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Plasticidad Mecánica de Medios Continuos UNI

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14/02/2021 Dr. Luis Mosquera L. 1

1. Hiperelasticidad
• Modelo de Mooney-Rivlin
• Modelo de Hooke
• Modelo de Yeoh
• Modelo de Ogden
• Energía de deformación en materiales hiperelásticos
• Tensor de tensiones en materiales hiperelásticos
2. Plasticidad
• Criterios de plastificación en materiales en materiales metálicos
(Beltrami, Von Mises, Tresca)
• Criterios de plastificación en mecánica de suelos (Mohr-Coulomb,
Drucker-Prager, Cambridge)
3. Elastoplasticidad
• Comportamiento elastoplástico sin endurecimiento por
• Comportamiento elatoplástico con endurecimiento por

14/02/2021 Dr. Luis Mosquera L. 2

4. Viscoelasticidad lineal
• Modelos de Maxwell y de Voigt
• Modelos estándar lineal y generalizados
5. Elasto-Viscoplasticidad lineal
• Modelos de Bingham
• Modelo de Norton

14/02/2021 Dr. Luis Mosquera L. 3


[1] Santiago H. Ibáñez, Arturo N. Fontán Pérez. Mecánica de medios contínuos.

Andavira Ed. España 2016.
[2] Xavier Oliver Olivella, Carlos Agelet de Saracibar Bosch . Mecánica de
Medios Continuos para Ingenieros. Ed. Alfa Omega. 2002.
[3] I. S. Sokolnikoff. Mathematical Theory of Elasticity. Ed. McGraw-Hill.1956.

14/02/2021 Dr. Luis Mosquera L. 4


Existen materiales en los que la relación entre la tensión a

los que son sometidos y su deformación no es lineal.

Material elástico y lineal. Material hiperelástico. (elastómeros)

En los materiales hiperelásticos la relación tensión –deformación es

variable y se establece a través de la energía de deformación U.

14/02/2021 Dr. Luis Mosquera L. 5

Modelos de materiales hiperelásticos incompresibles
Modelo de Mooney-Rivlin
Para materiales elastoméricos (prácticamente incompresibles). La energía de
deformación se escribe como:
𝜇1 𝜇2
𝑈= 𝐼𝐶1 − 3 − 𝐼𝐶2 − 3 = 𝑐1 𝐼𝐶1 − 3 + 𝑐2 𝐼𝐶2 − 3
2 2

Donde, Los parámetros 𝜇1 𝑦 𝜇2 son característicos de cada material,

𝐶𝑟 = 𝐽𝑇 𝐽 es el tensor de Cauchy-Green
En los ejes de las direcciones principales de deformación, las invariantes de
𝐶𝑟 𝑠𝑜𝑛:
𝐼𝐶1 = 𝜆12 + 𝜆22 + 𝜆23 𝐼𝐶2 = 𝜆12 𝜆22 + 𝜆12 𝜆22 + 𝜆12 𝜆22 𝐼𝐶3 = 𝜆12 × 𝜆22 × 𝜆23
𝜆12 0 0
𝐶𝑟 = 0 𝜆22 0
0 0 𝜆23

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Modelo actualizado de Hooke

Es una simplificación del modelo de Mooney haciendo c2 = 0

En éste caso, la energía de deformación queda:

𝑈 = 𝑐 𝐼𝐶1 − 3

Modelo de Yeoh

La energía de deformación se expresa como:

𝑈 = ෍ 𝑐𝑖 𝐼𝐶1 − 3 𝑖


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Modelo de Ogden

La energía de deformación se formula a través de expresiones

polinómicas de las elongaciones principales:
𝜇𝑖 𝛼𝑖 𝛼 𝛼
𝑈=෍ 𝜆1 + 𝜆2 𝑖 + 𝜆3 𝑖 − 3

Donde los valores de 𝜇𝑖 , 𝛼𝑖 se obtienen experimentalmente.

Los valores más habituales para los materiales elastoméricos son:

𝛼1 = 1.3; 𝛼2 = 5; 𝛼3 = −2

𝜇1 = 630 𝐾𝑃𝑎; 𝜇2 = 1.2 𝐾𝑃𝑎; 𝜇3 = 10𝐾𝑃𝑎

14/02/2021 Dr. Luis Mosquera L. 8

ε σ(MPa)

1.036 0.065

1.071 0.110

1.107 0.165

1.143 0.222

1.178 0.276

1.222 0.352

1.251 0.411
1.285 0.481

1.329 0.578

1.357 0.635

1.392 0.722

1.429 0.831

1.464 0.931

1.508 1.065

1.536 1.166

1.571 1.281

1.607 1.405

1.643 1.551

1.686 1.722

1.721 1.874

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Energía de deformación en materiales
Rivlin (1948) postulated the strain energy should be represented as a general
polynomial in I1 and I2:

MIT International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2016, pp. 43-46 43

Hyperelastic Mooney-Rivlin Model: Determination and Physical Interpretation of

Material Constants
Nomesh Kumar, V. Venkateswara Rao
Advanced Systems Laboratory Defence R & D Organisation Hyderabad, India

Rubber like material, which are characterised by a relative low elastic modulus and high bulk modulus are used
in a wide variety of a structural applications. A material is said to be hyperelastic if there exists an elastic strain
density function (W) that is a scalar function of strain deformation tensors, whose derivatives with respect to
strain components determines the corresponding stress components. Mooney-Rivlin strain energy function with
two, three, five or nine parameters is described along with stress strain curve and stability criteria. The
crosslinking density is also determined through Mooney Rivlin model. Keywords: Hyperelasticity, Mooney
Rivlin model, cross linking density.

