Leslie Stephen
Leslie Stephen (Londres, 1832ko azaroaren 28a - Kensington, 1904ko otsailaren 22a) ingeles idazle, kritikari, historialari, biografo eta mendizalea izan zen. Virginia Woolf eta Vanessa Bellen aita izan zen.
Apaiz anglikano ordenatua izan zen, baina handik denbora batera sinesmen erlijiosoei uko egin eta kazetaritzan aritu zen. Alpine Clubeko kide izan zen eta Alpeetako hainbat mendi igo zituen.
Lan hautatuak
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- The Poll Degree from a Third Point of View (1863).
- The "Times" on the American War: A Historical Study (1865).
- Sketches from Cambridge (1865).
- The Playground of Europe (1871).
- Essays on Free Thinking and Plain Speaking (1873).
- Hours in a Library (3 vols., 1874–1879).
- The History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century (2 vols., 1876).
- Samuel Johnson (1878).
- Swift (1882).
- The Science of Ethics (1882).
- Life of Henry Fawcett (1885)
- An Agnostic's Apology and Other Essays (London: Smith, Elder and Company, 1893).
- Sir Victor Brooke, Sportsman and Naturalist (1894).
- The Life of Sir James Fitzjames Stephen, Bart., K.C.S.I. (1895).
- Social Rights and Duties (1896).
- Studies of a Biographer (4 volumes, 1898–1902).
- The English Utilitarians (1900).
- George Eliot (London: Macmillan, 1902).
- English Literature and Society in the Eighteenth Century (Ford Lectures) (London: Duckworth and Company, 1903, 1904).
- Hobbes (1904).
- Sir Leslie Stephen's Mausoleum