Process Map
Process Map
Process Map
definition and
It helps define a coherent structure of the organization , establishing its hierarchy at all
It is a good tool to analyze processes , helping to increase quality and/or reduce cycle time.
It helps to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of each of the processes from an
internal and external point of view.
It is a good way to see who is in charge of the process that must ensure compliance.
It allows you to know the current state of the company and use this as a starting point to
implement improvements, both at a general level and in specific departments or areas.
It helps to carry out an in-depth analysis of the tasks performed by each worker , thus
detecting inefficiencies or personnel needs in each of the processes reflected.
It is a good way to develop alternative ways of doing work in the pursuit of business
1. Identify the actors who are going to intervene in it . Actors are understood to be
all those people, companies or institutions that are part of the company in one way
or another.
2. Capture the operational line. The second step is to establish the line that is
followed in the process/processes to be analyzed. To do this, it is necessary to
answer what the company does. The answer is what is known as key processes and
is what we will capture in this second point.
3. Identify support processes. Surely the main process requires extra processes to
help it develop completely. These help processes are the ones that must be listed at
this point.
4. Establish strategic processes. All those that refer to the management of the
company are known as strategic processes: marketing, new products, accounting...
5. Now is the time to capture all these processes on the map and establish
relationships between them so that, with a simple glance, it is clear what the
function of each process is and what its importance is for the development of the
It is worth mentioning that what was explained above on how to prepare a process map
serves both for the supply chain process map , as well as for companies that require an
industrial process map , that is, the steps to follow in all types of process map to
companies is always the same, only clarifying some details.
Before starting with the original, correct, proper and above all practical explanation of
process management, I would like to share with you the following theoretical document
which is very complete. Process management
A Process according to ISO 9000:2005 is a “Set of mutually related or interacting
activities, which transform input elements into results.
The key to distinguishing or elaborating a process is to conceptualize it as such. I have
provided you with a series of links to experts and leaders in process management ,
but in summary we can say that all processes consist of:
Objective: Defines what the purpose of said process is.
Scope: Determine the beginning and end in which process is immersed.
Entrances and exits:
Input elements; that is, what comes from the previous process.
Output Elements; what was created in the present process.
Resources: Refers to everything that the process requires for its correct functioning,
whether Material or Human resources.
Flow Diagram: It is a graphic representation that contains each of the activities of the
process linked together, distinguishing the input and output elements.
Performance indicator: it is an instrument for measuring the main variables
associated with the fulfillment of objectives and which in turn constitute a
quantitative and/or qualitative expression of what is intended to be achieved with a
specific established objective. In turn, each Indicator must have:
See more on our blog: Process Mapping: Flowcharts and Their Secrets
This graphic feature, like others that we will analyze, aims to facilitate the
analysis of processes in order to look for opportunities for improvement.
In fact, the flowchart is one of the simplest types of process mapping , with
somewhat limited annotations and therefore, it was gradually replaced by
other methodologies.
It is the union of the process flow diagram with the design of a production
line, and it represents it visually superimposed on the plant of the site where
the processes occur.
Source: WikiUML.
See also on our blog: 10 BPMN books, texts and apostilles in PDF format
for you
1. Flow objects
2. Connection objects
3. Swimming lanes (pools and stripes)
4. Artifacts
5. Data objects
What is BPMN?
This notation was conceived to improve communication between sectors and people, as it
structures and shows the process and its phases. However, the notation does much more
than that, because it allows the illustration of the process in a way never seen before.
We can only change what we understand, and we only understand what we see.
BPMN notation specifies the business process in a diagram that is easy to read for both
technical users and business users . It is intuitive and allows the representation of the
complex details of the process. BPMN serves as a standard language, ending the lack of
communication between process modeling and its execution. For this reason, it is currently
considered the lingua franca for communication in the business world.
What process notation does is represent each action with a symbol. Let's take the example
of a travel agency that receives a request from a potential client. The trip planning process
begins with that request, and goes through budgets for hotels, plane tickets, car rentals and
excursions. Then everything is compiled and consolidated and ends with the proposal being
sent to the client. If accepted, a new process begins, the sales process. Each of these steps
and the relationship between them is represented in the diagram with a symbol,
making the process become a standard within the company, to be understood by
We can identify four types of elements that represent the behavior of the process:
Flow objects
Connection objects
Swim lanes (or pool lanes)
Data objects
Flow objects are divided into three types:
Activities – the work that is done, something that is done (for example, the price of
the hotel), symbolized by squares.
