2017 1 Ip
2017 1 Ip
2017 1 Ip
Ingeniero de Petróleos
Ingeniero de Petróleos
Ingeniero Iván Eduardo Peñaloza Cristancho
Ingeniero Julio Alberto Montenegro Camacho
Ingeniero Nadim Elías Escaño Suárez
Secretario General
“Dedico esto a mis padres, Alfredo
Malavet y Nubia Ardila, a mi hermano
Felipe, por ser el motor de mi vida, por
su apoyo y amor incondicional. Por su
comprensión y paciencia en los
momentos más difíciles. Todo esto es
gracias a ustedes.
“A mis padres, Andrea Vargas y Jorge
Rodríguez, por su compañía y apoyo en
cada decisión que he tomado. Por
guiarme en cada paso y convertirme en
la persona que soy
Al Ingeniero Iván Otero Solano quien desde Omán nos colaboró abriéndonos las
puertas de la empresa, poniéndose en contacto con las oficinas en Bogotá. Sin su
ayuda nunca habríamos podido realizar este trabajo.
Al asesor Pedro Pablo Moreno, por haber orientado el aspecto financiero del
A todos los docentes de la universidad, que de una u otra forma nos brindaron
conocimientos para el desarrollo de este trabajo y nuestra formación como
Ingenieros de Petróleos.
9 Equipo de Subsuelo 47
2.1.2 Bombeo Electrosumergible (BES) 49
2.1.3 Sistema de Bombeo por Cavidades Progresivas (PCP) 51
2.1.4 Sistema de Bombeo Electrosumergible con Cavidades Progresivas
(ESPCP) 53
2.1.5 Ventajas y Desventajas de los Sistemas de Levantamiento Artificial 54
2.1.6 Parámetros Operacionales de los Sistemas de Levantamiento
Artificial 56
2.2.1 Invasión de Arena 59
2.2.2 Corrosión 60
2.2.3 Fricción 60
6.3.1 Tasa de interés de oportunidad (TIO) 91
6.3.2 Flujo de efectivo 91 Flujo de efectivo clasificado por arena 92 Flujo de efectivo clasificado por corrosión 94 Flujo de efectivo clasificado por fricción 96
Figura 1. Ubicación del Campo La Cira Infantas dentro del Valle Medio del
Magdalena y ruta de acceso. 30
Figura 2. Columna estratigráfica generalizada del Valle Medio del
Magdalena. 32
Figura 3. Producción acumulada del Campo La Cira Infantas. 42
Figura 4. Unidad de bombeo en superficie Clase I. 45
Figura 5. Unidad de Bombeo Mark II 46
Figura 6. Unidad de bombeo en superficie Clase III. 47
Figura 7. Representación un ciclo de bombeo. 48
Figura 8 Configuración interna de una bomba de cavidades progresivas. 51
Figura 9. Esquema Sistema de Bombeo por Cavidades Progresivas (PCP). 52
Figura 10. Esquema Sistema de Bombeo Electrosumergible con
Cavidades Progresivas. 54
% Por Ciento
° Grados
°API Gravedad API
°F Grados Fahrenheit
ALS Sistema de Levantamiento Artificial
ANH Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos
API American Petroleum Institute- Instituto Americano del Petróleo
Bo Factor Volumétrico
BOPD Barriles de Petróleo por Día
BP Beam Pump (Bombeo Mecánico)
BPD Barriles por Día
BWPD Barriles de Agua por Día
CAPEX Costos de inversión
cP Centipoise
ESP Electrical Submersible Pump (Bombeo Electrosumergible)
ESPCP Electrical Submersible Progressing Cavity Pump (Bombeo
Electrosumergible con Cavidades Progresivas)
Ft Pies
Km Kilómetro
LCI La Cira Infantas
LLC Limited Liability Company
Min Minuto
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures (Tiempo Medio Entre Fallas)
MTTF Mean Time to Failure (Tiempo Medio de Fallas)
MTTP Mean Time to Pull (Tiempo Medio de Retiro)
OPEX Gastos de Operación
OXY Occidental de Colombia LLC.
PCP Progressing Cavity Pump (Bombeo por Cavidades Progresivas)
ppm Partes por millón
PSI Pounds square inch (Libras por pulgada cuadrada)
Ro Reflectancia de Vitrinita
RB Reservoir Barrels (Barriles de Yacimiento)
Rs Relación Gas – Petróleo
SCF Standard Cubic Foot (Pies cúbicos estándar)
STB Estándar Barrels (Barriles Estandar)
TIO Tasa Interna de Oportunidad
TOC Total de Carbono Orgánico
T Temperatura
t Tiempo
USD Dólar Estadounidense
VPN Valor Presente Neto
VVM Valle Medio del Magdalena
FALLA: es una interrupción existente en una roca frágil a lo largo de la cual existe
un desplazamiento. Su origen suele estar asociado a episodios geológicos de
deformación, ya sean de tipo compresivo o distensivo. La clasificación de las fallas
se realiza de acuerdo a cómo ha sido el movimiento relativo de los bloques y
respecto del buzamiento del propio plano de falla. Así, una falla normal es aquella
en la que el bloque superior se desplaza hacia abajo respecto al bloque hundido
mientras que una falla inversa el bloque elevado se desplaza hacia arriba respecto
del bloque hundido.
INTRAMAREAL: es el área que está encima del nivel de agua de marea baja y
debajo del nivel de agua de marea alta (área entre las marcas de marea).
LODOLITA: roca sedimentaria detrítica de grano fino cuyo diámetro varía entre
0,00006 a 0,0039 mm. Está constituida por minerales de arcilla y limo. Carece que
fisibilidad y laminaciones.
En este proyecto se buscó determinar el tiempo medio entre fallas de cada uno de
los Sistemas de Levantamiento Artificial del Campo, elaborando un modelo
estadístico que discrimine las variables que afectan los sistemas, estimando un
valor aproximado al tiempo real de falla. Para lo propuesto, se tuvieron en cuenta
las fallas que han presentado los sistemas a lo largo de la historia del Campo.
Posteriormente se realizó el cálculo del tiempo entre fallas para cada uno de los
sistemas de levantamiento artificial mediante el método usado generalmente, Herd
& Johnson y mediante el método generado en este proyecto, discriminando las
variables que afectan los sistemas y clasificando cada sistema con cada tipo de
falla permitiendo definir un criterio de selección usado para determinar el mejor
sistema de levantamiento según la falla que presente.
El Campo La Cira Infantas, ubicado en el Valle Medio del Magdalena, cuenta con
tres principales problemas los cuales afectan la mayoría de los pozos, estos son:
corrosión, causada por la producción de aguas de la formación; fricción, debido a
la inclinación que tienen los pozos y la cual genera desgaste en la tubería e
invasión de arena proveniente de las arenas productoras poco consolidadas.
Al realizarse el cálculo del tiempo entre fallas mediante el método de Herd &
Johnson se observa el comportamiento que tienen los sistemas de levantamiento
artificial en función de su confiabilidad, el cual a medida que incremente el tiempo
de operación, su probabilidad de que se encuentre en funcionamiento va a
disminuir. Sin embargo, por medio de este método, cuyo procedimiento incluye
todos los datos o población de estudio, se obtienen valores muy alejados de la
Por lo anterior el tiempo entre fallas calculado para los sistemas de levantamiento
artificial del Campo La Cira Infantas, es un parámetro a tener en cuenta en la
selección de equipos, ya que de acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos en la parte
técnica como financiera, se puede determinar la opción más viable en futuros
proyectos que pueda tener la empresa Occidental de Colombia LLC.
3. Analizar las causas que generan un cálculo erróneo del tiempo entre fallas en
el modelo estadístico aplicado, para los pozos con sistemas levantamiento
artificial en el Campo La Cira Infantas.
En este capítulo se lleva a cabo una descripción del Campo La Cira Infantas, en
los siguientes aspectos: historia, localización, marco geológico, geología del
petróleo e historia de producción.
En 1925 se confirmó la presencia del Anticlinal La Cira con la perforación del Pozo
LC-58, este pozo fue completado en la Formación Colorado (zona “A”). Unos
meses después, el pozo LC-116 contactó 116 ft de arenas de la zona “A” y
permitió la determinación de la zona “B”. Con la perforación del Pozo LC-125 se
descubre la zona “C” en la estructura de La Cira, fue completado en Julio de 1926
y fue el primer pozo productor de la Formación Mugrosa Superior (zona “B”),. En el
año 1931 se completa el desarrollo de la zona “C” para la estructura Infantas, en la
cual había un espaciamiento promedio entre pozos de 11 acres y a finales de
1940 se habían perforado un total de 675 pozos.
1966 desarrolló el Área de La Cira Norte, perforando 19 pozos, donde el LC-1753
es el descubridor del área.
El Campo La Cira Infantas está localizado en la región central del área que
comprendía la Concesión de Mares, en la Cuenca del Valle Medio del Magdalena
ubicado en el departamento de Santander, municipio de Barrancabermeja,
corregimiento El Centro. Se encuentra a una distancia aproximada de 24 km al
sureste de la ciudad de Barrancabermeja y a 250 km al noreste de la ciudad de
Para llegar al Campo La Cira Infantas por recorrido aéreo se toma un avión desde
el Puente Aéreo de la ciudad de Bogotá hasta el municipio de Barrancabermeja.
Una vez en Barrancabermeja se continúa el recorrido de forma terrestre partiendo
por el sureste del municipio tomando la troncal Magdalena – Barrancabermeja.
Este recorrido terrestre es de aproximadamente 24 km y toma 30 min. En la
Figura 1 se visualiza la ubicación del campo con su respectiva ruta de acceso.
Figura 1. Ubicación del Campo La Cira Infantas dentro del Valle Medio del Magdalena y ruta de acceso
Fuente: ArcGIS for Desktop. Versión ESRI Inc. Disponible en ESRI Inc. Página web de ESRI disponible en:
<http://www.esri.com/ /> Modificado por los autores.
ETAYO-SERNA, F., SOLÉ DE PORTA, N. & GAONA, T. 2003. The Batá Formation of Colombia is
truly Cretaceous, not Jurassic. Journal of South American Earth Sciences , p. 113
Figura 2. Columna estratigráfica generalizada del Valle Medio del Magdalena.
Fuente: Tomado de BARRERO, Dario; PARDO, Andrés; VARGAS, Carlos; MARTÍNEZ, Juan.
Colombian Sedimentary Basins. ANH. Colombia, 2007, modificado por los autores.
1.3.2 Estratigrafía. A continuación se describen las unidades geológicas
presentes en el Campo La Cira Infantas, las cuales van desde la más antigua
hasta la más reciente y se pueden observar en la Figura 2.
• Basamento.
Se encuentra conformado por las rocas más antiguas expuestas de la Cordillera
Central y el Macizo de Santander que incluye gneis, anfibolitas y rocas meta
sedimentarías polimetamorfizadas de edad Proterozoico tardío y rocas
metasedimentarias de edad Devónico a Cámbrico.
• Formación Rosablanca. Según M.Julivert4, la edad de esta formación está
determinada como Hauteriviano a Barremiano Medio (Cretácico inferior. El nivel
inferior se compone de calizas y dolomitas grises, intercalación de calizas
marrón con un nivel margoso inferior, un nivel de arcillolitas con intercalaciones
de caliza, nivel margoso superior, nivel de areniscas con un espesor y un nivel
lumaquélico. El espesor varía entre 492 a 1.394 pies. El ambiente depositación
es de carácter marino somero. La Formación se encuentra en contacto
concordante con la Formación Tambor que la infrayace y concordante con la
Formación Paja que la suprayace.
4 Ibid., p. 419-421
5 Ibid., p. 363-364
6 Ibid., p. 446-447
7 Ibid., p. 437
• Formación La Luna. Según M. Julivert8, en el Valle Medio del Magdalena se
asigna a la Formación La Luna una edad del Turoniano al Santoniano. La
Formación La Luna está conformada por calizas y lutitas calcáreas, con
abundante materia orgánica finamente dispersa y laminada, delgadamente
estratificada, de color gris oscuro a negro. La depositación de esta secuencia
hace parte de uno de los eventos anóxicos que tuvieron lugar en el cretáceo
superior, el cual permitió la acumulación de grandes cantidades de materia
orgánica, principalmente de algas, lo que indica buenas condiciones para la
generación de hidrocarburos. Su espesor varía entre 260 y 2.300 pies. El
ambiente de depositación es marino. La formación se encuentra en contacto
concordante con la Formación Simití que la infrayace y discordante con la
Formación Umir que la suprayace.
8 Ibid., p. 301-303
9 Ibid., p. 458-459
10 DE PORTA, J. Léxico Estratigráfico. Francia. 1974. p. 329
11 Ibid., p. 305-308
conglomerática con importante manifestación de hidrocarburos. La Formación La
Paz varía considerablemente de espesor de unas áreas a otras. En la sección
tipo su espesor es de unos 3.280 pies. El ambiente de depositación es
continental fluvial. La formación se encuentra en contacto discordante con la
Formación Lisama que la infrayace y en contacto concordante con la Formación
Esmeraldas que la suprayace.
12 Ibid., p. 198-199
13 Ibid., p. 373-374
14 Ibid., p. 142-144
• Formación La Cira. Según J. de Porta15, esta formación representa la parte
superior de lo que se conoce como Formación Colorado. La edad es Oligoceno –
Mioceno Inferior. Se compone de un complejo de areniscas con una alternación
de arcillolitas azulosas, capas margosas o calizas impuras. La formación
representa los 850 pies superiores de la Formación Colorado. Esta formación se
depositó en un ambiente fluvial. El contacto se presenta de manera discordante
con la formación Colorado que la infrayace y con la Formación Real que la
1.3.3 Geología Estructural. El área del Campo La Cira Infantas exhibe una
complejidad estructural, donde prevalecen los esfuerzos compresionales en las
rocas del Pre-Cretácico al Cenozoico, generando una deformación en forma de
pliegues muy desarrollados y fallas de cabalgamiento.
15 Ibid., p. 229-300
16 Ibid., p. 414-418
17 Ibid., p. 356-362
inverso, con alto ángulo que oscila entre los 70° y 80°, con buzamiento hacia el
Occidente y con desplazamiento entre 200 y 300 pies sobre el tope de la
estructura. Al Este de dicha falla, la estructura presenta un hundimiento levemente
en forma de “U”, formando así con la Falla de Infantas una especie de pliegue
sinclinal. Además de la Falla de La Cira, existen otras fallas transversales al eje de
la estructura. Estas son de tipo normal, con buzamientos entre 80° y 90° y
desplazamientos de hasta 250 pies, los cuales dividen el campo en varios
bloques. Con base en datos de producción del campo, se ha concluido que la
Falla la Cira hace el papel de barrera efectiva entre ambos flancos de la
1.3.4 Geología Del Petróleo. Se describen los principales parámetros que están
involucrados en el sistema petrolífero los cuales se pueden observar en la Figura
2. Roca Generadora. El petróleo in situ del Campo La Cira Infantas proviene
de calizas, lutitas negras y delgadas capas de liditas, las cuales conforman las
formaciones Tablazo, Simití y La Luna. Estas rocas tuvieron un ambiente de
depositación anóxico. En cuanto a la calidad y cantidad de materia orgánica, el
porcentaje de TOC (total de carbono orgánico) presente oscila entre 1% y 6%, el
kerógeno en estas formaciones es de tipo II y el Ro alcanza valores de 0,6–1,2 % Roca Reservorio. Las areniscas de la Formación Mugrosa (Zona B), y las
areniscas de las formaciones Colorado (Zona A), Mugrosa (Zona C), y Esmeraldas
(Zona D), son las rocas reservorio del campo. El promedio de porosidades esta
entre un 15-20% y el promedio de permeabilidades entre 20-600 md. Es
importante precisar que la Zona C es el reservorio más importante entre los
anteriormente mencionados.
18ROLON, L., et all. Role Of Extensional Structures In The Development Of The Middle Magdalena
Valley Basin-Colombia, p. 150-155.
38 Migración. Se han detectado tres tipos de migración en el campo:
20 ECOPETROL S.A. Evaluación Integrada de Yacimientos del Campo La Cira Infantas. 1999
A continuación se presentan las características más importantes de cada uno de
ellos: Bombeo Mecánico (BP). El levantamiento por bombeo mecánico es el
método más empleado en el mundo. Este sistema consiste en el levantamiento del
fluido por medio de una sarta de varillas y una bomba reciprocante con dos
válvulas cheque, la cual actúa mediante energía que le suministra las varillas. La
movilización de la unidad de superficie funciona mediante un sistema de
engranajes y correas. Está compuesto principalmente por un sistema de superficie
y un equipo de fondo. 21
21 GIL HERNANDEZ, Julian. ROLON HERNANDEZ. Jose. Selección, diseño y prueba de nuevos
sistemas de levantamiento artificial, aplicado al Campo Colorado. Tesis de grado. UIS. 2009
22 ARREDONDO THAY, Métodos de Levantamiento Artificial. Introducción a la ingeniería petróleo.
Gracias a las técnicas implementadas por Ecopetrol S.A. y Occidental de
Colombia durante los últimos 10 años, la producción del campo se logró multiplicar
por 7 que desde 2005 tocó mínimos de producción de 5.000 BPD.23
Para el año 2008, el campo tenía una producción de 9.000 BOPD, 60 nuevos
pozos perforados y se había realizado 181 trabajos de reacondicionamiento. En el
año 2012 el Campo La Cira Infantas logró una de las producciones más altas en la
historia del campo con 35.000 BOPD.
La inyección promedio por pozo es de 1.140 Barriles de agua inyectados por día
(BWIPD) para un total de 480.000 BWIPD en todo el campo. El 95% de los pozos
inyectores tienen instaladas sartas selectivas de inyección y el 5% restante
cuentan con sarta simple24.
selección de válvulas reguladoras de flujo en pozos inyectores usando análisis nodal. Tesis de
postgrado. UIS. Bucaramanga, 2015
Figura 3. Producción acumulada del Campo La Cira Infantas.
1.4.5 Características del Yacimiento. Los yacimientos del campo se han dividido
en cuatro zonas productoras denominadas de tope a base de la columna como
Zonas A, B, C y D, ésta última solo está presente en algunas partes del campo.
Para efectos de obtener mayor detalle a nivel de cada una de las zonas, éstas
fueron subdividas en unidades operacionales que abarcan las arenas productoras.
mientras las subzonas C3 y C4 son denominadas las “arenas inferiores”. El
espesor de esta unidad está entre 500 y 600 pies. El grupo de las arenas
superiores (subzonas C1 y C2) es el mayor productor de todo el campo y está
conformado por una secuencia litológica de areniscas grises claras y pardas de
grano medio a grueso, friables; arcillolitas grises claras, pardas y pardo rojizas y
limolitas verdes. Hacia el tope de la zona, se encuentran un nivel de areniscas
saturadas de aceite, con un buen contenido de chert negro, que marca el contacto
de la Zona B. En relación al grupo de arenas inferiores (subzonas C3 y C4), está
conformado por areniscas y arcillolitas intercaladas y alternadas, con
características similares al grupo superior, pero con menores porosidades y
saturaciones de aceite.
Al igual que las propiedades geológicas, las propiedades de los fluidos son
diferentes en cada área y zona del campo. En la Tabla 1 se muestran los valores
de las propiedades más importantes.
Existen diversos sistemas de levantamiento artificial, pero por interés del trabajo
se describirán los siguientes:
Una unidad de bombeo mecánico cuenta con cinco componentes principales los
cuales son:
25AGUIRRE, E. A., & Vivas, P. Y. A.. Completación de pozos. Argentina: El Cid Editor - Ingeniería.
Disponible en línea <http://www.ebrary.com> .p.38
La bomba del subsuelo, es un equipo de desplazamiento positivo, la cual es
accionada por la sarta de cabillas desde la superficie. Los componentes básicos
de la bomba de subsuelo son simples, pero construidos con gran precisión para
asegurar el intercambio de presión y volumen a través de sus válvulas. Los
principales componentes son: el barril o camisa, pistón o émbolo, válvula fija o
de entrada y válvula viajera o de descarga.
Como desventaja presenta que requiere una caja de velocidades mayor al de otro
tipo de unidad.
Mark II: Esta unidad es una variante del diseño convencional, en la cual se
cambia la posición de los brazos y el sistema maestro para así obtener un
sistema unitorsional y reducir el torque en la caja de engranajes (Figura 5).
Figura 6. Unidad de bombeo en superficie Clase III
Bomba de Subsuelo: Su función es levantar fluido desde el nivel del pozo hasta
la superficie, impulsándolo a través de la sarta. Funciona por el movimiento
ascendente y descendente, en el cual durante la carrera ascendente se cierra la
válvula viajera por el peso del fluido sobre esta, almacenando el fluido dentro del
barril; por el contrario, en la carrera descendente el fluido contenido en el barril
ejerce presión y desplaza la válvula viajera, pasando posteriormente a la parte
27 Ibid., p.41
superior del pistón. Este movimiento se repite cíclicamente y se ilustra en la
Figura 7.
la bomba descrito anteriormente. El uso de una tercera válvula depende del
contenido o aporte de arena de la formación, la cual puede ser depositada en
alguna de las válvulas, esta válvula evitaría una descarga violenta de fluido,
aumentando la vida útil de la bomba.
Bombas Tipo Inserta: En este tipo el barril forma parte del ensamblaje de la
bomba del subsuelo y es colocado dentro del pozo a través de la sarta de
Bombas Tipo Casing: Se considera como una versión del tipo inserta, pero de
mayor tamaño.
AGUIRRE, E. A., & Vivas, P. Y. A. (2007). Completación de pozos. Argentina: El Cid Editor -
Tablero de Control: Cuya función es controlar las operaciones realizadas en el
La integración de los componentes mencionados anteriormente es indispensable,
debido a que cada uno lleva a cabo una función esencial en el sistema para
obtener las condiciones de operación deseadas que permitan impulsar a la
superficie los hidrocarburos.
así el bombeo del fluido por cavidades progresivas que se encuentran selladas
hidráulicamente haciendo de este un tipo de bombeo de desplazamiento positivo.
El estator es bajado al fondo del pozo, ubicado en el extremo inferior de la sarta de
producción, mientras que el rotor es bajado junto a las varillas de bombeo. La
rotación que ejerce el rotor dentro del estator es transmitido por las varillas, cuyo
movimiento es generado en superficie por un cabezal.30
El Sistema está compuesto por varios elementos adicionales al rotor y estator que
varían en capacidades y dimensiones según los requerimientos de cada sistema.
El equipo de superficie consta de una serie elementos diseñados para estar en la
capacidad de suspender la sarta de varillas, brindar la energía necesaria o torque
para hacer rotar la sarta y principalmente prevenir la fuga de fluidos en superficie.
Figura 9.
Figura 9. Esquema Sistema de Bombeo por Cavidades Progresivas (PCP)
Fuente: HIRSCHFELDT, Marcelo. Manual de Bombeo de Cavidades
Progresivas. 2008.
30 Ibid., p 12.
Progresivas (ESPCP)31 es similar al sistema electrosumergible, con la diferencia
de que la bomba centrífuga es reemplazada por una bomba de cavidades
progresivas. Su funcionamiento es similar al electrosumergible con algunas
diferencias como:
31GIL HERNÁNDEZ, Julián. ROLON HERNÁNDEZ, José. Selección, Diseño y Prueba de Nuevos
Sistemas de Levantamiento Artificial. Aplicado al Campo Colorado. UIS. Tesis de grado. 2009. Pg
68 – 70.
Figura 10. Esquema Sistema de Bombeo
Electrosumergible con Cavidades Progresivas
Cuadro 1. Ventajas y desventajas de los sistemas de levantamiento artificial utilizados en el Campo La Cira
Fácil operación y mantenimiento. Su efectividad disminuye en presencia de gas.
Amplio control de la tasa de producción. La arena genera desgaste severo del equipo.
Se obtiene una máxima producción al bombear No es aplicable en pozos desviados.
a una baja presión. No tiene aplicación en plataformas costa afuera.
Bombeo Mecánico32 Se puede utilizar durante toda la vida productiva A mayor profundidad menor tasa de producción.
del pozo.
Puede levantar hidrocarburos. de alta
Capacidad de manejar altos volúmenes. Inversión inicial muy alta.
No presenta problemas en pozos desviados. Alto consumo de potencia.
Bombeo Tiene una larga vida útil. No se recomienda para pozos de baja producción,
Electrosumergible Fácil aplicación de tratamientos contra la debido a su alto costo.
corrosión y formación de escamas. Deterioro de cables por altas temperaturas.
Soporta altas presiones. En pozos con producción de gas o sólidos el sistema
es deficiente.
Es un sistema con gran potencial para producir La principal desventaja del sistema de bombeo por
fluidos viscosos. cavidades progresivas se debe a su baja capacidad
Bombeo por El sistema es óptimo para pozos con alta de desplazamiento, con un máximo de 4000 BPD.
Cavidades producción de arena. El aumento de temperatura debido a la profundidad
Progresivas Es un sistema en el cual es posible regular la afecta el elastómero que compone la bomba cuando
velocidad de bombeo de acuerdo las alcanza valores superiores a los 330°F (170°C).
condiciones requeridas del campo. Las bombas son sensibles a los fluidos producidos
Es un sistema de bajo costo de inversión inicial, en pozo debido a que puede provocar un
debido a su bajo consumo de energía y bajo hinchamiento en el elastómero.
costo de mantenimiento. Necesita un nivel de fluido que mantenga la bomba
Los equipos de superficie son fáciles de a una temperatura estable.
32 32
AGUIRRE, E. A., & Vivas, P. Y. A.. Completación de pozos. Argentina: El Cid Editor - Ingeniería. Disponible en línea
<http://www.ebrary.com> .p.40
Continuación Cuadro 1.
Es un sistema con alta tolerancia a la El sistema ESPCP tiene un menor tiempo entre
producción de arena. fallas (MTBF) que el sistema de bombeo
Bombeo Su eficiencia es mayor al 70% en pozos electrosumergible, por lo tanto, amentará los costos
Electrosumergible en mantenimiento de equipos y bomba.
horizontales, ya que no se ve afectado por la
con Cavidades
desviación. Existe un riesgo alto de falla en el cable eléctrico.
El sistema ESPCP es un sistema óptimo en los
pozos con producción de crudos pesados y su
funcionamiento y equipos son fáciles de operar.
2.1.6 Parámetros Operacionales de los Sistemas de Levantamiento Artificial. El Cuadro 2 muestra los
diferentes parámetros operacionales para cada sistema de levantamiento artifiacial presente en el Campo La Cira
HALLIBURTON. “Artificial Lift Systems and the 5P´s”. {Consultado el 26 de febrero de 2017} Disponible en Línea <www.halliburtonblog.com/artificial-
Cuadro 2. Parámetros Operacionales de los Sistemas de Levantamiento Artificial.
Sistema de
Levantamiento Bombeo
Bombeo por
Artificial Bombeo Electrosumergible
Bombeo Mecánico Cavidades
Electrosumergible por Cavidades
Parámetros Prograsivas
Profundidad (Pies) 100 - 16.000 1.000 – 15.000 2.000 – 6.000 4.000 – 14.000
Manejo de la
Bueno – Excelente Bueno Medio Medio - Bueno
El Campo La Cira Infantas cuenta con 1453 pozos con sistema de levantamiento
artificial, de los cuales 969 se encuentran actualmente en funcionamiento. Sin
embargo estos pozos pueden presentar fallas, las cuales se muestran en el
Cuadro 3. Con el fin de fin de lograr el objetivo planteado en este proyecto, la
población a tomar en cuenta es de todos los pozos registrados a partir del año
Continuación Cuadro 3.
Control de calidad
Diseño mecánico Causado por diseño inadecuado y bajo control de
calidad de los componentes de los equipos.
Problemas de fabricación
Método de recuperación /
Estrategia de producción
Monitoreo inadecuado
Insuficiente monitoreo y manejo de las prácticas del
Operación de otros pozos campo.
en campo
Procedimiento operacional
Proyecto de Perforación
Retiro pendiente
Fallas relacionadas a la fase de completamiento del
Fallas en los perforados /
liner / hueco abierto
No falla Situaciones y circunstancias ajenas a la operación en el
Sabotaje campo.
Con el fin de lograr el objetivo de este proyecto, se ha decidido trabajar con arena,
corrosión y fricción, como las principales fallas que afectan los sistemas de
levantamiento artificial; este tipo de falla se clasifica como dato censurado, lo cual
se definirá en el capítulo siguiente.
Disminución de la presión del yacimiento, que reduce la adherencia entre los
granos de la matriz y proporciona su desplazamiento hacia el pozo.
La llegada del agua del acuífero a la cercanía del pozo puede deteriorar el
material cementante entre los granos.
Nivel de producción superior a la tasa crítica.
Factores geológicos y geográficos.
Flujo multifásico.
Efectos térmicos
Puede abarcar a todos los sistemas de levantamiento que hayan sido instalados,
retirados y fallados a la fecha o a los sistemas operando, retirados y fallados
durante un periodo de tiempo.
SKOCZYLAS, Paul. et. al. Use of Run-Life Measures in Estimating Artificial Lif System Reliability.
Paper: Society of Petroleum Engineers. 173908-MS SPE. 2015. p. 2
Ibid., p.2
Tiempo en el Pozo: Tiempo desde que el sistema es instalado hasta que sea
Duración: Tiempo desde que el sistema comienza a operar por primera vez
hasta que falla o es detenido.
Ibid., p.3
confiabilidad actual de los sistemas de levantamiento, siempre y cuando no se
tengan en cuenta tiempos no operativos.
Mean Time to Pull (MTTP): Esta medida del run-life es calculada como el
tiempo total de exposición de todos los sistemas dividido el número de sistemas
retirados. Por lo tanto esta medida representa el tiempo promedio en que un
sistema es expuesto a un ambiente operacional hasta que es retirado. Si el
tiempo de exposición no incluye los tiempos no operacionales, el MTTP es un
buen indicador de la confiabilidad de los equipos encontrados en fondo. Sin
embargo, el MTTP es usualmente calculado usando el “Tiempo en el Pozo”, lo
cual puede incluir tiempos no operacionales. En este caso, solo representa el
tiempo promedio entre workovers.
Tasa de Fallas (Fallas por pozo por año): Esta medida de run-life es calculada
del número de los sistemas fallados dividido por el tiempo total de exposición. Al
igual que el MTTF, si el tiempo de exposición no incluye los tiempos no
operacionales es un buen indicador de la actual confiabilidad de los sistemas de
levantamiento artificial. Sin embargo, la tasa de falla es comúnmente calculada
usando el “Tiempo Calendario”. En este caso, solo representa qué tan a menudo
se realizan workovers debido a fallas en los sistemas de levantamiento artificial.
Tasa de Workover (Workovers por pozo por año): Esta medida del run-life es
calculada del número de sistemas retirados dividido por el tiempo total de
exposición. Al igual que para el MTTP, si el tiempo de exposición no incluye el
tiempo no operacional es un buen indicador de la confiabilidad de los equipos en
fondo. Sin embargo, la tasa de workover es comúnmente calculada usando el
“Tiempo Calendario”. En este caso, solo representa qué tan a menudo se realiza
un trabajo de workover, y es afectado por el tiempo promedio no operacional.
LASTRA, Rafael. et. al. Cálculo del MTBF Utilizando Técnicas de Análisis de Supervivencia.
Paper: ESP Core Team. 1996. p. 2.
Ecuación 1. Ecuación general de MTBF
Fuente. LASTRA, Rafael. et. al. Cálculo del MTBF Utilizando Técnicas de Análisis de
Supervivencia. Paper: ESP Core Team. 1996. p. 2
T: es el tiempo de operación acumulado de los N equipos, días.
n: es el número total acumulado de fallas.
𝐹(𝑡𝑖 ) =
Fuente. LASTRA, Rafael. et. al. Cálculo del MTBF Utilizando Técnicas de Análisis de
Supervivencia. Paper: ESP Core Team. 1996. p. 2.
Ibid., p. 2
Ibid., p. 3
censurados. Para cada uno de los tiempos las funciones que definen la
distribución acumulada de fallas son:
𝑅(𝑡𝑖 ) = 1 − 𝐹(𝑡𝑖 ) =
Fuente. LASTRA, Rafael. et. al. Cálculo del MTBF Utilizando Técnicas de Análisis de
Supervivencia. Paper: ESP Core Team. 1996. p. 2
𝑅(𝑡𝑖−1 ) =
Fuente. LASTRA, Rafael. et. al. Cálculo del MTBF Utilizando Técnicas de Análisis de
Supervivencia. Paper: ESP Core Team. 1996. p. 2
𝑅(𝑡𝑖 ) 𝑁+1−𝑖
𝑅(𝑡𝑖−1 ) 𝑁+2−𝑖
Fuente. LASTRA, Rafael. et. al. Cálculo del MTBF Utilizando Técnicas de Análisis de
Supervivencia. Paper: ESP Core Team. 1996. p. 2.
𝑅(𝑡𝑖 ) = 𝑅(𝑡𝑖−1 )
Fuente. LASTRA, Rafael. et. al. Cálculo del MTBF Utilizando Técnicas de Análisis de
Supervivencia. Paper: ESP Core Team. 1996. p. 2.
Ecuación 7. Función de confiabilidad para falla en ti
𝑅(𝑡𝑖 |𝑡𝑖−1 ) =
Fuente. LASTRA, Rafael. et. al. Cálculo del MTBF Utilizando Técnicas de Análisis de
Supervivencia. Paper: ESP Core Team. 1996. p. 3.
𝑅(𝑡𝑖 |𝑡𝑖−1 ) = 1
Fuente. LASTRA, Rafael. et. al. Cálculo del MTBF Utilizando Técnicas de Análisis de
Supervivencia. Paper: ESP Core Team. 1996. p. 3.
Finalmente, la función de confiabilidad para cualquier tiempo ti, está definida por
las siguientes dos ecuaciones:
Fuente. LASTRA, Rafael. et. al. Cálculo del MTBF Utilizando Técnicas de Análisis de
Supervivencia. Paper: ESP Core Team. 1996. p. 3.
Fuente. LASTRA, Rafael. et. al. Cálculo del MTBF Utilizando Técnicas de Análisis de
Supervivencia. Paper: ESP Core Team. 1996. p. 3.
Una vez que la función de confiabilidad ha sido determinada, puede ser usada
para calcular el MTBF.
∞ 𝑁
Con el fin de entender mejor el método Herd-Jonhson para el cálculo del MTBF, a
continuación se muestra un ejemplo40 que contiene datos básicos de una
población de 15 equipos en un determinado campo.
Ibid., p.3 -4.
Después de obtener la información necesaria, se procede a realizar los cálculos
propuestos en las ecuaciones planteadas anteriormente, organizando los datos
respecto a los tiempos de operación de forma ascendente con su respectivo
estado de falla. Tabla 3.
∞ 𝑁
Se realiza una representación gráfica del tiempo de operación (en días) contra la
ecuación de confiabilidad R(ti) con el fin de analizar la confiabilidad de los equipos
con respecto al tiempo de operación. Gráfica 1.
Gráfica 1. Función de confiabilidad calculada. Tiempo vs R(ti)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Tiempo (días)
Para obtener el tiempo medio entre fallas por medio del método descrito
anteriormente, se tuvieron en cuenta las fallas mencionadas en el Cuadro 3,
determinando el estado de falla correspondiente a cada una de las fallas que se
han presentado en el Campo La Cira Infantas el cual se puede observar en la
Tabla 4 y el run life de cada uno de los pozos presentes en el Campo41.
Tabla 4. Estado de falla confirmada o dato censurado
Estado de Estado de
Tipo de Falla Tipo de Falla
Falla Falla
Tabla 5. Tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF) correspondiente a los pozos
del Campo La Cira Infantas, determinado por medio del método Herd –
Número Porcentaje MTBF
Sistemas de Levantamiento Artificial
de Datos (%) (días)
∑ 6493
Grafica 2. Relación confiabilidad versus tiempo para los sistemas de levantamiento artificial
ti vs R(ti)
R(ti) adim.
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
ti (días)
Con el propósito de determinar un tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF) que se ajuste
a las variables causantes de las fallas de los sistemas de levantamiento artificial
presentes en el Campo La Cira Infantas, se generó un modelo estadístico de tal
forma que simplifique las razones de falla escogidas y mencionadas
anteriormente, por sistema de levantamiento respectivo, determinando valores
más cercanos al tiempo real de falla que se muestran a continuación. El
procedimiento puede ser consultado en el Anexo B.
Tabla 6. . Tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF) correspondiente a los pozos del
Campo La Cira Infantas, determinado por medio del modelo estadístico
generado, según el tipo de falla.
Razón de
falla Arena Corrosión Fricción
Sistema de
Número MTBF Número MTBF Número MTBF
de datos (días) de datos (días) de datos (días)
Gráfica 3. Función de confiabilidad de los sistemas de levantamiento del
Campo La Cira Infantas, según el tipo de falla (arena).
R(ti) adim.
0,6 Bombeo:
0,5 BP
0,2 PCP
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
ti (días)
R(ti) adim.
0,6 Bombeo:
0,5 BP
0,2 PCP
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
ti (días)
Gráfica 5. Función de confiabilidad de los sistemas de levantamiento del
Campo La Cira Infantas, según el tipo de falla (fricción).
R(ti) adim.
0,4 BP
0,3 PCP
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
ti (días)
Tabla 7. Tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF) correspondiente a los pozos del
Campo La Cira Infantas, determinado por medio del modelo estadístico generado,
por sistema de levantamiento con las respectivas razones de falla.
Sistema de
levantamiento PCP BP ESP
Número Número Número
Razón de falla de de de
(días) (días) (días)
datos datos datos
Arena 303 241 1031 848 30 540
Gráfica 6. Función de confiabilidad del sistema de bombeo por cavidades
progresivas, para los tres tipos de falla.
ti vs R(ti)
0,7 Problemas:
R(ti) adim.
0,6 Arena
0,5 Corrosión
0,4 Fricción
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
ti (días)
0,4 Arena
0 200 400 600 800 1000
ti (días)
Gráfica 8. Función de confiabilidad del sistema de bombeo mecánico, para los
tres tipos de falla.
ti vs R(ti)
R(ti) adim.
0,5 Arena
0,4 Corrosión
0,3 Fricción
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
ti (días)
Siendo los mismos resultados de tiempo medio entre fallas, es evidente que cada
uno de los sistemas se ve más afectado por una de las tres razones de falla, el
bombeo por cavidades progresivas y bombeo electrosumergible muestra que el
menor MTBF es efecto de la intrusión de arena, con un tiempo aproximado de 774
días y 584 días respectivamente, afectando la confiabilidad del sistema de manera
negativa. Ver gráficas 6 y 7.
Como se puede observar en la tabla existe una gran reducción en los valores
obtenidos de MTBF en el modelo generado, esto se debe principalmente en la
reducción de la población. El modelo de Herd & Johnson, por ejemplo, cuenta con
una población de 4691 unidades de bombeo mecánico la cual es reducida a un
total de 2646, lo cual es casi que la mitad; por lo tanto se evidencia que el cálculo
del MTBF pasa de ser de 5082 días a tan solo 848, 775 y 610 para los problemas
de arena corrosión y fricción respectivamente. Esto demuestra que al clasificar el
sistema de levantamiento artificial por el tipo de falla que presenta, se acerca a un
valor más real al verdadero.
Gráfica 9. Función de confiabilidad del sistema de bombeo mecánico, para los
tres tipos de falla que lo afectan y el método Herd & Johnson.
R(ti) adim.
0,5 Arena
0,4 Corrosión
0,3 Fricción
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Como se observa en la gráfica el método de Herd & Johnson tiene resultados que
indican la mayor confiabilidad para los sistemas de bombeo mecánico. Sin
embargo estos valores son tan elevados que se sale de la realidad. Por esta razón
se debe observar los resultados obtenidos al clasificar por el tipo de falla
presentada en el pozo. Para este sistema de levantamiento artificial, la mayor
confiabilidad se genera en pozos afectados por corrosión, puesto que su curva de
tiempo en función de confiabilidad se encuentra por encima de las demás;
indicando que a medida que pase el tiempo el equipo tiene mayor probabilidad de
no fallar frente a las otras fallas.
Gráfica 10. Función de confiabilidad del sistema de bombeo por cavidades
progresivas, para los tres tipos de falla que lo afectan y el método Herd &
0,3 Fricción
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Gráfica 11. Función de confiabilidad del sistema de bombeo electrosumergible,
para los dos tipos de falla que lo afectan y el método Herd & Johnson.
0,5 ESP H&J
0,4 Arena
0,3 Corrosión
0 200 400 600 800 1000
ti (días)
Del mismo modo el bombeo electrosumergible evaluado por el método de Herd &
Johnson, obtiene valores calculados de MTBF muy elevados. En la gráfica se
puede observar su comportamiento, en el cual para un tiempo de 800 días, la
probabilidad de que el sistema no falle sería de alrededor del 87% lo cual se sale
de la realidad. Para ese sistema de levantamiento artificial se genera una mayor
confiabilidad cuando se opera bajo problemas asociados a la corrosión.
Tabla 9. Tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF) de cada sistema de levantamiento
artificial y su población.
Los costos relacionados con las inversiones requeridas en equipos para las
construcciones, adiciones, mejoras, mantenimientos y amplificaciones de las
operaciones que se realicen en campo, se definen como costos de inversión.
Estos costos, también llamados gastos de capital o costos operativos, son una
indicación de una expansión económica de la empresa, puesto que indica si una
empresa se encuentra en fase de crecimiento, madurez o declive.
El análisis de inversión para este proyecto, representa los costos requeridos para
la adquisición de los sistemas de levantamiento artificial en el Campo La Cira
Infantas. En la Tabla 10 se muestran los costos de inversión de los cuatro
sistemas de levantamiento artificial presentes en el campo, teniendo en cuenta los
rubros de inversión y transporte.
Tabla 10. Costos de los sistemas de levantamiento
artificial Campo La Cira Infantas.
Bombeo mecánico 220.000
Bombeo electrosumergible 240.000
Los costos de operación (OPEX) están definidos como las actividades que no
están sujetas a ser capitalizables y generan costos asociados al funcionamiento
de un sistema. Estos costos pueden ser definidos como costos recurrentes
necesarios para el funcionamiento óptimo de un producto, costos operativos o de
Tabla 12. Costos de mantenimiento e intervención de los
sistemas de levantamiento artificial del Campo La Cira
Para definir los costos totales de mantenimiento de cada uno de los sistemas de
levantamiento, es necesario establecer el número de intervenciones que estos
requieren en 10 años, dependiendo del tipo de falla que presenten los sistemas de
levantamiento artificial, como lo son bombeo mecánico, bombeo electrosumergible
y bombeo por cavidades progresivas, ya sea por corrosión, fricción o arena.
Teniendo en cuenta que el sistema de bombeo electrosumergible por cavidades
progresivas no ha registrado fallas hasta el momento. En las tablas 13, 14 y 15 se
muestran los tiempos de vida útil de los sistemas, siendo estos los tiempos medios
entre fallas (MTBF), determinados mediante el modelo estadístico generado en
este proyecto según el tipo de falla y el número de intervenciones necesarias por
cada sistema de levantamiento.
Tabla 13. Número de intervenciones anuales a los sistemas de
levantamiento artificial según el tipo de falla (Arena).
Sistema de Vida útil Vida útil Número total de
levantamiento (MTBF) (MTBF) intervenciones
artificial en días en años por año
540,4247 1,48 0,68
Bombeo por
cavidades 240,8778 0,66 1,52
585,1153 1,60 0,62
Bombeo por
cavidades 349,0866 0,96 1,05
Tabla 15. Número de intervenciones anuales a los sistemas de
levantamiento artificial según el tipo de falla (Fricción).
Sistema de Vida útil Vida útil Número total de
levantamiento (MTBF) en (MTBF) en intervenciones por
artificial días años año
Bombeo por
cavidades 371,884 1,02 0,98
Continuación Tabla16
BP 0,43 90.000 38.700
5 PCP 1,52 105.000 159.600
ESP 0,68 160.000 108.800
TOTAL $307.100,00
BP 0,43 90.000 38.700
6 PCP 1,52 105.000 159.600
ESP 0,68 160.000 108.800
TOTAL $307.100,00
BP 0,43 90.000 38.700
7 PCP 1,52 105.000 159.600
ESP 0,68 160.000 108.800
TOTAL $307.100,00
BP 0,43 90.000 38.700
8 PCP 1,52 105.000 159.600
ESP 0,68 160.000 108.800
TOTAL $307.100,00
BP 0,43 90.000 38.700
9 PCP 1,52 105.000 159.600
ESP 0,68 160.000 108.800
TOTAL $307.100,00
BP 0,43 90.000 38.700
10 PCP 1,52 105.000 159.600
ESP 0,68 160.000 108.800
TOTAL $307.100,00
Continuación Tabla 17.
BP 0,47 90.000 42.300
3 PCP 1,05 105.000 110.250
ESP 0,62 160.000 99.200
TOTAL $251.750,00
BP 0,47 90.000 42.300
4 PCP 1,05 105.000 110.250
ESP 0,62 160.000 99.200
TOTAL $251.750,00
BP 0,47 90.000 42.300
5 PCP 1,05 105.000 110.250
ESP 0,62 160.000 99.200
TOTAL $251.750,00
BP 0,47 90.000 42.300
6 PCP 1,05 105.000 110.250
ESP 0,62 160.000 99.200
TOTAL $251.750,00
BP 0,47 90.000 42.300
7 PCP 1,05 105.000 110.250
ESP 0,62 160.000 99.200
TOTAL $251.750,00
BP 0,47 90.000 42.300
8 PCP 1,05 105.000 110.250
ESP 0,62 160.000 99.200
TOTAL $251.750,00
BP 0,47 90.000 42.300
9 PCP 1,05 105.000 110.250
ESP 0,62 160.000 99.200
TOTAL $251.750,00
BP 0,47 90.000 42.300
10 PCP 1,05 105.000 110.250
ESP 0,62 160.000 99.200
TOTAL $251.750,00
Tabla 18. Costos totales de mantenimiento según el tipo de falla (Fricción)
Sistema de Costo de
Periodo Número total de Costo total
levantamiento mantenimiento
(años) intervenciones (USD)
artificial (USD)
ORTÍZ A, Héctor. Flujo de Caja y Proyecciones Financieras. Universidad Externado de Colombia. 1997. p.
tiempo determinado en cada proyecto y la situación de efectivo al final del periodo
de análisis43. Ya que el proyecto no genera ningún tipo de ingresos, para el flujo
de efectivo, solo se tendrán en cuenta los egresos siendo estos los costos de
mantenimiento y operación de los sistemas de levantamiento artificial. A
continuación se representan los flujos de efectivos correspondientes a cada tipo
de sistema de levantamiento artificial clasificado por las respectivas fallas que lo
afectan y el Valor Presente Neto que genera cada uno. Flujo de efectivo clasificado por arena. A continuación los Gráficos 12,
13 y 14, representan gráficamente el flujo de caja para cada uno de los sistemas
de levantamiento artificial.
Bombeo Mecánico
Gráfico 12. Flujo de caja para el sistema de bombeo mecánico según tipo de falla
Ibid., p. 31.
Bombeo Electrosumergible
Gráfico 13. Flujo de caja para el sistema de bombeo electrosumergible según tipo
de falla (Arena).
Gráfico 14. Flujo de caja para el sistema de bombeo por cavidades progresivas
según tipo de falla (Arena).
163.600 163.600 163.600
𝑉𝑃𝑁(0.25) = 130.000 + ( ) + ( ) + ( )
(1 + 0,25)1 (1 + 0,25)2 (1 + 0,25)3
163.600 163.600 163.600 163.600
+( ) + ( ) + ( ) + ( )
(1 + 0,25)4 (1 + 0,25)5 (1 + 0,25)6 (1 + 0,25)7
163.600 163.600 163.600
+( 8
)+( 9
)+( ) = 𝟕𝟏𝟒. 𝟏𝟑𝟒, 𝟑
(1 + 0,25) (1 + 0,25) (1 + 0,25)10
Bombeo Mecánico
Gráfico 15. Flujo de caja para el sistema de bombeo mecánico según tipo de falla
Bombeo Electrosumergible
Gráfico 16. Flujo de caja para el sistema de bombeo electrosumergible según tipo
de falla (Corrosión).
Gráfico 17. Flujo de caja para el sistema de bombeo por cavidades progresivas
según tipo de falla (Corrosión).
114.250 114.250 114.250
𝑉𝑃𝑁(0.25) = 130.000 + ( ) + ( ) + ( )
(1 + 0,25)1 (1 + 0,25)2 (1 + 0,25)3
114.250 114.250 114.250 114.250
+( 4
)+( 5
)+( 6
)+( )
(1 + 0,25) (1 + 0,25) (1 + 0,25) (1 + 0,25)7
114.250 114.250 114.250
+( 8
)+( 9
)+( ) = 𝟓𝟑𝟕. 𝟗𝟐𝟗, 𝟗
(1 + 0,25) (1 + 0,25) (1 + 0,25)10
Bombeo Mecánico
Gráfico 18. Flujo de caja para el sistema de bombeo mecánico según tipo de falla
Bombeo por Cavidades Progresivas
Gráfico 19. Flujo de caja para el sistema de bombeo por cavidades progresivas
según tipo de falla (Fricción).
En la Tabla 19 se observan los valores del Valor Presente Neto para cada sistema
de levantamiento artificial, según la falla que presente.
Para los sistemas que han presentado problemas asociados a las fallas de
interés, el bombeo mecánico tiene el mejor comportamiento de confiabilidad
respecto al tiempo. Ya que los resultados del tiempo medio entre fallas son los
mayores para cada tipo de falla.
Realizar el cálculo del tiempo medio entre fallas en otros campos, teniendo en
cuenta todos los sistemas de levantamiento artificial.
Realizar el cálculo del MTBF, caracterizando otro tipo de fallas que afecten los
sistemas de levantamiento artificial.
Utilizar el modelo estadístico con una combinación entre los datos censurados,
para ver el comportamiento del MTBF cuando se presenta más de un problema.
ARCGIS for Desktop. ESRI Inc. {En línea}. disponible en: (http://www.esri.com).
DIAZ, Sergio A. “Sucker Rod Pump”. {En línea}. {18 de Septiembre de 2016}.
disponible en:
Documentación. Presentación de tesis, trabajos de grado y otros trabajos de
investigación. NTC 1486. Sexta actualización. Bogotá: El Instituto, 2008.
LASTRA, Rafael. et. al. Cálculo del MTBF Utilizando Técnicas de Análisis de
Supervivencia. Paper: ESP Core Team. 1996.
SKOCZYLAS, Paul. et. al. Use of Run-Life Measures in Estimating Artificial Lif
System Reliability. Paper: Society of Petroleum Engineers SPE. 173908-MS. 2015.
Continuación Tabla 20
3300 Corrosive fluids 0 32 144 1,000 1,961
2836 Corrosive fluids 0 33 149 1,000 4,902
2601 No Failure 0 34 168 1,000 18,629
2855 Scale 0 35 170 1,000 1,961
2182 Well treatment 0 36 172 1,000 1,961
823 System selection 1 37 177 0,995 0,975 4,902
2045 Scale 0 38 177 1,000 0,000
2139 Mechanical Design 1 39 181 0,994 0,970 3,900
2991 Fabrication Problem 1 40 182 0,994 0,964 0,970
2885 Scale 0 41 196 1,000 13,499
2101 Corrosive fluids 0 42 208 1,000 11,571
2609 No Failure 0 43 209 1,000 0,964
2991 Scale 0 44 212 1,000 2,893
2923 Quality Control 0 45 225 1,000 12,535
2789 No Failure 0 46 226 1,000 0,964
2819 Scale 0 47 229 1,000 2,893
Operation of other wells
2577 in field 0 48 230 1,000 0,964
2556 No Failure 0 49 236 1,000 5,785
2609 No Failure 0 50 236 1,000 0,000
2836 0 51 240 1,000 3,857
2795 No Failure 0 52 241 1,000 0,964
2556 0 53 242 1,000 0,964
2213 No Failure 0 54 245 1,000 2,893
2231 0 55 254 1,000 8,678
2577 Sand 0 56 261 1,000 6,750
2960 Corrosive fluids 0 57 265 1,000 3,857
2238 Sand 0 58 273 1,000 7,714
2556 No Failure 0 59 273 1,000 0,000
2820 Scale 0 60 292 1,000 18,320
2962 0 61 294 1,000 1,928
2238 Corrosive fluids 0 62 297 1,000 2,893
2273 0 63 308 1,000 10,607
2511 No Failure 0 64 316 1,000 7,714
2582 0 65 317 1,000 0,964
2861 Scale 0 66 318 1,000 0,964
2550 Fabrication Problem 1 67 319 0,993 0,958 0,964
3950 0 68 321 1,000 1,916
2577 Quality Control 0 69 324 1,000 2,874
2845 Scale 0 70 325 1,000 0,958
Continuación Tabla 20
2608 Installation Service Rig 1 71 331 0,993 0,951 5,747
2139 0 72 338 1,000 6,660
2363 0 73 338 1,000 0,000
2604 Sand 0 74 340 1,000 1,903
2823 0 75 341 1,000 0,951
2672 0 76 344 1,000 2,854
2274 0 77 345 1,000 0,951
2335 0 78 346 1,000 0,951
2681 0 79 351 1,000 4,757
2591 0 80 355 1,000 3,806
2209 0 81 356 1,000 0,951
2956 0 82 364 1,000 7,611
2577 Installation Service Rig 1 83 370 0,993 0,944 5,709
2044 Scale 0 84 373 1,000 2,833
2661 0 85 373 1,000 0,000
2850 0 86 373 1,000 0,000
2590 Quality Control 0 87 374 1,000 0,944
3060 0 88 375 1,000 0,944
2609 0 89 377 1,000 1,889
2290 Quality Control 0 90 384 1,000 6,611
2959 0 91 385 1,000 0,944
2246 0 92 389 1,000 3,778
2114 0 93 393 1,000 3,778
2590 0 94 394 1,000 0,944
2946 0 95 402 1,000 7,555
2268 Pending Pulling 0 96 405 1,000 2,833
2287 Mechanical Design 1 97 405 0,992 0,937 0,000
2192 0 98 420 1,000 14,050
2101 Quality Control 0 99 429 1,000 8,430
2949 0 100 435 1,000 5,620
2232 No Failure 0 101 439 1,000 3,747
2956 Corrosive fluids 0 102 439 1,000 0,000
2231 No Failure 0 103 452 1,000 12,177
2232 0 104 453 1,000 0,937
2560 Sand 0 105 454 1,000 0,937
2819 Scale 0 106 473 1,000 17,797
2230 0 107 475 1,000 1,873
724 0 108 485 1,000 9,367
2101 0 109 486 1,000 0,937
Continuación Tabla 20
3424 0 110 491 1,000 4,683
2045 No Failure 0 111 492 1,000 0,937
2962 Corrosive fluids 0 112 494 1,000 1,873
2103 Sand 0 113 501 1,000 6,557
2962 Corrosive fluids 0 114 507 1,000 5,620
3909 0 115 511 1,000 3,747
2576 0 116 517 1,000 5,620
2822 Operation procedure 0 117 518 1,000 0,937
2949 Installation Service Rig 1 118 519 0,990 0,927 0,937
2144 Sand 0 119 520 1,000 0,927
2231 Mechanical Design 1 120 532 0,990 0,918 11,129
2581 0 121 560 1,000 25,705
2822 0 122 568 1,000 7,344
823 Fabrication Problem 1 123 575 0,990 0,908 6,426
940 No Failure 0 124 593 1,000 16,353
2575 No Failure 0 125 593 1,000 0,000
2363 Corrosive fluids 0 126 608 1,000 13,627
2861 Pending Pulling 0 127 617 1,000 8,176
2959 Corrosive fluids 0 128 618 1,000 0,908
2591 No Failure 0 129 635 1,000 15,444
2045 No Failure 0 130 647 1,000 10,902
2823 No Failure 0 131 648 1,000 0,908
2114 Corrosive fluids 0 132 650 1,000 1,817
2590 No Failure 0 133 651 1,000 0,908
3614 0 134 657 1,000 5,451
2739 0 135 661 1,000 3,634
2850 Sand 0 136 665 1,000 3,634
2946 No Failure 0 137 670 1,000 4,542
2182 0 138 694 1,000 21,803
2101 Quality Control 0 139 698 1,000 3,634
3053 0 140 700 1,000 1,817
2558 0 141 704 1,000 3,634
2739 No Failure 0 142 704 1,000 0,000
2609 Fabrication Problem 1 143 706 0,987 0,897 1,817
2605 0 144 710 1,000 3,586
2577 0 145 713 1,000 2,690
2960 0 146 718 1,000 4,483
2820 0 147 722 1,000 3,586
2101 Installation Service Rig 1 148 725 0,986 0,884 2,690
Continuación Tabla 20
2102 0 149 764 1,000 34,472
2139 No Failure 0 150 781 1,000 15,026
2045 0 151 784 1,000 2,652
2182 Corrosive fluids 0 152 784 1,000 0,000
2576 Sand 0 153 792 1,000 7,071
2997 0 154 801 1,000 7,955
2114 Corrosive fluids 0 155 811 1,000 8,839
2582 Sand 0 156 819 1,000 7,071
2213 Pending Pulling 0 157 839 1,000 17,678
823 0 158 842 1,000 2,652
2511 0 159 843 1,000 0,884
2273 Fabrication Problem 1 160 859 0,983 0,869 14,142
2923 0 161 877 1,000 15,640
2287 0 162 897 1,000 17,378
2152 0 163 898 1,000 0,869
2209 Corrosive fluids 0 164 900 1,000 1,738
2883 0 165 902 1,000 1,738
2374 0 166 912 1,000 8,689
2609 Installation Service Rig 1 167 918 0,981 0,852 5,213
1495 0 168 921 1,000 2,557
Normal or expected wear
2558 and tear 1 169 930 0,980 0,835 7,670
2543 0 170 935 1,000 4,176
2586 0 171 935 1,000 0,000
2532 0 172 939 1,000 3,341
2672 No Failure 0 173 943 1,000 3,341
937 0 174 968 1,000 20,879
2866 0 175 976 1,000 6,681
3069 0 176 983 1,000 5,846
2113 0 177 985 1,000 1,670
C2PP1 0 178 985 1,000 0,000
2989 0 179 990 1,000 4,176
2788 0 180 1002 1,000 10,022
2922 0 181 1009 1,000 5,846
2516 0 182 1012 1,000 2,505
3283 0 183 1030 1,000 15,033
2192 No Failure 0 184 1040 1,000 8,352
2144 0 185 1045 1,000 4,176
2059 0 186 1049 1,000 3,341
Continuación Tabla 20
2692 0 187 1071 1,000 18,374
2952 0 188 1071 1,000 0,000
2212 0 189 1073 1,000 1,670
2313 0 190 1110 1,000 30,901
2811 0 191 1122 1,000 10,022
2818 0 192 1127 1,000 4,176
2824 0 193 1132 1,000 4,176
2816 0 194 1182 1,000 41,758
2849 0 195 1185 1,000 2,505
2851 0 196 1189 1,000 3,341
2687 0 197 1215 1,000 21,714
3300 0 198 1218 1,000 2,505
2970 0 199 1223 1,000 4,176
2968 0 200 1277 1,000 45,099
2116 0 201 1279 1,000 1,670
2200 0 202 1289 1,000 8,352
2191 0 203 1294 1,000 4,176
2194 0 204 1305 1,000 9,187
2874 0 205 1334 1,000 24,220
2630 0 206 1485 1,000 126,109
1112 0 207 1524 1,000 32,571
1052 0 208 1531 1,000 5,846
1066 0 209 1581 1,000 41,758
2789 0 210 1587 1,000 5,011
2676 0 211 1592 1,000 4,176
2436 0 212 1634 1,000 35,077
2604 0 213 1710 1,000 63,472
2094 0 214 1796 1,000 71,824
2649 0 215 1943 1,000 122,769
2732 0 216 1956 1,000 10,857
2608 0 217 2185 1,000 191,252
∑ 1916
Bombeo Electrosumergible por Cavidades Progresivas (ESPCP)
Continuación Tabla 21.
2873 0 35 1111 1,000 21,877
2137 0 36 1432 1,000 1,543
∑ 627
Continuación Tabla 22.
4556 Unknown 0 30 3 1,000 0,000
262 Unknown 0 31 4 1,000 0,997
317 Unknown 0 32 4 1,000 0,000
595 Unknown 0 33 4 1,000 0,000
923 No Failure 0 34 4 1,000 0,000
923 Unknown 0 35 4 1,000 0,000
2163 No Failure 0 36 4 1,000 0,000
2590 Unknown 0 37 4 1,000 0,000
2600 Unknown 0 38 4 1,000 0,000
2634 No Failure 0 39 4 1,000 0,000
2636 Unknown 0 40 4 1,000 0,000
255 Unknown 0 41 5 1,000 0,997
1066 Operation procedure 1 42 5 0,999 0,997 0,000
1795 Operation procedure 1 43 5 0,999 0,996 0,000
2100 Unknown 0 44 5 1,000 0,000
2145 Unknown 0 45 5 1,000 0,000
2170 No Failure 0 46 5 1,000 0,000
2191 Unknown 0 47 5 1,000 0,000
2602 Operation procedure 1 48 5 0,999 0,995 0,000
2900 Unknown 0 49 5 1,000 0,000
255 Unknown 0 50 6 1,000 0,995
2144 Unknown 0 51 6 1,000 0,000
2165 No Failure 0 52 6 1,000 0,000
2170 Unknown 0 53 6 1,000 0,000
2590 Unknown 0 54 6 1,000 0,000
2590 Unknown 0 55 6 1,000 0,000
2605 Operation procedure 1 56 6 0,999 0,995 0,000
2635 Unknown 0 57 6 1,000 0,000
4553 Unknown 0 58 6 1,000 0,000
317 Unknown 0 59 7 1,000 0,995
940 No Failure 0 60 7 1,000 0,000
1210 Unknown 0 61 7 1,000 0,000
2150 No Failure 0 62 7 1,000 0,000
2165 No Failure 0 63 7 1,000 0,000
2186 Unknown 0 64 7 1,000 0,000
2206 Operation procedure 1 65 7 0,999 0,994 0,000
2211 No Failure 0 66 7 1,000 0,000
2602 Operation procedure 1 67 7 0,999 0,993 0,000
2663 Unknown 0 68 7 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 22.
262 Unknown 0 69 8 1,000 0,993
262 Unknown 0 70 8 1,000 0,000
1112 Mechanical Design 1 71 8 0,999 0,993 0,000
2048 No Failure 0 72 8 1,000 0,000
2144 Unknown 0 73 8 1,000 0,000
2145 Unknown 0 74 8 1,000 0,000
2150 No Failure 0 75 8 1,000 0,000
2167 Corrosive fluids 0 76 8 1,000 0,000
2206 Operation procedure 1 77 8 0,999 0,992 0,000
2206 Unknown 0 78 8 1,000 0,000
2625 Operation procedure 1 79 8 0,999 0,991 0,000
2181 No Failure 0 80 9 1,000 0,991
2194 Unknown 0 81 9 1,000 0,000
2213 Reuse damaged equipment 1 82 9 0,999 0,991 0,000
2586 Operation procedure 1 83 9 0,999 0,990 0,000
2586 Operation procedure 1 84 9 0,999 0,989 0,000
2900 Unknown 0 85 9 1,000 0,000
261 No Failure 0 86 10 1,000 0,989
843 No Failure 0 87 10 1,000 0,000
890 No Failure 0 88 10 1,000 0,000
890 Sand 0 89 10 1,000 0,000
1036 Unknown 0 90 10 1,000 0,000
2144 Unknown 0 91 10 1,000 0,000
2163 Unknown 0 92 10 1,000 0,000
2170 Operation procedure 1 93 10 0,999 0,989 0,000
2191 Friction 0 94 10 1,000 0,000
2196 Unknown 0 95 10 1,000 0,000
2200 No Failure 0 96 10 1,000 0,000
2206 No Failure 0 97 10 1,000 0,000
2601 Unknown 0 98 10 1,000 0,000
2636 Unknown 0 99 10 1,000 0,000
2636 Unknown 0 100 10 1,000 0,000
2900 Unknown 0 101 10 1,000 0,000
942 No Failure 0 102 11 1,000 0,989
2170 Unknown 0 103 11 1,000 0,000
2172 No Failure 0 104 11 1,000 0,000
2586 Corrosive fluids 0 105 11 1,000 0,000
2586 Operation procedure 1 106 11 0,999 0,988 0,000
2590 Reuse damaged equipment 1 107 11 0,999 0,987 0,000
Continuación Tabla 22.
2600 Unknown 0 108 11 1,000 0,000
4557 Unknown 0 109 11 1,000 0,000
255 Unknown 0 110 12 1,000 0,987
261 No Failure 0 111 12 1,000 0,000
1112 Unknown 0 112 12 1,000 0,000
1865 Unknown 0 113 12 1,000 0,000
2163 No Failure 0 114 12 1,000 0,000
2196 No Failure 0 115 12 1,000 0,000
2208 Corrosive fluids 0 116 12 1,000 0,000
823 Operation procedure 1 117 13 0,999 0,987 0,987
1112 No Failure 0 118 13 1,000 0,000
2145 Unknown 0 119 13 1,000 0,000
2582 Unknown 0 120 13 1,000 0,000
2586 Unknown 0 121 13 1,000 0,000
2652 Corrosive fluids 0 122 13 1,000 0,000
4552 Unknown 0 123 13 1,000 0,000
255 Unknown 0 124 14 1,000 0,987
261 Unknown 0 125 14 1,000 0,000
2048 Sand 0 126 14 1,000 0,000
2163 No Failure 0 127 14 1,000 0,000
2582 Mechanical Design 1 128 14 0,999 0,986 0,000
255 Unknown 0 129 15 1,000 0,986
1865 Unknown 0 130 15 1,000 0,000
2163 No Failure 0 131 15 1,000 0,000
3046 Reuse damaged equipment 1 132 15 0,999 0,985 0,000
155 Unknown 0 133 16 1,000 0,985
255 Unknown 0 134 16 1,000 0,000
1112 Mechanical Design 1 135 16 0,999 0,985 0,000
2170 Operation procedure 1 136 16 0,999 0,984 0,000
1112 Corrosive fluids 0 137 17 1,000 0,984
2170 Operation procedure 1 138 17 0,999 0,983 0,000
2181 Unknown 0 139 17 1,000 0,000
890 No Failure 0 140 18 1,000 0,983
1865 Unknown 0 141 18 1,000 0,000
2145 Unknown 0 142 18 1,000 0,000
2163 Unknown 0 143 18 1,000 0,000
2163 Unknown 0 144 18 1,000 0,000
2172 Unknown 0 145 18 1,000 0,000
2186 Reuse damaged equipment 1 146 18 0,999 0,982 0,000
Continuación Tabla 22.
2211 Unknown 0 147 18 1,000 0,000
2590 Unknown 0 148 18 1,000 0,000
2602 Unknown 0 149 19 1,000 0,982
2170 Operation procedure 1 150 19 0,999 0,982 0,000
2643 Unknown 0 151 20 1,000 0,982
155 Operation procedure 1 152 20 0,999 0,981 0,000
1795 Corrosive fluids 0 153 20 1,000 0,000
2172 Operation procedure 1 154 20 0,999 0,980 0,000
2191 Other 0 155 20 1,000 0,000
2230 Unknown 0 156 20 1,000 0,000
2337 No Failure 0 157 20 1,000 0,000
4561 Unknown 0 158 21 1,000 0,980
890 Mechanical Design 1 159 21 0,999 0,980 0,000
1112 Unknown 0 160 21 1,000 0,000
2152 No Failure 0 161 21 1,000 0,000
2163 Operation procedure 1 162 21 0,999 0,979 0,000
2600 Free gas 0 163 21 1,000 0,000
2905 Corrosive fluids 0 164 21 1,000 0,000
3057 Friction 0 165 22 1,000 0,979
357 Corrosive fluids 0 166 22 1,000 0,000
2105 Corrosive fluids 0 167 22 1,000 0,000
2585 Unknown 0 168 22 1,000 0,000
2795 Mechanical Design 1 169 23 0,999 0,978 0,979
1112 Unknown 0 170 23 1,000 0,000
1471 No Failure 0 171 23 1,000 0,000
2105 Unknown 0 172 23 1,000 0,000
2172 Operation procedure 1 173 23 0,999 0,978 0,000
2206 Corrosive fluids 0 174 23 1,000 0,000
2206 Corrosive fluids 0 175 23 1,000 0,000
2206 Friction 0 176 23 1,000 0,000
3224 Unknown 0 177 24 1,000 0,978
2101 System configuration 1 178 24 0,999 0,977 0,000
2200 Unknown 0 179 24 1,000 0,000
2582 Unknown 0 180 24 1,000 0,000
2792 No Failure 0 181 25 1,000 0,977
261 Unknown 0 182 25 1,000 0,000
823 Unknown 0 183 25 1,000 0,000
1112 Corrosive fluids 0 184 25 1,000 0,000
1112 Unknown 0 185 25 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 22.
2163 System configuration 1 186 25 0,999 0,976 0,000
2165 Unknown 0 187 26 1,000 0,976
2584 No Failure 0 188 26 1,000 0,000
255 Unknown 0 189 26 1,000 0,000
357 Unknown 0 190 26 1,000 0,000
2163 Operation procedure 1 191 26 0,999 0,975 0,000
2186 No Failure 0 192 26 1,000 0,000
2186 Free gas 0 193 26 1,000 0,000
2267 Unknown 0 194 26 1,000 0,000
2601 Fabrication Problem 1 195 26 0,999 0,975 0,000
2643 Unknown 0 196 27 1,000 0,975
2836 Operation procedure 1 197 27 0,999 0,974 0,000
255 Operation procedure 1 198 27 0,999 0,973 0,000
1053 No Failure 0 199 27 1,000 0,000
1210 Unknown 0 200 27 1,000 0,000
2102 No Failure 0 201 27 1,000 0,000
2636 Sand 0 202 27 1,000 0,000
2683 Unknown 0 203 28 1,000 0,973
2919 Unknown 0 204 28 1,000 0,000
196 Operation procedure 1 205 28 0,999 0,973 0,000
2196 Reuse damaged equipment 1 206 28 0,999 0,972 0,000
2202 Operation procedure 1 207 28 0,999 0,971 0,000
2213 Mechanical Design 1 208 28 0,999 0,970 0,000
2230 Quality Control 0 209 28 1,000 0,000
2582 Unknown 0 210 29 1,000 0,970
3226 Unknown 0 211 29 1,000 0,000
191 Unknown 0 212 29 1,000 0,000
255 Unknown 0 213 29 1,000 0,000
940 No Failure 0 214 29 1,000 0,000
1036 No Failure 0 215 29 1,000 0,000
2108 System configuration 1 216 29 0,999 0,970 0,000
2172 Unknown 0 217 30 1,000 0,970
2274 Unknown 0 218 30 1,000 0,000
1865 Mechanical Design 1 219 30 0,999 0,969 0,000
2105 System configuration 1 220 30 0,999 0,968 0,000
2163 Unknown 0 221 30 1,000 0,000
3046 Unknown 0 222 31 1,000 0,968
4592 Unknown 0 223 31 1,000 0,000
261 Unknown 0 224 31 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 22.
823 Operation procedure 1 225 31 0,999 0,967 0,000
1881 Unknown 0 226 31 1,000 0,000
2172 Unknown 0 227 31 1,000 0,000
2183 No Failure 0 228 31 1,000 0,000
2209 Unknown 0 229 31 1,000 0,000
2282 Unknown 0 230 32 1,000 0,967
2582 Friction 0 231 32 1,000 0,000
255 Unknown 0 232 32 1,000 0,000
923 Unknown 0 233 32 1,000 0,000
1127 Unknown 0 234 32 1,000 0,000
2105 Friction / Corrosion 0 235 32 1,000 0,000
2163 Unknown 0 236 32 1,000 0,000
2191 Fabrication Problem 1 237 32 0,999 0,967 0,000
2207 Unknown 0 238 33 1,000 0,967
2836 Unknown 0 239 33 1,000 0,000
923 Sand 0 240 33 1,000 0,000
2101 No Failure 0 241 33 1,000 0,000
2163 Unknown 0 242 33 1,000 0,000
2208 Unknown 0 243 33 1,000 0,000
2209 No Failure 0 244 33 1,000 0,000
2590 Operation procedure 1 245 33 0,999 0,966 0,000
2590 Friction 0 246 33 1,000 0,000
2602 No Failure 0 247 33 1,000 0,000
3060 Friction 0 248 34 1,000 0,966
4560 Unknown 0 249 34 1,000 0,000
191 System configuration 1 250 34 0,999 0,965 0,000
2105 Free gas 0 251 34 1,000 0,000
2213 Other 0 252 34 1,000 0,000
2590 No Failure 0 253 34 1,000 0,000
2602 Installation - Field Service 1 254 34 0,999 0,964 0,000
2637 Installation Service Rig 1 255 34 0,999 0,964 0,000
2922 Other 0 256 35 1,000 0,964
3064 Unknown 0 257 35 1,000 0,000
2163 Friction 0 258 35 1,000 0,000
2170 Reuse damaged equipment 1 259 35 0,999 0,963 0,000
2172 No Failure 0 260 35 1,000 0,000
2191 Fabrication Problem 1 261 35 0,999 0,962 0,000
2213 Friction 0 262 36 1,000 0,962
2268 Unknown 0 263 36 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 22.
2919 System configuration 1 264 36 0,999 0,961 0,000
155 Reuse damaged equipment 1 265 36 0,999 0,961 0,000
923 Friction / Corrosion 0 266 36 1,000 0,000
1881 Operation procedure 1 267 36 0,999 0,960 0,000
2163 Friction / Corrosion 0 268 36 1,000 0,000
2196 Friction / Corrosion 0 269 36 1,000 0,000
2582 Friction 0 270 37 1,000 0,960
2582 No Failure 0 271 37 1,000 0,000
3046 No Failure 0 272 38 1,000 0,960
3100 Installation Service Rig 1 273 38 0,999 0,959 0,000
191 Pending Pulling 0 274 38 1,000 0,000
2196 Reuse damaged equipment 1 275 38 0,999 0,958 0,000
155 Reuse damaged equipment 1 276 38 0,999 0,958 0,000
1053 Sand 0 277 38 1,000 0,000
2105 No Failure 0 278 38 1,000 0,000
2200 Unknown 0 279 39 1,000 0,958
2585 Unknown 0 280 39 1,000 0,000
2601 Unknown 0 281 39 1,000 0,000
2627 Reuse damaged equipment 1 282 39 0,999 0,957 0,000
2105 Unknown 0 283 39 1,000 0,000
2163 Unknown 0 284 39 1,000 0,000
2165 Unknown 0 285 40 1,000 0,957
2194 Reuse damaged equipment 1 286 40 0,999 0,956 0,000
2209 Reuse damaged equipment 1 287 40 0,999 0,955 0,000
4554 Pending Pulling 0 288 40 1,000 0,000
2186 Quality Control 0 289 41 1,000 0,955
2206 Other 0 290 41 1,000 0,000
2211 Unknown 0 291 41 1,000 0,000
2617 Corrosive fluids 0 292 41 1,000 0,000
1053 Corrosive fluids 0 293 41 1,000 0,000
2163 Unknown 0 294 41 1,000 0,000
2200 Unknown 0 295 42 1,000 0,955
2213 No Failure 0 296 42 1,000 0,000
2585 Unknown 0 297 42 1,000 0,000
2590 Unknown 0 298 42 1,000 0,000
769 Unknown 0 299 42 1,000 0,000
890 Friction 0 300 42 1,000 0,000
940 Quality Control 0 301 42 1,000 0,000
1066 No Failure 0 302 42 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 22.
1210 No Failure 0 303 43 1,000 0,955
2082 Unknown 0 304 43 1,000 0,000
2211 Unknown 0 305 43 1,000 0,000
2602 No Failure 0 306 43 1,000 0,000
1795 Reuse damaged equipment 1 307 43 0,999 0,955 0,000
2082 Unknown 0 308 43 1,000 0,000
2145 No Failure 0 309 43 1,000 0,000
2163 Friction 0 310 43 1,000 0,000
2194 No Failure 0 311 43 1,000 0,000
2241 Unknown 0 312 44 1,000 0,955
2274 Unknown 0 313 44 1,000 0,000
2585 No Failure 0 314 44 1,000 0,000
2602 Reuse damaged equipment 1 315 44 0,999 0,954 0,000
2917 System configuration 1 316 44 0,999 0,953 0,000
3902 Unknown 0 317 45 1,000 0,953
155 Unknown 0 318 45 1,000 0,000
595 Operation procedure 1 319 45 0,999 0,952 0,000
2502 No Failure 0 320 45 1,000 0,000
2582 Corrosive fluids 0 321 45 1,000 0,000
2797 No Failure 0 322 45 1,000 0,000
1036 Unknown 0 323 46 1,000 0,952
1523 No Failure 0 324 46 1,000 0,000
2170 Unknown 0 325 46 1,000 0,000
2274 Fabrication Problem 1 326 46 0,999 0,952 0,000
2778 Friction / Corrosion 0 327 46 1,000 0,000
2914 Reuse damaged equipment 1 328 46 0,999 0,951 0,000
3057 Sand 0 329 46 1,000 0,000
1210 Sand 0 330 46 1,000 0,000
2102 Friction 0 331 47 1,000 0,951
2208 Reuse damaged equipment 1 332 47 0,999 0,950 0,000
2274 No Failure 0 333 47 1,000 0,000
2588 Unknown 0 334 48 1,000 0,950
2797 No Failure 0 335 48 1,000 0,000
2905 No Failure 0 336 48 1,000 0,000
2919 No Failure 0 337 48 1,000 0,000
255 System configuration 1 338 48 0,999 0,949 0,000
1495 No Failure 0 339 48 1,000 0,000
2163 Installation Service Rig 1 340 48 0,999 0,948 0,000
737 Corrosive fluids 0 341 48 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 22.
2144 Unknown 0 342 48 1,000 0,000
2165 Fabrication Problem 1 343 48 0,999 0,948 0,000
2167 Unknown 0 344 48 1,000 0,000
2193 Corrosive fluids 0 345 49 1,000 0,948
2200 Unknown 0 346 49 1,000 0,000
2241 Unknown 0 347 49 1,000 0,000
2584 Unknown 0 348 50 1,000 0,948
2590 Operation procedure 1 349 50 0,999 0,947 0,000
2919 Friction 0 350 50 1,000 0,000
2922 No Failure 0 351 50 1,000 0,000
1112 Unknown 0 352 51 1,000 0,947
2101 Friction 0 353 51 1,000 0,000
2278 Installation Service Rig 1 354 51 0,999 0,946 0,000
196 Corrosive fluids 0 355 51 1,000 0,000
2144 Unknown 0 356 51 1,000 0,000
2195 No Failure 0 357 51 1,000 0,000
2196 Unknown 0 358 51 1,000 0,000
261 Unknown 0 359 51 1,000 0,000
261 Reuse damaged equipment 1 360 51 0,999 0,945 0,000
2030 Quality Control 0 361 51 1,000 0,000
2165 Friction 0 362 52 1,000 0,945
2172 Friction 0 363 52 1,000 0,000
2274 Equipment selection - material 0 364 52 1,000 0,000
2282 No Failure 0 365 52 1,000 0,000
2578 Operation procedure 1 366 53 0,999 0,945 0,945
2901 No Failure 0 367 54 1,000 0,945
3424 Corrosive fluids 0 368 54 1,000 0,000
261 Corrosive fluids 0 369 54 1,000 0,000
421 Corrosive fluids 0 370 54 1,000 0,000
2152 Reuse damaged equipment 1 371 54 0,999 0,944 0,000
2778 Unknown 0 372 54 1,000 0,000
1881 Installation Service Rig 1 373 54 0,999 0,943 0,000
421 Corrosive fluids 0 374 54 1,000 0,000
890 Unknown 0 375 55 1,000 0,943
2170 Unknown 0 376 55 1,000 0,000
2191 Free gas 0 377 55 1,000 0,000
2193 No Failure 0 378 55 1,000 0,000
2211 No Failure 0 379 55 1,000 0,000
2917 Quality Control 0 380 55 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 22.
2919 Unknown 0 381 56 1,000 0,943
781 Corrosive fluids 0 382 56 1,000 0,000
2105 No Failure 0 383 56 1,000 0,000
2163 Unknown 0 384 56 1,000 0,000
2200 No Failure 0 385 56 1,000 0,000
2265 Unknown 0 386 56 1,000 0,000
2590 No Failure 0 387 56 1,000 0,000
2683 Other 0 388 56 1,000 0,000
255 Unknown 0 389 56 1,000 0,000
1112 No Failure 0 390 56 1,000 0,000
1127 Unknown 0 391 56 1,000 0,000
1865 Friction / Corrosion 0 392 56 1,000 0,000
2102 Friction 0 393 56 1,000 0,000
2108 Corrosive fluids 0 394 57 1,000 0,943
2150 No Failure 0 395 57 1,000 0,000
2274 Sand 0 396 57 1,000 0,000
2337 Reuse damaged equipment 1 397 57 0,999 0,942 0,000
2591 Friction / Corrosion 0 398 57 1,000 0,000
2636 Reuse damaged equipment 1 399 58 0,999 0,941 0,942
2795 Unknown 0 400 58 1,000 0,000
3060 System configuration 1 401 58 0,999 0,940 0,000
2152 Installation Service Rig 1 402 58 0,999 0,940 0,000
2600 Sand 0 403 58 1,000 0,000
2602 Fabrication Problem 1 404 59 0,999 0,939 0,940
2922 Reuse damaged equipment 1 405 59 0,999 0,938 0,000
3409 Corrosive fluids 0 406 59 1,000 0,000
2152 No Failure 0 407 60 1,000 0,938
2208 Friction 0 408 60 1,000 0,000
2601 No Failure 0 409 60 1,000 0,000
2602 Unknown 0 410 60 1,000 0,000
2888 Corrosive fluids 0 411 60 1,000 0,000
2045 Operation procedure 1 412 60 0,999 0,937 0,000
2163 No Failure 0 413 60 1,000 0,000
2193 System configuration 1 414 60 0,999 0,936 0,000
2502 Corrosive fluids 0 415 60 1,000 0,000
155 Corrosive fluids 0 416 60 1,000 0,000
255 Unknown 0 417 61 1,000 0,936
2082 Unknown 0 418 61 1,000 0,000
2152 Unknown 0 419 61 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 22.
2200 No Failure 0 420 62 1,000 0,936
2230 Operation procedure 1 421 62 0,999 0,936 0,000
2586 Friction 0 422 62 1,000 0,000
2627 Operation procedure 1 423 62 0,999 0,935 0,000
2635 Sand 0 424 62 1,000 0,000
2917 Unknown 0 425 62 1,000 0,000
2105 Pending Pulling 0 426 62 1,000 0,000
2601 Mechanical Design 1 427 63 0,999 0,934 0,935
4551 Unknown 0 428 63 1,000 0,000
191 Corrosive fluids 0 429 63 1,000 0,000
823 No Failure 0 430 63 1,000 0,000
1881 Installation Service Rig 1 431 63 0,999 0,933 0,000
Improper data used in design /
2172 selection 1 432 63 0,999 0,932 0,000
2208 Friction 0 433 63 1,000 0,000
2600 Unknown 0 434 64 1,000 0,932
3062 Sand 0 435 64 1,000 0,000
1112 Unknown 0 436 64 1,000 0,000
2145 Friction / Corrosion 0 437 65 1,000 0,932
2147 Unknown 0 438 66 1,000 0,932
2165 Free gas 0 439 66 1,000 0,000
2193 Operation procedure 1 440 66 0,999 0,931 0,000
2268 Unknown 0 441 67 1,000 0,931
2625 Reuse damaged equipment 1 442 67 0,999 0,931 0,000
262 Corrosive fluids 0 443 68 1,000 0,931
2208 Operation procedure 1 444 68 0,999 0,930 0,000
2209 Unknown 0 445 68 1,000 0,000
2586 Friction / Corrosion 0 446 68 1,000 0,000
2105 Friction / Corrosion 0 447 68 1,000 0,000
2145 No Failure 0 448 69 1,000 0,930
2206 No Failure 0 449 69 1,000 0,000
2172 Unknown 0 450 69 1,000 0,000
2209 Fabrication Problem 1 451 69 0,999 0,929 0,000
2601 Operation procedure 1 452 69 0,999 0,928 0,000
1881 Unknown 0 453 69 1,000 0,000
2170 Unknown 0 454 70 1,000 0,928
2208 Other 0 455 70 1,000 0,000
2570 Mechanical Design 1 456 70 0,999 0,927 0,000
2637 Friction / Corrosion 0 457 70 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 22.
769 Sand 0 458 70 1,000 0,000
2150 No Failure 0 459 71 1,000 0,927
2170 Unknown 0 460 71 1,000 0,000
2601 No Failure 0 461 71 1,000 0,000
3100 No Failure 0 462 71 1,000 0,000
4590 Friction 0 463 71 1,000 0,000
262 Friction 0 464 72 1,000 0,927
890 No Failure 0 465 72 1,000 0,000
1112 Friction 0 466 72 1,000 0,000
2191 Unknown 0 467 72 1,000 0,000
2200 Installation Service Rig 1 468 72 0,999 0,926 0,000
2144 Fabrication Problem 1 469 72 0,999 0,925 0,000
2145 Installation Service Rig 1 470 72 0,999 0,925 0,000
2167 Operation procedure 1 471 73 0,999 0,924 0,925
2274 Sand 0 472 73 1,000 0,000
2602 Friction / Corrosion 0 473 73 1,000 0,000
262 Corrosive fluids 0 474 73 1,000 0,000
Improper data used in design /
740 selection 1 475 73 0,999 0,923 0,000
2163 Friction 0 476 73 1,000 0,000
2172 Installation Service Rig 1 477 74 0,999 0,922 0,923
2186 Quality Control 0 478 74 1,000 0,000
2241 Fabrication Problem 1 479 74 0,999 0,921 0,000
Improper data used in design /
2919 selection 1 480 74 0,999 0,920 0,000
3064 No Failure 0 481 74 1,000 0,000
2030 Unknown 0 482 74 1,000 0,000
2278 Reuse damaged equipment 1 483 74 0,999 0,919 0,000
2585 Corrosive fluids 0 484 75 1,000 0,919
2591 Operation procedure 1 485 75 0,999 0,919 0,000
2795 Corrosive fluids 0 486 75 1,000 0,000
2917 No Failure 0 487 75 1,000 0,000
2163 Friction 0 488 76 1,000 0,919
2202 Corrosive fluids 0 489 76 1,000 0,000
2591 System configuration 1 490 76 0,999 0,918 0,000
2602 Corrosive fluids 0 491 76 1,000 0,000
2627 Friction / Corrosion 0 492 76 1,000 0,000
2637 Unknown 0 493 77 1,000 0,918
2683 Reuse damaged equipment 1 494 77 0,999 0,917 0,000
2194 Unknown 0 495 77 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 22.
2637 Unknown 0 496 77 1,000 0,000
2905 Friction 0 497 78 1,000 0,917
3913 Friction 0 498 78 1,000 0,000
923 Unknown 0 499 78 1,000 0,000
2165 Unknown 0 500 78 1,000 0,000
2241 No Failure 0 501 78 1,000 0,000
2584 Unknown 0 502 78 1,000 0,000
2649 Low or no inflow 0 503 78 1,000 0,000
2102 System configuration 1 504 78 0,999 0,916 0,000
2152 Corrosive fluids 0 505 79 1,000 0,916
2274 Reuse damaged equipment 1 506 79 0,999 0,915 0,000
2606 No Failure 0 507 79 1,000 0,000
317 Corrosive fluids 0 508 80 1,000 0,915
1210 Mechanical Design 1 509 80 0,999 0,914 0,000
1210 Low or no inflow 0 510 80 1,000 0,000
2100 Friction / Corrosion 0 511 80 1,000 0,000
2163 Unknown 0 512 80 1,000 0,000
2278 Friction / Corrosion 0 513 80 1,000 0,000
2529 Unknown 0 514 81 1,000 0,914
2584 Unknown 0 515 81 1,000 0,000
2602 Unknown 0 516 82 1,000 0,914
1036 No Failure 0 517 82 1,000 0,000
2193 Unknown 0 518 82 1,000 0,000
3913 Fabrication Problem 1 519 82 0,999 0,913 0,000
421 Friction / Corrosion 0 520 82 1,000 0,000
2133 Fabrication Problem 1 521 82 0,999 0,912 0,000
2172 Equipment selection - material 0 522 82 1,000 0,000
2585 Unknown 0 523 82 1,000 0,000
2634 Sand 0 524 82 1,000 0,000
2637 No Failure 0 525 83 1,000 0,912
262 Sand 0 526 83 1,000 0,000
737 No Failure 0 527 83 1,000 0,000
261 Unknown 0 528 84 1,000 0,912
421 Unknown 0 529 84 1,000 0,000
551 Unknown 0 530 84 1,000 0,000
2082 Corrosive fluids 0 531 84 1,000 0,000
2102 Unknown 0 532 85 1,000 0,912
2144 Unknown 0 533 85 1,000 0,000
2150 Sand 0 534 85 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 22.
2196 Unknown 0 535 85 1,000 0,000
2278 Sand 0 536 85 1,000 0,000
2207 Unknown 0 537 86 1,000 0,912
2586 Fabrication Problem 1 538 86 0,999 0,912 0,000
2602 Unknown 0 539 86 1,000 0,000
2172 No Failure 0 540 87 1,000 0,912
2206 Corrosive fluids 0 541 87 1,000 0,000
2582 Friction 0 542 87 1,000 0,000
2904 Corrosive fluids 0 543 87 1,000 0,000
399 No Failure 0 544 88 1,000 0,912
2152 Unknown 0 545 88 1,000 0,000
2172 Unknown 0 546 88 1,000 0,000
2582 Corrosive fluids 0 547 88 1,000 0,000
2637 Unknown 0 548 88 1,000 0,000
2145 Unknown 0 549 88 1,000 0,000
2795 Operation procedure 1 550 88 0,999 0,911 0,000
2917 Fabrication Problem 1 551 89 0,999 0,910 0,911
890 No Failure 0 552 89 1,000 0,000
2213 No Failure 0 553 89 1,000 0,000
2647 No Failure 0 554 89 1,000 0,000
2859 System configuration 1 555 89 0,999 0,909 0,000
923 Corrosive fluids 0 556 89 1,000 0,000
1589 System configuration 1 557 89 0,999 0,908 0,000
2102 Unknown 0 558 90 1,000 0,908
2102 Corrosive fluids 0 559 90 1,000 0,000
2105 Corrosive fluids 0 560 90 1,000 0,000
2602 No Failure 0 561 91 1,000 0,908
2643 No Failure 0 562 91 1,000 0,000
155 Friction 0 563 91 1,000 0,000
2165 Friction / Corrosion 0 564 91 1,000 0,000
2170 Corrosive fluids 0 565 91 1,000 0,000
2535 Corrosive fluids 0 566 91 1,000 0,000
Improper data used in design /
2617 selection 1 567 91 0,999 0,907 0,000
2627 Corrosive fluids 0 568 92 1,000 0,907
2665 Reuse damaged equipment 1 569 92 0,999 0,906 0,000
2152 Friction 0 570 93 1,000 0,906
2588 Unknown 0 571 93 1,000 0,000
2602 No Failure 0 572 93 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 22.
271 Friction 0 573 93 1,000 0,000
823 Unknown 0 574 94 1,000 0,906
2274 Unknown 0 575 94 1,000 0,000
2583 Unknown 0 576 94 1,000 0,000
2583 System configuration 1 577 94 0,999 0,905 0,000
2625 Friction / Corrosion 0 578 94 1,000 0,000
2649 System configuration 1 579 94 0,999 0,904 0,000
2172 Unknown 0 580 95 1,000 0,904
2601 Unknown 0 581 95 1,000 0,000
2791 Unknown 0 582 95 1,000 0,000
2133 No Failure 0 583 95 1,000 0,000
2200 Unknown 0 584 96 1,000 0,904
2578 Unknown 0 585 96 1,000 0,000
3064 Friction 0 586 97 1,000 0,904
2208 Unknown 0 587 97 1,000 0,000
2209 Friction 0 588 97 1,000 0,000
2213 Friction 0 589 97 1,000 0,000
2627 Unknown 0 590 98 1,000 0,904
2683 Operation procedure 1 591 98 0,999 0,903 0,000
2922 Operation procedure 1 592 98 0,999 0,902 0,000
255 Unknown 0 593 98 1,000 0,000
890 System configuration 1 594 98 0,999 0,901 0,000
1495 No Failure 0 595 99 1,000 0,901
2605 Friction 0 596 99 1,000 0,000
155 Friction 0 597 99 1,000 0,000
1180 Operation procedure 1 598 99 0,999 0,900 0,000
261 Unknown 0 599 100 1,000 0,900
399 Corrosive fluids 0 600 100 1,000 0,000
1471 Friction 0 601 101 1,000 0,900
2917 Unknown 0 602 101 1,000 0,000
2102 Unknown 0 603 101 1,000 0,000
2191 Fabrication Problem 1 604 101 0,999 0,899 0,000
2241 Sand 0 605 101 1,000 0,000
2627 Corrosive fluids 0 606 102 1,000 0,899
2649 No Failure 0 607 102 1,000 0,000
2919 Corrosive fluids 0 608 103 1,000 0,899
191 Unknown 0 609 103 1,000 0,000
737 Unknown 0 610 103 1,000 0,000
2196 Friction / Corrosion 0 611 104 1,000 0,899
Continuación Tabla 22.
2602 Unknown 0 612 104 1,000 0,000
2627 Unknown 0 613 104 1,000 0,000
2917 Friction / Corrosion 0 614 105 1,000 0,899
484 Unknown 0 615 105 1,000 0,000
737 Unknown 0 616 106 1,000 0,899
823 Unknown 0 617 106 1,000 0,000
1471 Corrosive fluids 0 618 106 1,000 0,000
2150 No Failure 0 619 106 1,000 0,000
1495 Unknown 0 620 107 1,000 0,899
2502 Unknown 0 621 107 1,000 0,000
2241 Operation procedure 1 622 107 0,999 0,898 0,000
2584 Unknown 0 623 107 1,000 0,000
2602 Corrosive fluids 0 624 107 1,000 0,000
1523 No Failure 0 625 108 1,000 0,898
2337 Unknown 0 626 108 1,000 0,000
2617 Pending Pulling 0 627 108 1,000 0,000
2211 Friction 0 628 109 1,000 0,898
2337 Mechanical Design 1 629 109 0,999 0,897 0,000
484 Unknown 0 630 109 1,000 0,000
2101 Unknown 0 631 110 1,000 0,897
2196 Unknown 0 632 110 1,000 0,000
2795 Friction 0 633 110 1,000 0,000
2183 Friction 0 634 110 1,000 0,000
2200 No Failure 0 635 110 1,000 0,000
2601 Operation procedure 1 636 110 0,999 0,897 0,000
2625 Unknown 0 637 111 1,000 0,897
2792 Unknown 0 638 111 1,000 0,000
Recovery method/ Production
191 Strategy 0 639 111 1,000 0,000
940 Operation procedure 1 640 111 0,999 0,896 0,000
2596 Corrosive fluids 0 641 111 1,000 0,000
191 Unknown 0 642 112 1,000 0,896
2147 Corrosive fluids 0 643 112 1,000 0,000
2635 No Failure 0 644 113 1,000 0,896
769 Unknown 0 645 113 1,000 0,000
2170 Unknown 0 646 113 1,000 0,000
2191 Sand 0 647 113 1,000 0,000
2194 Quality Control 0 648 113 1,000 0,000
2282 Unknown 0 649 114 1,000 0,896
Continuación Tabla 22.
3060 Corrosive fluids 0 650 114 1,000 0,000
317 Corrosive fluids 0 651 115 1,000 0,896
1210 Fabrication Problem 1 652 115 0,999 0,895 0,000
2241 Unknown 0 653 115 1,000 0,000
2590 System configuration 1 654 116 0,999 0,894 0,895
3046 Unknown 0 655 116 1,000 0,000
261 Operation procedure 1 656 116 0,999 0,893 0,000
2585 No Failure 0 657 117 1,000 0,893
2101 Corrosive fluids 0 658 117 1,000 0,000
2168 Unknown 0 659 117 1,000 0,000
2206 Sand 0 660 117 1,000 0,000
2596 Unknown 0 661 118 1,000 0,893
3224 Corrosive fluids 0 662 118 1,000 0,000
2207 Corrosive fluids 0 663 119 1,000 0,893
2627 Corrosive fluids 0 664 119 1,000 0,000
1495 Installation Service Rig 1 665 119 0,999 0,892 0,000
1523 Friction 0 666 120 1,000 0,892
2145 Friction / Corrosion 0 667 120 1,000 0,000
2193 Corrosive fluids 0 668 120 1,000 0,000
2194 Friction 0 669 121 1,000 0,892
2206 Unknown 0 670 121 1,000 0,000
2101 Friction 0 671 121 1,000 0,000
2200 Corrosive fluids 0 672 121 1,000 0,000
2586 No Failure 0 673 122 1,000 0,892
2637 Friction / Corrosion 0 674 122 1,000 0,000
191 Installation Service Rig 1 675 122 0,999 0,891 0,000
2797 Corrosive fluids 0 676 123 1,000 0,891
262 System selection 1 677 123 0,999 0,889 0,000
2792 Unknown 0 678 125 1,000 1,779
3064 Fabrication Problem 1 679 125 0,999 0,888 0,000
1053 Friction 0 680 125 1,000 0,000
2150 Unknown 0 681 125 1,000 0,000
2200 Sand 0 682 125 1,000 0,000
2146 Operation procedure 1 683 126 0,999 0,887 0,888
2183 No Failure 0 684 126 1,000 0,000
2208 Unknown 0 685 126 1,000 0,000
2605 Unknown 0 686 126 1,000 0,000
552 No Failure 0 687 127 1,000 0,887
2206 No Failure 0 688 127 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 22.
2635 Corrosive fluids 0 689 127 1,000 0,000
2105 Unknown 0 690 127 1,000 0,000
2230 No Failure 0 691 127 1,000 0,000
317 Fabrication Problem 1 692 128 0,999 0,886 0,887
2337 Corrosive fluids 0 693 128 1,000 0,000
2795 Unknown 0 694 128 1,000 0,000
2905 Other 0 695 128 1,000 0,000
4569 Unknown 0 696 129 1,000 0,886
2145 Unknown 0 697 129 1,000 0,000
2147 System configuration 1 698 129 0,999 0,885 0,000
2202 Fabrication Problem 1 699 129 0,999 0,884 0,000
2206 Operation procedure 1 700 129 0,999 0,883 0,000
255 Sand 0 701 130 1,000 0,883
2535 No Failure 0 702 130 1,000 0,000
2572 Unknown 0 703 130 1,000 0,000
2636 Unknown 0 704 131 1,000 0,883
2683 Normal or expected wear and tear 1 705 132 0,999 0,882 0,883
823 No Failure 0 706 132 1,000 0,000
2100 Corrosive fluids 0 707 132 1,000 0,000
2585 Friction 0 708 132 1,000 0,000
2643 Operation procedure 1 709 133 0,999 0,881 0,882
1210 Installation Service Rig 1 710 133 0,999 0,880 0,000
1589 Corrosive fluids 0 711 133 1,000 0,000
2163 No Failure 0 712 133 1,000 0,000
2627 Corrosive fluids 0 713 133 1,000 0,000
2635 Unknown 0 714 133 1,000 0,000
2901 No Failure 0 715 134 1,000 0,880
2172 Unknown 0 716 134 1,000 0,000
2570 Unknown 0 717 134 1,000 0,000
2922 Corrosive fluids 0 718 134 1,000 0,000
1210 Unknown 0 719 134 1,000 0,000
2150 Operation procedure 1 720 135 0,999 0,879 0,880
2165 Unknown 0 721 135 1,000 0,000
2165 Friction 0 722 135 1,000 0,000
2172 Friction 0 723 136 1,000 0,879
1112 No Failure 0 724 136 1,000 0,000
2178 Other 0 725 136 1,000 0,000
2194 Pending Pulling 0 726 136 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 22.
2208 Unknown 0 727 137 1,000 0,879
2502 Unknown 0 728 137 1,000 0,000
3060 No Failure 0 729 137 1,000 0,000
255 Sand 0 730 137 1,000 0,000
2337 Corrosive fluids 0 731 137 1,000 0,000
2547 No Failure 0 732 138 1,000 0,879
2627 Corrosive fluids 0 733 138 1,000 0,000
2922 Operation procedure 1 734 138 0,999 0,878 0,000
2196 Operation procedure 1 735 139 0,999 0,877 0,878
2200 Operation procedure 1 736 139 0,999 0,876 0,000
2635 Operation of other wells in field 0 737 139 1,000 0,000
737 Operation procedure 1 738 140 0,999 0,875 0,876
2157 Unknown 0 739 140 1,000 0,000
2625 Friction 0 740 140 1,000 0,000
2652 No Failure 0 741 141 1,000 0,875
317 Operation procedure 1 742 141 0,999 0,874 0,000
2108 Unknown 0 743 142 1,000 0,874
2196 Friction 0 744 142 1,000 0,000
2919 Corrosive fluids 0 745 142 1,000 0,000
3064 No Failure 0 746 142 1,000 0,000
2200 Friction 0 747 143 1,000 0,874
2502 Reuse damaged equipment 1 748 143 0,999 0,873 0,000
2795 Quality Control 0 749 143 1,000 0,000
1066 Unknown 0 750 144 1,000 0,873
2082 Corrosive fluids 0 751 144 1,000 0,000
2683 Corrosive fluids 0 752 145 1,000 0,873
1066 Unknown 0 753 145 1,000 0,000
2101 Operation procedure 1 754 145 0,999 0,872 0,000
2172 No Failure 0 755 146 1,000 0,872
3424 Quality Control 0 756 146 1,000 0,000
2183 Friction 0 757 146 1,000 0,000
2635 Corrosive fluids 0 758 147 1,000 0,872
2200 Operation procedure 1 759 147 0,999 0,870 0,000
2211 Operation procedure 1 760 147 0,999 0,869 0,000
2570 No Failure 0 761 147 1,000 0,000
2586 No Failure 0 762 147 1,000 0,000
2105 Corrosive fluids 0 763 147 1,000 0,000
2572 Friction / Corrosion 0 764 148 1,000 0,869
2836 Corrosive fluids 0 765 148 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 22.
2152 Inadequate monitoring 0 766 149 1,000 0,869
2652 Friction 0 767 149 1,000 0,000
2905 Corrosive fluids 0 768 149 1,000 0,000
1036 Installation Service Rig 1 769 150 0,999 0,868 0,869
2582 Corrosive fluids 0 770 150 1,000 0,000
2652 Unknown 0 771 151 1,000 0,868
1881 Friction 0 772 151 1,000 0,000
2274 Unknown 0 773 151 1,000 0,000
2591 No Failure 0 774 152 1,000 0,868
1881 Unknown 0 775 152 1,000 0,000
2101 Friction / Corrosion 0 776 152 1,000 0,000
2146 Unknown 0 777 152 1,000 0,000
2170 Friction / Corrosion 0 778 154 1,000 1,736
2265 Unknown 0 779 155 1,000 0,868
2901 Sand 0 780 155 1,000 0,000
262 Unknown 0 781 155 1,000 0,000
2792 Unknown 0 782 156 1,000 0,868
2172 Friction 0 783 156 1,000 0,000
2268 Unknown 0 784 157 1,000 0,868
2588 Mechanical Design 1 785 157 0,999 0,867 0,000
2195 Unknown 0 786 157 1,000 0,000
3064 Friction 0 787 157 1,000 0,000
155 Unknown 0 788 158 1,000 0,867
595 Friction / Corrosion 0 789 158 1,000 0,000
2101 Sand 0 790 158 1,000 0,000
261 Unknown 0 791 159 1,000 0,867
2186 Fabrication Problem 1 792 159 0,999 0,866 0,000
2547 Operation procedure 1 793 159 0,999 0,865 0,000
2625 Unknown 0 794 159 1,000 0,000
262 Unknown 0 795 160 1,000 0,865
2208 Unknown 0 796 160 1,000 0,000
2627 Mechanical Design 1 797 160 0,999 0,864 0,000
2905 System configuration 1 798 161 0,999 0,862 0,864
2152 Unknown 0 799 161 1,000 0,000
2306 Corrosive fluids 0 800 161 1,000 0,000
2165 Friction 0 801 161 1,000 0,000
2170 No Failure 0 802 162 1,000 0,862
2586 Friction 0 803 162 1,000 0,000
2590 No Failure 0 804 162 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 22.
261 Corrosive fluids 0 805 162 1,000 0,000
2105 Friction 0 806 162 1,000 0,000
2919 Pending Analysis 0 807 162 1,000 0,000
2102 Unknown 0 808 163 1,000 0,862
2193 Friction 0 809 163 1,000 0,000
2683 Friction 0 810 163 1,000 0,000
2739 Unknown 0 811 164 1,000 0,862
1210 Corrosive fluids 0 812 164 1,000 0,000
1523 Unknown 0 813 167 1,000 2,587
2133 Operation procedure 1 814 167 0,999 0,861 0,000
2195 Operation procedure 1 815 167 0,999 0,860 0,000
2211 Friction 0 816 167 1,000 0,000
2268 Friction 0 817 167 1,000 0,000
2274 Fabrication Problem 1 818 167 0,999 0,859 0,000
155 System configuration 1 819 168 0,999 0,858 0,859
2589 Corrosive fluids 0 820 169 1,000 0,858
2603 System selection 1 821 169 0,999 0,857 0,000
2617 Friction 0 822 170 1,000 0,857
2791 System configuration 1 823 170 0,999 0,855 0,000
2893 Corrosive fluids 0 824 170 1,000 0,000
942 Operation procedure 1 825 171 0,999 0,854 0,855
2591 Friction 0 826 171 1,000 0,000
Improper data used in design /
2611 selection 1 827 171 0,999 0,853 0,000
1487 Sand 0 828 171 1,000 0,000
2683 Friction 0 829 171 1,000 0,000
2085 Friction / Corrosion 0 830 172 1,000 0,853
2145 Unknown 0 831 173 1,000 0,853
Improper data used in design /
2584 selection 1 832 173 0,999 0,852 0,000
2625 Fabrication Problem 1 833 173 0,999 0,851 0,000
2914 Friction 0 834 173 1,000 0,000
3226 Sand 0 835 173 1,000 0,000
2601 Unknown 0 836 174 1,000 0,851
2147 Friction 0 837 174 1,000 0,000
2617 Unknown 0 838 174 1,000 0,000
2147 Low or no inflow 0 839 174 1,000 0,000
2603 Unknown 0 840 175 1,000 0,851
2797 Sand 0 841 175 1,000 0,000
261 Corrosive fluids 0 842 175 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 22.
484 Fabrication Problem 1 843 176 0,999 0,850 0,851
823 Unknown 0 844 176 1,000 0,000
1589 No Failure 0 845 176 1,000 0,000
2145 No Failure 0 846 176 1,000 0,000
2795 Unknown 0 847 177 1,000 0,850
421 Fabrication Problem 1 848 177 0,999 0,848 0,000
2168 Unknown 0 849 178 1,000 0,848
2547 No Failure 0 850 178 1,000 0,000
2634 Corrosive fluids 0 851 178 1,000 0,000
2914 No Failure 0 852 179 1,000 0,848
823 Pending Analysis 0 853 179 1,000 0,000
2195 No Failure 0 854 179 1,000 0,000
2637 No Failure 0 855 180 1,000 0,848
2637 Fabrication Problem 1 856 180 0,999 0,847 0,000
317 Friction 0 857 181 1,000 0,847
740 Friction / Corrosion 0 858 181 1,000 0,000
2683 Fabrication Problem 1 859 181 0,999 0,846 0,000
1053 Installation - Field Service 1 860 181 0,999 0,845 0,000
2167 Quality Control 0 861 181 1,000 0,000
2604 Corrosive fluids 0 862 182 1,000 0,845
2649 Corrosive fluids 0 863 182 1,000 0,000
2170 Friction 0 864 182 1,000 0,000
2208 Unknown 0 865 183 1,000 0,845
1049 Sand 0 866 183 1,000 0,000
2102 Friction 0 867 184 1,000 0,845
2152 Unknown 0 868 185 1,000 0,845
2163 Sand 0 869 185 1,000 0,000
1127 No Failure 0 870 186 1,000 0,845
2900 Unknown 0 871 186 1,000 0,000
3100 Unknown 0 872 186 1,000 0,000
2147 Other 0 873 186 1,000 0,000
2211 No Failure 0 874 186 1,000 0,000
595 Friction 0 875 187 1,000 0,845
2299 No Failure 0 876 187 1,000 0,000
2625 Unknown 0 877 188 1,000 0,845
2635 Corrosive fluids 0 878 189 1,000 0,845
2904 No Failure 0 879 190 1,000 0,845
2100 Friction 0 880 191 1,000 0,845
2202 Sand 0 881 191 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 22.
2208 Corrosive fluids 0 882 192 1,000 0,845
155 No Failure 0 883 192 1,000 0,000
2208 No Failure 0 884 193 1,000 0,845
317 System configuration 1 885 193 0,998 0,843 0,000
1495 Unknown 0 886 194 1,000 0,843
2172 Sand 0 887 194 1,000 0,000
473 Quality Control 0 888 194 1,000 0,000
2085 Sand 0 889 194 1,000 0,000
2213 Operation procedure 1 890 195 0,998 0,842 0,843
2605 System configuration 1 891 195 0,998 0,841 0,000
2683 Friction 0 892 195 1,000 0,000
2200 Unknown 0 893 195 1,000 0,000
2739 Corrosive fluids 0 894 195 1,000 0,000
2209 0 895 195 1,000 0,000
2102 Installation Service Rig 1 896 196 0,998 0,840 0,841
3062 Sand 0 897 196 1,000 0,000
2627 Sand 0 898 196 1,000 0,000
2888 Operation procedure 1 899 197 0,998 0,838 0,840
2859 0 900 197 1,000 0,000
Improper data used in
3044 197 0,998 0,837 0,000
design / selection 1 901
2624 Corrosive fluids 0 902 197 1,000 0,000
3046 Installation Service Rig 1 903 197 0,998 0,836 0,000
2172 Friction 0 904 197 1,000 0,000
2172 Corrosive fluids 0 905 198 1,000 0,836
Improper data used in
2652 199 0,998 0,834 0,836
design / selection 1 906
2903 No Failure 0 907 199 1,000 0,000
923 No Failure 0 908 202 1,000 2,503
2584 No Failure 0 909 202 1,000 0,000
2602 Friction 0 910 202 1,000 0,000
2605 No Failure 0 911 203 1,000 0,834
2636 Unknown 0 912 203 1,000 0,000
1471 Friction / Corrosion 0 913 203 1,000 0,000
2683 Unknown 0 914 203 1,000 0,000
2914 Friction 0 915 204 1,000 0,834
737 Pending Pulling 0 916 204 1,000 0,000
2208 Unknown 0 917 204 1,000 0,000
Improper data used in
2230 205 0,998 0,833 0,834
design / selection 1 918
Continuación Tabla 22.
2604 Free gas 0 919 205 1,000 0,000
2652 Unknown 0 920 205 1,000 0,000
2589 No Failure 0 921 205 1,000 0,000
2627 Unknown 0 922 206 1,000 0,833
2754 Friction 0 923 206 1,000 0,000
229 Corrosive fluids 0 924 206 1,000 0,000
1036 No Failure 0 925 207 1,000 0,833
1112 Installation Service Rig 1 926 207 0,998 0,832 0,000
261 Unknown 0 927 208 1,000 0,832
2230 No Failure 0 928 208 1,000 0,000
3409 Corrosive fluids 0 929 208 1,000 0,000
4591 Friction 0 930 208 1,000 0,000
1589 No Failure 0 931 209 1,000 0,832
2206 Corrosive fluids 0 932 209 1,000 0,000
4562 No Failure 0 933 209 1,000 0,000
2152 Unknown 0 934 211 1,000 1,663
2163 Operation procedure 1 935 211 0,998 0,830 0,000
2591 0 936 212 1,000 0,830
2644 0 937 212 1,000 0,000
317 Unknown 0 938 212 1,000 0,000
2151 Corrosive fluids 0 939 213 1,000 0,830
2591 Unknown 0 940 213 1,000 0,000
155 System configuration 1 941 213 0,998 0,829 0,000
2178 Friction 0 942 213 1,000 0,000
2082 Unknown 0 943 214 1,000 0,829
2133 Corrosive fluids 0 944 215 1,000 0,829
2165 Friction 0 945 215 1,000 0,000
2586 Unknown 0 946 216 1,000 0,829
2306 No Failure 0 947 218 1,000 1,658
2568 Friction 0 948 218 1,000 0,000
2637 Unknown 0 949 219 1,000 0,829
191 Sand 0 950 220 1,000 0,829
595 0 951 220 1,000 0,000
740 0 952 220 1,000 0,000
2914 0 953 220 1,000 0,000
1881 Fabrication Problem 1 954 221 0,998 0,828 0,829
2163 Corrosive fluids 0 955 222 1,000 0,828
2209 Unknown 0 956 222 1,000 0,000
2578 Friction 0 957 222 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 22.
2584 No Failure 0 958 222 1,000 0,000
2172 Pending Analysis 0 959 223 1,000 0,828
2230 Corrosive fluids 0 960 223 1,000 0,000
2643 Quality Control 0 961 223 1,000 0,000
2100 Corrosive fluids 0 962 224 1,000 0,828
595 Unknown 0 963 226 1,000 1,655
2591 Sand 0 964 226 1,000 0,000
2914 0 965 226 1,000 0,000
2541 Corrosive fluids 0 966 226 1,000 0,000
3100 Unknown 0 967 226 1,000 0,000
1011 Friction 0 968 227 1,000 0,828
1471 Unknown 0 969 227 1,000 0,000
2213 No Failure 0 970 227 1,000 0,000
2268 Unknown 0 971 227 1,000 0,000
2683 Installation Service Rig 1 972 227 0,998 0,826 0,000
2904 Friction 0 973 227 1,000 0,000
3064 0 974 227 1,000 0,000
2919 Unknown 0 975 228 1,000 0,826
2048 Corrosive fluids 0 976 228 1,000 0,000
2268 Other 0 977 228 1,000 0,000
2617 Sand 0 978 230 1,000 1,652
2636 Quality Control 0 979 230 1,000 0,000
595 0 980 231 1,000 0,826
1487 Friction 0 981 231 1,000 0,000
2211 0 982 231 1,000 0,000
2578 Friction 0 983 232 1,000 0,826
2589 Unknown 0 984 233 1,000 0,826
3064 Friction / Corrosion 0 985 233 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
769 233 0,998 0,825 0,000
equipment 1 986
823 Corrosive fluids 0 987 234 1,000 0,825
2888 Friction 0 988 234 1,000 0,000
2168 Sand 0 989 234 1,000 0,000
2502 0 990 234 1,000 0,000
2145 0 991 234 1,000 0,000
2893 0 992 235 1,000 0,825
484 Sand 0 993 235 1,000 0,000
843 Friction 0 994 235 1,000 0,000
2193 Friction / Corrosion 0 995 235 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 22.
2207 Other 0 996 236 1,000 0,825
2591 Unknown 0 997 236 1,000 0,000
2144 Friction 0 998 237 1,000 0,825
2145 Unknown 0 999 237 1,000 0,000
2572 0 1000 237 1,000 0,000
1471 Unknown 0 1001 238 1,000 0,825
2584 Unknown 0 1002 238 1,000 0,000
2791 Friction / Corrosion 0 1003 239 1,000 0,825
2634 Operation procedure 1 1004 239 0,998 0,823 0,000
4550 0 1005 240 1,000 0,823
2585 Friction 0 1006 240 1,000 0,000
2792 Operation procedure 1 1007 241 0,998 0,822 0,823
2337 No Failure 0 1008 241 1,000 0,000
2507 Friction 0 1009 242 1,000 0,822
2588 Unknown 0 1010 242 1,000 0,000
2795 Corrosive fluids 0 1011 242 1,000 0,000
2792 0 1012 242 1,000 0,000
2578 Friction / Corrosion 0 1013 242 1,000 0,000
4558 Unknown 0 1014 243 1,000 0,822
1049 Corrosive fluids 0 1015 243 1,000 0,000
2151 No Failure 0 1016 243 1,000 0,000
2168 Pending Analysis 0 1017 244 1,000 0,822
3057 0 1018 244 1,000 0,000
1127 Unknown 0 1019 244 1,000 0,000
2200 Unknown 0 1020 245 1,000 0,822
2778 Unknown 0 1021 246 1,000 0,822
2207 Corrosive fluids 0 1022 246 1,000 0,000
2584 No Failure 0 1023 247 1,000 0,822
1036 Operation procedure 1 1024 247 0,998 0,820 0,000
2194 0 1025 247 1,000 0,000
2830 Friction 0 1026 247 1,000 0,000
2186 0 1027 248 1,000 0,820
2578 No Failure 0 1028 249 1,000 0,820
3912 Friction 0 1029 249 1,000 0,000
2278 No Failure 0 1030 249 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
940 249 0,998 0,819 0,000
equipment 1 1031
2200 System configuration 1 1032 249 0,998 0,817 0,000
2917 Unknown 0 1033 250 1,000 0,817
Continuación Tabla 22.
2919 Unknown 0 1034 250 1,000 0,000
2502 Friction / Corrosion 0 1035 250 1,000 0,000
2585 0 1036 251 1,000 0,817
2643 0 1037 251 1,000 0,000
1180 Unknown 0 1038 252 1,000 0,817
2568 Pending Pulling 0 1039 252 1,000 0,000
3064 Fabrication Problem 1 1040 252 0,998 0,815 0,000
2588 Operation procedure 1 1041 253 0,998 0,814 0,815
2105 Corrosive fluids 0 1042 254 1,000 0,814
2290 0 1043 254 1,000 0,000
2535 Pending Analysis 0 1044 254 1,000 0,000
1049 Pending Pulling 0 1045 254 1,000 0,000
2241 Pending Pulling 0 1046 255 1,000 0,814
2590 Inadequate monitoring 0 1047 255 1,000 0,000
2209 System configuration 1 1048 255 0,998 0,812 0,000
2568 0 1049 255 1,000 0,000
2900 Unknown 0 1050 256 1,000 0,812
2919 Corrosive fluids 0 1051 256 1,000 0,000
2919 0 1052 256 1,000 0,000
191 0 1053 256 1,000 0,000
1036 No Failure 0 1054 257 1,000 0,812
2082 Friction 0 1055 257 1,000 0,000
2572 Corrosive fluids 0 1056 257 1,000 0,000
2683 Operation procedure 1 1057 257 0,998 0,811 0,000
823 Friction 0 1058 257 1,000 0,000
1066 Free gas 0 1059 258 1,000 0,811
2085 Operation procedure 1 1060 258 0,998 0,809 0,000
2830 Unknown 0 1061 258 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
2100 258 0,998 0,807 0,000
equipment 1 1062
2547 Corrosive fluids 0 1063 260 1,000 1,614
2627 Corrosive fluids 0 1064 260 1,000 0,000
2568 No Failure 0 1065 260 1,000 0,000
2917 Operation procedure 1 1066 261 0,998 0,806 0,807
2299 Corrosive fluids 0 1067 261 1,000 0,000
2202 0 1068 263 1,000 1,611
3226 Unknown 0 1069 263 1,000 0,000
1112 Operation procedure 1 1070 264 0,998 0,804 0,806
2572 Corrosive fluids 0 1071 265 1,000 0,804
Continuación Tabla 22.
2624 Unknown 0 1072 265 1,000 0,000
2635 Sand 0 1073 266 1,000 0,804
2643 No Failure 0 1074 266 1,000 0,000
399 Fabrication Problem 1 1075 267 0,998 0,802 0,804
2165 System configuration 1 1076 267 0,998 0,801 0,000
2572 Corrosive fluids 0 1077 267 1,000 0,000
2643 0 1078 268 1,000 0,801
2901 No Failure 0 1079 268 1,000 0,000
317 Operation procedure 1 1080 268 0,998 0,799 0,000
2045 Friction / Corrosion 0 1081 268 1,000 0,000
2152 No Failure 0 1082 270 1,000 1,598
Equipment selection -
2163 270 1,000 0,000
material 0 1083
2267 0 1084 270 1,000 0,000
1523 Friction 0 1085 272 1,000 1,598
2578 Operation procedure 1 1086 272 0,998 0,797 0,000
2665 Corrosive fluids 0 1087 273 1,000 0,797
2930 0 1088 273 1,000 0,000
1011 Friction 0 1089 274 1,000 0,797
1487 Pending Pulling 0 1090 276 1,000 1,594
2589 0 1091 276 1,000 0,000
2568 Installation Service Rig 1 1092 276 0,998 0,795 0,000
2977 Friction 0 1093 276 1,000 0,000
2652 Sand 0 1094 276 1,000 0,000
2150 Friction 0 1095 277 1,000 0,795
2601 Fabrication Problem 1 1096 278 0,998 0,794 0,795
2836 No Failure 0 1097 278 1,000 0,000
2901 Pending Analysis 0 1098 278 1,000 0,000
2905 Friction 0 1099 279 1,000 0,794
2585 Inadequate monitoring 0 1100 279 1,000 0,000
2230 0 1101 280 1,000 0,794
2572 0 1102 282 1,000 1,587
2627 0 1103 283 1,000 0,794
3915 Friction / Corrosion 0 1104 283 1,000 0,000
2578 Unknown 0 1105 283 1,000 0,000
Operation of other wells in
2977 284 1,000 0,794
field 0 1106
2502 Unknown 0 1107 285 1,000 0,794
2274 Pending Pulling 0 1108 285 1,000 0,000
2347 No Failure 0 1109 287 1,000 1,587
Continuación Tabla 22.
2584 Friction / Corrosion 0 1110 287 1,000 0,000
1523 Corrosive fluids 0 1111 289 1,000 1,587
Equipment selection -
2888 289 1,000 0,000
material 0 1112
2163 Installation Service Rig 1 1113 290 0,998 0,792 0,794
2186 0 1114 291 1,000 0,792
2265 Unknown 0 1115 293 1,000 1,584
2606 Free gas 0 1116 293 1,000 0,000
2030 Fabrication Problem 1 1117 294 0,998 0,790 0,792
2082 Operation procedure 1 1118 294 0,998 0,788 0,000
2186 0 1119 295 1,000 0,788
3064 Friction 0 1120 296 1,000 0,788
Equipment selection -
262 298 1,000 1,576
material 0 1121
2836 Installation - Field Service 1 1122 299 0,998 0,786 0,788
2105 No Failure 0 1123 299 1,000 0,000
2151 Unknown 0 1124 300 1,000 0,786
3915 Unknown 0 1125 301 1,000 0,786
2647 0 1126 301 1,000 0,000
3407 No Failure 0 1127 302 1,000 0,786
1589 0 1128 302 1,000 0,000
2585 Unknown 0 1129 303 1,000 0,786
1471 Installation Service Rig 1 1130 304 0,998 0,784 0,786
2195 Unknown 0 1131 304 1,000 0,000
2606 Operation procedure 1 1132 305 0,998 0,783 0,784
2572 Friction / Corrosion 0 1133 305 1,000 0,000
2193 No Failure 0 1134 305 1,000 0,000
2207 Friction 0 1135 306 1,000 0,783
3430 Friction / Corrosion 0 1136 307 1,000 0,783
1487 0 1137 310 1,000 2,348
1127 Installation Service Rig 1 1138 310 0,998 0,781 0,000
218 0 1139 310 1,000 0,000
421 Pending Pulling 0 1140 311 1,000 0,781
2665 0 1141 311 1,000 0,000
2904 0 1142 311 1,000 0,000
2102 No Failure 0 1143 311 1,000 0,000
2105 Friction 0 1144 312 1,000 0,781
2147 Friction 0 1145 312 1,000 0,000
2167 Friction 0 1146 313 1,000 0,781
2665 Friction 0 1147 314 1,000 0,781
Continuación Tabla 22.
737 Unknown 0 1148 316 1,000 1,561
3224 Inadequate monitoring 0 1149 316 1,000 0,000
3430 Installation - Field Service 1 1150 316 0,998 0,779 0,000
2147 0 1151 317 1,000 0,779
3409 Corrosive fluids 0 1152 317 1,000 0,000
255 System configuration 1 1153 317 0,997 0,777 0,000
2278 Pending Pulling 0 1154 318 1,000 0,777
2670 0 1155 319 1,000 0,777
255 Quality Control 0 1156 319 1,000 0,000
2930 Unknown 0 1157 320 1,000 0,777
1471 Friction / Corrosion 0 1158 320 1,000 0,000
2241 No Failure 0 1159 320 1,000 0,000
2541 0 1160 320 1,000 0,000
2904 Friction 0 1161 320 1,000 0,000
2183 Unknown 0 1162 320 1,000 0,000
2230 Sand 0 1163 322 1,000 1,554
2778 Unknown 0 1164 324 1,000 1,554
4593 0 1165 327 1,000 2,330
2085 Friction 0 1166 328 1,000 0,777
2663 0 1167 328 1,000 0,000
399 Installation Service Rig 1 1168 328 0,997 0,775 0,000
1053 Unknown 0 1169 328 1,000 0,000
2100 System configuration 1 1170 331 0,997 0,773 2,324
2267 Installation Service Rig 1 1171 331 0,997 0,771 0,000
2578 0 1172 333 1,000 1,541
2636 Friction / Corrosion 0 1173 333 1,000 0,000
2048 Corrosive fluids 0 1174 334 1,000 0,771
2903 Friction 0 1175 335 1,000 0,771
1487 Friction 0 1176 337 1,000 1,541
2859 0 1177 337 1,000 0,000
4566 Pending Pulling 0 1178 337 1,000 0,000
890 Friction 0 1179 339 1,000 1,541
2542 Operation procedure 1 1180 340 0,997 0,769 0,771
2570 Quality Control 0 1181 341 1,000 0,769
2636 Unknown 0 1182 342 1,000 0,769
2572 Corrosive fluids 0 1183 342 1,000 0,000
3046 0 1184 342 1,000 0,000
Improper data used in
2611 343 0,997 0,767 0,769
design / selection 1 1185
Continuación Tabla 22.
2904 No Failure 0 1186 343 1,000 0,000
3904 Friction 0 1187 344 1,000 0,767
Improper data used in
3420 344 0,997 0,764 0,000
design / selection 1 1188
2146 0 1189 344 1,000 0,000
1066 Unknown 0 1190 345 1,000 0,764
2900 Unknown 0 1191 347 1,000 1,529
1487 Installation - Field Service 1 1192 347 0,997 0,762 0,000
2165 Sand 0 1193 350 1,000 2,287
2268 Friction 0 1194 350 1,000 0,000
2617 No Failure 0 1195 350 1,000 0,000
1210 Friction 0 1196 351 1,000 0,762
2602 Friction 0 1197 351 1,000 0,000
1036 0 1198 351 1,000 0,000
2589 Friction / Corrosion 0 1199 352 1,000 0,762
3912 No Failure 0 1200 354 1,000 1,525
1036 Corrosive fluids 0 1201 355 1,000 0,762
2085 0 1202 356 1,000 0,762
2290 Friction 0 1203 358 1,000 1,525
2917 Pending Analysis 0 1204 358 1,000 0,000
2585 0 1205 359 1,000 0,762
2904 Free gas 0 1206 359 1,000 0,000
3038 Unknown 0 1207 360 1,000 0,762
2209 Operation procedure 1 1208 360 0,997 0,760 0,000
2901 No Failure 0 1209 361 1,000 0,760
2583 Well treatment 0 1210 361 1,000 0,000
1881 Corrosive fluids 0 1211 364 1,000 2,280
2778 Unknown 0 1212 365 1,000 0,760
1053 Unknown 0 1213 365 1,000 0,000
1881 No Failure 0 1214 366 1,000 0,760
2211 Operation procedure 1 1215 367 0,997 0,758 0,760
2213 0 1216 367 1,000 0,000
3226 Free gas 0 1217 367 1,000 0,000
2830 Fabrication Problem 1 1218 372 0,997 0,756 3,789
2589 Corrosive fluids 0 1219 372 1,000 0,000
2836 No Failure 0 1220 372 1,000 0,000
595 Unknown 0 1221 372 1,000 0,000
3060 Free gas 0 1222 373 1,000 0,756
3427 Friction 0 1223 373 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 22.
2588 Unknown 0 1224 374 1,000 0,756
2625 Friction 0 1225 375 1,000 0,756
2151 Corrosive fluids 0 1226 376 1,000 0,756
2191 Operation procedure 1 1227 380 0,997 0,753 3,022
1881 Operation procedure 1 1228 380 0,997 0,751 0,000
2195 No Failure 0 1229 381 1,000 0,751
2791 Fabrication Problem 1 1230 382 0,997 0,749 0,751
1471 Pending Pulling 0 1231 383 1,000 0,749
1053 Corrosive fluids 0 1232 385 1,000 1,497
2167 0 1233 385 1,000 0,000
2206 Unknown 0 1234 387 1,000 1,497
2903 No Failure 0 1235 389 1,000 1,497
2230 Friction 0 1236 389 1,000 0,000
2611 Inadequate monitoring 0 1237 390 1,000 0,749
2914 Friction 0 1238 390 1,000 0,000
2547 System configuration 1 1239 392 0,997 0,746 1,497
1471 Friction 0 1240 394 1,000 1,492
2207 Friction / Corrosion 0 1241 395 1,000 0,746
4568 Corrosive fluids 0 1242 398 1,000 2,238
1881 Sand 0 1243 398 1,000 0,000
2186 Operation procedure 1 1244 399 0,997 0,744 0,746
2635 No Failure 0 1245 400 1,000 0,744
2589 Friction 0 1246 401 1,000 0,744
2901 Free gas 0 1247 402 1,000 0,744
2585 Operation procedure 1 1248 403 0,997 0,741 0,744
2211 Operation procedure 1 1249 404 0,997 0,739 0,741
2207 Free gas 0 1250 406 1,000 1,478
Improper data used in
2905 407 0,997 0,736 0,739
design / selection 1 1251
2611 Operation procedure 1 1252 408 0,997 0,734 0,736
2914 0 1253 408 1,000 0,000
357 Friction 0 1254 409 1,000 0,734
2984 Free gas 0 1255 409 1,000 0,000
2183 No Failure 0 1256 409 1,000 0,000
2267 Friction 0 1257 410 1,000 0,734
2578 0 1258 411 1,000 0,734
2167 No Failure 0 1259 412 1,000 0,734
2196 No Failure 0 1260 412 1,000 0,000
2206 Unknown 0 1261 413 1,000 0,734
Continuación Tabla 22.
Normal or expected wear
2278 417 0,997 0,731 2,935
and tear 1 1262
1487 Friction 0 1263 418 1,000 0,731
2590 No Failure 0 1264 418 1,000 0,000
2917 Friction 0 1265 420 1,000 1,463
2635 Corrosive fluids 0 1266 420 1,000 0,000
769 Fabrication Problem 1 1267 424 0,996 0,729 2,925
2547 Pending Analysis 0 1268 425 1,000 0,729
2637 Friction 0 1269 426 1,000 0,729
2582 0 1270 427 1,000 0,729
2601 0 1271 427 1,000 0,000
1523 Friction / Corrosion 0 1272 429 1,000 1,457
2102 Friction / Corrosion 0 1273 430 1,000 0,729
2146 0 1274 431 1,000 0,729
2586 Corrosive fluids 0 1275 432 1,000 0,729
2634 Friction 0 1276 432 1,000 0,000
2194 0 1277 432 1,000 0,000
2165 No Failure 0 1278 433 1,000 0,729
2195 Friction / Corrosion 0 1279 434 1,000 0,729
2146 No Failure 0 1280 434 1,000 0,000
2241 0 1281 435 1,000 0,729
2145 0 1282 437 1,000 1,457
2919 No Failure 0 1283 438 1,000 0,729
2196 Friction 0 1284 438 1,000 0,000
2513 No Failure 0 1285 439 1,000 0,729
2241 Friction 0 1286 440 1,000 0,729
2195 Friction 0 1287 441 1,000 0,729
2196 Friction / Corrosion 0 1288 441 1,000 0,000
2048 0 1289 441 1,000 0,000
2795 0 1290 441 1,000 0,000
Improper data used in
4563 442 0,996 0,726 0,729
design / selection 1 1291
1589 Unknown 0 1292 442 1,000 0,000
2791 Friction / Corrosion 0 1293 446 1,000 2,904
2105 0 1294 447 1,000 0,726
2048 0 1295 447 1,000 0,000
2584 Friction 0 1296 450 1,000 2,178
Improper data used in
2791 451 0,996 0,723 0,726
design / selection 1 1297
2900 Unknown 0 1298 453 1,000 1,446
Continuación Tabla 22.
3424 0 1299 455 1,000 1,446
2652 Other 0 1300 456 1,000 0,723
2267 Unknown 0 1301 457 1,000 0,723
2299 Sand 0 1302 458 1,000 0,723
2144 Corrosive fluids 0 1303 466 1,000 5,785
2797 Corrosive fluids 0 1304 466 1,000 0,000
2644 0 1305 466 1,000 0,000
2165 Friction 0 1306 467 1,000 0,723
2479 0 1307 471 1,000 2,892
2901 Corrosive fluids 0 1308 471 1,000 0,000
4587 Corrosive fluids 0 1309 472 1,000 0,723
3046 Quality Control 0 1310 473 1,000 0,723
2230 Operation procedure 1 1311 475 0,996 0,720 1,446
4567 Unknown 0 1312 476 1,000 0,720
2265 Unknown 0 1313 477 1,000 0,720
2792 Free gas 0 1314 482 1,000 3,600
3430 0 1315 485 1,000 2,160
2643 Friction / Corrosion 0 1316 485 1,000 0,000
2649 0 1317 485 1,000 0,000
2178 Corrosive fluids 0 1318 487 1,000 1,440
2479 No Failure 0 1319 487 1,000 0,000
2797 0 1320 489 1,000 1,440
2663 Unknown 0 1321 495 1,000 4,320
3409 Corrosive fluids 0 1322 496 1,000 0,720
2513 Friction 0 1323 497 1,000 0,720
2901 No Failure 0 1324 499 1,000 1,440
3417 Inadequate monitoring 0 1325 502 1,000 2,160
769 0 1326 503 1,000 0,720
1589 Sand 0 1327 505 1,000 1,440
2183 No Failure 0 1328 510 1,000 3,600
2625 Operation procedure 1 1329 512 0,995 0,717 1,440
2626 No Failure 0 1330 515 1,000 2,150
2647 Friction 0 1331 515 1,000 0,000
2195 Sand 0 1332 515 1,000 0,000
2624 Corrosive fluids 0 1333 522 1,000 5,018
357 Quality Control 0 1334 523 1,000 0,717
2977 Friction 0 1335 526 1,000 2,150
2105 Sand 0 1336 526 1,000 0,000
2267 Corrosive fluids 0 1337 529 1,000 2,150
Continuación Tabla 22.
2542 Friction / Corrosion 0 1338 530 1,000 0,717
2163 Unknown 0 1339 530 1,000 0,000
2572 Corrosive fluids 0 1340 531 1,000 0,717
2151 0 1341 534 1,000 2,150
2905 0 1342 537 1,000 2,150
2479 No Failure 0 1343 537 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected wear
2601 539 0,995 0,713 1,434
and tear 1 1344
2984 Friction / Corrosion 0 1345 544 1,000 3,567
Reuse damaged
2665 544 0,995 0,710 0,000
equipment 1 1346
2082 No Failure 0 1347 546 1,000 1,420
2670 Corrosive fluids 0 1348 548 1,000 1,420
2791 No Failure 0 1349 552 1,000 2,839
1495 Friction / Corrosion 0 1350 556 1,000 2,839
2596 No Failure 0 1351 557 1,000 0,710
4564 Friction 0 1352 559 1,000 1,420
3902 Corrosive fluids 0 1353 560 1,000 0,710
2145 Unknown 0 1354 561 1,000 0,710
Normal or expected wear
2900 562 0,995 0,706 0,710
and tear 1 1355
3906 Corrosive fluids 0 1356 563 1,000 0,706
2601 Friction 0 1357 567 1,000 2,825
2603 0 1358 568 1,000 0,706
2617 Friction 0 1359 569 1,000 0,706
2739 Pending Analysis 0 1360 569 1,000 0,000
2903 Low or no inflow 0 1361 570 1,000 0,706
2168 0 1362 571 1,000 0,706
2502 Sand 0 1363 573 1,000 1,412
317 0 1364 573 1,000 0,000
3910 Unknown 0 1365 580 1,000 4,944
2144 Corrosive fluids 0 1366 582 1,000 1,412
2213 Friction 0 1367 585 1,000 2,119
2670 Friction 0 1368 588 1,000 2,119
2082 Corrosive fluids 0 1369 589 1,000 0,706
2930 Unknown 0 1370 591 1,000 1,412
2100 0 1371 594 1,000 2,119
2274 Friction 0 1372 596 1,000 1,412
2147 Friction 0 1373 597 1,000 0,706
2206 No Failure 0 1374 598 1,000 0,706
Continuación Tabla 22.
1210 Friction 0 1375 599 1,000 0,706
3060 Corrosive fluids 0 1376 603 1,000 2,825
2100 Sand 0 1377 607 1,000 2,825
Normal or expected wear
2930 608 0,994 0,702 0,706
and tear 1 1378
2170 Operation procedure 1 1379 611 0,994 0,698 2,106
2193 Corrosive fluids 0 1380 614 1,000 2,094
1523 0 1381 620 1,000 4,189
3903 No Failure 0 1382 620 1,000 0,000
769 Low or no inflow 0 1383 622 1,000 1,396
2582 Installation Service Rig 1 1384 622 0,994 0,694 0,000
2186 Pending Pulling 0 1385 622 1,000 0,000
2165 0 1386 622 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected wear
2211 623 0,994 0,690 0,694
and tear 1 1387
2458 Friction 0 1388 624 1,000 0,690
2145 0 1389 624 1,000 0,000
2606 Unknown 0 1390 629 1,000 3,448
2984 Friction / Corrosion 0 1391 636 1,000 4,828
769 0 1392 638 1,000 1,379
4589 0 1393 639 1,000 0,690
2778 Friction 0 1394 641 1,000 1,379
317 Friction 0 1395 650 1,000 6,207
3917 0 1396 660 1,000 6,897
2905 Unknown 0 1397 666 1,000 4,138
3916 No Failure 0 1398 671 1,000 3,448
3226 0 1399 678 1,000 4,828
3920 Corrosive fluids 0 1400 679 1,000 0,690
2337 Pending Pulling 0 1401 681 1,000 1,379
2209 0 1402 682 1,000 0,690
2919 0 1403 689 1,000 4,828
196 Free gas 0 1404 696 1,000 4,828
Normal or expected wear
1471 696 0,993 0,685 0,000
and tear 1 1405
2859 No Failure 0 1406 698 1,000 1,370
2265 Sand 0 1407 701 1,000 2,055
2170 Corrosive fluids 0 1408 701 1,000 0,000
942 Operation procedure 1 1409 702 0,993 0,680 0,685
2513 Friction / Corrosion 0 1410 706 1,000 2,721
2647 Friction 0 1411 709 1,000 2,040
Continuación Tabla 22.
255 0 1412 711 1,000 1,360
2146 Friction 0 1413 714 1,000 2,040
2351 Friction 0 1414 714 1,000 0,000
3417 Corrosive fluids 0 1415 718 1,000 2,721
2914 No Failure 0 1416 721 1,000 2,040
2193 Sand 0 1417 730 1,000 6,121
2168 No Failure 0 1418 737 1,000 4,761
Normal or expected wear
2168 740 0,992 0,675 2,040
and tear 1 1419
Normal or expected wear
3070 744 0,992 0,670 2,700
and tear 1 1420
2167 0 1421 749 1,000 3,349
2306 Sand 0 1422 751 1,000 1,340
2791 0 1423 751 1,000 0,000
2792 0 1424 754 1,000 2,009
4565 No Failure 0 1425 756 1,000 1,340
2152 Unknown 0 1426 761 1,000 3,349
2248 No Failure 0 1427 771 1,000 6,698
2900 Friction 0 1428 773 1,000 1,340
2147 No Failure 0 1429 775 1,000 1,340
2578 No Failure 0 1430 781 1,000 4,019
769 No Failure 0 1431 783 1,000 1,340
Normal or expected wear
595 783 0,992 0,664 0,000
and tear 1 1432
2584 Corrosive fluids 0 1433 803 1,000 13,284
3427 Corrosive fluids 0 1434 804 1,000 0,664
Normal or expected wear
2054 808 0,991 0,658 2,657
and tear 1 1435
Normal or expected wear
2183 811 0,991 0,653 1,975
and tear 1 1436
1865 0 1437 813 1,000 1,305
Normal or expected wear
2603 819 0,991 0,647 3,916
and tear 1 1438
Normal or expected wear
2904 832 0,991 0,641 8,411
and tear 1 1439
2191 Friction 0 1440 837 1,000 3,206
2583 Friction 0 1441 852 1,000 9,618
2337 Unknown 0 1442 865 1,000 8,335
2540 Operation procedure 1 1443 867 0,991 0,635 1,282
Normal or expected wear
2133 875 0,991 0,629 5,082
and tear 1 1444
3407 No Failure 0 1445 882 1,000 4,405
Continuación Tabla 22.
155 0 1446 901 1,000 11,957
Normal or expected wear
2267 903 0,990 0,623 1,259
and tear 1 1447
2611 Corrosive fluids 0 1448 907 1,000 2,493
2952 0 1449 911 1,000 2,493
Normal or expected wear
2211 924 0,990 0,617 8,102
and tear 1 1450
2181 Friction 0 1451 928 1,000 2,468
Normal or expected wear
2977 946 0,990 0,611 11,108
and tear 1 1452
2100 No Failure 0 1453 948 1,000 1,222
2830 No Failure 0 1454 960 1,000 7,330
2202 No Failure 0 1455 962 1,000 1,222
Normal or expected wear
2797 962 0,989 0,604 0,000
and tear 1 1456
Normal or expected wear
2617 971 0,989 0,598 5,440
and tear 1 1457
2086 Operation procedure 1 1458 974 0,989 0,592 1,794
2596 Friction / Corrosion 0 1459 980 1,000 3,549
2611 0 1460 1006 1,000 15,381
Normal or expected wear
2202 1010 0,989 0,585 2,366
and tear 1 1461
2797 0 1462 1011 1,000 0,585
2663 No Failure 0 1463 1014 1,000 1,755
Normal or expected wear
2792 1024 0,989 0,578 5,850
and tear 1 1464
2306 Operation procedure 1 1465 1039 0,988 0,572 8,674
2589 0 1466 1042 1,000 1,715
2635 0 1467 1044 1,000 1,143
2643 0 1468 1044 1,000 0,000
2167 0 1469 1048 1,000 2,286
Normal or expected wear
1881 1062 0,988 0,564 8,002
and tear 1 1470
Normal or expected wear
2299 1062 0,988 0,557 0,000
and tear 1 1471
Normal or expected wear
2196 1073 0,987 0,550 6,132
and tear 1 1472
2183 Sand 0 1473 1080 1,000 3,853
2150 0 1474 1089 1,000 4,953
Normal or expected wear
2146 1115 0,987 0,543 14,310
and tear 1 1475
2212 0 1476 1117 1,000 1,086
Normal or expected wear
3056 1122 0,986 0,536 2,716
and tear 1 1477
Continuación Tabla 22.
2278 0 1478 1143 1,000 11,252
2351 0 1479 1144 1,000 0,536
Normal or expected wear
2603 1150 0,986 0,528 3,215
and tear 1 1480
Normal or expected wear
2054 1173 0,986 0,521 12,150
and tear 1 1481
Normal or expected wear
2663 1179 0,986 0,513 3,124
and tear 1 1482
4571 No Failure 0 1483 1195 1,000 8,211
3224 0 1484 1210 1,000 7,697
2082 0 1485 1229 1,000 9,750
2178 Drilling Project 1 1486 1234 0,985 0,505 2,566
4572 0 1487 1236 1,000 1,011
2337 Operation procedure 1 1488 1237 0,984 0,497 0,505
Normal or expected wear
1053 1239 0,984 0,489 0,994
and tear 1 1489
2625 Sand 0 1490 1267 1,000 13,698
Normal or expected wear
2583 1291 0,983 0,481 11,741
and tear 1 1491
3406 Corrosive fluids 0 1492 1296 1,000 2,405
Normal or expected wear
2888 1308 0,983 0,473 5,773
and tear 1 1493
Normal or expected wear
3412 1334 0,982 0,464 12,292
and tear 1 1494
Normal or expected wear
3426 1354 0,982 0,456 9,290
and tear 1 1495
Normal or expected wear
2170 1358 0,982 0,448 1,825
and tear 1 1496
3415 0 1497 1405 1,000 21,051
2186 0 1498 1407 1,000 0,896
2207 0 1499 1413 1,000 2,687
Normal or expected wear
218 1417 0,980 0,439 1,792
and tear 1 1500
2606 0 1501 1435 1,000 7,904
2458 0 1502 1460 1,000 10,978
2178 0 1503 1485 1,000 10,978
399 0 1504 1499 1,000 6,148
2887 0 1505 1517 1,000 7,904
942 0 1506 1524 1,000 3,074
Normal or expected wear
2903 1546 0,977 0,429 9,660
and tear 1 1507
Normal or expected wear
2670 1546 0,977 0,419 0,000
and tear 1 1508
4586 Pending Pulling 0 1509 1555 1,000 3,772
Continuación Tabla 22.
595 Pending Pulling 0 1510 1555 1,000 0,000
2204 0 1511 1570 1,000 6,287
2086 0 1512 1581 1,000 4,611
Normal or expected wear
4570 1585 0,974 0,408 1,677
and tear 1 1513
Normal or expected wear
2133 1585 0,973 0,397 0,000
and tear 1 1514
2150 0 1515 1604 1,000 7,545
2054 0 1516 1604 1,000 0,000
2647 0 1517 1612 1,000 3,177
2151 0 1518 1634 1,000 8,736
2351 0 1519 1656 1,000 8,736
399 0 1520 1662 1,000 2,383
1049 0 1521 1668 1,000 2,383
3038 0 1522 1668 1,000 0,000
2754 0 1523 1676 1,000 3,177
3044 0 1524 1699 1,000 9,133
3056 0 1525 1720 1,000 8,339
2507 0 1526 1726 1,000 2,383
Normal or expected wear
1495 1731 0,958 0,381 1,985
and tear 1 1527
Normal or expected wear
1210 1731 0,957 0,364 0,000
and tear 1 1528
2529 0 1529 1763 1,000 11,648
2588 0 1530 1780 1,000 6,188
2636 0 1531 1785 1,000 1,820
3216 0 1532 1844 1,000 21,476
196 0 1533 1849 1,000 1,820
Normal or expected wear
3100 1883 0,941 0,343 12,376
and tear 1 1534
Normal or expected wear
3371 1883 0,938 0,321 0,000
and tear 1 1535
942 0 1536 1960 1,000 24,731
Normal or expected wear
2048 1974 0,929 0,298 4,496
and tear 1 1537
Normal or expected wear
4588 1974 0,923 0,275 0,000
and tear 1 1538
1589 0 1539 2024 1,000 13,765
Normal or expected wear
1487 2057 0,909 0,250 9,085
and tear 1 1540
Normal or expected wear
2085 2057 0,900 0,225 0,000
and tear 1 1541
Normal or expected wear
2974 2083 0,889 0,200 5,856
and tear 1 1542
Continuación Tabla 22.
Normal or expected wear
2644 2083 0,875 0,175 0,000
and tear 1 1543
2893 No Failure 0 1544 2372 1,000 50,629
890 No Failure 0 1545 2372 1,000 0,000
2624 0 1546 2440 1,000 11,913
2626 0 1547 2504 1,000 11,212
262 0 1548 3045 1,000 94,776
484 0 1549 3109 1,000 11,212
∑ 1383
Continuación Tabla 23.
1651 Sand 0 25 2 1,000 0,000
1864 Corrosive fluids 0 26 2 1,000 0,000
1880 No Failure 0 27 2 1,000 0,000
2149 0 28 2 1,000 0,000
2226 Unknown 0 29 2 1,000 0,000
2929 0 30 2 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected wear
2946 and tear 1 31 2 1,000 0,999 0,000
3410 0 32 2 1,000 0,000
725 Unknown 0 33 3 1,000 0,999
725 Installation Service Rig 1 34 3 1,000 0,999 0,000
773 Sand 0 35 3 1,000 0,000
1206 No Failure 0 36 3 1,000 0,000
1775 Unknown 0 37 3 1,000 0,000
1801 Operation procedure 1 38 3 1,000 0,999 0,000
2029 Friction 0 39 3 1,000 0,000
2038 Sand 0 40 3 1,000 0,000
2045 0 41 3 1,000 0,000
2045 0 42 3 1,000 0,000
2097 Unknown 0 43 3 1,000 0,000
2282 Corrosive fluids 0 44 3 1,000 0,000
2291 Other 0 45 3 1,000 0,000
2676 Sand 0 46 3 1,000 0,000
2809 Unknown 0 47 3 1,000 0,000
4579 0 48 3 1,000 0,000
259 Unknown 0 49 4 1,000 0,999
724 No Failure 0 50 4 1,000 0,000
765 No Failure 0 51 4 1,000 0,000
1011 Sand 0 52 4 1,000 0,000
1801 Corrosive fluids 0 53 4 1,000 0,000
1888 0 54 4 1,000 0,000
2043 0 55 4 1,000 0,000
2058 0 56 4 1,000 0,000
2103 Well treatment 0 57 4 1,000 0,000
2139 Corrosive fluids 0 58 4 1,000 0,000
2149 Friction 0 59 4 1,000 0,000
2149 No Failure 0 60 4 1,000 0,000
2399 Unknown 0 61 4 1,000 0,000
2613 Other 0 62 4 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
5437 0 63 4 1,000 0,000
263 Unknown 0 64 5 1,000 0,999
641 Friction 0 65 5 1,000 0,000
842 Sand 0 66 5 1,000 0,000
884 Unknown 0 67 5 1,000 0,000
Installation Service
1056 5
Rig 1 68 1,000 0,999 0,000
1110 Unknown 0 69 5 1,000 0,000
1523 Friction 0 70 5 1,000 0,000
2045 Friction 0 71 5 1,000 0,000
2045 Sand 0 72 5 1,000 0,000
2057 Sand 0 73 5 1,000 0,000
2097 No Failure 0 74 5 1,000 0,000
2097 Corrosive fluids 0 75 5 1,000 0,000
2556 Corrosive fluids 0 76 5 1,000 0,000
2630 Sand 0 77 5 1,000 0,000
2732 Unknown 0 78 5 1,000 0,000
2732 Sand 0 79 5 1,000 0,000
2814 Sand 0 80 5 1,000 0,000
2937 No Failure 0 81 5 1,000 0,000
164 Sand 0 82 6 1,000 0,999
442 Friction / Corrosion 0 83 6 1,000 0,000
639 Unknown 0 84 6 1,000 0,000
797 Sand 0 85 6 1,000 0,000
1022 Friction / Corrosion 0 86 6 1,000 0,000
1064 Unknown 0 87 6 1,000 0,000
1740 Corrosive fluids 0 88 6 1,000 0,000
2029 Sand 0 89 6 1,000 0,000
2043 Friction 0 90 6 1,000 0,000
2058 Friction 0 91 6 1,000 0,000
2118 Corrosive fluids 0 92 6 1,000 0,000
2161 Unknown 0 93 6 1,000 0,000
2235 Corrosive fluids 0 94 6 1,000 0,000
2244 Sand 0 95 6 1,000 0,000
2284 0 96 6 1,000 0,000
2317 0 97 6 1,000 0,000
2577 Sand 0 98 6 1,000 0,000
178 Sand 0 99 7 1,000 0,999
302 No Failure 0 100 7 1,000 0,000
791 Sand 0 101 7 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
871 Unknown 0 102 7 1,000 0,000
923 Sand 0 103 7 1,000 0,000
1216 Sand 0 104 7 1,000 0,000
1216 Corrosive fluids 0 105 7 1,000 0,000
1710 No Failure 0 106 7 1,000 0,000
1722 Sand 0 107 7 1,000 0,000
2058 Unknown 0 108 7 1,000 0,000
2065 Unknown 0 109 7 1,000 0,000
2148 Unknown 0 110 7 1,000 0,000
2343 Friction 0 111 7 1,000 0,000
2577 Operation procedure 1 112 7 1,000 0,998 0,000
2693 Friction 0 113 7 1,000 0,000
2929 0 114 7 1,000 0,000
88 Unknown 0 115 8 1,000 0,998
639 Unknown 0 116 8 1,000 0,000
710 Other 0 117 8 1,000 0,000
1008 Unknown 0 118 8 1,000 0,000
1704 Corrosive fluids 0 119 8 1,000 0,000
2057 Unknown 0 120 8 1,000 0,000
2057 No Failure 0 121 8 1,000 0,000
2066 Unknown 0 122 8 1,000 0,000
2069 Sand 0 123 8 1,000 0,000
2149 Corrosive fluids 0 124 8 1,000 0,000
2161 Friction 0 125 8 1,000 0,000
2202 Unknown 0 126 8 1,000 0,000
2210 Free gas 0 127 8 1,000 0,000
2219 Corrosive fluids 0 128 8 1,000 0,000
2226 Sand 0 129 8 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
2228 8
equipment 1 130 1,000 0,998 0,000
2441 Corrosive fluids 0 131 8 1,000 0,000
2564 Corrosive fluids 0 132 8 1,000 0,000
2678 Sand 0 133 8 1,000 0,000
3214 0 134 8 1,000 0,000
729 No Failure 0 135 9 1,000 0,998
735 Friction 0 136 9 1,000 0,000
876 Sand 0 137 9 1,000 0,000
937 Friction 0 138 9 1,000 0,000
1230 No Failure 0 139 9 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
Reuse damaged
1771 9
equipment 1 140 1,000 0,998 0,000
1795 Sand 0 141 9 1,000 0,000
2030 Friction / Corrosion 0 142 9 1,000 0,000
2031 Friction 0 143 9 1,000 0,000
2124 Corrosive fluids 0 144 9 1,000 0,000
2265 Operation procedure 1 145 9 1,000 0,998 0,000
2693 No Failure 0 146 9 1,000 0,000
2908 0 147 9 1,000 0,000
4583 0 148 9 1,000 0,000
79 Unknown 0 149 10 1,000 0,998
229 Sand 0 150 10 1,000 0,000
876 Sand 0 151 10 1,000 0,000
1199 Friction 0 152 10 1,000 0,000
1254 Unknown 0 153 10 1,000 0,000
1258 Sand 0 154 10 1,000 0,000
1722 Sand 0 155 10 1,000 0,000
2069 Fabrication Problem 1 156 10 1,000 0,998 0,000
2182 Friction 0 157 10 1,000 0,000
2226 Friction 0 158 10 1,000 0,000
2291 No Failure 0 159 10 1,000 0,000
2343 Corrosive fluids 0 160 10 1,000 0,000
2556 Corrosive fluids 0 161 10 1,000 0,000
2556 Friction 0 162 10 1,000 0,000
2661 Sand 0 163 10 1,000 0,000
2872 0 164 10 1,000 0,000
2923 No Failure 0 165 10 1,000 0,000
711 Fabrication Problem 1 166 11 1,000 0,997 0,998
740 Sand 0 167 11 1,000 0,000
1689 Pending Pulling 0 168 11 1,000 0,000
1727 Unknown 0 169 11 1,000 0,000
2103 0 170 11 1,000 0,000
2103 0 171 11 1,000 0,000
2153 Sand 0 172 11 1,000 0,000
2171 Sand 0 173 11 1,000 0,000
Installation Service
2231 11
Rig 1 174 1,000 0,997 0,000
2244 Unknown 0 175 11 1,000 0,000
2576 No Failure 0 176 11 1,000 0,000
2672 Sand 0 177 11 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2695 Sand 0 178 11 1,000 0,000
3685 0 179 11 1,000 0,000
79 Sand 0 180 12 1,000 0,997
79 Sand 0 181 12 1,000 0,000
589 No Failure 0 182 12 1,000 0,000
724 No Failure 0 183 12 1,000 0,000
826 Sand 0 184 12 1,000 0,000
2139 Sand 0 185 12 1,000 0,000
2151 0 186 12 1,000 0,000
2198 Unknown 0 187 12 1,000 0,000
2198 Corrosive fluids 0 188 12 1,000 0,000
2238 Unknown 0 189 12 1,000 0,000
2246 Friction 0 190 12 1,000 0,000
2697 0 191 12 1,000 0,000
263 Sand 0 192 13 1,000 0,997
448 Sand 0 193 13 1,000 0,000
868 Sand 0 194 13 1,000 0,000
928 Unknown 0 195 13 1,000 0,000
1047 13
monitoring 0 196 1,000 0,000
1344 Operation procedure 1 197 13 1,000 0,997 0,000
1523 Friction 0 198 13 1,000 0,000
1861 Friction 0 199 13 1,000 0,000
2058 0 200 13 1,000 0,000
2139 0 201 13 1,000 0,000
2244 Corrosive fluids 0 202 13 1,000 0,000
2377 Friction 0 203 13 1,000 0,000
725 Friction 0 204 14 1,000 0,997
943 No Failure 0 205 14 1,000 0,000
943 14
monitoring 0 206 1,000 0,000
1056 Unknown 0 207 14 1,000 0,000
1056 Sand 0 208 14 1,000 0,000
1199 Sand 0 209 14 1,000 0,000
1795 Fabrication Problem 1 210 14 1,000 0,997 0,000
1862 Unknown 0 211 14 1,000 0,000
2038 Friction 0 212 14 1,000 0,000
2151 Friction / Corrosion 0 213 14 1,000 0,000
2202 Friction / Corrosion 0 214 14 1,000 0,000
2242 Pending Pulling 0 215 14 1,000 0,000
2298 0 216 14 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2332 0 217 14 1,000 0,000
2641 0 218 14 1,000 0,000
2732 No Failure 0 219 14 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2923 14
wear and tear 1 220 1,000 0,997 0,000
3035 Corrosive fluids 0 221 14 1,000 0,000
441 Sand 0 222 15 1,000 0,997
710 223 15
monitoring 0 1,000 0,000
1256 Sand 0 224 15 1,000 0,000
1482 Unknown 0 225 15 1,000 0,000
1523 Unknown 0 226 15 1,000 0,000
1563 Unknown 0 227 15 1,000 0,000
1740 Unknown 0 228 15 1,000 0,000
2025 System configuration 1 229 15 1,000 0,996 0,000
Normal or expected
2918 15
wear and tear 1 230 1,000 0,996 0,000
2937 0 231 15 1,000 0,000
395 Unknown 0 232 16 1,000 0,996
725 Corrosive fluids 0 233 16 1,000 0,000
880 Unknown 0 234 16 1,000 0,000
1056 Other 0 235 16 1,000 0,000
1114 Friction / Corrosion 0 236 16 1,000 0,000
1140 Sand 0 237 16 1,000 0,000
1203 Corrosive fluids 0 238 16 1,000 0,000
1244 Sand 0 239 16 1,000 0,000
1244 Unknown 0 240 16 1,000 0,000
1880 No Failure 0 241 16 1,000 0,000
2250 Sand 0 242 16 1,000 0,000
2256 Friction 0 243 16 1,000 0,000
2400 Sand 0 244 16 1,000 0,000
2577 0 245 16 1,000 0,000
2671 Sand 0 246 16 1,000 0,000
2913 0 247 16 1,000 0,000
713 Sand 0 248 17 1,000 0,996
740 Operation procedure 1 249 17 1,000 0,996 0,000
787 Sand 0 250 17 1,000 0,000
931 Unknown 0 251 17 1,000 0,000
1523 Corrosive fluids 0 252 17 1,000 0,000
1597 Scale 0 253 17 1,000 0,000
1772 Other 0 254 17 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2091 Sand 0 255 17 1,000 0,000
2242 Sand 0 256 17 1,000 0,000
2344 Friction 0 257 17 1,000 0,000
2676 Well cleanout 0 258 17 1,000 0,000
2695 Unknown 0 259 17 1,000 0,000
269 Sand 0 260 18 1,000 0,996
269 Unknown 0 261 18 1,000 0,000
395 Sand 0 262 18 1,000 0,000
448 Sand 0 263 18 1,000 0,000
1354 Friction 0 264 18 1,000 0,000
1523 Corrosive fluids 0 265 18 1,000 0,000
2057 Sand 0 266 18 1,000 0,000
2185 Friction 0 267 18 1,000 0,000
2207 No Failure 0 268 18 1,000 0,000
2210 Corrosive fluids 0 269 18 1,000 0,000
2358 Pending Pulling 0 270 18 1,000 0,000
2369 No Failure 0 271 18 1,000 0,000
2908 Sand 0 272 18 1,000 0,000
2916 0 273 18 1,000 0,000
2946 Sand 0 274 18 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3116 275 18
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,996 0,000
441 Unknown 0 276 19 1,000 0,996
441 Sand 0 277 19 1,000 0,000
810 Friction 0 278 19 1,000 0,000
1344 Friction 0 279 19 1,000 0,000
1344 Friction / Corrosion 0 280 19 1,000 0,000
1722 Quality Control 0 281 19 1,000 0,000
1864 Sand 0 282 19 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2171 283 19
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,995 0,000
2295 Friction 0 284 19 1,000 0,000
2344 Corrosive fluids 0 285 19 1,000 0,000
2577 0 286 19 1,000 0,000
2738 Corrosive fluids 0 287 19 1,000 0,000
2802 No Failure 0 288 19 1,000 0,000
451 Unknown 0 289 20 1,000 0,995
588 Sand 0 290 20 1,000 0,000
781 Unknown 0 291 20 1,000 0,000
Improper data used
820 20
in design / selection 1 292 1,000 0,995 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
885 Sand 0 293 20 1,000 0,000
1494 Sand 0 294 20 1,000 0,000
Equipment selection
1742 295 20
- material 0 1,000 0,000
1884 Corrosive fluids 0 296 20 1,000 0,000
2030 Quality Control 0 297 20 1,000 0,000
2047 Sand 0 298 20 1,000 0,000
2103 Friction 0 299 20 1,000 0,000
2103 Corrosive fluids 0 300 20 1,000 0,000
2124 Fabrication Problem 1 301 20 1,000 0,995 0,000
2226 Scale 0 302 20 1,000 0,000
2511 Operation procedure 1 303 20 1,000 0,995 0,000
2607 Sand 0 304 20 1,000 0,000
2660 Friction 0 305 20 1,000 0,000
2695 Sand 0 306 20 1,000 0,000
2695 No Failure 0 307 20 1,000 0,000
2934 Sand 0 308 20 1,000 0,000
3111 0 309 20 1,000 0,000
106 Unknown 0 310 21 1,000 0,995
390 Unknown 0 311 21 1,000 0,000
740 Sand 0 312 21 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
880 313 21
equipment 1 1,000 0,994 0,000
1022 Free gas 0 314 21 1,000 0,000
1057 Sand 0 315 21 1,000 0,000
1344 Sand 0 316 21 1,000 0,000
1563 Unknown 0 317 21 1,000 0,000
2207 Friction 0 318 21 1,000 0,000
2556 Friction 0 319 21 1,000 0,000
2661 Friction 0 320 21 1,000 0,000
2672 Corrosive fluids 0 321 21 1,000 0,000
2796 Operation procedure 1 322 21 1,000 0,994 0,000
2908 0 323 21 1,000 0,000
3403 0 324 21 1,000 0,000
421 Sand 0 325 22 1,000 0,994
561 Unknown 0 326 22 1,000 0,000
744 Sand 0 327 22 1,000 0,000
1008 Unknown 0 328 22 1,000 0,000
1191 Unknown 0 329 22 1,000 0,000
1772 Sand 0 330 22 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
1851 Friction 0 331 22 1,000 0,000
1865 Friction 0 332 22 1,000 0,000
2034 Friction 0 333 22 1,000 0,000
2091 Pending Pulling 0 334 22 1,000 0,000
2233 Sand 0 335 22 1,000 0,000
2244 Unknown 0 336 22 1,000 0,000
2681 Unknown 0 337 22 1,000 0,000
2852 Unknown 0 338 22 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2930 339 22
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,994 0,000
713 Sand 0 340 23 1,000 0,994
724 Unknown 0 341 23 1,000 0,000
755 Sand 0 342 23 1,000 0,000
976 Friction 0 343 23 1,000 0,000
1057 Friction 0 344 23 1,000 0,000
1191 Friction 0 345 23 1,000 0,000
1214 Corrosive fluids 0 346 23 1,000 0,000
1679 Corrosive fluids 0 347 23 1,000 0,000
1740 Sand 0 348 23 1,000 0,000
2244 Corrosive fluids 0 349 23 1,000 0,000
2244 0 350 23 1,000 0,000
2396 Sand 0 351 23 1,000 0,000
3420 0 352 23 1,000 0,000
5435 0 353 23 1,000 0,000
341 Sand 0 354 24 1,000 0,994
342 Sand 0 355 24 1,000 0,000
880 Unknown 0 356 24 1,000 0,000
1191 Sand 0 357 24 1,000 0,000
1299 Corrosive fluids 0 358 24 1,000 0,000
2025 Corrosive fluids 0 359 24 1,000 0,000
2034 0 360 24 1,000 0,000
2091 Pending Analysis 0 361 24 1,000 0,000
2139 Corrosive fluids 0 362 24 1,000 0,000
2244 Pending Pulling 0 363 24 1,000 0,000
2244 Unknown 0 364 24 1,000 0,000
2317 Friction 0 365 24 1,000 0,000
2556 Corrosive fluids 0 366 24 1,000 0,000
2661 Operation procedure 1 367 24 1,000 0,994 0,000
2676 0 368 24 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
Normal or expected
2908 369 24
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,994 0,000
79 Unknown 0 370 25 1,000 0,994
769 Unknown 0 371 25 1,000 0,000
781 Unknown 0 372 25 1,000 0,000
781 Unknown 0 373 25 1,000 0,000
811 Unknown 0 374 25 1,000 0,000
890 Sand 0 375 25 1,000 0,000
928 Unknown 0 376 25 1,000 0,000
1109 Other 0 377 25 1,000 0,000
1344 Unknown 0 378 25 1,000 0,000
1831 Sand 0 379 25 1,000 0,000
2031 Friction 0 380 25 1,000 0,000
2057 Unknown 0 381 25 1,000 0,000
2153 Unknown 0 382 25 1,000 0,000
2576 Other 0 383 25 1,000 0,000
2598 Friction 0 384 25 1,000 0,000
287 Unknown 0 385 26 1,000 0,994
890 Unknown 0 386 26 1,000 0,000
Installation Service
907 387 26
Rig 1 1,000 0,993 0,000
1056 Corrosive fluids 0 388 26 1,000 0,000
1124 Friction 0 389 26 1,000 0,000
1780 Sand 0 390 26 1,000 0,000
2192 Sand 0 391 26 1,000 0,000
2233 Unknown 0 392 26 1,000 0,000
2441 Corrosive fluids 0 393 26 1,000 0,000
2579 Unknown 0 394 26 1,000 0,000
2623 0 395 26 1,000 0,000
2677 Corrosive fluids 0 396 26 1,000 0,000
2913 Sand 0 397 26 1,000 0,000
2934 Friction 0 398 26 1,000 0,000
451 Unknown 0 399 27 1,000 0,993
723 Sand 0 400 27 1,000 0,000
725 Unknown 0 401 27 1,000 0,000
828 Sand 0 402 27 1,000 0,000
937 Unknown 0 403 27 1,000 0,000
1239 Drilling Project 1 404 27 1,000 0,993 0,000
1740 Sand 0 405 27 1,000 0,000
1795 No Failure 0 406 27 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2103 Pending Pulling 0 407 27 1,000 0,000
2118 Corrosive fluids 0 408 27 1,000 0,000
2202 0 409 27 1,000 0,000
2446 Corrosive fluids 0 410 27 1,000 0,000
2930 0 411 27 1,000 0,000
189 No Failure 0 412 28 1,000 0,993
259 Sand 0 413 28 1,000 0,000
441 Unknown 0 414 28 1,000 0,000
890 Sand 0 415 28 1,000 0,000
940 Sand 0 416 28 1,000 0,000
1714 Corrosive fluids 0 417 28 1,000 0,000
1880 Corrosive fluids 0 418 28 1,000 0,000
2043 Friction 0 419 28 1,000 0,000
2116 No Failure 0 420 28 1,000 0,000
2233 Friction 0 421 28 1,000 0,000
2293 Corrosive fluids 0 422 28 1,000 0,000
2444 No Failure 0 423 28 1,000 0,000
2695 Unknown 0 424 28 1,000 0,000
3065 Unknown 0 425 28 1,000 0,000
3624 0 426 28 1,000 0,000
79 Sand 0 427 29 1,000 0,993
178 Unknown 0 428 29 1,000 0,000
287 Unknown 0 429 29 1,000 0,000
318 Operation procedure 1 430 29 1,000 0,993 0,000
342 Unknown 0 431 29 1,000 0,000
797 Unknown 0 432 29 1,000 0,000
1344 Corrosive fluids 0 433 29 1,000 0,000
1665 Unknown 0 434 29 1,000 0,000
1803 Friction 0 435 29 1,000 0,000
2080 Unknown 0 436 29 1,000 0,000
2114 Corrosive fluids 0 437 29 1,000 0,000
2231 Sand 0 438 29 1,000 0,000
2238 Pending Pulling 0 439 29 1,000 0,000
2556 0 440 29 1,000 0,000
2575 Unknown 0 441 29 1,000 0,000
2600 Corrosive fluids 0 442 29 1,000 0,000
2934 Unknown 0 443 29 1,000 0,000
79 Sand 0 444 30 1,000 0,993
334 Sand 0 445 30 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
334 Sand 0 446 30 1,000 0,000
890 Sand 0 447 30 1,000 0,000
Installation Service
940 30
Rig 1 448 1,000 0,993 0,000
1244 Friction 0 449 30 1,000 0,000
Operation of other
1494 30
wells in field 0 450 1,000 0,000
1679 Unknown 0 451 30 1,000 0,000
2058 Unknown 0 452 30 1,000 0,000
2066 Well cleanout 0 453 30 1,000 0,000
2151 Unknown 0 454 30 1,000 0,000
2265 Corrosive fluids 0 455 30 1,000 0,000
2732 Friction 0 456 30 1,000 0,000
2845 Pending Pulling 0 457 30 1,000 0,000
2918 0 458 30 1,000 0,000
341 Unknown 0 459 31 1,000 0,993
810 Friction 0 460 31 1,000 0,000
1116 Unknown 0 461 31 1,000 0,000
1230 Sand 0 462 31 1,000 0,000
1523 Operation procedure 1 463 31 1,000 0,992 0,000
1636 Corrosive fluids 0 464 31 1,000 0,000
2212 Corrosive fluids 0 465 31 1,000 0,000
2588 Unknown 0 466 31 1,000 0,000
2923 0 467 31 1,000 0,000
4548 0 468 31 1,000 0,000
193 Unknown 0 469 32 1,000 0,992
1176 Sand 0 470 32 1,000 0,000
1655 No Failure 0 471 32 1,000 0,000
1725 No Failure 0 472 32 1,000 0,000
1725 Unknown 0 473 32 1,000 0,000
2057 Unknown 0 474 32 1,000 0,000
2231 Pending Pulling 0 475 32 1,000 0,000
2244 Sand 0 476 32 1,000 0,000
2671 0 477 32 1,000 0,000
2908 0 478 32 1,000 0,000
296 Friction / Corrosion 0 479 33 1,000 0,992
624 Sand 0 480 33 1,000 0,000
1022 Unknown 0 481 33 1,000 0,000
1722 Corrosive fluids 0 482 33 1,000 0,000
2112 Operation procedure 1 483 33 1,000 0,992 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
Reuse damaged
2233 33
equipment 1 484 1,000 0,992 0,000
2244 Sand 0 485 33 1,000 0,000
2256 Corrosive fluids 0 486 33 1,000 0,000
2375 No Failure 0 487 33 1,000 0,000
2923 No Failure 0 488 33 1,000 0,000
940 Sand 0 489 34 1,000 0,992
976 Sand 0 490 34 1,000 0,000
1262 Unknown 0 491 34 1,000 0,000
1884 Friction 0 492 34 1,000 0,000
2110 Friction / Corrosion 0 493 34 1,000 0,000
2210 Operation procedure 1 494 34 1,000 0,992 0,000
2233 Unknown 0 495 34 1,000 0,000
2641 Corrosive fluids 0 496 34 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3203 497 34
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,991 0,000
442 Corrosive fluids 0 498 35 1,000 0,991
810 Sand 0 499 35 1,000 0,000
842 Sand 0 500 35 1,000 0,000
941 No Failure 0 501 35 1,000 0,000
1022 Corrosive fluids 0 502 35 1,000 0,000
1523 Friction 0 503 35 1,000 0,000
1704 No Failure 0 504 35 1,000 0,000
1787 No Failure 0 505 35 1,000 0,000
1880 No Failure 0 506 35 1,000 0,000
2141 Free gas 0 507 35 1,000 0,000
2233 Friction / Corrosion 0 508 35 1,000 0,000
2242 0 509 35 1,000 0,000
2243 Sand 0 510 35 1,000 0,000
2421 Sand 0 511 35 1,000 0,000
2588 No Failure 0 512 35 1,000 0,000
442 Unknown 0 513 36 1,000 0,991
748 Sand 0 514 36 1,000 0,000
917 Sand 0 515 36 1,000 0,000
1124 Corrosive fluids 0 516 36 1,000 0,000
1851 Friction / Corrosion 0 517 36 1,000 0,000
2094 Sand 0 518 36 1,000 0,000
2164 Unknown 0 519 36 1,000 0,000
2226 0 520 36 1,000 0,000
2273 Unknown 0 521 36 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2697 Unknown 0 522 36 1,000 0,000
2946 0 523 36 1,000 0,000
607 Well cleanout 0 524 37 1,000 0,991
639 Sand 0 525 37 1,000 0,000
1244 No Failure 0 526 37 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
1261 527 37
equipment 1 1,000 0,991 0,000
1816 No Failure 0 528 37 1,000 0,000
Operation of other
2124 529 37
wells in field 0 1,000 0,000
2438 Friction 0 530 37 1,000 0,000
2630 No Failure 0 531 37 1,000 0,000
3374 0 532 37 1,000 0,000
725 Friction 0 533 38 1,000 0,991
843 Unknown 0 534 38 1,000 0,000
1216 Unknown 0 535 38 1,000 0,000
1710 Friction 0 536 38 1,000 0,000
2104 0 537 38 1,000 0,000
2192 Unknown 0 538 38 1,000 0,000
2215 Unknown 0 539 38 1,000 0,000
2291 Unknown 0 540 38 1,000 0,000
2630 Sand 0 541 38 1,000 0,000
2669 No Failure 0 542 38 1,000 0,000
941 Sand 0 543 39 1,000 0,991
1354 Unknown 0 544 39 1,000 0,000
1862 Friction 0 545 39 1,000 0,000
1864 No Failure 0 546 39 1,000 0,000
2066 Friction 0 547 39 1,000 0,000
Installation Service
2244 39
Rig 1 548 1,000 0,991 0,000
2296 Unknown 0 549 39 1,000 0,000
2575 No Failure 0 550 39 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2659 551 39
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,991 0,000
2758 0 552 39 1,000 0,000
2908 0 553 39 1,000 0,000
3116 No Failure 0 554 39 1,000 0,000
3372 No Failure 0 555 39 1,000 0,000
3410 0 556 39 1,000 0,000
876 Sand 0 557 40 1,000 0,991
1057 Unknown 0 558 40 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
1342 Friction 0 559 40 1,000 0,000
1689 Unknown 0 560 40 1,000 0,000
2031 No Failure 0 561 40 1,000 0,000
2043 Friction 0 562 40 1,000 0,000
Installation Service
2052 563 40
Rig 1 1,000 0,991 0,000
2192 Friction 0 564 40 1,000 0,000
2210 No Failure 0 565 40 1,000 0,000
2233 Corrosive fluids 0 566 40 1,000 0,000
2630 Corrosive fluids 0 567 40 1,000 0,000
119 Unknown 0 568 41 1,000 0,991
167 Unknown 0 569 41 1,000 0,000
263 Sand 0 570 41 1,000 0,000
810 Unknown 0 571 41 1,000 0,000
876 Sand 0 572 41 1,000 0,000
880 Sand 0 573 41 1,000 0,000
Improper data used
1877 41
in design / selection 1 574 1,000 0,990 0,000
2226 Friction / Corrosion 0 575 41 1,000 0,000
2238 0 576 41 1,000 0,000
2287 0 577 41 1,000 0,000
2360 Sand 0 578 41 1,000 0,000
2381 Sand 0 579 41 1,000 0,000
2459 Corrosive fluids 0 580 41 1,000 0,000
2521 Sand 0 581 41 1,000 0,000
2796 0 582 41 1,000 0,000
3403 0 583 41 1,000 0,000
588 Unknown 0 584 42 1,000 0,990
781 Sand 0 585 42 1,000 0,000
1354 Unknown 0 586 42 1,000 0,000
1771 Friction 0 587 42 1,000 0,000
1861 No Failure 0 588 42 1,000 0,000
1861 No Failure 0 589 42 1,000 0,000
2381 0 590 42 1,000 0,000
2564 0 591 42 1,000 0,000
2677 Friction 0 592 42 1,000 0,000
2988 Sand 0 593 42 1,000 0,000
4540 0 594 42 1,000 0,000
88 Unknown 0 595 43 1,000 0,990
833 Sand 0 596 43 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
879 Sand 0 597 43 1,000 0,000
1216 Sand 0 598 43 1,000 0,000
1665 Corrosive fluids 0 599 43 1,000 0,000
1714 Unknown 0 600 43 1,000 0,000
1787 No Failure 0 601 43 1,000 0,000
1880 Friction / Corrosion 0 602 43 1,000 0,000
2265 Unknown 0 603 43 1,000 0,000
2399 Operation procedure 1 604 43 1,000 0,990 0,000
2654 0 605 43 1,000 0,000
2837 Sand 0 606 43 1,000 0,000
2923 Sand 0 607 43 1,000 0,000
2957 0 608 43 1,000 0,000
287 Sand 0 609 44 1,000 0,990
441 Unknown 0 610 44 1,000 0,000
740 Sand 0 611 44 1,000 0,000
879 Sand 0 612 44 1,000 0,000
1344 Free gas 0 613 44 1,000 0,000
1725 Corrosive fluids 0 614 44 1,000 0,000
1771 Corrosive fluids 0 615 44 1,000 0,000
1880 Friction 0 616 44 1,000 0,000
2180 Unknown 0 617 44 1,000 0,000
2242 Unknown 0 618 44 1,000 0,000
2243 Friction / Corrosion 0 619 44 1,000 0,000
2328 Unknown 0 620 44 1,000 0,000
2441 Friction / Corrosion 0 621 44 1,000 0,000
2577 Corrosive fluids 0 622 44 1,000 0,000
2678 0 623 44 1,000 0,000
2803 Sand 0 624 44 1,000 0,000
740 Sand 0 625 45 1,000 0,990
787 Sand 0 626 45 1,000 0,000
1771 No Failure 0 627 45 1,000 0,000
1864 Sand 0 628 45 1,000 0,000
2097 0 629 45 1,000 0,000
2118 Unknown 0 630 45 1,000 0,000
2231 0 631 45 1,000 0,000
2244 Unknown 0 632 45 1,000 0,000
2676 Friction 0 633 45 1,000 0,000
637 Unknown 0 634 46 1,000 0,990
Reuse damaged
641 635 46
equipment 1 1,000 0,990 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
820 Sand 0 636 46 1,000 0,000
1199 Friction / Corrosion 0 637 46 1,000 0,000
Improper data used
1864 46
in design / selection 1 638 1,000 0,990 0,000
1880 Unknown 0 639 46 1,000 0,000
1884 Other 0 640 46 1,000 0,000
Operation of other
2042 641 46
wells in field 0 1,000 0,000
2672 0 642 46 1,000 0,000
2814 Friction 0 643 46 1,000 0,000
639 Unknown 0 644 47 1,000 0,990
874 Unknown 0 645 47 1,000 0,000
885 Unknown 0 646 47 1,000 0,000
Installation Service
1135 647 47
Rig 1 1,000 0,989 0,000
2069 Friction 0 648 47 1,000 0,000
2103 Unknown 0 649 47 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2942 47
wear and tear 1 650 1,000 0,989 0,000
251 Unknown 0 651 48 1,000 0,989
765 Unknown 0 652 48 1,000 0,000
787 Unknown 0 653 48 1,000 0,000
1494 No Failure 0 654 48 1,000 0,000
1710 Unknown 0 655 48 1,000 0,000
2029 Friction 0 656 48 1,000 0,000
2069 Operation procedure 1 657 48 1,000 0,989 0,000
2080 0 658 48 1,000 0,000
2171 Corrosive fluids 0 659 48 1,000 0,000
2221 Corrosive fluids 0 660 48 1,000 0,000
Operation of other
2331 661 48
wells in field 0 1,000 0,000
791 Unknown 0 662 49 1,000 0,989
941 Friction / Corrosion 0 663 49 1,000 0,000
2039 Well cleanout 0 664 49 1,000 0,000
2058 Unknown 0 665 49 1,000 0,000
2065 No Failure 0 666 49 1,000 0,000
2254 Unknown 0 667 49 1,000 0,000
2361 Friction 0 668 49 1,000 0,000
2396 Unknown 0 669 49 1,000 0,000
3719 0 670 49 1,000 0,000
164 Friction 0 671 50 1,000 0,989
Continuación Tabla 23.
787 Unknown 0 672 50 1,000 0,000
1025 Pending Pulling 0 673 50 1,000 0,000
1110 Friction 0 674 50 1,000 0,000
1665 No Failure 0 675 50 1,000 0,000
1803 Operation procedure 1 676 50 1,000 0,989 0,000
2045 Friction / Corrosion 0 677 50 1,000 0,000
2071 Unknown 0 678 50 1,000 0,000
2152 Sand 0 679 50 1,000 0,000
2224 0 680 50 1,000 0,000
2242 No Failure 0 681 50 1,000 0,000
2291 0 682 50 1,000 0,000
2638 Other 0 683 50 1,000 0,000
2789 Corrosive fluids 0 684 50 1,000 0,000
2814 Sand 0 685 50 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3419 50
wear and tear 1 686 1,000 0,988 0,000
652 Unknown 0 687 51 1,000 0,988
713 Sand 0 688 51 1,000 0,000
1246 Other 0 689 51 1,000 0,000
1862 Friction 0 690 51 1,000 0,000
2057 Friction / Corrosion 0 691 51 1,000 0,000
2185 Unknown 0 692 51 1,000 0,000
2575 Unknown 0 693 51 1,000 0,000
2697 0 694 51 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2940 695 51
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,988 0,000
2946 Corrosive fluids 0 696 51 1,000 0,000
229 Sand 0 697 52 1,000 0,988
287 Sand 0 698 52 1,000 0,000
711 Sand 0 699 52 1,000 0,000
740 Sand 0 700 52 1,000 0,000
833 Sand 0 701 52 1,000 0,000
843 No Failure 0 702 52 1,000 0,000
2057 No Failure 0 703 52 1,000 0,000
2066 Friction / Corrosion 0 704 52 1,000 0,000
2231 Unknown 0 705 52 1,000 0,000
2381 Corrosive fluids 0 706 52 1,000 0,000
2581 Corrosive fluids 0 707 52 1,000 0,000
2600 No Failure 0 708 52 1,000 0,000
2919 0 709 52 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2980 No Failure 0 710 52 1,000 0,000
3059 Operation procedure 1 711 52 1,000 0,988 0,000
3109 0 712 52 1,000 0,000
318 Sand 0 713 53 1,000 0,988
820 Sand 0 714 53 1,000 0,000
868 Sand 0 715 53 1,000 0,000
1889 Unknown 0 716 53 1,000 0,000
2094 Friction 0 717 53 1,000 0,000
2180 No Failure 0 718 53 1,000 0,000
2180 Friction 0 719 53 1,000 0,000
2192 0 720 53 1,000 0,000
2287 Friction / Corrosion 0 721 53 1,000 0,000
2399 Corrosive fluids 0 722 53 1,000 0,000
441 Sand 0 723 54 1,000 0,988
711 Sand 0 724 54 1,000 0,000
724 Sand 0 725 54 1,000 0,000
725 Unknown 0 726 54 1,000 0,000
803 Unknown 0 727 54 1,000 0,000
868 Corrosive fluids 0 728 54 1,000 0,000
876 Sand 0 729 54 1,000 0,000
1064 No Failure 0 730 54 1,000 0,000
Operation of other
1256 731 54
wells in field 0 1,000 0,000
1328 Unknown 0 732 54 1,000 0,000
2180 Sand 0 733 54 1,000 0,000
2358 0 734 54 1,000 0,000
2672 Sand 0 735 54 1,000 0,000
2930 Operation procedure 1 736 54 1,000 0,988 0,000
Normal or expected
2930 737 54
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,987 0,000
937 Unknown 0 738 55 1,000 0,987
1127 Operation procedure 1 739 55 1,000 0,987 0,000
1636 Scale 0 740 55 1,000 0,000
2071 Corrosive fluids 0 741 55 1,000 0,000
2290 Friction 0 742 55 1,000 0,000
2379 0 743 55 1,000 0,000
2840 0 744 55 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2916 745 55
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,987 0,000
3068 0 746 55 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
196 Friction 0 747 56 1,000 0,987
334 Unknown 0 748 56 1,000 0,000
729 Other 0 749 56 1,000 0,000
2029 Corrosive fluids 0 750 56 1,000 0,000
2116 No Failure 0 751 56 1,000 0,000
2151 Operation procedure 1 752 56 1,000 0,987 0,000
2192 Unknown 0 753 56 1,000 0,000
2210 0 754 56 1,000 0,000
2212 No Failure 0 755 56 1,000 0,000
2243 Unknown 0 756 56 1,000 0,000
2282 Sand 0 757 56 1,000 0,000
2399 Unknown 0 758 56 1,000 0,000
2564 Corrosive fluids 0 759 56 1,000 0,000
Improper data used
2615 56
in design / selection 1 760 1,000 0,986 0,000
2638 Sand 0 761 56 1,000 0,000
2929 0 762 56 1,000 0,000
302 Sand 0 763 57 1,000 0,986
828 Unknown 0 764 57 1,000 0,000
Improper data used
1216 765 57
in design / selection 1 1,000 0,986 0,000
1831 Sand 0 766 57 1,000 0,000
2060 Free gas 0 767 57 1,000 0,000
2066 Friction 0 768 57 1,000 0,000
2153 Corrosive fluids 0 769 57 1,000 0,000
2224 Unknown 0 770 57 1,000 0,000
2237 0 771 57 1,000 0,000
2421 No Failure 0 772 57 1,000 0,000
2576 No Failure 0 773 57 1,000 0,000
2734 Friction 0 774 57 1,000 0,000
2802 0 775 57 1,000 0,000
2963 0 776 57 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2980 777 57
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,986 0,000
318 Unknown 0 778 58 1,000 0,986
1884 Friction 0 779 58 1,000 0,000
2226 Friction 0 780 58 1,000 0,000
251 Unknown 0 781 59 1,000 0,986
334 Unknown 0 782 59 1,000 0,000
725 Unknown 0 783 59 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
1054 No Failure 0 784 59 1,000 0,000
1851 Unknown 0 785 59 1,000 0,000
2086 Friction 0 786 59 1,000 0,000
2124 Sand 0 787 59 1,000 0,000
2295 Corrosive fluids 0 788 59 1,000 0,000
2441 Sand 0 789 59 1,000 0,000
2802 0 790 59 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2937 791 59
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,986 0,000
724 Sand 0 792 60 1,000 0,986
833 Unknown 0 793 60 1,000 0,000
890 Unknown 0 794 60 1,000 0,000
1022 Sand 0 795 60 1,000 0,000
1047 Corrosive fluids 0 796 60 1,000 0,000
2088 Unknown 0 797 60 1,000 0,000
2202 Corrosive fluids 0 798 60 1,000 0,000
2273 Sand 0 799 60 1,000 0,000
2361 0 800 60 1,000 0,000
2964 0 801 60 1,000 0,000
2042 Friction / Corrosion 0 802 61 1,000 0,986
2057 Unknown 0 803 61 1,000 0,000
2058 0 804 61 1,000 0,000
2344 0 805 61 1,000 0,000
2381 Operation procedure 1 806 61 1,000 0,985 0,000
2664 No Failure 0 807 61 1,000 0,000
3378 0 808 61 1,000 0,000
1710 Sand 0 809 62 1,000 0,985
1864 Pending Pulling 0 810 62 1,000 0,000
2136 Friction 0 811 62 1,000 0,000
2149 Unknown 0 812 62 1,000 0,000
2287 0 813 62 1,000 0,000
3117 0 814 62 1,000 0,000
218 Sand 0 815 63 1,000 0,985
641 Corrosive fluids 0 816 63 1,000 0,000
1056 Drilling Project 1 817 63 1,000 0,985 0,000
1135 Unknown 0 818 63 1,000 0,000
2042 Corrosive fluids 0 819 63 1,000 0,000
2210 Friction 0 820 63 1,000 0,000
2212 No Failure 0 821 63 1,000 0,000
2931 0 822 63 1,000 0,000
3105 0 823 63 1,000 0,000
189 Unknown 0 824 64 1,000 0,985
641 Friction 0 825 64 1,000 0,000
1067 Scale 0 826 64 1,000 0,000
1489 Unknown 0 827 64 1,000 0,000
1679 Unknown 0 828 64 1,000 0,000
1719 Corrosive fluids 0 829 64 1,000 0,000
2045 Quality Control 0 830 64 1,000 0,000
2151 No Failure 0 831 64 1,000 0,000
2258 Friction 0 832 64 1,000 0,000
2678 No Failure 0 833 64 1,000 0,000
885 Unknown 0 834 65 1,000 0,985
923 Sand 0 835 65 1,000 0,000
931 Unknown 0 836 65 1,000 0,000
1022 Unknown 0 837 65 1,000 0,000
1874 Unknown 0 838 65 1,000 0,000
2078 Unknown 0 839 65 1,000 0,000
2263 Scale 0 840 65 1,000 0,000
2328 No Failure 0 841 65 1,000 0,000
588 Sand 0 842 66 1,000 0,985
787 Sand 0 843 66 1,000 0,000
885 Unknown 0 844 66 1,000 0,000
1523 Friction 0 845 66 1,000 0,000
1727 Unknown 0 846 66 1,000 0,000
1772 Sand 0 847 66 1,000 0,000
2043 0 848 66 1,000 0,000
2180 No Failure 0 849 66 1,000 0,000
2226 Unknown 0 850 66 1,000 0,000
2441 Corrosive fluids 0 851 66 1,000 0,000
3035 No Failure 0 852 66 1,000 0,000
189 Unknown 0 853 67 1,000 0,985
772 Unknown 0 854 67 1,000 0,000
868 Unknown 0 855 67 1,000 0,000
931 Friction / Corrosion 0 856 67 1,000 0,000
1889 0 857 67 1,000 0,000
2219 Unknown 0 858 67 1,000 0,000
2607 No Failure 0 859 67 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3065 67
wear and tear 1 860 1,000 0,985 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
168 Unknown 0 861 68 1,000 0,985
723 Unknown 0 862 68 1,000 0,000
765 Unknown 0 863 68 1,000 0,000
1067 Unknown 0 864 68 1,000 0,000
1880 Corrosive fluids 0 865 68 1,000 0,000
2219 Corrosive fluids 0 866 68 1,000 0,000
2290 Unknown 0 867 68 1,000 0,000
2796 Unknown 0 868 68 1,000 0,000
2973 Sand 0 869 68 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3124 68
wear and tear 1 870 1,000 0,985 0,000
729 Sand 0 871 69 1,000 0,985
1246 Unknown 0 872 69 1,000 0,000
1775 Sand 0 873 69 1,000 0,000
2889 Pending Pulling 0 874 69 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3107 875 69
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,984 0,000
619 Friction / Corrosion 0 876 70 1,000 0,984
984 Unknown 0 877 70 1,000 0,000
1636 Friction 0 878 70 1,000 0,000
1727 Friction / Corrosion 0 879 70 1,000 0,000
1740 No Failure 0 880 70 1,000 0,000
1889 Unknown 0 881 70 1,000 0,000
2246 0 882 70 1,000 0,000
2282 Corrosive fluids 0 883 70 1,000 0,000
2511 Friction 0 884 70 1,000 0,000
79 Unknown 0 885 71 1,000 0,984
740 Unknown 0 886 71 1,000 0,000
810 Sand 0 887 71 1,000 0,000
1180 Unknown 0 888 71 1,000 0,000
1523 Unknown 0 889 71 1,000 0,000
1775 Sand 0 890 71 1,000 0,000
Improper data used
2148 891 71
in design / selection 1 1,000 0,984 0,000
4542 Pending Pulling 0 892 71 1,000 0,000
251 Friction 0 893 72 1,000 0,984
711 Sand 0 894 72 1,000 0,000
740 Unknown 0 895 72 1,000 0,000
894 Unknown 0 896 72 1,000 0,000
903 Corrosive fluids 0 897 72 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
1127 Friction 0 898 72 1,000 0,000
2065 Sand 0 899 72 1,000 0,000
2076 0 900 72 1,000 0,000
2655 Corrosive fluids 0 901 72 1,000 0,000
2681 No Failure 0 902 72 1,000 0,000
2814 0 903 72 1,000 0,000
2872 Friction / Corrosion 0 904 72 1,000 0,000
341 Unknown 0 905 73 1,000 0,984
723 Unknown 0 906 73 1,000 0,000
781 Unknown 0 907 73 1,000 0,000
882 Sand 0 908 73 1,000 0,000
917 Sand 0 909 73 1,000 0,000
1022 Sand 0 910 73 1,000 0,000
1740 Corrosive fluids 0 911 73 1,000 0,000
2581 0 912 73 1,000 0,000
2598 Pending Pulling 0 913 73 1,000 0,000
2693 Sand 0 914 73 1,000 0,000
828 Corrosive fluids 0 915 74 1,000 0,984
941 Unknown 0 916 74 1,000 0,000
1803 Friction / Corrosion 0 917 74 1,000 0,000
2343 Friction 0 918 74 1,000 0,000
2815 0 919 74 1,000 0,000
2908 0 920 74 1,000 0,000
3077 0 921 74 1,000 0,000
1216 Unknown 0 922 75 1,000 0,984
2399 Sand 0 923 75 1,000 0,000
Installation Service
2575 75
Rig 1 924 1,000 0,984 0,000
2634 Scale 0 925 75 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3101 75
wear and tear 1 926 1,000 0,983 0,000
4574 0 927 75 1,000 0,000
713 Sand 0 928 76 1,000 0,983
1563 No Failure 0 929 76 1,000 0,000
1803 No Failure 0 930 76 1,000 0,000
2094 Friction 0 931 76 1,000 0,000
2246 Friction 0 932 76 1,000 0,000
2287 Friction 0 933 76 1,000 0,000
2343 Pending Pulling 0 934 76 1,000 0,000
2466 Unknown 0 935 76 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
1523 Unknown 0 936 77 1,000 0,983
1864 Pending Pulling 0 937 77 1,000 0,000
1880 Unknown 0 938 77 1,000 0,000
2030 Friction / Corrosion 0 939 77 1,000 0,000
2103 No Failure 0 940 77 1,000 0,000
2607 0 941 77 1,000 0,000
2693 Corrosive fluids 0 942 77 1,000 0,000
4541 No Failure 0 943 77 1,000 0,000
711 No Failure 0 944 78 1,000 0,983
724 Unknown 0 945 78 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
931 78
wear and tear 1 946 1,000 0,983 0,000
2693 Sand 0 947 78 1,000 0,000
2738 Corrosive fluids 0 948 78 1,000 0,000
2743 Unknown 0 949 78 1,000 0,000
2938 0 950 78 1,000 0,000
3301 0 951 78 1,000 0,000
1180 Friction 0 952 79 1,000 0,983
2244 Friction / Corrosion 0 953 79 1,000 0,000
2244 0 954 79 1,000 0,000
2264 0 955 79 1,000 0,000
2291 Corrosive fluids 0 956 79 1,000 0,000
2305 Corrosive fluids 0 957 79 1,000 0,000
2600 Other 0 958 79 1,000 0,000
2672 Corrosive fluids 0 959 79 1,000 0,000
2865 Unknown 0 960 79 1,000 0,000
3043 0 961 79 1,000 0,000
395 Unknown 0 962 80 1,000 0,983
931 Unknown 0 963 80 1,000 0,000
2038 Unknown 0 964 80 1,000 0,000
2114 Unknown 0 965 80 1,000 0,000
2369 Unknown 0 966 80 1,000 0,000
2575 Friction 0 967 80 1,000 0,000
2801 No Failure 0 968 80 1,000 0,000
2840 Sand 0 969 80 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2865 80
wear and tear 1 970 1,000 0,983 0,000
Normal or expected
3039 971 80
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,983 0,000
196 Unknown 0 972 81 1,000 0,983
Continuación Tabla 23.
931 Operation procedure 1 973 81 1,000 0,982 0,000
1112 Friction 0 974 81 1,000 0,000
1523 Unknown 0 975 81 1,000 0,000
1880 Sand 0 976 81 1,000 0,000
2202 Friction 0 977 81 1,000 0,000
2238 Sand 0 978 81 1,000 0,000
2650 Corrosive fluids 0 979 81 1,000 0,000
178 Unknown 0 980 82 1,000 0,982
264 Unknown 0 981 82 1,000 0,000
1114 Corrosive fluids 0 982 82 1,000 0,000
1135 Corrosive fluids 0 983 82 1,000 0,000
1636 No Failure 0 984 82 1,000 0,000
1884 Unknown 0 985 82 1,000 0,000
2080 Corrosive fluids 0 986 82 1,000 0,000
2114 Sand 0 987 82 1,000 0,000
Installation Service
2161 82
Rig 1 988 1,000 0,982 0,000
2198 Unknown 0 989 82 1,000 0,000
2231 Sand 0 990 82 1,000 0,000
334 Sand 0 991 83 1,000 0,982
781 Unknown 0 992 83 1,000 0,000
1008 Sand 0 993 83 1,000 0,000
1028 Unknown 0 994 83 1,000 0,000
Improper data used
1665 995 83
in design / selection 1 1,000 0,982 0,000
2032 Sand 0 996 83 1,000 0,000
2060 Friction 0 997 83 1,000 0,000
2210 Pending Pulling 0 998 83 1,000 0,000
2242 Friction 0 999 83 1,000 0,000
2289 0 1000 83 1,000 0,000
717 Sand 0 1001 84 1,000 0,982
1864 Friction / Corrosion 0 1002 84 1,000 0,000
2095 Corrosive fluids 0 1003 84 1,000 0,000
2121 Operation procedure 1 1004 84 1,000 0,982 0,000
2148 Friction 0 1005 84 1,000 0,000
2198 Corrosive fluids 0 1006 84 1,000 0,000
2399 0 1007 84 1,000 0,000
2598 Corrosive fluids 0 1008 84 1,000 0,000
2671 Sand 0 1009 84 1,000 0,000
820 Unknown 0 1010 85 1,000 0,982
Continuación Tabla 23.
Normal or expected
884 1011 85
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,981 0,000
1710 Unknown 0 1012 85 1,000 0,000
2180 Operation procedure 1 1013 85 1,000 0,981 0,000
2283 0 1014 85 1,000 0,000
2556 Corrosive fluids 0 1015 85 1,000 0,000
2695 0 1016 85 1,000 0,000
3037 No Failure 0 1017 85 1,000 0,000
637 No Failure 0 1018 86 1,000 0,981
641 Friction 0 1019 86 1,000 0,000
1067 Corrosive fluids 0 1020 86 1,000 0,000
Improper data used
1875 1021 86
in design / selection 1 1,000 0,981 0,000
2080 0 1022 86 1,000 0,000
178 Unknown 0 1023 87 1,000 0,981
178 Friction 0 1024 87 1,000 0,000
1056 Friction 0 1025 87 1,000 0,000
1191 Unknown 0 1026 87 1,000 0,000
2091 No Failure 0 1027 87 1,000 0,000
2564 0 1028 87 1,000 0,000
3111 0 1029 87 1,000 0,000
773 Sand 0 1030 88 1,000 0,981
880 No Failure 0 1031 88 1,000 0,000
1047 Unknown 0 1032 88 1,000 0,000
1064 Friction / Corrosion 0 1033 88 1,000 0,000
2148 Unknown 0 1034 88 1,000 0,000
2198 Unknown 0 1035 88 1,000 0,000
2243 No Failure 0 1036 88 1,000 0,000
2334 0 1037 88 1,000 0,000
2697 No Failure 0 1038 88 1,000 0,000
2746 0 1039 88 1,000 0,000
2894 0 1040 88 1,000 0,000
3063 0 1041 88 1,000 0,000
3068 Pending Pulling 0 1042 88 1,000 0,000
711 Unknown 0 1043 89 1,000 0,981
Normal or expected
1008 89
wear and tear 1 1044 1,000 0,981 0,000
1256 Operation procedure 1 1045 89 1,000 0,980 0,000
Equipment selection
2055 89
- material 0 1046 1,000 0,000
2256 Friction 0 1047 89 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2263 Operation procedure 1 1048 89 1,000 0,980 0,000
2789 0 1049 89 1,000 0,000
229 Sand 0 1050 90 1,000 0,980
256 Sand 0 1051 90 1,000 0,000
1022 Pending Pulling 0 1052 90 1,000 0,000
1851 Friction / Corrosion 0 1053 90 1,000 0,000
2033 Sand 0 1054 90 1,000 0,000
2078 Unknown 0 1055 90 1,000 0,000
2142 Unknown 0 1056 90 1,000 0,000
2598 Friction 0 1057 90 1,000 0,000
2655 Corrosive fluids 0 1058 90 1,000 0,000
421 1059 91
monitoring 0 1,000 0,980
Installation Service
748 91
Rig 1 1060 1,000 0,980 0,000
2066 1061 91
monitoring 0 1,000 0,000
2459 Operation procedure 1 1062 91 1,000 0,979 0,000
2946 0 1063 91 1,000 0,000
287 Unknown 0 1064 92 1,000 0,979
725 Operation procedure 1 1065 92 1,000 0,979 0,000
885 Unknown 0 1066 92 1,000 0,000
885 Sand 0 1067 92 1,000 0,000
923 Unknown 0 1068 92 1,000 0,000
2255 Pending Analysis 0 1069 92 1,000 0,000
2284 Sand 0 1070 92 1,000 0,000
2461 0 1071 92 1,000 0,000
2588 Unknown 0 1072 92 1,000 0,000
2877 Other 0 1073 92 1,000 0,000
2908 0 1074 92 1,000 0,000
4576 0 1075 92 1,000 0,000
212 Friction 0 1076 93 1,000 0,979
Normal or expected
212 1077 93
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,979 0,000
632 Unknown 0 1078 93 1,000 0,000
740 Unknown 0 1079 93 1,000 0,000
1011 Sand 0 1080 93 1,000 0,000
2153 Sand 0 1081 93 1,000 0,000
2192 Corrosive fluids 0 1082 93 1,000 0,000
2255 Sand 0 1083 93 1,000 0,000
2521 0 1084 93 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2732 0 1085 93 1,000 0,000
2809 Sand 0 1086 93 1,000 0,000
113 Unknown 0 1087 94 1,000 0,979
318 Friction / Corrosion 0 1088 94 1,000 0,000
724 Unknown 0 1089 94 1,000 0,000
744 Unknown 0 1090 94 1,000 0,000
775 Friction 0 1091 94 1,000 0,000
928 Operation procedure 1 1092 94 1,000 0,979 0,000
1056 Unknown 0 1093 94 1,000 0,000
1203 Sand 0 1094 94 1,000 0,000
2137 0 1095 94 1,000 0,000
2173 Friction 0 1096 94 1,000 0,000
2283 Sand 0 1097 94 1,000 0,000
2289 Operation procedure 1 1098 94 1,000 0,978 0,000
2521 Other 0 1099 94 1,000 0,000
2581 0 1100 94 1,000 0,000
77 Sand 0 1101 95 1,000 0,978
264 Sand 0 1102 95 1,000 0,000
624 Sand 0 1103 95 1,000 0,000
928 Sand 0 1104 95 1,000 0,000
1011 Sand 0 1105 95 1,000 0,000
2334 0 1106 95 1,000 0,000
2681 Other 0 1107 95 1,000 0,000
4546 0 1108 95 1,000 0,000
724 Friction / Corrosion 0 1109 96 1,000 0,978
781 Sand 0 1110 96 1,000 0,000
941 Other 0 1111 96 1,000 0,000
1803 Pending Pulling 0 1112 96 1,000 0,000
2043 Sand 0 1113 96 1,000 0,000
2153 Friction / Corrosion 0 1114 96 1,000 0,000
2238 0 1115 96 1,000 0,000
2575 Corrosive fluids 0 1116 96 1,000 0,000
2577 0 1117 96 1,000 0,000
2579 Corrosive fluids 0 1118 96 1,000 0,000
2693 Friction 0 1119 96 1,000 0,000
2809 Sand 0 1120 96 1,000 0,000
820 Unknown 0 1121 97 1,000 0,978
1216 Friction / Corrosion 0 1122 97 1,000 0,000
1704 No Failure 0 1123 97 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
1880 No Failure 0 1124 97 1,000 0,000
2295 Unknown 0 1125 97 1,000 0,000
2976 Unknown 0 1126 97 1,000 0,000
632 Unknown 0 1127 98 1,000 0,978
1124 Sand 0 1128 98 1,000 0,000
1239 Unknown 0 1129 98 1,000 0,000
1636 Other 0 1130 98 1,000 0,000
1839 Friction 0 1131 98 1,000 0,000
2575 0 1132 98 1,000 0,000
2878 Other 0 1133 98 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3109 98
wear and tear 1 1134 1,000 0,978 0,000
713 Sand 0 1135 99 1,000 0,978
918 Sand 0 1136 99 1,000 0,000
2153 Sand 0 1137 99 1,000 0,000
2202 Pending Analysis 0 1138 99 1,000 0,000
2298 Friction / Corrosion 0 1139 99 1,000 0,000
2576 Sand 0 1140 99 1,000 0,000
2681 Sand 0 1141 99 1,000 0,000
2923 0 1142 99 1,000 0,000
2980 Unknown 0 1143 99 1,000 0,000
3376 0 1144 99 1,000 0,000
476 Sand 0 1145 100 1,000 0,978
773 Corrosive fluids 0 1146 100 1,000 0,000
1617 Corrosive fluids 0 1147 100 1,000 0,000
1883 Friction 0 1148 100 1,000 0,000
2264 Friction 0 1149 100 1,000 0,000
2466 Sand 0 1150 100 1,000 0,000
2575 0 1151 100 1,000 0,000
2916 0 1152 100 1,000 0,000
2973 0 1153 100 1,000 0,000
287 Corrosive fluids 0 1154 101 1,000 0,978
334 Unknown 0 1155 101 1,000 0,000
395 Unknown 0 1156 101 1,000 0,000
725 Unknown 0 1157 101 1,000 0,000
791 Unknown 0 1158 101 1,000 0,000
1262 Unknown 0 1159 101 1,000 0,000
1792 Fabrication Problem 1 1160 101 1,000 0,978 0,000
1875 No Failure 0 1161 101 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2030 Sand 0 1162 101 1,000 0,000
2287 No Failure 0 1163 101 1,000 0,000
2302 Operation procedure 1 1164 101 1,000 0,978 0,000
2438 Corrosive fluids 0 1165 101 1,000 0,000
2556 No Failure 0 1166 101 1,000 0,000
2672 0 1167 101 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2937 101
wear and tear 1 1168 1,000 0,977 0,000
Normal or expected
2980 1169 101
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,977 0,000
334 Other 0 1170 102 1,000 0,977
641 Friction 0 1171 102 1,000 0,000
868 Friction 0 1172 102 1,000 0,000
2109 0 1173 102 1,000 0,000
2238 Sand 0 1174 102 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
2661 1175 102
equipment 1 1,000 0,977 0,000
2738 0 1176 102 1,000 0,000
2826 0 1177 102 1,000 0,000
2826 Sand 0 1178 102 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3055 1179 102
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,976 0,000
3120 Unknown 0 1180 102 1,000 0,000
3243 Pending Pulling 0 1181 102 1,000 0,000
72 Friction 0 1182 103 1,000 0,976
928 No Failure 0 1183 103 1,000 0,000
1011 Corrosive fluids 0 1184 103 1,000 0,000
2108 0 1185 103 1,000 0,000
2185 Corrosive fluids 0 1186 103 1,000 0,000
2215 0 1187 103 1,000 0,000
2814 0 1188 103 1,000 0,000
196 Unknown 0 1189 104 1,000 0,976
2033 Friction 0 1190 104 1,000 0,000
3403 0 1191 104 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3420 104
wear and tear 1 1192 1,000 0,976 0,000
395 Unknown 0 1193 105 1,000 0,976
711 Unknown 0 1194 105 1,000 0,000
711 Operation procedure 1 1195 105 1,000 0,976 0,000
Operation of other
1216 105
wells in field 0 1196 1,000 0,000
2293 Unknown 0 1197 105 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2436 No Failure 0 1198 105 1,000 0,000
2630 Pending Pulling 0 1199 105 1,000 0,000
3106 No Failure 0 1200 105 1,000 0,000
725 Unknown 0 1201 106 1,000 0,976
725 Well cleanout 0 1202 106 1,000 0,000
2149 Unknown 0 1203 106 1,000 0,000
2210 Sand 0 1204 106 1,000 0,000
2244 Friction 0 1205 106 1,000 0,000
2246 Unknown 0 1206 106 1,000 0,000
2250 0 1207 106 1,000 0,000
2260 0 1208 106 1,000 0,000
2377 0 1209 106 1,000 0,000
2576 Sand 0 1210 106 1,000 0,000
2740 Friction 0 1211 106 1,000 0,000
2878 Friction 0 1212 106 1,000 0,000
2899 0 1213 106 1,000 0,000
259 Unknown 0 1214 107 1,000 0,976
639 Unknown 0 1215 107 1,000 0,000
729 Sand 0 1216 107 1,000 0,000
880 Corrosive fluids 0 1217 107 1,000 0,000
1042 Corrosive fluids 0 1218 107 1,000 0,000
1139 Other 0 1219 107 1,000 0,000
1214 Friction 0 1220 107 1,000 0,000
2078 Operation procedure 1 1221 107 1,000 0,976 0,000
2153 Unknown 0 1222 107 1,000 0,000
2226 Friction 0 1223 107 1,000 0,000
2375 No Failure 0 1224 107 1,000 0,000
2659 0 1225 107 1,000 0,000
3376 0 1226 107 1,000 0,000
442 Sand 0 1227 108 1,000 0,976
885 Unknown 0 1228 108 1,000 0,000
1067 No Failure 0 1229 108 1,000 0,000
1180 Unknown 0 1230 108 1,000 0,000
1200 Unknown 0 1231 108 1,000 0,000
1617 Unknown 0 1232 108 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
1679 1233 108
equipment 1 1,000 0,975 0,000
1839 Unknown 0 1234 108 1,000 0,000
1880 0 1235 108 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2038 Sand 0 1236 108 1,000 0,000
2069 Corrosive fluids 0 1237 108 1,000 0,000
2246 Corrosive fluids 0 1238 108 1,000 0,000
2520 Sand 0 1239 108 1,000 0,000
4543 0 1240 108 1,000 0,000
1022 Operation procedure 1 1241 109 1,000 0,975 0,975
1216 Corrosive fluids 0 1242 109 1,000 0,000
2108 0 1243 109 1,000 0,000
2210 No Failure 0 1244 109 1,000 0,000
2215 Free gas 0 1245 109 1,000 0,000
Improper data used
2226 109
in design / selection 1 1246 1,000 0,975 0,000
2233 Friction 0 1247 109 1,000 0,000
2521 Friction 0 1248 109 1,000 0,000
2598 Sabotage 0 1249 109 1,000 0,000
2664 Corrosive fluids 0 1250 109 1,000 0,000
2695 Corrosive fluids 0 1251 109 1,000 0,000
2802 Sand 0 1252 109 1,000 0,000
2899 0 1253 109 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2934 109
wear and tear 1 1254 1,000 0,974 0,000
4575 0 1255 109 1,000 0,000
147 No Failure 0 1256 110 1,000 0,974
334 Unknown 0 1257 110 1,000 0,000
941 Unknown 0 1258 110 1,000 0,000
1727 Unknown 0 1259 110 1,000 0,000
2139 0 1260 110 1,000 0,000
2243 Corrosive fluids 0 1261 110 1,000 0,000
2331 No Failure 0 1262 110 1,000 0,000
724 Unknown 0 1263 111 1,000 0,974
882 Friction / Corrosion 0 1264 111 1,000 0,000
894 Unknown 0 1265 111 1,000 0,000
1679 Unknown 0 1266 111 1,000 0,000
2331 Sand 0 1267 111 1,000 0,000
2436 Corrosive fluids 0 1268 111 1,000 0,000
2442 Friction 0 1269 111 1,000 0,000
2712 Sand 0 1270 111 1,000 0,000
2899 Friction 0 1271 111 1,000 0,000
937 Unknown 0 1272 112 1,000 0,974
1120 Friction 0 1273 112 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
1140 No Failure 0 1274 112 1,000 0,000
2043 0 1275 112 1,000 0,000
2114 Sand 0 1276 112 1,000 0,000
2207 Friction / Corrosion 0 1277 112 1,000 0,000
2295 Sand 0 1278 112 1,000 0,000
2521 Unknown 0 1279 112 1,000 0,000
624 Sand 0 1280 113 1,000 0,974
910 Friction 0 1281 113 1,000 0,000
1139 Unknown 0 1282 113 1,000 0,000
2153 Corrosive fluids 0 1283 113 1,000 0,000
2564 Operation procedure 1 1284 113 1,000 0,974 0,000
2600 Sand 0 1285 113 1,000 0,000
2659 0 1286 113 1,000 0,000
2697 No Failure 0 1287 113 1,000 0,000
838 Unknown 0 1288 114 1,000 0,974
1172 Scale 0 1289 114 1,000 0,000
1216 Unknown 0 1290 114 1,000 0,000
1216 Other 0 1291 114 1,000 0,000
2032 No Failure 0 1292 114 1,000 0,000
2114 0 1293 114 1,000 0,000
2224 Corrosive fluids 0 1294 114 1,000 0,000
2271 0 1295 114 1,000 0,000
2520 Pending Pulling 0 1296 114 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2923 1297 114
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,974 0,000
2946 0 1298 114 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3660 1299 114
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,974 0,000
229 Unknown 0 1300 115 1,000 0,974
1588 Unknown 0 1301 115 1,000 0,000
1883 Pending Analysis 0 1302 115 1,000 0,000
2226 Sand 0 1303 115 1,000 0,000
2377 No Failure 0 1304 115 1,000 0,000
2576 0 1305 115 1,000 0,000
2697 0 1306 115 1,000 0,000
2929 0 1307 115 1,000 0,000
178 Unknown 0 1308 116 1,000 0,974
451 Unknown 0 1309 116 1,000 0,000
1239 Sand 0 1310 116 1,000 0,000
1863 Friction 0 1311 116 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2069 Corrosive fluids 0 1312 116 1,000 0,000
2108 Sand 0 1313 116 1,000 0,000
2124 Pending Pulling 0 1314 116 1,000 0,000
2153 Unknown 0 1315 116 1,000 0,000
2198 Corrosive fluids 0 1316 116 1,000 0,000
2221 Operation procedure 1 1317 116 1,000 0,973 0,000
2283 Friction 0 1318 116 1,000 0,000
2564 Corrosive fluids 0 1319 116 1,000 0,000
1877 Unknown 0 1320 117 1,000 0,973
1884 Unknown 0 1321 117 1,000 0,000
2114 Friction 0 1322 117 1,000 0,000
2878 Corrosive fluids 0 1323 117 1,000 0,000
3043 Well cleanout 0 1324 117 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
218 1325 118
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,973 0,973
287 Operation procedure 1 1326 118 1,000 0,973 0,000
928 Unknown 0 1327 118 1,000 0,000
Installation Service
1011 118
Rig 1 1328 1,000 0,972 0,000
1191 Unknown 0 1329 118 1,000 0,000
2069 Unknown 0 1330 118 1,000 0,000
2271 Friction 0 1331 118 1,000 0,000
2298 Unknown 0 1332 118 1,000 0,000
2520 Unknown 0 1333 118 1,000 0,000
2521 Sand 0 1334 118 1,000 0,000
2576 Corrosive fluids 0 1335 118 1,000 0,000
2607 Corrosive fluids 0 1336 118 1,000 0,000
229 Unknown 0 1337 119 1,000 0,972
810 Sand 0 1338 119 1,000 0,000
901 Unknown 0 1339 119 1,000 0,000
1011 Operation procedure 1 1340 119 1,000 0,972 0,000
1523 Operation procedure 1 1341 119 1,000 0,972 0,000
1740 No Failure 0 1342 119 1,000 0,000
2284 Quality Control 0 1343 119 1,000 0,000
2607 Sand 0 1344 119 1,000 0,000
2963 No Failure 0 1345 119 1,000 0,000
251 Unknown 0 1346 120 1,000 0,972
1880 Quality Control 0 1347 120 1,000 0,000
2375 Corrosive fluids 0 1348 120 1,000 0,000
2929 Sand 0 1349 120 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
3111 No Failure 0 1350 120 1,000 0,000
183 Friction 0 1351 121 1,000 0,972
441 Sand 0 1352 121 1,000 0,000
894 Sand 0 1353 121 1,000 0,000
940 Sand 0 1354 121 1,000 0,000
1230 Corrosive fluids 0 1355 121 1,000 0,000
1344 Operation procedure 1 1356 121 1,000 0,972 0,000
1880 Unknown 0 1357 121 1,000 0,000
1884 0 1358 121 1,000 0,000
2185 Friction 0 1359 121 1,000 0,000
2237 Corrosive fluids 0 1360 121 1,000 0,000
Operation of other
2271 1361 121
wells in field 0 1,000 0,000
2461 Unknown 0 1362 121 1,000 0,000
2600 No Failure 0 1363 121 1,000 0,000
269 Friction 0 1364 122 1,000 0,972
341 Unknown 0 1365 122 1,000 0,000
828 Sand 0 1366 122 1,000 0,000
894 Unknown 0 1367 122 1,000 0,000
1261 Sand 0 1368 122 1,000 0,000
1679 Sand 0 1369 122 1,000 0,000
2114 Friction 0 1370 122 1,000 0,000
141 Corrosive fluids 0 1371 123 1,000 0,972
Equipment selection
2117 123
- material 0 1372 1,000 0,000
2148 No Failure 0 1373 123 1,000 0,000
Improper data used
2222 123
in design / selection 1 1374 1,000 0,971 0,000
2222 Unknown 0 1375 123 1,000 0,000
2361 Other 0 1376 123 1,000 0,000
2659 Unknown 0 1377 123 1,000 0,000
2837 Pending Pulling 0 1378 123 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2934 1379 123
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,971 0,000
Normal or expected
3300 123
wear and tear 1 1380 1,000 0,971 0,000
269 Unknown 0 1381 124 1,000 0,971
937 Sand 0 1382 124 1,000 0,000
1025 Unknown 0 1383 124 1,000 0,000
1191 Corrosive fluids 0 1384 124 1,000 0,000
1875 Sand 0 1385 124 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2210 Pending Analysis 0 1386 124 1,000 0,000
2604 0 1387 124 1,000 0,000
2749 0 1388 124 1,000 0,000
2908 Friction / Corrosion 0 1389 124 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3419 124
wear and tear 1 1390 1,000 0,970 0,000
713 Unknown 0 1391 125 1,000 0,970
Improper data used
931 125
in design / selection 1 1392 1,000 0,970 0,000
1009 Friction 0 1393 125 1,000 0,000
1740 No Failure 0 1394 125 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2030 1395 125
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,970 0,000
2237 Unknown 0 1396 125 1,000 0,000
2436 Corrosive fluids 0 1397 125 1,000 0,000
218 Corrosive fluids 0 1398 126 1,000 0,970
Reuse damaged
1127 1399 126
equipment 1 1,000 0,970 0,000
1189 No Failure 0 1400 126 1,000 0,000
1824 Unknown 0 1401 126 1,000 0,000
2043 Friction 0 1402 126 1,000 0,000
2059 0 1403 126 1,000 0,000
2153 Unknown 0 1404 126 1,000 0,000
2238 0 1405 126 1,000 0,000
2638 0 1406 126 1,000 0,000
723 Unknown 0 1407 127 1,000 0,970
794 Corrosive fluids 0 1408 127 1,000 0,000
1742 Sand 0 1409 127 1,000 0,000
1880 Unknown 0 1410 127 1,000 0,000
1891 0 1411 127 1,000 0,000
2043 Unknown 0 1412 127 1,000 0,000
2060 Sand 0 1413 127 1,000 0,000
2121 Unknown 0 1414 127 1,000 0,000
2164 0 1415 127 1,000 0,000
2219 0 1416 127 1,000 0,000
2446 Friction 0 1417 127 1,000 0,000
2576 Unknown 0 1418 127 1,000 0,000
2579 Friction 0 1419 127 1,000 0,000
2845 Sand 0 1420 127 1,000 0,000
178 Unknown 0 1421 128 1,000 0,970
251 Unknown 0 1422 128 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
269 Corrosive fluids 0 1423 128 1,000 0,000
826 Well cleanout 0 1424 128 1,000 0,000
928 Sand 0 1425 128 1,000 0,000
Installation Service
1047 128
Rig 1 1426 1,000 0,969 0,000
1118 Unknown 0 1427 128 1,000 0,000
1877 Quality Control 0 1428 128 1,000 0,000
2114 Operation procedure 1 1429 128 1,000 0,969 0,000
2695 Corrosive fluids 0 1430 128 1,000 0,000
3119 0 1431 128 1,000 0,000
167 Friction 0 1432 129 1,000 0,969
264 Unknown 0 1433 129 1,000 0,000
338 Unknown 0 1434 129 1,000 0,000
442 Unknown 0 1435 129 1,000 0,000
843 Unknown 0 1436 129 1,000 0,000
894 Unknown 0 1437 129 1,000 0,000
941 No Failure 0 1438 129 1,000 0,000
1194 Friction 0 1439 129 1,000 0,000
1354 Corrosive fluids 0 1440 129 1,000 0,000
1880 Friction 0 1441 129 1,000 0,000
2044 Friction 0 1442 129 1,000 0,000
2212 0 1443 129 1,000 0,000
2509 Sand 0 1444 129 1,000 0,000
211 Friction 0 1445 130 1,000 0,969
341 Friction 0 1446 130 1,000 0,000
421 Sand 0 1447 130 1,000 0,000
725 Operation procedure 1 1448 130 1,000 0,969 0,000
2030 Operation procedure 1 1449 130 1,000 0,968 0,000
2038 Corrosive fluids 0 1450 130 1,000 0,000
2210 Unknown 0 1451 130 1,000 0,000
2433 Operation procedure 1 1452 130 1,000 0,968 0,000
164 Unknown 0 1453 131 1,000 0,968
Improper data used
195 131
in design / selection 1 1454 1,000 0,968 0,000
527 Other 0 1455 131 1,000 0,000
781 Operation procedure 1 1456 131 1,000 0,967 0,000
882 Unknown 0 1457 131 1,000 0,000
1056 Friction 0 1458 131 1,000 0,000
1058 Unknown 0 1459 131 1,000 0,000
2192 No Failure 0 1460 131 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2282 System selection 1 1461 131 1,000 0,967 0,000
2298 Friction / Corrosion 0 1462 131 1,000 0,000
2536 0 1463 131 1,000 0,000
2669 0 1464 131 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3420 1465 131
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,967 0,000
212 Friction 0 1466 132 1,000 0,967
480 Sand 0 1467 132 1,000 0,000
2218 0 1468 132 1,000 0,000
2219 No Failure 0 1469 132 1,000 0,000
2289 Unknown 0 1470 132 1,000 0,000
3127 0 1471 132 1,000 0,000
4578 0 1472 132 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
1679 1473 133
equipment 1 1,000 0,967 0,967
2231 Unknown 0 1474 133 1,000 0,000
2244 Sand 0 1475 133 1,000 0,000
2327 Corrosive fluids 0 1476 133 1,000 0,000
2556 0 1477 133 1,000 0,000
1185 Unknown 0 1478 134 1,000 0,967
2112 Sand 0 1479 134 1,000 0,000
2598 Friction 0 1480 134 1,000 0,000
2868 Unknown 0 1481 134 1,000 0,000
1665 Sand 0 1482 135 1,000 0,967
1740 Operation procedure 1 1483 135 1,000 0,966 0,000
1864 Corrosive fluids 0 1484 135 1,000 0,000
2377 Friction 0 1485 135 1,000 0,000
2461 Friction 0 1486 135 1,000 0,000
2556 0 1487 135 1,000 0,000
2564 Unknown 0 1488 135 1,000 0,000
341 Unknown 0 1489 136 1,000 0,966
740 Sand 0 1490 136 1,000 0,000
1244 Operation procedure 1 1491 136 1,000 0,966 0,000
1617 Corrosive fluids 0 1492 136 1,000 0,000
1877 0 1493 136 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
1880 136
equipment 1 1494 1,000 0,966 0,000
Operation of other
2038 1495 136
wells in field 0 1,000 0,000
2161 0 1496 136 1,000 0,000
2164 Friction 0 1497 136 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2521 0 1498 136 1,000 0,000
2536 Sand 0 1499 136 1,000 0,000
2697 Other 0 1500 136 1,000 0,000
164 Free gas 0 1501 137 1,000 0,966
441 Sand 0 1502 137 1,000 0,000
773 Unknown 0 1503 137 1,000 0,000
826 No Failure 0 1504 137 1,000 0,000
1067 Other 0 1505 137 1,000 0,000
2185 0 1506 137 1,000 0,000
2256 Corrosive fluids 0 1507 137 1,000 0,000
2331 Friction 0 1508 137 1,000 0,000
2475 Friction 0 1509 137 1,000 0,000
2564 Operation procedure 1 1510 137 1,000 0,965 0,000
2697 Operation procedure 1 1511 137 1,000 0,965 0,000
Improper data used
307 138
in design / selection 1 1512 1,000 0,965 0,965
707 Unknown 0 1513 138 1,000 0,000
943 Friction 0 1514 138 1,000 0,000
1118 Sand 0 1515 138 1,000 0,000
1727 No Failure 0 1516 138 1,000 0,000
2045 Operation procedure 1 1517 138 1,000 0,964 0,000
2097 Corrosive fluids 0 1518 138 1,000 0,000
2118 No Failure 0 1519 138 1,000 0,000
2148 Unknown 0 1520 138 1,000 0,000
2219 Friction / Corrosion 0 1521 138 1,000 0,000
2575 Corrosive fluids 0 1522 138 1,000 0,000
307 Friction 0 1523 139 1,000 0,964
632 Unknown 0 1524 139 1,000 0,000
1008 No Failure 0 1525 139 1,000 0,000
1704 Sand 0 1526 139 1,000 0,000
2796 No Failure 0 1527 139 1,000 0,000
287 Unknown 0 1528 140 1,000 0,964
1047 Unknown 0 1529 140 1,000 0,000
1772 Unknown 0 1530 140 1,000 0,000
1862 Sand 0 1531 140 1,000 0,000
2030 No Failure 0 1532 140 1,000 0,000
2032 Sand 0 1533 140 1,000 0,000
2238 Operation procedure 1 1534 140 1,000 0,964 0,000
2381 0 1535 140 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2436 Sand 0 1536 140 1,000 0,000
2676 No Failure 0 1537 140 1,000 0,000
211 Unknown 0 1538 141 1,000 0,964
441 Unknown 0 1539 141 1,000 0,000
880 Unknown 0 1540 141 1,000 0,000
1230 Well cleanout 0 1541 141 1,000 0,000
2110 Pending Pulling 0 1542 141 1,000 0,000
2838 Operation procedure 1 1543 141 1,000 0,964 0,000
1214 Friction 0 1544 142 1,000 0,964
2161 Corrosive fluids 0 1545 142 1,000 0,000
2331 Pending Pulling 0 1546 142 1,000 0,000
2433 Unknown 0 1547 142 1,000 0,000
2598 Fabrication Problem 1 1548 142 1,000 0,964 0,000
2671 Sand 0 1549 142 1,000 0,000
2973 0 1550 142 1,000 0,000
723 Unknown 0 1551 143 1,000 0,964
775 Unknown 0 1552 143 1,000 0,000
2032 Friction 0 1553 143 1,000 0,000
2042 Corrosive fluids 0 1554 143 1,000 0,000
2110 0 1555 143 1,000 0,000
2317 Pending Analysis 0 1556 143 1,000 0,000
2660 Friction 0 1557 143 1,000 0,000
2671 No Failure 0 1558 143 1,000 0,000
3394 0 1559 143 1,000 0,000
Operation of other
725 144
wells in field 0 1560 1,000 0,964
843 Unknown 0 1561 144 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
1839 144
equipment 1 1562 1,000 0,963 0,000
2148 Sand 0 1563 144 1,000 0,000
2231 0 1564 144 1,000 0,000
2381 0 1565 144 1,000 0,000
2676 0 1566 144 1,000 0,000
2913 0 1567 144 1,000 0,000
141 Friction 0 1568 145 1,000 0,963
318 Corrosive fluids 0 1569 145 1,000 0,000
334 Friction 0 1570 145 1,000 0,000
894 Unknown 0 1571 145 1,000 0,000
923 Unknown 0 1572 145 1,000 0,000
1070 Corrosive fluids 0 1573 145 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
1216 Corrosive fluids 0 1574 145 1,000 0,000
2043 0 1575 145 1,000 0,000
2047 0 1576 145 1,000 0,000
2215 Friction 0 1577 145 1,000 0,000
2369 Friction 0 1578 145 1,000 0,000
2436 Sand 0 1579 145 1,000 0,000
2695 Operation procedure 1 1580 145 1,000 0,963 0,000
Normal or expected
2697 1581 145
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,963 0,000
2803 No Failure 0 1582 145 1,000 0,000
2865 0 1583 145 1,000 0,000
2918 Corrosive fluids 0 1584 145 1,000 0,000
218 Corrosive fluids 0 1585 146 1,000 0,963
2114 Unknown 0 1586 146 1,000 0,000
Installation Service
2317 1587 146
Rig 1 1,000 0,962 0,000
2628 Sand 0 1588 146 1,000 0,000
2659 Pending Pulling 0 1589 146 1,000 0,000
3107 0 1590 146 1,000 0,000
212 Unknown 0 1591 147 1,000 0,962
251 Unknown 0 1592 147 1,000 0,000
797 Unknown 0 1593 147 1,000 0,000
828 Unknown 0 1594 147 1,000 0,000
Improper data used
1801 1595 147
in design / selection 1 1,000 0,962 0,000
2116 No Failure 0 1596 147 1,000 0,000
2226 Corrosive fluids 0 1597 147 1,000 0,000
2289 No Failure 0 1598 147 1,000 0,000
2619 Friction 0 1599 147 1,000 0,000
251 Friction / Corrosion 0 1600 148 1,000 0,962
441 Unknown 0 1601 148 1,000 0,000
2210 0 1602 148 1,000 0,000
2293 Sand 0 1603 148 1,000 0,000
1009 Sand 0 1604 149 1,000 0,962
1037 Sand 0 1605 149 1,000 0,000
1344 Friction / Corrosion 0 1606 149 1,000 0,000
1740 Friction / Corrosion 0 1607 149 1,000 0,000
2207 Unknown 0 1608 149 1,000 0,000
2283 Sand 0 1609 149 1,000 0,000
527 Scale 0 1610 150 1,000 0,962
Continuación Tabla 23.
