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Manual de Inglés 2020 - 2021 Revisado

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Tema 1: Los verbos to be. Have got y there is/are+ cuantificadores........................ 2-12

Tema 2: Presente simple ypresente continuo .........................................................13-19

Tema 3: Los adjetivos y sus grados..........................................................................20-26

Tema 4: El pasado simple y continuo.......................................................................27-38

Tema 5: El presente perfecto ..................................................................................39-44

Tema 6: Los tiempos de futuro................................................................................45-49

Tema 7: Las oraciones condicionales.......................................................................50-55

Tema 8: La voz pasiva..............................................................................................56-70

Tema 9: Las oraciones de relativo............................................................................71-76

Tema 10: Los verbos modales..................................................................................77-83

Tema 11: el estilo indirecto .....................................................................................84-91

Tema 12: las preposiciones y losphrasal verbs........................................................92-119

Tema 14: Linkers, Wordformation,questions tags...................................................120-127

El ritmo de estudio adecuado dependerá del tiempo del que disponga el alumno y del tiempo que falte hasta la fecha de
examen, no obstante, un ritmo adecuado sería el de un tema a la semana como mínimo.

Objetivos a alcanzar por el alumno

∙ Dominar y diferenciar los tiempos verbales
∙ Saber formar oraciones pasivas
∙ Saber unir frases mediante un pronombrerelativo
∙ Construir frases en estilo indirecto
∙ Saber redactar todo tipo de texto mediante el uso de linkers y un vocabularioadecuado
∙ Saber formar oraciones condicionales y usar los verbosmodales

Tema 1: El verbo to be, have got, there is/are

El verbo “TO BE” significa SER ó ESTAR y a veces tener cuando nos referimos a la edad o a estados (i am five years old/ i
am hot.

I am (Yo soy / Yo estoy) Abreviatura: I’m

You are (Tú eres/estás) Ab.: You’re

He is (Él es / Él está) Ab.: He’s

She is (Ella es / Ella está) Ab.: She’s

It is (Él/Ella es / Él/Ella está) Ab.: It’s

We are (Nosotros somos / Nosotros estamos) Ab.: We’re

You are (Ustedes son/ Ustedes están) Ab.: You’re

They are (Ellos son / Ellos están) Ab.: They’re

Para formar el negativo del verbo “to be” lo hacemos de dos maneras, completa o abreviada.

I am not = I’m not

You are not = You aren’t

He is not = He isn’t

She is not = She isn’t

It is not = It isn’t

We are not = We aren’t

You are not = You aren’t

They are not = They aren’t

El interrogativo del verbo “to be” se forma intercambiando el orden entre el pronombre y el verbo.

Am I

Are you

Is he

Is she

Is it

Are we

Are you t

Are they
El pasado del verbo to be se forma de la siguiente manera

I was i was not was i?

you were you were not were you?

He,she,it was he, she, it was not was he, she,it?

We were we were not were we?

You were you were not were you?

They were they were not were they?

El pasado lo usamos para referirnos a acciones acabadas. Para ellos usamos marcadores de tiempo, tales

como: - Yesterday: ayer

- The day before: antes de ayer

- Last week (pasada semana)

- Last year (año pasado)

- Last moth (mes pasado)

- Two days ago (hace dos días).

Ejemplo. I was in Madrid two days ago. Estuve en Madrid hace dos días.

Ejercicios verbo to be

1. Haz una pregunta para cada respuesta siguiendo el modelo 1

I am from Málaga. Where are youfrom?

I was born in Sevilla

My telephone number is

i am a teacher

i was at school yesterday

now my mother is in my house

2. Traduce las siguientes frases al castellano

Are you astudent?

Is that table new?

Are the boys in the garden?

Are cats big animals?

Am I a citizen?

3. Rellena los dos huecos con la formaadecuada:

today I fine, but yesteday illl

Seleccione una:
a. am, is
b. was, am
c. was, am
d. am, am
4. La frase mal escrita es….

Seleccione una:

a. She is from Málaga

b. You are not a student
c. Peter and his brother is not from Málaga
d. the Children are lazy
5. ¿Cuál frase está bien escrita?

Seleccione una:

a. where were your brother yesterday?

b. where were you last week?
c. i were born in Málaga
d. they is from Málaga

El verbo have got: tener

El verbo have got significa tener y se conjuga en presente de la siguiente forma en afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.

I have got a pen/I haven´t got a pen/ have i got a pen?

You have got a pen/you haven´t got a pen/ have you got a pen?

He,she,it has got a pen/he,she,it hasn´t got a pen/ has she,he,it got a pen?

We have got a pen/we haven´t got a pen/ have we got a pen?

You have got a pen/you haven´t got a pen/ have you got apen?

They have got a pen/They haven´t got a pen/ have they got a pen?

∙ Usos del verbo havegot

1. To indicate possession, to show thatsomething belongs to someone. Para indicar que algo pertenece a alguien

He has got a computer. They have gotbicycles.

2. To describe people, animals and things. Para describir a personas, animales y

cosas. She has got long hair. My brother has got blue eyes.

3. To indicate family members or relations. Para indicar los familiares que tenemos.

Mark has got two brothers.

Ejercicios have got

1. Complete the blanks with have got or has got.

1. Sue two sisters and one brother.

2. Mr and Mrs West three sons.

3. Tony and I are drummers. We drums athome.

4. Jonathan a skateboard. It’s red and blue.

5. The dogs a new house.

6. The baby two teeth.

7. Moira and Mac a helicopter.

8. Jim isill. He a headache

9. My brother a new T-shirt.

10. I a computer in my room.

2. Write sentences with the verb have got (affirmative, negative and interrogative), as in the example.

1. these dogs / big teeth. These dogs have got bigteeth.

2. we / any milk in the fridge

3. my brother / a new car

4. I / your phone number

5. she / a new job

6. we / a big family

7. this village / a postoffice

3. Construye frases interrogativas usando have got o has got con los siguientes pares

de palabras; boy/bike. Has the boy got abike?

Woman/new house

you/new car



4. Traduce al inglés:

1. ¿tienes hermanos? Sí, tengo una hermana y dos hermanos

2. ¿dónde tienes tu mochila? Yo la tengo encasa.

3 Ana tiene un perronuevo.

4. Peter no tiene coche, él tiene moto

5. Julio tiene nuevos amigos.

There is/are + los cuantificadores

El verbo there is/are se traduce por haber y se trata de un verbo que no tiene persona y sólo se conjuga en singular y en

Presente: hay

There is + singular: there is a pen. Hay un boli

There Is not + singular: there is not a pen. No hay un boli

Is there + singular? Is there a pen? ¿hay un boli?

There are + plural. There are two pens. Hay dos bolis

There are not + plural. There are not two pens. No hay dos bolis

Are there + plural? Are there two pens? ¿hay dos bolis?

Pasado: Habia

There was + singular: there was a pen. Había un bolí

There were + plural: there were two pens. Había dos bolis

(la negativa e interrogativa funciona igual que el presente: was not/were not. Was there/were there?

∙ Los cuantificadores : Se utilizan para expresar cantidad: much, many, a lot of, some,any,nothing…

Cuando usamos some (algunos/as, algo de):

1. Frases afirmativas: There are some people waiting outside.

2. Para hacer preguntas de cortesía: Would you like some orangejuice?

3. Peticiones: May I have some tea?

Cuando usamos any:

1. Frases negativas con nombres contables e incontables. There is not anymilk

2. Frases interrogativa con contable e incontable. Is there any milk?

3. Frases afirmativa cuando significa cualquier. Any man can do it (cualquier hombre puede

hacerlo) Usos de Much, many, (a) few, (a) littlel, a lot of

1. Usamos much (mucho/a) con incontables. Much money

2. Many para nombres contables (muchos/as). Many children

3. Usamos a lot of (mucho/a/os/as) tanto para contables como incontables. A lot of milk

4. Usamos a littel (un poco de) o littel (poco/poca) para incontables. A littel money 5.

Usamos a few (unos pocos/as) o few (pocos/as) para contables. A few friends.

Ejercicios: there is/are + cuantificadores

1. Completa con SOME o ANY:

1. We can’t do without ………… bread.

2. There isn’t ………….. life in that girl.

3. Buy …………. bread and cheese for the picnic, if you want to help.

4. I like …………… biscuits and ………..sweets.

5. … …….doctor tell you that it isharmful.

6. There is ………….. sugar in thefridge

7. Is There.......pencil on the table.

8. Go and ask him for ……… paper. I haven’t ………… in my desk.

9. Can we have … ……..milk?

10. What material do you need? – ……….. that is available

2. Completa con few/a few, much/many/a lot of.

1. Hurry! We’ve got ……..time.

2. I saw Tom ……… days ago.

3. If what you say is true, there is ……..we can do aboutit.

4. I can’t let you use this perfume. There’s only ……….. in the bottle.

5. This town isn’t very well-known and there isn’t much tourist, so ………… tourists come

here. 6. I don’t think Jill would be a good teacher. She’s got ……… patience with children. 7.

“Would you like some more cake?’ – “Yes, please, but only……….

8. There are very … ……scholarships for students in thisuniversity.

9. We didn’t have any money but Ann had………

10. This is not the first time the car has broken down. It has happened ……… times
before 3. Escribe las frases en forma afirmativa (✓), negativa (✗), o como

pregunta(¿). Ejemplo: Is there a cinema? There’s a cinema. ✓

1 There isn’t a bike. ✓

2 There are two schools. ✗

3 There isn’t a car. ¿

4 Are there five shops?✓

5 Is there a museum?✗

4. Describiendo mi casa en inglés

∙ Tipos de casa

Apartment: el clásico piso en un edificio de viviendas, muy comunes en la ciudad.

Single-family house: la palabra house suele referirse a este tipo de casa, una unidad propia y

separada de las demás. Duplex: puede referirse a una casa de dos pisos o a dos viviendas adosadas.

Townhouse: las típicas casas adosadas en fila que se ven mucho en ciudades como Londres o Dublín.

Housing estate: urbanización o zona de viviendas planificada. Esta palabra se suele referir a
urbanizaciones más empobrecidas o masificadas.

Gated community: urbanización, conjunto de viviendas cercado al que solo pueden acceder sus

habitantes. Bungalow: casa de una planta

Cottage: casita en el campo

∙ Exterior de una casa:

Garden: jardín.
The house has a small garden at the back. — La casa tiene un pequeño jardín en la parte de atrás.

Hedge: seto.
There is a 8ri hedge around the swimming pool. — Hay un seto alto alrededor de la piscina.

Fence: valla.
We need a taller fence so the dog can’t jump over it. — Necesitamos una valla más alta para que no
la salte el perro.

Window: ventana.
The living room has floor-to-ceiling 8riendo and it looks huge. — El salón tiene ventanas de pared
completa y se ve enorme.

Wall: pared.
Brick walls are much safer 8ri wooden ones. — Las paredes de ladrillo son mucho más seguras que
las de madera.

Balcony: balcón.
That balcony has some beautiful flowers. — Ese balcón tiene unas flores preciosas.

