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Washingtongo Unibertsitatea

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Washingtongo Unibertsitatea
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University of Washington
MotaUnibertsitate publikoa, ikerketa-unibertsitate publikoa, public educational institution of the United States (en) Itzuli eta erakunde akademikoa
HerrialdeaAmeriketako Estatu Batuak
KidetzaDigital Library Federation (en) Itzuli, Pacific-12 Conference, Shibboleth Consortium (en) Itzuli, Orbis Cascade Alliance (en) Itzuli, NextGen Service Corp (en) Itzuli, Association of American Universities (en) Itzuli, Association of Pacific Rim Universities (en) Itzuli, American Council on Education (en) Itzuli, Open Education Network (en) Itzuli, Higher Education Leadership Initiative for Open Scholarship (en) Itzuli, Coalition for Networked Information, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (en) Itzuli, Center for Research Libraries (en) Itzuli, Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (en) Itzuli eta Big Ten Conference
University of Washington Bothell (en) Itzuli, University of Washington School of Medicine (en) Itzuli, University of Washington School of Pharmacy (en) Itzuli, University of Washington School of Social Work (en) Itzuli, Diabetes Research Center, University of Washington (en) Itzuli, Health Alliance International (en) Itzuli, Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center (en) Itzuli, Washington Space Grant Consortium (en) Itzuli, Washington Sea Grant (en) Itzuli, University of Washington College of Education (en) Itzuli, University of Washington College of Arts and Sciences (en) Itzuli, University of Washington College of Built Environments (en) Itzuli, University of Washington College of Engineering (en) Itzuli, University of Washington College of Architecture and Urban Planning (en) Itzuli, University of Washington Information School (en) Itzuli, University of Washington Tacoma (en) Itzuli, University of Washington School of Public Health (en) Itzuli, University of Washington School of Music (en) Itzuli, University of Washington College of the Environment (en) Itzuli, University of Washington Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering (en) Itzuli, University of Washington Michael G. Foster School of Business (en) Itzuli, University of Washington School of Dentistry (en) Itzuli, University of Washington Molecular Engineering & Sciences Institute (en) Itzuli, UW Medicine (en) Itzuli, University of Washington Graduate School (en) Itzuli, University of Washington School of Nursing (en) Itzuli, University of Washington School of Law (en) Itzuli, University of Washington School of Marine Affairs (en) Itzuli, University of Washington Institute on Human Development and Disability (en) Itzuli, University of Washington Center for Environmental Politics (en) Itzuli, University of Washington Evans School of Public Policy and Governance (en) Itzuli, University of Washington Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences (en) Itzuli, University of Washington Institute for Nano-Engineered Systems (en) Itzuli, University of Washington Clean Energy Institute (en) Itzuli, University of Washington Institute for Protein Design (en) Itzuli, UW Rome Center (en) Itzuli, University of Washington eScience Institute (en) Itzuli, University of Washington Computational Neuroscience Center (en) Itzuli, University of Washington Center for Experimental Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics (en) Itzuli, University of Washington Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology (en) Itzuli, University of Washington/Fred Hutch Center for AIDS Research (en) Itzuli, University of Washington Center for Ecosystem Sentinels (en) Itzuli, University of Washington Department of Oceanography (en) Itzuli, Henry Art Gallery (en) Itzuli, University of Washington Center for an Informed Public (en) Itzuli, University of Washington Population Health Initiative (en) Itzuli, University of Washington Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (en) Itzuli, University of Washington Institute for Neuroengineering (en) Itzuli, University of Washington Institute for Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine (en) Itzuli, University of Washington Tech Policy Lab (en) Itzuli, University of Washington ADVANCE Center for Institutional Change (en) Itzuli, University of Washington College of Forest Resources (en) Itzuli, University of Washington EarthLab (en) Itzuli eta University of Washington School of Forest Resources (en) Itzuli
Enplegatuak16.174 (2019)
Erabilitako hizkuntzaingeles
Ikasle-kopurua47.571 (2019)
Onarpen-tasa0,56 (2020)
LehendakariaAna Mari Cauce (en) Itzuli
Henry Art Gallery (en) Itzuli
UW Medicine (en) Itzuli
UW Rome Center (en) Itzuli
University of Washington ADVANCE Center for Institutional Change (en) Itzuli
University of Washington Center for Ecosystem Sentinels (en) Itzuli
University of Washington Center for Environmental Politics (en) Itzuli
University of Washington Center for Experimental Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics (en) Itzuli
University of Washington Center for Pediatric Dentistry (en) Itzuli
University of Washington Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences (en) Itzuli
University of Washington Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology (en) Itzuli
University of Washington Center for an Informed Public (en) Itzuli
University of Washington Clean Energy Institute (en) Itzuli
University of Washington College of Architecture and Urban Planning (en) Itzuli
University of Washington College of Arts and Sciences (en) Itzuli
University of Washington College of Built Environments (en) Itzuli
University of Washington College of Education (en) Itzuli
University of Washington College of Engineering (en) Itzuli
University of Washington College of Forest Resources (en) Itzuli
University of Washington College of the Environment (en) Itzuli
University of Washington Computational Neuroscience Center (en) Itzuli
University of Washington Department of Oceanography (en) Itzuli
University of Washington Evans School of Public Policy and Governance (en) Itzuli
University of Washington Graduate School (en) Itzuli
University of Washington Information School (en) Itzuli
University of Washington Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (en) Itzuli
University of Washington Institute for Nano-Engineered Systems (en) Itzuli
University of Washington Institute for Neuroengineering (en) Itzuli
University of Washington Institute for Protein Design (en) Itzuli
University of Washington Institute for Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine (en) Itzuli
University of Washington Institute on Human Development and Disability (en) Itzuli
University of Washington Michael G. Foster School of Business (en) Itzuli
University of Washington Population Health Initiative (en) Itzuli
University of Washington School of Dentistry (en) Itzuli
University of Washington School of Environmental and Forest Sciences (en) Itzuli
University of Washington School of Forest Resources (en) Itzuli
University of Washington School of Law (en) Itzuli
University of Washington School of Medicine (en) Itzuli
University of Washington School of Nursing (en) Itzuli
University of Washington School of Pharmacy (en) Itzuli
University of Washington School of Public Health (en) Itzuli
University of Washington Tech Policy Lab (en) Itzuli
University of Washington eScience Institute (en) Itzuli
University of Washington/Fred Hutch Center for AIDS Research (en) Itzuli
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Washingtongo Unibertsitatea (ingelesez: University of Washington) Seattleko unibertsitate publikoa da. 1861ean sortua, munduko hamar unibertsitate onenen artean dago.[1] Bere medikuntza, erizaintza, ingeniaritza, zuzenbidea eta ozeanografia fakultateak nabarmentzen dira.


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