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Edukira joan


Orriaren edukia ez da onartzen beste hizkuntza batzuetan.
Wikipedia, Entziklopedia askea

Artikulua EZ nabarmentzeko proposamena

[aldatu iturburu kodea]
Koadro honek artikulu baten nabarmentze egoera adierazteko balio du.
  • Gaiaren garapen sakona:
  • Kalitatea:
  • Erreferentziak:
  • Wikituta:
  • Gramatika eta ortografia:

Azken erabakia:
Artikuluaren nabarmentze egoera azkenenekoz eguneratutako data: 2011-09-13.

Goian ageri denez, artikulu honek oraindik ez du nabarmendua izateko maila; «Aitzineuskara» ataleraino bai, badu gutxieneko maila, baina hortik aurrerakoa hobetu beharra dago (atal batzuetan, ia goitik beheraino aldatu beharko da). --Xabier Armendaritz(nirekin hizketan egiteko) 16:12, 13 Iraila 2011 (UTC)

Azken egunotan orraztaldia eman diet hainbat atali. Hala ere, bada oraindik zer egina. Artikulua gutxieneko kalitate maila batera ekartzearren egiteko geratzen diren lanen artean, nabarmenenak hauek dira:
  • «Historia» atala osatzea (Erdi Arokoa txukundu, eta orduz geroztik euskarak bizi izan duena gaineratu.
  • «Hedadura» atal luzeegia laburtu eta antolatu (edukietako asko «Historia» atala osatzeko baliatu daitezkeela iruditu zait, gainetik begiratuta).
Astia dudanean helduko diet lan horiei ere. --Xabier Armendaritz 2012-10-11, 13:17 (Eguzk.)

Basque Kurdish and Sumerian relationship

[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Hello, why nobody add this table on euskara article, i don't speak basque, can someone help me???

Basque Kurde Français
more mor violet
bizi bijî vivant
bargo borre cochon
zerri xinzîr cochon
kiz/kis kes/kesek homme
eme femme
haur hûrik enfant
alaba abla (soeur) fille
bai ba/balê oui
gar agir/gûrî feu
su pêsûs feu
negar/nigar girîn pleurer
aran haran vallée
ibar robar rivière
madari/udare darhirmî poire
garai gir grand
egin kirin faire
lo egin lolî kirin dormir
hiru hirê trois/3
Basque Sumérien Français
or/hor ur chien
arrano erin/hurin aigle
haur hurum enfant
hiri iri la citée
arrain/arani arina poisson
zabala abala'e plat de poisson
nigar/negar giri pleurer

--Alsace38 (eztabaida) 14:58, 26 urria 2012 (UTC)

This is just a list of words, with no sources. This kind of list must be just an example to a theory (in this case, a theory that sees some kind or relation between those two languages) that is defended by an specialist that has been reviewed and approved by her/his peers. Any two languages in the world share quite a long list of similar words, so it is of no use to insert thousands of lists in every article on a language.
Munduko edozein bi hizkuntza hartuz gero, biek antzeko dituzten hitzen zerrenda luzetxoa aterako zaigu. Gizakiak gara, azken batean. Horrek ez du ezer frogatzen: adituen azterketak behar dira, bi hizkuntza horien artean nolabaiteko harremana badela ziurtatzeko. Halako azterketarik gabe, alferrik da hizkuntza bakoitzaren artikulua milaka zerrendaz betetzea (milaka baitira munduko hizkuntzak). --Xabier Armendaritz 2012-10-29, 07:57 (Eguzk.)

Basque speaker wanted for 0 A.D.

[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Sorry to write here in English.

As the 0 A.D. game wants to give all factions their own language, the team could probably use help from a native Basque speaker as it looks like Basque is the closest language to the ancient Iberian which is still alive. The team would first want a bit of help researching if Basque is indeed still close to ancient Iberian, and if this is the case, someone to record the voices.

So if you know about the history of the Basque languages, speak English (to discuss with the team), you could help out. It would also be great if you have some decent audio recording hardware, but that's for later.

I'm not affiliated with the core 0 A.D. team, but as development happens in the open, and I saw they were in need of a native Basque speaker, I just ask it here.

You can follow and contribute to the discussion on their forum: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=449&st=60#entry263150

Note that all contributions have to happen under CC-BY-SA license, just as for Wikipedia.

Regards, --Sanderd17 (eztabaida) 15:04, 21 otsaila 2013 (UTC)

Diasporako euskaldunen kopurua

[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Horrela dio artikuluak: "Euskal diasporan ere, euskara, ehun mila lagunek gorde edo berreskuratu dute". Baieztapen horren erreferentziarik ba al du norbaitek?--Unai (esan) 12:04, 26 abuztua 2014 (UTC)


[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Zein da osatu berri den atal honetako liburuak eta lanak aukeratzeko irizpidea? Irizpiderik ez badago, nahaste-borraste bat besterik ez da. - --Joxemai; (erantzunak) 13:41, 26 apirila 2015 (UTC)

Guztiz ados, nahaste-borrastea zen. Adibidez, Morvanen liburua erabat bazter teoria da, euskalarien artean nagusi diren teorietatik kanpokoa. Gainera, bibliografiak artikulurako erabilitako oinarria azaldu behar du, ez gaiari buruzko bibliografia orokorra. Beraz, atal osoa ezabatu dut. --Xabier Armendaritz 2015-04-26, 14:35 (UTC)

Wiki Conference idea at University of Edinburgh in June

[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Hi, My name is Ewan McAndrew and I work as the Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh. Melissa Highton (Edinburgh University's Assistant Vice Principal for Online Learning), Lorna Campbell (OER Liaison at the University of Edinburgh) and I have been discussing holding a smallish Wikipedia Conference at the university next year, potentially in June 2017.

We are keen to support projects & initiatives connected to Wikipedia that may benefit with the additional focus so we have provisionally titled the conference as ‘Our Language’ but it could also be entitled ‘the Geography of Wikipedia’.

As there will be a new Gaelic Wikimedian in Residence beginning at the National Library of Scotland while the work of the National Library of Wales Wikimedian is coming to an end & the Wikimedian at UNESCO is also doing work to support endangered languages, we felt the conference could focus on diversity; particularly in terms of linguistic, cultural & gender diversity.

The below represents our current thinking of aspects we’d like to include but is very open to further discussion & ideas. I believe we will want a mix of keynotes, smaller presentations/lightning talks, practical workshops and discussion spaces.

Aspects to be covered/included:

  • Languages of Britain/Endangered Languages aspect – focus on indigenous languages (Irish, Gaelic, Scots, Cornish? Welsh (Basque? Breton?) - Find out who’s active and see if they could feasibly present.
  • Wikisource could be brought in (in different languages) as we’re keen to support projects that could do with greater exposure.
  • John Cummings (UNESCO – endangered languages)
  • Gill Hamilton at National Library of Scotland - speak to her about Europeana (Liam Wyatt) and other cultural heritage angles.
  • Cultural heritage – Wikicommons (Jason & Robin in Wales, Sara at Museum & Galleries Scotland)
  • Content Translation workshop
  • Tagging Welsh/Gaelic place names workshop.
  • Wiki Loves Monuments
  • Wiki Commons workshop – how to upload and tag with Wikidata.
  • Navino Evans and Histropedia – talk & workshop.
  • BBC Alba, BBC Cymru and Moving Image Archive – see if presentation and material can be released.
  • Title & hashtag to be worked out. (available in all the languages being discussed)
  • Alex Hinojo – Amical Wikipedia and Wikidata.
  • https://inventaire.io/?
  • Scottish Poetry Library.
  • Scottish Studies faculty showcasing Scottish studies archive.
  • Pictish translator?
  • Cecil Sharp House.
  • Gender within language.

If this sounds of interest or you have any further ideas then please let me know at ewan.mcandrew@ed.ac.uk Very best regards, Stinglehammer (eztabaida) 00:18, 14 urria 2016 (UTC)

Dear Ewan,
Thank you for letting us know this great idea. I have copied your message to the corresponding page in the Basque Wikipedia, so that anyone interested can read it. I will not be able to contribute, but I hope that this project will be made a reality with great success.
Very best regards,
--Xabier Armendaritz 2016-10-15, 12:54 (UTC)