Act # 1 Parts of The Body
Act # 1 Parts of The Body
Act # 1 Parts of The Body
Purpose: Ss able
to know some Phrase: Don
parts of our ´t walk in
body and apply the shoes
their knowledge of others,
in their daily life. walk in your
Parts of the body
•Hair pelo
She has long dark hair / Ella tiene pelo largo y
I hit my head last night / Me golpeé mi cabeza
•Eyes ojos
I like blue eyes / Me gustan los ojos azules
•Nose : nariz
He broke my nose on purpose / Él rompió mi nariz
a propósito
Cats and elephants have long ears / Los gatos y
los elefantes tienen orejas largas
I don’t like my mouth because it is too big / No me
gusta mi boca porque es muy grande
•Shoulder :hombro
She has a spider on her shoulder / Ella tiene una
araña en su hombro
•Arm : brazo
I broke my arm last year / Me rompí mi brazo el
año pasado
She shook my hand hard / Ella estrechó mi mano
con fuerza
My leg hurts a lot / Me duele la pierna mucho
The football player hurt his knee./ El jugador de
fútbol se lastimó la rodilla.
•Foot: pie
Hit the ball with your right foot / Patea la pelota
con tu pie derecho
•Feet: pies
I think my feet are too small / Pienso que mis pies
son demasiado pequeños
There are different parts in our body. All of us have the
same according to the gender. Some parts of our body are:
1.- We can see things with our… 5.- When Sophy laughes her ___
A) Mouth B) eyes C) ears moved.
A) Eyes B) cheeks C) ears
2.- We can eat hamburgers using
our…. 6.- We can bite food with our….
B) Nose b) forehead C) mouth B) Head B) ears C) teeth
3.- Gina can hear music using her.. 7.- I can taste food using my…
A) ears B) hands C) chin A) Mouth B) neck C) eyes