Chimney: chimenea.
You must sweep the chimney regularly so it doesn’t catch fire. — Hay que limpiar la chimenea con
frecuencia para que no seincendie.

Roof: tejado.
The house, like most in this 8rie, has a hipped roof. — La casa, como la mayoría de esta zona, tiene

cubierta a cuatro aguas. ∙ Interior de una casa:

Hall: entrada

Living room: salita o salón

Bedroom: dormitorio

Kitchen: cocina

Toilet: servicio

Karpet: alfombra

Picture: cuadros

Desk: escritorio

Ahora vas a hacer una descripción de lo que hay en tu casa usando los verbos: have got and there is/are.

5. Completa con was or were.

1 Yesterday it......................rainy and cool.

2 The concert ……….. last Sunday?

3 My father and I...................... at the stadium for the big game two weeks ago.

4 The children ......................not at their grandparents lastweekend.

5 The weather …................... hotand I.......................thirsty.

6 You ................ at the shop yesterday?

Ejercicios resueltos verbo to be

Ejercicio 1

where were you born?

What is your telephone number?

What is your job?

Where were you yesterday?

Where is your mother now?

Ejercicio 2
Eres estudiante?

Es esa mesa nueva?

Están los niños en eljardín?

Son los gatos animales grandes?

Soy yo un buen ciudadano?

Ejercicio 3:

Opción c o b

Ejercicio 4:

Opción c. Are not

Ejercicio 5.

La correcta es la opción b

Ejercicios resueltos Have got

Ejercicio 1

1. has got

2. Have got

3. Has got

4. Has got

5. Have got

6. Has got

7. Have got

8. Has got

9. Has got

10 Have got.

Ejercicio 2:

2. We havent any milk in the fridge.

3. my brother has got a new car

4. i have your phone number

5. she has got a new job

6. we have got a big family

7. This village has got a postoffice

Ejercicio 3:

2. Has the woman got a newhouse?

3. have you got brothers?

4. Has he got a car?

5. Has she got ason?

6. Have they got a cat?

Ejercicio 4:

1. Have you got brothers?, yes, I have a sister and two brothers

2, where have you got your school bag? I have got it at home 3.

Ana has got a newdog

4. Peter has not got car, he has got a motorbike?

5. Julio has got a newjob

Ejercicios resueltos: there is/are + cuantificadores

Ejercicio 1.

1. We can’t do without any bread.

2. There isn’t any life in thatgirl.

3. Buy some bread and cheese for the picnic, if you want to help.

4. I like biscuits and. Sweets.

5. Any doctor tell you that it is harmful.

6. There is some sugar in thefridge

7. Is There any pencil on the table

8. Go and ask him for some paper. I haven’t any on mydesk.

9. Can we have Some milk?

10. What material do you need? – any that is available

Ejercicio 2

1. Hurry! We’ve got littel time.

2. I saw Tom a few days ago.

3. If what you say is true, there is littel we can do aboutit.

4. I can’t let you use this perfume. There’s only a littel in thebottle.

5. This town isn’t very well-known and there isn’t much people,so a few tourists come here.

6. I don’t think Jill would be a good teacher. She’s got much patience withchildren. 7.

“Would you like some more cake?’ – “Yes, please, but only alittel

8. There are very few scholarships for students in this university.

9. We didn’t have any money but Ann had much

10. This is not the first time the car has broken down. It has happened few times

before Ejercicio 3

1. There is a bike

2. There are not tow schools

3. Is there a car

4. There are five shops

5. There is not amuseum

Ejercicio 4

Mi house has two floors: outdoor we have a garden with a swimming pool. Indoor in the first floor we have a big living
room. There is a tv and a blue karpet. The toilets are in the second floor. There, we have 4 bedrooms. In my bedroom there
is a desk with a computer and a big bed.

Ejercicio 5

1 Yesterday it was rainy andcool.

2 was the concert on the last Sunday?

3 My father and I were at the stadium for the big game two weeksago.

4 The children were not at their grandparents lastweekend.

5 The weather was. Hot and I was thirsty.

6 Were you at the shop yesterday?

Tema 2: presente simple y continuo
Presente simple
a) Estructura

∙ + Sujeto + verbo (se añade s a la tercera persona del singular.

Ejemplo. I play, you play, he/she/it/ plays, we play, you play, they play

Cuando añadimos S a la tercera persona del singular tenemos que tener en cuenta algunos cambios ortográficos que se dan
con algunos verbos:

Study – studies (acabados en y precedidos de consonante) añadimos ies

Go – goes (monosílabos acabados en o) añadimos es

Wash – washes (acabados en s, h o c) añadimos es

∙ Sujeto + dont o doesnt (tercera persona del singular) + verbo.

Ejemplo: i dont play. She doesnt play (ya no añadimos s al verbo)

∙ ¿ Do o does (tercera persona del singular) + sujeto + verbo

Ejemplo. Do you play?. Does heplay?

B) Usos del presente simple

1) Para hacer referencia a situaciones que se repiten con ciertafrecuencia:

a. En el contexto de un adverbo de frequencia (never, hardly ever,sometimes, often, usually,always, on (Mondays), every

He always plays tennis on Sundays.

b. Sin adverbio de frecuencia, cuando las situaciones son rutinarias (las cosas que hacemos todo los días, como nuestro
trabajo, nuestro estudios etc.)

Tom is a journalist. He writes for a newspaper

I am at university. I study Economics

My parents live in Romania.

2) Con verbos estáticos (no expresan progresividad en la acción)

I like studying English

To be, to have (cuando significa tener)

“Verbs of thinking”: to think, believe, know, understand, etc.

“Sense-perception” verbs: hear, smell, tast etc.

“Dislike/like verbs”: like, love, hate, dislike etc.

Other verbs: to want, live, etc.

3. Con horarios prefijados:

The film starts at seven (la película empieza a las 7)

El presente continuo
a) Estructura
∙ + Sujeto más presente del verbo to be más verbo acabado ening
I am playing

∙ Sujeto más presente del verbo to be más not + verbo acabado ening

I am not playing
∙ ¿ Presente del verbo to be + sujeto más verbo acabado en ing
am i playing?

B) Usos del presente continuo

1. Para referirnos a situaciones que ocurren en el momento en el que hablamos (por ejemplo,
situaciones que podemos ver u oír). Por este motivo esta forma suele estar acompañada de
adverbios de tiempo como now o at the moment. En este caso se traduce como estar más gerundio

Mary is doing her homework now

2) Para hablar de situaciones que son temporales. Estas situaciones son más largas que el
momento en que hablamos y ocurren en un periodo de tiempo limitado.

Está indicado por adverbios de tiempo (this week/month/year, for (six weeks), currently, nowadays

etc.) I live in Barcelona but this week I’m living with my aunt in Paris

I’m studying English this year. En este caso se traduce en futuro

Ejercicios del tema

1. Elige la opción correcta

1. What...................they wear to work?




2. She............... Not talk much.



3. Where................... he work?




4. John.................. know much aboutsailing.

Do not

does not

has not

5. I .....................not have the time or patience to cook a propermeal.



6. I am too busy these days and I...................manage to leave office ontime.

Do not

does not

has not

7Susie come here often?




8you find Berlin’s weather cold?




9. Raj ................... not smoke or drink.




10 .....................she know what she isdoing?




11. Why ..................they always get into trouble?




12. What.................... you like to watch on TV?




2. Completa en presente simple o continuo de los verbossiguientes

The train always (1: leave) on time. “What’s the matter? Why (2: cry/you)?” That’s strange. They (3: not to
watch) TV. He (4: not to speak) very good English. Please be quiet! I (5: do) my homework. Where (6:
live/they)? Listen! John music! (7: play) I never (8: go) to the swimming pool. Harold Black’s a famous pianist.
He (9: give) two or three concerts every week. He
(10: travel) a lot and this week he’s in New York. He (11: stay) at an expensive hotel. He’s
at his hotel now. He (12: have) his breakfast in the dining−room. He (13: drink) a cup of coffee and he (14:
read) a newspaper. Harold’s always very busy. He (15: play) the piano regularly. He (16: practise) for four
hours every day. He (17: go) to bed late and he always (18: get up) early. But he sometimes (19: get) dressed
too quickly, and this morning he (20: wear) one blue sock and one red one!
3. Completa en presente simple o continuo con los verbos de la siguiente lista:
enjoy prefer play produce work seem know interview wait talk finish
1. I always tennis on Fridays.

2. He his report. He it to the office when it is completed.

3. “My parents phoned me thismorning. They themselves in the Seychelles. Champagne every night! Infact, they don’t
want to leave.”

4. We to entertain our guests in a local restaurant rather 16ri the canteen. Although itis expensive, we can talk freely

5. I the answer to your problem . Get a newcomputer.

6. “Where is John?” “In his office for an important telephone call.”

7. I can’t make the meeting tomorrow. I the applicants for the sales manager’sjob. 8. My brother

for Shink Inc. Which makes bathroomfittings.

9. Who to Bill? Is it the new secretary?

10. The new contract fine to me. However, could you just check it through oncemore 4. Completa en

presente simple o continuo

Next week, my friendand I (go) camping in the morning. I (organize) the food, because I (like) cooking. Dave (have) a big car
with a trailer,so he (plan) the transportation. Sam (bring) the tent — he (go) camping every year,so he (have) a great tent
and lots of other equipment.My wife (think) we’re crazy. She (like) holidays in comfortable hotels,so she (take) a trip to

5. Elige entre presente simple o continuo

1. Today she ’s spending/spends time with hergrandmother.

2 They usually are going/go to the gym on Sundays.

3 We ’re having/have a barbecue later on. Do you want to come?

4 No, she can’t answer the phone, she has/is having ashower.

5 I always have/am having a coffee before I ’m leaving/leave for work in the

morning. 6 They sometimes fly/are flying to Sweden, but usually they are going/go


7 Where are you? I ’m sitting/sit outside in thesunshine!

8 He always brings/is bringing a monolingual dictionary to his English class

Soluciones a los ejercicios del tema.

Ejercicio 1:

1 What do they wear to work?

2. She does not talk much.
3. Where does he work?
4. John does not know much aboutsailing.
5. I do not have the time or patience to cook a propermeal.
6. I am too busy these days and I do not manage to leave office on time.
7. Does Susie come here often?
8. Do you find Berlin’s weather cold?
9. Raj does not smoke or drink.
10. Does she know what she isdoing?
11. Why do they always 17 trouble?
12. What do you like to watch on TV?

Ejercicio 2:

1. leaves | 2. Are you crying | 3. Are not watching (= aren’t watching) | 4. Does not speak (= doesn’t speak) | 5. Am doing |
6. Do they live | 7. Is playing | 8. Go 9. Gives | 10. Travels | 11. Is staying (= he’s staying) | 12. Is having | 13. Is drinking |
14.Is reading| 15. Plays | 16. Practises | 17. Doesn’t go | 18. Gets up | 19. Gets | 20. Is wearing

Ejercicio 3:

1. I always play tennis on Fridays.

2. He is finishing his report. He is bringing to the office when itis completed.

3. “My parents phoned me this morning. They are enjoying themselves in the Seychelles. Champagne every night! In
fact, they don’t want to leave.”

4. We prefer to entertain our guests in a local restaurant rather in the canteen. Although itis expensive, we can talk freely

5. I know the answer to your problem . Get a newcomputer.

6. “Where is John?” “In his office waiting for an important telephone call.”

7. I can’t make the meeting tomorrow. I am interviewing the applicants for the sales manager’sjob.

8. My brother works for Shink Inc. Which makes bathroomfittings.

9. Who is talking to Bill? Is it the newsecretary?

10. The new contract seems fine to me. However, could you just check it throughonce more?

Ejercicio 4:

Next week, my friends and I are going camping. I am organizing the food, because I like cooking. Dave has a big car with a
trailer, so he is planning the transportation. Sam is bringing the tent
he goes camping every year, so he has a great tent and lots of other equipment. My wife thinks we’re crazy. She likes holidays in
comfortable hotels, so she is taking a trip to Paris instead
Ejercicio 5:

1 she’sspending

2 go

3 We’re having

4 she’s having

5 have

6 fly/go

7 I’m sitting

8 brings

Tema 3: los adjetivos y sus grados
Los adjetivos en inglés se colocan delante de los sustantivos.

Ejemplo: I have a blue car.

Los adjetivos presentan los siguientes grados:

a) Comparativos. Se establece una comparación entre varios elementos. Esta comparación puede serde:

- Superioridad: más que. Aquí tenemos que distinguir dos grupos deadjetivos

Grupo 1: adjetivos de 1 sílaba o dos acabados en y o er.

Forman el comparativo con el adjetivo + er

Ejemplo: tall – taller happy – happier (la y pasa a i latina) big – bigger (los monosílabos doblan la

consonante) Grupo 2: adjetivos de dos sílabas que no acaban en y, er o más sílabas.

Forman el comparativo con more + adjetivo

Ejemplo: more expensive, more beautiful

- Igualdad (tan… como). Se forma siempre con laestructura

As + adj + as
- Inferioridad: menos que. Se forma siempre con laestructura
Les + adj + tan

b) Superlativo. Se establece una comparación con unconjunto.

Grupo 1: Adjetivos de 1 sílaba o dos acabadas en y,er.

Forman el superlativo con the + adj+est

Ejemplo: the tallest, the biggest, the happiest

Grupo 2: adjetivos de dos sílabas que no acaban en y, er o más sílabas.

Forman el superlativo con the most + adjetivo

Ejemplo: the most expensive, the most beautiful

Hay una serie de adjetivos irregulares que escapan a estas reglas y forman sus propios comparativos y superlativos. Esto
sonlos siguientes:





Vocabulario de adjetivos
Español Inglés
aburrido dull = boring

agradable, simp

agradecido thankful = grateful

agresivo Aggressive

amable gentle = kind, polite

amable polite

ambicioso ambitious

amigable friendly

apasionado passionate

apático unsympathetic

arrogante, prep

atrevido cheeky

audaz audacious

calmo calm

celoso jealous

charlatán talkative

compasivo sympathetic

comprensivo understanding

confiable reliable = trustworthy

considerado considerate

cortés attentive

creativo creative

cruel mean = cruel

curioso curious

débil weak

decidido determined = b-willed

desconfiable unreliable =

descortés rude = impolite

deshonesto dishonest

divertido cheerful = amusing

dominante dominant

egoísta selfish

encantador charming

energético energetic

entusiasta zealous

envidioso envious

estricto strict

excéntrico eccentric

extrovertido extroverted

fanfarrón boastful

franco frank

frívolo frivolous

fuerte strong

generoso generous

haragán lazy

hipócrita hypocritical

honesto honest = truthful

humilde humble

impaciente impatient

impredecible unpredictable

impulsivo impulsive

indiferente indifferent

ingenioso ingenious

inseguro insecure

insensible insensitive

insolente insolent
interesado self-seeking

introvertido introverted

irascible irascible

irrespetuoso disrespectful

irresponsable irresponsible

leal loyal = faithful

maduro mature

malhumorado bad-tempered

malhumorado moody

materialista materialistic

metido nosey

mezquino mean = stingy,


modesto modest

molesto annoying

obediente obedient

obsesionado obsessed

obstinado stubborn = obstinate

olvidadizo forgetful

optimista optimistic

organizado organized

orgulloso proud = arrogant

paciente patient

paciente tolerant = patient

pesimista pessimistic

práctico practical

realista realistic

rencoroso spiteful

respetuoso respectful
responsible responsible

seguro self-confident

sensato sensible

sensible sensitive

sincero sincere

sociable sociable = outgoing

solitario lonely

tímido shy

valiente courageous = brave

vanidoso vain = conceited

Ejercicios del tema

1. Forma los comparativos en las siguientes frases:

1. Dogs are (intelligent) rabbits.

2. Lucy is (old) Ellie.

3. Russia is far (large) the UK.

4. My Latin class is (boring) my English class. 5. In the UK, the streets are generally (narrow) the streets in the

USA. 6. London is (busy) Glasgow.

7. Julie is (quiet) hersister.

8. Amanda is (ambitious) her classmates.

9. My garden is a lot (colourful) this park.

10. His house is a bit (comfortable) a hotel. 2. Completa con el comparativo

1. Snakes are.............................(fast) snails.

2. London is ........................... (big) Madrid.

3. Snails are .......................... (slow)snakes.

4. My spanish book is..................................(difficult) my English book.

5. Lord of the Rings is.................................. (interesting) Mission Impossible.

3. Forma frases en comparativo

1. English / maths (important) English is more important maths

2. A tortoise / a cat (slow) …...........................................................

3. My friend / I (handsome) …...........................................................

4. Chocolate milkshakes / lemonade …........................................................

5. A tiger/ a rabbit(dangerous) …............................................................

6. The NorthPole / Africa (cold)…............................................................

7. Swimming / skating (easy) …............................................................

8. The Eiffel Tower / my house (big) …............................................................

9. A elephant / a feather (heavy) …............................................................

10. Planes / cars (fast) …...........................................................

4. Escribe la forma comparativa de la siguiente lista de adjetivos

Write the comparative form.

1. big ….......

6. Funny….......

2. happy ….......

7. easy ….......

3. expensive ….......

8. great ….......

4. intelligent….......

9. interesting ….......

5. boring ….......

10. bad

5. Completa las frases con un adjetivo en grado comparativo de la siguiente lista

Far cold hot modern

1. Summer is...........spring.

2. Winter is...........summer.

3. The Eiffel Toweris........... the Coliseum.

4. China is...........Italy
Soluciones a los ejercicios

Ejercicio 1

1. Dogs are more intelligent thanrabbits.

2. Lucy is older than Ellie.

3. Russia is far larger than theUK.

4. My Latin class is more boring than my Englishclass.

5. In the UK, the streets are generally narrower the streets in theUSA.

6. London is busier tanGlasgow.

7. Julie is quieter than hersister.

8. Amanda is more ambitious than herclassmates.

9. My garden is a lot more colourful than thispark.

10. His house is a bit more comfortable than ahotel.

Ejercicio 2

1. Snakes are faster than snails.

2. London is bigger thanMadrid.

3. Snails are slower than snakes.

4. My spanish book is more difficult than my Englishbook. 5.

Lord of the Rings is more interesting than MissionImpossible.

Ejercicio 3

2. A tortoise is slower than a cat.

3. My friend is more handsome.

4. Chocolate milkshakes are better than a lemonade.

5. A tiger is more dangerous than arabbit.

6. The North Pole is colder than Africa.

7. Swimming is easier than skating.

8. The Eiffel Tower is bigger than my house

9. An elephant is heavier than afeather.

10. Planes are faster than cars.

Ejercicio 4

1. bigger

6. better

2. happier

7. easier

3. more expensive

8. greater

4. more intelligent

9. more interesting

5. more boring

10. worse

Ejercicio 5.

Summer is hotter than spring.

1. Winter is colder than summer.

2. The Eiffel Tower is more modern than theColiseum.

3. China is further/farther than Italy

Tema 4: el pasado simple y continuo
El Pasado Simple se usa en inglés para describir acciones que sucedieron en un tiempo pasado (muchos siglos atrás o solo
10 segundos atrás) pero que ya no tienen relación con el presente. En español corresponde al Pretérito Perfecto simple de

Oraciones afirmativa del Pasado de verbos REGULARES:

Los verbos REGULARES son los que forman el pasado simple agregándole “-ed” al verbo en infinitivo, y se conjugan igual
para todas las personas.


I cleaned the house yesterday. Limpié la casa ayer.

You worked hard last year. (Tú) Trabajaste duro el año pasado.

He watched TV all afternoon last Saturday. Él miró la televisión toda la tarde el sábado pasado.

En algunos verbos que terminan en consonante más “-y”, en el pasado simple la “y” es reemplazada por “i” y luego se
agrega “-ed”, como en:

study (estudiar) studied

copy (copiar) copied

worry (preocuparse) worried

try (tratar) tried

marry (casarse) married

Los verbos en inglés son IRREGULARES cuando cambian totalmente la forma del infinitivo al construir el pasado. A
continuación se detalla una lista de verbos irregulares con sus significados:
Infinitivo 1. Pasado Simple Participio Pasado*

