Inglés II
Inglés II
Inglés II
Semestre: 2do.
Inglés II
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Aprendizajes Esperados
Asignatura: Inglés II Comunicación Semestre: 2
Al final del segundo semestre, los estudiantes usarán los elementos del lenguaje para expresar las actividades que
están haciendo ahora, en el pasado, y para compartir y requerir información personal de otras personas con frases
Propósito de la asignatura simples y tareas que requieren un intercambio simple y directo de información de su entorno y necesidades
inmediatas. Además, ellos continuarán practicando las habilidades del lenguaje para alcanzar una interacción eficiente
con estudiantes y promover el trabajo colaborativo con otros.
Actividad 1 Producto 1
El alumno activa conocimientos previos. El alumno identifica y encierra en un círculo el verbo Ejercicio de gramática que trata de un cuento
correcto de cada frase. A continuación, escribe en la línea corto, utilizando los verbos regulares e irregulares.
Activation of previous knowledge.
en blanco el verbo regular o el verbo irregular según Fill in the blank. / Lista de cotejo.
Actividad 2 Producto 2
El alumno lee un poema llamado "la tormenta" donde se Leer el poema llamado la tormenta.
utiliza el pasado simple.
Actividad 3
Producto 3
Actividad 4 Producto 4
El alumno hace un dibujo sobre el poema, es decir dibujar El dibujo que muestra de qué se trata el poema. /
de lo que trata el poema y con esto activar su imaginación Lista de cotejo.
y creatividad.
1.- El dibujo fue realizado por el estudiante.
Actividad 5 Producto 5
Hacer referencia del momento en que
ocurre un evento.
El alumno completa la historia escribiendo el pasado de los Ejercicio de gramática con el pasado simple.
verbos del cuadro. Se trata de un trabajo escrito basado en Completa la historia. Fill in the blank. / Historia
Refering to the time when an event el pasado simple. completa correctamente.
Actividad 6
Producto 6
El alumno completa el crucigrama escribiendo los verbos
en pasado
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Actividad 8 Producto 8
El alumno completa las frases con "wasn't" o "were't", El ejercicio de gramática contestado, utilizando la
según el sujeto. forma negativa del verbo to be en pasado. Fill in
the blank. / Ejercicio contestado correctamente.
Describir a otros en tiempo pasado como
forma de informar sobre un hecho o un Ejemplo:
1. Today Melanie is in town, but yesterday she
Describing others in past tense as way to 2. Yesterday I __________ happy, but now I am glad.
report a fact or an event.
Actividad 9 Producto 9
El alumno escribe preguntas y una respuesta corta con las El ejercicio gramatical contestado donde
siguientes palabras, para practicar cómo hacer preguntas practicaron cómo hacer preguntas de respuesta
usando el verbo to be en pasado. PREGUNTAS DE SÍ/NO. SÍ/NO. Fill in the blank./ Autoevaluación
Ejemplo: Ejemplo:
1) Laurence / tall / short ________________ _________ 1.- El alumno realizó las preguntas.
2) Alex and Andrew / smart / fool __________ _________ 2.- Las preguntas están formuladas correctamente
conforme a las estructuras gramaticales.
3) Crystal / heavy / thin __________________ _________
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Indica cómo se encontraban las cosas El estudiante reconoce la estructura afirmativa, negativa e
basado en lo observado. interrogativa del Tiempo Pasado Simple.
To state how thing were based in what El docente invita a la clase a jugar un juego donde cada vez
they saw que el docente mencione medios de transporte, el
estudiante dirá un verbo relacionado con el significado.
Ejemplo: el docente dirá avión, el estudiante dirá volar,
viajar, vacacionar, visitar, etc.
Consejos de enseñanza:
Producto 11
Actividad 14
Producto 14
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
El estudiante practica arte mientras usa sus recuerdos en Dibujo sobre vacaciones mostradas en el producto
contexto con verbos en pasado simple al seguir las 11. / Autoevaluación.
siguientes instrucciones: El alumno dibuja las vacaciones
que se muestran en el PRODUCTO 11 (puede agregar tantos
detalles como pueda imaginar). Solicitar a los estudiantes copiar la siguiente
autoevaluación del pizarrón:
Actividad 15
Producto 15
Actividad 16
Producto 16
El estudiante lee la infografía en voz alta, generará un
Leer la infografía. / No aplica
debate al respecto y pedirá en más ejemplos similares a la
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Actividad 19 Producto 19
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
El estudiante reconoce y aplica el uso de “There was / There Subraya was o were, piensa en el pasado. /
were” para indicar los objetos que había en ciudad o Oraciones subrayadas correctamente.
Indica donde han sido encontradas las
cosas basado en lo observado.
El alumno reconoce y subraya el verbo “to be” en pasado
simple para describir la presencia de algunos objetos y
To state where things have been found lugares.
based in what they saw
El alumno selecciona y escribe la forma correcta de there Llenar los espacios. Escritura de oraciones
was/were/wasn´t/weren´t para completar oraciones. utilizando there was/there were en forma
Ordena correctamente oraciones. afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa. / Oraciones
completas correctamente.
Actividad 21
Producto 21
To express the quantity of something in El alumno describe lo que recuerda había en la ciudad de There was + there were In Cappadocia. Escritura
past Cappadocia mediante un mapa mental. de un texto descriptivo y un organizador gráfico. /
Producto 23
Actividad 23
Listado de vocabulario de 12 muebles en la sala. /
El alumno elabora una lista de vocabulario de muebles y Listado de vocabulario de 12 muebles en la sala.
objetos de una sala.
Actividad 24
Producto 24
El estudiante reconoce y aplica el uso de “There was /
There were” para indicar los objetos que había Quince oraciones escritas con la forma correcta
anteriormente en la sala (imagen B), aplica el uso de la there was/were en forma interrogativa
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
estructura there was/ there were para describir la describiendo lo que se indica en las imágenes.
presencia de algunos objetos en la imagen B /Oraciones escritas conforme a la forma correcta.
Producto 25
Describe las características de un lugar en Actividad 25
el pasado. Audio describiendo una habitación de la infancia. /
El alumno describe la existencia de objetos y mobiliario de
la sala de su casa o cualquier habitación que recuerde de su
infancia. Posteriormente, el estudiante graba un audio de 1
Describe characteristics of a certain place minuto con la descripción (utiliza ideas afirmativas o
in the past negativas y vocabulario visto en esta sección.
Affirmative: Verb + ed
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Talk about personal actions that Negative: s+ did not (didn’t) + verb + c
Interrogative: Did + s + v + c + ?.
before now
No, I didn´t.
Actividad 26 Producto 26
Actividad 29 y 30 Producto 29
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Actividad 31
Producto 31
Actividad 32
Producto 32
El alumno empieza una conversación en su perfil de Actividad en redes sociales / Lista de cotejo
facebook con sus amistades utilizando el tiempo pasado
Actividad 33
Producto 33
Actividad 34 Producto 34
El alumno habla sobre las acciones El alumno completa una tabla de verbos en presente simple Completar tabla. / Tabla completada con los
personales que sucedieron en el tiempo y pasado simple. verbos faltantes.
pasado utilizando el pasado simple.
Actividad 35 Producto 35
Obtiene información acerca de otras
personas empleando WH questions en El alumno lee el texto “What did Fernando do last year?” y
pasado. contestan las 5 preguntas.
Preguntas contestadas usando el pasado simple. /
El profesor revisa las respuestas con la clase. Preguntas respondidas correctamente
To get information about other people
using the Wh questions in past.
Producto 36
Actividad 36
Actividad 37 Producto 37
Producto 38
Actividad 38
Producto 39
Actividad 39
Actividad 41
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Propósito de la asignatura Al final del segundo semestre, los estudiantes usarán los elementos del lenguaje para expresar las
actividades que están haciendo ahora, en el pasado, y para compartir y requerir información personal
de otras personas con frases simples y tareas que requieren un intercambio simple y directo de
información de su entorno y necesidades inmediatas. Además, ellos continuarán practicando las
habilidades del lenguaje para alcanzar una interacción eficiente con estudiantes y promover el trabajo
colaborativo con otros.
Comparar las cosas que solía hacer y la forma El estudiante describe hábitos y habilidades Producto 1: Crucigrama completado. Guía
en cómo solía ser con esas que hago ahora. pasadas utilizando used to; en conjunción con de observación.
el vocabulario de verbos comunes (eat, run,
sing, etc) para expresar las cosas que solía
● Used to realizar en el pasado.Ejemplos. I used to play
video games. I used to have short hair.
Propósito de la asignatura Al final del segundo semestre, los estudiantes usarán los elementos del lenguaje para
expresar las actividades que están haciendo ahora, en el pasado, y para compartir y requerir
información personal de otras personas con frases simples y tareas que requieren un
intercambio simple y directo de información de su entorno y necesidades inmediatas.
Además, ellos continuarán practicando las habilidades del lenguaje para alcanzar una
interacción eficiente con estudiantes y promover el trabajo colaborativo con otros.
X. Lista de cotejo.
Producto 8: Escribe
correctamente los verbos en la
página X. Lista de cotejo.