Events – occurrences, something that happens (e.g. the start of the process, the
ordering of the plan), symbolized by circles.
Gateways – the detour points that will determine how the process will proceed
(for example, the decision to consolidate information), symbolized by diamonds.
Regarding swim lanes (or pool lanes) there are two types to analyze:
The pools – represent the processes and the participants in the process.
The lanes – each pool has a number of lanes that symbolize the functions, areas
and responsibilities of the process.
Artifacts provide a greater level of detail to the diagram by allowing additional information
to be included.
Connection objects:
Flow objects need to connect to each other in some way, and that is done through
connection objects.
Sequence flow – shows in what order activities are carried out, and is symbolized
by a solid line and a forward arrow.
Message Flow – indicates messages flowing between two processes/pools, and is
represented by a dashed line, an open circle, and an open arrow at the end.
Association – connects artifacts to flow objects and is symbolized by a dashed line.
Data objects:
They describe how data can be manipulated. It can be output, input, data store and data
object .
This whole process may seem too complex and not worth it. However, that is not the case.
When technicians, employees, and managers internalize all the symbols and information,
the diagram becomes easy to read and modify. The benefits it brings are many:
standardized processes, clear communication and certainty of execution are just some
of them.
It is essential to have reliable software when applying BPMN notation in your company.
This will make the difference between a successful project and confusing, purposeless
modeling. HEFLO is software that allows efficient modeling of your company's processes,
standardizing all areas and disseminating information throughout the organization. Get
started using HEFLO software to implement BPMN notation by creating your free
modeling account! See how.
Support processes
Support processes manage institutional resources (tangible and intangible) and support the
development of the institution.
Teacher Sustainability
Carry out the necessary actions to guarantee the involvement and permanence of
university professors.
Student management
Provide support resources to students to ensure their permanence and successful academic
Student management
Human talent
Manage the working relationship with the administrative and academic staff of the University.
Human talent
Academic resources
Manage access and availability of laboratories and bibliographic resources for the
development of academic training, research and support activities for the external sector.
Academic resources
ICT management
Maintain and manage the technological infrastructure of the University, support the
development of teaching and administrative activities and support the development of
technological enablers that facilitate compliance with the other processes of the institution.
ICT management
Financial management
Manage the University's financial resources, guaranteeing their sustainability over time.
Financial management
Space management
Execute physical infrastructure works, manage and control spaces to facilitate the
development of the university's missionary activities.
Space management
Administrative management
It supplies the goods and services that the institution requires to achieve its missionary
Administrative management
Institutional Wellbeing
Promote the improvement of the quality of life of the members of the Uniandina Community.
Institutional Wellbeing
Institutional Services
Provide services to the community that support the functioning of academic and administrative
management within the University, seeking user satisfaction.
Strategic processes
Strategic processes support the institutional strategy and achieve the direction of isolated
Review by management
Income diversification
Increase income through endowment funds and investments under the principles of
effectiveness and austerity.
Income diversification
Facilitate and promote the effective mobility of students and teachers in regional and
international settings.
External relations
Plan and manage links with the public and private sector.
External relations
Social responsability
Promote and implement a management culture that seeks to apply principles and values to all
institutional activities and relationships.
Social responsability
Government and management
Articulate the governance of Senior Management and the development of its management.
Institutional effectiveness
Guide decision making and promote organizational improvement through the management and
analysis of resource and process information.
Missional processes are the essential processes of a higher education institution (teaching,
research and support to the external sector).
Seek academic excellence, providing students with critical and ethical training to strengthen
their awareness of their social and civic responsibilities, as well as their commitment to the
environment. This macro process begins with the search and admission of high school
graduates and professionals with academic excellence, and ends with their degree and
subsequent follow-up as a graduate.
Direct and strengthen research activities and doctoral programs by allocating own resources,
subscribing to international scientific databases, updating infrastructure, providing laboratories
with cutting-edge technology and dedicating professors to research. This macro process
covers the production of knowledge, the management of research projects and the visibility
and impact of the research carried out.
Manage strategic relationships with companies and other external entities that see
opportunities to develop their own objectives through our programs, research and quality of our
students and teachers.