awake (despertar) awoke awoken

be (ser/estar) was, were been

bear (soportar) bore born

become (convertir) became become

begin (comenzar) began begun

bend (doblar) bent bent

bite (morder) bit bitten

bleed (sangrar) bled bled

blow (soplar) blew blown

break (romper) broke broken

breed (criar) bred bred

bring (traer) brought brought

build (28riendo f) built built

burn (quemar) burned/burnt burned/burnt

burst (explotar) burst burst

buy (comprar) bought bought

catch (atrapar) caught caught

choose (elegir) chose chosen

cling (sujetar) clung clung

come (venir) came come

cost (costar) cost cost

cut (cortar) cut cut

deal (28riend) dealt dealt

dig (cavar) dug dug

do (hacer) did done

draw (dibujar) drew drawn

dream (28rien) dreamed/dreamt dreamed/dreamt

drive (28riendo ) drove driven

drink (beber) drank drunk

eat (comer) ate eaten

fall (caer) fell fallen

feed (alimentar) fed fed

feel (sentir) felt felt

Fight (caerse) fought fought

find (encontrar) found found

fit (encajar) fit / fitted fit/ fitted

flee (huir) fled fled

fly (volar) flew flown

forbid (prohibir) forbade forbidden

forget (olvidar) forgot forgotten

forgive (perdonar) forgave forgiven

freeze (congelar) froze frozen

get (obterner) got got

give (dar) gave given

go (ir) went gone

grow (crecer) grew grown

hang (colgar) hung hung

have (tener) had had

hear (oir) heard heard

hide (28riendo ) hid hidden

hit (golpear) hit hit

hold (sostener) held held

hurt (herir, lastimar, doler) hurt hurt

keep (guardar, mantener) kept kept

know (saber. Conocer) knew known

lay (poner, colocar) laid laid

learn (aprender) learned/ learnt learned/ learnt

leave (partir, dejar) left left

lend (prestar) lent lent

let (permitir) let let

lie (recostarse, tirarse) lay lain

light (encender) lit / lighted lit / lighted

lose (perder) lost lost

make (hacer) made made

mean (significar) meant meant

meet (encontrarse, conocer) met met

mistake (equivocarse) mistook mistaken

misunderstand (malentender) misunderstood misunderstood

overcome (sobreponerse) overcame overcome

overtake (sobrellevar) overtook overtaken

pay (pagar) paid paid

prove (probar) proved proven/ proved

put (poner) put put

read (leer) read (suena como “red”) read (suena como


ride (30riendo , montar) rode ridden
ring (sonar) rang rung

sise (elevar) rose risen

run (30rien) ran run

say (decir) said said

see (ver) saw seen

sell (vender) sold sold

send (enviar) sent sent

set (poner, fijar) set set

sew (coser) sewed sewn/ sewed

shake (temblar, menear) shook shaken

shine (brillar) shined / shone shined / shone

shoot (disparar) shot shot

show (mostrar) showed shown / showed

shrink (encojer) shrank / shrunk shrunk

shut (cerrar) shut shut

sing (cantar) sang sung

sit (sentarse) sat sat

sleep (dormir) slept slept

smell (oler) smelled/ smelt smelled/ smelt

speak (hablar) spoke spoken

speed (acelerar) sped / speeded sped / speeded

spell (deletrear) spelled/ spelt spelled/ spelt

spend (gastar) spent spent

spit (escupir) spit / spat spit / spat

split (30riendo) split split

spoil (arruinar) spoiled/ spoilt spoiled/ spoilt

spread (desparramar) spread spread

spring (saltar) sprang / sprung sprung

stand (pararse) stood stood

steal (robar) stole stolen

stick (pegar, con pegamento) stuck stuck

sting (pinchar) stung stung

swell (hincharse) swelled swollen, swelled

swim (nadar) swam swum

swing (balancearse) swung swung

take (llevar) took taken

teach (enseñar) taught taught

tear (rasgar) tore torn

tell (decir) told told

think (pensar) thought thought

throw (tirar) threw thrown

understand (entender) understood understood

undertake (encargarse de) undertook undertaken

wear (usar) wore worn

weep (llorar) wept wept

wet (humedecer) wet/ wetted wet/ wetted

win (ganar) won won

wind (dar cuerda) wound wound

withdraw (sacar) withdrew withdrawn

write (escribir) wrote written

Negativo del Pasado Simple:

El negativo del pasado simple se forma con el auxiliar DID NOT o su abreviatura DIDN’T, más el verbo en infinitivo:


I didn’t clean the house yesterday. No limpié la casa ayer.

You didn’t work hard last year. No trabajaste duro el año pasado.

He didn’t watch TV all afternoon last Saturday. Él no miró la televisión toda la tarde el sábado pasado.

Interrogativo del Pasado Simple:

El interrogativo del Pasado Simple se forma con el auxiliar DID al comienzo de la pregunta y el verbo principal en el infinitivo


Did I clean the house yesterday? ¿Limpié la casa ayer?

Did you work hard last year? ¿Trabajaste duro el año pasado?

Did he watch TV all afternoon last Saturday? ¿Miró él la televisión toda la tarde el sábado pasado?

El pasado continuo (estaba + gerundio)

A) Estructura

Oraciones afirmativas:
Sujeto + pasado de to be (was/were) + verbo acabado en ing
Ejemplo: i was playing football
Oraciones negativas
Sujeto + was/were + not+verbo acabado en ing
Ejemplo: i was not playing
Oraciones interrogativas
Was/were + sujeto + verbo acabado en ing
Ejemplo: was i playing?
B) Usos del pasado continuo
1. Para indicar lo que estabas haciendo en un momento concreto dentro delpasado.
Ejemplo: yesterday at two i was playingfootball
2. Para indicar que dos acciones estaban ocurriendo a la vezsin que una interrumpa a la otra.
Ejemplo: i was playing football while you were studying
3. Para indicar que una acción estaba ocurriendo cuando otra la interrumpe (la que interrumple va en pasado simple)
Ejemplo: I was playing football when my mother phonedme.
Ejercicios del tema
It was late at night and it was raining heavily. Mark was sitting on his sofa looking through the window, but unable to see
anything through the windows hitting the glass, he looked at his own garden. While he was staring at the window, listened
an strange noise coming from his bedroom. He thought for a moment that he had imagined it when he listened it again. He
was alone at home and it was very dark, all the lights were off2. The storm didn´t help and to be honest, he felt quite
scared. He listened carefully again and he listened the noise for a third time. He could feel the sweat going down his
forehead and with shaking hands he moved two metres to pick up the phone from the table next to the sofa. He tried to
dial, but to his horror the line was off. Had it been cut off because of the storm or was there someone trying to come into
his house? He decided to get up and, as he gathered all his courage, he walked to the corridor. While he was getting to his
bedroom door, he listened the strange noise again. He grabbed an umbrella from the hall and entered the room ready to
defend himself. He turned the light on and nobody was there. While he examined the room, he noticed at a it was red light
on his radio. A smile appeared on his face, nothing like being alone at home with a storm in a dark night to get yourself
driven by panic.


(1) Unable: incapaz

(2) All the lights were off: todas las luces estabanapagadas

(3) Sweat:sudor

(4) Forehead: frente

(5) Shaking hands: las manostemblando

(6) Dial: marcar (porteléfono)

(7) Gathered all his courage: reunió todo su coraje

(8) Corridor: pasillo

a) Answer the following questions according to the text:

What physical signs of fear did Mark show?

What was he planning to defend himself with?

b) Are these statements TRUE or FALSE?

……Mark was watching his garden through the window.

……The phone didn´t work because the power was cut off.

……His first reaction was to call someone.

……The noise came from Mark´s radio.

Write a composition (60-80) words about the advantages and disadvantages of living in the country or in a big city.
Advantages Disadvantages

City: City:

go to the cinema, to pubs, to the theatre Pollution

visit museums Stress

you can meet more people Traffic jams

Country: Country:

The country is quiet It can be boring

The air is clean You cannot meet different people You

You can enjoy the nature 33riendo f the car to get to other places

(Puedes utilizar la tabla para ayudarte)

a) Give the comparative and superlative of the adjective “dark”:

Comparative form:……....................................................

Superlative form:……...................................................... b) Give

a question for the underlinedword

It was raining heavily.


c) Make the following sentence negative:

He grabbed an umbrella from the hall.


d) Make the following sentence interrogative:

Mark was sitting on his sofa.


Complete the following sentences with the suitable verb tense.

While I......................(watch) the tv, the telephone rang.

He was sleeping ,when his sister ..................(come) into hisroom.

Ejercicio 2:
Completa con pasado simple o continuo
I (not / drink) any beer lastnight.

2. She (34riend) the bus in the centre of the city. 3. What time (he /

get up) yesterday?

4. Where (you / get off) the train?

5. I (not / change) trains atVictoria.

6. We (wake up) very late.

7. What (he / give) his mother forChristmas? 8. I (receive) £300 whenmy uncle

(die). 9. We (not / use) the computer last night. 10. (she / make) the coffee?

11. They (live) in Paris.

12. She (read) the newspaper yesterday.

13. I (not / watch) TV.

14. He (not / study) for the exam.

15. (he / call) you?

16. (I / forget)something?

17. What time (the film / start)?

18. He (have) a shower.

19. Why (you / come)?

20. (he / go) to the party

Ejercicio 3:
Completa en pasado continuo

1.We (not chat) with him

2 I (not play) the guitar.

3 You (study) French.

4 She (not watch) TV.

5 They (laugh) at you.

6 It (not snow).

7 Sarah (listen) to a CD.

8 Jo and Tom (dance)

Ejercicio 4:
Completa en pasado simple o continuo

1. We (play) volleyball with Mary,when you (call) me. 2. When the teacher (come) in,they (study) English. 3. The baby

(sleep) when the telephone (ring).

4. As I (walk) in the streets ofHolland, I (meet) an old friend of mine

5. I (lose) my car keys.

6. I was looking for my pursewhen I (drop) my credit card. 7. My uncle (take) me to the

airport yesterday.

8. She (dance) when she hurt herankle.

9. It (rain) heavily when I gotup.

10. I (see) the thief while he (get) into my neighbor’s house.

Ejercicio 1
What physical signs of fear did Mark show?

He could feel the sweat going down his forehead and with shaking hands he moved two metres to pick up the phone from
the 36riend table next to the sofa.

What was he planning to defend himself with?

He grabbed an umbrella from the hall and entered the room ready to defend himself

b) Are these statements TRUE or FALSE?

……Mark was watching his garden through the window. True (line 1)

……The phone didn´t work because the power was cut off. True (line 8)

……His first reaction was to call someone. False (line 6)

……The noise came from Mark´s radio. True (line 15)

Write a composition (60-80) words about the advantages and disadvantages of living in the country or in a big city.

Advantages Disadvantages

go to the cinema, to pubs, to the theatre
visit museums
you can meet more people
Traffic jams

The country is quiet
It can be boring
The air is clean
You cannot meet different people You
You can enjoy the nature
City: 36riendo f the car to get to other places


living in a city has advantages and disadvantages; one advantage is that you can find better 36rie 36ri in the country but
youdont have so much free time as a country. In the second place, you can meet more people in the city, however the
pollutionis worse than in the country.

Today the 36riendo people live in the city but i think that the 36rie 36rie change in the future by the over populaTion
36riendo in the cities, such as; London, Madrid, Berlín, París…

a) Give the comparative and superlative 36riendo the adjective“dark”:

Comparative form:……........DARKER….........................................

Superlative form:……...............THE DARKNESS…....................................

b) Give a question for the underlinedword

It was raining heavily.

…….............HOW WAS IT RAINING?.........................................................................

c) Make the following sentence negative:

He grabbed an umbrella from the hall.


HALL…............................................................................ d) Make the following sentence interrogative:

Mark was sitting on his sofa.

…….....................WAS MARK SITTING ON THE

SOFA?.................................................................. e) Complete the following sentences with

the suitable verbtense.

While I ….WAS WATCHING..................(watch) the tv, the telephone rang.

He was sleeping ,when hissister …CAME............... (come) into hisroom.

f) Complete the following conditional:

If I won the lottery, …….............I WOULD BUY A CAR….........................

g) Give the opposite for EARLY ..........LATE

h) Find the Word that has the same meaning as “very bad weather usually with strong wind and heavy rain


Ejercicio 2

I didn’t drink any beer last night.

