Expande Casos Vol 3
Expande Casos Vol 3
Expande Casos Vol 3
La presente publicación, Casos de Innovación de Proveedores en la Minería Chilena, Volumen 3, se enmarca en el Programa de
Innovación Abierta en Minería, Expande, un modelo colaborativo público-privado, que impulsa el desarrollo de soluciones de
alto potencial provenientes de empresas de base tecnológica y las conecta con los desafíos que enfrenta la minería.
La iniciativa responde a una mirada a largo plazo definida en el documento Minería, una plataforma de futuro para Chile y en la
Agenda de Productividad, Innovación y Crecimiento, que apunta a diversificar la matriz productiva del país y desarrollar indus-
trias de bienes y servicios intensivas en conocimiento.
Expande cuenta con la participación de CORFO, Antofagasta Minerals, BHP, Codelco, Fondo de Inversión Estratégica (FIE),
Programa Nacional de Minería Alta Ley de Transforma, Ministerio de Economía, Fomento y Turismo; Ministerio de Minería y
BID-FOMIN, además de Fundación Chile.
Comité Editorial
Fundación Chile: Andrés Pesce, Ricardo Morgado, Enrique Molina, Loreto Velázquez.
Centro de Innovación UC Anacleto Angelini: Conrad von Igel, Trinidad Álvarez, Julio Pertuzé, Sergio Burdiles.
Centro de Innovación UC Anacleto Angelini: Alejandra Reinoso.
Plus Language Services Ltda.
Diseño y Diagramación
Ana Urzúa D.
Imprenta Fyrma Gráfica LTDA.
Elaborado por:
Socios estratégicos:
Este programa es desarrollado con aportes de CORFO y del Fondo de Inversión Estratégica del Ministerio de Economía, Fomento y Turismo .
Sistema de Monitoreo de Riego en Pilas de Lixiviación
Leaching Pad Irrigation Monitoring System
Smart Mining Coach
Smart Mining Coach
Sistema Integrado de Monitoreo y Control de Palas
Shovel Integrated Monitoring and Control System
Mauro Valdés
Presidente del Programa Nacional
de Minería Alta Ley
El Programa Nacional de Minería Alta Ley se Este libro de Casos de Innovación de Provee-
sustenta en la convicción de que la minería dores en la Minería Chilena, en su volumen
necesita mejorar su productividad y enfrentar número 3, es un elemento central y una
con éxito esta fase de madurez en sus princi- importante contribución para los desafíos
pales operaciones y de mayores dificultades establecidos por el Programa Alta Ley, que
técnicas, de seguridad, ambientales y socia- pone entre sus principales focos el desarrollo
les. Y, por otro lado, que la propia minería del emprendimiento y la innovación como
puede ser una palanca fundamental que nos claves para el desarrollo de la minería. Por
conduzca, a través de esos mismos desafíos, medio de esta publicación se demuestra con
a desarrollar soluciones que sean de apli- casos específicos y concretos que: 1. Sí se
cación en la minería mundial y en sectores puede innovar en la cadena de valor de la
industriales distintos. De esa manera es la mi- minería; 2. Se señala cuáles son las formas en
nería, nuestra actividad emblemática a nivel las cuales se puede hacer emprendimiento o
global, la que tiene mayores posibilidades de una innovación exitosa en minería, y 3. Que
empujarnos hacia el desarrollo y la sociedad el emprendimiento y la innovación ofrecen
del conocimiento, base del crecimiento soste- soluciones para apoyar la productividad,
nido, que es en definitiva a lo que como país seguridad y sustentabilidad de la minería.
Fotografía Codelco Chile
Mauro Valdés
President of Alta Ley National Mining
Program of Transforma
The Alta Ley National Mining Program of Transforma The third volume of this book on Cases of Supplier In-
is based on the belief that mining needs to increase novation in Mining is an essential element and an im-
its productivity and succeed at this stage of maturity portant contribution for the challenges set by the Alta
of its main operations, as well as of bigger technical, Ley National Mining Program of Transforma, whose
safety, environmental, and social problems. On the focus is the development of entrepreneurship and in-
other hand, mining can act as an essential lever that novation both of them keys for the expansion of min-
will drive us, through those same challenges, to de- ing. This publication shows specific and real cases to
velop solutions that can be applied to world mining prove that: 1. It is possible to innovate in the mining
and to different industrial sectors. Thus, mining is value chain; 2. It mentions the ways in which entre-
not only our most distinctive activity in world terms, preneurship or a successful innovation in mining can
but also the one that has the most possibilities of be achieved, and 3. That entrepreneurship and inno-
driving us towards development and a knowledge vation offer solutions to promote productivity, safety
society, which is the base of sustained growth and, and sustainability in mining.
ultimately, the country that we aspire to be.
Fotografía Codelco Chile
In the last three years, Chile has become one of the main world platforms in terms of mining entrepreneurship.
The content of this book is a proof of this and, moreover, it is aimed at producing a “snowball effect”.
We have flattened the field; we have the main copper, molybdenum and lithium mine sites in the world; we face
important mineral exploration, exploitation and processing challenges; and we have been able to promote an
important value offer for them. No doubt this will bring more investments, the creation of virtuous dynamics
in the industry, and the strengthening, boosted by mining, of our long-awaited transformation from a natural
resources economy into a knowledge economy.
Marcos Kulka
Gerente General Fundación Chile
Como hemos compartido en los dos volúme- Es en este espacio de oportunidad, en que a
nes previos, la minería es extremadamente través de un modelo de innovación abierta y
estratégica para Chile por la oportunidad que colaboración radical, se ha tratado de juntar
nos brinda de marcar con el ejemplo nuevos lo mejor de distintos mundos. Por un lado, la
modelos de transformación de desarrollo demanda revelada de las principales empre-
sustentable, de fomento al emprendimiento, sas mineras del país; y por el otro, el motor
nuevos modelos de desarrollo tecnológico emprendedor tecnológico que Chile ha ido
e incluso la aspiración de ser el motor en la construyendo en la última década.
creación de nuevas industrias del conocimiento.
Este esfuerzo, que ha sido sostenido por más
La única forma de depender menos de de 10 años, nos presenta hoy el volumen 3
la minería del cobre en el futuro será por de nuevos casos que están basados en las
medio de la propia minería del cobre. Hoy nuevas tendencias tecnológicas, donde se
cada tonelada que se exporta de este metal despliega a cabalidad las posibilidades de
representa una cadena de valor de alto transformar a la minería del cobre en Smart
conocimiento y sofisticación productiva. Sin Mining. Es decir, una minería inteligente que
embargo, dado los desafíos que enfrenta la por medio de las tecnologías integradas es
industria en materia de productividad, de capaz de gestionar eficientemente los recur-
desarrollo sustentable en materia económica, sos, lograr soluciones ahorrando energía,
ambiental y social, es necesario buscar nue- procesos productivos más limpios y en el fu-
vas fórmulas posibles. turo, por qué no, proveer al mundo de cobre
Fotografía Codelco Chile
Marcos Kulka
CEO Fundación Chile
As we have mentioned in the last two volumes, the It is in this space of opportunity in which, through a
mining industry is extremely strategic for Chile due model of open innovation and radical collaboration,
to the opportunity it provides us to set an example we have tried to bring together the best of different
of new models of sustainable development trans- worlds. On one hand, the public demand of the main
formation, new models of promotion of entrepre- mining companies of the country, and, on the other,
neurship, and new models of technological develop- the technological entrepreneur boost that Chile has
ment, as well as to become the drive in the creation been promoting during the last decade.
of new knowledge industries.
This effort, which has been promoted for more than
The only way to depend less on the copper mining a decade, presents us today with the third volume
industry in the future will be through the same cop- of new cases based on new technological tenden-
per mining industry. Today, each ton that is exported cies, where the possibilities of transforming the cop-
of that metal represents a chain of high-knowledge per mining industry into Smart Mining are explained
value and product sophistication. Nonetheless, due thoroughly. This means an intelligent mining that,
to the challenges faced by the industry in terms of through integrated technologies, is capable of effi-
productivity and of sustainable development in eco- ciently managing the resources, achieve solutions
nomic, environmental, and social terms, it is neces- that save energy, develop cleaner production pro-
sary to look for new formulas. cesses, and maybe in the future provide the world
con cero huella ecológica para abastecer los transformar nuestro desierto en un hub mun-
requerimientos de la electromovilidad o los dial de abastecimiento de insumos estratégi-
Green Buldings. cos para el mundo moderno que se avizora
a velocidad crucero. La iniciativa de Expande
Si pensamos estratégicamente con un grado comparte el sueño de que a través de una
de ambición mayor, los recursos que nos plataforma de innovación abierta entre los
provee el norte de Chile en materia de cobre, distintos actores claves del ecosistema, sí
litio, cobalto, radiación solar, etc. podrían es posible contar en un futuro cercano con
with copper with no carbon print to supply the
Fotografía Codelco Chile
requirements of electromobility or of Green
empresas globales y nuevas industrias del initiative shares the dream that, through an
conocimiento que pongan a Chile en el open innovation platform among the different
Osvaldo Maldonado
Gerente General
+56 2 27842470
Los Alerces 2714
Ñuñoa, Santiago – Chile
A change in the perspective of the company marked the needs and opportunities inside the mining indus-
SAX’s beginnings. The year was 1994 and Osvaldo try associated with this kind of service.
Maldonado was the founder of a company named
In 1998 one of the major milestones of the compa-
Computec, mostly dedicated to the computer sup-
ny took place. Until then there wasn’t a single device
plies business, the same company that 9 years later
in the market that was able of doing a quick metal
would become Soluciones Analíticas SAX. This year
analysis and on the site for the operational control of
and triggered by Siemens’ sale of their X rays divi-
the concentration process. This lack forced Codelco
sion -where Osvaldo Maldonado was a consultant-
to request a system that met these requirements.
to the German company Bruker AXS, Computec
Computec took over this necessity and, after carrying
decided to be Bruker AXS’ representative in Latin
out some feasibility studies, in 2000 it started the de-
America. A company dedicated to the manufactur-
velopment of the first prototype of mineral analysis
ing of scientific devices for molecular investigation,
system, using as a base the equipment and technol-
materials, and chemical analysis on an industrial
ogy of X-ray diffractometer of Bruker AXS. However,
level in the pharmaceutical, chemical, nanotechno-
11 years had to elapse for Chuquicamata Division to
logical and defense areas.
request an industrial development phase and the
Since 1998, Computec identified a growing de- setting up of the innovation.
mand for chemical, molecular and materials analy-
In 2003, Computec’s major business was X-ray analy-
sis services, which it complemented with marketing
sis. In this context, its founder decided to change the
of devices. The metallurgic inspection laboratory of
name to Soluciones Analíticas SAX and consolidate
the concentrator of Codelco´s Chuquicamata Divi-
its devices offer. From then on, they not only rep-
sion was one of its first analysis service clients. This
resented Bruker AXS, with their spectrometers and
experience allowed them to become familiar with
diffractometers, but also automatic mining devices like TIMA, used to determine the concentration and texture
of mineral species in rock samples. Further on, Atomic Absorption and Plasma equipment of Analytik Jena were
added, which allowed to measure the chemical elements concentrations in solutions at trace levels. Then
Tescan’s devices of electronic microscopy were added to obtain enlarged microscopic images of a very high
resolution and sample preparation devices. All this growth aimed to fulfill the needs of analysis laboratories
and material characterization inside Chile, mostly in universities, mining companies and cement plants. This
experience and interaction with numerous suppliers allowed SAX to identify unfulfilled needs to develop and
incorporate highly sophisticated solutions with added value.
Currently, SAX provides analytic device solutions through the sale and marketing of equipment, technical ser-
vice, spare-parts sales, elemental chemical and mineralogical analysis. Moreover, they design and develop
sample measurement and preparation solutions arising from their clients’ demands and the abilities they
have as a company to make them real. An example of the latter is the Mineralogical Analysis System and the
Diffrac-Press, a pneumatic press to prepare dust samples for analysis through X-ray diffraction. With approxi-
mately 50 professionals, the organization has grown through the delivery of solutions that solve in an integral
manner their clients’ needs. To achieve this, besides their main office in Santiago, they have 2 analysis labora-
tories in the regions of Valparaiso and Atacama, which allows them to establish presence and regular services
to their clients.
La eficiencia de un proceso metalúrgico depende, en gran medi-
da, de la adecuada y oportuna toma de decisiones operaciona-
les ante la variabilidad de la calidad física y química de los mine-
rales que entran al proceso. Para esto es necesario cuantificar
los cambios de los parámetros intrínsecos, como leyes, y del
proceso de concentración de minerales, en particular la minera-
lización de mena y ganga, de forma de poder aplicar estrategias
de control que permitan ajustar las condiciones operacionales y
optimizar la eficiencia del proceso.
The efficiency of a metallurgic process depends, to a represent the operational reality. In other cases, it’s
large extent, of the adequate and timely operation- common to estimate the mineralogical composition
al decision making in light of the variability of the from the chemical composition, this information is
physical and chemical quality of the minerals that go qualitative. In both, it means making operational
into the process. To do this, it is necessary to quan- decisions that answer phenomena that took place
tify the changes of the intrinsic parameters, such as in another moment of time, which do not ensure
grades, and of the mineral concentration process, the optimization of the process’ efficiency in terms
in particular the mineralization of ore and rocks, so of the recovery of the interested specie, specific re-
that control strategies can be applied allowing the agent consumption, and, lastly, operational cost.
adjustment of operational conditions and optimize Up to this moment, there wasn’t a single equipment
the process’ efficiency. that was able to reach the level of reasonable pre-
Nowadays there is technology to provide online in- cision of the mineral type, that its result could be
formation about mineral grades, especially copper. ready in minutes, and that it could be able to oper-
However, this information is not enough to optimize ate in the same mineral processing plant. SAX took
the process of mineral flotation of copper. Hence, over these needs and started the design and con-
it is a regular operational practice to complement struction of a solution that could solve these prob-
said information with mineralization data attained lems and boundary conditions for the Concentration
in a discrete way from samples that do not fully Management of Codelco’s Chuquicamata Division.
1 Goniómetro
2 Celda de medición
3 Tubos de rayos X
4 Detector de rayos X
Fotografía SAX /
5 Bandeja antiderrame Componentes del
Los factores clave para la construcción del El difractómetro de rayos X utiliza una técnica
primer Sistema de Análisis Mineralógico en basada en el fenómeno de difracción de los
línea fueron 3: la experiencia de SAX en las rayos X de un material en estado cristalino.
tecnologías e instrumentos necesarios en De acuerdo a cómo emergen del material
laboratorio, el tipo de estudio del mineral que irradiado se puede determinar ciertos pa-
se deseaba realizar y una solicitud específica trones de difracción, los que posteriormente
de la División Chuquicamata de Codelco de permiten identificar qué tipos de minerales
avanzar en esa línea. Esta innovación de pro- contiene la muestra. La transformación de
ducto consistió en transformar un difractóme- este equipo implica cambiar la forma de
tro de rayos X, usado para análisis mineraló- calcular y la manera en que se incorpora la
gico de muestras de polvo en laboratorio, en muestra, ya que el material en planta viene
un instrumento que pueda hacer esto mismo en estado acuoso (pulpa de cobre) y se le
en pocos minutos en una operación minera agrega una celda de medición. Ahí se pro-
de una pulpa o material en estado líquido. duce la difracción en una sección de tubería
Además de la transformación del instrumen- que hace un muestreo de aproximadamente
to, se tuvo que diseñar y construir un sistema 25 litros de pulpa desde la línea de proceso.
único de toma de muestras y un software que Una vez terminado el análisis, la muestra es
realizara un análisis preciso del mineral. devuelta al proceso nuevamente.