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Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Hablar sobre posibilidades y habilidades que se tenían en 4. El docente trabaja con las imágenes del
tiempo pasado manual del estudiante en la página 3
para pedirle a los estudiantes identificar Producto 2: Manual del
primeramente las acciones que se estudiante Practice
presentan en las imágenes ( swim, play, Activity #2. Lista de cotejo.
cook, wash the dishes, etc) y después
trabajar en participaciones de forma
oral o escritas. Producto 3: Escala Estimativa
5. El docente realiza preguntas de forma
oral y/o escritas sobre las acciones
realizadas por cada personaje de las Producto 4: Actividad de
imágenes. Pueden ser preguntas abiertas desarrollo: Completa los
o cerradas. Los alumnos contestan. ejercicios de la página X. Lista
6. El docente escribe la pregunta : “What de cotejo.
were you doing yesterday at this time?” .
Se explican las reglas del juego “Don’t say
a Word”. Los alumnos se dividen en dos Producto 5: Crucigrama. Lista de
equipos para realizar una competencia cotejo.
entre ellos. Cada equipo tendrá un turno
para que uno de sus integrantes pase al
frente y tome un pequeño papel donde Producto 6: Verbos escritos
estará escrita la respuesta a la pregunta. correctamente. Lista de cotejo.
La idea es que los alumnos dibujen la
acción que ellos están leyendo en el papel
y utilicen el pizarrón para que sus
Producto 7: Contesta las preguntas
compañeros de equipo adivinen y sumen
de la página
puntos. Los compañeros de equipo
pueden realizar preguntas cerradas (were X. Lista de cotejo.
you studying?, were you Reading?) o
pueden decir la oración de forma
afirmativa (you were studying, you were
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Producto 8: Escribe
correctamente los verbos en la
7. En esta parte el docente podrá decidir
página X. Lista de cotejo.
las respuestas que considere que sus
alumnos pueden comunicar, o depende
del vocabulario que se haya trabajado
en las sesiones anteriores. El docente le
proporción el link a los estudiantes para
que escuchen un audio.
8. El profesor proporciona a los
estudiantes la teoría acerca del pasado
simple y pasado progresivo usando una
tabla comparativa enfocándose en las
diferencias entre estos tiempos verbales
(usos y formación de la oración).
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Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Hablar sobre posibilidades y habilidades que se tenían en 9. El alumno identifica y traduce verbos Producto 9: Oraciones escritas.
tiempo pasado. mediante un crucigrama. El alumno Lista de cotejo.
identifica verbos mediante imágenes. El
docente explica la teoría de COULD y
COULDN’T. El alumno lee e identifica Producto 10: Actividad:
palabras claves en el texto y contesta las Completar oraciones. Lista de
preguntas. El alumno propone cotejo.
información y la coloca en las nubes de
diálogo utilizando COULD y COULDN’T
correctamente. Producto 11: Actividad: Ordenar
10. El alumno elabora oraciones cortas oraciones. Lista de cotejo.
utilizando COULD y COULDN’T. El alumno
selecciona y coloca correctamente las
acepciones del verbo could.
Producto 12: Actividad: Lectura de
11. El estudiante lee algunos ejemplos y
Comprensión. Cuestionario. Lista
compara la estructura “was/were able
de cotejo.
to” con el uso del verbo “Could”.
Semestre: II
Asignatura INGLÉS II
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Activity 1. Directions: Circle the verb in each sentence. Then write Regular verb or Irregular verb on the line
according to the verb.
The Storm
Activity 3: Directions: Write over there the verbs that are in the poem, in simple past, full infinitive, and their
meaning in Spanish.
Activity 4: Directions: Draw a picture that shows what the poem is talking about.
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Activity 5: Directions: Complete the story by writing the past tense of the verbs from the box.
Joseph and Jessica (1)_______________ for Aguascalientes Friday night. It (2)_________________ two hours
to arrive in Aguascalientes. It (3)_______________ an exciting trip. They (4)____________ in a hotel the first
night. The next two days, they (5)_______________ at a friend’s house.
On Sunday morning they (12)_____________ guava candies. Also they (13)_______________ the Guadalupe
Posada´s Museum. At night, they (14)_______________ their aunt´s birthday. They (15)___________ new
friends, they (16)________________ salsa and (17) _____________ lots of songs. What a funny weekend!
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Activity 6: Directions: Complete the crossword writing the verbs in past tense.
Activity 7. Directions: Complete next sentences using the verb to be in simple past tense
Activity 8: Directions: Complete the sentences with “wasn´t” or “weren´t”, according to the subject.
Activity 9: Directions: Write an “or questions” and a short answer with the next words.
