2nda Clase Magistral-Sustantivos.
2nda Clase Magistral-Sustantivos.
2nda Clase Magistral-Sustantivos.
1.- Sustantive or Noun: It´s the kind of word which is used to designate
all beings and entities, such as: People, animals, material things, concrete,
abstract or imaginary. Also, we could say that the substantives or nouns, in
English, are words that refer to people, places, animals, ideas, things, events,
substances, or qualities. Together with verbs, adverbs and adjectives, they form
one of the most important grammatical elements of the Spanish or English
language. Its function is usually to serve as the nucleus of the subject of the
sentence, but it also usually appears in the predicate as an object. In fact, one
noun can appear as the nucleus of the subject and another as an object in the
predicate. In short, a substantive is defined as a word or group of words that acts
as a noun or noun phrase in a sentence. Often a substantive is a noun or a
pronoun, but it could be any part of speech that acts as a noun, including an
adjective, adverb, or verb. Examples: Woman- child- man- mouse- tiger- table,
land- earth- monster- heaven-(divine) sky-hope- poverty- formula- idea – fantasy-
horse- love- happiness-vanity.
Sustantivos: COLECTIVOS
Los Sustantivos colectivos designan un conjunto de seres de la misma clase o
especie: Hormiguero, colmena, arboleda.
Sustantivos: SIMPLES
Los Sustantivos simples están formados por una sola palabra: Sal, azúcar, vino,
Sustantivos: Derivados
Los Sustantivos derivados están formado por un radical y uno o más morfemas
derivativos: Salero(SAL), azucarera(AZÚCAR), vinatería(VINO), mechero(MECHA)
Sustantivos compuestos
Son sustantivos que están formados por dos o más palabras. Dos palabras que
pueden ser: Un adverbio y un verbo:
Ejemplo: Guardaespalda-Bodyguard.
Verbo sustantivo