711 Sand 0 1611 150 1,000 0,000
794 Corrosive fluids 0 1612 150 1,000 0,000
1258 Sand 0 1613 150 1,000 0,000
2222 Friction 0 1614 150 1,000 0,000
2244 No Failure 0 1615 150 1,000 0,000
2291 0 1616 150 1,000 0,000
2461 Unknown 0 1617 150 1,000 0,000
2465 Sand 0 1618 150 1,000 0,000
2837 Sand 0 1619 150 1,000 0,000
2940 0 1620 150 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
828 1621 151
equipment 1 1,000 0,962 0,962
2358 Friction 0 1622 151 1,000 0,000
2465 Sand 0 1623 151 1,000 0,000
2581 Friction 0 1624 151 1,000 0,000
723 Unknown 0 1625 152 1,000 0,962
923 Operation procedure 1 1626 152 1,000 0,961 0,000
1025 Unknown 0 1627 152 1,000 0,000
1110 Unknown 0 1628 152 1,000 0,000
Installation Service
1191 1629 152
Rig 1 1,000 0,961 0,000
1632 Operation procedure 1 1630 152 1,000 0,961 0,000
1714 Well treatment 0 1631 152 1,000 0,000
2031 Friction 0 1632 152 1,000 0,000
2033 Sand 0 1633 152 1,000 0,000
2180 0 1634 152 1,000 0,000
2291 Corrosive fluids 0 1635 152 1,000 0,000
2809 Friction 0 1636 152 1,000 0,000
3042 0 1637 152 1,000 0,000
3410 0 1638 152 1,000 0,000
269 Unknown 0 1639 153 1,000 0,961
772 Unknown 0 1640 153 1,000 0,000
1120 Sand 0 1641 153 1,000 0,000
2237 Well cleanout 0 1642 153 1,000 0,000
2263 No Failure 0 1643 153 1,000 0,000
2296 Friction 0 1644 153 1,000 0,000
2043 Sand 0 1645 154 1,000 0,961
2053 Scale 0 1646 154 1,000 0,000
2114 Corrosive fluids 0 1647 154 1,000 0,000
2396 Unknown 0 1648 154 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2840 0 1649 154 1,000 0,000
2865 Sand 0 1650 154 1,000 0,000
358 Friction 0 1651 155 1,000 0,961
773 Unknown 0 1652 155 1,000 0,000
1344 Friction / Corrosion 0 1653 155 1,000 0,000
1875 Unknown 0 1654 155 1,000 0,000
2071 0 1655 155 1,000 0,000
2095 Friction / Corrosion 0 1656 155 1,000 0,000
2198 Unknown 0 1657 155 1,000 0,000
2255 Unknown 0 1658 155 1,000 0,000
781 Unknown 0 1659 156 1,000 0,961
1047 Sand 0 1660 156 1,000 0,000
2244 0 1661 156 1,000 0,000
2298 0 1662 156 1,000 0,000
1056 Other 0 1663 157 1,000 0,961
2226 System configuration 1 1664 157 1,000 0,960 0,000
2246 Scale 0 1665 157 1,000 0,000
2251 No Failure 0 1666 157 1,000 0,000
2271 Friction 0 1667 157 1,000 0,000
3223 Corrosive fluids 0 1668 157 1,000 0,000
723 Unknown 0 1669 158 1,000 0,960
725 Sand 0 1670 158 1,000 0,000
928 Sand 0 1671 158 1,000 0,000
1523 Friction / Corrosion 0 1672 158 1,000 0,000
2032 Sand 0 1673 158 1,000 0,000
2221 0 1674 158 1,000 0,000
2242 No Failure 0 1675 158 1,000 0,000
2291 Sand 0 1676 158 1,000 0,000
2384 No Failure 0 1677 158 1,000 0,000
2678 Sand 0 1678 158 1,000 0,000
2889 0 1679 158 1,000 0,000
Installation Service
2059 159
Rig 1 1680 1,000 0,960 0,960
2116 Corrosive fluids 0 1681 159 1,000 0,000
2215 No Failure 0 1682 159 1,000 0,000
2475 Operation procedure 1 1683 159 1,000 0,960 0,000
2840 Friction 0 1684 159 1,000 0,000
2942 0 1685 159 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3300 159
wear and tear 1 1686 1,000 0,959 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
781 Unknown 0 1687 160 1,000 0,959
1110 Sand 0 1688 160 1,000 0,000
1880 System configuration 1 1689 160 1,000 0,959 0,000
2139 Unknown 0 1690 160 1,000 0,000
2244 Corrosive fluids 0 1691 160 1,000 0,000
2980 Unknown 0 1692 160 1,000 0,000
1494 Free gas 0 1693 161 1,000 0,959
2091 0 1694 161 1,000 0,000
2148 Sand 0 1695 161 1,000 0,000
2226 No Failure 0 1696 161 1,000 0,000
2244 Corrosive fluids 0 1697 161 1,000 0,000
2284 Corrosive fluids 0 1698 161 1,000 0,000
2746 0 1699 161 1,000 0,000
2938 Unknown 0 1700 161 1,000 0,000
264 Corrosive fluids 0 1701 162 1,000 0,959
287 Well treatment 0 1702 162 1,000 0,000
441 Sand 0 1703 162 1,000 0,000
451 Corrosive fluids 0 1704 162 1,000 0,000
1067 Friction 0 1705 162 1,000 0,000
1120 Unknown 0 1706 162 1,000 0,000
2118 0 1707 162 1,000 0,000
2324 Friction 0 1708 162 1,000 0,000
2328 0 1709 162 1,000 0,000
2341 Unknown 0 1710 162 1,000 0,000
1344 Sand 0 1711 163 1,000 0,959
1740 0 1712 163 1,000 0,000
1884 0 1713 163 1,000 0,000
2164 Sand 0 1714 163 1,000 0,000
Improper data used
2164 1715 163
in design / selection 1 1,000 0,959 0,000
2246 Pending Pulling 0 1716 163 1,000 0,000
2256 Unknown 0 1717 163 1,000 0,000
2291 Sand 0 1718 163 1,000 0,000
2331 Friction 0 1719 163 1,000 0,000
2382 Sand 0 1720 163 1,000 0,000
2840 Sand 0 1721 163 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3111 163
wear and tear 1 1722 1,000 0,958 0,000
842 Sand 0 1723 164 1,000 0,958
928 System configuration 1 1724 164 1,000 0,958 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2697 0 1725 164 1,000 0,000
3042 Unknown 0 1726 164 1,000 0,000
2202 0 1727 165 1,000 0,958
2231 Unknown 0 1728 165 1,000 0,000
2931 0 1729 165 1,000 0,000
2942 Corrosive fluids 0 1730 165 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3039 1731 165
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,958 0,000
178 Friction 0 1732 166 1,000 0,958
442 Corrosive fluids 0 1733 166 1,000 0,000
787 Unknown 0 1734 166 1,000 0,000
885 Unknown 0 1735 166 1,000 0,000
Improper data used
1246 166
in design / selection 1 1736 1,000 0,958 0,000
1740 Sand 0 1737 166 1,000 0,000
1831 Friction 0 1738 166 1,000 0,000
1882 Unknown 0 1739 166 1,000 0,000
2192 0 1740 166 1,000 0,000
2916 0 1741 166 1,000 0,000
287 Unknown 0 1742 167 1,000 0,958
907 Sand 0 1743 167 1,000 0,000
1866 Unknown 0 1744 167 1,000 0,000
2251 Sand 0 1745 167 1,000 0,000
442 Unknown 0 1746 168 1,000 0,958
711 Corrosive fluids 0 1747 168 1,000 0,000
716 No Failure 0 1748 168 1,000 0,000
1039 No Failure 0 1749 168 1,000 0,000
1052 Unknown 0 1750 168 1,000 0,000
1070 Sand 0 1751 168 1,000 0,000
2112 Unknown 0 1752 168 1,000 0,000
2233 Unknown 0 1753 168 1,000 0,000
2317 Quality Control 0 1754 168 1,000 0,000
2457 Unknown 0 1755 168 1,000 0,000
2629 Sand 0 1756 168 1,000 0,000
2630 Friction 0 1757 168 1,000 0,000
2671 Corrosive fluids 0 1758 168 1,000 0,000
269 Corrosive fluids 0 1759 169 1,000 0,958
Installation Service
1116 169
Rig 1 1760 1,000 0,957 0,000
1172 Operation procedure 1 1761 169 1,000 0,957 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
1727 Unknown 0 1762 169 1,000 0,000
2094 Sand 0 1763 169 1,000 0,000
2334 Sand 0 1764 169 1,000 0,000
2577 1765 169
monitoring 0 1,000 0,000
2712 No Failure 0 1766 169 1,000 0,000
2946 Operation procedure 1 1767 169 1,000 0,957 0,000
855 Unknown 0 1768 170 1,000 0,957
931 Sand 0 1769 170 1,000 0,000
2024 No Failure 0 1770 170 1,000 0,000
2030 Operation procedure 1 1771 170 1,000 0,956 0,000
2091 0 1772 170 1,000 0,000
2224 Operation procedure 1 1773 170 1,000 0,956 0,000
2264 No Failure 0 1774 170 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3068 1775 170
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,956 0,000
212 Friction 0 1776 171 1,000 0,956
441 Unknown 0 1777 171 1,000 0,000
926 Unknown 0 1778 171 1,000 0,000
937 Unknown 0 1779 171 1,000 0,000
2083 0 1780 171 1,000 0,000
2116 0 1781 171 1,000 0,000
2237 Friction / Corrosion 0 1782 171 1,000 0,000
2789 Friction / Corrosion 0 1783 171 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2937 171
wear and tear 1 1784 1,000 0,955 0,000
723 Unknown 0 1785 172 1,000 0,955
1056 Friction 0 1786 172 1,000 0,000
1864 Corrosive fluids 0 1787 172 1,000 0,000
2080 Unknown 0 1788 172 1,000 0,000
2182 Unknown 0 1789 172 1,000 0,000
2659 0 1790 172 1,000 0,000
263 Other 0 1791 173 1,000 0,955
334 Corrosive fluids 0 1792 173 1,000 0,000
886 No Failure 0 1793 173 1,000 0,000
928 Sand 0 1794 173 1,000 0,000
931 Friction / Corrosion 0 1795 173 1,000 0,000
2043 Unknown 0 1796 173 1,000 0,000
2124 Corrosive fluids 0 1797 173 1,000 0,000
2137 Corrosive fluids 0 1798 173 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2253 Unknown 0 1799 173 1,000 0,000
2287 No Failure 0 1800 173 1,000 0,000
2460 No Failure 0 1801 173 1,000 0,000
2581 Sand 0 1802 173 1,000 0,000
2678 Sand 0 1803 173 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2749 173
wear and tear 1 1804 1,000 0,955 0,000
442 Unknown 0 1805 174 1,000 0,955
637 Unknown 0 1806 174 1,000 0,000
1244 Friction 0 1807 174 1,000 0,000
2058 Sand 0 1808 174 1,000 0,000
2217 Unknown 0 1809 174 1,000 0,000
2221 Corrosive fluids 0 1810 174 1,000 0,000
2242 0 1811 174 1,000 0,000
2344 Sand 0 1812 174 1,000 0,000
2581 0 1813 174 1,000 0,000
2831 Unknown 0 1814 174 1,000 0,000
874 Operation procedure 1 1815 175 1,000 0,955 0,955
926 Unknown 0 1816 175 1,000 0,000
1144 Unknown 0 1817 175 1,000 0,000
1875 Corrosive fluids 0 1818 175 1,000 0,000
2080 Operation procedure 1 1819 175 1,000 0,954 0,000
2103 Corrosive fluids 0 1820 175 1,000 0,000
2112 Corrosive fluids 0 1821 175 1,000 0,000
2164 Corrosive fluids 0 1822 175 1,000 0,000
2495 Friction 0 1823 175 1,000 0,000
2740 Friction / Corrosion 0 1824 175 1,000 0,000
2845 No Failure 0 1825 175 1,000 0,000
2872 0 1826 175 1,000 0,000
229 Unknown 0 1827 176 1,000 0,954
480 0 1828 176 1,000 0,000
937 Unknown 0 1829 176 1,000 0,000
2060 No Failure 0 1830 176 1,000 0,000
2078 0 1831 176 1,000 0,000
2103 Corrosive fluids 0 1832 176 1,000 0,000
2263 Well cleanout 0 1833 176 1,000 0,000
2581 Corrosive fluids 0 1834 176 1,000 0,000
2672 Sand 0 1835 176 1,000 0,000
2809 Corrosive fluids 0 1836 176 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2814 0 1837 176 1,000 0,000
2889 0 1838 176 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2969 1839 176
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,954 0,000
3203 0 1840 176 1,000 0,000
178 Unknown 0 1841 177 1,000 0,954
2058 0 1842 177 1,000 0,000
2937 Unknown 0 1843 177 1,000 0,000
3208 Pending Pulling 0 1844 177 1,000 0,000
212 Unknown 0 1845 178 1,000 0,954
2180 Corrosive fluids 0 1846 178 1,000 0,000
2461 0 1847 178 1,000 0,000
2475 0 1848 178 1,000 0,000
2852 Friction 0 1849 178 1,000 0,000
1036 Sand 0 1850 179 1,000 0,954
1665 Unknown 0 1851 179 1,000 0,000
1851 Corrosive fluids 0 1852 179 1,000 0,000
2284 Corrosive fluids 0 1853 179 1,000 0,000
2305 Corrosive fluids 0 1854 179 1,000 0,000
2493 0 1855 179 1,000 0,000
2575 No Failure 0 1856 179 1,000 0,000
2831 0 1857 179 1,000 0,000
2929 No Failure 0 1858 179 1,000 0,000
3035 Unknown 0 1859 179 1,000 0,000
442 Unknown 0 1860 180 1,000 0,954
532 Friction / Corrosion 0 1861 180 1,000 0,000
1203 No Failure 0 1862 180 1,000 0,000
1214 Unknown 0 1863 180 1,000 0,000
1740 Unknown 0 1864 180 1,000 0,000
Operation of other
2042 1865 180
wells in field 0 1,000 0,000
2121 0 1866 180 1,000 0,000
2221 Corrosive fluids 0 1867 180 1,000 0,000
2235 0 1868 180 1,000 0,000
Operation of other
2679 1869 180
wells in field 0 1,000 0,000
3357 Operation procedure 1 1870 180 1,000 0,954 0,000
88 Friction 0 1871 181 1,000 0,954
740 Corrosive fluids 0 1872 181 1,000 0,000
894 Unknown 0 1873 181 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2086 Unknown 0 1874 181 1,000 0,000
2182 Friction / Corrosion 0 1875 181 1,000 0,000
Operation of other
2242 181
wells in field 0 1876 1,000 0,000
2284 Corrosive fluids 0 1877 181 1,000 0,000
2289 No Failure 0 1878 181 1,000 0,000
2459 No Failure 0 1879 181 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3209 181
wear and tear 1 1880 1,000 0,953 0,000
Normal or expected
3301 1881 181
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,953 0,000
1191 Unknown 0 1882 182 1,000 0,953
4581 0 1883 182 1,000 0,000
1135 Corrosive fluids 0 1884 183 1,000 0,953
2119 Friction / Corrosion 0 1885 183 1,000 0,000
2615 Corrosive fluids 0 1886 183 1,000 0,000
451 Friction 0 1887 184 1,000 0,953
563 Unknown 0 1888 184 1,000 0,000
2119 Friction 0 1889 184 1,000 0,000
2291 0 1890 184 1,000 0,000
451 Unknown 0 1891 185 1,000 0,953
1191 Sand 0 1892 185 1,000 0,000
2119 0 1893 185 1,000 0,000
2289 Sand 0 1894 185 1,000 0,000
2459 No Failure 0 1895 185 1,000 0,000
264 Friction / Corrosion 0 1896 186 1,000 0,953
641 Corrosive fluids 0 1897 186 1,000 0,000
2029 Friction / Corrosion 0 1898 186 1,000 0,000
2212 Unknown 0 1899 186 1,000 0,000
2331 Sand 0 1900 186 1,000 0,000
2677 0 1901 186 1,000 0,000
3042 0 1902 186 1,000 0,000
3065 No Failure 0 1903 186 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3300 186
wear and tear 1 1904 1,000 0,953 0,000
612 Corrosive fluids 0 1905 187 1,000 0,953
775 Corrosive fluids 0 1906 187 1,000 0,000
1693 Corrosive fluids 0 1907 187 1,000 0,000
1803 Corrosive fluids 0 1908 187 1,000 0,000
1882 Sand 0 1909 187 1,000 0,000
1892 Other 0 1910 187 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2095 0 1911 187 1,000 0,000
2141 Unknown 0 1912 187 1,000 0,000
2464 Friction 0 1913 187 1,000 0,000
3655 0 1914 187 1,000 0,000
511 Corrosive fluids 0 1915 188 1,000 0,953
885 Unknown 0 1916 188 1,000 0,000
2180 No Failure 0 1917 188 1,000 0,000
2593 No Failure 0 1918 188 1,000 0,000
2677 0 1919 188 1,000 0,000
2695 Free gas 0 1920 188 1,000 0,000
2872 0 1921 188 1,000 0,000
334 Unknown 0 1922 189 1,000 0,953
711 Corrosive fluids 0 1923 189 1,000 0,000
713 Unknown 0 1924 189 1,000 0,000
725 Friction / Corrosion 0 1925 189 1,000 0,000
937 Sand 0 1926 189 1,000 0,000
2057 0 1927 189 1,000 0,000
2242 Friction 0 1928 189 1,000 0,000
2282 Unknown 0 1929 189 1,000 0,000
2660 Pending Pulling 0 1930 189 1,000 0,000
3346 0 1931 189 1,000 0,000
3607 0 1932 189 1,000 0,000
387 0 1933 190 1,000 0,953
1064 No Failure 0 1934 190 1,000 0,000
2291 Sand 0 1935 190 1,000 0,000
2749 Sand 0 1936 190 1,000 0,000
2815 Unknown 0 1937 190 1,000 0,000
2038 Sand 0 1938 191 1,000 0,953
2043 Unknown 0 1939 191 1,000 0,000
2091 0 1940 191 1,000 0,000
2451 Sand 0 1941 191 1,000 0,000
2676 Unknown 0 1942 191 1,000 0,000
3227 Corrosive fluids 0 1943 191 1,000 0,000
471 Friction 0 1944 192 1,000 0,953
1534 Corrosive fluids 0 1945 192 1,000 0,000
1665 Friction 0 1946 192 1,000 0,000
2029 Unknown 0 1947 192 1,000 0,000
2124 Friction 0 1948 192 1,000 0,000
2290 No Failure 0 1949 192 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
3686 0 1950 192 1,000 0,000
71 Corrosive fluids 0 1951 193 1,000 0,953
251 Unknown 0 1952 193 1,000 0,000
307 System configuration 1 1953 193 1,000 0,952 0,000
1110 Unknown 0 1954 193 1,000 0,000
1771 Corrosive fluids 0 1955 193 1,000 0,000
1864 Sand 0 1956 193 1,000 0,000
Operation of other
1884 1957 193
wells in field 0 1,000 0,000
2047 No Failure 0 1958 193 1,000 0,000
2053 Sand 0 1959 193 1,000 0,000
2207 Friction 0 1960 193 1,000 0,000
2235 0 1961 193 1,000 0,000
2564 No Failure 0 1962 193 1,000 0,000
2840 Corrosive fluids 0 1963 193 1,000 0,000
2929 No Failure 0 1964 193 1,000 0,000
1144 0 1965 193 1,000 0,000
2032 No Failure 0 1966 193 1,000 0,000
2264 Unknown 0 1967 193 1,000 0,000
2801 Operation procedure 1 1968 194 1,000 0,952 0,952
2814 Sand 0 1969 194 1,000 0,000
2908 Corrosive fluids 0 1970 194 1,000 0,000
3434 0 1971 194 1,000 0,000
4580 Corrosive fluids 0 1972 194 1,000 0,000
269 Sand 0 1973 194 1,000 0,000
318 Unknown 0 1974 194 1,000 0,000
509 0 1975 194 1,000 0,000
833 Unknown 0 1976 195 1,000 0,952
1880 Corrosive fluids 0 1977 195 1,000 0,000
2157 Sand 0 1978 195 1,000 0,000
2282 Unknown 0 1979 195 1,000 0,000
Failure of
2634 perforations / liner / 195
openhole 1 1980 1,000 0,951 0,000
2838 Friction 0 1981 195 1,000 0,000
480 Friction 0 1982 195 1,000 0,000
632 Corrosive fluids 0 1983 195 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
770 195
wear and tear 1 1984 1,000 0,951 0,000
Operation of other
1214 1985 196
wells in field 0 1,000 0,951
Continuación Tabla 23.
2094 Unknown 0 1986 196 1,000 0,000
2575 Unknown 0 1987 196 1,000 0,000
2937 Corrosive fluids 0 1988 196 1,000 0,000
4577 Unknown 0 1989 196 1,000 0,000
713 Sand 0 1990 196 1,000 0,000
1008 No Failure 0 1991 196 1,000 0,000
1052 0 1992 196 1,000 0,000
1213 Pending Pulling 0 1993 196 1,000 0,000
2057 Unknown 0 1994 197 1,000 0,951
2161 Unknown 0 1995 197 1,000 0,000
2173 Unknown 0 1996 197 1,000 0,000
2298 Corrosive fluids 0 1997 197 1,000 0,000
2837 Operation procedure 1 1998 197 1,000 0,951 0,000
3118 0 1999 197 1,000 0,000
212 Operation procedure 1 2000 197 1,000 0,950 0,000
574 0 2001 197 1,000 0,000
810 Sand 0 2002 197 1,000 0,000
1230 Pending Pulling 0 2003 197 1,000 0,000
1874 0 2004 197 1,000 0,000
2112 Friction 0 2005 198 1,000 0,950
2265 Unknown 0 2006 198 1,000 0,000
2369 Unknown 0 2007 198 1,000 0,000
2520 Unknown 0 2008 198 1,000 0,000
2675 Unknown 0 2009 198 1,000 0,000
Installation Service
2941 198
Rig 1 2010 1,000 0,950 0,000
196 Corrosive fluids 0 2011 198 1,000 0,000
511 0 2012 198 1,000 0,000
1009 Friction / Corrosion 0 2013 198 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2030 198
wear and tear 1 2014 1,000 0,950 0,000
2065 0 2015 198 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2153 198
wear and tear 1 2016 1,000 0,949 0,000
2305 Unknown 0 2017 198 1,000 0,000
2712 Friction 0 2018 199 1,000 0,949
2814 Unknown 0 2019 199 1,000 0,000
725 Unknown 0 2020 199 1,000 0,000
1342 Unknown 0 2021 199 1,000 0,000
2110 Unknown 0 2022 199 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2246 Unknown 0 2023 199 1,000 0,000
Equipment selection
2840 199
- material 0 2024 1,000 0,000
2933 Corrosive fluids 0 2025 199 1,000 0,000
619 Sand 0 2026 199 1,000 0,000
725 No Failure 0 2027 199 1,000 0,000
1230 Friction 0 2028 199 1,000 0,000
1230 Pending Pulling 0 2029 199 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2095 199
wear and tear 1 2030 1,000 0,949 0,000
2436 0 2031 199 1,000 0,000
4547 Corrosive fluids 0 2032 200 1,000 0,949
1047 Friction 0 2033 200 1,000 0,000
1139 Friction 0 2034 200 1,000 0,000
1213 Corrosive fluids 0 2035 200 1,000 0,000
1891 Sand 0 2036 200 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2066 2037 200
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,949 0,000
2344 Friction 0 2038 201 1,000 0,949
470 Sand 0 2039 201 1,000 0,000
773 Corrosive fluids 0 2040 201 1,000 0,000
880 Friction / Corrosion 0 2041 201 1,000 0,000
2030 Corrosive fluids 0 2042 201 1,000 0,000
2243 Sand 0 2043 201 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
527 201
wear and tear 1 2044 1,000 0,948 0,000
2287 No Failure 0 2045 202 1,000 0,948
2442 Corrosive fluids 0 2046 202 1,000 0,000
2593 Unknown 0 2047 202 1,000 0,000
3301 Friction 0 2048 202 1,000 0,000
4530 Friction 0 2049 202 1,000 0,000
1851 No Failure 0 2050 202 1,000 0,000
2058 Friction / Corrosion 0 2051 203 1,000 0,948
2058 Fabrication Problem 1 2052 203 1,000 0,948 0,000
2161 Corrosive fluids 0 2053 203 1,000 0,000
2244 Corrosive fluids 0 2054 203 1,000 0,000
2246 Corrosive fluids 0 2055 203 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2838 204
wear and tear 1 2056 1,000 0,948 0,948
3048 Corrosive fluids 0 2057 204 1,000 0,000
251 Corrosive fluids 0 2058 204 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2108 Operation procedure 1 2059 204 1,000 0,947 0,000
Normal or expected
2222 204
wear and tear 1 2060 1,000 0,947 0,000
2659 0 2061 204 1,000 0,000
2734 Unknown 0 2062 205 1,000 0,947
843 Corrosive fluids 0 2063 205 1,000 0,000
1851 Corrosive fluids 0 2064 205 1,000 0,000
2069 Sand 0 2065 205 1,000 0,000
2238 Corrosive fluids 0 2066 205 1,000 0,000
2242 Friction 0 2067 205 1,000 0,000
3378 Corrosive fluids 0 2068 205 1,000 0,000
1038 0 2069 205 1,000 0,000
2097 Unknown 0 2070 206 1,000 0,947
2465 Sand 0 2071 206 1,000 0,000
2661 Sand 0 2072 206 1,000 0,000
1636 Sand 0 2073 206 1,000 0,000
1864 Pending Pulling 0 2074 206 1,000 0,000
2222 Sand 0 2075 207 1,000 0,947
2581 Sand 0 2076 207 1,000 0,000
2937 0 2077 207 1,000 0,000
3789 Friction 0 2078 207 1,000 0,000
141 Corrosive fluids 0 2079 207 1,000 0,000
2659 0 2080 207 1,000 0,000
2933 Corrosive fluids 0 2081 208 1,000 0,947
3105 Unknown 0 2082 208 1,000 0,000
1203 Sand 0 2083 208 1,000 0,000
1704 Unknown 0 2084 208 1,000 0,000
Operation of other
2058 2085 209
wells in field 0 1,000 0,947
Normal or expected
2153 209
wear and tear 1 2086 1,000 0,947 0,000
2210 Unknown 0 2087 209 1,000 0,000
2246 Operation procedure 1 2088 209 1,000 0,946 0,000
Normal or expected
2282 2089 209
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,946 0,000
2291 Pending Pulling 0 2090 209 1,000 0,000
2521 Sand 0 2091 210 1,000 0,946
3109 No Failure 0 2092 210 1,000 0,000
3243 Friction 0 2093 210 1,000 0,000
3359 0 2094 210 1,000 0,000
1344 Sand 0 2095 211 1,000 0,946
Continuación Tabla 23.
2080 No Failure 0 2096 211 1,000 0,000
2192 Unknown 0 2097 211 1,000 0,000
2243 Unknown 0 2098 211 1,000 0,000
2341 Sand 0 2099 211 1,000 0,000
2581 0 2100 211 1,000 0,000
2642 Friction 0 2101 211 1,000 0,000
2934 0 2102 211 1,000 0,000
3624 Corrosive fluids 0 2103 211 1,000 0,000
442 No Failure 0 2104 211 1,000 0,000
2933 0 2105 211 1,000 0,000
1563 Unknown 0 2106 211 1,000 0,000
Improper data used
2110 2107 212
in design / selection 1 1,000 0,945 0,946
342 0 2108 212 1,000 0,000
729 Corrosive fluids 0 2109 212 1,000 0,000
735 0 2110 212 1,000 0,000
842 0 2111 212 1,000 0,000
2243 Corrosive fluids 0 2112 212 1,000 0,000
2660 Corrosive fluids 0 2113 212 1,000 0,000
2814 Operation procedure 1 2114 212 1,000 0,945 0,000
3607 0 2115 212 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
868 212
wear and tear 1 2116 1,000 0,945 0,000
2029 Unknown 0 2117 213 1,000 0,945
2255 No Failure 0 2118 213 1,000 0,000
2377 Unknown 0 2119 214 1,000 0,945
2607 0 2120 214 1,000 0,000
2659 Friction 0 2121 214 1,000 0,000
2675 Friction 0 2122 215 1,000 0,945
711 Friction 0 2123 215 1,000 0,000
1349 Unknown 0 2124 215 1,000 0,000
2219 Unknown 0 2125 215 1,000 0,000
2231 Corrosive fluids 0 2126 215 1,000 0,000
2243 Sand 0 2127 215 1,000 0,000
2815 0 2128 215 1,000 0,000
3042 Unknown 0 2129 215 1,000 0,000
3106 0 2130 215 1,000 0,000
195 Unknown 0 2131 216 1,000 0,945
711 Unknown 0 2132 216 1,000 0,000
1862 Corrosive fluids 0 2133 216 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2060 0 2134 216 1,000 0,000
2321 Corrosive fluids 0 2135 216 1,000 0,000
3643 Corrosive fluids 0 2136 216 1,000 0,000
395 Pending Pulling 0 2137 216 1,000 0,000
826 Pending Pulling 0 2138 216 1,000 0,000
1135 Pending Pulling 0 2139 216 1,000 0,000
1203 Sand 0 2140 217 1,000 0,945
Operation of other
2368 2141 217
wells in field 0 1,000 0,000
2466 Unknown 0 2142 217 1,000 0,000
3376 No Failure 0 2143 217 1,000 0,000
3403 Operation procedure 1 2144 217 1,000 0,944 0,000
167 No Failure 0 2145 217 1,000 0,000
263 0 2146 217 1,000 0,000
772 0 2147 217 1,000 0,000
833 0 2148 217 1,000 0,000
2459 Corrosive fluids 0 2149 218 1,000 0,944
Installation Service
2918 218
Rig 1 2150 1,000 0,944 0,000
3357 Unknown 0 2151 218 1,000 0,000
941 Sand 0 2152 218 1,000 0,000
1206 Friction 0 2153 218 1,000 0,000
2124 Friction / Corrosion 0 2154 218 1,000 0,000
2598 0 2155 218 1,000 0,000
2600 0 2156 218 1,000 0,000
2916 0 2157 218 1,000 0,000
791 0 2158 218 1,000 0,000
1084 Unknown 0 2159 219 1,000 0,944
2552 Friction 0 2160 219 1,000 0,000
733 Unknown 0 2161 219 1,000 0,000
880 Unknown 0 2162 219 1,000 0,000
1188 Corrosive fluids 0 2163 219 1,000 0,000
1588 Unknown 0 2164 219 1,000 0,000
2043 No Failure 0 2165 219 1,000 0,000
3118 No Failure 0 2166 219 1,000 0,000
885 Pending Pulling 0 2167 219 1,000 0,000
2438 Friction / Corrosion 0 2168 220 1,000 0,944
2237 Operation procedure 1 2169 220 1,000 0,944 0,000
2246 Sand 0 2170 220 1,000 0,000
2957 Sand 0 2171 220 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
178 No Failure 0 2172 220 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2078 2173 220
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,943 0,000
Normal or expected
2142 220
wear and tear 1 2174 1,000 0,943 0,000
2638 0 2175 220 1,000 0,000
2672 Other 0 2176 221 1,000 0,943
Equipment selection
2916 2177 221
- material 0 1,000 0,000
3037 Corrosive fluids 0 2178 221 1,000 0,000
3119 0 2179 221 1,000 0,000
617 0 2180 221 1,000 0,000
880 Corrosive fluids 0 2181 221 1,000 0,000
2256 Friction 0 2182 221 1,000 0,000
2263 Friction 0 2183 221 1,000 0,000
2498 Unknown 0 2184 222 1,000 0,943
2712 Sand 0 2185 222 1,000 0,000
Failure of
2957 perforations / liner / 222
openhole 1 2186 1,000 0,942 0,000
2957 Sand 0 2187 222 1,000 0,000
196 Unknown 0 2188 223 1,000 0,942
259 Unknown 0 2189 223 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
334 223
equipment 1 2190 1,000 0,942 0,000
1009 Sand 0 2191 223 1,000 0,000
2033 Unknown 0 2192 223 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2248 2193 223
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,942 0,000
2295 0 2194 223 1,000 0,000
45 Sand 0 2195 224 1,000 0,942
2118 Sand 0 2196 224 1,000 0,000
2226 Sand 0 2197 225 1,000 0,942
2460 0 2198 225 1,000 0,000
2749 Unknown 0 2199 225 1,000 0,000
3691 0 2200 225 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
334 2201 225
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,941 0,000
2057 Unknown 0 2202 226 1,000 0,941
2066 2203 226
monitoring 0 1,000 0,000
2103 Friction 0 2204 226 1,000 0,000
2116 Friction 0 2205 226 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2224 0 2206 226 1,000 0,000
2460 Corrosive fluids 0 2207 226 1,000 0,000
Equipment selection
2575 226
- material 0 2208 1,000 0,000
527 0 2209 226 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
1070 226
wear and tear 1 2210 1,000 0,941 0,000
1114 0 2211 226 1,000 0,000
2116 Friction / Corrosion 0 2212 227 1,000 0,941
2678 Friction 0 2213 227 1,000 0,000
2941 Sand 0 2214 227 1,000 0,000
3434 Friction 0 2215 227 1,000 0,000
791 Unknown 0 2216 227 1,000 0,000
918 Corrosive fluids 0 2217 227 1,000 0,000
1883 Unknown 0 2218 228 1,000 0,941
2069 Unknown 0 2219 228 1,000 0,000
2697 Sand 0 2220 228 1,000 0,000
3035 Friction 0 2221 228 1,000 0,000
3201 Corrosive fluids 0 2222 228 1,000 0,000
4538 Friction 0 2223 228 1,000 0,000
167 No Failure 0 2224 228 1,000 0,000
843 Corrosive fluids 0 2225 228 1,000 0,000
Improper data used
1116 229
in design / selection 1 2226 1,000 0,941 0,941
1239 Operation procedure 1 2227 229 1,000 0,940 0,000
1636 Unknown 0 2228 229 1,000 0,000
2109 Scale 0 2229 229 1,000 0,000
2271 Friction 0 2230 229 1,000 0,000
2679 Sand 0 2231 229 1,000 0,000
2953 0 2232 229 1,000 0,000
2990 No Failure 0 2233 229 1,000 0,000
3220 Well cleanout 0 2234 230 1,000 0,940
3641 Corrosive fluids 0 2235 230 1,000 0,000
641 No Failure 0 2236 230 1,000 0,000
941 Unknown 0 2237 230 1,000 0,000
2058 Sand 0 2238 230 1,000 0,000
2180 No Failure 0 2239 230 1,000 0,000
2219 Corrosive fluids 0 2240 230 1,000 0,000
2746 Friction 0 2241 231 1,000 0,940
2865 Unknown 0 2242 231 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
1008 Unknown 0 2243 231 1,000 0,000
455 Corrosive fluids 0 2244 231 1,000 0,000
641 0 2245 231 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2033 231
wear and tear 1 2246 1,000 0,940 0,000
2033 Sand 0 2247 232 1,000 0,940
2055 Sand 0 2248 232 1,000 0,000
2360 Operation procedure 1 2249 232 1,000 0,939 0,000
3641 Sand 0 2250 232 1,000 0,000
4536 0 2251 232 1,000 0,000
307 Corrosive fluids 0 2252 232 1,000 0,000
471 Friction / Corrosion 0 2253 232 1,000 0,000
740 No Failure 0 2254 232 1,000 0,000
910 0 2255 232 1,000 0,000
2344 Unknown 0 2256 233 1,000 0,939
2934 Unknown 0 2257 233 1,000 0,000
2946 Unknown 0 2258 233 1,000 0,000
3116 Sand 0 2259 233 1,000 0,000
828 Unknown 0 2260 233 1,000 0,000
1008 0 2261 233 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
1114 233
wear and tear 1 2262 1,000 0,939 0,000
2139 Corrosive fluids 0 2263 234 1,000 0,939
2237 Unknown 0 2264 234 1,000 0,000
2679 Corrosive fluids 0 2265 234 1,000 0,000
2908 Operation procedure 1 2266 234 1,000 0,939 0,000
765 Corrosive fluids 0 2267 234 1,000 0,000
940 0 2268 234 1,000 0,000
1771 Unknown 0 2269 234 1,000 0,000
2493 Corrosive fluids 0 2270 235 1,000 0,939
2672 Friction 0 2271 235 1,000 0,000
718 Unknown 0 2272 235 1,000 0,000
1068 0 2273 236 1,000 0,939
2251 Unknown 0 2274 236 1,000 0,000
2273 Sand 0 2275 236 1,000 0,000
3202 No Failure 0 2276 236 1,000 0,000
4532 Corrosive fluids 0 2277 236 1,000 0,000
882 0 2278 236 1,000 0,000
1011 Sand 0 2279 236 1,000 0,000
1216 Pending Pulling 0 2280 236 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
1588 0 2281 236 1,000 0,000
2161 Unknown 0 2282 237 1,000 0,939
2243 Unknown 0 2283 237 1,000 0,000
2276 Sand 0 2284 237 1,000 0,000
2302 Fabrication Problem 1 2285 237 1,000 0,938 0,000
2957 Corrosive fluids 0 2286 237 1,000 0,000
937 0 2287 237 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2080 237
wear and tear 1 2288 1,000 0,938 0,000
Normal or expected
2233 2289 237
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,937 0,000
2263 0 2290 237 1,000 0,000
2802 0 2291 237 1,000 0,000
595 Corrosive fluids 0 2292 238 1,000 0,937
1665 Unknown 0 2293 238 1,000 0,000
2659 Sand 0 2294 238 1,000 0,000
2866 Other 0 2295 238 1,000 0,000
442 0 2296 238 1,000 0,000
820 No Failure 0 2297 238 1,000 0,000
828 Friction 0 2298 238 1,000 0,000
1789 Sand 0 2299 238 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2080 238
wear and tear 1 2300 1,000 0,937 0,000
2137 Sand 0 2301 238 1,000 0,000
2358 No Failure 0 2302 239 1,000 0,937
Operation of other
2377 2303 239
wells in field 0 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
3126 239
equipment 1 2304 1,000 0,937 0,000
3356 Unknown 0 2305 239 1,000 0,000
744 0 2306 239 1,000 0,000
941 0 2307 239 1,000 0,000
1665 Other 0 2308 240 1,000 0,937
2103 Operation procedure 1 2309 240 1,000 0,936 0,000
2360 Sand 0 2310 240 1,000 0,000
2675 0 2311 240 1,000 0,000
1679 Unknown 0 2312 240 1,000 0,000
2069 No Failure 0 2313 240 1,000 0,000
2173 Pending Pulling 0 2314 240 1,000 0,000
2511 Pending Pulling 0 2315 240 1,000 0,000
2660 0 2316 241 1,000 0,936
Continuación Tabla 23.
2831 Friction 0 2317 241 1,000 0,000
2872 Sand 0 2318 241 1,000 0,000
1135 Corrosive fluids 0 2319 241 1,000 0,000
1889 Corrosive fluids 0 2320 241 1,000 0,000
2244 Unknown 0 2321 241 1,000 0,000
2344 0 2322 241 1,000 0,000
2530 Unknown 0 2323 241 1,000 0,000
2581 Sand 0 2324 241 1,000 0,000
2153 Sand 0 2325 241 1,000 0,000
2809 Corrosive fluids 0 2326 241 1,000 0,000
641 Sand 0 2327 241 1,000 0,000
Equipment selection
1651 242
- material 0 2328 1,000 0,936
1665 Sand 0 2329 242 1,000 0,000
2058 Friction 0 2330 242 1,000 0,000
2060 Sand 0 2331 242 1,000 0,000
2344 Sand 0 2332 242 1,000 0,000
2600 Unknown 0 2333 243 1,000 0,936
641 Corrosive fluids 0 2334 243 1,000 0,000
868 Friction / Corrosion 0 2335 243 1,000 0,000
2095 0 2336 243 1,000 0,000
2598 Sand 0 2337 243 1,000 0,000
2673 Friction / Corrosion 0 2338 244 1,000 0,936
2899 Unknown 0 2339 244 1,000 0,000
632 Corrosive fluids 0 2340 244 1,000 0,000
2066 Friction / Corrosion 0 2341 244 1,000 0,000
2233 Friction / Corrosion 0 2342 244 1,000 0,000
2963 Corrosive fluids 0 2343 244 1,000 0,000
3002 Unknown 0 2344 244 1,000 0,000
1047 Corrosive fluids 0 2345 244 1,000 0,000
1120 Unknown 0 2346 244 1,000 0,000
2092 Friction 0 2347 244 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2217 244
wear and tear 1 2348 1,000 0,936 0,000
2218 0 2349 244 1,000 0,000
2219 Unknown 0 2350 245 1,000 0,936
2221 Fabrication Problem 1 2351 245 1,000 0,935 0,000
2237 Friction / Corrosion 0 2352 245 1,000 0,000
2650 Unknown 0 2353 245 1,000 0,000
2809 Unknown 0 2354 245 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
3301 Unknown 0 2355 245 1,000 0,000
334 Unknown 0 2356 245 1,000 0,000
2043 0 2357 245 1,000 0,000
2237 Sand 0 2358 246 1,000 0,935
2575 0 2359 246 1,000 0,000
2678 Corrosive fluids 0 2360 246 1,000 0,000
2924 0 2361 246 1,000 0,000
3378 Corrosive fluids 0 2362 246 1,000 0,000
1176 Corrosive fluids 0 2363 246 1,000 0,000
2057 Friction 0 2364 246 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2237 2365 246
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,935 0,000
2809 Friction 0 2366 247 1,000 0,935
3116 Unknown 0 2367 247 1,000 0,000
3652 0 2368 247 1,000 0,000
3660 Friction / Corrosion 0 2369 247 1,000 0,000
3691 Unknown 0 2370 247 1,000 0,000
2045 Friction 0 2371 247 1,000 0,000
2094 Operation procedure 1 2372 247 1,000 0,935 0,000
2104 Sand 0 2373 247 1,000 0,000
2396 0 2374 248 1,000 0,935
2675 Unknown 0 2375 248 1,000 0,000
2678 Sand 0 2376 248 1,000 0,000
941 0 2377 249 1,000 0,935
1875 Unknown 0 2378 249 1,000 0,000
2185 Unknown 0 2379 249 1,000 0,000
2243 Unknown 0 2380 249 1,000 0,000
2973 No Failure 0 2381 249 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
2069 249
equipment 1 2382 1,000 0,934 0,000
2103 0 2383 249 1,000 0,000
2141 No Failure 0 2384 249 1,000 0,000
2796 0 2385 249 1,000 0,000
3048 No Failure 0 2386 249 1,000 0,000
341 Friction / Corrosion 0 2387 250 1,000 0,934
3106 Friction 0 2388 250 1,000 0,000
318 Corrosive fluids 0 2389 250 1,000 0,000
1665 Sand 0 2390 250 1,000 0,000
1710 Friction 0 2391 250 1,000 0,000
2098 0 2392 250 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
212 Unknown 0 2393 251 1,000 0,934
229 0 2394 251 1,000 0,000
1022 Corrosive fluids 0 2395 251 1,000 0,000
2031 Unknown 0 2396 251 1,000 0,000
2273 No Failure 0 2397 252 1,000 0,934
2475 Friction 0 2398 252 1,000 0,000
2758 No Failure 0 2399 252 1,000 0,000
342 0 2400 252 1,000 0,000
941 Unknown 0 2401 252 1,000 0,000
2078 Sand 0 2402 252 1,000 0,000
3068 0 2403 252 1,000 0,000
868 Corrosive fluids 0 2404 252 1,000 0,000
2442 0 2405 252 1,000 0,000
2607 No Failure 0 2406 252 1,000 0,000
2693 Unknown 0 2407 253 1,000 0,934
164 Corrosive fluids 0 2408 253 1,000 0,000
1058 Friction 0 2409 253 1,000 0,000
1172 Friction 0 2410 253 1,000 0,000
2246 Sand 0 2411 253 1,000 0,000
2676 0 2412 253 1,000 0,000
3793 No Failure 0 2413 254 1,000 0,934
307 Friction / Corrosion 0 2414 254 1,000 0,000
2192 Friction 0 2415 254 1,000 0,000
2246 0 2416 254 1,000 0,000
2298 0 2417 254 1,000 0,000
2356 0 2418 254 1,000 0,000
2957 0 2419 254 1,000 0,000
3390 Unknown 0 2420 255 1,000 0,934
2103 Operation procedure 1 2421 255 1,000 0,934 0,000
2238 Corrosive fluids 0 2422 255 1,000 0,000
2740 Unknown 0 2423 255 1,000 0,000
71 0 2424 255 1,000 0,000
838 Sand 0 2425 256 1,000 0,934
2114 Unknown 0 2426 256 1,000 0,000
2619 Unknown 0 2427 256 1,000 0,000
2693 Scale 0 2428 256 1,000 0,000
2826 0 2429 256 1,000 0,000
2831 Friction 0 2430 257 1,000 0,934
2852 0 2431 257 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2929 0 2432 257 1,000 0,000
1727 0 2433 257 1,000 0,000
2215 Unknown 0 2434 258 1,000 0,934
Normal or expected
2317 2435 258
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,933 0,000
2438 Pending Pulling 0 2436 258 1,000 0,000
2465 Unknown 0 2437 259 1,000 0,933
2650 Friction 0 2438 259 1,000 0,000
2681 0 2439 259 1,000 0,000
2803 Friction 0 2440 260 1,000 0,933
251 Unknown 0 2441 260 1,000 0,000
1714 Corrosive fluids 0 2442 260 1,000 0,000
2098 0 2443 260 1,000 0,000
2436 Sand 0 2444 260 1,000 0,000
2493 0 2445 260 1,000 0,000
2937 Sand 0 2446 261 1,000 0,933
3378 Corrosive fluids 0 2447 261 1,000 0,000
269 Unknown 0 2448 261 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2031 2449 261
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,933 0,000
2198 0 2450 262 1,000 0,933
2679 Pending Pulling 0 2451 262 1,000 0,000
3069 0 2452 262 1,000 0,000
442 Friction 0 2453 262 1,000 0,000
1071 Sand 0 2454 262 1,000 0,000
1344 Unknown 0 2455 263 1,000 0,933
2263 Sand 0 2456 263 1,000 0,000
2271 Sand 0 2457 263 1,000 0,000
2661 0 2458 263 1,000 0,000
725 Friction 0 2459 263 1,000 0,000
820 Friction 0 2460 264 1,000 0,933
2564 Friction 0 2461 264 1,000 0,000
2668 Unknown 0 2462 264 1,000 0,000
2803 Corrosive fluids 0 2463 264 1,000 0,000
3248 0 2464 264 1,000 0,000
3609 Sand 0 2465 264 1,000 0,000
711 Sand 0 2466 264 1,000 0,000
2024 Corrosive fluids 0 2467 264 1,000 0,000
2055 0 2468 264 1,000 0,000
2161 Unknown 0 2469 265 1,000 0,933
Continuación Tabla 23.
2228 Friction 0 2470 265 1,000 0,000
2470 Friction / Corrosion 0 2471 265 1,000 0,000
3211 No Failure 0 2472 265 1,000 0,000
1064 0 2473 265 1,000 0,000
1714 Unknown 0 2474 266 1,000 0,933
2091 Unknown 0 2475 266 1,000 0,000
2738 0 2476 266 1,000 0,000
269 Friction 0 2477 266 1,000 0,000
451 Corrosive fluids 0 2478 266 1,000 0,000
528 0 2479 266 1,000 0,000
729 0 2480 266 1,000 0,000
1058 No Failure 0 2481 266 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
1127 266
wear and tear 1 2482 1,000 0,933 0,000
1597 Friction 0 2483 267 1,000 0,933
1771 Friction 0 2484 267 1,000 0,000
2031 Friction 0 2485 267 1,000 0,000
2289 0 2486 267 1,000 0,000
2992 Unknown 0 2487 267 1,000 0,000
3105 0 2488 267 1,000 0,000
716 Sand 0 2489 267 1,000 0,000
748 Corrosive fluids 0 2490 267 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
928 2491 267
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,932 0,000
2042 No Failure 0 2492 267 1,000 0,000
2047 Unknown 0 2493 268 1,000 0,932
2283 0 2494 268 1,000 0,000
2328 Corrosive fluids 0 2495 268 1,000 0,000
2361 Friction 0 2496 268 1,000 0,000
907 Corrosive fluids 0 2497 268 1,000 0,000
1084 Friction 0 2498 268 1,000 0,000
2217 No Failure 0 2499 268 1,000 0,000
1214 No Failure 0 2500 268 1,000 0,000
2264 0 2501 268 1,000 0,000
2271 Unknown 0 2502 269 1,000 0,932
2347 0 2503 269 1,000 0,000
1127 0 2504 269 1,000 0,000
2284 Unknown 0 2505 269 1,000 0,000
2530 Unknown 0 2506 270 1,000 0,932
2878 No Failure 0 2507 270 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
3358 Corrosive fluids 0 2508 270 1,000 0,000
1085 Operation procedure 1 2509 270 1,000 0,932 0,000
1203 0 2510 270 1,000 0,000
1891 No Failure 0 2511 270 1,000 0,000
2494 Corrosive fluids 0 2512 271 1,000 0,932
2607 Unknown 0 2513 271 1,000 0,000
2668 0 2514 271 1,000 0,000
3396 Friction 0 2515 271 1,000 0,000
1875 No Failure 0 2516 271 1,000 0,000
2053 Friction / Corrosion 0 2517 272 1,000 0,932
2137 Corrosive fluids 0 2518 272 1,000 0,000
2153 No Failure 0 2519 272 1,000 0,000
2368 No Failure 0 2520 272 1,000 0,000
2441 0 2521 272 1,000 0,000
2520 0 2522 273 1,000 0,932
3227 Unknown 0 2523 273 1,000 0,000
3241 Sand 0 2524 273 1,000 0,000
Installation Service
928 2525 273
Rig 1 1,000 0,931 0,000
1025 Pending Pulling 0 2526 273 1,000 0,000
1135 Unknown 0 2527 274 1,000 0,931
2217 Unknown 0 2528 274 1,000 0,000
2224 Unknown 0 2529 274 1,000 0,000
Equipment selection
2521 274
- material 0 2530 1,000 0,000
341 Sand 0 2531 274 1,000 0,000
2057 Corrosive fluids 0 2532 274 1,000 0,000
2399 No Failure 0 2533 274 1,000 0,000
Operation of other
2693 274
wells in field 0 2534 1,000 0,000
2814 Corrosive fluids 0 2535 274 1,000 0,000
2880 0 2536 274 1,000 0,000
2918 0 2537 274 1,000 0,000
86 Corrosive fluids 0 2538 275 1,000 0,931
928 Unknown 0 2539 275 1,000 0,000
2242 No Failure 0 2540 275 1,000 0,000
2248 Unknown 0 2541 275 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2671 275
wear and tear 1 2542 1,000 0,931 0,000
3041 Scale 0 2543 276 1,000 0,931
178 Operation procedure 1 2544 276 1,000 0,930 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
617 No Failure 0 2545 276 1,000 0,000
Equipment selection
894 277
- material 0 2546 1,000 0,930
2119 Corrosive fluids 0 2547 277 1,000 0,000
2291 Corrosive fluids 0 2548 277 1,000 0,000
2493 0 2549 278 1,000 0,930
2894 Friction 0 2550 278 1,000 0,000
3357 0 2551 278 1,000 0,000
511 Sand 0 2552 278 1,000 0,000
765 0 2553 278 1,000 0,000
2119 Unknown 0 2554 279 1,000 0,930
2185 Unknown 0 2555 279 1,000 0,000
2521 No Failure 0 2556 279 1,000 0,000
2672 2557 279
monitoring 0 1,000 0,000
2801 Operation procedure 1 2558 279 1,000 0,930 0,000
Normal or expected
4539 2559 279
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,930 0,000
744 Unknown 0 2560 280 1,000 0,930
1054 Friction / Corrosion 0 2561 280 1,000 0,000
Installation Service
2899 280
Rig 1 2562 1,000 0,929 0,000
2940 Friction 0 2563 280 1,000 0,000
3358 Sand 0 2564 280 1,000 0,000
748 Corrosive fluids 0 2565 280 1,000 0,000
1772 0 2566 280 1,000 0,000
2453 0 2567 280 1,000 0,000
2796 Sand 0 2568 281 1,000 0,929
639 No Failure 0 2569 281 1,000 0,000
937 Unknown 0 2570 281 1,000 0,000
1180 0 2571 281 1,000 0,000
1258 Sand 0 2572 281 1,000 0,000
2069 Friction 0 2573 282 1,000 0,929
2224 Operation procedure 1 2574 282 1,000 0,929 0,000
Normal or expected
3048 2575 282
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,928 0,000
3671 Friction 0 2576 282 1,000 0,000
918 0 2577 282 1,000 0,000
1112 0 2578 283 1,000 0,928
Normal or expected
2060 2579 283
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,928 0,000
2742 No Failure 0 2580 284 1,000 0,928
Continuación Tabla 23.
264 Friction 0 2581 284 1,000 0,000
937 Unknown 0 2582 284 1,000 0,000
1841 0 2583 284 1,000 0,000
1884 0 2584 284 1,000 0,000
2080 Other 0 2585 284 1,000 0,000
2509 0 2586 284 1,000 0,000
775 Unknown 0 2587 285 1,000 0,928
910 Friction 0 2588 285 1,000 0,000
2693 Unknown 0 2589 285 1,000 0,000
3057 Sand 0 2590 285 1,000 0,000
263 No Failure 0 2591 285 1,000 0,000
826 Unknown 0 2592 285 1,000 0,000
1120 0 2593 285 1,000 0,000
2957 0 2594 285 1,000 0,000
3211 Unknown 0 2595 286 1,000 0,928
3410 Friction 0 2596 286 1,000 0,000
2973 0 2597 286 1,000 0,000
3035 Friction / Corrosion 0 2598 287 1,000 0,928
211 Friction 0 2599 287 1,000 0,000
920 No Failure 0 2600 287 1,000 0,000
923 Corrosive fluids 0 2601 287 1,000 0,000
2055 0 2602 287 1,000 0,000
2133 Sand 0 2603 288 1,000 0,928
2421 No Failure 0 2604 288 1,000 0,000
2441 Pending Analysis 0 2605 288 1,000 0,000
2475 Sand 0 2606 288 1,000 0,000
2941 Friction 0 2607 288 1,000 0,000
3220 No Failure 0 2608 288 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
211 2609 288
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,927 0,000
2283 0 2610 288 1,000 0,000
2598 Unknown 0 2611 289 1,000 0,927
Reuse damaged
2638 289
equipment 1 2612 1,000 0,927 0,000
2659 Sand 0 2613 289 1,000 0,000
3637 Friction 0 2614 289 1,000 0,000
773 Unknown 0 2615 290 1,000 0,927
810 Sand 0 2616 290 1,000 0,000
826 Pending Pulling 0 2617 290 1,000 0,000
Operation of other
908 290
wells in field 0 2618 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2254 Unknown 0 2619 290 1,000 0,000
2923 Unknown 0 2620 290 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3055 2621 290
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,926 0,000
868 Corrosive fluids 0 2622 291 1,000 0,926
1824 Corrosive fluids 0 2623 291 1,000 0,000
1880 Sand 0 2624 291 1,000 0,000
2185 No Failure 0 2625 291 1,000 0,000
3107 Unknown 0 2626 292 1,000 0,926
1875 0 2627 292 1,000 0,000
2282 Other 0 2628 292 1,000 0,000
2678 0 2629 292 1,000 0,000
2758 No Failure 0 2630 292 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2833 2631 293
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,926 0,926
2953 Friction 0 2632 294 1,000 0,926
167 No Failure 0 2633 294 1,000 0,000
724 Sand 0 2634 294 1,000 0,000
2304 No Failure 0 2635 294 1,000 0,000
2369 0 2636 294 1,000 0,000
2382 0 2637 294 1,000 0,000
2581 Sand 0 2638 294 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2885 2639 294
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,926 0,000
Normal or expected
2899 294
wear and tear 1 2640 1,000 0,925 0,000
910 Pending Pulling 0 2641 294 1,000 0,000
1636 Unknown 0 2642 295 1,000 0,925
2282 Unknown 0 2643 295 1,000 0,000
2819 0 2644 295 1,000 0,000
944 0 2645 295 1,000 0,000
1742 0 2646 295 1,000 0,000
1884 Sand 0 2647 296 1,000 0,925
2564 Corrosive fluids 0 2648 296 1,000 0,000
2825 Sand 0 2649 296 1,000 0,000
2890 Corrosive fluids 0 2650 296 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2938 2651 296
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,925 0,000
3355 No Failure 0 2652 297 1,000 0,925
264 Sand 0 2653 297 1,000 0,000
2033 No Failure 0 2654 297 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
Normal or expected
2293 2655 297
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,924 0,000
2441 0 2656 297 1,000 0,000
2684 Corrosive fluids 0 2657 298 1,000 0,924
3066 No Failure 0 2658 298 1,000 0,000
781 0 2659 298 1,000 0,000
880 0 2660 298 1,000 0,000
1246 Friction 0 2661 299 1,000 0,924
Installation Service
1665 299
Rig 1 2662 1,000 0,924 0,000
2250 Corrosive fluids 0 2663 299 1,000 0,000
2461 0 2664 299 1,000 0,000
2940 No Failure 0 2665 299 1,000 0,000
211 Pending Pulling 0 2666 299 1,000 0,000
918 Friction 0 2667 299 1,000 0,000
2025 0 2668 299 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
2148 2669 300
equipment 1 1,000 0,923 0,924
2923 No Failure 0 2670 300 1,000 0,000
2940 Corrosive fluids 0 2671 301 1,000 0,923
1008 Sand 0 2672 301 1,000 0,000
1114 Friction 0 2673 301 1,000 0,000
1889 Friction 0 2674 301 1,000 0,000
2329 0 2675 301 1,000 0,000
2831 0 2676 301 1,000 0,000
2865 Unknown 0 2677 302 1,000 0,923
3201 Sand 0 2678 302 1,000 0,000
562 Corrosive fluids 0 2679 302 1,000 0,000
711 No Failure 0 2680 302 1,000 0,000
Installation Service
826 2681 302
Rig 1 1,000 0,923 0,000
2097 Unknown 0 2682 303 1,000 0,923
2224 Friction 0 2683 303 1,000 0,000
2291 Sand 0 2684 303 1,000 0,000
2302 Sand 0 2685 303 1,000 0,000
2388 0 2686 303 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2608 2687 303
wear and tear 1 1,000 0,922 0,000
2746 Corrosive fluids 0 2688 303 1,000 0,000
3243 Unknown 0 2689 304 1,000 0,922
639 Unknown 0 2690 304 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
1803 No Failure 0 2691 304 1,000 0,000
2060 0 2692 304 1,000 0,000
2142 No Failure 0 2693 304 1,000 0,000
3063 No Failure 0 2694 304 1,000 0,000
3390 0 2695 304 1,000 0,000
2289 Unknown 0 2696 305 1,000 0,922
2581 No Failure 0 2697 305 1,000 0,000
711 Unknown 0 2698 305 1,000 0,000
791 0 2699 305 1,000 0,000
865 Operation procedure 1 2700 306 0,999 0,922 0,922
1084 0 2701 306 1,000 0,000
1742 Corrosive fluids 0 2702 307 1,000 0,922
3357 Corrosive fluids 0 2703 307 1,000 0,000
1883 0 2704 307 1,000 0,000
2210 Friction 0 2705 307 1,000 0,000
748 Friction 0 2706 307 1,000 0,000
880 Unknown 0 2707 307 1,000 0,000
1889 0 2708 307 1,000 0,000
2108 0 2709 307 1,000 0,000
2494 Corrosive fluids 0 2710 307 1,000 0,000
2520 0 2711 307 1,000 0,000
2615 Unknown 0 2712 308 1,000 0,922
3033 Friction 0 2713 308 1,000 0,000
3643 Friction / Corrosion 0 2714 308 1,000 0,000
641 0 2715 308 1,000 0,000
744 Friction 0 2716 308 1,000 0,000
2438 Friction / Corrosion 0 2717 308 1,000 0,000
2442 0 2718 308 1,000 0,000
2743 Friction 0 2719 309 1,000 0,922
3793 Pending Pulling 0 2720 309 1,000 0,000
71 Corrosive fluids 0 2721 309 1,000 0,000
2215 0 2722 309 1,000 0,000
2302 0 2723 310 1,000 0,922
632 Unknown 0 2724 310 1,000 0,000
2253 Operation procedure 1 2725 310 0,999 0,921 0,000
2872 Unknown 0 2726 310 1,000 0,000
1110 Unknown 0 2727 310 1,000 0,000
1139 Unknown 0 2728 310 1,000 0,000
2078 0 2729 310 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2258 Unknown 0 2730 311 1,000 0,921
3123 Friction 0 2731 311 1,000 0,000
828 Friction 0 2732 311 1,000 0,000
1022 No Failure 0 2733 312 1,000 0,921
Improper data used
2065 312
in design / selection 1 2734 0,999 0,921 0,000
471 Corrosive fluids 0 2735 312 1,000 0,000
589 Friction 0 2736 312 1,000 0,000
1809 Sand 0 2737 312 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2058 312
wear and tear 1 2738 0,999 0,921 0,000
2091 Unknown 0 2739 312 1,000 0,000
2091 Unknown 0 2740 313 1,000 0,921
2141 System configuration 1 2741 313 0,999 0,920 0,000
2198 Unknown 0 2742 313 1,000 0,000
882 0 2743 313 1,000 0,000
1199 Sand 0 2744 313 1,000 0,000
2796 0 2745 313 1,000 0,000
3043 Corrosive fluids 0 2746 314 1,000 0,920
1116 Unknown 0 2747 314 1,000 0,000
1239 Unknown 0 2748 315 1,000 0,920
2091 Sand 0 2749 315 1,000 0,000
2104 No Failure 0 2750 316 1,000 0,920
2109 Scale 0 2751 316 1,000 0,000
Installation Service
2226 316
Rig 1 2752 0,999 0,920 0,000
2222 2753 316
monitoring 0 1,000 0,000
2697 No Failure 0 2754 316 1,000 0,000
3643 Sand 0 2755 317 1,000 0,920
2941 Operation procedure 1 2756 317 0,999 0,919 0,000
632 0 2757 317 1,000 0,000
1740 0 2758 317 1,000 0,000
3301 Sand 0 2759 318 1,000 0,919
1180 Pending Pulling 0 2760 318 1,000 0,000
2042 Friction / Corrosion 0 2761 318 1,000 0,000
2118 Sand 0 2762 318 1,000 0,000
2298 Corrosive fluids 0 2763 318 1,000 0,000
2536 Other 0 2764 318 1,000 0,000
3107 Corrosive fluids 0 2765 318 1,000 0,000
3356 0 2766 318 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
358 0 2767 318 1,000 0,000
1665 Friction 0 2768 319 1,000 0,919
2659 Unknown 0 2769 319 1,000 0,000
2796 Unknown 0 2770 319 1,000 0,000
2810 No Failure 0 2771 319 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
1864 319
wear and tear 1 2772 0,999 0,919 0,000
2677 Unknown 0 2773 320 1,000 0,919
178 Unknown 0 2774 320 1,000 0,000
828 Operation procedure 1 2775 320 0,999 0,918 0,000
2142 0 2776 320 1,000 0,000
2161 Unknown 0 2777 320 1,000 0,000
940 0 2778 321 1,000 0,918
1714 No Failure 0 2779 321 1,000 0,000
2521 Friction 0 2780 322 1,000 0,918
2677 Corrosive fluids 0 2781 322 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3396 322
wear and tear 1 2782 0,999 0,918 0,000
3416 Friction / Corrosion 0 2783 323 1,000 0,918
112 323
monitoring 0 2784 1,000 0,000
1084 0 2785 323 1,000 0,000
1482 No Failure 0 2786 323 1,000 0,000
2334 Sand 0 2787 324 1,000 0,918
2671 0 2788 324 1,000 0,000
2872 Friction 0 2789 324 1,000 0,000
2908 0 2790 324 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3065 2791 324
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,917 0,000
729 Friction 0 2792 325 1,000 0,917
1037 Sand 0 2793 325 1,000 0,000
2091 0 2794 325 1,000 0,000
2210 0 2795 325 1,000 0,000
2246 0 2796 325 1,000 0,000
2801 Friction 0 2797 325 1,000 0,000
794 Corrosive fluids 0 2798 326 1,000 0,917
2749 0 2799 326 1,000 0,000
718 Sand 0 2800 327 1,000 0,917
1710 Pending Pulling 0 2801 327 1,000 0,000
2902 Unknown 0 2802 327 1,000 0,000
342 Friction 0 2803 327 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
395 0 2804 327 1,000 0,000
451 Friction / Corrosion 0 2805 328 1,000 0,917
1214 Corrosive fluids 0 2806 328 1,000 0,000
2030 0 2807 328 1,000 0,000
2231 0 2808 328 1,000 0,000
2668 No Failure 0 2809 328 1,000 0,000
2796 0 2810 328 1,000 0,000
880 Friction 0 2811 329 1,000 0,917
976 Friction 0 2812 329 1,000 0,000
2164 Unknown 0 2813 329 1,000 0,000
2244 Sand 0 2814 329 1,000 0,000
2802 Sand 0 2815 329 1,000 0,000
803 Friction 0 2816 329 1,000 0,000
868 0 2817 329 1,000 0,000
1116 Corrosive fluids 0 2818 329 1,000 0,000
1665 No Failure 0 2819 329 1,000 0,000
1775 Corrosive fluids 0 2820 329 1,000 0,000
2283 Corrosive fluids 0 2821 330 1,000 0,917
2296 No Failure 0 2822 330 1,000 0,000
2217 0 2823 330 1,000 0,000
2521 No Failure 0 2824 330 1,000 0,000
2929 Friction 0 2825 330 1,000 0,000
3678 Friction 0 2826 330 1,000 0,000
928 0 2827 331 1,000 0,917
931 Corrosive fluids 0 2828 331 1,000 0,000
931 Friction 0 2829 331 1,000 0,000
Failure of
1861 perforations / liner / 332
openhole 1 2830 0,999 0,917 0,917
2446 Unknown 0 2831 332 1,000 0,000
2840 Friction 0 2832 332 1,000 0,000
3106 Pending Pulling 0 2833 332 1,000 0,000
3378 Friction / Corrosion 0 2834 333 1,000 0,917
1045 Unknown 0 2835 333 1,000 0,000
2057 Sand 0 2836 333 1,000 0,000
828 Unknown 0 2837 333 1,000 0,000
1636 0 2838 333 1,000 0,000
2358 Sand 0 2839 333 1,000 0,000
2593 Corrosive fluids 0 2840 334 1,000 0,917
Continuación Tabla 23.
2740 Operation procedure 1 2841 334 0,999 0,916 0,000
2963 0 2842 334 1,000 0,000
3055 Unknown 0 2843 334 1,000 0,000
2112 No Failure 0 2844 335 1,000 0,916
2868 Friction 0 2845 336 1,000 0,916
3792 Friction / Corrosion 0 2846 336 1,000 0,000
724 Operation procedure 1 2847 336 0,999 0,916 0,000
820 Friction 0 2848 336 1,000 0,000
2217 Unknown 0 2849 336 1,000 0,000
2256 Unknown 0 2850 336 1,000 0,000
2298 Sand 0 2851 336 1,000 0,000
2399 Other 0 2852 337 1,000 0,916
3125 Friction 0 2853 337 1,000 0,000
4545 0 2854 337 1,000 0,000
211 Sand 0 2855 338 1,000 0,916
Installation Service
342 338
Rig 1 2856 0,999 0,915 0,000
1056 No Failure 0 2857 338 1,000 0,000
1057 Corrosive fluids 0 2858 338 1,000 0,000
1200 Unknown 0 2859 338 1,000 0,000
3677 0 2860 338 1,000 0,000
334 0 2861 338 1,000 0,000
2060 0 2862 338 1,000 0,000
2104 Well cleanout 0 2863 339 1,000 0,915
2940 Friction 0 2864 339 1,000 0,000
287 Sand 0 2865 339 1,000 0,000
2219 0 2866 339 1,000 0,000
2382 Unknown 0 2867 340 1,000 0,915
2642 Corrosive fluids 0 2868 340 1,000 0,000
2678 No Failure 0 2869 340 1,000 0,000
2889 Friction 0 2870 340 1,000 0,000
2976 0 2871 340 1,000 0,000
296 No Failure 0 2872 340 1,000 0,000
2033 0 2873 340 1,000 0,000
2244 0 2874 340 1,000 0,000
2361 0 2875 340 1,000 0,000
2394 0 2876 341 1,000 0,915
2789 No Failure 0 2877 341 1,000 0,000
928 0 2878 341 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2157 Sand 0 2879 342 1,000 0,915
2271 Unknown 0 2880 342 1,000 0,000
2675 Sand 0 2881 342 1,000 0,000
2941 Operation procedure 1 2882 342 0,999 0,915 0,000
770 Unknown 0 2883 342 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2031 342
wear and tear 1 2884 0,999 0,914 0,000
2446 Friction 0 2885 342 1,000 0,000
2860 0 2886 342 1,000 0,000
641 Unknown 0 2887 343 1,000 0,914
2141 0 2888 343 1,000 0,000
2929 Corrosive fluids 0 2889 343 1,000 0,000
147 Unknown 0 2890 343 1,000 0,000
1889 Sand 0 2891 343 1,000 0,000
1892 Sand 0 2892 343 1,000 0,000
Installation Service
2091 2893 344
Rig 1 0,999 0,914 0,914
2367 0 2894 344 1,000 0,000
3035 0 2895 344 1,000 0,000
3105 Unknown 0 2896 345 1,000 0,914
2332 Unknown 0 2897 345 1,000 0,000
2860 Unknown 0 2898 345 1,000 0,000
2940 Sand 0 2899 345 1,000 0,000
3041 Friction 0 2900 345 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
341 2901 345
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,913 0,000
2088 Unknown 0 2902 346 1,000 0,913
2815 Unknown 0 2903 346 1,000 0,000
1863 Sand 0 2904 346 1,000 0,000
2293 0 2905 346 1,000 0,000
2880 0 2906 346 1,000 0,000
2929 Corrosive fluids 0 2907 346 1,000 0,000
3116 Unknown 0 2908 346 1,000 0,000
744 Unknown 0 2909 347 1,000 0,913
812 Sand 0 2910 347 1,000 0,000
2295 Scale 0 2911 347 1,000 0,000
2740 Operation procedure 1 2912 347 0,999 0,913 0,000
Normal or expected
729 2913 347
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,912 0,000
894 Unknown 0 2914 349 1,000 1,824
1344 Friction / Corrosion 0 2915 349 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2110 Unknown 0 2916 349 1,000 0,000
2394 Sand 0 2917 349 1,000 0,000
2826 Sand 0 2918 350 1,000 0,912
3116 No Failure 0 2919 350 1,000 0,000
711 Corrosive fluids 0 2920 350 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
1213 2921 350
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,912 0,000
1239 Well cleanout 0 2922 351 1,000 0,912
Installation Service
1864 2923 351
Rig 1 0,999 0,911 0,000
3357 Sand 0 2924 351 1,000 0,000
1858 Quality Control 0 2925 351 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2157 351
wear and tear 1 2926 0,999 0,911 0,000
Normal or expected
2273 2927 351
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,910 0,000
2388 Friction 0 2928 352 1,000 0,910
Normal or expected
264 2929 352
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,910 0,000
1047 Corrosive fluids 0 2930 353 1,000 0,910
1114 No Failure 0 2931 353 1,000 0,000
1458 No Failure 0 2932 354 1,000 0,910
2215 No Failure 0 2933 354 1,000 0,000
2219 Corrosive fluids 0 2934 355 1,000 0,910
3403 Friction / Corrosion 0 2935 355 1,000 0,000
2293 0 2936 355 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3111 2937 355
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,909 0,000
563 0 2938 355 1,000 0,000
Operation of other
2122 2939 356
wells in field 0 1,000 0,909
2222 Corrosive fluids 0 2940 356 1,000 0,000
2244 Corrosive fluids 0 2941 357 1,000 0,909
2296 Unknown 0 2942 357 1,000 0,000
2564 Corrosive fluids 0 2943 357 1,000 0,000
943 0 2944 357 1,000 0,000
2029 0 2945 357 1,000 0,000
2664 0 2946 357 1,000 0,000
729 Pending Pulling 0 2947 357 1,000 0,000
1851 Corrosive fluids 0 2948 358 1,000 0,909
2185 Friction 0 2949 358 1,000 0,000
2224 Unknown 0 2950 358 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2317 No Failure 0 2951 358 1,000 0,000
2746 0 2952 358 1,000 0,000
1344 Unknown 0 2953 359 1,000 0,909
1775 Scale 0 2954 359 1,000 0,000
2331 Pending Pulling 0 2955 359 1,000 0,000
2598 Operation procedure 1 2956 359 0,999 0,909 0,000
2600 No Failure 0 2957 360 1,000 0,909
Normal or expected
3419 360
wear and tear 1 2958 0,999 0,908 0,000
1714 Corrosive fluids 0 2959 361 1,000 0,908
2182 Corrosive fluids 0 2960 361 1,000 0,000
2619 Unknown 0 2961 361 1,000 0,000
2697 0 2962 361 1,000 0,000
1891 0 2963 361 1,000 0,000
1892 Corrosive fluids 0 2964 362 1,000 0,908
2065 Unknown 0 2965 363 1,000 0,908
2831 0 2966 363 1,000 0,000
2929 Unknown 0 2967 363 1,000 0,000
3111 Sand 0 2968 363 1,000 0,000
164 0 2969 363 1,000 0,000
1135 Friction 0 2970 364 1,000 0,908
2065 Operation procedure 1 2971 364 0,999 0,907 0,000
2228 No Failure 0 2972 364 1,000 0,000
2283 Operation procedure 1 2973 365 0,999 0,907 0,907
1877 Friction 0 2974 365 1,000 0,000
2284 Corrosive fluids 0 2975 365 1,000 0,000
2370 No Failure 0 2976 365 1,000 0,000
2677 Friction 0 2977 365 1,000 0,000
2732 Sand 0 2978 366 1,000 0,907
2931 Corrosive fluids 0 2979 366 1,000 0,000
1328 Unknown 0 2980 366 1,000 0,000
2057 No Failure 0 2981 366 1,000 0,000
2027 0 2982 366 1,000 0,000
2253 0 2983 367 1,000 0,907
2684 No Failure 0 2984 367 1,000 0,000
235 Corrosive fluids 0 2985 367 1,000 0,000
2210 Corrosive fluids 0 2986 367 1,000 0,000
2224 Sand 0 2987 367 1,000 0,000
2314 0 2988 367 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2576 No Failure 0 2989 368 1,000 0,907
2868 0 2990 368 1,000 0,000
2834 No Failure 0 2991 368 1,000 0,000
3719 No Failure 0 2992 368 1,000 0,000
2210 Corrosive fluids 0 2993 368 1,000 0,000
2577 Sand 0 2994 368 1,000 0,000
2651 Friction 0 2995 368 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3124 368
wear and tear 1 2996 0,999 0,906 0,000
918 Unknown 0 2997 369 1,000 0,906
928 Corrosive fluids 0 2998 369 1,000 0,000
2185 Friction 0 2999 369 1,000 0,000
2669 Unknown 0 3000 369 1,000 0,000
2697 Unknown 0 3001 369 1,000 0,000
2941 Unknown 0 3002 370 1,000 0,906
251 Sand 0 3003 370 1,000 0,000
612 0 3004 370 1,000 0,000
1824 0 3005 370 1,000 0,000
2444 Corrosive fluids 0 3006 370 1,000 0,000
2650 0 3007 370 1,000 0,000
2877 Unknown 0 3008 371 1,000 0,906
3105 0 3009 371 1,000 0,000
1144 Corrosive fluids 0 3010 372 1,000 0,906
532 No Failure 0 3011 372 1,000 0,000
931 Unknown 0 3012 372 1,000 0,000
3106 Unknown 0 3013 373 1,000 0,906
3373 Corrosive fluids 0 3014 373 1,000 0,000
167 Corrosive fluids 0 3015 373 1,000 0,000
612 Unknown 0 3016 373 1,000 0,000
1008 Pending Pulling 0 3017 373 1,000 0,000
2057 0 3018 374 1,000 0,906
318 No Failure 0 3019 375 1,000 0,906
Normal or expected
773 375
wear and tear 1 3020 0,999 0,906 0,000
917 Friction 0 3021 375 1,000 0,000
937 Sand 0 3022 376 1,000 0,906
1725 Unknown 0 3023 376 1,000 0,000
1214 0 3024 376 1,000 0,000
2295 Unknown 0 3025 376 1,000 0,000
2344 No Failure 0 3026 377 1,000 0,906
Continuación Tabla 23.
2693 No Failure 0 3027 377 1,000 0,000
263 Friction 0 3028 377 1,000 0,000
729 No Failure 0 3029 377 1,000 0,000
1861 0 3030 377 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
1880 3031 378
equipment 1 0,999 0,905 0,906
2899 Sand 0 3032 378 1,000 0,000
765 Friction 0 3033 379 1,000 0,905
2097 No Failure 0 3034 379 1,000 0,000
2942 Unknown 0 3035 379 1,000 0,000
3118 Operation procedure 1 3036 379 0,999 0,905 0,000
2655 Pending Pulling 0 3037 379 1,000 0,000
2837 Unknown 0 3038 380 1,000 0,905
147 Friction 0 3039 380 1,000 0,000
926 Friction / Corrosion 0 3040 380 1,000 0,000
1008 Friction / Corrosion 0 3041 381 1,000 0,905
1047 Friction / Corrosion 0 3042 381 1,000 0,000
2219 Unknown 0 3043 381 1,000 0,000
2242 Friction / Corrosion 0 3044 381 1,000 0,000
2494 0 3045 382 1,000 0,905
3641 Friction 0 3046 382 1,000 0,000
1008 Other 0 3047 382 1,000 0,000
2289 0 3048 382 1,000 0,000
2866 No Failure 0 3049 382 1,000 0,000
442 0 3050 382 1,000 0,000
2743 Corrosive fluids 0 3051 382 1,000 0,000
2934 Friction / Corrosion 0 3052 382 1,000 0,000
3292 Friction 0 3053 383 1,000 0,905
740 Unknown 0 3054 383 1,000 0,000
2678 Corrosive fluids 0 3055 383 1,000 0,000
1008 No Failure 0 3056 383 1,000 0,000
901 0 3057 383 1,000 0,000
1023 Corrosive fluids 0 3058 384 1,000 0,905
2362 0 3059 384 1,000 0,000
2847 0 3060 384 1,000 0,000
2969 Corrosive fluids 0 3061 384 1,000 0,000
729 Friction 0 3062 384 1,000 0,000
1120 Unknown 0 3063 384 1,000 0,000
2033 Unknown 0 3064 385 1,000 0,905
Continuación Tabla 23.
2109 Friction 0 3065 385 1,000 0,000
306 No Failure 0 3066 386 1,000 0,905
2163 Sand 0 3067 386 1,000 0,000
2360 Friction / Corrosion 0 3068 386 1,000 0,000
2677 Sand 0 3069 386 1,000 0,000
2854 Unknown 0 3070 386 1,000 0,000
2871 Corrosive fluids 0 3071 386 1,000 0,000
1124 Friction 0 3072 386 1,000 0,000
3109 Unknown 0 3073 386 1,000 0,000
3200 Unknown 0 3074 387 1,000 0,905
112 Sand 0 3075 387 1,000 0,000
2465 0 3076 387 1,000 0,000
195 0 3077 387 1,000 0,000
619 Friction 0 3078 388 1,000 0,905
1792 No Failure 0 3079 388 1,000 0,000
2838 Friction / Corrosion 0 3080 388 1,000 0,000
3378 Corrosive fluids 0 3081 388 1,000 0,000
3075 Unknown 0 3082 389 1,000 0,905
3607 Sand 0 3083 389 1,000 0,000
3655 Friction 0 3084 390 1,000 0,905
1110 Corrosive fluids 0 3085 391 1,000 0,905
1116 Unknown 0 3086 391 1,000 0,000
2521 Unknown 0 3087 391 1,000 0,000
2868 Other 0 3088 392 1,000 0,905
2465 No Failure 0 3089 392 1,000 0,000
2218 Friction 0 3090 392 1,000 0,000
797 Corrosive fluids 0 3091 392 1,000 0,000
914 0 3092 393 1,000 0,905
Normal or expected
1001 3093 393
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,904 0,000
2367 Sand 0 3094 393 1,000 0,000
3356 Scale 0 3095 393 1,000 0,000
3372 Sand 0 3096 393 1,000 0,000
812 0 3097 393 1,000 0,000
Installation Service
1775 394
Rig 1 3098 0,999 0,904 0,904
2865 0 3099 394 1,000 0,000
1740 Friction 0 3100 395 1,000 0,904
2057 Corrosive fluids 0 3101 395 1,000 0,000
2344 Unknown 0 3102 396 1,000 0,904
Continuación Tabla 23.