3 Sistema automático de carga de procesar los resultados para que sean leídos
muestra. por el control de la planta. El software se
ejecuta en un computador interno, donde se
4 Software específicamente diseñado diagrama el sistema de medición completo y
para análisis cuantitativo de mues- refleja el estado de cada uno de sus compo-
tras. No necesita patrones y utiliza el nentes. Esto permite el control en terreno de
método de parámetros fundamentales. ellos y agiliza el análisis del mineral. Además
de realizar el análisis mineralógico, el siste-
5 Software para el control total de la ma realiza un diagnóstico de su operación y
medición. Automáticamente toma la resuelve errores de funcionamiento y cálculo
muestra, hace el análisis y envía la in- de forma automática. Asimismo, ejecuta cada
formación al sistema de control reque- una de las tareas requeridas para hacer el
rido sin la necesidad de un operador. análisis mineralógico de la pulpa: carga de la
pulpa, inicio de medición, toma de muestra,
SAX se hizo cargo del desarrollo del
evacuación, lavado de tuberías y cambio de
software que controla actuadores
película de la celda. Con esto, lo que antes
neumáticos y distintos sensores del
tomaba al menos 12 horas, se obtiene en
sistema, para luego enviar los coman-
dos de lectura hacia el difractómetro y
Codelco Chile
El proceso de este desarrollo comenzó a fines del año
1998 con un estudio de prefactibilidad realizado por
SAX para el área de Concentración de la División Chu-
quicamata de Codelco. Este consistió en evaluar si la
técnica de difracción de rayos X podía tomar muestras
de suspensiones líquidas y en movimiento. El análisis
se realizó en la Universidad de Antioquia de Mede-
llín porque contaba con el único difractómetro en
Latinoamérica con espejo de Göbel, el cual es capaz
de eliminar los efectos de desenfoque de un material
suspendido en un líquido.
Una vez resuelto y mejorado el proceso de Este equipo avanzó en mejoras de la celda de
captura y devolución a la concentración del medición, de modo de prestar el servicio de
sistema para su correcto funcionamiento, se mantenimiento para cada componente del
pasó a la fase de comparación de resultados sistema. Además, incorporaron elementos de
de análisis en un laboratorio independiente, control automático por software que facili-
donde se utilizó métodos de difracción de taban la operación autónoma sin necesidad
rayos X y microscopía electrónica. Esto arrojó de intervenir el hardware, lo que contribuía a
que ambos análisis mineralógicos tenían una reducir los costos de operación y aumentar la
correlación superior a 0,8 en una escala que disponibilidad de ésta. También se incorporó
llega a 1, lo que para Codelco era considera- un sensor de humedad para detectar fugas
do aceptable. en la ventana de medición o rupturas en la
Una vez implementado el modelo indus- película a causa de la abrasión del material.
trial, SAX siguió con la idea de construir Todas estas mejoras permitieron que el año
una solución que fuese replicable en otras 2016 el IM2 —hoy Codelco Tech—, junto con
operaciones mineras. Con este fin, conformó el área de Innovación Tecnológica de Codel-
un equipo de desarrollo que se dedicara co Norte División Chuquicamata, iniciaran
a diseñar un sistema más empaquetado y la puesta en marcha del Sistema de Análisis
funcional. El equipo estaba formado por Os- Mineralógico de SAX. Esto significó para la
valdo Maldonado, PhD. en Física y fundador empresa introducir al mercado la entrega de
de SAX; Nicolás Turén, ingeniero electrónico; un servicio que se hizo cargo del ajuste de los
Norberto Collazo, ingeniero biotecnólogo con elementos instrumentales, del software de
experiencia en mecánica; y Marcelo Arévalos, control, calibración y modelamiento para la
especialista del área de laboratorio de SAX. cuantificación de las fases mineralógicas.
Once the capture and return process to the system concentration for its proper operation was solved and
improved, they went on to the results comparison phase in an independent laboratory where X-rays diffrac-
tion methods and electronic microscopy were used. The conclusion was that both mineralogical analysis had
a correlation of more than 0,8 in a scale that is up to 1, which in Codelco’s eyes was considered acceptable.
Once the industrial model was implemented, SAX continued with the idea of building a solution that could be
reproducible in other mining operations. To this end, they gathered a development team that would be dedica-
ted to designing a system more condensed and functional. The team was constituted by Osvaldo Maldonado,
PhD. in Physics and founder of SAX; Nicolás Turén, electronic engineer; Norberto Collazo, biotechnological
engineer with experience in mechanics; and Marcelo Arévalos, specialist of the laboratory area of SAX.
This team made progress in improving the measurement cell, so they could provide the maintenance service
for each component of the system. Moreover, they incorporated automatic control elements through sof-
tware which improved automatic operation without the need to intervene the software, which contributed to
reducing the operational costs and increasing the availability of it. They also incorporated a moisture sensor
to detect leaks during the window of measurement or breaches on the layer due to material wear. All these
improvements allowed IM2, —today Codelco Tech—, alongside Codelco Norte Chuquicamata’s Division of
Technological Innovation area to start the implementation of SAX’s Mineralogical Analysis System, in 2016. For
the company this meant introducing to the market the delivery of a service that took over the adjustment of the
instrumental elements, the control software, calibration and modeling for the quantification of mineralogical
Currently, and thanks to this development, Codelco In terms of associativity, in the first stage of solu-
Chuquicamata Division’s Concentrator plant has a tion development it was very positive to work with
tool capable of providing information on the mi- the University of Antioquia in Medellin. With them,
neralogical composition of concentrated mineral they validated the feasibility of doing a mineralogical
almost instantly. This allows evaluating the validity analysis of a pulp with an X-ray diffractometer and
of the control algorithm of reagents and, there- developing a measurement system on site. Also, this
fore, makes more efficient, in terms of the use of solution would not have been possible without the
supplies, the flotation and concentration process. participation of the different innovation and opera-
tion areas of Codelco Chuquicamata Division and C
SAX aspires to internationalize its technology, con-
Codelco Tech’s Concentrator. Doing on site testing
sequently they are exploring development and
allowed them to add value to the flotation and con-
growth opportunities with an X-ray diffractometer
centration stage in a way that they had not been able
supplier. At the same time and taking into conside-
to do up to that point. Moreover, it was key to have
ration the recent results obtained with its solution,
the certainty of the involved actors on the flotation
they seek opportunities to take the system to other
and concentration process for launching the system.
Codelco’s divisions and work sites.
Una vez que el Sistema de Análisis de Mine- estima, podría subir en 1%, lo que equivale a
ralogía de SAX estaba en marcha, una parte US$3.000.000 más de ingresos al año.
importante del trabajo realizado por Codelco La propuesta de valor del Sistema de Análisis
Tech fue realizar un análisis de optimización Mineralógico de SAX es analizar de manera
del proceso de adición de reactivos y cal en más precisa, en pocos minutos y en la misma
la planta concentradora de Chuquicamata. línea de producción, las especies mineralógi-
Este análisis se basó en cambiar la estrategia cas que hay en el material de la producción
de controlar la razón entre hierro y cobre por de cualquier proceso productivo de las mine-
controlar en base a la razón Berkowitz, que ras, incluso más allá de la minería del cobre.
considera concentración de pirita sobre el Este análisis mineralógico también puede
total de sulfuros de cobre, de acuerdo a las ser usado en la industria cementera, lo que
condiciones de la planta y los datos obteni- generaría beneficios equivalentes a los del
dos por el instrumento en línea, observando proceso de concentración de cobre en rela-
una variación mineralógica muy amplia en ción a la cantidad y efectividad de los aditivos
cuestión de horas. que se utilizan para lograr el producto final.
Posteriormente, se generó un algoritmo de Una característica importante de mejora del
control y optimización de adición de reactivos proceso de flotación y concentración es que,
y cal en el proceso de flotación con alcance al tener mayor precisión de qué elementos
del 60% de la producción total de la planta. minerales son los que están en la pulpa, se
De acuerdo a las estimaciones de SAX, si se puede optimizar su proceso de extracción
considera que la producción de cobre fino utilizando eficientemente los aditivos e insu-
de Chuquicamata es aproximadamente de mos adecuados. Además, genera un impacto
330.000 toneladas al año, solamente por directo en el proceso de fundición y refine-
concepto de ahorro de reactivos y cal, el ría. En la medida que se tiene información
impacto es del orden de US$2.1 millones más exacta de la composición mineralógica,
anuales. Junto con esto, el sistema puede se pueden realizar acciones que permitan
facilitar el aumento de la producción que, se operaciones más eficientes.
Once SAX’s Mineralogy Analysis System was The value proposition of SAX’s Mineralogical Anal-
launched, an important part of the work done by ysis System is to analyze more precisely, in a few
Codelco Tech was to do an optimization analysis of minutes and on the same production line, the
the reagents and lime addition process in Chuquica- mineralogical species that are present in the pro-
mata’s Concentrator plant. This analysis was based duction material of any mining productive process,
on changing the strategy of controlling the propor- even beyond copper mining. This mineralogical
tion between iron and copper to controlling it based analysis can also be used in the cement industry,
on the Berkowitz rate, which considers the pyrite which would generate benefits equal to the ones
concentration over the total of copper sulfides, in that the copper concentration process has re-
accordance with the plant’s conditions and the data garding the quantity and effectiveness of the ad-
obtained by the on-line instrument, observing a ditives that are used to achieve the final product.
great mineralogical variation in a matter of hours. One important characteristic that was improved
Afterwards, a control and optimization reagents on the flotation and concentration process is that,
and lime addition algorithm were generated in the by having more precision regarding what elemen-
flotation process with a coverage of 60% of the tal minerals are in the pulp, its extraction process
plant’s total production. According to SAX’s estima- can be optimized, using efficiently the adequate
tions, if fine copper production in Chuquicamata additives and supplies. Moreover, it generates a
is considered to be approximately 330,000 tonnes direct impact on the smelting and refinery pro-
per year, only for savings in reagents and lime, an cess. If one has a more exact information on the
impact of around US$2.1 million annually can be mineralogical composition, then actions can be
achieved. Alongside this, the system can facilitate a carried out that allow more efficient operations.
production rise that is estimated to go up 1%, which
amounts to US$3,000,000 more income per year.
A relevant factor for SAX when they have to offer a top of it they constructed a solution in a new mar-
completely operative solution is that they must as- ket. The skills for this type of development are in
sign time and resources to ensure integration, vali- Chile and what is lacking is to link the mining indus-
dation and quality tests. Much of the initial work of try problems properly to new solutions.
its innovation was done on site, this allowed to vali- Because of the time elapsed since the first proto-
date and run tests on real samples; however, it did type until they launched it -more than 14 years- it
not facilitate a process of preparation in a controlled is relevant to define who would act as client and
area -like a laboratory- to submit it afterwards in the set the deadlines, milestones and responsibilities
work site, which led to a bigger number of develop- that both parts will have. Besides forming a working
ment iterations. Additionally, the negative perspec- team in the supplier as well as in the mining com-
tive would have been reduced regarding the solu- pany, which knows and shows the results and ad-
tion which was not entirely functional for a mining vances of the development that is being carried out.
operation of Chuquicamata Division’s proportions.
In this respect, it was lucky that the problem be-
Another remarkable point is that, alongside clearly tween the Concentrator and the smelting facili-
identifying a problem and connecting it to a suppli- ty arose the need of a mineralogical analysis that
er’s capacities and experiences, innovation does not could be done in a few minutes and that SAX contin-
necessarily have to be entirely constructed by them. ued to be linked to the Division. It was also key that
In SAX’s case, they used as a base an X-ray diffrac- numerous parties were involved in this innovation
tometer technology developed in Germany, and on
Codelco Chile
tradicionales observen oportunidades de creci- project. They had the support of the Techno-
miento y agregación de valor más allá de los cami- logical Innovation area of North Codelco and
Codelco Tech, alongside the sponsorship of
nos convencionales que ofrecen y puedan, con su
the Concentrator. This initiative would not have
experiencia y conocimiento, articular el desarrollo worked if each of them would have acted only
de innovaciones. looking after their own areas of interest.
Finalmente, para SAX fue crucial conformar un It is important to note that SAX, from a team
representation and measurement instrument
equipo interno que combinara la fuerte dedica-
model, is capable of identifying needs that go
ción con las capacidades y experiencias desde
beyond their scope of action and thus they can
distintas disciplinas para materializar una solución explore solution opportunities for their clients.
robusta. Hoy esta compañía puede replicar su so- This is an invitation for traditional suppliers to
lución y mantener una visión de mejora continua pay attention to growth possibilities and val-
ue additions beyond the conventional roads
en el tiempo.
they offer, and they can, with their experience
and knowledge, articulate the development
of innovations.
Lastly, for SAX it was fundamental to form an
inner team which combined the strong dedi-
cation with the abilities and experiences from
different fields to create a strong solution. To-
day this company has the ability of reproducing
their solution and keeping an improvement vi-
sion that can continue through time.
Reiner Breuer
Gerente Comercial
+56 32 2660420
Avenida Libertad 1348, oficina 1002
Viña del Mar - Chile
Aplik es una empresa especializada en el Uno de sus primeros desarrollos fue una apli-
desarrollo e implementación de productos cación de visión artificial para la inspección
y servicios relacionados con tecnologías de de cátodos de cobre, con el apoyo de BHP, la
visión artificial, control automático, robótica, que se implementó en las tres operaciones
data mining y modelamiento. Fue formada de la compañía: Cerro Colorado, Spence y
el año 2001 por Reiner Breuer, Víctor Lonza, Escondida. Entre sus soluciones más cono-
Daniel Serpell y Guillermo Vidal. Desde sus cidas están el Sistema predictivo para iden-
inicios ha estado conformada por especia- tificar fallas en correas transportadoras de
listas en electrónica, informática, mecánica y mineral, el Sistema de medición de calidad de
metalurgia. Esto les ha permitido identificar cátodo de cobre y el Sistema de Monitoreo
oportunidades y proponer innovaciones para y Medición de Riego en Pilas de Lixiviación.
la industria minera en los principales proce- Este último fue reconocido por BHP en 2013
sos de la cadena de valor, desde la tronadura con el Premio HSEC en la categoría seguridad,
hasta la entrega del producto al cliente final, por su contribución a reducir la exposición a
lo que se ha concretado en múltiples solu- riesgos de los operarios ante fallas de terreno
ciones de monitoreo, medición, control y y contacto con sustancias peligrosas. El certa-
predicción de fallas. men destaca anualmente a las mejores inicia-
Aplik is a company specialized in the development One of its first developments was a computer vision
and implementation of products and services relat- application for inspecting copper cathodes, with the
ed to computer vision, automatic control, robotics, support of BHP, which was implemented in the com-
data mining, and modeling. It was created in 2001 pany’s three operations: Cerro Colorado, Spence,
by Reiner Breuer, Víctor Lonza, Daniel Serpell, and and Escondida. Some of its most well-known solu-
Guillermo Vidal, and since its beginning, it has been tions include the Predictive System for Identifying
comprised of specialists in electronics, IT, mechan- Malfunctions in Mineral Conveyor Belts, the System
ics, and metallurgy. This has allowed them to identify for Measuring the Quality of Copper Cathodes, and
opportunities and propose innovations for the min- the Leaching Pad Irrigation Monitoring System. This
ing industry in the primary value chain processes, last solution was recognized by BHP in 2013 with the
from blasting to delivery of the product to the end HSEC Award in the safety category for its contribu-
customer, which has been solidified in multiple solu- tion to reducing the exposure of operators to risks
tions regarding monitoring, measuring, control, and involving on-site malfunctions and contact with haz-
predicting malfunctions. ardous materials. The contest grants annual awards
to the best initiatives implemented in the company’s
tivas implementadas en las operaciones de la En el 2016, con el fin de dar un nuevo impul-
compañía a nivel global en salud, seguridad, so comercial y de negocio, Aplik realizó una
medio ambiente y comunidades. reestructuración en la cual Daniel Serpell
Desde 2011 han participado en el Programa asumió como gerente técnico y Reiner Breu-
de Proveedores de Clase Mundial impulsado er como gerente comercial. Ambos tomaron
por BHP a través de múltiples desafíos como las responsabilidades de la Gerencia General
el monitoreo de riego de pilas, el monitoreo de la empresa. Separar las áreas técnicas y
estructural de pica-roca en Minera Spence, comerciales les ha servido para mantener
el aumento de vida útil de cable de palas el foco en sus departamentos y construir
eléctricas y alineación automática de correas nuevas alianzas con empresas como TTM,
de alimentación en Minera Escondida. líder nacional en suministro y mantenimiento
de correas transportadoras, con presencia
Ser parte de este programa les ha permiti-
en prácticamente todas las faenas mineras
do contar con apoyo para la investigación y
nacionales; Geotechnos, especialista en so-
protección intelectual, además de acelerar
luciones de geotecnia para la minería; Verne,
el proceso de desarrollo de las soluciones y
proveedores de equipos, insumos y servicios
lograr mayor visibilidad al interior de estas
Una pila de lixiviación es donde ocurre el proceso hidro-
metalúrgico que permite obtener el cobre de los minera-
les oxidados que lo contienen, aplicando una disolución
de ácido sulfúrico y agua. Este proceso se basa en que
el cobre contenido en las especies mineralógicas es sen-
sible al ataque de soluciones ácidas, lo que posibilita su
decantación y posterior recuperación.
