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Plantilla PowerPoint Del Suelo

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o Nohelia Rhenals Lopez
o Dayana Lucia Martinez Yepes
o Karoll Juliana Calao Barroso
o Jose Alejandro Correa Anaya
o Juan de Dios Hernandez Paez
o Francisco Mendez Saez

Ingeniera. Maria Fernanda Lopez Fabra.
Universidad Elias Bechara Zainum
Programa Ingeniera Civil
El suelo se considera como el material de construcción más antiguo,
complejo y utilizado por los ingenieros, siendo las propiedades
fisicoquímicas y mecánicas, tales como la compresibilidad, resistencia,
permeabilidad, estabilidad volumétrica y durabilidad, de gran
importancia en la ingeniería.

El concepto de mejorar la capacidad de soporte de los suelos a través de

su estabilización con aditivos es bastante antiguo; hace 5000 años atrás
ya el suelo se estabilizaba con cal o puzolanas.
Un suelo se considera estable cuando posee la resistencia
suficiente para no sufrir grandes deformaciones ni
excesivo desgaste en servicio por acción de las
condiciones climáticas variables que se puedan presentar,
además debe de conservar estas propiedades a través del

Sin embargo, cuando esto no es posible, se recurre a la

estabilización del suelo, que tiene como objetivo
principal aumentar la resistencia y la estabilidad del
suelo, lo que a su vez mejora la capacidad del suelo para
soportar la carga de la construcción y la circulación de
Existen varios métodos de estabilización de suelos que
pueden clasificarse en:

 Mecánicos

 Físicos

 Químicos

 Biológicos.

La estabilización química se puede utilizar en todos los tipos de suelos

para el mejoramiento de sus propiedades geotécnicas, cambiando las
propiedades fisicoquímicas iniciales del suelo nativo con el objetivo de
mitigar algunos problemas tales como la inestabilidad volumétrica o
incrementar algunas de sus propiedades como la resistencia y durabilidad
de los suelos tratados.

Este tipo de estabilización incluye la utilización de una amplia gama de

materiales, entre los cuales el cemento y la cal que han sido los mas
Los criterios para decidir sobre un tipo o no de estabilización química se basan
generalmente en:

La densidad en estado seco y el

valor del California Bearing Ratio
(CBR) del suelo.

Criterio A Criterio B
Los límites de Atterberg, los cuales
permiten caracterizar el
comportamiento de los suelos
ESTABILIZACION Existen dos tipos principales de pavimentos:
los pavimentos flexibles y los pavimentos
QUIMICA EN rígidos. Cada uno requiere un enfoque
diferente en cuanto a la estabilización
PAVIMENTOS química de los suelos.
Antes de la construcción de un pavimento flexible, es
importante estabilizar el suelo con productos químicos.
La adición de cemento o cal al suelo mejora su
resistencia y reduce su plasticidad, lo que ayuda a
prevenir la deformación y la erosión del suelo.

Section Brea
Insert the Sub Tittle of Your Presentation
AGENDA Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed.

Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed.

Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed.

Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed.

Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed.

Infographic Style

2017 2019 2021

Your Content Your Content Your Content
Here Here Here

2018 2020 2022

Your Content Your Content Your Content
Here Here Here
Our Team Style
Your Text Here Your Text Here
You can simply You can simply
impress your audience impress your audience
and add a unique zing and add a unique zing
and appeal to your and appeal to your
Presentations. Get a Presentations. Get a
modern PowerPoint modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is Presentation that is
beautifully designed. beautifully designed.

Your Text Here Your Text Here

You can simply You can simply
impress your audience impress your audience
and add a unique zing and add a unique zing
and appeal to your and appeal to your
Presentations. Get a Presentations. Get a
modern PowerPoint modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is Presentation that is
beautifully designed. beautifully designed.
Content Here
Example Text : Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is
beautifully designed. I hope and I believe that this Template will
your Time, Money and Reputation. Easy to change colors, photos
and Text. Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is
beautifully designed. You can simply impress your audience and
add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. I hope and I
believe that this Template will your Time, Money and Reputation.
Easy to change colors, photos and Text. Get a modern
PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed.

I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time, Money and
Reputation. Easy to change colors, photos and Text.

Simple Portfolio
Your Picture Here

Modern PowerPoint Presentation

NO.1 Presentation
We Create Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. You can simply
impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations.