1110 0 3103 396 1,000 0,000
1344 Sand 0 3104 396 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
1891 3105 396
equipment 1 0,999 0,903 0,000
2124 Friction 0 3106 396 1,000 0,000
2789 Well cleanout 0 3107 396 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2912 396
wear and tear 1 3108 0,999 0,903 0,000
1528 No Failure 0 3109 397 1,000 0,903
2328 Pending Pulling 0 3110 397 1,000 0,000
2831 0 3111 397 1,000 0,000
167 No Failure 0 3112 398 1,000 0,903
2103 No Failure 0 3113 398 1,000 0,000
2832 0 3114 398 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3119 3115 398
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,902 0,000
419 Friction 0 3116 400 1,000 1,804
2078 Corrosive fluids 0 3117 401 1,000 0,902
2142 Unknown 0 3118 401 1,000 0,000
2217 No Failure 0 3119 401 1,000 0,000
2251 0 3120 401 1,000 0,000
2796 Sand 0 3121 402 1,000 0,902
2293 Sand 0 3122 402 1,000 0,000
3069 Friction 0 3123 403 1,000 0,902
2097 Unknown 0 3124 403 1,000 0,000
1056 No Failure 0 3125 403 1,000 0,000
2607 Friction / Corrosion 0 3126 403 1,000 0,000
641 No Failure 0 3127 404 1,000 0,902
2379 0 3128 404 1,000 0,000
2642 Sand 0 3129 404 1,000 0,000
1727 0 3130 404 1,000 0,000
2161 No Failure 0 3131 404 1,000 0,000
2289 Pending Analysis 0 3132 405 1,000 0,902
2396 0 3133 405 1,000 0,000
1139 Unknown 0 3134 405 1,000 0,000
2593 Pending Pulling 0 3135 405 1,000 0,000
2668 Friction 0 3136 406 1,000 0,902
3039 Friction 0 3137 406 1,000 0,000
3358 Friction / Corrosion 0 3138 406 1,000 0,000
451 Operation procedure 1 3139 406 0,999 0,901 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
1344 Friction 0 3140 407 1,000 0,901
2289 Unknown 0 3141 407 1,000 0,000
2674 No Failure 0 3142 407 1,000 0,000
2913 Corrosive fluids 0 3143 407 1,000 0,000
2065 0 3144 407 1,000 0,000
2530 Unknown 0 3145 408 1,000 0,901
470 0 3146 409 1,000 0,901
772 No Failure 0 3147 410 1,000 0,901
875 Corrosive fluids 0 3148 410 1,000 0,000
2217 Friction / Corrosion 0 3149 411 1,000 0,901
2233 Operation procedure 1 3150 411 0,999 0,901 0,000
2552 No Failure 0 3151 411 1,000 0,000
112 No Failure 0 3152 411 1,000 0,000
143 Corrosive fluids 0 3153 412 1,000 0,901
765 Pending Pulling 0 3154 412 1,000 0,000
Operation of other
2066 3155 412
wells in field 0 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2218 412
wear and tear 1 3156 0,999 0,900 0,000
941 Pending Pulling 0 3157 412 1,000 0,000
3200 Unknown 0 3158 413 1,000 0,900
167 Corrosive fluids 0 3159 413 1,000 0,000
810 Pending Pulling 0 3160 413 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
907 3161 413
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,900 0,000
1665 Unknown 0 3162 414 1,000 0,900
2343 Unknown 0 3163 414 1,000 0,000
2344 0 3164 414 1,000 0,000
2029 Pending Pulling 0 3165 414 1,000 0,000
2233 Friction 0 3166 414 1,000 0,000
Improper data used
2377 3167 415
in design / selection 1 0,999 0,899 0,900
2528 Friction 0 3168 415 1,000 0,000
2638 0 3169 415 1,000 0,000
2673 Unknown 0 3170 416 1,000 0,899
3791 Sand 0 3171 416 1,000 0,000
189 0 3172 416 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2258 3173 417
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,898 0,899
828 Other 0 3174 418 1,000 0,898
2243 No Failure 0 3175 418 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2933 Unknown 0 3176 419 1,000 0,898
Normal or expected
791 3177 419
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,898 0,000
1189 No Failure 0 3178 420 1,000 0,898
2442 Friction 0 3179 420 1,000 0,000
729 Operation procedure 1 3180 420 0,999 0,897 0,000
2098 No Failure 0 3181 420 1,000 0,000
2141 Corrosive fluids 0 3182 420 1,000 0,000
2983 0 3183 420 1,000 0,000
2136 Friction 0 3184 420 1,000 0,000
45 Friction 0 3185 421 1,000 0,897
3120 Friction / Corrosion 0 3186 421 1,000 0,000
652 Unknown 0 3187 421 1,000 0,000
1025 Corrosive fluids 0 3188 421 1,000 0,000
2237 Unknown 0 3189 421 1,000 0,000
2406 Friction 0 3190 421 1,000 0,000
2740 Sand 0 3191 422 1,000 0,897
2740 Sand 0 3192 423 1,000 0,897
3055 Corrosive fluids 0 3193 423 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3057 423
wear and tear 1 3194 0,999 0,897 0,000
3358 Unknown 0 3195 424 1,000 0,897
527 Unknown 0 3196 424 1,000 0,000
1775 Sand 0 3197 424 1,000 0,000
1883 Operation procedure 1 3198 425 0,999 0,896 0,897
2628 Unknown 0 3199 425 1,000 0,000
550 Corrosive fluids 0 3200 425 1,000 0,000
880 No Failure 0 3201 425 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
1022 425
wear and tear 1 3202 0,999 0,895 0,000
2623 Friction 0 3203 426 1,000 0,895
1636 Corrosive fluids 0 3204 426 1,000 0,000
2042 Friction 0 3205 426 1,000 0,000
778 0 3206 427 1,000 0,895
3119 Other 0 3207 428 1,000 0,895
3717 0 3208 428 1,000 0,000
791 Unknown 0 3209 429 1,000 0,895
797 Sand 0 3210 429 1,000 0,000
2198 Corrosive fluids 0 3211 429 1,000 0,000
1344 Unknown 0 3212 429 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2095 Unknown 0 3213 429 1,000 0,000
2324 0 3214 429 1,000 0,000
2976 Pending Analysis 0 3215 429 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
1882 429
wear and tear 1 3216 0,999 0,895 0,000
2157 0 3217 429 1,000 0,000
2276 Other 0 3218 430 1,000 0,895
2465 Corrosive fluids 0 3219 430 1,000 0,000
2600 Operation procedure 1 3220 431 0,999 0,894 0,895
2804 Unknown 0 3221 431 1,000 0,000
3378 No Failure 0 3222 431 1,000 0,000
256 0 3223 431 1,000 0,000
3127 Corrosive fluids 0 3224 431 1,000 0,000
294 No Failure 0 3225 432 1,000 0,894
1008 Unknown 0 3226 432 1,000 0,000
1070 Unknown 0 3227 432 1,000 0,000
1189 Sand 0 3228 433 1,000 0,894
Normal or expected
2122 3229 433
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,894 0,000
2520 0 3230 433 1,000 0,000
3111 0 3231 433 1,000 0,000
2142 Corrosive fluids 0 3232 434 1,000 0,894
2551 Operation procedure 1 3233 434 0,999 0,893 0,000
3043 0 3234 434 1,000 0,000
2256 Unknown 0 3235 435 1,000 0,893
1230 Friction / Corrosion 0 3236 435 1,000 0,000
1861 Unknown 0 3237 436 1,000 0,893
2092 Friction / Corrosion 0 3238 436 1,000 0,000
2881 Corrosive fluids 0 3239 436 1,000 0,000
1047 0 3240 436 1,000 0,000
2198 0 3241 437 1,000 0,893
1135 Operation procedure 1 3242 437 0,999 0,892 0,000
190 Corrosive fluids 0 3243 437 1,000 0,000
528 0 3244 437 1,000 0,000
750 No Failure 0 3245 437 1,000 0,000
2097 0 3246 437 1,000 0,000
3678 Unknown 0 3247 438 1,000 0,892
2564 Friction / Corrosion 0 3248 439 1,000 0,892
3337 Sand 0 3249 439 1,000 0,000
3637 Unknown 0 3250 439 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
1867 Corrosive fluids 0 3251 439 1,000 0,000
471 Friction 0 3252 439 1,000 0,000
1892 0 3253 439 1,000 0,000
338 Unknown 0 3254 440 1,000 0,892
Normal or expected
907 3255 440
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,892 0,000
1011 0 3256 440 1,000 0,000
1057 No Failure 0 3257 440 1,000 0,000
Installation - Field
2149 441
Service 1 3258 0,999 0,891 0,892
2801 No Failure 0 3259 442 1,000 0,891
222 Unknown 0 3260 442 1,000 0,000
1875 Sand 0 3261 442 1,000 0,000
2210 Unknown 0 3262 442 1,000 0,000
2219 Operation procedure 1 3263 443 0,999 0,891 0,891
2607 Unknown 0 3264 443 1,000 0,000
2615 Sand 0 3265 444 1,000 0,891
880 Operation procedure 1 3266 445 0,999 0,890 0,891
Normal or expected
1112 3267 445
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,889 0,000
2078 Sand 0 3268 445 1,000 0,000
2629 Unknown 0 3269 445 1,000 0,000
2976 No Failure 0 3270 445 1,000 0,000
3379 Unknown 0 3271 446 1,000 0,889
637 0 3272 446 1,000 0,000
2132 No Failure 0 3273 446 1,000 0,000
2334 Unknown 0 3274 447 1,000 0,889
2908 Unknown 0 3275 448 1,000 0,889
639 Unknown 0 3276 448 1,000 0,000
1862 0 3277 448 1,000 0,000
2149 Unknown 0 3278 449 1,000 0,889
773 Sand 0 3279 449 1,000 0,000
2368 Corrosive fluids 0 3280 449 1,000 0,000
2399 Free gas 0 3281 449 1,000 0,000
2664 Unknown 0 3282 449 1,000 0,000
2684 Unknown 0 3283 450 1,000 0,889
2564 Friction / Corrosion 0 3284 450 1,000 0,000
3227 Unknown 0 3285 453 1,000 2,668
178 Friction / Corrosion 0 3286 453 1,000 0,000
773 No Failure 0 3287 453 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
803 Sand 0 3288 454 1,000 0,889
Reuse damaged
2221 3289 454
equipment 1 0,999 0,889 0,000
928 0 3290 454 1,000 0,000
1746 Friction / Corrosion 0 3291 454 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2098 454
wear and tear 1 3292 0,999 0,888 0,000
2149 Unknown 0 3293 454 1,000 0,000
2318 0 3294 455 1,000 0,888
2536 Friction 0 3295 455 1,000 0,000
2868 Pending Analysis 0 3296 455 1,000 0,000
937 Operation procedure 1 3297 455 0,999 0,887 0,000
1882 Sand 0 3298 456 1,000 0,887
2164 Friction 0 3299 456 1,000 0,000
2221 Corrosive fluids 0 3300 456 1,000 0,000
2224 0 3301 456 1,000 0,000
2868 Corrosive fluids 0 3302 457 1,000 0,887
1816 No Failure 0 3303 457 1,000 0,000
2251 Sand 0 3304 457 1,000 0,000
2276 Unknown 0 3305 457 1,000 0,000
1632 0 3306 457 1,000 0,000
2377 Friction 0 3307 458 1,000 0,887
Normal or expected
3609 458
wear and tear 1 3308 0,999 0,887 0,000
387 Friction 0 3309 459 1,000 0,887
563 Sand 0 3310 459 1,000 0,000
2388 Sand 0 3311 459 1,000 0,000
448 0 3312 460 1,000 0,887
550 Unknown 0 3313 460 1,000 0,000
1109 Unknown 0 3314 460 1,000 0,000
2250 Friction 0 3315 460 1,000 0,000
2362 Corrosive fluids 0 3316 460 1,000 0,000
2634 Corrosive fluids 0 3317 460 1,000 0,000
2650 0 3318 460 1,000 0,000
3057 Unknown 0 3319 461 1,000 0,887
3126 No Failure 0 3320 461 1,000 0,000
769 Corrosive fluids 0 3321 461 1,000 0,000
812 Corrosive fluids 0 3322 461 1,000 0,000
1695 Corrosive fluids 0 3323 461 1,000 0,000
1722 Unknown 0 3324 461 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2030 Friction 0 3325 461 1,000 0,000
2815 Corrosive fluids 0 3326 461 1,000 0,000
2613 No Failure 0 3327 462 1,000 0,887
2940 Unknown 0 3328 462 1,000 0,000
1230 Corrosive fluids 0 3329 463 1,000 0,887
2344 0 3330 463 1,000 0,000
725 No Failure 0 3331 464 1,000 0,887
744 Unknown 0 3332 464 1,000 0,000
3042 0 3333 464 1,000 0,000
775 0 3334 464 1,000 0,000
1216 Sand 0 3335 465 1,000 0,887
2276 Unknown 0 3336 465 1,000 0,000
2314 Sand 0 3337 465 1,000 0,000
2212 Unknown 0 3338 466 1,000 0,887
2360 Pending Pulling 0 3339 466 1,000 0,000
3120 0 3340 467 1,000 0,887
3204 Unknown 0 3341 468 1,000 0,887
3208 Pen Lab analisis 0 3342 469 1,000 0,887
2327 Sand 0 3343 469 1,000 0,000
2934 Fabrication Problem 1 3344 469 0,999 0,886 0,000
Normal or expected
1246 3345 470
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,885 0,886
2865 Unknown 0 3346 471 1,000 0,885
3791 Sand 0 3347 471 1,000 0,000
21 No Failure 0 3348 471 1,000 0,000
2141 0 3349 471 1,000 0,000
2264 Friction 0 3350 472 1,000 0,885
1067 Sand 0 3351 472 1,000 0,000
1349 0 3352 472 1,000 0,000
3200 0 3353 472 1,000 0,000
750 Unknown 0 3354 473 1,000 0,885
2382 Pending Pulling 0 3355 473 1,000 0,000
3106 Friction 0 3356 473 1,000 0,000
3373 0 3357 473 1,000 0,000
4573 Friction / Corrosion 0 3358 474 1,000 0,885
2276 Free gas 0 3359 474 1,000 0,000
2282 Corrosive fluids 0 3360 475 1,000 0,885
Normal or expected
2678 3361 475
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,885 0,000
2941 Operation procedure 1 3362 476 0,999 0,884 0,885
Continuación Tabla 23.
2029 Sand 0 3363 476 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
711 476
wear and tear 1 3364 0,999 0,883 0,000
2295 No Failure 0 3365 477 1,000 0,883
2963 No Failure 0 3366 477 1,000 0,000
3063 Pending Pulling 0 3367 477 1,000 0,000
347 Corrosive fluids 0 3368 478 1,000 0,883
733 Unknown 0 3369 478 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
1140 478
wear and tear 1 3370 0,999 0,883 0,000
2031 No Failure 0 3371 479 1,000 0,883
2083 Corrosive fluids 0 3372 479 1,000 0,000
2552 0 3373 479 1,000 0,000
2634 No Failure 0 3374 479 1,000 0,000
2871 0 3375 480 1,000 0,883
744 Corrosive fluids 0 3376 480 1,000 0,000
745 Friction / Corrosion 0 3377 480 1,000 0,000
2181 0 3378 480 1,000 0,000
2222 Friction 0 3379 481 1,000 0,883
755 Unknown 0 3380 481 1,000 0,000
1193 Unknown 0 3381 482 1,000 0,883
3123 Sand 0 3382 482 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3123 3383 482
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,882 0,000
920 Friction 0 3384 483 1,000 0,882
773 Unknown 0 3385 483 1,000 0,000
2871 Friction 0 3386 483 1,000 0,000
2255 Unknown 0 3387 483 1,000 0,000
334 Fabrication Problem 1 3388 483 0,999 0,881 0,000
2664 0 3389 483 1,000 0,000
2238 0 3390 484 1,000 0,881
Installation Service
2493 3391 484
Rig 1 0,999 0,881 0,000
2494 Operation procedure 1 3392 485 0,999 0,880 0,881
Equipment selection
876 3393 485
- material 0 1,000 0,000
2317 Corrosive fluids 0 3394 485 1,000 0,000
641 Unknown 0 3395 485 1,000 0,000
1054 Sand 0 3396 485 1,000 0,000
3660 0 3397 485 1,000 0,000
1084 Sand 0 3398 486 1,000 0,880
Continuación Tabla 23.
2651 Friction 0 3399 486 1,000 0,000
3119 0 3400 486 1,000 0,000
2402 Corrosive fluids 0 3401 486 1,000 0,000
2942 Corrosive fluids 0 3402 487 1,000 0,880
3118 Unknown 0 3403 487 1,000 0,000
2803 Friction 0 3404 488 1,000 0,880
3403 Unknown 0 3405 488 1,000 0,000
875 0 3406 489 1,000 0,880
2983 Friction 0 3407 490 1,000 0,880
1067 Corrosive fluids 0 3408 491 1,000 0,880
2237 Friction 0 3409 492 1,000 0,880
2296 Friction 0 3410 492 1,000 0,000
3068 Sand 0 3411 492 1,000 0,000
787 No Failure 0 3412 493 1,000 0,880
1877 Corrosive fluids 0 3413 493 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2031 493
wear and tear 1 3414 0,999 0,879 0,000
2042 Friction 0 3415 494 1,000 0,879
3059 0 3416 495 1,000 0,879
Operation of other
3105 3417 496
wells in field 0 1,000 0,879
Normal or expected
3624 496
wear and tear 1 3418 0,999 0,879 0,000
824 No Failure 0 3419 496 1,000 0,000
880 497
monitoring 0 3420 1,000 0,879
1139 Unknown 0 3421 497 1,000 0,000
2317 Unknown 0 3422 498 1,000 0,879
1183 3423 499
monitoring 0 1,000 0,879
1753 Fabrication Problem 1 3424 499 0,999 0,878 0,000
2444 Friction 0 3425 499 1,000 0,000
2803 0 3426 499 1,000 0,000
2810 Operation procedure 1 3427 500 0,999 0,877 0,878
480 Friction / Corrosion 0 3428 500 1,000 0,000
1789 Unknown 0 3429 500 1,000 0,000
641 No Failure 0 3430 500 1,000 0,000
3039 Corrosive fluids 0 3431 500 1,000 0,000
1258 0 3432 500 1,000 0,000
1740 Unknown 0 3433 501 1,000 0,877
2938 Friction 0 3434 501 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
3129 Unknown 0 3435 501 1,000 0,000
3373 Friction 0 3436 501 1,000 0,000
2142 Unknown 0 3437 502 1,000 0,877
2235 Pending Pulling 0 3438 502 1,000 0,000
2258 0 3439 502 1,000 0,000
2381 No Failure 0 3440 502 1,000 0,000
527 Sand 0 3441 502 1,000 0,000
2396 0 3442 502 1,000 0,000
2031 Friction 0 3443 503 1,000 0,877
2095 Corrosive fluids 0 3444 503 1,000 0,000
2256 Unknown 0 3445 504 1,000 0,877
Normal or expected
2142 504
wear and tear 1 3446 0,999 0,877 0,000
Normal or expected
528 3447 504
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,876 0,000
2329 0 3448 504 1,000 0,000
2329 0 3449 505 1,000 0,876
3035 Unknown 0 3450 505 1,000 0,000
1824 Corrosive fluids 0 3451 505 1,000 0,000
2738 0 3452 505 1,000 0,000
723 Pending Pulling 0 3453 505 1,000 0,000
2965 Unknown 0 3454 506 1,000 0,876
1889 Sand 0 3455 506 1,000 0,000
2153 Sand 0 3456 506 1,000 0,000
2210 Unknown 0 3457 507 1,000 0,876
885 Corrosive fluids 0 3458 507 1,000 0,000
1861 Corrosive fluids 0 3459 508 1,000 0,876
2732 Corrosive fluids 0 3460 508 1,000 0,000
196 Corrosive fluids 0 3461 508 1,000 0,000
227 0 3462 509 1,000 0,876
794 Friction 0 3463 509 1,000 0,000
1011 Unknown 0 3464 510 1,000 0,876
1114 Unknown 0 3465 511 1,000 0,876
2071 Sand 0 3466 511 1,000 0,000
2217 Unknown 0 3467 511 1,000 0,000
2047 Sand 0 3468 511 1,000 0,000
2677 Sand 0 3469 512 1,000 0,876
2885 Operation procedure 1 3470 513 0,999 0,875 0,876
2964 Corrosive fluids 0 3471 513 1,000 0,000
1214 Friction 0 3472 514 1,000 0,875
Continuación Tabla 23.
1808 Other 0 3473 515 1,000 0,875
2027 Sand 0 3474 515 1,000 0,000
2520 Sand 0 3475 515 1,000 0,000
2693 Friction 0 3476 516 1,000 0,875
1172 Unknown 0 3477 516 1,000 0,000
2454 Unknown 0 3478 516 1,000 0,000
2459 No Failure 0 3479 516 1,000 0,000
2918 No Failure 0 3480 517 1,000 0,875
711 Unknown 0 3481 517 1,000 0,000
2296 Corrosive fluids 0 3482 517 1,000 0,000
2333 Sand 0 3483 517 1,000 0,000
2509 Fabrication Problem 1 3484 518 0,999 0,874 0,875
Equipment selection
2511 3485 518
- material 0 1,000 0,000
775 Friction 0 3486 518 1,000 0,000
2293 Sand 0 3487 519 1,000 0,874
3077 Friction 0 3488 519 1,000 0,000
2381 Pending Analysis 0 3489 519 1,000 0,000
2066 Sand 0 3490 520 1,000 0,874
1880 0 3491 520 1,000 0,000
1865 Sand 0 3492 520 1,000 0,000
2372 0 3493 521 1,000 0,874
2675 0 3494 521 1,000 0,000
1712 No Failure 0 3495 522 1,000 0,874
256 Sand 0 3496 522 1,000 0,000
1494 Operation procedure 1 3497 522 0,999 0,874 0,000
1563 0 3498 523 1,000 0,874
2520 0 3499 523 1,000 0,000
740 Friction 0 3500 525 1,000 1,747
1035 Corrosive fluids 0 3501 525 1,000 0,000
1170 0 3502 525 1,000 0,000
2446 Friction 0 3503 526 1,000 0,874
2642 Sand 0 3504 527 1,000 0,874
1877 Friction 0 3505 528 1,000 0,874
3059 Corrosive fluids 0 3506 529 1,000 0,874
2433 Unknown 0 3507 530 1,000 0,874
2802 No Failure 0 3508 530 1,000 0,000
3359 Operation procedure 1 3509 531 0,999 0,873 0,874
881 System configuration 1 3510 531 0,999 0,872 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2655 Pending Pulling 0 3511 531 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2912 531
wear and tear 1 3512 0,999 0,871 0,000
141 Unknown 0 3513 532 1,000 0,871
632 No Failure 0 3514 533 1,000 0,871
Operation of other
2059 3515 533
wells in field 0 1,000 0,000
2660 Operation procedure 1 3516 533 0,999 0,871 0,000
2805 Unknown 0 3517 533 1,000 0,000
2097 Sand 0 3518 534 1,000 0,871
Improper data used
2913 3519 534
in design / selection 1 0,999 0,870 0,000
527 Sand 0 3520 534 1,000 0,000
550 No Failure 0 3521 534 1,000 0,000
812 0 3522 535 1,000 0,870
1344 Friction 0 3523 535 1,000 0,000
2098 0 3524 535 1,000 0,000
2121 No Failure 0 3525 536 1,000 0,870
2396 Unknown 0 3526 537 1,000 0,870
2038 Sand 0 3527 537 1,000 0,000
2372 0 3528 538 1,000 0,870
Normal or expected
2916 3529 539
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,869 0,870
1483 Corrosive fluids 0 3530 541 1,000 1,739
2109 Corrosive fluids 0 3531 541 1,000 0,000
3210 Friction 0 3532 541 1,000 0,000
1056 Sand 0 3533 541 1,000 0,000
2071 Corrosive fluids 0 3534 541 1,000 0,000
2674 No Failure 0 3535 541 1,000 0,000
112 Friction / Corrosion 0 3536 542 1,000 0,869
1534 0 3537 542 1,000 0,000
2263 No Failure 0 3538 542 1,000 0,000
2673 Sand 0 3539 543 1,000 0,869
791 Unknown 0 3540 543 1,000 0,000
2803 Sand 0 3541 543 1,000 0,000
1665 Corrosive fluids 0 3542 543 1,000 0,000
2290 Friction 0 3543 543 1,000 0,000
1719 No Failure 0 3544 543 1,000 0,000
2493 No Failure 0 3545 544 1,000 0,869
748 Operation procedure 1 3546 544 0,999 0,869 0,000
2293 0 3547 544 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
256 0 3548 544 1,000 0,000
2825 0 3549 545 1,000 0,869
2271 0 3550 545 1,000 0,000
2399 Corrosive fluids 0 3551 547 1,000 1,737
2423 0 3552 547 1,000 0,000
358 Friction 0 3553 548 1,000 0,869
1636 Sand 0 3554 548 1,000 0,000
2810 Friction 0 3555 548 1,000 0,000
2097 Unknown 0 3556 549 1,000 0,869
2131 Unknown 0 3557 550 1,000 0,869
868 Corrosive fluids 0 3558 551 1,000 0,869
2226 0 3559 551 1,000 0,000
1740 Unknown 0 3560 552 1,000 0,869
1889 Sand 0 3561 552 1,000 0,000
3325 Corrosive fluids 0 3562 553 1,000 0,869
184 0 3563 553 1,000 0,000
2658 Corrosive fluids 0 3564 554 1,000 0,869
2803 0 3565 554 1,000 0,000
724 Unknown 0 3566 556 1,000 1,737
1058 Sand 0 3567 556 1,000 0,000
442 Unknown 0 3568 557 1,000 0,869
1892 0 3569 557 1,000 0,000
639 Corrosive fluids 0 3570 558 1,000 0,869
941 0 3571 558 1,000 0,000
2375 Unknown 0 3572 558 1,000 0,000
3035 Friction 0 3573 559 1,000 0,869
3111 No Failure 0 3574 559 1,000 0,000
3278 Unknown 0 3575 559 1,000 0,000
1064 Friction / Corrosion 0 3576 560 1,000 0,869
2372 No Failure 0 3577 560 1,000 0,000
2804 No Failure 0 3578 560 1,000 0,000
3219 No Failure 0 3579 560 1,000 0,000
2053 Sand 0 3580 561 1,000 0,869
480 Unknown 0 3581 561 1,000 0,000
1482 Corrosive fluids 0 3582 562 1,000 0,869
2052 Unknown 0 3583 562 1,000 0,000
2372 No Failure 0 3584 563 1,000 0,869
3319 Sand 0 3585 563 1,000 0,000
3227 Unknown 0 3586 563 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
1858 0 3587 563 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2530 563
wear and tear 1 3588 0,999 0,868 0,000
2615 0 3589 563 1,000 0,000
2840 Unknown 0 3590 564 1,000 0,868
2283 No Failure 0 3591 564 1,000 0,000
2302 Sand 0 3592 565 1,000 0,868
2838 0 3593 566 1,000 0,868
2182 Friction 0 3594 566 1,000 0,000
2185 No Failure 0 3595 567 1,000 0,868
2327 Friction 0 3596 568 1,000 0,868
2343 Operation procedure 1 3597 569 0,999 0,867 0,868
3389 Friction 0 3598 569 1,000 0,000
3665 0 3599 570 1,000 0,867
1679 Corrosive fluids 0 3600 571 1,000 0,867
2908 Friction 0 3601 571 1,000 0,000
2973 Unknown 0 3602 572 1,000 0,867
1054 0 3603 573 1,000 0,867
2991 0 3604 573 1,000 0,000
2832 Other 0 3605 573 1,000 0,000
2937 0 3606 574 1,000 0,867
3793 Unknown 0 3607 575 1,000 0,867
748 Corrosive fluids 0 3608 575 1,000 0,000
797 Unknown 0 3609 575 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
227 575
wear and tear 1 3610 0,999 0,866 0,000
1168 Sand 0 3611 575 1,000 0,000
2215 No Failure 0 3612 575 1,000 0,000
2804 Scale 0 3613 576 1,000 0,866
1889 Corrosive fluids 0 3614 576 1,000 0,000
2038 0 3615 577 1,000 0,866
1116 Sand 0 3616 578 1,000 0,866
4531 Corrosive fluids 0 3617 579 1,000 0,866
Normal or expected
1110 579
wear and tear 1 3618 0,999 0,865 0,000
2044 0 3619 579 1,000 0,000
1883 Unknown 0 3620 580 1,000 0,865
2066 Other 0 3621 580 1,000 0,000
2796 No Failure 0 3622 580 1,000 0,000
750 Sand 0 3623 582 1,000 1,731
Continuación Tabla 23.
1054 Unknown 0 3624 583 1,000 0,865
Installation Service
2109 3625 583
Rig 1 0,999 0,865 0,000
Normal or expected
2260 583
wear and tear 1 3626 0,999 0,864 0,000
3117 0 3627 584 1,000 0,864
1054 No Failure 0 3628 584 1,000 0,000
2600 Unknown 0 3629 585 1,000 0,864
3055 Other 0 3630 585 1,000 0,000
2136 No Failure 0 3631 586 1,000 0,864
2362 Other 0 3632 586 1,000 0,000
2889 No Failure 0 3633 586 1,000 0,000
2942 Unknown 0 3634 587 1,000 0,864
3789 Unknown 0 3635 588 1,000 0,864
1771 Corrosive fluids 0 3636 588 1,000 0,000
2215 Pending Analysis 0 3637 588 1,000 0,000
1299 No Failure 0 3638 588 1,000 0,000
3209 No Failure 0 3639 589 1,000 0,864
1742 Corrosive fluids 0 3640 589 1,000 0,000
2470 Operation procedure 1 3641 589 0,999 0,863 0,000
Installation Service
2491 589
Rig 1 3642 0,999 0,862 0,000
1771 0 3643 589 1,000 0,000
2032 Friction 0 3644 590 1,000 0,862
164 0 3645 590 1,000 0,000
917 0 3646 592 1,000 1,724
1109 Corrosive fluids 0 3647 592 1,000 0,000
3068 Friction 0 3648 592 1,000 0,000
3241 No Failure 0 3649 592 1,000 0,000
3106 Unknown 0 3650 592 1,000 0,000
1882 Unknown 0 3651 593 1,000 0,862
2902 Friction 0 3652 594 1,000 0,862
2965 Friction 0 3653 594 1,000 0,000
2832 Corrosive fluids 0 3654 596 1,000 1,724
1679 0 3655 598 1,000 1,724
2681 0 3656 598 1,000 0,000
1453 Unknown 0 3657 599 1,000 0,862
Normal or expected
901 600
wear and tear 1 3658 0,999 0,861 0,862
2385 Unknown 0 3659 601 1,000 0,861
926 0 3660 601 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
Normal or expected
1116 3661 602
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,860 0,861
1862 Unknown 0 3662 603 1,000 0,860
2157 Operation procedure 1 3663 603 0,999 0,860 0,000
3048 Sand 0 3664 603 1,000 0,000
748 Sand 0 3665 604 1,000 0,860
1714 Unknown 0 3666 604 1,000 0,000
2148 0 3667 604 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2629 604
wear and tear 1 3668 0,999 0,859 0,000
3219 Corrosive fluids 0 3669 605 1,000 0,859
2095 Sand 0 3670 605 1,000 0,000
2453 No Failure 0 3671 606 1,000 0,859
2973 No Failure 0 3672 606 1,000 0,000
2095 No Failure 0 3673 607 1,000 0,859
2264 Operation procedure 1 3674 608 0,999 0,858 0,859
1009 Sand 0 3675 609 1,000 0,858
2094 Unknown 0 3676 609 1,000 0,000
2024 Fabrication Problem 1 3677 609 0,999 0,857 0,000
3208 0 3678 609 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
3350 3679 610
equipment 1 0,999 0,856 0,857
Installation Service
2548 610
Rig 1 3680 0,999 0,855 0,000
729 Friction 0 3681 610 1,000 0,000
4582 0 3682 610 1,000 0,000
141 0 3683 611 1,000 0,855
2110 Unknown 0 3684 611 1,000 0,000
2250 Unknown 0 3685 611 1,000 0,000
3076 Unknown 0 3686 613 1,000 1,711
1234 Friction / Corrosion 0 3687 613 1,000 0,000
2025 Unknown 0 3688 615 1,000 1,711
2860 Corrosive fluids 0 3689 616 1,000 0,855
2810 Unknown 0 3690 617 1,000 0,855
2053 0 3691 617 1,000 0,000
3107 0 3692 618 1,000 0,855
1057 Sand 0 3693 619 1,000 0,855
2475 Friction 0 3694 619 1,000 0,000
2226 0 3695 619 1,000 0,000
470 No Failure 0 3696 620 1,000 0,855
2071 Friction 0 3697 620 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2889 Sand 0 3698 620 1,000 0,000
2453 Unknown 0 3699 621 1,000 0,855
1809 Corrosive fluids 0 3700 621 1,000 0,000
2080 Sand 0 3701 621 1,000 0,000
2318 0 3702 621 1,000 0,000
1172 0 3703 622 1,000 0,855
2329 Unknown 0 3704 623 1,000 0,855
2066 0 3705 623 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2332 624
wear and tear 1 3706 0,999 0,854 0,855
885 Unknown 0 3707 625 1,000 0,854
Equipment selection
2215 625
- material 0 3708 1,000 0,000
2334 Unknown 0 3709 627 1,000 1,709
387 Corrosive fluids 0 3710 627 1,000 0,000
Installation Service
2550 3711 627
Rig 1 0,999 0,854 0,000
3376 Operation procedure 1 3712 627 0,999 0,853 0,000
1880 Pending Pulling 0 3713 628 1,000 0,853
2058 Sand 0 3714 629 1,000 0,853
2884 Unknown 0 3715 629 1,000 0,000
2148 Unknown 0 3716 629 1,000 0,000
607 Unknown 0 3717 630 1,000 0,853
931 Sand 0 3718 630 1,000 0,000
2384 No Failure 0 3719 632 1,000 1,705
3376 Corrosive fluids 0 3720 632 1,000 0,000
931 Pending Pulling 0 3721 634 1,000 1,705
1727 Friction 0 3722 634 1,000 0,000
2629 No Failure 0 3723 634 1,000 0,000
341 0 3724 634 1,000 0,000
2842 Friction 0 3725 637 1,000 2,558
1654 Pending Analysis 0 3726 637 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2052 3727 637
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,852 0,000
2446 Unknown 0 3728 640 1,000 2,556
Reuse damaged
2441 3729 640
equipment 1 0,999 0,851 0,000
2494 Pending Pulling 0 3730 640 1,000 0,000
3355 Operation procedure 1 3731 641 0,999 0,850 0,851
21 Unknown 0 3732 641 1,000 0,000
218 Friction / Corrosion 0 3733 642 1,000 0,850
Continuación Tabla 23.
1831 Corrosive fluids 0 3734 642 1,000 0,000
318 0 3735 642 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
940 643
wear and tear 1 3736 0,999 0,849 0,850
2838 Friction 0 3737 644 1,000 0,849
2110 No Failure 0 3738 644 1,000 0,000
2890 Friction 0 3739 645 1,000 0,849
772 Other 0 3740 645 1,000 0,000
1858 Corrosive fluids 0 3741 645 1,000 0,000
2990 0 3742 645 1,000 0,000
45 Corrosive fluids 0 3743 645 1,000 0,000
820 Friction 0 3744 646 1,000 0,849
2053 Unknown 0 3745 646 1,000 0,000
2879 Friction 0 3746 647 1,000 0,849
1563 0 3747 647 1,000 0,000
3126 0 3748 648 1,000 0,849
716 Unknown 0 3749 649 1,000 0,849
1114 Unknown 0 3750 649 1,000 0,000
2440 Unknown 0 3751 649 1,000 0,000
3119 Friction 0 3752 650 1,000 0,849
2381 Unknown 0 3753 651 1,000 0,849
868 Friction 0 3754 653 1,000 1,698
1239 Operation procedure 1 3755 653 0,999 0,848 0,000
2931 0 3756 653 1,000 0,000
Operation of other
1877 3757 654
wells in field 0 1,000 0,848
2327 Corrosive fluids 0 3758 654 1,000 0,000
2575 No Failure 0 3759 654 1,000 0,000
4529 0 3760 654 1,000 0,000
2607 Corrosive fluids 0 3761 655 1,000 0,848
1803 No Failure 0 3762 655 1,000 0,000
2108 0 3763 655 1,000 0,000
2149 0 3764 655 1,000 0,000
811 Unknown 0 3765 656 1,000 0,848
1559 No Failure 0 3766 657 1,000 0,848
2071 No Failure 0 3767 657 1,000 0,000
2218 0 3768 657 1,000 0,000
43 Corrosive fluids 0 3769 658 1,000 0,848
910 Friction 0 3770 659 1,000 0,848
3373 Unknown 0 3771 659 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
1483 Pending Pulling 0 3772 659 1,000 0,000
3609 0 3773 659 1,000 0,000
2185 Friction 0 3774 660 1,000 0,848
2881 Unknown 0 3775 660 1,000 0,000
765 Operation procedure 1 3776 662 0,999 0,847 1,697
1047 0 3777 662 1,000 0,000
820 No Failure 0 3778 663 1,000 0,847
1011 Corrosive fluids 0 3779 664 1,000 0,847
2430 Unknown 0 3780 664 1,000 0,000
2444 0 3781 664 1,000 0,000
3638 Sand 0 3782 665 1,000 0,847
296 Friction 0 3783 665 1,000 0,000
3059 Unknown 0 3784 665 1,000 0,000
3633 0 3785 666 1,000 0,847
787 Unknown 0 3786 667 1,000 0,847
923 Unknown 0 3787 668 1,000 0,847
1168 Sand 0 3788 668 1,000 0,000
1239 Unknown 0 3789 669 1,000 0,847
1892 0 3790 669 1,000 0,000
2654 Friction / Corrosion 0 3791 671 1,000 1,695
4544 Pending Pulling 0 3792 671 1,000 0,000
2083 Sand 0 3793 672 1,000 0,847
2418 Operation procedure 1 3794 672 0,999 0,846 0,000
2476 No Failure 0 3795 674 1,000 1,693
2813 No Failure 0 3796 674 1,000 0,000
2838 Low or no inflow 0 3797 675 1,000 0,846
3284 Unknown 0 3798 676 1,000 0,846
3652 Pending Pulling 0 3799 676 1,000 0,000
735 Operation procedure 1 3800 677 0,999 0,845 0,846
1057 Unknown 0 3801 677 1,000 0,000
2889 0 3802 677 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
72 3803 677
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,845 0,000
307 No Failure 0 3804 678 1,000 0,845
1775 Sand 0 3805 678 1,000 0,000
2052 Corrosive fluids 0 3806 678 1,000 0,000
2937 Sand 0 3807 679 1,000 0,845
2852 0 3808 679 1,000 0,000
2623 Sand 0 3809 680 1,000 0,845
Continuación Tabla 23.
2734 Sand 0 3810 680 1,000 0,000
3351 Friction 0 3811 680 1,000 0,000
2305 Sand 0 3812 680 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2032 3813 680
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,844 0,000
3284 Unknown 0 3814 681 1,000 0,844
Improper data used
3287 3815 681
in design / selection 1 0,999 0,843 0,000
2593 Friction 0 3816 681 1,000 0,000
3061 Unknown 0 3817 682 1,000 0,843
Normal or expected
1710 682
wear and tear 1 3818 0,999 0,842 0,000
2052 Pending Pulling 0 3819 683 1,000 0,842
Operation of other
838 683
wells in field 0 3820 1,000 0,000
2065 Unknown 0 3821 683 1,000 0,000
1227 0 3822 684 1,000 0,842
3055 Sand 0 3823 685 1,000 0,842
2137 System configuration 1 3824 688 0,999 0,841 2,525
2222 Unknown 0 3825 689 1,000 0,841
1693 Sand 0 3826 689 1,000 0,000
4585 Corrosive fluids 0 3827 692 1,000 2,522
3109 Unknown 0 3828 692 1,000 0,000
2031 Sand 0 3829 693 1,000 0,841
3419 Unknown 0 3830 694 1,000 0,841
1234 Friction 0 3831 695 1,000 0,841
2551 0 3832 697 1,000 1,681
3126 0 3833 697 1,000 0,000
2057 Unknown 0 3834 698 1,000 0,841
2812 0 3835 698 1,000 0,000
2334 Friction 0 3836 699 1,000 0,841
2853 0 3837 699 1,000 0,000
1011 0 3838 699 1,000 0,000
2038 No Failure 0 3839 700 1,000 0,841
Normal or expected
2042 700
wear and tear 1 3840 0,999 0,840 0,000
2634 No Failure 0 3841 701 1,000 0,840
2842 Corrosive fluids 0 3842 702 1,000 0,840
874 No Failure 0 3843 702 1,000 0,000
2619 0 3844 702 1,000 0,000
511 No Failure 0 3845 703 1,000 0,840
Continuación Tabla 23.
1054 0 3846 704 1,000 0,840
Installation Service
2045 3847 705
Rig 1 0,999 0,839 0,840
3411 No Failure 0 3848 705 1,000 0,000
184 0 3849 705 1,000 0,000
2047 Unknown 0 3850 706 1,000 0,839
3357 0 3851 707 1,000 0,839
1203 Friction 0 3852 707 1,000 0,000
334 Unknown 0 3853 707 1,000 0,000
791 Sand 0 3854 707 1,000 0,000
1183 Operation procedure 1 3855 708 0,999 0,838 0,839
2855 Sand 0 3856 709 1,000 0,838
2368 Unknown 0 3857 709 1,000 0,000
256 No Failure 0 3858 711 1,000 1,675
1216 Corrosive fluids 0 3859 711 1,000 0,000
2461 0 3860 711 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2638 3861 711
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,837 0,000
Normal or expected
1885 711
wear and tear 1 3862 0,999 0,836 0,000
1022 0 3863 712 1,000 0,836
2026 Pending Pulling 0 3864 712 1,000 0,000
941 Friction / Corrosion 0 3865 713 1,000 0,836
2831 Corrosive fluids 0 3866 713 1,000 0,000
3223 No Failure 0 3867 714 1,000 0,836
3764 0 3868 714 1,000 0,000
1891 Friction 0 3869 714 1,000 0,000
2738 No Failure 0 3870 714 1,000 0,000
3112 0 3871 715 1,000 0,836
3759 0 3872 716 1,000 0,836
2361 No Failure 0 3873 716 1,000 0,000
1814 Friction 0 3874 716 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2992 3875 716
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,835 0,000
3142 No Failure 0 3876 717 1,000 0,835
2071 Corrosive fluids 0 3877 718 1,000 0,835
2509 Operation procedure 1 3878 721 0,999 0,834 2,504
Reuse damaged
3434 3879 721
equipment 1 0,999 0,833 0,000
366 0 3880 721 1,000 0,000
2053 No Failure 0 3881 724 1,000 2,498
Continuación Tabla 23.
3411 0 3882 724 1,000 0,000
3785 Well cleanout 0 3883 724 1,000 0,000
2317 No Failure 0 3884 726 1,000 1,665
Normal or expected
2453 3885 726
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,832 0,000
2668 Unknown 0 3886 727 1,000 0,832
3319 Friction 0 3887 727 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3634 727
wear and tear 1 3888 0,999 0,831 0,000
876 Unknown 0 3889 728 1,000 0,831
1214 Unknown 0 3890 728 1,000 0,000
3222 0 3891 728 1,000 0,000
1215 Unknown 0 3892 730 1,000 1,661
2043 Corrosive fluids 0 3893 731 1,000 0,831
1085 Operation procedure 1 3894 732 0,999 0,830 0,831
2446 0 3895 732 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
1636 736
wear and tear 1 3896 0,999 0,828 3,318
2953 Corrosive fluids 0 3897 737 1,000 0,828
2338 0 3898 737 1,000 0,000
3394 Unknown 0 3899 739 1,000 1,657
607 No Failure 0 3900 740 1,000 0,828
745 Friction 0 3901 740 1,000 0,000
1824 Friction 0 3902 740 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3621 3903 740
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,827 0,000
263 Unknown 0 3904 741 1,000 0,827
1349 Unknown 0 3905 741 1,000 0,000
511 Unknown 0 3906 742 1,000 0,827
2396 Corrosive fluids 0 3907 742 1,000 0,000
1742 Unknown 0 3908 743 1,000 0,827
1867 Friction 0 3909 744 1,000 0,827
Normal or expected
2042 744
wear and tear 1 3910 0,999 0,826 0,000
2971 0 3911 744 1,000 0,000
466 Corrosive fluids 0 3912 746 1,000 1,653
2091 No Failure 0 3913 746 1,000 0,000
1064 Friction 0 3914 747 1,000 0,826
3607 Other 0 3915 747 1,000 0,000
371 0 3916 748 1,000 0,826
3756 Corrosive fluids 0 3917 749 1,000 0,826
Continuación Tabla 23.
2083 Sand 0 3918 750 1,000 0,826
2139 No Failure 0 3919 751 1,000 0,826
3858 Sand 0 3920 751 1,000 0,000
2964 Well cleanout 0 3921 753 1,000 1,653
1354 Sand 0 3922 760 1,000 5,785
1697 Sand 0 3923 761 1,000 0,826
294 Sand 0 3924 761 1,000 0,000
2058 Other 0 3925 763 1,000 1,653
2370 Corrosive fluids 0 3926 763 1,000 0,000
1189 Friction 0 3927 764 1,000 0,826
1559 0 3928 764 1,000 0,000
2847 No Failure 0 3929 764 1,000 0,000
264 Corrosive fluids 0 3930 766 1,000 1,653
2141 Unknown 0 3931 767 1,000 0,826
2253 0 3932 767 1,000 0,000
2443 Unknown 0 3933 767 1,000 0,000
2902 No Failure 0 3934 768 1,000 0,826
2924 Unknown 0 3935 770 1,000 1,653
3647 Unknown 0 3936 772 1,000 1,653
1144 0 3937 774 1,000 1,653
1214 Pending Analysis 0 3938 775 1,000 0,826
2834 Sand 0 3939 775 1,000 0,000
1349 0 3940 777 1,000 1,653
Normal or expected
3219 3941 778
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,825 0,826
2332 Pending Pulling 0 3942 778 1,000 0,000
370 Unknown 0 3943 779 1,000 0,825
2748 Sand 0 3944 779 1,000 0,000
2495 0 3945 779 1,000 0,000
2813 0 3946 781 1,000 1,651
2379 No Failure 0 3947 782 1,000 0,825
718 0 3948 783 1,000 0,825
754 Sand 0 3949 785 1,000 1,651
2671 Friction 0 3950 788 1,000 2,476
Improper data used
3396 3951 788
in design / selection 1 0,999 0,824 0,000
2304 Corrosive fluids 0 3952 790 1,000 1,648
2441 0 3953 792 1,000 1,648
2805 No Failure 0 3954 796 1,000 3,297
2451 0 3955 797 1,000 0,824
Continuación Tabla 23.
2161 Corrosive fluids 0 3956 797 1,000 0,000
3717 Sand 0 3957 797 1,000 0,000
451 Corrosive fluids 0 3958 797 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
264 3959 797
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,823 0,000
3387 Unknown 0 3960 798 1,000 0,823
3691 Friction 0 3961 798 1,000 0,000
2157 Sand 0 3962 798 1,000 0,000
86 0 3963 799 1,000 0,823
1679 Sand 0 3964 799 1,000 0,000
2369 No Failure 0 3965 800 1,000 0,823
1213 Friction / Corrosion 0 3966 802 1,000 1,646
528 Well cleanout 0 3967 803 1,000 0,823
532 0 3968 804 1,000 0,823
3129 Corrosive fluids 0 3969 805 1,000 0,823
2840 Other 0 3970 807 1,000 1,646
442 Sand 0 3971 808 1,000 0,823
2131 Unknown 0 3972 809 1,000 0,823
2173 Sand 0 3973 811 1,000 1,646
2345 Sand 0 3974 812 1,000 0,823
2385 Unknown 0 3975 812 1,000 0,000
550 0 3976 815 1,000 2,469
3066 Friction 0 3977 816 1,000 0,823
451 0 3978 816 1,000 0,000
3043 0 3979 819 1,000 2,469
1030 0 3980 821 1,000 1,646
2153 Friction 0 3981 821 1,000 0,000
338 Sand 0 3982 821 1,000 0,000
2164 No Failure 0 3983 824 1,000 2,469
1458 0 3984 824 1,000 0,000
2379 0 3985 824 1,000 0,000
3129 Pending Pulling 0 3986 825 1,000 0,823
2470 0 3987 825 1,000 0,000
2065 Corrosive fluids 0 3988 826 1,000 0,823
2451 Pending Pulling 0 3989 829 1,000 2,469
2077 Unknown 0 3990 830 1,000 0,823
871 Sand 0 3991 830 1,000 0,000
632 0 3992 830 1,000 0,000
1775 Unknown 0 3993 831 1,000 0,823
Continuación Tabla 23.
1881 Unknown 0 3994 832 1,000 0,823
Installation Service
2461 3995 832
Rig 1 0,999 0,822 0,000
2228 Unknown 0 3996 832 1,000 0,000
2110 0 3997 832 1,000 0,000
632 Unknown 0 3998 835 1,000 2,466
745 Unknown 0 3999 838 1,000 2,466
562 Corrosive fluids 0 4000 840 1,000 1,644
907 Sand 0 4001 841 1,000 0,822
189 Pending Pulling 0 4002 841 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
907 4003 842
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,821 0,822
2767 Operation procedure 1 4004 842 0,999 0,819 0,000
716 Corrosive fluids 0 4005 843 1,000 0,819
3042 No Failure 0 4006 843 1,000 0,000
791 No Failure 0 4007 843 1,000 0,000
2092 Friction 0 4008 844 1,000 0,819
1861 Sand 0 4009 851 1,000 5,736
2629 Friction 0 4010 854 1,000 2,458
2030 Unknown 0 4011 855 1,000 0,819
Normal or expected
3116 855
wear and tear 1 4012 0,999 0,818 0,000
3247 Corrosive fluids 0 4013 856 1,000 0,818
Normal or expected
4534 856
wear and tear 1 4014 0,999 0,817 0,000
2012 0 4015 858 1,000 1,634
1157 No Failure 0 4016 858 1,000 0,000
2318 Unknown 0 4017 859 1,000 0,817
2080 0 4018 860 1,000 0,817
2052 0 4019 860 1,000 0,000
Operation of other
865 862
wells in field 0 4020 1,000 1,634
Normal or expected
1183 4021 863
wear and tear 1 0,999 0,816 0,817
2253 Unknown 0 4022 865 1,000 1,632
2368 Corrosive fluids 0 4023 868 1,000 2,448
2038 0 4024 868 1,000 0,000
735 Friction 0 4025 869 1,000 0,816
2381 Operation procedure 1 4026 869 0,999 0,815 0,000
2305 No Failure 0 4027 870 1,000 0,815
773 Corrosive fluids 0 4028 871 1,000 0,815
918 Corrosive fluids 0 4029 872 1,000 0,815
Continuación Tabla 23.
2394 Sand 0 4030 873 1,000 0,815
1563 No Failure 0 4031 873 1,000 0,000
723 Sand 0 4032 874 1,000 0,815
2613 Friction 0 4033 876 1,000 1,629
Normal or expected
2013 878
wear and tear 1 4034 0,998 0,813 1,629
837 Scale 0 4035 879 1,000 0,813
Normal or expected
612 879
wear and tear 1 4036 0,998 0,812 0,000
3351 Unknown 0 4037 881 1,000 1,624
865 Pending Analysis 0 4038 882 1,000 0,812
2260 Friction 0 4039 883 1,000 0,812
3287 Unknown 0 4040 885 1,000 1,624
2476 Friction 0 4041 885 1,000 0,000
3109 Sand 0 4042 885 1,000 0,000
2329 Operation procedure 1 4043 887 0,998 0,811 1,624
3748 0 4044 887 1,000 0,000
2379 Unknown 0 4045 888 1,000 0,811
860 Pending Pulling 0 4046 890 1,000 1,622
764 Friction 0 4047 891 1,000 0,811
2998 Scale 0 4048 891 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2438 4049 892
wear and tear 1 0,998 0,810 0,811
3033 Unknown 0 4050 896 1,000 3,239
1204 0 4051 896 1,000 0,000
2098 Friction 0 4052 900 1,000 3,239
2019 0 4053 901 1,000 0,810
3222 Friction / Corrosion 0 4054 902 1,000 0,810
Normal or expected
3792 4055 902
wear and tear 1 0,998 0,808 0,000
4584 No Failure 0 4056 903 1,000 0,808
3117 0 4057 905 1,000 1,617
1795 Friction 0 4058 906 1,000 0,808
716 Pending Pulling 0 4059 907 1,000 0,808
527 0 4060 910 1,000 2,425
724 0 4061 910 1,000 0,000
876 Unknown 0 4062 911 1,000 0,808
3342 Sand 0 4063 913 1,000 1,617
Installation - Field
745 914
Service 1 4064 0,998 0,807 0,808
3063 Drilling Project 1 4065 914 0,998 0,806 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
2916 Sand 0 4066 918 1,000 3,223
3225 Unknown 0 4067 920 1,000 1,612
2988 0 4068 920 1,000 0,000
865 0 4069 922 1,000 1,612
3719 No Failure 0 4070 925 1,000 2,417
3065 No Failure 0 4071 925 1,000 0,000
3214 0 4072 926 1,000 0,806
744 No Failure 0 4073 927 1,000 0,806
Normal or expected
3744 928
wear and tear 1 4074 0,998 0,804 0,806
1892 Sand 0 4075 929 1,000 0,804
3651 Friction / Corrosion 0 4076 930 1,000 0,804
307 No Failure 0 4077 930 1,000 0,000
2221 Unknown 0 4078 932 1,000 1,609
Normal or expected
3033 4079 933
wear and tear 1 0,998 0,803 0,804
3209 0 4080 934 1,000 0,803
Normal or expected
1064 4081 939
wear and tear 1 0,998 0,802 4,016
2148 0 4082 939 1,000 0,000
2738 0 4083 941 1,000 1,604
2314 0 4084 943 1,000 1,604
3107 Corrosive fluids 0 4085 945 1,000 1,604
3354 Unknown 0 4086 945 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
1002 4087 945
wear and tear 1 0,998 0,801 0,000
2651 Friction 0 4088 947 1,000 1,601
3410 0 4089 949 1,000 1,601
1114 Other 0 4090 950 1,000 0,801
1120 0 4091 950 1,000 0,000
2746 Sand 0 4092 951 1,000 0,801
2255 0 4093 951 1,000 0,000
3301 Corrosive fluids 0 4094 951 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2112 4095 951
wear and tear 1 0,998 0,799 0,000
2302 Sand 0 4096 952 1,000 0,799
3057 No Failure 0 4097 953 1,000 0,799
2399 0 4098 953 1,000 0,000
3346 Friction / Corrosion 0 4099 954 1,000 0,799
2318 No Failure 0 4100 954 1,000 0,000
2452 No Failure 0 4101 954 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
1349 Unknown 0 4102 956 1,000 1,598
3337 Corrosive fluids 0 4103 956 1,000 0,000
3631 Sand 0 4104 956 1,000 0,000
2362 No Failure 0 4105 957 1,000 0,799
Normal or expected
2393 960
wear and tear 1 4106 0,998 0,798 2,398
765 0 4107 961 1,000 0,798
1157 Sand 0 4108 961 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
1861 4109 961
wear and tear 1 0,998 0,796 0,000
3000 Corrosive fluids 0 4110 962 1,000 0,796
2332 No Failure 0 4111 962 1,000 0,000
2470 0 4112 965 1,000 2,389
Normal or expected
190 4113 966
wear and tear 1 0,998 0,795 0,796
2427 Corrosive fluids 0 4114 967 1,000 0,795
Normal or expected
2361 4115 969
wear and tear 1 0,998 0,794 1,590
2466 0 4116 969 1,000 0,000
3269 0 4117 974 1,000 3,969
3071 0 4118 974 1,000 0,000
2394 0 4119 975 1,000 0,794
775 Unknown 0 4120 978 1,000 2,381
1189 Operation procedure 1 4121 978 0,998 0,792 0,000
3230 Unknown 0 4122 978 1,000 0,000
296 Sand 0 4123 979 1,000 0,792
3208 Corrosive fluids 0 4124 979 1,000 0,000
2106 0 4125 982 1,000 2,377
2218 0 4126 982 1,000 0,000
2980 Operation procedure 1 4127 983 0,998 0,791 0,792
476 No Failure 0 4128 984 1,000 0,791
2088 0 4129 986 1,000 1,582
3372 0 4130 986 1,000 0,000
652 0 4131 988 1,000 1,582
2369 Pending Pulling 0 4132 988 1,000 0,000
943 Friction 0 4133 990 1,000 1,582
2251 0 4134 990 1,000 0,000
1871 0 4135 991 1,000 0,791
466 Unknown 0 4136 994 1,000 2,373
1120 0 4137 997 1,000 2,373
147 Unknown 0 4138 997 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
750 Friction 0 4139 999 1,000 1,582
2476 0 4140 999 1,000 0,000
1189 0 4141 999 1,000 0,000
1057 No Failure 0 4142 1002 1,000 2,373
2109 Sand 0 4143 1003 1,000 0,791
2305 No Failure 0 4144 1004 1,000 0,791
259 Corrosive fluids 0 4145 1006 1,000 1,582
1239 Friction / Corrosion 0 4146 1006 1,000 0,000
2375 Unknown 0 4147 1007 1,000 0,791
168 No Failure 0 4148 1011 1,000 3,164
1831 Unknown 0 4149 1012 1,000 0,791
1878 0 4150 1013 1,000 0,791
2375 0 4151 1013 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2758 1014
wear and tear 1 4152 0,998 0,789 0,791
3350 Free gas 0 4153 1014 1,000 0,000
748 Other 0 4154 1014 1,000 0,000
563 Unknown 0 4155 1015 1,000 0,789
2250 Unknown 0 4156 1017 1,000 1,579
Operation of other
1052 4157 1017
wells in field 0 1,000 0,000
2198 0 4158 1019 1,000 1,579
4533 0 4159 1020 1,000 0,789
387 Unknown 0 4160 1020 1,000 0,000
2619 0 4161 1020 1,000 0,000
3313 0 4162 1021 1,000 0,789
3356 Unknown 0 4163 1025 1,000 3,158
2149 Friction 0 4164 1026 1,000 0,789
2593 Unknown 0 4165 1027 1,000 0,789
772 Unknown 0 4166 1028 1,000 0,789
1482 0 4167 1029 1,000 0,789
550 0 4168 1033 1,000 3,158
2295 No Failure 0 4169 1033 1,000 0,000
1172 0 4170 1033 1,000 0,000
2749 0 4171 1034 1,000 0,789
612 Corrosive fluids 0 4172 1036 1,000 1,579
2598 Unknown 0 4173 1037 1,000 0,789
1481 Unknown 0 4174 1040 1,000 2,368
Normal or expected
885 4175 1041
wear and tear 1 0,998 0,788 0,789
Continuación Tabla 23.
2650 0 4176 1041 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2324 4177 1042
wear and tear 1 0,998 0,786 0,788
2360 Sand 0 4178 1043 1,000 0,786
3274 Unknown 0 4179 1043 1,000 0,000
2414 Unknown 0 4180 1048 1,000 3,932
Normal or expected
1226 4181 1050
wear and tear 1 0,998 0,785 1,573
2069 Sand 0 4182 1050 1,000 0,000
259 0 4183 1054 1,000 3,140
1866 Other 0 4184 1054 1,000 0,000
2029 Friction 0 4185 1055 1,000 0,785
1028 Friction 0 4186 1061 1,000 4,709
3048 No Failure 0 4187 1068 1,000 5,494
1215 Corrosive fluids 0 4188 1069 1,000 0,785
2327 Friction / Corrosion 0 4189 1071 1,000 1,570
2995 0 4190 1071 1,000 0,000
302 Unknown 0 4191 1072 1,000 0,785
259 Friction / Corrosion 0 4192 1075 1,000 2,355
316 Unknown 0 4193 1075 1,000 0,000
3061 Sand 0 4194 1079 1,000 3,140
2628 Corrosive fluids 0 4195 1080 1,000 0,785
167 0 4196 1082 1,000 1,570
1883 0 4197 1082 1,000 0,000
2086 0 4198 1084 1,000 1,570
2389 0 4199 1086 1,000 1,570
1409 Sand 0 4200 1088 1,000 1,570
1891 Corrosive fluids 0 4201 1089 1,000 0,785
2743 No Failure 0 4202 1091 1,000 1,570
195 Sand 0 4203 1092 1,000 0,785
1030 0 4204 1094 1,000 1,570
1230 Friction 0 4205 1095 1,000 0,785
1656 Corrosive fluids 0 4206 1098 1,000 2,355
2314 Friction 0 4207 1099 1,000 0,785
2341 0 4208 1101 1,000 1,570
1265 0 4209 1101 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2347 1103
wear and tear 1 4210 0,998 0,783 1,570
2640 Operation procedure 1 4211 1103 0,998 0,782 0,000
2679 Sand 0 4212 1104 1,000 0,782
Continuación Tabla 23.
2832 Unknown 0 4213 1104 1,000 0,000
659 Unknown 0 4214 1104 1,000 0,000
1719 Corrosive fluids 0 4215 1104 1,000 0,000
2433 Sand 0 4216 1108 1,000 3,127
2834 0 4217 1111 1,000 2,345
2406 0 4218 1112 1,000 0,782
2628 Corrosive fluids 0 4219 1114 1,000 1,563
1216 0 4220 1114 1,000 0,000
2877 Corrosive fluids 0 4221 1117 1,000 2,345
856 0 4222 1117 1,000 0,000
920 Unknown 0 4223 1117 1,000 0,000
2043 0 4224 1118 1,000 0,782
2457 0 4225 1118 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
3120 1119
wear and tear 1 4226 0,998 0,780 0,782
1563 Sand 0 4227 1123 1,000 3,120
1203 No Failure 0 4228 1127 1,000 3,120
935 0 4229 1128 1,000 0,780
3248 Unknown 0 4230 1133 1,000 3,900
Reuse damaged
3214 4231 1133
equipment 1 0,998 0,778 0,000
754 Unknown 0 4232 1135 1,000 1,557
1135 0 4233 1137 1,000 1,557
3118 Unknown 0 4234 1139 1,000 1,557
3278 No Failure 0 4235 1141 1,000 1,557
Normal or expected
54 1142
wear and tear 1 4236 0,998 0,777 0,778
3348 Pending Pulling 0 4237 1142 1,000 0,000
1775 0 4238 1146 1,000 3,106
1803 Corrosive fluids 0 4239 1147 1,000 0,777
2912 0 4240 1151 1,000 3,106
Normal or expected
1183 4241 1152
wear and tear 1 0,998 0,775 0,777
509 Corrosive fluids 0 4242 1153 1,000 0,775
2406 No Failure 0 4243 1153 1,000 0,000
3041 Unknown 0 4244 1155 1,000 1,550
1258 No Failure 0 4245 1157 1,000 1,550
3124 Friction 0 4246 1157 1,000 0,000
2382 Unknown 0 4247 1160 1,000 2,325
617 Pending Pulling 0 4248 1160 1,000 0,000
2669 0 4249 1161 1,000 0,775
Continuación Tabla 23.
1234 Friction 0 4250 1161 1,000 0,000
342 Corrosive fluids 0 4251 1161 1,000 0,000
3421 0 4252 1163 1,000 1,550
1655 0 4253 1166 1,000 2,325
2347 No Failure 0 4254 1167 1,000 0,775
1056 0 4255 1169 1,000 1,550
466 Unknown 0 4256 1172 1,000 2,325
Normal or expected
2358 4257 1173
wear and tear 1 0,998 0,773 0,775
918 No Failure 0 4258 1176 1,000 2,319
178 Pending Analysis 0 4259 1177 1,000 0,773
2913 Pending Pulling 0 4260 1177 1,000 0,000
3215 No Failure 0 4261 1179 1,000 1,546
3243 No Failure 0 4262 1182 1,000 2,319
Normal or expected
2615 4263 1183
wear and tear 1 0,998 0,771 0,773
1234 0 4264 1185 1,000 1,543
112 0 4265 1187 1,000 1,543
341 Unknown 0 4266 1190 1,000 2,314
1036 0 4267 1192 1,000 1,543
1866 Sand 0 4268 1199 1,000 5,399
2338 Corrosive fluids 0 4269 1199 1,000 0,000
3671 Pending Pulling 0 4270 1201 1,000 1,543
2442 0 4271 1203 1,000 1,543
723 Friction / Corrosion 0 4272 1206 1,000 2,314
976 0 4273 1208 1,000 1,543
2328 0 4274 1209 1,000 0,771
2034 Sand 0 4275 1211 1,000 1,543
2684 0 4276 1212 1,000 0,771
Normal or expected
54 4277 1213
wear and tear 1 0,998 0,769 0,771
1206 Unknown 0 4278 1217 1,000 3,078
1714 Corrosive fluids 0 4279 1217 1,000 0,000
2491 0 4280 1219 1,000 1,539
1022 0 4281 1220 1,000 0,769
1227 Friction 0 4282 1223 1,000 2,308
3292 Friction / Corrosion 0 4283 1223 1,000 0,000
1168 Friction 0 4284 1224 1,000 0,769
1831 Unknown 0 4285 1224 1,000 0,000
772 Pending Analysis 0 4286 1225 1,000 0,769
Continuación Tabla 23.
555 0 4287 1225 1,000 0,000
3711 Unknown 0 4288 1226 1,000 0,769
1479 Unknown 0 4289 1227 1,000 0,769
2083 0 4290 1228 1,000 0,769
2673 Operation procedure 1 4291 1230 0,998 0,768 1,539
3204 Corrosive fluids 0 4292 1231 1,000 0,768
2640 Unknown 0 4293 1231 1,000 0,000
1716 Unknown 0 4294 1232 1,000 0,768
256 Scale 0 4295 1232 1,000 0,000
1085 0 4296 1232 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
2837 4297 1234
wear and tear 1 0,997 0,766 1,535
2641 Corrosive fluids 0 4298 1236 1,000 1,531
370 Well cleanout 0 4299 1241 1,000 3,828
2338 0 4300 1243 1,000 1,531
923 0 4301 1246 1,000 2,297
3763 Sand 0 4302 1247 1,000 0,766
652 Unknown 0 4303 1248 1,000 0,766
3796 Sand 0 4304 1249 1,000 0,766
Normal or expected
2398 4305 1250
wear and tear 1 0,997 0,764 0,766
1084 0 4306 1251 1,000 0,764
2343 Operation procedure 1 4307 1252 0,997 0,762 0,764
3432 Sand 0 4308 1254 1,000 1,523
528 Friction 0 4309 1259 1,000 3,808
2092 Pending Pulling 0 4310 1265 1,000 4,570
1716 Sand 0 4311 1268 1,000 2,285
2748 Unknown 0 4312 1274 1,000 4,570
3125 0 4313 1279 1,000 3,808
2466 Scale 0 4314 1280 1,000 0,762
2388 Pending Pulling 0 4315 1280 1,000 0,000
2341 0 4316 1285 1,000 3,808
1315 Friction 0 4317 1287 1,000 1,523
1575 Unknown 0 4318 1288 1,000 0,762
2121 Friction 0 4319 1289 1,000 0,762
1482 0 4320 1290 1,000 0,762
876 Unknown 0 4321 1291 1,000 0,762
1110 Unknown 0 4322 1291 1,000 0,000
1655 Unknown 0 4323 1293 1,000 1,523
3321 No Failure 0 4324 1295 1,000 1,523
Continuación Tabla 23.
3686 No Failure 0 4325 1298 1,000 2,285
Normal or expected
2495 1299
wear and tear 1 4326 0,997 0,760 0,762
617 Unknown 0 4327 1299 1,000 0,000
1119 Unknown 0 4328 1304 1,000 3,798
3211 Corrosive fluids 0 4329 1311 1,000 5,317
1727 Friction 0 4330 1321 1,000 7,596
2389 0 4331 1322 1,000 0,760
2324 Unknown 0 4332 1324 1,000 1,519
901 0 4333 1327 1,000 2,279
1866 0 4334 1329 1,000 1,519
3000 Corrosive fluids 0 4335 1333 1,000 3,038
2106 Unknown 0 4336 1335 1,000 1,519
758 Friction / Corrosion 0 4337 1338 1,000 2,279
797 Corrosive fluids 0 4338 1338 1,000 0,000
1803 Unknown 0 4339 1340 1,000 1,519
578 Sand 0 4340 1340 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
578 4341 1342
wear and tear 1 0,997 0,757 1,519
190 No Failure 0 4342 1346 1,000 3,030
1827 Unknown 0 4343 1351 1,000 3,787
Normal or expected
2528 1354
wear and tear 1 4344 0,997 0,755 2,272
2124 0 4345 1354 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
1839 1361
wear and tear 1 4346 0,997 0,753 5,287
2790 Pending Pulling 0 4347 1363 1,000 1,506
2554 Unknown 0 4348 1364 1,000 0,753
3374 No Failure 0 4349 1364 1,000 0,000
976 Friction 0 4350 1366 1,000 1,506
Normal or expected
2459 4351 1367
wear and tear 1 0,997 0,751 0,753
2971 0 4352 1382 1,000 11,263
2548 0 4353 1387 1,000 3,754
3701 Unknown 0 4354 1389 1,000 1,502
3210 Friction 0 4355 1389 1,000 0,000
875 Unknown 0 4356 1389 1,000 0,000
511 0 4357 1394 1,000 3,754
3220 Sand 0 4358 1394 1,000 0,000
2674 No Failure 0 4359 1403 1,000 6,758
2385 0 4360 1403 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
Normal or expected
3389 4361 1403
wear and tear 1 0,997 0,749 0,000
3201 No Failure 0 4362 1406 1,000 2,246
Normal or expected
3379 4363 1408
wear and tear 1 0,997 0,746 1,497
2370 No Failure 0 4364 1410 1,000 1,493
1169 No Failure 0 4365 1414 1,000 2,985
944 0 4366 1415 1,000 0,746
263 Unknown 0 4367 1416 1,000 0,746
1795 0 4368 1418 1,000 1,493
3310 0 4369 1419 1,000 0,746
Normal or expected
3320 1423
wear and tear 1 4370 0,997 0,744 2,985
2642 Operation procedure 1 4371 1425 0,997 0,742 1,488
687 0 4372 1425 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
195 4373 1426
equipment 1 0,997 0,739 0,742
3328 No Failure 0 4374 1426 1,000 0,000
2894 Unknown 0 4375 1427 1,000 0,739
1318 Unknown 0 4376 1429 1,000 1,479
561 0 4377 1441 1,000 8,873
984 0 4378 1445 1,000 2,958
1862 Unknown 0 4379 1458 1,000 9,612
3360 0 4380 1460 1,000 1,479
1073 0 4381 1463 1,000 2,218
3685 Corrosive fluids 0 4382 1464 1,000 0,739
2613 Friction / Corrosion 0 4383 1468 1,000 2,958
Improper data used
3206 1469
in design / selection 1 4384 0,997 0,737 0,739
2393 Pending Pulling 0 4385 1474 1,000 3,685
3302 Friction / Corrosion 0 4386 1475 1,000 0,737
910 Unknown 0 4387 1479 1,000 2,948
1176 No Failure 0 4388 1480 1,000 0,737
1885 No Failure 0 4389 1488 1,000 5,896
Normal or expected
2027 1491
wear and tear 1 4390 0,997 0,735 2,211
3203 Corrosive fluids 0 4391 1497 1,000 4,407
3127 Pending Pulling 0 4392 1498 1,000 0,735
3037 Corrosive fluids 0 4393 1499 1,000 0,735
2805 0 4394 1504 1,000 3,673
1258 0 4395 1514 1,000 7,346
561 0 4396 1519 1,000 3,673
Continuación Tabla 23.
2790 0 4397 1526 1,000 5,142
787 Friction 0 4398 1529 1,000 2,204
2413 Sand 0 4399 1532 1,000 2,204
844 0 4400 1534 1,000 1,469
2969 0 4401 1536 1,000 1,469
783 0 4402 1537 1,000 0,735
2032 No Failure 0 4403 1542 1,000 3,673
718 0 4404 1555 1,000 9,549
3306 No Failure 0 4405 1556 1,000 0,735
3311 Pending Pulling 0 4406 1558 1,000 1,469
2132 Corrosive fluids 0 4407 1559 1,000 0,735
1742 Friction 0 4408 1560 1,000 0,735
294 0 4409 1560 1,000 0,000
1772 Unknown 0 4410 1577 1,000 12,488
2467 Corrosive fluids 0 4411 1584 1,000 5,142
3067 0 4412 1586 1,000 1,469
875 Quality Control 0 4413 1588 1,000 1,469
926 Operation procedure 1 4414 1590 0,996 0,732 1,469
1839 Scale 0 4415 1594 1,000 2,928
Normal or expected
2119 1608
wear and tear 1 4416 0,996 0,729 10,247
129 Unknown 0 4417 1612 1,000 2,917
3002 Unknown 0 4418 1616 1,000 2,917
1030 Corrosive fluids 0 4419 1622 1,000 4,376
884 0 4420 1627 1,000 3,646
2464 Pending Pulling 0 4421 1640 1,000 9,481
1152 Unknown 0 4422 1653 1,000 9,481
2254 0 4423 1655 1,000 1,459
1780 Corrosive fluids 0 4424 1658 1,000 2,188
1686 No Failure 0 4425 1658 1,000 0,000
555 Corrosive fluids 0 4426 1667 1,000 6,564
2734 Unknown 0 4427 1671 1,000 2,917
855 No Failure 0 4428 1673 1,000 1,459
2248 Unknown 0 4429 1676 1,000 2,188
2088 Unknown 0 4430 1677 1,000 0,729
563 Friction 0 4431 1677 1,000 0,000
1824 Unknown 0 4432 1678 1,000 0,729
296 Corrosive fluids 0 4433 1678 1,000 0,000
607 No Failure 0 4434 1683 1,000 3,646
Continuación Tabla 23.
1109 Friction 0 4435 1691 1,000 5,834
1215 No Failure 0 4436 1691 1,000 0,000
Improper data used
1483 4437 1695
in design / selection 1 0,996 0,726 2,917
1002 Corrosive fluids 0 4438 1695 1,000 0,000
3212 No Failure 0 4439 1702 1,000 5,085
1481 Unknown 0 4440 1706 1,000 2,906
1058 Corrosive fluids 0 4441 1713 1,000 5,085
2181 Unknown 0 4442 1719 1,000 4,359
2367 Unknown 0 4443 1720 1,000 0,726
1710 Friction 0 4444 1726 1,000 4,359
1789 No Failure 0 4445 1727 1,000 0,726
Operation of other
2060 1734
wells in field 0 4446 1,000 5,085
1771 Corrosive fluids 0 4447 1744 1,000 7,264
761 Sand 0 4448 1755 1,000 7,991
1329 Sand 0 4449 1760 1,000 3,632
2024 0 4450 1768 1,000 5,811
370 Unknown 0 4451 1774 1,000 4,359
86 Corrosive fluids 0 4452 1775 1,000 0,726
Normal or expected
2890 4453 1787
wear and tear 1 0,996 0,723 8,717
855 Unknown 0 4454 1787 1,000 0,000
153 Friction 0 4455 1794 1,000 5,064
419 No Failure 0 4456 1796 1,000 1,447
1453 Unknown 0 4457 1801 1,000 3,617
1851 Sand 0 4458 1801 1,000 0,000
1722 Corrosive fluids 0 4459 1801 1,000 0,000
2742 Sand 0 4460 1806 1,000 3,617
1697 Unknown 0 4461 1812 1,000 4,340
976 Operation procedure 1 4462 1817 0,996 0,720 3,617
2331 Sand 0 4463 1818 1,000 0,720
2118 Sand 0 4464 1819 1,000 0,720
881 Sand 0 4465 1845 1,000 18,727
Operation of other
316 1857
wells in field 0 4466 1,000 8,643
2025 Unknown 0 4467 1860 1,000 2,161
1654 Sand 0 4468 1869 1,000 6,482
1780 Unknown 0 4469 1872 1,000 2,161
2460 Unknown 0 4470 1872 1,000 0,000
302 0 4471 1877 1,000 3,601
Continuación Tabla 23.
2454 Corrosive fluids 0 4472 1882 1,000 3,601
1712 Sand 0 4473 1889 1,000 5,042
Normal or expected
532 1898
wear and tear 1 4474 0,995 0,717 6,482
1882 Corrosive fluids 0 4475 1904 1,000 4,302
338 0 4476 1911 1,000 5,019
Normal or expected
917 4477 1916
wear and tear 1 0,995 0,714 3,585
Normal or expected
1809 1920
wear and tear 1 4478 0,995 0,710 2,855
754 No Failure 0 4479 1925 1,000 3,552
Normal or expected
812 1929
wear and tear 1 4480 0,995 0,707 2,841
251 Friction 0 4481 1931 1,000 1,414
Normal or expected
1534 1935
wear and tear 1 4482 0,995 0,704 2,828
881 Corrosive fluids 0 4483 1939 1,000 2,815
1144 0 4484 1949 1,000 7,037
1885 No Failure 0 4485 1950 1,000 0,704
758 No Failure 0 4486 1950 1,000 0,000
2443 Unknown 0 4487 1956 1,000 4,222
2833 No Failure 0 4488 1957 1,000 0,704
Normal or expected
3218 4489 1965
wear and tear 1 0,995 0,700 5,629
2304 No Failure 0 4490 1965 1,000 0,000
1170 Friction / Corrosion 0 4491 1969 1,000 2,801
3217 Unknown 0 4492 1970 1,000 0,700
1213 0 4493 1977 1,000 4,901
1244 Corrosive fluids 0 4494 1978 1,000 0,700
1808 Corrosive fluids 0 4495 1984 1,000 4,201
227 Unknown 0 4496 1988 1,000 2,801
1266 0 4497 1990 1,000 1,400
882 Unknown 0 4498 1992 1,000 1,400
1792 Unknown 0 4499 2001 1,000 6,302
2384 Operation procedure 1 4500 2004 0,995 0,697 2,101
1176 Corrosive fluids 0 4501 2006 1,000 1,393
1863 Unknown 0 4502 2008 1,000 1,393
1070 Friction 0 4503 2026 1,000 12,539
1644 Unknown 0 4504 2046 1,000 13,932
1878 Unknown 0 4505 2063 1,000 11,842
2623 Unknown 0 4506 2065 1,000 1,393
358 Unknown 0 4507 2065 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 23.
496 Pending Analysis 0 4508 2067 1,000 1,393
2440 0 4509 2069 1,000 1,393
2055 0 4510 2070 1,000 0,697
Normal or expected
1226 4511 2074
wear and tear 1 0,995 0,693 2,786
1329 0 4512 2074 1,000 0,000
3353 0 4513 2074 1,000 0,000
761 Operation procedure 1 4514 2079 0,994 0,689 3,464
1152 No Failure 0 4515 2081 1,000 1,378
903 Sand 0 4516 2083 1,000 1,378
496 Sand 0 4517 2085 1,000 1,378
874 0 4518 2088 1,000 2,067
Improper data used
2034 4519 2088
in design / selection 1 0,994 0,685 0,000
1528 Friction / Corrosion 0 4520 2095 1,000 4,795
1793 0 4521 2097 1,000 1,370
231 0 4522 2098 1,000 0,685
2345 Unknown 0 4523 2099 1,000 0,685
Equipment selection
1254 2103
- material 0 4524 1,000 2,740
306 0 4525 2112 1,000 6,164
2744 Corrosive fluids 0 4526 2115 1,000 2,055
3101 Unknown 0 4527 2121 1,000 4,110
2750 Friction / Corrosion 0 4528 2123 1,000 1,370
183 0 4529 2140 1,000 11,644
1816 Pending Pulling 0 4530 2150 1,000 6,849
3104 No Failure 0 4531 2166 1,000 10,959
562 Pending Analysis 0 4532 2167 1,000 0,685
476 Corrosive fluids 0 4533 2169 1,000 1,370
1656 Unknown 0 4534 2175 1,000 4,110
1028 0 4535 2177 1,000 1,370
589 No Failure 0 4536 2178 1,000 0,685
2026 Sand 0 4537 2178 1,000 0,000
Normal or expected
1575 2184
wear and tear 1 4538 0,994 0,681 4,110
710 Unknown 0 4539 2192 1,000 5,444
860 0 4540 2197 1,000 3,403
2356 0 4541 2199 1,000 1,361
Normal or expected
859 2203
wear and tear 1 4542 0,993 0,676 2,722
871 0 4543 2207 1,000 2,704
Continuación Tabla 23.