2. She got on the bus in the centre of the city.

3. What time did he get up yesterday?

4. Where did you get off thetrain?

5. I didn’t change trains atVictoria.

6. We woke up very late.

7. What did he give his mother forChristmas?

8. I received £300 when my uncledied.

9. We didn’t use the computer lastnight.

10. Did she make 37rie coffee?

11. They lived in Paris.

12. She read the newspaper yesterday.

13. I didn’t watch TV.

14. He didn’t study for the exam.

15. Did he call you?

16. Did I forgetsomething?

17. What time did the film start?

18. He had a shower.

19. Why did youcome?

20. Did he go to the party?

Ejercicio 3
1. Were not chatting

2. i was not playing

3. were studying

4. was not watching

5. were laughing
6. was notsnowing

7. was listening

8. were dancing

Ejercicio 4
1. We were playing volleyball with Mary when you called me.

2. When the teacher came in, they were studying English. 3.

The baby was sleeping when the telephone rang.

4. As I was walking in the streets of Holland, I met an old friend of mine

5. I lost my car keys.

6. I was looking for my purse when I dropped my credit

card. 7. My uncle took me to the airport yesterday.

8. She was dancing when she hurt her ankle.

9. It was raining heavily when I gotup.

10. I saw the thief while he was getting into my neighbor’s house.

Tema 5: Present perfect
A) Estructura

∙ + Sujeto más have / has (3ª persona del singular) más participio.
∙ Sujeto más have / has (3ª persona del singular) más not más participio.
∙ ¿ have / has (3ª persona del singular) más sujeto más participio.
B) Usos:

1. Relaciona el pasado con el presente. Otro aspecto es cuando no sabemos exactamente en que momento del pasado
ocurrieron las cosas. En este caso se usan las partículas for (desde hace) y since(desde)

I have lived here for two years

I have studied english since monday

2. Cuando en la oración no tenemos marca detiempo

I have seen mary (he visto aMary)

3. Si tenemos una marca de tiempoindefinida

Recertly recientemente

Lately últimamente

4. Si tenemos marca de tiempo que aún no han acabado

(Today, this year, thisweek)

5. Cuando aparecen las siguientes palabras

JUST recientemente, acabo de ALREADY ya (oraciones afirmativas) NEVERnunca

EVER alguna vez

STILL todavía (oraciones afirmativas)

YET todavía (oraciones negativas e interrogativas. Se coloca al final de laoración)

I have just seen Mary

I have already seen Mary I have never seen Mary I have ever seen Mary

I haven’t seen Mary yet

I heve still seen Mary

6. Cuando se pregunta con HOW LONG (Durante cuánto tiempo...?)

How long have you been inLondon?

Ejercicios del tema

Ejercicio 1

Shakespeare (1564-1616): Who was he?

Though William Shakespeare is recognized as one of literature’s greatest influences, very little is actually known about him.
What we do know about his life comes from registrar records, court records1, wills2, marriage certificates3 and his
tombstone4. Anecdotes and criticisms by his rivals also speak of the famous playwright and suggest that he was indeed
aplaywright, poet and an actor.

Date of Birth

William was born in 1564. We know this from the earliest record we have of his life; his baptism5 which happened on
Wednesday, April the 26th, 1564. We don’t actually know his birthday but from this record we assume he was born in
1564.Similarly by knowing the baptism date, we can guess that he was born three days earlier on St. George’s day, though
we have no conclusive proof6 of this.

Brothers and Sisters.

William was the third child of John and Mary Shakespeare. The first two were daughters and William was himself followed
by Gilbert who died in 1612 and Richard who died in 1613. Edmund (1580-1607), sixth in the line was baptized on May the
third, 1580. Of William’s seven siblings7, only Judith and four of his brothers survived toadulthood8.


We assume William attended the school in Stratford since it existed to educate the sons of Stratford but we have no
definite proof. Likewise a lack of evidence suggests that William, whose works are studied universally at Universities, never
attended one himself!

William marries an older woman.

A bond certificate dated November the 28th, 1582, reveals that an eighteen year old William married the twenty-six and
pregnant Anne Hathaway. Barely seven months later, they had his first daughter, Susanna.


(1) court records: registrosjudiciales

(2) will: testamento

(3) marriage certificate: certificado de boda

(4) tombstone: lápida

(5) baptism: bautismo

(6) proof: prueba

(7) siblings: hermanos/as

Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text.

1. How many of William brothers and sisters reachedadulthood?

2. What is the exact date of William Shakespeare´sbirth?

Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE?

….....We have got lots of information about Shakespeare because his life is very well

documented. ….... William was the first son, after twodaughters.

….... William attended some importantuniversities.

…..... William was eight years younger than hiswife.

Ejercicio 2
Write a composition (60-80 words) about the importance of reading books
Si no se te ocurre nada, puedes intentar rellenar esta plantilla:
· I am going to write about …..........................

· In my opinion reading books is …................... First of all, itimproves …........and...................Secondly, it

develops your..................... and finally it makes you know more about ….....................................

· In conclusion, I think that a person who reads a lot is................................................................. Reading

should be encouraged since we are children so that we........................................

Ejercicio 3
Complete the sentences with the correct verb tense.
I............... (write) now.
You.........................(not usually drink) beer.
They ........................(already eat) lunch today.
Martha ................. (go) to the cinema last night.
While I .................... (watch) the film, the telephone rang

Ejercicio 4

Complete the sentences with the correct form.

1) I a new mobile phone. (just/buy)

2) a cat without a tail? (you/ever/see)


3)My sister sushi. (never/ eat)

4)We your new tape yet. (hear)

5)How many words for your language project? (you/write)

6)Sheila her breakfast yet. (Have)

7)What to the computer? (they/ do)

8)John and Alex in France for 20 years.(live)

9)Where my keys? ( I /leave)

10)Simon Pat's parents yet.(meet)

Ejercicio 5
Complete these sentences with a verb from the list. Use the Present Perfect break buy

finish do go go lose paint read take break

1- “ Are they still having dinner?” “No, they ”

2-” I some new shoes. Do you want to see them?”

3-” Is Tom here?” “No, he to work”

4-” the shopping?” “ No, I’m going to do it later.”

5- “ Where’s your key?” “ I don’t know. I it.”

6- Look! Somebody that window.

7- Your house looks different! it?

8- I can’t find my umbrella. Somebody it.

9- I’m looking for Sarah. Where ?

10- “ Do you want the newspaper?” No, thanks. I it”

Ejercicios resueltos

Ejercicio 1

1. only Judith and four of his brothers survived toadulthood

2. We don’t actually know his birthday but from this record we assume he was born in1564.




Ejercicio 3

1. Am writing

2. dont usually

3. have already eaten

4. Went

5. Was watching

Ejercicio 4

1. Have just bought

2. have you everseen

3. has never eaten

4. havent heard

5. have you writen

6. hasnt had

7. have they done

8. have lived

9. have i left

10. hasnt met

Ejercicio 5

1. haventfinished

2. have bought

3. has gone

4. have you done

5. have lost

6. has broken
7. have you painted

? 8. has taken

9. has she gone

10. have already read


Futuro inmediato: to be going to

Futuro simple: will Yo comeré

Tema 6: los tiempos de futuro

Estructura y usos
Yo voy a comer Presente continuo con valor de
+ sujeto + will + v (infinitivo) + Sujeto + Pr to be + going to + v(infinitivo) + sujeto + Pr. To be + v (ing)
- sujeto + wont + v (infinitivo)
- Sujeto + Pr to be + not+ going to + v(infinitivo) - sujeto + Pr. To be +not+ v (ing)
¿ will + sujeto + v (infinitivo) ¿Pr to be + sujeto + going to + v(infinitivo) ¿ Pr to be + Sujeto + v(ing) Para
decisiones futuras
que se toman en el de forma premeditada y planificada. una realidad objetiva.
momento de hablar. This summer i am going to travel to It is cloudy, it is going to rain
Ejemplo: i am thirsty, i will have a Italy Para acciones acordadas a corto
drink plazo.
Para hacer predicciones Inseguras Tomorrow i am meeting Mary
sobre hechos. I think i will pass the
Para decisiones futuras que se toman Para hacer predicciones basadas en

Ejercicios de recopilación de los tiempos verbales

1. Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
Put the verb into the correct tense form:
1. Julia is very good at languages. She............................................ (speak) 4 languages fluently. 2.
Hurry up! Everybody ............................................(wait) for you.
3. a. ............................................(you/listen) to the radio?
b. No, you can turn it off.
4. a. ............................................(you/listen) to the radio everyday?
b. No, just occasionally.
5. The River Nile ............................................ (flow) into the Mediterranean.
6. a. How’s your English?
b. Not bad. It ............................................(improve) slowly.
7. a. Can you drive?
b. I ............................................ (learn). My father .............................................(teach) me.
8. My parents ............................................ (live) inBristol. Where .............................................(your parents
/ live)?
9. Sonia ............................................ (look) for a place to live. She..............................................(stay) with her
sister until she finds a flat.
10. Usually I ............................................ (enjoy) parties, but I .............................................(not/enjoy) this one
very much.
2. Elige entre pasado simple o continuo.
When I the exercise I at the pictures.

1. was starting 2. were starting 3. started
4. was looking 5. were looking 6. looked

While I the exercise I at my worksheet.

1. was doing 2. were doing 3. did

4. was looking 5. were looking 6. looked

While I the exercise I my brain a lot.

1. was doing 2. were doing 3. did

1. was using 2. were using 3. used

In the exercise there a picture of three doctors who .

1. was being 2. were being 3. was

4. was singing 5. were singing 6. sang

And a picture of Bill Gates who a plane.

1. was flying were flying 2. flew

1. When I (do) the washing-up, I (break) a plate.

2. While Tom (play) the piano, his mother (do) the washing-up. 3. He (drink) some juice and then he (eat) a
few chips. 4. I (have) dinner when I suddenly (hear) a loud bang. 5. When my father (work) in the garden, an
old friend (pass) by to see him.
6. She (go) to school, (take) out her textbook and (begin) to read.
7. When it (start) to rain, our dog (want) to come inside. 8. When Jane (do) a language course in Ireland, she
(visit) Blarney Castle. 9. When I (be) on my way home, I (see) an accident. 10. I (not / understand) what they
(talk) about.

3. Complete these sentences using the Present Perfect Tense or the Past Tense

1. We (not meet) his mother so far. We his mother then. 2. Greg (be) a good student last year. Greg a good
student up to now.
3. They (live) in our street since 1982. They in our street some years ago.
4. Bob and Chris (not quarrel) all week. Bob and Chris yesterday.
5. You (ask) me this question before. You me this question last lesson. 4. Choose will ( 'll ) or ( be ) going to,
whichever is correct or more likely, and one of these verbs.

collapse eat enter explode have increase leave

paint sick phone walk re-open retire see show be

1. Get out of the building! It sounds like the generator 's going to explode. 2. Tim early
before he reaches 65. He mentioned it at the meeting recently. 3. 'I think I home across
the park.' ' That's a good idea.'
4. Next year, no doubt, more people the competition as the prize money increases. 5. 'Can we
meet at 10.00 outside the station?' 'Okay. I you there.'
6. Don't sit on that bench, fact, I thinkI
I it.
7. I'm not feeling well. In !

