua, y ha
implementado un sistema de gestión de calidad basado en las normas internacionales
ISO 9001 y FSSC 22000.
Gestión Ambiental
Certificado ISO 14001 Sistemas de Gestión Ambiental. Esta certificación avala que se
han puesto en marcha procesos que garantizan el cuidado y respeto hacia el medio
Uso eficiente del agua: Ha implementado medidas para reducir su consumo de agua y
mejorar su gestión. La empresa ha instalado sistemas de tratamiento de agua para
reutilizar el agua en sus procesos de producción y ha trabajado en proyectos para
mejorar la eficiencia del uso del agua en sus plantas.
Gestión de riesgos y salud
Lala tiene un compromiso con la responsabilidad social y cuenta con diversas iniciativas
y programas para promover el bienestar de sus trabajadores, comunidades y medio
Conclusión general
How final work of this matter was of the utmost importance in our student training,
because the process that a product must carry out to have an almost entirely perfect
quality, this type of work will help us in the future as professionals , and with it we will be
given the bases of how to carry out a process where we as workers can almost reach
excellence when it comes to delivering a product.
Likewise, we liked this final work as a team, due to the large number of points that need
to be followed in order to have a good quality management, the organization of this matter
in the phases and in the procedures was somewhat difficult to understand, but in the end
we liked how everything was developed in order to reach the desired goal, this subject
will be very useful in the future to manage the control of a company where we must have
reflected our good organization and the desired goals for the company .
Conclusiones individuales
As a conclusion in this matter and personally, I can say that I really liked the way in
which quality processes are raised within a process, in this project, we saw the LALA
company where we were able to learn about its history and how it grew, also another
part that we could see in it, was the way in which its supply chain is, where the
transportation process is seen in its raw material, where it passes its processes untilit
reaches the final product with a good quality in the product and it is where we see the
difficulties that a company has around the production of these products, for me this is
very important, since as a future professional, I may work in a company whosebiggest
function is about products, and as products, they must have good quality, and as an
administrator, I must move in these quality areas to be able to optimize the time and
expenses of the company, in order to have profits taking into account that it does not
generate We see losses in the products and that everything is made of very good
quality, for me this was what this matter left me, a process where everycompany has
to have an excellent quality in its products and not generate large losses in the
del Bosque Chavez Catherine Gabriela
As a conclusion to this integrative learning product, I would like to say that I have
learned a lot about quality management issues. In this case we decided to talk about
the LALA company, which we know is well known worldwide and proudly Mexican.
We were able to appreciate its entire history and likewise we were able to see someof
the star products it has. One point that seemed quite interesting to me was the market
to which LALA is directed, since it is a very specific segment and quite well planned,
since it tells us that it seeks to reach all families. Likewise, I saw how its supply chain
was carried out, which are quite simple steps but which have to have good quality
management. I also found it interesting to base ourselves on a critical process, in this
case we talked about investment in green energy, within its distribution fleet, this in
order to contribute something to society. Finally, we proposed some strategies to
reduce emissions into the atmosphere in a fairly effective way.
In this integrating learning product, we have applied all the knowledge seen throughout
the semester, which are the topics of quality management and the importance it has in a
company. We decided to talk about the LALA company, which is well positioned
worldwide, we were able to appreciate the entire history and how it grew little by little and
become what it is today. One part that we were able to observe of the company is how it
is forming its supply chain that begins with transportation, until it reaches the final product
with a good quality. I also found it interesting how he applied the variation tools that his
green energy has, as well as we also gave strategies to improve the environment and the
most interesting thing was the ishikawa diagram that goes from machinery, methods, its
environment and the materials it uses and that it is a great emission of pollution and
something important is that LALA seeks to satisfy the needs of the people and also does
marketing with the family that also makes people buy. I believe that everything learned
can help us in the future as professionals and that we can apply these procedures not
only in a company, but also in our company.
In conclusion, we chose to analyze the LALA company through this research report. I can
say that this work has been very enriching for me since I have learned about the
importance of quality in the processes of a company, as well as the need to Good supply
chain management. Carrying out this study allowed me to apply the knowledge acquired
throughout the semester and focus it on the analysis of the LALA company. Where we
saw its history, the vision and mission of the company, some of the most important
products it has, we were also able to analyze the target market, and the supply chain that
goes from transportation to the final consumer. In addition, the decision to invest in clean
energy sources is an important measure to reduce greenhouse gas emission levels,
demonstrating the importance of corporate social responsibility and environmental
Advertorial, F. (2020, 13 abril). Forbes 100% Marcas Mexicanas | Grupo Lala, leche
con historia. Forbes México. https://www.forbes.com.mx/forbes-100-marcas-
Tech, R. T. F. (2020, 30 diciembre). Lala obtiene certificación “Sabor del Año”. The
Food Tech. https://thefoodtech.com/historico/lalaobtienecertificacionsabordelano/