A leaching heap is where the hydro-metallurgical generation of ponds and channels, pressure varia-
process occurs that allows copper to be obtained tions, and damages to the irrigation system which
from the oxide minerals that contain it, by applying translates into the presence of areas that have not
a solution of sulfuric acid and water. Since copper been irrigated. Therefore, for mining companies to
contained in the mineralogical species is suscepti- increase the metallurgical efficiency of the leaching
ble to an attack from acidic solutions, which makes heaps, it is necessary to monitor and manage these
its settling and subsequent recovery possible, this operational variables in a timely manner to maximize
process is possible. copper extraction.
Proper operation and maintenance of a leaching A leaching heap can have an area between 60 and
heap are complex processes that involve a num- 130 hectares, which is the equivalent of a plot mea-
ber of operational variables that need to be con- suring 300 meters in width by 2000 to 4300 meters
trolled: inventory of solutions, even distribution of in length. Put in simpler terms, a heap may contain
irrigation on the surface of the heap, variations of between 70 and 160 soccer fields all together. The
the water table, among other things. Within the height of the material must also be considered,
irrigation process, these factors change over time which is approximately 8 meters. Therefore, con-
according to the metallurgical requirements of the trolling, understanding, and measuring what hap-
treated mineral, deterioration of the mineral and pens in these expansive spaces of mineral becomes
forma en una tarea costosa, peligrosa y difícil reparación del sistema lo que, sumado al alto
de realizar para una o varias personas. riesgo de accidentes, hace que este proceso
pueden ocurrir en una pila de lixiviación, Otro problema en las pilas de lixiviación es
la forma usual para monitorearla es con que el exceso de riego en áreas específicas
operadores que inspeccionan en terreno puede producir derrumbes dentro de la pila,
su funcionamiento y reparan las fallas del lo que representa un foco de riesgo tanto
sistema. Esta inspección consiste en caminar para las personas como para los activos de
sobre y alrededor de las pilas para identifi- la empresa. Si un operador pasa por una
car áreas con exceso o deficiencia de riego, de estas zonas, donde puede producirse un
como también problemas en el sistema de derrumbe, está expuesto a un riesgo que
regadío, lo que dificulta determinar en corto podría llegar a ser fatal. Por esta razón, se
tiempo problemas y acciones correctivas. hace necesario contar con un mecanismo
Adicionalmente, se dedican muchas horas de que abarque la pila en toda su extensión y
trabajo de los operadores para realizar esta visualice lo que está ocurriendo en el pro-
inspección versus el tiempo destinado a la ceso de riego y la estabilidad del terreno, de
Considerando lo crítico que resulta el control inspección automático, remoto y no invasivo.
operacional de una pila de lixiviación, tanto La solución desarrollada por Aplik permite
para la productividad de la operación como monitorear la superficie de la pila de lixivia-
para la seguridad de sus operarios, el área ción y determinar, en tiempo real y automáti-
de lixiviación de Minera Spence planteó el camente, la calidad y distribución del regado,
requerimiento de mejorar el proceso de riego detectar apozamientos y zonas secas, cana-
y disminuir la exposición a situaciones de ries- lizaciones, zonas de baja presión en el riego,
go durante su monitoreo. Es así como Aplik, filtraciones, roturas de tuberías, aspersores
el año 2010, inició el desarrollo del Sistema caídos o fallas en el sistema de goteros. De
de Monitoreo y Medición del Riego en Pilas esta forma, contribuye a reducir la variabi-
de Lixiviación, el cual desde el año 2013 se lidad en la calidad de riego del proceso de
encuentra completamente operativo. lixiviación, ya que entrega información cuan-
Los requerimientos técnicos planteados titativa del estado de la pila para tomar en el
por BHP fueron disponer de un sistema de menor tiempo posible decisiones operativas
minutes, and it generates a map with the status of irrigation and failures. A second, visible-light camera enables
the operator to inspect the heap manually, which complements the automatic scanning. The data obtained
automatically by the system and the comments of the operators are recorded in an online system to be able to
access the entire history of the heap since its formation, stockpiling, and up until its closing. This historic record
determines trends in the quality of the irrigation and identifies collapses, which has an effect by reducing the
loss of solution and work-related accidents. Using these instruments, it is possible to measure what is occurring
with irrigation and the form of the leaching heap, without interruptions for 24 hours a day, as well as estimate
the humidity of the land through changes in its chromatic and temperature-related characteristics. This way, it
is possible to know how efficient irrigation is for extracting copper from the heap.
The analysis and processing system interprets the images, and then through mathematical algorithms it deter-
de software de visualización y análisis con las 1 Aumentar la calidad de riego de las pi-
funcionalidades para comunicarse con otros las de lixiviación y, con ello, incrementar
sistemas complementarios como, por ejemplo, la eficiencia metalúrgica.
Osisoft PI System para la gestión y control 2 Entregar información cuantitativa para
de plantas, lo que hace posible integrar la la toma de decisiones oportunas.
3 Ofrecer inspecciones remotas no invasivas.
información en las distintas etapas del pro-
ceso de lixiviación, extracción por solvente y 4 Reducir riesgos para los operadores de
electroobtención. Esto facilita la integración e las pilas.
interoperabilidad de la faena minera y permi- 5 Disminuir la pérdida de solución
te tomar decisiones que busquen el óptimo líquida para lixiviar.
global de toda la cadena de valor productiva. 6 Reducir los riesgos de derrumbes en
En resumen, Aplik ha identificado las siguien- las pilas.
2 5
información Disminuir la
pérdida de
cuantitativa para
la toma de
Principales solución
líquida para
ventajas que lixiviar.
ofrece el sistema
Aumentar la
de Aplik. 6
calidad de riego
de las pilas de Reducir los
lixiviación y, con riesgos de
ello, incremen- derrumbes en
tar la eficiencia las pilas.
Mantener un historial de
la pila para establecer
tendencias de riego y
posibles puntos de
makes it possible to integrate the information in different stages of the leaching process, extraction with sol-
vent, and electrowinning. This facilitates the integration and interoperability of the mining project and allows
decisions to be made that aim for overall optimization throughout the productive value chain.
In short, Aplik has identified the following advantages of their Monitoring System:
1. Increase the quality of irrigation of the leaching heaps, thereby increasing metallurgical efficiency.
2. Provide quantitative information to make timely decisions.
3. Offer remote, non-invasive inspections.
4. Reduce risks to the operators of the heaps.
5. Decrease the loss of liquid solution for leaching.
6. Lower the risk of collapses in the heaps.
7. Maintain a record of the heap to determine irrigation trends and possible collapse points.
- F A C I L I TA D O R E S Y B A R R E R A S
Aplik ha enfocado sus desarrollos de solu- qué patentes hay disponibles al respecto.
ciones tecnológicas en facilitar la entrega de Posteriormente elabora una propuesta con
información relevante a través del monitoreo, una solución a sus clientes, la cual, una vez
medición, control de procesos y predicción aprobada, lleva al diseño conceptual de la
de fallas en las distintas etapas de la cadena solución. Luego sigue el desarrollo de la
de valor de la industria minera. Sus clientes ingeniería básica y de detalles para pasar a la
pueden entender lo que ocurre y así tomar construcción de un piloto, el cual considera la
decisiones operacionales en el momento y instalación y posterior mantenimiento, imple-
con los antecedentes adecuados. mentación y acompañamiento por parte de
Aplik en la operación. De esta forma, asegu-
En términos generales, su proceso de in-
ran que la solución genere el valor esperado.
novación formalmente declarado comienza
junto con el cliente en el levantamiento de Después del piloto, Aplik realiza el empaque-
problemas y posibilidades de mejora. Basa- tamiento tecnológico de la solución y define
do en esto, Aplik investiga qué existe en el cómo comercializarla e implementarla de
mercado para resolver esas necesidades y manera sistemática. Junto con esto, establece
monitoring, the research on the technology for the optical and thermographic cameras, as well as the computer
vision systems, contributed directly to the quality and application of the solution.
With the aim of fully understanding the monitoring problems in the leaching heaps, how the tasks related to this
process were being carried out in the field, and the vision and suggestions of the workers at Minera Spence, Aplik
took part in this operation for one year. This was possible due to the positive experience it had previously had at
Spence. Thus, they were able to learn in detail about the management process of a leaching heap, the behavior,
installation, maintenance, and how the cycle ends. Thanks to the client’s participation, a greater degree of in-
volvement was observed among the people who were part of the work teams. This allowed them to understand
the experience and acquire knowledge on the leaching process at Minera Spence. Based on this collaborative
work, an environment of trust was created so that Aplik could contribute its knowledge in robotics, cameras, and
computer vision software, among other things.
Being a local supplier is an opportunity that Aplik has aimed to capitalize on. This includes everything from de-
tecting and providing timely solutions for equipment failures, to maintaining an ongoing presence in the mining
sites and with their clients. As such, they are able to offer a service with greater added value that is more com-
petitive than an international supplier.
Receiving international recognition from BHP allowed them to become known and offer their Monitoring Solu-
tion for Leaching Pad Irrigation to other operations in the company. Furthermore, it confirmed the develop-
ment achieved was not only novel in Chile, but also at the international level. The HSEC Award from BHP, along
with initiatives such as the World Class Suppliers Program, have allowed Aplik to build and offer innovative
solutions for specific challenges declared by mining companies. Entry barriers have also gone down for smaller
supplier companies that are technologically competitive.
In addition, they can identify certain key factors that promote the development of innovation. One of these fac-
tors is one in which the clients have prioritized their challenges. In the case of Minera Spence, the fact that they
declared their production and safety problems in detail allowed work to be done more effectively. It was clearly
expressed here which processes needed to achieve greater productivity and competitiveness. The second fac-
tor is the constant support the client gives the supplier to be able to take the leap and create valuable solutions
for them and the mining industry. In the case of Minera Spence, Aplik was able to measure, test, and validate its
heap monitoring solution, and therefore they advanced more swiftly in structuring the solution. The last factor
refers to the fact that BHP provided them with a technical and coordinating team at Minera Spence, which
allowed Aplik to constantly be aware of their performance, weak areas, and to define actions to improve them.
Nevertheless, the company has also run into obstacles. Considering the price cycles of the mining industry,
Aplik decided to have a limited organizational structure. Therefore, it has had difficulty throughout its history
with earning the trust and corporate endorsement of mining companies, given that these companies prefer
large suppliers with financial backing that guarantees the proper development of the project. From an opera-
tional standpoint, mining companies focus their efforts on fulfilling their production goals. As such, whenever
there is an innovative solution that needs to be validated, and is not a critical line of operation, it has a very low
priority, which hinders making progress with innovation. This is what has happened to the Leaching Pad Irriga-
tion Monitoring System with other mining operations, where it is required to demonstrate that the solution is
operational for the activity, and that it adds value, before being implemented.
In addition, there are mining companies that do not have an open innovation model like BHP that facilitates
collaborative work between mines and suppliers, which makes it more expensive and difficult for companies
such as Aplik to be able to test out, demonstrate, and offer solutions that add value. This relationship between
mines and suppliers is what allows the challenges to be defined jointly that will be addressed, thereby creating
the synergies needed for the development of innovative solutions.
Aplik es una empresa que, desde su creación a cabo según las recomendaciones de los
en el año 2001, es consciente del problema metalurgistas a cargo del proceso. Una vez
de productividad que enfrenta la industria implementada la solución de monitoreo desa-
minera. Durante su historia ha puesto a rrollada por Aplik, y al cabo de seis meses del
disposición del mercado minero un conjunto piloto, se logró mejorar la cobertura del riego
de soluciones que impactan positivamen- de forma significativa. Este incremento de
te la productividad de las compañías. Ellas desempeño permitió extraer más eficiente-
han estado orientadas a capturar los datos mente el cobre disponible en las pilas, lo que
necesarios y de alto valor que ayuden a la aumentó su capacidad productiva. Una de las
oportuna toma de decisiones operacionales razones de esta mejora se relaciona con que
de sus clientes. los operadores pudieron orientar su trabajo a
En la solución de monitoreo de pilas de lixi- corregir las áreas de falla de las pilas más que
viación en Minera Spence se detectó que con dedicar tiempo a su inspección.
la inspección tradicional el riego no se llevaba
The operational benefits identified by the mining companies are being able to perform measurements 24
hours a day, 7 days a week, having an automatic alarm system, having a historical record of behavior along with
images of the leaching heap and accessing automated reports and their sub-sections. Between the operation-
al and productive results, it is recognized that the system detects irrigation operational failures in the heaps
over 90% of the time, and the irrigation optimization achieved through this system can deliver increases in
production. Likewise, health and safety benefits are linked to a reduction in people passing through the heap,
improvement of the safety of inspectors and a decrease in exposure to risks associated with work done on
the heaps, such as land flaws, exposure to acid and UV rays, contact with hazardous materials, and landslides.
Software para la Gran Minería
Carlo Calderón
Gerente de Innovación
+56 2 29539522
Av. Del Valle 787 piso 6
Ciudad Empresarial, Santiago - Chile
TIMining se creó el año 2011, producto de un Hasta ese momento, 3D Mining era una
joint venture entre dos empresas chilenas: 3D empresa de desarrollo de software para la
Mining y E-Mining Technology. Sin embargo, la minería. A partir de los resultados alcanzados
historia de la compañía comenzó a escribirse y motivados por enfrentar proyectos técnica-
desde el 2000, cuando Carlo Calderón, fun- mente más desafiantes, se unieron con E-Mi-
dador de 3D Mining, desarrolló por 7 años un ning para crear TIMining, transformándose
software de visualización en 3D y monitoreo en una empresa con un equipo multidiscipli-
de sensores para el área geomecánica de la nario que combinó la experiencia técnica en
División El Teniente de Codelco. Los estudios el desarrollo de software y en geomecánica.
y pruebas fueron desarrollados en el IM2 de Hoy diseñan y construyen soluciones digitales
Codelco y el Centro de Modelamiento Mate- sustentables y replicables para la industria
mático de la Universidad de Chile. minera nacional e internacional.
Por otro lado, Nolberto Contador, de E-Mining TIMining significa Tecnología e Innovación en
Technology, contaba con una vasta experien- Minería y una de las primeras soluciones in-
cia en geomecánica e interés por desarrollar novadoras que desarrollaron como empresa
un software en esta área. El año 2008 conoce el año 2011 fue Aris, la cual permite conocer
a Carlo Calderón y subcontrata a 3D Mining lo que ocurre geomecánicamente en una
con la misión de elaborar una herramienta operación minera. Desde entonces, cuenta
de monitoreo geotécnico para Minera Los con clientes como División El Teniente y Mi-
Pelambres. El desafío era implementar las nistro Hales de Codelco, Minera Escondida de
ideas y soluciones desarrolladas por E-Mining, BHP Billiton, Los Pelambres de Antofagasta
utilizando la tecnología de 3D Mining para el Minerals y Doña Inés de Collahuasi.
monitoreo de la operación a cielo abierto.
Fotografía Codelco Chile
TIMining was founded in 2011 as the result of a Up to that moment, 3D Mining had been a software
joint venture between two Chilean companies: 3D development company for the mining industry. Due
Mining and E-Mining Technology. However, the to the obtained results, and because they were mo-
company’s history began to write itself starting in tivated to tackle projects that were more technically
2000 when Carlo Calderón, founder of 3D Mining, challenging, they joined E-Mining to create TIMining.
developed a 3D visualization and sensor monitoring They became a company with a multidisciplinary
software during 7 years for the geomechanics area team combining technical experience in the devel-
of the El Teniente Division of Codelco. The studies opment of software and in geomechanics. Today,
and tests were performed in the IM2 of Codelco they design and build sustainable and replicable
and the Center for Mathematical Modeling of the digital solutions for the national and international
University of Chile. mining industries.
In addition, Nolberto Contador of E-Mining Technol- TIMining stands for Technology and Innovation in
ogy had vast experience in geomechanics and inter- Mining, and one of the first innovative solutions they
est in developing software in this area. In 2008, he developed as a company in 2011 was Aris, which
met Carlo Calderón and subcontracted 3D mining permits understanding of what is occurring from a
to create a geotechnical monitoring tool for Minera geo-mechanical standpoint in a mining operation.
Los Pelambres. The challenge was to implement Ever since then, they have had clients such as the El
ideas and solutions developed by E-Mining while Teniente Division and Ministro Hales from Codelco,
using the 3D Mining technology for monitoring the Minera Escondida from BHP Billiton, Los Pelambres from
open-pit operation. Antofagasta Minerals, and Doña Inés from Collahuasi.
Las faenas mineras, a medida que aumentan su tiempo
de operación y crecimiento, se ven sometidas a cambios
en su forma y estructura que, a pesar de ser conside-
rados en sus diseños y construcciones, requieren ser
monitoreados y modelados con precisión para evitar
situaciones catastróficas. En especial cuando la faena se
hace más profunda y compleja. Experiencias vividas en
el derrumbe de la mina San José el año 2010 y el des-
lizamiento de talud de la operación Bingham Canyon,
perteneciente a Kennecott Utah Copper el 2013, son una
muestra del impacto que puede tener en una operación
minera el no contar con mecanismos que eviten este tipo
de desastres. Por esto, se hace necesario entender mejor
la estabilidad y estructura del macizo rocoso.
Fotografía Codelco Chile
As mining projects increase their operation time To do this, there are tools and instruments with high
and growth, they are subject to changes in their pressure levels, such as topographic stations, ex-
form and structure, which, despite having been tensometers, prisms, and radars delivering informa-
considered in their designs and construction, need tion regarding the changes in form and forces ex-
to be monitored and modeled with precision to ercised on the different structures. Using this data,
avoid catastrophic situations. This is particularly it can be better analyzed and understood what is
true when the mine is deeper and more complex. occurring in the mass in terms of morphology and
The experiences from the collapse of the San José geomechanics. In this manner, changes in the form
mine in 2010 and the embankment slide of the and forces, the levels of risk of land changes, and
Bingham Canyon operation of Kennecott Utah Cop- the planning and operational continuity of the mine
per in 2013 are examples of the impact that can be can be measured, managed, and controlled under
had on a mining operation if there are not mecha- the leadership of a geotechnical team monitoring
nisms in place to avoid these types of disasters. This slopes 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
makes it essential to understand the stability and
structure of the rock mass better.
Una estrategia utilizada para ser más A finales de la década del 2000, el mayor
productivos y aprovechar el mineral dispo- esfuerzo de las áreas de Geotecnia se
nible en las operaciones mineras de cielo concentraba en recopilar y fusionar toda
abierto es operar con taludes o paredes con la información manualmente desde los
un mayor ángulo de inclinación. A mayor distintos sensores e instrumentos, incluidos
pendiente, más posibilidades de extracción los radares. Había una necesidad crecien-
de mineral. Sin embargo, el terreno se hace te de operar de forma más automatizada,
más inestable y, producto de la actividad de integrada y comprensiva, con el objetivo de
tronadura y extracción, se pueden provo- tener un mayor control en tiempo real de los
car desprendimientos o derrumbes. Es por riesgos geotécnicos. Sin embargo, el foco de
esto que el área de Geotecnia es responsa- cada uno de los proveedores de instrumen-
ble de vigilar el estado geomecánico de la tación estaba en medir y proveer de manera
operación, coordinar el trabajo con el área precisa los datos levantados a través de sus
de mina, identificar situaciones de riesgo y equipos, lo que dificultaba el trabajo de los
tomar medidas de prevención y mitigación. especialistas geotécnicos para interpretar y
Fotografía Codelco Chile
Varias operaciones han declarado su
sistema integrado de monitoreo
geotécnico como línea crítica.
Aris es una plataforma digital que permite al necesidad es la que busca resolver TIMining
área de Geotecnia de una operación minera con su solución Aris.
contar con información periódica, en línea, au- Una de las ventajas de Aris es que es total-
tomatizada e integrada de todo lo que ocurre mente independiente de los proveedores
en la faena desde el punto de vista del com- de instrumentos y sensores. Tras levantar
portamiento físico y mecánico de su infraes- los protocolos, formatos de información,
tructura, incluidos los taludes. De este modo, experiencia con el usuario y mecanismos de
contribuye a una mejor gestión del riesgo almacenamiento de cada sistema durante
y, por lo tanto, a la continuidad operacional varios años, esta solución se ha abierto paso
de un sitio minero. A través de la integración a incorporar la información de cada uno.
de un conjunto de fuentes de información y A través del diseño de una interfaz resuel-
datos, permite a sus usuarios monitorear y ve los problemas de compatibilidad entre
comprender con mayor exactitud la situación distintos sistemas, manteniendo un nivel
geomecánica, con el objetivo de facilitar la de independencia de los proveedores de
toma de decisiones de extracción y produc- instrumentación. Esto les permite ofrecer
ción de manera más precisa e informada. una solución compatible e interoperable
En la medida que se pueden levantar e inte- con las principales empresas de información
grar más fuentes de instrumentos y sensores, geotécnica.
mejor comprensión se tiene del estado de la El sistema es capaz de conectarse con la
infraestructura y macizo de una operación. El base de datos de cada proveedor y desple-
desafío es poder integrar y desplegar la infor- gar en un mapa tridimensional la ubicación
mación consolidada de manera clara, tenien- de los prismas, toda la topografía, y obtener
do en cuenta que esta proviene de distintos desde un radar los cambios de forma de
proveedores y tecnologías de medición. Esta un terreno en cada instante, además de
Fotografía TIMining / Esquema de visualización holográfica del software Aris a través de HoloLens
Aris is a digital platform allowing the Geotechnical area of a mining operation to rely on periodic, online, auto-
mated, and integrated information on everything that is occurring in the mine from a standpoint of physical and
mechanical behavior of its infrastructure, including the slopes. As such, it contributes to better management of
risk, and, therefore, to the operational continuity of a mining site. Through the integration of multiple sources
of information and data, its users can monitor and understand the geo-mechanical situation with greater preci-
sion to facilitate decision-making regarding extraction and production in a more precise and informed manner.
Inasmuch as more sources of instruments and sensors can be collected and integrated, the better the under-
standing will be of the status of the infrastructure and mass of operation. The challenge is to integrate and
provide consolidated information clearly, considering that it comes from different suppliers and measurement
technology. TIMining seeks to resolve this need with its Aris solution.
One of the advantages of Aris is that it is entirely independent from the suppliers of instruments and sensors.
Having established protocols, information formats, experience with the user and storage mechanisms for each
system for various years, this solution has opened up opportunities for incorporating information from each
one. It resolves the compatibility problems between different systems via the design of an interface.This main-
tains a level of independence from suppliers of the instrumentation and allows it to offer a compatible and
interoperable solution with the primary geotechnical information companies.
The system can connect with each supplier’s database and deploy the prisms and all topography on a 3-dimen-
sional map and obtain the changes in the form of the land from a radar at each moment, as well as information
captured from satellites. The combination of these functions facilitates understanding the physical evolution
la información capturada desde satélites. reo físico y mecánico de otros recursos mine-
La combinación de estas funciones facilita ros como tranques, botaderos y pilas, lo que
la comprensión de la evolución física de las puede contribuir a satisfacer necesidades de
estructuras al considerar su situación actual, otras industrias de recursos naturales.
los planes futuros de explotación minera, Además de integrar la información de dis-
e integrarlo con cámaras que muestran en tintos sensores e instrumentos, es relevante
tiempo real lo que ocurre en la operación. desplegar y conocer el contexto en donde se
El equipo de TIMining, con experiencia en encuentran esos equipos y cuál es el impacto
minería y desarrollo de software, ha cons- potencial que puede tener en la producción
truido una solución capaz de monitorear las y continuidad operativa. Por esta razón, Aris
operaciones mineras más grandes y com- tiene la capacidad de incorporar la informa-
plejas a escala mundial. Sus características ción de ubicación de explotación de equipos
de modularidad, flexibilidad de integración y móviles, como palas perforadoras, lo que
compatibilidad se pueden aplicar al monito- permite determinar si hay una condición de
of the structures by considering their current
situation, future of mining activity and inte-
grating it with cameras showing what is hap-
pening in the operation in real time.
- F A C I L I TA D O R E S Y B A R R E R A S
Fotografía TIMining / Visualización geoespacial
TIMining uses the same development process for its different systems and platforms. This begins by thoroughly
understanding the client’s problem. Even though Aris originated as a geo-mechanical monitoring solution for
the El Teniente Division of Codelco, it was consolidated based on the need of E-Mining to monitor pits.
The initial stage of thoroughly understanding the problem is done through the active participation of TIMining
and the client. This involvement continues in the quick development of a prototype to simplify the problem and
solution. Next, the hypotheses and effectiveness of the first solution are tested and validated with users. In the
specific case of Aris, the first user was Minera Los Pelambres. According to the clients’ needs that arise, and
the availability of new measurement information, key features are gradually added to the set of measurements
performed in the field, such as collecting information from topographic monitoring and the integration of sen-
sors, like the extensometers.
After this, with the capacities generated at TIMining in software development and mining knowledge, specifically
geomechanics, primary instrumentation models have been added, including the systems for measuring prisms
strategically installed on the banks of the mine, and which are recorded by topographic equipment to deliver
information on each location. Furthermore, they incorporated the block and geotechnical model with their
respective readings, allowing all geometry of the mining operation to be depicted.
The most recent feature of this solution is the incorporation of the operation from the standpoint of the loca-
Fotografía TIMining / Ventana del Software
tion and place of use of the mobile mining equip- structuring of an area of Business Development is in
ment. They added shovels, drills and all the sensors line with this. In addition, they have de-constructed
associated with these. The degree of exposure to Aris into specific modules for creating incentives for
risk in the operation can be understood in this man- new features focused on the areas of greatest inter-
ner, by identifying if there is instability of the land, est for their clients.
with the purpose of avoiding placing people, equip- TIMining has relied on the Chilean Economic Devel-
ment, and the mining plan at risk. opment Agency´s support (CORFO) in the develop-
Since 2016, TIMining has worked on going from be- ment of their technological solutions. Through a con-
ing a specialized software development company to sulting company they applied for and were awarded
be a supplier developing innovative products with funding from the Innovation Portfolio Management
high potential for use and growth. To do this, they Fund. This has allowed them to focus their initiatives
have carried out several organizational actions and on innovation, align them with the company’s strate-
changes in processes that move in that direction. gy, and define priority areas.
The appointment of a new general manager and the Resulting from this definition, they applied for and re-
cual les proporcionó recursos para armar una operación como Minera Los Pelambres.
por primera vez un equipo de trabajo con Sin embargo, un elemento significativo en su
las capacidades técnicas y enfoque para el consolidación como solución, es el apoyo en
desarrollo de un problema específico. Más el desarrollo de capacidades locales que ha
recientemente, se adjudicaron el apoyo a un realizado Collahuasi.
proyecto del Programa Catapult(a) de CORFO Asimismo, con el Centro de Modelamiento
para la internacionalización de una de sus Matemático de la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas
soluciones. Actualmente evalúan nuevas y Matemáticas de la Universidad de Chile,
opciones de postulación a fondos públicos han utilizado el monitoreo para entender
con Aris. y estudiar el comportamiento de colapsos
Paralelamente, con la idea de potenciar su y estallidos de roca, lo que les ha servido
crecimiento y expansión comercial, TIMining para comprender mejor la importancia del
ha incursionado en el levantamiento de fon- monitoreo y análisis para la operación y de
dos privados. Aun cuando no se han incorpo- modelos geomecánicos.
rado nuevos socios, ha sido un aprendizaje
Sin embargo, la interacción que han tenido
para la empresa focalizar sus desarrollos y
con los especialistas geotécnicos de ambas
recursos, junto con comprender que este
mineras y de E-Mining, ha sido el factor dife-
proceso no es inmediato y debe ser muy bien
renciador para permanecer y crecer. Realizar
cambios e incorporar nuevas funcionalidades
Entender e involucrarse en profundidad con de manera ágil y eficiente, basados en la
el problema, para luego definir y construir retroalimentación que le dan sus usuarios,
una solución que sea simple de utilizar por el les ha permitido agregar y capturar valor más
usuario, le permitió a TIMining abordar el pri- rápido y, al mismo tiempo, desarrollar una
mer desafío de monitoreo topográfico con la relación con sus clientes que facilita nuevas
División El Teniente de Codelco, el cual les fa- mejoras.
cilitó la posibilidad de ofrecer una solución a
Fotografía Codelco Chile / División El Teniente
ceived aid from the Validation and Packaging Fund, them with the possibility of offering a solution to an
which granted them resources for putting together operation like Minera Los Pelambres. However, a sig-
a work team for the first time with technical capac- nificant element in consolidating the solution is the
ities and a focus for the development of a specific support in the development of local capacities pro-
problem. Even more recently, they were awarded vided by Collahuasi.
aid from a project of the Catapult Program from Likewise, with the Center for Mathematical Modeling
CORFO to globalize one of their solutions. They are of the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics
currently evaluating new options for applying for of the University of Chile, they have used monitoring
public funds with Aris. to understand and study the behavior of collapses
At the same time, and with the idea of increasing and rock bursting, which has helped them to better
growth and commercial expansion, TIMining has in- understand the importance of monitoring and anal-
vestigated gathering private funds. Even when new ysis for the operation and geo-mechanical models.
partners have not been incorporated, it has been a Nevertheless, the interactions they have had with
lesson for the company to focus their developments geotechnical specialists in both mines and E-Mining
and resources, along with understanding that this has been the differentiating factor in remaining and
process is not immediate, and it must properly prepared. growing. Implementing changes and incorporating
Understanding and participating thoroughly in new features swiftly and efficiently based on the
the problem, and then defining and building a us- feedback provided by their users has allowed them
er-friendly solution, allowed TIMining to address to add and capture value quicker, and, at the same
the first challenge of topographic monitoring with time, develop a relationship with their clients which
the El Teniente Division of Codelco, which provided facilitates new improvements.
As they built new features and the geotechni-
cal mining market matured, the adoption of
Aris became quicker. Especially when incorpo-
rating the protocols and formats from more
suppliers of instruments and sensors, each
client benefited from more sources of infor-
mation without additional costs.
possible. In addition, a greater offering of solutions mation from different sensors in just one platform
appears, making it more confusing for the client to added value. This was achieved through developing
distinguish between specialized suppliers and those and working with clients having a high cost of inte-
that are not specialized. By contrast, when the price grating geotechnical information, and thought that,
of copper drops considerably, available resources along with automating and monitoring the process,
and costs focus on the most relevant activities in the it was also necessary to have the capacity to analyze
mining value chain, and, therefore, funding activities the available information in an integrated manner to
that do not seem to be essential are put on hold. be able to be more predictive and efficient in their
On the other hand, TIMining has identified that en-
tering a new mining operation is facilitated through On the other hand, when the first step is to thor-
the incorporation of a geotechnical specialist who oughly understand the problem, it becomes difficult
has worked previously with Aris. to determine what the solution, resources, and re-
However, the company has also overcome various quired efforts are going to be. This has a direct im-
obstacles to develop its innovation. One of the first pact on clearly establishing the costs and periods of
obstacles to sidestep was to convince and show development, which leads the company developing
the geotechnical area that the integration of infor- the solution to carry out the project internally.
Fotografía Codelco Chile
Among the difficulties inherent in the processes for entering mining companies, it is observed that, in many
cases, the people who need innovative solutions within the operations do not understand nor have the mech-
anisms facilitating the obtainment of innovation. Furthermore, there are difficulties related with maintaining
services with current clients, especially when there is a change in personnel on the mining team. According to
TIMining, this requires allocating resources and additional time to demonstrating and convincing the new geo-
technical specialists of the value of the solution, again.
Likewise, TIMining has found leaders on the mining company teams who are not used to buying Chilean tech-
nology. The factor of being an international brand becomes a relevant element when investing. This makes it
difficult for Chilean companies to add value for these clients, even if they offer effective solutions, local support,
and a periodic presence for a better operation. What should take precedence when selecting a supplier should
be a focus on quality and a superior cost/benefit ratio of the solution, not on whether the local supplier offers
a lower price.
In some cases, mining companies implement purchasing procedures leading them to justify the supplier as
unique to their innovation, which is a situation difficult to argue with. These types of situations have had an
impact on TIMining to such an extent that they had to wait two years in one operation just to wrap up the as-
sessment process.
