Ejercicios de Programacion en Torno CNC
Ejercicios de Programacion en Torno CNC
Ejercicios de Programacion en Torno CNC
Program- O0002:
M3 5300 G0 X130 Z3 ;
G90 Xl20 Z-110 F200: (A D, cut B120)
XI 10 Z-30:
X80: ( A B 6 times cutting cycle
GO XI20 Z-30:
G90 X120 Z-44 R-7.5 FI50:
Z-56 R-15
Z-68 R-22.5 .B C’ 4 times ‹°i›ei cutting
Z-80 R-30
Radial Cutting Cycle G94
Instruction format: G94 X (U) Z (W F : ( face emitting )
G94 X (U) Z (W ) R F ; t taper face cutting)
rod &12S<112
Program- O0003:
G00 Xl30 Z5 M3 SI:
G94 X0 Z0 F200 Face cutting
X120 Z-110 F300: Outer ciittmg O 120 I
G00 X120 Z0
G94 Xl08 Z-30 R-10
X96 R-20
X84 R-30 C B A. ciittilig 060
X72 R-40
X60 R-50,
Axial Roughing Cycle G71
Instruction format: G71 U (Ad) R ( e F S T
G71 P us Q nf) U iii 4" I Aw :
Program: O0004:
G00 X 00 Z10 M3 5500: I Spindle clockwise with 800 rex°/iiiin )
G7 l U2 R1 F200: I C'iitting depth each time 4nun tool retraction [in diameter] )
G7 l P80 Q120 U0.ñ U’0.2: I roiiehin_• a---e. inocliinine allowance 0. Gunn in X dâection.
0.2niin in Z direction )
N80 G00 X40 S1200; ( Positioning
GOI Z-30 F100 (o—b 3
X60 W-30: (b c) a b c d e blocks for finishing path
W-20; ( c d)
N120 X100 W-10; (d—•e)
G70 P80 Q120: ( a---e blocks for finishing path )
M30: ( End of block )
Radial Roughing Cycle G72
Instruction format: G72 W Ad) R ‹ e F S T
G72 P us Q nt U cii 4" Ls ) ,
o 1C•
Program: O0005:
G00 X176 Z10 hI03 5500 I C'liange No.2 tool and execute its compensation,
spindle iotatiou with 500 re /min )
G72 \\"2.0 R0.5 F300: I Tool infeed 2nui, tool reti'action 2niui )
G72 P10 Q20 L*0.2 fi’0. l I Roii_•liing a--d. roii_•liiiig allowance 0.2niin in X
; direction and 0. 1 nun in Z direction )
( Rapid traverse )
N10 G00 Z-55 S800
Progi'am: 00006;
G99 G00 X200 Z10 M03 S 500; ( Specify feedrate per rev and position starting point and stnrt
spindle )
G73 Ul .0 WI.0 R3 ,
( Tool retraction with 2inin in X direction, lniin in Z dii'ection )
G73 P14 Q19 U0.5 W0.3 F0.3 ,
( Roughing with 0.5 allowance in X dii'ection and 0.new in Z
direction )
N14 G00 X80 W-40 ;
G01 W-20 F0.15 S600 ;
Xl20 W-10 ;
W-20 ;
Blocks for finishing
G02 Xl60 W-20 R20 ;
N19 G0l X180 W-10 ;
G70 PI4 Q19 M30;
( Finishing )
Finishing Cycle G70
Instruction format: G70 P I us ) Q I n1“
Instruction function: The tool executes the 2inislimg o1“ ivorkpiece ficm starti•-• r •t along with the finishing
path defined by ns nf 1›locks. Alter executm• G71, Ci72 or Ci73 to rouy•liing, execute
Ci70 to Finishmp• und single cuttiup• of finishing allowance is completed. The tool
returns to starting point and execute the next block lo1lowiu_• Ci70 block afler G70
cycle is comp eted.
ns . Block inunber of the lirst block o1“ linisliiu path
ml“: Block inuiiber of the last l›lock of fuiisliing path.