Question Answer
1) Laurence / tall / short
2) Alex and Andrew / smart / fool
3) Crystal / heavy / thin
4) The chairs / black / white
5) Houses / cheap / expensive
6) Anna / shy / talkative
7) Your office / neat / disorganized
8) His hair / curly / straight
9) Their brothers / strong / weak
10) Math Classes / easy / difficult
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
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Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Activity 11. Directions: Use a highlighter to mark the verb in each sentence. Then choose one of these
emoticons: 😊 for regular verbs or 🙃 for irregular verbs, then draw it at the left of the sentence.
PRODUCT 12. Directions: Circle the verbs in past tense in the next excerpt from Demian, by Herman Hesse,
and then discuss the passage with a classmate.
Activity 13. Directions: Using the same verbs from Demian excerpt, write
your own version of that story.
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
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Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Activity 14: Directions: Draw the vacation pictured in PRODUCT 1, you can add as many details as you can
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Activity 15: Directions: Highlight the verbs in simple past in the text and then complete the table as seen.
The word cenote means “sinkhole,” or limestone sinkhole, but they are
essentially natural fresh water pools. Most of them were connected by
underground rivers, and located in the Riviera Maya. Some are above
ground, and some are underwater caves with unique geological
The Yucatan Peninsula was home of the ancient Mayans and yet for the
Mayan people in Mexico. Due to Cenotes were their largest source of
water to drink, they were considered sacred places of great reverence
and still now.
There are several cenotes you can explore including Cenote El Pit and
Cenote Pet Cemetery. The Pet Cemetery Cenote earned its nickname
because there have been human remains, animal remains and extinct
fauna discovered throughout the years. In fact, the oldest human skeleton
and skeletal remains on the Americas, known as Naia, were found here.
Connected Conectado-s
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Activity 16: Directions: Read the infographic and reinforce some verbs in simple past.
Activity 17. Directions: Complete the sentences using the proper form of verb to be in simple past.
1. Xavi and his family _______________ camping in the mountains on their last vacations.
2. His sister _____________ awake the whole trip.
3. Their parents _____________ sad on vacation.
4. His luggage _______________ lost at the hotel.
5. His birthday _____________ celebrated in Chiapas.
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
La estructura en inglés 'there was' y 'there were' se utiliza para expresar cantidad en pasado. Vamos a ver un
ejemplo para comprender a qué hacemos referencia.
Lo único que debemos tener en cuenta para usar esta estructura es si estamos hablando de singular o plural,
así como la forma correcta del verbo 'to be.'
► AFIRMATIVA: Utilizamos ‘there was’ con cuando hablamos en singular. Sin embargo, si hablamos en plural
utilizamos ‘there were’.
* Recuerda que este verbo es impersonal y en español no existe diferencia para singular y plural. En inglés sí
hacemos distinción.
► NEGATIVA: Para hacer las negaciones negamos el verbo ‘to be’ añadiendo la partícula ‘not’ detrás del
verbo o con la forma contraída.
* Podemos encontrar la forma completa 'there was not' o 'there were not', pero es mucho más común la
forma contraída.
► INTERROGATIVA: Para la formación de preguntas necesitamos invertir el verbo ‘to be’ y la partícula
'there', tal y como vemos en el ejemplo.
► RESPUESTAS CORTAS: Para dar respuestas cortas debemos utilizar la forma correspondiente del verbo 'to
be' en pasado, respetando si es singular o plural.
* Utilizamos la forma completa en las respuestas afirmativas, mientras que utilizamos la forma contraída en
las respuestas negativas.
Los aspectos importantes que debemos tener en cuenta son los siguientes:
▪ Es importante que conozcas el verbo To Be (forma en pasado) ya que te ayudará a
comprender mejor las formas usadas en este tiempo.
▪ Recuerda que el verbo 'haber' en español es impersonal y por lo tanto no hay diferencia
entre singular y plural. Sin embargo, en inglés sí distinguimos entre singular y plural.
▪ Este verbo suele combinarse con las partículas some y Any para indicar cantidad.
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Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Activity 19. THINK about this. Underline “was” or “were” (CONSIDER THE PAST CONTEXT)
Activity 20. Fill in the blank. Complete the sentences using there was / there wasn’t / was there / there
were / there weren’t / were there.
Activity 21. Underground Cities. Identify the forms There was y There were. Read the passage and
write T if the statements are true or F if the statements are false according to the passage.
In Cappadocia, Turkey there are over 200 ancient cities under the ground. Some of these cities are about
three thousand years old. There are secret passages between the cities. The passages are sometimes
many kilometers long. Nobody lives there anymore but a lot of people visit them and they are very
famous., They are a tourist attraction.