Being able to systematically rely on relevant and in- The levels of production can be substantially in-
tegrated information on the status of the rock mass creased if it is feasible to optimize and increase the
allows for a process, observation practices, and a di- angle of operation of the slope of the mine. For this,
agnostic assessment to be established. Well-found- it is essential to always bear in mind that the level of
ed and appropriate decisions can be made in this risk for the operation must be under control and be
manner regarding how to operate efficiently and as low as possible. Based on an analysis conducted
safely in the defined zone. Therefore, when there at the Sandsloot mine in South Africa, for each in-
is better risk management, it is possible to operate crease of one degree of an angle of the overall slope,
with more safety and guarantee greater operational approximately US $120 million in benefits are gener-
continuity. These factors directly impact through an ated, according to the study published by A.R. Byea
increase in the levels of production and productivity and F.G. Bellb in the International Journal of Rock
of the mining operation. Mechanics & Mining Sciences in 2001. Updated for
2017, this corresponds approximately to US $165
A first differentiating factor of Aris’ value proposition has to do with the simplicity of use. Along with integrating
multiple sources of information, it provides this information in an intuitive, understandable, and valuable man-
ner for the users of the mining company: area manager, superintendent, and geotechnical specialists.
Their model of business operates under the framework of user licenses and system maintenance services.
Furthermore, this model can be scaled up or down and applied to a globalized market, thereby producing a
broader impact in the industry. Although it is difficult to quantify the experience had by users when relying on
a solution that simply integrates the information and facilitates the decision-making process, it is possible to
consider the number of clients installed with a maintenance contract as an observable variable, which is cur-
rently 100%.
Their primary clients are divided into two segments. the first corresponds to the closest clients with whom there
is a high degree of interdependence and the new features are created jointly or with a high level of participation
from them. The second segment is a group of mining companies that require a more packaged and structured
solution. However, since 2017, the focus of TIMining has been on the large-scale international mining industry,
where they already have Alumbrera as a client in Argentina, and they are currently opening business opportu-
nities in Peru with the assistance of ProChile and with C2 Mining as a distributor.
En base a su historia y experiencia, TIMining Desde sus inicios, TIMining ha mostrado in-
ha conformado un equipo de trabajo con ca- terés por resolver problemas desafiantes de
pacidades técnicas orientadas a sus clientes. la industria minera, lo que les ha permitido
Han sabido combinar profesionales con un desarrollar múltiples soluciones. Sin embar-
alto nivel de especialización en la indus- go, para construir una empresa, se requie-
tria minera con expertos en desarrollo de re poner atención en servicios que sean
software. La empresa promueve e invierte replicables, comercializables y escalables, y
en la formación y el aprendizaje en terreno no desviar la atención a problemas que no
para entender mejor las necesidades de sus abren espacio a este tipo de soluciones.
clientes mineros y construir soluciones que Para poder atender a requerimientos más
resuelvan sus problemas. Además, fomentan amplios de sus clientes han desarrollado
la actualización académica de sus funciona- alianzas con otras empresas que com-
rios para complementar la comprensión de plementan su oferta. La experiencia con
las dificultades en la minería. licitaciones donde, por ejemplo, se requerían
Innovación Digital para la Minería
Álvaro Díaz
Gerente General
+56 9 82891676
La Concepción 191, Piso 6
Providencia, Santiago - Chile
El año 2016, Loreto Acevedo, Álvaro Díaz y incluyó entrevistas con varias compañías
Álvaro Roselló crearon INDIMIN a partir de mineras nacionales e internacionales. A
la combinación de tres elementos centrales partir de esto identificaron una positiva
de la historia de sus fundadores: primero, recepción y mayor interés por parte de CAP
experiencia en la industria minera; segundo, Minería. Este proceso motivó y facilitó la
el diseño, implementación y desarrollo de profundización en los problemas y oportu-
soluciones tecnológicas; y tercero, la realiza- nidades de productividad laboral existentes
ción conjunta de una tesis para un magíster en la industria minera. Además, pudieron
de innovación. La conjugación de estos an- aprender sobre tecnologías digitales, como
tecedentes, en el contexto de la crisis global data science e inteligencia artificial, para dar
de productividad de la industria minera, dio respuesta a las necesidades identificadas
origen a esta empresa dedicada a conectar con información del proceso productivo y
trabajadores con herramientas de inteligen- de sus participantes.
cia artificial para aumentar la productividad A través de su investigación lograron
en los procesos de carguío y transporte identificar el siguiente problema de produc-
minero. tividad: no se aprovechaban por completo
Antes de que se gestara esta start-up, sus las capacidades operativas de los equipos
fundadores iniciaron un proyecto de inves- mineros. Esto catalizó el surgimiento de
tigación para la tesis de su magíster que INDIMIN como compañía el mismo año
Loreto Acevedo, Álvaro Díaz and Álvaro Roselló which included interviewing several national and in-
founded INDIMIN in 2016 combining three key el- ternational mining companies. From this they identi-
ements of the history of its founders: first, experi- fied a positive reception and growing interest from
ence in the mining industry; second, the design, CAP Minería. This process motivated and facilitated
implementation and development of technological looking into labor productivity problems and oppor-
solutions; and third, the three of them attended a tunities present in the mining industry. Additionally,
joined master’s thesis on Innovation. The mixture they were able to learn about digital technologies,
of this background information, in the context of such a data science and AI, to meet the needs iden-
a global crisis in the mining industry’s productivity, tified with information from the productive process
gave place to this company dedicated in connecting and its participants.
employees with AI tools to rise productivity in load- With their investigation they were able to identify
ing and mining transportation processes. the following productivity problem: The operative
Before this start-up was born, its founders started capacities of the mining teams were not fully ex-
an investigation project for their master’s thesis, ploited. This prompted the creation of INDIMIN as a
company that same year (2016), through their first and incorporating numerous data bases, among
pilot designed along with CAP Minería for the job others. Seven people have been incorporated to IN-
site “Los Colorados.” The objective was to develop DIMIN in this process of development and launching.
a tool which could activate the productive potential INDIMIN’s missions is to dedicate itself to software
of the mining mobile equipment operators within development and the implementation and validation
the extraction process and thus rise the operation’s of its solutions with clients through a productivity
productivity. platform.
INDIMIN’s objective is to provide technology to Currently, CAP Minería’s mine Los Colorados validat-
people and empower them to improve their pro- ed the executed pilot, for that matter the software
ductivity in a sustainable manner. However, carry- implementation started, to give them a performance
ing this purpose to the mining industry has been a and orientation measurement allowing adequately
huge challenge and has had some difficulties, such drive the mobile mining equipment through their
as: to become known in several mining companies, solution called Smart Mining Coach.
managing their solutions in operations, accessing
De acuerdo a lo señalado por la Comisión era utilizar la data disponible de la operación
Chilena del Cobre (Cochilco) el año 2014, la minera. Con esta data sería posible conectar
productividad laboral en minería cayó un 20% y analizar información en tiempo real de las
respecto al año 2000, tanto en Chile como a personas y de los equipos involucrados en
nivel mundial. Esto constituye una preocupa- el proceso productivo, con el fin de obtener
ción relevante para las empresas mineras que, datos relevantes dirigidos a potenciar el des-
con el fin de revertir esta situación, iniciaron la empeño de estos recursos.
búsqueda de soluciones con foco en los pro- Las compañías mineras están conscientes
cesos, nuevas tecnologías y las personas. que cada vez es más complejo y costoso cum-
La experiencia previa en la industria, así como plir sus planes de producción. Por un lado,
en el diseño e implementación de soluciones el gerente de mina de una operación cuenta
tecnológicas, permitió que los fundadores de con información de los camiones que pueden
INDIMIN descubrieran durante el desarrollo estar sobre o sub cargados y, por otro lado, el
de su tesis de magíster que una forma efectiva gerente de mantenimiento tiene los datos so-
e innovadora de aumentar la productividad bre el cumplimiento de las pautas de manten-
Labour productivity in the mining industry
dropped 20% in comparison with 2000, in
Chile and internationally, as stated by the Chil-
ean Copper Commission (Cochilco) in 2014.
This is an important concern for the mining in-
dustries that, with the purpose of solving this
situation, started to search for a solution for
the processes, new technologies, and people.
Currently, one way of solving the fact that trucks machine. This means more than US$5 million in an-
are underused, is by rising the quantity and capac- nual investments for unplanned reparations. There
ity of the machines or by knowing how the inher- is an important breach in the skills that needs to be
ent processes of the operation are executed. This reduced and particularly, according to the informa-
means management based on the optimization of tion gathered by INDIMIN, it takes between three to
the mechanical availability of the mining actives at five years to perfectly perform when driving a mining
a reasonable and convenient cost to the company. truck. However, this data is analyzed as a group, this
means that the results on improvements would be
According to what is stated on the Road Map of
more effective if they were personal.
the Alta Ley National Mining Program of Transfor-
ma 2015-2035, “human capital is a transversal axis It was in that context that INDIMIN’s founders ad-
crossing a large part of the current and future chal- dressed the problems identified in the Road Map of
lenges of the national mining industry.” indeed, “it is the Alta Ley National Mining Program of Transforma
thought as an enabler to realize the next investment 2015-2035, related to actives and safety manage-
projects, improve the industry’s productivity and in- ment, as well as the labor productivity problem in the
corporating new technologies to mining processes loading and extraction processes. They proposed ex-
and their suppliers. Going towards an innovating ploring a solution which its focus would be on the
mining industry, largely depends on the quality and work of the mining equipment operators and their
quantity of the human capital that is available for shift managers, since they are both key participants
that purpose”. Taking into consideration the results in the daily productive process. Although nowadays
of the Labor Force Study of the Great Chilean Min- we have an extra analysis of the shifts, we don’t have
ing Industry 2014-2023 (Council of Mining Compe- the details of the results and performance of each
tences, 2014), 80% of the operators do not have employee, so it is not possible to carry out a deep
the minimum skills to drive the equipment, which analysis of this, nor defining specific actions for im-
generates over a thousand damages annually per provement.
Con el fin de resolver los problemas de productividad
asociados al comportamiento operacional de los trabajado-
res, INDIMIN desarrolló una solución que busca amplificar
la capacidad productiva de los operadores de equipos de
carga y transporte, con tecnologías digitales que capturan,
analizan y entregan información relevante a los trabajado-
res y sus jefes de turno. Para esto diseñaron y construye-
ron Smart Mining Coach, un entrenador personal digital
pensado para orientar y mejorar el manejo de los equipos
móviles mineros de manera de contribuir al aumento
productivo en las operaciones. Lo anterior consiste en
entregar herramientas digitales a las personas para que
puedan entender sus brechas productivas, visualizar su
desempeño de manera permanente e identificar aspectos
a mejorar. Además, incorpora y comparte información
complementaria del operador con su jefe de turno como
su cumpleaños, vacaciones, hijos, entre otras; lo que ayuda
a acercar de un modo más humano a los jefes de turno
con sus trabajadores, junto con adoptar un rol completo
de acompañamiento, empoderamiento y gestión de sus
equipos de trabajo.
With the purpose of solving productivity problems children, among other; which helps to bring closer
associated with the employee’s operational be- in a more humane way the shift managers and their
havior, INDIMIN developed a solution seeking to employees, along with assuming a complete role of
broaden the productive capacity of the loading and companionship, empowering and management of
transportation equipment operators, with digital their work teams.
technologies that capture, analyze and deliver rel-
Currently, gathering information and performance
evant information to the employees and their shift
of the employees, in areas such as mining opera-
managers. For this purpose, they designed and
tion as well as planning, is done through tools such
built Smart Mining Coach, a digital personal trainer
as Microsoft Excel, yet, the possibility of analysis of
to guide and improve the operation of the mobile
many variables proves to be complex and limited
mining equipment to contribute to the productive
using these types of tools. Therefore, Smart Mining
rise of the operations. The former consists on deliv-
Coach offers an alternative delivering relevant infor-
ering digital tools to people, for them to understand
mation from several sources to improve the produc-
their productive breaches better, visualize their per-
tivity in the mine. This solution incorporates the logic
formance permanently and identifying aspects to
of business, programming, and smart processing
improve. Furthermore, it incorporates and shares
algorithms of data to deploy them in a simple and
additional information of the operator with his/her
comprehensive way. The system that INDIMIN devel-
shift manager such as his/her birthday, holidays,
oped gathers information from equipment sensors,
production management software, the site’s con- tivity which makes easier the policy-making of those
ditions, Human Resources profile, among others, in charge of production and the possibility of reach-
and combines them with advanced Artificial Intel- ing periodically goals of operational excellence. For
ligence and analytical engines. Expert knowledge example, the system allows to identify operational
is gathered from mathematical models regarding losses in a dynamic form such as dropping the pro-
best practices of the operation inside the mine. The ductivity levels depending on the zone of the mine or
solution is made up of different modules that can because of an increase on the costs due to inefficien-
be acquired under a software method like service cies on transportation.
(SaaS) and it is based on the number of employees The mining companies use technologies which fre-
to be analyzed: quently address the optimal use of the actives and
Shift-Coach: Makes a digital profile of each opera- a higher performance of the loading and transporta-
tor, allowing the shift managers to deliver feedback tion equipment. INDIMIN covers these two areas and
and find improvement opportunities in a unique includes to them AI systems, by focusing the delivery
and personalized way for each of the operators in of its proposal and improvement potential on the
charge, so they can accelerate the learning and im- people that participate in the loading and transpor-
provement processes. For example, improving the tation process, i.e., the operators, shift managers and
time and placement of the truck so it can be loaded the mine managers. Thus, a human-machine combi-
by the shovel or increasing the efficiency with which nation is achieved in which the technologies serve as
the loading operators carry out their loading. assistants, help to optimize the use of resources and
improve the levels of productivity.
Mine Coach: The shift manager, the superinten-
dent or the mine manager can learn and know in Currently, Smart Mining Coach is a commercial solution
a more precise manner the people, processes and that is expanding and growing. New features and char-
actives involved in a mining site, with their own acteristics are included because of its own SaaS charac-
engines of advanced analytics. There is a constant teristics that will be developed within their service.
generation of information regarding the produc-
INDIMIN uses an iterative method of innovation, which was applied to construct its solution Smart Mining
Coach, the result of a joined work with CAP Minería. It is made up of the following stages:
1. Immersion and discovery. To obtain relevant information on their clients’ needs, empathetic inquiry meth-
ods are used to perceive the initial challenge from different ways to identify and challenge pre-conceived
notions, assumptions and points of view. By observing different alternatives and approaches, it is possible to
decrease the mistakes generated by biases. Moreover, an evaluation on the available digital information in the
work site is done, intersecting with main discoveries in this immersion stage. With this, it is possible to create
high value and unique spaces of opportunity for each work site.
2. Definition of the problem and value proposition. Due to the gathered background, the focus of the
problem is declared in a specific way and a value proposition is posed. In addition to that, continued iterations
are being done to ensure the compliance of the objectives defined as a value proposition of the tool. In the
case of Smart Mining Coach, since the focus was to improve the productivity through people, a solution was
designed with the intention of empowering certain key roles, such as shift managers, to thus rise the produc-
tive potential of the operators they are responsible for. Anthropologists and designers participated in the
process to add points of view and differentiation.
