Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borrás
Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borrás
Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borrás
de Santayana y Borrás
Metodología y Herramientas:
1. Documentos de Internet
2. Material Audiovisual
Contexto histórico
En 1880, ingresó a lo Boston Latín School y tres años mas tarde al Harvard Collage, donde
se graduó en 1886.
Estudio 2 años en Berlín donde se familiarizo con la filosofía alemana
Regresa en 1888 a Harvard donde fungiría como profesor de filosofía tras completar en
1889 su tesis sobre Fichte.
Renuncia de su puesto en 1912.
Vivió posteriormente en Europa (Inglaterra, Francia, Italia)
Murió en roma el 27 de septiembre de 1952
Ben Ami Sharpstein
Alfred Adler
Sus obras fueron
1986. Persons and Places Santayana's autobiography, incorporating Persons and Places, 1944; The Middle Span, 1945;
and My Host the World, 1953.
1988 (1896). The Sense of Beauty.
1990 (1900). Interpretations of Poetry and Religion.
1994 (1935). The Last Puritan: a memoir in the form of a novel.
The Letters of George Santayana. Contiene más de 3000 cartas, muchas de las cuales descubiertas póstumamente, a más de 350
2001. Book One, 1868–1909.
2001. Book Two, 1910–1920.
2002. Book Three, 1921–1927.
2003. Book Four, 1928–1932.
2003. Book Five, 1933–1936.
2004. Book Six, 1937–1940.
2005. Book Seven, 1941–1947.
2006. Book Eight, 1948–1952.
Sus obras fueron
The Life of Reason. Cinco libros sobre filosofía, sociedad, religión, arte y
2011. Introduction and Reason in Common Sense.
2013. Reason in Society.
2014. Reason in Religion.
2015. Reason in Art.
2016. Reason in Science.
Sus obras fueron
1899. Lucifer. A theological tragedy. Chicago: R. R. Donnelley and Sons.
1905–1906. The Life of Reason: Or, The Phases of Human Progress,
1910. Three Philosophical Poets: Lucretius, Dante, and Goethe.
1913. Winds of Doctrine: Studies in Contemporary Opinion.
1915. Egotism in German Philosophy.
1920. Character and Opinion in the United States: With Reminiscences of
William James and Josiah Royce and Academic Life in America.
1920. Little Essays, Drawn From the Writings of George Santayana by Logan
Pearsall Smith, With the Collaboration of the Author.
1922. Soliloquies in England and Later Soliloquies.
Sus obras fueron
1923. Scepticism and Animal Faith: Introduction to a System of
1927. Platonism and the Spiritual Life.
1927–40. Realms of Being, 4 vols. 1942. 1 vol. abridgement.
1931. The Genteel Tradition at Bay.
1933. Some Turns of Thought in Modern Philosophy: Five Essays.
1936. Obiter Scripta: Lectures, Essays and Reviews. Justus Buchler and
Benjamin Schwartz, eds.
1946. The Idea of Christ in the Gospels; or, God in Man: A Critical Essay.
Sus obras fueron
1948. Dialogues in Limbo, With Three New Dialogues.
1951. Dominations and Powers: Reflections on Liberty, Society, and
1956. Essays in Literary Criticism of George Santayana. Irving Singer, ed.
1957. The Idler and His Works, and Other Essays. Daniel Cory, ed.
1967. The Genteel Tradition: Nine Essays by George Santayana. Douglas L.
Wilson, ed.
1967. George Santayana's America: Essays on Literature and Culture. James
Ballowe, ed.
Sus obras fueron
1967. Animal Faith and Spiritual Life: Previously Unpublished and Uncollected
Writings by George Santayana With Critical Essays on His Thought. John Lachs,
1968. Santayana on America: Essays, Notes, and Letters on American Life,
Literature, and Philosophy. Richard Colton Lyon, ed.
1968. Selected Critical Writings of George Santayana, 2 vols. Norman Henfrey,
1969. Physical Order and Moral Liberty: Previously Unpublished Essays of
George Santayana. John and Shirley Lachs, eds.
1995. The Birth of Reason and Other Essays. Daniel Cory, ed., with an
Introduction by Herman J. Saatkamp, Jr. Columbia Uni. Press.
El pensamiento de Santayana