Ako 80039
Ako 80039
Ako 80039
Instalacin de drivers
IMPORTANTE! NO CONECTAR EL APARATO AL ORDENADOR ANTES DE INSTALAR EL SOFTWARE Introducir el CD suministrado en su ordenador y buscar el subdirectorio AKO-80039 drivers. En su interior se encuentra el fichero AKO-80039, al hacer doble click sobre l aparecer lo siguiente:
Drivers installation
IMPORTANT! NOT TO CONNECT THE DEVICE TO THE COMPUTER BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE Put the CD provided in the computer and look for subdirectory AKO-80039 drivers. Inside is the file AKO-80039, clicking him will appear the following:
Seleccione la primera opcin I accept the terms of the license agreement y clicke sobre Next:
Select first option I accept the terms of the license agreement and click Next:
Click Next:
Click Install:
Click Install:
Cuando le aparezca esta pantalla, el proceso de instalacin habr finalizado. Clicke sobre Finish:
When the previous window appears the installation process will be finished. Click Finish:
Se le indica que para que los cambios en el sistema tengan efecto debe reiniciar el ordenador, le aconsejamos que lo haga y posteriormente ya podr conectar el conversor AKO-80039 a su PC.
The message above indicates you that so that the changes in the system should have effect you must restart the computer, we advise you to do it and later, you will be able to connect the converter AKO-80039 to the PC. 3
How to know which COM port the converter has got assigned
In order to know what number of port COM has been assigned to him to consult the administrator of devices, in the section Ports (COM & LPT) it will appear a line with CP210X USB to UART bridge Controller (COMX) that indicates the port assigned to him:
Port configuration
Follow the instructions of the chapter HOW TO KNOW WHICH COM PORT THE CONVERTER HAS GOT ASSIGNED in order to locate the converter.
Hacer click con el botn derecho del ratn: y aparecer la ventana de Propiedades:
Click with the right button of the mouse and the Properties Window will appear:
Click the button Advanced Options and the window will be showed:
In the field COM port number: it is possible to select the desired one.
Clickar sobre Silicon Laboratories CP210X USB to UART Bridge (Driver Removal):
Click Accept.
A continuacin vuelva sobre la ventana Agregar Software del Panel de Control de Windows y clicke sobre Silicon Laboratories CP210X VCP Drivers for Windows 2000/ XP /2003 Server/Vista:
Next, return on the previous window Add Software in the Control Panel of Windows and click Silicon Laboratories CP210X VCP Drivers for Windows 2000/ XP /2003 Server/Vista:
Click Quit:
Y a continuacin S:
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358003901 REV.01
D.L.: B-31196-07