838 Low or no inflow 0 4544 2207 1,000 0,000
Installation Service
515 4545 2210
Rig 1 0,993 0,671 2,028
2402 Unknown 0 4546 2212 1,000 1,343
2122 0 4547 2212 1,000 0,000
943 Unknown 0 4548 2213 1,000 0,671
2136 Unknown 0 4549 2231 1,000 12,086
1206 Corrosive fluids 0 4550 2231 1,000 0,000
2499 Friction 0 4551 2234 1,000 2,014
2496 Other 0 4552 2243 1,000 6,043
1204 Operation procedure 1 4553 2252 0,993 0,667 6,043
1045 Unknown 0 4554 2295 1,000 28,666
Installation Service
2104 4555 2296
Rig 1 0,993 0,662 0,667
2972 Sand 0 4556 2302 1,000 3,971
2077 No Failure 0 4557 2314 1,000 7,942
1039 Unknown 0 4558 2368 1,000 35,738
1508 Unknown 0 4559 2379 1,000 7,280
1489 Corrosive fluids 0 4560 2399 1,000 13,236
1559 Friction 0 4561 2412 1,000 8,604
1719 Sand 0 4562 2426 1,000 9,265
1753 No Failure 0 4563 2454 1,000 18,531
1799 Corrosive fluids 0 4564 2504 1,000 33,090
1200 0 4565 2515 1,000 7,280
1697 0 4566 2519 1,000 2,647
856 Corrosive fluids 0 4567 2522 1,000 1,985
1193 Unknown 0 4568 2525 1,000 1,985
1878 Corrosive fluids 0 4569 2551 1,000 17,207
2075 Corrosive fluids 0 4570 2563 1,000 7,942
1479 Sand 0 4571 2569 1,000 3,971
1284 Sand 0 4572 2570 1,000 0,662
935 Friction 0 4573 2587 1,000 11,251
1725 Corrosive fluids 0 4574 2618 1,000 20,516
2321 Friction / Corrosion 0 4575 2647 1,000 19,192
1867 Corrosive fluids 0 4576 2661 1,000 9,265
2117 Friction 0 4577 2670 1,000 5,956
1704 Unknown 0 4578 2673 1,000 1,985
Normal or expected
602 4579 2677
wear and tear 1 0,991 0,656 2,647
1532 Corrosive fluids 0 4580 2736 1,000 38,704
Continuación Tabla 23.
2160 Unknown 0 4581 2750 1,000 9,184
2437 Corrosive fluids 0 4582 2754 1,000 2,624
1651 No Failure 0 4583 2767 1,000 8,528
347 Unknown 0 4584 2812 1,000 29,520
1106 Friction 0 4585 2819 1,000 4,592
1793 Unknown 0 4586 2826 1,000 4,592
1409 Sand 0 4587 2835 1,000 5,904
1871 Sand 0 4588 2841 1,000 3,936
1693 Unknown 0 4589 2881 1,000 26,240
2320 Sand 0 4590 2885 1,000 2,624
276 0 4591 2888 1,000 1,968
2400 Corrosive fluids 0 4592 2896 1,000 5,248
934 Other 0 4593 2937 1,000 26,896
Equipment selection
1858 2957
- material 0 4594 1,000 13,120
1890 Friction 0 4595 2969 1,000 7,872
1827 No Failure 0 4596 2982 1,000 8,528
914 0 4597 3000 1,000 11,808
Normal or expected
844 3010
wear and tear 1 4598 0,989 0,649 6,560
121 Unknown 0 4599 3032 1,000 14,280
2330 No Failure 0 4600 3041 1,000 5,842
359 Pending Pulling 0 4601 3110 1,000 44,788
1784 0 4602 3131 1,000 13,631
912 Friction 0 4603 3134 1,000 1,947
984 Corrosive fluids 0 4604 3175 1,000 26,613
256 Friction / Corrosion 0 4605 3190 1,000 9,736
1799 Unknown 0 4606 3217 1,000 17,526
1185 Operation procedure 1 4607 3218 0,988 0,642 0,649
1342 Unknown 0 4608 3229 1,000 7,057
1118 Other 0 4609 3275 1,000 29,511
837 Unknown 0 4610 3366 1,000 58,381
801 0 4611 3388 1,000 14,114
624 Unknown 0 4612 3399 1,000 7,057
801 0 4613 3420 1,000 13,473
1315 Pending Analysis 0 4614 3421 1,000 0,642
409 0 4615 3425 1,000 2,566
1597 Friction 0 4616 3493 1,000 43,625
45 Friction / Corrosion 0 4617 3507 1,000 8,982
1023 No Failure 0 4618 3519 1,000 7,699
Continuación Tabla 23.
391 0 4619 3556 1,000 23,737
1814 Corrosive fluids 0 4620 3631 1,000 48,116
1411 System selection 1 4621 3643 0,986 0,633 7,699
1348 Unknown 0 4622 3663 1,000 12,653
783 No Failure 0 4623 3702 1,000 24,673
1305 Friction 0 4624 3759 1,000 36,061
1849 0 4625 3774 1,000 9,490
779 Friction / Corrosion 0 4626 3776 1,000 1,265
1441 Unknown 0 4627 3806 1,000 18,979
1658 Unknown 0 4628 3824 1,000 11,388
1657 Quality Control 0 4629 3844 1,000 12,653
1571 Corrosive fluids 0 4630 3929 1,000 53,774
1737 Friction / Corrosion 0 4631 3934 1,000 3,163
798 0 4632 4001 1,000 42,387
189 Friction 0 4633 4004 1,000 1,898
1304 Unknown 0 4634 4026 1,000 13,918
1529 Sand 0 4635 4101 1,000 47,448
1362 Unknown 0 4636 4126 1,000 15,816
1421 Sand 0 4637 4160 1,000 21,510
687 0 4638 4184 1,000 15,183
1318 Unknown 0 4639 4206 1,000 13,918
Normal or expected
383 4209
wear and tear 1 4640 0,981 0,621 1,898
1566 No Failure 0 4641 4212 1,000 1,862
1314 Corrosive fluids 0 4642 4284 1,000 44,691
272 0 4643 4298 1,000 8,690
1724 Friction / Corrosion 0 4644 4371 1,000 45,311
1661 Unknown 0 4645 4400 1,000 18,000
1417 Sand 0 4646 4431 1,000 19,242
Normal or expected
147 4647 4462
wear and tear 1 0,978 0,607 19,242
836 0 4648 4466 1,000 2,429
1590 Unknown 0 4649 4533 1,000 40,683
1537 Sand 0 4650 4539 1,000 3,643
1457 Unknown 0 4651 4611 1,000 43,719
Reuse damaged
1311 4635
equipment 1 4652 0,976 0,592 14,573
129 No Failure 0 4653 4697 1,000 36,729
1716 Unknown 0 4654 4730 1,000 19,549
1119 Friction 0 4655 4736 1,000 3,554
Continuación Tabla 23.
704 Pending Pulling 0 4656 4752 1,000 9,478
1813 Friction 0 4657 4855 1,000 61,017
1157 Friction 0 4658 4941 1,000 50,946
1526 No Failure 0 4659 5036 1,000 56,278
1332 0 4660 5074 1,000 22,511
249 0 4661 5188 1,000 67,534
1810 Friction 0 4662 5188 1,000 0,000
1879 0 4663 5208 1,000 11,848
1337 Unknown 0 4664 5247 1,000 23,104
1292 No Failure 0 4665 5269 1,000 13,033
1261 0 4666 5308 1,000 23,104
503 Friction 0 4667 5312 1,000 2,370
869 Unknown 0 4668 5314 1,000 1,185
1854 Pending Pulling 0 4669 5342 1,000 16,587
1538 No Failure 0 4670 5361 1,000 11,256
1549 Corrosive fluids 0 4671 5372 1,000 6,516
1670 Unknown 0 4672 5389 1,000 10,071
366 Sand 0 4673 5483 1,000 55,686
Normal or expected
1717 5499
wear and tear 1 4674 0,947 0,561 9,478
659 No Failure 0 4675 5520 1,000 11,786
1569 No Failure 0 4676 5544 1,000 13,469
1290 Sand 0 4677 5626 1,000 46,020
394 0 4678 5703 1,000 43,214
1596 Unknown 0 4679 5714 1,000 6,173
998 Sand 0 4680 5782 1,000 38,163
Reuse damaged
1678 4681 5891
equipment 1 0,917 0,514 61,173
283 0 4682 6037 1,000 75,110
668 0 4683 6047 1,000 5,145
1582 Corrosive fluids 0 4684 6092 1,000 23,150
1405 Corrosive fluids 0 4685 6198 1,000 54,532
85 0 4686 6222 1,000 12,347
1439 Unknown 0 4687 6286 1,000 32,925
967 No Failure 0 4688 6301 1,000 7,717
356 0 4689 6371 1,000 36,012
325 0 4690 6877 1,000 260,313
743 0 4691 7874 1,000 512,909
∑ 5082
Continuación Tabla 24.
2609 Installation Service Rig 1 30 918 0,500 0,098 11,518
∑ 540
Continuación Tabla 25.
1795 Operation procedure 1 28 20 0,996 0,914 0,918
2191 Operation procedure 1 29 20 0,996 0,911 0,000
2600 Operation procedure 1 30 21 0,996 0,908 0,911
2206 Operation procedure 1 31 23 0,996 0,904 1,815
2200 System configuration 1 32 24 0,996 0,901 0,904
2163 System configuration 1 33 25 0,996 0,898 0,901
2584 System configuration 1 34 25 0,996 0,894 0,000
2186 Operation procedure 1 35 26 0,996 0,891 0,894
2836 Fabrication Problem 1 36 26 0,996 0,888 0,000
1053 Operation procedure 1 37 27 0,996 0,884 0,888
1210 Operation procedure 1 38 27 0,996 0,881 0,000
2919 Sand 0 39 27 1,000 0,000
2202 Operation procedure 1 40 28 0,996 0,878 0,881
2230 Operation procedure 1 41 28 0,996 0,875 0,000
Reuse damaged
2213 28
equipment 1 42 0,996 0,871 0,000
2274 System configuration 1 43 29 0,996 0,868 0,871
3046 System configuration 1 44 30 0,996 0,865 0,868
2172 Operation procedure 1 45 31 0,996 0,861 0,865
2836 Fabrication Problem 1 46 32 0,996 0,858 0,861
2602 Operation procedure 1 47 33 0,996 0,855 0,858
2163 Sand 0 48 33 1,000 0,000
2922 Installation - Field Service 1 49 34 0,996 0,851 0,855
3064 Installation Service Rig 1 50 34 0,996 0,848 0,000
2213 System configuration 1 51 34 0,996 0,845 0,000
2919 Fabrication Problem 1 52 35 0,996 0,841 0,845
Reuse damaged
2213 35
equipment 1 53 0,996 0,838 0,000
1881 System configuration 1 54 36 0,996 0,835 0,838
2582 Operation procedure 1 55 36 0,996 0,831 0,000
Reuse damaged
2196 36
equipment 1 56 0,996 0,828 0,000
1053 Installation Service Rig 1 57 38 0,996 0,825 1,656
Reuse damaged
2200 38
equipment 1 58 0,996 0,821 0,000
Reuse damaged
2585 38
equipment 1 59 0,996 0,818 0,000
2601 Sand 0 60 38 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
2194 39
equipment 1 61 0,996 0,814 0,818
Reuse damaged
2206 40
equipment 1 62 0,996 0,811 0,814
Continuación Tabla 25.
Reuse damaged
2211 40
equipment 1 63 0,996 0,808 0,000
2163 Installation - Field Service 1 64 43 0,996 0,804 2,423
Reuse damaged
2241 43
equipment 1 65 0,996 0,801 0,000
Reuse damaged
2582 44
equipment 1 66 0,996 0,798 0,801
2797 System configuration 1 67 44 0,996 0,794 0,000
2274 Operation procedure 1 68 45 0,996 0,791 0,794
2274 Fabrication Problem 1 69 46 0,996 0,788 0,791
Reuse damaged
2797 46
equipment 1 70 0,996 0,784 0,000
2905 Sand 0 71 46 1,000 0,000
2919 Sand 0 72 46 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
1495 47
equipment 1 73 0,996 0,781 0,784
2241 Installation Service Rig 1 74 48 0,996 0,778 0,781
2919 Fabrication Problem 1 75 48 0,996 0,774 0,000
2193 System configuration 1 76 48 0,996 0,771 0,000
2144 Operation procedure 1 77 50 0,996 0,767 1,542
2030 Installation Service Rig 1 78 51 0,996 0,764 0,767
Reuse damaged
2901 51
equipment 1 79 0,996 0,761 0,000
1881 Operation procedure 1 80 53 0,996 0,757 1,521
2917 Installation Service Rig 1 81 54 0,996 0,754 0,757
Reuse damaged
2193 54
equipment 1 82 0,996 0,751 0,000
Reuse damaged
2922 57
equipment 1 83 0,995 0,747 2,252
2602 Sand 0 84 57 1,000 0,000
2602 Installation Service Rig 1 85 58 0,995 0,744 0,747
Reuse damaged
2152 58
equipment 1 86 0,995 0,740 0,000
2601 System configuration 1 87 58 0,995 0,737 0,000
2888 Sand 0 88 58 1,000 0,000
2045 Fabrication Problem 1 89 59 0,995 0,734 0,737
Reuse damaged
2193 59
equipment 1 90 0,995 0,730 0,000
2230 Operation procedure 1 91 60 0,995 0,727 0,730
2627 System configuration 1 92 60 0,995 0,723 0,000
823 Operation procedure 1 93 62 0,995 0,720 1,447
2172 Operation procedure 1 94 62 0,995 0,716 0,000
2208 Sand 0 95 62 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 25.
2193 Installation Service Rig 1 96 63 0,995 0,713 0,716
Improper data used in
2268 63
design / selection 1 97 0,995 0,710 0,000
2208 Sand 0 98 64 1,000 0,710
2206 Operation procedure 1 99 66 0,995 0,706 1,419
Reuse damaged
2601 67
equipment 1 100 0,995 0,703 0,706
2170 Operation procedure 1 101 68 0,995 0,699 0,703
2601 Fabrication Problem 1 102 69 0,995 0,696 0,699
3100 Operation procedure 1 103 69 0,995 0,692 0,000
2200 Sand 0 104 70 1,000 0,692
2241 Installation Service Rig 1 105 72 0,995 0,689 1,385
2919 Fabrication Problem 1 106 72 0,995 0,685 0,000
3064 Installation Service Rig 1 107 72 0,995 0,682 0,000
2030 Operation procedure 1 108 73 0,995 0,679 0,682
Improper data used in
2795 73
design / selection 1 109 0,995 0,675 0,000
2278 Sand 0 110 73 1,000 0,000
2163 Installation Service Rig 1 111 74 0,995 0,672 0,675
2591 Fabrication Problem 1 112 74 0,995 0,668 0,000
Reuse damaged
2683 74
equipment 1 113 0,995 0,665 0,000
Improper data used in
2602 74
design / selection 1 114 0,995 0,661 0,000
2637 Operation procedure 1 115 75 0,995 0,658 0,661
2241 System configuration 1 116 76 0,995 0,654 0,658
Reuse damaged
2152 77
equipment 1 117 0,995 0,651 0,654
2584 System configuration 1 118 78 0,995 0,647 0,651
Reuse damaged
2193 79
equipment 1 119 0,995 0,644 0,647
2082 Fabrication Problem 1 120 82 0,995 0,640 1,931
2144 Fabrication Problem 1 121 82 0,995 0,637 0,000
2278 Sand 0 122 82 1,000 0,000
2586 Sand 0 123 83 1,000 0,637
2172 Sand 0 124 85 1,000 1,274
2637 Sand 0 125 85 1,000 0,000
2795 Fabrication Problem 1 126 86 0,994 0,633 0,637
2643 Operation procedure 1 127 88 0,994 0,630 1,266
155 Fabrication Problem 1 128 89 0,994 0,626 0,630
2617 System configuration 1 129 89 0,994 0,623 0,000
2665 System configuration 1 130 89 0,994 0,619 0,000
Continuación Tabla 25.
Improper data used in
2649 91
design / selection 1 131 0,994 0,615 1,238
2172 Installation Service Rig 1 132 92 0,994 0,612 0,615
Reuse damaged
2791 92
equipment 1 133 0,994 0,608 0,000
2627 System configuration 1 134 94 0,994 0,605 1,217
2922 System configuration 1 135 94 0,994 0,601 0,000
2191 Operation procedure 1 136 98 0,994 0,598 2,405
2241 Operation procedure 1 137 98 0,994 0,594 0,000
2919 System configuration 1 138 98 0,994 0,591 0,000
2602 Operation procedure 1 139 99 0,994 0,587 0,591
2150 Sand 0 140 101 1,000 1,174
1471 Fabrication Problem 1 141 101 0,994 0,583 0,000
2601 Operation procedure 1 142 107 0,994 0,580 3,500
3060 Operation procedure 1 143 110 0,994 0,576 1,740
2590 Operation procedure 1 144 111 0,994 0,573 0,576
2596 Sand 0 145 113 1,000 1,145
1523 Fabrication Problem 1 146 115 0,994 0,569 1,145
2193 System configuration 1 147 116 0,994 0,565 0,569
2206 Operation procedure 1 148 116 0,994 0,562 0,000
2637 Sand 0 149 117 1,000 0,562
3064 Installation Service Rig 1 150 119 0,994 0,558 1,124
2635 Installation Service Rig 1 151 122 0,994 0,555 1,675
2230 System selection 1 152 123 0,993 0,551 0,555
2337 Fabrication Problem 1 153 125 0,993 0,547 1,102
C2PP3 Sand 0 154 125 1,000 0,000
2145 Operation procedure 1 155 126 0,993 0,544 0,547
823 Fabrication Problem 1 156 128 0,993 0,540 1,087
2635 Fabrication Problem 1 157 129 0,993 0,536 0,540
2901 Operation procedure 1 158 129 0,993 0,533 0,000
2627 System configuration 1 159 129 0,993 0,529 0,000
2172 Sand 0 160 130 1,000 0,529
1112 Operation procedure 1 161 133 0,993 0,525 1,587
2178 Installation Service Rig 1 162 133 0,993 0,522 0,000
2196 Operation procedure 1 163 135 0,993 0,518 1,044
2919 Sand 0 164 137 1,000 1,036
2795 Operation procedure 1 165 138 0,993 0,514 0,518
1066 Operation procedure 1 166 139 0,993 0,511 0,514
2082 Operation procedure 1 167 139 0,993 0,507 0,000
Continuación Tabla 25.
Reuse damaged
2172 140
equipment 1 168 0,993 0,503 0,507
1066 Operation procedure 1 169 140 0,993 0,500 0,000
2635 Operation procedure 1 170 141 0,993 0,496 0,500
Reuse damaged
2572 143
equipment 1 171 0,993 0,492 0,992
2652 Operation procedure 1 172 145 0,992 0,488 0,984
2101 Operation procedure 1 173 147 0,992 0,485 0,977
2146 Operation procedure 1 174 147 0,992 0,481 0,000
2195 Installation Service Rig 1 175 150 0,992 0,477 1,443
2627 Sand 0 176 155 1,000 2,387
2919 Sand 0 177 158 1,000 1,432
2193 Fabrication Problem 1 178 159 0,992 0,474 0,477
2683 Operation procedure 1 179 159 0,992 0,470 0,000
2195 System configuration 1 180 161 0,992 0,466 0,940
2145 Operation procedure 1 181 167 0,992 0,462 2,797
2584 Operation procedure 1 182 167 0,992 0,459 0,000
3226 Fabrication Problem 1 183 167 0,992 0,455 0,000
2601 System configuration 1 184 168 0,992 0,451 0,455
2617 System selection 1 185 169 0,992 0,447 0,451
2603 System configuration 1 186 170 0,992 0,444 0,447
1589 Sand 0 187 171 1,000 0,444
Improper data used in
823 171
design / selection 1 188 0,991 0,440 0,000
261 Operation procedure 1 189 171 0,991 0,436 0,000
Improper data used in
2168 173
design / selection 1 190 0,991 0,432 0,872
2547 Fabrication Problem 1 191 173 0,991 0,428 0,000
2914 Sand 0 192 173 1,000 0,000
740 Sand 0 193 175 1,000 0,857
1053 Fabrication Problem 1 194 176 0,991 0,425 0,428
2208 Fabrication Problem 1 195 177 0,991 0,421 0,425
2211 Fabrication Problem 1 196 180 0,991 0,417 1,262
2625 Fabrication Problem 1 197 181 0,991 0,413 0,417
2635 Installation - Field Service 1 198 181 0,991 0,409 0,000
2208 Sand 0 199 183 1,000 0,818
2172 Sand 0 200 185 1,000 0,818
2888 Sand 0 201 191 1,000 2,455
3046 System configuration 1 202 193 0,990 0,405 0,818
2172 Sand 0 203 194 1,000 0,405
Continuación Tabla 25.
2903 Sand 0 204 194 1,000 0,000
2584 System configuration 1 205 195 0,990 0,401 0,405
923 Operation procedure 1 206 195 0,990 0,397 0,000
1471 Installation Service Rig 1 207 196 0,990 0,393 0,397
2683 Sand 0 208 196 1,000 0,000
2914 Sand 0 209 196 1,000 0,000
Improper data used in
2208 197
design / selection 1 210 0,989 0,389 0,393
737 Operation procedure 1 211 197 0,989 0,385 0,000
2604 Installation Service Rig 1 212 197 0,989 0,381 0,000
Improper data used in
2627 199
design / selection 1 213 0,989 0,376 0,761
Improper data used in
2152 205
design / selection 1 214 0,989 0,372 2,259
2178 Installation Service Rig 1 215 207 0,989 0,368 0,745
595 Operation procedure 1 216 211 0,989 0,364 1,473
2163 System configuration 1 217 213 0,989 0,360 0,728
2578 System configuration 1 218 213 0,989 0,356 0,000
2541 Sand 0 219 220 1,000 2,490
3100 Fabrication Problem 1 220 221 0,988 0,352 0,356
2268 Sand 0 221 226 1,000 1,758
2589 Installation Service Rig 1 222 227 0,988 0,347 0,352
2168 Sand 0 223 230 1,000 1,042
Reuse damaged
2591 233
equipment 1 224 0,988 0,343 1,042
2572 Sand 0 225 234 1,000 0,343
1471 Sand 0 226 235 1,000 0,343
2795 Operation procedure 1 227 239 0,987 0,339 1,372
2578 Operation procedure 1 228 241 0,987 0,334 0,677
2578 Operation procedure 1 229 247 0,987 0,330 2,005
Reuse damaged
2917 249
equipment 1 230 0,987 0,325 0,660
2919 System configuration 1 231 249 0,986 0,321 0,000
3064 Fabrication Problem 1 232 252 0,986 0,317 0,963
2588 Operation procedure 1 233 253 0,986 0,312 0,317
2590 System configuration 1 234 255 0,986 0,308 0,625
2572 Operation procedure 1 235 257 0,986 0,303 0,616
1066 Operation procedure 1 236 258 0,986 0,299 0,303
Reuse damaged
2830 258
equipment 1 237 0,985 0,295 0,000
2568 Operation procedure 1 238 261 0,985 0,290 0,884
1112 Operation procedure 1 239 264 0,985 0,286 0,871
Continuación Tabla 25.
2635 Sand 0 240 266 1,000 0,572
2572 Fabrication Problem 1 241 267 0,984 0,281 0,286
2643 System configuration 1 242 267 0,984 0,277 0,000
2152 Operation procedure 1 243 268 0,984 0,272 0,277
2589 Operation procedure 1 244 272 0,984 0,268 1,090
2836 Installation Service Rig 1 245 276 0,983 0,264 1,072
2905 Sand 0 246 276 1,000 0,000
2230 Fabrication Problem 1 247 278 0,983 0,259 0,527
2105 Installation Service Rig 1 248 290 0,982 0,254 3,108
1471 Fabrication Problem 1 249 294 0,982 0,250 1,018
2195 Operation procedure 1 250 294 0,982 0,245 0,000
2207 Installation - Field Service 1 251 299 0,981 0,241 1,227
2665 Installation Service Rig 1 252 304 0,981 0,236 1,204
2102 Operation procedure 1 253 305 0,981 0,232 0,236
3430 Installation Service Rig 1 254 310 0,980 0,227 1,159
2904 Installation - Field Service 1 255 316 0,980 0,223 1,363
2230 System configuration 1 256 317 0,980 0,218 0,223
2636 Sand 0 257 322 1,000 1,090
2859 Installation Service Rig 1 258 328 0,979 0,213 1,309
890 System configuration 1 259 331 0,978 0,209 0,640
2542 Installation Service Rig 1 260 331 0,978 0,204 0,000
1066 Operation procedure 1 261 340 0,977 0,200 1,838
Improper data used in
2268 343
design / selection 1 262 0,977 0,195 0,599
Improper data used in
2602 344
design / selection 1 263 0,976 0,190 0,195
2085 Installation - Field Service 1 264 347 0,976 0,186 0,571
2585 Sand 0 265 350 1,000 0,557
2836 Operation procedure 1 266 360 0,974 0,181 1,856
2195 Operation procedure 1 267 367 0,974 0,176 1,266
1053 Fabrication Problem 1 268 372 0,973 0,171 0,880
1881 Operation procedure 1 269 380 0,972 0,167 1,371
2186 Operation procedure 1 270 380 0,971 0,162 0,000
2901 Fabrication Problem 1 271 382 0,971 0,157 0,324
2183 System configuration 1 272 392 0,970 0,152 1,571
2278 Sand 0 273 398 1,000 0,914
1487 Operation procedure 1 274 399 0,968 0,147 0,152
769 Operation procedure 1 275 403 0,967 0,142 0,590
2637 Operation procedure 1 276 404 0,966 0,138 0,142
Continuación Tabla 25.
Improper data used in
2601 407
design / selection 1 277 0,964 0,133 0,413
2102 Operation procedure 1 278 408 0,963 0,128 0,133
2195 Fabrication Problem 1 279 424 0,962 0,123 2,044
Improper data used in
2144 442
design / selection 1 280 0,960 0,118 2,211
Improper data used in
4587 451
design / selection 1 281 0,958 0,113 1,061
2265 Sand 0 282 458 1,000 0,791
769 Operation procedure 1 283 475 0,955 0,108 1,921
2665 Sand 0 284 505 1,000 3,236
2791 Operation procedure 1 285 512 0,950 0,102 0,755
4564 Sand 0 286 515 1,000 0,307
2603 Sand 0 287 526 1,000 1,127
Reuse damaged
2213 544
equipment 1 288 0,941 0,096 1,844
2582 Sand 0 289 573 1,000 2,797
2905 Sand 0 290 607 1,000 3,279
2337 Operation procedure 1 291 611 0,929 0,090 0,386
1471 Installation Service Rig 1 292 622 0,923 0,083 0,985
2248 Sand 0 293 701 1,000 6,530
2147 Operation procedure 1 294 702 0,909 0,075 0,083
2904 Sand 0 295 730 1,000 2,104
2133 Sand 0 296 751 1,000 1,578
2589 Operation procedure 1 297 867 0,875 0,066 8,717
2054 Operation procedure 1 298 974 0,857 0,056 7,036
2178 Operation procedure 1 299 1039 0,833 0,047 3,663
2888 Sand 0 300 1080 1,000 1,926
2670 Drilling Project 1 301 1234 0,750 0,035 7,233
4586 Operation procedure 1 302 1237 0,667 0,023 0,106
4570 Sand 0 303 1267 1,000 0,705
∑ 241
Continuación Tabla 26.
1719 Sand 0 4 1 1,000 0,000
876 Sand 0 5 2 1,000 0,999
1864 Sand 0 6 2 1,000 0,000
2226 Installation Service Rig 1 7 2 0,999 0,998 0,000
Reuse damaged
2929 8 2
equipment 1 0,999 0,997 0,000
Reuse damaged
2946 2
equipment 1 9 0,999 0,996 0,000
Improper data used in
3410 10 2
design / selection 1 0,999 0,995 0,000
725 Installation Service Rig 1 11 3 0,999 0,994 0,995
773 Sand 0 12 3 1,000 0,000
2029 Sand 0 13 3 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
2282 14 3
equipment 1 0,999 0,993 0,000
2809 Sand 0 15 3 1,000 0,000
1801 Operation procedure 1 16 4 0,999 0,992 0,993
Reuse damaged
2058 4
equipment 1 17 0,999 0,991 0,000
2149 Sand 0 18 4 1,000 0,000
2149 Sand 0 19 4 1,000 0,000
C2PP1 Sand 0 20 4 1,000 0,000
842 Sand 0 21 5 1,000 0,991
1056 Sand 0 22 5 1,000 0,000
1523 Sand 0 23 5 1,000 0,000
164 Sand 0 24 6 1,000 0,991
797 Sand 0 25 6 1,000 0,000
1064 Operation procedure 1 26 6 0,999 0,990 0,000
2029 Sand 0 27 6 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
2058 28 6
equipment 1 0,999 0,989 0,000
2161 Sand 0 29 6 1,000 0,000
2244 Sand 0 30 6 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
2284 6
equipment 1 31 0,999 0,988 0,000
2317 Installation Service Rig 1 32 6 0,999 0,987 0,000
178 Sand 0 33 7 1,000 0,987
791 Sand 0 34 7 1,000 0,000
1216 Sand 0 35 7 1,000 0,000
1722 Sand 0 36 7 1,000 0,000
2058 Sand 0 37 7 1,000 0,000
2065 Sand 0 38 7 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 26.
2148 Sand 0 39 7 1,000 0,000
2343 Installation Service Rig 1 40 7 0,999 0,986 0,000
2693 Operation procedure 1 41 7 0,999 0,985 0,000
Reuse damaged
2929 42 7
equipment 1 0,999 0,984 0,000
1008 Sand 0 43 8 1,000 0,984
Reuse damaged
2057 44 8
equipment 1 0,999 0,983 0,000
2066 Sand 0 45 8 1,000 0,000
2202 Sand 0 46 8 1,000 0,000
2210 Sand 0 47 8 1,000 0,000
2219 Installation Service Rig 1 48 8 0,999 0,982 0,000
2441 Sand 0 49 8 1,000 0,000
2678 Installation Service Rig 1 50 8 0,999 0,981 0,000
876 Sand 0 51 9 1,000 0,981
1771 Sand 0 52 9 1,000 0,000
2031 Operation procedure 1 53 9 0,999 0,980 0,000
Reuse damaged
2693 54 9
equipment 1 0,999 0,979 0,000
2908 Operation procedure 1 55 9 0,999 0,978 0,000
C2PP4 Sand 0 56 9 1,000 0,000
229 Sand 0 57 10 1,000 0,978
876 Sand 0 58 10 1,000 0,000
1199 Sand 0 59 10 1,000 0,000
2291 Sand 0 60 10 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
2556 10
equipment 1 61 0,999 0,977 0,000
Reuse damaged
2556 62 10
equipment 1 0,999 0,976 0,000
Improper data used in
2872 10
design / selection 1 63 0,999 0,975 0,000
711 Fabrication Problem 1 64 11 0,999 0,974 0,975
740 Sand 0 65 11 1,000 0,000
1689 Sand 0 66 11 1,000 0,000
2171 Sand 0 67 11 1,000 0,000
2231 Installation Service Rig 1 68 11 0,999 0,973 0,000
2244 Sand 0 69 11 1,000 0,000
2695 Operation procedure 1 70 11 0,999 0,972 0,000
79 Sand 0 71 12 1,000 0,972
79 Sand 0 72 12 1,000 0,000
826 Sand 0 73 12 1,000 0,000
2139 Operation procedure 1 74 12 0,999 0,971 0,000
Continuación Tabla 26.
2151 Sand 0 75 12 1,000 0,000
2198 Sand 0 76 12 1,000 0,000
2238 Sand 0 77 12 1,000 0,000
263 Sand 0 78 13 1,000 0,971
448 Sand 0 79 13 1,000 0,000
868 Sand 0 80 13 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
2058 13
equipment 1 81 0,999 0,970 0,000
2244 Installation Service Rig 1 82 13 0,999 0,969 0,000
1056 Sand 0 83 14 1,000 0,969
1795 Sand 0 84 14 1,000 0,000
1862 Sand 0 85 14 1,000 0,000
2151 Sand 0 86 14 1,000 0,000
2202 Sand 0 87 14 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
2923 88 14
equipment 1 0,999 0,968 0,000
3035 Operation procedure 1 89 14 0,999 0,967 0,000
441 Sand 0 90 15 1,000 0,967
1256 Sand 0 91 15 1,000 0,000
1523 Sand 0 92 15 1,000 0,000
2025 Installation Service Rig 1 93 15 0,999 0,966 0,000
2918 Installation Service Rig 1 94 15 0,999 0,965 0,000
2256 Operation procedure 1 95 16 0,999 0,964 0,965
2577 Operation procedure 1 96 16 0,999 0,963 0,000
2671 Installation Service Rig 1 97 16 0,999 0,962 0,000
2913 Operation procedure 1 98 16 0,999 0,961 0,000
713 Sand 0 99 17 1,000 0,961
740 Operation procedure 1 100 17 0,999 0,960 0,000
787 Sand 0 101 17 1,000 0,000
931 Installation Service Rig 1 102 17 0,999 0,959 0,000
1523 Sand 0 103 17 1,000 0,000
2242 Installation Service Rig 1 104 17 0,999 0,958 0,000
269 Sand 0 105 18 1,000 0,958
395 Sand 0 106 18 1,000 0,000
448 Sand 0 107 18 1,000 0,000
1523 Sand 0 108 18 1,000 0,000
2210 Sand 0 109 18 1,000 0,000
2916 Sand 0 110 18 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
2946 18
equipment 1 111 0,999 0,957 0,000
Continuación Tabla 26.
441 Sand 0 112 19 1,000 0,957
Reuse damaged
1344 19
equipment 1 113 0,999 0,956 0,000
1722 Sand 0 114 19 1,000 0,000
1864 Sand 0 115 19 1,000 0,000
2171 Sand 0 116 19 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
2802 19
equipment 1 117 0,999 0,955 0,000
588 Sand 0 118 20 1,000 0,955
Improper data used in
820 20
design / selection 1 119 0,999 0,954 0,000
885 Sand 0 120 20 1,000 0,000
1742 Sand 0 121 20 1,000 0,000
2047 Sand 0 122 20 1,000 0,000
2103 Sand 0 123 20 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
2226 124 20
equipment 1 0,999 0,953 0,000
740 Sand 0 125 21 1,000 0,953
Reuse damaged
880 126 21
equipment 1 0,999 0,952 0,000
2207 Sand 0 127 21 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
2556 128 21
equipment 1 0,999 0,951 0,000
2661 Sand 0 129 21 1,000 0,000
2796 Installation Service Rig 1 130 21 0,999 0,950 0,000
421 Sand 0 131 22 1,000 0,950
744 Sand 0 132 22 1,000 0,000
1008 Sand 0 133 22 1,000 0,000
1191 Sand 0 134 22 1,000 0,000
2233 Installation Service Rig 1 135 22 0,999 0,948 0,000
2244 Sand 0 136 22 1,000 0,000
2681 Operation procedure 1 137 22 0,999 0,947 0,000
2852 Sand 0 138 22 1,000 0,000
2930 Installation Service Rig 1 139 22 0,999 0,946 0,000
713 Sand 0 140 23 1,000 0,946
755 Sand 0 141 23 1,000 0,000
1214 Operation procedure 142 23 1,000 0,000
2244 Sand 0 143 23 1,000 0,000
2244 Sand 0 144 23 1,000 0,000
2396 Sand 0 145 23 1,000 0,000
C2PP1 Sand 0 146 23 1,000 0,000
341 Sand 0 147 24 1,000 0,946
Continuación Tabla 26.
342 Sand 0 148 24 1,000 0,000
2025 Operation procedure 1 149 24 0,999 0,945 0,000
2034 Operation procedure 1 150 24 0,999 0,944 0,000
2139 Installation Service Rig 1 151 24 0,999 0,943 0,000
2244 Installation Service Rig 1 152 24 0,999 0,942 0,000
Reuse damaged
2244 24
equipment 1 153 0,999 0,941 0,000
2317 Sand 0 154 24 1,000 0,000
890 Sand 0 155 25 1,000 0,941
928 Sand 0 156 25 1,000 0,000
1344 Installation Service Rig 1 157 25 0,999 0,940 0,000
Reuse damaged
2057 158 25
equipment 1 0,999 0,939 0,000
2598 Sand 0 159 25 1,000 0,000
907 Installation Service Rig 1 160 26 0,999 0,938 0,939
1056 Sand 0 161 26 1,000 0,000
2192 Operation procedure 1 162 26 0,999 0,937 0,000
2233 Operation procedure 1 163 26 0,999 0,936 0,000
2934 Operation procedure 1 164 26 0,999 0,935 0,000
723 Sand 0 165 27 1,000 0,935
828 Sand 0 166 27 1,000 0,000
1239 Installation Service Rig 1 167 27 0,999 0,933 0,000
2202 Sand 0 168 27 1,000 0,000
259 Sand 0 169 28 1,000 0,933
890 Sand 0 170 28 1,000 0,000
2043 Installation Service Rig 1 171 28 0,999 0,932 0,000
2293 Sand 0 172 28 1,000 0,000
2444 System configuration 1 173 28 0,999 0,931 0,000
2695 Sand 0 174 28 1,000 0,000
3065 Sand 0 175 28 1,000 0,000
79 Sand 0 176 29 1,000 0,931
318 Operation procedure 1 177 29 0,999 0,930 0,000
1803 Sand 0 178 29 1,000 0,000
2114 Sand 0 179 29 1,000 0,000
2238 Operation procedure 1 180 29 0,999 0,929 0,000
2556 Sand 0 181 29 1,000 0,000
2600 Sand 0 182 29 1,000 0,000
79 Sand 0 183 30 1,000 0,929
334 Sand 0 184 30 1,000 0,000
334 Sand 0 185 30 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 26.
890 Sand 0 186 30 1,000 0,000
1244 Sand 0 187 30 1,000 0,000
Improper data used in
2058 188 30
design / selection 1 0,999 0,928 0,000
2151 Sand 0 189 30 1,000 0,000
1230 Sand 0 190 31 1,000 0,928
1636 Sand 0 191 31 1,000 0,000
1725 Sand 0 192 32 1,000 0,928
2231 Operation procedure 1 193 32 0,999 0,927 0,000
624 Sand 0 194 33 1,000 0,927
2112 Sand 0 195 33 1,000 0,000
2233 Operation procedure 1 196 33 0,999 0,926 0,000
2210 Sand 0 197 34 1,000 0,926
810 Sand 0 198 35 1,000 0,926
842 Sand 0 199 35 1,000 0,000
1523 Sand 0 200 35 1,000 0,000
1704 Sand 0 201 35 1,000 0,000
1787 Operation procedure 1 202 35 0,999 0,925 0,000
1880 Sand 0 203 35 1,000 0,000
2141 Installation Service Rig 1 204 35 0,999 0,924 0,000
2233 Installation Service Rig 1 205 35 0,999 0,922 0,000
2242 Fabrication Problem 1 206 35 0,999 0,921 0,000
2421 Operation procedure 1 207 35 0,999 0,920 0,000
748 Sand 0 208 36 1,000 0,920
917 Sand 0 209 36 1,000 0,000
2164 Operation procedure 1 210 36 0,999 0,919 0,000
2273 Operation procedure 1 211 36 0,999 0,918 0,000
Reuse damaged
2946 212 36
equipment 1 0,999 0,917 0,000
639 Sand 0 213 37 1,000 0,917
3374 Sand 0 214 37 1,000 0,000
2215 Sand 0 215 38 1,000 0,917
2291 Operation procedure 1 216 38 0,999 0,916 0,000
2630 Installation Service Rig 1 217 38 0,999 0,915 0,000
1354 Sand 0 218 39 1,000 0,915
1862 Sand 0 219 39 1,000 0,000
1864 Sand 0 220 39 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
2066 39
equipment 1 221 0,999 0,913 0,000
2296 Sand 0 222 39 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 26.
2758 Operation procedure 1 223 39 0,999 0,912 0,000
876 Sand 0 224 40 1,000 0,912
1689 Sand 0 225 40 1,000 0,000
2052 Operation procedure 1 226 40 0,999 0,911 0,000
2233 Installation Service Rig 1 227 40 0,999 0,910 0,000
263 Sand 0 228 41 1,000 0,910
876 Sand 0 229 41 1,000 0,000
880 Sand 0 230 41 1,000 0,000
2287 Installation Service Rig 1 231 41 0,999 0,909 0,000
2360 Sand 0 232 41 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
2521 41
equipment 1 233 0,999 0,908 0,000
3403 Sand 0 234 41 1,000 0,000
781 Sand 0 235 42 1,000 0,908
1354 Sand 0 236 42 1,000 0,000
1771 Sand 0 237 42 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
2677 238 42
equipment 1 0,999 0,907 0,000
833 Sand 0 239 43 1,000 0,907
879 Sand 0 240 43 1,000 0,000
1714 Sand 0 241 43 1,000 0,000
1880 Sand 0 242 43 1,000 0,000
2399 Sand 0 243 43 1,000 0,000
2837 Operation procedure 1 244 43 0,999 0,906 0,000
2957 Fabrication Problem 1 245 43 0,999 0,904 0,000
287 Sand 0 246 44 1,000 0,904
740 Sand 0 247 44 1,000 0,000
879 Sand 0 248 44 1,000 0,000
1344 Sand 0 249 44 1,000 0,000
1725 Sand 0 250 44 1,000 0,000
1880 Sand 0 251 44 1,000 0,000
2243 Sand 0 252 44 1,000 0,000
2678 Fabrication Problem 1 253 44 0,999 0,903 0,000
740 Sand 0 254 45 1,000 0,903
787 Sand 0 255 45 1,000 0,000
1771 Sand 0 256 45 1,000 0,000
2118 Sand 0 257 45 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
641 258 46
equipment 1 0,999 0,902 0,903
820 Sand 0 259 46 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 26.
1864 Sand 0 260 46 1,000 0,000
1884 Sand 0 261 46 1,000 0,000
2814 Installation Service Rig 1 262 46 0,999 0,901 0,000
1135 Sand 0 263 47 1,000 0,901
Reuse damaged
2942 264 47
equipment 1 0,999 0,900 0,000
2029 Sand 0 265 48 1,000 0,900
941 Operation procedure 1 266 49 0,999 0,899 0,900
2065 Sand 0 267 49 1,000 0,000
2254 Sand 0 268 49 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
3719 49
equipment 1 269 0,999 0,897 0,000
2291 Sand 0 270 50 1,000 0,897
2638 Sand 0 271 50 1,000 0,000
2814 Installation Service Rig 1 272 50 0,999 0,896 0,000
713 Sand 0 273 51 1,000 0,896
1246 Sand 0 274 51 1,000 0,000
1862 Sand 0 275 51 1,000 0,000
2575 Sand 0 276 51 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
2940 51
equipment 1 277 0,999 0,895 0,000
2946 Installation Service Rig 1 278 51 0,999 0,894 0,000
229 Sand 0 279 52 1,000 0,894
287 Sand 0 280 52 1,000 0,000
711 Sand 0 281 52 1,000 0,000
740 Sand 0 282 52 1,000 0,000
833 Sand 0 283 52 1,000 0,000
2919 Sand 0 284 52 1,000 0,000
2980 Sand 0 285 52 1,000 0,000
318 Sand 0 286 53 1,000 0,894
820 Sand 0 287 53 1,000 0,000
868 Sand 0 288 53 1,000 0,000
1889 Sand 0 289 53 1,000 0,000
2399 Operation procedure 1 290 53 0,999 0,893 0,000
441 Sand 0 291 54 1,000 0,893
711 Sand 0 292 54 1,000 0,000
724 Sand 0 293 54 1,000 0,000
876 Sand 0 294 54 1,000 0,000
1256 Sand 0 295 54 1,000 0,000
2930 Sand 0 296 54 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 26.
1127 Sand 0 297 55 1,000 0,893
1636 Surface unit misalignment 0 298 55 1,000 0,000
3068 Operation procedure 1 299 55 0,999 0,891 0,000
2151 Sand 0 300 56 1,000 0,891
2210 Drilling Project 1 301 56 0,999 0,890 0,000
2212 Operation procedure 1 302 56 0,999 0,889 0,000
2282 Sand 0 303 56 1,000 0,000
2564 Installation - Field Service 1 304 56 0,999 0,888 0,000
Reuse damaged
2929 56
equipment 1 305 0,999 0,887 0,000
302 Sand 0 306 57 1,000 0,887
2224 Operation procedure 1 307 57 0,999 0,885 0,000
2237 Sand 0 308 57 1,000 0,000
2576 Sand 0 309 57 1,000 0,000
2802 Installation Service Rig 1 310 57 0,999 0,884 0,000
Reuse damaged
2963 57
equipment 1 311 0,999 0,883 0,000
2980 Installation Service Rig 1 312 57 0,999 0,882 0,000
1851 Sand 0 313 59 1,000 1,763
2086 Sand 0 314 59 1,000 0,000
2124 Sand 0 315 59 1,000 0,000
2802 Installation Service Rig 1 316 59 0,999 0,880 0,000
724 Sand 0 317 60 1,000 0,880
2202 Sand 0 318 60 1,000 0,000
2273 Sand 0 319 60 1,000 0,000
2964 Sand 0 320 60 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
2057 61
equipment 1 321 0,999 0,879 0,880
Reuse damaged
2058 322 61
equipment 1 0,999 0,878 0,000
Reuse damaged
2664 61
equipment 1 323 0,999 0,877 0,000
3378 Operation procedure 1 324 61 0,999 0,875 0,000
1710 Sand 0 325 62 1,000 0,875
1864 Sand 0 326 62 1,000 0,000
2149 Sand 0 327 62 1,000 0,000
218 Sand 0 328 63 1,000 0,875
1056 Sand 0 329 63 1,000 0,000
1135 Sand 0 330 63 1,000 0,000
2210 Sand 0 331 63 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 26.
1719 Sand 0 332 64 1,000 0,875
2258 Installation Service Rig 1 333 64 0,999 0,874 0,000
2078 Sand 0 334 65 1,000 0,874
588 Sand 0 335 66 1,000 0,874
787 Sand 0 336 66 1,000 0,000
2180 Sand 0 337 66 1,000 0,000
3065 Sand 0 338 67 1,000 0,874
729 Sand 0 339 69 1,000 1,748
1740 Sand 0 340 70 1,000 0,874
810 Sand 0 341 71 1,000 0,874
1775 Sand 0 342 71 1,000 0,000
2148 Operation procedure 1 343 71 0,999 0,873 0,000
711 Sand 0 344 72 1,000 0,873
2872 Operation procedure 1 345 72 0,999 0,872 0,000
882 Sand 0 346 73 1,000 0,872
917 Sand 0 347 73 1,000 0,000
2343 Installation Service Rig 1 348 74 0,999 0,870 0,872
2815 Fabrication Problem 1 349 74 0,999 0,869 0,000
Improper data used in
3077 350 74
design / selection 1 0,999 0,868 0,000
2575 Sand 0 351 75 1,000 0,868
Reuse damaged
2634 352 75
equipment 1 0,999 0,867 0,000
713 Sand 0 353 76 1,000 0,867
1803 Sand 0 354 76 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
2466 76
equipment 1 355 0,999 0,865 0,000
1880 Sand 0 356 77 1,000 0,865
Reuse damaged
2938 78
equipment 1 357 0,999 0,864 0,865
2244 Sand 0 358 79 1,000 0,864
2244 System configuration 1 359 79 0,999 0,863 0,000
2291 Sand 0 360 79 1,000 0,000
2600 Operation procedure 1 361 79 0,999 0,861 0,000
2865 Installation Service Rig 1 362 79 0,999 0,860 0,000
3043 Installation Service Rig 1 363 79 0,999 0,859 0,000
2114 Sand 0 364 80 1,000 0,859
2369 Sand 0 365 80 1,000 0,000
2801 Sand 0 366 80 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
2865 80
equipment 1 367 0,998 0,858 0,000
Continuación Tabla 26.
1523 Sand 0 368 81 1,000 0,858
1880 Sand 0 369 81 1,000 0,000
2202 Sand 0 370 81 1,000 0,000
2238 Sand 0 371 81 1,000 0,000
2650 Operation procedure 1 372 81 0,998 0,856 0,000
1636 Sand 0 373 82 1,000 0,856
2198 System configuration 1 374 82 0,998 0,855 0,000
2231 Operation procedure 1 375 82 0,998 0,854 0,000
334 Sand 0 376 83 1,000 0,854
1028 Sand 0 377 83 1,000 0,000
1665 Sand 0 378 83 1,000 0,000
2242 Sand 0 379 83 1,000 0,000
2289 Sand 0 380 83 1,000 0,000
717 Sand 0 381 84 1,000 0,854
2121 Operation procedure 1 382 84 0,998 0,852 0,000
Improper data used in
2198 84
design / selection 1 383 0,998 0,851 0,000
2399 Operation procedure 1 384 84 0,998 0,850 0,000
2671 Installation Service Rig 1 385 84 0,998 0,848 0,000
2180 Sand 0 386 85 1,000 0,848
Reuse damaged
2283 85
equipment 1 387 0,998 0,847 0,000
1875 Sand 0 388 86 1,000 0,847
2080 Sand 0 389 86 1,000 0,000
773 Sand 0 390 88 1,000 1,694
1064 Sand 0 391 88 1,000 0,000
2243 Sand 0 392 88 1,000 0,000
2334 Sand 0 393 88 1,000 0,000
2746 Installation Service Rig 1 394 88 0,998 0,846 0,000
3068 Fabrication Problem 1 395 88 0,998 0,845 0,000
2256 Sand 0 396 89 1,000 0,845
229 Sand 0 397 90 1,000 0,845
256 Sand 0 398 90 1,000 0,000
2033 Sand 0 399 90 1,000 0,000
748 Installation Service Rig 1 400 91 0,998 0,843 0,845
725 Operation procedure 1 401 92 0,998 0,842 0,843
885 Sand 0 402 92 1,000 0,000
2255 Sand 0 403 92 1,000 0,000
2877 Sand 0 404 92 1,000 0,000
2255 Sand 0 405 93 1,000 0,842
Continuación Tabla 26.
2732 Sand 0 406 93 1,000 0,000
928 Sand 0 407 94 1,000 0,842
2521 Sand 0 408 94 1,000 0,000
77 Sand 0 409 95 1,000 0,842
264 Sand 0 410 95 1,000 0,000
624 Sand 0 411 95 1,000 0,000
928 Installation Service Rig 1 412 95 0,998 0,840 0,000
1011 Sand 0 413 95 1,000 0,000
2334 Operation procedure 1 414 95 0,998 0,839 0,000
2681 Operation procedure 1 415 95 0,998 0,838 0,000
781 Sand 0 416 96 1,000 0,838
1803 Sand 0 417 96 1,000 0,000
2575 Operation procedure 1 418 96 0,998 0,836 0,000
2575 Operation procedure 1 419 98 0,998 0,835 1,673
Improper data used in
3109 420 98
design / selection 1 0,998 0,834 0,000
713 Sand 0 421 99 1,000 0,834
918 Sand 0 422 99 1,000 0,000
2202 Sand 0 423 99 1,000 0,000
2980 Sand 0 424 99 1,000 0,000
476 Sand 0 425 100 1,000 0,834
2264 Sand 0 426 100 1,000 0,000
2466 Installation Service Rig 1 427 100 0,998 0,832 0,000
2575 Operation procedure 1 428 100 0,998 0,831 0,000
2973 Operation procedure 1 429 100 0,998 0,830 0,000
2287 Sand 0 430 101 1,000 0,830
2980 Drilling Project 1 431 101 0,998 0,828 0,000
2826 Fabrication Problem 1 432 102 0,998 0,827 0,828
2826 Sand 0 433 102 1,000 0,000
3055 Installation Service Rig 1 434 102 0,998 0,825 0,000
1011 Sand 0 435 103 1,000 0,825
Improper data used in
2215 436 103
design / selection 1 0,998 0,824 0,000
3420 Sand 0 437 104 1,000 0,824
711 Operation procedure 1 438 105 0,998 0,823 0,824
2210 Sand 0 439 106 1,000 0,823
2899 Operation procedure 1 440 106 0,998 0,821 0,000
729 Sand 0 441 107 1,000 0,821
2078 Operation procedure 1 442 107 0,998 0,820 0,000
2226 Sand 0 443 107 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 26.
442 Sand 0 444 108 1,000 0,820
1679 Sand 0 445 108 1,000 0,000
4543 Sand 0 446 108 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
2226 109
equipment 1 447 0,998 0,818 0,820
Reuse damaged
2233 448 109
equipment 1 0,998 0,817 0,000
2598 Sand 0 449 109 1,000 0,000
2802 Fabrication Problem 1 450 109 0,998 0,816 0,000
1727 Installation Service Rig 1 451 110 0,998 0,814 0,816
2243 Sand 0 452 110 1,000 0,000
1679 Sand 0 453 111 1,000 0,814
2114 Sand 0 454 112 1,000 0,814
2521 Installation Service Rig 1 455 112 0,998 0,813 0,000
624 Sand 0 456 113 1,000 0,813
Reuse damaged
2153 113
equipment 1 457 0,998 0,811 0,000
2600 Operation procedure 1 458 113 0,998 0,810 0,000
2032 Sand 0 459 114 1,000 0,810
2271 Installation Service Rig 1 460 114 0,998 0,809 0,000
2377 Sand 0 461 115 1,000 0,809
Reuse damaged
2697 462 115
equipment 1 0,998 0,807 0,000
2929 Operation procedure 1 463 115 0,998 0,806 0,000
Reuse damaged
2564 464 116
equipment 1 0,998 0,804 0,806
1877 Sand 0 465 117 1,000 0,804
2114 Sand 0 466 117 1,000 0,000
287 Operation procedure 1 467 118 0,998 0,803 0,804
1191 Sand 0 468 118 1,000 0,000
2271 Operation procedure 1 469 118 0,998 0,802 0,000
2298 Sand 0 470 118 1,000 0,000
810 Sand 0 471 119 1,000 0,802
Reuse damaged
1011 472 119
equipment 1 0,998 0,800 0,000
1740 Operation procedure 1 473 119 0,998 0,799 0,000
Reuse damaged
2284 474 119
equipment 1 0,998 0,797 0,000
3111 Installation Service Rig 1 475 120 0,998 0,796 0,797
441 Sand 0 476 121 1,000 0,796
894 Sand 0 477 121 1,000 0,000
2600 Sand 0 478 121 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 26.
828 Sand 0 479 122 1,000 0,796
2114 Sand 0 480 122 1,000 0,000
2148 Sand 0 481 123 1,000 0,796
2659 Installation - Field Service 1 482 123 0,998 0,794 0,000
2837 Operation procedure 1 483 123 0,998 0,793 0,000
2749 Sand 0 484 124 1,000 0,793
1740 Sand 0 485 125 1,000 0,793
2043 Sand 0 486 126 1,000 0,793
2238 Sand 0 487 126 1,000 0,000
Improper data used in
2043 488 127
design / selection 1 0,998 0,791 0,793
928 Sand 0 489 128 1,000 0,791
3119 Sand 0 490 128 1,000 0,000
1354 Sand 0 491 129 1,000 0,791
1880 Sand 0 492 129 1,000 0,000
2212 Drilling Project 1 493 129 0,998 0,790 0,000
421 Sand 0 494 130 1,000 0,790
725 Operation procedure 1 495 130 0,998 0,789 0,000
2433 Sand 0 496 130 1,000 0,000
Improper data used in
195 131
design / selection 1 497 0,998 0,787 0,789
781 Operation procedure 1 498 131 0,998 0,786 0,000
2192 Operation procedure 1 499 131 0,998 0,784 0,000
2282 Sand 0 500 131 1,000 0,000
2298 Sand 0 501 131 1,000 0,000
2536 Sand 0 502 131 1,000 0,000
3420 Sand 0 503 131 1,000 0,000
480 Sand 0 504 132 1,000 0,784
Reuse damaged
2219 132
equipment 1 505 0,998 0,783 0,000
2289 Sand 0 506 132 1,000 0,000
1679 Sand 0 507 133 1,000 0,783
2244 Sand 0 508 133 1,000 0,000
2327 Sand 0 509 133 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
1665 510 135
equipment 1 0,998 0,781 1,565
740 Sand 0 511 136 1,000 0,781
2521 Sand 0 512 136 1,000 0,000
2697 Operation procedure 1 513 136 0,998 0,780 0,000
441 Sand 0 514 137 1,000 0,780
Continuación Tabla 26.
2185 Sand 0 515 137 1,000 0,000
2331 Operation procedure 1 516 137 0,998 0,778 0,000
Improper data used in
307 138
design / selection 1 517 0,998 0,777 0,778
1772 Sand 0 518 140 1,000 1,553
1862 Sand 0 519 140 1,000 0,000
2030 System selection 1 520 140 0,998 0,775 0,000
2032 Sand 0 521 140 1,000 0,000
2238 Sand 0 522 140 1,000 0,000
2110 Sand 0 523 141 1,000 0,775
2838 Sand 0 524 141 1,000 0,000
2671 Operation procedure 1 525 142 0,998 0,774 0,775
2671 Sand 0 526 143 1,000 0,774
1839 Operation procedure 1 527 144 0,998 0,772 0,774
2231 Operation procedure 1 528 144 0,998 0,771 0,000
2215 Sand 0 529 145 1,000 0,771
2369 Sand 0 530 145 1,000 0,000
2803 Sand 0 531 145 1,000 0,000
2116 Operation procedure 1 532 147 0,998 0,769 1,541
1009 Sand 0 533 149 1,000 1,538
1740 Sand 0 534 149 1,000 0,000
711 Sand 0 535 150 1,000 0,769
2461 Operation procedure 1 536 150 0,998 0,767 0,000
Reuse damaged
828 151
equipment 1 537 0,998 0,766 0,767
2031 Sand 0 538 152 1,000 0,766
2291 Sand 0 539 152 1,000 0,000
3410 Sand 0 540 152 1,000 0,000
2296 Sand 0 541 153 1,000 0,766
2053 Sand 0 542 154 1,000 0,766
2114 Operation procedure 1 543 154 0,998 0,764 0,000
Improper data used in
2865 544 154
design / selection 1 0,998 0,763 0,000
2255 Sand 0 545 155 1,000 0,763
Reuse damaged
2244 546 156
equipment 1 0,998 0,761 0,763
Reuse damaged
2298 156
equipment 1 547 0,998 0,000
2251 Sand 0 548 157 1,000 0,761
Reuse damaged
2271 157
equipment 1 549 0,998 0,760 0,000
725 Sand 0 550 158 1,000 0,760
Continuación Tabla 26.
928 Sand 0 551 158 1,000 0,000
1110 Sand 0 552 160 1,000 1,519
2980 Sand 0 553 160 1,000 0,000
2244 Sand 0 554 161 1,000 0,760
441 Sand 0 555 162 1,000 0,760
1120 Operation procedure 1 556 162 0,998 0,758 0,000
2341 Operation procedure 1 557 162 0,998 0,756 0,000
1740 Sand 0 558 163 1,000 0,756
1884 Sand 0 559 163 1,000 0,000
2256 Sand 0 560 163 1,000 0,000
2331 Sand 0 561 163 1,000 0,000
2382 Sand 0 562 163 1,000 0,000
2840 Sand 0 563 163 1,000 0,000
842 Sand 0 564 164 1,000 0,756
2931 Sand 0 565 165 1,000 0,756
907 Sand 0 566 167 1,000 1,513
1866 Sand 0 567 167 1,000 0,000
1052 Operation procedure 1 568 168 0,998 0,755 0,756
2457 Sand 0 569 168 1,000 0,000
2630 Sand 0 570 168 1,000 0,000
1172 Sand 0 571 169 1,000 0,755
2334 Sand 0 572 169 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
931 170
equipment 1 573 0,998 0,753 0,755
Reuse damaged
2091 574 170
equipment 1 0,998 0,752 0,000
926 Sand 0 575 171 1,000 0,752
2237 Sand 0 576 171 1,000 0,000
2789 Operation procedure 1 577 171 0,998 0,750 0,000
1056 Sand 0 578 172 1,000 0,750
1864 Sand 0 579 172 1,000 0,000
2182 Sand 0 580 172 1,000 0,000
2043 Sand 0 581 173 1,000 0,750
2678 Fabrication Problem 1 582 173 0,998 0,748 0,000
Reuse damaged
2749 173
equipment 1 583 0,998 0,747 0,000
2058 Fabrication Problem 1 584 174 0,998 0,745 0,747
2217 Sand 0 585 174 1,000 0,000
874 Operation procedure 1 586 175 0,998 0,743 0,745
Improper data used in
926 175
design / selection 1 587 0,998 0,742 0,000
Continuación Tabla 26.
2872 Operation procedure 1 588 175 0,998 0,740 0,000
2078 Sand 0 589 176 1,000 0,740
2103 Sand 0 590 176 1,000 0,000
2058 Sand 0 591 177 1,000 0,740
2937 Sand 0 592 177 1,000 0,000
1851 Sand 0 593 179 1,000 1,480
2284 Sand 0 594 179 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
2831 179
equipment 1 595 0,998 0,738 0,000
2042 Operation procedure 1 596 180 0,998 0,737 0,738
2235 Sand 0 597 180 1,000 0,000
2679 Operation procedure 1 598 180 0,998 0,735 0,000
2119 Sand 0 599 183 1,000 2,204
2291 Sand 0 600 184 1,000 0,735
Improper data used in
2212 186
design / selection 1 601 0,998 0,733 1,470
2331 Sand 0 602 186 1,000 0,000
1693 Sand 0 603 187 1,000 0,733
1882 Sand 0 604 187 1,000 0,000
1892 Operation procedure 1 605 187 0,998 0,731 0,000
2695 Sand 0 606 188 1,000 0,731
2872 Installation Service Rig 1 607 188 0,998 0,730 0,000
2057 Sand 0 608 189 1,000 0,730
Improper data used in
3346 189
design / selection 1 609 0,998 0,728 0,000
2815 Sand 0 610 190 1,000 0,728
Improper data used in
2043 191
design / selection 1 611 0,998 0,726 0,728
307 System configuration 1 612 193 0,998 0,725 1,453
1771 Sand 0 613 193 1,000 0,000
Failure of perforations /
1864 614 193
liner / openhole 1 0,998 0,723 0,000
Reuse damaged
2047 193
equipment 1 615 0,998 0,721 0,000
2840 Sand 0 616 193 1,000 0,000
2264 Sand 0 617 194 1,000 0,721
2908 Sand 0 618 194 1,000 0,000
509 Sand 0 619 195 1,000 0,721
Improper data used in
2173 620 197
design / selection 1 0,998 0,719 1,442
2837 Operation procedure 1 621 197 0,998 0,718 0,000
2112 Installation Service Rig 1 622 198 0,998 0,716 0,718
Continuación Tabla 26.
2369 Sand 0 623 198 1,000 0,000
2675 Installation Service Rig 1 624 198 0,998 0,714 0,000
2712 System configuration 1 625 199 0,998 0,712 0,714
725 Sand 0 626 201 1,000 1,425
2095 Operation procedure 1 627 201 0,998 0,711 0,000
2344 Operation procedure 1 628 202 0,998 0,709 0,711
773 Fabrication Problem 1 629 203 0,998 0,707 0,709
2030 Sand 0 630 203 1,000 0,000
2442 Operation procedure 1 631 204 0,998 0,705 0,707
2058 Installation Service Rig 1 632 205 0,998 0,704 0,705
2734 Sand 0 633 206 1,000 0,704
843 Sand 0 634 207 1,000 0,704
1851 Sand 0 635 207 1,000 0,000
2069 Sand 0 636 207 1,000 0,000
2097 Sand 0 637 208 1,000 0,704
1636 Sand 0 638 209 1,000 0,704
3789 Sand 0 639 209 1,000 0,000
141 Sand 0 640 210 1,000 0,704
1203 Sand 0 641 211 1,000 0,704
2058 Sand 0 642 211 1,000 0,000
2210 Sand 0 643 211 1,000 0,000
2192 Sand 0 644 212 1,000 0,704
2814 Sand 0 645 215 1,000 2,111
3607 Sand 0 646 215 1,000 0,000
2377 Operation procedure 1 647 216 0,997 0,702 0,704
711 Sand 0 648 217 1,000 0,702
2219 Sand 0 649 217 1,000 0,000
2815 Sand 0 650 217 1,000 0,000
711 Installation Service Rig 1 651 218 0,997 0,700 0,702
1135 Sand 0 652 219 1,000 0,700
Improper data used in
3403 219
design / selection 1 653 0,997 0,698 0,000
263 Operation procedure 1 654 220 0,997 0,696 0,698
772 Sand 0 655 220 1,000 0,000
833 Sand 0 656 220 1,000 0,000
2459 Operation procedure 1 657 220 0,997 0,694 0,000
941 Operation procedure 1 658 221 0,997 0,693 0,694
Reuse damaged
2043 223
equipment 1 659 0,997 0,691 1,385
885 Sand 0 660 224 1,000 0,691
Continuación Tabla 26.
2237 Sand 0 661 225 1,000 0,691
2142 Installation Service Rig 1 662 226 0,997 0,689 0,691
2672 Sand 0 663 226 1,000 0,000
2712 Installation Service Rig 1 664 227 0,997 0,687 0,689
334 Sand 0 665 228 1,000 0,687
Improper data used in
45 666 229
design / selection 1 0,997 0,685 0,687
2118 Operation procedure 1 667 229 0,997 0,683 0,000
2678 Operation procedure 1 668 231 0,997 0,681 1,366
791 Sand 0 669 232 1,000 0,681
1883 Fabrication Problem 1 670 232 0,997 0,679 0,000
3035 Operation procedure 1 671 232 0,997 0,678 0,000
941 Installation Service Rig 1 672 234 0,997 0,676 1,355
2058 Installation Service Rig 1 673 234 0,997 0,674 0,000
2746 Operation procedure 1 674 234 0,997 0,672 0,000
641 Sand 0 675 236 1,000 1,344
2055 Operation procedure 1 676 236 0,997 0,670 0,000
740 Sand 0 677 237 1,000 0,670
910 Fabrication Problem 1 678 237 0,997 0,668 0,000
2344 Sand 0 679 237 1,000 0,000
2908 Sand 0 680 238 1,000 0,668
940 Sand 0 681 239 1,000 0,668
1771 Sand 0 682 239 1,000 0,000
2493 Operation procedure 1 683 239 0,997 0,666 0,000
2251 Sand 0 684 240 1,000 0,666
1011 Sand 0 685 241 1,000 0,666
1588 Sand 0 686 241 1,000 0,000
2161 Sand 0 687 241 1,000 0,000
2243 Operation procedure 1 688 241 0,997 0,664 0,000
3126 Drilling Project 1 689 244 0,997 0,662 1,993
2344 Sand 0 690 247 1,000 1,987
2530 Sand 0 691 247 1,000 0,000
2058 Operation procedure 1 692 249 0,997 0,660 1,325
1120 Sand 0 693 252 1,000 1,981
2218 Operation procedure 1 694 252 0,997 0,658 0,000
2809 Sand 0 695 252 1,000 0,000
2237 Sand 0 696 253 1,000 0,658
2678 Operation procedure 1 697 253 0,997 0,657 0,000
2103 Sand 0 698 257 1,000 2,626
Continuación Tabla 26.
1665 Operation procedure 1 699 259 0,997 0,655 1,313
342 Sand 0 700 261 1,000 1,309
2078 Fabrication Problem 1 701 261 0,997 0,653 0,000
3390 Sand 0 702 264 1,000 1,958
2238 Sand 0 703 265 1,000 0,653
2098 Sand 0 704 268 1,000 1,958
Improper data used in
2493 268
design / selection 1 705 0,997 0,651 0,000
2937 Sand 0 706 268 1,000 0,000
3378 Sand 0 707 268 1,000 0,000
2679 Installation Service Rig 1 708 269 0,997 0,649 0,651
2803 Operation procedure 1 709 271 0,997 0,647 1,297
2470 Sand 0 710 272 1,000 0,647
1064 Sand 0 711 273 1,000 0,647
1058 Sand 0 712 274 1,000 0,647
1127 Sand 0 713 274 1,000 0,000
2031 Sand 0 714 274 1,000 0,000
2289 Installation Service Rig 1 715 274 0,997 0,645 0,000
2283 Fabrication Problem 1 716 275 0,997 0,643 0,645
2264 Installation Service Rig 1 717 277 0,997 0,641 1,285
2494 Sand 0 718 279 1,000 1,281
2153 Sand 0 719 280 1,000 0,641
Improper data used in
2441 720 280
design / selection 1 0,997 0,638 0,000
1135 Sand 0 721 281 1,000 0,638
2057 Operation procedure 1 722 282 0,997 0,636 0,638
2693 Operation procedure 1 723 282 0,997 0,634 0,000
2918 Operation procedure 1 724 282 0,997 0,632 0,000
2119 Sand 0 725 284 1,000 1,265
Improper data used in
3357 726 284
design / selection 1 0,997 0,630 0,000
2796 Sand 0 727 287 1,000 1,891
639 Sand 0 728 288 1,000 0,630
1258 Sand 0 729 288 1,000 0,000
2475 Operation procedure 1 730 294 0,997 0,628 3,781
810 Sand 0 731 296 1,000 1,256
908 Sand 0 732 296 1,000 0,000
1880 Sand 0 733 297 1,000 0,628
724 Installation Service Rig 1 734 299 0,997 0,626 1,256
2825 Sand 0 735 301 1,000 1,252
Continuación Tabla 26.
2148 Sand 0 736 304 1,000 1,878
3201 Operation procedure 1 737 306 0,997 0,624 1,252
2097 Sand 0 738 307 1,000 0,624
Improper data used in
2388 307
design / selection 1 739 0,997 0,622 0,000
1803 Sand 0 740 308 1,000 0,622
2142 Sand 0 741 308 1,000 0,000
791 Operation procedure 1 742 310 0,997 0,620 1,244
3357 Sand 0 743 310 1,000 0,000
1889 Sand 0 744 312 1,000 1,239
3033 Sand 0 745 312 1,000 0,000
744 System configuration 1 746 313 0,997 0,618 0,620
Improper data used in
2215 314
design / selection 1 747 0,997 0,615 0,618
Reuse damaged
2258 748 316
equipment 1 0,996 0,613 1,231
828 Sand 0 749 317 1,000 0,613
471 Sand 0 750 318 1,000 0,613
2058 Installation Service Rig 1 751 318 0,996 0,611 0,000
Reuse damaged
2198 752 318
equipment 1 0,996 0,609 0,000
1116 Sand 0 753 320 1,000 1,218
Reuse damaged
2222 754 321
equipment 1 0,996 0,607 0,609
2042 Fabrication Problem 1 755 324 0,996 0,604 1,820
2118 Sand 0 756 324 1,000 0,000
2810 Operation procedure 1 757 325 0,996 0,602 0,604
1864 Sand 0 758 326 1,000 0,602
178 Sand 0 759 327 1,000 0,602
2677 Sand 0 760 328 1,000 0,602
3065 Sand 0 761 329 1,000 0,602
2246 Operation procedure 1 762 330 0,996 0,600 0,602
Failure of perforations /
718 332
liner / openhole 1 763 0,996 0,598 1,200
1710 Sand 0 764 332 1,000 0,000
2902 Sand 0 765 332 1,000 0,000
451 Sand 0 766 333 1,000 0,598
2668 Sand 0 767 333 1,000 0,000
2283 Installation Service Rig 1 768 336 0,996 0,596 1,794
2521 Sand 0 769 337 1,000 0,596
2740 Sand 0 770 340 1,000 1,787
2963 Sand 0 771 340 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 26.
2868 Sand 0 772 341 1,000 0,596
724 Sand 0 773 342 1,000 0,596
2399 Sand 0 774 342 1,000 0,000
2060 Sand 0 775 344 1,000 1,191
2104 Sand 0 776 344 1,000 0,000
2678 Installation - Field Service 1 777 345 0,996 0,593 0,596
2361 Operation procedure 1 778 346 0,996 0,591 0,593
928 Sand 0 779 347 1,000 0,591
2941 Installation Service Rig 1 780 347 0,996 0,589 0,000
2031 Operation procedure 1 781 349 0,996 0,586 1,177
2446 Operation procedure 1 782 349 0,996 0,584 0,000
641 Sand 0 783 350 1,000 0,584
2815 Operation procedure 1 784 354 0,996 0,582 2,336
2110 Sand 0 785 357 1,000 1,745
2394 Operation procedure 1 786 357 0,996 0,579 0,000
1239 Operation procedure 1 787 358 0,996 0,577 0,579
1864 Sand 0 788 358 1,000 0,000
1858 Sand 0 789 359 1,000 0,577
2273 System selection 1 790 359 0,996 0,575 0,000
2296 Sand 0 791 363 1,000 2,298
2564 Sand 0 792 363 1,000 0,000
1851 Sand 0 793 365 1,000 1,149
2619 Operation procedure 1 794 367 0,996 0,572 1,149
2831 Sand 0 795 368 1,000 0,572
2283 Sand 0 796 369 1,000 0,572
2057 Sand 0 797 371 1,000 1,144
2027 Sand 0 798 372 1,000 0,572
2577 Sand 0 799 375 1,000 1,716
2651 Sand 0 800 375 1,000 0,000
918 Sand 0 801 376 1,000 0,572
2185 Sand 0 802 376 1,000 0,000
1824 Sand 0 803 377 1,000 0,572
2877 Sand 0 804 377 1,000 0,000
2295 Sand 0 805 382 1,000 2,861
2344 Operation procedure 1 806 382 0,996 0,570 0,000
2097 Sand 0 807 384 1,000 1,139
926 Sand 0 808 386 1,000 1,139
2242 Installation Service Rig 1 809 386 0,996 0,567 0,000
Continuación Tabla 26.
1008 Sand 0 810 390 1,000 2,268
1120 Sand 0 811 392 1,000 1,134
2677 Installation Service Rig 1 812 393 0,995 0,564 0,567
2465 Sand 0 813 395 1,000 1,129
619 Sand 0 814 396 1,000 0,564
3607 Sand 0 815 397 1,000 0,564
1110 Sand 0 816 398 1,000 0,564
1001 Sand 0 817 401 1,000 1,693
812 Sand 0 818 402 1,000 0,564
1740 Sand 0 819 403 1,000 0,564
2328 Sand 0 820 405 1,000 1,129
2217 Sand 0 821 407 1,000 1,129
2642 Sand 0 822 411 1,000 2,258
3039 Sand 0 823 413 1,000 1,129
2913 Sand 0 824 414 1,000 0,564
2530 Sand 0 825 415 1,000 0,564
772 Sand 0 826 416 1,000 0,564
907 Operation procedure 1 827 420 0,995 0,562 2,258
2638 Sand 0 828 421 1,000 0,562
189 Sand 0 829 422 1,000 0,562
828 Sand 0 830 423 1,000 0,562
729 Operation procedure 1 831 425 0,995 0,559 1,123
2098 Sand 0 832 425 1,000 0,000
2141 System configuration 1 833 425 0,995 0,556 0,000
2136 Operation procedure 1 834 426 0,995 0,553 0,556
550 Operation procedure 1 835 431 0,995 0,551 2,767
1022 Operation procedure 1 836 431 0,995 0,548 0,000
2042 Operation procedure 1 837 432 0,995 0,545 0,548
778 Sand 0 838 433 1,000 0,545
3717 Sand 0 839 433 1,000 0,000
797 Operation procedure 1 840 434 0,995 0,542 0,545
2198 Sand 0 841 435 1,000 0,542
2600 Operation procedure 1 842 437 0,995 0,539 1,084
Improper data used in
3378 437
design / selection 1 843 0,995 0,536 0,000
1047 Sand 0 844 443 1,000 3,219
1135 Sand 0 845 444 1,000 0,536
190 Operation procedure 1 846 445 0,995 0,534 0,536
750 Sand 0 847 445 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 26.
2097 Sand 0 848 445 1,000 0,000
907 Sand 0 849 449 1,000 2,134
880 Sand 0 850 454 1,000 2,668
1112 Sand 0 851 454 1,000 0,000
2078 Sand 0 852 454 1,000 0,000
2334 Operation procedure 1 853 455 0,994 0,531 0,534
639 Sand 0 854 456 1,000 0,531
1862 Sand 0 855 456 1,000 0,000
2149 Sand 0 856 456 1,000 0,000
3227 Sand 0 857 458 1,000 1,061
773 Sand 0 858 459 1,000 0,531
803 Sand 0 859 459 1,000 0,000
1882 Sand 0 860 461 1,000 1,061
2224 Sand 0 861 461 1,000 0,000
3609 Sand 0 862 463 1,000 1,061
448 Sand 0 863 465 1,000 1,061
2030 Sand 0 864 469 1,000 2,123
744 Sand 0 865 472 1,000 1,592
3042 Sand 0 866 472 1,000 0,000
2314 Operation procedure 1 867 473 0,994 0,527 0,531
C2PP4 Sand 0 868 479 1,000 3,165
2276 Sand 0 869 480 1,000 0,527
2029 Sand 0 870 481 1,000 0,527
1140 Sand 0 871 483 1,000 1,055
2871 Sand 0 872 484 1,000 0,527
744 Operation procedure 1 873 485 0,994 0,524 0,527
2222 Sand 0 874 485 1,000 0,000
755 Sand 0 875 486 1,000 0,524
2238 Sand 0 876 492 1,000 3,145
2494 Sand 0 877 492 1,000 0,000
1054 Sand 0 878 494 1,000 1,048
2942 Sand 0 879 496 1,000 1,048
1067 Sand 0 880 499 1,000 1,572
787 Operation procedure 1 881 500 0,993 0,521 0,524
2317 Sand 0 882 501 1,000 0,521
1789 Sand 0 883 503 1,000 1,041
3039 Sand 0 884 504 1,000 0,521
3373 Sand 0 885 505 1,000 0,521
2258 Operation procedure 1 886 506 0,993 0,517 0,521
Continuación Tabla 26.