Fotografía INDIMIN
En INDIMIN el proceso de innovación se hace complementada con un precio del hierro que
de manera iterativa, continua y sistemática. descendió antes que el cobre y motivó a dar
Se considera de alta importancia fallar tem- sustentabilidad a su negocio a través de la
prano, rápido y barato para generar la mayor mejora de los costos y la agregación de valor.
cantidad de aprendizaje posible en torno a En INDIMIN reconocen lo importante que
un desafío y, de esta forma, generar solucio- resulta entender los distintos modelos de
nes tecnológicas de alto impacto al servicio innovación, junto con seleccionar el método
de las personas. Se busca visibilizar todos y los recursos adecuados para la construc-
los recursos involucrados y sus estados para ción de la solución, además de considerar
que, a partir de eso, las personas puedan el lugar y la situación particular en la que se
gestionar y tomar decisiones informadas puede aplicar. Sin esto, el proceso se hace
basadas en su experiencia y conocimiento. más complejo de manejar y de alcanzar los
La primera versión de Smart Mining Coach objetivos. El trabajo en torno a Smart Mining
fue el resultado de un trabajo de codiseño Coach fue una experiencia que les permitió
con el equipo de operaciones de Mina Los trabajar de manera estructurada el proceso
Colorados de CAP Minería. Esta operación de innovación. Es importante considerar su
fue pionera en dar a sus operadores y jefes característica iterativa, ya que, al desarrollarlo
de turno tiempo para innovar y permiso para con el cliente, pudieron hacer varios ajustes
equivocarse. Esta iniciativa nació de una defi- que contribuyeron a alcanzar los resultados
nición estratégica de CAP, en la que decidie- de productividad acordados con CAP.
ron hacer que la innovación los llevara hacia Smart Mining Coach ha requerido de compe-
adelante y que esta definición llegara hasta tencias que INDIMIN debió buscar afuera. Es
los operadores. La visión de la compañía fue así como el Centro de Innovación UC Ana-
The innovation process at INDIMIN is done in an declined before than price of copper and it motivat-
iterative manner, continuously and systematically. ed them to give sustainability to their business by im-
It is of high importance to fail early on, quickly and proving the costs and adding value.
cheap so one can generate the largest amount of At INDIMIN they recognize how important it is to
possible learning regarding a challenge and, thus, understand the different innovation models, along-
creating technological solutions with high impact fo- side selecting the adequate method and resources
cused on people. The goal is to represent all the re- to build the solution, besides considering the place
sources involved and their states, from that, people and the specific situation in which it can be applied.
can manage and make informed decisions based on Without this, the process and reaching the objectives
their experience and knowledge. becomes more difficult to handle. Working around
The first version of Smart Mining Coach was the re- Smart Mining Coach was an experience that allowed
sult of a co-designed work with the operations team them to work in a structured manner on the innova-
of Los Colorados Mine of CAP Minería. This oper- tion process. It is important to consider its iterative
ation was pioneer because it gave their operators characteristic, because once they developed it with
and shift managers time to innovate and authori- the client, they were able to do several adjustments
zation to make mistakes. This initiative was created that contributed to reach the productive results they
from CAP’s strategic definition, in which they decid- had arranged with CAP.
ed to make innovation push them forward and that Smart Mining Coach has required competences that
this definition reached the operators. The compa- INDIMIN had to search beyond their company. That
ny’s vision was supplemented with price of iron that was how the Anacleto Angelini UC Innovation Center
of the Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile opened their doors and invited them to be members of the pro-
gram “Sin Límites”, where they have worked with experts in the areas of anthropology and user experience (UX)
to review and refocus the captured and deployed information. Thus, the solution has been strengthened in a
way that costs of learning and incorporation by the users can be minimum, and they can obtain high impact
benefits in a shorter time.
At INDIMIN associativity is highly praised and is based on trust. A company that is just starting has limited access
to resources, that is why partnerships and networks have an important role in the realization of actions at a
low cost, besides strengthening the solution’s impact, by being treated in a collaborative manner. In the mining
industry, this capacity expands the offer to the client and opens more business opportunities. That was how
in 2017 they were included in the trade association Minnovex, which brings together companies that work on
product innovation and exportation, supplies and intensive services in knowledge for the mining and industrial
sector. This participation has allowed them to build relations to innovate with other companies.
On the other hand, awarding of public grant funds has facilitated its operational continuity and the validation of
From the perspective of the importance of data, ac- INDIMIN wishes to continue adding value and im-
cording to INDIMIN, in some mining operations the proving their solution. The academia is a contributor
paradigm that the only relevant matter is production that has specialized knowledge and experience, that
still exists and, therefore, information that is gener- is why at INDIMIN they have explored opportunities
ated by the systems, services, and equipment are with some research and development institutions.
less meaningful. Consequently, its management and However, the biggest difficulty they have faced in this
ownership are being delegated to the respective respect has been the intellectual property clauses
suppliers. Although this has changed through time, that inhibit the possibility of sharing the generated
the low usage of data, which does not amount to income.
more than 5%, proves that companies pay little at-
tention to understanding their processes and iden-
tifying areas to be more efficient.
Smart Mining Coach es una solución que Al seguir este proceso con más detalle, se
busca, en una primera etapa, impactar el trabajó no sólo con los sensores de la pala
proceso productivo de extracción minera de y camiones, sino que también con variables
las palas. En particular, las metas planteadas que estaban fuera de la máquina como, por
por INDIMIN con Mina Los Colorados fueron ejemplo, peso, habilidades de operadores y
mejorar en al menos 3% el tonelaje por bal- tipo de mineral. Con esto se pudo estable-
dada y disminuir 12% los tiempos de carguío, cer cuál sería la adecuada combinación que
a fin de lograr un aumento promedio de 6,5% maximiza el tonelaje extraído y minimiza las
de la producción anual. Sin embargo, para detenciones no programadas. Con el objetivo
presentar estas metas debieron construir con de mostrar un caso de negocio de impacto
el cliente una línea base que les permitiera para el cliente, todos los indicadores de
establecer de manera objetiva la situación desempeño definidos deben contar con los
previa a la implementación de la innovación. mecanismos y servicios tecnológicos que ase-
Los resultados obtenidos fueron superados guren la recepción permanente de los datos
en el piloto realizado con Los Colorados de y sus variables de medición, tanto del estado
CAP Minería y equivalen a una mejora de y desempeño de los equipos, como de los
5,1% de la eficiencia en carguío, pudiéndose operadores.
generar un beneficio anual en torno a los 2 a Junto al cumplimiento de los resultados es-
3 millones de toneladas movidas adicionales. perados por INDIMIN para el piloto, fue muy
De acuerdo a lo expresado por el gerente de relevante la satisfacción del gerente de mina
mina, ya están pasando a la fase de platafor- y, sobre todo, de los jefes de turno y opera-
ma operacional. dores respecto del uso de la solución.
Smart Mining Coach is a solution that seeks, in a first stage, to impact the productive process of mining ex-
traction of shovels. Particularly, the goals set by INDIMIN with Mine Los Colorados were to improve in at least
a 3% the tonnage by loading and decreased in 12% the loading times, to thus achieve an average rise of 6,5%
of the annual production. Nevertheless, to set these goals they had to build a base line with the client that
allowed them to establish in an objective manner the previous situation to the innovation implementation. The
results acquired were exceeded in the pilot executed with Los Colorados of CAP Minería and they correspond
to an improvement of 5,1% in the loading efficiency, so an annual benefit of approximately 2 to 3 million
tonnes that are moved additionally, is generated. According to what the mine manager said, they are entering
the operational platform stage.
By closely overseeing this process, they worked not only with the trucks and shovel sensors, but also with
variables that were outside of the machine such as weight, skills of the operators and type of minerals. With
this they were able to establish which would be the adequate combination that would maximize the extracted
tonnage and would minimize unscheduled detentions. All the defined performance indicators must have the
technological mechanisms and services that ensure the continuous reception of data and their measurement
variables, of the equipment’s state and performance as well as the operator, to thus show a business case that
has an impact for the client.
The satisfaction of the mine manager was very relevant and, above all, of the shift managers and operators in
respects to the use of the solution, alongside the fulfillment of the results expected by INDIMIN for the pilot.
La opinión recogida de parte de los operado- Energy, la cual está diseñada para entregar
res fue muy positiva, ya que ellos por primera de manera sistemática un programa de
vez recibieron comentarios objetivos y cons- recomendaciones para la reducción del uso
tructivos de manera periódica, y no solamen- de combustible y energía, en torno a una
te cuando ocurría una falla, una situación gestión de mantenimiento inteligente con
negativa o la tradicional evaluación anual. Se foco en el ahorro de costos y disminución de
identificó que los trabajadores tienen interés las emisiones de CO2. Por ejemplo, este mó-
por saber cómo hacen sus tareas, cuáles son dulo indica la velocidad promedio de subida
sus fortalezas y cómo pueden mejorar. recomendada para que el rendimiento de
Las diferentes fuentes de datos presentes en consumo de combustible se reduzca en un
un sitio minero develan diversos espacios de porcentaje específico. De este modo, Smart
oportunidad adyacentes a la productividad Mining Coach se convierte en una herramien-
laboral, como por ejemplo la preocupación ta que no sólo potencia la productividad sino
por temas de eficiencia energética. Es así que además da respuesta a la relevancia de
como en la faena Los Colorados de CAP la sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética para
Minería, INDIMIN se encuentra desarrollando las operaciones mineras.
una nueva plataforma denominada Coach
2 years from its foundation, INDIMIN can look with acquire resources and need a bigger space, change
perspective its trajectory and recognize significant your center of operation.
lessons. As of the design, development, and execu- 2. As a company, have a clear focus. For INDIMIN
tion of the solution Smart Mining Coach, its found- it is essential that every company, and particularly
ers have reached the following conclusions: themselves, define and have a clear and narrowed
1. Financial discipline. It is important to watch down value proposition. In its case is: “empowering
over the resources, especially when we are deal- people to improve their productivity putting at their
ing with an entrepreneurship. Innovating is a long disposition the best technology”. This explains the
race and the best you can do is work with what is reasons why an organization exists and the deter-
closer to you and has the lowest cost. For example, mination of what it wants to achieve. Moreover, it is
if it is possible, start the company’s operation from what convinces people to collaborate or work in the
the house’s garage or the storage room, and as you organization, this has even encouraged its founders
to quit their jobs and fully dedicate themselves to INDIMIN. It is this value proposition definition that allows to
build a coherent and attuned with the company solution.
3. Identify partners that can actively participate in the solution’s development. CAP Minerías’ case is an
excellent example of willingness to take risks, a culture prone to managing highly uncertain processes and a
pro innovation strategic vision that several mining companies should follow. It also allowed INDIMIN to develop
and work a worthwhile solution for the posed productivity challenge. Seek, show and argue with mining com-
panies the need to incorporate radical innovations will allow to give huge performance steps in short periods
of time. As a more fertile workspace for the development of innovations is created, there will be more solutions
similar to the ones INDIMIN offers to grow at a faster pace. Lastly, for INDIMIN, entering a connected and active
ecosystem in terms of suppliers like Minnovex has allowed them to build trustworthy relations to structure big-
ger and more innovative solutions with other companies that have a positive reception in mining companies.
Álvaro Urzúa
Gerente General
+56 2 27765357
Avenida 5 de Abril 4454-3b
Estación Central, Santiago - Chile
AXYS S.A. comenzó el año 2004 con la clara rrollando tecnologías. Por lo tanto, iniciar
idea de diferenciarse de las empresas tradi- desarrollos en otras industrias, les permitió
cionales de tecnología en Chile que represen- construir un historial y buenas referencias
tan e integran soluciones y marcas interna- de proyectos, una masa crítica y acumula-
cionales. La compañía se propuso mostrar ción de experiencia y aprendizaje que les
que desde su país era posible diseñar, permitió, años después, ser más conocidos
construir y desarrollar integralmente tecno- para abrir oportunidades de negocio en
logías innovadoras que dieran soluciones a minería.
sectores como astronomía, defensa, minería, Así, en el año 2011, desde el Programa de
telecomunicaciones y transporte. AXYS fue Proveedores de Clase Mundial fueron invi-
fundada por Álvaro Urzúa y Sergio Muñoz, tados a participar en un desafío de ahorro
dos ingenieros con experiencia en múltiples energético y mejoramiento de la calidad
desarrollos tecnológicos, que decidieron del proceso de electroobtención. Proyecto
experimentar con soluciones electrónicas y con resultados exitosos que les abrió los
de información para el monitoreo y control, espacios para, posteriormente, ser invitados
entre otras, con el objetivo de no depender a construir una solución que mejorara la
de terceros en el mundo tecnológico de pro- disponibilidad mecánica de las palas en la
ductos y sistemas. extracción de mineral.
Sus primeras soluciones no fueron dirigidas Actualmente, AXYS está formada por aproxi-
a la industria minera, sino a telecomunicacio- madamente 25 profesionales con amplia ex-
nes y defensa. Ellos habían trabajado ante- periencia en distintas ramas de la ingeniería
riormente en minería y conocían los requeri- y que le permite enfrentar, desde múltiples
mientos que debía cumplir una empresa para disciplinas, problemas aplicados de alta
participar en dicha industria. Particularmente, complejidad, junto con ofrecer soluciones
contar con el patrocinio de un cliente que tecnológicas que los resuelvan en sectores
requiriera resolver sus necesidades desa- como astronomía, defensa y minería.
AXYS S.A. began in 2004 with the clear idea of velopments in other industries allowed them to build
distinguishing itself from traditional technology a track record and good project references, a critical
companies in Chile that represent and integrate mass, and accumulate experience and education.
international solutions and brands. The company Years later, this allowed them to be more well-known
proposed showing it was possible in Chile to inte- and be able to create business opportunities in mining.
grally design, build, and develop groundbreaking Thus, in 2011, they were invited from the World Class
technologies providing solutions in sectors such as Suppliers Program to participate in a challenge in-
astronomy, defense, mining, telecommunications, volving energy-saving and improvement of the qual-
and transportation. AXYS was founded by Álvaro ity of the electrowinning process. This project saw
Urzúa and Sergio Muñoz, two engineers with ex- successful results that opened-up the door later- on
perience in multiple technological developments, for them to be invited to build a solution that would
who decided to experiment with electronic and IT improve mechanic availability of the power shovels in
solutions for monitoring and control, among other mineral extraction.
matters, to not have to depend on third parties in
the technological world of products and systems. Currently, AXYS is comprised of approximately 25
professionals with extensive experience in differ-
Their first solutions were not geared towards the ent engineering disciplines. As a result, they can
mining industry, but rather towards telecommuni- address highly-complex applied problems from
cations and defense. They had previously worked in multiple disciplines, along with offering technologi-
mining and understood the requirements a compa- cal solutions in sectors such as astronomy, defense,
ny had to meet to participate in this industry. Specif- and mining.
ically, one requirement was having the sponsorship
of a client with a demand for resolving their needs
by developing technologies. Therefore, initiating de-
La disponibilidad de las palas mineras es un factor relevante
para los procesos de extracción y carguío. Durante la opera-
ción se somete a esfuerzos importantes a todo el equipo y sus
partes, ya que llegan a cargar varias toneladas de material.
En el año 2012, BHP tomó contacto con AXYS para que par-
ticiparan en el Programa de Proveedores de Clase Mundial
con el objetivo de que hicieran un diagnóstico y desarrollaran
una solución que extendiera la continuidad operacional de las
palas en Cerro Colorado. Con sólo mejorar la disponibilidad de
la pala en 1% se podía considerar el desarrollo como exitoso.
The availability of mining power shovels is an important factor for extraction and loading processes. During the
operation, pieces of equipment and their parts are submitted to significant forces given they end up loading
several tonnes of material.
If a power shovel malfunctions, this has a direct impact on the entire productive chain. Maintaining them in
good condition is critical for the mining productive process, and, thus, their availability has high priority. Based
on this reality, BHP observed the need of increasing reliability and availability of power shovels, meaning in-
crease the average time between malfunctions for one of the operations in Pampa Norte.
Damages occurring in the power shovels are caused by various situations, and some of them are directly linked
to the lack of information and modus operandi, such as the disproportionate extension of the empty bucket of
the shovel, the excessive retraction of the dipper stick, the excess of lateral loads on the bucket, as a result of
digging operations and simultaneous rotation, which lead to the loss of parallelism of the arms of the dipper
stick. This implies forcing the bucket and arm of the shovel with movements that are outside of the average
range of extension and load of operation. This occurs when the operator does not have on-line information
allowing him to visualize what is happening and avoiding these forced maneuvers in a timely manner.
In 2012, BHP contacted AXYS inviting them to participate in the World Class Suppliers Program, so they could
conduct a diagnostic assessment and develop a solution that would extend the operational continuity of the
power shovels at Cerro Colorado. The development could be considered a success even if it only improves
availability of the power shovel by just 1%.
El funcionamiento del Sistema Integrado de pala, una pantalla en la cabina del operador
Monitoreo y Control de Palas y Frente de y cámaras. La segunda, en tanto, captura,
Carguío de AXYS se basa en observar, reco- procesa, analiza y modela el movimiento y
lectar y procesar en tiempo real, mediante esfuerzos de la pala para evaluar en tiempo
sensores, lo que hace la pala y los esfuerzos real las acciones y tipos de maniobras que
que ésta realiza durante la operación. A tra- realiza el operador. Esta solución es ofrecida
vés de la aplicación de modelos matemáticos por AXYS bajo la modalidad de licencia de
y reglas en tiempo real, determina y valida, uso anual. Tiene la capacidad de entregar
en cada punto de operación los consumos información directa y comprensiva al opera-
de energía y esfuerzos de la máquina, así dor para ayudarlo a mejorar el uso de la pala,
como las desviaciones de buenas prácticas reducir fallas y extender su disponibilidad.
operacionales. La plataforma fue diseñada Adicionalmente, la información generada se
para que cada pala incorpore un computa- puede centralizar para entregar más an-
dor que se encargue de capturar y analizar tecedentes del tipo y características de las
su operación y situaciones anómalas, lo que operaciones realizadas, así como del estado
permite no depender de un sistema central de los componentes de la pala y dar apoyo al
para su correcta operación. mantenimiento de ellas. La solución de AXYS,
Esta solución consiste en una plataforma de además, permite a los instructores de pala
hardware y otra de software. La primera está recabar información de la forma en que un
compuesta por concentradores de datos, operador la usa y entrenar de manera más
sensores, un computador a bordo de la específica su correcta operación.