In the past, however, there were thousands of people living in the underground cities, there were houses,
kitchens, shops, churches, schools and places to keep the animals and food. What was the reason for
these mysterious places? Three thousand years ago, people were frightened of the cold winters and of
the wild animal above the ground. Years later, people were frightened of the Romans, and the cities were
good places to hide.
It probably wasn´t fun living for months, or even years, in these dark places. There wasn´t any electricity
and there weren´t any sports centers, cinemas, parks, stadiums or other exciting places to go. But today
Cappadocia is an amazing place to visit.
True or False?
The underground cities in Cappadocia are around 3000 years old. ________
It was very exciting to live in these cities for a long time ________
1 Ancient. ( ) a. Popular
2 Famous ( ) b. Obscure
3 Mysterious ( ) c. Enigmatic
4 Frightened. ( ) d. Savage
5 Wild ( ) e. Fun
6 Dark ( ) f. Scared
7 Exciting ( ) g. Wonderful
Activity 22. There was there were in Cappadocia. C. Reading Strategy Create a mind map according to the
places that were or weren´t in Cappadocia. Feel free to use your creativity, adjectives and all the structures
of there was or there were.
Activity 23. My Living room before and After– Look at the pictures and make a list in English of the
furniture and objects found in the living room (before and after). Compare your list with a partner.
lamp sofa
Activity 24. Write in your notebook 15 interrogative sentences using there was there were to talk about the
differences between the pictures.
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
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Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Your content Your content is Your content has some Your content is not
reflects deep relevant to the relevance to the topic, relevant to the
understandin topic, with 3 or but there are more than prompt or question.
g of the 4 errors related 4 mistakes related to You used There
topic. You to the use of the use of There was/ was / There were
used There There was There were. incorrectly, there is
was / There /There were. no distinction
were between singular
correctly. and plural nouns
when the structure
is used.
Your speech You had 3 or 4 Your word choice is You used just a few
has incorrectly used very basic, with many words; none related
contextualiz vocabulary (5 or 6) errors. to the topic. The
ed related to speech is not
vocabulary Spanish comprehensible.
and the idea interference or
is cohesive there are
and invented words.
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
● To express completed action in the past :
I saw a scary ghost last night.
● To describe series of completed actions in the past:
I finished my homework, drink a cup of coffee and watched a horror movie.
● To express habits in the past
When I was a little girl I used to watch cartoons after school for hours.
They were friends when they She danced in the festival last
were kids year
- S + was/ were +not+ v + c - S + did not /didn’t + verb + c
Wh question + did + subj + verb + ?.
Last week a girl from Tokio, Japan joined our class.
She came in, introduced herself, and began to talk about her country and its
traditions. She showed us where she was from on a map that was in the
classroom. While she was talking about her home town, the school bell
suddenly rang.
If I spoke Japanese, I would love to go on a holiday to Japan with my family.
The verb be
The verb be is irregular in the simple past:
Affirmative Form
Complete the sentences with the simple past tense.
1. They _______ (eat) delicious vegetables from the farm.
2. Last evening he ___________(watch) the TV before going to bed.
3. My granny _______ (sing) in a band when she was a child.
4. I ______________(visit) my relatives in Canada the last summer.
5. She ____________(return) home by car yesterday.
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Activity 28.
Change the affirmative sentences into the negative simple past tense form.
6. Mark read the latest Harry Potter book.
Interrogative Form
Make question sentences with the simple past tense
11. when / Peter / to buy / a new car /?
14. she/say/Did/anything/?
Date: / /
Last name Name(s)
Find the mistake in each sentence and rewrite the question in its correct form,finally answer them using
short answers in negative or affirmative. Yes + s + did
No + s + didn’t.
Did the English teacher teach a new grammar lesson today? Yes, she did.
E) Did she had hamburgers with French fries for dinner yesterday?
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Date: / /
Last name Name(s)
After a while I meet a man, this man have a donkey. The donkey was a little bit tired, as I could see, and...
Oh my god! it have blue eyes. ‘What is his name?’ I ask the man. “His name is Joe,” say the man and they
stayed there for a few minutes.
I realized that I walk for a very long time, because soon the sun begin to go down. It is beautiful! I thought,
I love sunsets. I get home at about 7:30. I is very tired, normally I go to bed at 9:00 p.m. I washed my
teeth, put on my pyjamas, rub my hands together and went straight to bed. As soon as my head hit the
pillow I fall asleep. That is the best walk of my life, I love it. The next day I call my daughter and tell her
all about it.
Date: / /
Last name Name(s)
Answer the questions about you. Use the past simple in your answers.
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Date: / /
Last name Name(s)
You will start a conversation to a friend and you will interact each other.
Hey, I didn’t see you last weekend! Where were you? What did you do?