2396 Sand 0 887 507 1,000 0,517
2256 Sand 0 888 508 1,000 0,517
2142 Operation procedure 1 889 509 0,993 0,514 0,517
2329 Sand 0 890 511 1,000 1,027
1824 Sand 0 891 512 1,000 0,514
1011 Sand 0 892 517 1,000 2,568
1114 Operation procedure 1 893 518 0,993 0,510 0,514
2071 Operation procedure 1 894 518 0,993 0,506 0,000
2693 Installation Service Rig 1 895 521 0,993 0,503 1,519
2675 Sand 0 896 531 1,000 5,026
1563 Sand 0 897 533 1,000 1,005
740 Sand 0 898 534 1,000 0,503
2446 Operation procedure 1 899 534 0,993 0,499 0,000
2912 Sand 0 900 539 1,000 2,494
2805 Operation procedure 1 901 541 0,992 0,495 0,998
527 Sand 0 902 543 1,000 0,990
2121 Sand 0 903 543 1,000 0,000
2038 Operation procedure 1 904 544 0,992 0,491 0,495
2290 Fabrication Problem 1 905 550 0,992 0,487 2,947
1636 Sand 0 906 556 1,000 2,924
1740 Sand 0 907 559 1,000 1,462
724 Sand 0 908 561 1,000 0,975
3111 Sand 0 909 563 1,000 0,975
Improper data used in
3278 910 563
design / selection 1 0,992 0,483 0,000
2372 Sand 0 911 564 1,000 0,483
2052 Sand 0 912 569 1,000 2,417
3227 Sand 0 913 570 1,000 0,483
2283 Sand 0 914 573 1,000 1,450
2185 Sand 0 915 575 1,000 0,967
1679 Sand 0 916 576 1,000 0,483
2973 Sand 0 917 577 1,000 0,483
227 Sand 0 918 582 1,000 2,417
2066 Sand 0 919 588 1,000 2,900
2260 Sand 0 920 589 1,000 0,483
3117 Sand 0 921 589 1,000 0,000
1771 Sand 0 922 599 1,000 4,834
2832 Sand 0 923 605 1,000 2,900
1453 Operation procedure 1 924 607 0,991 0,479 0,967
Continuación Tabla 26.
1116 Operation procedure 1 925 609 0,991 0,475 0,958
1862 Sand 0 926 609 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
748 610
equipment 1 927 0,991 0,470 0,475
1009 Sand 0 928 615 1,000 2,350
2094 Operation procedure 1 929 616 0,990 0,466 0,470
729 Sand 0 930 619 1,000 1,397
2110 Sand 0 931 620 1,000 0,466
1234 Sand 0 932 621 1,000 0,466
2860 Sand 0 933 621 1,000 0,000
1057 Sand 0 934 625 1,000 1,862
2071 Sand 0 935 627 1,000 0,931
1809 Sand 0 936 629 1,000 0,931
2332 Operation procedure 1 937 632 0,990 0,461 1,397
2215 Operation procedure 1 938 634 0,989 0,456 0,921
931 Sand 0 939 640 1,000 2,735
1654 Sand 0 940 645 1,000 2,279
2052 Sand 0 941 645 1,000 0,000
2446 Sand 0 942 645 1,000 0,000
3355 Sand 0 943 647 1,000 0,912
1831 Sand 0 944 649 1,000 0,912
940 Sand 0 945 651 1,000 0,912
1858 Sand 0 946 654 1,000 1,368
2990 Sand 0 947 654 1,000 0,000
1114 Installation Service Rig 1 948 657 0,988 0,450 1,368
1239 Sand 0 949 659 1,000 0,901
1877 Sand 0 950 660 1,000 0,450
1803 Sand 0 951 664 1,000 1,802
2149 Sand 0 952 664 1,000 0,000
811 Sand 0 953 665 1,000 0,450
1559 Operation procedure 1 954 665 0,987 0,445 0,000
910 Sand 0 955 668 1,000 1,334
765 Sand 0 956 672 1,000 1,779
296 Operation procedure 1 957 677 0,987 0,439 2,224
1892 Sand 0 958 679 1,000 0,878
1057 Sand 0 959 681 1,000 0,878
2052 Operation procedure 1 960 683 0,986 0,433 0,878
2852 Installation Service Rig 1 961 684 0,986 0,427 0,433
3055 Sand 0 962 698 1,000 5,977
Continuación Tabla 26.
2222 Sand 0 963 699 1,000 0,427
2031 Sand 0 964 705 1,000 2,561
1234 Sand 0 965 707 1,000 0,854
3126 Sand 0 966 707 1,000 0,000
1011 Sand 0 967 711 1,000 1,708
2038 Sand 0 968 711 1,000 0,000
791 Operation procedure 1 969 721 0,984 0,420 4,269
2461 Sand 0 970 726 1,000 2,101
1022 Sand 0 971 728 1,000 0,840
2831 Sand 0 972 731 1,000 1,261
2317 Sand 0 973 740 1,000 3,782
1214 Sand 0 974 741 1,000 0,420
1636 Sand 0 975 744 1,000 1,261
2953 Sand 0 976 744 1,000 0,000
2396 Sand 0 977 748 1,000 1,681
1742 Sand 0 978 749 1,000 0,420
1064 Sand 0 979 753 1,000 1,681
1697 Sand 0 980 763 1,000 4,202
2058 Sand 0 981 764 1,000 0,420
2902 Sand 0 982 777 1,000 5,463
2748 Sand 0 983 792 1,000 6,303
754 Sand 0 984 797 1,000 2,101
2304 Sand 0 985 798 1,000 0,420
2441 Sand 0 986 798 1,000 0,000
2161 Sand 0 987 800 1,000 0,840
2157 Operation procedure 1 988 805 0,978 0,411 2,101
1213 Sand 0 989 809 1,000 1,644
528 Sand 0 990 811 1,000 0,822
532 Sand 0 991 812 1,000 0,411
2131 Sand 0 992 821 1,000 3,698
3066 Sand 0 993 824 1,000 1,233
2379 Sand 0 994 832 1,000 3,287
3129 System configuration 1 995 832 0,974 0,400 0,000
2065 Sand 0 996 835 1,000 1,200
2451 Sand 0 997 838 1,000 1,200
2077 Operation procedure 1 998 840 0,971 0,389 0,800
871 Sand 0 999 841 1,000 0,389
2461 Sand 0 1000 843 1,000 0,777
2228 Sand 0 1001 844 1,000 0,389
Continuación Tabla 26.
562 Sand 0 1002 851 1,000 2,720
2092 Installation Service Rig 1 1003 858 0,967 0,376 2,720
2318 Sand 0 1004 869 1,000 4,133
2305 Sand 0 1005 879 1,000 3,757
723 Operation procedure 1 1006 887 0,963 0,362 3,005
1204 Sand 0 1007 914 1,000 9,768
4584 Sand 0 1008 922 1,000 2,894
1795 Operation procedure 1 1009 927 0,958 0,347 1,809
527 Sand 0 1010 929 1,000 0,693
1892 Sand 0 1011 945 1,000 5,547
2148 Operation procedure 1 1012 952 0,952 0,330 2,427
2302 Sand 0 1013 962 1,000 3,302
765 Sand 0 1014 979 1,000 5,613
190 Operation procedure 1 1015 983 0,944 0,312 1,321
943 Sand 0 1016 1002 1,000 5,925
2029 Sand 0 1017 1069 1,000 20,894
1028 Operation procedure 1 1018 1071 0,933 0,291 0,624
2327 Sand 0 1019 1075 1,000 1,164
302 Sand 0 1020 1079 1,000 1,164
2640 Sand 0 1021 1114 1,000 10,187
935 Sand 0 1022 1141 1,000 7,859
2382 Sand 0 1023 1166 1,000 7,276
976 Operation procedure 1 1024 1217 0,889 0,259 14,844
1227 Operation procedure 1 1025 1232 0,875 0,226 3,881
2324 Operation procedure 1 1026 1340 0,857 0,194 24,449
561 Sand 0 1027 1532 1,000 37,255
Improper data used in
926 1028 1612
design / selection 1 0,800 0,155 15,523
2088 Sand 0 1029 1678 1,000 10,245
761 Sand 0 1030 1755 1,000 11,953
1697 Operation procedure 1 1031 2551 0,500 0,078 123,563
∑ 848
Continuación Tabla 27.
2101 Installation Service Rig 1 33 725 0,857 0,360 7,980
2182 Corrosive fluids 0 34 784 1,000 21,240
2114 Corrosive fluids 0 35 811 1,000 9,720
2273 Fabrication Problem 1 36 859 0,750 0,270 17,280
2209 Corrosive fluids 0 37 900 1,000 11,070
2609 Installation Service Rig 1 38 918 0,500 0,135 4,860
∑ 585
Continuación Tabla 28.
Reuse damaged
3046 15
equipment 1 25 0,997 0,950 1,905
2170 Operation procedure 1 26 16 0,997 0,948 0,950
2170 Operation procedure 1 27 17 0,997 0,945 0,948
1112 Corrosive fluids 0 28 17 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
2163 18
equipment 1 29 0,997 0,942 0,945
Reuse damaged
2211 18
equipment 1 30 0,997 0,940 0,000
2643 Operation procedure 1 31 19 0,997 0,937 0,940
1795 Operation procedure 1 32 20 0,997 0,935 0,937
2191 Operation procedure 1 33 20 0,997 0,932 0,000
2172 Corrosive fluids 0 34 20 1,000 0,000
2600 Operation procedure 1 35 21 0,997 0,930 0,932
3057 Corrosive fluids 0 36 21 1,000 0,000
2105 Corrosive fluids 0 37 22 1,000 0,930
2585 Corrosive fluids 0 38 22 1,000 0,000
2206 Operation procedure 1 39 23 0,997 0,927 0,930
2206 Corrosive fluids 0 40 23 1,000 0,000
2206 Corrosive fluids 0 41 23 1,000 0,000
2200 System configuration 1 42 24 0,997 0,925 0,927
2163 System configuration 1 43 25 0,997 0,922 0,925
2584 System configuration 1 44 25 0,997 0,920 0,000
1112 Corrosive fluids 0 45 25 1,000 0,000
2186 Operation procedure 1 46 26 0,997 0,917 0,920
2836 Fabrication Problem 1 47 26 0,997 0,914 0,000
1053 Operation procedure 1 48 27 0,997 0,912 0,914
1210 Operation procedure 1 49 27 0,997 0,909 0,000
2202 Operation procedure 1 50 28 0,997 0,907 0,909
2230 Operation procedure 1 51 28 0,997 0,904 0,000
Reuse damaged
2213 28
equipment 1 52 0,997 0,902 0,000
2274 System configuration 1 53 29 0,997 0,899 0,902
3046 System configuration 1 54 30 0,997 0,896 0,899
2172 Operation procedure 1 55 31 0,997 0,894 0,896
2836 Fabrication Problem 1 56 32 0,997 0,891 0,894
2602 Operation procedure 1 57 33 0,997 0,889 0,891
2922 Installation - Field Service 1 58 34 0,997 0,886 0,889
3064 Installation Service Rig 1 59 34 0,997 0,884 0,000
2213 System configuration 1 60 34 0,997 0,881 0,000
2919 Fabrication Problem 1 61 35 0,997 0,878 0,881
Continuación Tabla 28.
Reuse damaged
2213 35
equipment 1 62 0,997 0,876 0,000
1881 System configuration 1 63 36 0,997 0,873 0,876
2582 Operation procedure 1 64 36 0,997 0,871 0,000
Reuse damaged
2196 36
equipment 1 65 0,997 0,868 0,000
2163 Corrosive fluids 0 66 36 1,000 0,000
1053 Installation Service Rig 1 67 38 0,997 0,865 1,736
Reuse damaged
2200 38
equipment 1 68 0,997 0,863 0,000
Reuse damaged
2585 38
equipment 1 69 0,997 0,860 0,000
Reuse damaged
2194 39
equipment 1 70 0,997 0,858 0,860
Reuse damaged
2206 40
equipment 1 71 0,997 0,855 0,858
Reuse damaged
2211 40
equipment 1 72 0,997 0,853 0,000
2213 Corrosive fluids 0 73 41 1,000 0,853
2585 Corrosive fluids 0 74 41 1,000 0,000
2163 Installation - Field Service 1 75 43 0,997 0,850 1,705
Reuse damaged
2241 43
equipment 1 76 0,997 0,847 0,000
Reuse damaged
2582 44
equipment 1 77 0,997 0,845 0,847
2797 System configuration 1 78 44 0,997 0,842 0,000
2274 Operation procedure 1 79 45 0,997 0,840 0,842
2914 Corrosive fluids 0 80 45 1,000 0,000
2274 Fabrication Problem 1 81 46 0,997 0,837 0,840
Reuse damaged
2797 46
equipment 1 82 0,997 0,834 0,000
Reuse damaged
1495 47
equipment 1 83 0,997 0,832 0,834
2241 Installation Service Rig 1 84 48 0,997 0,829 0,832
2919 Fabrication Problem 1 85 48 0,997 0,827 0,000
2193 System configuration 1 86 48 0,997 0,824 0,000
2584 Corrosive fluids 0 87 48 1,000 0,000
1112 Corrosive fluids 0 88 49 1,000 0,824
2144 Operation procedure 1 89 50 0,997 0,821 0,824
2030 Installation Service Rig 1 90 51 0,997 0,819 0,821
Reuse damaged
2901 51
equipment 1 91 0,997 0,816 0,000
2165 Corrosive fluids 0 92 51 1,000 0,000
1881 Operation procedure 1 93 53 0,997 0,813 1,632
Continuación Tabla 28.
2917 Installation Service Rig 1 94 54 0,997 0,811 0,813
Reuse damaged
2193 54
equipment 1 95 0,997 0,808 0,000
890 Corrosive fluids 0 96 54 1,000 0,000
2170 Corrosive fluids 0 97 54 1,000 0,000
2191 Corrosive fluids 0 98 54 1,000 0,000
2919 Corrosive fluids 0 99 54 1,000 0,000
1112 Corrosive fluids 0 100 56 1,000 1,616
Reuse damaged
2922 57
equipment 1 101 0,997 0,805 0,808
2152 Corrosive fluids 0 102 57 1,000 0,000
2602 Installation Service Rig 1 103 58 0,997 0,803 0,805
Reuse damaged
2152 58
equipment 1 104 0,997 0,800 0,000
2601 System configuration 1 105 58 0,997 0,797 0,000
2045 Fabrication Problem 1 106 59 0,997 0,795 0,797
Reuse damaged
2193 59
equipment 1 107 0,997 0,792 0,000
2502 Corrosive fluids 0 108 59 1,000 0,000
2230 Operation procedure 1 109 60 0,997 0,789 0,792
2627 System configuration 1 110 60 0,997 0,787 0,000
2200 Corrosive fluids 0 111 60 1,000 0,000
2635 Corrosive fluids 0 112 60 1,000 0,000
2917 Corrosive fluids 0 113 60 1,000 0,000
823 Operation procedure 1 114 62 0,997 0,784 1,573
2172 Operation procedure 1 115 62 0,997 0,781 0,000
2193 Installation Service Rig 1 116 63 0,997 0,778 0,781
Improper data used in
2268 63
design / selection 1 117 0,997 0,778 0,000
2147 Corrosive fluids 0 118 63 1,000 0,000
2206 Operation procedure 1 119 66 0,996 0,776 2,335
Reuse damaged
2601 67
equipment 1 120 0,996 0,773 0,776
2170 Operation procedure 1 121 68 0,996 0,773 0,773
1881 Corrosive fluids 0 122 68 1,000 0,000
2601 Fabrication Problem 1 123 69 0,996 0,770 0,773
3100 Operation procedure 1 124 69 0,996 0,767 0,000
2241 Installation Service Rig 1 125 72 0,996 0,765 2,302
2919 Fabrication Problem 1 126 72 0,996 0,762 0,000
3064 Installation Service Rig 1 127 72 0,996 0,759 0,000
2030 Operation procedure 1 128 73 0,996 0,756 0,759
Improper data used in
2795 73
design / selection 1 129 0,996 0,754 0,000
Continuación Tabla 28.
2591 Corrosive fluids 0 130 73 1,000 0,000
2163 Installation Service Rig 1 131 74 0,996 0,751 0,754
2591 Fabrication Problem 1 132 74 0,996 0,748 0,000
Reuse damaged
2683 74
equipment 1 133 0,996 0,745 0,000
Improper data used in
2602 74
design / selection 1 134 0,996 0,743 0,000
2637 Operation procedure 1 135 75 0,996 0,740 0,743
2194 Corrosive fluids 0 136 75 1,000 0,000
2905 Corrosive fluids 0 137 75 1,000 0,000
2241 System configuration 1 138 76 0,996 0,737 0,740
2165 Corrosive fluids 0 139 76 1,000 0,000
2584 Corrosive fluids 0 140 76 1,000 0,000
Reuse damaged
2152 77
equipment 1 141 0,996 0,734 0,737
2584 System configuration 1 142 78 0,996 0,731 0,734
Reuse damaged
2193 79
equipment 1 143 0,996 0,729 0,731
1036 Corrosive fluids 0 144 79 1,000 0,000
421 Corrosive fluids 0 145 80 1,000 0,729
2082 Fabrication Problem 1 146 82 0,996 0,726 1,457
2144 Fabrication Problem 1 147 82 0,996 0,723 0,000
2904 Corrosive fluids 0 148 84 1,000 1,446
2795 Fabrication Problem 1 149 86 0,996 0,720 1,446
2213 Corrosive fluids 0 150 87 1,000 0,720
2859 Corrosive fluids 0 151 87 1,000 0,000
2643 Operation procedure 1 152 88 0,996 0,717 0,720
2102 Corrosive fluids 0 153 88 1,000 0,000
155 Fabrication Problem 1 154 89 0,996 0,714 0,717
2617 System configuration 1 155 89 0,996 0,711 0,000
2665 System configuration 1 156 89 0,996 0,709 0,000
2627 Corrosive fluids 0 157 89 1,000 0,000
2588 Corrosive fluids 0 158 90 1,000 0,709
2602 Corrosive fluids 0 159 90 1,000 0,000
Improper data used in
2649 91
design / selection 1 160 0,996 0,706 0,709
2583 Corrosive fluids 0 161 91 1,000 0,000
2625 Corrosive fluids 0 162 91 1,000 0,000
2172 Installation Service Rig 1 163 92 0,996 0,703 0,706
Reuse damaged
2791 92
equipment 1 164 0,996 0,700 0,000
2601 Corrosive fluids 0 165 92 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 28.
2627 System configuration 1 166 94 0,996 0,697 1,400
2922 System configuration 1 167 94 0,996 0,694 0,000
2191 Operation procedure 1 168 98 0,996 0,691 2,775
2241 Operation procedure 1 169 98 0,996 0,688 0,000
2919 System configuration 1 170 98 0,996 0,685 0,000
2602 Operation procedure 1 171 99 0,996 0,682 0,685
2917 Corrosive fluids 0 172 100 1,000 0,682
1471 Fabrication Problem 1 173 101 0,996 0,682 0,682
1495 Corrosive fluids 0 174 102 1,000 0,682
2241 Corrosive fluids 0 175 103 1,000 0,682
2196 Corrosive fluids 0 176 106 1,000 2,046
2601 Operation procedure 1 177 107 0,996 0,679 0,682
2792 Corrosive fluids 0 178 107 1,000 0,000
3060 Operation procedure 1 179 110 0,996 0,676 2,037
2590 Operation procedure 1 180 111 0,996 0,673 0,676
3046 Corrosive fluids 0 181 111 1,000 0,000
2585 Corrosive fluids 0 182 112 1,000 0,673
2627 Corrosive fluids 0 183 114 1,000 1,346
1523 Fabrication Problem 1 184 115 0,995 0,670 0,673
1495 Corrosive fluids 0 185 115 1,000 0,000
2193 System configuration 1 186 116 0,995 0,667 0,670
2206 Operation procedure 1 187 116 0,995 0,664 0,000
2200 Corrosive fluids 0 188 117 1,000 0,664
2797 Corrosive fluids 0 189 118 1,000 0,664
3064 Installation Service Rig 1 190 119 0,995 0,661 0,664
262 Corrosive fluids 0 191 119 1,000 0,000
2792 Corrosive fluids 0 192 119 1,000 0,000
2200 Corrosive fluids 0 193 120 1,000 0,661
2605 Corrosive fluids 0 194 121 1,000 0,661
2635 Installation Service Rig 1 195 122 0,995 0,657 0,661
2230 System selection 1 196 123 0,995 0,654 0,657
2105 Corrosive fluids 0 197 123 1,000 0,000
2337 Fabrication Problem 1 198 125 0,995 0,651 1,308
2145 Operation procedure 1 199 126 0,995 0,648 0,651
2572 Corrosive fluids 0 200 127 1,000 0,648
823 Fabrication Problem 1 201 128 0,995 0,645 0,648
2100 Corrosive fluids 0 202 128 1,000 0,000
2635 Fabrication Problem 1 203 129 0,995 0,641 0,645
2901 Operation procedure 1 204 129 0,995 0,638 0,000
Continuación Tabla 28.
2627 System configuration 1 205 129 0,995 0,635 0,000
2163 Corrosive fluids 0 206 129 1,000 0,000
2165 Corrosive fluids 0 207 132 1,000 1,905
1112 Operation procedure 1 208 133 0,995 0,632 0,635
2178 Installation Service Rig 1 209 133 0,995 0,628 0,000
2194 Corrosive fluids 0 210 133 1,000 0,000
2502 Corrosive fluids 0 211 133 1,000 0,000
2627 Corrosive fluids 0 212 134 1,000 0,628
2196 Operation procedure 1 213 135 0,995 0,625 0,628
3064 Corrosive fluids 0 214 137 1,000 1,250
2795 Operation procedure 1 215 138 0,995 0,622 0,625
2502 Corrosive fluids 0 216 138 1,000 0,000
1066 Operation procedure 1 217 139 0,995 0,618 0,622
2082 Operation procedure 1 218 139 0,995 0,615 0,000
Reuse damaged
2172 140
equipment 1 219 0,995 0,612 0,615
1066 Operation procedure 1 220 140 0,995 0,608 0,000
2635 Operation procedure 1 221 141 0,995 0,605 0,608
2570 Corrosive fluids 0 222 142 1,000 0,605
Reuse damaged
2572 143
equipment 1 223 0,994 0,602 0,605
2652 Corrosive fluids 0 224 144 1,000 0,602
2652 Operation procedure 1 225 145 0,994 0,598 0,602
1036 Corrosive fluids 0 226 145 1,000 0,000
2101 Operation procedure 1 227 147 0,994 0,595 1,197
2146 Operation procedure 1 228 147 0,994 0,592 0,000
1881 Corrosive fluids 0 229 147 1,000 0,000
2901 Corrosive fluids 0 230 147 1,000 0,000
2792 Corrosive fluids 0 231 148 1,000 0,592
2588 Corrosive fluids 0 232 149 1,000 0,592
2195 Installation Service Rig 1 233 150 0,994 0,588 0,592
3064 Corrosive fluids 0 234 150 1,000 0,000
2193 Fabrication Problem 1 235 159 0,994 0,585 5,293
2683 Operation procedure 1 236 159 0,994 0,581 0,000
2195 System configuration 1 237 161 0,994 0,581 1,162
2268 Corrosive fluids 0 238 161 1,000 0,000
2617 Corrosive fluids 0 239 162 1,000 0,581
2683 Corrosive fluids 0 240 164 1,000 1,162
2145 Operation procedure 1 241 167 0,994 0,577 1,743
2584 Operation procedure 1 242 167 0,994 0,574 0,000
Continuación Tabla 28.
3226 Fabrication Problem 1 243 167 0,994 0,570 0,000
2601 System configuration 1 244 168 0,994 0,567 0,570
2617 System selection 1 245 169 0,994 0,563 0,567
2147 Corrosive fluids 0 246 169 1,000 0,000
2603 System configuration 1 247 170 0,994 0,560 0,563
2797 Corrosive fluids 0 248 170 1,000 0,000
Improper data used in
823 171
design / selection 1 249 0,994 0,556 0,560
261 Operation procedure 1 250 171 0,993 0,552 0,000
Improper data used in
2168 173
design / selection 1 251 0,993 0,549 1,105
2547 Fabrication Problem 1 252 173 0,993 0,545 0,000
2683 Corrosive fluids 0 253 175 1,000 1,090
1053 Fabrication Problem 1 254 176 0,993 0,541 0,545
2208 Fabrication Problem 1 255 177 0,993 0,538 0,541
2152 Corrosive fluids 0 256 178 1,000 0,538
2211 Fabrication Problem 1 257 180 0,993 0,534 1,075
2625 Fabrication Problem 1 258 181 0,993 0,530 0,534
2635 Installation - Field Service 1 259 181 0,993 0,527 0,000
2100 Corrosive fluids 0 260 182 1,000 0,527
2202 Corrosive fluids 0 261 182 1,000 0,000
2102 Corrosive fluids 0 262 189 1,000 3,686
2859 Corrosive fluids 0 263 192 1,000 1,580
3046 System configuration 1 264 193 0,993 0,523 0,527
2584 System configuration 1 265 195 0,993 0,519 1,046
923 Operation procedure 1 266 195 0,993 0,519 0,000
2636 Corrosive fluids 0 267 195 1,000 0,000
1471 Installation Service Rig 1 268 196 0,993 0,515 0,519
Improper data used in
2208 197
design / selection 1 269 0,993 0,511 0,515
737 Operation procedure 1 270 197 0,992 0,511 0,000
2604 Installation Service Rig 1 271 197 0,992 0,511 0,000
2230 Corrosive fluids 0 272 197 1,000 0,000
2589 Corrosive fluids 0 273 198 1,000 0,511
Improper data used in
2627 199
design / selection 1 274 0,992 0,507 0,511
Improper data used in
2152 205
design / selection 1 275 0,992 0,503 3,044
2591 Corrosive fluids 0 276 206 1,000 0,503
2178 Installation Service Rig 1 277 207 0,992 0,499 0,503
2165 Corrosive fluids 0 278 208 1,000 0,499
Continuación Tabla 28.
2568 Corrosive fluids 0 279 209 1,000 0,499
595 Operation procedure 1 280 211 0,992 0,495 0,999
2163 System configuration 1 281 213 0,992 0,491 0,991
2578 System configuration 1 282 213 0,992 0,491 0,000
1881 Corrosive fluids 0 283 213 1,000 0,000
2230 Corrosive fluids 0 284 215 1,000 0,982
3100 Fabrication Problem 1 285 221 0,992 0,487 2,947
1011 Corrosive fluids 0 286 222 1,000 0,487
2904 Corrosive fluids 0 287 223 1,000 0,487
2919 Corrosive fluids 0 288 224 1,000 0,487
2617 Corrosive fluids 0 289 226 1,000 0,974
2589 Installation Service Rig 1 290 227 0,991 0,483 0,487
823 Corrosive fluids 0 291 228 1,000 0,483
Reuse damaged
2591 233
equipment 1 292 0,991 0,478 2,414
2144 Corrosive fluids 0 293 234 1,000 0,478
2795 Operation procedure 1 294 239 0,991 0,474 2,392
2578 Operation procedure 1 295 241 0,991 0,470 0,948
2168 Corrosive fluids 0 296 242 1,000 0,470
2200 Corrosive fluids 0 297 243 1,000 0,470
2830 Corrosive fluids 0 298 246 1,000 1,409
2578 Operation procedure 1 299 247 0,990 0,465 0,470
Reuse damaged
2917 249
equipment 1 300 0,990 0,461 0,930
2919 System configuration 1 301 249 0,990 0,456 0,000
3064 Fabrication Problem 1 302 252 0,990 0,452 1,368
2588 Operation procedure 1 303 253 0,990 0,447 0,452
2105 Corrosive fluids 0 304 254 1,000 0,447
2590 System configuration 1 305 255 0,990 0,442 0,447
2568 Corrosive fluids 0 306 256 1,000 0,442
2572 Operation procedure 1 307 257 0,990 0,438 0,442
2082 Corrosive fluids 0 308 257 1,000 0,000
1066 Operation procedure 1 309 258 0,989 0,433 0,438
Reuse damaged
2830 258
equipment 1 310 0,989 0,429 0,000
2100 Corrosive fluids 0 311 260 1,000 0,857
2547 Corrosive fluids 0 312 260 1,000 0,000
2568 Operation procedure 1 313 261 0,989 0,424 0,429
2917 Corrosive fluids 0 314 261 1,000 0,000
1112 Operation procedure 1 315 264 0,989 0,419 1,271
Continuación Tabla 28.
2572 Corrosive fluids 0 316 265 1,000 0,419
2572 Fabrication Problem 1 317 267 0,988 0,414 0,838
2643 System configuration 1 318 267 0,988 0,409 0,000
2901 Corrosive fluids 0 319 267 1,000 0,000
2152 Operation procedure 1 320 268 0,988 0,404 0,409
2589 Operation procedure 1 321 272 0,988 0,399 1,617
2568 Corrosive fluids 0 322 273 1,000 0,399
2836 Installation Service Rig 1 323 276 0,988 0,394 1,198
2230 Fabrication Problem 1 324 278 0,987 0,389 0,789
262 Corrosive fluids 0 325 289 1,000 4,283
2105 Installation Service Rig 1 326 290 0,987 0,384 0,389
1471 Fabrication Problem 1 327 294 0,987 0,379 1,537
2195 Operation procedure 1 328 294 0,987 0,374 0,000
2207 Installation - Field Service 1 329 299 0,986 0,369 1,871
2665 Installation Service Rig 1 330 304 0,986 0,364 1,846
2102 Operation procedure 1 331 305 0,986 0,359 0,364
3430 Installation Service Rig 1 332 310 0,986 0,354 1,795
2904 Installation - Field Service 1 333 316 0,986 0,349 2,124
2230 System configuration 1 334 317 0,986 0,344 0,349
2183 Corrosive fluids 0 335 317 1,000 0,000
2859 Installation Service Rig 1 336 328 0,985 0,339 3,782
890 System configuration 1 337 331 0,985 0,334 1,016
2542 Installation Service Rig 1 338 331 0,985 0,328 0,000
2572 Corrosive fluids 0 339 334 1,000 0,985
1066 Operation procedure 1 340 340 0,984 0,323 1,971
2165 Corrosive fluids 0 341 342 1,000 0,646
Improper data used in
2268 343
design / selection 1 342 0,984 0,318 0,323
Improper data used in
2602 344
design / selection 1 343 0,983 0,313 0,318
2085 Installation - Field Service 1 344 347 0,983 0,307 0,938
1881 Corrosive fluids 0 345 355 1,000 2,459
2836 Operation procedure 1 346 360 0,982 0,302 1,537
2625 Corrosive fluids 0 347 364 1,000 1,208
2195 Operation procedure 1 348 367 0,982 0,296 0,906
1053 Fabrication Problem 1 349 372 0,981 0,291 1,482
2167 Corrosive fluids 0 350 372 1,000 0,000
2207 Corrosive fluids 0 351 376 1,000 1,164
1881 Operation procedure 1 352 380 0,980 0,285 1,164
2186 Operation procedure 1 353 380 0,980 0,280 0,000
Continuación Tabla 28.
2901 Fabrication Problem 1 354 382 0,980 0,274 0,559
2211 Corrosive fluids 0 355 385 1,000 0,822
2183 System configuration 1 356 392 0,979 0,268 1,917
2206 Corrosive fluids 0 357 398 1,000 1,608
1487 Operation procedure 1 358 399 0,978 0,262 0,268
769 Operation procedure 1 359 403 0,977 0,256 1,048
2637 Operation procedure 1 360 404 0,977 0,250 0,256
Improper data used in
2601 407
design / selection 1 361 0,976 0,244 0,750
2102 Operation procedure 1 362 408 0,976 0,238 0,244
2513 Corrosive fluids 0 363 420 1,000 2,859
2195 Fabrication Problem 1 364 424 0,974 0,232 0,953
1589 Corrosive fluids 0 365 432 1,000 1,857
Improper data used in
2144 442
design / selection 1 366 0,973 0,226 2,321
Improper data used in
4587 451
design / selection 1 367 0,972 0,220 2,033
2643 Corrosive fluids 0 368 466 1,000 3,294
2649 Corrosive fluids 0 369 466 1,000 0,000
2663 Corrosive fluids 0 370 471 1,000 1,098
2513 Corrosive fluids 0 371 472 1,000 0,220
769 Operation procedure 1 372 475 0,968 0,213 0,659
2105 Corrosive fluids 0 373 487 1,000 2,550
2151 Corrosive fluids 0 374 496 1,000 1,913
2791 Operation procedure 1 375 512 0,964 0,205 3,400
2145 Corrosive fluids 0 376 522 1,000 2,049
2617 Corrosive fluids 0 377 529 1,000 1,434
2168 Corrosive fluids 0 378 531 1,000 0,410
Reuse damaged
2213 544
equipment 1 379 0,958 0,196 2,664
2082 Corrosive fluids 0 380 548 1,000 0,786
2206 Corrosive fluids 0 381 560 1,000 2,357
2100 Corrosive fluids 0 382 563 1,000 0,589
2165 Corrosive fluids 0 383 582 1,000 3,731
2145 Corrosive fluids 0 384 589 1,000 1,375
317 Corrosive fluids 0 385 603 1,000 2,749
2337 Operation procedure 1 386 611 0,941 0,185 1,571
2209 Corrosive fluids 0 387 614 1,000 0,554
1471 Installation Service Rig 1 388 622 0,933 0,173 1,479
2167 Corrosive fluids 0 389 679 1,000 9,833
2900 Corrosive fluids 0 390 701 1,000 3,795
Continuación Tabla 28.
2147 Operation procedure 1 391 702 0,917 0,158 0,173
2183 Corrosive fluids 0 392 718 1,000 2,530
2797 Corrosive fluids 0 393 803 1,000 13,441
2617 Corrosive fluids 0 394 804 1,000 0,158
2589 Operation procedure 1 395 867 0,875 0,138 9,962
1881 Corrosive fluids 0 396 907 1,000 5,535
2054 Operation procedure 1 397 974 0,833 0,115 9,271
2178 Operation procedure 1 398 1039 0,800 0,092 7,495
2670 Drilling Project 1 399 1234 0,750 0,069 17,988
4586 Operation procedure 1 400 1237 0,667 0,046 0,208
2054 Corrosive fluids 0 401 1296 1,000 2,721
∑ 349
Continuación Tabla 29.
2031 Operation procedure 1 22 9 0,999 0,976 0,977
2693 Reuse damaged equipment 1 23 9 0,999 0,975 0,000
2908 Operation procedure 1 24 9 0,999 0,974 0,000
2556 Reuse damaged equipment 1 25 10 0,999 0,973 0,974
2556 Reuse damaged equipment 1 26 10 0,999 0,972 0,000
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 27 10 0,999 0,970 0,000
2226 Corrosive fluids 0 28 10 1,000 0,000
2923 Corrosive fluids 0 29 10 1,000 0,000
711 Fabrication Problem 1 30 11 0,999 0,969 0,970
2231 Installation Service Rig 1 31 11 0,999 0,968 0,000
2695 Operation procedure 1 32 11 0,999 0,967 0,000
1727 Corrosive fluids 0 33 11 1,000 0,000
2139 Operation procedure 1 34 12 0,999 0,966 0,967
2697 Corrosive fluids 0 35 12 1,000 0,000
2058 Reuse damaged equipment 1 36 13 0,999 0,964 0,966
2244 Installation Service Rig 1 37 13 0,999 0,963 0,000
2923 Reuse damaged equipment 1 38 14 0,999 0,962 0,963
3035 Operation procedure 1 39 14 0,999 0,961 0,000
2025 Installation Service Rig 1 40 15 0,999 0,960 0,961
2918 Installation Service Rig 1 41 15 0,999 0,958 0,000
2256 Operation procedure 1 42 16 0,999 0,957 0,958
2577 Operation procedure 1 43 16 0,999 0,956 0,000
2671 Installation Service Rig 1 44 16 0,999 0,955 0,000
2913 Operation procedure 1 45 16 0,999 0,954 0,000
725 Corrosive fluids 0 46 16 1,000 0,000
2250 Corrosive fluids 0 47 16 1,000 0,000
740 Operation procedure 1 48 17 0,999 0,952 0,954
931 Installation Service Rig 1 49 17 0,999 0,951 0,000
2242 Installation Service Rig 1 50 17 0,999 0,950 0,000
2946 Reuse damaged equipment 1 51 18 0,999 0,949 0,950
1344 Reuse damaged equipment 1 52 19 0,999 0,948 0,949
2802 Reuse damaged equipment 1 53 19 0,999 0,947 0,000
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 54 20 0,999 0,945 0,947
2226 Reuse damaged equipment 1 55 20 0,999 0,944 0,000
880 Reuse damaged equipment 1 56 21 0,999 0,943 0,944
2556 Reuse damaged equipment 1 57 21 0,999 0,942 0,000
2796 Installation Service Rig 1 58 21 0,999 0,941 0,000
1344 Corrosive fluids 0 59 21 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 29.
2672 Corrosive fluids 0 60 21 1,000 0,000
2233 Installation Service Rig 1 61 22 0,999 0,939 0,941
2681 Operation procedure 1 62 22 0,999 0,938 0,000
2930 Installation Service Rig 1 63 22 0,999 0,937 0,000
1214 Operation procedure 1 64 23 0,999 0,936 0,937
2025 Operation procedure 1 65 24 0,999 0,935 0,936
2034 Operation procedure 1 66 24 0,999 0,933 0,000
2139 Installation Service Rig 1 67 24 0,999 0,932 0,000
2244 Installation Service Rig 1 68 24 0,999 0,931 0,000
2244 Reuse damaged equipment 1 69 24 0,999 0,930 0,000
1344 Installation Service Rig 1 70 25 0,999 0,929 0,930
2057 Reuse damaged equipment 1 71 25 0,999 0,927 0,000
907 Installation Service Rig 1 72 26 0,999 0,926 0,927
2192 Operation procedure 1 73 26 0,999 0,925 0,000
2233 Operation procedure 1 74 26 0,999 0,924 0,000
2934 Operation procedure 1 75 26 0,999 0,923 0,000
1239 Installation Service Rig 1 76 27 0,999 0,921 0,923
2043 Installation Service Rig 1 77 28 0,999 0,920 0,921
2444 System configuration 1 78 28 0,999 0,919 0,000
1714 Corrosive fluids 0 79 28 1,000 0,000
318 Operation procedure 1 80 29 0,999 0,918 0,919
2238 Operation procedure 1 81 29 0,999 0,917 0,000
1665 Corrosive fluids 0 82 29 1,000 0,000
2231 Corrosive fluids 0 83 29 1,000 0,000
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 84 30 0,999 0,915 0,917
2231 Operation procedure 1 85 32 0,999 0,914 1,831
2233 Operation procedure 1 86 33 0,999 0,913 0,914
2923 Corrosive fluids 0 87 33 1,000 0,000
442 Corrosive fluids 0 88 35 1,000 1,826
1787 Operation procedure 1 89 35 0,999 0,912 0,000
2141 Installation Service Rig 1 90 35 0,999 0,911 0,000
2233 Installation Service Rig 1 91 35 0,999 0,909 0,000
2242 Fabrication Problem 1 92 35 0,999 0,908 0,000
2421 Operation procedure 1 93 35 0,999 0,907 0,000
2164 Operation procedure 1 94 36 0,999 0,906 0,907
2273 Operation procedure 1 95 36 0,999 0,905 0,000
2946 Reuse damaged equipment 1 96 36 0,999 0,903 0,000
2697 Corrosive fluids 0 97 36 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 29.
2291 Operation procedure 1 98 38 0,999 0,902 1,807
2630 Installation Service Rig 1 99 38 0,999 0,901 0,000
2066 Reuse damaged equipment 1 100 39 0,999 0,900 0,901
2758 Operation procedure 1 101 39 0,999 0,898 0,000
2052 Operation procedure 1 102 40 0,999 0,897 0,898
2233 Installation Service Rig 1 103 40 0,999 0,896 0,000
2287 Installation Service Rig 1 104 41 0,999 0,895 0,896
2521 Reuse damaged equipment 1 105 41 0,999 0,894 0,000
2238 Corrosive fluids 0 106 41 1,000 0,000
2459 Corrosive fluids 0 107 41 1,000 0,000
2677 Reuse damaged equipment 1 108 42 0,999 0,892 0,894
2837 Operation procedure 1 109 43 0,999 0,891 0,892
2957 Fabrication Problem 1 110 43 0,999 0,890 0,000
1665 Corrosive fluids 0 111 43 1,000 0,000
2678 Fabrication Problem 1 112 44 0,999 0,889 0,890
2180 Corrosive fluids 0 113 44 1,000 0,000
2441 Corrosive fluids 0 114 44 1,000 0,000
641 Reuse damaged equipment 1 115 46 0,999 0,888 1,778
2814 Installation Service Rig 1 116 46 0,999 0,886 0,000
2942 Reuse damaged equipment 1 117 47 0,999 0,885 0,886
2069 Corrosive fluids 0 118 48 1,000 0,885
941 Operation procedure 1 119 49 0,999 0,884 0,885
3719 Reuse damaged equipment 1 120 49 0,999 0,883 0,000
2814 Installation Service Rig 1 121 50 0,999 0,882 0,883
2224 Corrosive fluids 0 122 50 1,000 0,000
2940 Reuse damaged equipment 1 123 51 0,999 0,880 0,882
2946 Installation Service Rig 1 124 51 0,999 0,879 0,000
2697 Corrosive fluids 0 125 51 1,000 0,000
2399 Operation procedure 1 126 53 0,999 0,878 1,758
2180 Corrosive fluids 0 127 53 1,000 0,000
2180 Corrosive fluids 0 128 53 1,000 0,000
2287 Corrosive fluids 0 129 53 1,000 0,000
868 Corrosive fluids 0 130 54 1,000 0,878
2672 Corrosive fluids 0 131 54 1,000 0,000
1636 Surface unit misalignment 0 132 55 1,000 0,878
3068 Operation procedure 1 133 55 0,999 0,877 0,000
2210 Drilling Project 1 134 56 0,999 0,875 0,877
2212 Operation procedure 1 135 56 0,999 0,874 0,000
2564 Installation - Field Service 1 136 56 0,999 0,873 0,000
Continuación Tabla 29.
2929 Reuse damaged equipment 1 137 56 0,999 0,872 0,000
2224 Operation procedure 1 138 57 0,999 0,870 0,872
2802 Installation Service Rig 1 139 57 0,999 0,869 0,000
2963 Reuse damaged equipment 1 140 57 0,999 0,868 0,000
2980 Installation Service Rig 1 141 57 0,999 0,867 0,000
2734 Corrosive fluids 0 142 57 1,000 0,000
2802 Installation Service Rig 1 143 59 0,999 0,866 1,734
2441 Corrosive fluids 0 144 59 1,000 0,000
2057 Reuse damaged equipment 1 145 61 0,999 0,864 1,731
2058 Reuse damaged equipment 1 146 61 0,999 0,863 0,000
2664 Reuse damaged equipment 1 147 61 0,999 0,862 0,000
3378 Operation procedure 1 148 61 0,999 0,861 0,000
641 Corrosive fluids 0 149 63 1,000 1,721
2258 Installation Service Rig 1 150 64 0,999 0,859 0,861
931 Corrosive fluids 0 151 65 1,000 0,859
1772 Corrosive fluids 0 152 66 1,000 0,859
931 Corrosive fluids 0 153 67 1,000 0,859
2973 Corrosive fluids 0 154 68 1,000 0,859
2148 Operation procedure 1 155 71 0,999 0,858 2,578
903 Corrosive fluids 0 156 72 1,000 0,858
2872 Operation procedure 1 157 72 0,999 0,857 0,000
2814 Corrosive fluids 0 158 72 1,000 0,000
1740 Corrosive fluids 0 159 73 1,000 0,857
2581 Corrosive fluids 0 160 73 1,000 0,000
828 Corrosive fluids 0 161 74 1,000 0,857
2343 Installation Service Rig 1 162 74 0,999 0,856 0,000
2815 Fabrication Problem 1 163 74 0,999 0,854 0,000
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 164 74 0,999 0,853 0,000
2634 Reuse damaged equipment 1 165 75 0,999 0,852 0,853
2399 Corrosive fluids 0 166 75 1,000 0,000
2466 Reuse damaged equipment 1 167 76 0,999 0,851 0,852
2246 Corrosive fluids 0 168 76 1,000 0,000
2607 Corrosive fluids 0 169 77 1,000 0,851
2693 Corrosive fluids 0 170 77 1,000 0,000
2938 Reuse damaged equipment 1 171 78 0,999 0,849 0,851
2693 Corrosive fluids 0 172 78 1,000 0,000
2244 System configuration 1 173 79 0,999 0,848 0,849
2600 Operation procedure 1 174 79 0,999 0,847 0,000
Continuación Tabla 29.
2865 Installation Service Rig 1 175 79 0,999 0,846 0,000
3043 Installation Service Rig 1 176 79 0,999 0,844 0,000
2865 Reuse damaged equipment 1 177 80 0,999 0,843 0,844
2650 Operation procedure 1 178 81 0,999 0,842 0,843
2198 System configuration 1 179 82 0,999 0,841 0,842
2231 Operation procedure 1 180 82 0,998 0,839 0,000
2121 Operation procedure 1 181 84 0,998 0,838 1,678
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 182 84 0,998 0,837 0,000
2399 Operation procedure 1 183 84 0,998 0,835 0,000
2671 Installation Service Rig 1 184 84 0,998 0,834 0,000
2283 Reuse damaged equipment 1 185 85 0,998 0,833 0,834
2746 Installation Service Rig 1 186 88 0,998 0,832 2,499
3068 Fabrication Problem 1 187 88 0,998 0,830 0,000
748 Installation Service Rig 1 188 91 0,998 0,829 2,491
2459 Corrosive fluids 0 189 91 1,000 0,000
725 Operation procedure 1 190 92 0,998 0,828 0,829
2284 Corrosive fluids 0 191 92 1,000 0,000
2192 Corrosive fluids 0 192 93 1,000 0,828
2289 Corrosive fluids 0 193 94 1,000 0,828
2581 Corrosive fluids 0 194 94 1,000 0,000
928 Installation Service Rig 1 195 95 0,998 0,827 0,828
2334 Operation procedure 1 196 95 0,998 0,825 0,000
2681 Operation procedure 1 197 95 0,998 0,824 0,000
2575 Operation procedure 1 198 96 0,998 0,823 0,824
2153 Corrosive fluids 0 199 96 1,000 0,000
2575 Operation procedure 1 200 98 0,998 0,822 1,646
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 201 98 0,998 0,820 0,000
2298 Corrosive fluids 0 202 99 1,000 0,820
2923 Corrosive fluids 0 203 99 1,000 0,000
773 Corrosive fluids 0 204 100 1,000 0,820
2466 Installation Service Rig 1 205 100 0,998 0,819 0,000
2575 Operation procedure 1 206 100 0,998 0,818 0,000
2973 Operation procedure 1 207 100 0,998 0,816 0,000
287 Corrosive fluids 0 208 101 1,000 0,816
1792 Corrosive fluids 0 209 101 1,000 0,000
2980 Drilling Project 1 210 101 0,998 0,815 0,000
2672 Corrosive fluids 0 211 101 1,000 0,000
2826 Fabrication Problem 1 212 102 0,998 0,814 0,815
Continuación Tabla 29.
3055 Installation Service Rig 1 213 102 0,998 0,813 0,000
3243 Corrosive fluids 0 214 102 1,000 0,000
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 215 103 0,998 0,811 0,813
711 Operation procedure 1 216 105 0,998 0,810 1,623
2899 Operation procedure 1 217 106 0,998 0,809 0,810
2244 Corrosive fluids 0 218 106 1,000 0,000
2576 Corrosive fluids 0 219 106 1,000 0,000
880 Corrosive fluids 0 220 107 1,000 0,809
2078 Operation procedure 1 221 107 0,998 0,807 0,000
2226 Reuse damaged equipment 1 222 109 0,998 0,806 1,615
2233 Reuse damaged equipment 1 223 109 0,998 0,805 0,000
2802 Fabrication Problem 1 224 109 0,998 0,804 0,000
2521 Corrosive fluids 0 225 109 1,000 0,000
2695 Corrosive fluids 0 226 109 1,000 0,000
1727 Installation Service Rig 1 227 110 0,998 0,802 0,804
2521 Installation Service Rig 1 228 112 0,998 0,801 1,604
2295 Corrosive fluids 0 229 112 1,000 0,000
2153 Reuse damaged equipment 1 230 113 0,998 0,800 0,801
2600 Operation procedure 1 231 113 0,998 0,798 0,000
2564 Corrosive fluids 0 232 113 1,000 0,000
2697 Corrosive fluids 0 233 113 1,000 0,000
1216 Corrosive fluids 0 234 114 1,000 0,798
2271 Installation Service Rig 1 235 114 0,998 0,797 0,000
2224 Corrosive fluids 0 236 114 1,000 0,000
2520 Corrosive fluids 0 237 114 1,000 0,000
2923 Corrosive fluids 0 238 114 1,000 0,000
2697 Reuse damaged equipment 1 239 115 0,998 0,796 0,797
2929 Operation procedure 1 240 115 0,998 0,794 0,000
2564 Reuse damaged equipment 1 241 116 0,998 0,793 0,794
2069 Corrosive fluids 0 242 116 1,000 0,000
2124 Corrosive fluids 0 243 116 1,000 0,000
2153 Corrosive fluids 0 244 116 1,000 0,000
2198 Corrosive fluids 0 245 116 1,000 0,000
287 Operation procedure 1 246 118 0,998 0,792 1,586
2271 Operation procedure 1 247 118 0,998 0,790 0,000
1011 Reuse damaged equipment 1 248 119 0,998 0,789 0,790
1740 Operation procedure 1 249 119 0,998 0,788 0,000
2284 Reuse damaged equipment 1 250 119 0,998 0,786 0,000
Continuación Tabla 29.
2607 Corrosive fluids 0 251 119 1,000 0,000
2963 Corrosive fluids 0 252 119 1,000 0,000
3111 Installation Service Rig 1 253 120 0,998 0,785 0,786
1344 Corrosive fluids 0 254 121 1,000 0,785
2237 Corrosive fluids 0 255 121 1,000 0,000
141 Corrosive fluids 0 256 123 1,000 1,570
2659 Installation - Field Service 1 257 123 0,998 0,784 0,000
2837 Operation procedure 1 258 123 0,998 0,782 0,000
1025 Corrosive fluids 0 259 124 1,000 0,782
2030 Corrosive fluids 0 260 125 1,000 0,782
2237 Corrosive fluids 0 261 125 1,000 0,000
218 Corrosive fluids 0 262 126 1,000 0,782
2059 Corrosive fluids 0 263 126 1,000 0,000
794 Corrosive fluids 0 264 127 1,000 0,782
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 265 127 0,998 0,781 0,000
2121 Corrosive fluids 0 266 127 1,000 0,000
2164 Corrosive fluids 0 267 127 1,000 0,000
269 Corrosive fluids 0 268 128 1,000 0,781
1877 Corrosive fluids 0 269 128 1,000 0,000
2212 Drilling Project 1 270 129 0,998 0,780 0,781
725 Operation procedure 1 271 130 0,998 0,778 0,780
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 272 131 0,998 0,777 0,778
781 Operation procedure 1 273 131 0,998 0,776 0,000
2192 Operation procedure 1 274 131 0,998 0,774 0,000
2219 Reuse damaged equipment 1 275 132 0,998 0,773 0,774
2231 Corrosive fluids 0 276 133 1,000 0,773
2112 Corrosive fluids 0 277 134 1,000 0,773
1740 Corrosive fluids 0 278 135 1,000 0,773
1665 Reuse damaged equipment 1 279 135 0,998 0,772 0,000
2697 Operation procedure 1 280 136 0,998 0,770 0,772
2164 Corrosive fluids 0 281 136 1,000 0,000
2331 Operation procedure 1 282 137 0,998 0,769 0,770
2564 Corrosive fluids 0 283 137 1,000 0,000
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 284 138 0,998 0,768 0,769
2575 Corrosive fluids 0 285 138 1,000 0,000
1704 Corrosive fluids 0 286 139 1,000 0,768
1047 Corrosive fluids 0 287 140 1,000 0,768
2030 System selection 1 288 140 0,998 0,766 0,000
Continuación Tabla 29.
2671 Operation procedure 1 289 142 0,998 0,765 1,532
1839 Operation procedure 1 290 144 0,998 0,763 1,530
2231 Operation procedure 1 291 144 0,998 0,762 0,000
318 Corrosive fluids 0 292 145 1,000 0,762
1070 Corrosive fluids 0 293 145 1,000 0,000
2695 Corrosive fluids 0 294 145 1,000 0,000
2697 Corrosive fluids 0 295 145 1,000 0,000
218 Corrosive fluids 0 296 146 1,000 0,762
2628 Corrosive fluids 0 297 146 1,000 0,000
2116 Operation procedure 1 298 147 0,998 0,761 0,762
2293 Corrosive fluids 0 299 148 1,000 0,761
1344 Corrosive fluids 0 300 149 1,000 0,761
794 Corrosive fluids 0 301 150 1,000 0,761
2461 Operation procedure 1 302 150 0,998 0,759 0,000
2222 Corrosive fluids 0 303 150 1,000 0,000
2244 Corrosive fluids 0 304 150 1,000 0,000
2291 Corrosive fluids 0 305 150 1,000 0,000
2940 Corrosive fluids 0 306 150 1,000 0,000
828 Reuse damaged equipment 1 307 151 0,998 0,758 0,759
2581 Corrosive fluids 0 308 151 1,000 0,000
2114 Operation procedure 1 309 154 0,998 0,756 2,273
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 310 154 0,998 0,755 0,000
2396 Corrosive fluids 0 311 154 1,000 0,000
2840 Corrosive fluids 0 312 154 1,000 0,000
2244 Reuse damaged equipment 1 313 156 0,998 0,754 1,510
2298 Reuse damaged equipment 1 314 156 0,998 0,752 0,000
2271 Reuse damaged equipment 1 315 157 0,998 0,751 0,752
2226 Corrosive fluids 0 316 157 1,000 0,000
2291 Corrosive fluids 0 317 158 1,000 0,751
2059 Corrosive fluids 0 318 159 1,000 0,751
2116 Corrosive fluids 0 319 159 1,000 0,000
2840 Corrosive fluids 0 320 159 1,000 0,000
2284 Corrosive fluids 0 321 161 1,000 1,502
2938 Corrosive fluids 0 322 161 1,000 0,000
264 Corrosive fluids 0 323 162 1,000 0,751
451 Corrosive fluids 0 324 162 1,000 0,000
1120 Operation procedure 1 325 162 0,998 0,749 0,000
2341 Operation procedure 1 326 162 0,998 0,748 0,000
Continuación Tabla 29.
2324 Corrosive fluids 0 327 162 1,000 0,000
2164 Corrosive fluids 0 328 163 1,000 0,748
2164 Corrosive fluids 0 329 163 1,000 0,000
2246 Corrosive fluids 0 330 163 1,000 0,000
3111 Corrosive fluids 0 331 163 1,000 0,000
2697 Corrosive fluids 0 332 164 1,000 0,748
442 Corrosive fluids 0 333 166 1,000 1,496
2192 Corrosive fluids 0 334 166 1,000 0,000
2251 Corrosive fluids 0 335 167 1,000 0,748
711 Corrosive fluids 0 336 168 1,000 0,748
1052 Operation procedure 1 337 168 0,998 0,746 0,000
269 Corrosive fluids 0 338 169 1,000 0,746
1727 Corrosive fluids 0 339 169 1,000 0,000
2024 Corrosive fluids 0 340 170 1,000 0,746
931 Reuse damaged equipment 1 341 170 0,998 0,745 0,000
2091 Reuse damaged equipment 1 342 170 0,998 0,743 0,000
2224 Corrosive fluids 0 343 170 1,000 0,000
2789 Operation procedure 1 344 171 0,998 0,742 0,743
2937 Corrosive fluids 0 345 171 1,000 0,000
334 Corrosive fluids 0 346 173 1,000 1,484
928 Corrosive fluids 0 347 173 1,000 0,000
931 Corrosive fluids 0 348 173 1,000 0,000
2678 Fabrication Problem 1 349 173 0,998 0,740 0,000
2749 Reuse damaged equipment 1 350 173 0,998 0,739 0,000
2287 Corrosive fluids 0 351 173 1,000 0,000
2581 Corrosive fluids 0 352 173 1,000 0,000
2058 Fabrication Problem 1 353 174 0,998 0,737 0,739
2581 Corrosive fluids 0 354 174 1,000 0,000
1144 Corrosive fluids 0 355 175 1,000 0,737
2112 Corrosive fluids 0 356 175 1,000 0,000
2164 Corrosive fluids 0 357 175 1,000 0,000
874 Operation procedure 1 358 175 0,998 0,736 0,000
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 359 175 0,998 0,734 0,000
2872 Operation procedure 1 360 175 0,998 0,733 0,000
2672 Corrosive fluids 0 361 176 1,000 0,733
2809 Corrosive fluids 0 362 176 1,000 0,000
1036 Corrosive fluids 0 363 179 1,000 2,199
2831 Reuse damaged equipment 1 364 179 0,998 0,731 0,000
Continuación Tabla 29.
2929 Corrosive fluids 0 365 179 1,000 0,000
2042 Operation procedure 1 366 180 0,998 0,730 0,731
2679 Operation procedure 1 367 180 0,998 0,728 0,000
2221 Corrosive fluids 0 368 180 1,000 0,000
740 Corrosive fluids 0 369 181 1,000 0,728
2284 Corrosive fluids 0 370 181 1,000 0,000
2289 Corrosive fluids 0 371 181 1,000 0,000
4581 Corrosive fluids 0 372 182 1,000 0,728
2289 Corrosive fluids 0 373 185 1,000 2,185
2459 Corrosive fluids 0 374 185 1,000 0,000
641 Corrosive fluids 0 375 186 1,000 0,728
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 376 186 0,998 0,727 0,000
2677 Corrosive fluids 0 377 186 1,000 0,000
612 Corrosive fluids 0 378 187 1,000 0,727
775 Corrosive fluids 0 379 187 1,000 0,000
2141 Corrosive fluids 0 380 187 1,000 0,000
1892 Operation procedure 1 381 187 0,998 0,725 0,000
511 Corrosive fluids 0 382 188 1,000 0,725
2180 Corrosive fluids 0 383 188 1,000 0,000
2872 Installation Service Rig 1 384 188 0,998 0,724 0,000
711 Corrosive fluids 0 385 189 1,000 0,724
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 386 189 0,998 0,722 0,000
2242 Corrosive fluids 0 387 189 1,000 0,000
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 388 191 0,998 0,721 1,444
2124 Corrosive fluids 0 389 192 1,000 0,721
71 Corrosive fluids 0 390 193 1,000 0,721
307 System configuration 1 391 193 0,998 0,719 0,000
Failure of perforations / liner /
openhole 1 392 193 0,998 0,717 0,000
2047 Reuse damaged equipment 1 393 193 0,998 0,716 0,000
2801 Corrosive fluids 0 394 194 1,000 0,716
318 Corrosive fluids 0 395 195 1,000 0,716
2634 Corrosive fluids 0 396 195 1,000 0,000
2937 Corrosive fluids 0 397 196 1,000 0,716
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 398 197 0,998 0,714 0,716
2837 Operation procedure 1 399 197 0,998 0,713 0,000
2112 Installation Service Rig 1 400 198 0,998 0,711 0,713
2675 Installation Service Rig 1 401 198 0,998 0,709 0,000
Continuación Tabla 29.
2153 Corrosive fluids 0 402 199 1,000 0,709
2712 System configuration 1 403 199 0,998 0,708 0,000
2814 Corrosive fluids 0 404 199 1,000 0,000
725 Corrosive fluids 0 405 200 1,000 0,708
2110 Corrosive fluids 0 406 200 1,000 0,000
2246 Corrosive fluids 0 407 200 1,000 0,000
2840 Corrosive fluids 0 408 200 1,000 0,000
2933 Corrosive fluids 0 409 200 1,000 0,000
1230 Corrosive fluids 0 410 201 1,000 0,708
2095 Operation procedure 1 411 201 0,998 0,706 0,000
1213 Corrosive fluids 0 412 202 1,000 0,706
2344 Operation procedure 1 413 202 0,998 0,705 0,000
880 Corrosive fluids 0 414 203 1,000 0,705
773 Fabrication Problem 1 415 203 0,998 0,703 0,000
2442 Operation procedure 1 416 204 0,998 0,701 0,703
2058 Installation Service Rig 1 417 205 0,998 0,700 0,701
2838 Corrosive fluids 0 418 205 1,000 0,000
3048 Corrosive fluids 0 419 205 1,000 0,000
2581 Corrosive fluids 0 420 209 1,000 2,799
2937 Corrosive fluids 0 421 209 1,000 0,000
2246 Corrosive fluids 0 422 211 1,000 1,399
3109 Corrosive fluids 0 423 211 1,000 0,000
1344 Corrosive fluids 0 424 212 1,000 0,700
2581 Corrosive fluids 0 425 212 1,000 0,000
2110 Corrosive fluids 0 426 214 1,000 1,399
2243 Corrosive fluids 0 427 215 1,000 0,700
2377 Operation procedure 1 428 216 0,998 0,698 0,700
195 Corrosive fluids 0 429 218 1,000 1,396
2060 Corrosive fluids 0 430 218 1,000 0,000
711 Installation Service Rig 1 431 218 0,998 0,696 0,000
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 432 219 0,998 0,695 0,696
2466 Corrosive fluids 0 433 219 1,000 0,000
263 Operation procedure 1 434 220 0,998 0,693 0,695
2459 Operation procedure 1 435 220 0,998 0,691 0,000
941 Operation procedure 1 436 221 0,998 0,690 0,691
2043 Reuse damaged equipment 1 437 223 0,998 0,688 1,379
3118 Corrosive fluids 0 438 223 1,000 0,000
2246 Corrosive fluids 0 439 225 1,000 1,376
Continuación Tabla 29.
2957 Corrosive fluids 0 440 225 1,000 0,000
2142 Installation Service Rig 1 441 226 0,998 0,686 0,688
2712 Installation Service Rig 1 442 227 0,998 0,684 0,686
2957 Corrosive fluids 0 443 227 1,000 0,000
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 444 229 0,998 0,683 1,369
2118 Operation procedure 1 445 229 0,998 0,681 0,000
2116 Corrosive fluids 0 446 230 1,000 0,681
2224 Corrosive fluids 0 447 230 1,000 0,000
2575 Corrosive fluids 0 448 230 1,000 0,000
1114 Corrosive fluids 0 449 231 1,000 0,681
2116 Corrosive fluids 0 450 231 1,000 0,000
2678 Operation procedure 1 451 231 0,997 0,679 0,000
2941 Corrosive fluids 0 452 231 1,000 0,000
1883 Fabrication Problem 1 453 232 0,997 0,678 0,679
3035 Operation procedure 1 454 232 0,997 0,676 0,000
1239 Corrosive fluids 0 455 233 1,000 0,676
2109 Corrosive fluids 0 456 233 1,000 0,000
2953 Corrosive fluids 0 457 233 1,000 0,000
641 Corrosive fluids 0 458 234 1,000 0,676
941 Installation Service Rig 1 459 234 0,997 0,674 0,000
2058 Installation Service Rig 1 460 234 0,997 0,672 0,000
2746 Operation procedure 1 461 234 0,997 0,671 0,000
2865 Corrosive fluids 0 462 234 1,000 0,000
2055 Operation procedure 1 463 236 0,997 0,669 1,341
2360 Corrosive fluids 0 464 236 1,000 0,000
910 Fabrication Problem 1 465 237 0,997 0,667 0,669
828 Corrosive fluids 0 466 238 1,000 0,667
1008 Corrosive fluids 0 467 238 1,000 0,000
2493 Operation procedure 1 468 239 0,997 0,665 0,667
2672 Corrosive fluids 0 469 239 1,000 0,000
1216 Corrosive fluids 0 470 241 1,000 1,331
2243 Operation procedure 1 471 241 0,997 0,664 0,000
2957 Corrosive fluids 0 472 241 1,000 0,000
937 Corrosive fluids 0 473 242 1,000 0,664
2233 Corrosive fluids 0 474 242 1,000 0,000
2802 Corrosive fluids 0 475 242 1,000 0,000
2659 Corrosive fluids 0 476 243 1,000 0,664
2866 Corrosive fluids 0 477 243 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 29.
828 Corrosive fluids 0 478 244 1,000 0,664
2137 Corrosive fluids 0 479 244 1,000 0,000
3126 Drilling Project 1 480 244 0,997 0,662 0,000
1665 Corrosive fluids 0 481 245 1,000 0,662
2360 Corrosive fluids 0 482 245 1,000 0,000
2831 Corrosive fluids 0 483 246 1,000 0,662
1135 Corrosive fluids 0 484 247 1,000 0,662
2581 Corrosive fluids 0 485 247 1,000 0,000
1665 Corrosive fluids 0 486 249 1,000 1,324
2058 Operation procedure 1 487 249 0,997 0,660 0,000
2233 Corrosive fluids 0 488 251 1,000 1,320
2963 Corrosive fluids 0 489 251 1,000 0,000
2092 Corrosive fluids 0 490 252 1,000 0,660
2217 Corrosive fluids 0 491 252 1,000 0,000
2218 Operation procedure 1 492 252 0,997 0,658 0,000
2043 Corrosive fluids 0 493 253 1,000 0,658
2678 Operation procedure 1 494 253 0,997 0,656 0,000
2575 Corrosive fluids 0 495 253 1,000 0,000
2237 Corrosive fluids 0 496 254 1,000 0,656
3116 Corrosive fluids 0 497 254 1,000 0,000
2185 Corrosive fluids 0 498 256 1,000 1,312
2973 Corrosive fluids 0 499 256 1,000 0,000
3106 Corrosive fluids 0 500 258 1,000 1,312
1665 Operation procedure 1 501 259 0,997 0,654 0,656
2758 Corrosive fluids 0 502 260 1,000 0,654
2078 Fabrication Problem 1 503 261 0,997 0,652 0,654
3068 Corrosive fluids 0 504 261 1,000 0,000
2298 Corrosive fluids 0 505 264 1,000 1,957
2356 Corrosive fluids 0 506 264 1,000 0,000
2957 Corrosive fluids 0 507 264 1,000 0,000
2740 Corrosive fluids 0 508 265 1,000 0,652
2929 Corrosive fluids 0 509 266 1,000 0,652
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 510 268 0,997 0,650 1,305
2679 Installation Service Rig 1 511 269 0,997 0,649 0,650
3069 Corrosive fluids 0 512 269 1,000 0,000
2271 Corrosive fluids 0 513 270 1,000 0,649
725 Corrosive fluids 0 514 271 1,000 0,649
2803 Operation procedure 1 515 271 0,997 0,647 0,000
Continuación Tabla 29.
2564 Corrosive fluids 0 516 271 1,000 0,000
2668 Corrosive fluids 0 517 271 1,000 0,000
1714 Corrosive fluids 0 518 273 1,000 1,293
2289 Installation Service Rig 1 519 274 0,997 0,645 0,647
748 Corrosive fluids 0 520 275 1,000 0,645
2042 Corrosive fluids 0 521 275 1,000 0,000
2283 Fabrication Problem 1 522 275 0,997 0,643 0,000
2217 Corrosive fluids 0 523 276 1,000 0,643
2271 Corrosive fluids 0 524 277 1,000 0,643
2264 Installation Service Rig 1 525 277 0,997 0,641 0,000
2137 Corrosive fluids 0 526 280 1,000 1,922
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 527 280 0,997 0,639 0,000
2368 Corrosive fluids 0 528 280 1,000 0,000
928 Corrosive fluids 0 529 281 1,000 0,639
2057 Operation procedure 1 530 282 0,997 0,637 0,639
2693 Operation procedure 1 531 282 0,997 0,635 0,000
2918 Operation procedure 1 532 282 0,997 0,633 0,000
2242 Corrosive fluids 0 533 283 1,000 0,633
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 534 284 0,997 0,630 0,633
2894 Corrosive fluids 0 535 284 1,000 0,000
2185 Corrosive fluids 0 536 285 1,000 0,630
2521 Corrosive fluids 0 537 285 1,000 0,000
2672 Corrosive fluids 0 538 285 1,000 0,000
937 Corrosive fluids 0 539 288 1,000 1,891
2224 Corrosive fluids 0 540 288 1,000 0,000
775 Corrosive fluids 0 541 291 1,000 1,891
910 Corrosive fluids 0 542 291 1,000 0,000
2693 Corrosive fluids 0 543 291 1,000 0,000
3057 Corrosive fluids 0 544 291 1,000 0,000
3035 Corrosive fluids 0 545 293 1,000 1,261
2475 Operation procedure 1 546 294 0,997 0,628 0,630
826 Corrosive fluids 0 547 296 1,000 1,257
3055 Corrosive fluids 0 548 296 1,000 0,000
2758 Corrosive fluids 0 549 298 1,000 1,257
724 Installation Service Rig 1 550 299 0,997 0,626 0,628
2293 Corrosive fluids 0 551 302 1,000 1,879
2940 Corrosive fluids 0 552 303 1,000 0,626
2940 Corrosive fluids 0 553 304 1,000 0,626
Continuación Tabla 29.
1008 Corrosive fluids 0 554 305 1,000 0,626
3201 Operation procedure 1 555 306 0,997 0,624 0,626
711 Corrosive fluids 0 556 307 1,000 0,624
826 Corrosive fluids 0 557 307 1,000 0,000
2224 Corrosive fluids 0 558 307 1,000 0,000
2291 Corrosive fluids 0 559 307 1,000 0,000
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 560 307 0,997 0,622 0,000
3063 Corrosive fluids 0 561 308 1,000 0,622
2289 Corrosive fluids 0 562 309 1,000 0,622
2581 Corrosive fluids 0 563 309 1,000 0,000
791 Operation procedure 1 564 310 0,996 0,620 0,622
2210 Corrosive fluids 0 565 311 1,000 0,620
744 System configuration 1 566 313 0,996 0,618 1,239
71 Corrosive fluids 0 567 314 1,000 0,618
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 568 314 0,996 0,615 0,000
2253 Corrosive fluids 0 569 315 1,000 0,615
2258 Reuse damaged equipment 1 570 316 0,996 0,613 0,615
2058 Installation Service Rig 1 571 318 0,996 0,611 1,226
2198 Reuse damaged equipment 1 572 318 0,996 0,609 0,000
3043 Corrosive fluids 0 573 319 1,000 0,609
2091 Corrosive fluids 0 574 320 1,000 0,609
2222 Reuse damaged equipment 1 575 321 0,996 0,606 0,609
2697 Corrosive fluids 0 576 321 1,000 0,000
2298 Corrosive fluids 0 577 324 1,000 1,819
2042 Fabrication Problem 1 578 324 0,996 0,604 0,000
2810 Operation procedure 1 579 325 0,996 0,602 0,604
1084 Corrosive fluids 0 580 329 1,000 2,407
2334 Corrosive fluids 0 581 329 1,000 0,000
729 Corrosive fluids 0 582 330 1,000 0,602
2210 Corrosive fluids 0 583 330 1,000 0,000
2246 Operation procedure 1 584 330 0,996 0,600 0,000
2801 Corrosive fluids 0 585 330 1,000 0,000
794 Corrosive fluids 0 586 331 1,000 0,600
Failure of perforations / liner /
openhole 1 587 332 0,996 0,597 0,600
2231 Corrosive fluids 0 588 333 1,000 0,597
880 Corrosive fluids 0 589 334 1,000 0,597
2244 Corrosive fluids 0 590 334 1,000 0,000
1665 Corrosive fluids 0 591 336 1,000 1,194
Continuación Tabla 29.
2283 Installation Service Rig 1 592 336 0,996 0,595 0,000
2217 Corrosive fluids 0 593 337 1,000 0,595
2840 Corrosive fluids 0 594 338 1,000 0,595
2057 Corrosive fluids 0 595 339 1,000 0,595
342 Corrosive fluids 0 596 343 1,000 2,379
2382 Corrosive fluids 0 597 345 1,000 1,190
2678 Installation - Field Service 1 598 345 0,996 0,592 0,000
2642 Corrosive fluids 0 599 345 1,000 0,000
2244 Corrosive fluids 0 600 346 1,000 0,592
2361 Operation procedure 1 601 346 0,996 0,590 0,000
2941 Installation Service Rig 1 602 347 0,996 0,588 0,590
2031 Operation procedure 1 603 349 0,996 0,585 1,175
2446 Operation procedure 1 604 349 0,996 0,583 0,000
2091 Corrosive fluids 0 605 351 1,000 1,166
3035 Corrosive fluids 0 606 351 1,000 0,000
341 Corrosive fluids 0 607 353 1,000 1,166
2815 Operation procedure 1 608 354 0,996 0,580 0,583
2293 Corrosive fluids 0 609 355 1,000 0,580
812 Corrosive fluids 0 610 356 1,000 0,580
729 Corrosive fluids 0 611 357 1,000 0,580
2394 Operation procedure 1 612 357 0,996 0,578 0,000
711 Corrosive fluids 0 613 358 1,000 0,578
1239 Operation procedure 1 614 358 0,996 0,575 0,000
2273 System selection 1 615 359 0,996 0,573 0,575
1047 Corrosive fluids 0 616 361 1,000 1,146
1458 Corrosive fluids 0 617 361 1,000 0,000
2219 Corrosive fluids 0 618 361 1,000 0,000
2664 Corrosive fluids 0 619 364 1,000 1,719
2224 Corrosive fluids 0 620 365 1,000 0,573
2746 Corrosive fluids 0 621 365 1,000 0,000
1714 Corrosive fluids 0 622 367 1,000 1,146
2619 Operation procedure 1 623 367 0,996 0,570 0,000
2929 Corrosive fluids 0 624 368 1,000 0,570
1877 Corrosive fluids 0 625 370 1,000 1,141
2732 Corrosive fluids 0 626 370 1,000 0,000
2210 Corrosive fluids 0 627 373 1,000 1,711
2224 Corrosive fluids 0 628 373 1,000 0,000
2210 Corrosive fluids 0 629 375 1,000 1,141
2941 Corrosive fluids 0 630 376 1,000 0,570
Continuación Tabla 29.
2057 Corrosive fluids 0 631 380 1,000 2,281
937 Corrosive fluids 0 632 381 1,000 0,570
2344 Operation procedure 1 633 382 0,995 0,568 0,570
2899 Corrosive fluids 0 634 383 1,000 0,568
765 Corrosive fluids 0 635 384 1,000 0,568
2837 Corrosive fluids 0 636 385 1,000 0,568
2242 Installation Service Rig 1 637 386 0,995 0,565 0,568
1008 Corrosive fluids 0 638 387 1,000 0,565
2743 Corrosive fluids 0 639 388 1,000 0,565
901 Corrosive fluids 0 640 391 1,000 1,695
2109 Corrosive fluids 0 641 392 1,000 0,565
2360 Corrosive fluids 0 642 393 1,000 0,565
2677 Installation Service Rig 1 643 393 0,995 0,562 0,000
3109 Corrosive fluids 0 644 394 1,000 0,562
2521 Corrosive fluids 0 645 398 1,000 2,249
2218 Corrosive fluids 0 646 400 1,000 1,124
797 Corrosive fluids 0 647 401 1,000 0,562
2831 Corrosive fluids 0 648 405 1,000 2,249
2103 Corrosive fluids 0 649 406 1,000 0,562
2796 Corrosive fluids 0 650 407 1,000 0,562
1056 Corrosive fluids 0 651 410 1,000 1,686
2289 Corrosive fluids 0 652 412 1,000 1,124
2343 Corrosive fluids 0 653 420 1,000 4,497
907 Operation procedure 1 654 420 0,995 0,559 0,000
2233 Corrosive fluids 0 655 421 1,000 0,559
2377 Corrosive fluids 0 656 421 1,000 0,000
729 Operation procedure 1 657 425 0,995 0,556 2,237
2141 System configuration 1 658 425 0,995 0,553 0,000
2136 Operation procedure 1 659 426 0,995 0,550 0,553
2237 Corrosive fluids 0 660 429 1,000 1,651
2406 Corrosive fluids 0 661 429 1,000 0,000
2740 Corrosive fluids 0 662 429 1,000 0,000
3055 Corrosive fluids 0 663 429 1,000 0,000
1775 Corrosive fluids 0 664 430 1,000 0,550
550 Operation procedure 1 665 431 0,994 0,547 0,550
1022 Operation procedure 1 666 431 0,994 0,544 0,000
1636 Corrosive fluids 0 667 432 1,000 0,544
2042 Operation procedure 1 668 432 0,994 0,541 0,000
791 Corrosive fluids 0 669 434 1,000 1,082
Continuación Tabla 29.
