Ensayo de Torsion 1.0
Ensayo de Torsion 1.0
Ensayo de Torsion 1.0
Departamento de Ingeniería Civil y Ambiental
Programa de Ingeniería Civil
Resistencia de materiales
Laboratorio de resistencia de materiales
Martínez, Yasser. ymartine60@cuc.edu.co, Programa de Ingeniería Civil
Mendoza, Luis. lmeza29@cuc.edu.co, Programa de Ingeniería Civil
Rosado, Juan. jrosado5@cuc.edu.co, Programa de Ingeniería Civil
Chávez, Luz. lchavez5@cuc.edu.co, Programa de Ingeniería Civil
Carpio, Félix. fcarpio1@cuc.edu.co, Programa de Ingeniería Civil
Docente: Jennifer Villa Domínguez
Grupo: 50622
Fecha: 02/04/2023
In the laboratory experience, a torsion test was performed, this allows to determine the relationship
between the shear stress and the angular deformation experienced of a specimen subjected to pure
torsion. For its realization different specimens were used which were copper, aluminum and steel of
a certain length in the testing machine and a pair of forces is applied at one end; The number of
turns that one end gives with respect to the other was studied to find its torsion measurement.
Subsequently, data of relevance to their respective mathematical models were found, such as the
polar moment of inertia, the torsor moment and the maximum shear stress, in order to know the
behavior and mechanical characteristics of these materials.
Keywords: Torsion, strain, stress, loads and specimens.
Ma Ca D S( Θ( L M( J(m
G G Datos:
ter rg ( m) ra ( N* ) (Gp pro
ial a m d) m m) a) me
es (N ) ) dio
) (Gp
a) Cálculo del Angulo:
CO F1 0 0.0 0.0 0 2.8 813 2.1
BR =5 . 00 58 . 45 .19 3.2 6x1 0 .000 264 m
E .2 0 26 ra 5 8N. 25x 5x1 05 G Θ1= −3 =0.058rad
7N 0 4 d 4 m 10- 05 G pa 4.5 x 10 m
9 m m pa
F2 m 0.0 0.1 5.6 m4 1.9 0 .000861 m
=1 00 9r 86 8x1 Θ2= −3 =0.19rad
0. 86 ad 2N. 05 G 4.5 x 10 m
53 1 m pa
N m 0.001457 m
F3 0.0 0.3 8.5 1.7 Θ3= −3
=1 01 2r 32 7x1 4.5 x 10 m
5. 45 ad N. 05 G
8N 7 m pa 0.002086 m
m Θ4= −3 =0.46rad
F4 0.0 0.4 11. 1.6 4.5 x 10 m
=2 02 6r 37 4x1
1. 08 ad 24 05 G Cálculo del momento:
06 6 N. pa
N m m 1. 5.27N*0.54m=2.8458N*m
AC F1 0 0.0 0.0 0 2.6 402 1.3 339
ER =5 . 00 00 . 35 .12 1x1 0G 2. 10.53N*0.54m=5.6862N*m
O .2 0 00 25 5 N. 38x 04 G pa 3. 15.8N*0.54m=8.532N*m
7N 0 1 ra 0 m 10- pa
8 m d m 12 4. 21.06N*0.54m=11.3724N*m
F2 m 0.0 0.0 5.2 m4 363
=1 00 18 65 Gp Calculo del momento polar de inercia:
0. 07 ra N. a
53 2 d m 4
π (0 . 00954 m)
N m Jc= =813.1925x10-16 m4
F3 0.0 0.1 7.9 63. 32
=1 00 54 N. 7G
5. 61 ra m pa 4
π (0.008 m)
8N 9 d Jc= =402.1238x10-12 m4
m 32
F4 0.0 0.2 10. 44.
=2 01 93 53 6G 4
π (0.008 m)
1. 17 ra N. pa Jc= =402.1238x10-12 m4
06 5 d m 32
N m
AL F1 0 0.0 0.3 0 2.6 402 8.3 8.2
LU =5 . 01 93 . 35 .12 3G 2G
MI .2 0 57 ra 5 N. 38x pa pa
NI 7N 0 4 d 0 m 10-
O 8 m m
F2 m 0.0 0.7 5.2 m4 8.2
=1 03 94 65 4G
0. 17 ra N. pa Cálculo del módulo de rigidez:
53 9 d m
N m
2. 8458 N m∗0 . 54 m
F3 0.0 1.1 7.9 8.1 1. G= =
=1 04 98 N. 9G 0.058 rad∗¿ ¿
5. 79 ra m pa
8N 5 d 3.25x105Gpa
F4 0.0 1.6 10. 8.1
=2 06 12 53 2G
1. 45 ra N. pa
06 0 d m
N m
1. 5.27N*0.50m=2.635N*m Aluminio