Date: / /
Last name Name(s)
● had
● has
● played
● was / were
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Which of the following words are used with the Simple Past (signal words)?
● at the moment
● in 2002
● two weeks ago
● while
● yesterday
Activity 34. Complete the table below with the missing verbs.
Go Went Drank
Drove Returned
Picked up Arrived
Danced Cut
Activity 35. Read the following text and answer the questions 1-5.
Fernando went to Súchil last weekend to celebrate the Patronage Festival. First, he drove eight minutes from
Vicente Guerrero to Súchil with his friend Yessenia. Second, they picked another friend up at her house. Then,
they visited the main square where they listened to Banda music and danced all night long. Also, Fernando
ate some beef tacos and drank a soda. Finally, Fernando returned to his house at midnight. When he arrived
home, he told his family that Súchil was an amazing place to visit.
Wh question words
Directions: Check the structure to ask questions in the simple past using Wh question words.
Activity 36: Complete the table below using the prompts provided and your own ideas.
How pass
Activity 37. Work in groups of 3 or 4 and write questions in the simple past. Then ask and answer the questions
1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________
Activity 38. Read the following text and answer the questions 1-5.
Fernando didn’t do many things last year. First, he didn’t do exercise because he was very tired. Second, he
didn’t learn French because he didn’t have time. Third, he didn’t travel to another country because he didn’t
have enough money. Last year, Fernando didn’t visit his cousins who live in The United States, because the
plane tickets were too expensive. Finally, he didn’t learn to play the guitar because he didn’t find someone to
teach him.
Activity 39. Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Check the example 0.
5. I didn’t _________________________________________________________
Activity 40. Write the things you did not do last year.
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Listen to two people talking about their last weekend. What did Lucia do at the weekend? Put the events in order. There
are THREE extra events that you do not need.
A _______ B _______
E_______ F ________
G _______ H ______
J ______
I _______
Aprendizaje esperado 4:
Used to
Comparar cosas que solía hacer y la forma en que solía ser con aquellas que hago ahora.
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Utilizamos used to para hablar de cosas que realizábamos en el pasado (hábitos) y que normalmente ya no
hacemos en el presente.
En la forma afirmativa, utilizamos un sujeto (persona, animal, objeto) y combinamos con used to y un verbo
en su forma base.
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En la forma interrogativa, utilizamos el auxiliar de pasado simple (did) antes del sujeto y la forma use to.
Agregamos un verbo en forma base.
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Podemos usar algunas expresiones para enfatizar que hablamos de hábitos en el pasado.
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Activity 1: Vocabulary
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Activity 2: Grammar
Instructions: Now it’s time to practice the structure, rearrange the words to make a sentence about what
happened in the past and what happens in the present.
1. prefers it / Samantha / long hair / short. / used to / have / she / but now
5. she / but now / drinks / Jennifer / drink / orange juice. / coffee / used / for breakfast
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Activity 3: Grammar
Instructions: To know and practice verb forms expressing habits, check the sentences and choose which of
them are not possible when referring to habits.
Activity 4: Grammar
Instructions: Complete the sentences by adding “used to” according to the sentence.
True False
1. Peter and his friends used to go to the school’s party and
then to their friend’s houses. _____ _____
2. The school used to offer a party every year. _____ _____
3. Peter lives in Canada now. _____ _____
4. Halloween is celebrated in the USA and Canada. _____ _____
5. Peter’s roommates used to wear the same style of _____ _____
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Activity 6: Football
Instructions: You will read a passage about the beginnings of soccer and how this game arrived in Brazil.
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2. In 1863…
a. a group of players wrote sports rules.
b. Charles used to go every month to Brazil.
c. Football became very popular.
3. Charles Miller …
a. took several footballs to Brazil.
b. used to play football when he was a little boy.
c. was very successful with soccer when he arrived to Brazil.
UNAM - Ambiente Virtual de Idiomas - Unidad de Apoyo para el Aprendizaje
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Instructions: To put into practice the tense when you talk about habits or repeated actions in the past
which we don't do in the present anymore. Students work in trios and interview each other to complete the
chart about their lives now and when they were then…
Free time
What kind of…
What kind of…
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Si No
CRITERIO dificultad
☺ ☹
1. Puedo entender correctamente textos escritos y orales acerca de hábitos en el
pasado de otras personas
2. Puedo crear oraciones afirmativas correctas utilizando used to
Aprendizaje esperado 5:
Past Progressive
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Activity 1: Vocabulary
Activity 2: Grammar
Instructions: Unscramble the sentences and write them correctly using the formulas given before.
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Activity 3: Grammar
Instructions: Choose the correct answer for each sentence.