8. Closed over the New Year period. This office on 2nd january. ( sign on an office window ) 9. I'm sure
you a good time staying with Richard.
10. We with Tim tonight. He's asked us to be there at 7.00. 11. 'The 2.35 to Bristol from platform 5.' (
announcement at railway station ) 12. I wouldn't walk across that old bridge if I were you. It looks
like it . 13. I read in the paper that they the price of gas again.
14. Do you like my new solar watch? Here, I you how it works. 15. 'Dr Jackson isn't in his office at
the moment.' ' In thatcase, I him at home
5. These sentences refer to the future. Complete them with either going to or the present continuous,
whichever is correct or more likely.

I can't go any further. I on that bench for a while. ( sit )

The game at two o'clock tomorrow. I hope you can be there. ( start ) The service here is very slow. I
to the manager if we're not served soon. ( complain ) I have a right to be heard, and no-one me
from putting my side of the argument. ( stop ) The two leaders _ for talks later this afternoon. (
meet )
The bank has announced that it its interest rates by one per cent from tomorrow. ( increase )

Are you my questions or not ? ( answer )
I have to get up early tomorrow. I a physics class at 8.00 in the morning. ( teach ) Before I
apply for the job, I more information about it.
( get )
Brazil Colombia in today's final. ( play )
Soluciones a los ejercicios

Ejercicio 1

1. speaks,

2. is waiting

3. are you listening

4. Do you

5. flows

6. it isimproving

7. am learning, isteaching

8. live, do your parentslive

9. is looking, isstaying

10. Enjoy, dont enjoying

Ejercicio 2





1. was doing, I broke

2. was playing, was doing

3. He drank, he ate

4. I was having, I suddenly heard

5. was working, passed

6. She went, took,began

7. started, wanted

8. was doing, she visited

9. I was, Isaw

10. I did not understand, weretalking

Ejercicio 3

1. We have not met his mother so far. We met his motherthen.

2. Greg was a good student last year. Greg has been a good student uptonow. 3. They

have lived in our streetsince 1982. They lived in our streetsome years ago. 4. Bob and

Chris have not quarrelled all week. Bob and Chris did not quarrel yesterday. 5. You

have asked me this question before. You asked me this question lastlesson Ejercicio 4








Ejercicio 5






Tema 7: las oraciones condicionales

Las oraciones condicionales en inglés son bastante parecidas a las del español. En español, las oraciones
condicionales se componen de dos oraciones; una oración principal y otra condicional.
O. Principal: aprobarás el examen.
O. Condicional: si estudias.
Si estudias aprobarás el examen.
Si os fijáis, la oración condicional podrá una condición para que se realice la acción de la oración principal. En
este caso la condición es que estudies.
Esta condición puede ser de 4 tipos:
1ª Abierta o posibles. Si se cumple la condición se realizará la acción.
Ejemplo: Si estudias, aprobarás el examen.
2º Hipotéticas. Si se cumple la condición, puede que se realice la acción o no.
Ejemplo: si estudiaras, aprobarías. (Pede que apruebes o no).
3º Imposibles: La acción ya no se puede cumplir porque has perdido la oportunidad de cumplir la acción.
Ejemplo. Si hubieras estudiado. Habrías aprobado.

4º Automáticas: la condición provoca automáticamente la acción.

Ejemplo. Si le das al botón, el ordenador se enciende.

Estos cuatro tipos de condicionales también existen en el inglés.

Condicional 1: opened

Estructura: if + sujeto +presente simple ......... sujeto + will + verbo en infinitivo.

Ejemplo: if you study, you will pass the exam.

Condicional 2: hypothetical

Estructura: if + sujeto + verbo en pasado……. Sujeto + would + verbo en infinitivo

Ejemplo: if you studied, you would pass the exam.
Si estudiaras, aprobarías.

Condicional 3: impossible
Estructura: if + sujeto + pasado perfecto……. Sujeto + would have +
participio. Could
Ejemplo: if you had studied, you would have passed the
exam. Si hubieras estudiado, habrías aprobado.

Condicional 0: automáticas

Estructura: if + sujeto + presente….. sujeto + verbo en presente.

Ejemplo: if you press the button, the pc turns on
Si le das al botón, el ordenador se enciende.

Ejercicios del tema

1. Conditional sentences: type I

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

1. Ice (turn)…............to water if you heatit.

2. If the house (burn)… .................... down we can claim

compensation. 3. If you (notlike)….......................this one I'll bring you


4. Unless you are more careful you....................(have) an accident.

5. Tell him to ring me up if you ................... (see) him.

6. If I tell you a secret,( you, promise) ..................not to tell it to anyoneelse?

7. If you (not believe).....................what I say, ask yourmother.

8. If he (like) ..............the house, will he buy it?

9. She won't open the door unlessshe (know) ....................who itis.

10. Unless I have a quiet room I (notbe able) .............. to do any work.
2. Conditional sentences: type 2

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

1. If you drove your car into the river (you,be able)....................to get out? 2.

If you (not belong) .........................to a union you couldn't get ajob.

3. If I (win)… .................... a big prize in a lottery I'd give up my job.

4. What you (do)….................. if you found a burglar in yourhouse?

5. I could tell you what this meansif I ...................(know) Greek.

6. He might get fat ifhe (stop).....................smoking.

7. If you (see).......................someone drowning, what would youdo?

8. I (be)….................ruined if I bought her everything she askedfor.

9. If you slept under a mosquito net, you(not be)................... bitten so often.

10. I could get a job easily ifI (have)…..................a degree.

11. If we had more rain, our crops (grow)......................faster.

12. The whole machine would fall to pieces ifyou (remove) .................. thatscrew. 13. If they

(ban)......................... the sale of alcohol at football matches, there might be lessviolence. 14. What

would you do if thelift(get)….....................stuck between two floors? 15. If you knew you had only

six weeks to live, howyou (spend)..................... those six weeks?

3. Conditional sentences: type 3

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

1. I shouldn't have believed it if I(notsee)….................it with my own eyes.

2. If he had slipped,he (fall)…................ 500 metres.

3. If you had left that wasp alone, it(not sting) ..................... you.

4. If I (realise) .............what a bad driver you were, I wouldn't have comewithyou.

5. If I had realised that the traffic lights were red, I (stop)…………………….

6. If you had told me that he never paid his debts, I(not lend)….............. him the money.

7. If you (notsneeze)…................... , he wouldn't have known that we werethere. 8. The

hens(not get)…..................... into the house if you had shut thedoor. 9. If I (try)

.......................again, I think that I would havesucceeded.

10. You (not get)…................. into trouble if you had obeyed myinstructions. 11. If you hadn't

been in such a hurry, you(not put) .................. sugar into the sauce instead ofsalt.

12. Ifshe had listened to my directions,she (not turn)...................down the wrong street.

13. If you (look)…................at the engine for a moment, you would have seen whatwasmissing.

14. He would have been arrested if he (try)...................to leave the country.

15. I (take)....................... a taxi if I had realised that it was such a longway.


1. If he early today, I won´t wait for him. ( NOT COME )

2. I to Bahamas if I get much money. ( GO )
3. If you see her, her to come. (TELL )
4. What will you do if you your passport? ( LOSE )
5. Stay at home if you to come. ( NOT WANT )
6. If you your driving exam, you ...................... to Wales last summer. ( PASS / DRIVE ) 7. If you the
flowers, they.............................( NOT WATER /
8. Peter money if he a job. ( EARN / HAVE )
9. If I , I you, but I forgot.( REMEMBER / TELEPHONE ) 10. I an ambulance if I an accident.
( CALL / SEE )
11. If you ( SIT ) down, I ( TELL ) the
teacher that you are here.
12. If I ( BE ) you, I ( STUDY ) harder.
13. He ( COME ) if he ( HAVE ) time, but he didn´t. 14. He ( KILL ) a man if he (
KNOW ) the
15. If she ( COME ), ( TELL ) her that
I want to see her.
16.They might be angry if we to their party next week. ( NOT GO ) 17.If the
examiner had read the passage more slowly, the candidates
18. They could get lost if they a road map. ( NOT HAVE )
19. He would have won the prize if he harder, but he didn´t.
( TRY )
20. If she had told me the truth, I ............................. her (FORGIVE)
21. I´ll collect the papers if you...............................( FINISH )
22. The man said he me unless I told him where the money was.
( HIT )
23. I a map for her in case she couldn´t find our house. ( DRAW )

24. I can´t understand why he´s late unless he our message. ( NOT GET )

25. In case they my first letter I wrote them a secondone. ( NOT RECEIVE )
26. If I found 100 pounds in the street, I it. ( KEEP )

27. They´d be rather angry if you them. ( NOT VISIT ) 28. If I had been
offered the job, I think I it. ( TAKE ) 29. I´m sure Tom will lend you some
money. I would be very surprised if he .( REFUSE )
30. Many people would be out of work ifthat factory down.(CLOSE) 31. If she
sold her car, She much money for it. ( NOT GET ) 32. They´re expecting us.
They would be disappointed if we . ( NOT COME )
33. Would George be angry if I his bike without asking? ( TAKE ) 34. Ann gave me this
ring. She terribly sorry if I lost it. ( BE ) 35. If someone in here with a gun, I´d be
frightened. ( WALK ) 36. What would have happened if you to work yesterday? ( NOT
GO ) 37. I´m sure she if you had explained the situation to her. UNDERSTAND) 38.
What would you do if a millionaire you to marry him/her? (ASK) 39. What would you do
if you your passport in a foreign country? ( LOSE )
40. What would you do if someone an egg at you? ( THROW ) 41. If I went
to bed now, I . ( NOT SLEEP )
42. If she for the job, she would have got it. ( APPLY ) 43. If I her
number, I would telephone her. ( KNOW ) 44. I that coat if I were you. (
45. I you a cigarette if I had one but I haven´t. ( GIVE ) 46. This soup would taste
better if it more salt in it. ( HAVE ) 47. If you to bed so late every night, you
wouldn´t be so tired all the time. ( NOT GO )
48. I wouldn ´t mind living in England if the weather better. ( BE ) 49. I´d help you
if I but I´m afraid I can´t. ( CAN )
50. If I were you, I him. ( NOT MARRY )

Ejercicio 1:

1-turns 2-burns 3-don´t like 4-will have 5-see 6-will you promise 7-don´t believe 8-likes 9-knows 10-won´t be able

Ejercicio 2

1-would you be able 2- didn´t belong 3-won 4-would you do 5-knew 6-stopped

7-saw 8-would be 9-wouldn´t be 10-had 11-would grow 12-removed 13-banned 14-

got 15-would you spend

Ejercicio 3:

1-hadn´t seen 2-would have fallen 3-wouldn´t have stung 4-had realised 5-would have stopped 6- wouldn´t have lent 7-
hadn´t sneezed 8-wouldn´t have got 9-had tried

10-wouldn´t have got 11-wouldn´t have put 12-wouldn´t have turned 13-had looked

14-had tried 15-would have taken

Ejercicio 4

1-doesn´t come 2-will go 3-tell 4-lose 5-don´t want 6-had passed—would have driven 7-don´t water –will die 8-would
earn –had 9-had remembered—would have telephoned 10-would call –saw 11-sit—will tell 12-was/were—would
study 13- would have come—had had 14-would kill—knew 15-comes—tell 16- didn´tgo

17-would have understood 18-didn´t have 19-had tried 20-would have forgiven

21-finish 22-would hit 23-drew 24-didn´t get 25-didn´t receive 26-would keep 27-

didn´t visit 28-would have taken 29-refused 30-closed 31-wouldn´t get

32-didn´t come 33-took 34-would be 35-walked 36-hadn´t gone 37-would have understood 38-asked 39- lost 40-
threw 41- wouldn´t sleep 42- had applied

43-knew 44-woudn´t buy 45-would give 46-had 47-didn´t go 48-was/were 49-could 50-wouldn´t marry.
Tema 8: la voz pasiva
Usamos la voz pasiva cuando lo que nos interesa es una acción en si misma y no quien la hace, (no importa el sujeto). Para
que exista la voz pasiva necesitamos un verbo transitivo, que es aquel que va acompañado por un complemento directo o
por un complemento indirecto.