Quality Professional Easy to change colors, photos and Text.


Infographic Style
We Create Contents Here
Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is
Professional Presentation beautifully designed. I hope and I believe that
this Template will your Time, Money and
Contents Here
Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is
beautifully designed. I hope and I believe that Contents Here
this Template will your Time, Money and Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is
Reputation. beautifully designed. I hope and I believe that
this Template will your Time, Money and

Contents Here Contents Here

Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is
beautifully designed. I hope and I believe that beautifully designed. I hope and I believe that
this Template will your Time, Money and this Template will your Time, Money and
Reputation. Reputation.
Infographic Style

Simple Simple Simple

PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint
Presentation Presentation Presentation

Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here

I hope and I believe that this I hope and I believe that this I hope and I believe that this
Template will your Time, Money Template will your Time, Money Template will your Time, Money
and Reputation. Get a modern and Reputation. Get a modern and Reputation. Get a modern
PowerPoint Presentation that is PowerPoint Presentation that is PowerPoint Presentation that is
beautifully designed. beautifully designed. beautifully designed.
Infographic Style



6000 Add Text Here

Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully
designed. I hope and I believe that this Template will your
Time. You can simply impress your audience and add a
unique zing and appeal to your Reports.
I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time. You
2000 can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Reports.

Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Item 7

Example Text : Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. I hope and I believe that this Template
will your Time, Money and Reputation. Easy to change colors, photos and Text. You can simply impress your audience and
add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations.
Infographic Style
You can simply impress your audience Content
and add a unique zing and appeal to You can simply impress your audience
your Presentations. Easy to change and add a unique zing and appeal to
your Presentations.
colors, photos and Text. Get a modern Content
PowerPoint Presentation that is
You can simply impress your audience
beautifully designed. and add a unique zing and appeal to
your Presentations.

You can simply impress your audience
and add a unique zing and appeal to
your Presentations.

You can simply impress your audience
and add a unique zing and appeal to
your Presentations.
 Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation
that is beautifully designed. Easy to
change colors, photos and Text.

 Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation

that is beautifully designed. Easy to
change colors, photos and Text.

 Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation

that is beautifully designed. Easy to
change colors, photos and Text.

 Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation

that is beautifully designed. Easy to
change colors, photos and Text.


Modern Portfolio
Infographic Style
Content Here
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your Reports and
Presentations with our Templates. Easy to change colors, photos and Text. Get a modern
PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. I hope and I believe that this Template
will your Time, Money and Reputation. You can simply impress your audience and add a unique
zing and appeal to your Reports and Presentations with our Templates. Easy to change colors,
photos and Text. Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed.

Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here
Get a modern Get a modern Get a modern Get a modern
PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint
Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation
that is beautifully that is beautifully that is beautifully that is beautifully
designed. Easy designed. Easy designed. Easy designed. Easy
to change to change to change to change
colors, photos colors, photos colors, photos colors, photos
and Text. and Text. and Text. and Text.
Awesome Presentation
I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time, Money and Reputation.
Easy to change colors, photos and Text. You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. I hope and
I believe that this Template will your Time, Money and Reputation. Get a
modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed.

Your Picture Here And Send To Back

We Create Quality
Professional PPT Presentation
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and
appeal to your Presentations. I hope and I believe that this Template will
your Time, Money and Reputation.

We Create Quality
Professional PPT Presentation
Chart 01
Your Text Here

Infographic 80%
Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is
beautifully designed. You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing and appeal to
your Presentations.

80 % Text 02
Your Text Here
Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is
Your Content Here 60% beautifully designed. You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing and appeal to
Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that your Presentations.
is beautifully designed. I hope and I believe
that this Template will your Time, Money and
Reputation. Easy to change colors, photos
and Text. Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is beautifully designed.
Your Text Here
Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is
40% beautifully designed. You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing and appeal to
your Presentations.
We Create Professional
Presentation Designed
Place Your Picture Here and send to back

 Example Text : Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed.

Place Your Picture Here
 Example Text : Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed.

 Example Text : Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed.

You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal
to your Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos and Text. Get a
modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. You can
simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your
AWESOME Contents Here Contents Here

PRESENTATION Get a modern PowerPoint

Presentation that is beautifully
designed. I hope and I believe that
Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is beautifully
designed. I hope and I believe that
LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET this Template will your Time and this Template will your Time and
Money. Money.

Power PowerPoint Presentation

Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation
that is beautifully designed. I hope and I
believe that this Template will your Time, Contents Here Contents Here
Money and Reputation.
Get a modern PowerPoint Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is beautifully Presentation that is beautifully
designed. I hope and I believe that designed. I hope and I believe that
this Template will your Time and this Template will your Time and
Money. Money.

Contents Here Contents Here

Get a modern PowerPoint Get a modern PowerPoint

Presentation that is beautifully Presentation that is beautifully
designed. I hope and I believe that designed. I hope and I believe that
this Template will your Time and this Template will your Time and
Money. Money.

You can simply

impress your
audience and
add a unique
zing and appeal
to your

You can simply impress your audience and add

a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations.
Your Picture Here And Send To Back

Clean Text
Slide for your

Portfolio Designed
We Create Quality You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your
Professional PPT Presentations. I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time, Money and
Reputation. Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed.
Presentation Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed.
Infographic Style
Content Here Content Here
You can simply impress your audience You can simply impress your audience
and add a unique zing and appeal to and add a unique zing and appeal to
your Presentations. your Presentations.

Add Text Add Text

Simple PowerPoint Simple PowerPoint
Presentation Presentation

Content Here Content Here

You can simply impress your audience You can simply impress your audience
and add a unique zing and appeal to and add a unique zing and appeal to
your Presentations. your Presentations.
Infographic Style
Content here
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and
appeal to your Presentations. 90%

Content here
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and
appeal to your Presentations.

Content here
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and
appeal to your Presentations.
Content here
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and
appeal to your Presentations.

Content here
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and
appeal to your Presentations. Content Content Content Content Content
Infographic Style
Layout 01
Clean Text Content Here

Slide for your You can simply impress your

02 audience and add a unique zing
Presentation Content Here
and appeal to your Presentations.

You can simply impress your

03 audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Presentations.
Content Here
You can simply impress your
04 audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Presentations.
We Create Quality
Content Here
Professional PPT Presentation
You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Presentations.
Infographic Style
Text Here Text Here Text Here Text Here
Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here
Text Here
Add Text Add Text Add Text Add Text

Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here
Text Here
Add Text Add Text Add Text Add Text

Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here
Text Here
Add Text Add Text Add Text Add Text

Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here
Text Here
Add Text Add Text Add Text Add Text

You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. Easy to
Add Text change colors, photos and Text. Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. You can
simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations.
We Create Professional
Presentation Designed

Your Picture Here

Content Here : I hope and I believe that this Template will your
Content Here : I hope and I believe that this Template will your
We Create Quality
Content Here : I hope and I believe that this Template will your
Professional PPT
Infographic Style
Contents Contents Contents
Get a modern Get a modern Get a modern
PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint
Presentation that is Presentation that is Presentation that is
beautifully designed. beautifully designed. beautifully designed.

Contents Contents Contents

Get a modern Get a modern Get a modern
PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint
Presentation that is Presentation that is Presentation that is
beautifully designed. beautifully designed. beautifully designed.
Clean Text
Slide for your

Portfolio Designed
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique
zing and appeal to your Presentations. I hope and I believe
We Create Quality that this Template will your Time, Money and Reputation.
Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully
Professional PPT designed.

Presentation Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully

Portfolio Presentation

Simple Portfolio
Your Picture Here
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Presentations. Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is beautifully designed. Easy to change
colors, photos and Text. I hope and I believe that this
Template will your Time, Money and Reputation. Easy to
change colors, photos and Text.
Infographic Style
Content Here Content Here
Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation
that is beautifully designed. You can simply that is beautifully designed. You can simply
impress your audience and add a unique impress your audience and add a unique
zing and appeal to your Presentations. zing and appeal to your Presentations.

Content Here Content Here

Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation
that is beautifully designed. You can simply that is beautifully designed. You can simply
impress your audience and add a unique impress your audience and add a unique
zing and appeal to your Presentations. zing and appeal to your Presentations.

Content Here Content Here

Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation
that is beautifully designed. You can simply that is beautifully designed. You can simply
impress your audience and add a unique impress your audience and add a unique
zing and appeal to your Presentations. zing and appeal to your Presentations.
Infographic Style

Text Here Text Here Text Here Text Here

Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here
You can simply impress your You can simply impress your You can simply impress your You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique audience and add a unique audience and add a unique audience and add a unique
zing and appeal to your zing and appeal to your zing and appeal to your zing and appeal to your
Presentations. Presentations. Presentations. Presentations.
Infographic Style

Add Contents Title

Add Contents Title
You can simply impress
your audience and add a You can simply impress
unique zing and appeal your audience and add a
to your Presentations. unique zing and appeal
to your Presentations.

Add Contents Title Add Contents Title

You can simply impress You can simply impress
your audience and add a your audience and add a
unique zing and appeal unique zing and appeal
to your Presentations. to your Presentations.
Infographic Style
Easy to change colors, photos and Text. Text Here
You can simply
impress your
audience and add a
Easy to change colors, photos and Text. Text Here
unique zing and
You can simply appeal to your
impress your Presentations. Easy
audience and add a to change colors,
Text Here
unique zing and photos and Text.
You can simply appeal to your
impress your Presentations. Easy
audience and add a to change colors,
Text Here
unique zing and photos and Text.
You can simply appeal to your
impress your Presentations. Easy
audience and add a to change colors,
unique zing and photos and Text. Easy to change colors, photos and Text.
appeal to your
Presentations. Easy
to change colors,
photos and Text. Easy to change colors, photos and Text.
Infographic Style
Add Contents Title
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. Easy to
change colors, photos and Text.

Add Title Add Title Add Title Add Title

You can simply You can simply You can simply You can simply
impress your impress your impress your impress your
audience and add a audience and add a audience and add a audience and add a
unique zing and unique zing and unique zing and unique zing and
appeal to your appeal to your appeal to your appeal to your
Presentations. Easy Presentations. Easy Presentations. Easy Presentations. Easy
to change colors, to change colors, to change colors, to change colors,
photos and Text. photos and Text. photos and Text. photos and Text.
Contents Title
Infographic Style
Your Text Here Your Text Here
Get a modern PowerPoint Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is beautifully Presentation that is beautifully
designed. Easy to change designed. Easy to change
colors, photos and Text. colors, photos and Text.

Your Text Here Your Text Here

Get a modern PowerPoint Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is beautifully Presentation that is beautifully
designed. Easy to change colors, designed. Easy to change colors,
photos and Text. photos and Text.

Your Text Here Your Text Here

Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation Get a modern PowerPoint
that is beautifully designed. Easy to Presentation that is beautifully
change colors, photos and Text. designed. Easy to change colors,
photos and Text.
Simple Portfolio
Portfolio Presentation

You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Presentations. Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is beautifully designed. Easy to change
colors, photos and Text. I hope and I believe that this
Template will your Time, Money and Reputation. Easy to
change colors, photos and Text.

You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Presentations. Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is beautifully designed. Easy to change
colors, photos and Text. I hope and I believe that this
Template will your Time, Money and Reputation. Easy to
change colors, photos and Text.
Portfolio Presentation
Contents Here
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and
appeal to your Presentations. Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is beautifully designed. I hope and I believe that
this Template will your Time, Money and Reputation. Get a
modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed.

 You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Presentations.

 You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing
Your Picture Here and appeal to your Presentations.

 You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Presentations.

 You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Presentations.

Columns Your Text Here
Get a modern PowerPoint
Your Text Here
Get a modern PowerPoint

Style Presentation that is beautifully

Presentation that is beautifully

You can simply impress your audience and You can simply impress your audience and
add a unique zing and appeal to your add a unique zing and appeal to your
ALLPPT Presentations. I hope and I believe that this Presentations. I hope and I believe that this
Layout Template will your Time, Money and
Reputation. Get a modern PowerPoint
Template will your Time, Money and
Reputation. Get a modern PowerPoint
Clean Text Presentation that is beautifully designed. Easy Presentation that is beautifully designed. Easy
to change colors, photos and Text. I hope and to change colors, photos and Text. I hope and
Slide for I believe that this Template will your Time, I believe that this Template will your Time,
your Money and Reputation. Money and Reputation.

Presentation You can simply impress your audience and You can simply impress your audience and
add a unique zing and appeal to your add a unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. Get a modern PowerPoint Presentations. Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is beautifully designed. Presentation that is beautifully designed.

Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that
is beautifully designed. is beautifully designed.
Thank You
Insert the Sub Title of Your Presentation
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