1. were cooking
2. cooked
3. was cooking
1. was - waiting
2. were - waiting
3. waited - was
Instructions: Read the following text and answer the questions below.
Last month I was on holiday in Ireland with my mum and dad. One day, we were
driving through a small village.
It was a large, old building. We looked through the window. There were lots of
people in the restaurant. They were eating, drinking and chatting. A musician was
playing the violin. But there was something strange about the people. They weren't
wearing normal, modern clothes. They were wearing hats, jackets and dresses from
another century. We couldn't understand it. But we were hungry, so we opened the
When we went into the restaurant, everything was different. The people were
wearing normal clothes. The musician wasn't there- the music was on CD. It was a
very strange experience!
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6. When they went into the restaurant, did they see the musician?
Activity 5: Writing
Instructions: Look at the picture and write 10 sentences about what the people were doing when the
teacher arrived at the school.
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Example: When the teacher arrived, the girl in number 1 was sitting on a bench and she was studying.
1.- ___________________________________________________
2.- ___________________________________________________
3.- ___________________________________________________
4.- ___________________________________________________
5.- ___________________________________________________
6.- ___________________________________________________
7.- ___________________________________________________
8.- ___________________________________________________
9.- ___________________________________________________
Alan Megan
Who didn’t know how to ride a bicycle? _____ _____
Hello this is me: Sylvia, and these are my best childhood friends: Martha, Cristy, Lalo
and Paty. We were celebrating my birthday at my grandmother´s house.
My mom was bringing the cake, my dad was decorating with balloons, all my friends
were singing "Las Mañanitas", I was blowing out the candles and Paty was eating
the cake before delivering it hahaha! I was very happy. I remember it as one of the
funniest days of my life!
I also remember that, when I was a child I used to draw flowers and animals, Cristy
used to jump on the bed, Lalo used to climb the trees, Paty used to eat many delicious
sweets and my mom used to love me a lot. What beautiful times!
Final Product:
The students will present a Memorable Event in their childhood using the correct grammars, on white sheets
and add an image relative to their writing.
They will present it to the class orally.
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Session 1
The teacher give to the students the theory about simple past and past progressive using a comparative table
to focus in their uses and examples to establish the differences between these verbal tenses (uses and
sentences formation).
Opening activity: The students make questions, take notes in their notebooks, and identify the differences
between simple past and past progressive.
Together past simple and continuous can work together in this case past simple interrupt the action of the
continuous. She was working hard when I arrived.
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Listen to the audios in the next qr links to improve your knowledge of this topic.
1. Identify the parts (subject, complement, ., auxiliary for simple past, verb in past progressive, auxiliary for
the past progressive, verb in past progressive)of the following sentences:
a) Alex prepared / was preparing lunch when they came / was coming.
b) They drove / were driving to London in Tom’s new car.
c) I was writing / wrote my report on Word while you slept/were sleeping.
d) While Adrian was recovering / recovered in the hospital, I decorated our room.
e) Miranda was so unlucky. It rained / was raining every day during his basketball games.
Session 2
Development activities: complete the exercises in the pages X to X.
Activity 1: Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses using the SIMPLE PAST or the PAST
Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses using the SIMPLE PAST or the PAST
1. Sally …..……………… (eat) dinner last night when someone …………….. (knock) on the door.
2. I began to study at seven last night. Fred …………………………… (come) at seven thirty. I
……………………………… (study) when Fred ………………………..(come).
3. While I …………………………. (study) last night, Fred…………………………… (drop by) to visit me.
4. My roommate’s parents …………………………………. (call) him last night while we ……………….. (watch) TV.
5. My mother called me around five. My husband came home a little after five. When
he ………………….. (come) home, I …………………………….. (talk) to my mother on the phone.
6. Yesterday Tom and Janice ……………… (go) to the zoo around one. They ………………… (see) many kinds
of animals. They stayed at the zoo for two hours. While they ………………………… (walk) home, it
…………….…….. (begin) to rain, so they …………………………….. (stop) at a small café and ……………………
(have) a cup of coffee.
7. Yesterday afternoon I ……………… (go) to visit the Parker family. When I ………………. (get) there around
two o’clock, Mrs. Parker ………………….. (be) in the yard. She ………………………………… (plant) flowers in
her garden. Mr. Parker …………….. (be) in the garage. He ……………………………….. (work) on their car. He
…………………………….. (change) the oil.
