Trabajo Historia Del Cusco
Trabajo Historia Del Cusco
Trabajo Historia Del Cusco
Ms de 3000 aos de antigedad la
respaldan para ser considerada como La
ciudad vigente ms antigua de Amrica.
Cusco, y su diversidad cultural y geogrfica,
han sufrido y gozado avatares a travs de los
aos, que la han convertido en un centro
histrico de estudio y en el foco turstico ms
importante del pas.
More than 3000 years old the support to be considered as the current America's oldest city.
Cusco, and its cultural and geographical diversity, have suffered and enjoyed avatars through
the years, which have become a center of study and the country's most important tourist center.
Opinions differ as to the first settlers of the city. Some say it was the people of
Marcavalle, or Sawasiras tribes, Antasayas and Wallas, which formerly inhabited the
valley. Others are based on Inca mythology, which gives Manko Qhapaq and Pachakuteq
the founding of the city. There is no certainty for any of the two positions; what does
exist is a lot of pre-ceramic samples that support the antiquity title assigned to the city.
Pre-ceramic corresponding to the Men of Yauri and Chumbivilcas with an approximate age
of 5,000 a.c. years, the pastors of Canas in Chawaytiri and the Men of Qorqa, dedicated
to farm and grazing.
In the Formative period, the city began to be inhabited Watanay Valley or Valley of Cusco.
In the sedentary period, about 1,000 years B.C., Marcavalle was the place chosen to
settle. This city was located on the eastern side of the city, and had a population of
farmers and herdsmen poorly organized.
Around 800 years B.C., Chanapata culture developed, and the 600 years d.c. Qotakalli,
which was the first region in the system implanted Regional States was created.
Subsequently, as a result of the invasion Wari, it was created the regional state of Killki in
800 D.C. Profit and around 1000 d. c.
The beginning of the Inca civilization was in the 1200s d.c. and its expansion phase in
1400 d.c.
What follows is a familiar story, the November 15, 1533, the Spaniards arrived and with
them the fall of the empire, and an abrupt irruption culture that moved the capital to
But fighting spirits did not travel to the new capital, on the contrary, remained in Cusco.
One of the main expressions of this spirit was lifting Manko Inka, which lasted from 1536
to 1572, when he was defeated and executed the last member of the Incan dynasty,
Tupac Amaru I.
But we can not forget the biggest precursor of the Peruvian independence, Tupac Amaru II
Jose Gabriel Tupac Amaru or Inga who, in 1780, launched a new rebellion that
undoubtedly marked the
not only the rebellions rocked the city, but so did the
power of nature, with an earthquake of 7 in 1950, he left
standing only a quarter of its original buildings.