The operation of the Integrated Monitoring And Con-
trol System of the Power Shovels and loading front of
AXYS is based on observing, collecting, and process-
ing what the power shovel does in real time through
sensors, and the forces exerted by the shovel during
the operation. Using the application of mathemati-
cal models and rules in real time, it determines and
validates the consumption of energy and forces of
the machine at each point of operation, as well as
the deviations from good operational practices. The
platform was designed in such a manner each pow-
er shovel would incorporate a computer tasked with
capturing and analyzing its operation and abnormal
situations, which makes it possible to not depend on
a central system for it to operate properly.
This solution consists of a hardware platform and a
software platform. The hardware platform is com-
prised of data concentrators, sensors, a computer
aboard the power shovel, a screen in the operator’s
cabin, and cameras. The software platform captures,
processes, analyzes, and models the movement and
forces of the power shovel to be able to evaluate the
actions and types of maneuvers performed by the
Con la información de los múltiples sensores operator in real time. This solution is offered by AXYS
under the modality of an annual user license. It can
es posible analizar y comparar la operación
provide direct and comprehensive information to
de la máquina bajo ciertas condiciones que the operator to help him use the power shovel bet-
sean las adecuadas para funcionar sin causar ter, cut down on malfunctions, and prolong its avail-
ability. In addition, the information generated can be
daño. En caso que alguna operación de la centralized to provide more information on the type
pala salga de los límites normales de opera- and characteristics of the executed operations, as
well as the status of the components of the power
ción, o que presente riesgos para ella, el sis-
shovel, and to provide support in the maintenance
tema entrega avisos específicos al operador. of these. AXYS’ solution also enables power shovel
instructors to gather information on the manner by
Hasta el momento, esta solución tiene la means of the operator uses the shovel, and train
particularidad de poder ser utilizada trans- more specifically regarding proper operation.
versalmente por cualquiera de las marcas de With information obtained from multiple sensors, it
is possible to analyze and compare the operation of
palas mineras o por operaciones con marcas
the machine under certain conditions which are ap-
y modelos combinados, a diferencia del resto propriate for operating without causing damage. In
de las soluciones existentes en el mercado the event of an operation of the power shovel going
outside of the normal limits of operation, or present-
que son específicas para cada marca y mode- ing risks for the operation, the system delivers spe-
lo de pala. cific warnings to the operator.
To date, this solution has the feature of being able
to be used in a cross-cutting manner by any of the
brands of mining power shovels or by operations
with combined brands and models, which sets it
apart from the rest of the solutions existing on the
market which are specific for each brand and model
of the shovel.
Construir elementos, Definir
modelos componentes criterios de
Identificar evaluación para
Problema conceptuales y metodología
de solución necesarios para cada modelo
cada modelo conceptual
Definir Validar
Desarrollar la plan de trabajo modelo a
solución y recursos seguir con
To address new development opportunities, AXYS has adopted an innovation methodology for its application
based on the Theory and Technique for Resolving Invention Problems, better known as TRIZ for its initials
in Russian.
Its method begins with the formation of a multidisciplinary team capable of identifying the problem and con-
ducts the first diagnostic assessment of the situation. Further, one or more conceptual models of the solution
are proposed and analyzed, which could directly resolve the problem. In each one, the elements, components,
and approaches necessary for addressing it are identified. After this, assessment criteria are defined for each
model, along with their parameters. Then, the most appropriate model is validated together with the client. A
work plan is defined using this information, as well as the resources needed for developing the solution. In the
specific case of the Shovel Integrated Monitoring and Control System, this process began in 2012.
For the development of this system, first a functional laboratory model was built, including a scale-sized power
shovel which reproduced all the movements and mechanical limitations of operation of a mining shovel. Next,
an automation and control prototype were developed with a digital panel for guiding the decision-making of
the operator of the power shovel, which information was received and monitored by a central control. Lastly,
the prototype was adapted to a platform operating with different brands of power shovels.
All the modeling was executed during the development phase to identify and validate the measurements of
the machine’s sensors. According to the information gathered by AXYS, a mining shovel comes manufactured
with hundreds and even thousands of sensors, which they studied in detail to identify what could be mea-
sured and what was missing, to properly feed the models representing the physical and functional behavior
Los modelamientos alcanzaron tal nivel de para proponer una forma más efectiva de
detalle que les permitió entender la forma resolver el problema de su cliente. Además,
de operar y evaluar los esfuerzos de la pala. al interior de la minera se generó un equipo
Incluso, a través del proceso y correlación en multidisciplinario (operaciones y abasteci-
tiempo real de variables de operación de la miento) que acompañó a AXYS en el proceso
pala, pudieron estimar la calidad de la tro- de desarrollo de su innovación. Esto permitió
nadura en el frente de carga, algo que no se que desde la compañía minera hubiese una
había podido evaluar tan directamente. Este organización interna ocupada por asegurar
proceso de desarrollo concluyó a mediados el avance y cumplimiento de los resultados
del año 2013 y los resultados de las pruebas esperados, la que a su vez colaboraba con
realizadas finalizaron a comienzos del 2014. AXYS para resolver y facilitar las coordinacio-
Mundial gatilló la posibilidad de desarrollar Junto a este impulso liderado por BHP, la
innovaciones tecnológicas para la industria participación del sector público contribuyó
minera. En particular hubo varios elementos al desarrollo exitoso de la plataforma creada
que capturaron el interés de AXYS y per- por AXYS. La invitación de CORFO a participar
mitieron su desarrollo tecnológico en esta en el Programa de Alta Tecnología —hoy Pro-
industria. grama de Innovación Empresarial de Alta Tec-
El primer aspecto tuvo relación con que una nología— financió parte del desarrollo de la
compañía minera como BHP tomó contacto solución. La iniciativa de la CORFO consiste en
con la empresa para invitarlos a participar apoyar la generación de soluciones innovado-
en desafíos de innovación. En segundo lugar, ras a desafíos productivos complejos, a través
que la compañía minera haya explicado su de investigación y desarrollo de tecnología de
problema sin condicionar la forma en que de- punta con llegada al mercado.
bía ser resuelto. Esto les permitió actuar con Más organizaciones públicas, como el Minis-
mayor libertad al momento de construir una terio de Economía y Minería, y privadas, como
solución adecuada. Incluso en AXYS pudieron asociaciones gremiales de compañías mine-
capacitarse en la metodología TRIZ y aplicarla ras y de proveedores, han tomado una mayor
of the shovel. The modeling reached such a level of in the TRIZ methodology and apply it to propose a
detail that it enabled understanding the mode of more effective way of resolving their client’s prob-
operation and evaluating the forces of the shovel. lem. Furthermore, a multidisciplinary team (opera-
What is more, through the processing and correla- tions and supply) was created within the mine which
tion of the operation variables of the shovel in real lent support to AXYS in the development process of
time, they could estimate the quality of blasting at their innovation. This allowed for there to be internal
the front of the load, which is something that was organization in the mining company concerned with
not able to be evaluated so directly. This develop- ensuring advances and fulfillment of the expected
ment process ended in the middle of 2013 and the results, which also partnered with AXYS to resolve
results of the tests performed were finalized at the and facilitate essential operational coordination.
beginning of 2014. Along with this boost led by BHP, participation from
The World Class Suppliers Program triggered the the public sector contributed to the successful de-
possibility of developing technological innovations velopment of the platform created by AXYS. CORFO’s
for the mining industry. Specifically, there were invitation to participate in the High Technology Pro-
various elements that caught the interest of AXYS gram, currently the Corporate Innovation Program
and allowed for technological development in this of High Technology, funded part of the develop-
industry. ment of the solution. The initiative CORFO, consists
of supporting the generation of innovative solutions
The first aspect was related with the fact that a min-
to complex productive challenges through research
ing company such as BHP contacted the company
and development of cutting-edge technology able to
to invite them to participate in innovation challeng-
reach the market.
es. Secondly, the mining company explained their
problem without demanding conditions on the way Other public agencies, such as the Ministry of Econ
in which it had to be resolved. This allowed them to omy and Ministry of Mining, and private organiza-
act with greater freedom when building an appro- tions, such as trade associations of mining compa-
priate solution. Even at AXYS they were able to train nies and suppliers, have become more aware of and
conciencia y convicción de promover el de- proceso productivo. Es por esta razón que
sarrollo de la industria minera a través de la las soluciones de mayor preferencia para las
ampliación de la matriz productiva nacional, compañías mineras son aquellas que han
agregando valor y realizando iniciativas que sido exitosamente probadas en otras opera-
promuevan la materialización y la creación de ciones, ojalá internacionales, y por un periodo
nuevas soluciones. de tiempo superior a tres años.
En la medida que haya más compañías mine- Esta realidad constituye una barrera im-
ras en Chile que se sumen a esta visión de la portante para el desarrollo de soluciones
industria se abrirán las puertas para nuevos innovadoras más radicales, es decir, que
desarrollos y soluciones. Sin embargo, debido agreguen mayores eficiencias en un menor
a la magnitud de las inversiones de capital tiempo de prueba. Adicionalmente, el resto
en maquinaria, las compañías mineras son de las operaciones mineras con las que AXYS
adversas a probar soluciones en operaciones había interactuado no contaban con una
que puedan generar fallas o detenciones al estructura y cultura que promoviera, facilitara
operators, this platform should have also consid- the behavior of the cable in its extension and in the
ered their perception and feedback. This situation rolling process, which, due to these movements,
led them to expand their focus in understanding the could end up being cut. Additionally, if all of this oc-
problems of these workers and proposing solutions curs 10 meters underneath the cabin, it does not
that would increase the benefits of this system. One allow the operator to have a greater understanding
of the primary concerns of the operators was that of what is happening with the cable. To provide a
the shovel would malfunction while they were oper- solution for this, AXYS incorporated video cameras
ating it. And one of the variables that could indicate in the Integrated Monitoring System showing what is
a general problem with the shovel had to do with happening in real time. This allows the operator to
the cable sustaining and moving the bucket. When better manage the shovel , thereby allowing him to
the cable tightens in excess, the operator tends to be much calmer in the operation. If the concerns of
brake the arm, or if he observes it is too loose, he the workers had not been taken into consideration,
tightens it to keep it tenser, which can cause unroll- it is very likely the system would not have been used
ing and tangling of the cables. Both actions strain and adopted by them.
A fundamental part of the selection of the conceptual model and development of the solution of AXYS consid-
ered the establishment of certain performance indicators. The idea was to inform that the problem declared by
the mining company had been resolved and improvements and specific benefits had been produced.
To do this, AXYS and BHP jointly defined two improvement variables with their respective expected results. The
first variable was the operational availability of the shovels, and the expected result for this was to increase
overall availability of the shovel by 1%. According to the estimates carried out in the Productivity Report of the
Large-Scale Copper Industry in 2017, the national average of available time of the shovel reaches up to 18.5
hours out of a total of 24 hours. As such, AXYS’ estimate is that the increase set as the goal represents 11 ad-
ditional minutes of operation. According to the measurements performed by AXYS, an increase was observed
in overall availability of the shovel.
The second defined variable was the quantity of alarm warnings recorded in the shovel by the platform of
AXYS. The expected result for this was to reduce the number of warnings by 3%. The objective was to effectively
improve the way of operating the shovel, which translated into less malfunctions and, thus, greater availabil-
ity of the shovel. The result obtained by AXYS during the first 6 months of testing revealed a decrease in the
alarm warnings. Having historic information on the operation of the shovels and alarms allowed BHP to wield
better management over them and determine potential damages and actions to remedy or prevent these in
greater detail.
La propuesta de valor de AXYS busca dismi- componentes para realizar las mantenciones
nuir las detenciones no programadas por en el momento adecuado, como también
fallas de las palas en el corto plazo, con el fin mejorar y retroalimentar a los operadores de
de extender su vida útil. Esto se logra al seña- la forma de uso que le están dando al equipo.
lar al operador de la pala la forma adecuada El tercer factor es la prevención de la caída
de manejarla. Adicionalmente, la solución de pérdidas de Ground Engaging Tools (GET).
se diseñó y construyó modularmente, y es Los GET son las herramientas que van alrede-
compatible con distintos modelos y marcas dor de la pala y que se pueden desprender,
de pala, como por ejemplo, P&H, Caterpillar y como dientes, pasadores y adaptadores. Lo
TZ Mining de procedencia china. que se busca es estar informados en caso
La creación de valor de esta plataforma se de desprendimientos para evitar que estos
centra en tres factores relevantes. El primero elementos pasen a chancado o molienda y,
es el aumento de disponibilidad de la pala. de ese modo, no afecten la continuidad ope-
El segundo, la reducción de costos operacio- racional del proceso.
nales y de mantenimiento, ya que el sistema Si bien el segmento de mercado inicial de
permite obtener información relevante y esta solución son las operaciones mineras, un
precisa de la operación y del estado de los hallazgo de AXYS es que la operación y man-
do para AXYS. Estos proveedores tienen la Even though the initial marketing segment of this
necesidad de garantizar la disponibilidad y solution was mining operations, one of AXYS’ find-
ings is that the operation and maintenance of these
continuidad operacional eficiente de la pala.
machines in some cases is delegated to a mining
Estimaciones realizadas por la empresa
supplier, which is a potential new market for AXYS.
indican que en el mundo, al año 2017, hay These suppliers must guarantee availability and effi-
más de 1700 palas de este tipo y en Chile más cient operational continuity of the shovel. Estimates
de 90. performed by the company indicate that, globally,
in 2017, there were more than 1,700 of this kind of
AXYS ofrece una solución innovadora porque
shovel, and over 90 in Chile.
genera una mejora medible y demostrable
AXYS offers an innovation solution because it gener-
en la operación de las palas. Además de
ates a measurable and demonstrable improvement
desarrollar e implementar una solución tec- in the operation of shovels. It also develops and im-
nológica eficiente para una compañía minera plements an efficient technological solution for an
internacional. international mining company.
One of the lessons highlighted by AXYS is that it is possible to innovate in mining companies when there is a
focus on organization, a model that supports this, and a culture that encourages problems to be declared and
solutions to be sought.
It must be taken into consideration that this project was brought to life as a specific development for BHP. Cur-
rently, AXYS’ marketing model is under annual user licensing, and, as such, grants sustainability to the platform
and the business over time.
Along with considering the productive problems expressed by Mining Management, AXYS understood that the
shovel operators played a fundamental role in the use and adoption of their solution. As such, they had the
flexibility of incorporating participation of the end users of the solution into their innovation model. In this case,
having paid attention to the key actors involved facilitated use in the mining operation.
AXYS did research on which academic institutions, both national and international, had conducted applied
research on shovels. They came across multiple publications and engineering works from Canada related to
mechanical and hydraulic issues, mathematical models, and productivity, which were conducted on activities
with machinery in operation. This showed them there is room for growth and improvement in the link between
academia and the domestic industry, ranging from applied research to the joint development of solutions.