Para transformar una oración activa en pasiva, seguiremos los siguientes pasos:

Sujeto + verbo + complemento directo o indirecto.

Ejemplo: Bin Laden blew up the towers

El CD o CI de la activa pasa a sujeto de la pasiva

El verbo activo se transforma en el verbo to be en pasiva (siempre en el mismo tiempo)

El verbo activo se transforma en participio del mismo verbo.

Solo cuando sea necesario el sujeto activo se transformara en el agente pasivo.

Ejemplo: The towers blown up by Bin Laden.

Presente simple: People bet on horses races everyday

Horses races are bet everyday.

Presente continuo: The robber is breaking the safe (el ladrón está rompiendola caja) The safe is being broken.

Presente perfecto: They have built thousands of houses on Cynamon(canela)island.

Thousand of houses have been built on Cynamon island.

Pasado simple: Cervantes wrote Don Quijote

Don Quijote was written by Cervantes.

Pasado continuo: The dirty old lady was cleaning the mess

The mess was being cleaned by the dirty old lady.

Pasado perfecto: They had eaten their dinner when we arrived Their dinner had been eaten when we arrived

Futuro simple: The heat will melt the polar ice caps in few years The polar ice caps will be melted by the heat

Condicional: Goverments(gobierno) would forbid aerosols Aerosols would be forbidden

La doble pasiva

A diferencia de las lenguas romances, el inglés ofrece la posibilidad de usar el complemento indirecto, como sujeto de la voz

Ejemplo: They bring me a sandwich at one a´clock everyday

Suj ver ci cd cc

Complemento directo como sujeto

Ejemplo: A sandwich is brought to me at one o´clock

Complemento indirecto como sujeto

Ejemplo: I´m brought a sandwich at one o´clock everyday

La pasiva impersonal

La pasiva impersonal es aquella que no lleva sujeto y equivale a las oraciones con ``se´´ impersonal.


They say that elephants have a good memory

- It is said(se dice) that elephants have a good memory

Se forma de la siguiente manera:

1. Ponemos siempre el pronombre it

2. Ponemos el verbo principal en voz pasiva: issaid

3. ponemos that y se copia literalmente la oración que va detrás. That elephants havea………

Esto ocurre con los siguientes verbos:

Say, Think, Consider, Tell, Know, Believe, Comment, Understand.

Conversión de activa a pasiva

Para convertir una oración pasiva en activa, realizaremos los siguientes pasos:

Agente de pasiva pasa a ser sujeto de activa, sin ``by´´

Eliminamos el verbo to be

Pasamos el participio pasivo al mismo tiempo que estaba el verbo to be

Sujeto de la pasiva pasa a CD o CI de la activa.


*Papers are bought everyday

People buy papers everyday

*Experiments with animals are made everyday by scientists

Scientists make experiments with animals everyday

*The fire was seen by the President himself

The president himself saw the fire.

Ejercicios de voz pasiva
1. Forma pasivas con el verbo entre paréntesis:

Letters by the postman at 8 every day. (deliver)

This bag in the bus yesterday. (find)

The dress in hot water. (cannot wash)

your motorbike yet? (repair)

The message tomorrow. (send)

These offices now. (clean)

This report in time if you didn't help me. (not finish)

Why the TV ? (turn on)

This building since the 1930's. (not reconstruct) Bags in

the cloakroom. (must leave)

The engine just when the manager saw it. (test) The last umbrellas in
the morning. (sell)

You to arrive so late if you worked for me. (not allow) The plan in

two days. (announce)

All the halls at the moment. (paint)

What were we doing at 11 o'clock? We . (interview)

After the window pane someone smashed the window again.(replace) 2.

Ordena las frases formando pasivas:

in the future/big

each year/thousands of
aeroplanes/produce/ American

penicillin/discover/A. education/should not

Fleming/in 1928 pay/parents

university since World War

I/tanks/use/armies all There was a storm on the
over the world coast last night.

a new school/build/the
B: ? (anything/damage)
local council/just now 3.

Forma pasivas
A: Yes. Some trees fell on cars. Fortunately, nobody was killed.

B: How many cars during the storm? (crush) A: Three
or four.

B: ? (the trees/remove/yet)
A: Yes, they have. But the cars are still there.

B: When ? (the cars/remove)

A: Tomorrow, I hope.

B: ? (the cars/badly/damage)
A: Yes, they are. One of them is completely destroyed.

4. Forma con los verbos entre paréntesis:

The police just (announce)

that the Portnoy's Bank (rob) yesterday.

Two men (enter) the bank at 4.30 with guns in their hands.

Customers and bank clerks (ask) to lie down on the floor

and one of the bank clerks (make) to fill the robbers' bags with money.


After that the two men (leave) the bank quickly.

The police officer Jason Gregson says that more than200,000 pounds (steal) yesterday,

but nobody (injure).

Jason Gregson believes that the robbers (find) soon.

The bank (close) since yesterday.

5. Convierte las frases de activas a pasivas:

They make these cars in Japan. in Japan.

You must not drop litter in the street. in the street.

Someone smashed our window last night. last night.

They have already mended the TV set.

People will need public transport.

They are decorating the wall.

You should not replace the roof.

People are spending less money this year. this year. They had cooked the

meal before 10 o'clock. before 10 o'clock. Someone was building the wall when

I was there. when I was there. They sell this food in every shop. in every shop.

People send more parcels last year. last year.

Ejercicios voz pasiva resueltos
Ejercicio 1

Letters by the postman at 8 every day.(deliver) Right: are


This bag in the bus yesterday. (find) Right: was

The dress in hot water. (cannotwash) Right:

cannot be washed

your motorbike yet?


Right: Has; been repaired

The message tomorrow. (send)

Right: will be sent

These offices now. (clean)

Right: are being cleaned

Thisreport in time if you didn't help me. (notfinish) Right:

would not be finished

Why the TV ? (turn on)

Right: is; turned on

This building since the 1930's. (notreconstruct) Right: has

not been reconstructed

Bags in the cloakroom. (mustleave)

Right: must be left

The engine just when the manager saw it. (test)

Right: was; being tested

The last umbrellas in the morning. (sell)

Right: were sold

You to arrive so late if you worked for me. (notallow) Right:

would not be allowed

The plan in two days. (announce)

Right: will be announced

All the halls at the moment. (paint)

Right: are being painted

What were we doing at 11o'clock? We . (interview) Right: were

being interviewed

After the window pane someone smashed the window again.(replace) Right: had
been replaced

Ejercicio 2 aeroplanes/produce/ American

in the future/big cities/block/cars


Right: In the future big cities will

be blocked by cars. each

year/thousands of

Right: Each year thousands of aeroplanes are produced by American companies.

Fleming/in 1928
Right: Penicillin was discovered by A. Fleming in 1928.

university education/should
not pay/parents
Right: University education should not be paid by parents.

since World War

I/tanks/use/armies all over the
Right: Since World War I tanks have been used by armies all over the world.
a new school/build/the
local council/just now
Right: A new school is being built by the local council just now.

Ejercicio 3

A: There was a storm on the coast last night.

B: ? (anything/damage)
A: Yes. Some trees fell on cars. Fortunately, nobody was killed.

Right: Was anything damaged / Has anything been damaged

B: How many cars during the storm?(crush) A: Three


Right: were crushed

B: ? (the trees/remove/yet)
A: Yes, they have. But the cars are still there.

Right: Have the trees been removed yet

B: When ? (thecars/remove)
A: Tomorrow, I hope.

Right: will the cars be removed

B: ? (the cars/badly/damage)
A: Yes, they are. One of them is completely destroyed.

Right: Are the cars badly damaged

Ejercicio 4

The police just (announce)

Right: has; announced

that the Portnoy's Bank (rob) yesterday.

Right: was robbed

Two men (enter) the bank at 4.30 with guns in their hands. Right:


Customers and bank clerks (ask) to lie down on the floor Right:

were asked

and one of the bank clerks (make) to fill the robbers' bags withmoney. Right: was


After that the two men (leave) the bank quickly.

Right: left

The police officer Jason Gregson says that more than200,000 pounds (steal) yesterday, Right: were


but nobody (injure).

Right: was injured

Jason Gregson believes thatthe robbers (find) soon.

Right: will be found

The bank (close) since yesterday.

Right: has been closed

Ejercicio 5
Right: These cars
They make these are made
cars in Japan. in Japan.

You must not drop litter in the street. in the street. Right: Litter

must not be dropped

Someone smashed our window last night. last night. Right: Our

window was smashed

They have already

mended the TV set.
Right: The TV set has already been mended.
People will need
public transport.
Right: Public transport will be needed.

They are decorating
the wall.

Right: The wall is being decorated.

You should not

replace the roof.
Right: The roof should not be replaced.

People are spending less money this year. this year. Right: Less

money is being spent

They had cooked the meal before 10 o'clock. before 10 o'clock. Right: The

meal had been cooked

Someone was building the wall when I was there. when I was there. Right: The

wall was being built

They sell this food in every shop. in every shop. Right: This

food is sold
People send more parcels last year. last year.

Right: More parcels were sent

Tema 9: las oraciones de relativo

Las oraciones de relativo aportan información adicional acerca de un sustantivo o sintagma nominal,
es decir, acerca de cosas, personas o lugares a los que se refiere el hablante.

Las partículas relativas who, that, which, whose, where y when introducen la oración subordinada de
relativo. Escogeremos una u otra dependiendo del antecedente al que determine, o bien de la
circunstancia que marque:

• Who y that se utilizan cuando el sustantivo hace referencia a unapersona.

Ejemplo: The girl that/who I met at the library hadlonghair.

(La chica que conocí en la biblioteca tenia el pelo largo.)

• Which y thatse utilizan para referirse a objetos. Ejemplo: The pen which/that he lost was silver. (El

bolígrafo que perdí era de plata.)

• Whose indica un matiz posesivo.