G 70 } atli is defined lay profi anuned one o1 ns -n1“ I locks. Relationships o1“ ielati› e } osition of us. nf 1›1ock in
G G70 -
73 blocks are os follo s:
• S Blocks for finishin.<l*^t1i
N ufi
G70 P us Q I nt :
Thread CuHing With Constant Lead G32
Instruction format: G32 X(U)_ Z(W)_ F(I)_ J_ K_ Q_
Pitch: 2mm 6 J = 3mm, 6 2 = 2mm, total cutting depth 2mm with two times cut-in.
Starting point
End point
Program: O0009;
G00 X28 Z3: ( First cut-in lmm )
G32 X5l W-75 F2.0: ( First taper cutting
) G00 X55: ( Tool retraction )
W75: ( Return to starting point in Z direction )
X27: ( Second tool infeed 0.5mm )
G32 X50 W-75 F2.0: ( Second taper thread cutting
) G00 X55;
( Tool retraction )
W75 ; ( Return to starting point in Z direction
) M30:
Thread Cutting Cycle G92
Instruction format: G92 X (U) Z (W) F I K L ; (Metric straight thread cutting cycle)
G92 X (U) Z (W) I J K L : (Inch straight thread cutting cycle)
G92 X (U) Z (W) R F I K L_: (Metric taper thread cutting cycle)
G92 X (U) Z (W) R I J K L : (Metric taper thread cutting cycle)
11 O
30 30
Z axa s
X aa i s
Fig. 3-42
Program: 00012:
M3 5300 G0 X150 Z50 T0l0l: ( Thread tool )
G0 X65 ZS: (Rapid positioning)
G92 X58.7 Z-28 F3 J3 Kl: (Machine thread with 4 times cutting, the first tool infeed I.3mm
) X57 7 ( The second tool infeed lmm )
X57: ( The third tool infeed 0.7mm )
X56.9: ( The fourth tool infeed 0.lmm )
Multiple Thread Cutting Cycle G76
Instruction format: G76 P (m) (r) (a) ) R Id I :
G76 X (U) Z (W) R (i ) P (k) ( fid) F (I) :
thread M68 * 6.
O 8
B60 64
Cutting point
Zooming out
Program: 00013:
G50 X100 Z50 M3 5300: ( Set workpiece coordinate system, start spindle and specify
spindle speed )
G00 X80 Z10: ( Rapid traverse to starting point of machining )
G76 P020560 Ql50 R0.1: ( Finishing 2 times, chamfering width 0.5mm, tool angle 60°
min. cutting depth 0.15, finishing allowance 0.1 )
G76 X60.64 Z-62 P3680 Q1800 F6: (Tooth height 3.68, the first cutting depthl.8)
G00 X100 Z50 ( Return to starling point of program )
M30: ( End of program )
Este ciclo sirve para realizar un recorrido a través del contorno programado
y se utiliza principalmente para el acabado final de la pieza, cuando existe
un sobre material normalmente proporcionado en un proceso de desbaste, o
de una pieza preformada. Como se indica, este ciclo se utiliza para los
códigos G71, G72 y G73, los que realizan el desbaste de la
pieza programada.
pb Primer bloque de la secuencia establecida para el contorno.
ub Ultimo bloque de la secuencia establecida para el contorno.
av Avance de corte.
vl Velocidad del husillo.
hr No. de herramienta y compensador
FORMATO: G71 U(pc) R(sp)G71 P(pb) Q(ub) U(mx) W(mz) F(av) S(vl)
Donde: Pc:
pc Profundidad de corte de cada pasada. Valor radial.
Sp Separación de la herramienta para el retroceso.
Pb Primer bloque de la secuencia establecida para el contorno.
ub Ultimo bloque de la secuencia establecida para el contorno.
mx Material excedente para el acabado en el eje X.
mz Material excedente para el acabado en el eje Z.
av Avance de corte.
vl Velocidad del husillo.
hr No. de herramienta y compensador.