Andrei Stavila
I have a PhD and a MRes in Political Science (European University Institute, Florence, Italy), a MPhil in Political Philosophy (Central European University, Budapest, Hungary), and a MA in Philosophy (‘Al. I. Cuza University’, Iasi, Romania). My PhD thesis tried to normatively defend a residence-based theory of citizenship (which takes previous residence as the only qualifier for citizenship status). My main research interests include social and political theory, immigration and citizenship studies, and international relations. My current research projects are mainly situated in the fields of political theory and international relations – but they also have an interdisciplinary approach. I am also a citizenship expert for the EUDO Observatory on Citizenship (European University Institute, Florence, Italy). For the period January-March 2014 I was a Guest Lecturer at the Department of Political Science, Maastricht University (Maastricht, the Netherlands). My articles have been published in peer-reviewed academic journals like 'Ethnic and Racial Studies', 'Studia Politica' and in the Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies’ Working Papers.
Supervisors: Anna Triandafyllidou, David Owen, Joseph Carens, and Rainer Baubock
Address: Mugla Sitki Kocman Universitesi
Siyaset Bilimi ve. Uluslararasi Iliskiler Bolumu
Kotekli Kampusu
48100 Mugla
Supervisors: Anna Triandafyllidou, David Owen, Joseph Carens, and Rainer Baubock
Address: Mugla Sitki Kocman Universitesi
Siyaset Bilimi ve. Uluslararasi Iliskiler Bolumu
Kotekli Kampusu
48100 Mugla
InterestsView All (45)
Papers by Andrei Stavila