Un problema que suele ocurrir con empresas una operación. AXYS tuvo la oportunidad de
chilenas innovadoras en minería es que se participar en el Programa de Proveedores de
hace muy costoso y difícil probar sus solucio- Clase Mundial, donde BHP planteó su nece-
nes a escala industrial. Acceder a espacios o sidad. De acuerdo a lo expresado por AXYS,
centros de pilotaje minero por cierta cantidad no se habrían sentido atraídos a trabajar en
de tiempo para probar una solución ayudaría la industria minera sin una iniciativa como la
a romper las dificultades de no poder validar impulsada por BHP.
soluciones a escala industrial. Así, se podrían Siendo Chile uno de los principales producto-
generar mecanismos que mostraran los re- res mineros del mundo, la mayoría del equi-
sultados positivos de los desarrollos y garan- pamiento y tecnología se adquiere de países
tizaran la efectividad de las soluciones. Parte mineros como Canadá, Estados Unidos,
de estos problemas son los que se espera Australia, entre otros. AXYS aprovechó una
resolver con el Programa de Fortalecimiento oportunidad específica para agregar valor a
de Capacidades en Pilotaje y Validación de la industria desde Chile: diseñó, construyó e
Tecnologías para la Minería impulsado por implementó una solución modular, adaptable
CORFO. y pionera en su tipo con la capacidad de fun-
Uno de los elementos clave para aumentar el cionar internacionalmente con las principales
éxito de una solución innovadora en minería marcas y modelos de pala disponibles.
es nacer de un problema o desafío real de
One problem that typically occurs with innovative One of the key elements for increasing the success
Chilean companies in mining is that it becomes very of a groundbreaking solution in mining is when it is
expensive and difficult to test out their solutions at born out of a real problem or challenge pertaining
an industrial scale. Having access to spaces or cen- to operation. AXYS had the opportunity to participate
ters for mining pilot tests for a certain amount of in the World Class Suppliers Program where BHP
time to test out the solution would help to remedy presented their need. According to what has been
the difficulties of not being able to validate solu- expressed by AXYS, they would not have felt drawn to
tions at the industry level. Thus, mechanisms could work in the mining industry without an initiative such
be generated that would demonstrate the positive as the one led by BHP.
results of the developments and guarantee the ef- Chile is one of the primary mining producers in the
fectiveness of the solutions. Some of these prob- world and they purchase most equipment and tech-
lems are hoped to be resolved with the Program nology from mining countries such as Canada, the
for Strengthening Capacities in Pilot Tests and Vali- United States, Australia, and others. AXYS capitalized
dation of Technologies for Mining, spearheaded by on a specific opportunity to add value to the industry
CORFO. from Chile: they designed, built, and implemented a
modular, adaptable, cutting-edge solution of its kind,
with the capability of functioning internationally with
the primary brands and models of available shovels.
Drucker’s quote, one of the gurus of modern management, is provocative and at the same time true. Creating
a successful product demands more than just developing a product and doing marketing. Creating a success-
ful entrepreneurship, essentially requires discovering and validating who the client is going to be (Blank, 2007).
Particularly, identifying and figuring out if the technology or service is important to the client.
Small companies or start-ups face different challenges when they must identify clients and their needs. Special-
ly in the mining industry, because it tends to privilege solutions that minimize risks on an operational level. An
example of this is Carlo Calderón’s experience, when he offered his geo-mechanical monitoring software to a
mining company before associating with E-Mining and creating TIMining. At that moment his business model
was based on a Software Factory, i.e., he designed custom-made software based on his clients’ requirements.
Even though the topographic monitoring software was a very interesting tool, a mining company pointed out
that they could not hire their service because there was risk on the fact that the project depended on only one
person, and not an entire company with a backup team. This was a wake-up call for Carlo, which motivated him
to create a formal organization capable of answering as a company in case he had any problems.
The challenges that mining suppliers face come from technological uncertainty and from the lack of resources
that start-ups have. This not only implies more pressure to develop solutions, but it also has an impact on
prototype development that allow to validate the solution that is being proposed. Carefully picking out what
activities you will put your efforts in can determine the success or failure of the entrepreneurship.
Therefore, mining entrepreneurs need a process that allows them to transform their intuitions and enthusi-
asm in concrete activities to verify, pivot or abandon their original business model. This requires articulating a
set of adequate hypotheses to determine the value proposition that they will offer, the Minimum Viable Prod-
uct that will deliver this proposal and the business model that will capture part of the created value. Moreover,
the entrepreneur needs its clients to timely point out their future needs. It is necessary to prospect the market
to identify the niche where there isn’t a solution yet to discover business opportunities.
«Un escritorio es un lugar peligroso para observar
al mundo» —John Le Carré
One thing is to identify a need and another entire- try as well. Consequently, there exists a risk, if there
ly different is to develop a client. There are plenty is no systematic and delimited plan, entrepreneurs
of needs but understanding for which ones the lose too much time and waste their efforts on prob-
client is willing to pay is a task that goes beyond lems that may not be such, with technologies that
simply identifying it. That is why we talk of client are underdeveloped or, on the contrary, that are too
development more than business opportunity sophisticated, but unnecessary.
discovery. For example, many companies start AXYS’ founders recommend starting from a mining
with a technology or desire to offer products to company’s hand: “The idea is to not generate an offer
the mining industry because it has a huge scale without a reason and offer it”. It is much better to
and importance in Chile. The truth is that there are “start with a mining client that is waiting the offer of
many technologies and needs in the mining indus- an innovative company”.
1 ¿Cuál es problema del cliente? Esto parece trivial, pero muchas veces
Y ¿cuál es la posible solución? el cliente no es quien parece ser. Es
Contestar estas preguntas requiere más, muchos confunden al cliente
formular hipótesis testeables sobre con el usuario y cuesta distinguir a
los problemas potenciales del cliente todos los involucrados en un proceso
y la solución que podría ofrecer la de compra. La experiencia de AXYS
empresa. Estas hipótesis —y sus res- permite ejemplificar esta diferencia. En
puestas— son centrales para definir este caso, la minera Cerro Colorado
la propuesta de valor de la compañía, era quién necesitaba una tecnología
que es el elemento central del modelo para disminuir fallas en las palas y
de negocios. frentes de carguío. Los usuarios de
esta tecnología, sin embargo, eran los
El caso de INDIMIN es reflejo de un
operarios, por quienes pasaba gran
proceso sistemático para descubrir al
parte de la decisión final de utilizar o
cliente y sus problemas. Los fundado-
no la propuesta. Tener hipótesis que
res de esta compañía entrevistaron
permitan caracterizar quiénes son el
en terreno a más de 30 personas en
cliente y el usuario es fundamental
Minera Escondida, Ministro Hales, El
para definir las características del
Teniente, entre otras. Gracias a estas
producto y la estrategia para salir al
entrevistas —que eran parte de la
tesis del magíster de innovación de
los fundadores— llegaron a un cliente
concreto con un problema relevante
al cual pudieron ofrecer un proto-
tipo de solución para su validación.
También ayudó que sus fundadores
tuviesen experiencia previa trabajan-
do en el rubro minero, ya que, según
declaran «ayudó mucho a sensibilizar-
nos respecto a la problemática».
You must create a hypothesis in two different areas 2. ¿How to create demand through the solution?
to develop a client in the mining industry: And ¿who —or whom— comes into play in the
purchase process?
1. ¿What’s the client’s problem? And ¿what’s the
possible solution? This may seem trivial, but often the client is not
whom it appears to be. What is more, many mistakes
To answer these questions, one needs to develop a
the client with the user and it is difficult to distinguish
verifiable hypothesis on the client’s potential prob-
everyone who is involved in a purchase process.
lems and the solution the company could offer. This
AXYS’ experience allows to exemplify this difference.
hypothesis -and its answers- are key to define the
In this case, Cerro Colorado mining company was the
value proposition of the company, which is the key
one who needed a technology to diminish failures in
element of the business model.
shovels and loading faces. However, the users of this
INDIMIN’s case is the reflection of a systematic pro- technology were the operators, who had the biggest
cess to discover clients and their problems. The impact on the final decision of whether to use the
founders of this company interviewed on the work proposal. It is key to have a hypothesis that allows
site more than 30 people at Minera Escondida, to characterize who the clients and users are to de-
Ministro Hales, El Teniente, among others. Thanks fine the product’s characteristics and the launching
to these interviews -which the majority were part strategy.
of the founders’ master thesis on Innovation- they
came upon a concrete client with a relevant prob-
lem to which they could offer a solution prototype
to validate. It also helped that its founders had pre-
vious experience working in the mining industry,
since, according to what they say “it helped us a lot
to become more aware of the issue”.
It is appropriate to have in mind the following dis- A common mistake is to define a business depend-
tinctions when creating a hypothesis about the cli- ing on the solution, meaning on the product or tech-
ent, solution and the purchase process: nology’s characteristics, rather than the benefits it
gives to the client. This is very common in technolog-
ical entrepreneurs, because they are usually guided
by science and technology. Consequently, they tend
“Nobody pays for products, people pay for solutions to spend a great deal of their time in developing the
to their problems” —Peter Drucker product, more than properly identifying the client’s
The first step to discovering a client is to verify that problem. The key is to really get to know the client,
the market could exist. In other words, you must an- so that this becomes an input in the product’s de-
swer the following questions: ¿has there a problem velopment.
been identified that potential clients want to solve? During the development process it is important to
-and if that’s so, -¿does the solution allow to do it? verify that the potential clients have an unfulfilled
The objective is not to determine how to construct need, even when they themselves cannot see it.
the product, but to verify if that product is indeed While it is useful that they can voice their preferenc-
needed. For this it is important to distinguish be- es and needs, they shouldn’t necessarily specify the
tween problems and solutions. solution, since this constraints the entrepreneur’s
DISTINGUISH BENEFITS VERSUS STATUS QUO ing this requires the product to provide a clear and
“The riskiest thing we can do is just maintain the sta- significant value so that clients thus decide to use it.
tus quo” —Bob Iger Aplik’s case and its technological development to
According to the likelihood theory (Khanneman & monitor leaching piles serves to illustrate the status
Tversky, 1974) human beings always make decisions quo’s trick. The system they developed takes pictures
with respects to a point of reference that «anchors» and, through thermography, it estimates the super-
our perception on the benefits and costs of a given ficial moisturizing a leaching pile has. This not only
product. Moreover, this perception is not linear. A allows to improve the watering of it but also to de-
loss hurts us more than a gain. The «loss aversion» crease accidents, because it reduces the operator’s
obliges a solution to be much more superior to the need to go up and inspect the piles. When evaluating
cost of applying it, if not, the status quo will always the proposed solution, the comparation the mining
prevail. company did was not necessarily in terms of the cre-
ated benefit, but rather in what the cost of monitoring
When we speak of the investment to develop a solu-
with people would be. According to Aplik’s founders:
tion, it is not only related to the price of it, but also to
“you could say: ‘it’s only a matter of hiring 50 people,
the cost the client has when changing platforms, the
getting all of them on top of the pile and I’d also have
operator learns how to use a new technology, ob-
it completely monitored.’ Then the economic value is
solescence, transaction, etc. The point is that these
not the increase of the piles’ efficiency, but how much
works in favor of the status quo, that is why defeat-
would it cost me to have the same but with people”.
DISTINGUISHING CLIENTS VERSUS USERS 3. Influencers: People who have something to say
Generally, there are many people involved in the in- regarding the purchase product, even though they
novation purchase process in the mining industry, do not necessarily have the formal power to approve
especially when it includes capital-spending plans it. Yet they might have the power of banning the pur-
(CAPEX). Therefore, it is key to understand that with- chase or the selling company.
in a mining company (the client) there are different 4. Decision makers: People who have the last word
people involved in the purchase process. -and ban power- over the purchase. They are not
1. Originators: People that know the company has necessarily the ones in charge of doing the price ne-
a problem which can be solved by buying the prod- gotiations and conditions. Usually there is only one
uct or the service that is being offered. Usually they per purchase, although there could be a committee.
are the first ones to approach the innovation suppli- The decision maker will pay attention to economic
ers or they actively seek a solution to the recognized matters, the total cost of the solution, how it fits the
problem. budget, what is the investment’s contribution and the
impact it will have on productivity.
2. Gatekeepers: They usually have the title of buy-
er (e.g. supply manager) and they monitor several
supplier’s offers. They control the information flow
and have access to those who make investment de-
cisions in different cost centers.
Un caso interesante del papel que juegan los AXYS descubrió que las principales fallas ocu-
usuarios en la aceptación y utilización de una rrían cuando los operarios cometían un error
solución tecnológica es el caso de AXYS y su que hacía que se desenrollara el cable de
Sistema Integrado de Monitoreo y Control la pala. «Cuando se le desenrolla el cable, el
de Palas y Frente de Carguío. Esta solución instinto es frenar el balde, los motores, frenar
permite levantar información detallada de todo. Y eso empeora las cosas porque, por
la forma en que la máquina es utilizada por inercia, puede seguir saliendo cable. Cuando
The process to develop a client is iterative. Con- carry out an integration, validation and quality test-
sequently, entrepreneurs should approach the ings. According to their founders: “it’s best to prepare
discovery labors gradually. They should privilege and test the system very well before bringing it to
learning in each iteration, more than developing a the work site, to reduce risk areas that could impact
solution that is a 100% ready. The key is to focus or generate a negative perception of the solution on
on those essential attributes, not just those that “it the client”.
would be nice to have”. In this stage you usually must have a lot of patience,
Essential attributes define the Minimum Viable because the mining rhythms and the window oppor-
Product which generates the initial prototype that tunities to offer a product depend on the commod-
the company will use to obtain its first client. That ities’ cycle. For example, SAX started to develop its
was precisely how INDIMIN started. They made a diffractometer prototype in its laboratories during
simple pilot and then they added new features. 1999 and 2000, to then work on a shared license
Having a working pilot also helps to validate the with Codelco. They thought that the industrial prod-
solution and decrease the risk perception of incor- uct would be developed in the years to come, but
porating a new technology to the mining industry. it wasn’t until 2011-2012 that this happened, and it
SAX, for their part, before offering a solution that was only in 2013 that the company managed to in-
is a 100% operative assigns time and resources to stall its prototype in the work site.
Si se rechaza una hipótesis del modelo de On an escalation level, the recommendation is to es-
negocio, pero descubren una forma de timate the times very well since going from a proto-
type to an industrial model takes time. SAX learned
cambiarlo, la recomendación es avanzar en
this after receiving their first purchase order for their
esa línea. Rara vez una idea nace 100% defi-
innovation: “we had very little time to install every-
nida en su primera versión, y en el proceso thing, test [the technology] and simulate the indus-
de pivoteo se pueden mejorar los distintos trial environment. Once we took it to the [work site]
elementos del modelo de negocio. Si bien and we installed it, solving problems inside the plant
esta etapa puede ser costosa y disruptiva, no without tools, without all the equipment we have at
the lab, was very slow, expensive”.
cambiar puede ser fatal.
If a business model hypothesis is rejected, but they
find a way of changing it, the recommendation is to
keep going on that line. Hardly ever an idea is a 100%
defined in its first version, and on the pivot process
different elements of the business model can be im-
proved. Although this stage can be expensive and
disruptive, not changing can be fatal.
To pivot the value proposition in the mining industry it is useful to work alongside the client. In SAX’s case,
this company collaborated with the Technological Innovation are of Codelco Norte in their solution’s devel-
opment. This department carried out the task of aligning the operations people in order to advance in the
development. According to SAX’s founders: “Having the sponsorship of the Metallurgical Management Chief
was fundamental for the solution’s development”.
A lot of times the pivot not only takes places in the solution, but also around the organizational structure of
a company. For example, when a mining company rejected a project proposed by one of TIMining’s founders
because it was an entrepreneurship that did not have a lot of backup and depended too much on its owner,
he decided to form a team, associate himself with another company which could contribute skills and thus
change his business model. He was a custom-made software developer who became a product and mining
services supplier company. This new company was TIMining. In the words of one of its founders: ”to me [the
rejection because of lack of backup from a bigger company] was very clarifying, very shocking. And I thought,
I have to form a team and a different company”.
At the end, if the hypothesis is rejected and you cannot see hot to pivot, then you need to go back to planning
the site to look for a value proposition that could be interesting to the client. A common mistake at this stage
is to fall in love with the technology, whether it is because of the knowledge the person who designs the
solution has or because there is a lack of perspective, because the clients and users’ needs are the ones that
determine the success or failure of a company.
Steve Blank, (2007). The Four Steps to the Epiphany, (Quad Graphics)
Kahneman, D., & Tversky, A. (1979). Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk. Econometric, 47(2), 263-292
Motivado por sus tres verbos “Inspirar, Conectar y Orquestar” el Centro participa en esta
iniciativa a través de su Laboratorio de I+D+i Empresarial, el cual busca contribuir con estudios
e investigaciones que permitan una mejor toma de decisiones estratégicas, tanto del sector
público como privado. En esta línea, la presente publicación aporta con aprendizajes para
impulsar, guiar y facilitar los procesos de innovación en las empresas de la industria minera,
desde la etapa de ideación hasta su llegada a nuevos mercados.