797 Operation procedure 1 670 434 0,994 0,538 0,000
1344 Corrosive fluids 0 671 436 1,000 1,076
2600 Operation procedure 1 672 437 0,994 0,535 0,538
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 673 437 0,994 0,532 0,000
2520 Corrosive fluids 0 674 439 1,000 1,064
1230 Corrosive fluids 0 675 442 1,000 1,596
2198 Corrosive fluids 0 676 443 1,000 0,532
190 Operation procedure 1 677 445 0,994 0,529 1,064
2564 Corrosive fluids 0 678 446 1,000 0,529
1011 Corrosive fluids 0 679 449 1,000 1,586
2334 Operation procedure 1 680 455 0,994 0,526 3,173
773 Corrosive fluids 0 681 457 1,000 1,051
2368 Corrosive fluids 0 682 457 1,000 0,000
2664 Corrosive fluids 0 683 457 1,000 0,000
2684 Corrosive fluids 0 684 457 1,000 0,000
2564 Corrosive fluids 0 685 458 1,000 0,526
928 Corrosive fluids 0 686 460 1,000 1,051
1746 Corrosive fluids 0 687 460 1,000 0,000
2098 Corrosive fluids 0 688 460 1,000 0,000
2868 Corrosive fluids 0 689 460 1,000 0,000
2251 Corrosive fluids 0 690 462 1,000 1,051
1109 Corrosive fluids 0 691 465 1,000 1,577
2314 Operation procedure 1 692 473 0,994 0,522 4,205
2212 Corrosive fluids 0 693 474 1,000 0,522
3373 Corrosive fluids 0 694 479 1,000 2,611
2282 Corrosive fluids 0 695 480 1,000 0,522
2295 Corrosive fluids 0 696 482 1,000 1,044
744 Operation procedure 1 697 485 0,993 0,519 1,567
3123 Corrosive fluids 0 698 486 1,000 0,519
2803 Corrosive fluids 0 699 497 1,000 5,706
3403 Corrosive fluids 0 700 497 1,000 0,000
2237 Corrosive fluids 0 701 499 1,000 1,037
2296 Corrosive fluids 0 702 499 1,000 0,000
1877 Corrosive fluids 0 703 500 1,000 0,519
2031 Corrosive fluids 0 704 500 1,000 0,000
787 Operation procedure 1 705 500 0,993 0,515 0,000
2803 Corrosive fluids 0 706 502 1,000 1,030
2381 Corrosive fluids 0 707 506 1,000 2,060
Continuación Tabla 29.
2258 Operation procedure 1 708 506 0,993 0,511 0,000
2031 Corrosive fluids 0 709 508 1,000 1,023
2142 Operation procedure 1 710 509 0,993 0,508 0,511
3035 Corrosive fluids 0 711 511 1,000 1,015
2738 Corrosive fluids 0 712 513 1,000 1,015
1889 Corrosive fluids 0 713 515 1,000 1,015
2210 Corrosive fluids 0 714 515 1,000 0,000
1861 Corrosive fluids 0 715 516 1,000 0,508
794 Corrosive fluids 0 716 517 1,000 0,508
1114 Operation procedure 1 717 518 0,992 0,504 0,508
2071 Operation procedure 1 718 518 0,992 0,500 0,000
1214 Corrosive fluids 0 719 520 1,000 0,999
1808 Corrosive fluids 0 720 520 1,000 0,000
2693 Installation Service Rig 1 721 521 0,992 0,496 0,500
2918 Corrosive fluids 0 722 522 1,000 0,496
2293 Corrosive fluids 0 723 527 1,000 2,478
2066 Corrosive fluids 0 724 529 1,000 0,991
2372 Corrosive fluids 0 725 531 1,000 0,991
1170 Corrosive fluids 0 726 534 1,000 1,487
2446 Operation procedure 1 727 534 0,992 0,491 0,000
2642 Corrosive fluids 0 728 535 1,000 0,491
141 Corrosive fluids 0 729 541 1,000 2,949
632 Corrosive fluids 0 730 541 1,000 0,000
2805 Operation procedure 1 731 541 0,991 0,487 0,000
2097 Corrosive fluids 0 732 542 1,000 0,487
2913 Corrosive fluids 0 733 542 1,000 0,000
2038 Operation procedure 1 734 544 0,991 0,483 0,974
2673 Corrosive fluids 0 735 548 1,000 1,931
2290 Fabrication Problem 1 736 550 0,991 0,478 0,966
256 Corrosive fluids 0 737 553 1,000 1,435
2810 Corrosive fluids 0 738 556 1,000 1,435
868 Corrosive fluids 0 739 558 1,000 0,957
1889 Corrosive fluids 0 740 559 1,000 0,478
2803 Corrosive fluids 0 741 560 1,000 0,478
442 Corrosive fluids 0 742 562 1,000 0,957
1892 Corrosive fluids 0 743 562 1,000 0,000
2375 Corrosive fluids 0 744 563 1,000 0,478
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 745 563 0,990 0,474 0,000
Continuación Tabla 29.
3035 Corrosive fluids 0 746 563 1,000 0,000
2053 Corrosive fluids 0 747 566 1,000 1,421
1482 Corrosive fluids 0 748 569 1,000 1,421
2182 Corrosive fluids 0 749 575 1,000 2,842
1054 Corrosive fluids 0 750 578 1,000 1,421
2937 Corrosive fluids 0 751 579 1,000 0,474
1168 Corrosive fluids 0 752 583 1,000 1,895
2804 Corrosive fluids 0 753 584 1,000 0,474
1889 Corrosive fluids 0 754 585 1,000 0,474
2038 Corrosive fluids 0 755 585 1,000 0,000
1116 Corrosive fluids 0 756 586 1,000 0,474
2796 Corrosive fluids 0 757 588 1,000 0,947
2109 Corrosive fluids 0 758 589 1,000 0,474
2600 Corrosive fluids 0 759 590 1,000 0,474
2889 Corrosive fluids 0 760 592 1,000 0,947
2942 Corrosive fluids 0 761 592 1,000 0,000
1771 Corrosive fluids 0 762 593 1,000 0,474
1742 Corrosive fluids 0 763 596 1,000 1,421
1453 Operation procedure 1 764 607 0,988 0,468 5,211
1116 Operation procedure 1 765 609 0,988 0,462 0,936
748 Reuse damaged equipment 1 766 610 0,988 0,456 0,462
2095 Corrosive fluids 0 767 611 1,000 0,456
2973 Corrosive fluids 0 768 611 1,000 0,000
2094 Operation procedure 1 769 616 0,987 0,450 2,282
C2PP4 Corrosive fluids 0 770 619 1,000 1,351
2250 Corrosive fluids 0 771 620 1,000 0,450
2475 Corrosive fluids 0 772 625 1,000 2,252
2889 Corrosive fluids 0 773 627 1,000 0,901
2332 Operation procedure 1 774 632 0,986 0,444 2,252
2215 Operation procedure 1 775 634 0,986 0,438 0,888
2629 Corrosive fluids 0 776 642 1,000 3,504
2110 Corrosive fluids 0 777 653 1,000 4,818
45 Corrosive fluids 0 778 655 1,000 0,876
1114 Installation Service Rig 1 779 657 0,985 0,431 0,876
2575 Corrosive fluids 0 780 662 1,000 2,157
1559 Operation procedure 1 781 665 0,985 0,425 1,294
2218 Corrosive fluids 0 782 667 1,000 0,850
2185 Corrosive fluids 0 783 671 1,000 1,699
296 Operation procedure 1 784 677 0,984 0,418 2,549
Continuación Tabla 29.
3059 Corrosive fluids 0 785 677 1,000 0,000
2838 Corrosive fluids 0 786 680 1,000 1,254
2052 Operation procedure 1 787 683 0,983 0,411 1,254
2852 Installation Service Rig 1 788 684 0,983 0,404 0,411
2623 Corrosive fluids 0 789 685 1,000 0,404
2032 Corrosive fluids 0 790 689 1,000 1,615
3287 Corrosive fluids 0 791 692 1,000 1,211
1227 Corrosive fluids 0 792 698 1,000 2,423
2334 Corrosive fluids 0 793 709 1,000 4,441
2619 Corrosive fluids 0 794 713 1,000 1,615
1054 Corrosive fluids 0 795 714 1,000 0,404
334 Corrosive fluids 0 796 718 1,000 1,615
791 Operation procedure 1 797 721 0,980 0,396 1,211
3222 Corrosive fluids 0 798 741 1,000 7,911
1085 Corrosive fluids 0 799 743 1,000 0,791
745 Corrosive fluids 0 800 746 1,000 1,187
2139 Corrosive fluids 0 801 761 1,000 5,933
1144 Corrosive fluids 0 802 779 1,000 7,120
3219 Corrosive fluids 0 803 783 1,000 1,582
2332 Corrosive fluids 0 804 785 1,000 0,791
370 Corrosive fluids 0 805 790 1,000 1,978
718 Corrosive fluids 0 806 797 1,000 2,769
2157 Operation procedure 1 807 805 0,974 0,385 3,164
1679 Corrosive fluids 0 808 808 1,000 1,156
3129 System configuration 1 809 832 0,973 0,375 9,249
2077 Operation procedure 1 810 840 0,972 0,365 3,000
716 Corrosive fluids 0 811 856 1,000 5,833
3042 Corrosive fluids 0 812 856 1,000 0,000
2092 Installation Service Rig 1 813 858 0,970 0,354 0,729
3116 Corrosive fluids 0 814 863 1,000 1,768
865 Corrosive fluids 0 815 872 1,000 3,182
2368 Corrosive fluids 0 816 874 1,000 0,707
723 Operation procedure 1 817 887 0,966 0,341 4,596
1795 Operation procedure 1 818 927 0,964 0,329 13,653
2148 Operation procedure 1 819 952 0,963 0,317 8,228
2314 Corrosive fluids 0 820 954 1,000 0,634
1002 Corrosive fluids 0 821 956 1,000 0,634
1349 Corrosive fluids 0 822 969 1,000 4,120
190 Operation procedure 1 823 983 0,957 0,303 4,437
Continuación Tabla 29.
466 Corrosive fluids 0 824 1006 1,000 6,973
2198 Corrosive fluids 0 825 1028 1,000 6,669
2749 Corrosive fluids 0 826 1043 1,000 4,547
1866 Corrosive fluids 0 827 1068 1,000 7,579
1028 Operation procedure 1 828 1071 0,944 0,286 0,909
259 Corrosive fluids 0 829 1080 1,000 2,577
2628 Corrosive fluids 0 830 1084 1,000 1,145
1030 Corrosive fluids 0 831 1103 1,000 5,440
2669 Corrosive fluids 0 832 1169 1,000 18,897
976 Operation procedure 1 833 1217 0,923 0,264 13,743
1227 Operation procedure 1 834 1232 0,917 0,242 3,964
1831 Corrosive fluids 0 835 1236 1,000 0,969
2338 Corrosive fluids 0 836 1259 1,000 5,572
1575 Corrosive fluids 0 837 1291 1,000 7,753
2324 Operation procedure 1 838 1340 0,875 0,212 11,871
910 Corrosive fluids 0 839 1497 1,000 33,282
1176 Corrosive fluids 0 840 1498 1,000 0,212
Improper data used in design
926 / selection 1 841 1612 0,800 0,170 24,166
1329 Corrosive fluids 0 842 1760 1,000 25,099
370 Corrosive fluids 0 843 1775 1,000 2,544
496 Operation procedure 1 844 2079 0,500 0,085 51,555
∑ 775
Continuación Tabla 30.
2206 Operation procedure 1 32 23 0,997 0,928 0,930
3224 Friction 0 33 23 1,000 0,000
2200 System configuration 1 34 24 0,997 0,925 0,928
2163 System configuration 1 35 25 0,997 0,923 0,925
2584 System configuration 1 36 25 0,997 0,920 0,000
2186 Operation procedure 1 37 26 0,997 0,918 0,920
2836 Fabrication Problem 1 38 26 0,997 0,915 0,000
1053 Operation procedure 1 39 27 0,997 0,913 0,915
1210 Operation procedure 1 40 27 0,997 0,910 0,000
2202 Operation procedure 1 41 28 0,997 0,908 0,910
2230 Operation procedure 1 42 28 0,997 0,905 0,000
2213 Reuse damaged equipment 1 43 28 0,997 0,903 0,000
2274 System configuration 1 44 29 0,997 0,900 0,903
3046 System configuration 1 45 30 0,997 0,898 0,900
2172 Operation procedure 1 46 31 0,997 0,895 0,898
923 Friction 0 47 32 1,000 0,895
2836 Fabrication Problem 1 48 32 0,997 0,893 0,000
2602 Operation procedure 1 49 33 0,997 0,890 0,893
3060 Friction 0 50 33 1,000 0,000
191 Friction 0 51 34 1,000 0,890
2922 Installation - Field Service 1 52 34 0,997 0,888 0,000
3064 Installation Service Rig 1 53 34 0,997 0,885 0,000
2213 System configuration 1 54 34 0,997 0,883 0,000
2919 Fabrication Problem 1 55 35 0,997 0,880 0,883
2213 Reuse damaged equipment 1 56 35 0,997 0,878 0,000
2191 Friction 0 57 35 1,000 0,000
155 Friction 0 58 36 1,000 0,878
1881 System configuration 1 59 36 0,997 0,875 0,000
2582 Operation procedure 1 60 36 0,997 0,873 0,000
2196 Reuse damaged equipment 1 61 36 0,997 0,870 0,000
191 Friction 0 62 37 1,000 0,870
1053 Installation Service Rig 1 63 38 0,997 0,868 0,870
2200 Reuse damaged equipment 1 64 38 0,997 0,865 0,000
2585 Reuse damaged equipment 1 65 38 0,997 0,863 0,000
2194 Reuse damaged equipment 1 66 39 0,997 0,860 0,863
2206 Reuse damaged equipment 1 67 40 0,997 0,857 0,860
2211 Reuse damaged equipment 1 68 40 0,997 0,855 0,000
2082 Friction 0 69 42 1,000 1,710
2163 Installation - Field Service 1 70 43 0,997 0,852 0,855
Continuación Tabla 30.
2241 Reuse damaged equipment 1 71 43 0,997 0,850 0,000
2917 Friction 0 72 43 1,000 0,000
2582 Reuse damaged equipment 1 73 44 0,997 0,847 0,850
2797 System configuration 1 74 44 0,997 0,845 0,000
2274 Operation procedure 1 75 45 0,997 0,842 0,845
2274 Fabrication Problem 1 76 46 0,997 0,840 0,842
2797 Reuse damaged equipment 1 77 46 0,997 0,837 0,000
255 Friction 0 78 47 1,000 0,837
1495 Reuse damaged equipment 1 79 47 0,997 0,834 0,000
2241 Installation Service Rig 1 80 48 0,997 0,832 0,834
2919 Fabrication Problem 1 81 48 0,997 0,829 0,000
2193 System configuration 1 82 48 0,997 0,827 0,000
2144 Operation procedure 1 83 50 0,997 0,824 1,654
2195 Friction 0 84 50 1,000 0,000
261 Friction 0 85 51 1,000 0,824
2030 Installation Service Rig 1 86 51 0,997 0,822 0,000
2901 Reuse damaged equipment 1 87 51 0,997 0,819 0,000
261 Friction 0 88 52 1,000 0,819
421 Friction 0 89 52 1,000 0,000
1881 Operation procedure 1 90 53 0,997 0,816 0,819
2917 Installation Service Rig 1 91 54 0,997 0,814 0,816
2193 Reuse damaged equipment 1 92 54 0,997 0,811 0,000
3060 Friction 0 93 56 1,000 1,622
2922 Reuse damaged equipment 1 94 57 0,997 0,809 0,811
2602 Installation Service Rig 1 95 58 0,997 0,806 0,809
2152 Reuse damaged equipment 1 96 58 0,997 0,803 0,000
2601 System configuration 1 97 58 0,997 0,801 0,000
2045 Fabrication Problem 1 98 59 0,997 0,798 0,801
2193 Reuse damaged equipment 1 99 59 0,997 0,796 0,000
255 Friction 0 100 60 1,000 0,796
2230 Operation procedure 1 101 60 0,997 0,793 0,000
2627 System configuration 1 102 60 0,997 0,790 0,000
1881 Friction 0 103 62 1,000 1,581
823 Operation procedure 1 104 62 0,997 0,788 0,000
2172 Operation procedure 1 105 62 0,997 0,785 0,000
2193 Installation Service Rig 1 106 63 0,997 0,782 0,785
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 107 63 0,997 0,780 0,000
2625 Friction 0 108 63 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 30.
2206 Operation procedure 1 109 66 0,997 0,777 2,340
2601 Reuse damaged equipment 1 110 67 0,997 0,775 0,777
2170 Operation procedure 1 111 68 0,997 0,772 0,775
2601 Fabrication Problem 1 112 69 0,997 0,769 0,772
3100 Operation procedure 1 113 69 0,997 0,767 0,000
2602 Friction 0 114 71 1,000 1,533
262 Friction 0 115 72 1,000 0,767
2163 Friction 0 116 72 1,000 0,000
2241 Installation Service Rig 1 117 72 0,997 0,764 0,000
2919 Fabrication Problem 1 118 72 0,997 0,761 0,000
3064 Installation Service Rig 1 119 72 0,997 0,759 0,000
2030 Operation procedure 1 120 73 0,996 0,756 0,759
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 121 73 0,996 0,753 0,000
2917 Friction 0 122 73 1,000 0,000
2163 Installation Service Rig 1 123 74 0,996 0,751 0,753
2591 Fabrication Problem 1 124 74 0,996 0,748 0,000
2683 Reuse damaged equipment 1 125 74 0,996 0,745 0,000
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 126 74 0,996 0,743 0,000
2637 Operation procedure 1 127 75 0,996 0,740 0,743
923 Friction 0 128 76 1,000 0,740
2241 System configuration 1 129 76 0,996 0,737 0,000
2152 Reuse damaged equipment 1 130 77 0,996 0,735 0,737
317 Friction 0 131 78 1,000 0,735
1210 Friction 0 132 78 1,000 0,000
2584 System configuration 1 133 78 0,996 0,732 0,000
2193 Reuse damaged equipment 1 134 79 0,996 0,729 0,732
2082 Fabrication Problem 1 135 82 0,996 0,727 2,188
2144 Fabrication Problem 1 136 82 0,996 0,724 0,000
2795 Fabrication Problem 1 137 86 0,996 0,721 2,895
2647 Friction 0 138 87 1,000 0,721
2643 Operation procedure 1 139 88 0,996 0,718 0,721
155 Fabrication Problem 1 140 89 0,996 0,716 0,718
2617 System configuration 1 141 89 0,996 0,713 0,000
2665 System configuration 1 142 89 0,996 0,710 0,000
2274 Friction 0 143 91 1,000 1,421
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 144 91 0,996 0,708 0,000
2172 Installation Service Rig 1 145 92 0,996 0,705 0,708
2791 Reuse damaged equipment 1 146 92 0,996 0,702 0,000
Continuación Tabla 30.
2133 Friction 0 147 93 1,000 0,702
3064 Friction 0 148 93 1,000 0,000
2627 System configuration 1 149 94 0,996 0,699 0,702
2922 System configuration 1 150 94 0,996 0,697 0,000
261 Friction 0 151 97 1,000 2,090
1471 Friction 0 152 97 1,000 0,000
2917 Friction 0 153 97 1,000 0,000
2191 Operation procedure 1 154 98 0,996 0,694 0,697
2241 Operation procedure 1 155 98 0,996 0,691 0,000
2919 System configuration 1 156 98 0,996 0,688 0,000
737 Friction 0 157 99 1,000 0,688
2196 Friction 0 158 99 1,000 0,000
2602 Operation procedure 1 159 99 0,996 0,686 0,000
484 Friction 0 160 101 1,000 1,371
1471 Fabrication Problem 1 161 101 0,996 0,683 0,000
2601 Operation procedure 1 162 107 0,996 0,680 4,096
191 Friction 0 163 109 1,000 1,360
2191 Friction 0 164 110 1,000 0,680
2194 Friction 0 165 110 1,000 0,000
3060 Operation procedure 1 166 110 0,996 0,677 0,000
2590 Operation procedure 1 167 111 0,996 0,674 0,677
1523 Fabrication Problem 1 168 115 0,996 0,671 2,697
2193 System configuration 1 169 116 0,996 0,669 0,671
2206 Operation procedure 1 170 116 0,996 0,666 0,000
3064 Installation Service Rig 1 171 119 0,996 0,663 1,997
1053 Friction 0 172 120 1,000 0,663
2146 Friction 0 173 121 1,000 0,663
2208 Friction 0 174 121 1,000 0,000
2635 Installation Service Rig 1 175 122 0,996 0,660 0,663
2230 System selection 1 176 123 0,996 0,657 0,660
2337 Fabrication Problem 1 177 125 0,996 0,654 1,314
2795 Friction 0 178 125 1,000 0,000
2145 Operation procedure 1 179 126 0,996 0,651 0,654
823 Fabrication Problem 1 180 128 0,996 0,648 1,303
2635 Fabrication Problem 1 181 129 0,996 0,646 0,648
2901 Operation procedure 1 182 129 0,996 0,643 0,000
2627 System configuration 1 183 129 0,995 0,640 0,000
2172 Friction 0 184 132 1,000 1,919
1112 Operation procedure 1 185 133 0,995 0,637 0,640
Continuación Tabla 30.
2178 Installation Service Rig 1 186 133 0,995 0,634 0,000
2196 Operation procedure 1 187 135 0,995 0,631 1,268
2635 Friction 0 188 135 1,000 0,000
737 Friction 0 189 136 1,000 0,631
2795 Operation procedure 1 190 138 0,995 0,628 1,262
1066 Operation procedure 1 191 139 0,995 0,625 0,628
2082 Operation procedure 1 192 139 0,995 0,622 0,000
2172 Reuse damaged equipment 1 193 140 0,995 0,619 0,622
1066 Operation procedure 1 194 140 0,995 0,616 0,000
3424 Friction 0 195 140 1,000 0,000
2635 Operation procedure 1 196 141 0,995 0,613 0,616
2211 Friction 0 197 142 1,000 0,613
2105 Friction 0 198 143 1,000 0,613
2572 Reuse damaged equipment 1 199 143 0,995 0,610 0,000
2652 Operation procedure 1 200 145 0,995 0,607 1,221
2591 Friction 0 201 146 1,000 0,607
2101 Operation procedure 1 202 147 0,995 0,604 0,607
2146 Operation procedure 1 203 147 0,995 0,601 0,000
2268 Friction 0 204 149 1,000 1,203
2195 Installation Service Rig 1 205 150 0,995 0,598 0,601
595 Friction 0 206 151 1,000 0,598
2306 Friction 0 207 156 1,000 2,992
2590 Friction 0 208 157 1,000 0,598
2193 Fabrication Problem 1 209 159 0,995 0,595 1,197
2683 Operation procedure 1 210 159 0,995 0,592 0,000
2195 System configuration 1 211 161 0,995 0,589 1,185
2274 Friction 0 212 161 1,000 0,000
2589 Friction 0 213 162 1,000 0,589
2791 Friction 0 214 162 1,000 0,000
2591 Friction 0 215 163 1,000 0,589
2611 Friction 0 216 163 1,000 0,000
2145 Operation procedure 1 217 167 0,995 0,586 2,357
2584 Operation procedure 1 218 167 0,995 0,583 0,000
3226 Fabrication Problem 1 219 167 0,995 0,580 0,000
2625 Friction 0 220 167 1,000 0,000
2914 Friction 0 221 167 1,000 0,000
2601 System configuration 1 222 168 0,995 0,577 0,580
2617 System selection 1 223 169 0,995 0,574 0,577
2147 Friction 0 224 170 1,000 0,574
Continuación Tabla 30.
2603 System configuration 1 225 170 0,994 0,570 0,000
484 Friction 0 226 171 1,000 0,570
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 227 171 0,994 0,567 0,000
2145 Friction 0 228 171 1,000 0,000
261 Operation procedure 1 229 171 0,994 0,564 0,000
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 230 173 0,994 0,561 1,128
2547 Fabrication Problem 1 231 173 0,994 0,557 0,000
2634 Friction 0 232 173 1,000 0,000
2195 Friction 0 233 174 1,000 0,557
1053 Fabrication Problem 1 234 176 0,994 0,554 1,115
2208 Fabrication Problem 1 235 177 0,994 0,551 0,554
2211 Fabrication Problem 1 236 180 0,994 0,548 1,653
595 Friction 0 237 181 1,000 0,548
2625 Fabrication Problem 1 238 181 0,994 0,544 0,000
2635 Installation - Field Service 1 239 181 0,994 0,541 0,000
2208 Friction 0 240 182 1,000 0,541
317 Friction 0 241 184 1,000 1,082
2200 Friction 0 242 187 1,000 1,623
2627 Friction 0 243 191 1,000 2,164
3046 System configuration 1 244 193 0,994 0,538 1,082
2584 System configuration 1 245 195 0,994 0,534 1,076
923 Operation procedure 1 246 195 0,994 0,531 0,000
2602 Friction 0 247 195 1,000 0,000
1471 Installation Service Rig 1 248 196 0,994 0,528 0,531
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 249 197 0,994 0,524 0,528
737 Operation procedure 1 250 197 0,994 0,521 0,000
2604 Installation Service Rig 1 251 197 0,994 0,518 0,000
2652 Friction 0 252 197 1,000 0,000
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 253 199 0,993 0,514 1,035
1112 Friction 0 254 202 1,000 1,542
1589 Friction 0 255 204 1,000 1,028
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 256 205 0,993 0,511 0,514
2151 Friction 0 257 206 1,000 0,511
2178 Installation Service Rig 1 258 207 0,993 0,507 0,511
2586 Friction 0 259 208 1,000 0,507
595 Operation procedure 1 260 211 0,993 0,504 1,522
2163 System configuration 1 261 213 0,993 0,500 1,007
Continuación Tabla 30.
2578 System configuration 1 262 213 0,993 0,497 0,000
2584 Friction 0 263 213 1,000 0,000
2643 Friction 0 264 215 1,000 0,993
2591 Friction 0 265 218 1,000 1,490
3100 Fabrication Problem 1 266 221 0,993 0,493 1,490
2213 Friction 0 267 222 1,000 0,493
595 Friction 0 268 227 1,000 2,466
2589 Installation Service Rig 1 269 227 0,993 0,489 0,000
3064 Friction 0 270 227 1,000 0,000
2145 Friction 0 271 231 1,000 1,958
484 Friction 0 272 232 1,000 0,489
2591 Reuse damaged equipment 1 273 233 0,992 0,486 0,489
2145 Friction 0 274 234 1,000 0,486
2584 Friction 0 275 235 1,000 0,486
2585 Friction 0 276 237 1,000 0,972
2795 Operation procedure 1 277 239 0,992 0,482 0,972
2792 Friction 0 278 240 1,000 0,482
2578 Operation procedure 1 279 241 0,992 0,478 0,482
1049 Friction 0 280 242 1,000 0,478
2578 Operation procedure 1 281 247 0,992 0,474 2,391
3912 Friction 0 282 247 1,000 0,000
2200 Friction 0 283 249 1,000 0,949
2917 Reuse damaged equipment 1 284 249 0,992 0,470 0,000
2919 System configuration 1 285 249 0,992 0,466 0,000
3064 Fabrication Problem 1 286 252 0,992 0,463 1,399
2588 Operation procedure 1 287 253 0,992 0,459 0,463
2590 System configuration 1 288 255 0,991 0,455 0,917
1036 Friction 0 289 257 1,000 0,909
2572 Operation procedure 1 290 257 0,991 0,451 0,000
2683 Friction 0 291 257 1,000 0,000
1066 Operation procedure 1 292 258 0,991 0,447 0,451
2830 Reuse damaged equipment 1 293 258 0,991 0,443 0,000
2568 Operation procedure 1 294 261 0,991 0,439 1,328
1112 Operation procedure 1 295 264 0,991 0,435 1,316
2572 Fabrication Problem 1 296 267 0,991 0,431 1,304
2643 System configuration 1 297 267 0,991 0,427 0,000
2152 Operation procedure 1 298 268 0,991 0,423 0,427
1487 Friction 0 299 272 1,000 1,691
2589 Operation procedure 1 300 272 0,990 0,419 0,000
Continuación Tabla 30.
2652 Friction 0 301 274 1,000 0,838
2836 Installation Service Rig 1 302 276 0,990 0,415 0,838
2901 Friction 0 303 276 1,000 0,000
2585 Friction 0 304 277 1,000 0,415
2230 Fabrication Problem 1 305 278 0,990 0,411 0,415
2578 Friction 0 306 279 1,000 0,411
2105 Installation Service Rig 1 307 290 0,990 0,406 4,516
1471 Fabrication Problem 1 308 294 0,990 0,402 1,626
2195 Operation procedure 1 309 294 0,990 0,398 0,000
2606 Friction 0 310 296 1,000 0,796
2207 Installation - Field Service 1 311 299 0,989 0,394 1,194
2665 Installation Service Rig 1 312 304 0,989 0,390 1,969
2102 Operation procedure 1 313 305 0,989 0,385 0,390
2167 Friction 0 314 306 1,000 0,385
3430 Installation Service Rig 1 315 310 0,989 0,381 1,541
255 Friction 0 316 312 1,000 0,762
2278 Friction 0 317 312 1,000 0,000
255 Friction 0 318 313 1,000 0,381
2930 Friction 0 319 314 1,000 0,381
2904 Installation - Field Service 1 320 316 0,988 0,377 0,762
2230 System configuration 1 321 317 0,988 0,372 0,377
2267 Friction 0 322 320 1,000 1,116
1487 Friction 0 323 328 1,000 2,977
2859 Installation Service Rig 1 324 328 0,988 0,367 0,000
890 System configuration 1 325 331 0,988 0,363 1,102
2542 Installation Service Rig 1 326 331 0,987 0,358 0,000
3046 Friction 0 327 335 1,000 1,433
2611 Friction 0 328 337 1,000 0,717
2146 Friction 0 329 339 1,000 0,717
1066 Operation procedure 1 330 340 0,987 0,354 0,358
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 331 343 0,986 0,349 1,061
1210 Friction 0 332 344 1,000 0,349
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 333 344 0,986 0,344 0,000
2085 Installation - Field Service 1 334 347 0,986 0,339 1,032
2904 Friction 0 335 350 1,000 1,017
2209 Friction 0 336 351 1,000 0,339
2901 Friction 0 337 351 1,000 0,000
2213 Friction 0 338 358 1,000 2,373
Continuación Tabla 30.
2836 Operation procedure 1 339 360 0,985 0,334 0,678
2195 Operation procedure 1 340 367 0,985 0,329 2,337
1053 Fabrication Problem 1 341 372 0,984 0,324 1,644
2914 Friction 0 342 373 1,000 0,324
1471 Friction 0 343 375 1,000 0,647
1881 Operation procedure 1 344 380 0,984 0,318 1,618
2186 Operation procedure 1 345 380 0,983 0,313 0,000
2901 Fabrication Problem 1 346 382 0,983 0,308 0,626
2914 Friction 0 347 389 1,000 2,154
2984 Friction 0 348 390 1,000 0,308
2183 System configuration 1 349 392 0,982 0,302 0,615
2578 Friction 0 350 394 1,000 0,604
1487 Operation procedure 1 351 399 0,981 0,297 1,511
2917 Friction 0 352 401 1,000 0,593
769 Operation procedure 1 353 403 0,981 0,291 0,593
2637 Operation procedure 1 354 404 0,980 0,285 0,291
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 355 407 0,980 0,280 0,856
2102 Operation procedure 1 356 408 0,980 0,274 0,280
2146 Friction 0 357 409 1,000 0,274
2194 Friction 0 358 410 1,000 0,274
2145 Friction 0 359 418 1,000 2,190
2196 Friction 0 360 420 1,000 0,548
2195 Fabrication Problem 1 361 424 0,977 0,268 1,095
2048 Friction 0 362 426 1,000 0,535
2791 Friction 0 363 432 1,000 1,606
2900 Friction 0 364 438 1,000 1,606
2652 Friction 0 365 440 1,000 0,535
2267 Friction 0 366 441 1,000 0,268
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 367 442 0,974 0,261 0,268
2901 Friction 0 368 450 1,000 2,084
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 369 451 0,972 0,253 0,261
2479 Friction 0 370 467 1,000 4,053
769 Operation procedure 1 371 475 0,971 0,246 2,026
2163 Friction 0 372 494 1,000 4,671
2905 Friction 0 373 497 1,000 0,738
2791 Operation procedure 1 374 512 0,968 0,238 3,688
2596 Friction 0 375 515 1,000 0,714
2601 Friction 0 376 526 1,000 2,617
Continuación Tabla 30.
2213 Reuse damaged equipment 1 377 544 0,964 0,229 4,283
2147 Friction 0 378 559 1,000 3,441
2930 Friction 0 379 567 1,000 1,835
2170 Friction 0 380 569 1,000 0,459
2211 Friction 0 381 585 1,000 3,671
2458 Friction 0 382 588 1,000 0,688
2984 Friction 0 383 596 1,000 1,835
769 Friction 0 384 597 1,000 0,229
2778 Friction 0 385 599 1,000 0,459
2337 Operation procedure 1 386 611 0,947 0,217 2,753
1471 Installation Service Rig 1 387 622 0,944 0,205 2,391
2170 Friction 0 388 624 1,000 0,411
255 Friction 0 389 641 1,000 3,490
2146 Friction 0 390 650 1,000 1,848
2147 Operation procedure 1 391 702 0,929 0,191 10,675
769 Friction 0 392 709 1,000 1,334
2584 Friction 0 393 714 1,000 0,953
3427 Friction 0 394 714 1,000 0,000
2611 Friction 0 395 773 1,000 11,246
2797 Friction 0 396 837 1,000 12,199
2792 Friction 0 397 852 1,000 2,859
2589 Operation procedure 1 398 867 0,857 0,163 2,859
2196 Friction 0 399 928 1,000 9,967
2054 Operation procedure 1 400 974 0,800 0,131 7,516
2178 Operation procedure 1 401 1039 0,750 0,098 8,496
2670 Drilling Project 1 402 1234 0,667 0,065 19,116
4586 Operation procedure 1 403 1237 0,500 0,033 0,196
∑ 372
Continuación Tabla 31.
725 Installation Service Rig 1 6 3 0,999 0,992 0,994
2282 Reuse damaged equipment 1 7 3 0,999 0,991 0,000
2676 Friction 0 8 3 1,000 0,000
1801 Operation procedure 1 9 4 0,999 0,990 0,991
2058 Reuse damaged equipment 1 10 4 0,999 0,988 0,000
641 Friction 0 11 5 1,000 0,988
1064 Operation procedure 1 12 6 0,999 0,987 0,988
2058 Reuse damaged equipment 1 13 6 0,999 0,986 0,000
2284 Reuse damaged equipment 1 14 6 0,999 0,984 0,000
2317 Installation Service Rig 1 15 6 0,999 0,983 0,000
2118 Friction 0 16 6 1,000 0,000
2343 Installation Service Rig 1 17 7 0,999 0,982 0,983
2693 Operation procedure 1 18 7 0,999 0,981 0,000
2929 Reuse damaged equipment 1 19 7 0,999 0,979 0,000
2577 Friction 0 20 7 1,000 0,000
2057 Reuse damaged equipment 1 21 8 0,999 0,978 0,979
2219 Installation Service Rig 1 22 8 0,999 0,977 0,000
2678 Installation Service Rig 1 23 8 0,999 0,975 0,000
2031 Operation procedure 1 24 9 0,999 0,974 0,975
2693 Reuse damaged equipment 1 25 9 0,999 0,973 0,000
2908 Operation procedure 1 26 9 0,999 0,971 0,000
735 Friction 0 27 9 1,000 0,000
2556 Reuse damaged equipment 1 28 10 0,999 0,970 0,971
2556 Reuse damaged equipment 1 29 10 0,999 0,969 0,000
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 30 10 0,999 0,968 0,000
2182 Friction 0 31 10 1,000 0,000
711 Fabrication Problem 1 32 11 0,999 0,966 0,968
2231 Installation Service Rig 1 33 11 0,999 0,965 0,000
2695 Operation procedure 1 34 11 0,999 0,964 0,000
2139 Operation procedure 1 35 12 0,999 0,962 0,964
2058 Reuse damaged equipment 1 36 13 0,999 0,961 0,962
2244 Installation Service Rig 1 37 13 0,999 0,960 0,000
2923 Reuse damaged equipment 1 38 14 0,999 0,958 0,960
3035 Operation procedure 1 39 14 0,999 0,957 0,000
725 Friction 0 40 14 1,000 0,000
943 Friction 0 41 14 1,000 0,000
2025 Installation Service Rig 1 42 15 0,999 0,956 0,957
2918 Installation Service Rig 1 43 15 0,999 0,954 0,000
Continuación Tabla 31.
2256 Operation procedure 1 44 16 0,999 0,953 0,954
2577 Operation procedure 1 45 16 0,999 0,952 0,000
2671 Installation Service Rig 1 46 16 0,999 0,951 0,000
2913 Operation procedure 1 47 16 0,999 0,949 0,000
740 Operation procedure 1 48 17 0,999 0,948 0,949
931 Installation Service Rig 1 49 17 0,999 0,947 0,000
2242 Installation Service Rig 1 50 17 0,999 0,945 0,000
2344 Friction 0 51 17 1,000 0,000
2676 Friction 0 52 17 1,000 0,000
2695 Friction 0 53 17 1,000 0,000
2946 Reuse damaged equipment 1 54 18 0,999 0,944 0,945
3116 Friction 0 55 18 1,000 0,000
1344 Reuse damaged equipment 1 56 19 0,999 0,943 0,944
2802 Reuse damaged equipment 1 57 19 0,999 0,941 0,000
810 Friction 0 58 19 1,000 0,000
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 59 20 0,999 0,940 0,941
2226 Reuse damaged equipment 1 60 20 0,999 0,939 0,000
880 Reuse damaged equipment 1 61 21 0,999 0,937 0,939
2556 Reuse damaged equipment 1 62 21 0,999 0,936 0,000
2796 Installation Service Rig 1 63 21 0,999 0,935 0,000
3403 Friction 0 64 21 1,000 0,000
2233 Installation Service Rig 1 65 22 0,999 0,933 0,935
2681 Operation procedure 1 66 22 0,999 0,932 0,000
2930 Installation Service Rig 1 67 22 0,999 0,931 0,000
1214 Operation procedure 1 68 23 0,999 0,929 0,931
2025 Operation procedure 1 69 24 0,999 0,928 0,929
2034 Operation procedure 1 70 24 0,999 0,927 0,000
2139 Installation Service Rig 1 71 24 0,999 0,926 0,000
2244 Installation Service Rig 1 72 24 0,999 0,924 0,000
2244 Reuse damaged equipment 1 73 24 0,999 0,923 0,000
2676 Friction 0 74 24 1,000 0,000
1344 Installation Service Rig 1 75 25 0,999 0,922 0,923
2057 Reuse damaged equipment 1 76 25 0,999 0,920 0,000
907 Installation Service Rig 1 77 26 0,999 0,919 0,920
2192 Operation procedure 1 78 26 0,999 0,918 0,000
2233 Operation procedure 1 79 26 0,999 0,916 0,000
2934 Operation procedure 1 80 26 0,999 0,915 0,000
2677 Friction 0 81 26 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 31.
1239 Installation Service Rig 1 82 27 0,999 0,914 0,915
2118 Friction 0 83 27 1,000 0,000
2446 Friction 0 84 27 1,000 0,000
2043 Installation Service Rig 1 85 28 0,999 0,912 0,914
2444 System configuration 1 86 28 0,999 0,911 0,000
318 Operation procedure 1 87 29 0,999 0,910 0,911
2238 Operation procedure 1 88 29 0,999 0,908 0,000
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 89 30 0,999 0,907 0,908
810 Friction 0 90 31 1,000 0,907
2231 Operation procedure 1 91 32 0,999 0,906 0,907
1655 Friction 0 92 32 1,000 0,000
2057 Friction 0 93 32 1,000 0,000
2233 Operation procedure 1 94 33 0,999 0,904 0,906
1787 Operation procedure 1 95 35 0,999 0,903 1,809
2141 Installation Service Rig 1 96 35 0,999 0,902 0,000
2233 Installation Service Rig 1 97 35 0,999 0,900 0,000
2242 Fabrication Problem 1 98 35 0,999 0,899 0,000
2421 Operation procedure 1 99 35 0,999 0,898 0,000
2164 Operation procedure 1 100 36 0,999 0,896 0,898
2273 Operation procedure 1 101 36 0,999 0,895 0,000
2946 Reuse damaged equipment 1 102 36 0,999 0,894 0,000
2094 Friction 0 103 36 1,000 0,000
1816 Friction 0 104 37 1,000 0,894
2630 Friction 0 105 37 1,000 0,000
725 Friction 0 106 38 1,000 0,894
2291 Operation procedure 1 107 38 0,998 0,892 0,000
2630 Installation Service Rig 1 108 38 0,998 0,891 0,000
2104 Friction 0 109 38 1,000 0,000
2066 Reuse damaged equipment 1 110 39 0,998 0,890 0,891
2758 Operation procedure 1 111 39 0,998 0,888 0,000
2575 Friction 0 112 39 1,000 0,000
2659 Friction 0 113 39 1,000 0,000
2052 Operation procedure 1 114 40 0,998 0,887 0,888
2233 Installation Service Rig 1 115 40 0,998 0,886 0,000
2031 Friction 0 116 40 1,000 0,000
2043 Friction 0 117 40 1,000 0,000
2287 Installation Service Rig 1 118 41 0,998 0,884 0,886
2521 Reuse damaged equipment 1 119 41 0,998 0,883 0,000
Continuación Tabla 31.
2226 Friction 0 120 41 1,000 0,000
2796 Friction 0 121 41 1,000 0,000
2677 Reuse damaged equipment 1 122 42 0,998 0,882 0,883
2564 Friction 0 123 42 1,000 0,000
2837 Operation procedure 1 124 43 0,998 0,880 0,882
2957 Fabrication Problem 1 125 43 0,998 0,879 0,000
2678 Fabrication Problem 1 126 44 0,998 0,877 0,879
2242 Friction 0 127 44 1,000 0,000
2328 Friction 0 128 44 1,000 0,000
2577 Friction 0 129 44 1,000 0,000
641 Reuse damaged equipment 1 130 46 0,998 0,876 1,755
2814 Installation Service Rig 1 131 46 0,998 0,875 0,000
2942 Reuse damaged equipment 1 132 47 0,998 0,873 0,875
941 Operation procedure 1 133 49 0,998 0,872 1,747
3719 Reuse damaged equipment 1 134 49 0,998 0,871 0,000
2396 Friction 0 135 49 1,000 0,000
164 Friction 0 136 50 1,000 0,871
2814 Installation Service Rig 1 137 50 0,998 0,869 0,000
2940 Reuse damaged equipment 1 138 51 0,998 0,868 0,869
2946 Installation Service Rig 1 139 51 0,998 0,867 0,000
2399 Operation procedure 1 140 53 0,998 0,865 1,733
2358 Friction 0 141 54 1,000 0,865
1636 Surface unit misalignment 0 142 55 1,000 0,865
3068 Operation procedure 1 143 55 0,998 0,864 0,000
2071 Friction 0 144 55 1,000 0,000
2379 Friction 0 145 55 1,000 0,000
196 Friction 0 146 56 1,000 0,864
2210 Drilling Project 1 147 56 0,998 0,862 0,000
2212 Operation procedure 1 148 56 0,998 0,861 0,000
2564 Installation - Field Service 1 149 56 0,998 0,860 0,000
2929 Reuse damaged equipment 1 150 56 0,998 0,858 0,000
2638 Friction 0 151 56 1,000 0,000
2224 Operation procedure 1 152 57 0,998 0,857 0,858
2802 Installation Service Rig 1 153 57 0,998 0,855 0,000
2963 Reuse damaged equipment 1 154 57 0,998 0,854 0,000
2980 Installation Service Rig 1 155 57 0,998 0,853 0,000
2802 Installation Service Rig 1 156 59 0,998 0,851 1,705
2057 Reuse damaged equipment 1 157 61 0,998 0,850 1,703
2058 Reuse damaged equipment 1 158 61 0,998 0,849 0,000
Continuación Tabla 31.
2664 Reuse damaged equipment 1 159 61 0,998 0,847 0,000
3378 Operation procedure 1 160 61 0,998 0,846 0,000
2136 Friction 0 161 62 1,000 0,846
641 Friction 0 162 64 1,000 1,692
2258 Installation Service Rig 1 163 64 0,998 0,844 0,000
2226 Friction 0 164 66 1,000 1,689
2796 Friction 0 165 68 1,000 1,689
3124 Friction 0 166 68 1,000 0,000
2148 Operation procedure 1 167 71 0,998 0,843 2,533
1180 Friction 0 168 71 1,000 0,000
251 Friction 0 169 72 1,000 0,843
2872 Operation procedure 1 170 72 0,998 0,842 0,000
2343 Installation Service Rig 1 171 74 0,998 0,840 1,683
2815 Fabrication Problem 1 172 74 0,998 0,839 0,000
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 173 74 0,998 0,837 0,000
2634 Reuse damaged equipment 1 174 75 0,998 0,836 0,837
2466 Reuse damaged equipment 1 175 76 0,998 0,835 0,836
2938 Reuse damaged equipment 1 176 78 0,998 0,833 1,669
2244 System configuration 1 177 79 0,998 0,832 0,833
2600 Operation procedure 1 178 79 0,998 0,830 0,000
2865 Installation Service Rig 1 179 79 0,998 0,829 0,000
3043 Installation Service Rig 1 180 79 0,998 0,828 0,000
931 Friction 0 181 80 1,000 0,828
2865 Reuse damaged equipment 1 182 80 0,998 0,826 0,000
2650 Operation procedure 1 183 81 0,998 0,825 0,826
2198 System configuration 1 184 82 0,998 0,823 0,825
2231 Operation procedure 1 185 82 0,998 0,822 0,000
2121 Operation procedure 1 186 84 0,998 0,821 1,644
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 187 84 0,998 0,819 0,000
2399 Operation procedure 1 188 84 0,998 0,818 0,000
2671 Installation Service Rig 1 189 84 0,998 0,816 0,000
2283 Reuse damaged equipment 1 190 85 0,998 0,815 0,816
641 Friction 0 191 86 1,000 0,815
178 Friction 0 192 87 1,000 0,815
2746 Installation Service Rig 1 193 88 0,998 0,814 0,815
3068 Fabrication Problem 1 194 88 0,998 0,812 0,000
2078 Friction 0 195 90 1,000 1,624
2142 Friction 0 196 90 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 31.
748 Installation Service Rig 1 197 91 0,998 0,811 0,812
923 Friction 0 198 92 1,000 0,811
725 Operation procedure 1 199 92 0,998 0,809 0,000
212 Friction 0 200 93 1,000 0,809
2521 Friction 0 201 93 1,000 0,000
775 Friction 0 202 94 1,000 0,809
2137 Friction 0 203 94 1,000 0,000
928 Installation Service Rig 1 204 95 0,998 0,808 0,809
2334 Operation procedure 1 205 95 0,998 0,807 0,000
2681 Operation procedure 1 206 95 0,998 0,805 0,000
2575 Operation procedure 1 207 96 0,998 0,804 0,805
2575 Operation procedure 1 208 98 0,998 0,802 1,607
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 209 98 0,998 0,801 0,000
2466 Installation Service Rig 1 210 100 0,998 0,799 1,602
2575 Operation procedure 1 211 100 0,998 0,798 0,000
2973 Operation procedure 1 212 100 0,998 0,797 0,000
2980 Drilling Project 1 213 101 0,998 0,795 0,797
2030 Friction 0 214 101 1,000 0,000
2302 Friction 0 215 101 1,000 0,000
2438 Friction 0 216 101 1,000 0,000
641 Friction 0 217 102 1,000 0,795
868 Friction 0 218 102 1,000 0,000
2826 Fabrication Problem 1 219 102 0,998 0,794 0,000
3055 Installation Service Rig 1 220 102 0,998 0,792 0,000
2738 Friction 0 221 102 1,000 0,000
72 Friction 0 222 103 1,000 0,792
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 223 103 0,998 0,791 0,000
2108 Friction 0 224 103 1,000 0,000
711 Operation procedure 1 225 105 0,998 0,789 1,582
2899 Operation procedure 1 226 106 0,998 0,788 0,789
2250 Friction 0 227 106 1,000 0,000
2078 Operation procedure 1 228 107 0,998 0,787 0,788
2659 Friction 0 229 107 1,000 0,000
1180 Friction 0 230 108 1,000 0,787
2069 Friction 0 231 108 1,000 0,000
2226 Reuse damaged equipment 1 232 109 0,998 0,785 0,787
2233 Reuse damaged equipment 1 233 109 0,998 0,784 0,000
2802 Fabrication Problem 1 234 109 0,998 0,782 0,000
Continuación Tabla 31.
2215 Friction 0 235 109 1,000 0,000
1727 Installation Service Rig 1 236 110 0,998 0,781 0,782
2436 Friction 0 237 111 1,000 0,781
2712 Friction 0 238 111 1,000 0,000
2521 Installation Service Rig 1 239 112 0,998 0,779 0,781
2043 Friction 0 240 112 1,000 0,000
910 Friction 0 241 113 1,000 0,779
1139 Friction 0 242 113 1,000 0,000
2153 Reuse damaged equipment 1 243 113 0,998 0,778 0,000
2600 Operation procedure 1 244 113 0,998 0,776 0,000
2659 Friction 0 245 113 1,000 0,000
2271 Installation Service Rig 1 246 114 0,998 0,775 0,776
2114 Friction 0 247 114 1,000 0,000
2697 Reuse damaged equipment 1 248 115 0,998 0,773 0,775
2929 Operation procedure 1 249 115 0,998 0,772 0,000
2226 Friction 0 250 115 1,000 0,000
1239 Friction 0 251 116 1,000 0,772
2564 Reuse damaged equipment 1 252 116 0,998 0,770 0,000
2108 Friction 0 253 116 1,000 0,000
287 Operation procedure 1 254 118 0,998 0,769 1,541
2271 Operation procedure 1 255 118 0,998 0,767 0,000
2576 Friction 0 256 118 1,000 0,000
1011 Reuse damaged equipment 1 257 119 0,998 0,766 0,767
1740 Operation procedure 1 258 119 0,998 0,764 0,000
2284 Reuse damaged equipment 1 259 119 0,998 0,763 0,000
3111 Installation Service Rig 1 260 120 0,998 0,761 0,763
183 Friction 0 261 121 1,000 0,761
2185 Friction 0 262 121 1,000 0,000
2271 Friction 0 263 121 1,000 0,000
269 Friction 0 264 122 1,000 0,761
2659 Installation - Field Service 1 265 123 0,998 0,760 0,761
2837 Operation procedure 1 266 123 0,998 0,758 0,000
1875 Friction 0 267 124 1,000 0,758
3419 Friction 0 268 124 1,000 0,000
931 Friction 0 269 125 1,000 0,758
1009 Friction 0 270 125 1,000 0,000
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 271 127 0,998 0,757 1,517
2446 Friction 0 272 127 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 31.
167 Friction 0 273 129 1,000 1,514
2212 Drilling Project 1 274 129 0,998 0,755 0,000
2509 Friction 0 275 129 1,000 0,000
211 Friction 0 276 130 1,000 0,755
341 Friction 0 277 130 1,000 0,000
725 Operation procedure 1 278 130 0,998 0,754 0,000
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 279 131 0,998 0,752 0,754
781 Operation procedure 1 280 131 0,998 0,751 0,000
2192 Operation procedure 1 281 131 0,998 0,749 0,000
2669 Friction 0 282 131 1,000 0,000
212 Friction 0 283 132 1,000 0,749
2219 Reuse damaged equipment 1 284 132 0,998 0,748 0,000
1185 Friction 0 285 134 1,000 1,496
2598 Friction 0 286 134 1,000 0,000
2868 Friction 0 287 134 1,000 0,000
1665 Reuse damaged equipment 1 288 135 0,998 0,746 0,748
2697 Operation procedure 1 289 136 0,998 0,745 0,746
1880 Friction 0 290 136 1,000 0,000
2038 Friction 0 291 136 1,000 0,000
2331 Operation procedure 1 292 137 0,998 0,743 0,745
2475 Friction 0 293 137 1,000 0,000
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 294 138 0,998 0,742 0,743
307 Friction 0 295 139 1,000 0,742
2030 System selection 1 296 140 0,998 0,740 0,742
1214 Friction 0 297 142 1,000 1,480
2671 Operation procedure 1 298 142 0,998 0,739 0,000
2110 Friction 0 299 143 1,000 0,739
1839 Operation procedure 1 300 144 0,998 0,737 0,739
2231 Operation procedure 1 301 144 0,998 0,735 0,000
2676 Friction 0 302 144 1,000 0,000
141 Friction 0 303 145 1,000 0,735
334 Friction 0 304 145 1,000 0,000
1216 Friction 0 305 145 1,000 0,000
2317 Friction 0 306 146 1,000 0,735
2116 Operation procedure 1 307 147 0,998 0,734 0,735
2283 Friction 0 308 149 1,000 1,468
2461 Operation procedure 1 309 150 0,998 0,732 0,734
828 Reuse damaged equipment 1 310 151 0,998 0,731 0,732
Continuación Tabla 31.
2358 Friction 0 311 151 1,000 0,000
1025 Friction 0 312 152 1,000 0,731
2114 Operation procedure 1 313 154 0,998 0,729 1,461
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 314 154 0,998 0,727 0,000
358 Friction 0 315 155 1,000 0,727
1875 Friction 0 316 155 1,000 0,000
2244 Reuse damaged equipment 1 317 156 0,998 0,726 0,727
2298 Reuse damaged equipment 1 318 156 0,998 0,724 0,000
2271 Reuse damaged equipment 1 319 157 0,998 0,723 0,724
2244 Friction 0 320 160 1,000 2,168
2226 Friction 0 321 161 1,000 0,723
1120 Operation procedure 1 322 162 0,998 0,721 0,723
2341 Operation procedure 1 323 162 0,998 0,720 0,000
178 Friction 0 324 166 1,000 2,878
1070 Friction 0 325 168 1,000 1,439
1052 Operation procedure 1 326 168 0,998 0,718 0,000
2317 Friction 0 327 168 1,000 0,000
931 Reuse damaged equipment 1 328 170 0,998 0,716 1,436
2091 Reuse damaged equipment 1 329 170 0,998 0,715 0,000
212 Friction 0 330 171 1,000 0,715
2789 Operation procedure 1 331 171 0,998 0,713 0,000
2083 Friction 0 332 171 1,000 0,000
2659 Friction 0 333 172 1,000 0,713
2678 Fabrication Problem 1 334 173 0,998 0,711 0,713
2749 Reuse damaged equipment 1 335 173 0,998 0,710 0,000
2124 Friction 0 336 173 1,000 0,000
2058 Fabrication Problem 1 337 174 0,998 0,708 0,710
874 Operation procedure 1 338 175 0,998 0,707 0,708
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 339 175 0,998 0,705 0,000
2872 Operation procedure 1 340 175 0,998 0,703 0,000
2080 Friction 0 341 175 1,000 0,000
2103 Friction 0 342 175 1,000 0,000
2263 Friction 0 343 176 1,000 0,703
2581 Friction 0 344 176 1,000 0,000
2852 Friction 0 345 178 1,000 1,407
2831 Reuse damaged equipment 1 346 179 0,998 0,702 0,703
2493 Friction 0 347 179 1,000 0,000
1214 Friction 0 348 180 1,000 0,702
Continuación Tabla 31.
2042 Operation procedure 1 349 180 0,998 0,700 0,000
2679 Operation procedure 1 350 180 0,998 0,698 0,000
3357 Friction 0 351 180 1,000 0,000
88 Friction 0 352 181 1,000 0,698
3301 Friction 0 353 181 1,000 0,000
2615 Friction 0 354 183 1,000 1,397
451 Friction 0 355 184 1,000 0,698
2119 Friction 0 356 184 1,000 0,000
2119 Friction 0 357 185 1,000 0,698
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 358 186 0,998 0,697 0,698
2095 Friction 0 359 187 1,000 0,697
1892 Operation procedure 1 360 187 0,998 0,695 0,000
2872 Installation Service Rig 1 361 188 0,998 0,693 0,695
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 362 189 0,998 0,692 0,693
1064 Friction 0 363 190 1,000 0,692
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 364 191 0,998 0,690 0,692
2676 Friction 0 365 191 1,000 0,000
471 Friction 0 366 192 1,000 0,690
307 System configuration 1 367 193 0,998 0,688 0,690
Failure of perforations / liner /
openhole 1 368 193 0,998 0,687 0,000
2047 Reuse damaged equipment 1 369 193 0,998 0,685 0,000
C2PP4 Friction 0 370 194 1,000 0,685
1880 Friction 0 371 195 1,000 0,685
2157 Friction 0 372 195 1,000 0,000
2838 Friction 0 373 195 1,000 0,000
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 374 197 0,997 0,683 1,370
2837 Operation procedure 1 375 197 0,997 0,681 0,000
3118 Friction 0 376 197 1,000 0,000
212 Friction 0 377 198 1,000 0,681
2112 Installation Service Rig 1 378 198 0,997 0,680 0,000
2675 Installation Service Rig 1 379 198 0,997 0,678 0,000
2941 Friction 0 380 198 1,000 0,000
196 Friction 0 381 199 1,000 0,678
2712 System configuration 1 382 199 0,997 0,676 0,000
619 Friction 0 383 201 1,000 1,352
1230 Friction 0 384 201 1,000 0,000
2095 Operation procedure 1 385 201 0,997 0,674 0,000
Continuación Tabla 31.
2436 Friction 0 386 201 1,000 0,000
C2PP1 Friction 0 387 201 1,000 0,000
2344 Operation procedure 1 388 202 0,997 0,673 0,674
773 Fabrication Problem 1 389 203 0,997 0,671 0,673
2442 Operation procedure 1 390 204 0,997 0,669 0,671
2058 Friction 0 391 205 1,000 0,669
2058 Installation Service Rig 1 392 205 0,997 0,667 0,000
2246 Friction 0 393 205 1,000 0,000
2108 Friction 0 394 206 1,000 0,667
2659 Friction 0 395 206 1,000 0,000
2242 Friction 0 396 207 1,000 0,667
3378 Friction 0 397 207 1,000 0,000
2465 Friction 0 398 208 1,000 0,667
2222 Friction 0 399 209 1,000 0,667
2659 Friction 0 400 210 1,000 0,667
2933 Friction 0 401 210 1,000 0,000
2153 Friction 0 402 211 1,000 0,667
2933 Friction 0 403 213 1,000 1,335
342 Friction 0 404 215 1,000 1,335
729 Friction 0 405 215 1,000 0,000
2660 Friction 0 406 215 1,000 0,000
2029 Friction 0 407 216 1,000 0,667
2377 Operation procedure 1 408 216 0,997 0,666 0,000
2675 Friction 0 409 216 1,000 0,000
2231 Friction 0 410 217 1,000 0,666
3106 Friction 0 411 217 1,000 0,000
711 Installation Service Rig 1 412 218 0,997 0,664 0,666
826 Friction 0 413 219 1,000 0,664
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 414 219 0,997 0,662 0,000
263 Operation procedure 1 415 220 0,997 0,660 0,662
2459 Operation procedure 1 416 220 0,997 0,658 0,000
941 Operation procedure 1 417 221 0,997 0,656 0,658
2916 Friction 0 418 221 1,000 0,000
2043 Reuse damaged equipment 1 419 223 0,997 0,655 1,313
2438 Friction 0 420 224 1,000 0,655
2142 Installation Service Rig 1 421 226 0,997 0,653 1,309
2638 Friction 0 422 226 1,000 0,000
2916 Friction 0 423 226 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 31.
3119 Friction 0 424 226 1,000 0,000
880 Friction 0 425 227 1,000 0,653
2712 Installation Service Rig 1 426 227 0,997 0,651 0,000
2033 Friction 0 427 228 1,000 0,651
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 428 229 0,997 0,649 0,651
2118 Operation procedure 1 429 229 0,997 0,647 0,000
2460 Friction 0 430 229 1,000 0,000
2749 Friction 0 431 229 1,000 0,000
2460 Friction 0 432 230 1,000 0,647
527 Friction 0 433 231 1,000 0,647
1070 Friction 0 434 231 1,000 0,000
2678 Operation procedure 1 435 231 0,997 0,645 0,000
2069 Friction 0 436 232 1,000 0,645
1883 Fabrication Problem 1 437 232 0,997 0,643 0,000
3035 Operation procedure 1 438 232 0,997 0,641 0,000
2697 Friction 0 439 232 1,000 0,000
2219 Friction 0 440 234 1,000 1,282
941 Installation Service Rig 1 441 234 0,997 0,639 0,000
2058 Installation Service Rig 1 442 234 0,997 0,637 0,000
2746 Operation procedure 1 443 234 0,997 0,635 0,000
2055 Operation procedure 1 444 236 0,997 0,634 1,271
910 Fabrication Problem 1 445 237 0,997 0,632 0,634
2934 Friction 0 446 237 1,000 0,000
3116 Friction 0 447 237 1,000 0,000
2493 Operation procedure 1 448 239 0,997 0,630 1,263
882 Friction 0 449 241 1,000 1,259
2243 Operation procedure 1 450 241 0,997 0,628 0,000
2276 Friction 0 451 241 1,000 0,000
3126 Drilling Project 1 452 244 0,997 0,626 1,883
2358 Friction 0 453 244 1,000 0,000
2377 Friction 0 454 244 1,000 0,000
3356 Friction 0 455 244 1,000 0,000
2675 Friction 0 456 245 1,000 0,626
2060 Friction 0 457 249 1,000 2,503
2058 Operation procedure 1 458 249 0,997 0,624 0,000
868 Friction 0 459 250 1,000 0,624
2598 Friction 0 460 250 1,000 0,000
2899 Friction 0 461 250 1,000 0,000
Continuación Tabla 31.
2219 Friction 0 462 252 1,000 1,247
2221 Friction 0 463 252 1,000 0,000
2218 Operation procedure 1 464 252 0,997 0,622 0,000
2678 Operation procedure 1 465 253 0,997 0,620 0,622
3378 Friction 0 466 253 1,000 0,000
2057 Friction 0 467 254 1,000 0,620
2396 Friction 0 468 255 1,000 0,620
2678 Friction 0 469 255 1,000 0,000
2796 Friction 0 470 257 1,000 1,239
1665 Operation procedure 1 471 259 0,997 0,618 1,239
212 Friction 0 472 260 1,000 0,618
2078 Fabrication Problem 1 473 261 0,997 0,616 0,618
2442 Friction 0 474 262 1,000 0,616
2693 Friction 0 475 262 1,000 0,000
2676 Friction 0 476 263 1,000 0,616
307 Friction 0 477 264 1,000 0,616
2192 Friction 0 478 264 1,000 0,000
2438 Friction 0 479 267 1,000 1,847
2465 Friction 0 480 267 1,000 0,000
2803 Friction 0 481 267 1,000 0,000
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 482 268 0,997 0,613 0,616
2679 Installation Service Rig 1 483 269 0,997 0,611 0,613
2263 Friction 0 484 270 1,000 0,611
2803 Operation procedure 1 485 271 0,997 0,609 0,611
2289 Installation Service Rig 1 486 274 0,997 0,607 1,828
2283 Fabrication Problem 1 487 275 0,997 0,605 0,607
2361 Friction 0 488 275 1,000 0,000
2264 Installation Service Rig 1 489 277 0,996 0,603 1,210
1127 Friction 0 490 278 1,000 0,603
3358 Friction 0 491 278 1,000 0,000
3396 Friction 0 492 279 1,000 0,603
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 493 280 0,996 0,601 0,603
2217 Friction 0 494 281 1,000 0,601
341 Friction 0 495 282 1,000 0,601
2057 Operation procedure 1 496 282 0,996 0,599 0,000
2693 Operation procedure 1 497 282 0,996 0,596 0,000
2918 Operation procedure 1 498 282 0,996 0,594 0,000
617 Friction 0 499 284 1,000 1,188
Continuación Tabla 31.
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 500 284 0,996 0,592 0,000
765 Friction 0 501 285 1,000 0,592
2801 Friction 0 502 285 1,000 0,000
3358 Friction 0 503 286 1,000 0,592
2453 Friction 0 504 287 1,000 0,592
1180 Friction 0 505 288 1,000 0,592
3048 Friction 0 506 288 1,000 0,000
211 Friction 0 507 294 1,000 3,552
920 Friction 0 508 294 1,000 0,000
923 Friction 0 509 294 1,000 0,000
2475 Operation procedure 1 510 294 0,996 0,590 0,000
2941 Friction 0 511 294 1,000 0,000
2923 Friction 0 512 296 1,000 1,180
167 Friction 0 513 299 1,000 1,769
724 Installation Service Rig 1 514 299 0,996 0,588 0,000
2369 Friction 0 515 299 1,000 0,000
2899 Friction 0 516 299 1,000 0,000
2890 Friction 0 517 301 1,000 1,175
880 Friction 0 518 303 1,000 1,175
2250 Friction 0 519 303 1,000 0,000
3201 Operation procedure 1 520 306 0,996 0,585 1,763
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 521 307 0,996 0,583 0,585
2746 Friction 0 522 307 1,000 0,000
1084 Friction 0 523 310 1,000 1,749
791 Operation procedure 1 524 310 0,996 0,581 0,000
2108 Friction 0 525 312 1,000 1,161
744 System configuration 1 526 313 0,996 0,578 0,581
2438 Friction 0 527 313 1,000 0,000
2743 Friction 0 528 313 1,000 0,000
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 529 314 0,996 0,576 0,578
1139 Friction 0 530 316 1,000 1,152
2258 Reuse damaged equipment 1 531 316 0,996 0,573 0,000
2091 Friction 0 532 318 1,000 1,147
2058 Installation Service Rig 1 533 318 0,996 0,571 0,000
2198 Reuse damaged equipment 1 534 318 0,996 0,569 0,000
882 Friction 0 535 319 1,000 0,569
2104 Friction 0 536 320 1,000 0,569
2222 Reuse damaged equipment 1 537 321 0,996 0,566 0,569
Continuación Tabla 31.
3301 Friction 0 538 323 1,000 1,132
2042 Fabrication Problem 1 539 324 0,996 0,564 0,566
3107 Friction 0 540 324 1,000 0,000
358 Friction 0 541 325 1,000 0,564
2810 Operation procedure 1 542 325 0,996 0,561 0,000
2796 Friction 0 543 325 1,000 0,000
2142 Friction 0 544 327 1,000 1,123
2161 Friction 0 545 327 1,000 0,000
940 Friction 0 546 328 1,000 0,561
112 Friction 0 547 329 1,000 0,561
2246 Operation procedure 1 548 330 0,996 0,559 0,561
Failure of perforations / liner /
openhole 1 549 332 0,996 0,556 1,118
868 Friction 0 550 336 1,000 2,226
2283 Installation Service Rig 1 551 336 0,995 0,554 0,000
928 Friction 0 552 338 1,000 1,108
931 Friction 0 553 338 1,000 0,000
2446 Friction 0 554 338 1,000 0,000
3106 Friction 0 555 338 1,000 0,000
1636 Friction 0 556 340 1,000 1,108
2358 Friction 0 557 340 1,000 0,000
3055 Friction 0 558 340 1,000 0,000
2219 Friction 0 559 345 1,000 2,769
2678 Installation - Field Service 1 560 345 0,995 0,551 0,000
2976 Friction 0 561 345 1,000 0,000
2033 Friction 0 562 346 1,000 0,551
2361 Operation procedure 1 563 346 0,995 0,549 0,000
2789 Friction 0 564 346 1,000 0,000
2941 Installation Service Rig 1 565 347 0,995 0,546 0,549
2031 Operation procedure 1 566 349 0,995 0,543 1,092
2446 Operation procedure 1 567 349 0,995 0,541 0,000
2929 Friction 0 568 350 1,000 0,541
1892 Friction 0 569 351 1,000 0,541
2367 Friction 0 570 351 1,000 0,000
2815 Operation procedure 1 571 354 0,995 0,538 1,622
2929 Friction 0 572 355 1,000 0,538
3116 Friction 0 573 355 1,000 0,000
2394 Operation procedure 1 574 357 0,995 0,535 1,076
1213 Friction 0 575 358 1,000 0,535
Continuación Tabla 31.
1239 Operation procedure 1 576 358 0,995 0,533 0,000
3357 Friction 0 577 358 1,000 0,000
2157 Friction 0 578 359 1,000 0,533
2273 System selection 1 579 359 0,995 0,530 0,000
2029 Friction 0 580 364 1,000 2,649
2331 Friction 0 581 366 1,000 1,060
2619 Operation procedure 1 582 367 0,995 0,527 0,530
2065 Friction 0 583 369 1,000 1,054
2650 Friction 0 584 377 1,000 4,217
532 Friction 0 585 379 1,000 1,054
3106 Friction 0 586 379 1,000 0,000
3373 Friction 0 587 379 1,000 0,000
612 Friction 0 588 380 1,000 0,527
1214 Friction 0 589 382 1,000 1,054
2344 Operation procedure 1 590 382 0,995 0,524 0,000
263 Friction 0 591 383 1,000 0,524
1008 Friction 0 592 386 1,000 1,573
1047 Friction 0 593 386 1,000 0,000
2219 Friction 0 594 386 1,000 0,000
2242 Installation Service Rig 1 595 386 0,994 0,521 0,000
442 Friction 0 596 388 1,000 1,043
2934 Friction 0 597 388 1,000 0,000
2678 Friction 0 598 389 1,000 0,521
2362 Friction 0 599 391 1,000 1,043
2677 Installation Service Rig 1 600 393 0,994 0,518 1,043
112 Friction 0 601 395 1,000 1,037
2838 Friction 0 602 396 1,000 0,518
2868 Friction 0 603 398 1,000 1,037
2367 Friction 0 604 401 1,000 1,555
3356 Friction 0 605 401 1,000 0,000
2344 Friction 0 606 403 1,000 1,037
1344 Friction 0 607 404 1,000 0,518
2789 Friction 0 608 404 1,000 0,000
167 Friction 0 609 406 1,000 1,037
419 Friction 0 610 407 1,000 0,518
2607 Friction 0 611 410 1,000 1,555
2161 Friction 0 612 412 1,000 1,037
1344 Friction 0 613 414 1,000 1,037
941 Friction 0 614 419 1,000 2,591
Continuación Tabla 31.
810 Friction 0 615 420 1,000 0,518
907 Operation procedure 1 616 420 0,994 0,515 0,000
2243 Friction 0 617 423 1,000 1,545
729 Operation procedure 1 618 425 0,994 0,512 1,030
2141 System configuration 1 619 425 0,994 0,508 0,000
2136 Operation procedure 1 620 426 0,993 0,505 0,508
2740 Friction 0 621 429 1,000 1,515
3358 Friction 0 622 429 1,000 0,000
550 Operation procedure 1 623 431 0,993 0,502 1,010
1022 Operation procedure 1 624 431 0,993 0,498 0,000
2042 Operation procedure 1 625 432 0,993 0,495 0,498
3119 Friction 0 626 433 1,000 0,495
797 Operation procedure 1 627 434 0,993 0,492 0,495
2157 Friction 0 628 437 1,000 1,475
2600 Operation procedure 1 629 437 0,993 0,488 0,000
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 630 437 0,993 0,485 0,000
1008 Friction 0 631 439 1,000 0,969
3111 Friction 0 632 439 1,000 0,000
190 Operation procedure 1 633 445 0,993 0,481 2,908
1875 Friction 0 634 450 1,000 2,406
2607 Friction 0 635 453 1,000 1,444
2334 Operation procedure 1 636 455 0,993 0,478 0,962
178 Friction 0 637 459 1,000 1,911
2164 Friction 0 638 461 1,000 0,955
2868 Friction 0 639 461 1,000 0,000
1816 Friction 0 640 462 1,000 0,478
2650 Friction 0 641 466 1,000 1,911
2940 Friction 0 642 470 1,000 1,911
725 Friction 0 643 472 1,000 0,955
2314 Operation procedure 1 644 473 0,992 0,474 0,478
2934 Friction 0 645 475 1,000 0,948
3791 Friction 0 646 476 1,000 0,474
2264 Friction 0 647 477 1,000 0,474
2382 Friction 0 648 479 1,000 0,948
347 Friction 0 649 483 1,000 1,896
2181 Friction 0 650 485 1,000 0,948
744 Operation procedure 1 651 485 0,992 0,470 0,000
773 Friction 0 652 488 1,000 1,410
Continuación Tabla 31.
334 Friction 0 653 490 1,000 0,940
2493 Friction 0 654 492 1,000 0,940
2317 Friction 0 655 493 1,000 0,470
3119 Friction 0 656 495 1,000 0,940
2402 Friction 0 657 496 1,000 0,470
3118 Friction 0 658 496 1,000 0,000
3068 Friction 0 659 499 1,000 1,410
787 Operation procedure 1 660 500 0,991 0,466 0,470
3059 Friction 0 661 500 1,000 0,000
880 Friction 0 662 501 1,000 0,466
2444 Friction 0 663 502 1,000 0,466
480 Friction 0 664 503 1,000 0,466
1740 Friction 0 665 505 1,000 0,932
2142 Friction 0 666 506 1,000 0,466
2258 Operation procedure 1 667 506 0,991 0,462 0,000
2142 Operation procedure 1 668 509 0,990 0,457 1,385
885 Friction 0 669 516 1,000 3,200
2732 Friction 0 670 516 1,000 0,000
1114 Operation procedure 1 671 518 0,990 0,453 0,914
2071 Operation procedure 1 672 518 0,990 0,448 0,000
2047 Friction 0 673 519 1,000 0,448
2693 Installation Service Rig 1 674 521 0,990 0,444 0,896
1172 Friction 0 675 522 1,000 0,444
775 Friction 0 676 526 1,000 1,775
2446 Operation procedure 1 677 534 0,990 0,439 3,550
2433 Friction 0 678 538 1,000 1,756
2660 Friction 0 679 541 1,000 1,317
2805 Operation procedure 1 680 541 0,989 0,434 0,000
2372 Friction 0 681 544 1,000 1,303
2038 Operation procedure 1 682 544 0,989 0,430 0,000
3210 Friction 0 683 545 1,000 0,430
2071 Friction 0 684 547 1,000 0,859
112 Friction 0 685 548 1,000 0,430
2290 Fabrication Problem 1 686 550 0,989 0,425 0,859
2493 Friction 0 687 551 1,000 0,425
Improper data used in design
/ selection 1 688 563 0,988 0,420 5,096
480 Friction 0 689 568 1,000 2,098
2302 Friction 0 690 573 1,000 2,098
Continuación Tabla 31.
2838 Friction 0 691 573 1,000 0,000
2327 Friction 0 692 575 1,000 0,839
2343 Friction 0 693 575 1,000 0,000
1U Friction 0 694 586 1,000 4,616
1883 Friction 0 695 588 1,000 0,839
1054 Friction 0 696 590 1,000 0,839
2136 Friction 0 697 592 1,000 0,839
2362 Friction 0 698 592 1,000 0,000
2965 Friction 0 699 604 1,000 5,036
2681 Friction 0 700 606 1,000 0,839
1453 Operation procedure 1 701 607 0,986 0,414 0,420
1116 Operation procedure 1 702 609 0,986 0,408 0,828
3048 Friction 0 703 609 1,000 0,000
748 Reuse damaged equipment 1 704 610 0,986 0,402 0,408
2453 Friction 0 705 611 1,000 0,402
2095 Friction 0 706 613 1,000 0,804
2094 Operation procedure 1 707 616 0,985 0,396 1,206
2080 Friction 0 708 629 1,000 5,148
2318 Friction 0 709 629 1,000 0,000
2332 Operation procedure 1 710 632 0,984 0,390 1,188
2215 Operation procedure 1 711 634 0,984 0,383 0,779
387 Friction 0 712 637 1,000 1,150
3376 Friction 0 713 637 1,000 0,000
931 Friction 0 714 641 1,000 1,534
341 Friction 0 715 644 1,000 1,150
318 Friction 0 716 650 1,000 2,300
1114 Installation Service Rig 1 717 657 0,982 0,377 2,684
2381 Friction 0 718 658 1,000 0,377
868 Friction 0 719 659 1,000 0,377
2931 Friction 0 720 659 1,000 0,000
1559 Operation procedure 1 721 665 0,981 0,369 2,259
296 Operation procedure 1 722 677 0,980 0,362 4,432
1168 Friction 0 723 678 1,000 0,362
2889 Friction 0 724 681 1,000 1,086
1775 Friction 0 725 683 1,000 0,724
2052 Operation procedure 1 726 683 0,979 0,354 0,000
2852 Installation Service Rig 1 727 684 0,978 0,347 0,354
838 Friction 0 728 695 1,000 3,813
3109 Friction 0 729 702 1,000 2,427
Continuación Tabla 31.
791 Operation procedure 1 730 721 0,977 0,339 6,587
1216 Friction 0 731 724 1,000 1,016
2043 Friction 0 732 742 1,000 6,095
263 Friction 0 733 747 1,000 1,693
1349 Friction 0 734 747 1,000 0,000
2091 Friction 0 735 751 1,000 1,354
294 Friction 0 736 764 1,000 4,402
2370 Friction 0 737 764 1,000 0,000
2253 Friction 0 738 775 1,000 3,725
2443 Friction 0 739 775 1,000 0,000
2805 Friction 0 740 798 1,000 7,788
2157 Operation procedure 1 741 805 0,969 0,328 2,370
442 Friction 0 742 816 1,000 3,608
2173 Friction 0 743 821 1,000 1,640
2153 Friction 0 744 830 1,000 2,952
3129 System configuration 1 745 832 0,964 0,316 0,656
2077 Operation procedure 1 746 840 0,963 0,305 2,530
2092 Installation Service Rig 1 747 858 0,962 0,293 5,483
1157 Friction 0 748 868 1,000 2,929
1183 Friction 0 749 873 1,000 1,464
735 Friction 0 750 876 1,000 0,879
2394 Friction 0 751 883 1,000 2,050
1563 Friction 0 752 885 1,000 0,586
723 Operation procedure 1 753 887 0,950 0,278 0,586
612 Friction 0 754 891 1,000 1,113
3351 Friction 0 755 891 1,000 0,000
2476 Friction 0 756 896 1,000 1,391
764 Friction 0 757 906 1,000 2,782
1795 Operation procedure 1 758 927 0,933 0,260 5,843
3214 Friction 0 759 941 1,000 3,636
307 Friction 0 760 947 1,000 1,558
2148 Operation procedure 1 761 952 0,917 0,238 1,298
1861 Friction 0 762 979 1,000 6,427
190 Operation procedure 1 763 983 0,900 0,214 0,952
296 Friction 0 764 990 1,000 1,500
652 Friction 0 765 999 1,000 1,928
1028 Operation procedure 1 766 1071 0,857 0,184 15,425
976 Operation procedure 1 767 1217 0,833 0,153 26,811
1227 Operation procedure 1 768 1232 0,800 0,122 2,295
Continuación Tabla 31.
2324 Operation procedure 1 769 1340 0,750 0,092 13,222
Improper data used in design
926 / selection 1 770 1612 0,667 0,061 24,975
496 Operation procedure 1 771 2079 0,500 0,031 28,586
∑ 610