Ejemplo: Those are the friends whose flat we've borrowed. (Esos son los amigos que nos han

prestado el piso.) • Where aporta detalles de tipo espacial.

Ejemplo: This is the area where they're building the new school. (Esta es la zona donde van a
construir la nueva escuela.) • When añade una referencia de carácter temporal. Ejemplo: That's the

time when he left university. (Ese es el momento en el que abandonó launiversidad.)

Hay dos tipos de oraciones de relativo


That's the boy who I play football with.

The shop where I bought this top is near here.

The computer that we bought stopped working

• Las oraciones subordinadas de relativo especificativas (defining relative clauses) proporcionan
detalles sobre el sustantivoal que determinan, ofreciendo información sin la cual su significado
quedaría incompleto. Ejemplo: There are many studentswho can't write in English.

(Hay muchos estudiantes que no saben escribir en ingles.)

• En las oraciones especificativas, las partículas de relativo se pueden omitir si estas realizan la

función de objeto directo. Ejemplos: That's the book (that/which) I bought at the bookfair. (Ese es el

libra que compre en la feria.) That y which hacen referencia al libro, y constituyen el objeto directo

del verbo "comprar".

She's the actress (who/that) we met at the festival. (Esa es la actriz que conocimos en el festival.)

Who y that se refieren a la actriz, es decir, al

objeto directo del verbo "conocer".


The book, which wasn't expensive, was fascinating. Maria, who has been in London, is coming home
tomorrow. David, whose brother lives near me, works in that shop.


• Las oraciones de relativo explicativas (non-defining relative clauses) ofrecen información

secundaria acerca del sustantivo al que se refieren. Aunque añaden un matiz de interés desde el
punto de vista del hablante, el contenido que aportan no es esencial. Ejemplo: Mr. Thomson, who
works in a pub, is very friendly.

(El Sr. Thomson, que trabaja en un pub, es muy amable.)

• Las partículas de relativo no se pueden omitir en las oraciones explicativas.

Ejemplo: The thief, who was being followed by the police, managed to escape. (El ladrón, al que
perseguía la policía, consiguió escapar.)

• Las oraciones explicativas siempre aparecen separadas del resto de la frase mediante comas.
Ejemplo: We went to Bristol, where David used to live, atthe

weekend. (El fin de semana pasado fuimos a Bristol, donde vivía David.)

• Dos oraciones simples se pueden unir mediante una partícula de relativo para formar una oración
subordinada explicativa.Una de ellas formará la proposición subordinada y ampliara el contenido de

Ejemplo: Hugh's sister is called Ann. She's a nurse.

(La hermana de Hugh se llama Ann. Es enfermera.)

Hugh's sister, who's a nurse, is called Ann.

(La hermana de Hugh, que es enfermera, se llama Ann.)


que that nunca debe encabezar una oración subordinada explicativa, y que lo correcto es utilizar el
pronombre relativo which. Ejemplo: My scooter, that I bought second hand, has never broken down.

My scooter, which I bought second hand,

has never broken down.

(Mi motocicleta, que es de segunda mano, nunca se

ha averiado.)

Ejercicios del tema

Ejercicio 1: completa con el pronombre relativo adecuado

This isthe man saved the kid.

The house windows are open is beautiful..

The writer wrote that article won the Nobel Prize.

He bought a car runsfast.

He was wearing a cap was black.

Ejercicio 2: forma frases con un pronombre relativo

A lion is an animal. It is very strong.

A lion

A novelist is a person. He writes novels.

A novelist

A bottle opener is a device. It opens bottles.

A bottle opener

The girl speaks Chinese. Her mother writes poems.

The girl

A detective is someone. He discovers the truth about crimes.

A detective

Ejercicio 3: forma frases con un pronombre relativo

We bought a car last week. The car isblue.

The car

The girl is a singer. We met her at theparty.

The girl

The bananas are on the table. George bought them.


We watched a film last night. It was really scary.

The film

I have to learn new words. They are very difficult.

The new words

4. Completa usando un (likedancing)

pronombre relativo ∙ Catherine

and Sue are two girls

∙ My mobile phone is
something (be very important

∙ Antony is a friend of mine An airport is a place

(live inBoston) (planesland)

∙ West Side Story is a

musical (be veryfamous) ∙
5. Une las dos frases mediante un pronombrerelativo

I liked the house. Its roof was made of red tiles. - I likedthe house . A spade is

a tool. You dig with it. - A spadeisa tool .

Here is the museum. I told you about it. - Here isthe museum .

I can't respect politicians. Their only ambition is to be in power. - I can'trespect politicians . This is the

man. We bought the ring from him. - This isthe man .

We can't afford new cars. Their price is too high. - We can't affordnew cars . Where is

the cassette? We listened to it. - Where isthe cassette ?

The film is about a king. His brother kills him. - The film isabouta king . I met some

people. Their houses were badly damaged. - I met some people

Soluciones a los ejercicios

Ejercicio 1

This is the man himself saved the kid.

The house whose windows are open is beautiful..

The writer who wrote that article won the Nobel Prize.

He bought a car which runsfast.

He was wearing a cap which was black.

Ejercicio 2

A lion is an animal. It is very strong. - A lion is an animal which is very strong .

A novelist is a person. He writes novels. - A novelist is a person who writesnovels.

A bottle opener is a device. It opens bottles - A bottle opener is a device which opens bottles. The girl

speaks Chinese. Her mother write poems. - The girl whose mother writes poems speaks Chinese.
A detective is someone. He discovers the truth about crimes. - A detective is someone who discovers the truth about crimes.

Ejercicio 3

We bought a car last week. The car is blue.

The car we bought last week is blue.

The girl is a singer. We met her at the party.

The girl we met at the party is a singer.
The bananas are on the table. George bought them.
The bananas George bought are on the table.

We watched a film last night. It was really scary.

The film we watched last night was really scary.

I have to learn new words. They are very difficult.

The new words I have to learn are very difficult.

Ejercicio 4

Catherine and Sue are two girls who like dancing.

My mobile phone is something which is very importantto me.

Antony is a friend of mine who lives in Boston.

West Side Story is a musical which is very famous.

An airport is a place where planes land.

Ejercicio 5

I liked the

house. Its roof was made of red tiles. - I liked the house .

Right: whose roof was made of red


A spade is
a tool. You
dig with it. - A spade isa tool .

Right: that you dig with

Here isthe
museum. I
told you about it. - Here isthe museum .
Right: that I told you about

I can't respect politicians. Their only ambition is to be in power. - I can't respect politicians . Right:
whose only ambition is to be in power

This is the man. We bought the ring from him. - This is the man .

Right: that we bought the ring from

We can't afford new cars. Their price is too high. - We can't afford new cars . Right:

whose price is too high

Where is the cassette? We listened to it. - Where is the cassette ? Right: that

we listened to

The film is about a king. His brother kills him. - The film is abouta king . Right:

whose brother kills him

I met some people. Their houses were badly damaged. - I metsome people . Right:

whose houses were badly damaged

Tema 10: los verbos modales
Los Verbos Modales

CAN He can find any street in London. Ability

You can take a taxi. Suggestion
Can you take me to Victoria Station? Request

BE ABLE TO He is able to find any street in London. Ability

CAN´T That story can´t be true. Certainty that something is


COULD I could play tennis when I was Ability Request

younger. Could you take me to Suggestion
Victoria Station?. You could take a

MAY It may be quicker to travel by train. Possibility Formal

May I come in?. request

MIGHT It might be quicker to travel by train. Possibility

MUST You must be back at 10 o´clock. Obligation

Look at the snow. It must be cold outside. Certainty that something is true

HAVE TO You have to be back at 10 o´clock. Obligation

NEED TO You need to study a lot. Obligation

NEEDN´T You needn´t have a university degree. Lack of obligation

MUSTN´T You mustn´t drive without a licence. Prohibition

DON´T HAVE TO You don´t have to call a taxi. Lack of obligation

SHOULD You should drive more carefully Opinion / Advice

OUGHT TO You ought to drive more carefully Opinion / Advice


No llevan -s en la tercera persona delsingular del presente simple. No

necesitan -do o -does para formar la negativa ni la interrogativa.

Nunca llevan infinitivo con to detrás, excepto be able to, need to, have to yought to.. No tienen
infinitivo, participio ni tiempos compuestos.

NOTA: Los verbos have to y need to también se consideran “verbos semimodales” porque no cumplen todas las
características propias de los verbos modales.

CAN se auxilia de be able to en los tiempos de que carece, y tiene muchos usos:

a) Para expresar habilidad o capacidad: “saber”,“poder”.

b) Con acciones que empiezan en el pasado pero todavía tienen continuidadenelpresente.
c) Para hacer peticiones, dar y pedir permiso demanerainformal.
d) Para indicar posibilidad:
We can do that later. (Podemos hacer eso luego). En negativa tiene,

además de estos, otros dos usos:

e) Para expresar deducción.

f ) Para indicar prohibición.
You can´t smoke here. (No puedes fumar aquí).

BE ABLE TO también indica habilidad y posibilidad como can, pero en los tiempos que le faltan a este
Will you be able to do it before six o´clock?. (¿Podrás hacerlo antes de las 6?)

a) Se usa para expresar habilidad y capacidad en elpasado.
b) Para hacer peticiones o pedir un favor de manera más formal que concan.
c) Para hacersugerencias.
d) Para indicar posibilidad, pero dando a entender que es más remota que si usamos can.
We could go on friday afternoon.. (Podríamos ir el viernes por la tarde).

a) Ambos verbos expresan la posibilidad de que algo ocurra en el presente o en el futuro, sin serseguro. Como
hemos visto antes, can también expresa posibilidad pero denota que las circunstancias reales lo permiten.
b) May también se utiliza para pedir y dar permiso de una forma más educada queconcan.
Must sólo tiene presente, así que para el resto de los tiempos se usa have to.

a) Los dos verbos expresan necesidad y obligación, pero con must la necesidad es más fuerte. Cuando queremos
suavizar la frase utilizamos haveto.
You must take a decision as soon as possible. (Debes tomar una decisión lo antes posible) She has to work
tomorrow.(Tiene que trabajar mañana)

b) Must sirve para expresar una conclusiónlógica.

a) Need to expresa obligación onecesidad.
b) Needn´t indica ausencia de obligación onecesidad.


a) Mustn´t indica prohibición.
b) Don´t have to tiene un valor totalmente distinto pues significa ausencia de necesidad, igual
queneedn´t. You don´t have to wash the dishes. (No tienes por qué lavar los platos / no es necesario).

a) Se pueden utilizar indistintamente para dar consejos y hacer recomendaciones, aunque
should es mucho más frecuente. Ought to apenas se usa en negativa e interrogativa
Los Verbos Modales Perfectos

MUST HAVE The driver must have lost his way. A certainty or logical
conclusion about an event in
the past.

MIGHT /MAY HAVE She might/ mayhavebought anew car. A guess about something
which happened in the past.

COULD HAVE You could have avoided that accident. The ability to do something in the
past, but which in theend was not


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