Revista Odontológica Mexicana 2019; 23 (3): 128-130
parteaguas para la historia de la especialidad en Pe- On January 26, 1968, the University Council
riodoncia de la UNAM se desarrolló durante el perio- approved the curricula and programs for the
do del doctor Javier de la Fuente Hernández en 2006, specialties of Parodontology (Periodontics) and
cuando se planteó y aprobó el cambio de orientación Orthodontics of the then National School of Dentistry
de los programas y contenidos de las especialidades of the National Autonomous University of Mexico
de Prótesis y Periodoncia. El jefe de la División de (ENO-UNAM). The acting Principal was Dr. Jesús
Estudios de Postgrado en ese entonces era el doctor Sarabia Aguilar, and Dr. Rafael Lozano Orozco was
Federico Barceló Santana, y las personas en quienes the Head of the Division of Higher Studies of the ENO.
recayó la responsabilidad para la elaboración y desa- The ENO had an educational offer of Orthodontics
rrollo de los proyectos fueron la maestra María Guada- before the approval of its specialty program; in the
lupe Marín González en Periodoncia e Implantología y case of Parodontology, the creation of the program
el maestro Enrique Navarro Bori para el programa de was innovative in the country, as it coincided with its
Prótesis, apoyados por los profesores de cada área. disciplinary development in the world.
Estas modificaciones ubicaron a estos dos programas The call for admission to the specialty was
como ofertas educativas atractivas, actualizadas y de published on August 13, 1968, to which 22 applicants
alta demanda a la par de otras especialidades que se were registered. Due to that year’s strike, the start of
imparten en la Facultad de Odontología de la UNAM. both programs was postponed until February 2, 1969.
En el caso de la Periodoncia, cabe destacar la in- The faculty was composed of Dr. Rafael Lozano
corporación de la Implantología al programa, convir- Orozco, Carlos Gutierrez Sotelo, Javier Tavera
tiéndose en la primera especialidad de este tipo en Reyes, Jorge Tsuchiya Lopez, Juan Tapia Camacho,
el país. Con un programa de tres años, actualizado Octavio Godínez Neri, and Robin Gray, visiting
y renovado según los avances clínicos y científicos professor from the University of Edinburgh. The first
del momento, se estableció una nueva opción de alta generation consisted of four students, two graduates
aceptación y demanda en el medio profesional, con from UNAM, one from the University of Guadalajara,
proyección tanto nacional como internacional.++ and another from the University of San Luis Potosí;
Por último, es importante reconocer a las personas their names were, Salvador Arroniz Padilla, Roberto
titulares de la Facultad de Odontología, quienes hemos Peralta Cabrera, Juan Francisco Salcido García, and
contribuido con gran interés al crecimiento y desarrollo de the author of this editorial.
la actual División de Estudios de Postgrado e Investiga- The original curriculum, annexed to the archive
ción, y a las distintas especialidades: los doctores Jesús for the session of the University Council in which
Sarabia Aguilar, Manuel Rey García, Antonio Zimbrón the specialty was approved, was developed on the
Levy, Javier Portilla Robertson, José Antonio Vela, Arturo basis of the plans and programs designed at the
Fernández Pedrero, Javier de la Fuente y la primera direc- most important universities of the United States of
tora de la Facultad de Odontología, la doctora Elba Leyva America. The planning consisted of four semesters. It
Huerta, egresada de la división y comprometida para que satisfactorily covered the basic elements of teaching
nuestra Facultad de Odontología siga creciendo. and the needs of our academic sphere, considering
the state of the discipline at that time. It covered not
Editorial only the specific area, but also emphasized preventive,
therapeutic, and surgical work, as well as its intimate
relationship with all disciplines of dentistry.
The start and development of The start was complicated. The clinic on the fourth
Periodontics at the National floor was shared with the specialty of Orthodontics,
Autonomous University of Mexico and the influx of patients was scarce. This was
probably due to a number of reasons, including that
Filiberto Enríquez Habib* Parodontology was a little-known specialty in the
country for both professionals and society at large.
* Facultad de Odontología, UNAM. Proof of this was the small referencing of patients
even by teachers of the ENO itself.
To the memory of my teacher Dr. Rafael Lozano The discipline gradually grew to become one of the
Orozco, pioneer of Periodontics in Mexico+ basic branches of Dentistry. The now Periodontics
was promoted in Mexico by UNAM through campaigns
Numeralia UNAM. in different media –such as the transmission of classes
Numeralia, UNAM. and talks on television nationwide during the 1977
Enríquez HF. El inicio y desarrollo de la Periodoncia en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
strike– as well as the implementation of campaigns attractive, up-to-date and high-demand educational
and brigades of oral health carried out throughout the offerings, along with other specialties that are taught
country. Another important event for its growth was in the Faculty of Dentistry of UNAM.
the significant influx of applicants from universities in In the case of Periodontics, it is worth highlighting
the interior of Mexico and abroad, particularly in South the incorporation of Implantology into the program,
America. Finally, the establishment of an important becoming the first specialty of its kind in the country.
multi- and interdisciplinary relation with other areas of With a three-year program, updated and renewed
the career led to the recognition of the indispensable according to the clinical and scientific advances of the
role of Periodontics to improve and maintain the oral moment, a new option of high acceptance and demand
health of patients. was established in the professional environment, with
During the growth process of the Periodontics both national and international projection.++
specialty there was a constant update of the contents Finally, it is important to recognize the heads of the
of the teaching programs, although relatively few Faculty of Dentistry, who have contributed with great
changes were made to the curriculum. A turning point interest to the growth and development of the current
in the history of the specialty in Periodontics of UNAM Division of Graduate Studies and Research, as well as
occurred during the period of Dr. Javier de la Fuente of the different specialties: the Doctors Jesús Sarabia
Hernández as Principal of the Faculty in 2006, witha Aguilar, Manuel Rey García, Antonio Zimbrón Levy,
change of orientation of the programs and contents of Javier Portilla Robertson, José Antonio Vela, Arturo
the specialties of Prosthetics and Periodontics. The Fernández Pedrero, Javier de la Fuente, and the first
Head of the Graduate Studies Division at the time was female Principal of our Faculty, Dr. Elba Leyva Huerta,
Dr. Federico Barceló Santana, and the people who graduate of the Division and committed to keep our
were responsible for the planning and development Faculty growing.
of the projects were the teacher María Guadalupe
Marín González for Periodontics and Implantology and
Dirección para correspondencia/
the teacher Enrique Navarro Bori for the Prosthetics Mailing address:
program, supported by the teachers of each area. Filiberto Enríquez Habib
These modifications placed these two programs as E-mail: