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Discusión:Yuri Knórozov

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Es imprescindible que se incluya una fotografía del célebre lingüista Knórozov.

Escritura jeroglífica


Actualmente, el término "jeroglífico" ha caído en desuso entre los estudiosos y epigrafistas mayas, ya que el término no es acertado ni desde el punto de vista lingüístico (técnicamente los mayas escribían usando glifos logográficos con componentes fonéticos) ni histórico, ya que el término jeroglífico es usado casi exclusivamente para referirse al sistema de escritura egipcio y el sistema maya fue desarrollado por los mayas de manera independiente. Soparamens (discusión) 21:48 6 jun 2017 (UTC)[responder]

¡Muy cierto, Soparamens, muchas gracias! --Correogsk o Gustavo (Editrocito o Heme aquí) 18:00 11 nov 2017 (UTC)[responder]

Monumento en Mérida


Alguien puede por favor hacer una foto gratis del monumento a Knorosov, que se inauguró recientemente? --Ата (discusión) 11:18 28 mar 2018 (UTC)[responder]

Con gusto.--yodigo|tudices 21:21 28 mar 2018 (UTC)[responder]
Hecho. Ver fotografías en el texto y en tu página de discusión en la Wiki ukraniana. Saludos. --yodigo|tudices 01:26 29 mar 2018 (UTC)[responder]

Salvo texto


Salvo texto no traducido para verificarlo y eventualmente reincorporarlo al cuerpo del artículo ya traducido al español correctamente. Copy-paste: Sin embargo, en una entrevista However, in an interview conducted a year before his death, Knorozov provided a different version of the anecdote.[1]​ As he explained to his interlocutor, the Mayanist epigrapher Harri Kettunen of the University of Helsinki:

"Unfortunately it was a misunderstanding: I told about it [finding the books in the library in Berlin] to my colleague Michael Coe, but he didn't get it right. There simply wasn't any fire in the library. And the books that were in the library, were in boxes to be sent somewhere else. The fascist command had packed them, and since they didn't have time to move them anywhere, they were simply taken to Moscow. I didn't see any fire there."[2]

The "National Library" mentioned in these accounts is not specifically identified by name, but at the time the library then known as the Preußische Staatsbibliothek (Prussian State Library) had that function. Situated on Unter den Linden and today known as the Berlin State Library (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin), this was the largest scientific library of Germany. During the war, most of its collection had been dispersed over some 30 separate storage places across the country for safe-keeping. After the war much of the collection was returned to the library. However, a substantial number of volumes which had been sent for storage in the eastern part of the country were never recovered, with upwards of 350,000 volumes destroyed and a further 300,000 missing. Of these, many ended up in Soviet and Polish library collections, and in particular at the Russian State Library in Moscow.[3]

According to documentary sources, the so-called "Berlin Affair" is just one of many legends related to the personality of Knorosov. His student Ershova exposed it as a legend and also reported, that documents of Knorosov, first of all his military card, could be a proof, that he did not take part in the Battle of Berlin and was then in a different place, finishing his service in a military unit located near Moscow.[4]



Es cierto que Knórozov nació en lo que actualmente es Ucrania, pero hasta donde sé era una persona de ascendencia rusa, que usaba normalmente esa lengua, en un tiempo que no existía Ucrania como país independiente y soberano. Davius (discusión) 09:16 21 nov 2022 (UTC)[responder]

  1. See record of interview in Kettunen (1998a and 1998b).
  2. As quoted in Kettunen (1998b).
  3. Berlin State Library staff (n.d.). «Verlagerte Bestände: Die ausgelagerten Bestände der Staatsbibliothek in Osteuropa». Profil der Bestände (en alemán). Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. Archivado desde el original el 14 de mayo de 2006. Consultado el 1 de agosto de 2006. 
  4. Portraits of historians. Time and fate (2004) (Russian: Портреты историков. Время и судьбы. М., Наука, 2004. С.474-491.)