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14/02/2021 Dr. Luis Mosquera L. 11
A material is said to be hyperelastic if there exists an elastic strain density
function (W) that is a scalar function of strain deformation tensors, whose
derivatives with respect to strain components determines the corresponding
stress components.

Some of the available hyperelastic models are Neo-Hookean (working strain

range 30%), Mooney-Rivlin (30% in compression and 200% in tension
depending on order), Arruda-Boyce (300%) and Ogden (upto 700%).


The strain energy density function is given as:

and corresponding Second Piola Kirchhoff stress

is given as:

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The strain energy function of Mooney-Rivlin hyperelastic constitutive model is
expressed as a function of strain invariants I1, I2, I 3 = J2. The form of strain energy
density function for two, three, five and nine terms Mooney-Rivlin models are
given as:

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14/02/2021 Dr. Luis Mosquera L. 14
The corresponding uniaxial stress for incompressible Mooney Rivlin models are given

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14/02/2021 Dr. Luis Mosquera L. 16
Mooney Rivlin model should satisfy stability criterion in order to produce
real behavior of the material. The stability criterion are as:

The above mentioned conditions provided certain restrictions on the

Mooney-Rivlin parameters as mentioned below:

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14/02/2021 Dr. Luis Mosquera L. 19
Specific Forms of the Strain Energy

The simplest form of the strain energy for a rubber-like material is a one
parameter model called a neo-Hookean material. The single parameter is
taken to be the shear modulus, G, and the strain energy depends only on the
first invariant of the deformation tensor, Bij

For the case of uniaxial tension the stretches are,

And furthermore, if the material is incompressible,


14/02/2021 Dr. Luis Mosquera L. 20

Using this expression, for the case of uniaxial tension yields the stress per unit
undeformed area as:

A slightly more general model is a simple, or two-term, Mooney-Rivlin model. In

this case, the strain energy function is assumed to be linear in the first and second
invariants of the left deformation tensor. Again, assuming the material is isotropic
and incompressible, the strain energy may be written as:

For a uniaxial test, the principal stretches are

differentiating with respect to λ gives the uniaxial stress per unit undeformed

14/02/2021 Dr. Luis Mosquera L. 21

The Cauchy stress is easily formed by noting the area in the deformed
configuration would be found by scaling dimensions in the x2 and x3 direction by
λ2 and λ3, respectively. For the uniaxially case, this means that multiplying the
force per undeformed area by stretch λ results in the uniaxial Cauchy stress,

14/02/2021 Dr. Luis Mosquera L. 22

The simple, two-term Mooney-Rivlin model represents material response well
for small to moderate stretch values, but for large stretch higher order terms are
needed. Some of these different forms for the strain energy function are
associated with specific names. For instance, an Ogden material (Ogden, 1972)
assumes a strain energy in the form:

This form reduces to the Mooney-Rivlin material if n takes on values of 1 and

2 with:

14/02/2021 Dr. Luis Mosquera L. 23

The strain energy function in the neo-Hookean case is proportional to I1 – 3
where I1 is the first invariant of the left deformation tensor. A strain energy of
this form leads to stress components given by:

The stress components must satisfy the equilibrium equations which, in the
absence of body forces, are given as:

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Consider the case of plane strain

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An alternate form of the stress components may be written by factoring out the

The incompressibility condition may also be written as,

Substituting the assumed form of X into the incompressibility equation, yields

the ordinary differential equation,

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In pursuit of the compressed rectangular rubber solution, constants C and D are
taken to be identically zero and constants A and B are set equal. Thus,

where k, A, and C′ are constants that must be determined. The deformation

considered here has the rubber rhomboid deforming symmetrically about the
origin of both the referential and deformed coordinate system (Figure 8.5a and b).
Thus, set X = 0 when x = 0 to obtain constant C′, of Eq, to have the value 0.25π.
Since the platens are fixed to the specimen,

Finally, the constant k may be evaluated in terms of the deformed and

undeformed lengths l and L by:

14/02/2021 Dr. Luis Mosquera L. 27

Must be shown that the
barreled surface
initially at Y= +/- H are
stress free in the deformed
Unfortunately, this is not
possible for this problem.
Instead, a relaxed
boundary condition may
be satisfied by enforcing
the resultant force on the
boundary to be zero rather
than have zero traction at
every point.

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With all the constants are determined, the stress components may be written as:

At this point, the stresses are known to within the additive pressure term p . A
solution is sought by picking p such that the average force over the barreled
edge is zero.

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Symmetry of the deformation allows for
considering the top half, in determining the
condition for zero resultant stress on the
barreled top edge (Figure 8.6). Integrating
the stresses yields:

Figure 8.6 Stresses on deformed rubber

Knowing the pressure term, the compressive force may be determined from:

14/02/2021 Dr. Luis Mosquera L. 30


[1] G. Thomas Mase, Ronald Smelser. Continuum Mechanics for Engineers. CRC Press
[2] Xavier Oliver Olivella, Carlos Agelet de Saracibar Bosch . Mecánica de Medios
Continuos para Ingenieros. Ed. Alfa Omega. 2002.
[3] I. S. Sokolnikoff. Mathematical Theory of Elasticity. Ed. McGraw-Hill.1956.

14/02/2021 Dr. Luis Mosquera L. 31

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