Activity 3: Write the answer of the following question using simple past or past progressive:
2. What were you doing at 8:00 p.m. last night?
3. When the guests arrived, what were you doing?
4. Did you find what you were looking for in the library, yesterday?
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Lista de cotejo
Comprendió el ejercicio
A. Find the 10 verbs in the word search, then look for the translation of the verbs.
Verbs Translation
1. SWIM ______________________
2. PLAY ______________________
3. RUN ______________________
4. SLEEP ______________________
5. DANCE ______________________
6. DRIVE ______________________
7. SPEAK ______________________
8. JUMP ______________________
9. STUDY ______________________
B. Label the pictures with the correct verb. Discuss if you could do some activities.
__________________ __________________
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We usually use could or couldn't to talk about general abilities in the past.
She could paint before she started school.
Could you play the piano when you were 15 years old? Yes, I could. / No, I couldn’t.
Read about Olivia and Peter talking about their childhood. Then complete the chart.
I was born in London. My parents were born in London too. My dad was a taxi driver and my mom was a cleaner.
My first school was next to our house, that was good. I was quite clever. I could read and write when I was just six
or seven but I wasn’t very good at sports. I couldn’t play soccer like the other boys, I couldn’t kick a ball at all. I
wasn’t popular at school so my childhood wasn’t very happy. My next school was a really good one in the city
center, West school, and after Oxford University, now I’m a journalist and I love my work. My mom and dad still
live in the same street, I often visit them but when I see my old school I can feel how unhappy I was there.
I’m married. I have two children, a son and a daughter. I live in England but I wasn’t born there, I was born in East
Africa in Tanzania. My mom and dad were teachers there at that time, my mom is German but she was born in
Tanzania because my grandfather worked there. My dad is English, he is from the north of England, but after
university he wanted to travel to Africa. I have two brothers. We went to the same school together. I wasn’t in the
town, it was in the bush and it was great fun, there were only two classes, one for the young children who were five
and six, and the other was for six to eleven-year-old children. We couldn’t play outside because it was too hot and
there were snakes. School finished at one o’clock every day and our house was near the sea so we could all go
swimming every afternoon. My childhood was very happy, all sunshine and swimming.
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Pete Olivia
Where was he / she born?
III. Now, complete the bubbles with Pete, Olivia’s childhood. Add YOUR own information.
Pete could
_____________________ Olivia could
I could______________
Write a short paragraph about what you could and couldn’t do when you were a child. Use the vocabulary
from the first section.
1. Bob could play the guitar when he was in primary school. ___________________________
8. Patty could win the competition if she practices every day. ___________________________
10. Dad could speak Japanese when he was 5 years old. ___________________________
able to
Warm up: (speaking) Lee la estructura, ejemplos y piensa en algo que eras capaz de hacer cuando eras
menor de 10 años.
● Utilizamos la estructura “be able to” cuando hablamos de algo que pudimos hacer o no en una
ocasión, es decir, un logro en específico.
Ejemplos: My brother was able to get on time at school every day.
My parents were able to jump the rope very well when they were ten
years old.
When I was five, I wasn´t able to ride a bicicle, but I was able to run fast.
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Affirmative Negative Questions
He He he
She was able to She wasn’t able to Was she able to…?
It It it
We We we
They were able to They weren’t able to Were they able to…?
You You you
NOTA: La forma interrogativa con el pronombre (I) no es muy común utilizarla, sin embargo se puede utilizar
a manera de pregunta auto reflexiva, o preguntar a alguien más sobre mi persona. Ejemplo: Was I able to
speak English when I was a kid?
Fill in the blanks with “was/were able to” (or their negative forms).
1. I have no idea how they _____________________ find a place in this restaurant that is always
4. My aunt Mary _________________ get on time, because of the accident on the highway.
5. By the time he was five, my brother Juan José ____________________ read and write.
6. Even though Eduardo had studied a lot, he ______________________ pass the test.
7. I ___________________ to go to the beach this weekend because it was raining. We might go next
8. My cousin Fernanda _________________________ walk when she was only 11 months old.
10. - How was the test? - It was so easy! All students ______________________ pass it.
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11. He had an accident when he was a child and after that _______________walk by himself.
13. __________ she ___________ pick my coat up from the dry cleaner’s?
14. Students ____________________ go to school for about two years due to COVID-19
15. My cousin Liam is deaf. A few years ago, we ___________________ to communicate with him. Now, we
El estudiante entregó todo el ejercicio
El estudiante contestó correctamente
El estudiante entregó en tiempo y forma
El estudiante comprendió el ejercicio
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Instrucciones: Lee el texto y realiza las siguientes actividades: subraya todas las oraciones que encuentres
con was/were able to, contesta las preguntas de comprensión.
El estudiante entregó a tiempo
El estudiante subrayó todas las oraciones
El estudiante comprendió el ejercicio
Read the text again. Then write your own story, the following information can give you some ideas for your
To improve your knowledge for this topics check the next link.